Multiversal Conqueror - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jul 25 2009
"There are forces in the multiverse far beyond anything you've ever dealt with. Ancient, mindless evils that fill in the cracks and eat dimensions just for a snack. Monstrous deities and empires spanning Universe after Universe have risen and fallen in the span of forever! But there is still one individual, one being that they are all horrified of! When I saw him coming near my universe, I fled. Weep for your Universe, Linkara! Weep for all universes, for Lord Vyce is coming! And all that he sees, he conquers! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Sometimes an Evil Overlord, Galactic Conqueror, Dimension Lord, demon lord, archdevil, Physical God of Evil or Eldritch Abomination decides there's only one evil goal big enough that suits him — bring The Multiverse to its knees. Not only our Earth, but every dimension, every alternate reality, every single planet and life form in the whole multiverse. He may want to conquer it. Or he might want to destroy it. In both cases he's the ultimate threat, more powerful than anyone else our heroes has ever met. He can destroy planets, blow up entire cities with one finger, erase whole dimensions. To show how strong he is, he can even kill the Guardian of the Multiverse, the very first person that will oppose him. And when he says A God Am I, he's being modest, instead of showing delusions of grandeur simply providing an accurate assessment of power. Fighting with him is usually our hero's greatest task ever. To defeat him there's usually a gathering of the greatest army of heroes that multiverse has ever seen. If he comes back after being defeated he will most likely be a shadow of his old self.
Is often used as an Original Generation villain or a Legion of Doom for a Intercontinuity Crossover.
Compare with Omnicidal Maniac.
This is one of the two highest-ranking Authority Tropes, the other being Guardian of the Multiverse. The next rank down is Dimension Lord.
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Anime & Manga
- Several characters in the Digimon series:
- Every Big Bad who isn't a Disc-One Final Boss decides that conquering the Digital World isn't enough — they also want the Real World as well.
- Digimon Tamers: The D-Reaper attempts to delete Earth in accordance with its purpose once it is accidentally brought over into it.
- The real king of this trope is Millenniumon who, as revealed in the Digimon (WonderSwan Series), eventually aspired to conquer all alternate-reality Digital Worlds (that is to say, effectively the alternate worlds of every Digimon canon ever). He comes dangerously close to succeeding, being particularly successful in being The Man Behind the Man as far as almost every bad thing in the Digimon Adventure canon is concerned.
- Digimon Fusion: Baguramon is probably the closest in the franchise to rival Millenimumon in this aspect, and is probably second in power to Milleniumon as well.
- The exact nature and source of The Infection of The Digital World in Digimon Adventure tri. isn't yet known, but the resident Guardian of the Multiverse reveals that it poses a threat to all realities; Real, Digital, and everything else Unknown.
- All versions of Zamasu of Dragon Ball Super. His ambitions aren't limited to one universe. He desires a multiverse free of mortals. For this reason, he slaughtered all the other gods so that no one could oppose him. This gets him called out as a hypocrite by Vegeta and Gowasu, since he's a god murdering gods, yet he still claims to be good and promoting justice. In the manga, he wants to spread his terror to other timelines.
- The titular character of Noein, who snapped after looking through countless universes to find one that didn't end in tragedy. After failing to do so, he decided that it would be better to tear down the multiverse and return everything to the void.
Comic Books
- DC Comics:
- The infamous Countdown to Final Crisis gave us Monarch, who gathered an army of supervillains from the whole multiverse to fight its protectors, the Monitors. At the same time one of the Monitors, Solomon, plotted with Darkseid to conquer the multiverse. It's hard to say which one was worse.
- Darkseid, while normally a Galactic Conqueror, ascends to a Multiversal Conqueror in Final Crisis, and stays there into the New 52 reboot, where we see him sending up multiple fronts of an invasion force to attempt to conquer several Earths within the multiverse simultaneously.
- Krona, whose image is at the top of this page, also counts, being the one who created the multiverse and the anti-matter universe from which the aforementioned Anti-Monitor hails.
- Barbatos of Dark Nights: Metal, however, takes the cake, being the one who transformed the World Forge (where worlds are actually created) into the Dark Multiverse (where Krona just happened to interfere and transformed one universe into the multiverse and the anti-matter universe) — before deciding to bring the entire Prime Multiverse into the Dark Multiverse. His army consists of Dark Multiverse version of heroes; that is, not just one evil version, but multiple evil versions of the heroes.
- Perpetua, from DC Year of the Villain to Dark Nights: Death Metal, is a Social Darwinist who destroys universes that don't recognize her authority, in an attempt to reshape the entire multiverse away from "Justice" and towards "Doom"; that is, sentient life embracing its destiny as an apex predator, rather than worrying about right and wrong. And she's the creator of the multiverse, so as far as she's concerned, she's just reclaiming it. Her plan gets co-opted by an Omniversal Maniac who brags that he's exactly what she wanted humanity to become, and therefore has no interest in her ideas and just wants to kill everything. Oh, and she's the mother of the Anti-Monitor and revealed to have been to be the Greater-Scope Villain of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, and Metal, using her son, Luthor Jr. and Superboy-Prime, Parallax, Mandrakk and Darkseid, and Barbatos as puppets to weaken the Source Wall to help her escape.
