Mix-and-Match Critters - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Aug 16 2007
"I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you,
But I get the feeling that you don't like it.
What's with all the screaming?
You like monkeys, you like ponies.
Maybe you don't like monsters so much.
Maybe I used too many monkeys.
Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?"
A common way of making monsters or fantastic creatures is to simply take existing animals and combine their parts. For instance, the Classical Chimera (lion head, goat body, snake tail) or the Minotaur (bull head, human body). Also common is to simply take an existing animal and vary it a simple way — Pegasus is a horse but with wings, hippocampi have the heads and front bodies of horses but the tails of fish, etc.
Another common variant is to make a Punny Name of a real-life animal named after a different animal: for example, a "catfish" that is literally half cat, half fish. For those cases, see Pun-Based Creature.
Plenty of Speculative Biology works are full of these, primarily due to convergent evolution forcing one animal into the niche of another.
Compare Fusion Dance and Two Beings, One Body, which is when two characters are combined. Shapeshifter Mashup usually results in this. Mix-and-Match Critters may be the result of Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action. If both creatures are already mythological/magical/whatever and get mixed, they have a newborn Hybrid Monster; if mundane, they can end up with a Patchwork Kid. If it's too freakish and bizarre, you may have an Animalistic Abomination on your hands. Application of the principle to humans may count as Bio-Augmentation; see also Mix-and-Match Man. Mons often have aspects of different animals. Puzzling Platypus may count as a Real Life example of this trope.
Subtropes include:
- Basilisk and Cockatrice — chicken/snake mix.
- Beast Man — human/animal mix (see that page for its own numerous subtropes).
- Big Red Devil — generally has human, goat and bat features.
- Cartoon Creature — parts so thoroughly mixed that it doesn't resemble anything in particular.
- Catlike Dragons — dragon/feline mix.
- Classical Chimera — lion/goat/snake mix. Sometimes a dragon is also included.
- Cold-Blooded Whatever — amphibian/reptile/fish mix.
- Draconic Humanoid — human/dragon mix.
- Fauns and Satyrs — human/goat mix.
- Feathered Dragons — bird/reptile mix.
- Feathered Serpent — bird/snake mix.
- Harping on About Harpies — human/bird mix.
- Heinz Hybrid — when two different hybrids have a child together.
- Hippogriff — horse with wings, talons, and avian head.
- Jackalope — hare or rabbit with the antlers of a deer.
- The Jersey Devil — goat/dragon mix
- Kirin — dragon/deer/horse/ox mix
- Lizard Folk — lizard/human mix
- Makara — crocodile/elephant/lion/fish mix, sometimes with more creatures
- Minotaur — bull-headed human and/or cow/human mix
- The Mothman — human/moth, human/owl, or human/moth/owl mix
- Nuckelavee — human/horse mix without skin
- Nue — monkey/tiger/snake mix
- Our Alebrijes Are Different — infinite random assortment of animals
- Our Angels Are Different — human with bird wings, or something stranger
- Our Centaurs Are Different — human/horse mix
- Our Dragons Are Different — reptile with bat wings (western dragons) or generally a lion/snake mix (eastern dragons).
- Our Fairies Are Different — human with insects wings, and sometimes additional arthropod traits
- Our Gryphons Are Different — lion/eagle mix
- Our Hippocamps Are Different — horse/fish mix.
- Our Manticores Are Spinier — human/lion/scorpion and/or bat mix
- Our Mermaids Are Different — human/fish mix
- Our Perytons Are Different — deer/bird mix
- Our Sphinxes Are Different — lion/human and/or bird mix.
- Pegasus — horse with bird wings.
- Planimal — plant/animal mix.
- Scorpion People — human/scorpion mix.
- Selkies and Wereseals: human/seal mix.
- Shedu and Lammasu — lion or bull body, human head with horns, bird wings.
- Snake People — human/snake mix.
- Spider People — human/spider mix.
- Tengu — human/crow mix.
- Unicorn — a horse with the horn of a narwhal.
- Winged Unicorn — unicorn/pegasus mix (or alternatively a unicorn with bird wings).
- Winged Humanoid — when not an angel, often literally a bird/human mix.
Examples Subpages:
Other Examples:
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- "Puppymonkeybaby."
Puppymonkeybaby. Puppy, monkey, baby." The Super Bowl ad for Mountain Dew Kickstart featured a singing and dancing creature with the head of a pug, the body and tail of a monkey, and the diapered bottom and legs of a human baby.
- Qrazy Chocolates: The Subjects are made using bits and pieces of creatures seen earlier in the series. For example, Subject δ uses the head of a Rollcake Spider, the tail of a Sugar Flail Snake, and the tentacles of a Choc Turnip Crab.
Anime & Manga
- Agni's Philosophy features a hyena-porcupine cross with More Teeth than the Osmond Family.
- Animal Land has distorted mix and match animal abominations that contrast the normal animal characters. These things are fittingly called Chimeras.
- Beastars, which takes place in a World of Funny Animals, deconstructs this with Melon, who's a leopard/gazelle hybrid as the result of an Interspecies Romance. Inheriting the instincts and characteristics of such drastically different animals has made his life extremely difficult; he has no sense of taste and can't digest meat, and he has the innate urge to stay away from carnivores while also having the urge to kill any herbivore he sees. This also sets Melon up as an Evil Counterpart to the main character Legosi, who's more of an Uneven Hybrid as he's mostly a wolf with some inherited genes from his grandfather, a komodo dragon.
- Beast Wars, Beast Wars II, and Beast Wars Neo features several mix/hybrid critters as alt-modes.
- Plenty of Berserk's Apostles and other monsters can be described as these, ranging from Zodd (Bull/tiger/ape) to the ogres (giant humanoids with sperm whale snouts and elephant tusks) to the trolls (Rat/monkey/pig). Then there's the Pisacha, they look like those sea monsters from old sea maps, with elephant trunks, made by mutating a whale. There also happened to be a kelpie (mythological water horses known for luring and drowning their victims) that looked like a cross between a horse and a toad — http://manga.animea.net/berserk-chapter-25-page-101.html
- In Delicious in Dungeon it's possible to mix souls of humans and animals to create chimeras. Said chimeras will have physical features of both creatures used to make them.
- Aoi, the title character of The Demon Prince Of Momochi House, was a human until he wandered into Momochi House, which chose him to be the Omamori-sama, its Nue guardian. Aoi can shapeshift between human and Nue forms.
- Ikkakumon from Digimon Adventure is a particularly odd example, being a mash-up of various arctic animals (Polar Bear, Walrus, and Narwhal).
- Also from Adventure, Machinedramon/Mugendramon is one of these for various Cyborg Digimon, with parts belonging to Megadramon, MetalTyrannomon, MetalGreymon, MetalMamemon and Andromon.
- Kimeramon from Digimon Adventure 02, true to its name, is a chimera made up from parts of several different Digimon, similar to Machinedramon. The sources include Kabuterimon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, Angemon, Airdramon, Devimon, SkullGreymon, Kuwagamon, Garurumon and Monochromon. In addition, it can become an even bigger one of these when it becomes Millenniummon, which is a darker-colored Kimeramon with Machinedramon as a Battle Aura.
- Digimon Fusion has GrandGeneramon, a Kimeramon-like mashup of the Seven Death Generals with a centauroid design created by DarkKnightmon.
- Dochamon Junior has Okutowing, a bird who has octopus tentacles as his wings.
- Fullmetal Alchemist has chimeras, which are regular animals alchemically combined. And sometimes they talk. The disturbing part about this is that a talking chimera requires fusing a human with an animal.
- The Chimera Ants in Hunter × Hunter are like this, as the queen can spawn soldier/grunts with traits from any creature she has consumed. By the end of the arc, she has consumed a country's worth of animal life, and it's almost impossible to tell just how much of what creature went into her final creations. Including humans, and with it their Nen potential. There are also naturally-occurring fox-bears and spider-eagles.
- Heaven's Design Team posits the platypus as one. When Jupiter and Mercury gets an order to create a chimera, or "an animal that has unique traits from other species", they try use a slot machine to get random animal combinations, to brainstorm ideas. They got: a griffin with a duck head instead of an eagle, a shark-koi combination (which is basically just a shark that's always hungry because it has no stomach), and a sea lion-camel-mole hybrid, which are all considered duds. The pair eventually decide to combine the three creatures and ended up with the platypus.
- Inuyasha is practically MADE of this trope; most of the low-level demons are serpents or arthropods.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dio Brando loves to make creatures zombies and then fusing their parts.
- Macross:
- Zentradi on Macross Frontier farm Hippocows.
- In Macross Delta, Ragnan mercats are a mix between seals and, well, cats.
- Naruto:
- The Three-Tailed Beast is a cross between a turtle and a prawn (most noticeably its tails), while the Eight-Tailed is a giant bull with octopus tentacles for "tails" and large humanoid arms. We see in an artbook that the Five-Tails is a dolphin-horse.
- Manda 2, a modified clone of Manda made by Kabuto is a combination of several different kinds of snakes: a pit viper's head, cobra's hood, and a rattlesnake's tail. It also has eagle-like claws, much the same as the traditional Eastern dragon.
- One Piece:
- In an early episode, Luffy and his crew stumble upon an island full of creatures like this, including a fox with a coxcomb and rooster's tail, a pig with a lion's mane, and a snake with rabbit ears.
- Also, some of the undead creatures sewn up by Dr. Hogback during the Thriller Bark arc. One example is the one to whom Sanji's shadow was transferred: a penguin with the head of a dog.
- Even in less extreme situations, Mix and Match Critters are fairly common, at least in appearance, in One Piece. i.e., the Panshark (shark with panda markings), and bananawani (a large crocodile with a banana shaped growth on the head). It even becomes a Running Gag that Luffy will call these creatures the name of the animal or thing they look least like (that is, pandas and bananas.)
- In Ranma ½, Jusenkyo has a spring called "Niuhomanmaolenniichuan" (or variations thereof), which translates as "Spring of Drowned Yeti Riding Ox While Carrying Crane And Eel". Anyone who falls into this spring gains an alternate form that is considered exceptionally formidable. In essence, it's a giant minotaur (legs and head of an ox, body and arms of a yeti) with an eel growing from its spine to form a tail and a tiny set of crane wings sprouting from its shoulders. It's inhumanly strong, surprisingly quick, massively tough, and capable of flight. Needless to say, the one character who has this spring considers himself Cursed with Awesome and has no desire to remove it. In fact, possibly because this form was created by such a mixed up spring, he later manages to assimilate a Spring of Drowned Octopus curse, giving himself Combat Tentacles and the ability to spray ink from his fingers. (Though it still begs the question of how these springs can exist, considering the inherent difficulty in drowning an octopus and/or an eel. Freshwater spring, saltwater sealife. Which still begs the question of how an octopus got there in the first place.
- All the Tenchi Muyo! series and spinoffs contain Ryo-Ohki, a cat-rabbit hybrid, often referred to as a "cabbit". Tenchi Muyo! GXP also contains a second cabbit, named Fuku. Tenchi Universe has Ken-Ohki, a male cabbit who ends up as Ryo-Ohki's boyfriend.
- The world of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is populated with creatures ranging from the apparently delicious Molepig, to the truly bizarre Grapehippo
◊. The Grapehippo is the director's favorite character.
- A lot of the fauna in Toriko consists of this.
- Violinist of Hameln presents Guitar, an anthropomorphic dog that, almost like a centaur, is a deer from the waist down. As in, a deer, four legs, head, and tail, is connected to his waist. Hamel, being either unusually obtuse or merely true to form, misunderstood the head peeking out from Guitar's "groin" as something else, to Guitar's annoyance and Flute's embarrassment. Worse, when he suggested that Guitar wear pants, the image of the enormous BULGE (caused by the deer's head) under the warrior's waist horrified Flute.
- Beast Fables: Chimeras are animals capable of a partial version of the human werecreatures' shapeshifting, which allows them to take on the features of one or two other species. Unlike humans, who include individuals capable of transforming into almost all terrestrial or amphibious creatures, most animal species are only known to have one chimeric form. The exception is equines, which have six
. Examples include true chimeras, lions that can give themselves reptilian bodies and goat horns; amphisabaenae, bustards that can grow scorpions tails colored like their real heads; splendid bullfrogs, bullfrogs that grow real bull horns; and jackalopes, hares that can sprout antlers.
- The demons in Michelangelo Buonarroti's The Torment of St. Anthony are a bunch of chaotic, humanoid hybrids with weird traits fish scales, primate arms, elephant trunks, and porcupine spikes spread among them. The most common trait is their traditionally demonic bat wings.
Asian Animation
- In the Lamput episode "Animal X", the docs invoke this trope by testing their creature-merging machine on a cat and a bird, creating a winged feline. Specs Doc uses the machine to merge himself with all sorts of animals to help him catch Lamput.
- In Episode 17 of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Wolffy the wolf gives himself the wings of an owl in one of his attempts to catch the goats.
Comedy & Jokes
- Woody Allen describing the Great Roe, which has "the head of a lion and the body of a lion, although not the same lion".
- Mocked by comedian Demetri Martin in his "visual enhancers" act, in which he declared that you could make a fantasy animal by taking any existing animal and adding wings. He gave as examples Pegasus (horse) and the griffin (lion)... and then a hawk, displaying a picture of a four-winged hawk saying "I'm awkward."
