Plant Person - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Mar 10 2010
The Swamp Thing and his wife, Abigail Arcane Holland.
Dahlias grow out of my back
Hyacinth over my trunk
Twelve thousand species of moss agree to upholster his tongue
Tubers and roots in his shoes, gimme a feud to defuse
Bury 'em all in bouquets, deescalation ensues
The Plant Person is a bridge between the Plant and Animal Kingdoms, being able to talk to plants (or at least understand them at an empathic level) and people alike. Their wisdom can be profound and alien, coming as it does from a plant rather than animal (let alone human) point of view. Biologically, they are either a motile plant or a person with a lot of plant-like characteristics: they may be able to photosynthesize their own food, drink water from their feet, and even regrow severed limbs. If they lean more towards the animal, they probably still need to eat (which they logically would, as photosynthesis in real life doesn't provide enough energy for a motile lifestyle), but it may be "nutrients" or dirt rather than cheeseburgers (though they just might; hey, at least it isn't people).
They can usually claim without irony that they are "one with nature", living in forests and surrounded by life. They might be a mystical Dryad, a scientist who fell into a vat of chemicals (or a mystical plant god who thinks he did), or a race of motile plants that just happens to look very human by accident, by their own design, or by their makers' design. Despite generally having a human shape, they may or may not be able to casually pass for human. This is because they tend to have green or barky skin, leaves for hair and dress in Garden Garments and/or plant-themed Clothing Appendages. Interestingly, there is a big disparity between male and female plant people, as the page image shows. Perhaps stemming from the classical Dryad, plant people tend to be women, and very attractive ones at that. Men, on the other hand, take more after trees than humans.
In a story, they are usually a Nature Hero, or at least have great value in nature. They may also be a hermit or sage that advises the heroes. In extremes, they may be a Knight Templar of an eco-terrorist... that can call killer trees on a whim and snare you in vines, all while making their Enchanted Forest inescapable.
Expect them to have Fertile Feet, and feel the effects of deprivation when removed from natural environments for long. They usually function as a Fisher King in whatever area they inhabit; poisoning them or the forest has a reciprocal effect.
This trope has a number of subtypes relating to specific types and uses of plant-based intelligent creatures in media. To wit:
- Cactus Person: Plant people based on cacti, usually found in deserts.
- Innocent Plant Children: Younger plant people that tend to be sweet and innocent compared to their more mature counterparts.
- Mushroom Man: A humanoid (or at least intelligent being) based on fungi. Fungi are not plants, but fiction still treats the two groups as interchangeable often enough for them to fit here.
- Plant Aliens: Aliens that evolved or were created from plants rather than animals.
- Plant Mooks: When the Big Bad sends lots of Plant People to fight the protagonist.
- Pumpkin Person: Monsters with jack-o-lanterns for heads, often entirely botanical in nature.
- Treants: Large humanoid trees, often acting as wardens of nature and the wilderness.
- Wise Tree: Intelligent, talking trees portrayed as wise and knowledgeable figures.
See also Green Thumb, When Trees Attack, Man-Eating Plant, and Nature Spirit. For plant-animal hybrids see Planimal. Contrast Beast Man. Also, when Rule 34 is invoked, expect the being to be called an "Alraune".
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Anime & Manga
Examples by author:
- Osamu Tezuka:
- Lost World has Ayame and Momiji. They are plants given intelligence through bioengineering and then grown into a humanoid shape in molds before being covered with artificial skin so as to pass for human.
- Another intelligent plant shows up in an early Astro Boy story, a tentacled flower piloting a Mobile-Suit Human.
Examples by title:
- Buso Renkin: Hanabusa is a rose homunculus whose monstrous form is that of a massive, part-mechanical rose with a vine wrapped human torso emerging from the stem. She fights using thorn-covered vines as Combat Tentacles.
- The Dark Queen and I Strike Back has Arborian Dryads, who have a wide range of appearances, ranging from trees with faces to humans with plant features (e.g. Glorya). They have the ability to analyze techniques and give birth to unique plants with the traits of other inhumans. By the present, Glorya is the only one left since the others have all been killed.
- Deadline Summoner: Mamoru Onodera has an Alraune in his Battle Harem.
- In Delicious in Dungeon, dryads are combinations of this and actual plants. Their main bodies are plants, but their flowers are humanoid and can move around. They're also monosexual, as there are male and female flowers. Pollinated flowers later turn into pumpkin-like fruits with human faces on them.
- Digimon: Several Digimon fall in this spectrum, ranging from humanoids with botanical themes to simply ambulatory plants.
- Palmon is a short, gremlin-like humanoid succulent with a large pink flower on its head. Its evolution, Togemon, is a humanoid cactus with three round holes for eyes and a mouth. Togemon further evolves into Lillimon, a fairy with leaves for wings and a blossom for hair, which in turn evolves into Rosemon, a woman with a rose replacing the top half of her head and who wields thorny vines as whips. Palmon also has a Palette Swap in the form of Alraumon, whose flower is purple instead of pink.
- Floramon is a small humanoid flower with vaguely reptilian features that attacks with pollen.
- Lalamon is a rotund humanoid sprout who can fly by spinning the leaves on its head. It evolves into Sunflowmon, a bipedal sunflower with long, three-fingered arms, leaf wings, a sunflower blossom for a head and a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. Sunflowmon then evolves into Lilamon, another flower fairy whose arms and legs are simply long, tapered flower blossoms, and then into Lotusmon, a purple-skinned woman with a headdress based on a lotus fruit. In Digimon Data Squad, however, Lilamon evolves into Rosemon instead.
- In Digimon Data Squad, Rosemon gets an Evil Counterpart in BioLotusmon, a Digimon identical to Lotusmon except that her headdress is green instead of purple and the petals on her staff are purple instead of rainbow-colored.
- Woodmon is a walking tree stump with crude arms and a face. Its evolution, Cherrymon, is a straight-up Treant.
- Algomon Perfect is a blue humanoid with leaves and vines sprouting from its shoulders. It's able to turn into a towering mass of vines for its Worm Phase attack. Its evolution, Algomon Ultimate, is an armored mass of vines with a more-or-less humanoid shape.
- Dominion Tank Police: Greenpeace Crolis is a genetically engineered prototype for a new race of humanity meant to replace the current one, who can not only survive in the poisonous environment of near-future Earth but help cleanse it. She has green skin due to her cells being a combination of plant and animal in order to photosynthesize.
- Dragon Ball:
- It's only rarely mentioned, but Piccolo (and indeed, all Namekians) fit this trope. It wasn't revealed until Dragon Ball Z that Namekians gain most of their sustenance via photosynthesis, and only require water and sunlight to survive, although they are capable of eating actual food. This also explains their ability to regrow lost limbs.
- Saibamen are this in a sense, considering they grow from seeds in the ground.
- Flame of Recca: Mokuren Nagai have the ability to control plants to the extent that he even can become a tree/human hybrid.
- Gregory Horror Show: Cactus Gunman and his sister Cactus Girl are anthropomorphic cacti.
- The Keeper Wants to Build a Zoo in Another World, so He Tames Monsters: Many of Gieg Nowe's inhabitants are plant people (called Treants, but they look mostly humanoid), like the chieftain and the two kids Ikuhara and Merou rescue. They seem to be a symbiosis between a humanoid and a plant growing out of their head. The kids only have a few leaves, while the chieftain's head looks like a giant piece of broccoli.
- Naruto: Zetsu. At least the White half and a good part of Tobi's current and Madara's pre-death body were made from a non-sentient clone of the First Hokage.
- Unlike the other "monsters" of Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary, who are post-pubescent humans, Itsuki is the product of a bio-engineering experiment to create a humanoid plant. They have bright green hair, can photosynthesize, and their gender is ambiguous.
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Count D. He tends to sprout vines when he's bleeding.
- Secrets Of Spring, by Piers Anthony, has Herb Moss, a member of one of three genetically engineered plant races on his planet.
- Sonic X: Cosmo and her species, which the Metarex advanced from.