- Dynamite Comics' Swords of Sorrow crossover event features the Prince of all Universes, formerly Prince Charming, a vastly powerful Evil Sorcerer who plans to merge all worlds together into a patchwork cosmos so he can rule over it and subjugate all women because Snow White left him.
- Fables: The Adversary (secretly Gepetto) and his armies conquered countless worlds, forcing the Fables to escape as refugees to earth. And then he sends an army to try and take over the Fabletown on Earth as well.
- Marvel Comics:
- A villain, Abraxas, wants to conquer the whole multiverse, but is kept in check by Galactus; as long as Galactus lives, Abraxas can't even exist.
- The Exiles enemy Hyperion was a member of another team sent to repair alternate realities who killed everything in his world and become both a Dimension Lord and completely alone. However, instead of helping alternate realities, he tried to conquer them.
- In a Fantastic Four storyline, the Marquis of Death traveled through alternate Earths, destroying them, killing everything, or any sort of villainy he felt like. All for fun.
- And then you have Hyperstorm, another Fantastic Four villain who's the future son of Franklin Richards and Rachel Summers. Let's drive this point home, shall we? Daddy can alter reality with his mind, and mommy is a cosmic-level telepath/telekinetic that can access the Phoenix Force. Obviously, their kid was tremendously powerful and conquered several universes in his adult life.
- Another Marvel villain who semi-fits this trope is Kang The Conqueror, a time-traveling military genius who's conquered universes, not through raw power, but through tactics and strategy.
- Yet another Marvel villain — Amatsu Mikaboshi, Chaos King, who is a void that existed before the creation of the first universe and The Multiverse and seeks to destroy it all, until nothing but him will remain.
- And another Marvel villain, or rather a bunch of these — the Many-Angled Ones of the Cancerverse, beings that killed Death and conquered their universe, and want to do the same to other universes, starting with the main Marvel Universe. Shuma-Gorath is probably the most well known, and is the ruler of over a hundred universes.
- Another one — Doctor Strange's Arch-Enemy Dormammu, who is an Eldritch Abomination that rules over the Dark Dimension and has absorbed other universes into it. The same applies to his sister, Umar, though the fact that she is second to him in power tends to limit her a bit.
- The Marvel Zombies, after their Zombie Apocalypse conquered their own universe, start looking for a way to spread it across the whole multiverse, and try to attack both the Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Marvel universe. It's hard to say if they are the Multiversal Conquerors, or if it's The Virus that controls them.
- The "Marvel Zombies Return" mini subverts this. The zombies are struck between two Earths — when they conquer one, they end up being sent to the second's past in an endless circle.
- In Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, Drakkon, an evil version of Tommy Oliver from another universe, has his forces attack different Power Ranger Teams from different universes and points in history so that he can take control of the Morphing Grid, the source of all Rangers' powers.
- 2000 AD:
- Shakara: Subverted. The Overlord orders the construction of the Infinity Engine, a galaxy-sized device that he claims will allow the Hierarchy to conquer other universes. In fact, he means to use it to destroy all of reality.
- Judge Dredd: The Dark Judges are an unconventional example, given that their real objective is to wipe out all life across the multiverse, but given what we've seen of their decimated homeworld, the result fits the spirit of the trope. Judge Death, for instance, stresses that his jurisdiction is "limitless".
- Nordland Rising is a Massive Multiplayer Crossover Cross Through, in which the Norts from an Alternate Timeline Rogue Trooper use a wormhole to travel to other 2000 AD settings and join forces with whoever the local dogmatic baddies are.
Fan Works
- Abandon All Hope, Embrace All Chaos: After the Maw of Annihilation is opened, the Forces of Chaos use it to start invading the entire multiverse, conquering many worlds but being successfully resisted in others.
- All For Luz: All For One's Evil Plan is to essentially become this, taking over his realm, Luz's realm and the demon realm via pulling a Villain Override on Luz, his Quirk's successor.
- Avengers of the Multi-verse: During the climactic battle of the first story, General Modula reads Ben-as-Rath's mind and learns that the teenagers who thwarted his invasion are from several different universes. He escapes after being defeated, creates a means of interdimensional travel, and promptly recruits the arch-foes of Danny Phantom, Ben Tennyson, Rex Salazar, Kim Possible, Jake Long, and Zak Saturday into his new goal of conquering the multiverse.
- In Becoming a True Invader, the Employer intends on being this after finishing with the current universe.
- The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum has the Mirror Universe Evil Counterpart of Princess Celestia, Queen Celestia. It's very clear once she's done with ponifying all of humanity, Canon Equestria is next, and according to Discord, she'll only keep going...
