Plot Allergy - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Sep 18 2010

"I'm not really lactose intolerant. I just don't put up with lactose's stupid drama."

Allergies are no fun, but they can be a useful device in fiction.

Want Alice to be able to go somewhere where Bob can't but don't want to introduce fantasy elements? Have him start coughing whenever he gets near it. Want a tough character to be really afraid of just one thing? Have him be allergic to it.

In real life, allergies can cause a number of problems from sneezing to death by throat closure, but fictional examples will usually just include sneezing, streaming eyes and occasionally hives. Also covered would be "intolerances," which generally cause stomach troubles; for example, lactose intolerance.

Please note: Danger is not an actual allergy. Neither is love, evil, routine, or any other oddball allergies in fiction.

Can result in an Ill-Timed Sneeze or Congestion Speak. If someone takes advantage of one's allergy to cause them harm, it's a Weaponized Allergy; if a person takes advantage of their own allergy and triggers it, then it's a Self-Induced Allergic Reaction.

Asthma Peril is when this trope is applied to asthma.


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  • Happy Friends:
    • In one episode, an assassin cat tries to kill Careful S. but gets mistaken to be a stray cat. Careful S. takes care of him despite being allergic to cat fur. However, this allergy highlights the irony with Careful S' appearance (he looks like a black cat).
    • In one episode of Season 11, Yuewu is shown to have an allergic reaction to mango when she eats Sweet S.'s pudding, which contains it.
  • In Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Mighty Little Defenders episode 36, Wolnie is allergic to dogs, which causes problems since her husband Wolffy has been turned into a dog and can't go near her without causing her to sneeze.

Anime & Manga 

  • In The Cat Returns, the cats fill Haru's front garden with cattails. In the English dub she later tells the messenger that she's allergic to them. (Actually a slight change from the Japanese version, but given that Haru woke up sneezing the morning after they were planted it's hardly contradictory.).
  • An episode of the first Dirty Pair TV series has as the antagonist a man allergic to women. Mostly played for laughs, and eventually revealed to be psychosomatic.
  • Knight Hunters gives us an example of allergy as code phrase: in Weiß Kreuz - Verbrechen and Strafe, one of the operatives signals her team that something is amiss by referring to a flower allergy she doesn't actually have. (They know she's faking because the other operatives are all florists.)
  • In episode of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!, Touka is allergic to cats, so when her younger sister Rikka brings one home, she requests Yuuta to help her get rid of it. When Yuuta expresses reluctance, she presents him an audio clip of one of his rants as the "Dark Flame Master".
  • Omamori Himari: Yuuto, the male lead, is allergic to cat hair. His bodyguard (and member of his Unwanted Harem) Himari is a cat demon. She gets confused because he wasn't like this when they were younger. It is later revealed in the manga that another of his harem members, Kuesu, cursed him to be allergic to try to keep him and Himari apart. Kuesu is later convinced to lift the curse.

Comic Books 

  • The main plot of Allergic, and played very realistically. After Maggie tries to adopt a puppy—something she's always wanted—she breaks out in hives and they can't have the dog she's always wanted. A skin prick test shows she's allergic to everything with feathers and fur, and she spends the rest of the book desperately trying to find out what pet she can have that won't aggravate her allergies.
  • One Donald Duck comic has Donald receive 1 million dollars from a stranger, but when he uses some of it to pay off a debt to Scrooge McDuck, Scrooge immediately starts sneezing; it turns out the money is counterfeit, and Scrooge is allergic to counterfeit money.
  • The Girl from the Sea: Subverted, Morgan apparently has a shellfish allergy, which you'd think would come up with having a selkie for a girlfriend, but it never does.
  • On Mary Worth storyline had Mary acquire a cat, then discover her boyfriend Dr Jeff was allergic. She managed to get the cat rehomed with one of her neighbours.
  • The graphic novel Peanut revolves around a girl who fakes having a severe peanut allergy in a bid to make herself more interesting after transferring to a new school.
  • In Runaways, Gert doesn't want to fight a Nazi made of bees because she is allergic to them.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) uses this with Pseudo Sonic. Sonic ends up being launched into a field of flowers which causes him to swell up like a balloon. Tails saves the day in both adaptations, but the comic has Bunnie Rabbot coming to Sonic's rescue before Robotnik can get rid of him.
  • In Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #19, Jimmy notices a funny ticking sound whenever he's around Superman, which he thinks is his heart. He concludes he has an allergy to the Man of Steel and must stay away until he can find a way out of it, or he risks death by heart attack. He eventually figures out that it was his signal watch, which malfunctioned and ticked whenever it was around gold (Superman was handling a gold meteor at the time).

Fan Works 

  • In Allergies Dudley and his gang are forced to leave the school library because a hiding Harry's desperate wish magic makes them allergic to it.
  • The Bolt Chronicles: Unlike Mittens’s owner Jack, his neighbor Darnell likes the cat, but cannot provide an alternative home for her because he has cat allergies in "The Survivor."
  • In The Cliff, a certain allergy saves the day. Gibich plants two rows of poplars, and soon it turns out Gutrune and Fafner are horribly allergic to poplar fluff. Fafner's sneeze ends up blowing the Ring of Power into the Rhine to its rightful owners, effectively solving the key problem of both the canon and the fanfic, while Gutrune’s allergy attack prompts Brünnhilde to realize what the matter with the dragon is.
  • In First Try Series, the whole plot is set in motion due an exam proctor's unfortunate allergy to peanuts. The exam proctor had to be replaced and the replacement tested Naruto, which allowed him to pass on the first try.
  • Neither Cameron nor Foreman can eat a certain dessert in the House fanfic "Inferno" because she's allergic to chocolate and he's allergic to pecans, and it contains both.'
  • In Higher Flier, Dainty Dish is allergic to almost everything under the clouds, and her constant sneezing takes a huge toll on her stamina, making her a poor flyer at low altitudes. At higher altitudes, away from her allergens, she's the fastest Pegasus in Equestria.
  • In Kitten Companions, Chas Finster thinks he's allergic to cats when he actually has hay fever.
  • A few Miraculous Ladybug fics bring up Adrien/Chat Noir's allergy to feathers when the Peacock kwami Duusu or his holder is involved.
    • Back To Us first brings it up during his first encounter with the Peacock Miraculous holder Pavone, and again when he goes into a sneezing fit in Felix's car — when Bridgette asks if Felix has a pet bird, he replies, "Something like that."
    • A Declaration Of Love turns it into a running gag, because the Peacock holder in this universe is Marinette. Though when Adrien is forced to use the Peacock Miraculous in her place, he's explicitly not allergic to himself.
  • Not the intended use (Zantetsuken Reverse): Soma having a peanut allergy is so the Ghoul soul's Extreme Omnivore, make-poisonous-food-edible power can be shown to not work on food allergies, because they're not inherently poisonous.
  • The Rigel Black Chronicles: The sleeping sickness is bad enough, with a large portion of the student body falling into magical comas, but then it turns out that Draco Malfoy is allergic to an ingredient in the potions used to keep the victims alive and stable, forcing Harry to find another solution in a hurry.
  • Lola Loud tries to invoke this in Rome-No and Juli-Nyet, since Lindsey is allergic to pickles and this led to her developing an irrational hatred for them, so she tries to dump her in pickle juice and frame her boyfriend Winston for it, so that she will dump him and he can date Lola.
  • In Sick, Egon thinks he is allergic to Ray's clothes or detergent, but actually he has a crush on him.
  • Snow Blind: When given antibiotics for his injury, Donnie notes that while normal turtles can usually take human medicine without an issue, he can't take human medication without suffering a minor allergic reaction due to his mutant DNA. He usually either adjusts any medication the Turtles acquire or gives them antibiotics that have the least harmful side effects (usually narcolepsy). This is one of the reasons why Donnie realizes Raph is the Nightwatcher: Raph told Donnie that he got the antibiotics from the vigilante, who would likely only have normal medicine. Yet Don didn't suffer any side effects from the pills, meaning that the Nightwatcher somehow had access to the Turtles' tweaked meds.
  • In This Bites!, eating biscuits gives Cross an instantaneous and horrible case of diarrhea. It's unclear why, and it's not much of a plot point; it's barely even a Running Gag.
  • In Ultimate Hangout, based on The Loud House, Clyde is allergic to geese and uses goose feathers to make himself sneeze and get his fathers' attention.
  • Subverted in Under the Weather (based on Ghostbusters (1984)) where first Egon, then Janine, think they have allergies when they really have colds.
  • In Where Talent Goes to Die, the second victim is killed by ingesting peanuts, to which he is allergic. The second motive had made the students aware of one another's weaknesses, and after the students learn about his allergy, they must discover who knew about it before the murder and had the opportunity to poison him.

