Persona Non Grata - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Sep 27 2011
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"Banned from Argo" redirects here. For the Filk Song, see Banned from Argo.
When we pulled into Argo Port in need of R&R,
The crew set out investigating every joint and bar.
We had high expectations of their hospitality,
But found too late it wasn't geared for spacers such as we!
And we're banned from Argo, everyone
Banned from Argo just for having a little fun
We took a jolly shore leave there for just three days or four
But Argo doesn't want us anymore
You, possibly along with your merry band of travelers, have found a nice place to hang out. Maybe it's a nice bar, seaside town or resort planet. But then ... things happened. You may not have meant for bad stuff to go down, but sometimes events are beyond your control. There might have been nudity, violence, Stuff Blowing Up, certain substances imbibed or smoked. You might've just been extremely rude or insufferable to be around. You might have started a revolution, or unwittingly destroyed the place. Whatever the case, the locals aren't happy.
As a result, you're not allowed to come back there. Ever. Not you, nor your crew, nor any of your family, nor anyone connected with you in any way, shape, or form. You pissed them off that much.
Essentially, this is the "...and stay out!" follow up to Get Out!.
The trope name is Latin for "unwelcome person".note In Real Life, it is a legal term referring to a person who is not permitted to enter another person's domain, often a country. It's most often applied to diplomats — since they enjoy diplomatic immunity, they often cannot be charged with a crime, but they can be kicked out of the country (and get their immunity revoked if they come back). This is most often done when a Diplomatic Cover Spy gets caught in the act, though it can also be done in response to a diplomat doing anything else that offends the host country. A civilian can also be declared persona non grata at a specific establishment; these people may face trespassing charges if they return. While much less common, it is possible for a country to declare a non-diplomat to be persona non grata, due to the government finding their very presence in the country undesirable for one reason or another.note Another term for this, originating in the US bar and restaurant industry, is "86", as in "86 that guy!" or "they got 86'd". On websites on the internet, this is also known as being "permabanned".
In fiction, this label is often Played for Laughs and the result of a Noodle Incident — if it was bad enough (and funny enough) to lead to this result, it would be most outrageous in the reader's imagination. The related tropes You Can't Go Home Again and The Exile tend to be played more seriously, since the people being banned are originally from the place they are banned from (personae non gratae are for outsiders). Compare Karmic Shunning. See also Hollywood Restraining Order. When this is used to ban people from a party, social function, etc, see Uninvited to the Party and Not on the List. When somebody gets kicked out of multiple bars due to drunken misbehavior they are Barred from Every Bar. Can be used to invoke May It Never Happen Again. In some cultures, failing a Test of Pain as part of an Initiation Ceremony or Rite of Passage can cause the person who failed to be labeled as such.
Not to be confused with Un-person, in which an individual is treated as if they never even existed, with all records of such being wiped clean.
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- A commercial
shows Frank Riordan, a middle-aged man gloomily searching multiple travel sites one by one, because he's banned from using the one-stop search engine. Cue Flashback of him bullying the site's creator back in (judging from their hair and outfits) The '80s.
Anime & Manga
- Bartender: Two undesirable guests tried to skip on paying their bills. The third guest just liked to create problems in order to release stress.
- Case Closed: The Victim of the Week from Hooligan's Labyrinth, Kadotake Akano, was a proud and trouble-making hooligan who caused trouble in soccer stadiums while drunk which resulted in him being arrested and eventually being blacklisted from ever entering at least some stadiums.
- In the second season of Code Geass, Zero is declared a persona non grata by the Britannian government, in exchange for the emancipation of one million Japanese. This, however, turns out to be a ploy to disguise those one million Japanese as Zero, getting them all exiled. The whole plan turned out to be to get himself and his Black Knights, hidden among the exiles, out of the country.
- In Delicious in Dungeon, Team Touden's plan to return to the surface to resupply after dealing with the Red Dragon is cut short after meeting up with Kabru and Shuro's parties, due to the understanding that their use of the Dark Arts would be reported and that they'd be arrested at best upon arrival.
- This has happened to the Dirty Pair on at least two occasions. They go off on leave to some distant resort with plans to lounge on the beach, but while they're there, they inevitably get drawn into some sort of illicit intrigue and wind up causing massive destruction in their attempts to stop it. It's better than what usually happens, when they can't go back because the place no longer exists.
- Goblin Slayer has a Rhea Scout getting caught out for Ninja Looting and denying his party their share of the treasure of a ruin, resulting in him getting demoted all the way down to Porcelain Rank and getting thrown out of town.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
- Stardust Crusaders: Following the battle against Nena, in which she used her Empress to frame Joseph for murder, he and the rest of the team become wanted criminals in India, forcing them to flee the country as soon as they possibly can.
- Diamond Is Unbreakable: Rohan effectively barred Josuke from ever setting foot in his residence again after Josuke's attempt to cheat him in a dice game resulted in his house being set on fire.
- The plot of Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru kicks off when the eponymous character is banned from all functions of his school's gymnastics club and needs somewhere to live now that he can't stay at their dorms.
- One Piece:
- When Nami returned to her village the day after her adoptive mother Belle-mère's murder, supposedly having joined the Arlong Pirates for money, Genzo demanded that she never set foot in the village. Subverted after Genzo learned the real reason behind her actions. He allowed her to pass through the town to reach her childhood home, but didn't say anything to her to prevent her from realizing that the other townspeople knew about her quest to buy the village from Arlong, so that she could give up if it got too difficult for her.
- After the World Government discovered what the Germa Kingdom's deal with the Big Mom Pirates was, they expel the kingdom from their ranks. Judge had predicted that Germa would lose its membership soon, so the incident was the last straw.
- Shimoneta: Undoubtably due to her undying interest for information regarding copulation, Hyouka has been blacklisted from every medical institution within the tri-prefecture area.
- Something like this happened to the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross. A freak accident causes them to be banned from Earth. This is after they spend several episodes getting back to Earth through the defense of the Zentraedi.
- In Yes! Pretty Cure 5, Nozomi Yumehara's clumsiness has caused her to be tossed out of every school club. Rin takes great glee in mentioning a Noodle Incident that got her kicked out of the Drama Club after only two days.
- Played with but ultimately averted with Yoko from Yuri is My Job!. She was the first employee hired apart from the founding trio of Mai, Nene and Sumika. She ended up manipulating Nene, who'd fallen for her, into dissolving her schwestership with Sumika, as well as starting a relationship with Yoko, but Yoko dumped Nene without a second thought after she had to quit. Much later, Yoko stops by the salon as a customer, much to Mai's unpleasant surprise, and at the end of Yoko's visit, Mai suggests that Yoko leave, implying Mai only tolerates her as a paying customer. However, Mai refuses Sumika's demand to ban Yoko, citing that Yoko hasn't broken any rules.
Asian Animation
- Lamput: In "Library", after Mr. Moustache thinks the docs have been loud in the library one too many times, Skinny and Specs are banned from re-entering and forced to wear costumes to trick Mr. Moustache into thinking it's not them.
Comic Books
- One Archie Comics story has the gang try, for the sake of variety, to have lunch some place other than Pops'. In each place they try, they end up getting booted out due to their personal flaws and character quirks, until the only eatery left is Pops'.
- The Dead Boy Detectives: In issue 5 of the 2014 series by Toby Litt, Crystal Palace mentions that her father Seth Von Hoverkraft's shenanigans resulted in him being banned from Switzerland and various other places.
- The DC Comics hero Damage was banned from his hometown of Atlanta after he blew it up when his powers first activated.
- Happens far too often to LARP goth Walden Woods in Dork Tower; something inevitably gets them banned from their latest gathering spot.
Walden: Great Clans of Mud Bay, I have called this gathering in the Poochy's Last Stand pet cemetery for one reason!
Goth: Because Beef-A-Roo won't let us gather there anymore?
Walden: Apart from that! - Hawkeye: After inadvertently stumbling onto the fact his employers, Cross Tech Enterprises, had been hired out for an evil plan and then nearly killed, Hawkeye learns that he's been banned from their premises, with a hefty financial reward for anyone who rats him out if he comes back.
- The Hellboy story "Makoma" ends with Hellboy being banned for life from the New York City Explorer's Club after being accused of destroying an ancient mummy. In actuality, the mummy simply crumbled after finally being able to tell his story, and Hellboy was the one Makoma spoke to.
- In Knights of the Dinner Table, Nitro Ferguson gets banned from GaryCon after his D-Day game runs amok even more spectacularly than games in KoDT usually do.
- Legion of Super-Heroes: In issue 24 of the Threeboot series, it is mentioned that an unspecified incident (implied to be indecent exposure) resulted in Colossal Boy being banned from Tokyopolis.
- Lobo has been banned from both heaven and hell, making him functionally immortal because he will always come back from whichever afterlife he ends up in.
- Ms. Marvel (1977): After being fired from NASA and then writing a tell-all book, Carol Danvers is not terribly welcome when she goes back to Cape Canaveral as part of her journalism job.
- MAD: In of Dave Berg's "Lighter Side'' strips, a young woman says that she was banned from a nude beach because she refused to take her clothes off.
- Runaways: In the wake of Civil War (2006) (during which they helped cause the overthrow of a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. facility), the Runaways were banned from Los Angeles. They spent some time out in New York City, then later got around the ban by relocating to Malibu.
- Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW): Charmy Bee is banned from the public library for life. The thing is, he doesn't know this because Espio and Vector know he'd be heartbroken if they told him. So they keep finding all sorts of excuses to keep him away from the library and are taking out books for him. We are never told why Charmy is banned.
Comic Strips
- FoxTrot:
- Implied in the Halloween party arc when Paige stands up to two party crashers who were prepared to kill Peter for not having beer at the party:
Paige: My friend over there is on the phone with the cops right now, so I suggest you and your party-crashing pals go back to wherever you came from.
Big Party Crasher: That might be tricky — that place called the cops, too. - Peter asks Roger for advice on how to pull an all-nighter, and Roger says that one thing he'd do in college was play really loud music to keep him awake. Cut to Roger and Andy trying to sleep with loud music in the background:
Andy: Did you also tell him why you were expelled from three fraternities?
Roger: Calm down. We'd be waking up in a few hours anyway.
- Implied in the Halloween party arc when Paige stands up to two party crashers who were prepared to kill Peter for not having beer at the party:
Fan Works
- Akko Kagari Universe: Quattro Scaglietti got herself banned from Luna Nova after publishing a tabloid hyping up the Love Triangle between Akko, Andrew and Diana. This doesn't stop the Immoral Journalist from continuing to sneak in in order to gather more gossip.
- Avenging Class: MHXX was officially banned from Los Angeles after breaking "traffic laws" during a race against Ghost Rider across the city.
- Bad Things Come In Twos: Gjallarhorn's role in the massacre of the Dort Colonies got them banned from getting involved in any diplomatic matters involving aliens. The nations also revoked Gjallarhorn's property tax exemption for any bases in their territories.
- Darkest Hero: Azazel got banned from Shoel Nagarx't for asking too many questions of its residents.
- Ere We Go, Pluz Ultra!:
- Izuku was banned from visiting the studios for U.A.'s Support Course as a precautionary measure; any attempts to study and understand how his technology works results in failure and insanity, and Toshinori doesn't want Mei or anyone else trying to puzzle it out.
- Chapter 31 reveals that Izuku was also barred from the history museum after a Noodle Incident.
- In the Harveste
series, the Addamses are banned from Haiti and Indonesia. Gomez has been banned from Africa for an undetermined amount of time, but as of 1995, has at least ten years left on the ban. Grandmama is accepted as a witch doctor in five countries and banned from the rest of the world.
- In A Hero, Kyouko managed to antagonize the Matriarchs of every last Puella Magi gang in Tokyo during a single Noodle Incident. If she ever returns to the area, they're willing to band together just to kill her.
- In My Huntsman Academia, Pyrrha becomes this in Vale's food industry after she shoots Junior in the spine and accidentally burns down his club when he tried to cop a feel of her.
- A Triangle in the Stars: Peridot can't return to Homeworld anymore; thankfully, she doesn't actually want to.
- The TV Tropes Character Crossover War: James the Conductor has an explicit list of individuals marked "DO NOT BOARD" he refuses to let on the Polar Express for a variety of reasons. This includes villainous characters who would likely hurt any children, morally flawed characters that can be heroic at times but are otherwise too crude, every single locomotive from the Northwestern Railway on the grounds of one too many safety violations (which leads to a lot of grief for him when Gordon shows up to take the train for himself), and Barney the Dinosaur for just being Barney.
- In What Fates Impose
, Sarah and Bryce mention that they've been banned from Paraguay for an incident involving a donkey.
The Fairly OddParents!
- A Fairly Odd Movie Remade And Extended: While on a date with Tootie, Timmy thwarts Hugh Magnate Jr.'s plans to buy Dimmsdale Park and build a oil well hotel on the land by wishing to ban the whole Magnate family from entering the park.
