Moose and Maple Syrup - TV Tropes

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Moose and Maple Syrup (trope)

"In Canada, you can go to an all-nude strip club and order alcohol. That's right. From Moose Jaw to the Bay of Fundy, you can suck down a 20-ounce Pilsner while watching some coal miner's daughter strip down to her pelt. Jealous?"

Robin Scherbatsky, How I Met Your Mother (Worth noting: you can do this in one spot in Vegas or anywhere in Oregonnote .)

In accordance with Canada's official policy of bilingualism, this page is also available in French.
En accord avec la politique officielle du bilinguisme canadien, cette page est également disponible en français.

Talk aboot the trope here, eh?

In American media, Canada is a sweet, quirky and slightly backwards version of America. It's as if you took everyone from Minnesota, gave them an obsession with hockeynote  (OK, it's practically an unofficial religion), and made that an entire country. Everybody's white (except the First Nations)note , and if someone's last name isn't French, then they have a Scottishnote  name.note 

Eeeeeh, Canadians eat nothing but Kraft Dinner (which is Canadian for "macaroni and cheese"), Tim Hortons coffee, doughnuts,note  poutinenote , and Canadian... er... peameal bacon (American "Canadian bacon" is actually completely different from peameal and is not actually popular in Canada). Anglophone Canadians all speak with a stereotyped West/Central Canadian English accent, putting "eh" at the end of questions or affirmationsnote , and prominently raising the "ou" in aboot every word containing it. Also, as per the page image, Canadians are famed for shamelessly holding their maple syrup jugs on the non-handle sidenote .

The army consists of a guy with a BB gun mounted on a moose, the Royal Canadian Air Force a paper airplanenote , the coast guard a guy with a pair of binoculars and a rope, and the navy a guy in a canoe with a slingshot.note 

All policemen are Mounties, and they wear their 19th century-style red serge dress tunics and broad-brimmed Montana Peak hats constantly, even while on regular duty.

Canadian technology is always behind American tech.note  In fact, if it wasn't for the Americans, they'd have no culture at all. Canadians feel so dominated by US TV, films and music, that the Canadian government funds the production and broadcasting of Canadian content. As well, TV stations and radio stations have to broadcast a minimum amount of Canadian content. The country is also likely to be always covered in snow regardless what time of year it is.

Feel free to whack us Canucks over the head with a hockey stick. And doon't feel soarry aboot it, eh! We'll just apologize to you for possibly damaging your hockey stick, because that's the Canadian way, eh?

We Canadians have a great capacity to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously. In fact, we have the largest international comedy festival in the world and its associated long-running Candid Camera Prank show, Just for Laughs: Gags, is internationally syndicated in over 150 countries.

Oh, but remember: No matter how polite and well-mannered Canada seems to be, there are always some exceptions. To say nothing of Canada geese, which look majestic but are basically just flying shitting miniature velociraptors. Be afraid.

Useful Notes about non-fictional Canada now has their own page.

Also see Canada Does Not Exist, Canadian Equals Hockey Fan, Courteous Canadian, and Minnesota Nice for the American equivalent. And Crass Canuck for the uncouth Canadian.

No Real Life Examples, Please!

Examples, Eh?

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Anime & Manga, Eh? 

  • Charlotte (1977), a Shōjo that's notable for being the first anime in history to ever be set in Canada, plays many National Stereotypes straight. Canada is depicted as a snowy Arcadia full of big friendly animals. And of course, there are a lot of French.
  • In Hetalia: Axis Powers, Canada looks exactly like America except for a different haircut (his hair is somewhat longer, and his haircurl is longer with a curl near the end — kind of like the one the Italy brothers have), is extremely quiet, says "Maple" and/or "Maple Hockey" when surprised, is constantly mistaken for his brother, America, and no one really remembers him. He is usually invisible to other nations, who sometimes think the "other presence" in the room is a ghost. And then the last part is reversed, when he's the host of Hetaween 2011. And he even gets people to tell him how good his work is.
  • The Canadian Gundam from G Gundam is a giant wood cutter, as is its pilot. All we get to see of the actual country is a forest where... there is wood cut.
  • An episode of Medabots had a Canadian medafighter travel to Japan to challenge Ikki to a battle. At one point he mentions that the insane blizzard Ikki's town was experiencing would be seen as a "light dusting" back home. In the English dub, he also insists on ending every single sentence with "eh?", until...

    Ikki: Why do Canadians always say "eh"?!
    Canadian medafighter: We do?

  • Galaxy Express 999 visits a planet where everyone is oddly nice and determined to be helpful, and surreal, disconcerting, and suspiciously NFB-animated-short-like things keep happening. Tetsuro becomes increasingly convinced that the planet hides a terrible secret beneath its pleasant exterior, and seems to be vindicated when his and Maetel's passes are mysteriously lost. When they get returned to them just before the train leaves, he relents and apologizes to everyone for having been so suspicious of their intentions.
  • Downplayed with Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity, who's half Canadian and half Japanese. While he spent most of his life in Canada, he doesn't really show any Canadian stereotypes aside from apologizing a lot, having poutine as his favourite food, and being into snowboarding.

Comic Books, Eh? 

  • Nelvana of the Northern Lights: Nelvana is a defender of the Canadian north from Canada's golden age of comics. Many classic images or tropes that can identify a work as "Canadian" come from this era, such as a nearly constantly winter setting or characters based around the Northern Lights.
  • The Simpsons: One issue depicts Canada as a snowy, conifer-filled mountainous wasteland, where the locals all watch ice hockey and wear plaid jackets, while foreigners are made to work in the maple syrup mines in exchange for socialized healthcare, watched over by brutally efficient Mounties. Principal Skinner gets sent there by one of Bart's pranks, and eventually escapes by throwing a beaver into a Mountie's face.
  • Superboy and the Ravers: D.C. Force is the daughter of a Canadian family of metahumans that have a complex in the Canadian woods. They're all very kind, but prefer to keep away from costumed heroics, and steer towards aid for metahumans whose powers interfere with their medical treatment or require medical treatment, which D.C. rebels against. Her father and uncle pretty much always wear plaid shirts.

Comic Strips, Eh? 

  • Calvin and Hobbes: The Yukon Ho story line has Calvin seceding from his family to go live as a mountain man in northern Canada. He doesn't get very far, obviously, as he seems to assume that walking from his unspecified hometown (generally assumed to be Chagrin Falls, Ohio) to the Yukon will only take an afternoon, but he says that once he gets there he'll be able to hunt walruses.
  • Mark Trail: A lengthy story line was set in Canada and featured a Mountie named Sergeant McQueen who not only wore his red serge tunic at all times, but was clearly shown to have another red serge tunic hanging on his door, presumably in case the first one was damaged.
  • Peanuts: In one story line Charlie Brown runs away, but Sally finds him camping out on his pitcher's mound. When she asks him why he didn't go someplace farther from home, such as Canada, he tells her he was afraid of getting hit by a hockey puck.

Fan Works, Eh? 

  • In XSGCOM Canada is described — admittedly in jest to simple-minded offworlders — as a Death World. "They say [Sharp's] homeland is a frozen wasteland where the icy wind would cut you to the bone and where water only ever falls as snow, like it does here upon the mountaintops yonder..." "It is said the forests there are full of ferocious beasts with huge teeth and claws called bears, and that you must prove yourself worthy by defeating one with a traditional weapon of his tribe they call a hockey stick."
  • The series Boy Scouts ½ has one storyline where a group of Canadian terrorists seize control of Camp Moses in large part because they are living embodiments of this trope and don't like it. What exactly their goals were, and how seizing a Boy Scout camp in Western Massachusetts is supposedly the best way to accomplish their goals, is never quite made clear. As a Shout-Out, the terrorists are lead by a pair of brothers named Bob & Doug McKenzie.
  • Terry Pratchett decreed that no part of the Discworld should resemble any part of North America. However, the canon expanded to include Red Indians (Reaper Man), a suspiciously New Orleans-like Delta (Witches Abroad) and a pre-conquest Mexico (Eric), thus breaking his own rule. Fanfic author A.A. Pessimal added the land of Aceria note , which is Canada with all the knobs turned up. It includes transvestite lumberjacks, maple syrup, Mounties, stroppy Quirmian-speakers in L'Acerie Quirmienne and (to be able to encompass Country and Widdershins Music) has an Eagleland-like annex called "Lower Aceria" which has states rather than provinces. Aceria is growing with the fanon. Assassins' Guild School students from Quirmian Aceria and Rimwards Howondaland speak about the cultural differences between Home and Ankh-Morpork in fanfic The Prospectus.
  • Opalescent, like most Odd Squad fanfics, takes place in Toronto, where Precinct 13579 is located. At one point, Olive tries to help Otto find ideas for festive get-togethers with Opal, and when he latches on to the idea of snow ice cream, Olive realizes that it's too cold for ice cream. She then has to remind herself that she, Otto and Opal are all Canadian and they shouldn't worry because they're all used to the cold.
  • Total Drama Legacy is set in Canada, just like the TV show it's based on. One of its characters, Katherine, is described as "violently Canadian"; she has a thick accent, wears a toque, and ends her sentences with "eh". As evidenced by "After the Dive of Shame" her entire family is also like this.

Films — Animation, Eh? 

  • Brother Bear has Rutt and Tuke, two Canadian moose who speak 'eh?' most of the time, eh? Moreover, they are reminiscent of Bob and Doug McKenzie, who are portrayed by their voice actors Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, both of them actual Canadians.
  • Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken has the Gillmans, a family of krakens who claim to be from Canada as cover for their obviously non-human appearances. To this end, Ruby has a Canadian flag pin button on her bag (which when seen in a close up shot, the first 4 notes of the national anthem plays in the background) and says "eh" when she mentions being Canadian.
  • Toy Story 4 features Duke Caboom, voiced by the Canadian Keanu Reeves, a toy of "Canada's Greatest Daredevil". He has maple leaves all over his outfit and bike, his Leitmotif is O Canada, his previous owner was Francophone, and his catchphrase is "Yes I Can-a-da". His commercial shows a hockey rink playset in the background.
  • Turning Red:
    • The movie takes place in Toronto, Ontario,note  and is directed by a Canadian who grew up there so naturally it is filled to the brim with Canadian references. To start, there are plenty of shots of the CN Tower and 4*Townnote  is scheduled to perform at the SkyDomenote . A Daisy Mart convenience store is a recurring location. Toronto Transit Commission streetcars are seen frequently as are Canadian mailboxes and Ontario license plates. There is mention of hosers, Celine Dion, loonies, 3 provincesnote  and "grade 8"note . Miriam wears a plaid flannel shirt. Mei wears a maple-leaf shirt to bed, wears a toque with a maple-leaf design to school, has a Canadian flag pin button on her bag and has a Canadian flag sticker on her flute case. Ming sets a box of Tim Horton's donut holes on the table for breakfast; they also turn up at a party. Other foods like poutine, bagged milk, ketchup chips, and maple syrup also show up. Mei's school (named after Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson) features Canadian flags flying at its entrance, a classroom with a large Canadian flag on the wall, a music classroom with the first 4 bars of the national anthem on the wall, a French classroom, a geography classroom with a miniature Canadian flag flying at its entrance, a beaver as its mascot, Indigenous art in a display case and an announcement board stating that it's Canadian Indigenous People's History Month. Period accurate Canadian moneynote  is seen. Background characters are seen wearing clothing with maple leaves, Canadian flags, the phrase "oot & aboot", or referencing loons or the province of Quebec. Ming has a moose bobblehead on the dashboard of her car (which has a maple leaf as its front logo). Sports teams referenced include the Toronto Blue Jaysnote , the Toronto Raptorsnote  and the Toronto Maple Leafsnote . A Fictional Counterpart version of the MuchMusic logo appears. Phone numbers are seen that use the "416" area code. A billboard ad for Air Canada is seen. Even the 3 opening trash receptacles, ring-and-post bike stands and automated parking meters are accurate to Toronto. Finally, there's one person who actually say "Eh?" in the movie, the guy at the SkyDome ticket booth.note 
    • The spinoff manga 4★Town 4★Real reveals all five members of 4*Town hail from Canadian cities across the country: Robaire and Aaron Z. are from Toronto, Ontario; Jesse is from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; Tae Young is from Calgary, Alberta; and Aaron T. is from Vancouver, British Columbia. Thus, all the major provincial regions of Canada are represented: Central (Ontario), Atlantic (PEI), the Prairies (Alberta), and the West Coast (BC).
    • The Turning Red Event in Disney Magic Kingdoms, features even more Canadian references including mentions of: The Mounties (and specifically Sam Steele), the Klondike Gold Rush, Priya's father being a hockey fan, Casa Loma, Spadina Avenue, Toronto's Koreatown, the Maritimes (and specifically Nova Scotia), Mount Logan, the Bay of Fundy, and the Canadian government having MPs (Members of Parliament).
      • The Turning Red side quest, mentions Edmonton, Alberta.
      • The Miriam side quest "Shred It!" references the University of Toronto.
      • The Ming Lee side quest "Tyler's Parents' Party?" references the humorist Stephen Leacock.
      • The Abby side quest "Boba Time!" mentions Queen Street in Toronto.
    • The spinoff comicbook The New Adventures Of Turning Red Vol. 2: Panda Power, has a character who has a pet spider named Shania referencing Canadian country singer Shania Twain.