Film — Animation 

  • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Sam's peanut allergy prevents her from going down to the food-making machine with Flint through a pit surrounded by shards of peanut brittle. She lowers him down using a licorice rope, but she gets stabbed by one of the shards and starts to swell up. Flint cuts the rope and goes to the machine alone, while Brent takes Sam back to get her antidote shot. When Sam first revealed her allergy to Flint, he claimed to have the same allergy, but was lying in order to try to make himself seem more attractive to her.
  • In The Boxtrolls, Archibald's severe lactose intolerance (he swells up from a tiny sliver of extra mild Cheddar) is part of what prevents him from joining the White Hats and eventually leads to his Karmic Death.
  • In Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw, the main villain Marvin McNasty happens to be allergic to cats. Cooler eventually takes advantage of this when McNasty orders his henchmen Lumpy and Bones to take away the Pound Purries Hairball and Charlemange by disguising himself as cat so he'd be taken out of McNasty's house with the Pound Purries.
  • In Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, during the Death Montage of the title character wasting 8 of his 9 lives, one of his deaths was from eating shellfish which he is deathly allergic to, complete with his face already swollen red before he takes another bite.

Film — Live Action 

  • Addicted to Love: Meg hides crushed strawberries under her ex's pillow, causing him to break out in an embarrassing skin rash and sabotaging his modeling career.
  • In Babe, Ferdinand the duck wants to steal the Hoggetts' alarm clock (It Makes Sense in Context), but he's allergic to cats, so to avoid waking the Hoggetts' mean cat Duchess with an Ill-Timed Sneeze, he recruits Babe to sneak into the house and steal the alarm clock for him.
  • Black Widow (1987). Black Widow Catharine Petersen marries men and murders them by giving them a substance to which they have a lethal allergy.
  • In Glass Onion, a character is successfully murdered via pineapple juice in his whiskey, since he was deathly allergic to pineapple.
  • In Godmothered, the writers gave Eleanor an allergic reaction to seafood so that they could have her get stabbed with an Epi-Pen and reflexively cast a spell, revealing her magic to onlookers.
  • In The Incident (2014), two parallel allergies, one to fruit juice and one to bees, drive the intersecting time loops.
  • Iron Man 2: Tony remembers that strawberries are important to Pepper Potts for some reason but can't remember what exactly the reason is, so he buys a pint from a roadside stand as an apology gift. When he presents them to her, she tells him with some exasperation that she's allergic to them.
  • Love in the Villa: Charlie is deathly allergic to cats, which is unfortunate for him as the piazza is full of them. Julie lures them into his bedroom in an attempt to get him to leave the villa.
  • In the 1998 Madeline film, Miss Clavel is allergic to dogs. Her own sneezing alerts her to the fact that the girls have broken the "no pets" rule and are hiding a dog in the school. Still, she lets them keep Genevieve as long as they keep her outside.
  • In The Man Who Knew Too Little, Wallace complains several times about Boris "The Butcher" wearing Old Spice; his violent sniffling and sneezing actually helps him to escape Boris' custody at one point. At the very end, we learn that it wasn't Old Spice causing Wallace's reactions—it was an otherwise-undetectable Amazonian arrow-frog toxin.
  • In Molly (1983), Aunt Jenny is allergic to dogs, so Maxie has Molly spend the night at a barber shop.
  • In The Occupant, Tomas is established to be extremely allergic to peanuts. Javier injects peanut extract into a can of pepper spray and then engineers the situation for Javier to be sprayed, his death covered up as a bad reaction to the pepper spray.
  • In Peter Rabbit, Thomas McGregor is allergic to blackberries. Later the rabbits pelt him with blackberries, eventually landing one directly in his mouth, but he gives himself an injection.
  • The Smurfs 2:
    • When Grandpa Victor gives the children at a party corn dogs, one of the children turns out to be allergic to the peanut oil they were fried in.
    • One scene reveals that Patrick is allergic to feathers, but when he was a kid, Victor lied that he was to take the fall for getting rid of the family's parrot Zeus.
  • Turkey Hollow: Annie is allergic to feathers. When she and Tim get kidnapped and held in a small building full of live turkeys, her father and great aunt need to get her out as soon as possible.