Final Fantasy
- In Off the Line, Cloud's Terra Online character Rainstorm is unofficially banned from towns... mainly because every time he steps into one, bounty hunters come after him in droves. This is especially true in Alexandria, as that's Overseers' territory.
Harry Potter
- Beneath the Surface: After learning that a Horcrux had been hidden in Gringotts without their knowledge, Ragnok confronts Dumbledore and threatens him with this fate — either reveal everything he knows about the Horcruxes, or he'll be barred not just from Gringotts, but the entire Goblin Nation.
- Harry Crow: When Dumbledore approaches the goblins after Vernon tells him he left Harry with them, Ragnok slaps him a 24 hour notice to take all belongings out of the Dumbledore vault and is permanently barred from doing business with them after they removed the horcrux from Harry's scar.
Dumbledore: Perhaps there's been a mistake here?
Ragnok: Oh yes, and it was you who made it. We now know that the dark one is not gone, and we also know how this was achieved. This was information that could've seriously compromised Gringotts, yet you deliberately withheld it from us.
Dumbledore: Did you find any in the vaults? You must tell me!
Ragnok: Oh, so now you want a spirit of cooperation between us? I must tell you nothing. Get him out of here. - In Harry Potter and the Magic of the Beasts, Lucius sends a note to buy Boundless and sell the brooms under the Malfoy name under the condition that all the first-gens and creatures are fired and staffed by purebloods only. When he receives a reply, the response is that the Malfoy family is permanently barred from doing business in Canada by the ICW.
Note from Boundless: Mr. Malfoy
While we understand that in your British Ministry, you would be able to purchase anything and have a confirmation almost immediately, we at 'Boundless', and many other companies outside Britain have a different policy. Due to an extensive background check, we at 'Boundless' are proud to say, we will NOT be doing business with you.
Our background check has shown a long history of bribery and discrimination against First-gen's and No-maj's, and a family history of serving 'Dark Lords', and your Imperius defense holds no sway outside of Britain, as well as your familial connection to the now extinct Malfoy family of France, known for trafficking in Veela.
As a result, we have petitioned the I.C.W. and this letter is to inform you that your family is permanently barred from attempting to invest in or buy any business in Canada, as we heavily employ Mundane-born and other magicals, creatures included, and your demand to fire all of them and only employ purebloods as a condition of purchase is, in few words, 'Absolutely Disgraceful', it has NOT been a pleasure hearing from you.
Please don't contact us again.
Jason Shrike, 'Boundless' C.E.O and proud First-gen.
P.S. The one who investigated you, one Steve Feros, says 'Hi'.
- Precious Like Starlight: After confirming that Lilith is in Heaven, Lucifer banishes Charlie and Lute not just from Pentagram City, but from the Pride Ring altogether, sending them deeper into Hell's layers. This is actually a protective measure on his part, as he doesn't trust Sera not to nuke the whole city off the map.
- Pride, Envy, Wrath: As a Fallen Angel, Lute can no longer return to Heaven, with all the protections and privileges she once enjoyed completely revoked.
- Saving Blitzo: In the sequel, Moxxie is officially barred from the Rough N' Tumbleweed ranch, as Millie's family blames him for the Scarhorn bikers coming after them. Joe tells him in no uncertain terms that he's never to set foot on or near their premises again.
Kim Possible
- At the Centerfold of the Storm: While Dr. Director gave Shego a clean slate, she's still not allowed in the country of Kalpanika Rastra due to certain crimes she committed there.
Mass Effect
- In A Trail a Mile Wide
, the crewmembers of the SSV Normandy SR2 find themselves banned from a colony after a truly epic shore leave. The story itself heavily homages the former Trope Naming song.
Miraculous Ladybug
- In Alix The Dummy, Lila tries to invoke her diplomatic immunity once her crimes are exposed, only for the Italian government to promptly revoke it.
- Chloé's Lament: Death and Changes: Thanks to her history as The Bully, Chloé has been banned from both the Louvre and Le Grand Paris. This doesn't stop her from sneaking into either location, though she knows she's risking serious consequences if she gets caught.
- Marinette's Week Off: After Alya and the rest of her Fair-Weather Friends publicly broke off their bonds with her, they were banned from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. This poses a problem when they realize too late that they can't rely on her providing baked goods to any of their fundraisers or any events anymore, forcing them to pay for refreshments out of their own pocket.
- In Moving On, Lila Rossi gets banned from Paris once it's deemed too dangerous for them to remain in the city until Hawkmoth and the akuma situation has been dealt with.
- Raise Yourselves Up Were Done: After turning on her former friend Marinette and having her barred from participating in the annual class trip, Alya visits the Dupain-Cheng bakery with her mother and is met with Death Glares from Marinette's parents. Her declaration that Marinette's supposed awfulness doesn't stop her parent's bakery from being the best in Paris doesn't earn her any points, and she throws a fit upon learning she's no longer welcome there, let alone gets to enjoy the "friends and family discount".
- Truth and Consequences ends with an interesting variation: As a consequence of her Face–Heel Turn, Ladybug is essentially exiled from Paris by her former teammates, but Marinette can come and go as she pleases; even that comes with the unspoken but very clear understand that when she does come back, it better be to visit her parents, and not for any other reason. Marinette, who's still being torn up by guilt, can't bring herself to argue.
My Hero Academia
- Another Form Of Power: After Hero Society is torn down, Katsuki turns to vigilantism and goes into hiding, being hunted down by Special Forces.
- Being Realistic Means to Adapt: After Katsuki causes a cataclysmic event with considerable civilian casualties, his parents are forced to flee Japan to avoid being lynched for their son's crimes.
- Build Yourself Up (Don't Let Them Break You Down): Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady and Death Arms all find themselves barred from purchasing any products from Hatsume Industries.
- Crimson and Emerald: When Inko threatened to report Endeavor's domestic abuse to social services, he retaliated by using his connections to ensure she'd never get another job in the Heroics Industry.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
- Aftermath of the Games: Fleur De Lis is Sci-Twi's main bully at Crystal Prep. When she tries bullying Sci-Twi in front of her new friends as they're all hanging out in a local mall, one of the employees sees her picking a fight and bans her from that store for six months, with a threat to get her banned from the entire mall for life if she tries violating that first ban.
- In Anon-a-Miss: That's Enough
, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of the Humane Five get a week-long ban from Sugarcube Corner from the Cakes for badmouthing Sunset about Anon-a-Miss, then Mr. Cake tells the rest of the CHS students present that if any of them do what Rainbow did, they'll also receive a week-long ban, and they all comply because they know he's dead serious.
- Dash's New Mom: At one point, Blue Streak informs his daughter Rainbow Dash that she's no longer welcome in his home.
- A Diplomatic Visit:
- Wolves who break the laws against harming children are permanently exiled from the Packlands.
- In chapter 2 of the sequel Diplomat at Large, after "invading" Byzantion, where the headquarters of the International Bureaucracy was located, and subsequently throwing everyone out of the building so she could go through everything and solve the griffons' debt problem, Twilight is no longer permitted back there.
- In chapter 9 of the second sequel, Diplomacy Through Schooling, it's mentioned that Diamond Tiara asked for (and got) a transfer from Ponyville's school to Twilight's new one (with her father's approval), in order to try and get out from under her mother's influence (and Silver Spoon transferred with her). Subsequently, Spoiled Rich barged onto the grounds, interrupted a meeting between Twilight and the parents of some other students, and demanded that Diamond's enrollment in the school be revoked. That got her declared a "disruptive presence", and she was legally banned from coming onto the school's grounds (and a few other places) ever again. She did not take this well and has since attempted (and failed miserably) to have it overturned in the courts.
- Do Not Serve These Ponies: Lyra's efforts to prove the existence of humanity got her banned from the Ponyville Museum. She later gets Bon Bon banned as well.
- Getting Back on Your Hooves: Sweetie Belle tells Twilight about how the Cutie Mark Crusaders got banned from the tennis court while trying to earn their marks. Later, Trixie notices a poster in their treehouse listing out all the places they've been banned from over the course of their quest, noting that it's a Long List.
- In I Am Going to Save and/or Destroy Equestria!, the protagonist thinks he's come up with a foolproof plan to turn a measly sum into a few hundred thousand dollars — until the casino owner takes him aside and politely tells him that he's now on the blacklist for disrupting the business.
- The Negotiations-verse: In Fallen, Applejack reported various ponies to the ESS, including several who were completely innocent, all because she wanted the cash. The "Harmony's Chosen" route has the entire Apple Family condemned as a result; the other residents of Ponyville pass a law barring any member of the family from living there, meaning Apple Bloom is forced to leave the only home she's ever known due to her older sister's crimes.
- In the Pony POV Series, Makarov — the Big Bad of Shining Armor's side story — is threatened with this by several countries in order to get him to cease his attempts on Shining's life.
One Piece
- This Bites!: Jeremiah Cross has banned the zodiac-themed codenames "Virgo" and "Dragon" from usage in the New World Masons, due to their associations with Vergo (a spy for Doflamingo) and Monkey D. Dragon (head of the Revolutionary Army). (Though the latter is an ally.)
The Owl House
- Boscha Noceda: Boscha somehow managed to get herself banned from Quebec.
- A Curse of Feathers has a species-wide example: Emperor Belos has ordered that any humans in the Demon Realm are to be brought immediately to him. According to his Coven, he promptly sends them back to the Human Realm.
- A sidestory of Pokémon Reset Bloodlines shows an adventure of Clair in the Decolore Islands. On her trip back home, she's forced to bring out her Gyarados near a cruise full of people to rescue a guy dropped off on top of a Tentacruel in open sea, and as a result she's not allowed back on the archipelago ever again.
- In Lords Among the Ashes, Ruby is this to Cody's city as she was the one who proposed that the leaders should attack the horde surrounding Redrock Gorge themselves even though the Grimm threat had been reduced to the point that the army could probably handle it. This led to Cody's death, the first unintentional one in the sim, and his city isolating itself from everyone else.
- In A Rabbit Among Wolves, Jaune Arc is offered a conditional pardon by the interim Vale Council, at the cost of surrendering their residency and leaving the area. They're allowed to return for occasional visits, at the cost of being strictly supervised.
The Secret Show
- In Back For Good, Professor Professor and the rest of the stag party get banned from Knowhere Special after going on a drug-fueled bender and fighting off Reptogators in the area.
The Smurfs
- Empath of Empath: The Luckiest Smurf and later Polaris Psyche were both considered this when the Psyche Master exiled them from Psychelia at least one year apart from each other. However, the Psyche Master has allowed Empath to have visits in his private chamber to discuss things that were necessary to the plot of the current story.
Spongebob Squarepants
- A Dash of Logic: After being permanently injured in SpongeBob's latest accident in "Demolition Doofus", Mrs. Puff verbally rips him a new one, kicking him out of her Boating School for good. What's more, she bans any descendants he might have from attending as well, going out of her way to ensure he can't go to ANY boating schools.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
- Enforced by magic in Queens of Mewni: any noble who commits a crime serious enough to merit banishment gets their name written in The Book of the Banished, and should they try to set foot in Butterfly Kingdom territory again, magic will automatically kill them. (Think of it like a Death Note. No, really, that's what Elflyn says
Star Trek
- And All the Stars Burned Bright: While Barbara was still a cadet, a Trill kept standing on top of a fountain at Starfleet Academy while bellowing the song "Banned from Argo". The professors grew so sick of this that the Trill was eventually banned from the campus.
- Rocketship Voyager. When the crew of Voyager are allowed to take liberty on the Array, Captain Janeway warns them that anyone getting them thrown off the space station will not only spend the next month in Hazmat Suits cleaning the radioactive waste vents, they will also have to explain to over a hundred shipmates why they've been deprived of their own liberty. Ironically it's Captain Janeway who ends up getting them thrown off, which is Serious Business as the Array is the terminal of a Portal Network that they need to get back to Earth.
Star Wars
- Eye of the Storm:
- In the story A Midsummer Night's Chaos, it's mentioned that Jason Osmond is banned for life from Star City Lanes (a local bowling alley) due to "the coconut incident", from a local jet ski rental place after he used one to jump over a dock at a local lake, and is effectively banned from going up in the local mountains because he's "practically on a first-name basis with every park ranger in the state". Apparently, all of these bans are because of a "lust for causing trouble".
- In the story "Crystal Blizzard", it's explained that due to an incident in which he was sharing stories from his time in prison (including a cellmate who'd murdered his wife and her lover with a vacuum cleaner) with the Pratt family kids, Mike is no longer welcome at their home in Salt Lake City. Cody nearly ends up being on the "do not invite back" list too thanks to his constantly badmouthing Prince Xizor (who's the current boyfriend of Ruth Pratt), but it's ultimately averted when it turns out he was right all along and, after Xizor's arrest, Cody apologizes to Brigham for his behavior.
Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Five Pendants: In one bad ending, Luigi gets banned from El Cansado for leaving the faucet on which led to the room flooding.
Tolkien's Legendarium
- In The Silmarillion fanfic A Boy, a Girl and a Dog: The Leithian Script, after Celegorm and Curufin's scheme to kill Finrod succeeds, Finrod's brother Orodreth banishes his cousins from his kingdom. He warns them that if they ever cross the border again, they would be shot on sight.
Total Drama
- Courtney's Crusade for Redemption. Following his arrest for the destruction of a mansion belonging to Chris McLean, Duncan is not only sent to grown man prison, but he is permanently banned from ever competing on Total Drama ever again. Not only that, but none of his fellow contestants want to do with him anymore.
- From CIT to All Star: Due to The Ridonculous Race taking place between Revenge of the island and All-Stars in this setting, Chris bans all the former Total Drama competitors that competed on The Ridonculous Race from ever competing on Total Drama again, stating they all "betrayed him". This is all because of his petty grudge against Don.
- It's a running gag in Red Witch's
X-Men: Evolution fics that the X-Men and Brotherhood (and typically all other mutants, in the fics set after the big reveal at the end of season 2) are constantly getting banned from various places due to deliberately or accidentally causing trouble.
Films — Animation
- Ratatouille: Colette warns Linguini to never play cards with Pompidou, one of the other chefs, because he has been banned from Las Vegas and Monte Carlo.
- In Rugrats in Paris, one of Charles Finster's potential dates is said to not be allowed in the state of Kentucky.
- Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse reveals that Earth-199999 Spider-Man (that is, the MCU's Peter Parker), and possibly the two other Spider-Men who helped him save the other villains from dying in Spider-Man: No Way Home, have earned a seemingly permanent ban on ever joining Miguel O'Hara's Spider-Society thanks to their accidental mucking-up of the Multiverse.
Films — Live-Action
- Inverted in The Stinger of Black Adam (2022). Teth-Adam/Black Adam receives a videophone transmission from Amanda Waller, who warns him that he is allowed to act freely in Kahndaq (given that he helped to defeat Sabbac despite his extreme methods used against Intergang), but she will send the world's strongest superheroes after him the moment he steps foot outside of the country.
- In Casino, Nicky gets his name in a Black Book and is banned from the casinos because of notorious and unsavory reputation. Sam warns him beforehand, but Nicky mocks the issue, as the book only has two names (the other of which is Al Capone) and continues to generate waves. Then he laments, as the ban hurts his operations.
- In both the movie and comics for Clerks, Randall is shown banning people from RST video. It's played with as they end up angered at his Jerkass behavior and boycott the place anyway, and Randall stating they're banned comes off as him attempting to get the last word in.
- The Con is On: Due to her strange reactions to drugs, Jackie has been banned for life from British Airways and isn't allowed into Canada at all.
- In Dogma, after they get drunk and tell Him off, God kicked the angels Bartleby and Loki from Heaven, setting in motion the events of the movie.
- After the massive battle that spanned half of Paris in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the Joes are banned from France forever.
- John Wick: Chapter 2 ends with the eponymous character being declared Excommunicado from the Continental and all the support services they offer for shooting the Big Bad in the Continental's lounge in violation of the hotel's Truce Zone status. Which is very bad news for him, considering the $14 million open contract that had just been placed on his head.
- In Little Miss Sunshine, after the fiasco at the eponymous beauty pageant, the family is told that the pageant will not press charges under the condition that Olive never enter another "Little Miss" pageant in the state of California, ever again. The family's reaction to the news amounted to "That's fine with us!"
- Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- The Avengers: When the team is getting ready to go to New York, Bruce Banner mentions that he probably won't be welcome there since the last time he was in New York, he broke Harlem.
- Played (mostly) for laughs at the end of Thor: Ragnarok, when Thor decides to fly the ship to Earth — with Loki onboard. Considering what happened the last time he was there, Loki points out how unlikely it is that he'll be welcome.note
- In Mister Roberts, having been deprived of shore leave for ages thanks to their tyrannical captain, the crew go nuts when they finally have the opportunity. This gets the USS Reluctant thrown out of port. Captain Morton makes sure to get his revenge on the man who engineered their leave, Lt. Roberts.
- O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Ulysses gets kicked out of "Woolsworth" (sic) for fighting the man who wants to marry his wife. It's never clarified if it applies to just the store or the entire franchise. Amusingly, when Delmar is relating to Pete the account of what they've been up to since they were separated, this incident is given equal status to their other adventures.
- In The Party, the protagonist is supposed to be blacklisted from Hollywood after accidentally blowing up a movie set. Instead, his name is unknowingly put on the invitation list for an A-list Hollywood party.
- In Pulp Fiction, Marsellus Wallace revokes Butch's "LA privileges," after Butch saves him. Given that Wallace initially had a hit out on him for failing to throw a match, Butch is fine with that.
- Rain Man: The casinos don't know exactly how Raymond did it, but he and his brother are told to take their winnings and never return — and also not to try it anywhere else, because now their reputation shall precede them everywhere they go.
- Obliquely used in The Return of the Living Dead:
"No, we can't — the cops said they'd shoot us if we go back to the park."
- The Revengers: The Revengers are riding towards a border town and one of them comments that they'd been banned from there. Another says that was a year ago and they were bound to have forgotten about it by now. They haven't.
- In Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Jar Jar Binks tells Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan that he was kicked out of Otoh Gunga for his "clumsiness". EU material describes the events in better detail: he inadvertently flooded half the city.
- Not to mention crashing Boss Nass’s heyblibber.
- Adrian Mole:
- In Prostrate Years, Adrian laments that other people get banned from pubs; but he gets banned from a dry cleaner's. Yes, a dry cleaner's: his crime was to leave one of Gracie's sweets in the pocket of a jacket, which jammed their machine, causing it to be replaced at great expense.
- In Wilderness Years, Adrian bans himself from an Oxfam charity shop, because he had left a condom in the top pocket of a blazer he had donated; or at least, he vows never to enter to shop again until the volunteer helper he gave the blazer to dies or retires.
- Robert Rankin's Brentford novels frequently involve intrepid protagonists Jim Pooley and John Omally being banned from their favorite pub, the Flying Swan, by the mercurial part-time barman, Neville. The ban never lasts long, though.
- According to Amberley Vail, Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!) and her savant Caractacus Mott have been jointly banned from several gambling establishments due to Cain's discovery that Mott's augmetic enhancements help him cheat at cards.
- The Cat in the Stacks Mysteries:
- Anyone who complains about Diesel being at Helen Louise's restaurant gets banned from there for good, as seen in book 2.
- In Ladies #4, after some of her behavior, Mary Turner coldly tells Serenity Foster that cousin or no, she is no longer welcome at Cliffwood. And that's even before it turns out Serenity had murdered her own brother and is thus headed to jail for a very long time.
- The Dresden Files:
- In one of the novels, Harry Dresden is banned from a college bookstore which caters to the supernatural crowd, on account of trouble following him everywhere, and the other patrons and the owner being worried it might follow him there. He gets word of this ban just before exactly that happens. Also, he was talking to his imaginary friend, Lasciel, and it freaked the hell out of the owner.
- In Small Favor, Dresden and the gang find an island in the middle of Lake Michigan that tries to do this to literally everyone: anyone stepping on the island is overcome with an irrational anxiety and fear that slowly and inevitably drives them mad until they leave. The island was settled once, and the settlers did not last long (though the ruins of their attempt are still all over the island). In Turn Coat, Harry, desperate, claims the island as a sanctum by imposing his will over the entity that embodies the island's will, Demonreach. Afterwards, he feels perfectly fine on the island, as it essentially becomes an extension of his consciousness. Everyone else, including his friends, are still inevitably overcome with the feeling of fear and anxiety, to the point that Knight of the Cross Michael Carpenter eventually states that he's afraid to go back to the island, and he used to fight literally demons. Turns out there's a very good reason for the island not welcoming visitors: It houses the maximum-security prison for magical criminals. By laying claim to Demonreach, Harry essentially became the prison's warden.
- After the first murder in East is East, the police come across evidence that the victim might have uncovered bribery of a Japanese official. In a failed attempt to brush everything under the rug, a representative of the Japanese government hints to the American embassy that it might be nice if American businessman (and suspect) Carl Kruger leave the country before a formal persona non grata declaration can be made.
- In Frederick Forsyth's The Fist of God, the Mossad insists that any agent inserted into Saddam Hussein's Iraq to service a new mole be given diplomatic cover; that way, if the agent is exposed, the worst that can happen is that he will be expelled from the country, which is vastly preferable to what the Iraqi security forces would otherwise do to him.
- Hrolf the Unruly, the captain of Elfmaid from the Forgotten Realms: Starlight and Shadows trilogy, got "a taste for recreational mayhem", which earned him ban from many ports and imprisonment and confiscation in Skullport, which is an achievement in itself. He was found there under arrest, roaring a song:
Come ashore with the lads of the Elfmaid, my friend
We're awash on an ocean of ale!
Some taverns to plunder, some guards to sunder,
And then, a short rest in the jail! - In Simon R. Green's For Heaven's Eyes Only, Roger the half-demon claims he's been banned from Limbo.
- A major plot point in the Fortunes of War books is that Sarda, thanks to Piper, has been socially ostracized by other Vulcans in Starfleet, who cannot condone the perceived moral deficit in his area of expertise even though it was never his intention for his work to be used in that manner. As a result, he's floundering in many aspects of Vulcan mental discipline. This is extensively dealt with in Dreadnought!, while in Battlestations! a Vulcan on the transwarp development team has taken Sarda under his wing and helped him make progress in this area.
- In the Gor series, Tarl Cabot was banned from returning to the city-state of Ar, but that didn't stop him from doing so.
- In Book Three of Heralds Of Rhimn, there were some consequences for Meparik’s unusual methods of diplomacy during his visit to the Matrius’ Consultation.
Prince Alaezel: Also, Mother wished me to tell you that, while she lives, she is formally and permanently banning you from speaking in front of her Consultation ever again.
- If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord: Dale's response to the racist teacher's bigotry and horrid treatment of Latina is to seek out evidence and use it to ensure said teacher gets defrocked and barred from the temples. Making it a point on how flimsy her excuse for her racism towards non-human beings was.
- In In Fury Born, Captain Watts was declared persona non grata by the Rishathan Sphere. This turns out to have been misdirection on their part; they had actually recruited him as a Double Agent, and declaring him persona non grata would improve his cover and get him reassigned to a post more useful to them than the Embassy.
- In Iron Druid Chronicles, after the Kennedy's Grove incident, a couple of formerly friendly werewolf packs finally got fed up with all the splashily vengeful enemies Atticus had been making lately, and banned him from their territories on pain of fanged death.
- Journey to Chaos: After he was caught performing The Dark Arts, Mr.15's memory was formally condemned by his clan and he was forbidden to enter Bladi households.
- In Mister Roberts, it's understandable why the crew of the "Bucket" would not be allowed ashore on Elysium again, after hearing what they did while on liberty there.
- In Mortal Instruments with Magnus Bane. It is referred to several times that Magnus is banned from entering Peru, however we never find out why in the original series. After the side-series The Bane Chronicles was published, fans thought that they would uncover the events after the reveal of the chapter entitled "What Really Happened in Peru", but it's still never revealed. In fact, Magnus himself has no idea why he's been declared persona non grata by the High Council of Peruvian Warlocks.
- Myth Adventures:
- In the opening book Another Fine Myth, it's revealed that the merchant Frumple is banned from Deva, home dimension of the Deveels, master bargainers.
- In book 8, Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections, main character Skeeve visits Perv, a high-tech dimension where Magik and technology are equal, but repeatedly runs afoul of the Perv police - they can't hold him, but warn him not to leave the dimension. The last time though, he sardonically says it before the cop does and is told no, he should leave the dimension as soon as possible .
- Ezra Squall of the Nevermoor series is banished from the Free State, especially the titular city, after he enacted the Courage Square Massacre. He's now physically unable to cross the border, and his primary motivation is finding a way around this.
- In R.A. Salvatore's novel Road of the Patriarch, Jarlaxle and Artemis end up banned for life from the Bloodstone Lands. Jarlaxle points out that Elves live a long time and he'll probably outlive the ban. Artemis is not comforted by this, being a human, with the attendant shorter life span.
- The Lemony Narrator of A Series of Unfortunate Events mentions off-hand that he is banned from a town not very far from where the reader lives.
- In Soul Music, the Band with Rocks In is banished from every city they visit on their Sto Plains tour, on pain of pain and/or being buried alive.
- The Outcasts of Tasakeru are stripped of their citizenship and given a lifetime ban on setting foot inside their country's only major city. Most of them have found ways of avoiding or ignoring the ban as needed.
- This has happened to a variety of CIA officers with diplomatic immunity who got caught spying in Tom Clancy novels. The consequences for officers or agents who don't have diplomatic immunity and get caught spying tend to be far more severe.