- Further parodied when he suggested creatures no one ever heard about, like a mermaid that's half fish but split vertically instead of horizontally. Another was the "Zebratard" who was 1/2 zebra, 1/2 hawk, 1/2 pig and thus was an improper fraction.
- The meanest animal in Africa is the crocolion, half crocodile in front, half lion in back. How does it poop? Again, meanest animal in Africa.
Comic Books
- Bone: The Great Red Dragon has the head of a christmas donkey, the body of a brontosaurus and the paws of a lion.
- Bunny vs. Monkey: Quite a number appear, like a guinea pig snail, a cat spider, a pig elephant, a panda bat, and more on just one page.
- Carls Large Story: Carl is a dinosaur with a beaver tail.
- The DCU:
- The first arc of Jamie Delano's run on Animal Man has Buddy Baker die and revive as an amalgamated creature with the head of a tiger, the horns of a ram and enormous bat wings. He eventually regains his human form by eating the severed fingers of his original corpse.
- B'wana Beast's power is to make these from two animals.
- Ultraa, the Multi-Alien. Four alien races have rayguns designed to turn unsuspecting people into members of their race. Ultraa gets hit by all four at once.
- The Doom Patrol villain Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man.
◊ Technically, he was a ridiculously overpowered Shapeshifter. Who liked turning into mix-and-match critters. A LOT.
- In Robin (1993), Lagoon Boy shows up with a new pet that looks like a giant sharp-toothed fish with tentacles and a crustacean like armor on its back that merges into a lobster tail, and evidently the females of the species are much larger and less friendly than the males.
- Wonder Woman has fought the "Tigapes of Neptuna", which are essentially tigers with slightly more finger-like digits on their front paws and ape-like faces and ears.
- Wonder Woman (1942): The Neptunian Flying Fish act as mounts for the forces from the planet, and look like flying fish with much wider fins for actual flying and a pair of octopus tentacles. They're also as big as a horse.
- Wonder Woman (1987): A chimera accompanies the Minotaur and Echidna when they attack Diana and Hippolyta at the edge of the cyclops cave. It only has two heads, a loin head at one end and snake head at the other, rather than the three attributed to it in myth.
- Red Hood and the Outlaws has Crux's mutated form, which is both bat-like and reptilian.
- Batman: Castle of the Bat, a Elseworld story, has Bruce Wayne create a dog with the head of a bat, in addition to his Frankenstein's Monster created using the brain of his father Thomas mutating to the point of gaining a bat's head after being injected with "essence of bat".
- Dungeon Twilight: Since All Species Are Sexually Compatible, the children of the duck protagonist are cats with beaks.
- Hilda has the titular protagonist's pet companion Twig, who is said to be a "deer-fox", a creature that's an arctic fox, but with antlers and hooves. The animated series features adult deerfoxes in one episode that are the size of deer, howl like wolves, and climb the aurora borealis to their own alternate dimension.
- Image Comics:
- The Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw: There are birds with human-like hands in place of their feet for some as yet unknown reason.
- Shaman's Tears: Thom Broadarrow is exposed to the Circle Sea mutagenic compound and is transformed into a composite of a dozen different creatures found in his taxidermy shop.
- Marvel Universe:
- The Night/Clone-Creature in The Frankenstein Monster is created from two dozen different sets of animal DNA, with the boar and alligator parts being most prominent in its actual appearance.
- Gog N'MaGog (or "Pup" as Longshot calls him) from the original Longshot miniseries starts the story as something best described as a clawed monkey/bear hybrid with a beard and a mohawk. He keeps absorbing Earth's magic during the story, thus mutating from issue to issue. He ends up with a reptilian tail and stegosaurus plates on his back.
- Marsupilami, from Spirou & Fantasio and the eponymous comic series, are vaguely monkey-like creatures with a leopard coat and the occasional melanistic individual. They're also oviparous, but still have a bellybutton.
- My Little Pony:
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (IDW):
- "Cosmos": The titular villain, the spirit of malice, has a dragon-like head and wings, a cobra's hood, bird talons for arms, a feline body, and a scorpion tail. Once she fuses with the Princesses, Big Mac, and Zecora, a number of their traits — such Zecora's stripes, Big Mac's legs, Luna's wings, Celestia's tail and Cadance and Twilight's manes — are slapped onto her as well.
- "No Fear!... Except One": The wolf flyder is a form of flyder, itself already a spider with the wings of a housefly, the size of a wolf and with a wolf's head.
- My Little Pony Generations: Shriek-yowls resemble owls with fox tails.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (IDW):
- Nnewts: Pigzark, a Lizzark general, seems to be a lizard/pig hybrid.
Comic Strips
- Bloom County had Rosebud the basselope, a basset hound/antelope mix. A tryst with Hodge-podge resulted in Jackabasselopes.
- Safe Havens has a bit of an unusual example. The father was a cat surgically modified into a dog. The mother is a cat cloned from a dog. The end result? Seven puppies with tabby stripes.
Fan Works
- Abraxas (Hrodvitnon):
- Monster X is a Monstrous Humanoid with a mix of draconic and humanoid characteristics across its various forms. Justified, because it's a human-Ghidorah hybrid created by a Two Beings, One Body merger between San and Vivienne Graham.
- Thor is built like a giant gorilla, but he has multiple ram-like horns, and his feet and unmasked face resemble those of a goat or a sheep (caprinae).
- Angela's Pet Monster: Randall is believed to be a "Lizog" (a lizard-dog hybrid) by most of the humans. Played straight when Randall has puppies with Lucille.
- Calvin & Hobbes: The Series' "Time Terror" shows Sherman, stranded in the future, forced to become one of these in order to sell... something.
- Codex Equus:
- As shown with Discord in canon, Draconequui in general are a divine mishmash of traits from various creatures that usually pertain to their personalities and abilities. How they're created is unknown, but it is possible for mortals to turn into one upon Ascension, as in the case Pinkie Pie, an earth pony (although it's heavily implied she's a very distant descendant of one of Pakak's Draconequus daughters), and King Ibrida, who started out as the first Pony-Griffon hybrid Miracle Wing.
- Although not as obvious as the Draconequui, Alicorns contain a mishmash of traits from various Pony tribes in their true forms, due to them being physical and magical embodiments of Ponykind, and can manifest them individually at any time. However, traits of Pony tribes like Musical Ponies and Sea Ponies are lesser-known to modern Alicorns. This includes traits of the Flutter Ponies, who have since become extinct, with the arrival of the last surviving Flutter Pony, the astronaut Star Flower, on Equus after spending three Ages being trapped in space.
- A glory hound's true form is a black dog with lion-like eyes, eagle wings, and a peacock's tail.
- Contraptionology!: Fluttershy's project for the mad science fair is a swarm of "butter-bee-bats", horrid little monsters with mismatched wings and asymmetric anatomy made by crossing butterfly eggs, bee eggs, and bat eggs, which apparently are a thing. After being contaminated by the mutagen she used to make them, she metamorphoses into "Queen Flutter-Bee-Bat", essentially a larger version of these things that also has pegasus traits in the mix.
- Delta Invasion: One of the more narmtastic elements of the titular creatures is that they all look like they were assembled from random body parts (and constantly described as " it had the body of X, arms of Y, head of Z...") with no apparent concern for functionality, effectiveness or sense.
- A Loud Among Demons introduces Timber in chapter 21. She's a small hellborn creature that seems to be of a dog, cat, and fox. Even her vocalization is a combination: "Mrowf!"
- The Night Unfurls: Any appearance of Elite Mooks of this feature can be easily traced back to Shamuhaza's experiments.
- Right before the end of the Tragedy of Rad Arc, Kyril faces off an amalgamation of corpses that bears resemblance to The One Reborn.
- The Mutants that appear in the second half of the Leaping Lizards Arc are mostly human-insect hybrids with other deformities.
- Mendacity: The Bugul Noz, Discord's "uncle", is an even more extreme version than his "nephew". His skin is a patchwork of hair, feathers, scales, slick skin and chitin from hundreds of animal species, his head and neck are crowned with dozens of horns and antlers, and two of his wings are chimeric mixes of bird, bat and insect limbs while the third appears to be a whale fin.
- Nine Days Down: While Equestrian chimeras are fairly coherent mixes of a limited number of animals, their cousins in Tartarus are random, discordant, many-headed mishmashes of dozens of different species, often with odd numbers of limbs and entirely unrecognizable components.
- The Palaververse: A literal example: when Discord brings the parliament of the multi-species nation of Gazellen to the cage where he's keeping the other world leaders, he swaps around the various members' body parts with results like a hornless antelope with the legs of a warthog and the wings of a griffon or a giraffe finding her head and neck swaying atop the body of a diamond jackal.
- Pokémon Reset Bloodlines has MissingNo. In its first appearance, it takes on the form of a Hybrid Monster with Origin Giratina's body, Palkia's arms and Dialga's head, with each body part colored differently from the regular ones.
- Pony POV Series: Discord isn't the only Draconequus, with his brothers and sisters likewise being mixes of different creatures, though their parents aren't. Fluttercruel, Discord's demi-goddess daughter born via his Mind Rape of Fluttershy, isn't as well, presumably due to her nature. She becomes one after the Rumors Arc, which sees her have to metamorphose to save her mother from the Rumors.
- RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse: Zizanie is a discordian unicorn. She has a tiger's paw and a monkey's hand in place of front hooves, a moth's wing, and an ankylosaurian tail.
- Teen Titans: Together for Tomorrow: Conner adopts Cobalt, an alien "dog" that looks like a white and blue wolf with a lion's mane and tail, long horse's ears, and a crystal growth on his snout shaped like a rhino's horns.
- This Bites!:
- Alabastan Kung Fu Dugongs (which look like seals with armadillo-esque armor plating on their back) are stated to be the result of a widespread (almost plague-level) outbreak of Interspecies Romance between the local populations of turtles and manatees, causing the two "parent" races to effectively interbreed into extinction, leaving behind only their Kung Fu Dugong offspring.
- The Bio MEG As are lab-grown monstrosities with whatever animalistic traits that could combine to make them deadlier, with cybernetics (and in one case, a cordyceps-like fungus) added for extra effect.
- Tidy Time
has badgewonks, which are a sort of badger/monkey hybrid.
- Tiny Sapient Ungulates: The ponies are ponies In Name Only, with the proportions of a baby goat, rabbit-like faces, grasping hooves inspired by the feet of aardvarks, and (in later updates) manatee-like lips.
- Voyages of the Wild Sea Horse: Shampoo becomes a half-cat, half-rabbit Zoan, giving her the ability to assume the form of a creature with the head and forequarters of a cat, the hindquarters of a rabbit, and ears that combine elements of both species.
Films — Animation
- Alice in Wonderland (1951): Alice encounters many creatures of this type which include Bread-and-Butterflies, Rocking-Horseflies, Dog-and-Caterpillars, pencil birds, hammer birds, umbrella birds, cage birds, mirror birds, glasses birds, accordion owls, honker ducks, cymbal frogs, timpani frogs, and a broom dog.
- Balto was made part wolf for his character arc. The real Balto was a pure Siberian husky.
- The Beast in Disney's Beauty and the Beast (1991) has the mane of a lion; the beard, horns, and general head structure of a bison; the brows and arms of a gorilla; the tusks of a Eurasian wild pig; the torso and claws of a bear; and the hind legs and tail of a wolf. The only remaining trace of his human self is his human eyes.
- One of Flint's failed inventions on Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is the ratbird.
- Coco: The alebrijes; most of them are mammal/reptile-hybrids with bird-like attributes. Alebrijes
are a part of Mexican folklore and were created by a man who was haunted by nightmares of grotesque mix-and-match monsters. Since the creatures were so strange and colorful that he couldn't explain to anyone what they looked like he decided to make papier maché figurines of them. Eventually his nightmares ceded and people started asking to buy the figures and became a staple of Mexican folklore and art.
- The Croods is loaded with prehistoric animals that look like tiny elephant/mice, small dog/crocodiles, large ram/emus, giant saber-toothed tiger/rabbits, birds that look like turtles, a saber-toothed cat with a parrot's colors, and a giant cat with the face of an owl and the built and claws of a bear. There's also an animal that looks like a gourd but has a load of sharp teeth. The Croods: A New Age adds wolf/spiders, cow/mammoths, pig/alligators, chicken/seals, narwhal/walruses, and a spiny ehcidna/mandrill/gorilla among others.
- Duck Amuck: One scene has the animator erase Daffy's body, leaving only his head. Daffy then gets angry at him and tells him to draw his body back. The animator instead redraws Daffy as a bizarre quadruped with a flower-shaped head, mismatched feet, and a flagpole for a tail, with Daffy's flag displaying a screw and a ball. The animator then draws a mirror in front of Daffy, causing him to freak out after seeing his reflection.
- Epic (2013): The Boggan Mooks look like a cross between frogs and sharks. Mandrake and his son, however, look more cat- and human-like.
- The Farm of Tomorrow: Most of the jokes consist of bizarre cross-breeding experiments such as an ostrich with a chicken (for bigger drumsticks), a duck with a banana (you peel the feathers off instead of plucking) and a dove with a high chair (a stool pigeon).