  • Achoo!: The reason Suzy-Sue sneezed and started the plot was because she was allergic to a flower she sniffed. The dog also appears to have hay fever as he's seen with a runny nose but otherwise appears fine.
  • Amelia Bedelia: In one of the prequel books, the young Amelia finds a lost cat. She wants to keep her, but Mrs. Bedelia is allergic to cats, so she can't.
  • In one Angela Nicely book (a spinoff of Dirty Bertie), Angela mistakes her teacher's red eyes, which are actually due to hay fever, as a sign she's been crying, and tries to cheer her up by hooking her up with Mr. Weakly.
  • In one Animorphs book, Rachel acquires a crocodile, then finds herself morphing uncontrollably, including from one morph to another, which usually isn't possible. Ax explains that she's allergic to the crocodile DNA, but that eventually she'll expel and be fine. This involves a full-grown crocodile growing out of her back.
  • The Apothecary Diaries: Consort Lishu is allergic to seafood, but she's forced to eat a dish containing mackerel at a banquet in Volume 1 because her food taster, Kanan, swapped her plate with Consort Gyokuyou's to bully her. She's left covered with hives, but the swap prevents a poisoning attempt against her. In the aftermath, Maomao later calls Kanan out by spelling how stupid it is to bully someone who is able to execute you for ruining their health. Much later, Maomao uses this fact to prove to Lishu's father, who doesn't believe Lishu is his child, that she is his biological daughter as he also has a seafood allergy.
  • In the Benjamin January series, one book has a murderer poison his victim's dinner with something he was violently allergic to. Since there's no widespread awareness that food allergies even exist, much less that the victim had one, nobody thinks he could have been poisoned by something that everyone else ate.
  • The Da Vinci Code: Leigh disposes of a butler who knew too much and was allergic to peanuts by putting peanut dust in his wine.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg has told two lies about allergies:
    • In the first book, he convinces bullies not to force him to eat an expired slice of cheese by lying that he's allergic to dairy.
    • In "The Ugly Truth", he lies that Manny is allergic to peaches to try to convince the advertisers of peach ice cream to make him their mascot instead of Manny.
  • The Dragon Business: The head of the orc mercenaries in the second book ends up taking over as the main antagonistic force after his boss belatedly discovers his fatal allergy to peanut butter during a feast celebrating the successful storming of Longjohn's castle.
  • In the Elephant & Piggie book Pigs Make Me Sneeze, Gerald thinks he's allergic to Piggie, but really he just has a cold... which Piggie catches from him.
  • In the last book of the Empire of the Ants trilogy, the protagonist's uncle dies near the secret base because he turns out to be allergic to their sedative.
  • In Eppie the Elephant Who was Allergic to Peanuts, Eppie has to ask her friends not to sit next to her at school if they're having peanuts since she's allergic to them. Her friends are notably surprised that an elephant could be allergic to peanuts
  • I Am Your Evil Twin (from Goosebumps Series 2000): The main character uses his peanut allergy to distinguish himself from his evil clone — since they aren't sure how allergies work, he supposes that the clone might not have it. (After the climactic test, though, it turns out that the clone swapped out the test food for one that he wasn't allergic to, and then made himself throw up so everyone would think he was the real thing.)
  • Lizard Music: One of the reasons Victor's staying at home the summer the story takes place instead of going to camp with his peers is because he found out he was allergic to most of the plants when he went to camp the previous year.
  • Milly, Molly:
    • One episode reveals that Miss Blythe the teacher is allergic to mice, which causes her to run around screaming and sneezing when Harry brings his pet mice to school.
    • In "Cats Alive", the girls try to give a cat to a shopkeeper, but he says no on account of being, as he puts it, "allergic to pets".
  • Taken Up to Eleven by Ruby "Pufferfish" Peet in N.E.R.D.S.. This child's allergies are so severe that they actually go off whenever she's exposed to things such as danger, threats, dishonesty, and betrayal. Making her a human danger detector.
  • In One of Us is Lying, Simon is killed with peanut oil, which he is allergic to, in his water.
  • The Raven Cycle: Gansey is severely allergic to bees, hornets, and wasps. His obsession with Glendower, which the series is based around, started after he was stung to death by hornets as a child, only to live because Noah was dying on the ley line at the same time. He considers his Epipen to be largely useless as it would not be enough to save him even after a single sting.
  • Revenge of the Sith: While over at Padmé's apartment, Anakin notes a particular type of broth sitting around, which gets him suspicious (well, more suspicious) since Padmé says Obi-Wan's been over recently, but Anakin knows Obi-Wan is so allergic to that specific broth he once nearly caused an interstellar incident. She has, in fact, been talking with other senators.
  • In Stephen King's Sherlock Holmes story The Doctor's Case, the reason Watson is the one to solve the case is that Holmes is seriously impaired by two factors: there are ten cats in the house the case is in, and Holmes is allergic to cats. It really doesn't help that one of the cats becomes very fond of Holmes immediately and gets snuggly.
  • A Sick Day for Amos McGee: The rhinoceros has seasonal allergies, so he has a runny nose, which Amos takes it upon himself to wipe.
  • What started the plot of the fourth Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note, The Egg Hamburg Steak Knows, was an allergy that causes a breakup but hardly "the relationship hitch allergy." Wakatake woke up on Friday and found his face covered with allergy hives, which obviously is not in a state to attend the date later that day. But the unnamed girlfriend decided to break up instead without even asking why he couldn't attend. (The bulk of the novel is about investigating how there could be pork in a egg burger steak supposedly made with 100% beef, and who put it there).
  • This Mortal Coil (2018): In this Bio Punk story, the main character Cat has "hypergenesis", a rare condition which manifests as extreme sensitivity to the Nanomachines that power gentech, rendering her able to use only the most bare-bones Bio-Augmentation. Except the whole thing's a lie, and her "father" Lachlan gave her fake hypergenesis as part of his elaborate scheme — it was essential to stop her from poking around in her implants' systems and discovering she was a Living Macguffin too early.
  • In the Warrior Cats novella Pebbleshine's Kits, Pebbleshine hides in a car, hoping it'll bring her back to where she lost her Clan, but is detected by the humans who own it when their child starts sneezing uncontrollably — turns out she's allergic to cats.

Live-Action TV 

  • In the Adventures in Wonderland episode "Something to Sneeze At," the Mad Hatter starts sneezing whenever he's near the March Hare, and they think they can never share a tea party again. In the end, they realize the Hatter's allergic to the flowers the Hare has been wearing in his lapel.
  • Angry Birds on the Run: In S1 E11, Bomb is enjoying the calm, peaceful nature of a grass field, and then discovers that he is allergic to something in the field.
  • On The Big Bang Theory, Howard needs to keep Leonard away while the others plan a surprise birthday party for Leonard, so he uses his peanut allergy as an excuse to take Leonard to the hospital. When things get desperate, Howard has to actually trigger his allergy to keep Leonard from going back.
  • Billy the Exterminator: Ricky is seriously allergic to stinging insects. He still does jobs involving stinging insects, but he is always accompanied by someone else (usually Billy).
  • Determined to make sure that her Guilt-Ridden Accomplice keeps his mouth shut, The Bold and the Beautiful's local psycho Sheila hides a beehive in his room, then locks all the doors and windows so that he can't escape, resulting in him dying from anaphylactic shock when they swarm him.
  • In an episode of Bones, a suspect is eliminated when it turns out she was allergic to some of the plants on the park trail the victim was on, meaning she was unable to follow him there. (Clark Edison also discovers he's allergic to the plants when they're confirming the suspect's claims, but that's just for a joke.)
  • In an early episode of The Brady Bunch, "Katchoo," Jan develops an allergy to Tiger, the pet dog. They plan to give the dog away. But then Jan discovers that she's not allergic to Tiger, she's just allergic to Tiger's new flea powder. (Ironically this was the last episode to feature Tiger as a major character - it's not that somebody was allergic to him, it's that the original Real Life dog actor (also named Tiger) was hit by a florist truck and died from his injuries before the filming for this particular episode was completed. One other episode talks about Tiger a lot but he's not actually on screen much - he's missing.)
  • On an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Captain Holt attempts to give away a small puppy. Santiago immediately volunteers to adopt it, despite being violently allergic to dogs. but Captain Holt doesn't let her.
  • Cheers: The episode "Diane's Allergy" is... well, about Diane suffering an allergic reaction to a dog. Sam figures it's psychosomatic, brought on by her uncertainty about her relationship with Frasier. And he's right. At the extreme end, it causes her voice to suddenly crack, making her sound like a chipmunk.
  • CSI:
    • In one case, the initial reason for a holdout juror's death is thought to be peanut butter in his chili, but they later determine that the would-be killer took the laced food for herself, and a bee sting allergy actually killed the guy.
    • An attempt to kill a boxer in "Ending Happy" involved getting him to absorb shellfish residue through his male organ. It wasn't the final cause of death, though.
  • CSI: NY:
    • In "YoungBlood," some guys play a prank on another guy by lacing his soup with shellfish, thinking it'll only make him sick.. He goes into anaphylaxis and leaves to retrieve his medication, but dies before he gets to it.
    • A victim in "Blacklist" has to be rushed to the hospital when his would-be murderer causes him to eat peanut dressing on his salad and he goes into anaphylaxis.
    • A minor example with Det. Don Flack who is allergic to cats.
      • From "Zoo York":

        Mac: [examining human remains in the tiger exhibit] Hey! Sneezing on my crime scene.
        Don: Sorry, Mac, allergies. Cats. Hate 'em.