Films — Live-Action, Eh? 

  • A very early example from 1941 propaganda film, 49th Parallel. Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, both British, pulled out all the Canadian stereotypes, mostly good. There’s Scenery Porn up the yingyang, showing Banff, Niagara Falls, and the Prairies; there’s a French-Canadian fur trapper who sings French nursery rhymes; the Germans basically travel all across Canada meeting Native Americans, Hutterites, and average Canadians; there’s a quick shout out to RCMP and the CBC; and last, but not least, a native Torontonian pronounces Toronto like “Torrana”.
  • In Argo the Canadians help the US smuggle a group of embassy staffers out of Tehran after the embassy takeover. Which leads to a quite funny TV clip of a spokesman for the Iranian government swearing eternal vengeance on Canada with a look on his face saying nothing short of "WTF am I reading?"
  • Axe Murdering with Hackley: Hackley's boss, El Matador, is actually from Saskatchewan. He originally wanted to do a hockey player motif for his Serial Killer outfit, but someone else beat him to the punch. As a result, he had to go with another motif, and slapped together the Mexican wrestler get-up he now wears.
  • Played with in Bon Cop, Bad Cop. This is a movie in which the killer wears a hockey mask... in part because he's obsessed with hockey. Note that is an example of Canadians using their own stereotypes of their country, mostly those of Ontario and Quebec as seen by each other, to create the most "Canadian" movie ever made. Since it is the most lucrative Canadian movie ever, it can be said to have succeeded.
  • Cannibal Girls is unashamedly Canadian in setting, taking place in a small town called Farnhamville located somewhere in Ontario. A University of Toronto sticker and a Canadian flag are clearly visible in certain scenes, and the city of Toronto is referenced on multiple occasions.
  • Zig-zagged in Detention with Gord, Riley's uber-Canadian debate partner and an all-around jerkass who makes Riley wish that the stereotype of "polite Canadians" were true. Turns out he's not actually Canadian, though — or even human, for that matter.
  • La Grande Séduction, a Quebeçois movie about a small fishing town's attempt to convince a doctor to move there, and its English-language remake, The Grand Seduction, which moves the setting to Newfoundland, and gets most of its supporting cast from This Hour Has 22 Minutes and other CBC comedies. Both movies are chock full of jokes about rural Canada including random punctuation in the French version's town name and the entire town gathering for a hockey game but not for church.
  • Mon Oncle Antoine is a study of life in a rural Quebec mining town sometime around the mid-20th century. It has been named the greatest Canadian film ever made, twice by the Sight and Sound poll and three times by the Toronto International Film Festival.
  • My American Cousin set in the 1950s about a young Canadian girl infatuated by her visiting cousin, who represents American excitement (rock'n'roll!), compared to Canadian dullness.
  • In The President's Analyst, when the titular individual goes on the lam, along with being stalked by the FBI, the CIA and The Phone Company, he runs afoul of the Canadian intelligence service. They are very polite about abducting him and drugging him for classified info.
  • Canadian cities are sometimes seen as interchangeable, even by other Canadians. For instance, the movie A Problem with Fear is set in Calgary's underground subway system. Unfortunately for the film, Calgary does not have and has never had an underground subway system; the film was shot in Montréal, as the French-language ads in the background of many shots will attest. (And to be honest, having French-language ads in a movie supposedly set in Calgary is actually weirder than inventing a subway system.)
  • In Superman II, Lois and Clark go to Niagara Falls on an assignment, and the Canadian side of the falls—which is the side with all the hotels and observation decks—is presented as brightly-coloured and very clean.
  • Taking Lives is an American thriller set for no particular reason in Montréal, which you can tell because everyone speaks French from France and there's an establishing shot of the Château Frontenacnote . Having the Château Frontenac in Montréal is the equivalent of showing the Statue of Liberty in Buffalonote  (and having Quebeçois speak with French accents is the equivalent of New Yorkers speaking with British accents). The inaccuracies get worse from there. There doesn't seem to be any discernible reason to call in the FBI to do the RCMP's job, and somehow they've found a magical train that gets from Montréal to Fredericton in nine hours, a trip that normally takes about 22 hours.
  • The persistent mentioning that shots need to contain "more Canadian content" by the director in Windigo serves to spoof the Canadian obsession with having expressly Canadian movies to maintain their identity.
  • X-Men Film Series:
    • X-Men: Northern Albertans are depicted as rude, beer-loving, rough-and-tumble rednecks... And Wolverine.
    • X-Men Origins: Wolverine: After Logan quits Team X, he returns to Canada and works as a lumberjack, and even wears a flannel shirt in one scene. His old (American) boss tries to recruit him for a new mission, saying "Your country needs you!" Wolverine replies with a curt "I'm Canadian," and drives away.

Jokes, Eh? 

  • Robin Williams: "Canada is like having a loft apartment over a great party." Another version has him saying "a sweet apartment over a meth lab".
  • A variation on the above is that Canada's first Prime Minister is called that because when Canada became its own country, the politicians gathered to decide which of them would be the PM and someone suggested: "How about John, eh?"

Literature, Eh? 

  • The Blood Books and the Smoke and Shadows series by Canadian author Tanya Huff are set primarily in Toronto and Vancouver. She makes a point to occasionally lampshade Canadian life and behavior. For example, in Smoke and Shadows a wizard from another dimension discusses the conquest of her world by an evil wizard with the Canadian protagonist:

    Tony: I'm sorry.
    Arrah: About what?
    Tony: I'm not sure. It's a Canadian thing.

  • Blue Moose: The children's book features a chef who lives in the forest and whose café attracts laconic woodsman. A moose arrives, who speaks both French and English, and begins working as a waiter.
  • In the Discworld, there are occasional hints of a Canada-like place on the Disc, but any further realisation of this location died with the author. In the final book in the series, The Shepherd's Crown, there is mention of professional lumberjacks from a faraway country to the widdershins, who have moved to Lancre to operate a logging franchise, and who have brought some unique native customs of dress and clothing with them. The posthumously produced Compleat Discworld Atlas does describe a place called the Great Outdoors, which in context appears to be the Discworld's analogue of North America — both of Canada and of Eagleland.
  • British author Dick Francis' thriller The Edge, set on a cross-Canada train trip, which is generally respectful and affectionate but also features a character who literally does say 'eh' at the end of every freakin' sentence.
  • Canadian author Robert J. Sawyer likes playing with this, especially in Frameshift: "Britain is like Canada — socialized medicine.", "You really do that. You really say 'eh.' "
  • Hollywood's Canada, by Canuck media legend Pierre Burton, thoroughly and hilariously deconstructs Canada's image in American film (hint: most of the flicks mentioned were marketed as 'cool and refreshing' viewing for hot summer days). Contains, among others in the same vein, this wonderful quote from British actor Arthur Treacher: "I say, you'd have to be a pretty virile bloke to live there, wouldn't you?"
  • How to Be a Canadian, by Will and Ian Ferguson, is a novel-length deconstruction, subversion and general send-up of every Canadian stereotype in existence.
  • The science-fiction novel series MARZENA is written by KT Martel, who is originally from Quebec, Canada, the land of Neverending Winter. Transhuman Ambrosia also makes a brief reference that something terrible is happening North of the United-States. What could possibly be happening there?
  • Peacebreakers by Canadian-American writer Mindy Mackay both exemplifies and subverts this trope — set in Montréal, the book is about a bunch of terrible people who take over the country. Although they don't fit friendly Canadian stereotypes, they're all obsessed with hockey, poutine, and saying "eh".
  • Most of Robert W Service's stuff was written and set in the Gold Rush-era Yukon, presented as a hellish snowscape if you wander too far out of civilization. "The Cremation of Sam McGee" confirms a lot of Canadian stereotypes by presenting the inverse of them about Americans; Sam himself is "from Tennessee, where the cotton blooms and blows". He is presented as foul-mouthed and cranky, with far less tolerance for the cold than our Canadian narrator, although not too bad a guy.
  • The Trolls has Aunt Sally both poke fun at and provide true facts about Vancouver. For the record, no one in her stories say 'eh?'.
  • The Hockey Sweater is a true story about a boy who's forbidden to play hockey in his hometown simply over wearing a different sweater.
  • Surfacing (1972): The setting of the story is in the wilderness of northern Quebec, sometimes showing titles of places written in French. David even says "eh" at one point.

Live-Action TV, Eh? 

  • 30 Rock:
    • When the crew hired a new Canadian cast member for their fictional TV show, we saw a clip from his previous work, a Canadian high school football TV movie:

      Danny Baker: Alright hosers, I want all twelve of us fighting for every meter on all three downs! We're going to make this a Boxing Day the prime minister will never forget.

    • In another episode, Avery goes into labor in Toronto, and she and Jack decide to Run for the Border before their daughter is born a Canadian.

      Jack: You sell your milk in bags!
      Avery: Your pavilion at Epcot doesn't have a ride!