Discord: The Multiverse is vast, each world having vastly varied ways of existing, all with different ideals. Something the corrupt queen wouldn't be able to stand. Oh, there are powers out there that can rival, yes, or even beat her. But she will play it smart; she will gather power from other worlds before finally striking, with a limitless army at her beck and call from dozens, if not hundreds, of worlds.
- The multiverse apparently has a lot of them in Equestria: Across the Multiverse to the point there's a leaderboard. Thankfully, benevolent factions which oppose them also exist:
- The Flim-Flam Brothers from their Cutie Remark Timeline are the first to appear, having become a multi-universe-spanning corporate empire. Unfortunately for them, their next target is Mainline Equestria, which is far stronger than they anticipated or were ready for. They're relative small-fry in the Multiversal Conqueror game.
- Ispita/Lady Babylon, who is the second (by technicality) most dangerous villain in this corner of the multiverse, and spends her time causally wreaking havoc on worlds For the Evulz. She's also a major supplier to other conquerors.
- A version of Queen Bumble from G1 is shown who's become this trope to the point her people are Planet Looters. She ranks 850 on the Leaderboard and is also one of Ispita's associates.
- The 13 Shadows, Heralds of Eternal Night, and Court of Love are also named dropped as serious threats far greater than any the Alliance has faced so far.
- The Equestrian Wind Mage: According to Grogar (when he's recruiting Tirek for the growing Legion of Doom), Majora isn't planning at stopping with the conquest of Hyrule and Equestria, or even their attached dimensions. He's planning on establishing himself as God-Emperor of all worlds.
- Fairy May Cry: The Emperor of the Underworld and ruler of demons Mundus has been trying to invade Earthland for centuries, even tried to conquer Edolas as well showing that other worlds aren’t safe from his ambitions.
- Every Big Bad in Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World
and its sequels.
- Infinity Crisis: A Myth Arc running through the various spin-offs and sequels is that a renegade faction of MCU Skrulls are infiltrating other realities as part of a larger plan to conquer them.
- Jewel of Darkness: The Endless Council fears that Trigon will become this if Midnight fails to fight off his influence and let him win. This is why they decide to send an assassin after her.
- J-WITCH Series:
- Daolon Wong attempted to become one by planning to steal the Heart of Kandrakar and Elyon's power and using them to make Tarakudo submit to his will, so that he can then use the Shadowkhan and all the stolen magic to conquer all realms.
- Upon freeing the rest of the Demon Sorcerers Nerissa, Drago, and Shendu propose that rather than just settle with ruling Earth they could conquer multiple worlds as well.
- The Last Daughter, a crossover between Superman and Worm, has the Destroyers, a race of parasitic energy worms. They aren't "conquerors" in the traditional sense, but function more as a hive-mind. They grant superpowers to a species, then absorb all useful knowledge before destroying that particular species from every possible version of itself throughout the multiverse. Krypton was one of the few that was spared because alternate Kryptons are extremely rare and was thus useless for the Destroyers' experiments.
- The Loki from the Marvel Future Avengers series, teams up with his Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers counterpart in Marvel: Future Avengers x Disk Wars - Divided We Fall/United We Stand. The two villain's first wish to capture and Mind Control the two versions of the Avengers from their respective worlds. In order to create an army of enslaved heroes and villains, which they will then use to conquer the entire multiverse together.
- Titan from My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic, according to the author. In the story itself, he's pretty incompetent, but it's not like anyone else in this fic is much better...
- Done again in the Fix Fic to this, Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship. It stars not one but two as its main villains. Most prominent is Dark Conquest, the living embodiment of all hatred. He unites Grand Ruler's many, many enemies into a massive alliance to Rape, Pillage, and Burn United Equestria and feed off the hatred he inspires. Conquest is extremely competent, using far superior tactics than Grand Ruler's standard enemies, and has destroyed numerous worlds beforehand. Starla Shine and Conquest's escaped slaves wind up in one, and it's an After the End setting where most of the heroes have been brutally slaughtered. However, it's interesting to note that Conquest, despite his name, doesn't actually have much interest in ruling, only destroying and feeding off hatred. He is allied with another multiversal villain, called simply Necromancer. Necromancer is exceedingly powerful, capable of turning the population of an entire planet into powerful zombies. Between the two of them, Grand Ruler is defeated before the end of the story and they are left the primary antagonists.
- The Pony POV Series has Nightmare Mirror (Applejack's potential Superpowered Evil Side), who was planning on moving onto this after absorbing all her alternate selves. Fortunately, this backfired on her when several alternate Applejacks (including the primary series one) teamed up to use the Elements of Harmony and defeat her.
- Princess Jody in Super Milestone Wars
, the Biggest Bad and King Dyce in Super Milestone Wars 2
- A Red Rose in the Blue Wind: Dr. Eggman as always, when he begins his next plan to take over Remnant and teaming up with Salem along the way.
