Panacea - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu May 03 2012

Elsbeth: Here, Kat, this should slow the venom long enough for your healing to beat it.
Katrina: Hu... don't you need to know what toxin...
Elsbeth: It's a magic, broad-spectrum antidote, don't worry about it.

The panacea, named for a Greek goddess of healing, is a mythical substance able to cure any illness or poison and even prolong one's life. This basic form of wish-fulfillment, a medicine that instantly fixes everything, is an old idea and takes many forms in various mythologies and subsequent fiction.

The strength of its effect varies. A weak panacea will work on natural diseases but might be useless against certain ailments, especially if they are of a magical or evil nature. It might elongate one's lifespan, but must be taken regularly to do so and it may not work forever. A strong panacea, on the other hand, is proof against anything you can think of and might well bestow endless life with one sip, making its user The Ageless.

It takes many forms as well. Classically it's a liquid, but common substances also include mystical fruits, herbs, flowers, or the body part of some mythical creature. It might even be some kind of jewel.

The distinction between a Healing Potion and a panacea is that the former is geared towards fixing physical injuries, and the latter to invisible and silent ailments. Nevertheless, there is overlap, and many cases of one will work as the other.

A Sister Trope to Healing Potion (restoring a Life Meter), Mana Potion (restoring a Mana Meter).

If the substance only heals one specific poison or illness, but does so extremely quickly, that's a Magic Antidote. If the substance cures one specific poison and it comes from an extremely unlikely or strange source, that's an Improbable Antidote. Compare Healing Spring, Immortality Inducer, Philosopher's Stone, Spice Rack Panacea (an advertising trope).


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Anime & Manga 

  • Dragon Ball: Senzu Beans are this. Eating a single one will almost instantly restore someone to perfect health and maximum stamina, whether that involves healing cuts, purging poison, mending broken bones, or even regenerating lost body parts. But the beans are very slow to grow, and they can't heal sickness, disease, or wounds old enough to have scarred over. They also can't bring someone back to life.
  • Dr. STONE: The process of un-petrifying an individual can heal terminal injuries they had before petrifaction, including a broken neck in the case of Senku and being full-on brain dead in the case of Tsukasa's little sister Mirai.
  • Invoked in Jin, when the pre-Meiji era doctors at Medical Institute think that penicillin is a panacea. As we know today, it's not.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
    • In Diamond is Unbreakable, Antonio Trussardi's Stand, Pearl Jam, lets him cook up meals that cure illness. However, eating his food makes you heal in some unfortunate ways, like throwing up your intestines, after that you are 150% as healthy. One drawback is that any individual meal Pearl Jam makes is not a "cure-all", it takes a specific recipe to cure one specific malady.
    • JoJolion has a much darker version of the Panacea in the form of the Locacaca, a mystical fruit capable of healing pretty much anything, but also turns another part of the body to stone, and while it seems to work based on Equivalent Exchange it has an odd sense of priority, such as healing minor injuries by turning brain tissue to stone. A concentrated, experimental liquid version called Locacaca 6251 seems to be more potent and has fewer adverse side effects, petrifying patches of skin rather than entire limbs, but the risk is still there. Also, a secret organization made up of Rock Humans controls the creation and distribution of the drug.
  • Negima! Magister Negi Magi: One exists in the Magical World, in the form of a potion that can cure any disease if taken. As one might expect however, it is rare and incredibly expensive. When three of the girls purchase just one dose of it to cure a life-threatening disease, the price is such that all three have to sell themselves into slavery to pay for it. Also, it's made from the powdered horns of an intelligent magical being.
  • One Piece: Chopper's dream is to become a living Panacea, a doctor capable of curing any illness.