- Those Who Hunt Elves: Mandrakes are tiny green elves with a rose-like flower and two leaves growing out of their heads. They sleep buried to the base of the flower in dirt. They also screech at you if you pick them.
- Trigun has Vash and Knives plus a few other nameless ones who mostly are used to generate power. The nameless ones are humanoid in shape, but apparently are unable to communicate with normal humans. The term "Plant" in this context is far more likely to be an allusion to the concept of a "Power Plant" than an actual, biological plant. When one considers what most plants are used for and their nigh-supernatural abilities, this makes far more sense.
- Verdant Lord: The main character and several others are hybrids of human and Arethusa (nigh-indestructible plant mecha).
- Wolf's Rain: Cheza is humanoid but was born of a plant.
- The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz: The Scarecrow's equivalent in this adaptation, rather than being a scarecrow who somehow came to life, is a genetically engineered humanoid plant creature dubbed Plantman.
Asian Animation
- In Guardian Fairy Michel, Rena is a literal rose fairy, and several other fairies are associated with plants.
- In Happy Friends Season 8, episode 23, Careless S. meets an entire community of sentient plant people who were once normal plants until Xiao Haha accidentally cast a magic spell on them, bringing them to life.
- Humanoid plant spirits are a major element of Kodama. They can be powerful characters despite of their small size and cutesy appearance.
- Pleasant Goat Fun Class: In the 16th episode of The Earth Carnival, the gang worries when a rainforest-themed carnival attraction has become lifeless. A specific girl who was working at the attraction deciding to leave was the cause, and when the gang finally finds her, they discover she's an anthropomorphic flower who left because she was worried about trees in the nearby rainforest being cut down.
Comic Books
- 2000 AD:
- Caballistics, Inc.: During a mission, Hannah is captured by a female earth spirit who is rooted in a tree's vines underground. Naturally, she thinks humanity should be wiped out.
- Judge Dredd: In the "Dark Justice" arc, the undead psi-Judge Whisper is incapacitated with a headshot, but he falls down next to some Meat Moss. It ends up creating a psychic zombie plant-person thingie. Since Hope Sprouts Eternal, he later sides with the living again.
- Adventure Time: Marceline Gone Adrift: The Leaflans are living alien leaves. Contrary to the usual stereotype of species of this type, they are obnoxious, greedy, treacherous colonial exploiters.
- Astro City: The Green Man, who was formed when the mage Simon Magnus accidentally melded with Earth's biosphere. He stands about fifty feet tall and bears more than a passing resemblance to Alan Moore.
- The DCU:
- The Batman character Poison Ivy is a borderline case, depending on the medium.
- When she first appeared in the comic books, she was merely a murderous seductress with a plant motif. Later on, she took on the persona of an Eco-Terrorist with a little Mad Scientist thrown in. In the Post-Crisis continuity, Poison Ivy has been physiologically part-plant since the Floronic Man's initial experiments. Initially, she only had to ability to exude plant-based poisons from her own body and was immune to all poisons. Through the years, she has developed the ability to control plants (size, shape and movement and, occasionally, behavior if one of her hybrids has a level of sentience) and her physiology has changed dramatically so that she now resembles a plant, down to the fact that her costume, once a leafy one-piece bathing suit, now consists of her own leaves arranged in an acceptable fashion on her body. She exhibits more or less plant-like qualities depending on the artist, but these qualities are generally constant. In Swamp Thing, she is described as having a link to a mystical/elemental being called "the May Queen", but this is rarely mentioned. A link to a force (much like the Speed Force in The Flash) called "the Green" is implied as well, and she can use this to communicate with others over long distances via plants.
- However, in the Batman: No Man's Land storyline, the police plan to take Ivy out (after she seizes control of Gotham City Park) with a powerful defoliant that would have killed all plant life in the park, including Ivy's monsters and Ivy herself, suggesting that she isn't exactly human anymore. Whether it would have worked or not is unknown, because Ivy surrenders to save the children she's protecting (which causes Batman to answer the question pretty directly, saying that the act proves that she's "still more human than plant").
- Ivy also created one of these herself by accident, when a Man-Eating Plant she spent a year feeding people to for kicks mutated into a Mind Hive of the victims' psyches/souls and became the vengeful shapeshifting Harvest, which promptly tried to kill Ivy for creating it in the first place.
- In her limited series Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death, Ivy manages to create Rose, Hazel and, indirectly, Thorn, human-plant baby hybrids she calls 'Sporelings' that are very much like her but were never human to begin with.
- Black Orchid was retconned, following the success of Swamp Thing, into also being a Plant Person. Noticeably, though, while the latter two Orchids are more plant than human, they can't control plants or flowers, and their powers are primarily Glamour and pheromone manipulation.
- The Green Lantern (1941) villain Solomon Grundy is a zombie whose body is as much plant matter as it is flesh. As a result, the original Green Lantern (Alan Scott) finds it almost impossible to fight him; due to his ring being ineffective against wood, it barely works on Grundy.
- Superman: In some of his incarnations, Superman himself has quite a few plant-like characteristics, up to and including drawing actual sustenance from the Sun, not from food. Occasionally, though, he likes to pig out on junk for the taste.
- Swamp Thing:
- Swamp Thing himself is a living mass of vines and vegetation.
- The Floronic Man, Jason Woodrue, was originally a humanoid alien who gains a tree-like form. In the New 52, however, he's re-imagined as an American-born human who gains a tree-like form and is known as the Seeder.
- Wonder Woman (2011): The New 52 version of Demeter is green skinned and partially made of plant material, including having leaves for hair.
- The Batman character Poison Ivy is a borderline case, depending on the medium.
- The Heap, of whom Swamp Thing and Man-Thing are Captain Ersatzes.
- Hybrid Force: One of the protagonists, Thorn, seems to have rose DNA in his system; his body is covered in thorns and his hair is red. One of Testify's members is Venus, who's half-woman, half-Venus Flytrap.
- Mampato: In a story where the protagonists travel to the Jurassic period, they find ruins of what appears to be a pre-human civilization, but in reality it is the Fitus sapiens, a species of plant that suffered a mutation , acquiring mobility and intelligence, and over time created an advanced civilization domesticating dinosaurs and creating flying craft. The only one they find is very friendly and compassionate, but unfortunately it is also the last of its kind.
- Marvel Universe:
- Groot, king of Planet X, is a giant tree-shaped alien who was originally a 1950s Monster of the Week, and is currently a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
- The monstrous Man-Thing was a human scientist who fell in a swamp after injecting himself with a variant of Captain America's Super Soldier Serum, thus merging with the swamp and becoming a mystical human-plant-mud hybrid.
- The mutant criminal and X-Men villain Black Tom Cassidy became one for a while. After doctors treated his wounds with a wood-like substance, a combination of a genetic virus and Deadpool's mutated cells made his body nearly all plant matter. This benefitted Tom's mutant powers immensely, seeing as he had to amplify them through wood, and he was more powerful than ever before. Sadly, he was eventually driven insane from the change, and committed many murders in this form, including a young boy until the change was undone by M-Day. (He didn't lose his regular mutant powers, but his now-former friend the Juggernaut convinced him to turn himself in.
- Smut Peddler Presents My Monster Girlfriend: The Bloodweed in "Sweetest Nectar" is a humanoid flower-creature that dwell in old warzones and is famed for its scent, the protagonist having searched to partake in its scent. Anyone who "partakes" in its nectar is transformed into a small, fairy-like pollinators that subsist on it.
- The Switch Electricia: One of the members of Murderer's Row is Moss, who's basically a giant man made out of, well, moss.
Fairy Tales
- In "Little Otik", the eponymous character is a sentient human-like wooden log.
Fan Works
- Domoverse: Amanda can convert food into muscle mass with sunlight, has leaves growing in her hair, can grow flowers from her body, and force plants to sprout.
- Equestria Divided: Thorners are Everfree earth ponies who, having formed a close bond with the forest, have become covered in thorns and leaves and have gained the ability to manipulate plants.
- The Fluffy Folio:
- The Leek Lich is exactly how it sounds: a leek that has turned into an evil spellcaster, sprouting legs and the white base of the leek gaining a skull-life face.