- Frankenweenie has Mr. Whiskers fused with a bat near the end.
- Garfield Animated Movie Trilogy: The Mo-Scram Gun in Garfield's Pet Force can create these by zapping two or more things with it; the effects tend to range from "two people/creatures/items get their heads/top parts swapped around" to "sheer Body Horror". The resulting creations are also completely under the control of the person who created them, which is why the Big Bad wants it.
- Bing-Bong, Riley's imaginary friend in Inside Out is an elephant/cat hybrid made of cotton candy and can squeal like a dolphin.
- Leo: Leo is supposedly a tuatara, but he also has the coloration of an iguana, the tongue abilities of a chameleon and the can stick to walls and regenerate his tail like a gecko.
- The Moon King from Kubo and the Two Strings turns into a monster at the climax and looks like a mix of an Eastern dragon and a koi carp fish with arthropod-like legs.
- Uni-Kitty of The LEGO Movie, who's a unicorn and a cat.
- Mavka: The Forest Song has a creature that's a mix between a cat and a frog.
- Penguins of Madagascar has the mutated penguins. In particular Skipper has a lobster claw, Kowalski has an octopus' mantle and tentacles with chicken feet, and Rico has dragon wings.
- Raya and the Last Dragon: Raya's mount Tuk-Tuk resembles a cross between an armadillo and a pug. The Ongis are half-monkey-somewhat resembling Indian langurs-and half-catfish.
- The Shrek movies have the children of Donkey and the Dragon, the "Dronkeys". Donkey even lampshades their appearance. "Look at our adorable mutant babies!"
- Sleeping Beauty (1959): Maleficent's goons resemble evil pig-vulture-gorilla-crocodile-things.
- Superman Theatrical Cartoons: "The Underground World" has the Man of Steel pitted against the Hawk People, a Winged Humanoid species with bird heads, and strong enough to give Supes trouble.
Films — Live-Action
- The wonderful Bat-Rat-Spider-Crab-Monkey creature in The Angry Red Planet, which is exactly what it sounds like.
- Godzilla was created by combining the general body plan of a Tyrannosaurus rex (as it was believed to look at the time, at least), the dorsal plates of a Stegosaurus, and the long prehensile arms of an Iguanadon. Godzilla (2014) also gave him gills and sauropod-like feet.
- Godzilla Raids Again introduces one of the Godzilla series reoccurring kaiju Anguirus. He is officially a kaiju-version of an ankylosaur, but his appearance mixes together other animals, such as an armadillo-like shell and ability to roll into a ball, a crocodile-like body shape and spines, and a spiky frill and nose horn like Styracosaurus
- Terror of Mechagodzilla features yet another dinosaur kaiju named Titanosaurus. It is centered around being aquatic so like Godzilla, it is given traits from sauropods and hadrosaurs since they were both considered to be aquatic at the time of the film's release.
- Godzilla (2014) also features the Mutos, Godzilla's opponents, which critics have most commonly characterized as a mix between a praying mantis and a pterosaur.
- The sequel, Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) depicts Mothra as resembling a wasp crossed with a mantis, with wings reminiscent of a Monarch Butterfly and white fur like her original moth inspiration. She also seems to have a serrated bird-like beak that opens vertically (as opposed to horizontally like the old Toho version) and digitigrade, avian-looking hind legs.
- Several other Titans appear in minor roles in this film, also being Mix-and-Match Critters as well, namely:
- Scylla, a desert-dwelling arthropod combining features of spiders and crustaceans, while having a tentacled, cephalopod-like head, and coiled, ammonite shell-like body.
- Behemoth, a brown-furred mammalian beast resembling a giant ground sloth, but with bony protuberances on its back, a pair of mammoth-like tusks, and a knuckle-walking stance like a gorilla.
- Methuselah, a Monster-Shaped Mountain that resembles a tortoise, but with a tyrannosaur-like head and a pair of downward-curved bull-like horns.
- Godzilla vs. Kong: Two of the minor monster species in the film, the Warbats and Hellhawks, are clear mixtures of two or more animal types in their design. The former resembles a giant cobra, but the "hood" is made up of elongated fingers with membranes stretched between them like a bat's wings, and its face and skin are crocodile-like. The latter resembles a featherless hawk with bat wings, as well as spikes running down their backs.
- In The Great Muppet Caper, Kermit and Fozzie play twin brother reporters. Their boss has a photograph of him and their father, in which the latter is depicted as a green bear with Kermit's goggley eyes and neck-ruff.
- In House II: The Second Story, we have Bippy, the dog with a caterpillar body that was found in the Triassic period.
- Jurassic Park:
- The Indominus rex from Jurassic World is a man-made genetically engineered hybrid composed of various different dinosaur species, designed to be a new attraction for the park. She is a T. rex primarily, but has genetic code from cuttlefish (making her capable of camouflaging her skin), tropical frogs (making her capable of camouflaging her heat signature), and Velociraptors (making her capable of communicating with actual Velociraptors). The truly scary thing is it's implied there's also a bit of human DNA in there — when was the last time you saw a dinosaur with four fingers and opposable thumbs?
- Dr. Wu also points out in World that Jurassic Park has been doing this ever since the beginning: even their "normal" dinosaurs have gaps in the genome filled in with the DNA of amphibians, reptiles, or birds. They have never, in the history of the park, produced a "pure" dinosaur.
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has the Indoraptor, which is allegedly a combination of the Indominus rex and Velociraptor (never mind that the I. rex itself was already part raptor). Worryingly, this creature shows even more human-like traits than its predecessor, notably a heightened intelligence, a sense of humor, and a capacity for genuine sadistic malice...
- In King Cobra (1999), scientists combine the genes of an African king cobra and an Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, creating an extremely venomous snake with a cobra's hood and a rattlesnake's tail.
- In Lockjaw: Rise of the Kulev Serpent, Lockjaw is a giant snake with the head of an alligator. According to Sarge, it is an African spirit that has gradually adaprted itself as it has encountered new animals in the New World.
- Mickey 17: The Creepers, the native inhabitants of the planet Niflheim, look like giant tardigrade-worm hybrids with flower mouths. The Creeper matriarch has a bison-like layer of fur while the babies act like puppies.
- Unlike his previous incarnation, Monstro from Pinocchio (2022, Disney) is closer to a Leviathan-like sea monster than a whale, encompassing traits from several aquatic animals such as a body similar to a mosasaurus, humpback, and blue whale (rather than the original Monstro's sperm whale design), the gills of a fish, teeth like a shark, a back fin and snout like a barracuda, and tentacles like a cephalopod among other traits.
- Davy Jones's fishy crew in Pirates of the Caribbean.
- To give you more idea, it starts with Davy Jones himself who is has an octopus for a head with tentacles for a beard. His arm and leg, are that of the crab. Except for his head, his body and clothes, are covered in barnacles, moss, and algae.
- His first mate, Maccus who has a hammer-head shark for a head, and a lobster on his back.
- Quittance, has seaweed for hair and anemone for a mouth. His arms are that of the starfish. He also has an eel sticking out of his chest.
- Q: The Winged Serpent has the head of a vulture, feathered wings, a snake-like tail, and four limbs sort of like an iguana. On top of that, Q is meant to be the dragon-god Quetzelcoatl... and doesn't really look like him either.
- Sharktopus! Syfy Channel original movies tend to run on these, to the point that there almost appears to be a competition as to which movie features the most ludicrous monster. (Mansquito, Sharkodile, ad infinitum.) Not that exploitation-flicks that use this trope are anything new, as per Sharktopus's precursor from the '80s, Devil Fish.
- Romero's animals in Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams were originally created for a miniature zoo for children before he accidentally grew them to life size. Most of the "Zoo Too" creatures being referred to have names already associated with existing animals, such as the tiger-shark, sheep-dog, horse-fly, cat-fish, bull-frog and the plot-important spider-monkey. These were created by accident. Though there's also the rather ornery slizards, and flying pigs.
- Star Wars has a few:
- Most notably Hutts, who are slugs with small arms. Also, Toydarians, who look like giant mosquitos... sort of. And Jar Jar is a frog with eyestalks.
- The Sea Monsters of Naboo in The Phantom Menace include the opee sea killer, a mix of a crustacean and a piranha with a chameleon-like tongue; the colo claw fish with a head of a crocodile, a body of an eel and crab legs for mandibles; and the sando aqua monster, a somewhat feline mammal with the gills, fins and tail of a fish.
- Kowakian monkey-lizards resemble monkeys with bird faces and beaks — despite the name, they don't have any particularly reptilian traits.
- Nerfs combine elements of multiple types of real-life livestock. They mostly look like cows and are ranched like them, but also grow wool like sheep and spit like llamas.
- In general, beings of this sort are common enough that the Legends continuity uses three terms — "reptavian", "mammavian" and "reptomammal" — to describe some of the most commonly-occurring intermediate body plans.
- The Thing (1982): The Thing is this plus the The Assimilator and You Are Who You Eat.
- Upside-Down Magic: All of Nory's animal forms are mixes of cat with at least one other animal, and sometimes two or three. Her signature form is a 'dritten' (dragon + kitten), a cat with dragon wings and fully capable of flight.
Examples by author:
- Piers Anthony has quite a lot of these.
- Xanth: Aside from "ordinary" creatures like centaurs or harpies, there are also things like flying centaurs, half-demon anything, winged mermaids, and mer-nagas. If all that is not enough for you, how about a half-car, half-harpy?
- In another book, every animal in an Alternate Universe is one of these except dragons and possibly froogs. This leads to things such as bearvers and meer.
- In Mary Stanton's novels, Anor, a mythological horse demon, is a red horse with feline eyes, claws, and fangs, and an appetite for red meat.
Examples by title:
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: The Mock Turtle is supposed to be "the thing Mock Turtle Soup is made from". In Real Life, that would be a calf's head, so Tenniel's illustration gave the Mock Turtle one, with hooves and tail to match, placed on the body of a turtle.
- Bas-Lag Cycle: Some of the Remade are this trope, sentenced by the New Crobuzon courts to have parts of animals, or occasionally of human cadavers, magically incorporated into their bodies as a punishment. Occasionally someone has similar modifications done voluntarily, to acquire useful features such as functional gills. Mr. Motley is an extreme Mix and Match Critter, incorporating so many mismatched limbs, eyes, mouths, and miscellaneous appendages into the same freakish body that, when Lin is hired to sculpt a statue of him, she can scarcely imagine how anyone could possibly begin such a task.
- Book of Imaginary Beings:
- The Greek Chimera, a three-headed mix of lion, goat and snake.
- A creature depicted in Franz Kafka's "Depiction of a Struggle" is part cat and part lamb, and combines the two creatures' habits and natures.
- The hsiao has an ape's body, and owl's wings and talons, a man's head and a dog's tail.
- The hua-fish, or flying snakefish, is a fish with the wings of a bird.
- The huallepén has the head of a calf and the body of a sheep.
- The myrmecoleon has the forequarters of a lion and the hindquarters of an ant. Its existence is paradoxical and, because the lion will only eat meat and the ant only digest grain, it its doomed to starve.
- The titular bugs in David A. Carter's Bugs In A Box series of pop-up books appear to be either vertebrate animals, plants, or inanimate objects with insect body parts.
- Captain Underpants: The Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo-Toilet 2000 ends with the hatching of hamsterdactyls, the offspring of a bionic hamster and a time-traveling pterodactyl.
- The Chronicles of Professor Jack Baling: Although the main character initially assumes the insect/shrimp creature at the end of the second episode is the combination of several different animals, it’s actually just a modified mantis shrimp
. Although, the name makes it clear that they do resemble a combination of those two animals.
- Cthulhu Mythos: What do you call a giant creature with bat wings and a squid's face with tentacles and batrachian eyes?
- The Dark Tower had several:
- Billy-bumblers combined traits of a raccoon, a badger, and a dog. It's unclear if the billy-bumbler is an actual Mix-and-Match Critter, as opposed to a fictional animal that happens to share a few traits with those Real Life animals.
- Taheen looked like humans with the heads of birds.
- The Low Men looked like humans with rodent-like heads — they usually wore masks and tried to pass as humans.
- Discworld:
- In Eric, the demon-god Quetzovercoatl is described as "half-man, half-chicken, half-jaguar, half-serpent, half-scorpion and half-mad", making for "a wossname total of three homicidal maniacs".
- The chimera in Sourcery. Unlike the Greek version, the Disc's chimera has the legs of a mermaid, the hair of a tortoise, the teeth of a fowl and the wings of a snake. It's similar to the Greek chimera in having the breath of a furnace, and the temperament of a rubber balloon in a hurricane.
- In Going Postal, it's said that there was one horse in Ankh-Morpork that had a longitudinal seam from head to tail, being sewn together from what was left of two horses that had been involved in a particularly nasty accident.
- In The New Discworld Companion, it's mentioned that many of the animals kept at the College of Heralds are descended from previous generations of heraldic models, who'd gotten rather friendly with one another. And it shows.
- In The Divine Comedy, Geryon is described as a devil with the face of a honest man, the body of a multicolored serpent, hairy wings, and a scorpion's stinger.
- Dracopedia: The zburator from Dracopedia: The Bestiary is a creature from Romania with the upper body of a wolf and the lower body of a dragon.