Comic Books 

  • Batman villain Ra's al Ghul uses a pool of liquid called the Lazarus Pit to prolong his lifespan and reverse aging. He's over 600 years old because of this, but the effects no longer last as long as they once did and Ra's is afraid the pits will soon stop working on him altogether.
  • In Creature Tech, the staff at RTI realize they're dealing with the real Shroud of Turin when they realize the blood on the shroud can heal any wound and raise the dead.
  • Doctor Strange has a miniseries where, when Wong comes down with cancer, he fights and defeats an extradimensional being to get its elixir that can cure any ailment. Once he gets it, another problem comes up in a cabal of pharmaceutical companies that conspire to suppress magical solutions in medicine.
  • Subverted in the first Squadron Supreme miniseries. Science Hero Tom Thumb knows that a "panacea potion" exists in the future one of the team's foes comes from, so when a person important to him gets a fatal illness, he goes there to obtain it. Turns out that in the future, people are so healthy that they only need penicillin and a few vitamin supplements to beat any illness...
  • Superman: In Pre-Crisis comics, the horns of a Kryptonian beast known as Rondor could heal any sickness. In The Plague of the Antibiotic Man, Superman uses Nam-Ek, a Kryptonian whose immortality-seeking experiments turned him into a Rondor-like monster, to cure a plague, since his body produces antibodies which can cure anything.
  • Wonder Woman:
    • The Amazons developed the healing purple ray during their many years of immortality spent inventing things. The Ray's limitations tend to depend on the writer but it can perfectly heal damage modern medicine can't do anything for and during the silver age was used to bring dead characters back to life. They refuse to share the tech with the world at large because it can very easily be reconfigured into an incredibly dangerous weapon and they don't trust other countries not to do so.
    • In Wonder Woman (1987), Diana uses Astral Projection to get a piece of golden fleece to be used to heal burn wounds on a victim whose doctor says he cannot be saved. After the fleece basically erases the man's wounds the doctor takes it and runs around healing all the children in the burn unit before the fleece gets used up and dissipates and Wondy indicates its healing properties cover quite a bit more than burn injuries.
  • X-Men: The Krakoan Age: The X-Men averts Reed Richards Is Useless by creating many useful products through their new biotechnology industry on Krakoa. Among these are cures for every human disease, though unfortunately for Deadpool there's still no permanent cure for his mutated cancer.

Fairy Tales 

  • In The Brown Bear of the Green Glen, the waters of the Green Isle are able to heal blindness and limp limbs.
  • The Death of Koschei the Deathless: When Prince Ivan is cut into pieces by Koschei, his brothers-in-law use Dead Water to piece his body back together, and Living Water to bring him back to life.

    Afterwards they all three met, broke open the barrel, took out the remains of Prince Ivan, washed them, and put them together in fitting order. The Raven sprinkled them with the Water of Death—the pieces joined together, the body became whole. The Falcon sprinkled it with the Water of Life—Prince Ivan shuddered, stood up, and said:
    "Ah! what a time I've been sleeping!"
    "You'd have gone on sleeping a good deal longer, if it hadn't been for us," replied his brothers-in-law.

  • In Godfather Death, Death shows his godson a magic herb that can cure all diseases so long as the sufferer is not destined to die. The godson becomes a physician who heals all his patients with the magic herb, except those who Death claims for himself.
  • In Franz Xaver von Schönwerth King Goldenlocks, the golden apples of the Paradise and the snake's milk are the only known cures for the king's different illnesses.
  • In Nine Bags of Gold, Marie is given by her elven friends a medicine which can cure a sickness that gets every doctor in the kingdom stumped.
  • In Asbjørnsen and Moe's The Old Dame and her Hen, the troll's ointment can heal wounds -and presumably rotting- and bring living beings back to life.
  • In Prince Ivan, the Witch Baby, and the Little Sister of the Sun, the Sun's sister gives Prince Ivan two youth-giving apples.

    So at last he persuaded her, and she let him go away to find out about his home. But first she provided him for the journey with a brush, a comb, and two youth-giving apples. However old any one might be, let him eat one of these apples, he would grow young again in an instant.

  • The Three Snake Leaves: The titular leaves are used to bring any living being back from the dead.

