Most Common Superpower - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Dec 25 2023
Hobbes: Is Amazon Girl's super power the ability to squeeze that figure into that suit?
Calvin: Nah, they all can do that.
Whether the superheroine/villainess is a mutant, an amazon princess or a Green-Skinned Space Babe, if she's female, she is straining against the bonds of gravity... but not in a flying sort of way.
This most common of metahuman attributes seems to range from a D-cup size upward for any character just past the onset of puberty (a time when many comic book characters start to manifest superpowers). They are not only large, but remarkably self-supporting and perky for their size. Naturally, this means that women in live-action adaptations won't have the same figures as the source material.
Common because of the Buxom Beauty Standard and that Most Artists Are Male, of course, which is why this rarely involves My Eyes Are Up Here.
One theory behind this phenomenon in comics is that American superheroes are drawn in a "larger than life" artstyle. Heroes are supposed to look dynamic and impressive, villains look evil and shady, and thus women are sometimes drawn to accentuate any womanly features far more heavily than a realistic style would. (And yes, to the extent this is true, there is a Double Standard at work here that males aren't depicted with impossibly large pectoral muscles nearly as frequently.)
A Sub-Trope of Heroic Build. Compare Buxom Beauty Standard, Cleavage Window, Form-Fitting Wardrobe, Hidden Buxom, I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!, Stripperiffic, World of Buxom. See also Top-Heavy Guy (a male exaggerated torso). Might extend to a Boob-Based Gag if done for comedy.
For tropes related to actual common superpowers, see Stock Superpowers Index.
Please limit examples to justifications, lampshades, and Played for Laughs.
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Anime & Manga
- In Akahori Gedou Hour Lovege, Kaoruko naturally fits this trope, but her partner Aimi doesn't. Instead, she simulates it thanks to her super suit equipped with fake breasts made of "Paff-Paff X", a material bouncy enough to reflect anything, including incoming missiles.
- Subverted in Tiger & Bunny. Blue Rose looks like she matches this trope at first, but then you look at her costume notes
◊ and realize that her sponsors make her pad out her costume. After all, you can't market your superhero as a sexy dominatrix with just a B-cup, now can you?
Comic Books
- A study published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences in 2019 examined the female superhero body type. They noted two things. One, most female heroes are significantly underweight based on BMI. Two, in some cases breasts made up as much as 30% of the hero's weight.
- 3 Little Kittens: Latex Red, a former member of the 3 Little Kittens team, had her breasts augmented to enormous size, considerably larger than her head, in an attempt to out-do her former teammates. However she rapidly loses her balance and falls over a railing on her very first outing as a villain. In a later appearance, the boobs actually become a plot point when Red reveals that she's hiding nuclear weapons in them. No, really.
- Agent X: Lampshaded in Outlaw's case in issue #2, when Alex wakes up to her wig having fallen from the bedstand to his face which surprises him and he starts screaming. As it turns out, not only is Inez a natural brunette (with her blonde wig donned to fit her hat), but she's also had breast enhancement surgery.
Alex: A wig? (points to boobs) Are...are those real?
Outlaw: Well...hate to tell you this, cowboy, but...
Outlaw: What, did you reckon that they just grew all of us out on a perfect body farm somewhere?
Alex: Well, I just naturally assumed... - Bazooka Jules: Jules is a teenager with a slender build but thanks to a micro-robotic weapon fusing with her body anytime she's in danger she transforms in an adult version of herself with extremely large breasts. When she asks her professor why activating her powers makes her breasts so big, he explains that the weapon automatically provides its user with physical enhancements and weapons its user wants for the situation. One of the enhancements Jules has been subconsciously commanding the weapon to get her is large breasts.
- Black Cat: Lampshaded occasionally. Best one that comes to mind is the time Spider-Man questions how she can move so acrobatically with them weighing her down.
◊note Similarly to Wonder Woman, she had an average bust size when she first appeared (in The Amazing Spider-Man #194).
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight: Joss Whedon has mentioned that when he was getting started with the comics, he had some trouble finding comic book artists who were skilled at drawing women with average-sized breasts.
- City of Dreams: In Brian Tarsis' erotic graphic novel, when the heroine steps through the mirror into the fantasy world and becomes her alter ego, her first comment is "I am the Princess - look at these tits!"