- In The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl, the eponymous character develops a variant of X-Ray Vision that allows him to cheat at casinos. After getting bored with winning for his own benefit, he starts doing so to raise money for orphanages. His phenomenal "luck" gets him banned, so Henry hires a Hollywood makeup artist to create disguises for him, allowing him to continue.
Live-Action TV
- On 2 Broke Girl$, Caroline Channing is not welcomed at any society functions due to her father cheating thousands of people out of their money. When she gets an invitation to a gala and decides to go, she is stopped at the entrance and it is made clear that even though she has a valid invitation, she is not going to be let in. It does not help that while she is trying to clear this up, people who lost money in the Ponzi scheme recognize her and start punching her.
- On 30 Rock, Tracy Jordan can't go back to Abu Dhabi without being executed, for reasons unknown.
- Arastoo believes he is this in Iran on Bones but it actually was never made public.
- The Columbo episode "A Case of Immunity" sees the eponymous sleuth declared persona non grata from an embassy by the antagonist, a high-ranking diplomat. It doesn't stick.
- Conan had an (admittedly staged) Escalating War along these lines between host Conan O'Brien and Corey Booker, mayor of Newark, New Jersey. First Conan made a disparaging joke about Newark. Booker responded by putting Conan on the "No Fly List". Conan responded by banning Booker from Burbank Airport. Booker responded by banning Conan from the entire state of New Jersey, as well as Newark's sister cities around the world. Conan then bans Booker from California. (The world was hitherto unaware of Conan's authority to do so, but weirder things have happened in California.)
- On The Cosby Show episode, "Off to See the Wretched", Denise Huxtable remembers and reveals to her parents that the rock group The Wretched, whom Vanessa and her friends were going to see in concert, has been declared persona non grata in New York City due to the trouble and mayhem they caused the last time they were there, thus piquing and increasing the parents' (especially Claire's) already roused suspicions from discovering Vanessa and her friends were never at the house they said they were going to be at, which had been evacuated due to a nearby fire that had made the evening news; only seconds later they discover from an entertainment news item that the concert in question was in Baltimore, revealing the girls had in fact surreptiously traveled on a long distance road trip to Baltimore for the concert.
- There’s a couple CSI eps where characters are barred from the lab. Grissom is suspended for two weeks when he won’t play nice with the F.B.I and he suspends Catherine from the lab once and says she can go anywhere but the lab.
- Doctor Who: The Doctor has been travelling through space and time for a long time now, and he's a total magnet for adventure, so it's no surprise that not everyone's happy to see him:
- His homeworld of Gallifrey is very rarely happy to see him. Rassilon's usual "greeting" is a firing squad and execution papers.
- He doesn't have a great track record with his adopted home of Britain, either, having had tense diplomatic relationships with many of its monarchs, most of them queens (and one of whom he married). In "Tooth and Claw", the Doctor and Rose are formally banned from Great Britain by Queen Victoria. Not that he cares.
- Lampshaded as a gag in "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe", where the Doctor announces himself to the children and their mother as "The Caretaker". He says that people sometimes refer to him as the Caretaker, the Doctor, and "Get Off This Planet."
- In an episode of Entourage, Johnny Drama reveals that he is banned forever from the Playboy Mansion because Hugh Hefner believed he released his monkeys from their cage. Johnny gets readmitted when he and Ralph Macchio figure out it was actually Pauly Shore who did it, and Pauly gets banned from the Playboy Mansion once the truth comes out.
- In Family Matters, one way to deal with Urkel when he got on the Winslows' nerves was to declare him persona non grata and boot him out of the house. It usually ended with Carl bellowing at Urkel to GO HOME! (and Urkel not to get the message and declare, "I don't have to take this — I'm going home!"). It was usually Played for Laughs and never lasted beyond the end of the episode. The one time it was played seriously was the Season 3 episode "Words Hurt", where Carl kicks out Urkel absolutely totally for real, leaving Urkel crushed and Carl berated for his callousness.
- In the Farscape episode "Scratch 'N' Sniff", the Moya crew end up being permanently banned from the Pleasure Planet LoMo. Although since the events that led to the outbreak of violence that caused the ban involved a local gangster trying to kill one of the two female crew-members and to sell the other as a Sex Slave, they didn't really want to go back. Of course, it's left rather ambiguous whether all of that actually happened or if they just got drunk and started a riot; Pilot believes the latter after poking a number of holes in the story.
- On Friends, Ross recounts how he and his first wife Carol got banned from Disneyland for having sex behind the animatronic children on "It's a Small World".
- Game Shakers: In the climax of "Flavor City", Double G's antics end up getting himself and the Game Shakers banned from seeing the titular musical for life.
- In The Good Fight, Diane Lockhart is ready to retire and live off her savings from a fund run by friend Harry Rindell. However, the fund turns out to have been a Ponzi Scheme, and Diane has lost almost all her money. She can't return to her own firm, and no one else will hire her either, partly because she convinced so many people to invest with Rindell. Rindell's daughter can't get hired either, almost entirely because she's related to him.
- In the first season of Heroes, Ando and Hiro are banned from all of Mr. Linderman's casinos after they abuse Hiro's powers to cheat at poker. This becomes a problem later in the series, when they need to get back into one of the casinos in order to steal an ancient samurai sword in Mr. Linderman's collection.
- How I Met Your Mother: Barney gets banned temporarily from McLaren's until he agrees to stop doing magic tricks. Most of his exploits involved playing with fire.
- iCarly:
- In "iMust Have Locker 239", Carly joins an art class after dropping her lessons with Spencer. When Spencer observes the class and freaks out like a jealous ex, ending up in a paint fight with the teacher, the Shay siblings get banned from the building forever, with the security taking their pictures and thumbprints as proof.
- In "iMove Out", while the main characters were at an ice skating rink, Sam gets mad when a skater gets in front of her and strikes him down, resulting in the group banned from the rink for life.
- In one Law & Order episode, Jack McCoy has his new ADA use a friend from Federal Prosecution as a threat to get a criminal to plea out in the lesser State Court. The "friend" was not amused and declared the ADA persona non grata.
- Lie to Me: As "Fold Equity" tells us, Cal Lightman has been banned from the entire city of Las Vegas after hustling one too many people at poker and something involving casino owner Ellis's wife.
- The Season 1 finale of Lost reveals Sawyer's reason for being on the plane. He was arrested after headbutting an Australian government minister in a bar and was deported along with being banned from ever setting foot in Australia again.
- The Middle: Mike is banned from Brick's school after his attempt to help at the Valentine's Day craft project ends up ruining Valentine's Day.
- In the Mission: Impossible episode "The Amateur", the team has to smuggle a stolen secret weapon out of a hostile country. They do this by pretending to be citizens who had been declared personae non gratae and were trying to get into the country. The customs officers summarily sent them on the first plane out of the country without searching them.
- Monk comes very close to being declared persona non grata by the San Francisco Police Department in the two-parter pilot episode, where he lets a suspect escape because of his crippling fear of heights.
- A recurring trope on Murphy Brown, with Murphy being banned from the White House for various reasons.
- The MythBusters have been occasionally banned from places where their "big booms" were a little too big:
- They're banned from the town of Esparto, California, after the finale of the "Knock Your Socks Off" myth, where they underestimated the size of the explosion they set off. The shockwave knocked people off sofas, broke windows, set off car alarms, and knocked down ceiling tiles in the town. Not to be outdone, the local news made it sound like the MythBusters had leveled the town.
"And that's why we can never go to Esparto again."
- While never stated verbatim in any episode, there was a period of time (after the errant cannonball incident there) where the MythBusters were banned from the Alameda County Sheriff's Facility and had to conduct their tests at a bomb range in Yolo County.
- They're banned from the town of Esparto, California, after the finale of the "Knock Your Socks Off" myth, where they underestimated the size of the explosion they set off. The shockwave knocked people off sofas, broke windows, set off car alarms, and knocked down ceiling tiles in the town. Not to be outdone, the local news made it sound like the MythBusters had leveled the town.
- Ben Wyatt of Parks and Recreation was run out of his hometown of Partridge after his short run as the town's mayor ended in disaster thanks to his pet project (an expensive winter sports complex) bankrupting the town. The episode "Partridge" reveals that even after almost twenty years have passed, the residents still bear a pretty intense grudge over it. Ben ultimately renounces the town, stating Pawnee is his new home now.
- Mere hours before her debut on Rupauls Drag Race season 12, it was announced that contestant Sherry Pie had been disqualified from the competition over multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. Because the entire season (except for the finale) was already filmed and ready to air by that point, the most VH1 could do was deemphasize Sherry Pie in the edit as much as possible in real-time, going as far as removing most of her confessionals and having at least one of her runway walks cut entirely from an episode. note This was especially noticeable and jarring for viewers, however, because she won multiple challenges throughout the season, leading VH1 to match her prize winnings as donations to the Trevor Project. It was also made clear early on that she wouldn't be invited to the pre-taped live finale episode later in the year, leading some to hypothesize that she originally made it to the final four and it was pre-emptive damage control on VH1's part.
- There are a handful of hosts and musical guests on Saturday Night Live who have caused so much trouble, whether backstage or on the show itself, that they can never appear on the show again:
- Louise Lasser hosted the penultimate episode of Season 1 (1975-76). Lorne Michaels has gone on record in saying that Lasser was incoherent during her performance and wouldn't appear in any sketches unless she was by herself or with Chevy Chase.
- Speaking of which, Chevy Chase is banned from hosting (after doing so nine times, the record for a former cast member) due to his jerkass attitude toward the writers and cast members. He has made cameos in a few episodes, but hasn't hosted since Season 22 (1996-97).
- Milton Berle hosted the April 14, 1979 episode, where he consistently upstaged other performers, mugged non-stop to the camera, and gave an unscripted performance of "September Rain". Michaels banned him from the show in response.
- Steven Seagal hosted the April 20, 1991 episode, and was banned soon afterwards because he had difficulty working with the cast and crew, often pitching lousy sketch ideas and getting angry that none of them were picked, with many, including Lorne Michaels, declaring him to be the worst guest host in the history of the show. A 1992 had Nicolas Cage lament to Lorne that his monologue made him look like "the biggest jerk on the show":
- Martin Lawrence hosted an episode in Season 19 (1993-94) where he launched into a graphic monologue about the decline in women's hygiene and has been banned ever since. All reruns cut off Lawrence's monologue and replace it with cards explaining why it can never air on TV again. It doesn't help that this was the episode immediately following the infamous Alec Baldwin-hosted show with the "Canteen Boy Goes Camping" sketch (where Canteen Boy (Adam Sandler) is molested by his scoutmaster).
- Musical guest Sinéad O'Connor was banned after ripping up a picture of Pope John Paul II and calling him "the true enemy" after her second song, a cover of Bob Marley's "War", in the October 3, 1992 episode. The segment itself has been banned outside of specific pieces about SNL's most controversial moments. However, she was subsquently Vindicated by History when the full revelations of the Catholic Church's child abuse were publicized almost a decade later.
- Musical guest Cypress Hill (on the season 19 episode hosted by Shannen Doherty) was banned after DJ Muggs trashed the dressing room and lit a joint on-camera.
- Musical Guest Fear (on the season seven episode hosted by Donald Pleasence, which is itself banned for its dark, disgusting humor) was banned after a profanity-laden and set-destroying performance.
- Andy Kaufman is unique in that his ban was his idea. In 1982, due to his controversial stint wresting women, he suggested that viewers phone-in to ban him or allow him to continue appearing on SNL. The vote took place during the November 20, 1982 episode hosted by Drew Barrymore. The majority picked banning him, and he never appeared on SNL again.
- A couple of people are commonly believed to have been banned but technically aren't:
- Adrien Brody hosted in Season 28 (2002-03) was supposedly banned for his performance. Some accounts suggest it was for introducing musical guest Sean Paul in a rude-boy Jamaican get-up. Others suggest it was for ad-libbing, as Lorne Michaels utterly hates unscripted performances. It appears that the rumor that he was banned was started by Tina Fey, who apparently hated the idea of his hosting.
- Elvis Costello was briefly banned after his first appearance in Season 3. He was slated to play "Less than Zero"; instead, he played "Radio Radio", a song critical of the music publishing establishment, which included NBC. But his audacity was celebrated; he returned to the show in 1989, and he later took part in the show's 25th anniversary special by recreating his song switch.