      • Comes up in "Turbulence" when he and Danny visit a club whose owner keeps his pet jaguar on the premises and Don starts sneezing.
    • Sid suffers from anaphylaxis from an unnamed ingredient in a meatball sub during "The Ride-In". He is revived with an epi-pen and taken to the hospital.
    • Downplayed in "Clean Sweep" when it is harmlessly revealed through a prank of Flack's that Mac is deathly allergic to blueberries.
  • In the Dennis the Menace episode "Wilson's Allergy," Mr. Wilson starts sneezing whenever he's around Dennis, but in the end he turns out to be allergic to a hair tonic that Dennis has secretly been using.
  • Just about all the husbands on Desperate Housewives have suffered from some convenient allergy which their wives use to manipulate in some way, which is then never mentioned again. Especially obvious in the case of Carlos, who was allergic to eggs for one episode, despite this never inhibiting anything he's eaten in previous and later episodes. You could Fan Wank that all his food is made with egg substitutes and it's just never mentioned, but what all those times he's shown eating scrambled eggs for breakfast?
  • The Eighth Doctor does this in the Big Finish Doctor Who episode "Caerdroia", where it turns out that the exact time portals they're looking for give him time sickness just by standing next to them. His two companions delight in dragging him around the field as a living detector device while he struggles to keep standing up.
  • Donkey Hodie:
    • In the episode "Growing the Ungrowdenia'', we learn that Clyde can't be by flowers because he is allergic to them. This, among other problems, causes Donkey to try to ungrow the titular flower.
    • In "Cheesy Con", the lyrics of a song reveal that Donkey is allergic to parmersan cheese.
    • In "Dodie Hodie", Dodie says she has developed an allergy to her former favorite food, nutterfluff souffle, and can't eat it anymore. Panda symphasizes with her by telling her he's allergic to cashew noomies.
  • In Dumbo's Circus, Dumbo is allergic to flowers. Since he's not a baby anymore in this series, but an almost full-grown elephant, his allergy results in frequent Sneezes of Doom that blow things around or knock them down.
  • In the Family Affair episode "The Award," Jody and Buffy start to constantly itch, and Uncle Bill worries that they've developed a psychosomatic allergy because he's been overly strict with them. But actually they're allergic to the modeling clay they've been secretly using to make a "Best Uncle Award" sculpture for Bill.
  • An episode of Flight 29 Down has as one of its subplots the character Eric acting very lethargic. Since he's known as a Lazy Bum among the group, no one thinks much of it until he collapses on the beach and is unresponsive. While they manage to work out that he's having a reaction to the oysters the group had collected and eaten earlier, it's a very near thing and even when Melissa plays The Medic and doses him with an epi-pen, it's painfully clear that she's scared to death she's too late.
  • Frasier: Niles has an allergy to dust mites in one episode, which causes a problem when he stays up in a library all night before a diner with some Nobel Prize laureates, and takes some antihistamines to counteract it. He overdoses, and promptly gets as high as a kite. Hilarity Ensues.
  • In the Friends episode "The One With The Baby on The Bus", Ross has to go to the hospital after getting an allergic reaction to kiwi in Monica's pie. While Monica takes him to get a shot, his son Ben is left in the care of Joey and Chander, leading to them leaving him on a bus.
  • In the Gilligan's Island episode "Allergy Time," first the Skipper, then all the other castaways suddenly start sneezing when they're around Gilligan. But in the end, it turns out they're not allergic to him, but to the papaya nut oil he's been using as hair tonic.
  • In the Happy Days episode "The Fonz is Allergic to Girls," the Fonz starts sneezing whenever he's around girls and thinks he'll have to give up his Casanova ways. But it ultimately turns out that he's allergic to a chemical reaction between his own aftershave and the girls' perfume.
  • House, M.D.: In Season 5, House subconsciously attempts to kill Chase with his strawberry allergy by hiring a stripper to the latter's bachelor party who uses strawberry body butter. House only realizes what he did when he learns of Chase's anaphylactic shock and deems his hallucination of Amber dangerous.
  • In one episode of Imagination Movers, the Movers get their Idea Emergency when they need to figure out why Dave keeps sneezing. Turns out, he was wool (Scott was wearing wool socks).
  • The InBESTigators: A cat allergy is a major clue in "The Case of the Pestering Prank Caller" and the Twin Switch in "The Case of the Soccer Saga" unravels when Maudie sees someone she's been told is dreadfully allergic to eggs nonchalantly and eagerly eat one of Ava's cupcakes without asking if they have eggs in them or not.
  • In the Midsomer Murders episode "Red in Tooth & Claw", someone places rabbit fur in the ducts of Cleo Langton's car. Turning on the A.C. system with the windows closed triggers her allergy to rabbits, and someone had removed the allergy medication from her purse, so she dies by respiratory failure.
  • In the Mister Ed episode "Ed the Sentry," Wilbur's wife Carol apparently becomes allergic to Ed. Actually, she's allergic to the straw hat he's wearing.
  • Monk, "Mr. Monk and the Case of the Missing Granny". Randy has an allergy to cats, which makes things difficult as Mrs. Parlo owned one. This turns out to be the thing that keeps the perps of the week from getting away with their crime. They claim the chair belongs to them, which Monk and company can't disprove until Monk realizes that Randy showed signs of allergy when he was in their house. They claimed they didn't have a cat, so Randy shouldn't have had any symptoms.
  • Mork & Mindy: In "Mork Gets Mindy-itis", Mork thinks he's become allergic to Mindy since he starts sneezing when she's nearby, but it turns out that he's just afraid of being near people in general (since he's an alien and his species apparently sneezes when they're afraid).
  • In the Murder, She Wrote episode "Crossed Up", Jessica originally can't figure out which of the relatives put out the hit, because none of them have raspy voices. However, then the family appears on TV. Gordon Rogers is holding his wife's new Persian cat, to which they're allergic. The allergies roughen their voice, creating the raspiness Jessica heard.
  • One episode of Murdoch Mysteries has the victim of the week, who was allergic to peanuts, die when the rim of the cup they were drinking out of was coated with peanut oil. Another has the victim killed in jail by replacing the cook's vegetable oil with soya oil, which had no effect on the other prisoners.
  • NCIS: McGee is allergic to a cologne of a suspect, later a body turns up that causes McGee to sneeze.
  • In The Patty Duke Show episode "The Friendship Bit," Patty starts sneezing whenever she's near Cathy, and is presumed to have developed a psychosomatic allergy because she's jealous of Cathy's achievements in school. But in the end she turns out to be allergic to Cathy's new pin.
  • In the Petticoat Junction episode "I'm Allergic to Daddy," Steve and Betty Jo's baby daughter Kathy Jo develops a rash whenever her father comes home, forcing him to stay in a hotel. But eventually they realize she's allergic to the insecticide on his clothes.
  • The season finale of Other Space hinges on a big date between a person and the ship's computer, with the latter using a number of accessories to manipulate a willing proxy. The date ends badly when the computer causes her proxy to eat shellfish, to which the proxy reacts very badly.
  • On Seinfeld the guys suspect that Jerry's new accountant is a cocaine fiend because he's always sniffling and wiping his nose when they're around. Turns out he's just allergic to Jerry's sweater. Then, after they apologize and rehire him, it turns out he really WAS on drugs.
  • Sesame Street:
    • One skit involves guessing what's making a roaring and sneezing sound. It turns out to be a tiger with allergies.
    • One skit involves a couple trying to define what an allergy is, while itching because there is a talking shrimp nearby and they're both allergic to shrimp.
    • Another skit reveals that the Count is allergic to flowers, but seeks them out anyway so he can count his own sneezes.
  • Lana's kryptonite necklace pendant in season 1 of Smallville causes this trope in Clark.
  • Stargate SG-1: Daniel has allergies that can play up while travelling, which were first introduced in the original film. They're used as plot points on occasion.
    • In the pilot episode, Stargate Command aren't sure what the status of Abydos is after being attacked by aliens and contemplate how to send a cryptic message to Daniel without alerting their enemies. O'Neill decides to send a box of tissues, a reference to Daniel's allergies that only those on the original mission will recognise and understand. Daniel sends back the empty box with the message "Thanks. Send more.", which allows them to realise that Abydos is safe and the attack did not come from that world but another.
    • In the fifth episode of Season 1, a mission brings back a terrible contagion but only Teal'c, Daniel and Fraiser seem immune. This allows Fraiser to realise that antihistamines are the key to fighting the contagion; Teal'c symbiote provides enough for full immunity while Daniel and Fraiser's allergy medication partially protected them.
  • Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay is mortally allergic to citrus. In "The Pegasus Project", before sending McKay off to help SG-1 on a mission, Sheppard gives Mitchell a lemon in case McKay gets out of hand. Later, when McKay claims that the mission is impossible, the lemon makes a reappearance.