- Doom Patrol:
- Grant Morrison's run on the second ongoing lampooned this in the Doom Force one-shot (as its premise revolved around mocking the conventions of the Rob Liefeld school of 1990s comics), which depicted Doom Force members Flux and Spinner (an older version of Dorothy Spinner) as well as Count Zero's sister Una as having noticeably large breasts.
- In Rachel Pollack's run on the same volume, the story "The Dogs of Soul" has some bullies allude to the tendency for superheroines to be busty when they pick on Dorothy Spinner.
Boy: She can't be a superhero. She doesn't even have big balloon tits.
- Empowered:
- Openly lampshaded and mocked, like a great deal else in the comic:
Empowered: 'Racktastic'? Having allegedly large breastesses, that's not a superpower. Okay?
Ninjette: Au contraire, Count Rackula. Believe me, I would so flaunt them if I had 'em.
Empowered: That I do believe, coming from someone with 'Ninjette' printed across the back of her shorts. - There's also a character called Jugganaut, whose power is implied to be related to her large breasts.
- Ninjette actually cites this trope by name in vol. 7 when she and Emp make fun of themselves while wearing each others costumes.
Ninjette: And I'm a super-heroine tragically lacking the most common superpower for girlcapes! As in, well, boobs.
- Openly lampshaded and mocked, like a great deal else in the comic:
- Galacta: Daughter of Galactus: Predictably, Galacta has a big bust on display to distinguish herself as Galactus's Distaff Counterpart.
- Gen13: In one issue, when Grunge absorbed Caitlin's power, he also acquired her bust size. Apparently, boobs are part of her superpowers. In the post-Worldstorm version, she was explicitly genetically engineered for attractive appearance. Regardless of continuity, her large breasts were always the result of her powers. In her first appearance, she suddenly turns from mousy and slender to muscular and curvy when her powers activate. This is attributed to an increase in "muscle mass."
- Halloween Man: Lucy, even more so since becoming plus-sized, which has given her the Most Common Superpower in spades due to Breast Expansion as well as becoming a BBW. A lot of this has been played for laughs, recently leading to a few My Eyes Are Up Here moments.
- Invincible: Subverted and lampshaded in the Capes backup of issue #27, wherein Knockout dons large prosthetic breasts while getting into costume. Her also superpowered boyfriend comments that he wished she "didn't have to wear those anymore," to which she replies that her salary has doubled since she started wearing them, and that "the world just doesn't want flat-chested superheroines." Parodied later in that same series. When Atom Eve rebuilds herself using her matter-manipulation powers, in the middle of a life-or-death fight, she takes the opportunity to make some "improvements" by upping her cup-size. "Subconsciously". She then passes out, and is quite surprised by her new figure when she wakes up in the hospital. Knockout later gives up wearing the prosthetic breasts once she and Kid Thor join up with the Guardians of the Globe after Capes Inc. disbands, due to both being comfortable in her own skin, and having a government salary that is already generous enough as it is, and doesn't hinge on the size of her breasts, but on her abilities as a hero.
- Meanwhile: Amusingly parodied in one of Jhonen Vasquez's strips, which features a pair of dimension-hopping travelers arriving in a parody superhero universe, and end up fighting two heroes there: a man so enormously overmuscled that he can't lift his own arms, and a woman whose breasts are so ridiculously huge, especially in proportion to her stick-thin body, that all it takes to defeat her is tapping her in the forehead, causing the weight of her breasts to literally break her back, the top half of her body falling to the ground, and her head being immediately crushed to a pulp when her breasts land on it.
- Ms. Marvel: Lampshaded and subverted in Ms. Marvel (2014). Kamala Khan spent much of her life idolizing Carol Danvers and fantasized about looking as good as she does in Carol's most well-known outfit. When Kamala's Shapeshifting abilities first appear, she subconsciously forces herself to look somewhat like Carol, but quickly comes to realize that she doesn't have the body type, doesn't like the hair, and the outfit is uncomfortable. The outfit she comes up with later is far more modest, being a modified burkini. As she is a sixteen year old girl, this is probably for the best. Not all the cover artists got the memo, though.
- Pinky and the Brain: Invoked in the cover
for the first issue of the comic adaption, which depicts Pinky and the Brain masquerading as superheroines while stuffing tissues down their blouses to give the appearance of huge breasts (the story itself had the mice become a Batman Parody).