- The Lemon Aider is a lemon that's grown limbs and acts as a healer.
- Half Past Adventure gives Adventure Time some Plant Mooks made of animated holly bushes to boss around.
- KibblesTasty: Circle of Roots Druids can turn into a human-plant hybrid, increasing their size and power at the cost of lowering their speed.
- The Legend of Genji
has a medic who was attacked by a spirit, partially transforming him into a tree.
- Kaleidoscopic Grangers: Dryads are sapient trees. One such Dryad attending Hogwarts is a crabapple tree named Blodwen. She is perfectly fine with people eating her apples, and even allows her half-goat centaur friend Tegyd to eat her leaves.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfiction:
- Elementals of Harmony: My Little Praetor includes Punchline, first dryad of Equestria.
- Evergeen Heart
is a Human in Equestria story with the twist that the human in question is killed by timberwolves in the first chapter of the fic, with his soul possessing nearby plant matter to become essentially a humanoid timberwolf himself (he specifically describes himself as a treant).
- Lupine Tree follows Lumber Jack, a timberwolf that awakens to sapience after absorbing a human soul.
- The Smurfs fanfiction:
- Empath: The Luckiest Smurf: In the story adaptation "The Magic Flute With Six Holes", Peewit suggested to Johan that the Smurfs may have been born as plant people before they were brought to the village as infants by storks, as his explanation for why the Smurf Village was made up of entirely male Smurfs.
- The Smurfette Village : In "How Things Smurf", it is revealed that the Smurfs themselves are born from plants that are grown and cultivated in the Enchanted Garden by the goddess Gaia and her two gargoyles.
- Sacrifice (Ravenshell): Shasta was originally just a Queens-born, middle-aged woman before she was turned into a daisy-mutant in the Megarift Disaster, having been found alone in an abandoned part of the city by Raphael and Casey.
- Vow of Nudity: While not seen in actuality, Spectra disguises herself as a dryad to seduce a forest sentry in one story.
Films — Animation
- Elemental (2023): The teaser showcases the Earth elements as this, being mostly grass with flowers on varying parts of them.
- Epic (2013): The plant-based Jinn come in various shapes and sizes, from mushrooms to flowers to pinecones. Any human would look right past them, but they have faces and limbs and can talk.
- In The Mandrake, a witch tries and fails to grow a mandrake to use as an ingredient, so she hires a farmer with a green thumb to do it for her. The farmer is shocked to find a plant that looks and acts like a child, and ends up growing attached to it.
- In Turning Red, 4*Town are depicted as flowers with faces in Mei's nightmare.
Films — Live-Action
- Creepshow has Stephen King playing a bumpkin who touched a meteor turning into a plant creature, but it wasn't a pleasant thing.
- In The Freakmaker, Evilutionary Biologist Prof. Nolter is obsessed with creating a race of human/plant hybrids that he believes is the next stage in human evolution. He conducts experiments on unwilling human subjects that create freaks that do not live long. He eventually succeeds in creating a successful hybrid, but is killed by his own creation.
- From Hell It Came has Tabanga (a.k.a. Baranga)
the tree monster.
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Groot is a tree-shaped alien. He's enough of a plant to be able to regrow entirely from a small cutting after the rest of his body his destroyed, although the new Groot has none of his predecessor's knowledge or memories, and Word of God has said he should be regarded more as the original Groot's son than Groot resurrected.
- The Last Witch Hunter: The Witch Queen looks like a tree in human shape and has When Trees Attack as her weapon of choice.
- Maleficent: The Sentries, who guard the Moors from human invaders. They take the form of tall, wooden soldiers, with demonic faces, and ride on huge boars.
- Men in Black II: The villain is an alien shapeshifting plant that takes the form of a Victoria's Secret model.
- Paradise Hills: The Duchess it turns out is one, controlling vines and flowers growing from her body. She feeds on the women whom she's holding captive on the island fatally, draining their vitality for sustenance.
- Three Headed Monster has a sentient living ginseng-man who is wise beyond his years. Whomever feasts on his meat (or root?) will gain immortality, and he's being actively pursued by worshippers of the titular monster.
Examples by author:
- Tais Teng:
- The Roots of the Forest (in the original Dutch: De Wortels Van Het Woud) is about a brother and sister who find out that their parents are actually trees who escaped from a divine forest so that they could become human. The brother discovers this when he sticks his feet in open ground in the moonlight, which suddenly sprout branches. However, they are pursued by the guardian of the forest, who himself is also a plant person (as the brother realizes that the man in the overcoat approaching their front door doesn't have bending knees, as if his legs were simply trunks).
- One of the female students of the Griezelklas is a nature spirit with a Green Thumb. When one of the villains curses her to turn back into her "true form", she becomes a tree.
Examples by title:
- Alien in a Small Town makes passing mention of an alien race called the Plandarites, who enter a hibernation state to undergo photosynthesis.
- The Bas-Lag Cycle has humanoid cacti, the Cactacae, many of whom live in a huge greenhouse. Their thick cell walls render them immune to most weapons.
- Dryads in The Belgariad are a female One-Gender Race (they mate with human men; sons are humans and are sent to their fathers, daughters are dryads) who are symbiotically bound to oak trees. As long as the trees live, they live. They can also sense the feelings of and communicate (to a degree) with all trees. One of their odder features is that they always include an X in their names. (Garion's wife, Ce'Nedra, seems like an odd-woman-out until she explains the name is actually "X'Nedra" but the X softens to a Ce in her home kingdom's accent.)
- Bored of the Rings: Parodied with the Vee-Ates, an army of fruits and vegetables on the warpath. They are led by Birdseye, a parody of the Green Giant.
- Burton & Swinburne Series: At one point, Swineburne, after being infected with a deadly plant virus, falls into a pit and is revealed to have slowly transformed into a giant tree with his mind still completely intact over the course of centuries, at which point he gains control over the Germans' plant-based weaponry and destroys them.
- The Chronicles of Narnia: Dryads are among the numerous fantastical creatures native to Narnia, and Lewis describes them in great detail. Birch dryads look like slender girls with showery hair, dressed in silver and fond of dancing, beech dryads look like gracious, queenly goddesses dressed in fresh transparent green, and oak dryads look like wizened old men with warts, gnarled fingers, and hair growing out of the warts.
- A Court of Thorns and Roses: Alis is an Urisk, a type of fae with bark-like skin.
- Dark Is The Sun, by Philip José Farmer, has Sloosh, one of a species of plant-centaurs.
- Dirge for Prester John: What everyone becomes after they die in Pentexore. The bodies of the dead are planted and become trees.
- The Divine Comedy: Those who commit suicide are reduced to bleeding trees in Hell, since it would be unjust for those who threw away their bodies to be given them back in the afterlife.
- In Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, the main characters run into a race of plant people called the Mangaboos, who are Always Chaotic Evil. The entire race is destroyed by a fire as Dorothy and her companions are forced to flee for their lives to the Valley of Voe.
- Fablehaven: Stingbulbs start out as little fruits, but, if you prick your finger on one, it turns into an exact replica of you. It's not a perfect copy, though — a few memories are missing, it doesn't necessarily think and act like you (it obeys any orders it receives after transformation), and it only lives for a few days.
- Flower Of Kamaleynik: According to in-universe myth, all living beings in the world are these, grown by The Maker Goddess from the seeds of titular vine. A certain priest of her has shown the ability to be resurrected from the dead by having his soul stored and new body grown and, more impressively, to transform inanimate objects into living creatures.
- Gargoyle of the Yoshinagas has Osiris, who is initially just a plant made by a mad alchemist.
- In the Joel Suzuki series, the Spectraland natives have green skin with leaf-life protrusions. Marshall describes them as "almost as if someone combined human and plant DNA."
- The Lord of the Rings: There are some differences in interpretations of what the ents actually are, as some interpret them as more troll- or giant-like than anything truly botanical, but following the account that they originate as spirits who bonded with or imitated trees they hew to this trope quite closely.
- The Lotus Empire: The first yaksa who gets killed by the heart's shell weapons is described as having a body made from roots in soil.