- Stargate Atlantis: Ronon accidentally goes back to a planet he previously visited as a runner. Because he stayed there too long, the Wraith destroyed the settlement. Needless to say, the survivors were none too happy when he came back.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation, in expanding Klingon lore, introduced the concept of "discommendation", which runs this trope a little more literally than the norm. A discommendated Klingon is shunned so completely as to not be treated as a sentient being and to be referred to as "it". Only two cases were ever shown: one was eventually reversed thanks to his contribution to a change of power in the Empire, and the other (shown on Deep Space Nine) was very justifiable in his position.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
- Following Bajor regaining its independence after the Cardassian occupation, a law was put into place forbidding any Bajoran who collaborated with the Cardassians from ever returning to the homeworld. This law can be circumvented by the intervention of a single member of the Vedek Council (akin to the Roman Catholic College of Cardinals), which is done when Vedek Winn Adami permits Secretary Kubus Oak (whose name was the fourth on a list of collaborators specifically sentenced to exile) sanctuary on Bajor.
- This is an aspect of Ferengi law: Ferengi who make grave violations of the law, such as breaking a contract with another Ferengi, may have their business license rescinded by the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Without a business license, Ferengi cannot conduct business with other Ferengi (and as spelled out by Rule of Acquisition #18, "A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all"), nor are they permitted to return to their homeworld of Ferenginar. Quark ends up having his license taken by the FCA in the Season 4 episode "Body Parts", but manages to have it reinstated less than a season later in "Ferengi Love Songs".
- As revealed in the episode "Rejoined", joined Trills who commit the taboo of rejoining — pursuing a relationship with someone from a symbiont's previous host — are liable to be exiled from the Trill homeworld. This also means that when the exiled host Trill dies, their symbiont will have no more hosts to join with, resulting in the death of the symbiont and the loss of their memories and knowledge, making this one taboo that very few joined Trill dare to commit.
- In the episode "Q-Less", it is mentioned that Vash is persona non grata on Betazed.
- "Series/Survivor":
- A few contestants were not invited to the end-of-season aftershows for various reasons. The most noteworthy example, however, was Dan Spilo, who was abruptly removed from the game entirely for sexual harassing his female teammates (and one member of the production crew).
- The Thundermans:
- In "A Hero is Born", sneaking into a baby contest and screaming against the other contestants somehow got Nora banned from the baby store.
- In "Parks and T-Rex", Phoebe secretly uses an owner's keys to break into a prehistoric themed mini-gold park so she can have her "Phoebe Family Fun Night" there after her Z-Force practice caused her to miss out on her social life. After she is caught by the owner and confesses, Phoebe is banned from the place forever.
- On Top Gear, the Stig's humourous introductions often mention his being banned from some location or event for an unspecified reason. Also, it was never stated outright but there's at least one British petrol station where the presenters are very unlikely to be allowed back to thanks to them accidentally setting the automatic car wash on fire.
- Victorious:
- In "Freak the Freak Out", when Jade and Cat discover the singing contests at Karaoke Dokie are rigged for the club owner's daughter to always win, she bans the girls from singing there ever again.
- In "Terror on Cupcake Street", Cat mentions that her brother, who judging from her descriptions is even more of a Cloud Cuckoolander than she is, was in a parade until he was "inappropriate", leading to him being banned from being in parades and around horses.
- The former Trope Namer is the Filk Song "Banned from Argo", which chronicles the crew of a Starfleet vessel (heavily implied to be the Enterprise) which stops on the eponymous planet for shore leave and causes so much trouble they get kicked out. The song has a sequel where Argo forgives Starfleet and invites the Next Generation crew to visit — only for the same thing to happen and the ban to become permanent. Ironically, the song itself became so overused that it was itself banned from several sci-fi conventions.
- Bright Eyes has a song of said title, with the singer hoping for reconciliation with the world and for acceptance once again.
- Creedence Clearwater Revival's first single (under that name at least), "Porterville", is about a man who is no longer welcome in his hometown for some unspecified reasons.
- In the George Strait song "All My Exes Live in Texas", the singer's ex-girlfriends all live in Texas, forcing him to live in Tennessee.
- The Green Day song "86" is about getting kicked out of and banned from an establishment, as emphasized in the chorus "there's no return from 86".
- Ray Stevens: In "Gourmet Restaurant", Ray gets banned from Chateau Larieux (which he'd only gone to on the insistence of some friends) after an incident with dessert — they brought him cherries jubilee, which is traditionally served flambéed and was still on fire when it came to the table. He promptly dumped his soup on it to put out the flames, thinking he was saving the place from burning down, after which the restaurant asked him to leave and never come back.
Pro Wrestling
- After a shouting match with Vince McMahon Sr which nearly lead to a physical altercation with Gorilla Monsoon, Bruiser Brody was blacklisted from all promotions in the United States, which led him working overseas. Though he would eventually find work in World Class Championship Wrestling.
- After refusing to sign a document stating that he took full responsibility for slapping John Stossel and absolve WWF of all responsibility, David Schultz would find himself blacklisted under the threat that Vince McMahon would not do business with any promoter who signed him.
- WWE has quite a few people blacklisted; more often than not, it doesn't stick for obvious reasons. This is not an exhaustive list, but it's in chronological order:
- Hulk Hogan: exiled after Vince McMahon got sick of Hogan abusing his star power to hijack the bookingnote . The final straw was during WrestleMania IX, where Hogan demanded to win the WWF Championship immediately after Yokozuna won it from Bret Hart. Then he left to film a movie, leaving the WWF without a world champion for their house shows, and then he refused to put over Hart when he returned. As a result, Vince booked Yokozuna to beat Hogan with his own leg drop finisher at King of the Ring 1993. Hogan's name wasn't spoken on WWF television again for the rest of The '90s, except for an insulting worked shoot promo by Jim Cornette in 1997. Of course, this was quietly brushed aside after Hogan returned in 2002, except for a brief stretch between 2015—2018 after the Gawker tape scandal.
- Konnan: for unspecified reasons. He's the only person on this list that has never appeared on WWF/E TV outside of archive footage from other companies. His ban was lifted at some point, and while he isn't in the Hall of Fame himself, he inducted Rey Mysterio Jr. into the 2023 class.
- Randy Savage: for reasons unknown, but widely rumored to be inappropriate behavior with an underage Stephanie McMahon. Was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2015, four years after his death from a heart attack.
- Madusa: for showing up on WCW Monday Nitro and throwing the WWF Women's Championship in the trash on live TVnote . This later played a major role in the Montreal Screwjob. She actually kept the belt and brought it with her when she was inducted into the HOF in 2014, and sporadically shows up in WWE shows.
- Shane Douglas: For making enemies of the whole locker room in record time, and for complaining about his low pay and spots on the card. To elaborate: he pissed off The Kliq for having a bad match with Sean Waltman, who had matches with new guys to test their workrate; pissed off the Kliq's enemies (The Undertaker, the Samoan Dynasty, etc) for refusing to wrestle with minor injuries while other guys were working in worse states; and most of the backstage personnel already hated him for throwing down the N.W.A World Heavyweight Championship. While Douglas was not the first or the last to have pay disputes with Vince McMahon, complaining about his spots on the card had previously angered Ric Flair into getting him fired from WCW.note
Douglas is probably the highest-profile ECW regular that wasn't invited to any of WWE's ECW revivals, and the only time he's ever acknowledged is to parody the Dean Douglas gimmick. Considering Douglas always goes off on Vince McMahon and Triple H whenever he has a mic, it's safe to assume this ban will stick
- Ultimate Warrior: banned in 1996 for poor work conduct, including erratic backstage behavior, no-showing, refusing to do business when he did show up, and suing Vince McMahon for petty reasons. The bad blood ran so deep that WWE released a feature-length documentary, The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior, just to smear his reputation — not that he helped his case with several racist and anti-gay rants as a conservative pundit.note This ban was lifted when Warrior was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014, only three days before he died of heart failure.
- Jeff Jarrett: for holding up Vince McMahon for $200,000 the day of No Mercy 1999. Jarrett's contract had expired the day before; depending on who you ask, either Jarrett demanded a bigger check to put over Chyna or he'd been shortchanged on his contract and was taking back what Vince owed him. This directly led to the creation of NWA-TNA (currently TNA) after Jarrett was left out in the cold when WCW closed and he and his fathernote had to start their own company. Vince would reach out to Jeff when he found out that Jeff's first wife was stricken with terminal cancer and the two reconciled (though at that point Jeff still owned part of TNA); since then, Jarrett got his Royal Rumble appearance, HOF spot, and cushy office job in 2018, though he's now back to being an active wrestler in AEW.
- CM Punk: for walking out the night after the 2014 Royal Rumble, after disputes over his bookingnote and his medical carenote , then later going on a podcast hosted by Colt Cabana and completely burying the company and Triple H in particular. WWE responded to this by firing Punk on his wedding daynote , in addition one of WWE's doctors filed a defamation lawsuit against Punk and Cabana. While Punk and Cabana technically won the court case the legal costs bankrupted Cabana and led to the two men having a major falling out, the aftershocks of which are still playing out (at least as of this writing) years later in AEWnote . Triple H now being WWE's booker probably won't help Punk's chances of coming back any time soon, nor will UFC's parent company's recent purchase of WWE.
- A couple weeks after this entry was originally written in April 2023 Punk showed up backstage at Monday Night Raw in Chicago unannounced, where he reportedly spoke with The Miz (whom he did not get along with while they worked together) and briefly spoke with Triple H, possibly in an attempt to bury those hatchets. Vince McMahon had arena security ask Punk to leave (which he did without incident, where he was caught on video talking to Tamina Snuka on the way back to his car), though it's not clear if Vince had him 86'd because he just doesn't want him around or because having someone under contract with AEW at one of his shows without their permission could possibly be construed as contract tampering.
- After being fired by AEW in September (see below) Punk returned to WWE in November at Survivor Series.
- Enzo Amore, for failing to inform WWE that he was the focus of a rape investigation (he would later be cleared and was never charged with a crime). At least that's the official reason, his poor ring work and even worse backstage attitude had WWE looking for any excuse to get rid of him, and several wrestlers have said they'll beat Enzo to a pulp if they ever see him again. Unlike everyone else on this list (except Hogan, briefly) WWE has given him the full Chris Benoit Un-person treatment, completely scrubbing any evidence of his existence from their website. Enzo's former partner Colin Cassidy was also fired for harassing his ex Carmella (and like Enzo was despised by basically everyone else in the locker room), so it's pretty unlikely either of these guys will ever be seen on a WWE show again, though both have greatly matured since their departures with Cass having a fruitful run in AEW as of 2024, so you never know these days...
- Vince McMahon himself would end up being at the end of this from 2024, the end of a long string of increasingly severe legal battles, backpedaled retirements, and thwarted attempts to regain control the company he effectively raised since his heyday, itself a long history of controversy for the former chairman and CEO. The fatal blow came in the form of a lawsuit in January 2024 from ex-employee Janel Grant that accused him of many severe crimes, including sex trafficking and rape, and after he was forced into minority ownership of WWE during its merger with Endeavor the previous year, he was finally forced to retire for good and cut all ties from WWE and TKO Holdings (this being a position he was forced into to prevent a repeat of his 10-Minute Retirement from 2022 where he technically stepped down to dodge a different sexual harassment lawsuit scandal, but then shortly afterwards forced himself back into the company on grounds of being a majority shareholder). WWE has since taken steps to remove Vince's name from their current-day brand and deemphasize his history with the company, with all those remaining in charge of WWE and TKO saying with confidence that he will never return. In April 2024 McMahon announced he was selling all of his remaining stock in TKO Holdings, completely ending any involvement with WWE.
- The Grant lawsuit also forced this trope on Brock Lesnar, who was mentioned in the filing,note though he's not being sued himself as of this writing. Lesnar has been removed from all video packages and other promotional material, was (mostly) Dummied Out of WWE 2K24, and his spot in the 2024 Royal Rumble match was instead given to the debuting Bron Breakker. However the following July Triple H said during a press conference that Lesnar is still under contract and still a part of the company, so it appears WWE is just waiting for the heat to die down a bit.
- Jimmy Jacobs from IWA Mid-South for trashing their heavyweight title belt at an All American Wrestling show, though he would show up again anyway, not caring about his ban.
- Ring of Honor's first individual champion, the holder of what would be later be dubbed their World Title belt, Low Ki, was banned from the promotion for life after he broke one of commissioner Jim Cornette's teeth during the CZW invasion.
- Drew Cordeiro from Beyond Wrestling made this declaration towards many women after he took over WSU, some cases more seriously than others. Mercedes Martinez merely mentioned she hadn't been contacted by WSU in an inordinately long amount of time and refused to say anything else. Luscious Latasha just said she apparently doesn't work for the company anymore. Jessicka Havok said she was going to keep showing up whether DJ Hyde liked it or not, so he hired Portugal's Perfect Athlete Shanna and Alpha Female from Germany to force her to stay out.
- Eddy Mansfield broke Kayfabe as a part of John Stossel's exposé on Wrestling by demonstrating the inner workings of a wrestling match, including how blading note works. As a result, Mansfield was blacklisted from legitimate wrestling promotions and had to start his own.
- In a more literal case, Matt Sydal was arrested and briefly incarcerated in Japan for attempting to smuggle liquid cannabis into the country, after being released he was promptly deported and told to never return.