  • In one episode of The Adventures of Pete & Pete, Little Pete attempts to run away from home by riding a riding mower to Canada. A Mountie catches him at the border, hitches the mower to the back of his horse and drags him home that way.
  • The Canadian series of Big Brother.
    • While most series will occasionally allude to what country they are set in (Sometimes with a house design being based off of particular architectural styles), the Canadian edition has almost way too much fun with this trope. Not only is the house built completely indoors with the only outdoor area being the hot tub (And by their friends at The Brick dot Com!) but they will often dress the houseguests in the Canadian flag colors, have them compete in hockey-themed challenges, or give treats such as Poutine, Maple Syrup, Beavertails, and ketchup flavored potato chips.
    • The houseguests of course find the stereotypes hilarious and even join in themselves — Season 2 featured a Canadian flag that they all signed. Surprisingly, you don't hear a lot of "Eh?"s, although season 2 definitely features a lot of people with thicker Canadian Accents than the first season, which featured mostly people from Ontario. (Notable for Kyle, Jon, and Sabrina, whose East-Canadian and Francophone accents are definitely pronounced. Jon and Allison even got so drunk they spoke Newfie to each other.) Many of the Canadian viewers even get a chuckle, especially in the second season where the first words heard on the live feeds were "Where's the Maple Syrup?"
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine: It is a Running Gag that the NYPD detectives, their sergeant and captain snark at Canada or Canadians, emphasizing how nice and safe or boring and useless Canada is compared to Brooklyn. Sometimes Canada just plain sucks.
    • "The Slump": Rosa Diaz' advice to Jake about his slump and how to break his bad luck: "Fly to Montreal, hit a classy hotel bar, bone a stranger. Slump over." Jake is amazed.
    • "Tactical Village": During the simulation, a group of armed men entered an embassy and have taken hostages. Jake, who always loves to fill in details and craft a persona for himself for such operations, asks which embassy. Sergeant Jeffords says it doesn't matter, so Jake decides it's Canada.
    • "Fancy Brudgom" and subsequent episodes: Charles's fiancée Vivian got a job in suburban Ottawa. She wants him to retire from the NYPD and go with her... Suburban Ottawa's great, Charles says. It has everything Brooklyn does — other than his job and his friends and his family, his best friend Jake, interesting people, museums, restaurants, every other reason that he has to live. Ice-hockey and maple syrup are brought up, too, as conversation openers. Vivian is not into ice-hockey or sports, though.

      Jake: Do they even have pizza in Canada?
      Vivian: Yes! It's puffier and it's sweet. It's called Manitoba Sauce Cake.

    • "Halloween II": During the office heist, Charles says that Canada is one giant hiding place. There are so many forests up there.
    • In "Captain Peralta", Jake and Charles go to Drummondville, Quebec, to help Jake's estranged father who's a pilot and accused of smuggling prescription meds. Jake sings "O Canada, you home of crappy cops. Guess who just freed his dad from Canadian prison and slammed six free mimosas on the first-class flight home, sans the juice?" etc.

      Captain Holt: Nice job in Quebec. I bet the local cops weren't happy you showed them up.
      Jake: Maybe not at first, but by the end, they kept calling me a real "bâtard", which I can only assume means "hero".
      Captain Holt: It means "bastard".

    • "Sabotage": Jake says he always pays his power bill. Often late. One time in person with Canadian pennies.
    • "Halloween III": Boyle is pranked hard on Halloween. He dresses up last minute in his secret backup costume. Others pretend they can't tell who he is (though he's obviously Elvis Presley.)

      Captain Holt: Squad, that's enough. You're making Boyle feel bad on purpose. He's Elvis.
      Charles: Yes!
      Holt: Elvis Stojko, the Canadian figure skater.
      Charles: NOOO!

    • "The Mattress": Jake buys a mattress as a Grand Romantic Gesture:

      Jake: Submit order — province? Oh no, we're on the Canadian website.

    • "Yippie Kayak": One of the robbers turns out to be Canadian, much to Jake's disappointment (he wanted them to be German as it is his dream to experience real-life Die Hard). When Jake impersonates him over the walkie-talkie, he does a hilariously exaggerated Canadian accent.

      Jake: Uh, yeah, I was oot but now I'm back, eh?
      Voice on walkie talkie: Meet me in the service corridor. We've got a situation with the hostages.
      Jake: Okey dokey, sorry to hear aboot that.

    • "Karen Peralta":
      • Jake lists topics to avoid when his girlfriend Amy first visits his mom: how my dad left us and ruined our lives, how my dad got remarried twice and ruined our lives, how my dad moved to Canada and ruined our lives.
      • Karen, Jake's mom, that Jakes father used to be a selfish jerk. Now he's so nice that he flew in on his day off just to bring her soup when she was sick. It was some weird Canadian soup, probably just all cheese, but it was really nice of him.
    • "Skyfire Cycle": Jake's love for Die Hard has no limits:

      Terry: You once took a train to Toronto to get a Canadian VHS copy of Die Hard.
      Jake: There was a rumor it was better sound quality!

    • "The Last Ride": One of Holt's mentoring advice to Amy: "Never vacation in Banff."
  • Played straight in Season 7 of Canada's Worst Driver, featuring the maple leaf, moose, beer, curling, AND a snowplow.
  • Castle wants to travel to Montreal alone to investigate his recent two-month-long disappearance; Beckett insists that it might be too dangerous. Castle (played by Canadian Nathan Fillion) responds with "It's Canada! How dangerous could it be?" to fellow Canadian Stana Katic.
  • Corner Gas, one of the few acknowledgements that midwestern Canada exists.
    • An episode involves an American tourist accidentally arriving in Dog River. One towns person (Hank) becomes smug and tries to mock the American for his lack of knowledge regarding Canada. However, the American turns out to be very well versed in Canadian politics and geography. The entire episode is an affectionate mocking of Canadian preconceptions about Americans.
    • In another episode, Oscar has passport-related difficulties due to being in America when his expired. Brent senses a potential prank and runs with it, convinces Oscar to act out every possible Canadian stereotype to "convince the CRTC that he really is Canadian", culminating in trying to have him sing the national anthem in public knowing he'll mess it up. Brent ends up singing the anthem instead due to his mother's interference, and he screws it up entirely because his attempts to confuse Oscar result in him forgetting which lyrics (O Canada or Star Spangled Banner) go with which melody.
  • Anytime The Daily Show covers a Canadian election: they either pile on the Canada jokes or are flabbergasted that Canada somehow matters enough to be featured on the show.
  • Degrassi: The Next Generation did a self-parody of this when Kevin Smith guest-starred, making a movie titled Jay and Silent Bob Do Canada, Eh. (Smith is a fan of the Degrassi franchise and has been since Degrassi Junior High)
  • Due South: Inverted when Canada's officials are irritated by how polite and upstanding Mountie Benton Fraser is. It's also lampshaded that the red tunic is not everyday mountie wear, and he's choosing to wear a dress uniform at all times.
  • Varies considerably in How I Met Your Mother, thanks to Robin being Canadian.
    • On one end of the spectrum, Ted and Robin have this discussion:

      Ted: You guys are weird and you pronounce the word 'out', 'oot'.
      Robin: You guys are the world's leader in hand gun violence, your health care system is bankrupt and your country is deeply divided on almost every important issue.
      Ted: [pause] Your cops are called 'Mounties'.

    • In the DVD commentary for "Slap Bet," Cobie Smulders says that when the show's creators approached her with the idea of having Robin be Canadian, they said it was so they could make jokes at America's expense. Cue the joke above (pretty much the only time Robin wins the U.S. vs. Canada debate), followed by season after season of Canada, Eh jokes.
    • On the other, The '80s didn't get to Canada until 1993, the characters have made fun about Canadian Thanksgiving being in October ("What do Canadians have to even celebrate aboot?") and, when Robin got drunk once, she became "Super-Canadian," and started playing hockey in the apartment: "Stanley Cup. Game six, eh? The Rangers are aboat to be soarry they aever played shinny with the Canucks,"
    • They also love playing with Canadian stereotypes, such as they are. There was a whole episode on the stereotype that Canadians are afraid of the dark.
    • Robin has a habit of mentioning Canadian celebrities or pop culture icons as if they should mean something to her friends, on one occasion leading Barney to ask, "What's the opposite of 'name-dropping'?"
    • On one occasion, Robin checks she's in a Canadian bar by walking into the back of someone else; he promptly apologizes and insists on buying her a drink to make up for it. Also offers her a doughnut... on the hoose.
    • Another episode has her criticize Lethal Weapon as being a rip-off of a fictional but apparently iconic Canadian action movie, McElroy and LaFleur involving a renegade Mountie whose horse has been shot by American gangsters. We don't get far enough into the description to find out if the plot also involves a heroin-smuggling operation run by an ex-Vietnam War era special ops unit.
    • Robin tends to drop Canadian sayings that don't actually exist.
    • In the "Old King Clancy" episode, Barney shows the gang the website, a listing of Canadian sex acts posted by the fictional Canadian Ministry of Community Wellness and Public Service. There is a list of sex acts like the Reverse Rick Moranis, the Newfoundland Lobster Trap and the Sneaky Snowplow...but if you click on any of the links, it leads to a photo of Alan Thicke with the Maple Leaf Flag in the background and a funny caption saying the site is temporarily unavailable.
    • In one episode from Season 5, Robin and Barney end up in a Tim Horton's in Toronto (Dunkin Donuts being the rest of the world's answer to Tim Hortons). The restaurant is a very authentic replication. The moment gets funnier when Barney goes out of his way to insult every Canadian in the restaurant (although he admits to loving the coffee), which results in a little kid barring the door with a hockey stick and Barney getting the snot beat out of him.
    • "Robin, I'm proud of you, eh."

      "USA! USA! USA!"

    • Like all Canadians, Robin is immune to cold.
    • Another running gag is that aside from the pop songs Robin recorded in her youth, the only song any Canadians know seems to be "Mmm mmm mmm mmm" by Crash Test Dummies.
  • Another Rick Mercer production, Made in Canada, satirizes Canadian show business and sometimes broadens its targets to include more about Canada:
    • In the episode "People of the Fish", the Canadian characters trot out a variety of stereotypically negative aspects of life in Canada to scare off an annoying American producer who wants to move there, including absurdly high income tax (which TV producer Richard claims have resulted in the government seizing his car), long wait times for even the most basic medical procedures (Richard's colleague, Veronica, claims to have spent all night in the hospital waiting to be treated for a paper cut), and draconian requirements that Canada-produced media include a certain amount of "Canadian content" (leading Richard to suggest Steve Smith as the lead for the series they are producing).
    • Inverted whenever dealing with characters who are American. Often Americans are portrayed as dumb, culture-unaware, and occasionally gun-loving. The Vice President of NBC is a good example of being a Fake American when Richard visits Los Angeles in the episode "Second in Command"; he thinks Maine is a Canadian province, and believes Richard when he tells him July is Canada's coldest month.
  • In one episode of Malcolm in the Middle, the family discover their granddad's second family who live in Manitoba. Cue funny accents, a very prim-and-proper Canadian grandmother who keeps everything bottled up (as opposed to Malcolm's violent Ruritanian grandmother), and a family who are essentially them but better and happier. Also, Reese loves it because he can go out shooting small animals.
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000:
    • Mike and the 'bots once had to suffer through a Canadian film called The Final Sacrifice, which inspired them to write an "homage" to their northern neighbor.
    • Episode 606, Zombie Nightmare, was also panned, with lines like:

      Tom Servo: This is either America ten years ago or Canada today.

    • Servo has also speculated that Space Mutiny may be Canadian-made ("it's just rife with the smell of back-bacon"). Poor Tom goofed; the film was actually made in South Africa during The Apartheid Era, which may explain why everyone on the ship is white.
  • In NCIS, McGee is up at the border working with the Mounties on a joint operation, and when seen in the background they're wearing the scarlet tunics, and obviously traveled on horseback.
  • Red Dwarf: Robert Llewellyn apparently based his performance as Kryten on a Canadian accent. Of course, Canadians claim they don't sound anything like that. He later admitted that what he eventually came up with was a bad Canadian accent.
  • The Red Green Show both embraces and pokes fun at nearly every Canada, Eh stereotype.
    • There's a scene in The Movie where Red and Harold are crossing the border, and engage in this exchange with the customs officer, played by Dave Broadfoot:

      Customs Officer: Citizenship?
      Red: Canadian. Need proof?
      Customs Officer: Nah. It's pretty obvious.

    • From another episode:

      Red: Well, I'm not gonna be calling the U.S. Air Force, Harold. What do I say? We've got a missile? They take that as a threat, we're in real trouble.
      Harold: Well, then, contact the Canadian Air Force.
      Red: Harold, it's after six. He's gone home.