    After a time a second snake crept out of the hole, and when it saw the other lying dead and cut in pieces, it went back, but soon came again with three green leaves in its mouth. Then it took the three pieces of the snake, laid them together, as they ought to go, and placed one of the leaves on each wound. Immediately the severed parts joined themselves together, the snake moved, and became alive again, and both of them hastened away together.

Fan Works 

  • Hearts of Ice: Cologne keeps a couple of Shards of the Apple, pieces of fruit of the first apple tree which have incredible healing properties. Unfortunately they are so incredibly old than they have lost most of their potency.

    The Shards were, of course, immeasurably old, remarkably preserved pieces of fruit from the very first apple tree in the world. Legend had it that the tree grew far to the north-east of Qinghai province, in the Heilongjiang region, in ancient times. Known to have fantastic healing properties, the fruit from that tree cured the worst diseases and injuries, from blindness, to strange and deadly wasting illnesses, to lost limbs...

  • Nutricula: One of the powers of Izuku is Antibiotic Blood: he can cure illness by ingesting his blood. Izuku can just activate it and it'll work immediately on him.
  • Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos: Cain's forces discover an STC in a Space Hulk containing the data for the production line for Panacea, a Dark Age of Technology product that can heal any ailment and promote incredible health - at initial stages, it's even effective against Nurglite corruption, which is doubly important for Cain, as Nurgle is the only Chaos god whose worship and presence is flat-out banned in Slawkenberg and the one that Cain and Jurgen despise the most. Cain immediately orders mass production to start and even succesfully conspires to have the data leaked to the Imperium, in what turns out to be a key point in all but declaring war on Nurgle.
  • Vow of Nudity: While Spectra and Haara have Ideal Illness Immunity due to class features and magic items, Fiora has to brew Potions of Cure Disease to avoid getting STDs from any sexual encounters she has during adventures.

Films — Animation 

  • Rapunzel's hair in Tangled, as well as the flower that she got her magic from.

Films — Live-Action 

  • The father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding pulls out Windex anytime someone has an ailment, and in the film, it seems to cure everything from poison ivy to pimples.
  • Ravenous portrays the Wendigo myth as being true, and eating the flesh of another human grants a wide range of benefits, including a Healing Factor which allows someone to recover from gunshots, stab wounds, or messily broken bones without so much as a scar. Diseases don't fare any better, as the film's Big Bad was on death's door due to tuberculosis before he first turned to cannibalism, and within months he was fully cured and hasn't ever been sick since. Too bad all of this comes with the side effect of an unstoppable Horror Hunger.
  • Robot Monster: An attempt at creating a serum to cure all diseases is crucial to the backstory, and is the reason the main characters survived the invasion up to this point; not only did it work, it also turned out to have the unintended side effect of making a person immune to the calcination beam that wiped out the rest of humanity.
  • Star Wars: Bacta is a liquid medicine used to regenerate people from severe injuries. In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke Skywalker is immersed in a bacta tank to recover from hypothermia and being mauled by a wampa during a misadventure at the start of the film. In The Mandalorian, IG-11 uses a bacta spray to heal Din Djarin of a head injury sustained in an explosion. In the Expanded Universe, bacta has also been used to treat diseases.


  • In Lone Wolf, Oede Herb is the most powerful Healing Herb of the world, and can cure just about any disease and many poisons. It's also the rarest and most expensive.
  • In Sorcery!, the Fighting Fantasy 4-issue spinoff, there are chances of the player catching diseases and curses during their adventure. When this happens, they can pray to their Patron Goddess, Libra, to erase all those diseases for them. It's also possible to obtain a potion from Fenestra the Elf that remove diseases instantly.