- Magic Kingdom of Landover: Queen Willow is a woman who periodically transforms into a tree (no points for guessing what variety of tree). Even in humanoid form, she has green skin and hair and absorbs sunlight for energy. When she and King Benjamin have a daughter, said daughter initially takes the form of a seed who must be planted in soil. Once she is finally born, however, she is much more human, but still has a magical connection to plant-life.
- Downplayed with the Mark of the Vine in The Mapmakers Trilogy. To have the Mark is to have a plant-like trait, e.g., flowers in place of hair, but you're always more person than plant. The Elodeans take it one step further: Members of the tribe not only have patches of green skin and manipulate their floral traits but can hibernate months at a time by covering themselves with soil while living off sunlight and water.
- The Midnight Library: Poor Tim Barnett. In "An Apple A Day", he just wanted to stick up for his grandma, but when he eats an apple from Bill Cole's orchard, he becomes a human/tree hybrid with leaves growing from his ears and apples in his body. He eventually becomes a complete apple tree.
- Mirror World has the seed-ghouls from House Dawn, all of whom are sentient plant and tree-like entities that have the ability to encase their victims in statues of wood.
- Princess Beard: One of the main characters is a dryad (although she was first introduced with her sisters in book that came before). Dryads are humanoid plants with healing powers, but when they grow to a certain age, or use their healing powers, they turn into semi-mindless carnivorous trees that will even eat their former friends, until they drink enough blood and return to being dryads.
- Reign of the Seven Spellblades: The Kimberly Magic Academy approaches and grounds are lined with talking flowers that like to harangue and tease new students as they head in for orientation. According to Guy, the personalities of such magiflora are affected by the quality of magical particles they absorb from the ground, so their questionable behavior serves as an early clue to what life at Kimberly is like. They'll also act as Knowledge Brokers of things they've seen, but only if you can make them laugh first.
- Renegades: The villainess Hawthorne has six thorn-covered plant-like tendrils growing from her back.
- Return to Neverend: The kodama are a dryad-like race. Kell is a unique example, and is quite violent.
- Rust and Humus: During the late Giants' era, when the world was covered in primordial jungles, Uhia was inhabited by a variety of mobile and often humanoid plants.
- Speaker for the Dead: The Pequeninos start their lives as mammals, then the males transform into sentient trees upon death as part of their life cycle (females do this too, but much more rarely, and only to start new communities or to replace a dying Mother Tree). The transformation is actually required for their system of reproduction. In fact, it turns out every native life-form on their planet has an element of this: the snakes and the river reeds, the cows and the high grass, etc.
- Ssalia and the Dragons of Avienot: The gardener takes care of numerous talking plants and is very plant-like himself (gnarled, tree-like skin and cotton grass hair), though to what degree he actually is a plant (or what kind of creature he is) is never made clear.
- Star Wars Legends has Zelosians
, human-shaped plant aliens who can live for a month on sunlight and water, but otherwise look identical to humans. Death Star has one named Celot Ratua Dil.
- Stay Out of the Basement has the protagonist's father accidently creating a version of him that is part plant and pretends to be the real him.
- Time Out of Time has The Greenman, who changes with the seasons.
- Top Secret (a.k.a. The Strange Thing that Happened to Allen Brewster): A kid performs a science experiment on himself that changes him into one of these, to the point that he begins to photosynthesize (becoming unable to tolerate food), and even grows roots in his feet that require him to be to be yanked out of the ground at one point. He decides to inform the government, only to be told that his formula would bankrupt the food industry and put millions of people out of work. When he decides to tell people anyway, government agents drag off the only other person to undergo the transformation and then start monitoring him to make sure he doesn't tell anyone else, presumably for the rest of his life.
- The Tough Guide to Fantasyland: The Green Man is either a walking figures of leaves and branches or construct that's woven together. The living form is malicious, and will attack the Tourists in the night. The inert kind will be used to imprison them before being burned or thrown into the sea. Tourists are advised to run away immediately on meeting them.
- Alan Dean Foster's short story "Village of the Chosen", written for the ...Who Needs Enemies anthology, features a village of people who, due to scientific experiments, have formed symbiotic bonds with a rare type of plant that turns their skin green and allows them to live on sunlight (through photosynthesis) rather than food, making it possible that the discovery could end world hunger.
- The Wheel of Time: Nym are "constructs" made of vines and leaves and such. They have Fertile Feet and Green Thumb abilities.
- In Wings Quartet, faeries are basically sentient plants. The "wings" that legends say that they have are actually flower blossoms.
Live-Action TV
- Doctor Who: Jabe of the Forest of Cheem from "The End of the World" is a surprisingly sexy tree-lady.
- Farscape: Zhaan is plant-based and experiences rapture during solar flares. She can't actually talk to plants, though, and thinks of them the same way humans might a very stupid ape.
- Mahou Sentai Magiranger has Mandora Boy, a living mandrake who gives advice to the Magirangers.
- Once Upon a Time (2011): In an Adaptation Species Change, Mother Gothel is one of these; originally a tree nymph who became an evil witch after losing her family to hateful humans.
- The short-lived TV adaptation of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle features Canon Foreigner Howard the Hat Tree, an amiable sentient tree who lives in Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's house and talks only to her and to her family members. His branches are decked with magical hats that provide the various "cures" Mrs. P. uses to correct children's behavior.
- Pili Fantasy: War of Dragons: The Demon Resurrection Tree becomes one after absorbing the Archmage of Hell, and fusing with him and his hate and its desire to finish eating Nankung Chu.
- Power Rangers: A number of monsters are humanoid plants, such as the Bloom of Doom from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
- Tin Man (2007): The Papay resemble bipedal, leafless aspen thickets.
- Ultraman had a Monster of the Week named Keronia, a leafy humanoid descended from a species of ambulatory carnivorous plant native to the Amazon who seeks to enslave the human race as a food source for his species.
- In The Willow Maid
the titular maid is killed by a young man who fancies himself in love with her, but does not listen to her when she tells him she cannot leave the forest. He chops down her tree, intending to force her to marry him. However, once out of the forest, she turns into a flower that then quickly wilts.
Myths & Religion
- Classical Mythology: Dryads/Hamadryads (which may or may not be the same thing) are the spirits of trees, so this is Older Than Feudalism. Unlike many modern depictions, however, they usually look like normal humans; it's just that they can, Depending on the Writer, turn into or magically inhabit trees.
- The Green Man, an ancient representation of nature in European folklore and art, usually depicted as a person (or just a head or face) made entirely out of leaves and vines. It was often taken as representing a number of folkloric characters, usually associated with plants, life and death, rebirth and spring.
- Swedish (and probably Scandinavian) folklore has the Skogsrå (which means roughly "forest ruler" or "magical being of the forest" depending on etymology), a kind of "pseudo-troll" who often appears as a very beautiful woman who tries to lure men deep into the woods. She was discernable from real people because her back was made of — in most versions a hollowed-out — tree.
- The Mabinogion, from the Welsh portion of Celtic Mythology, has Blodeuwedd, an Artificial Human created by magic out of the flowers of broom, meadowsweet and oak,.as part of a Pygmalion Plot to give Lleu Llaw Gyffes a wife after he was cursed to never have a human wife. Her name literally means "flower-face".
- Past Division has Lolli Rose, who is a homebrew race called a carolili, which is a race of flower people.
- Shan from SPINES. They have vines growing from their arms, as well as bark-like skin. Part of their powers include being able to grow flowers from their body that excrete poisons to do whatever they need, be it killing people instantly, or merely putting them to sleep for a bit.
Professional Wrestling
- Chikara:
- The Swamp Monster, a waling and wrestling wad of swamp sludge.
- Latvian Proud Oak of the Baltic Seige. His wooden nature comes with the consequences of being very slow and not too bright.
- Darwin's Soldiers: When Dr. Shelton was drowning, he stabbed himself with a superpower syringe in the hopes of getting something that would save his life. It didn't help in the slightest, but he was rescued anyway, and later was very disappointed to find that this was the power he received.
Tabletop Games
- Dungeons & Dragons of course, has several species of plant people, including treants and dryads.