- Tangled with Ninjas: The Overlord plans to become one when he regains his full power thanks to Rapunzel’s healing power. Once he gains access to the realm crystal he begins his conquest by taking over the kingdom of Corona.
- In one Vytor The Starfire Champion: This is the end goal of the Big Bad Myzor, once he manages to reunite the powerful Starfire Ring and Saturn Orb.
- Worlds Collide (TMNT): Both the Utrom and Tengu Shredders are this when it comes to their plans to have their armies spread their rule across the multiverse.
Films — Live-Action
- Kang The Conqueror, already mentioned in the comic books section, makes his live-action debut in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, he was trapped in the Quantum Realm by the Council of Kangs as it is stated to be the only prison that could hold him, and he ended up conquering that place too.
- Gozer the Traveler from Ghostbusters (1984) will conquer your dimension, and to be a sport he/she'll adopt any form you choose first.
- The rulers of Outworld from Mortal Kombat: The Movie have to win 10 consecutive MK tournaments in order to conquer the realm of Earth. So far, they've won 9.
- Yulaw, from The One. His ultimate goal is to kill all 124 alternate versions of himself from parallel universes to absorb their life force, believing that he'll become an invincible, god-like entity.
- Superior Ultraman 8 Brothers: The Black Silhouettes plot to take over every Universe in the Ultra Series' multiverse and destroy all Ultras in existence to rule unopposed.
- Ultraman Belial is promoted to this in Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial. After his defeat in the previous movie, he escapes to another universe and forms his own galactic empire to loot resources and amass an army that will allow him invade the rest of the multiverse, including his origin universe.
- In Zack Snyder's Justice League, Steppenwolf boasts that Darkseid will be able to conquer the Multiverse once he'll be in possession of the Anti-Life Equation.
- The Beneath The Rising trilogy has the Ancient Ones, an Eldritch Abomination race of alien gods and their minions that rules over countless planets and dimensions. They conquer more For the Evulz than anything else, subjecting conquered peoples to arbitrary violence and demanding regular human sacrifice. Their abortive invasion of Earth kills five hundred million people in two minutes.
- The White Witch Jadis in The Chronicles of Narnia is a downplayed example. She starts out as an empress of Charn (which she ultimately destroys to avoid being overthrown), then comically fails to conquer Earth, and finally plunges Narnia into a hundred-year ice age and rules with an iron fist. Jadis doesn't rule more than one universe at a time, but she probably would given the opportunity.
- Possibly the Mi-Go from the Cthulhu Mythos. In "The Whisperer in Darkness", it's mentioned that the ones present on Yuggoth are but a small outpost of an impossibly ancient and powerful civilization that originates from outside our universe. It's implied that they conquered their own universe and possibly others, and are now invading ours.
- In The Death Gate Cycle, the Sartan broke the world down into seven parallel dimensions — Arianus, Pryan, Abarrach, Chelestra, the Vortex, the Labyrinth, and the Nexus — millennia ago. As of the present story, Lord Xar, ruler of the Sartan's rivals the Patryns, intends to conquer them all, and already controls the Nexus and parts of the Labyrinth.
- Metatron and his angels in His Dark Materials. While they apparently do not want to rule physically, they do want to install their religious ideals everywhere. Considering the size of the angelic army in the final book compared to the sheer amount of universes with creatures in them to which the concept of "religion" is probably very alien (the Mulefa), not to mention that several significant events (such as Jesus being born) may not even have happened in some of them, their prospects are probably not very good, although the books never bring that issue up. They get defeated nonetheless, by a (comparably) small opposing force consisting of locals of "only" a few universes, and the final battle of the two armies, while fitted with grand and bombastic visual displays (such as the angelic cloud fortress) seems to be on a smaller scale than World War II and is certainly shorter — hardly worthy of a multiverse-deciding conflict.
- In Witches' Brew, the fifth novel in the Magic Kingdom of Landover series, Rydall of Marnhull claims to be one of these, planning to make Landover his next conquest. It turns out that he's actually a local nobleman, working with the titular witch to overthrow Ben.
- The "Black Hats" from Robert A. Heinlein's The Number of the Beast. They don't openly rule, but they have agents on many worlds who assassinate anyone else trying to develop interdimensional travel.
- The Perfect Run: Long ago, an alien race discovered the higher realms. Using the energy of the realms, they conquered literally the entire universe. When they spoke to the Ultimate Ones again, they were chastised for their hubris, and they decided to conquer the higher realms themselves. They failed utterly as the Ultimate Ones turned all of their technology against them. One ship managed to escape to Earth, and a human scientist became convinced that she needed to destroy the current world order to make humanity strong enough to survive. Except she refused to accept that the rest of the empire was long dead, and her extremism completely unnecessary.
- This appears in Skulduggery Pleasant as an unintended consequence of banishing the Faceless Ones. Although thousands of years ago they were thrown out of the main universe, it taught them the secret of dimensional travel, and for the past few millennia they have been jumping from universe to universe, devouring them entirely as they go.