Brain: Trust me, Pinky. This is what it takes to be big in comics!
- Power Girl:
- The urban legend
goes that legendary comics artist Wally Wood, one of the original artists for the series at DC Comics, started enlarging her chest issue-to-issue to see how far he could go with it before the suits upstairs caught on. Again, this is just a myth; however, it started a tradition, and it's often considered one — er, two of the main features of the character, i.e. that she has even larger breasts than the average generously endowed superheroine. Plus the "boob window" over her cleavage making them that much more obvious.
- Lampshaded in Public Enemies (2004) when Batman, Superman, Katana, and Power Girl are discussing the need to distract the Toyman (a thirteen-year-old Japanese boy genius). Power Girl (in her costume with the big window in the chest) asks why everyone is suddenly staring at her before realizing the obvious.
- The same issue gave us this other great lampshading, when Superman and Batman talk with the Toyman about his invention after Power Girl is done distracting him:
Superman: Will it work?
Toyman: Does Power Girl have big—
Batman: (cuts him off) Alright then, let's go. - Many of the artists and writers have had other characters point her figure out (such as in the preceding example), unlike other heroines in skintight and revealing clothing that other characters seemingly ignore. Even Power Girl herself is aware of her figure. In Power Trip (2005), she commented that she doesn't need to wear a mask because "most of the time... they ain't lookin' at my face."
- Some contemporary artists (particularly from the 2000s and onward) also draw her as muscular, built like a bodybuilder; Alex Ross and Adam Hughes are but two examples. Ross gave Peej an even more exaggerated physique as
Power Woman
in Kingdom Come (explained
◊ by Ross
as Kara growing Stronger with Age over the last few decades — at least in this continuity) and then more or less carried over these new proportions to his work on Justice Society of America Vol. 3 (perhaps best seen with Power Girl on the cover to issue #9
◊), whereas Hughes even drew a sketch of Kara lifting her own breasts for exercise in one of his convention sketchbooks.
- The urban legend
- Promethea: When mild-mannered college student Sophie Bangs becomes paranormal superheroine Promethea, her friend's first comment is "You finally got boobs!"
- PS238: Subverted in two
Villainess "The Kestrel" is blackmailed with medical pictures proving that hers aren't all-natural. She had it done because she's "got a mystique to maintain in this business." Beyond that, author/artist Aaron Williams rarely portrays any of his women with the Most Common Superpower. Especially Piffany, who is short and rather dumpy. The aversion in PS238 is justified in-universe by the fact that most of the superheroines in the comic are still prepubescent.
- Red Hood and the Outlaws: In the first issue of the New 52 series, Red Hood has to break Arsenal/Speedy/Red Arrow out of a prison in a Middle Eastern country. While they're being chased, Arsenal asks if Hood brought any backup, and Hood replies "38 of them." While Arsenal's still trying to figure that out, Starfire flies by and blows up a tank.
- Red Sonja: Red Sonja explains why she dresses like that, which is that she wants to be the lightning rod for men who would attack a woman, as they are more likely to grab a woman dressed in a revealing outfit, and Sonja wants to be the one to get their attention so she can deal with them.
- The Sandman (1989): In one issue, Barbi (an attractive woman who certainly has no reason for A-Cup Angst) describes going into a comic book store; the creepy clerk says "we don't usually see breasts as small as yours here", presumably because the only women ever seen in that store are on the pages of the comic books.
- Savage Dragon: One of the girlfriends of the Dragon sees a photo of Dragon's deceased wife, the busty superheroine Smasher. She wonders out loud if her power was the power to defy gravity. Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen flat out admits that he utilizes this trope. In fact, he lampshaded this with Earth Girl, a superheroine with... um, great power who often finds herself the victim of a Wardrobe Malfunction.
- She-Hulk: She-Hulk is on record as the single most buxom female character in the Marvel Universe while her powers are active, but when she's not "hulked out", her proportions are perfectly average. Her proportions have been lampshaded more than once.
- Spider-Girl: The eponymous Spider-Girl a.k.a. May "May Day" Parker doesn't have absolutely huge breasts but average-sized ones, despite her mother, MJ Watson, being rather gifted in that department, suggesting that this is partly down to the fact that she's still a teen. However, when two of her friends, who have no idea she is Spider-Girl, decide to draw an indie comic based on the heroine they ramp up her breast size — as well as change her outfit to be more revealing and to display a head of long blonde locks. May Day finds the entire thing silly.
