Orifice Evacuation - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Sep 24 2009

Orifice Evacuation (trope)

A variation of Body Horror, where a creature is inside someone else, and then leaves through an established opening of the body (as in naturally, not a cut or piercing), even if it's not really an opening (like the navel). It could be the mouth, the nostrils, the ear, or through orifices below the belt. Pores could even count. The point is that the orifice is pretty much intact when the creature leaves.

Sometimes this can kill the "host", sometimes the host lives, or sometimes the host can already be dead.

Sometimes this can be horrific, but sometimes not. It depends on the nature of the evacuation. As the picture shows, it can even be Played for Laughs.

Compare Chest Burster (when the creature makes its own orifice to leave, or mutilates an orifice to get out), Giving Up the Ghost and Anuscape Plan (when a character inside a living thing escapes or considers escaping through the dirty end of the digestive tract).

Contrast Orifice Invasion, Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Ayakashi Triangle:
    • Matsuri's wind-based exorcism can remove spirits through the host's mouth, though it's not shown directly. Usually, it's sucked up and blown out his pinwheel like a straw, while he once removed an ayakashi mouth-to-mouth before passing it through his body and out his hand.
    • After Une's Pocket Dimension collapses, the one object left inside is mentioned to have come out of her face when she sneezed. (Though since Une has a two-dimensional "face" on a mirror, there might not have technically been an orifice involved.)
  • Namekians in Dragon Ball are a One-Gender Race of Little Green Men (though as adults they tend to be quite tall and don't fly ufos) that give birth to their kin by putting out eggs through the mouth. It tends to be quite Squicky to look at, especially since they visibly struggle with it. It's even possible (though not seen) that they can choke to death from it.
  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, Kakyoin uses his stand to control the body of a school nurse from the inside, before Jotaro uses his stand to pull it out of her mouth in the most dramatic fashion ever.
  • Naruto:
    • When the tailed beasts are shown being removed from their hosts they exit from their mouth and eyes.
    • In the anime, Itachi uses a genjutsu that makes the victim feel like a crow is crawling out of their mouth.
    • When his body is about to be maimed beyond being able to simply reattach (via snakes... somehow), Orchimaru throws up himself with his clothes undamaged (thank Nicolas Cage), which usually works. He is very fond of this technique. Sasuke also uses this technique to escape being burned alive by Amaterasu, although his clothes don't regenerate.
  • A small devil leaves through a guy's mouth in an episode of YuYu Hakusho. Strangely enough, The Abridged Series lets this moment slide by without a comment.

Comic Books 

  • In the penultimate Story Arc of The Sandman (1989), "The Kindly Ones", Cluracan spawns the wild Hart, his nemesis (and a full-grown stag), from his mouth. Its exit leaves him bleeding profusely but he survives.
  • Titans Annual #1 has Kid Eternity being wrapped around a computer output input cable kind of combining this with naughty USB inputs, disabling his powers by going down his throat or summink.

Fairy Tales 

  • A common fairy tale punishment for rudeness and deceit is to have the afflicted spew toads and reptiles from their mouth when they try to speak. It's often paired with a good person rewarded by having roses and diamonds come out. Although the reward seems like Blessed with Suck, since roses and diamonds seem like they would be even more painful in one's throat then something smooth like a snake.


  • In Arachnophobia, a spider crawls out from a corpse's nose.
  • The Babadook: When the Babadook leaves Amelia, it is depicted as her vomiting up a black liquid. It continues to menace her and Sam, but she has managed to stop it from directly controlling her for the rest of the film.
  • In Bruce Almighty, a gang pushes Bruce around, and he later gets revenge by taking the leader's comment about monkeys flying out of his ass literally. After Bruce sets the other members away, he "returns home"...
  • In Class of Nuke 'Em High, Chrissy smokes marijuana tainted by nuclear waste, and discovers later that it caused a rapidly growing mutant creature to take up residence in her stomach — which she quickly vomits up.
  • In Creepshow, a whole roomful of roaches leaves Mr. Pratt's mouth, wounds, and so on.
  • Don't Listen: Whenever the witch's ghost possesses someone, we see a fly enter that person's ear. When she's done with them, the fly exits that person through the other ear.
  • In Evolution (2001), Dr. Harry Block finds himself the unwilling home of a parasitic alien. It's not shown how it went in, but it's extracted through his ass. Not willingly, either.
  • In Fantastic Voyage, the shrunken crew escapes via the patient's tear duct after the sub is destroyed.
  • In The First Omen, Margaret bears witness to a demonic hand emerging from a woman's vagina. It is mostly a hallucination combined with a repressed memory, but the hand is later in the movie revealed to be that of Satan himself.
  • In Poltergeist II: The Other Side, the father swallows an evil-possessed worm from a bottle of tequila, then barfs it back up when it starts growing larger inside him.
  • In Resident Evil: Afterlife, Albert Wesker is infested with... something that occasionally peeks out of his mouth. Much like the Plagas from the video games, it has four insectile pincers and would probably take your head off.
  • In Snakes on a Plane, a snake is shown slithering out of a victim's mouth just to drive home the fact that he's dead.
  • Sputnik: The alien lives in the host's esophagus and stomach, and secretes a toxin that knocks out the host and relaxes his muscles so the alien can exit via the mouth to hunt and feed, which it does every night. Once outside the body and ingesting oxygen, it grows from a snakelike form to a multi-limbed Starfish Alien.
  • The Ceti eel crawling out of Chekov's ear in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
  • In the second segment in Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, a cat kills a hitman (sent to kill that very cat) by leaping into his mouth and crawling all the way inside as the hitman chokes. In the story it's based on, the cat burrows out of the stomach, but in the movie, the cat waits there until morning, and crawls back out of the guy's mouth, just after its real intended victim comes home to witness this (and then has a heart attack).
  • A remarkably silly version in Uninvited (1988): a mutant cat monster that hides inside a normal cat. It's about the size of a rat when it crawls out of the cat's mouth (although the cat looks like a toy puppet), then grows to about the size of a dog.