- The empire of the Dark Tower in Somewhither has taken over nearly all of the alternate Earths in the multiverse, with only a handful (including our Earth) remaining.
- The later Star Carrier novels introduce a race whose technological level is far beyond even the Sh'daar Masters. This race (or a group of races) has an empire that spans several universes and their next target appears to be ours. The humans visit a distant future through a TRGA cylinder and are shown the Milky Way sealed in a galaxy-wide Dyson Sphere.
- In John Barnes' The Timeline Wars, the Closers are an alternate human civilization bent on conquering every other timeline. They hail from a timeline where ancient Carthage and the cult of Moloch became the dominant culture on Earth, and they are as close to Always Chaotic Evil as a human society can get - they view everyone else as slaves or potential slaves and delight in pointless cruelty. Typically they will conquer a timeline by backing its dominant military power, shaping it into a totalitarian slaver society like themselves, and using it to take over the whole world before moving in an extended Closer family to run the place like a plantation.
- In the Tramorea saga, this is what the Dark God (actually a sufficiently advanced human) Tubilok aims to do.
Live-Action TV
- Davros fills this role in the Series 4 finale of Doctor Who, although he wants to destroy them rather than rule them, leaving only Daleks.
- In the Eighth Doctor DWM comic The Glorious Dead, the Master seeks to remake the entire omniverse in his image.
- The Dai-Shocker from Kamen Rider Decade are an organization out to conquer the A.R. Worlds, alternate dimensions each containing an alternate version of a past Heisei Kamen Rider.
- The Big Bad of Kamen Rider Zi-O wants to pull a form of this by merging a bunch of parallel worlds together and then destroying them. The villains of The Movie take this a step further by targeting the entire Kamen Rider verse, in order to remake it and remove all the Plot Holes.
- Loki (2021): This is what caused the creation of the Time Variance Authority. Once, there were infinite timelines, but a Multiversal War threatened all of existence. Once the dust settled, the Timekeepers created the TVA in order to limit everything to a single "Sacred Timeline," pruning variant branches while they sit at the end of time, writing what comes next. The Timekeepers turn out to be a lie, but other than that the story is mostly true. The biggest difference from the propaganda is that the war was caused by variants of one man. Someone discovered multiversal travel; many of the variants were peaceful, but not all of them, and eventually they all went to war. The last survivor, known as He Who Remains, created the TVA. He is well aware that he is a monster, but he insists that genociding entire variant timelines is better than allowing some of his variants to come to power and restart the war. Sylvie kills him, unable to accept that he might be necessary, and when Loki returns to the TVA he discovers that a variant of He Who Remains is in charge — Kang the Conqueror.
- The Man in the High Castle: After learning of "Travellers", visitors originating from alternate universes, the Nazis embark on a project to build an Interdimensional Travel Device, dubbed the Nebenwelt, in order to conquer those other universes. However, their efforts may be in vain if the Man in the High Castle is to be believed.
- The Kromaggs in Sliders.
- One episode has Maggie wake up at a military base and told that the people of this world were able to fight off the Kromaggs and captured their sliding technology. Several holographic displays behind the general leading the campaign show worlds in the process of being retaken from the Kromaggs. Maggie quickly spots inconsistencies, such as a one-star general leading a multi-universe military campaign. This turns out to be a Lotus-Eater Machine, apparently designed for healing purposes.
- The plot of Season 2 of Stranger Things is driven by the attempts of the Mind Flayer to conquer our reality and turn it into a realm like the Upside-Down. Even Eleven sealing the gate at Hawkins Lab for good doesn't stop it from trying to advance its goals.
- Supernatural: The finale of Season 12 introduces Apocalypse World, a run-down wasteland ruled by the Archangel Michael in the aftermath of the war between heaven and hell. He's planning on invading the main universe that the heroes live in, which he refers to as Paradise World, since he wants to "trade up". However, as he reveals in a later episode, what he's really after is revenge on God by burning enough of his worlds.
- Ultra Series:
- Ultraman Nexus: Dark Zagi's ultimate goal (outside of killing Ultraman Noa and taking his place) is to rule every world in existence. They once invade the main M78 Universe, but are driven back by Noa and the Ultra Warriors back into their home universe.
- Ultraseven X: This is the goal of the Graykess, starting with their home universe, which they pretty much succeed at. Unfortunately for them, they very unwisely attempt to take over the M78 Universe, whose forces they are woefully unprepared to deal with, forcing them to retreat back to their own world. Their reckless attack leads to the original Ultraseven following them to their turf and promptly ending their occupation of that universe's Earth and any plans they have in seconds once he faces them personally in the series finale.
Tabletop Games
- The Champions universe had Tyrannon, an immensely powerful dimensional lord who seeks to conquer all dimensions. His being manifests in 888 bodies at once, of varying levels of power; his primary or "true" form, which resembles a gigantic tree and cannot move, lives at the heart of Thulkos, his native dimension. When he conquers one dimension completely, he merges it with his home dimension and forces its inhabitants to worship him and commit sacrifice. Doing so increases his power and his hunger.