    McKay: What stories? What have you heard?
    Mitchell: Well, for starters, that you didn't know the meaning of the word "impossible"... and that under threat of impending death, you could work absolute miracles.
    McKay: Yes, well it's all true, but I'm not under the threat of impending death, and I don't have a—
    (Mitchell pulls out the lemon and holds it up to Rodney's face)
    McKay: ...Well, I'll see what I can come up with, then.

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Played as a gag in one episode, where Quark is camping and is allergic to one of the plants, that makes his ears itch. He claims it's "nature" that he's allergic to.
  • Star Trek: Discovery: Tilly's debut reveals that she must sleep in only one bed in her and Michael's shared room, since she's allergic to certain bedding.
  • Star Trek: Enterprise: One episode reveals that the closest thing Malcolm has to a favourite food is pineapple... and that's only because he's been trying to build up a resistance to his allergy to it.
  • One episode of Supernatural features Dean's never-before-seen allergy to cats, which is plot relevant as it reveals one of the human-presenting characters is actually a shape-shifting feline.
  • The Swinging episode "The Big Sneeze" is about Augustus suddenly sneezing constantly and thinking he might have an allergy to his daughter Rosy. It's actually an allergic reaction to a flower decoration Rosy is wearing in her hair.
  • The main character of That's So Raven had a severe mushroom allergy that causes her to comically swell up when it's triggered during a cooking competition. A later episode had her unknowingly washing her hair with a shampoo that contained mushroom extract, which affected her ability to see the future instead.
  • A teenager on Untold Stories of the E.R. nearly killed her peanut-allergic boyfriend - twice - by French-kissing him, because she assumed brushing her teeth was enough to eliminate any residue from the peanut-butter sandwich she'd had for lunch. The second time, the two of them had smooched in the ER to celebrate how his first brush with anaphylaxis had been brought under control.
  • Wedding Season: Metts is allergic to sesame, which the protagonists exploit by stealing her epi pen and sneaking sesame oil into her food in an attempt to force her to confess to the murder of the Delaneys.
  • Wishbone:
    • In "Sniffing the Gauntlet," Sam, the one chosen to represent her team for a spelling bee, starts eating a snack brought by David, but learns too late that it contains coconut, which she's allergic to. It isn't life-threatening, but she can't go to school and David has to take her place, despite being less confident.
    • Averted in "The Canine Cure." The character of Nathaniel has a bunch of allergies, including dogs. He spends the night at Joe's house, which forces Wishbone into being shut away in another room. It turns out his allergy to dogs is psychosomatic, induced by his mother because she doesn't like them. (He may have other real allergies, but none of them get near as much attention.)
  • In the Wimzie's House episode "Achoo!" (a.k.a. "Nothing to Sneeze At"), Wimzie thinks she's allergic first to her grandma Yaya, and then to her father Rousso, but it turns out that she's really allergic to bell peppers.
  • The Worst Witch: One episode reveals that Beatrice is sneezing because she's allergic to cats. She tries making the allergy go away with magic, but accidentally makes them go away instead.

Video Games 

  • In Bugsnax, the player character turns out to be allergic to the titular creatures, meaning that they can't consume them like the other island inhabitants can. Given the reveals regarding the true nature of Bugsnax, this allergy turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
  • In Card Survival: Tropical Island, your custom player character can be allergic to nuts, shellfish, or even the sun, making them sick if they eat those foods and causing them to burn up easily if they're under the sun.
  • In Coffee Talk, Officer Jorji is lactose intolerant, so any drink you serve will be an automatic failure if you add milk. However, this doesn't apply in Endless Mode, as he'll still take any milk drink as long as the order is done correctly. If you don't give him his grandfather's lighter on his fourth visit in Episode 2, he'll reveal in one of his late-night rants while trying to lure in the culprit behind the slashed tires with a ritual that he once secretly ate ice cream despite his lactose intolerance.
  • The fourth episode of Farnham Fables is a Dream Episode starring Theresa Doyle, who is severely allergic to peanuts. In her dream, she has to find the Rainbow Keys so she can create a bridge across a river of peanut butter.
  • Hitman: The novel Enemy Within features Agent 47 killing a mole in the ICA by exploiting his allergy to peanuts.
  • In Living Loud: Surprise Party, a Licensed Game for The Loud House, you cannot hand Clyde the lavender essence or any of the pets since he's allergic to them. This is odd, since it includes Cliff, and Clyde is explicitly not allergic to cats.
  • In Love, Ghostie, Chamel is allergic to peanuts, which becomes awkward when Felix gives them some for their "birthday" (when it's actually not).
  • The Mario Drinks a Glass of Milk trilogy takes this to absurd levels with Luigi's lactose intolerance. Merely carrying too much milk in a tank on his back starts draining his health, and being submerged in milk kills him faster than the lack of oxygen would!
  • In MySims Agents, a man delivered Evelyn's father's journal into the hands of a MorcuCorp minion. You, with the help of Roxie, prove that the man who made the delivery was the mayor, Skip Rogers, partially thanks to a discarded inhaler for combatting his flower allergy.
  • Roots of Pacha:
  • The protagonist of Undertale is apparently allergic to Temmies, which explains why the otherwise-harmless creatures can damage them when they try to "pet the cute human." A Temmie NPC also has the same allergy (yes, they're allergic to themselves), and promptly breaks out in "HOIves" after talking to them.
  • Yakuza 3: Taichi suddenly starts to display asthma-like symptoms, and is worried that it might kill his dream of becoming a pro wrestler. He turns out to be mildly allergic to buckwheat, the key ingredient in last night's dinner. The only reason he presents symptoms at all is that he missed lunch that day, and ate a lot more for dinner than he usually does.