- The woodling template, which lets you add this trope to any existing species, and the topiary guardians, which are animated topiary sculptures. If D&D has examples of a trope, it has a LOT of them.
- Most plant people in the game are more-or-less benign (or at least protectors of nature) but an outright evil example is nightshades (also known as wood woses) which are spirits of poisonous plants. They look like sylvan dwarves covered with leaves and vines, and have powers over both plant life and poison. Druids hunt them the way farmers root out weeds.
- Exalted:
- Generally, tree deities and wood elementals often resemble people made out of varying types of vegetable matter.
- Wyld mutations and elemental influence in the deep East, where the Elemental Pole of Wood is closest to Creation, often lead forest peoples to develop bark for skin or moss, leaves or vines instead of hair.
- Gamma World:
- One possible player-character mutation is Photosynthetic Skin, which allows the mutant possessing it to produce their own food and heal lost Hit Points at 4x normal rate if in sunlight. Another option is to be an out-and-out sapient plant, which may or may not be humanoid.
- One Non-Player Character, Columbia, is a sapient vine forest occupying the entire Columbia Building.
- The GURPS supplement Bio-Tech has a nanovirus that turns affected humans into plant people. The GURPS Supers and Powers supplements also include rules and options for creating a plant person character.
- Magic: The Gathering:
- Mechanical Dream: The Frilins are made up of vegetable matter, are born from the random conglomeration of plant debris in the forest, and grow like trees over their entire lives. Additionally, they are capable of possessing superhuman intellect. Most importantly to this setting, while they regularly lose E-flow like every other creature on that planet, as plants they can restore it by resting. Every other race must eat Orpee to restore their E-flow, for Frilins this is optional.
- In Mutant UA, mutants (humans as well as furry humanoid animals) can have photosynthesis as one of their mutations. This make their skin/fur green and capable of feeding on sunlight.
- In Mutant: Year Zero, Mutants can have one of two plant themed powers, one simply called Human Plant and another called Spores. With Human Plant you can get nourishment from sunlight; with a body that has bark-like skin, which is also covered in sharp thorns that you can use in close combat. Whilst with Spores, PCs have hidden spore sacs on their bodies that are capable of spraying spore clouds against targets in a near distance. The spores can also be used irritate a victim’s eyes to blindness and cause their skin itch with a rash. They also stink so horribly that the victim chokes or suffers severe nausea. But the cloud of spores can also help obscure you and escape from a conflict.
- Pathfinder: In addition to the examples originally from Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder introduces several of its own takes on this trope:
- The ghoran are is what happens when a food crop gets magically experimented on until it becomes uplifted and humanoid and starts demanding equal rights.
- Alraunes are large, intelligent plants with secondary bodies resembling green-skinned women inside their main flowers, and use a combination of attractive smells and sex appeal to lure in humanoid prey.
- Leshies are diminutive vegetative humanoids created by growing a special host body out of regular plants and calling a spirit to inhabit it. They come in several different kinds depending on the type of plant used to grow their bodies — leaf leshies, gourd leshies, flytrap leshies, seaweed leshies, cactus leshies, etc. Each kind also plays a different role in helping more powerful creatures oversee the natural world — gourd leshies watch over harvests, seaweed leshies over marine life, and so on.
- Green men are humanoid agglomerations of leaves, vines and roots, and watch over and protect plant life in the wilderness. They are sometimes called leshy kings after their resemblance to the diminutive creatures, and are believed to have been the ones to teach mortal druids the art of creating leshies in the first place.
- In Second Edition, as forest dragons age, their skin hardens into bark, their hair grows mossy, and leaves sprout from their horns.
- Rocket Age: The Ganymedians are a species composed of various symbiotic plants and fungi, as is every other animal native to Ganymede.
- RuneQuest: The elves, depending on the specific race and individual, range from fantasy elves with hair and clothes made out of plants to humanoid figures made out of branches and foliage to walking trees with gaping knotholes for eyes and mouths and twisting, knotty branches for limbs.
- Talislanta: The Arborin are sentient plant creatures, and Mang are sentient trees. Both are native to the Aberrant Forest.
- Turnip 28: The mutant plant that's overtaken Europe occasionally produces little plant goblins, which are lumped together under the title "rootlings". Several cults can field them, and the Wigmaker's Legacy, founded when someone accidentally willed his entire fortune to his pet rootling, can equip them with guns.
- Villains & Vigilantes: One of the Crusaders NPCs in the adventure There's a Crisis at Crusader Citadel is Evergreen
, who has the plant powers of poison and plant control.
- Warhammer: The part of the wood elf army which isn't Fragile Speedsters is composed entirely of plant people, ranging from dryads (human-sized, spikey, made of wood) to tree-kin (the spirits of dead Wood Elves inhabiting bodies built out of dead wood and branches) to treemen (like dryads, only much bigger). In Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, the wood elf army has been split in two, with the plant people now their own army, the "Sylvaneth", with the actual elves being renamed "The Wanderers".
- Warhammer 40,000: Troths, Homo sapiens verdantus, are a variant of abhumans said to have skin like oak bark and the ability to feed on soil.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sylvan archetype, which includes the humanlike Bladefender and Flowerknight.
Video Games
- Blasphemous: A bit of a recurring element, usually a result of a Transflormation inflicted by the Grievous Miracle.
- BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm has a sidequest involving five friendly Plant Girls. One of them is trying to grow a garden, and you have to bring her special seeds from the other four.
- In Brave Brigade, Nymph and Amaryllis are Dryad-like humanoids. Blood Rose would have been the next iteration.
- Bug Fables: Physical Goddess Venus resembles a sentient orchid.
- Castlevania:
- The dryads, the Treants, and the alura une/Venus weed monsters.
- Castlevania: Circle of the Moon: The Mandragora Attribute Card:
The Mandragora is represented as a humanoid with roots instead of feet. Has the power of Plants.
- Dark Devotion has dryads in the Den of Corrupted Nature. They're quite tough enemies for that point of the game, having a lot of health, considerable reach, and the ability to become temporarily invincible before disappearing and lunging at you from behind.
- Dota 2 has the ponderous Treant Protector who is essentially a walking tree, and the Nature's Prophet who looks like a cross between a plant and a man, and was born from the Nature Goddess.
- Dragon Age: Origins brings us Sylvans, which are what happens when a demon or spirit enters the mortal realm and, lacking anything or anyone else, possesses...a tree.
- Eat Me: Jenny Lettucehead, who's made of salad, has vine limbs, and eats soil.
- The Elder Scrolls:
- Dryads appear as enemies, although they're either non-sapient or extremely xenophobic.
- Spriggans are nature spirits who take on a tree-like humanoid female form. Their exact appearance has varied considerably throughout the series, from Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion (where they are basically tall green women with some tree/plant like features including bark and leaves) to Skyrim (where they are quite literally humanoid-shaped trees). They are revered as Nature's Guardians, being associated with Kynareth (one of the Nine Divines and goddess of the heavens, winds, and elements), and are at frequent odds with Hagravens, who are an Enemy to All Living Things. In most games, they possess a powerful Healing Factor which kicks in when get critically low on health, and have The Beastmaster qualities, able to command wild animals (especially bears and bees) to aid them in battle. While they are called "Spriggans", they are actually closer to violent Dryads in nature.
- Etrian Odyssey:
- The series has both the Alraune (introduced in the first game) and the Dryad (in the fifth). Both are exceptionally powerful opponents, which is why they're chosen to be Superbosses. Both also take advantage of their appearances (humanoid females) to fool careless explorers into thinking they're innocent entities.
- The Forest Folk is a sentient race of plant people who guard the Sandy Barrens in the first game, and will refuse to let any group of explorers advance further in the labyrinth of Yggdrasil. The Vessels in the fourth game, found in the Misty Ravine, are similarly reclusive towards humans, though this does change for the better as the game progresses. In the Japanese version of the games, these two races have the same name (Mystics), implying that they're the one and same (or at least related).