  • The Rick Mercer Report lovingly pokes fun of Canadian stereotypes in both satirical news format, and with the host travelling across the country to feature different events, locations, and celebrities.
  • SCTV:
    • In addition to the "Great White North", any parody of Canada mocks the preconceived notions of the country held by... well, just about everyone else. One specific episode had the SCTV network broadcast programming from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) due to a strike at the station. These programs include commercials for fake CBC programs note , their take on the "Hinterland Who's Who" (little vignettes during commercial breaks, mainly during children's programming, about wildlife), and a parody of the seminal Canadian classic, "Goin' Down the Road" (featuring appropriate speech patterns, woodchucks and Stompin' Tom Connors). What's it all aboot?
    • The characters of Bob and Doug McKenzie were created as a response to the CBC which said any program had to have "two minutes of distinctly Canadian content" in it. Incredulous, the creators went "what are we supposed to do, wear toques and talk about beer?" That's exactly what they ended up doing as a way to mock the regulation, with Bob and Doug being blatantly, stereotypically Canadian as possible. It backfired by creating the two most popular characters in the show's history, as Canadians loved it, seeing it as Affectionate Parody.
  • The Sliders standard excuse for why they don't understand customs (or cutting edge technology) on the various worlds they slide into is that they're from Canada. It usually works, with the locals assuming Canada is just that different.
  • In Stargate Atlantis, Rodney McKay is a brilliant Canadian scientist, arguably the smartest person on the show. While many Canadians will use "zee" instead of "zed" while mostly around Americans, McKay always uses "zed". This leads the Zero Point Module to be called "Zed-Pee-Em" — even, on occasion, by American characters. During an episode where the team has to travel to Canada to track someone down, McKay states that CSIS ("see-sis") is assisting in the search, much to John Sheppard's amusement.

    Lt. Col. Sheppard: C-what now?
    Dr. McKay: Canadian Security Intelligence Services. They're kind of like your CIA.
    Lt. Col. Sheppard: [sarcastically] CSIS, that's the best you guys can do, huh?

  • On Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Michael Eddington carries a "lucky Loonie" (one-dollar coin), which would seem to imply Canadian background. He's a lot more hardcore than the national stereotype. SRSLY. He also seems to have a kind of reactionary attitude towards the Federation, much the way some Canadian nationalists and jingoists have towards American influences.
  • In the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow," La'an and Kirk travel back in time to 21st-century Toronto (unusually, playing itself, the first time any Trek has had scenes in Canada). Kirk initially mistakes it for New York (despite a comically large "Toronto Eaton Centre" sign immediately behind him), and La'an clarifies by appealing to this trope:

    La'an: It's Toronto. The biggest city in what used to be called Canada? You know, maple leaves, politeness, poutine...note 

  • Played hilariously straight in That '70s Show when the guys travel to Canada to buy beer, and are detained by a couple of Mounties (played by Joe Flaherty and Dave Thomas) when Fez misplaces his Green Card.
  • Parodied in Rick Mercer's This Hour Has 22 Minutes sketch (and eventual special) "Talking to Americans", in which he interviewed American citizens, playing off their ill-conceived notions of what life is like in Canada (i.e. asking people if they would visit "Canada's national igloo", making them believe the Canadian time zones run on 20-hour clocks, convincing them that moose are being pelted with Tim Hortons Timbits, having them think Canada goes through a period of nocturnal darkness every year, etc.) One of his favorite traps is to try and get U.S. politicians to say that Toronto is the national capital. He's asking a woman if she can name all the Canadian states, and her young son points out that Canada has provinces, not states.
  • Twin Peaks, set in Washington state, featured plaid-wearing Quebecois drug dealers who — utterly inexplicably — lived just over the border in British Columbia. (Geographically, Quebec is further from British Columbia than Texas is from Maine ... it'd be like a community of New England Lobstermen turning up as regulars on Friday Night Lights.) In fairness, of course, not a whole lot else about Twin Peaks made any kid of rational sense either.
  • USA Network showed a pilot for a series (Underfunded) that would involve a character working for the "Canadian Secret Service" (CSS). In addition to not being particularly well-researched (Canada's foreign intelligence service is the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, or CSIS), the end of the pilot involved the main character being assigned a semi-permanent post in Washington, D.C., thereby rendering the whole exercise pointless. It was not picked up for a full series. Ironically, back in the 1980s, the USA Network aired revivals of the game shows Chain Reaction and Jackpot that were taped in Canada for tax reasons! (Due to "CanCon" laws, meaning all Canadian shows must have some sort of Canadian content in it, this meant that Jackpot was hosted by the Canadian Mike Darrow, and after the original Chain Reaction host, the Canadian country music singer Blake Emmons left, this meant announcer Rod Charlebois would appear on-camera every episode.)
  • In Veronica Mars the girls are pressured to join a dorm-wide party where everyone decorates their rooms like a different country. They give a Take That! to the whole thing by picking Canada, with the country spirit consisting of a picture of a moose, saying "Eh," and playing Barenaked Ladies songs.
  • Whose Line Is It Anyway?:
    • Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles being from Canada note  frequently made them targets for these kinds of jokes, especially from Drew Carey. Incidentally, it would also appear that Colin is contractually-obligated to appear in every Canadian sitcom for now to the end of time.
    • A game of Foreign Film Dub, which involves two of the actors faking a foreign language while the other two "translate" for them. One time, the "foreign language" given to them to fake and translate was "Canadian". In addition to the "film" being entitled "Oot 'n' Aboot", the "Canadian" language as faked consisted of nothing but the word "eh," interspersed with words like "hoser", and various hockey-related terms. Here it is.
  • A Season 4 episode of Z Nation sees the group trying to reach a rumored safe zone in Canada. As soon as they reach the border, they're attacked by zombie mounties, zombie hoosiers, and zombie hockey players.

Music, Eh? 

  • The Canadian band Barenaked Ladies occasionally plays up this stereotype for fun in their songs, like in "If I Had A Million Dollars", which contains the line "We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner—" "But we would eat Kraft Dinner?" "Of course we would, we'd just eat more." "And buy really expensive ketchups with it..."
  • The Canadian group The Arrogant Worms will allude to stereotypes in their songs. (1, 2, 3, 4)

    Worms: We've got rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and... water!

  • "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Canadian Idiot" is about stereotypical Canadians sung from the perspective of a stereotypical Type 2 Eaglelander.
  • Stompin' Tom Connors, who wrote a song about every city he visited during his career. Some of these include "Sudbury Saturday Night" and "Tillsonburg," and he wrote about Canadian subjects such as potatoes from Prince Edward Island (including a Shout-Out to the Ontario Provincial Police) and hockey.
  • The Crash Test Dummies' (who are from Manitoba) music video for their cover of XTC's "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead" (from the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack) makes fun of this. It starts with main character Harry walking down a street trying to talk to Canadians: "Bonjour, eh? Oh Canada, eh? Man, I thought Canadians were supposed to be friendly!"
  • Five Iron Frenzy's "Oh, Canada" mentions lumberjacks, mounties, yaks, lemmings, venison slurpees, milk in bags, and William Shatner. They say 'eh' instead of 'what' or 'duh' — that's the mighty power of Canada.
  • The Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip, with their notable hits, such as "Little Bones", "Wheat Kings", "Queen of the Furrows", "Bobcaygeon" (actually named that because it was the only town they could think of to rhyme with "constellation"), "Courage (For Hugh MacLennan)", and "Three Pistols" (which starts with the line "Tom Thomson came paddlin' past"). "Fifty Mission Cap" references a military cap, and starts by sharing hockey trivia obtained from a hockey card.note 
  • Canadian band The Birthday Massacre talked about this in this fanmail video, where they were asked: 1, do they speak with a Canadian accent, and 2, is saying 'eh' at the end of every sentence a regional thing. They answered that 1, they don't think that they speak with a Canadian accent, but in Canada nobody cares if you have an American accent, whereas in America they've been teased for their accents and saying stuff like "aboot" for "about" and "soary" for "sorry", and 2, it's not a regional thing but more a polite thing, indicating that it's the other person's turn to talk.
  • The band Great Big Sea likes to highlight their Canadian origins — fully half of their songs reference Newfoundland (specifically, St. John's) or other areas in Canada, or else are old British drinking/sailing songs with the lyrics redone to reflect Canadian sensibilities. (Played straight, too — no tongue-in-cheek.)
  • Vancouver-based folk-rock band Spirit of the West exemplified the 'soary' ideal in their song "Far Too Canadian". They also celebrated the Canadian-Scot heritage in "The Old Sod", and touched upon Canadian life in many other songs.
  • Jon Lajoie, who is Canadian, parodies this in his song "WTF Collective 2" with MC Canadian Stereotype:

    Hello, I'm MC Canadian-Stereotype
    I'm aboot to get started so let me get off the ice
    But I don't want any trouble and I am always polite
    Now lets hop on my snowmobile and I will tell you what I like
    But first I'll turn off curling and turn down Avril Lavigne
    Et je vais dire une phrase en francais, parce qu'ici on est bilingue note 
    Oh boy, I fell off my igloo and I hurt my knee
    Let's go to the hospital! Don't worry, here in Canada it's free, eh?

  • Kelowna-based folk punk band The Dreadnoughts merge Canadian stereotypes with Irish and Eastern European ones, which is to say, lots of alcohol references. "Ivanhoe" is about a bar of the same name in Kelowna, and "Poutine" is about discovering a love for a certain Quebecois dish while on tour in La Belle Provence.
  • Torontonian metal band Annihilator once wrote a song about how awesome Kraft Dinner is (with the T removed to avoid copyright issues). Jeff Waters was only able to pay for the band's rehearsal space by living off the stuff.
  • Two members of the original Blue Öyster Cult, the Bouchard brothers, are from so far upstate New York as to be from Quebec. This may well explain frequent references to timber wolves, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and other Canada, Eh? archetypes in early BOC albums.
  • Gob, Canada's resident punk rock brats in The '90s, couldn't resist having curling, hockey and snowboarding in one of their first videos, "You're Too Cool".
  • Dean Brody:
    • "Canadian Girls" if full of Canadian stereotypes. The lyrics below are just the beginning of the song:

      She grew up watching hockey
      With her daddy on Saturday nights
      He taught her how to tie her skates
      Her brothers taught her how to fight
      She can wear high heels and flannel
      She can look sexy in a toque
      She likes snow storms and Gordon Lightfoot

    • To make "Canadian Girls" even more maple leafy, fellow Canucks Natalie Spooner (she's a hockey player) and Andrew Poje (he's an ice dancer) skate to it on the Season 5 premiere of Battle of the Blades.
  • Vancouver-based media personality Nardwuar the Human Serviette is straight-up obsessed with Canadian history minutiae, a passion sparked by his mother, a local historian. He frequently plays up the Canadian connections his non-Canadian interview subjects have, he has an affinity for Canadian imagery, and many songs by his band The Evaporators reference obscure Canadian historical events and figures.
  • The Tears for Fears Live at Massey Hall Live Album showcases the Canadian maple leaf on its front cover (plus the back and spine of the CD) with the red and white colours of the Canadian flag to indicate that the concert was recorded in Canada (Toronto, more precisely). It's one of the most — if not the most — Canada-centric artworks ever designed for a music album (especially one which isn't a compilation of Canadian music), yet the band is British! TFF have never used the Union Jack as part of their discography's art direction, so it's interesting that they chose to display another country's national symbol so prominently with their name superimposed on it. If you didn't know that the group hailed from England, you might have thought that they were Canadian based on the cover art alone.
  • Strapping Young Lad sometimes poked fun at their own Canadian-ness.
    • They have a live video called For Those Aboot to Rock.
    • Their 2003-04 tours used "Blame Canada" as the intro to their shows.

Podcasts, Eh? 