Examples by author:

  • In one of Danish writer Jorn Riel's books, a parasitic worm leaves its host's body through his tear duct. It's not particularly painful or dangerous... at least for the host. Most of the damage is incurred by his mates, who argue about it so much the whole thing ends up in a fist fight.

Examples by title:

  • Animorphs:
    • The Yeerks enter through the ear to take control of the host's brain, and leave the same way every three days to feed on Kandrona rays.
    • Rachel's burping up of the crocodile in The Reaction. We aren't told exactly what orifice it came from, but she's definitely intact once it leaves.
  • Harry Potter:
    • The Slug-Vomiting Charm makes the target puke out slugs. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron tries to cast it on Draco after the latter insults Hermione, but because Ron's wand is broken, it promptly backfires. This scene is gruesomely recreated with loving detail in the movie adaptation.
    • The Death Eaters' symbol, a snake emerging from the mouth of a skull, is a variant of this.
    • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, after hiding inside the digestive tract of Bathilda Bagshot's reanimated corpse, Nagini the snake attacks Harry and Hermione after crawling out the corpse's mouth.
  • Kumarbi Cycle: As told in Kingship in Heaven, the god Kumarbi decided to overthrow the sky god Anu, wrestling him and biting off his genitals. This made Kumarbi pregnant with three deities: Teshub (the storm god), Tigris (the river), and Tasmisus. Since he had no actual birth canal, they had to emerge by other means. Teshub came out via "the good place", although it's unstated where that is.

Live-Action TV 

  • Bones does this with a crab crawling out of a corpse's mouth, but averts it with a boa constrictor (which exits via a corpse's torn-open gut instead).
  • In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Bargaining, Part 1", Willow's resurrection of Buffy is accompanied by her choking out a large snake, apparently as a trial by Osiris.
  • CSI:
    • One episode has a rat leave a body through the mouth. This is The Teaser, so it inspires a Quip to Black by Grissom.
    • Another episode has a tapeworm crawl out of a corpse's mouth.
  • In Falling Skies, one of the things the invaders use to attack the survivors is a mass of spiders that seem to be able to infect someone, multiply inside their body and finally tens of them erupt from the victim's mouth. The victim is awake for much of this.
  • In the Fringe episode "Bound", a drink is spiked with a genetically altered cold virus that expands into a giant slug (about the size of a rabbit) within the victim's body before exiting via the throat, choking the victim in the process.
  • In the Merlin (2008) episode "The Witchfinder" one of the witnesses the Witchfinder drugs to make hallucinate claims to have seen a sorcerer cough up a toad. Later on, Merlin makes the Witchfinder cough up a toad.
  • In a real-life incident recounted in Monsters Inside Me, a man who'd gone swimming in a pond in India started getting nosebleeds. Several days later, the leech that was causing them revealed its presence, extending its mouth out of the man's nostril.
  • In Primeval, the parasites crawl out of the mouths of their victims' corpses.
  • One of the escaped souls in Reaper can do this. While the soul can and does turn entirely into insects, one of the times is prefaced by the soul releasing a swarm of insects from a Skyward Scream.
  • This is a popular trick for witches in Supernatural, always involving Squick — one witch kills a man by hexing him to cough up razorblades.
  • The X-Files: The Monster of the Week in "Travelers" is a guy with... some sort of... spider creature... implanted inside by ex-Nazi scientists on orders of The Conspiracy. The creature leans out of his mouth, does the killing, then hides back in.