- The Draka's ghouloons, who are constructed from the genes of a baboon, a dog, and a human. They are actually sentient, and used as Cannon Fodder. To some extent, the post-human Homo Drakensis race itself qualifies, as the Draka used traces of feline DNA to increase muscle strength and sense acuity.
- Dr. Franklin's Island: The doctor has spent a long time inserting human genes into animal subjects, a few of which the viewpoint character gets to see — a capybara with human lips and back legs, piglets with hands, an octopus with a monkeylike head, parrots with patches of human skin and floppy boneless bits of hands, bats with human legs, deer with weird heads, a jungle cat whose brain changed which howls. His assistant says the changes can be "random".
- Dune:
- The Bene Tleilaxu's Sligs are slugs and pigs genetically mashed together. Apparently, it makes the meat tender and succulent.
- Chapterhouse: Dune also has Futars, part human and part cat, that are a threat to the Honored Matres.
- Eclipse has this as the Zoans' schtick. Two of the more notable examples include a creature with the head of an ox and spider-like hands. Escou Draldoch, the most prominent Zoan, is a bipedal velociraptor with grasshopper legs and a crocodile snout. Apparently, they seem to be fairly common in the southeastern part of the world.
- The Elric Saga includes the clakar (winged apes), Dharzi hunting dogs (half dog, half bird), myyrrhn (a winged Half-Human Hybrid) and vulture lions (vulture head, lion body). The Armies of Chaos' Mooks might have begun as human, but as Chaos transforms them, they degenerate into monstrous part-human part-animal hybrids according to their natures.note
- The second story of Gorgo the Ogre features bat-frogs (large frogs with the wings and upside-down sleeping posture of bats) used as mounts for the Black Ogres.
- In the Heralds of Valdemar series, the Mage Storms create huge numbers of 'hobgoblins', which are fusions of two or more animals that got caught and changed by the storms.
- The first of these "Changecreatures" found by the Valdemarans is a fusion of rabbit and fox.
- A shaman for one of the northern barbarian tribes manages to get some of his fighting men caught in a Change-Circle along with some bears; the result is humanoid bears (or very bearlike humans; it isn't clear which).
- A series of short stories in the Valdemar anthologies focus on a boy (later a young man) named Ree. As a boy he was caught in a Change-Circle along with a hungry rat and a dying cat; afterward, Ree is a basically human boy with the fur and tail of a rat; the claws, eyes, and whiskers of a cat; and a vaguely but clearly not-human face.
- Horton Hatches the Egg ends with the egg Horton the Elephant was taking care of hatching into a tiny elephant with wings.
- The Hunger Games: As a consequence of evolution, and the Capitol's experiments on animals, many of the plants and animals in Panem are hybrids. These include grooslings (goose and grouse), mockingjays (mockingbirds and the jabberjays, themselves muttations), nightlock (nightshade and hemlock), and possibly morphling.
- InCryptid has:
- Inferno (Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle): L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, is sentenced to the bolgia of the schismatics and turned into what Allen calls "the last word in centaurs" as a parody of his preaching the ability to remember pre-human past lives. He has the back end of a trilobite, then the torso of a primitive fish, then that of a more advanced fish, and so on progressing through lungfish, proto-mammal, early mammal, ape, and finally a human head. He pulls himself along on a dozen mismatched limbs, and when he gets to the demon with the cleaver he gets chopped into component segments that each crawl along independently.
- Infinite Bloodcore: Discussed and deconstructed. A scholar who has studied evolution points out that the mix-and-match critters that occupy the island where the main characters are stranded must be artificial creations, since their numerous redundant or conflicting capabilities would be extremely biologically expensive and don't fit clearly into an ecological niche in a way that could have evolved naturally.
- The Island of Doctor Moreau has a few mix-and-match characters, most prominently the combination bear/dog/ox/man M'ling, and a hyena/swine/man.
- Journey to Chaos: It's common to see monster breeds that are a mixture of different animal parts because mana mutation is partially a random process. Kallen's true form, for instance, is a chimera whose main body is tall and walks upright like a primate, but it has three different heads and necks (dragon, goat, and lion), a snake for a tail, and claws at the end of its arms.
- Just So Stories: The armadillo is a product of this trope, having been created when a hedgehog and a tortoise swapped defensive strategies with one another. The tortoise learned to curl into a ball, the hedgehog acquired armor plates, and the jaguar's mother re-named the resulting mix-and-match.
- Katt vs. Dogg contains a number of these. There's a Hawk-Owl, a Moose-Horse, Wolf-Bears, Alligator-Lions, a Cat-Dog, and Weasel-Boars.
- In Leviathan, something like half the countries in Europe rely on these for the vast majority of their technology.
- Liv in the Future:
- The street mutant Liv finds in the second chapter has a gecko-like body and the ears and fur of a cat.
- The pets available to rent include a chimera with lion and pit bull features.
- The manglers in Loyal Enemies are hybrids of a dozen creatures, both darklings and regular animals. We know for sure that there's a werewolf, ghoul and regular wolf in their genes, and their creator says she put much more in there.
- Max & the Midknights: Battle of the Bodkins: In the Land of Knot, Max & the Midknights catch sight of a creature known as a Clatterback. It has the head and body of an alligator, the front legs of a horse, the back legs of a tiger, and the tail of a squirrel(?). Simon decides to try and tame it so it can give them a ride to the portal to Byjovia.
- Maximum Ride: The main characters are six kids with wings and were all created by lab experiments and claim to be only 2% bird. All of the members of the "Flock" also have powers not related to birds at all, with the possible exception of Max with her super speed. Apparently she's part falcon.
- In Mirabile, the protagonist's job is dealing with a variety of chimeric creatures created by genetic engineers with more enthusiasm than common sense. Featured mixes include the odder (otter and moose), the kangaroo rex (kangaroo and thylacine), and the frankenswine (wild boar and mole, erupts out of the ground to snag its prey); there are also incidental mentions of others include the nowlet (newt and owl).
- The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle is about a chameleon who behaves like a normal chameleon until it visits a zoo one day and wishes to be more like the animals it sees. With each new animal it sees, it sprouts new animal parts. By the end of the book, the chameleon has the antlers of a deer, the head of an elephant, the neck of a giraffe, the flippers of a seal, the fins of a fish, the body of a polar bear, the shell of a turtle, the wings and legs of a flamingo, and the tail of a fox. It ends up turning back to its normal self when all of these new parts prevent it from being able to catch a fly.
- Glatisaunt the Questing Beast, as described in Le Morte d'Arthur: "The questing beast had in shape and head like a serpent's head, and a body like a libard, buttocks like a lion, and footed like a hart; and in his body there was such a noise as it had been the noise of thirty couple of hounds questing." This is also quoted in The Once and Future King. It's been suggested that the Questing Beast was actually a confused description of a giraffe, considering that it is said to have hooves, spots, and a long neck.
- The Mutasia
series (and franchise) takes place on the eponymous uncharted island of Mutasia, where everyone, Mutasians, is this trope, specifically "mixed up mixes of every type of animal imaginable". And they're all Funny Animals.
- Myth Adventures: Most of the animals on Skeeve's home dimension of Klah appear to be this trope, at least to judge by their names (e.g. 'spider-bear').
- Ology Series: There are plenty of these in Monsterology. Chimeras are lions with additional goat and snake heads and dragons' tails; nues are a Japanese relative of chimeras with catlike bodies, monkey faces and snakes for tails; bakus are tapir/elephant crosses with tiger paws; manticores have lion bodies, human heads and scorpion tails; griffins and hippogriffs, as per usual, have eagle-like front halves and lion- or horse-like, respectively, hindquarters.
- On Fairy-Stories cites this as the first stage in original monsters — though raising the spectre of muddy and confusing Heinz Hybrid.
- Oryx and Crake has quite a few including wolvogs (genetically modified wolf/dogs designed for home defense), the spoat/gider (a goat with spider genes, used for the production of high-strength fiber), and the snat, described as "an unfortunate combination of snake and rat" (apparently both lethal and testy).
- In Out of the Silent Planet, Malacandra has fauna that resembles a mix of Earth-like animals, including an amphibious, long-legged, and seal-skinned herbivore with teeth like a beaver.
- In Paradox, many Pelted species have more than just humans and one other species in their ancestry:
- Naysha combined the sturdiness of wolves with the delicacy of foxes, the strength of orcas and the agility and intelligence of dolphins. As well as a number of other deep-sea denizens and coral fishes for color.
- Seersa look mostly like anthropomorphic foxes with feline coat patterns (jaguar rosettes for instance).
- Aera have the DNA of foxes, mongooses, big cats, humans, and deer, they mostly look feline except for the tiny wings on their ankles.
- Ciracaana have cat-like lower bodies and canine upper bodies.
- Glaseah look mostly like skunk-taurs with a pair of bat wings and outer ears composed of feathers.
- Apollyon in The Pilgrim's Progress:
"Now the Monster was hideous to behold: he was cloathed with scales like a Fish (and they are his pride); he had wings like a Dragon, feet like a Bear, and out of his belly came Fire and Smoak; and his mouth was as the mouth of a Lion."
- In Raise Some Hell, any of the demons appear like this, an example being Dr. Lovelady's demon Andromalius, who has the appearance of "half-man and half-snake".
- Red Dwarf: Most of the genetically engineered lifeforms in Last Human are this, complete with portmanteau names. Examples include the Snugiraffe (part slug, part cobra, and part giraffe) and the Dolochimp (part dolphin, part chimpanzee, and part locust)
- The Wearets in Redwall: half weasel, half ferret, all Ax-Crazy.
- Pondovadia: Several animals, including protagonist Ponce, are these and referred to as 'chimeras' in the story.
- Remarkable Animals, by Tony Meeuwissen, allows you to make your own from 10 different creatures. Also, the Trunkfish in the book is a mix of several types of Trunkfish.
- The Scholomance has "chayenas", cheetah-hyena hybrids first engineered to be trophy animals for Great White Hunters in colonial Kenya. The local alchemist took offense and added a paralytic bite, which eliminated the hunters fairly quickly. Despite this, they're Non Malicious Monsters and have some popularity as guard animals.
- The children's book Scranimals
is about an island filled with these. Some are straight-up animal-animal combinations, but the majority are half-animal, half-fruit (or half-vegetable). Examples include the broccolion, the radishark, the ''orangutangerine, and the ostricheetah.
- Shades of Grey: Some of Chromatacia's creatures are hybrids of two or more real-life species, such as ratfinks (rodents with lizard scales and claws), bouncing goats (goat front/top half, kangaroo bottom/hind half) and rhinosauruses (sauropods with rhino heads).
- This Immortal:
- Spiderbats, imported from offplanet, are exactly that: a mix of spiders and bats, able to fly and grow big enough to carry a grown man.
- The boadile is a mix of boa and crocodile, although there's some debate over which scientific category they belong into or how many legs they have.
- The Thursday Next books have Chimeras, which are creatures of varying description made by Mad Scientists.
- True History (from around 170 AD) mentions "horse-vultures" among the armies of the Moon King.
- In Veniss Underground, it's mentioned that Quin has used genetic engineering to produce creations such as beetleworms, eelgoats, and camelapes.
- The Vorkosigan Saga has Taura, a genetically engineered remnant of a Super-Soldier project, with horse genes somewhere in there (among others). She's friendly, cheerful and her favourite colour is pink, but she's also eight feet tall and looks quite a lot like a werewolf. People tend to misjudge her on these grounds.
- "Weirditties": The what's-it that belongs to the skeleton vaguely looks like a dog, but it has human-like limbs, curved protrusions that could as easily be horns as ears, and an upper lip that extends into a seemingly prehensile trunk.
- Well World is filled to the brim with semi-mythological mix-and-match critters, justified as the result of lazy alien species designers cribbing each other's work. Meanwhile, the mix-and-match critters from mythology are justified as legends and "racial memories" stemming from our own species' creation on the Well World.
- The Whingdingdilly, which is about a dog that was turned into a chimera as a result of a magic spell cast upon him by a witch.
- Othello Bach's Whoever Heard of a Fird? has the title character, Fird, who is a fird (part fish, part bird). Aside from Snyder Spider and the Boogie Monsters, the rest of the cast is two-feature creatures: dickens (part dog, part chickens), hyenant (hyena/ant), woose (worm/goose), shamels (sheep/camel) dryders (dragon/spider), the Blizard (bird/lizard), burtles (bear/turtle), Ms. Girouse (giraffe/mouse), the snoose (snake/mongoose), and, finally, bishes (part bird, part fish). There's also talk of a snog (snail/hog), and the sequel includes a snig (snail/pig). Oh, and almost the entire cast exercises a healthy Arbitrary Skepticism, seeing as they're convinced that there's no such thing as a fird. There was also a very short-lived line of stuffed toys by Remco based upon these characters, which identified these hybrid creatures as "Firffels". Coincidentally — or not — they arrived around the same time the Wuzzles toy line was launched (this blog post
has a few pictures and was written by someone who had no idea they were based on a book).
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequels has such creatures as the Winged Monkeys, the Kalidahs (part tiger, part bear) and the Li-Mon-Eags (lion, monkey, and eagle, with donkey tails). Plus the Gump (made from two couches, some palm fronds, a broom, and a taxidermed stag head).