  • As both hosts are Canadians, Fat, French and Fabulous has more than a few jokes at Canada and its various regions' expense. Many of the episodes are Canadian-themed, but of particular note is episode 27, on the Great Maple Syrup Heist, a 2012 incident where 13.4 million dollars of syrup was stolen from a warehouse in Quebec. The episode also covers the 2017 theft of a giant commemorative Canadian coin the size of a bike tire made of solid gold and ends with a full symphony rendition of the Canadian national anthem in French in place of the usual outro.
  • It's Just a Show: The hosts are unabashedly Canadian, and it shows. Early on it's relatively subtle, with some "aboots" here and there, but as the show goes on they really lean into the Canada-ness, with one segment in the episode "Don't Eat the Good Bug" being a speech about a construction project in Canada with "O Canada" playing in the background.

Pro Wrestling, Eh? 

  • WrestleMania VI, which took place in the Toronto Skydome, featured the Canadian national anthem being sung and a sizzle reel of sweeping footage of Canadian scenery; a marked departure form the typical over-the-top American patriotism of a WrestleMania at the time.

Puppet Shows, Eh? 

  • When The Muppets appeared at the Montréal Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in 2012, their show included a version of "Canada Is" rewritten by Sam the Eagle based on what Americans think Canada is ("It's okay if we get this wrong, because they'll still apologi-i-i-ize"), which he defended by saying the original was full of inaccuracies like saying Niagara Falls was in Canada note ; a sketch in which the Swedish Chef made poutine, then tasted it and immediately had a heart attack; and a Muppet Labs sketch in which Beaker is transformed into the Montréal Expos mascot.

Tabletop Games, Eh? 

  • Champions 4th edition supplement Champions of the North, which for all that it did bring up the various clichés also invested a fair bit of page count into describing the actual real life Canada of its time and a surprisingly accurate and informative historical overview (in addition to the usual writeups of local superheroes, -villains, and scenario ideas, of course).

Sports, Eh? 

  • The Vancouver 2010 Olympics Closing Ceremony. Canadians apologizing excessively, giant bobblehead mounties, ice dancing hockey players, guys in canoes and girls dressed as sexy maple leaf kites, giant floating moose and beavers, and so on. Even the organizer threw in a gratuitous "Now you know us, eh?" for the crowd. The whole thing could be summed up as an exercise in squeezing as many Canadian stereotypes as possible into 15 minutes of show. Note that Vancouver is the least "Canadian" part of the country.

Theme Parks, Eh? 

  • The Niagara's Fury attraction in Niagara Falls, Ontario begins with a featurette starring a number of woodland creatures endemic to Canada (at one time or another,) including a polar bear and a team of hockey-playing wooly mammoths, all of whom speak with a thick prairie accent and pepper their speech with "eh?"
  • In 2007, the Canada Pavilion at Walt Disney World's Epcot updated its "Oh, Canada!" movie. It begins with this fun narration over a blizzard. Martin Short then hosts a look at the real Canada emphasizing its summer weather as much as winter.

    Narrator: CANADA! Big! Wide! And very, very cold!
    Martin Short: What?
    Narrator: Here in the Great White North, it snows 24 hours a day!
    Martin Short: No, no...
    Narrator: Every day of the year.
    Martin Short: Excuse me?!
    Narrator: Its frozen landscape is dotted with igloos, penguins, polar bears...

Video Games, Eh? 

  • Advance Wars: Blue Moon resembles Canada about as much as it does Russia. Its national anthem, sung by Olaf in one of his winquotes, starts out "O, Blue Moon, my home and native land..."
  • Anachronox: The Canadian Dollar became the standard currency of the galaxy due to "a freak of galactic economics".
  • Assassin's Creed: Abstergo Entertainment, the division of the Templars responsible for producing their propaganda disguised as popular video games, is based in Montreal, with Black Flag and Rogue being set there and giving a rather nice view of the city. High-ranking Templar goon Violet Da Costa is also Canadian, which Assassin Shaun Hastings claims proves she's pure evil.
  • Celeste (2018) is shown to be set in Canada, as evidenced by the postcards in-between levels having the Canadian flag on them. Theo also mentions coming from Seattle to Madeline in the first chapter.
  • Champions Online: The Canada area is presented as an icy heckhole gripped in the throes of NO ORDINARY STORM and contains the Hunter Patriots, terrorists planning on taking over the world employing weaponised versions of stereotypically Canadian things, like nanite-infused poutine. Its local superhero is Ravenspeaker, a first nations/luchador hybrid who doesn't wear trousers (when standing outside in the middle of the NO ORDINARY STORM).
  • Civilization: Canada was represented by non-playable city-states of Vancouver, Quebec City and Toronto until the sixth entry's Gathering Storm expansion made it a full-fledged civilization. True to national stereotypes, Canada's unique improvement is an ice hockey rink, its unique unit is a Mountie, its leader ability enhances tundra terrain, and the legendary Canadian politeness is represented by its "Four Faces of Peace" ability that makes Canada unable to declare, or be the target of, surprise wars. Even the in-game Civilopedia entry for Canada leans into stereotypes at its end by apologizing for being unable to convey the full depth of its history and achievements.
  • Danger Girl introduces a video-game exclusive Canon Foreigner character, the Canadian Wrench Wench JC, who shows up in missions that requires fixing stuff and hacking through security systems... while kicking plenty of asses along the way. Both which she's amazingly good at. According to the game's manual, Deuce decides to recruit JC into the Danger Girl team after watching her beat up some punks in a Toronto back-alley.
  • Darkstalkers has Sasquatch, the Canadian-born big foot monster from the Rocky Mountains, complete with snowman buddies and lumberjack-like stature.
  • Dead or Alive 5: Rig, subverted. His actual nationality isn't known.
  • As can be inferred from the title, the central goal of Death Road to Canada is to survive the trip to Canada, which has been untouched by the zombie apocalypse that has gripped the USA. Many Canadian stereotypes here are played up for all they're worth. If you survive to reach the border, some Mounties help to fend off the zombie hordes, alongside some moose and beavers. Hockey sticks are also usable as fairly handy melee weapons, something which characters can sometimes attribute to how Canada held out so well against the zombies.
  • Discussed in Grand Theft Auto V. Trevor Philips is Canadian and grew up along the Canadian-American border but shows no Canadian stereotypes. If someone makes fun of his slight accent, or he believes someone is making fun of his accent, he flies into an Unstoppable Rage.
  • The King of Fighters: Maxima. If it wasn't All There in the Manual, you'd probably never guess his nationality.
  • Kingdom of Loathing features the zone Little Canadia, as well as the effect "Canadianity", which randomly adds 'eh?' and changes 'about' to 'aboot' in chat. A donation of $10 USD will get you a Mr. Accessory, often abbreviated to "Mr. A". $10 Canadian, on the other hand, will net you a "Mr. Eh?" which gives a bonuses to your stats based on the current exchange rate between the Canadian and American Dollars. Sadly, the KoL people have said that in the event that the Canadian Dollar is worth more than the American one (as it briefly was in recent years), the bonuses granted by the Mr. Eh? will not exceed those granted by the Mr. A.
  • The survival simulator The Long Dark is set in the northern Canadian wilderness, so the few human characters speak with Canadian accents, as well as the Canadian flag is prominently seen outside of some huts and logs. And the "Winter's Embrace" update which dropped in June 2020 added maple syrup and ketchup chips to the food item pool, with a unique achievement ("Canadian Feast") for eating 25 of both.
  • Mass Effect:
    • After the creation of the United North American States in 2096, Vancouver is mentioned as having unified with Seattle into one large Megacity and serves as one of the headquarters of the Systems Alliance on Earth. It's also the location of Shepard's trial during the prologue of the third game and one of the first locations attacked by the Reapers during their invasion of Earth.
    • Fanon generally holds that Commander Shepard is of Canadian descent, due to Shepard's voice actors (male and female) hailing from Canada. While Jennifer Hale speaks with a trace of a Southern US accent, Mark Meer has a thicker Alberta accent. Lampshaded in the third game (possibly as Ascended Fanon) if Shepard is in a romance with Samantha Traynor, who begins to worry about humanity ending up like the quarians:

      Shepard: Don't worry. When all of this is over, I'll buy us drinks back in Vancouver. I promise.
      Traynor: Vancouver? Not Paris or Venice. Vancouver.
      Shepard: It's a great city!
      Traynor: You never take me anywhere nice.

    • Kaidan is mentioned as being Canadian and has roots in Vancouver. Lampshaded in the Citadel DLC from the third game, during the scene when he offers to cook using the meager supplies in Shepard's apartment.
    • Due to many voice actors being local Canadian talent, many aliens sound like they’re from Calgary. This includes a Volus saying “soa-rry” or the asari Captain Enyala replacing every “ou” with “oo”.
  • An old platform game from WAY back in 1982 called Miner 2049er featured a fat mountie named Bounty Bob, searching through Nuclear Ned's abandoned uranium mines for the villainous Yukon Yohan. A remake was made in 2007 (which also let you play the original version).
  • In The Nameless Mod: The Protagonist, Trestkon, (Who is voiced by a German) is Canadian, and while he does doesn't speak with "oo"'s or "eh"'s, the fact that he is Canadian is mercilessly snarked about by King Kashue though. The real Trestkon doesn't do it either, going by video interviews with him.
  • The Konami shmup Otomedius Gorgeous has Canada as a level as a featured ice world full of penguins.
  • This is how the Bumpties from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door speak, with "you betchas" thrown in.
  • The Judge's brother in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations is Canadian, or at least has a Canadian accent. He occasionally replaces his 'u's with 'oo's or uses the stereotypical 'eh' and is also a fan of hockey. The first time he shows up, he calls Phoenix a hoser. Mia's inner monologue comments that he sounds Canadian, if the player couldn't tell from the (text only) context. This is because the Judge's brother trained at a law school in Canada.
  • Punch-Out!! has Bear Hugger. He's a woodsman from Salmon Arm, British Columbianote , who drinks maple syrup, chops down trees, plays hockey, and hugs bears. When not being trained by one. He talks like a stereotypical Canadian in the Wii game, often saying "eh" and calling Little Mac a hoser. Incidentally, that installment was developed by Canadian developer Next Level Games, and both the developer and the character are from Salmon Arm.

    Bear Hugger: Hey, hoser! I'm gonna hit you so hard, you're gonna see Northern Lights, eh!

  • Red Dead Redemption 2: At the end of the epilogue, half-black Native American Charles Smith decides to move to Canada and start a family after he, Sadie Adler and John Marston kill Big Bad Micah Bell. The trapper that can buy animal skins from the player and craft them into wearable outfits is also Canadian, and occasionally mentions his travels north of the border.
  • In Sam and Max: The Bright Side of the Moon Sybil gets the job as the Queen of Canada, she gives a 100 billion Canadian dollar bills with the images of Celine Dion. And several item referring to Canada have "eh?" added to their regular description. We also get this great line from Max:

    Max: I though Rush was the Queen of Canada.

  • Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves may very well be the most Canadian game ever. It stars two Irish-Canadian lumberjacks setting traps and wielding lumberjacking axes to defend their house from hordes of wolves and werewolves sent by The Devil. Whenever they get a little bit beaten up, they drink typical Canadian alcoholic drinks to recover.
  • In The Sims 2 DS, Bigfoot will always greet you with a "tira mah, eh?".
  • In Sly 2: Band of Thieves, the Klaww Gang member Jean Bison is a Canadian lumberjack, and his levels feature all sorts of Canadian stereotypes, such as log rolling, lots of snow, bears, accents, and flannel, with his guards being Canadian wildlife — moose, geese, and mountain goats. In his case, his antiquated beliefs are due to him being a lumberjack of the 18th century who was put on ice for a century.
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon has the Icy Peak level, where the polar bear townsfolk love hockey and ice skating and speak in vaguely Canadian accents. The prior game in the original series, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! also had these in the level Colossus, which is this trope combined with a Buddhist monastery, and plays on the reputation of both communities for being peace-loving and polite but not complete pushovers. "Even though I am a vegetarian, I think you should torch that Yeti."
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth has a whole chapter of the game set in Canada, which is rendered completely differently in the style of a top-down 8-bit RPG video game, riffing on the show's Running Gag that Canada and its residents are crudely drawn and animated. Canada as a whole is simplified to a few cities that are quickly walked between, featuring a few residents, royalty, and lots of roaming dire bears. The typical mounties and moose jokes are also thrown in.
  • Starfield has the "CAN-uck" brand packaged food, which includes maple-flavored cola, beans, and poutine in a can, among many other stereotypically canadian foods.
  • Street Fighter has Abigail, whose nationality is only acknowledged through his maple leaf shaped buzzcut and a few names of his moves.
  • Virtua Fighter has Wolf Hawkfield. Of the Great North Woods variety. Wolf cuts down giant red woods with an axe, lives in a log cabin, and trains outside in the snow.

Web Animation, Eh? 

  • At least six of the first ten Virtual Youtubers in Nijisanji's English branch hail from Canada. While most of them were initially guarded about revealing where they live, fans picked up on it immediately between "zee"/"zed" mixups, pronunciation of words such as "mobile", French being a recurring known language (with Rosemi's accent heavily suggesting that French is her first language), and other things such as a reference to Pogo corn dogs that utterly baffles one of their American colleagues. Nina, Millie, and Enna go all in on this trope during a Mario Kart 8 collab, giving their genmate Reimu "facts" about Canada such as privileged people riding moose and the inability to recite the Canadian national anthem in English and French being grounds for deportation.
  • In Resident Evil Musicals, Steve retains his voice from his original game in text form, only it is outright stated his voice is horrible and sounds more like a Canadian on Crack.

Webcomics, Eh? 

  • In Antihero for Hire, the Canadians have conquered a decent portion of America in the backstory, and the only Canadian seen so far is basically a walking tank. Put simply, don't mess with Canada in Antiheroforhire.
  • Calamities of Nature comments on how Canadian currency shamelessly copies American currency.
  • Ruth from Dumbing of Age is Canadian, but had to move to the US after a drunk driver killed her parents. She's a die-hard Maple Leafs fan, but that's about as far as the stereotype gets.

    Billie: Aren't you people supposed to be nice?
    Ruth: May I please punch your sternum?

  • Eerie Cuties:
    • It's rarely mentioned, but the series is set in Thornhill, Canada. Dio also mentioned it, during his double date with Layla and Kade.

    Dio: [thinking] Canadian courtship is so... bold!

  • Northern Idenau in the fantasy satire The Fourth.
  • Horror Shop takes place in the fictional Canadian city of Port Salem, British Columbia. Grey, an American closet monster, often bemoans being surrounded by Canadians with all their quirks, like the metric system and willingness to drive crazy distances.
  • The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! has had guest appearances by the comically sinister Rogue Canadian Scientists (in a Shout-Out to Wolverine's backstory in the X-Men) as well as the Saskatchewanian Sasquatch from Saskatoon.
  • Kate Beaton, whose webcomics focus mostly on historical leaders and political figures, is from Canada and has plenty of strips about it. Who knew that John Diefenbaker could be funny? See this one in particular for Canadian stereotypes.
  • Powerup Comics has Shadow snark "More like, Can'tada." in response to Teabag's love of Canadian music.

    'Man: [in flannel shirt standing next to igloo] Boot it's troo eh! We loove too sing aboot seal humping and maple syrup eh!

  • Manly Guys Doing Manly Things has Canadian Guy, who dresses like a lumberjack, speaks with a ludicrously exaggerated Canadian accent that contains practically no consonants, and constantly does stereotypically Canadian things like living in a specially cooled area of the office, wrestling moose, riding moose, gutting deer and hunting beavers. According to Commander Badass (who arguably isn't the most objective judge of Canadian Guy), this is the basic state of all Canadians and the soft-spoken people the Americans see in Canadian cities are red herrings to throw them off from the 'true' nature of the nation.
  • Maple Sugar and Gosling: Magical Girls: It's a Magical Girl series that takes place in Canada, so of course it incorporates all sorts of Canadian cultural icons — the two main characters are magical girls themed around maple syrup and the Canada goose, and they fight a massive mutant grizzly bear as a Monster of the Week, just for example. In particular, Sam pokes fun at how stereotypically Canadian her partner Angel is, seeing as she plays lacrosse and her favorite snack is ketchup chips.

    "You're not just Canadian, you're some kind of HIPSTER Canadian!"

  • Ménage à 3 is set in Canada (probably because so is the creator). It's not heavy on the stereotypes, but it invokes the politeness thing once or twice, and bilinguality looms significantly.
  • Questionable Content frequently references Canada, but generally in a non-stereotyped way (or in some cases Jeph completely making up his own Canadian stereotypes). Two exceptions are a Canadian customer at Coffee of Doom who Apologises a Lot, and Sam's painfully shy Canadian friend Emmet, who says that at their old school the cool kids used to whip Timbits at their head.

    Sam: Ooh, I know that one! That's a stereotype!

  • Scandinavia and the World has Canada being polite while saying "eh" and America's hat. He's so apologetic that he'll say sorry to a door he accidentally bumps into. He's also probably the only Bishōnen with a bona fide Carpet of Virility that would make Gaston blush.
  • Sluggy Freelance features the Canadian mafia, led by Snideloni Whiplashi, who smuggled evil Canadian drugs into the United States until Oasis killed them all.
  • Spinnerette has the Legion of Canadian Superheroes. Their big entrance features Katt o' Nine Tails providing a French translation of Green Gable's big speech. Green Gable himself is the first male in the costume, making him a Wholesome Crossdresser, and the third member of the team is a wolfman in a nice hat known as The Werewolf of London, Ontario (London for short). They also operate under the RCMP's jurisdiction, but only one of them has been seen in a Mounty uniform. Their former fourth member, Captain Alberta, embodies a provincial stereotype little known outside Canadanote , as a right wing cowboy who got his powers from a fracking accident. While their current fourth member, an anthropomorphic Cerberus named Minerva, bucks the trend.
  • Subnormality may not explicitly be set in Canada, but there are enough maple leaves and hockey references imply that it is.
  • Wasted Talent takes place in Vancouver, following the author as she goes through engineering at the University of British Columbia and later works as a mechanical engineer. The comments at the bottom often provide explanations to non-engineer readers, but sometimes have to explain Canadian things such as federal elections, the iron ring, the Vancouver hockey riot, the playoff beard or the fact that Vancouver doesn't get as cold as the rest of the country.

Web Original, Eh? 

  • Badass of the Week's article on Ernest "Smokey" Smith both lampshades this and mocks it in the first paragraph:

    Canada gets a bad rap these days, with many Americans looking down on them as our pussier, slightly-British neighbors to the North, but anybody who's ever watched footage of the 1970s Philadelphia Flyers teams knows that Canadians can be some seriously hardcore motherfuckers who would just as soon cold-cock you in the chops as slash you between the legs with a goalie stick. These crazy bastards have an underappreciated history of badassery, and nowadays we don't really respect the fact that Canadians can be hard-drinking, hard-fighting, lumber-jacking motherfuckers who destroy all who oppose them in a flurry of bare knuckles, bizarre accents, and the Metric System.

  • Captain Canada! at Whateley Academy in the Whateley Universe pretty much runs on this trope whenever he tries to psyche himself up to use his powers. The other Canadian students hate him for this.
  • Arkada of the DesuDesBrigade enjoys playing up his nationality, to the point of Memetic Mutation where he's claimed for being responsible for holding Narwal population in check by punching out the huge beast to make peanut butter from their skulls
  • In Canada, milk comes in bags. This is true, but in Eastern Canada (excluding Newfoundland) and parts of British Columbia and not to the exclusion of cartons. It's also not unique to Canada as a packaging method.
  • Canadian World Domination, which existed during the late 1990s and early 2000s, depicted a parodical strategy of Canada taking over the world. Since then, it has been put back online by a third party for posterity.
  • The map that circulated after the 2004 elections, labeling the blue states and Canada as the "United States of Canada" and the red states as "Jesusland," and all its variations. One variation that stood out in particular showed Alberta as part of Jesusland, in keeping with the strong political conservatism in the province.
  • Lampshaded in you could make a life when Dan thinks to himself that Marc is proof alone that the "polite Canadian" stereotype is bullshit as his Swedish friend Larsson is far politer than him.
  • Web novels El Club de Hopewell and Bienvenidos a Hopewell take place in a very, over-the-top version of Canada: bears wander around the local school hallways and the moose is referred as the "Canadian Unicorn".
  • Cracked likes to call upon these tropes from time to time when making fun of their Canadian correspondents. Usually it's making fun of the stereotypical overzealous politeness of Canadians, but at one point, they wrote that Canadians cannot be captured on film, in the same vein as many supernatural creatures.
  • Never explicitly confirmed, Froge from Froghand's constant references to Canadian culture, British spelling (such as replacing z's with s's like in "realise", or using words like "colour", "honour", and "favourite"), liberal use of "eh", usage of Stephen Harper as a stand-in for Donald Trump (where Harper was considered by many to be a horrible Prime Minister, as evidenced by his party's landslide defeat in the next election followed by his resignation), knowledge of obscure Canadian laws, his "Big Up" to legal opinions using a Canadian judgement, and criticisms of the United States all point to a Canadian point-of-view, or at the very least somebody infatuated with the country.
  • The Tim Tebow CFL Chronicles concerns American football player Tim Tebow joining the Canadian Football League. The story leans more on absurdism than the usual Canadian stereotypes. There are some jokes about bagged milk and Canadian politeness—but this is intermingled utterly bizarre details, like use of shout-tubes instead of telephones, and the majority of consumer goods being tie-ins for really forgettable American movies, and the fact that anyone can be the mayor of Toronto just by asking.
  • In Teen Lit Wasteland, British Columbia survives World War III and, by 2152, is in control of large swaths of Alberta and Saskatchewan as well. Canada's penchant for political progressivism (at least, by early 21st century standards) has survived mostly unscathed, especially given that the hostile rump United States on their southern border is dominated by theocrats, white nationalists, and the wealthy elite, producing many political and economic refugees over the years. On the other hand, it's also a highly militarized state that, while genuinely democratic, has seen only one party in power for seventy-five years with minor parties existing only as protest votes, and what was once considered progressive has long since ossified into a parochial conservatism with overtones of '50s America in its conformity and paranoia — in other words, Canadian politeness taking on all the worst stereotypes of Minnesota Nice.
  • NationStates includes "Brancaland" as one of several NPC nations that appear in your nation's issues. It's a cultured, friendly nation with multilingual policies, a cold climate, and a violently separatist province. One issue, "A Sticky End for @@LEADER@@?" concerns local terrorists threatening to ruin a State Visit after discovering your leader's niece eats pancakes with a non-maple based sweetener.

Web Videos, Eh? 

  • LoadingReadyRun does a Canada Day special once per year. Some specials will be in-jokes directed at their countrymen, but others play on Canadian stereotypes for laughs:
    • "Canada is Sorry" plays to the perception that Canadians are the most instantly contrite and apologetic beings in the known universe.
    • "Canadaman" builds a mythology around a song by The Arrogant Worms. Graham portrays Canadaman in aboot the most outlandish voice he can muster, eh, and Paul plays his Quebecois archenemy.
  • All the hosts of Video Games Awesome! are Canadians, and so love anything set in said country. Their fanbase, in turn, loves teasing them about it.
  • Phelous. In his early Mortal Komedy videos, characters frequently spoke of having to travel to "Oatworld."
  • Epic Meal Time takes place in Canada. In fact, Muscle Glasses' dad is a lumberjack.
  • Derek the Bard of Warning! Readers Advisory! is from Canada, and points it out in the episode where he mentions "World War Zed".