- On a similar note, Jeff Hardy was denied entry to the United Kingdom for a TNA (now Impact Wrestling) tour in 2013 thanks to a long list of pending and past drug chargesnote , though this was kind of a moot point when he wasn't allowed to leave the U.S. to begin with. Despite the UK tours being pretty much the only thing the promotion did that turned a profit they for some reason put the TNA World Championship on Hardy just before the tour started, even though they knew beforehand that he couldn't leave the country. The Smart Mark fans, already quick to jump on TNA, had a field day with this.
- Various other wrestlers are banned from Canada as the country will generally deny entry to anyone that's been convicted of (or even arrested for) a violent offense, drug charge, or DUI.
- Jim Cornette isn't allowed in Canada thanks to legal troubles during his days as a heel manager.
- The Usos are also not allowed to enter Canada because both Jimmy and Jey have been arrested for DUI (Jimmy ran into trouble four times, Jey once). When the brothers appeared for the 2023 Elimination Chamber PLE in Montreal, WWE have to ask for special permission from the Canadian government to allow the brothers to enter the country.
- Junkyard Dog was banned from Smoky Mountain Wrestling after a terrible dark match before the taping of SMW's television pilot. This was a request from SMW's financial backer Rick Rubin (a huge fan of old territory "wrasslin"), who was disappointed by Junkyard Dog's poor performance and considered him too past his prime and broken down to allow on TV.
- All Elite Wrestling preemptively banned Hulk Hogan (and his ex-wife Linda) shortly after they started running shows in 2019. Considering that AEW CEO/booker Tony Khan is A: a huge WCW fan (his flagship show being called Dynamite, and it being on a Turner network, is not a coincidence) and B: a smark, it's pretty understandable why he doesn't want The Hulkster anywhere near his company.
- CM Punk was fired from AEW on September 2, 2023 after a backstage altercation with "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry, and possibly booker/CEO Tony Khan, at the All In PPV the previous weekend. Video of the incident would later be shown on Dynamite just after WrestleMania XL in a really misguided attempt to throw a Take That! at Punk and WWE, after Punk gave an interview where he ripped AEW to shreds and sated that they're not a real business because they're not worried about profitability. Given that management didn't want him there to begin with, and Punk has since said he will never do business with booker/CEO Tony Khan again, it's pretty safe to say he won't ever be seen on AEW programming in the future. As noted above this freed up Punk to end his near decade-long hostility with WWE head back up north, returning at Survivor Series 2023, which just happened to be in his hometown of Chicago. It's been reported that the people most stunned by his return were some of the AEW locker room, because they didn't think Punk got fired for real and thought he was coming back to Jacksonville.
- On March 30, 2023, Rick Steiner made transphobic slurs against wrestler Gisele Shaw (who came out as a trans woman in 2022) and homophobic slurs against one of her friends. As a result, Rick was banned from all WrestleCon events for the rest of 2023.
- On The Coodabeen Champions, Massive Merv from Moorabbin ends up being banned from most of the buffets he visits.
Tabletop Games
- In Magic: The Gathering, the vampire Planeswalker Sorin Markov is still banned from entering the Markov manor. Sorin and his grandfather Edgar really don't get along.
- In the Traveller supplement The Traveller Adventure, during the "Pysadian Escapade", the Player Characters are railroaded into inadvertently breaking a Pysadian law and end up being banned from the planet.
- In Werewolf: The Apocalypse, historical Get of Fenris attacks on caerns have soured relationships with the septs that oversee those caerns. Get of Fenris are banned outright from the Black Furies' Miria caern, frequently unable to open moon bridges to the Silent Strider's Wheel of Ptah caern, and on unfriendly terms with the Fianna sept that controls the Tri-Spiral caern. For this reason, Get can encounter problems when trying to travel around the world via moon bridges.
- In Don't Drink the Water by Woody Allen, the main character, Axel, is banned from Africa. He laments that while many diplomats have been banned from various countries, he's the only one to have ever been banned from a continent.
- An old example in Romeo and Juliet: After killing Tybalt, Romeo is banished from Verona, never to return on pain of death. And that was him getting off light. According to the beginning of the play, it's supposed to be the death penalty for violence between the Capulets and the Montagues in the city, a measure meant to try to curb the feud between the families, but Romeo killed Tybalt in retaliation for him killing Mercutio (a kinsman of the Prince of Verona), earning the reprieve.
Video Games
- In 80 Days, if their journey takes them through there, Passepartout manages to get both himself and Fogg banned from Calgary for life for reasons which may or may not actually be his fault (depending on the player's choices during the incident). Strangely, this doesn't stop them from being allowed to stay in the city as long as they need to.
- At the end of Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Ezio is banned from Constantinople by the new Sultan Selim, who notes that it's only because his son Suleiman speaks highly of him that he doesn't just execute him on the spot.
- Baldur's Gate III:
- Before the events of the game, the warlock Wyll was exiled from Baldur's Gate. The circumstances behind his exile are kept secret for most of the game, due to his contract with his patron, Mizora, preventing him from doing so. If his contract is successfully broken, he reveals what happened: Wyll came across cultists for the evil dragon god Tiamat plotting an attack on the Gate with Mizora's help. Mizora offered him the power to stop the cultists as a warlock, and Wyll accepted. When he tried to explain to his father, Duke Ravengard — the leader of Baldur's Gate — afterwards, his contract prevented him from saying anything on the matter; and when he tried to show his father the site of battle, there was no evidence of such a battle to be found, due to Mizora's sisters cleaning up all signs of the battle. Disappointed in his son for keeping company with a demon and spouting apparent falsehoods, Duke Ravengard told Wyll to leave and not come back.
- You can find a list of these in the Waning Moon tavern. Many of the names are actually slightly altered versions of some of the game's writers. And Astarion happened to be here in all but name.
The following EX-customers are UNWELCOME. Do not let them in, even should they beg. ESPECIALLY should they beg
Martin Doughty - human? - chug-and-run
Adam Smythe - lascivious behaviour, also known as The Pickle Incident
Gerringothe Thorm - SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID
Kavin Ort - tall dwarf - exceedingly boring
Syrah Bee - short half-elf - vomited on the waiter (purposefully)
Unknown elf- pale skin, snide mouth - referring to master distiller as 'the porcine publican'
Rochelle Kwark - halfing - groin-punching
Yon Von Don (suspected alias) - grotesquely tall human - underpants on head
- Criminal Case: The Conspiracy: In "Case 25: Muddying the Waters", Aubrey Coprolite, the victim's wife, explains they had been trying to adopt for years before they were given a chance. Unfortunately, Jordan completely blew it when, during the home inspection, he got so drugged he actually thought they were going to adopt the adoption agent. This led to their family getting blacklisted from every adoption agency in the country, which didn't sit well with Aubrey at all.
- In Cyberpunk 2077, V gets banned from "Clouds", a local brothel, due to their interrogating the staff, breaking into restricted areas, and interrupting the manager while he was eating a sandwich while on the search for a missing associate. A later character even refers to V as "persona very non grata" in respects to their status within the establishment, but still associates with them—provided they meet for business off brothel grounds. Oh, and, don't lose sleep over the uneaten sandwich—the manager turned out to be a right bastard and rapist to boot.
- In Darkest Dungeon, characters have personality quirks that forbid them from benefiting from certain stress-relieving establishments. Some are by personal choice, but in case of Known Cheat and Deviant tastes, they are banned from the gambling hall and the brothel respectively.
- Destiny: Fenchurch Everis was banned from the Tower some years ago over some kind of prank that apparently seriously pissed off Commander Zavala. He's still considered a Guardian, but now has to operate from places outside the Tower and spends most of his time getting into wacky misadventures throughout the solar system.
- Diablo IV: The angel Inarius and the demon Lilith secretly created the world of Sanctuary and the Nephalem as an escape from the Eternal Conflict. When the truth was discovered, the Heavens and Hells alike were furious with the two. Lilith is stated to be barred from the Burning Hells while Inarius tries and fails to earn the forgiveness of the High Heavens so he can return home.
- In Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, Fuka Kazamatsuri manages to get herself banned from Celestia forever for insulting Lady Archangel Flonne.
- In Dragon's Dogma, after slaying Grigori and confronting Duke Edmun Dragonbane, you get banned from entering the Upper Gran Soren, and every last guard will try to kill you if you try (except Ser Maximilian if you married him), although if you're tough enough, you can kill everyone who crosses you except the Duke.
- The Player Character of Fallen London can be permanently banned from entering both the Empress' Court after finishing its main story, and the University if you choose to accuse the Provost of Summerset College of the murder you've been investigating. Getting welcomed back is now possible for both but not easy.
- Fallout:
- Fallout 3:
- Your character is banned from Vault 101 following the events at the start of the game. You're only allowed to return once in a quest, fittingly titled "Trouble on the Homefront", that begs for your help because things have grown out of control since you left. After you resolve that issue, all the warring factions now blame you for everything, and Vault 101 bans you again just to keep the fragile peace. Alternatively, you can sabotage the water chip and force everyone to evacuate. Should you wipe out all of the settlers, the emptied vault will be infested with Radroaches instead. At this point, you can revisit the abandoned vault as many times as you want.
- A glitch in the game can get you permanently hostile to the settlement of Arefu if you do exactly what they asked you to do - find and kill Vance and his cannibal / vampire family in Meresti station, and rescue Ian West one of their “kidnapped” settlers. This is because one way to resolve that quest was to broker a peace between Arefu and The Family making them the same faction, but a glitch makes them the same faction immediately upon talking to Ian, instead of actually getting the town’s approval of this new deal. So, if you find Ian and then shoot your way out, you become PNG at Arefu for no discernible reason. The only way to avoid this is to slaughter the entire family including the missable gate guard before you talk to Ian.
- Fallout: New Vegas: You can get yourself banned from gambling at every casino in the game if you win too much while gambling. You even get an achievement for it. You can still enter the casinos, but you can't gamble anymore. Not that you'll want for money ever again.
- Fallout 4: If you refuse to work with Father in the Institute, kill him, work with the Railroad to liberate Institute synths, or work with the Brotherhood to exterminate Institute synths, you will be chased out and forbidden entry back into the Institute. The only way to re-enter at this point is by invading them in the end-game story missions.
- Fallout 3:
- Final Fantasy:
- Final Fantasy VII: The destruction of Corel's Mako reactor, which led to the town's relocation and subsequent economic downfall, was blamed on Barret, as he was the one who championed it the most. As a result, when he returns there after years, he is heckled constantly.
- Final Fantasy XII: Vieras who leave Eruyt Village are forever unwelcome if they decide to return. This is not only because of cultural reasons, but also because rogue Vieras can no longer hear the voices of the Wood, as their ears have been "dulled" by the speech of Humes. Fran, who left the village many years ago, is initially antagonized by everyone upon her return, but after she rescues her younger sister from the nethicite, she is welcomed back (though she still can't hear the Wood).
- A meta example. The first six games in the Final Fantasy series were all made for Nintendo consoles. But while Final Fantasy VII was in development, Squaresoft decided to move it to the PlayStation because the Nintendo 64 lacked the ability to make the game they had envisioned. Naturally, this shift upset Nintendo. According to one of the developers, Nintendo told Squaresoft, "If you're leaving, never come back". Since then, Squaresoft/SquareEnix has released Final Fantasy spinoffs on Nintendo platforms, but the only main series games to be released there have been remakes or re-releases of games that had been released on other systems years previously.
- Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach: Gregory accidentally turns off the lights in the Daycare while grabbing a security badge, turning the Daycare Attendant from Sun to Moon in the process. After several terrifying minutes of evading Moon, he manages to restore the lights. Then Sun, unusually angry, bans him from the area and calls security.
- In the first Kingdom Hearts, Sora gets exiled from Atlantica due to being a Keyblade wielder, and King Triton is convinced that those with Keyblades bring nothing but ruin to the worlds thanks to the Keyblade War.* After Ursula is defeated, Triton begins to trust Sora, ends the exile, and allows him to seal the keyhole.
- In Knights of the Old Republic, if you end up killing an important fish on Manaan, the planetary authorities ban you from ever coming back. You can blackmail the authorities and force them to let you return, which is perfectly in line with the previous evil action. On the other hand, if you spare the fish the Selkath are more inclined to be grateful, but if you stretch Implausible Deniability too far answering for your actions, they get fed up with your stupidity and give you the boot.
- Metal Gear:
- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake: Running Man was banned from the Olympic Games after he was caught doping (in other words, using steroids).
- Dr. "Huey" Emmerich got it twice. First, he ends up being blacklisted from the Central Heredia A.I. Lab's security clearance, apparently because he irritated Strangelove one time too many. Then after how past the line his actions got later, his final fate in The Phantom Pain has Venom Snake decide to exile him via life boat rather than let Ocelot blow his brains out.