- The Fifth and Sixth editions of the setting added Istvatha V'han, Empress of a Billion Dimensions. She takes a more technological approach to dimensional conquest, as opposed to Tyrannon's mystic nature, and rather than merging dimensions, she consolidates her power through Bread and Circuses.
- Heroes Unlimited has a downplayed example in the Xenomancer, an alien Sorcerous Overlord who once ruled an empire spanning a dozen dimensions with an iron fist. That empire doesn't exist anymore, for his disgruntled subjects rose up in revolt and overthrew him, and he retaliated by using a magical WMD to obliterate his former territories out of spite. He then tried to reestablish his empire by conquering Earth, which didn't work out well for him.
- In Magic: The Gathering, there's Elesh Norn, the Grand Cenobite. She has seen that Mirrodin will merely be the first plane to fall to the new Phyrexia. After over a decade of real time, during which Phyrexians kept popping up in odd places in other storylines, she finally launches her grand multiversal invasion in the March of the Machine set. Of course, she fails.
- She inherited this from Yawgmoth, who built the old Phyrexia and set off to conquer every plane he didn't destroy. For their own good.
- Phyrexians aren't the only ones. Demon Ob Nixilis was conquering countless of planes ever since becoming a Planeswalker. This also seems to be the main goal of dragon Planeswalker Nicol Bolas.
- The Harmonium Faction from Planescape wishes to be this. It succeeded in bringing absolute Order to its homeworld of Ortho through genocide of non-Order entities within. Now it seeks to spread its brand of absolute Order to other Planes of existence. Unfortunately for them, they just realized how outclassed they are in the grand scheme of things, and are now biding their time and power while using Sigil as a home base.
Video Games
- BlazBlue: A slightly sideways example, as Izanami wants to be the destroyer of all timelines rather than the ruler of all universes. Any timeline will become a World of Silence if you just wait long enough, but time travel and timeline-hopping drive her to seek a unified world of death where it isn't even possible to change or undo any of it. How she does so gets fairly complicated.
- City of Heroes brings us the Rikti, who at first seem to be classic Alien Invaders and are actually referred to as such throughout the First Rikti War. However, it turns out that they're actually mutated humans from a parallel Earth who are going dimension-by-dimension and forcing the change one world at a time. It's implied that Primal Earth (the "main" world) was one of the first to successfully fight them off due to the presence of superheroes; they didn't fare much better on Praetorian Earth because about 95% of it is either blasted with nuclear fallout or overrun with the Devouring Earth.
- Dissidia Final Fantasy: Most Final Fantasy Big Bads have nothing to do with this. Emperor Mateus Palamecia wants to rule the world. Cloud of Darkness and Exdeath want to make everything fall into the Void. Kefka wants to destroy everything For the Evulz. Ultimecia wants to conquer the structure of time and create a world where past, present and future are one. But thanks to Chaos, who gathers them all together and reveals that there's more than one universe, they start to think at a completely new level. Oh, Crap! indeed.
- The Domain in Freedom Force and its leader Lord Dominion. In fact, the only reason he doesn't just crush Earth, the last remaining free world in The Multiverse, is because he's bored with the easy conquests. His plan is to give the worst of the worst of humans the Domain's secret weapon — Energy X. He then plans to sit back and watch Earth tear itself apart. Luckily, an alien spy named Mentor overhears this and steals the ship carrying the canisters of Energy X. The Domain chases him and shoots him down over Earth, with the canisters spilling all over Patriot City, empowering both heroes and villains.
- The Combine of Half-Life 2 and its episodes fit the bill as parallel-universe conquerors, having already taken over an unknown number of realities and adopting their lifeforms for use as highly-specialized weapons or slave labor, and stripping the realities of their resources until they're nothing more than lethal rocks. They're also capable of quick travel between these universes, but it's rather limited. The Xen and Race-X aliens (and arguably even humanity) of Half-Life may be parallel-universe warmongers on a smaller scale. Notably (and uniquely), it's not clear that the Combine even possess the space flight technology necessary to conquer multiple worlds within any given universe; they may simply invade the same planet again and again, across an infinite number of parallel realities.
- Several of the Kingdom Hearts villains.
- In the first game, the goal of the Disney villains is to use the Heartless to plunge worlds into darkness, killing all of their inhabitants in the process, and rule the remnants from the Realm of Darkness.
- This is actually what Xemnas becomes when he absorbs the titular MacGuffin in Kingdom Hearts II, given the multiversal nature of the Disney worlds in the series mythos.