- The picture book Who's Zoo? by Conrad Aitken, illustrated by John Vernon Lord, features such creatures as the elephantelope, the rhinostrich and the jerboa-constrictor.
- Xanadu (Storyverse): Rampede, a type of Gamimon, resembles an armless theropod with the fur, head, and hooves of a bighorn sheep.
Live-Action TV
- Alien Worlds (2020): Some of the aliens strongly resemble a mix of Earth animals.
- The skygrazers resemble a cross between a manta ray and a whale shark but with pink skin. They even lay eggs that are identical to those of horned sharks.
- The desert grubs of Janus resemble a cross between pillbugs and ants, complete with venom and swarming habits.
- The predators of Eden resemble blue-furred primates, but with the elastic feeding arms of a cuttlefish. Their prey resemble a cross between a rabbit and a moth.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Twilight's form in our dimension is a winged lion. The design team refers to this as a "gryphon", although that's not quite accurate, as a gryphon has an eagle's head.
- Alluded to in Degrassi: The Next Generation: Marco thinks bees are "like flying death monkeys".
- Doctor Who: Discussed in "Aliens of London", with the Doctor comparing a pig that was implanted with alien technology to serve as a decoy alien to "mermaids" made by Victorian sailors by stitching cat heads to fish.
- The Drew Carey Show: While searching through the titular company of the "DrugCo" episode, the gang come across a monkey and hippo hybrid dubbed a Monkapotamus.
- Face/Off has this as a challenge in the Season 7 episode "Animal Attraction". The designers have to make a mix-and-match critter of their choice.
- Kratts' Creatures has Ttark, an animated creature who is a combination of a mammal, a reptile, and a bird.
- Mech-X4 has the titular robot face off against giant monsters, all of which are fusions of existing animal DNA, such as gibbon and crab, or snake and squid.
- Since monsters in Merlin (2008) tend to be creatures from medieval heraldry or Arthurian legends, Mix-and-Match Critters appear at least twice a season. A hippogriff is also mentioned, but doesn't appear.
Arthur: It is said to have the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the... face of a... bear.
- Odd Squad:
- The Hydraclops is a creature that can best be described as being some alien hybrid of a pig (with the nose) and an octopus (with the rest of the body). It also has one eye.
- Spider-cats are odd creatures that have the body of a tarantula and the head of a cat.
- Subverted in "Night Shift" when the Skunkbat is revealed to not be a hybrid of a skunk and a bat, but rather, it's a hybrid of a skunk and a baseball bat.
- Ocean's story in "The Cherry-on-Top-inator" features a creature whose body is that of a horse (specifically a Pegasus) and whose head is that of a chicken.
- The skigeon is half-skunk and half-pigeon. It can fly, and it also smells absolutely terrible.
- "End of the Road" features a Kaiju monster, an alien octopus hybrid with a bird beak and a cry that sounds quite avian in nature.
- Power Rangers:
- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers has had a few, since because of the rubber suit, all of the monsters have to be humanoid. The most notable is one in the first season, right after Tommy joins, that is part turtle and part... traffic light?
- The mutants from Power Rangers: Dino Thunder are this trope. Mesogog created these monsters by mixing animals, plants and random objects. Examples include a donkey/pomegranate/vacuum cleaner (Donkeyvac), a centipede/pansy/TV satellite dish (Insectolite) and a sea otter/green pepper/photocopier (Copyotter) to name a few.
- Surface: Most of the genetic conspiracy's work, including the gigantic lizard monsters that are causing the events of the series and a nightmarish ape/human hybrid capable of speech.
- The Ultra Series has several monsters and aliens from the various shows. The most infamous one being Tyrant from Ultraman Taro, an undead mishmash of body parts of desceased monsters, frankensteined and self-ressurected into one abomination, bent on exacting revenge on the ultra brothers who slayed them in the past.
- Zoboomafoo: In the dinosaur episode, the Kratts build a dinosaur skeleton using fake bones from a wide range of different species (Brontosaurus body, Tyrannosaurus rex teeth, Ankylosaurus tail, Triceratops frill, etc.)
- Angus McSix: The monsters mentioned in the title of "Fireflies of Doom" are insectoid, apparently, but have equine bodies.
- Bad Lip Reading: In "Bushes of Love", Obi-Wan Kenobi describes the beast that killed Anakin as having "a chicken's head with duck feet, and a woman's face too". In the rest of the song he calls it a "chicken-duck-woman thing".
- West African band Osibisa, who formed in London and did a lot to make African music known in the West, adopted a flying elephant for their LP covers, which became the band's iconic mascot. This is beleived to have been inspired by a snotty and possibly racist remark made by a record company executive, who voiced the opinion that African music was as likely to take off in Britain as an elephant with wings. Osibisia's LPs became million sellers. And all of them had winged elephants on the cover — often a suspicious shade of pink, with scaled-up dragonfly wings and compound insect eyes.
- Professor Elemental's song Animal Magic
revolves around him describing his mix and match animal experiments.
No, my Chimpangoat's not the prettiest of creatures
My Donkeypede has the silliest of features
My lobsterroos don't like their claws
My Batraffes do fly into doors
Myths & Religion
- The Chimera (who resembles a three-headed monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent)Note is probably the most prominent of these, to the extent that a number of works of fiction use "Chimera" as a generic term for Mix And Match Critters of all sorts.
- In addition to the Chimera, we have the Minotaur, The Sphinx and other sphinxesnote , the griffin, Harpies, centaurs, Pegasus, Sleipnir (although he's a mash-up of a horse and... another horse), Cerberus (who sometimes had a snake for a tail), the unicorn...
- Beti-Pahuin Mythology produced the Ebigane. It was a monster with the body of a mouse, horns of a buffalo, tusks & size of an elephant, and wings of a bat. Sometimes they could be half human as well.
- Brazilian Folklore: Some creatures resemble the fusion of different animals, such as the Tapiora, an aquatic being part jaguar and part tapir, and the Onça-boi (jaguar-ox). The Lobisomem (Werewolf in Portuguese) is also often said to gain the characteristics of all the animal that wallowed upon the land he rolls on during his weekly transformation; if more than one animal wallows in the same location, the werewolf becomes a mix of all of them. The folklorist Hélio Serejo mentions a lobisomem part pig, bull and horse that would've destroyed a front at the limit with Paraguay.
- Persian mythology gave us the sphinx-like Manticore, a carnivorous, monstrous beast with a humanoid face and a mouthful of sharp teeth, the mane and the body of a lion and the tail of either a scorpion or a dragon which can shoot poisonous spikes. In modern fantasy, it is common to give them bat-like wings as well.
- Medieval bestiaries are loaded with these kinds of animals as when travelers and writers sought to describe unfamiliar animals they used comparisons (tusks = boar, slim with hooves = deer, horns = goat, etc.) The result is that when illustrators who have never seen these animals are given such descriptions, they get taken literally. In addition to the Manticore mentioned above, other popular bestiary inclusions are:
- The Leucrotta (or Crocotta) had the head of a badger, the tail and body of a lion, and the legs of a deer, combined with a Slasher Smile of gnashing sharpened bone, the ability to mimic voices, and a stiff spine that made it lightning fast. Allegedly an exaggerated and jumbled description of a cheetah and a hyena.
- The Yale had the body of antelope, the legs of a horse, the tusks of a boar, and the tail of an elephant, possessing the ability to swivel its horns in any direction. Often appears in heraldry, but not that frequently at the better-known university. Suspected to have been an Arabian oryx.
- The Parandrus had the legs of an ibex, the head and antlers of a stag, the body of a bear, and the remarkable ability to blend in with its surroundings like an octopus. Theorized to be a messed-up description of a reindeer or a moose.
- The Catoblepas (mistakenly called the Gorgon by Edward Topsell), a hideous bull-like creature with a long neck, a boar-like head, scaly skin, and a Deadly Gaze. Allegedly a misrepresentation of the perfectly harmless wildebeest.
- The Bonnacon was another fantasical bovine, resembling a horse with a bull's head and tiny ram-like horns useless for defense. Instead, it relied on an extreme form of Fartillery to keep enemies at bay. Supposedly based on descriptions of the European bison (also known as the wisent).
- The Mermecolion, a giant ant with the head of a lion that was always doomed to starve to death due to its incompatible digestive system (the lion head can only eat meat, but the ant body can only digest grain). Supposedly originated from a mistranslated Bible when an ancient word for "lion" became jumbled up with the Greek word for "ant".
- The Basilisk and Cockatrice — half-chicken, half-snake, all lethal.
- Many Mix-and-Match Critters that lacked a basis in classic myth appear in heraldry. A good example is the Enfield, the crest of the O'Kelly clan. It has the head of a fox, the forelegs of an eagle, the chest of a greyhound, the body of a lion and hindlegs and tail of a wolf.
- Another one is the Ypotryll, described as having a camel's body, an ox's legs, a snake's tail, and a boar's head — theorized by some to be a garbled description of a hippopotamus ("ypotame" in Middle English).
- The Peluda was a dragon from France that had the head, neck, and tail of a snake, the body of a green porcupine, and the feet of a turtle. Much nastier than it sounds — it could breathe acid and fire, its quills were toxic and could be flicked at prey, had a special taste for young women and children and the only way to kill it was cutting off its tail.
- Egyptian Mythology:
- Many of the gods are often depicted as humans with animal heads, although it's more artistic representation then a literal depiction.
- Ammut the Devourer was depicted as having the head of a crocodile, the forequarters of a leopard or lioness, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus — three vicious and deadly creatures (Hippos, while vegetarian, are incredibly strong and fiercely territorial, and responsible for more deaths in Africa than lions). Jackal-headed Anubis weighed your heart against the Feather of Truth: if it was heavier, he'd toss it to Ammut.
- The Sphinx. There is the famous "Lion body with Human head", but some other depictions had ram heads (known as criosphinxes) or falcon's head.
- According to one theory, The unknown-indentitied Set animal
(also known as the Sha) might this as opposed to being single species.
- Another hybrid creature associated with both Set and the might of pharaohs is the Akhekh
, an oryx with the beak and wings of a bird of prey, as well as three cobra uraeis on it's head. Though one source makes it out to be a winged lion with an eagle's head - in other words, a standard griffin.
- Two-headed dogs seem to be very common, possibly as a lesser version of Cerberus. They are already present in Greek Mythology, e.g. Geryon's watchdog Orthus from the tale of Heracles.
- Most of the monsters from Greek myth were siblings. That is, all those that didn't have some other origin story were.
- Both Orthus and Cerberus must have been insanely jealous of three of their other siblings: the chimera, the Lernaean Hydra that started out with nine heads and could generate more, and Ladon, a dragon with 100 heads. At least they beat out the Nemean Lion (not Mix and Match) and the Sphinx (indeed Mix and Match).
- Both of whom are beaten out by daddy dearest, Typhon, who had a hundred serpent's heads—ON EACH HAND.
- Actually, in some sources, Orthus wasn't Cerberus's brother...well, not full brother. He was his half-brother...and father (Echidna was mother to them both).
- In a deliberate subversion, 16th-century Italian author Ludovico Ariosto created the hippogriff — a beast that is part griffin and part horse — for his epic Orlando Furioso as a joke on a line from the Roman poet Virgil which used "when griffins are mated with horses" as a synonym for "impossible" or "never" (since griffins were said to eat horses). Although it never was truly "mythological" it is considered so today.
- Card game Munchkin also has a hippogriff — a hippo with small fangs and two small wings.
- Older Than Dirt: The earliest civilizations, such as Sumer, the Indus Valley, Minoan Crete, and Ancient Egypt, had various mix-and-match beasts such as griffins, lamassu, leogryphs, serpopards, sirrush, and winged snakes. The early Sumerians had gods that were part man and part fish. And some sculptures found in villages older than the first cities also reflect this motif.
- The Winged Unicorn, pegasus crossed with unicorn, goes back to ancient Greek descriptions of "Ethiopian Pegasoi."
- Numerous Iranian mythological creatures were in this style. Their gryphon was quite popular (and likely originated from Aryan aka Iranian peoples), but one of the main ones was the senmurv, or Simurgh, a bird with the head of a dog and the claws of a lion
- The Shedu / Lamassu of ancient Sumeria were heavenly protective deities with the head of a man or woman, wings, and the body of bull or lion and were seen as servants of higher gods and protectors of households.
- From the Book of Revelation, chapter 13:1 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
- And from the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1:5-11: "In the center of it were also the figures of four creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the figures of human beings. However, each had four faces, and each of them had four wings; the legs of each were [fused into] a single rigid leg, and the feet of each were like a single calf's hoof; and their sparkle was like the luster of burnished bronze. They had human hands below their wings. The four of them had their faces and their wings on their four sides. Each one's wings touched those of the other. They did not turn when they moved; each could move in the direction of any of its faces. Each of them had a human face [at the front]; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right; each of the four had the face of an ox on the left; and each of the four had the face of an eagle [at the back]. Such were their faces. As for their wings, they were separated: above, each had two touching those of the others, while the other two covered its body."
- Ezekiel 41:18-19: "It consisted of cherubs and palm trees, with a palm tree between every two cherubs. Each cherub had two faces: a human face turned toward the palm tree on one side and a lion's face turned toward the palm tree on the other side. This was repeated all over the Temple"
- The Tikbalang from Philippine Mythology has the body of a man, but with the head and feet of a horse. Its legs are so long that when it sits down, its knees are above its head. Some legends also give it a mane of spikes. They are known for messing with travelers by shapeshifting into someone's relative, but if you find the right one, you can control it and ride it through the sky.