- Strikeforce: Morituri: Lampshaded. First a female character celebrates that her enhancement process has given her a bigger bosom, and later other female characters are amused/skeeved by the size of the breasts they have been depicted with in the in-universe propaganda comics about them.
- Supergirl: Supergirl is usually not as well-endowed as her Earth-Two adult counterpart Power Girl but she still has a very nice bust when she grows
◊ up.
◊ In Elseworld's Finest: Supergirl & Batgirl, perhaps to better mirror Power Girl, an older incarnation of the Girl of Steel
◊ is shown to be the most buxom female character in the series in addition to sporting a more robust physique.
- The Ultimates: Nick Fury jokingly asks if Monica Chang had a "boob job," but she just tells him to shut up. Either way, she's as stacked as every other woman Leinil Yu draws.
- W.I.T.C.H.: Justified, as the Guardians of Kandrakar are five teenaged girls whose transformations give them the idealized version of their older bodies, and it compensates for their perceived flaws. Thus Will, Taranee and Hay Lin, who suffer from breast envy, get larger breasts, Irma, who is pudgy, gets slimmer... And Cornelia, who is perfectly OK with her body, just gets an Older Alter Ego and is noticeably flatter (though she still has an above-average bust size) than the others.
- Wonder Woman:
- X-Men:
- Emma Frost is one of the few superheroines who has had breast implants, and she proudly flaunts her body.
- In a tiny aversion, Alan Davis drew Shadowcat as flat-chested for a while in Excalibur. According to Davis, his editor soon told him to stop doing that.
- Youngblood: Judgment Day: Lampshaded by a superheroine from the sixties who says that she was considered as well-endowed back in the day, but compared to today's heroines, she feels flat-chested.
- Young Justice:
- Spoofed when mousy archaeologist Nina Dowd is transformed into the supervillainess Mighty Endowed. Her breasts are literally super-powered (she can fire man-hypnotizing beams from them), but she quickly finds her chest is so big she can't stand up without help.
- Likewise, when Arrowette is convinced that she's going to have to turn evil, one of her major concerns is the costume that goes with a lifetime of villainy.
Comic Strips
- Lampshaded in one of the last Bloom County strips. Steve Dallas is showing Opus a comic book, and points out to him that "all the women look like Dolly Parton in zero gravity!"
- Calvin and Hobbes: Lampshaded in one strip. After reading one of Calvin's comic books, Hobbes comments that "Amazon Girl's" most incredible superpower is keeping her astonishing cleavage within her costume.
Fan Works
- Child of the Storm usually doesn't stray into this territory, sticking to more realistic body sizes with a few exceptions.
- Carol Danvers, much like her canon counterpart, is older than she looks — she has the sort of physique a co-ed would be proud of at 14/15, being somewhat more developed (which is increasingly frequently) Truth in Television. Heftily deconstructed, however, in how much unwanted attention this gets her — also, regrettably, Truth in Television — meaning that she's spiky, defensive, and has very few genuine friends. In any case, she's built in a fairly Amazonian fashion all around, so it's proportionate. With the eventual confirmation that she's descended from Captain America and Peggy Carter, this is both unsurprising and possibly explained by the super serum causing her to, ahem, develop earlier. In any case, no one dwells on it in any detail — Harry is uncomfortably aware that she's a very attractive young woman despite their Just Friends dynamic and occasionally gets a little hot and bothered about it thanks to their increasing UST, but that's as far as it goes.
- Diana during the temporary Plot-Relevant Age-Up. Though she is drop dead gorgeous and an Amazonian Beauty (being a 12 year old Wonder Woman), there's a brief adjustment (literally and figuratively) scene for the group at large, in which she finds them rather uncomfortable, awkward and embarrassing. After that, they aren't mentioned again, with the narrative focused on the fight. Since before and after said age up she's a petite twelve year old on the cusp of adolescence, this discomfort is hardly surprising.
- Jean Grey, is developing this, like her comic counterpart, but on a more realistic scale, as is Maddie Pryor a.k.a. Rachel Grey, her twin sister.
- Floating Hands parodies the trope; its version of Psylocke has breasts that overshadow her head.