- Ever Oasis: The Seedlings, the main race of the game, look generally humanoid but have wooden horns and a much wider variety of skin tones than humans. They also have a bit of Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism in their horns; males have more gnarled, branchlike horns, while female horns are smoother split down the middle like seed pods.
- Fallout:
- Fallout 2 and 3 have Harold, an NPC ghoul with a tree he calls Bob growing out of his head. In the latter game, the tree has completely absorbed him, and his organs are distributed throughout its root system.
- Fallout: New Vegas has Spore Carriers
, humans that have been taken over by a parasitic fungus in an experiment to genetically engineer plant spores. The Old World Blues DLC reveals that they originated from the Big MT R&D Facility and that the Think Tanks are responsible for them, amongst many other horrifying things in the game.
- Fran Bow has the Itherstanites, human-sized plants with arms, legs and faces.
- Gems of War: Rowanne is part-way to being a tree, but is considerably more human-like than the Treants. On the other hand, she's more tree-like than the standard Dryad troop, who seem to have at least some actual skin.
- Guild Wars:
- Melandru appears to be one, befitting of the Goddess of Nature.
- The Juggernauts are a variation, being plant golems empowered by the soul of willing Kurzick sacrifices.
- Guild Wars 2: The sylvari player race is a race of humanoid plants that are born from the Pale Tree fully grown. They resemble humans with bark or petal-like skin, and branches or petals for hair. The minions of the Elder Dragon Mordemoth resemble distorted, zombie-like Sylvari, which is because the Pale Tree is a Mordrem Blighting Tree disconnected from Mordremoth's influence.
- The Heart Pumps Clay: Implied. The Dryad
◊, that welcomes Mara, Bud and Crow at the Tree of Life. She's named after, or possibly is a, mythological Greek tree spirit, and she has a leaf for hair.
- Heroes of Might and Magic III: The dendroids, and the Treants from V.
- Hytale: The Kweebecs resemble trees in appearance and also take a bit of their life cycle from trees. They even bathe in the sun for photosynthesis. The elder members of the race become slower over time until they cease movement entirely, let loose an energy burst, and become even more like trees, at which point their seeds are planted and the next generation begins to take form as seedlings.
- In King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!, Princess Alicia was turned into the Weeping Willow, weeping while playing a harp.
- League of Legends: Zyra, the Rise of the Thorns, is really an ancient, massive carnivorous plant who, in an attempt to escape its own inevitable death by starvation, consumed a female human mage and rebirthed itself into an alluring feminine humanoid form who wields powerful plant-based magic revolving around thorns and vines.
- The Legend of Zelda: The Kikwi (Skyward Sword), Deku (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) and Koroks (The Wind Waker, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom) are ambulatory plants with varying degrees of humanoid anatomy. While they look like Hylian children, the Kokiri might actually be plant people as well, as they were given life by the Deku Tree and eventually become the Koroksnote .
- Mass Effect has the Thorian, an extremely old and extremely intelligent plant organism living on Feros. It looks nothing like a human... more like a giant bulb of fleshy stuff with tentacle-like roots going off in every direction. It is also a villain, and uses spores to mind-control other creatures living around it. It can only speak through plant-based clones of individuals it has absorbed, which it can create within itself and then spit out to do its bidding.
- Mega Man X: The majority of Maverick bosses series are based on animals and mythological creatures (there's also one mushroom). However, the remaining four are based on plants. First, there's Wire Spongenote from Mega Man X2, Axle the Red from X5 (who is based on a rose), Tornado Tonion from X7 (you read that correctly — a Maverick based on an onion, of all things), and Optic Sunflower from X8.
- Metal Gear:
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: EVA speculates that the End's unusual level of stamina might be due to photosynthesis. Later, upon one of his many possible deaths, the End's skin actually does transform into bark.
- Metal Gear Solid V: Quiet has a similar physiology to The End due to being implanted with the same parasites found in his remains. In Quiet's case, she has to wear clothing that covers as little skin as possible to absorb water and sunlight.
- Mind Snares Alices Journey has a tree with male and female faces which act as distinct entities. The male portion is called Animus and the female portion is called Anima, and they consider each other lovers.
- Minecraft: The Creaking is a humanoid figure made out of gnarled wood and covered in hanging moss.
- Monster Musume TD:
- Done's a Mandragora, a plant-based monster girl with a flower sprouting from her head and roots for her legs. She usually lives her life resting in the soil buried and rooted, though she's very particular about her soil environment; uprooting herself if the soil nutrients are inefficient or even if the sounds disrupt her too much, which leads to her letting out a shrill shriek of pain that stuns/disorients those nearby.
- Urunella's an Alraune, a plant-based monster girl resembling a pitcher plant that's described by her profile as a being born as a result of bodily fluids and blood originating from a human.
- My Singing Monsters contains a multitude of humanoid monsters with the Plant element. Examples include Shrubb, a scrawny beatboxing shrub person; Entbrat, a giant with wooden antlers; Flowah, a muscular sunflower who sings in tribal chants; and Barrb, a Cactus Person.
- OneShot (2014): Maize is a humanoid plant spirit who can cause vines to grow with her power. Her health started deteriorating when the sun went out, and by the time Niko meets her she's on the brink of death. When she passes away, she leaves a seed behind that can sprout into a baby plant spirit if all the sidequest requirements are fulfilled.
- Palworld has four Pals like this: Bristla, Petallia, Lyleen and Lullu, with all of them being Grass-type. Bristla appears to be a humanoid thorny bush, with red thorns shaped like hair and roots shaped like a ball-gown. Petallia appears to be a humanoid plant girl, and they're mentioned to become a huge plant at the end of their life, which produces flowers that bloom into more Petallia. Lyleen appears to be a larger plant humanoid with ponytails made of leaves and a ballgown made of a huge lily flower. Lullu appears to be a humanoid flower girl with petals for hair and dress.
- Parappa The Rapper has Sunny Funny, an anthropomorphic flower. Her father, General Potter, is a humanoid potted plant. And of course, there's Chop Chop Master Onion.
- Pickle Pete by Frojo Apps, has an unfortunate man involved in a science mishap that turned him into a pickle person and unleashed a zombie horde. Pete wasn't the only person transformed, outside of Willy Weiner who's a hotdog person, everyone else in his main crew are plants like Mr. Peely who's a banana. Also on rare occasions at the store, a plant-based mercenary, such as one guy who's a tomato archer, can be hired as a temporary sidekick.
- Pikmin:
- The title species. Pikmin are little ambulatory root systems with a stem tipped with a leaf, bud or flower sprouting from their heads.
- One notable enemy in the second game, the Creeping Chrysanthemum, is a carnivorous plant with an ambulatory and bipedal root system that disguises itself as a pair of dandelions before rising up to attack the Pikmin.
- Pikmin 4 introduces Leaflings; space explorers who've been put through an Onion and turned into half-Pikmin hybrids.
- While the titular plants from the Plants vs. Zombies series have always been some level of sapient, they were still stuck in dirt like normal plants. The playable Plant classes from Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare changed things up by being completely ambulatory with roots acting as feet, while some of their brethren remain stuck in pots. Some of the walking plants can root themselves back into the ground to access new abilities.
- Pokémon: A fairly common template for Grass-types, when they aren't some sort of Planimal or plant sprite.
- Bellossom looks and acts almost exactly like a hula girl with a skirt made of living leaves and two flowers for hair.
- Roselia and Roserade are effectively humanoid rose bushes, with skirts made of leaves and rose blossoms for hands.
- Lilligant resembles a flower-themed dryad. She's always female, too.
- The part Ghost-type Phantump is actually described as a human child that got lost in the woods, making it and its more treeman-like evolution Trevenant examples of people who become trees.
- Steenee and Tsareena are both mangosteen humanoids that resemble girls, and they're always female too.
- In Quest for Glory, the Dryads are humanoid spirits of the wood, though the one in So you want to be a hero? could actually leave the tree she inhabited, whereas the ones in Dragonfire seem part of their trees.
- Resident Evil 2 has the Ivy monsters. They were the end product of using the T-Virus to genetically splice together plant and animal DNA. They are humanoid, which suggests the animal in question was or included human DNA. They are slow, but pack quite a punch and soak up punishment like Miracle-Gro.