Tabletop Games 

  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • The spell Vipergout lets its casters do this to themselves on purpose as a weapon, for those problems that can be solved by projectile-vomiting snakes at them.
    • The Vasharan worm pod is a gruesome Bio-Augmentation implant that lets its owner spit deadly parasitic worms.

Video Games 

  • In Aliens vs. Predator (2010), Weyland-Yutani is farming aliens in human hosts, using canisters over the hosts' chests to capture the creatures as they emerge. One alien circumvents this trap by emerging through its host's mouth.
  • In Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, Ennard uses this trope to expel themselves from Eggs Benedict in a cutscene that plays after finishing the 'Golden Freddy' challenge on Custom Night. Fortunately for the player, the cutscene is animated in an 8-bit, Atari-esque style.
  • In the first LEGO Island game, there's an in-game mission where you drive an ambulance around the island, making the occasional stop here and there. Apparently one of them is at the Pizzeria where you see a choking guy who after being helped by paramedics, barfs up a whole live Shark that's bigger than he is, and that shark then barfs up a live dog, and then the dog barfs up a live cat, and so on.
  • In OFF, the fire bird Japhet has taken control of Valerie, a cat that's tried to eat him but failed to chew thoroughly. In the climactic fight atop the Zone 2 library, Japhet starts forcing his way out of Valerie's mouth to convince the Judge that Valerie is no longer himself, and as the fight progresses, Japhet continues emerging, culminating in the bird bursting out of Valerie in his full splendor, with the lifeless Valerie draped around his neck.
  • Resident Evil 5:
    • The Majini are all infested with variant Plagas parasites. Occasionally one of these will emerge from the victim's mouth as a much larger mouth with four pincers that will tear your head off if you let it.
    • Ouroboros emerges as a black slime creature from every pore of the victim's body. Then there's what it does to Excella, which you can watch here.
  • In a Tradewinds Caravans story, the eldest Jasaret daughter's "curse" is to have all manner of frogs, insects, and other small animals constantly flowing from her mouth when it is open. (At least one NPC notices her sneezing out a hawk.)

Visual Novels 

  • In one of Spirit Hunter: NG's Bad Ends, Kaoru is found dead in a bathtub with tiny, blood-soaked turtles spewing out of their mouth, the same ones that infest the Urashima Lake.

Web Animation 


  • In Gnoph, a Gnoph symbiote lives inside one of its host's lungs and can enter and exit using the mouth. The host needs to take hormones to prevent the Gnoph from growing too large to fit comfortably, or else Body Horror ensues.
  • The Non-Adventures of Wonderella: One of Wonderella's powers is to spew a large octopus out of her mouth. The alt text made it clear if this was Anime, the octopus would be forcing its way in.
  • Oglaf has one strip where a woman asks her sex partner to "bring out the goddess in [her]". After coitus, the Tapeworm Goddess leaves through her mouth, and offers to grant both of them a wish each for freeing her. The couple then requests Brain Bleach:

    Woman: I'd like to forget I saw this, please.
    Man: Yeah, me too.

  • Schlock Mercenary:
    • This happens during General Karl Tagon's backstory. A person is used (willingly or unknowingly) as a host for weaponized self-replicating nanorobots as part of an assassination attempt. The person is dies in horrible pain as the nanites activate, but their body appears mostly intact even as they belch out a stream of infectious killer nanites.
    • Schlock also winds up spitting up a small patch of himself that was infected by nanites when he "took a sample" of Xinchub's corpse.


  • SCP Foundation: After SCP-695 ("Eels") eggs have grown to juvenile size inside a female human host, they may escape by exiting through her vagina, anus or mouth.

Western Animation 

Real Life 

  • Squicky in the extreme, but some internal parasites eventually leave the body this way, either as part of their life cycle or upon the death of their host.
  • In 1726, a woman named Mary Toft became (in)famous in England, as she'd reportedly begun giving birth to rabbits. Investigation revealed that she was "birthing" pieces of dead rabbits, which she eventually confessed her husband had purchased; she'd inserted them into her birth canal for later expulsion, in a weird attempt to gain fame and a possible pension from the king.
  • It's not unheard of for people with tapeworms to, ahem, expel, in whole or in part, their uninvited guest during a visit to the toilet.
  • A species of aquatic beetle, Regimbartia attenuata, can survive being eaten by a frog by running through the frog's digestive system and coming out the other end. Another species, the bombardier beetle (Pheropsophus jessoensis), excretes a toxic chemical that causes the frog to vomit it up.