- In Glorious Shotgun Princess, one of the side effects of Shepherd's Exaltation is her breasts going up a few sizes.
- In Harry Potter and the Golden Ring
, Harry and Remus have a conversation with Power Girl the morning after her and Harry's drunken Vegas wedding.
Harry: So aside from those breasts, what other superpowers do you have?
- MarvelMaster616
's Marvel Universe fics attempt to justify it — apparently, the X-Gene attempts to compensate for its rarity by making its carriers more attractive (there is also a higher sex drive attached, which is why these fics are often Porn with Plot). One fic actually has Jean posing for a Playboy centerfold, and the playmate responsible for shooting asks outright who does her boobs — she cannot believe they're real.
- In Origin Story, Alex Harris is a clone of Power Girl, so naturally this trope applies. And they are remarked upon several times, not only by other people, but by Alex herself and (especially) Louise, Alex's girlfriend, who really, really appreciates them.
- Stupor Heroics: So far, all heroines shown are described as having a buxom build. Lincoln even lampshades that such endowments are common for female metas.
- Superman: House of El: Played straight with Kara and Diana, who both have very impressive busts. Averted with Lori Lemaris, who has a slender "swimmer's body."
- Vow of Nudity: Every heroine is well-endowed, though it's less universal with side characters (like Gloria). This is most obvious in the first chapter of "Bonus Encounters", which illustrates Haara, Spectra and Fiora together in one image and none of them are lacking in the chest department.
Film — Live-Action
- In My Super Ex-Girlfriend, the advent of G-Girl's metahuman abilities is heralded by an, er, expansion, of her bosom, followed by several other cosmetic changes. Which is a total Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, as no-one ever points this out and her breast expansion is never once mentioned in the entire film. As well as the fact that in every scene of her as an adult, G-Girl seems to be pretty average-sized up top.
- Zig-zagged in Zsazsa Zaturnnah, in both movie and comic book versions. Zsazsa's boobs can fire lasers. This may or may not be a gag of people looking at women's breasts instead of their eyes.
- Proto-Superhero the Domino Lady is notably well-endowed, with much text devoted to how her sheer white gown stretches across her ample bust.
- Lampshaded in Perry Moore's Hero, where pyrokinetic Miss Scarlet says during an icebreaker that she grew up by a nuclear power plant and one day in her teens, she woke up with her flame powers and "a rack that would make Dolly Parton jealous."
- Nightside:
- Suzie Shooter is quite female and, from several descriptions, is... endowed with MCSP according to John Taylor's own internal dialogue.
John Taylor: "She wore two bandoliers of bullets across her impressive chest."
- Lampshaded in Paths Not Taken, when Suzie, John and Tommy Oblivion all see Alternate Universe versions of themselves in Old Father Time's mirrors. On viewing themselves as superheroes, Suzie complains that she's never had breasts that big.
- Ms. Fate, the Nightside's resident costumed superheroine, averts this trope because she's the crime-fighting alter ego of a male transvestite. He does, however, include a high-grade set of falsies in his costume, the better to emulate this trope.
- Suzie Shooter is quite female and, from several descriptions, is... endowed with MCSP according to John Taylor's own internal dialogue.
- The heroine of Dave M. Strom's "Super Holly Hansson" stories
was originally an A-cup, but developed an impressive bust when she gained superpowers. Unfortunately, the sudden breast expansion destroyed her favorite t-shirt (a Batman shirt signed by Adam West) and left her exposed in public.
- The Supervillainy Saga says that superheroines (and superheroes to a lesser extent) make ample use of illusion magic to make themselves appear as incredibly beautiful physical paragons. This includes an extensive bust for (nearly) every woman. Gary asks about it and Cindy basically says they do it because they can and it's lucrative as a marketing opportunity.
- In Tales of an ‘Mazing Girl one of Sarah's noticeable features. Justified in that she's a larger woman, with fat over the rest of her body. It's pointed out that they tend to grow and shrink even with her yoyo-ing weight.
- This trope is averted in Wearing the Cape. Hope/Astra, while a Flying Brick, describes herself as "built like an underage pixie" and has a stuffed bra built into her costume to make her look older. Elsewhere she comments that the practice of incorporating wonderbras into superheroine's costumes is almost universal.