- Max has something to brag about in the Sam & Max: Freelance Police game Moai Better Blues:
Max: ...and I've been banned from 27 local arcades for playing Forbidden Dance Insurrection in ways that the designers never intended.
- In Secret of Mana, the hero gets banned from his hometown after pulling out the Mana Sword because the village elder fears that it will bring monsters to their village. It's possible to get back in using a glitch; if you do, none of the townspeople other than the one guarding the entrance seem particularly upset at you, likely because the programmers didn't give them any new dialogue.
- Georg Prime from the Suikoden series used to be a Queen's Knight in Falena, but is no longer welcome in the country because he supposedly killed the previous Queen. Suikoden V reveals that it's true, but it was a Mercy Kill to prevent her from destroying all of Falena in her grief. He's actually on good terms with the current leaders of Falena, and a Parental Substitute to the Commander of the Queen's Knights. As far as the public is concerned, however, he's not welcome.
- The conclusion of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 — subtitled "World Destruction Tour" — is a news report, which concludes thus:
Hugh Jass: And finally, Tony Hawk and Bam Margera, the founders of the World Destruction Tour, have been officially banned from ever returning to Boston, Barcelona, Berlin, Australia, New Orleans, and even Thailand. Upon hearing the news, Tony and Bam replied, "Hey, good call."
- In Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Nate and Sully expect this to be the outcome of their Madagascar vehicle chase, involving shootouts, stealing a car, driving through roadworks and crashing into market stalls (and that's before things start blowing up). During a break in the chaos is this exchange:
Sully: Nate? We can never ever come back to this city!
Nate: Add it to the list! - Undertale: In Neutral Endings, the fallen child manages to leave the Underground safely. They then receive a phone call from one of the residents, who warns them against trying to return. Sans is the most frequent caller, and makes some dreadful expressions if the player killed Papyrus, Toriel or both along the way. Even in the least hostile variants, Sans or whomever is calling makes clear that it would be best if you never came back. Of course, given that humans weren't even supposed to be in the Underground anyways (due to the Human-Monster War which resulted in the Monsters all sealing themselves underground in the first place), this makes a bit of sense.
- West of Loathing: Apparently, your character did something on the way to Boring Springs that caused them to be banned from Topeka, Kansas for life.
Visual Novels
- In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, Norma DePlume is banned from the aquarium after writing a book about the death of Azura, an aquarium employee. The ban is lifted at the end of the case.
- The Great Ace Attorney: After the events of the first game, Ryunosuke was barred from being allowed to defend in court after having to admit his oversight of using falsified evidence led to a murderer being acquitted. The ban is lifted in Resolve after the Time Skip between Case 1-5 and 2-3.
- In Umineko: When They Cry, Ange mentions briefly that Amakusa will get arrested if he's ever caught back in France.
Web Animation
- Etra chan saw it!:
- Akamatsu
gets banned from every pet store in the neighborhood for attempting to hit a dog he bought because the pet store he bought the dog from refused refunds, due to a policy.
- Another episode
involving Akamatsu has him getting banned from Katsura's ramen store for deliberately putting a cigarette on John's bowl.
- Akamatsu
- Fangirls: In "Too Many Marvel Movies
", the fangirls mention being banned from San Diego Comic Con for trying to kidnap Hayley Atwell.
- Homestar Runner:
- The Strong Bad email "movies" ends with Strong Bad firing a bazooka in a theater out of frustration at the other patrons. Cut to him typing:
Strong Bad: So that's why I'm not allowed at the movies anymore.
- In Sbemail 22, Strong Bad, in response to a fan's query as to what he thinks of the English, says something so offensive that he is officially banned from the United Kingdom.
- The Strong Bad email "movies" ends with Strong Bad firing a bazooka in a theater out of frustration at the other patrons. Cut to him typing:
- In his "Best/Worst of 2013" video, Yahtzee jokingly (hopefully) tells the story of his banning from his local ice cream parlor:
Yahtzee: Life is an exercise in duality; one can only appreciate the pleasure if there has been pain to put it into context. The delightful taste of a knickerbocker glory is nothing if you've never stapled your bollocks over a worktop and set about them with a toffee hammer. Anyway, that's why I'm not allowed in the ice cream parlour anymore...
- Punned on
in Absurd Notions: After Warren tells his ex-boss Garry that he is sick of Garry's cheesy smile, cheesy banter, and cheesy attitude, and "would appreciate it if [Garry] would remove [his] cheesy self from [his] home and not return ever again", Garry remarks he's apparently "persona au gratin".
- Fooker from General Protection Fault is such a Big Eater that every buffet in town has pictures of him on the wall, because "all you can eat" for him is enough to break a business. Whenever a new one opens up that doesn't know about him yet, they're in for a rough night.
- Tedd of El Goonish Shive managed to get himself banned from certain areas of the mall.
This is such a Noodle Incident that not even the author wants to know what happened. As with so much early Tedd, this gets RetConned in the Author's Commentary (written much later):
Banned from...?! *Erhem* Joking. He's joking. It's an attempt at humor, as Tedd does. It really has to be, because he is soooooo not canonically banned from "that area of the mall". Yeesh.
- Girl Genius:
- In Homestuck, John and Dad are banned from the Cirque du Soleil. It's implied that it has something to do with John's phobia of clowns as caused by Gamzee.
- In Questionable Content, Jimbo managed to get himself banned from Canada. Not even he knows how it happened. Apparently, he was very drunk at the time
. It also happened to Pintsize.
- At one point in Schlock Mercenary, Karl Tagon is in charge of a ship that ends up denied entry into local Earth space; it turns out that ships of that particular type cause a panic attack among government officials, since they think it could be used as a spotter for a particular type of long-range weapons system (or even have it already installed). As Karl complains to his son Kaff: "I guess we dressed wrong."
"I've been bounced for dress code violations before, but at least I got to get drunk first."
- In Slightly Damned, Buwaro and Kieri can never go back to the town of Weyville. Not because they've been banned, technically, but because it's home to a Knight Templar angel who'll kill them if he ever sees them again (and already tried to the first time he saw them).
- Triangle and Robert are banned from more of the country than actually exists
; they've been banned from some areas twice, and one county that banned them no longer exists as a consequence of the event that caused the ban. They're essentially living where they are because the non-industrial part of their city is the only place they can legally be in the entire country.
Web Original
- Not Always Right:
- Many of the stories end with the unruly customer banned from the store. A few stories even deal with customers that are/were banned.
- Other sections also feature stories about people who got banned from locations for causing trouble, including employees who'd been fired for being abusive to their coworkers or customers.
- This commenter on Reddit
recounted one particular tenant from a particularly dysfunctional apartment complex that he used to live in who was such an incorrigible drunk (to the point where he was on a first-name basis with the police in a major Midwestern city) that he wound up being permanently banned from ever having a permanent residence in that city againnote .
Web Videos
- In Critical Role, the Mighty Nein end up getting banned from the pirate island of Darktow in less than a day. Their list of crimes includes stealing from other members of the Revelry, attacking other pirates and burning a ship, and more. They only survive because they uncover evidence that the pirate Avantika is planning to overthrow the Plank King. As thanks, he exiles them instead of handing out executions.
- In Dragon Ball Z Abridged's version of Super Android 13, Master Roshi is banned from over 500 Victoria's Secret locations for being a Dirty Old Man.
- This is a Running Gag in Final Fantasy In a Nutshell's version of Final Fantasy III. Luneth steals things from homes and stores and tells the party "We can never come back to this place again."
- In Friendship is Witchcraft, Twilight Sparkle is banned from all bounce houses in the aftermath of a waffle-making incident. Twilight insists it wasn't her fault — it would have worked if Spike didn't have such a weak grip.
- In High Rollers, the party are banned from a town and Cam is branded after he accidentally kills a man in an attempt to call his bluff.
- The Nostalgia Critic can never go back to Nevada due to the events of Kickassia, where it was the location of his base of operations during his attempt to invade and conquer the micronation of Molossia. Similarly, The Cinema Snob was banned from returning to Kickassia by the Critic, after he plotted to overthrow him.
Western Animation
- The Amazing World of Gumball:
- In "The Sorcerer", Gumball goes to Mrs. Jotunheim for magic training. When he says that he brought eye of newt, toe of frog, and wool of bat, Darwin adds that they'll never be allowed at the zoo again, suggesting that they gathered the items from the animals there.
- In "The Pizza," Gumball, Darwin, and Anais are in a bad mood because the former got them all banned from Laser Video after taking a $20 bill out of the tip jar when Larry asks him if he wants to leave a tip.
- Amphibia: In "Little Frogtown", Anne Boonchuy tries to intimidate the kids who cut ahead in line, but when one of them bursts into tears it just gets her, Polly, and Sprig banned from the arcade.
- Archer, Pam, Cheryl, Malory, Lana, Cyril, Ray, and probably the rest of ISIS are banned from Canada after the events of "The Limited".
Ray: Au revoir, sweet man-whores of Montreal.
- Beavis And Butthead: In "River", we find out that both Beavis and Butthead are banned from the neighborhood pool after peeing in it.
- Big City Greens:
- Chip Whistler repeatedly tries to drive the Green family out of Big City for good, because they supposedly chipped his tooth and ruined his image (It's actually Chip's fault for not listening to the Greens about their fake food and he botches every chance he has from showing basic decency). Ironically, in the episode "Chipocalypse Now", after his latest display of cruelty towards the Greens (faking signatures and attempting to murder them), Mayor Hansock decides that Chip is permanently banned from Big City. Chip, being Chip, however, doesn't take too kindly to the news and attempts to murder the Greens as a last-ditch effort, but fails twice: Cricket jumps off the roof the first time and lands safely in Bill's arms, while the second time, Chip's chopper gets caught on the phone lines and gets flung into the sky out of Big City. Chip escapes the chopper before it crashed, but was thought to have died, so he started going back to Big City in secret to spy on them.
Chip Whistler: WHAT!? You can't ban me!
- In "Fill Bill", the family (save Nancy) gets permanently banned from an aquatic-themed restaurant because of their shenanigans, which included flooding the restaurant. It didn't matter to them, as they hated that place anyway.
- In "Quiet Please", Bill gets permanently banned from every library worldwide after protecting Cricket.
Bill: I didn't know they had that authority.
- In "No Service", after Cricket realizes he can't break his "no shoes" principle at Sip 'n Snak and spills his free Splishee on the floor, he is banned from the store forever.
- At the beginning of the "Summer Shorts-tacular" special, Cricket mentions the reason he had Vasquez bring the beach to their house was because the Greens have been temporarily banned from all state shorelines when he dressed like a shark and frightened everyone on the beach, like he did back in "Shark Objects".
- Chip Whistler repeatedly tries to drive the Green family out of Big City for good, because they supposedly chipped his tooth and ruined his image (It's actually Chip's fault for not listening to the Greens about their fake food and he botches every chance he has from showing basic decency). Ironically, in the episode "Chipocalypse Now", after his latest display of cruelty towards the Greens (faking signatures and attempting to murder them), Mayor Hansock decides that Chip is permanently banned from Big City. Chip, being Chip, however, doesn't take too kindly to the news and attempts to murder the Greens as a last-ditch effort, but fails twice: Cricket jumps off the roof the first time and lands safely in Bill's arms, while the second time, Chip's chopper gets caught on the phone lines and gets flung into the sky out of Big City. Chip escapes the chopper before it crashed, but was thought to have died, so he started going back to Big City in secret to spy on them.
- In one episode of BoJack Horseman, BoJack gets banned from France for criticizing Sartre's philosophy.
- In the CatDog episode "All You Can't Eat," the duo are banned from the Taco Depot simply because the owner, Rancid Rabbit, hates them. Ultimately, they try to sneak into the place multiple times to eat there anyway. Notably, this is one of the few episodes where they come out on top.
- The Chowder episode "Banned from the Stand" featured Mung Daal being banned from Gazpacho's fruit stand simply because Mung disagreed with him on what shade of green Flossberries turn one's teeth. Mung can't simply buy fruits from another stand because the fruit stand owner code allows Gazpacho to extend the ban to the other fruit stands in Marzipan City, and Gazpacho declares Mung would get no more fruit until he admits he's right. After Mung tries (and fails) to buy fruits under several disguises, Gazpacho becomes so paranoid he bans everyone, even himself. As the code requires that a ban lasts for as long as the stand exists, his only way out is to destroy the stand and build a new one, from which Mung gets himself banned after repeating the argument over the flossberries.
- DuckTales:
- DuckTales (1987): In "The Status Seekers", Launchpad gets himself and Scrooge thrown out of a French restaurant when he panics upon seeing a flambe dish and grabs a bottle to extinguish the fire.
- DuckTales (2017):
- Webby Vanderquack's antics in "Daytrip of Doom!" cause her and the triplets to be banned from Funso's Fun Zone for life. The ban is lifted near the end of the episode due to Funso's not wanting to risk being sued by the Duck family, since they'd utterly failed to stop the Beagle Boys from trying (emphasis on trying) to kidnap the kids while on the premises of the restaurant.