- Rocket Knight Adventures: In the first stage of Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2, a miniboss appears in the form of a tree elemental. It tries to grab Sparkster with its vine-like arms, and occasionally tosses bombs, bubble gum, and apples at him.
- Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew: The pirate Suleidy is shaped like a human but with plant-like limbs and leaves sprouting about her body.
- Shantae and the Seven Sirens: After Water Lily Siren's defeat, talking to the flag-waving tourist in Arena Town it's implied that Shantae gives a description of her as a "plant lady":
Tourist: You fought a giant plant lady?
That's barely even water themed. - SimEarth: If the carniferns — large, carnivorous plants — reach sentience, you can have this.
- The Sims:
- The Sims 2: With the Seasons expansion pack, a Sim who uses too many pesticides may turn into a green-skinned "Plant-Sim". Instead of the usual needs, they only need water, light, and social. They can also reproduce asexually by shaking spores out of the leaf clusters that replace their hair. (Baby Plant-Sims have a large daisy on top of their heads instead of the leaf clusters that older Plant-Sims have... which is kind of disturbing considering that flowers are a plant's reproductive parts.)
- The Sims 3 brought Plant-Sims back with the University Life add-on.
- Slayin: Peloria is a plant boss, attacking with thorns and flower buds.
- Spacebase Startopia Has the Dryads, who work on your Bio Deck.
- Starbound: Florans are mostly hostile tribal warriors who treat living creatures, sentient races included, with the kind of lack of empathy we show to plants. They're also cannibalistic and not especially bright, even the floran PC's investigate quotes make them seem like a Manchild.
- Star Control II has the Supox, a race of sentient, omnivorous plant people.
- In Star Ruler 2, the Oko are humanoid plant creatures. The Oko do not build cities on planets, instead covering them in biomass. Likewise, their ships are largely made of Organic Technology, such as using sinew which is comparable to metal armor but significantly cheaper, and functions as the control system.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: The Whittle are friendly tree spirits who manifest with geometric trunk-like bodies. They can be found in Tall Trunk Galaxy, and aim to prove Mario's worth.
- The Tales Series has featured a plethora of plant people as enemies. So far the most humanoid were the Mandragora enemies from Tales of Symphonia which literally look like human women in green tights with leaves for hair, but they vary wildly in appearance from game to game.
- Thief: Viktoria initially appears human but is actually a dryad of some sort, able to create long stabbing/entangling vines from her fingertips, and has bark-covered skin and glowing red eyes. She's one of the heads of the Pagans and all of them have a huge affinity for plants and wild things. Her death at the beginning of the final mission of the second game spreads plant life within Soulforge Cathedral, which is key to her and Garrett's plan to turn Father Karras' booby-trapped Servants against him.
- The Trader of Stories has the Forest of Dancing Trees, a Hidden Elf Village of these.
- The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang: The shopkeepers are anthropomorphic parsnips.
- Waxworks (1992): Scenario 4 takes place in a mine shaft that is infested with plant mutants.
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Earthblood: Yfen, the guardian spirit of the Tarker's Mill caern, takes the form of a giant humanoid with feet cover in roots, skin covered in leafy vines, and a head made out of intertwined branches.
- Wildfrost:
- The Shelled Nuts are a tribe of acorn folk who can be encountered in the Ice Caves. They specialize in attack combos with the Shell Status Buff.
- Some of your companions and enemies are berry people, who specialize in healing.
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has Leshens and their subspecies Spriggans, which are territorial, forest-dwelling, humanoid monsters with skin like tree bark that are considered by some to be forest spirits. They have the ability to control plants and animals, and become angered if someone destroys greenery within their territory.
- World of Warcraft: Introduced in Warlords of Draenor, the Botani are plant beings who serve plant gods that seek to cover the entire world in their highly aggressive ecosystem. They view fleshy creatures such as Draenei and Orcs as nothing more than fertilizer and incubation beds for their plants.
Visual Novels
- My Magical Divorce Bureau: One of the people being divorced is Nerium the dryad.
Nerium: I want to apologize for the horrible crime of seeming like I was just another easily impressed garden variety suitor.
Po: We met in a garden and you are a walking garden. I have never in my life met someone who was more of a 'garden variety' suitor. - Sable's Grimoire: Eth is a mandragora, essentially a humanoid flower. Her people have struggled to survive in a rather hostile world, as they are very susceptible to fire and can't run very fast on legs that are basically petals. Thankfully Eth herself is safe enough in the game's Wizarding School.
Web Animation
- Battle for Dream Island has Tree, a walking, talking, non-deciduous evergreen tree, who is a member of Death P.A.C.T. and Death P.A.C.T. again, and, alongside Black Hole, is the Only Sane Man on his teams.
- Hanazuki: Full of Treasures has the Moonflowers, humanoids that grow out of crystal seeds with flowers (including the stem) as part of their head. They are able to grow magic trees on the moon they reside in.
- Mystery Skulls Animated: The supernatural being Shiromori has a bonsai tree growing out of her head and her feet are always submerged in the ground like roots; she can also regrow parts of her body when they are, for example, burned/punched off by a furious ghost, and used to be a regular flower before being transformed into her present self.
- Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers has Melony, originally an inanimate watermelon with Meggy's headgear, who gains a humanoid form after a Mario Mask-possessed Axol carelessly threw the Fierce Deity Mask onto her. The end result is a cute, sleepy girl in a watermelon-themed hoodie and watermelon seed-shaped marks on her cheeks who likes to sleep on strange places. Later videos show her to be able to switch between her human and watermelon forms at will, though she tends to prefer the former most of the time.
- Watermelon: A Cautionary Tale: Jimmy becomes a watermelon-person with vines growing out of his ears and nose. He shifts closer to the plant side later on, becoming more like an anthropomorphic watermelon with arms, legs, hair, and a face before he completely turns into a watermelon.
- AsteroidQuest: Mikliks start as plants in the ground, and are considered "born" when they uproot themselves. Once uprooted, they look like Lizard Folk.
- Beyond the Canopy: The Spriggs largely resemble elves, but have leaves or flowers growing from their heads, call their young "sprouts" and are implied to have sap instead of blood.
- Broccoli Soup: All of the plant folk who live in Princess's Garden are this.
- In Chirault, all trees are sapient and dangerous to cross, but most of them are inactive.
- Cirque Royale: The majority of the citizens of Flower Kingdom and Cactus Kingdom, known as plant people, are this. They're all asexual and reproduce via budding or cross pollination with bees, but can have any romantic orientation. They can also range from very human-shaped to very plant shaped; Rosalind's other mother from the Catcus Kingdom looks just like a cactus.
- Cucumber Quest: Rosemaster, the fourth Disaster Master, was created from corrupting the theme of the Flower Kingdom, and as such, is very much a humanoid plant. Her skin is green, her hair is akin to an upside down rose, and she has a thorn as a nose. She even has leaves growing from her shoulders and back.
- DeathSitter: Despite their humanlike appearance, reapers are made out of flowers and vines.
- Guilded Age has Syr'Nj and other Wood Elves, who refer to most bodily parts as their plant equivalents and apparently can drink through their taproots (i.e. toes).
- In Gunnerkrigg Court, Marcia Sutton is a dryad. Ysengrin is also almost a plant person: as a gift from Coyote, he has the ability to command all the plants of the forest, and he wears magic Power Armor made from trees, which might not seem like much of a fit for this trope until you see what he looks like without it...
- The Horrifying Experiments of Dr. Pleasant! has subject A-2.14/Phophora. She's green, covered in flowers, and emits a powerful hallucinogen.
- Huckleberry is all about a plant superhero. Huckleberry is a yellow-skinned, leaf-haired humanoid with fruit powers such as projecting citric acid, sliding like a banana peel, and generating thorny, protective wooden shells. At one point, he claims that "cereals, water and sunlight" keep him alive.
- The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob!: Mr. Geranium
is a particularly ridiculous example. He's literally a potted geranium who gained sentience and superpowers in a freak accident. Probably the single most absurd element in the comic, he's only appeared once since his introduction.