- The rulers of Outworld, most notably Shao Kahn, from Mortal Kombat must win 10 straight MK tournaments within a realm in order to merge it with Outworld. They've won every single time and the realm of Earth is next, and when their win streak is broken they just say "screw it" and try to conquer Earthrealm with an old-fashioned invasion. It's heavily implied that they are being subtly influenced by a entity known as the One Being, whose corporeal body is revealed to be the many realms that were split by the Elder Gods, and who seeks to reunite them and become whole once again. Most main villains' endings (which are non-canon) involve the One Being being reawakened after the realms are combined. Shao Kahn after defeating the fire Elemental Blaze at the end of Armageddon gains the power necessary to do this canonically on his own, which is only averted by Raiden pulling a Cosmic Retcon on the timeline to give the good guys a shot of making sure it doesn't get to that point.
- Taking this even further, Mortal Kombat 1 has Titan Shang Tsung, whose battle with Fire God Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath ripped time's fabric and created a multiverse. In one timeline, he won the battle for the hourglass and re-created the universe to his liking. It took him eons to find out Liu Kang won in another timeline, and he tries to conquer Liu Kang's universe out of spite and greed.
- Kyuju Kyu, the Crossover-Exclusive Villain of Namco × Capcom. When the player finally faces it, Kyuju Kyu is still missing half of its essence and instead uses Saya as a replacement. Yet it still has enough power to merge four dimensions together and resurrect groups of Big Bads note to aid it upon its awakening. And this is just the beginning of its process to rule a new, single world. Project X Zone 2 reveals that Kyuju Kyu was meant to be the trigger for Ouma’s Centipexnote , but was destroyed into 101 fragments that scattered into various dimensions, prompting them to collect them all via the gold chains pointing out where they are. This also had the side effect of weakening the dimensional walls, necessary for the awakening of Byaku Shin, Kyuju Kyu’s revived form.
- Tyrant Overlord Baal from the Nippon Ichi-verse. Most high-level Overlords can and will conquer any netherworlds they'll get their hands on, but Baal is the most well-known, showing up as a superboss is almost all of the Nippon Ichi games.
- Overlord Zenon from Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories used to act this way in his youth, but seems to have settled down by the beginning of the game and is content with ruling only Veldime — or so everyone thinks, up until it's revealed that he's a fake and the real Overlord Zenon tries to go right back to destroying everything once released.
- In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you encounter an Alternate Universe version of Giovanni who attempts to become this by gathering other evil team leaders and forming a Legion of Doom in order to create an army of Ultra Beasts.
- The Dreamers in The Secret World are a mysterious group of beings who are constantly trying to enter our reality for reasons unknown. According to the Bees, their goal is to take over our universe and convert it into their own private kingdom/larder. It's implied that the Red Sargassum Dream is essentially a sneak-preview of what the Dreamers hope to do with all of Earth, namely recreating the areas they've conquered within the Dream from the memories of their Filth-infected victims, and allowing their deranged souls to wander their expanding world forever.
- YHVH, the Great Will, is implied to be this in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Untold billions of Earths rise and fall at his command, only to rise over and over again ad infinitum, all as part of a grand experiment to create a perfect society that will never question his rule.
- Count Bleck from Super Paper Mario. He's only going to conquer part of it, and then use the power gained from that portion to destroy the entire multiverse so he can (not) make a new one. Dimentio also counts.
- Dark Brain from the Super Robot Wars game series travels through alternate universes and destroys them. Subverted, since Dark Brain doesn't care much about conquering the universes as he does seeking the 12 keys.
- Trillion from Trillion: God of Destruction is explicitly stated to be from an entirely different dimension, although it's not so much a "conqueror of worlds" as a "devourer of worlds", with the Underworld being just being the most recent dimension on the menu after the Human World, most of Heaven, Faust's dimension, and who knows how many others beforehand.
- The Guardian from Ultima Underworld II is capable of spanning multiple planes of reality at once and aims to conquer each one.
- In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The Wild Hunt is actually the military force of a faction of elves from another dimension called the Aen Elle. They regularly raid other dimensions for slaves, but their means are imperfect, limiting their numbers during said raids and making them appear as spectral wraiths. They seek to become this trope in full by obtaining the Child of the Elder Blood, the last descendant of a eugenics project of theirs, who would give them the power to transport the full might of their military to other worlds. Too bad for them that said Child of the Elder Blood is the adopted daughter of a certain badass Witcher.
Visual Novels
- In the Shinza Bansho Series, there exists a mystical device known simply as the Throne that exists above all of reality. It allows those with the destiny for it to alter the world around them, a power born from their own desires and wishes, and turn that desire into a true natural law across the entirety of the multiverse turning them into a true god in the process with absolute dominion over all of creation.
- Each of the Seven Demiurges in Kill Six Billion Demons claims dominion over a seventh of Creation's 777,777 worlds in accordance with the Pact of the Seven-Part World, the ceasefire that concluded the Universal War which all the other Demiurges killed each other in. However, having ownership of a universe doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve opened its gates and conquered it yet (not that they ever lose, with the powers and resources they possess), just that the other six aren’t allowed to touch it. The original was Zoss, the Conquering King, who breached Heaven itself and established his rule.