- Dragons, across all cultures and myths, are this to some extent.
- A long, or Chinese dragon, is said to have the head of a camel, horns of a deer, eyes of a demon, neck of a snake, belly of a clam, scales of a carp, claws of an eagle, palms of a tiger, and ears of a cow. They often sport beards and/or whiskers as well. Similar or identical creatures under different names, such as the ryus of Japanese Mythology or the ryongs of Korean Mythology, feature in most East Asian mythologies. Legend has it that this appearance was created when the first emperor took the heraldic animals of the states he had conquered and put parts of them together.
- The dragons of Ancient Greece and Rome were quite diverse in appearance, but were generally a combination of snakes, birds and dogs.
- The Welsh Dragon is a combination of multiple animals. It has the head and jaws of a wolf, the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, and the legs and talons of a hawk.
- Chinese Mythology:
- Kirins are traditionally depicted as creatures with the general characteristics of a long but with the body plan and cloven hooves of ungulates. As such, they usually resemble deer- or ox-like creatures with the scales and fangs of reptiles. It's worth noting that, although they are consistently described as draconic or dragon-like, at least one giraffe is known to have been identified as a kirin when brought to China during the reign of the Ming dynasty. Qilins of much the same description also feature in Japanese mythology.
- Longma, also known as the dragon-horse, are depicted as winged horses with dragon scales and heads. There's also the Longgui, or dragon turtle.
- The Jersey Devil — body and head of a horse, legs of a stork, wings of a bat, horns, and a devil-like tail.
- The Ars Goetia portrays many of the demons bound by Ham and Solomon as manifesting in this way. Examples are Zagan and Haagenti (gryphon-winged bulls...although how you're supposed to tell those are gryphon wings and not eagle wings is anyone's guess), Marchosias (she-wolf with a snake's tail and gryphon wings), and Ipos (lion with a goose's feet and head and a hare's tail).
- In German, there's the common term of the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau or egg laying wool-milk-sow, the holy grail of farmers and by extension any manufacturing business. One animal (or product) that produces absolutely everything and addresses anything the customer might wish for. Some people made pictures of it
- The worst of all? The Tarasque of French folklore. It had the head of a lion, the body of a bull, the shell of a tortoise covered in spikes, six bear legs, and the tail of a serpent with a fish's fin. Doesn't much look like its Dungeons & Dragons counterpart.
- Hindu Mythology brings us the Makara, a sea creature with the body of a crocodile, the trunk of an elephant, the paws of a lion, and the tail of a fish with a peacock's feathers at the end of it. Some versions also add a boar's tusks, a monkey's eyes, or a stag's antlers. And if that wasn't enough, it's also often depicted with a serpent emerging from its mouth.
- In The Mahabharata, the Navagunjara had the head of a peacock, the body of a zebu, a snake for a tail, and four different legs - back left was a tiger's, back right a deer's, front left an elephant's, and front right was a human arm (the last usually shown raised off the ground and holding a lotus flower). It was encountered by the hero Arjuna, who was quick to raise his bow at the unfamiliar beast until he realized it meant no harm, upon which the creature revealed itself to be a form taken on by the god Krishna to test him.
- Japanese Mythology:
- There is a chimerical creature called the Nue, with the body of a dog, the legs of a tiger, the face of a monkey, the tail of a snake, and the voice of a thrush. Famously the Emperor Konoe suffered nightmares, and one of his servants noticed a black cloud hanging over the palace. The servant shot an arrow at the cloud and out of it fell the monstrous Nue.
- Also from Japanese myth is the Baku, a Dream Stealer with the head of an elephant, the body of a bear, the limbs of a tiger, the ears and eyes of a rhinoceros, and the tail of an ox. In fact, it is said that the first Baku was created by the gods from spare parts left over from the creation of all other animals.
- The Ushi-Oni, a coastal monster resembling a Giant Spider with the head of an ox and the limbs of a crab. It is often seen with another Mix-and-Match Critter, the Nure-Onna, a giant snake with a woman's head and arms, working in tandem to catch humans to eat.
- The Kotobuki has features from every animal of the Eastern Zodiac: head of a rat, horns of an ox, belly of a tiger, ears of a rabbit, neck of a dragon, tail of a snake, mane of a horse, beard of a goat, front limbs of a monkey, comb of a rooster, back limbs of a dog, and back of a pig. Due to its combination of features and the fact its name means "congratulations" in Japanese, it is considered an auspicious beast associated with protection and good fortune.
- Inuit Mythology has the Akhlut, a malevolent spirit that often takes the form of a wolf/killer whale hybrid. Myths of it vary widely, but most agree on the fact that it preys upon humans.
- Arthurian Legend: The Questing Beast has the head of a snake, the body of a leopard, the legs of a deer, and the tail of a lion. If you think about it, it sounds a lot like a giraffe, which some scholars have suggested as what the creature is based on.
- The Wolpertinger
has a body comprising various animal parts — generally wings, antlers, tails and fangs, all attached to the body of a small mammal. The most widespread description portrays the Wolpertinger as having the head of a rabbit, the body of a squirrel, the antlers of a deer, and the wings and occasionally the legs of a pheasant.
- The Grootslang is a creature from South African folklore that resembles a cross between an elephant and a venomous snake (two of the most dangerous animals on the savanna). Though according to its legend, it was technically first; elephants and snakes came from the gods splitting the other grootslangs up into the two, realizing they had screwed up in creating something that horrible; they just missed one. Notably, however, this chimeric version appears only in modern (i.e., late aughts and later) works and internet folklore; earlier accounts by folklorists and historians consistently depict it as just being a very large snake, sometimes with diamonds for eyes, and make no mention of any splittings.
- The Ahool is a cryptid from Southeast Asia described as a hybrid of a monkey and a bat.
- Many Fearsome Critters of American Folklore. Asides the famous rabbit-deer known as the Jackalope, there's also:
- The Hodag. Exactly what kind of animal parts are in there vary, but one source gives it "the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end".
- The Shagamaw resembles a bear with the hindquarters of a moose. It alternates between walking on its forelegs and its hind legs in order to confuse hunters.
- The Upland Trout is a fish with wings, while the Bildad is half-beaver, half-duck, and a better swimmer than either.
- One African myth (exactly which culture it comes from has never been revealed) states that, when the rest of the animal kingdom had been made, the Creator noticed he had some parts left over; so, in a burst of originality, he stuck the horns of a Cape buffalo, the beard of a goat, the legs of a gazelle, and the face of a mule onto the body of a horse. Thus, so the story goes, was the origin of the wildebeest.
- Some of the Hadiths (sayings and deeds of Muhammad) mention Dabbat Al-Ard, the Beast Of The Earth, who will show up on judgment day. Said beast is described as a gigantic monster with the feet of a camel, wings of a bird, head of an ox, ears of an elephant, and the tail of a ram.
Tabletop Games
- Arduin: Vroats have the bodies of gigantic toads and the heads of crocodiles.
- Champions: The Alien Wars supplement for 5th edition has the Xenovores, originally created via genetic manipulation to survive a nuclear holocaust no matter what. If they encounter a new race that has a potentially useful trait, expect a new subrace of Xenovores to show up soon with that trait.
- The Dark Eye: Chimerology, the practice of fusing multiple animals' natures into a single being, was a widespread and respected science in the past, but has since fallen into disfavor. A successful chimera is typically considered to be one which blends wildly different creatures and does so elegantly and efficiently, and preferably one that can be put to some practical use. Almost all chimeras are sterile and cannot breed on their own, but some are fertile enough to have established stable wild populations. Examples include manticores (human face, lion body, scorpion tail) and wolf lizards (wolves with lizard scales, tails and tongues).
- Dungeons & Dragons: Creatures like this are extremely common in the various settings. Some are natural occurrences, or as natural as things get in most D&D worlds, but most are explicitly identified as the creations of ancient wizards, demon lords and gods.
- Displacer beasts are six-legged panthers with tentacles on their shoulders.
- Owlbears have owl heads, feathered and taloned forelegs, and bear hindquarters. They're generally taken to have been the creations of some mad wizard.
- Chimeras have the head, wings and tail of any one of the five species of chromatic dragon, the forelegs and a second head of a lion, and the hindlegs and a third head of a ram or goat. They were created when the demon lord Demogorgon visited the material plane and, unimpressed with the local creatures, fused some of them into a new species of many-headed monsters. Gorgimeras are a further variant that replaces the goat parts with those of a metal-plated bull.
- Griffons and hippogriffs are, as in mythology, half eagle and, respectively, half lion and half horse.
- Kruthiks were created by magically fusing insects and drakes, and are fairly even blends of arthropod and reptilian traits.
- An article
on this in Dragon Magazine describes the armadillephant, dragonfly turtle, duckbunny, moat cat (newt plus puma), spider-horse, and venom dog (mastiff plus scorpion). Why duckbunny? Just because it's a good idea to practice with something less deadly than owlbears.
- In 3rd Edition, templates made it easy for DMs to Mix and Match their own custom-made game critters.
- The cavalcade of "Half-Something" templates combined with the weird sense of humor gamers tend to have ensures that whatever can be spawned with D&D 3+ tools will be spawned. Whatever cannot be spawned, thanks to the stated rules, will be spawned anyway — but put in separate cage with the disclaimer "it cannot be made because of rules, but if it could, it would be like that". The clear implication being that nothing but limitations in rules prevents things like the Half-Dragon Werewolf, the Ooze Vampire, or the Angel/Demon.
- A Prestige Class, the Master Transmogrifier in 3.5 can do this, combining the traits of at least two creatures when using a polymorph or shapechange spell, such as combining a squid's tentacles with a dragon.
- Fighting Fantasy: The Citadel of Chaos features two monsters: one with a wolf's head and an ape's body, the other precisely the reverse.
- Gene Storm: The game is set in a post-apocalyptic setting where a bioweapon caused organisms in close physical proximity to exchange genes. Players can be anything from nearly human to some unholy blend of human, animal, and plant.
- In Nomine: In celestial form, Cherubim look like various animals, usually mammals, with the wings of birds.
- Low-Life: The tizn'ts are sentient mashups of... anything. The race's name comes from an attempt to categorize them, as in: "Tizn't a Bodul, tizn't a Horc, tizn't a toy car, tizn't a rubber ducky, tizn't a..."
- Magic: The Gathering:
- The Alliances set has the Phelddagrif
, a winged hippo with a lot of weird abilities. It was later followed with the Questing Phelddagrif
. The Phelddagrif, mind, is a deliberate in-joke. Its name is an anagram of "Garfield, Ph. D." after the creator of Magic. That said, Magic has played with the 'build your own creature from individual parts' concept from time to time — the chimeras from Visions come to mind, for one.
- Magic also has pegasi, merfolk, human/elephant loxodons, human/lion leonin, human/tiger nacatl, human/bird aven (and Winged Humanoid angels), werewolves (which are a major race in Innistrad), and anything in Phyrexia, such as Tsabo's spidery cybernetic legs. When Phyrexia is done, you will be an example as well.
- In Return to Ravnica, the Simic League have discarded their old methods of Bio-Augmentation in favor of mixing two critters into one. A being created in this manner is called a "krasis". Examples of these creatures are a crocodile-frog hybrid
and a fish-crab that walks on six legs
"Eh, needs more toad."
— Gulistan, Simic biomancer
- In the Unstable set, the Crossbreed Labs faction is focused on splicing together different creatures (including themselves) to improve them and for self-expression. Their cards tend to have bizarre combinations of creature types such as "Spider Monkey Scientist" and "Raccoon Lizard Bird". There's also a mechanic called augment letting players create their own hybrid monsters by combining a host creature with parts of another creature, resulting in such things as steam-powered iguanas, half-monkey-half-ponies, and half-kitten-half-kittens.
- Ikoria is home to a tremendous variety of chimeric creatures — bird-winged goats and foxes, bat-winged lions, wolves with cetacean tails and dorsal fins, hippos with the tails and back plates of stegosaurs...
- The Alliances set has the Phelddagrif
- Pathfinder: Chimeric creatures are extremely common, and usually have supernatural origins.
- Some mismatched monsters, such as manticores and the classical chimera, are associated with the monster goddess Lamashtu and believed to ultimately descend from her.
- Owlbears are generally believed to have been the creations of a wizard with too much time on his hands. Skvaders (rabbits with the tails and wings of grouse) and wolpertingers (skavders, but also with antlers) are thought to have been rest runs in hybridization by the same people who made owlbears.
- It's not uncommon for alebrijes to sport traits of multiple different creatures; they most often have wings of some sort, even if their base animal doesn't. The example given, for instance, is a lion with butterfly wings.
- Ponyfinder:
- Griffons have the front halves of meat-eating birds, usually raptors, and the back halves of felines. It's noted in the griffon splatbook that, even in families, it's rare that two griffons will look alike, as they are that prone to diversity in which avian or feline they resemble. Certain aspects do have certain species associated with them (snow owls and snow leopards for the Snow aspect, vultures and ravens for the Carrion aspect, lions for Pride aspect, sea eagles and otters for the Sea aspect, etc), but even then it's not guaranteed.