  • The Andromeda Strain: When a rubber seal fails and one of the main characters is exposed to the virus, he volunteers to take Kalocin, a top-secret antibiotic that destroys all unicellular life — bacteria, fungi, viruses, you name it — and even causes remission in cancer. One of the other scientists absolutely refuses to allow it. An expository paragraph then explains that when tested on humans, the drug wiped out all the symbiotic microorganisms living inside and on them; when the doses stopped, harmful microbes moved into the now-empty biological niches and killed all the subjects in various grotesque ways within six hours.
  • The Angel of Khan el-Khalili: Aliaa obtains a bezoar from the self-proclaimed angel Seeker with the promise that it will heal her mortally wounded sister Aisha (who rushed into a burning building to rescue Aliaa and their coworkers). Seeker assures that on ingestion it will swiftly and fully heal all of Aisha's ailments, including her burns and smoke-damaged lungs.
  • Baccano!: The Grand Panacea is of such perfect form that it also grants immunity to aging.
  • Belgariad: When asked by Adara to magically make a rosebush bloom, Garion refuses because it'd hurt the plant and instead creates a new flower from some twigs. It becomes known a small, lop-sided and unimpressive species called Adara's Rose until The Malloreon reveals it to be a sovereign specific — capable of curing any poison, even one like thalot, which has no known antidote and resists magical intervention. Polgara had previously investigated the flower for any sign of usefulness but found nothing; it turns out that the fragrance has to be inhaled for it to work, something she didn't realise was possible until advised by Sadi and Cyradis. While Belgarath is transforming Zakath's bedroom to fill it with blooms that will fend off the thalot poisoning, Garion observes that — even in those who are fully fit and well like him — the fragrance instantly makes him more relaxed, refreshed and revitalised than he's felt for months.
  • Bridge of Birds: When the children of Number Ten Ox's village fall deathly ill from chewing poisoned leaves, Ten Ox and the sage Li Kao go on a quest to find a powerful ginseng root that can cure any disease. Unfortunately, the root has been broken up into pieces and stored in the extremely well-hidden and guarded treasure vaults of the villainous Duke of Ch'in, and only the entire root will be enough to cure the children.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew: The apples of a particular tree in a special garden have the power to cure disease. The scenario was written to reference the garden of Eden, and the fruit enfolded a Secret Test of Character: after taking one, Diggory is told that had he eaten it himself, or stolen it for his terminally sick mother, he'd have ultimately regretted it; it doesn't just cure disease, it makes one unable to die even if one wants to - they have given up any possibility of Heaven in favor of unending life on Earth. The White Witch did exactly that, and it took Aslan's personal touch to end her. But because he resisted temptation, he is given an apple from the tree which grew from the one he retrieved, which fully restores his mother and permits her to die peacefully decades later.
  • Codex Alera has the mushroom called the Blessing of Night, which grows in only one place and can heal injuries, poisoning and also infertility.
  • The Elenium: The High Queen has been administered a poison believed to have no remedy, and her champion must find an object of power to cure her. As it happens, none will suffice but the Bhelliom, a Cosmic Keystone of practically unlimited power. Although the story initially serves up the Bhelliom as a cure to this specific predicament, it quickly becomes a greater MacGuffin by dint of the desire of the Big Bad to possess it by any means. While it does cure the poisoning and restore Ehlana back to health, it doesn't cure side-effects of the poisoning such as loss of fertility; as a result, the goddess Aphrael instigates a secretly magical pregnancy whereby Ehlana eventually gives birth to Danae, the goddess Aphrael in disguise. This ensures that Ehlana will have an heir to the throne, even though the poison left her infertile.
  • Gor: The Caste of Physicians have created a pretty good panacea in the "Stabilization Serums", a series of shots which effectively make you immortal and stop aging. You can still die due to injuries of course, and it doesn't work 100% of the time; more like 98%. In book 27 there's a newer version which de-ages you 10 years per treatment. And the Priest-Kings — the Insectoid Aliens Powers That Be of Gor — have perfected them even more: Misk the Priest-King is over 6,000,000 years old. The physicians have also cured almost all diseases except "the Holy Disease" which is believed to be a punishment by the Priest-Kings.
  • Harry Potter:
    • A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat, and it can resolve most, though not all, poisons. Despite the seeming mundanity of the origin, bezoars seem to be quite rare, as they are mentioned to be expensive, and the school's potion ingredients store contains only a few.
    • As well, phoenix tears, in addition to mending flesh, are strong enough to be the only cure for basilisk venom.
    • Drinking unicorn blood can sustain one's life no matter how serious the affliction, but the drinker is cursed thereafter because of how evil it is to hurt a unicorn.
    • Mandrakes can be used to brew a potion that will dispel any curse, and even cured an affliction that merely looked like a curse. However, not just any mandrake, only a specific, extra deadly, stubborn variety will do.
    • The Hogwarts hospital wing also has a drug that will clear up a wide variety of common illnesses, at the cost of causing smoke and steam to continually come out from the patient's orifices.
  • Kate Daniels has panacea be a miracle drug that helps shapeshifters to not go full loup. It's incredibly hard to get a hold of. Until Kate rescues a guy who knows how to make it and brings him home with her, anyway.
  • The Athelas weed, a.k.a. Kingsfoil, in The Lord of the Rings has unspecified medicinal properties; it may not be good for everything, but it is able to cure several ailments, most notably the Black Breath, a curse brought on by contact with the corruption of Sauron. The process of preparing the remedy suggests that magic is involved. The same plant is used in The Silmarillion.
  • "Mop-Up": The last human survived the many, many diseases humanity unleashed en masse on itself because he worked at a lab where an untested serum was stored. With nothing to lose, he drank it and didn't catch any illness.
  • The Radix: The eponymous MacGuffin is an ancient plant that, if cooked properly, can heal any illness and even raise the dead. Supposedly, it belonged to Jesus himself. Stored in a mummy's chest for ages, it made its dead tissues regenerate and bleed.
  • Among its many other functions, the titular energy of The Stormlight Archive can heal just about anything, including cuts, broken bones, bad eyes, missing limbs, damaged souls, and, under the exact right circumstances, death itself. It is as yet unclear whether it will stop aging.
  • Lansip fruits in Tales of Kolmar can cure just about anything, and can even reverse aging. However, they're extremely hard to come by, as lansip only grows on an island that is protected by strong storms - ships can only get through about once every hundred years.