Live-Action TV
- In the Batwoman episode "If You Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You", Sophie and Julia find Tommy Elliot's collection of Kitty Delgado comics, and Julia laughs that "There's no way a cat burglar's squeezing into all those tight spaces with those jubblies." This is probably a specific Take That! at Jim Balent's Catwoman covers.
- In The Big Bang Theory, Amy and Sheldon are at the comic book store when Stuart comes over to help:
Stuart: Can I help you?
Amy: Can you show me a female superhero whose bosom couldn't be used as a flotation device?
Stuart: Sorry, most guys around here (indicates to the usual losers) like big boobs. Most of them have big boobs. - The Boys has three superheroines in The Seven, Queen Maeve (Wonder Woman analogue, with the expected results), Starlight (actually more average-sized than in the original comic, but wears silicone padding when in her corporate-mandated revealing\skintight new outfit to invoke the trope), and Stormfront (exploited in her skin-tight form-fitting leather outfit — though the actress made sure to point in an interview that it's padded: "I'm a late bloomer").
- Hilariously lampshaded on Conan. He went with his graphic designer, Pierre Bernard, to the DC studios on the Dec 16, 2010 episode. Pierre showed his sketches of updating some DC women heroes. He showed drawings he did for Wonder Woman and Catwoman with ridiculously large breasts. The kicker was when he also produced a picture of Martha Kent, Superman's adopted mother, with abnormally large breasts.
- In Roseanne, Darlene makes David redraw their comic book to remove this superpower from all the female characters.
- Wonder Woman: Lynda Carter dramatically changed the way we look at the character forever thanks to how she filled out the iconic uniform. Previously, Wonder Woman was portrayed with a slim and athletic build. Afterwards this trope was invoked in spades.
Tabletop Games
- Aberrant, part of the Trinity Universe (White Wolf), has a "Mega-Attribute" section of powers which are enhancements of the standard "attributes" that all characters have in the Storyteller system — strength, dexterity, and so forth. Although "Mega-Appearance" comes in many forms, the pic accompanying the section is of a woman with gigantic breasts being photographed by paparazzi. This is partially justified by the way that nova bodies tend to reshape themselves according to the subconscious desires of the nova upon eruption; thus, if a woman wants to be a big-boobed goddess, she gets to be a big-boobed goddess.
- The cover of Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition depicts a variety of male or gender-ambiguous supers note and one obvious female, "Princess", who is wearing a very tight, pink, midriff-bearing top that calls attention to her well-shaped bust (while it may not be all that large, it's certainly... pneumatic).
Video Games
- This is also true in Champions Online, which isn't surprising given the game was made by the same developers as City of Heroes. And likewise, some clothing options make it easier to downplay it (or not) than others.
- In City of Heroes, there has been some complaint from female players that even the smallest bust option on females is at least a C-cup. It's annoying if you're trying to make — say, a modestly-proportioned speedster. It is possible to create the illusion of smaller breasts with judicious use of the waist, hips and physique sliders. And some clothing also tends to downplay them.
Web Comics
- The titular character of The Challenges of Zona, and even more so the giantess Liri, who would be at least a DD if she was human. As Liri is around 15 feet tall, her breasts pretty much demand their own postal code.
- El Goonish Shive:
- Justified in Exiern: An archwizard/seamstress was sick of dealing with "three sizes" and "unhealthy body shapes" so she cast a permanent spell to make every woman sexy as hell and the exact same shape. Since the world of Exiern has an in-universe system to justify retcons and author switches, this sex-based myth is going to stick in one form or another.
- Grrl Power:
- Protagonist Sydney Scoville, who works for a government agency mostly comprised of superheroines, is told that whatever causes superpowers also gives extremely idealized bodies: every superhuman is automatically, tall, remarkably fit, and in the case of women have large and perky breasts. Sydney, who has no superpowers of her own because her abilities come from a halo of orbs is flat-chested and suffers some A-Cup Angst over her scrawny nerd girl appearance (particularly compared to the aptly-named Maxima).
"I didn't know it was possible to feel fat and skinny at the same time."
- Played with in the character of Pixel, who's short and flat-chested like Sydney but eventually revealed to be a werejaguar and while she has no superpowers in her human form, her beast form does, so she becomes tall, muscular, and stacked when she transforms.