- Hippogriffs are slightly more stable, in that their rear half is always clearly an equine, but their forehalves are just as variable as their griffon parents.
- Purrsians look like cats with avian wings. Purrsian/pony hybrids have the forequarters of a purrsian and the hindquarters of a pony.
- The famous historical figure Shifting Wind is a magically transformed hybrid of pegasus and kitsune, leading to a somewhat vulpine-looking pegasus with multiple lashing fox tails.
- Satyrs are human with some extra traits from the waist up and a pony, purrsian or ruminant from the waist down.
- It's unclear if certain ruminants are either partially cloven or pony, or if their blood bears mystical impurities that will lead them to evolving into either race. Either way, ruminants with the Cloven Creator or Pony-Touched impurities are visually a blend of deer with either goat or pony, so much so that they can actually pass themselves off as members of the other race to a casual observer.
- Rifts:
- The gwylack is a Mexican red-kneed tarantula the size of a pickup truck with a scorpion's tail ending in a stinger that's also a spinnerette.
- The grigleaper is a lizard-like alien reptile with six legs, an insectoid exoskeleton and retractable tentacles in its palms.
- Shadowrun 4th Edition has this, with more rules on Mix-and-Match Critters given in Running Wild. This includes critters who are dangerously magical, technomantic, or cybered.
- The Unofficial Hollow Knight RPG: The game uses a Point Build System meant to allow players to play as almost any species of bug they can think of by combining relevant traits (such as combining the Pincers, Stinger, and Prehensile Tail traits to make a scorpion); but there's nothing stopping players from making a character that posesses physical traits from all sorts of different arthropods, such as a bug with no shell, several dozen legs, a scorpion's tail, wings, and the ability to spin webs.
- Warhammer 40,000: The Kroot are an odd example, as while they don't look like this on the outside — they're fairly straightforward humanoid avians with a "mane" of quills and no feathered — they do end up looking like this on the inside. They have the ability to incorporate into themselves useful traits from the creatures they eat, which often results in organs, glands and more complex systems being incorporated into them more or less unchanged. As a result, a Kroot's internal anatomy is a patchwork of alien organs, many of which don't even share the same biochemistry — Kroot circulatory systems are fairly complex as a result, as they may need to distribute iron-based blood to one organ, copper-based blood to another and more exotic fluids to others still.
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The most werecreatures' various forms are pretty straightforward man/beast in varying proportions (usually man→man with animal traits→three metre tall animal-man that bites people's heads off→Dire Beast→animal). The Moloke werelizards' warform, however, isn't a generic human/crocodile mix, but a customizable chimera of various contemporary, prehistoric or not-at-all-historic scaled monstrosities. The chapter detailing the rules might as well be titled "Kaiju Creation For Dummies".
Theme Parks
- Universal Studios:
- Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem has a scene where Gru plays clips of his early tests of his "Minion Gun", one of these clips showing the gun causing two people to be turned into human/Minion hybrids, and another into an Minion/elephant hybrid.
- The theme for one of the scarezones/haunted houses at Halloween Horror Nights in 2002 was based around a twisted version of Jurassic Park, where a rogue InGen scientist combined the genetics of several unwilling human victims with the genetics of various dinosaurs and other animals. The result was a bunch of horrifyingly grotesque human/dino mutants, such as a half-man/half-Dilophosaurus and a half-man/half-Triceratops.
- BIONICLE: The Rahi Nui, a critter only known by its description, since it was never released as a toy. Nevertheless, the animals that make it up have been seen, so we can guess what it might look like: its head is that of a Kane-Ra bull, it has the body and back legs of a Muaka tiger (which technically only has one pair of legs), the powerful arms of a Tarakava lizard, the wings of a super-sized Nui-Rama wasp and the stinger tail of a Nui-Jaga scorpion.
- According to the back-story of the Jurassic Park 'Chaos Effect
' toy line, InGen hybridized various extinct species (whose genetic material was presumably just lying around) because why not? Most fans disliked the premise and considered this a "very ugly" toy line (the garish paint jobs didn't help), but they did have a cult following. The hybridized dinosaurs included:
- "Magna Morph" toys are animals made of separate body parts held together by magnets, and so can be disassembled and reassembled into interesting combinations. Stephen Colbert pointed out that the set includes a grizzly bear and a bald eagle, which means it's theoretically possible to create a Greagle — "Aah! Kill it! Kill it!"
- Transformers: The "Fuzors", Maximals and Predacons from the Beast Wars line. Their beast modes are combined from two different animals, which make some weird combinations, like Injector (lionfish/hornet), Buzzclaw (mantis/lizard) and Air Hammer (hammerhead shark/hawk). While the line had several, only twonote would appear in the animated series.
- The Wuzzles makes insect/mammal creatures cute and cuddly, rather than an unholy vision from H. R. Giger's nightmares.
Visual Novels
- Shall We Date?:
- Based on his description, Raizo from Mononoke Kiss is clearly meant to be a Nue. Unlike the thoroughly malevolent Nue of Wizardess Heart, he's a geniunely good guy and protects the protagonist.
- Chimeras and Nue both appear in Wizardess Heart.
- Tavern Talk: According to the Lorebook, Zephir's pet sheepfish Rufus is a black sheep with fins and a fish tail.
Examples by author:
- Andrew Hussie:
- Homestuck:
- Mooks encountered in the Medium (imps, ogres, basilisks, etc) assume various combinations of features (and included powers) from the players' prototyped sprites when they enter. In the kids' session it's a mix of harlequin outfits from Nannaquin, wings and a sword from Seppukrow, cat features and tentacles from Jaspers, and dog features and various levels of Reality Warper powers from Becquerel. The royalty of Prospit and Derse take on all the prototyped features at once through their Requisite Royal Regalia, and any Prospitian or Dersite can use said regalia. This is taken to an extreme in the trolls' session when they accumulate twelve separate prototype features including some nearly gamebreaking psychic abilities that made the Black King almost unbeatable.
- The lusi, alien animals that are responsible for raising young trolls, often resemble mixes of various Earth animals. Examples include Aradia's, which resembles a kangaroo with a ram's head; Tavros', a small bull with insect wings; Gamzee's, a giant goat with fish hindquarters; and Dammek's, a panther with deer antlers referred to as a "cuspidated grimalkin".
- Humanimals, one of Hussie's earlier works, is devoted to exploring this trope and all its potential Mundane Utility implications — as well as subtle, playful satire of Furry Fandom. Equius's lusus Aurthour and some of Dirk's work are a Shout-Out to this.
- Homestuck:
Examples by title:
- 8-Bit Theater:
- "I'm sorry, no I won't take it. If we accept orc zombies, then we open the gate to all kinds of crap. What's next? Centaur dragons? How about demon fairies? Maybe buffalo elves? Heck, why not whale vultures?"
(For those who are confused as to why the image of the whale vulture seems to be a whale with robot legs, this is because the "vulture" in question is a BattleMech.)
- And as the title suggests: Badger-Snakes?
- "I'm sorry, no I won't take it. If we accept orc zombies, then we open the gate to all kinds of crap. What's next? Centaur dragons? How about demon fairies? Maybe buffalo elves? Heck, why not whale vultures?"
- In The Adventures of Shan Shan, a winged lion
- Battle Kreaturez: many of the titular Mons are designed this way. Notable examples include Geksaur, which combines attributes of lizards and dinosaurs; Scuthon, which combines traits of boas, pythons and crocodilians; and Silkiure, which resembles a furry wingless dragonfly/hornet/moth.
- Sheen, the main character of The Bedfellows, is a cat/dog hybrid.
- Beyond the Canopy has spider crabs which (unlike Real Life spider crabs) are giant spiders with crab claws. There's also a brief appearance by deer that have small trees in place of antlers.
- Children of Eldair: The elves use some kind of horse-deer-goat things as mounts.
- The Comic Adventures of Left & Right: Owldog is the result of "unspeakable owl/dog atrocities."
- Commander Kitty: Zenith is an incredibly lifelike robot who has a face like some sort of canine, rabbit ears, a feline tail and markings, and a snake's tongue
, all of which were chosen as qualities of a "perfect female"
. Her minions also tend to look like bizarre mash-ups
, having been made from spare parts of the people she's captured.
- Creatures of Zenith has the Mechabiotitanollante, one of the original Zenith Demons from the NES Godzilla Creepypasta, but given a name befitting of its hybrid status. It has the legs and tail of Titanosaurus, the upper body of Mechagodzilla and the head of Biollante.
- Dissonance takes a relatively realistic approach to this—Pandora has traits of three different kinds of caniform, in addition to traits not typically found in that suborder, but it's definitely its own creature rather than a mix of the others. The protagonists are currently clueless as to what it could have evolved from (having dismissed genetic engineering, and only joked about aliens.)
- Dragon Mango: One of the many main characters summoned a hippogryff -- half-hippopotamus, half-griffin.
- El Goonish Shive with its chimerae and Transformation Rays. This is taken to another level involuntarily with Vlad/Vladia being created from DNA from several bats, owls, hawks and a leopard in addition to human and an alien. Technically, Vlad should be able to change form at will, but the stress of doing so could very well kill him which is why he was so happy when Ellen accidentally transformed him into a human girl. It's voluntary with Grace, who can mix and match aspects from any and all of her continually growing number of forms. Jeremy, The Verres' pet "cat", has hedgehog spines — this would probably get some weird looks, but everyone in town is used to Tedd's experiments by now. Raven has a similar cat. Also, this
critter in a filler sketch.
- Enemy Quest has the Skut, speedy rodent-lizard hybrid critters with six eyes and acid for blood. An individual Skut is actually a single personality and intellect spread over multiple bodies.
- Erfworld has the Unipegataurs, which are Winged centaurs with tiny horns on their foreheads.
- The Fifteen Minds comics feature several examples of combo critters.
- One panel in Blue Moon Blossom takes place under the sea and shows cephalopods with a cat's head in the place of their mantle (the main body of an octopus, which we think of as their "heads"), and another species with little protrusions on the mantle that look like bear's ears, plus a Lamprey Mouth.
- In Legend of Legendary Mighty Knight, the protagonist's mount resembles a car-sized slug with pale gray coloring evoking a ghost... with the head of a cat. Small crocodilians with wings like flies and sticky tongues like frogs can also be seen in the background.
- Muut from Gunnerkrigg Court is shown as a human with the head and feet of an owl (the original character from Cahuilla Native American myth was just a giant owl). Gunnerkrigg Court has also featured the classical Minotaur as a character.
- Heroes of Thantopolis: Xisea has the body of a spider and the head of a cat. Surprisingly adorable in practice.
- Inverloch and The Phoenix Requiem have D'akor: goat-wolves. In the former comic, they're humanoid; in the latter, they're just wolves with goat horns.
- In Irritability, Exoth keeps a stock of modular chimaera parts in one of his labs that can just be snapped together.
- Kevin & Kell has a few examples, due to Interspecies Romance coming into play:
- Coney: essentially a wolf in a rabbit body.
- Turvy: a bat with hedgehog quills. (Or possibly a hedgehog with bat wings, her mother the geneticist says both are valid.)
- Savanna: a lion with the large body structure of a rhino (so large that her mother had to have a c-section) and a horn that can retract like a lion's claws.
- No one, however, could ever explain the half-fennec fox, half-rabbit Francis though, and he eventually spontaneously turned human anyway.
- One wizard in Looking for Group made this his calling card. Richard gleefully grabbed as many species as he could, alive no less (to be fair, the owl-octo-hydra-stoner-bear is almost as cool as a giant kraken). Turns out that the wizard's mage guild didn't like it and turned him into a self-duplicated-and-mixed Humanoid Abomination as punishment:think Dynah, but with ass. Except more ass. *shudder*
- Mountain Time:
- The snailbear somehow manages to combine this with Fauxlosophic Narration.
- Also the Lirus, which is a lion mixed with a virus.
- The Pelican Cello, which is, well... you figure it out.
- Nixvir: Squid-moose-lions, which have squids as heads, while having the bodies of moose and a lion's mane. Erik and Oriel barely survive encountering one at the beginning of Chapter XIII.
- The Order of the Stick:
- Since the strip is explicitly set in a world based on Dungeons & Dragons, naturally it takes this one on
- Roy questions the existence of a brontosaurus. He is told that if hippogriffs can exist, why not an apatosaurus with the head of a camarasaurus?
- Since the strip is explicitly set in a world based on Dungeons & Dragons, naturally it takes this one on
- The Princess Planet often have whole strips devoted to Princess Christi and other princesses trying to outdo each other by showing all ever weirder Mix-and-Match Critters than the other.
- The Redacverse:
- Arachnocurrillas are sasquatch-like creatures with giant spider legs.
- The Fly-Touch spell turns anyone into a half-fly hybrid. It gets used on an arachnocurrilla.
- Runaway to the Stars:
- Chimeric GMO pets are fairly common among humans. One of the most common variants are chabbits — aka Easter bunnies, skvaders, or boultry — which are rabbits with the wings and hindquarters of chickens. They were originally created as a novelty living Easter Bunny, but they became a popular livestock animal on space colonies because they're relatively small, reproduce very quickly, produce both meat and eggs, and only need grass as food to survive.