Visual Novels 

  • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony: Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer, suffers a bizarre allergic reaction if she tries to dress up as a real person, which means that she cannot disguise herself as her fellow classmates as a Murder Mystery trick. In the climax of the story, Tsumugi starts cosplaying as characters from previous Dangan Ronpa entries, indicating that in this canon, the previous games are in-universe fiction. Either that or the allergy was faked.
  • Haruka from Little Busters! loves making egg dishes - in fact, they're the only thing she can cook at all - because she believes that Kanata has an allergy to eggs, so Haruka wants to assert this as the one place she is truly the best.
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice: In "Turnabout Storyteller", Geiru Toneido is deathly allergic to buckwheat. This is part of her alibi, as the victim was smothered in soba dough. Soba is made out of buckwheat, so if Geiru had killed the victim, she would've breathed in the resulting cloud of buckwheat flour and died of anaphylactic shock. She's the culprit. The dough being prepared was actually udon dough, which is made of regular wheat and as such didn't trigger her allergies. This was pure luck on Geiru's part, since she'd killed the victim in a moment of blind rage and forgotten that the dough could've killed her.
  • Snatcher uses a Detection Allergy - the eponymous robots release a masking agent called SNOW-9 which is similar to pollen, causing people (including the protagonist) to sneeze when they're in the area.

Web Animation 

  • Dayum:
    • Discussed in “Types of People at Restaurants Portrayed by Minecraft”, where Abby pretends she has celiac disease, only to reveal she was lying when she sees the food is discounted.
    • Camilla from “Types of Patients Portrayed by Minecraft # 2” also fakes gluten intolerance.
    • Jake from “Types of Kids Visiting the Doctor Portrayed by Minecraft” also fakes gluten intolerance… to get out of a shot of all things.
    • In “Types of Phobia Portrayed by Minecraft # 3”, Slimebruh’s hay fever is so bad, it actually makes him afraid of flowers.
  • Etra chan saw it!:
    • Katsura often gets sick after eating, however, several doctors insist that he is fine. His condition worsens and he is forced to see another doctor, she reveals that he is allergic to rice since he was a baby.
    • Kuroki bought a cake for his wife Yuzuriha. However, she was rushed into a hospital after eating the cake. It is later revealed that several orange slices were accidentally put onto the cake and Yuzuriha is allergic to fruits. Their relationship gradually falls apart after the incident, and Yuzuriha attempts to get revenge on Kuroki by throwing soba powder, which he is allergic to, at him to make him suffer for bringing the cake to her in the first place, causing him to be admitted into a hospital as well, though he recovers later and divorces her, and she is also arrested for attempted murder. Kuroki ends up getting a cat despite being also allergic to cats; he only got one because it's cute.

      Tokusa: But wait, why are you wearing a mask? And Gloves?
      Kuroki: Huh? Because I'm allergic to cats.
      Tokusa: What? Wait, so why did you get a cat...?
      Kuroki: Because they're cute!

    • Tsutsuji has a dairy allergy, but her mother-in-law Akane doesn't take her allergies seriously. Later, Akane deliberately pours spills some milk inside Tsutsuji's curry in an attempt to "fix" her allergies, causing her to have become sick and eventually fall into unconsciousness. After Tsutsuji got out of the hospital, Azami tries to force her to eat a bread; however, Akane suddenly arrives and tosses the bread aside and call Azami out, it turns out she realized how dangerous allergies are and tries to reconcile with Tsutsuji after being lectured by Doctor Katsura.
    • Yuri is allergic to seafood. One day, she goes over to her friend Tsutsuji's house and stays for dinner. Her friend's mother Yuzuriha puts shrimp in her salad because she thinks she can't be allergic to natural food. When Yuri ate the salad, she passed out and had to be taken to the hospital. This results Yuzuriha being sued by Yuri's parents for almost killing her and custody of her daughter going to her ex-husband.
  • Otakebi: Atsushi Tanabe is allergic to wheat, however one of his co-workers named Mayuko Ito don't take allergies seriously who often pressures him to eat what he is allergic to. One day, Mayuko secretly put some wheat flour on his food, causing him to collapse in the middle of work. It turns out she has been doing the same thing to other people, including giving snacks to children with ingredients they are allergic to so they would grow out of their allergies, she eventually gets imprisoned for this.
  • In Season 3 of Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles, Church ends up going back in time and tries to Set Right What Once Went Wrong. He starts off trying to prevent the death of Blue Team's original CO, and to do this gives Capt. Flowers some aspirin. Turns out Flowers is allergic to aspirin and dies on the spot.
  • RWBY Chibi’s Battle of the Bands arc gives Neptune Vasilias a latex allergy that causes him to start swelling up whenever he touches Jaune’s Smooch-inspired latex face paint.
  • Revenge Films:
    • "My sister almost died from her allergy": Ali was allergic to seafood, so she had to notify everyone when she scheduled events. However, her mother-in-law Blair decided to slip a bit of shrimp into Ali's soup to trigger her allergy. When questioned about it, she tried to make excuses until Ali's children revealed that both Blair and her husband actually laughed at Ali as she was dying.
    • "My sister almost died from her allergy": Michelle is allergic to wheat, so when her boyfriend’s mother offered her some bread, she immediately refused. The mother then fake cried about it, enraging the boyfriend and the rest of the family to the point where the boyfriend force feeds her some, and Michelle has to escape from the house and the family and get to an taxi to take her home before her allergy kills her.
    • "My daughter becomes unconscious after eating cake that my mother-in-law sent": Mindy Wice's 4-year-old daughter Lily was allergic to eggs, wheat, and buckwheat. This became a point of contention between her and her in-laws, who believed allergies weren't real and went out of their way to feed her products made of the stuff. Things escalated when they switched up an egg-and-wheat-free cake for one that contained the stuff to "make her overcome the allergy". In retaliation, Mindy's husband and his sister to get revenge on their parents by spreading mountain cedar pollen all over their house to trigger their allergies and act as dismissive as they were towards Lily.
    • "Mother-in-law serves meals with eggs even though I'm allergic to eggs": Samantha is allergic to eggs and her mother-in-law went out of their way to feed her anything with eggs. Even when her husband watches out for any eggs in Samantha's food, the MIL was stubborn and doubled down at her other son's celebration and made sure all the meals had eggs. However, when Samantha reveals her allergies, her BIL's fiancee Megan chewed the hag out since her sister was also allergic, but to wheat. As a result, the new couple cuts ties with the abusive MIL.
    • "Broke up with my abusive boyfriend who forced me to wear earrings": Ali was allergic to metal and even informed her boyfriend about it, but he gifted her earrings and forced her to put them on, causing her itches all over her body. When her best friend Katy came over to her house and Ali told her about it, she concocted a plan to get revenge on the abusive boyfriend consisting of camping in the woods and sending him out for firewood until he landed on poison ivy.
    • "My boss punched me in the face because…": Ali was allergic to seafood, which was one of many things that worsened her conflict with her boss, especially when she rejected his advances. Furthermore, he deliberately made reservations at a seafood restaurant to spite her and force her to eat said food.