- Protagonist Sydney Scoville, who works for a government agency mostly comprised of superheroines, is told that whatever causes superpowers also gives extremely idealized bodies: every superhuman is automatically, tall, remarkably fit, and in the case of women have large and perky breasts. Sydney, who has no superpowers of her own because her abilities come from a halo of orbs is flat-chested and suffers some A-Cup Angst over her scrawny nerd girl appearance (particularly compared to the aptly-named Maxima).
- In the League of Super Redundant Heroes, all heroines and villainesses are very well built.
- For some it's their only power. Buckeress, for example, was able to get onto the team because of it. As the art style changed Buckeress was drawn to be bigger and bigger until she was at least twice as powerful] as the other lady heroes and villains.
- Mary Sue, a parody of Mary Sues has this as a literal superpower. She can eat as much as she wants and whatever she wants, and the only place she will gain weight is her chest.
- Averted in M9 Girls!. The M9 Girls have pretty realistic and assorted body types: Clau is scrawny, and petite Karla is barely a B cup. Pato is buxom, but has a robust body to go with it. Only Any has a slender, curvy body, but it is mostly evident when she is in costume.
- Pacificators:
- There is Muneca Powell, who stands out amongst other women (who has more normally-sized racks). However, being a Proper Lady, Muneca has some D-Cup Distress.
- Also, Muneca's teammate Cinna Grossul lampshades the trope when she was forced to wear a couple of water balloons (long story short, she was The Bait).
Cinna: Damn! Why do they have to be so heavy?! There’s no way the superheroines in those crappy comics can run around with those weights! [next panel] Geez, I'm starting to feel sorry for the real big-busted women.
- In Scott Kurtz's PvP, Jade complains that she can't make a super-heroine on NCSoft's City of Heroes MMORPG without producing an avatar with a back-breaking pair of breasts. When Brent and Francis explain that this condition fits the genre, Jade retaliates
by naming her character the Titillator with the battle-cry macro "Eyes up here!" On the other hand, she's got a decent pair herself, and her bustier sister Miranda uses hers as psychological weapons. After failing to manipulate a male character on one occasion, she looked down at her breasts and asked, "Are these on?" Brent once dreamed of Jade in a classic comic book style — appropriately drawn by Frank Cho himself — and was awestruck with the results.
- Mentioned on Questionable Content when Faye teases Penny about her possible identity as Pizza Girl
- The eponymous heroine of Redd isn't really a superhero, being a mere mortal with technology who's competing with them as her job, but she's naturally gifted with large breasts, and she and her Voice with an Internet Connection discuss how it really does fit the superhero tropes.
- In Sandra and Woo, Ye Thuza becomes internet famous for being a Masked Vigilante. When her husband shows a piece of her fan art
, she gets annoyed that she is drawn with big breasts, which would be impractical for fighting crime.
- The whole premise of Sidekick Girl is that superheroes are chosen because they "look the part" and sidekicks are assigned on the basis of the heroes' needs. This leaves the intelligent and skillful but relatively plain Valerie as Hypercompetent Sidekick to a telegenic and curvaceous blond bombshell Brainless Beauty named Illumina, with a (highly inaccurate) reputation for getting a long string of sidekicks killed with her incompetence. Valerie was picked because she can't die — and that's it. No Healing Factor, no immunity to injury or pain. She just doesn't die from anything. She can suffer, though. Man, can she suffer.
- In Sidekicks all of the females introduced into the story (however briefly) are noticeably buxom except for Iblis, who seemingly makes up for it with her Navel-Deep Neckline outfit, and Limpid, who is only a teenager (and could always grow into it). This is especially noticeable with Mybee, who seems to be around the same age as Limpid, yet is quite busty for her size.
- Discussed in this strip
from Something*Positive:
Aubrey: Oh, I wanna be a superhero! All that power and might! The cool abilities and costumes! The shockingly perfect boobie-spheres that have their own unique center of gravity!
Davan: I noticed fighting for truth and justice wasn't in that little wish list.
Aubrey: Davan, super women have super boobies. Super boobies are a "get out of fighting for good" card in the Monopoly game that is our lives. - Spinnerette contains three examples, all parodies and all lampshaded:
- For the titular superheroine this appears to actually be part of her superpowers because the Freak Lab Accident that gives Heather super-powers changes her from modest to busty while toning her everywhere else.