- GMH or genetically modified humans are often created to have extensive animal features, anything from being an anthropomorphic cat to the complicated multi-species chimerae known as dragons, but all are still considered "humans".
- Sparklecare: Kitter Catter is a cross between a cat and a caterpillar.
- Spontaneous Combustion: Swift, Gabriella, and the recently announced "badger-squirrels" that are all animal combinations. Swift is a variety of fast creatures (cats and rodents can be seen) and Gabriella is an amoeba-girl (and an oxymoron).
- Tower of God: Several animals, most notably the Bull, an amphibian bipedal flounder-like predator with skin flaps like a gliding lizard and a lure like an anglerfish, the Barnacle Goblin, a creature with a crocodiles head and a humanoid body that sprouts giant barcnacles from its back and the Mangdol Whales, extremely cute mixes of dolphins and seals.
- Triquetra Cats takes this trope to the extreme with Splio Beasts — animals which are ultimately the genetic crossbreed of every known member of the animal kingdom all mixed into one.
- Wondermark gives us the majestic Piranhamoose
. Awesome.
- xkcd has the Omnitaur
, which has the tail of a fish, the back legs of a lion, the torso of a snake, shark, bull, and dragon, the front legs of a horse, the neck of a leopard, the upper neck and horns of a ram, the head of a human, and the face of a bird.
- When Meegs from Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic tried to call up a griffon as a familiar, she got a cat-sized "griffon" with the body of a kitten and the head, wings and claws of a parakeet.
- In Yokoka's Quest, a lot of the critters and creatures are a mix of two things: snake-centipede, mushroom-frog, hawk-wolf, red panda-sloth, to name a few.
Web Originals
- Most, if not all, of the animals in The 99 Rooms.
- Amphiterra features a parallel universe where frogs are the dominant species. As such, they fill the niches of other animals, such as the Tree Frixel, resembling a mix of tree frog and gibbon, the Marbled Snapapple which is similar to chameleons but has later forms like sea squirts, the Colonial Gobolin which are vaguely similar to garden eels crossed with meerkats, or the Catastrophic Fraggon, a large predator resembling a cross of a toad and a tyrannosaur.
- Athyrmagaia has a few examples, such as the Emperor Zouyu, an apex predator resembling a cross of a bird, a mantis and a lion, or the Tarrasque, an herbivore that looks like an ankylosaur crossed with an earwig. There are also the Boreal Oliphants, which with their intelligence and dexterity seem to mix both elephants and gorillas in their demeanor.
- The memetic Bearsharktopus.
- Bowser's Kingdom: The Dino Piranha in Episode 8 is the offspring of Steve the Piranha Plant and a Dino Rhino.
- British Cryptids:
- The Cumbrian Dregpike is a cryptid described as being a giant pike with a horse's hoofed hindlimbs and mane.
- The Stagmen meanwhile are more Deer-themed Beast Men.
- The furry roleplay City of Unity has this as a major plot point; as maintained by the Orwellian government, Hybrids, or Uni-Class (50/50 mix of two species), are held as the next step in evolution over the purebred Outer Class (single species).
- A few gems from DeviantArt:
- HumanDescent
loves doing digital manipulations of this nature.
- Meet the Baterpillar Farret!
- Humming-Gryphon!
- Kanga-lion!
- Eleffebit!
- And Girelephants!
- Bulldog-Shark!
- The mighty Llamalion!
- The Abomination!
(Horse, elephant, tiger, rhinoceros, deer, crocodile, parrot, babboon, rabbit and buffalo.)
- Chalicothere is fond of canine/fish hybrids like the Moray Corgi
- The Dogbunnyfroglemur!
- Dolphidile (dolphin/crocodile), cockager (tiger/cockatoo) and ralk (rabbit/elk)!
- The magnificent Elephenguin!
- A whole menagerie of platypus hybrids: Platypantheree
, the platypillar
(itself from the hybrid-happy Thomas Tapir), and the spectacular Dragifforse
(dragonfly, horse, giraffe, antelope, ostrich, cheetah, platypus, centaur, and more)!
- The fearsomeness on legs Antshark
- Crocoraffe (crocodile/giraffe)!
- Hellraptor has made a lot of these, including the Spinosaur-Alien
and a Tyrannosaurus/spider/scariest-parts-of-everything-ever hybrid
- Dragon/Tiger/Rooster/Horse!
- The ever-popular Butterfrog!
- Macadillo!
- The very sad Pandodo!
- Pelibat!
- A Cobra-Dragon!
- Zedonkasus!
- Batgasus!
- Kydor the Porcupus!
- The rare and magestic Anglerboon
- Pandafox!
- Cruxes
◊ are a somewhat less straightforward example, though still considered "hybrids".
- The almost-inevitable Spinohog
- A very different take on the Ultimasaurus concept
(see "Toys" above)
- The Duckbunny
- What little girl wouldn't want a My Little Caterpony
- Behold, the beautiful Pegaceratops
- And the glorious Pavotaur
- And the magnificent Sheenicorn
- The Walrolotl
: part walrus, part axolotl, the greatest animal that will never be.
- The Siberian Tigerpede
- Lepus Panthera
: jaguar and jackrabbit with a bit of goat and horse thrown in.
- Not everything is better with penguins.
- A Foxratbit
- The Valley of Siyyon
, populated as it is with centaurs, lends itself to this kind of thing — which leads to such characters as and Elephantaur
, Turtletaur
and (yes) a Hydrataur
- HumanDescent
- DSBT InsaniT: Mibirds are part monkey, part bird.
- Liords are part lion, part lizard.
- K-Seal is similar to a walrus, but has a horn like a narwhal.
- Screech has bird wings, blue-furred arms and legs, yellow claws and talons, red back spikes, a dark-blue spiked tail, a fireball-shaped head, and a body like a square rocket turbine. Wow.
Autmn: It's like a harpie and a lizard got stuck in a rocket with a fireball for a head.
- Furry Fandom: Lots of "fursonas" are this way, to the extent that there are bird-mammal hybrids, or fish-mammal hybrids, or insect-mammal hybrids. For whatever reason, part-wolves and part-Blue Jays tend to be especially popular, with griffon-like Jay/Wolves essentially being the Holy Grail of animal avatars. One strange instance had a character who consisted of a hyena crossed with a cuttlefish...
- Hamster's Paradise fills every conceivable niche with descendants of hamsters, such as the hammoth, a giant herbivore resembling a cross of bison and capybara with mammoth-like tusks that branch like moose antlers, the giraard, a giraffe-analogue hamster descendant that filled an aardvark-like insectivore niche, and the greater snoa, a member of the trunked macropod-like rhinocheirids that is best described as a cross between an elephant, a kangaroo, a mallard duck and a therizinosaur. In the Temperocene, this trope goes into full play with species such as the wingles, resembling a mix between lizard, hummingbird and butterfly, or the daggoths, resembling a cross between a centipede, a star-nosed mole and a naked mole rat.
- From Evil Kris' The Insanity flash games, we have Dr. Edgar Friendly, a cross between Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Moreau who kidnaps people and surgically creates human-animal hybrids he dubs "Vivisects" before posting videos of his work on the internet. The videos are usually taken down as per the rules of graphic content, but he still found a way to put them on shock sites and the dark web. Most of the "Vivisects" don't live long and the ones that do have to be given various medications and life support systems to keep themselves from dying and mind erasing drugs to ensure they are loyal to him. Dr. Friendly likes to name his creations after various mythological creatures such as Chimera, a werewolf-like creature; and Cthulhu, a squid-like creature who used to be a father and a husband named Lester. Dr. Friendly was inspired not only by fictional scientists such as Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Moreau, but also by real life scientists such as Josef Mengele, Shiro Ishii, Sergei Brukhonenko and Vladimir Deminkhov.
- The Nostalgia Critic: "PLATYPUS-BUNNY!"
- Pokémon:
- It's very common to find people on forums and art sites who like to do "Pokémon sprite splices", in which two or more Pokémon sprites are taken and edited to create a hybrid of said Pokémon, with artists then drawing
what they'd look like in "real life". These splices range from ANYTHING to Pikquaza, to Eevedactyl to Mewgong to Bulbatres.
- The "be strong for mother" meme comes from interpreting a Doduo / Weepinbell mashup as a guy forced to take care of his mentally disabled conjoined brother.
Weepinbell: do you love me brother
Doduo: Be strong Clarence. Be strong for Mother. - The Pokemon Fusion
website, which generates a hybrid from two selected Pokemon (it only covers the first 151 Pokemon, however). It has since become a Fountain of Memes for the ridiculous hybrid names it gives and the ridiculous appearances of these hybrids, and is sometimes a source of cool fusions. Highlights include:
- A screencap of Chode, a fusion between a Charizard and an Electrode. However, this is an edited image, as this fusion is named "Charitode" by the website and is more likely a joke about "chode", which is a slang term for a... vertically challenged penis (link to Urban Dictionary definition, slightly NSFW
- Slowbone, a fusion between a Slowpoke (or a Slowbro) and a Cubone.
- Zapdos, a fusion between a Zapdos and a Gyarados. Contrary to its name, it is not Shaped Like Itself — it has the body of a Gyarados and the face/head of a Zapdos.
- Gender, a fusion between a Gengar and a Shellder.
- Beemime, a fusion between a Beedrill and a Mr. Mime.
- Eew, a fusion between an Eevee and a Mew.
- Doom, a fusion between a Doduo and a Gloom.
- Weepinduo, a fusion between a Weepinbell and a Doduo, which produces the image of a yellow Doduo with one head being a regular Doduo head and the other being the head of a Weepinbell.
- Kingking, a fusion between a Kingler and a Nidoking, which also doubles as hilarious and awesome.
- Dragontales, a fusion between a Dragonite and a Ninetales.
- Cudrio, a fusion between a Cubone and a Dodrio, which, like the Weepinduo example, is a Dodrio, except the middle head is a skull, which has cued jokes that the Cubone head is demonic.
- Starlee, a fusion between a Starmie and a Hitmonlee, not to be confused with Starly.
- Math, a fusion between a Machamp and a Meowth.
- Farto, a fusion between a Farfetch'd and a Ditto. Also doubles as a Shout-Out to ProZD's joke about terrible Pokemon nicknames, in which a Pikachu had to accept being nicknamed Farto.
- Mr. Cool, a fusion between a Mr. Mime and a Tentacool.
- Blaster, a fusion between a Blastoise and a Cloyster, depicted as a Blastoise head in a Cloyster shell. Does This Remind You of Anything??
- Dora, a fusion between a Dodrio and an Abra.
- Cumer, a fusion between a Cubone and a Grimer. Unsurprisingly, it looks like someone underneath a white Grimer.
- Squirter, a fusion between a Squirtle and a Haunter.
- Pikachu, a fusion between a Pikachu and a Raichu, which looks like a Raichu but with Pikachu's color scheme.
- A screencap of Chode, a fusion between a Charizard and an Electrode. However, this is an edited image, as this fusion is named "Charitode" by the website and is more likely a joke about "chode", which is a slang term for a... vertically challenged penis (link to Urban Dictionary definition, slightly NSFW
- It's very common to find people on forums and art sites who like to do "Pokémon sprite splices", in which two or more Pokémon sprites are taken and edited to create a hybrid of said Pokémon, with artists then drawing
- The Rather Good Flash animation "Zoology Dragon"
is about a dragon that combines animals... into cubes.
- SCP Foundation: The Foundation has carefully secured this former barn
. It can even create mix-and-match plant life.
- Seldnac'Rae: While most Seldnacs follow the anatomy of just one species, it's possible to mix traits from different feline or canine species, and hybrid Seldnacs can also mix traits of felines and canines. In addition, different magics can alter a Seldnac's appearance, so a Seldnac with Flying magic may have wings, or one with Water magic may have a fish tail.
- Serina has canaries overrun a terraformed planet with no other competition. Over millions of years, they evolve into Fantastic Fauna Counterparts of different birds, such as the falocnaries and the sparrowgulls, and others take on forms such as the deer-like serezelles, the primate-like ornkeys and the aquatic fish-like eargills. There's also the tribbets, which resemble a mix of frog and mudskipper, which later give rise to bizarre terrestrial fish such as the aptly named multi-limbed spiderfrogs, to the tripedal mammal-like tribbetheres, which look like familiar mammals like canids or ungulates but with three legs and distinctly fish-like skull anatomy.
- SuperThings, fitting the Animate Inanimate Object nature of the lore, hybridizes the animals of the world with inanimate objects. Dogs in particular come in a large variety of objects, though Ron Ron, mixed with a bone, is the most recurring one. Cats are always mixed with yarn, mice with cheese, and worms are mixed with rope. The toyline would add onto this trend through the Wild Kids and Evolution series.
- Some UniCreatures are hybrids, including Capricious (goat/dragon,) Felic ("cowbunnyhorse") and Diani (deer/wolf).
- Whateley Universe: At Whateley Academy, stuff like this is a common problem among the students. Diamondback is half human, half twenty-foot-long snake. Harpy is... a harpy. Psydoe is half deer. Gila is half lizard. Razorback is half velociraptor.
- Zoofights features a few of these, notably the infamous SwanMass (it kept absorbing things and just wouldn't die) and Heart of Darkness
/ Hyperfauna
(who might also be SwanMass).