  • Crypts and Cantrips: Turns out The king is allergic to a posion that should have taken weeks or month to kill him, so instead he dies within hours.
  • Volume 2 of Ennui GO! reveals that Amoral Attorney Venus is allergic to whale cum. This allergy is what drives her vendetta against Izzy as the latter unknowingly splashed a bucket full of the stuff on her, severely scarring her face and blinding one of her eyes.
  • Double subverted in Homestuck. John is mentioned early on to be deathly allergic to peanuts, but it doesn't come up for him beyond a few narration asides. Later on, Jake's dreamself, who is an alternate universe counterpart of John's genetic father, is discovered dead. Cause of death? The Courtyard Droll force-feeding him peanuts in his sleep.
    • Of course, being Courtyard Droll, he actually just stuffed so many unshelled peanuts in his mouth that he choked.
  • Jupiter-Men: Bearers of the Star Seed are able to get a vague feeling of cosmic energy activity when a starstruck monster or supervillain has appeared. In Quintin's case, he tends to sneeze a thick, gooey mucus when he gets that feeling of where the cosmic energy is.
  • In Kevin & Kell, while running Herd Thinners, Angelique manages to apply an allergen to Kell that leaves Lindesfarne (a hedgehog) unable to live with her without spraying quills every time she sneezes, at least until it's found out and Kell gets it cleaned off. Lindesfarne does manage to get revenge, with the help of one of Angelique's skunk step-children.
  • In Las Lindas, during the 'party' arc, Miles' "The Reason You Suck" Speech for his girlfriend/ex-girlfriend Taffy gets countered by one of these. When he complains that he'd never know if "one more bouquet of flowers" could get her to finally put out, she simply says "I'm allergic to flower pollen. You'd know that if you'd ever gotten me any." Ouch.
    • Also, atypically enough, her flower allergy did come up earlier, in a non-romantic example of this trope - Digit tried to give her a bunch of flowers to say she was sorry about a previous mishap, only for the flower allergy to ruin her attempt.
  • The Petri Dish: In one strip, Thaddeus has hay fever and tries to blame it on "tree sexism", since he feels there wouldn't be so much pollen around if there were more female trees.
  • In PvP, at one point, Skull the Troll briefly dates a girl who works in a nearby cafeteria. A while later, a mutual friend reminds him that he's been neglecting her, and he rushes off to see her with some flowers. Only, it turns out that she's allergic to them, and he's forgotten it. He knew that might happen, and ALSO brought chocolates. Which, as it turns out, she's also allergic to.
  • Questionable Content:
    • A bump on the road in Faye's relationship here with Angus happens when she give him a coffee with milk and he ends up spending some time in the toilet in gastrointestinal distress.
    • Shortly after Marten starts dating Dora, he surprises her with some roses. The inevitable result is anaphylactic shock, but contrary to the more common results of this trope, Dora actually feels sorry for Marten since he's had an attempt at romance blow up in his face...

Web Original 

  • How to Hero mentions allergies as a topic of friction that might come up within a superhero's support-squad. Citing Karen, the mutant-toucan handler who is allergic to peanuts, as an example.
  • Looming Gaia: Being a lycanthrope, Evan is allergic to silver. In “Evangelites Skip, Matuzans Sway" Jelani invites him for dinner, and all the untensils are made of silver. This leads to him only eating finger food and cracking his tooth on an ekumela pit, which leads to him going to the dentist and Dr. Asha finding out about his lycanthropy.
  • Neopets:
    • Skeiths are allergic to cheese (but strangely, not to other dairy), and it gives them a Polka-Dot Disease called "neezles".
    • Tonus get the same disease from a certain type of Neopian fruit called 'Neggs'.
    • If a Quiggle eats cream (though, again, not all dairy), they will either get neezles as well or they will get jitters (hyperactivity).
    • Kyriis are allergic to apples; when they eat them, they get a disease called itchy scratchies.

Web Video 

  • AirPro Texts: Ana has a lot of allergies and has to eat special foods. Despite this, Nate and his mother believe that they could "cure" Ana's allergies by feeding her allergens. Against the advice of the doctors and his wife, Nate decided to pack a lunch full of Ana's allergens. Fortunately her teacher stopped her before she could eat much but she had to be rushed to the hospital. When Nate's wife found out, she was furious and divorced him.
  • In Sam & Mickey's The Barbie Cooking Show Episode 2, Barbie needs to find a new co-host after Chelsea's allergy to almonds lands her in the ICU after handling the first ingredient of Barbie's red velvet cake recipe — almond meal flour.
  • In Dragon Ball Abridged, turns out Goku is allergic to grapes. When Future Trunks gives Goku his cholesterol medication, he has to be convinced by Trunks that it's actually bacon-flavored because it was grapes and he hates grapes. Turns out he's so allergic to them, he turns purple and starts sweating purple.
  • Guess the Build: Due to Impulse's 3rd episode being themed around Fractured Fairy Tales, Grian's initial build prompt plays off of Jack and the Beanstalk, except Jack happens to be allergic to the beanstalk, causing his hands and face to swell severely when he's in contact with it.