- Super Milf is a blatant lampoon of this trope, as justified in her origin story. She was a scientist investigating the mysterious alien bio-reactors discovered by the military. The reactors suddenly went critical and a huge explosion ensued. Miraculously, no one was killed, but the reactors somehow merged with her breasts, turning her into a very powerful and very busty superheroine. She claims that her costume's generous cleavage vents heat from the reactors in her breasts.
- Greta Gravity justifies this by explaining that her powers are generated by her adipose (fat) tissue, so she has to keep her weight up to maintain them. Of course, she carries most of that weight in her giant bust and other assets. This in turn is justified: the reason she stays so perky and curvaceous is that she uses her gravity-warping abilities as super-powered support and shapewear. In other words, Greta's breasts literally defy gravity.
- Supermegatopia:
- Alternately parodied and embraced, especially by the characters of Buxom Gal, an explicit parody of Power Girl whose breasts expand as she absorbs energy and contract as she uses it, and Distraction Damsel, whose "super power" is to distract bad guys (and everyone else) with her assets and precisely-timed "wardrobe malfunctions."
- Lampshaded by the newspapers of that world, who have offered a large reward for photos of Buxom Gal after more than a week of not using her powers. Sadly, the constant amount of supervillain attacks means she can barely go one day without expending her power.
- Super Rivals: Pretty much every superhero and villain in Wonderberg is gorgeous and stacked, with Awesome Girl, the main heroine, having a very large bust to match her might.
- In SwordCat Princess, most of the main female cast is large-breasted
, with the artistic intention being to accentuate their warmth, softness, and womanly humanity; this is used as a visual counterpoint to the relatively small-breasted Arayna
, to make her seem less soft and inviting in contrast.
- In Unit-M, Shield sports breasts
that are larger than her head. When she tries to post
a selfie on social media, she's almost immediately harassed
regarding their size.
Web Original
- Winked at in this short story
, when the superheroine's boyfriend notes that her action figures "look like someone has gone at her strategically with a large vise and an air pump" despite her modest actual figure. He blames marketing.
- In Brennus, much as in the Whateley Universe, the Adonis expression of the Physique power reshapes people according to their perception of attractiveness. It's also literally the Most Common Superpower in the setting, as it often comes as a sub-power.
- Played with in the online story Interviewing Leather: Leather is a supervillain who used to be a superhero. Amongst her reasons for her Face–Heel Turn is the fact that she didn't look like a superhero: she was only a B-cup and most heroines had at least double D's. "You know what they call it? Side Kick physique." Then again, she may be an Unreliable Narrator making excuses. Especially given that female supervillains are, if anything, even more inclined toward having supersized breasts and skimpy costumes that barely hide them.
- In the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions, Hamburger Pattie lived up to this trope while Frangelica was the inversion. Guess which character was written by a man and which by a woman?
- Done (but certainly no more or less justified than in any other instance) in Pokegirls, in which the female monsters were created by the Big Bad Mad Scientist Sukebe, who made the majority of them very well endowed.
- Whateley Universe:
- Justified in-universe, since the Exemplar power that a lot of these teenaged mutants possess reshapes their body image to what they subconsciously think it ought to be. With a few exceptions, a lot of these teenaged girls have huge tracts of land for their age, just as a lot of these teenaged boys look way too buff for growing high school boys. Phase has said that Mindbird and Attributes have some of the most "powerful" Most Common Superpower among the students, and his girlfriend Vox has that power too.
- Note that the converse is also common in male Exemplars.
- There's also the tidbit that most superheroines wear some sort of protective armor over the easily hurt parts. Phase, who retained his male genitals (and gender) but otherwise appears female, has kinetic gel protection in his supersuit; he hates that it makes him even more endowed while at the same time making his male parts more pronounced (which makes him a target for homophobes).
- Lampshaded, by name, by Jadis Diabolik, who doesn't have this despite being an Exemplar, and isn't very happy about it.
Western Animation
- In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, huge breasts are among the common physical characteristics of the female characters. However, in what may be a superheroine first, The Wasp's costume downplays her figure. This is only fully revealed in "The Casket of Ancient Winters", where she has a swimsuit scene that reveals this.
- In Justice League, Wonder Woman has very huge breasts. This is lampshaded not so discreetly when she goes to visit Hephaestus, the Greek god who designed her armor. He notes that he created it originally for her mother, who doesn't quite have her... um... build, and offered to take it out a little sometime.