    Derek: Yes, I said "zed". I also say lef-tenant instead of lou-tenant, and I have Thanksgiving in October. I'm Canadian. Get over it.

  • ProtonJon of The Runaway Guys is Canadian, and gets a lot of ribbing from the American members of the Guys (usually Emile) due to this.
  • Rock Lee is Canadian in Naruto: The Abridged Series. Two Sound ninja were able to distract him by offering him maple syrup and a hockey stick.
  • Andrew from Sailor Moon Abridged speaks with a stereotype Canadian accent, and ends every sentence with "eh?". Although, he denies being Canadian. (He's North Mexican)
  • From Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, we find out that Bandit Keith is ironically Canadian.
  • Lieutenant Jee from Avatar: The Abridged Series has a stereotypical Canadian accent as well.
  • All of the members of Two Best Friends Play note  are Canadians living in Montreal. This has been known to surprise fans due to Matt, one of the heads of TBFP, loved shouting "AMERICA!" as one of his catchphrases for a long time note . Matt explained this in an interview by stating that one of his parents actually is from the United States and because of this classmates used to tease him growing up by calling him "an American," and that he always had a love for certain aspects of American culture and superheroes like Captain America. It's worth noting that that both Matt and Pat have stated that they don't particularly care for Quebec (granted they may have been referring to the city and not the province, which they live in, but it wasn't entirely clear). Pat and Liam have been known to sometimes play this trope straight by saying "eh?" at the end of a decent amount of their sentences.
  • It's a Running Gag in Matthew Santoro's web videos that Matt is Canadian.
  • Even though A Dose of Buckley often mentions that he's from London, Ontario, he claims that he's not very Canadian; he doesn't follow hockey, hates winter, thinks The Tragically Hip sucks, and doesn't drink Tim Hortons coffee.
  • CollegeHumor features a video called "If Canadians Made a Rap Diss Video" in which a couple of highly-stereotypical backwoods Canadians try to diss America...but are just too polite to pull off properly.
  • JonTron brings this up in his reviews of the Goosebumps (1995) and Are You Afraid of the Dark? TV shows, which were both made in Canada.
    • "I can't wait to see more Canadian actors doin' their thing. Saying things like 'aboot'. Why are both Are You Afraid Of The Dark? and Goosebumps Canadian shows? Hey dere, dis is, uh, Canada. Our main export is campy children's harror. Is that a Canadian accent? I don't know."
    • "Look at these credits. It reeks of Canada."
    • "Here's a loonie for your time, here's a toonie for your wife, OUR MONEY' A CARTOON, OUR MILK'S IN BAGS, SCREW IT, I'M OUTTA HERE!"
    • "Don't Go To Sleep" has a cameo from famous Canadian hockey commentator Don Cherry, playing a demented hockey coach. Jon doesn't realize who he is, but still picks up on Cherry's absolute insanity.
  • Bro Team Pill hails from Toronto, and makes a few jokes about, such as this from the Beyond: Two Souls video:

    Observe: a young, not yet offended Nova Scotian. She's one of the few who's gone there and made it back. [...] But the eyes of a Nova Scotian are accustomed to the dark!

  • Let's Player Christopher Odd is from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and has an almost comically stereotypical accent.
  • Despite living in Canada, this is subverted in the case of Pink Kitty Rose, who almost never does or says anything stereotypical. She does, however, take the time to lampshade the stereotypes in Mega Man 6's Blizzard Man stage.
  • When Canadian figure skater Roman Sadovsky introduces himself in his very first vlog (his YouTube channel is called Romsky, and it was even promoted on Canadian television), one of the first things he does is drown his breakfast in maple syrup. Near the end of his 12th vlog, his bestie Alex Zahariev barbecues in the cold when there's still snow on the ground. In his 16th vlog, Sadovsky praises Tim Hortons' (which is referred to as "Tim's" and "Timmy's" in the video) breakfast menu and its turkey bacon club, while his friend and fellow skater Nam Nguyen prefers the sausage breakfast wrap and iced coffee. Roman opens his 28th vlog with a snow-covered view from his balcony and greets his viewers with "Welcome to Canada, boys and girls." Later, he adds, "I just love that winter runny-nose feeling. Nothing quite like being a Canadian." note 
  • Youtuber JJ McCullough intentionally uses a thick Canadian accent while talking aboot Canadian politics with a conservative bent.
  • Of the FailRace crew, Longbow. The rest of the regulars (and host Alex) are mainly from the British Isles, so he's never present in the IRL meetups, and if someone's internet connection decides to short out on someone it's usually Longbow's.
  • Brent of the Party Crashers lives in The Great White North, and while he doesn't embody any Canadian stereotypes, Nick has made a Running Gag of calling every snow-themed level Brent's hometown and referring to any snowman he sees as one of Brent's family members.
  • Mr. Coat: Not so much anymore and not immediately apparent from his voice, but he has talked about YTV shows and once made a joke about the 2011 postal strike, which would be lost on his American audience. He's also done a few videos on Canadian cartoons, including a short retrospective on Nelvana for the studio's 50th anniversary, a top 10 list of what he considers Canada's best animated series, and a review of the obscure Flying Rhino Junior High.
  • "Crappy Canadian Thanksgiving" has several Canadian celebrities (including Justin Long) invite Elliot Page over for Thanksgiving, complete with stereotypical food such as poutine, flipper pie, and roast moose, Degrassi Junior High reruns, and Page suggesting they play hockey. And then it turns out Page is the main course.

Western Animation, Eh? 

  • Animaniacs has a Rita & Runt skit where they end up in the Yukon rather than Florida where Rita wanted to go, and Runt becomes a sled dog to Ross Perot.
  • In Aqua Teen Hunger Force, when Meatwad enlists himself, Frylock, and Master Shake in the Marines, Frylock refuses and goes to Canada, which leads to a Saw parody where he is captured by a man in a hockey mask inside a barn with "CANADA" painted on it. The motto was "Come for the crepes, stay for the curling."

    Shake: They should focus more on the natural beauty instead of the horror

  • In Atomic Betty, Betty's hometown is the fictional suburb of Moose Jaw Heights, located just outside the real-life city of Moose Jaw. And if you didn't know that Moose Jaw exists, the Canadian flag flying in front of Betty's school is a pretty good tell.
  • Set in Burnaby, British Columbia, Being Ian has lots of shout outs to Canadian culture. The kids attend Céline Dion Middle School, and another nearby school is named for William Shatner. And of course, everyone is obsessed with hockey.
  • Bob and Margaret a cartoon series made in Canada, originally set in London, moved to Toronto (as to comply with CanCon laws, which state that media produced there has to have identifiable Canadian content; this law is what led to The Great White North on SCTV and various segments involving Canadian personalities appearing on-camera during game shows that were taped in Canada but intended for the US). The rather neurotic and stereotypically British titular couple began a new Fish out of Water life with the "colonists". Canadian characters on the show are portrayed as varied individuals, some who exhibit these Canadian tropes and many who subvert them. Bob also learns that Indo-Canadians are just as plentiful, and make as good a take-away curry, as Anglo-Indians. Lastly the couple has a pair of Canadian relatives who constantly look for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese all over London.
  • In the Bobby's World episode "Fish Tales", the family travels to Canada, where everyone says "Eh?" constantly. Bobby meets the Mooseheart brothers, two guys who dress like lumberjacks, own a log trailer, and teach him how to be Canadian. (There's not much to it besides liking maple syrup and hockey.) Ironically, Howie Mandel, the series' creator, is himself Canadian (although the show was produced in the States).
  • The Boondocks: Due to America's horrible political state, many of the characters try to move to Canada:
    • In "Return of the King", Martin Luther King Jr. wakes up from a coma and becomes an instant celebrity, until he states his pacifist ways towards 9/11 and Al-Qaeda. He later gets backlash for his statement and moves to Canada.
    • "It's A Black President, Huey Freeman": After Barack Obama gets elected becoming the first black president, Huey and Uncle Ruckus attempt to move to Canada.
  • Chilly Beach plays up the ridiculous side of Canada Eh!, even to the point where the titular town is built on an iceberg. Given the show was made in Canada and by Canadians, it's pretty obviously tongue-in-cheek.
  • From Dan Vs. "Canada":

    Dan: Here's what I know about Canada. England and France had a baby out of wedlock, and that baby was Canada. Now, as for Canadians, first, they drink maple syrup directly out of the bottle. Second, most Canadians are at least half-bear.
    Chris: I don't think they're actually half-bear, Dan.
    Dan: What do you know about it?
    Chris: A little bit, actually.
    Dan: Okay, Prime Minister, you tell me.
    Chris: Canadians thrive in cold climates. They live in the shadow of a massive glacier, blissfully unaware of the horrific fate that would befall them, should the glacier ever collapse. [...] You could put a Canadian in a line up with a bunch normal people, and you wouldn't be able to tell. You have to wait until they drop "eh" or an "aboot," or (this is a good one) they say "sor-y."
    Dan: You're right! Normal people never apologize!

  • Dinosaur Train: In the episode where they go to the North Pole, the Northern Troodons behave very much like stereotypical Canadians.
  • Dream Productions: Exaggerated in Episode 3, where all the Canadian Boyfriends made for the dream exhibit Canadian stereotypes, such as riding moose, drinking maple syrup, chopping pine trees, and being obsessed with hockey.
  • The DuckTales episode "Ducky Mountain High" is set in the Great North Woods and parodies many of the region's stereotypes, especially with the local Beagle Boys. The reboot episode "Last Christmas!" has Dewey time travel to Donald's emo teen phase and pass himself off as Donald's Canadian relative.
  • Ed, Edd n Eddy, itself a Canadian-American production, once did a self-parody, calling turkey basters "Canadian Squirt Guns".
    • From the same episode, Ed says "Canadians are weird."
    • Other than that, there are more references to where the show originated. In Take This Ed and Shove It, Jimmy's job was a lumberjack, and he wore a cap with a maple leaf on it.
    • In one scene of Who's Minding the Ed? Ed was dressed in what was supposedly a hockey uniform, which is actually a hockey jersey, a scuba mask, socks tied around his neck, shorts, and one of the shoes on his feet is a sandal, while he was holding a tennis racket.
  • One episode of Evil Con Carne pokes fun of Canada, when Hector, who claims to have conquered it, lists that as one of his achievements to a council of other villains. None of them even care.
  • In the Face's Music Party episode "Mega Party", Face transforms into a moose and puts on a stereotypical Canadian accent while doing so.
  • The Fairly OddParents!:
    • In one episode, they visit the North American Museum of Pencil Pushing, conveniently located about five feet from the Canadian side of Niagara Falls; in the same episode, Cosmo refers to Canada as the Greatest Country on Earth, because they have a leaf on their flag!
    • The first Christmas Episode "Christmas Every Day" depicts Northern Quebec as a duplicate of Paris, complete with kids wearing striped shirts and black berets, heavy French accents, and eating snails.
    • Norm the Genie wants to destroy Canada because "they've had it too good for too long". Which is hilarious because Norm the Genie's voice actor, Norm Macdonald, is Canadian.
  • Canadians on Family Guy are typically depicted as polite and generous to the point of going against common sense. ("I thought it would be rude to intrude upon your plane crash.") Quagmire also once mentioned that Canadian strip clubs are one of his favorite places, as the girls tend to be missing most of their teeth due to playing hockey for most of their childhood.