Live-Action TV 

  • Once Upon a Time (2011) has Lake Nostos, where water from it will cure any curse or poison. The lake is guarded by a Siren however and, although Prince Charming kills her to get the water to heal someone else, it causes the lake to dry up. One drop of its water is enough to cure an infertility curse on Snow White.
  • The Outer Limits:
    • In "Blood Brothers", it is believed that Deighton C is capable of curing any disease and is resistant to any poison. However, it turns out that it uses up the body's natural ability to heal within days, leading to the complete collapse of the immune system.
    • In "The New Breed", Dr. Stephen Ledbetter describes the Nanomachines that he has invented as having the potential to cure any and all diseases. However, they prove to be too efficient in altering the body. Having injected himself with them to cure his osteosarcoma, Dr. Andy Groenig develops gills, eyes on the back of his head, nematocysts and a significantly strengthened ribcage. The transformation is extremely painful.

Myths & Religion 

  • Some versions of the Holy Grail myth had it that the Grail could cure anything, grant immortality, etc. This idea was relished by treasure-seekers for whom a relic of unrivaled holiness just wasn't good enough. The same kind of powers have been attributed to any number of other Christian relics. Buddhists, similarly, have tales of many such relics (usually bones from revered monks held in temples).
  • Russian Mythology and Tales: Living water and Dead water, used to bring someone back from the dead — the Dead Water removes the dead person's wounds and rot (but kills the living) and the Living Water is then used to bring them back to life.