- In "Astro B.O.Y.D.!", Gyro finds out the hard way that he isn't allowed anywhere near the city of Tokyolk; that is to say, the moment he steps foot in the city, he almost gets arrested. This turns out to be due to lingering resentment towards both him and his former mentor, Dr. Akita, after one of his first inventions rampaged through the city. Even when the whole mess is revealed to have been solely Dr. Akita's fault, he's still forced to leave.
- In one episode of The Emperor's New School, Kronk takes a potion that causes him to spontaneously turn into a demon at random, and his outbursts in this form cause him to get banished from every Mutka's he goes to.
- The Fairly OddParents!:
- Mr. Crocker can never go back to Cincinnati for reasons unknown. They even hold a celebration in honor of how long it's been since his last visit.
- Cosmo is banned from Atlantis after sinking it nine times, all on the same day. At the end of that same episode, Timmy takes his place as the city's number-one criminal due to him summoning a Giant Squid during Cosmo's trial.
- In "The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker!", Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda travel back to March 15 in the year 1972 of Crocker's childhood to prevent him from losing the latter two as his fairies. Thanks to Present Cosmo's stupidity, they end up creating a Stable Time Loop instead, and Jorgan and his 70s counterpart ban the trio from going back to that date ever again. Jorgen also threatens to ban Timmy from visiting other months of that year if he interferes with the election of "President McGovern".
- In Family Guy, Peter Griffin alludes to being banned from Sea World for something when he prepares to explain to Chris what a whale's blowhole is for (or more specifically, what a whale's blowhole is not for), but we never hear it due to the scene shifting. It's strongly implied he had sex with the blowhole, but the closest we get to an admission is Seth MacFarlane's in-character commentary for the episode (in which he, in Peter's voice, explicitly says he did).
- Ditto Brian's arc starting in "The D in Apartment 23"; after sending an inappropriate tweet, he and the Griffins end up as pariahs in Quahog, which leads to him moving out for a time.
- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends had an episode that ended with every imaginary friend in the titular location being blacklisted from the local beach because of Wilt, of all characters.
- On Frisky Dingo, Killface and Simon CAN'T EVER GO BACK TO ARIZONA!
- In Gargoyles, Puck spends most of the series trying to find a way to delay his return to Avalon because he finds mortals so amusing. Oberon eventually gives him exactly what he wants by banishing Puck from Avalon forever. Puck falls to his knees begging Oberon to reconsider, but to no avail.
- Generator Rex: Lansky in "Moonlighting" has a Running Gag of "I can't go to (X). Long story."
- Gravity Falls:
- In "Blendin's Game", Grunkle Stan reveals a Noodle Incident where he tried to have Soos' birthday removed from calendars, which caused him to be deemed a flight hazard and barred from airplanes.
- "A Tale of Two Stans" shows that Stan's various scams and swindles have gotten him chased out of at least twenty states.
- "The Last Mabelcorn" reveals Mabel Pines got banned from a petting zoo for taping a traffic cone to a horse's head to make it look like a unicorn.
- In "Blendin's Game", Grunkle Stan reveals a Noodle Incident where he tried to have Soos' birthday removed from calendars, which caused him to be deemed a flight hazard and barred from airplanes.
- Hailey's On It!: In "Seas the Day", while at a sea restaurant, Hailey chooses to withhold confessing her feelings for Scott to avoid breaking Kristine's trust. Upon noticing her love message is about to presented, Hailey quickly sabotages the event by causing a mess at the restaurant, immediately resulting in both her and Scott getting kicked out and banned for life.
- In King of the Hill episode "Doggone Crazy", Dale Gribble makes an offhand comment that suggests he's banned from L.L. Bean.
- The Legend of Vox Machina opens with the titular Ragtag Band of Misfits having been banned from every tavern in Emon.
- Les Sisters: Marie's antics at the local swimming pool have gotten her and Wendy banned from the pool for life.
- The Loud House: In Royal Woods and beyond, the chaos-prone Loud family are no strangers to this trope. It's actually a point of pride for the kids.
Lynn Jr.: Getting kicked off junk is what we Louds do best!
Rita:...and now they're bragging about it.
- In "Linc or Swim", the opening shows the Loud kids getting banned from every aquatic recreation center within a 60-mile radius.
- The first movie sees them getting kicked out of Scotland, just like their ancestors! In both cases though, it was due to the machinations of a caretaker the Louds trusted.
- In "Schooled!", Lincoln Loud is banned from Canada for three years at the episode's end for simply declining syrup on his pancakes. Before that, he was trying (and failing) to achieve this on purpose.
- In the Season 5 episode of Miraculous Ladybug titled "Revolution", after Chloe is defeated and stripped of her power as Queen Mayor, her father, ex-Mayor Andre Bourgeois, grows a spine and drags her off to be punished, divorces his wife Audrey when she objected as he was also done being a Henpecked Husband to her, and exiles both Audrey and Chloe from Paris indefinitely, making it clear they are no longer welcome there. Audrey blames Chloe for the disgrace they've both suffered, and Chloe gets a hard, painful dose of reality when she gets told off by her favorite bully victim in Marinette that manages to finally shatter Chloe's ego and pride and leave her crying over ruining her own life because of her Alpha Bitch behavior.
- The first episode of Monsters at Work, an Immediate Sequel TV show to Monsters, Inc., has Mike mention that due to instigating the incident with Boo at Harryhausen's, he and Sulley are forbidden from going back there, though the ban is automatically revoked in the fourth episode as Mike reveals that being the new heads at M.I. has caused the ban reversal.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: In "The Cutie Pox", after a trip to the bowling alley, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders leave, Scootaloo says that Mr. Kingpin will probably never let her back in the bowling alley again after making a gutter ball... on another lane. She seems oddly cheerful about it.
- In the Oggy and the Cockroaches episode "Crazy Shopping", Oggy gets banned from the supermarket thanks to the ruckus created by the cockroaches, with the security guard having a photo to kick him out again if he's caught trespassing. Oggy thus tries to fool the guard with some disguises, which fail miserably thanks to his nemeses' interference, and the ending implies that he'll suffer an even bigger punishment after he tries to sneak in during closing time.
- The Owl House: At the end of "I Was a Teenage Abomination", Luz Noceda's antics during the episode (which include impersonating an abomination and helping a student cheat) get her banned from Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Eda, Luz's anti-authoritarian mentor and a magic school drop-out, is oddly proud of this fact. The ban is later overturned and she ends up enrolling as a student.
- The Patrick Star Show: Patrick gets two of these in "FitzPatrick", thanks to his titular Evil Twin. First, Patrick is banned from Goofy Goober's... but it's a regular thing for him, and the manager always lets him come back. When he's banned from a comic book store, it doesn't bother him, since there are no less than six other comic stores on the same street.
- Skipper mentions in The Penguins of Madagascar that he can't go back to Denmark due to the "Copenhagen incident" involving Hans the Puffin. Apparently, the Danes hate him so much he's occasionally misidentified in unrelated attacks to them, still holding enough of a grudge to send people after him.
- In the Phineas and Ferb episode "We Call It Maze", Dr. Doofenshmirtz reveals that he's no longer welcome in Albania after he somehow provoked the ambassador's wife.
- The Powerpuff Girls (1998):
- In the Season 1 episode "Geshundfight", Buttercup kicks the Amoeba Boys out of town for annoying her and her sisters when they were too busy helping sick townsfolk to pay attention to them. However, since they had the cure for the sickness around Townsville, Buttercup has no choice but to revoke their banishment in order to get the cure.
- The Girls ban themselves from Townsville in the movie, as the populace hates them for wrecking the city; after Mojo's army of monkeys take over, even the Professor doubts them. The girls eventually return to show what they're capable of when Mojo threatens the Professor.
- In Regular Show episode "Karaoke Video", when Mordecai and Rigby excessively try to get a video that has them bad-mouthing the others, the building's owner has them thrown out and banned.
- Unsurprisingly, this happens a lot in The Simpsons:
- In "Fear of Flying", Homer Simpson is briefly banned from Moe's Tavern for his contribution to a series of pranks the barflies play on Moe. Ironically, his prank (loosening the lid of a sugar container so it would spill and ruin his coffee) was actually safer than some of the other pranks played that day, such as having a king cobra snake repeatedly bite Moe, or setting Moe's clothes on fire — while he was wearing them.
- Played with in "Lisa the Iconoclast", where Lisa Simpson, her children, and her children's children are banned from the historical society...for three months.
- In "Brother's Little Helper", Homer mentions a ten-year ban from the water park that recently ended. Fans connected this line to an incident in Season 2's "Brush with Greatness" where Homer gets stuck on a water slide and has to be rescued, although there was never an explicit connection.
- In "Worst Episode Ever", Bart Simpson and Milhouse are banned for life from Comic Book Guy's store. In an attempt to comfort Bart, Homer tearfully reminisces of his first life-long ban: after eating one of Gallagher's melons during one of his shows, he was banned for life from all his future performances and related media. (Bart and Milhouse eventually get back in by saving Comic Book Guy's life.)
- In "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace", Bart enters the school library, only to find Homer there doing research.
Homer: They won't let me in the big people library downtown. There was some... unpleasantness, I can never go back.
- After getting kicked out of Florida in "Kill the Alligator and Run", we see the family with an enormous map of the United States. They cross Florida off in a close shot, and the camera zooms out to show that all but two states (North Dakota and Arizona) have permanently banned them.
- In "The Bart-Mangled Banner", Dr. Hibbert is banned from the library for reasons never specified other than it relating to Moe's actions while Hibbert hired him to act as a body double to distract Bart regarding a flu vaccination.
- In "Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife", they'll never let Homer near Lake Havasu again.
- In "We're on the Road to D'oh-Where", Bart is placed on the no-fly list after he unbuckles his seatbelt before the plane came to a complete stop. Nothing stops him from flying in later episodes.
- In "At Long Last Leave", the city of Springfield banishes the Simpson family. They make their new home in an unincorporated settlement called "the Outlands". Homer and Marge sneak back into Springfield and get caught. Finally, everyone in Springfield moves to the Outlands to get away from the Simpsons.
- In "Homer vs. Dignity," Homer confesses that he bought toys for needy children to "dig himself out of a pit of shame" (i.e. working as Mr. Burns' prank monkey). The owner of the toy store relates, saying that he had a shoe-sniffing problem that got him banned from the third floor.
- SpongeBob SquarePants:
- In the beginning of "Cephalopod Lodge", Squidward Tentacles gets kicked out and banned from the lodge since he is blamed for allowing outsiders (SpongeBob and Patrick) to enter. Despite a nearly-successful attempt to get back, Squidward remains banned at the end of the episode.
- In "Who R Zoo", SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star are banned from the Bikini Bottom Zoo for walking inside the animal enclosures. It doesn't stick.
- Steven Universe:
- In "Beach Party", the Gems are temporarily banned from Fish Stew Pizza when their adventures wreck the sign. Since apart from Steven the Gems don't actually need to eat, they aren't particularly sad about this.
Pearl: What were we banned from again?
- In "Serious Steven", Steven Quartz Universe is banned from the rides at Funland "forever" after accidentally destroying some of them. By "Too Short to Ride" (well over an in-show year later), this ban has apparently been lifted, though it's unknown how, when or why this ban got lifted.
- In "Future Boy Zoltron", Steven begs Funland's owner Mr. Smiley not to ban him from any more of his businesses after accidentally breaking the titular fortune-telling machine.
- In "Beach Party", the Gems are temporarily banned from Fish Stew Pizza when their adventures wreck the sign. Since apart from Steven the Gems don't actually need to eat, they aren't particularly sad about this.
- In every episode of the show, Timon & Pumbaa got thrown out of wherever they were. Timon even asks at one point, "Why did you think it was a good idea to drag us around the world getting into trouble?"
- Total Drama: Following an extended period when Ezekiel became feral from isolation and sabotaged the winner's victory in World Tour, and then later stalked Chris for the purpose of making him suffer in Revenge of the Island, he seemingly gets invited for All-Stars...Only for Chris to immediately eliminate him from the onset, backhandedly declaring that he won't ever let him compete [in Total Drama] again.
- We Bare Bears: In "Bear Squad", it's revealed Ranger Tabes is banned from doing any work in the city after she caused a massive traffic pileup while helping a baby quail.
- WordGirl: In "Banned on the Run", Mr. Big, once he becomes mayor of the city, bans WordGirl and Captain Huggyface to keep any superheroes from stopping his rule. This doesn't do anything to deter WordGirl from trying to stop him, obviously.
Wonder Why?
I Am Not Allowed In Disneyland
Marvelous Weekend revealed that Soldier is banned from Disneyland for various reasons, one of which being shooting Mickey Mouse with a shotgun for no reason on his own end.