    Prisoner of "Canadian Alcatraz": Can I get oot through here?
    Guard: Just be back by bedtime.
    Prisoner: Okay.

  • Fireman Sam: Series 8 introduces a Canadian character, Moose Roberts, who wears a Canadian flag on his vest, lives in the mountains, has a banjo as a leitmotif, and often says things like "What the grizzlies?" or "Eh?".
  • Fugget About It is set in Regina, Saskatchewan and features a lot of jokes about Canadian stereotypes, with a lot of humor coming from the cultural clash between the New York Italian-American Falcone crime family and their Canadian neighbors. Since the show is produced in Canada however, it's obviously meant to be a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing.
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy:
    • In the episode "Test of Time", Billy, Mandy, and Irwin are studying book reports. Mandy had Drums of the American Revolution, Irwin had The Canadian Revolution, and Billy had A Not-So-Brief History of Time. While Billy was goofing off and not studying at all, Irwin called him on the phone 3 times. The first time, Billy was eating pie and Irwin was dressed as a mountie. The second time, Billy was watching a monster truck show and Irwin was dressed as a lumberjack. The third time, Billy was taking a bath, and Irwin, oddly enough, instead of wearing an outfit stereotyping Canadian culture, wore a Little Bo Peep outfit.

      Billy: Do you know what language they speak in Canada?

  • One episode of Hailey's On It! features a Canadian named Joanne Droid. Joanne wears a sweater, snow boots and winter hat with ear flaps in a California beach town; speaks in a robotic monotone; has awkward, unnatural movements; and inexplicable Super-Strength. Hailey assumes she's a Chaos Bot in disguise, but she turns out to just be an "eccentric Canadian". In a later episode, it's mentioned that Joanne is back in Canada doing "Canadian things". Cutaway to Joanne punching a hole through a maple tree, drizzling the sap on a stack of pancakes and presenting them to three beavers waving Canadian flags.
  • The Histeria! episode "North America" gives half its focus to Canada in the form of the Kid Chorus singing a song about it, a countdown of the 5 greatest people in Canadian history (with Wayne Gretzky taking both #5 and #1), and Loud Kiddington doing a Cal Worthington-type ad for the Gold Rush and then playing a mountie who has to get rid of some Native Americans.
  • Jacob Two-Two. It's got everything: a specific setting (Montreal), hockey obsession, overstuffed jackets, a token Quebecois, and homework assignments on Canadian explorers (in which Jacob is assisted by the ghost of a bumbling French-Canadian trapper). In fact, other small instances of Canada, Eh? are common on shows made by Nelvana. The show was adapted from a series of kids' books by Mordecai Richler, a Jewish Montrealer who famously resented this particular brand of Canadian-ness.
  • Johnny Test, a co-production between the United States and Canada, averts this for the most part, with the show itself being set in the States. They got the usual mounties whenever they visit there but otherwise not too many stereotypical tropes. A notable exceptions however would be an early episode named "Johnny Gets Mooned" features two Canadian astronauts that end almost every sentence with "Eh?".
  • In the Kick Buttowski episode "Luigi Vendetta", Kick is tired of Brad messing with him, so Kick was suggested to go to Foggetaboodit, an Italian-Canadian restaurant where he meets Luigi. He is Italian, but his henchpeople are Canadian stereotypes.
  • In an episode of Kim Possible, a top secret Canadian spy who's actually Joe the Janitor introduced earlier ends his explanation speech with "eh", but it's delivery makes it sound like it's mocking the trope. Kim also uses the trope earlier in the episode, commenting "Canada, eh?" when she's told that Drakken is in Canada. (Drakken wants to take over Canada partially because he thinks it'll be easy)
  • The King of the Hill episode "Uh Oh, Canada" had a family of Canadians staying in Boomhauer's place while he was on vacation. They're a much less flattering depiction of Canadians, being passive-aggressively rude and condescending to everyone and covering it up with a facade of fake niceness, even going so far as to put down on Hank's lawn. The episode also depicts Boomhauer meeting up with a French speaker in Guelph, Ontario, very improbable (though not impossible) in real life, and them kayaking with mountains in the background — something which, as anyone who has been to Ontario will tell you, the province lacks. note 

    Hank: That Gordon Huskins. All he talks about is how great Canada is and what's wrong with America.
    Kahn: I dodged bullets in the killing fields for two extra years instead of going to Canada.

  • Life's a Zoo: Not a stereotype, but Jake being Canadian is the first thing we learn about him. Jake also has a notable accent when he says "about" and "sorry". The French dub translates this by making him speak with a very thick Quebec accent, making him stand out from the other characters that still speak regional variations of French, but they either sound more standardized or like actual foreigners. Given that the show is produced in Canada and that Jake is also depicted as a Small Name, Big Ego Jerkass, there's definitely also some tongue-in-cheek Self-Deprecation on the production crew's part.
  • The Loud House: In the Season 5 premiere "Schooled!", Lincoln is sent to Canada, where he finds the locals are obsessed with hockey, moose, snow, and syrup to the point of ultimately banning him from there for three years when he politely declines having syrup on his pancakes. He's even greeted with a border guard singing about the wonders of Canada, complete with several "eh"s sung in a row, and starts ending his sentences with "eh" when he decides to make the most out of staying in Canada.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Snails in the duo of unicorns Snips & Snails is a good, slightly more subtle example. He speaks at first with a lightened version of the stereotypical accent, to the point where it's ambiguous whether it's a Northeast American one or Stereotypical Canada, Eh? one. Confirmed finally when he in one scene adds the 'Eh?' to one of his sentences in frustration. (Possibly an inside joke as the show is produced in Vancouver) He's, of course, voiced by "notorious" Canadian voice actor, Richard Ian Cox. Oddly, this is one of his first roles where he plays up the stereotypical accent, which he doesn't actually have.
    • Ponyville also has a hockey team (whose jersey colours are, for some reason, patterned after Toronto's team rather than Vancouver's).
  • Phineas and Ferb:
    • There's a pancake restaurant called Paul Bunyan's. Its jingle:

      "Paaaaaaul Bunyan's! Where food is good!" "But not too good, eh?"

    • The episode "Sidetracked" (where Perry team-up with a Canadian agent) is full of Canadian references.
  • In The Hub's Pound Puppies series, the episode "Homeward Pound" introduced the Royal Canadian Pound Puppies. Extremely good-natured and polite, occasionally self-deprecating, and dressed in red sweaters with a white maple leaf on them.
  • The Ren & Stimpy Show:

    Our country reeks of trees

    Our yaks are really large

    And they smell like rotting beef carcasses

    And we have to clean up after them

    And our saddle sores are the best

    We proudly wear womens' clothing

    And searing sand blows up our skirts

    And the buzzards they soar overhead

    And poisonous snakes will devour us whole

    Our bones will bleach in the Sun

    And we will probably go to Hell

    And that is our great reward

    For being the Roy-oy-al Ca-nadian Kilted Yaksmen!

    • Worth noting is that one magazine article previewing the RCKY episode stated that Canada's greatest natural resource would be revealed, and that "No Canadian authorities will be happy." Turns out Canada's greatest natural resource is...dirt.
    • It's also a land chocked filled with wieners separated from America by a river of beans in the episode "Wiener Barons".
    • It also helps that some of the episodes are done in Canada by Carbunkle Cartoons, and that John Kricfalusi himself is from Canada as well.
  • In one episode of Rugrats, the Pickles stop at "North of the Border," a Canadian-themed theme park/tourist trap. Some of its attractions are a mini version of Niagara Falls and an igloo-shaped restaurant where everything is made with maple syrup. When Grandpa wakes up in the car, he thinks he's actually in Canada without a passport and tries to hide from the "Mounties" (which are actually just park handymen in mountie uniforms).
  • In The Simpsons:
    • In "The Regina Monologues", when Homer is forced to apologize to the British government:

      Homer: I know we don't call as often as we should, and we aren't as well behaved as our goody-two-shoes brother Canada — who by the way has never had a girlfriend... I'm just saying.

    • In "The Bart Wants What It Wants", Homer, when asked if the family can visit Canada:

      Homer: Canada? Why should we leave America to visit America junior?

This is followed by the Simpsons visiting Toronto. They are seen on a bus with an RCMP officer, a hockey player, and a Sasquatch.
  • In "You Only Move Twice", Bart is placed in a remedial class and meets one of the classmates:

    Boy: I moved here from Can-a-da, and they think I'm slow, eh?

  • "Boy Meets Curl" featured the 2010 Winter Olympics, which took place in Vancouver, and the ceremonial release of the beavers ("the Canadian dove"). Also featured was Bart's new friend, Milhoose ("your sister's loonier than a one dollar coin, eh"), and a bully modeled on Nelson who trips and taunts Milhoose with the words, "Hoo hoo!"
  • In "Midnight Rx" Homer and Grampa go to Canada to smuggle prescription pills due to rising health costs putting an end to company drug plans. Grampa gives the veteran who hands him a health card a DVD player in appreciation. The veteran looks at it puzzled, wondering where you pour the syrup. During their second trip alongside Flanders and Apu, they're caught by border guards, after which they meet with a police official who's accompanied by a French translator that he trolls.
  • South Park:
    • Canada is the home of Terrance and Philip, which were originally intended as a parody of South Park itself: a crudely drawn and animated show about farts. However, later episodes turned Terrance and Phillip into real people and made all Canadians look and act like them: they are all crudely drawn, move their mouths by "flapping" the tops of their heads, speak in a rapid-paced and stylized accent, address each other as "buddy" or "guy," and fart a lot. More traditional Canadian stereotypes, such as moose, Mounties, maple syrup and Kraft Dinner are also commonly addressed.
    • Ike being Canadian by birth is a retroactive case, since he has been featured since the beginning of the show (therefore, before even Terrance and Phillip were introduced), but Trey Parker and Matt Stone found the flapping heads' coincidence too noticeable to let it slide, so he was retconned into being adopted.
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks: The USS Vancouver is named after the city of Vancouver, its shuttles are named after Vancouver's neighborhoods (Fairview, Kitsilano, Marpole), it's a Parliament-class starship (which is a nod to the Parliament of Canada), and Jet's lunch at the Vancouver's mess hall is poutine.
  • Steven Universe has the Show Within a Show Camp Pining Hearts. The first two shots of the show are: one character holding maple syrup, and another character holding a tray of poutine. A green Canadian flag is in the foreground of both shots. Also, all stated names in the show (Paulette, Percy, Pierre) are French-Canadian.
  • The Blizzarians in Storm Hawks are a race of mountain-dwelling Canadian furries. "Who needs all that dirt and rock when you can have nice, cold snow, eh?" The show was made in Canada, so it was probably tongue-in-cheek.
  • In an episode of El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera, White Pantera gets depressed and can do nothing but lie on the couch and watch "Canadian soap operas". ("Don't talk to me aboot love!")
  • Total Drama's cast is mostly Canadian, but only Ezekiel from the first generation of contestants and Wayne and Raj from the fourth generation behave according to the stereotypes. The Canadian-produced show itself has numerous Canadian references, though, especially in the locale-specific World Tour season and Ridonculous Race spinoff, both of which featured several Canadian provinces as some of the destinations the contestants traveled to.
  • The Canadian-produced series Yvon of the Yukon is set in Upyermukluk, a backwater Quirky Town in the middle of the Canadian Arctic where there's snow all year-round and the average temperature is usually around "freeze-your-butt-off".

Booted from Canada

By simply declining syrup on his pancakes, Lincoln violates the Canadian Royal Syrup Code and gets banned from Canada for three whole years.

Example of:
Persona Non Grata

Alternative Title(s): Oh Canada, Canadians Are Weird