Tabletop Games 

  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • The Philosopher's Stone item, which can be broken open and used to make a potion which can heal anything up to and including death.
    • Pathfinder also has this item. In addition the Alchemist class can (at high levels, and if they take the relevant skill) make one.
    • The 3rd Edition supplement Creature Collection: The ewe of the Amalthean Ram gives milk that neutralizes non-magical poisons and diseases in anyone who drinks it.
    • There is also Keoghtum's Ointment which can cure various things.
  • Warhammer 40,000's background lore features an STC, Standard Template Construct, known as the Panacea which would have led to medical breakthroughs that would save billions of Imperial citizens across the galaxy... if the Dark Eldar Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue hadn't stolen it because Asdrubael Vect dared Lady Aurelia Malys to do it.

Video Games 

  • ANNO: Mutationem: The N series are medical technology that was created to heal wounds and cure specific diseases. N540 is the latest that has the capacity to cure-all types, until an incident where civilians fought and killed over the medicine resulted in it being kept hidden from the public.
  • In Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Case 3 has the Chief Justice's son, who is suffering what appears to be an incurable disease called "Incuritis" and is on the point of death. It turns out that the only way to cure it is a Panacea in the form of a Borginian Cocoon that can cure the illness, but if extracted incorrectly, the cure becomes a deadly poison.
  • Bloodborne is themed around disease and blood, set in a Mystical Plague infested city that uses Blood Magic. The player character has some sort of disease, and came to Yharnam seeking a substance called "Paleblood" that can cure any ailment.
  • Bug Fables: Isau wishes to create a medicine that would heal any illness. She has found the right combination and requests Team Snakemouth to find the last required ingredient—Sophie Petal that grows over Snakemouth Den.
  • In Cave Story, you retrieve a "cure-all" pill from the abandoned hospital in the labyrinth. The full curative abilities of this medicine are unknown, but it heals Curly Brace (who is a robot) from unspecified debilitating injuries.
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has disease-curing potions that are easy to make or buy, raw ingredients such as hawk feathers and charred rat skin that cure diseases on their own, and if that's too much bother, praying at a local shrine will have the same effect, plus a deity-specific blessing. Curing vampirism and lycanthropy is a different story, however.
  • EXTRAPOWER: Attack of Darkforce: After an accident during his study of the Bem, SPICA's resident medical doctor Smoothy began to excrete a slime from his skin that heals wounds, cures sickness, and even restores damaged cells.
  • Fallout:
    • There are several "chems" that can cure any addiction. Fallout: New Vegas has "Fixer", which can temporarily cure any addiction (with the side effect of making the user woozy for a little bit). Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 replace this with "Addictol", which permanently removes addiction, with the relatively small side effect of increasing hunger and thirst (in 76 and 4's survival mode).
    • Across the series, stimpacks can be used to instantly cure broken limbs and serious head injuries.
    • Doctors are able to cure addictions, remove radiation, fix broken limbs, and restore health points for a small cap fee (usually no more than 100), no matter how remote or under-supplied.
    • Fallout 4 has the "Mysterious Serum" in the Cabot House quest line. It ups the player's strength score by 5 (for context, 10 is considered the upper level of superhuman), gives 50 damage resistance, and removes 36,000 rads. In-game, the serum is derived from the Cabot family patriarch, a pre-war madman with an ancient alien artifact fused with him. It has been used to elongate the lifespan of the entire Cabot family by nearly 400 years.
    • The Disease Cure in Fallout 76 will cure one disease when taken. Radaway, in this game, also has the chance to cure mutations, although, depending on the mutation, this may be more a hinderance than helpful.
  • Final Fantasy has a spell called Panacea that ironically only removes the Poison and Venom status effects. The games do have a spell called Esuna that cures nearly everything, and an item called Remedy that fulfils a similar purpose.
  • For the King: The Healing Herb Panax can cure any disease, poison, and almost any other harmful status effects other than Curses. However, the number of ailments a single dose cures is limited by the quality of the user's pipe.
  • The Drifter from Hyper Light Drifter seeks the Immortal Cell to cure his Incurable Cough of Death. He isn't alone in his quest, either; a second Drifter is searching for the Immortal Cell as well and often shares info with the playable character. In the end it turns out that the Drifer's Incurable Cough actually is incurable and that the Immortal Cell was never a cure, it was an Artifact of Doom, a false hope that the Drifter had to destroy.
  • The goal of one subplot in Ōkamiden is to make a perfect medicine in order to cure a terminally ill girl.
  • In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the "Path of Legends" storyline involves helping Arven find herbs known as "Herba Mystica" stated to have amazing healing properties so that he can use them to heal his dying Mabosstiff. Aside from that, the sandwiches that Arven makes with Herba Mystica are capable of empowering Koraidon/Miraidon by unlocking more mobility options such as being able to swim, glide or climb. Unfortunately, they're also guarded by "Titan Pokemon", who are massive beasts thanks to the herbs.
  • Pou has potions that make the pet healthier and gives it more energy.
  • Prey (2017) has the super fruit, which can restore health, clean radiation, restore psi points and fix traumas. After doing its quest you can produce a new one every ten minutes.
  • In Roots of Pacha, Willow Bark Medicine cures all animal illnesses, but its main component, willow bark, is not classified as an herb, so it can't be grown in the Herb Grower.
  • Panacea is a summonable item in Scribblenauts (along with everything else). In the sequel, it heals any sick or diseased creature, and renders an already healthy one invincible.
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Kolto, which occurs naturally on the planet Manaan, is a liquid medicine used to heal major injuries. The government of Manaan uses kolto production as a sledgehammer to maintain its neutrality in the conflict between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Literature around Star Wars: The Old Republic states that bacta was introduced later from Thyferra, and outcompeted kolto, which led to Manaan being conquered by the Sith.
  • In Tales of Vesperia, Yuri, Karol, and Estelle try to use a panacea bottle to heal the big cherry blossom tree in Halure and, from then on, it becomes a regular item that cures both physical and magical ailments.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X: There's a side mission to collect a scale from the Telethia, a dragon-like megafauna known throughout Mira as the planet's guardian. A single scale is said to act as a Panacea and cure anything. However, you have to fight it and test your worth to obtain the scale, which the story treats as a death sentence. This side mission is ultimately Played for Laughs when you discover that Tatsu's rival Tora just needed to cure some rather bad indigestion and milked it as a life-threatening ailment.
  • ZanZarah: The Hidden Portal: Medicine is a consumable item that can be used outside of combat to heal your fairies from burn, freeze, and poison status effects (the only Status Effects that persist after the battle is over).