- Karate Bears: The titular bears were around back when there were still dryads
- Life Sketch: Audrey is a shameless reference to Little Shop of Horrors, right down to the thirst for human blood.
- Nixvir has dryads existing in its universe, according to the lore
. The lore also mentions that wine-dryads exist, and they look like vines which resemble women. The caveat when interacting with one is not to touch it, lest you get stuck to one. They're actually based on the vine-women from Lucian's True History.
- Planetary Moe: Earth is described as having a flower sticking out from their head, which would kill the planet if it was ever removed.
- In The Redacverse's introduction, Matt is defeated by two of them. They look like walking, human-shaped masses of plant matter.
- Schlock Mercenary: Such beings seem
to be common enough in-universe for there to be genuine confusion when someone uses the term "plant" to refer to someone else.
"A plant like a spy, or a plant like a perambulatory asparagus?"
- The Wretched Ones
: Jack and Nicky meet a colony of "Flora Fairies", winged wood creatures living in a large tree
Web Originals
- Godziban gives Biollante a dryad daughter named Erika that asks the Three Godzilla Brothers help her mother protect her forest from Desghidorah.
- Human Domestication Guide: The alien Affini are uplifted plants in the form of a huge collection of vines, bark, flowers, and so on around a central core. They are capable of grafting other plant matter into their bodies and are Voluntary Shapeshifters who like to mirror any new species they encounter for social convenience (upscaled significantly to convey superiority). Functionally immortal, they go through periods of decline and rebirth known as 'blooms'.
- Monster Girl Encyclopedia has a variety of them. The most well-known types are Alraunes, green-skinned Cute Monster Girls with large breasts who are surrounded by enormous flowers. Other types include Liliraunes (Alraunes that consist of two girls sharing the same flower) and Dryads (elementals that live in trees).
- UniCreatures: Among the exotic pets are a series of dryads, one for each season. One of the (free) seasonal pets is a flower sprite of some kind.
- WHAT COLOR ARE YOU?: A talking tree with a human face is encountered in the garden of the labyrinth. She calls the player sickly and invites them to stay and absorb nutrients from the dirt with her to recover, and is willfully oblivious to the fact that she's in poor health herself.
- Wild Life SMP: Big B decides to base around the Pale Garden biome and is the first person to adopt a Creaking-style skin; this comes into play for his assigned power on Day 7, where he can summon Plant Mooks in the form of other Creakings.
Western Animation
- Adventure Time: Fern, a clone of Finn created from the remains of his Grass Sword merging with his damaged Finn Sword.
- Aladdin: The Series: In "Garden of Evil", Jasmine is kidnapped by Monster of the Week Arbutus, who looks like a giant leafy version of Jafar — only it turns out that Arbutus is not actually evil, he's just angry about humans casually destroying the plants he cares for, and he took Jasmine as retribution for the Sultan having taken a flower from his garden many years ago.
- The Amazing World of Gumball: The show's eclectic cast includes Leslie (a plant), Carmen (a cactus), Idaho (a potato), and Banana Joe.
- American Dad!: Parodied in an episode where Hayley joins a group of eco-warriors led by a hippie who believes he is a tree trapped in a human's body. He is always shown standing in a large plant pot full of compost and talks about getting bizarre surgeries that he claims will turn him into a full tree.
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!: Tara Boumdeay is a tomato. She looks exactly like a very atractive human woman, but can turn into a tomato if exposed to salt, and turns back to human form if exposed to pepper, but is considered a tomato in-universe by those who know the secret. She even has similar reactions to other tomatoes: for example, in the Halloween Episode with vampires, humans became regular vampires whilst tomatoes developed bat wings, and she also had the bat wings.
- Batman: The Animated Series: Poison Ivy creates artificial plant people to assist her schemes in several episodes (plus the episode "Eternal Youth", in which she develops a way to punish her enemies by turning them into inanimate trees). The spin-off comic The Batman Adventures also reveals that the pale-skinned Ivy in the revamp is another artificial plant person, and that the real Ivy is fully human and off doing her own thing somewhere else.
- Centaurworld: The Recurring Extra Gebbery is a walking tree that moves around on leglike roots.
- Darkwing Duck: Dr. Reginald Bushroot is a Mad Scientist — specifically a Mad Botanist — who experimented on himself after his funding was cut and turned himself into a plant-duck hybrid capable of controlling plant life.
- The Dreamstone: The Wuts are an entire race of Plant People.
- In The Fruitties, most of the Fruitties are anthropomorphic fruits and vegetables. However, there are also several Fruitties that are other plants, such as Thorny the cactus for example.
- Hilda has Wood Man, an odd humanoid fellow made entirely of wood (duh), with knothole-like eyes and mouth and a small leaf growing at the back of his head. Also of note are vittras, small humanoid onion creatures that live underground and sleep with only their leaves visible on the surface.
- Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors: Flora was born from a blossom created by the hero's father Audric.
- King has the Florians in the episode "Russel Thussle Tussle". They communicate via scents and bursts of pollen.
- The Legend of Korra: Season 2 features Yao, a guy who became half-tree after getting corrupted by spirits. Parts of his face and limbs have been replaced with bark and tree branches.
- Little Dracula: The Big Bad is Garlick Man, a plant person Vampire Hunter.
- The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack: The Plant Man from the episode of the same name.
- Masters of the Universe: Evil Seed is a villain who seeks revenge against animal life for feeding on them. Moss Man is a more benevolent version, and in one series, Evil Seed's Arch-Enemy.
- Milo Murphy's Law:
- The Pistachions are a race of pistachio trees that evolved sapience and humanoid figures after a Blob Monster Milo accidentally created in science class was absorbed by a pistachio tree, which then went on to reproduce and Take Over the World in the future until Milo and the others were able to Set Right What Once Went Wrong.
- Played With: After turning almost everyone in Danville into this trope, the Pistachions are Ret Goned away and everything turns back to normal...except for Bradley's right arm. There is no explanation for this other than Rule of Funny, but he retains a vine-arm for the rest of the series, much to his annoyance.
- Oswald: Daisy is an energetic anthropomorphic sunflower. The other main characters are talking animals and a living hot-dog. There are also a few other anthropomorphic plants who live in Big City.
- Subverted in Over the Garden Wall: When our heroes first arrive in Pottsfield, they believe that the Pumpkin People of the town are this trope, while they're actually just dressed up for the town's harvest festival. They're actually skeletons.
- Plastic Man: The Weed, a plant-themed villain, looks literally like an anthropomorphic weed.
- PJ Masks: Season 5 introduces Orticia, a young plant-girl with Green Thumb powers, created out of a seed by Romeo. She is actually based on a similar character from the original picture books.
- Sheriff Callie's Wild West: Toby is a fully sentient and anthropomorphic cactus otherwise surrounded by Funny Animals that include a cat, a bird and prairie dogs.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The episode "Mercy Mission" has a race of tree like humanoids known as the Kindalo who live on the planet Aleen. The Kindalo share the planet with another species known as the Aleena, but the Aleena live on the surface while the Kindalo live underground. The reason why the Kindalo live underground is because the surface air is toxic to them, so they rely on the underground soil and the seal that separates the surface and the underworld to filter the air and process it into a form that isn't toxic.
- Steven Universe has the Watermelon Stevens, Steven-shaped melons accidentally created by Steven himself. After Steven sends them away in their premiere episode "Watermelon Steven", it's shown they developed their own mini-civilization on Mask Island in "Super Watermelon Island".
- ThunderCats (2011) has the Petalars, adorably Lilliputian li'l plant people/Plant Aliens who live about a day.
- Tuca & Bertie has an anthropomorphic Dracaena named Draca. Other anthropomorphic plants appear as background characters.
- Wakfu: The Sadida class in the series and associated videogame have green hair (and, in the males' case, green fur) and brown skin, have literal cabbage patch kids, and turn into stumps when they die.
- Wizards (2020): Nari of the Eternal Forest, with her hair being made out of leaves and her skin being partially green, along with the antler-like branches attached to her head and her bleeding chlorophyl.