- Nixvir: This is Ragnar's ambition and while it is not immediately obvious in Chapter VIII, where he makes his debut, it becomes obvious during the interlude where he visits the Oracle of Apollios Re. It is also implied that Ragnar is a Godhood Seeker as well, with intentions of ruling the multiverse as a god.
Web Original
- The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids:
- The Cupids are very intently not this, spreading their "gift" in various dimensions but refusing to take over any of them. This is because various extant multiversal authorities (such as the offscreen Council of Frogs) would not take it kindly.
- The Governor and Mandragora in The Resurrection of the Wellsians
, however, have no such qualms, and plan to build an entire fleet of Fog Ships with which to branch out of the 97th Cosmos and conquer as much of the multiverse as they can. This plan is quickly highjacked by the Wellsians, who get away in the end, although there's only five of them, which ought to somewhat delay them.
- Defection: This is one of the many dangers that seems to close in on the Marsh family.
- Inglip: The Dark Lord Inglip has, at the very least, footholds in over one hundred realities
- Protectors of the Plot Continuum: The Sunflower Emperor, leader of the PPC's Evil Counterpart, the Enforcers of the Plot Continuum.
- In The Spoony Experiment and Atop the Fourth Wall, Alternate Doctor Insano once tries to destroy the entire multiverse with Warrior #1
- It is eventually revealed that Mechakara is attempting this as well.
- And now, as seen at page quote, Lord Vyce. It's revealed by none other than Vyce himself that he only does this to protect the multiverse from something worse. And he takes out Pyramid Head with a single stab from his weapon, in between beating Linkara senseless with his bare hands.
- Vyce may be a subversion. In a later episode, Linkara says that he did some checking and discovered that Vyce would only conquer a couple of planets before moving on to the next parallel world. Vyce makes the point that conquering an universe would cost a lot of time and resources that he didn't have, but Linkara still uses it to mock him for not being as awesome as he claims to be.
- Vyce also shares a history with "The Smiling Man" mentioned above in The Crossoverlord (since the villain appeared in the Lightbringer webcomic which was also created by Lewis Lovehaug), as well as a similar punishment upon defeat, since both are stranded on a world in another reality with no intelligent life and only basic supplies for survival.
Western Animation
- Adventure Time: The Lich has this as his ultimate goal in "Wake Up", planning to command the Citadel inmates to exterminate all life in the multiverse.
- In "Crossover", the Lich's Farmworld counterpart attempts to trick the Farmworld version of Finn into opening a portal to every reality, allowing him to invade them all at once.
- Amphibia: King Andrias Leviathan reveals that his ancestors were ruthless conquerors, and that he plans to carry their legacy on by ruling all dimensions with the power of the Calamity Box — including Anne's. In fact, Anne's dimension was supposed to be his first conquest before the Calamity Box was lost, so really he's just picking up where he left off.
King Andrias: Hello, Earth! Congratulations on being conquered. I have good news and bad news. The good news? Your planet is rich in the resources we'll need to conquer more impressive worlds. The bad news? We'll need to destroy your civilization to get those resources.
Crowd: [gasps]
King Andrias: Omelet, broken eggs; you get it. - A downplayed version in Rick and Morty. Rick Prime created a weapon called Omega Device where it would kill the person placed in it, as well as every iteration of said person across the multiverse. He used this to kill Diane across the multiverse, ensuring our Rick never will never get his beloved wife back, and preventing any other Rick variants from having a happy married life.
- Towards the end of Spider-Man: The Animated Series, a different universe's Carnage-Spiderman goes psycho (even more than Carnage usually is) and tries to destroy all of the universes. It's up to a group of alternate Peter Parkers to stop him.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003): While the Shredder isn't nearly as powerful as the average Multiversal Conqueror, he still decides to give it a go after discovering the multiverse in Turtles Forever. Unfortunately for the multiverse, all he needs to do in order to destroy it is to kill the turtles in "Turtle Prime", the universe of the first issue of the original TMNT comic book. Unfortunately, that act would destroy the multiverse — however, by the time the Shredder finds out, he doesn't care, having gone mad from the revelation that every single universe has a team of mutant turtles to thwart him and his plans, and goes through with it if it means he can finally win.
- In Transformers, Unicron is a Planet Eater who wants to eat everything. One planet at a time, one timeline at a time, one universal stream of branching timelines at a time, in sequence. When he says he wants to be completely alone, he damn well isn't beating around the bush. Even if he's destroyed in any one universe, he just gets shunted to another to start over again thanks to mucking about with different flows of time across the multiverse. Oh, sure, there are a few permanent methods of dealing with him, like trapping him in a physical form to slow him down, but if they go horribly wrong, well...
- One comic has another multiversal constant state that he has so far consumed some 47% of the known multiverse. Yeah. Not mucking about.
- What If…? (2021): In an Alternate Universe, after becoming all-powerful with the six Infinity Stones and destroying the universe, Ultron senses the presence of Uatu the Watcher, finds out about the multiverse, and sets out to bring death and destruction to other universes.