  • In Mortasheen, the Streptile is a reptile-like artificial organism whose body is intensely hostile to all microorganisms, and can even spray a "medicine breath", a cloud of phagocytes which immediately wipes out even the most virulent germs on contact. However, this also includes beneficial symbionts like gut bacteria, so being cleansed by the Streptile is basically just as detrimental to one's health as having an illness, if not more so.
  • Neopets:
    • Cooling Ointment and Warm Amber Ointment are two rare items that stock in the Brightvale potion shop. Either one can act as any other medicine item.
    • A Good Bad Bug is that one of the cheapest and most reliable ways to cure a pet's disease is... feeding them poison. Any new disease they get will overwrite any that already had. The most common way to do this is to use the Poisonous Lollipop, an early reward from Jhudora that will give anyone who eats it Floppy Tongue. A nasty surprise for a healthy pet, but a godsend for one that was suffering from an illness that can be forty times as expensive to "properly" cure such as Ugga-Ugga.
  • From the RPC Authority, RPC-588 are seemingly normal bees whose stings contain a chemical (designated RPC-588-A) that can cure any disease or mental illness, although not physical injuries.
  • SCP Foundation:

Western Animation 

  • In one episode of American Dad!, Roger lost a small pouch in Area 51 which contained various things including a tube of cream which if applied to an amputated stump, will gradually regrow the lost limb.
  • The crux of Common Side Effects's plot is the "Blue Angel", a psychotropic mushroom that somehow stimulates stem-cells and thus can heal any illness or injury instantly.