Western Animation 

  • In an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball, Darwin suddenly sneezes a lot, and is assumed to have an allergy to stupidity, so the characters attempt to find a cure before it worsens. In the end, it's revealed that he isn't allergic to stupidity, he just has a feather from a pillow fight stuck in his gills.
  • Arthur:
    • In one episode, Binky is revealed to be allergic to peanuts, for similar reasons as the below Daniel Tiger example. Binky's peanut allergy is occasionally mentioned in later installments. In the same episode it's also revealed Jenna is allergic to milk.
    • The episode "Poor Muffy" has Muffy need to move in with Francine for a week due to an allergy to her carpets.
  • Baymax!: Mbita works a fish soup foodtruck. However, that changes when he develops an allergy toward fish. The premise of his episode is him learning to accept that he can no longer work with fish.
  • Blaze and the Monster Machines: Gasquatch has an excessive allergy to purple truckberries; whenever he's near just a bushel, he lets out a Sneeze of Doom. Becomes a plot point in the climax when Crusher is stuck on Mud Mountain with a storm could coming at him, and Blaze decides to use Gasquatch's allergy to sneeze the cloud away.
  • The Bots Master. Ziv Zulander and his sister almost fell victims to this trope.
  • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids. Mr. Socrates, the artificially intelligent computer who sent the team on missions was allergic to dogs, one of which is the Team Pet.
  • In an episode of CatDog "Sneezie Dog," Dog suddenly develops an allergy. They go to the doctor, who thinks that Dog may be allergic to Cat. Winslow decides to help Dog out, and takes the opportunity to torture Cat, as usual, up to shaving him bald and placing a brick wall between them. Eventually they find out Dog is actually allergic to Winslow, and they shave him bald as payback.
  • In Central Park, Molly takes a chance to kiss her crush Brendan, only for it to trigger his peanut allergy since she had just eaten Peanut Butter Parfait ice cream. His face swells up and he has to give himself an epipen injection before staggering off. The plot continues into the next episode, when Brendan doesn't text Molly back and a rumor spreads at her school about a girl who killed a boy from a different school because of a "peanut butter kiss". Molly worries that she either killed Brendan, or that he survived and won't forgive her (it turns out to be neither - Brendan accidentally left his phone with Molly, which Molly forgot).
  • Averted in Dan Vs.. Dan is lactose intolerant, and it is not only portrayed fairly realistically (consuming dairy causes him gastric distress, though said distress and the amount required to cause it are both exaggerated for comedic effect), but it also remains consistent throughout the series.
  • Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood has an episode in which Daniel is revealed to be allergic to peaches, mainly to serve the show's purpose of teaching children about this subject matter. He's taught what to do to help others to deal with his own allergy as well, such as making sure to ask before eating anything if it has any peaches in it and also informing others of his allergy, so they know to be sure to keep it in mind.
  • In Detentionaire, Lee's father and the Serpent share an allergy to fish, which foreshadows the reveal that the latter is the long-lost son of the former. Lee also takes advantage of the allergy while fighting the latter through some good old Shamu Fu.
  • In Dragons: Race to the Edge, Fishlegs starts sneezing a lot and becoming strangely itchy, especially when around his dragon Meatlug. He later discovers that Gobber had been using his own earwax on Meatlug's saddle, and that's what he was allergic to, causing Fishlegs to note that he's both "relieved and disturbed".
  • The Duckman episode "Days of Whining and Neurosis" features a grotesque murder by lactose intolerance.
  • DuckTales (1987), "A DuckTales Valentine": The kids convince Aphroducky that she's allergic to money so that Scrooge will be forced to choose between her and his fortune. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the desired effect.
  • In one episode of Dudley Do-Right, Dudley reveals to Nell that he's allergic to marigolds. Snidely Whiplash finds out and creates a suit made of marigolds so Dudley can't arrest him.
  • Franklin had one in which Franklin kept sneezing. The characters tested a number of possible causes and finally concluded that he was allergic to his best friend, Bear, as he only sneezed when he was around Bear or handled things that Bear gave to him. The two stayed apart for a while, but Franklin eventually decided he didn't mind sneezing if he could play with his best friend. He then found that he didn't sneeze around Bear when Bear was covered in mud. Then, when he went to Bear's house, he got a bath and it was discovered that it was actually the new bubble bath that Bear was using that was causing the sneezing.
  • One Garfield and Friends episode, his owner Jon finally finds a girl...But it turns out that she is allergic to cats at the very end, and the status quo is restored.
  • The Ghost and Molly McGee: In "Innocent Until Proven Ghostly", Scratch is accused of eating a cake that Molly's dad made as an anniversary gift. Scratch insists he didn't touch the cake, even when the evidence points in his direct. Molly realizes why when she remembers the cake contains carob, and clears Scratch's name by revealing that he has a carob allergy (which isn't fatal, since he's a ghost, but still causes his body to temporarily swell until it fills the house).
  • Grojband:
    • Four episodes show that Corey's allergic to cats, specifically cat dander, since the cats featured in the episode "Super Zeroes" doesn't have any, while the cats featured in "One Plant Band" (which also incidentally snapped him out of his brainwashing) and "Love in an Nethervator" do.
    • In "Kon-Fusion" and "Pop Goes the Bubble", Trina is allergic to bread crust and bubbles.
  • JoJo's Circus: JoJo has a plot allergy to merryberries, a type of berry found only within the show's setting of Circus Town. In "Tickled Pink," JoJo eats some merryberries, which causes her nose to swell and honk and her skin to turn pink and tingly. Fortunately, she visits her friendly family doctor, Skeebo's mother Dr. Seltzer, who gives her an easy cure — to pat her tummy and rub her nose, then rub her tummy and give her nose a pat. The moral of the story is to never eat a food you're allergic to, don't be afraid to tell someone of your allergy, and to consult a doctor on how to treat your allergies.
  • Katie and Orbie is another kids show that teaches about food allergies: Katie and Orbie's friend Brynn is allergic to eggs, so she always asks before eating anything if it has eggs in it, and wears an allergy alert ID bracelet.
  • King of the Hill: Bobby suddenly develops an allergy to dog dander late in season 5, which, when Hank refuses to put down or otherwise give up Ladybird, results in them trying medication and then, when that doesn't seem to work, putting Ladybird in a custom doghouse — which Bobby ends up moving into instead when Ladybird doesn't like it. Lampshaded by the doctor who gives the diagnosis, who tells the Hills that "allergies come and go"; sure enough, Bobby's over the allergy by the halfway point, with the rest of the plot dealing with his refusal to move back out of the doghouse.
  • Miraculous Ladybug:
    • Adrien/Chat Noir is allergic to feathers, which comes up in the episode where he and Ladybug have to fight a pigeon-themed akuma.
    • In "Animaestro", the fictional version of Thomas Astruc is said to be allergic to almonds (his real-life counterpart has confirmed that this was made up for the plot) — as a result, all of the macarons made for the Ladybug movie premiere were made with coconut instead. All except the special macaron that Marinette wanted to give Adrien, which Astruc ends up accidentally eating, finishing off a long Humiliation Conga that leads to him getting akumatized.
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot: Jenny mentioning Sheldon’s flower allergy is what causes a (currently diseased by the meteor dust) Sheldon to become incredibly aggressive towards all flowers.
  • My Little Pony:
    • My Little Pony 'n Friends:
      • "The Glass Princess, Part 4": Gusty realizes that she is, of all things, allergic to pigs. Given that their main foe right now is a pig and that constant sneezing makes stealth a touch difficult, this proves to be somewhat of a problem.
      • "The Magic Coins, Part 3": Niblik is terribly allergic to roses, which very inconveniently for the heroes nixes any value their first treasure, a magic rose, might have for bargaining with him.
    • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
      • "On Your Marks": Applebloom turns out to be allergic to bees, stopping her from doing beekeeping with Sweetie Belle.
      • "Princess Spike": The trees planted around the convention center are "dragon-sneeze trees", whose pollen causes terrible sneezing fits in dragons. A flood from a busted water main carries some of their branches along just in time to induce a fit of fiery sneezing from Spike, which causes the convention's decorative statue to collapse and adds to the ongoing chaos.
      • "Molt Down": Rarity's hearing loss from handling phoenix feathers allows her to be in Zecora's hut without noticing Spike despite his involuntary volume shifts.
      • "Ail-icorn": Twilight's powers wonk out when she gets hay fever.
  • A Running Gag in PAW Patrol is Chase's missions being hindered by his allergies to cats and birds.
  • On Peg + Cat in "The Allergy Problem," Peg fears that she might be allergic to Cat, but turns out to actually be allergic to four-leaf clovers. They make her sneeze. This one can be chalked up as Artistic License – Biology, since four-leaf covers aren't chemically any different from regular clovers, they just have an extra leaf. If four-leaf clovers caused someone to sneeze, then surely regular ones would as well (though perhaps she is allergic to all clovers, sicne the four-leafed one was just the one that was under her hat).
  • In the Pet Alien episode "Terror in my Nose", Tommy suddenly becomes allergic to Dinko, to the point where simply getting close sends him into a sneezing fit. It turns out that this is because Dinko forgot to put on hair gel that day; the scent of the gel blocks Dinko's own scent and allows Tommy to be around him without his allergies acting up.
  • Punky Brewster: In "Growing Pain," Glomer (Punky's magical friend) is allergic to pepperoni. It makes him sneeze which in turn makes him grow. It complicates things as Punky is competing against Margaux in creating a local parade float.
  • The Real Ghostbusters: Subverted in "Something's Coming Around", where Peter appears sick, and a doctor claims that he's allergic to ghosts and has to resign from his job as a ghost hunter, but it turns out that the doctor is evil and caused the symptoms in Peter (and later, the rest of the Ghostbusters) using supernatural potato chips.
  • In one episode of Regal Academy, the students are tasked with finding a plant that has only recently been discovered, so they don't have any idea of what it looks like. Astoria remembers the teacher mentioning dragons are allergic to it, and figures they'll find it at a pond the dragons always avoid. Once they do find the plant, they confirm it's the right one by having a dragon sniff it, making him start sneezing.
  • Regular Show: Played with in "Eggscellent". Rigby enters a contest where he must eat a gigantic twelve-egg omelet in order to win a hat. Problem is, he's allergic to eggs. This does not stop him from trying anyway (he really wants that hat!), and a Gilligan Cut later he's being rushed to the hospital, causing a Last Crusade-esque plot to kick in.
  • In Rugrats, the babies believe Chuckie is allergic to Kimi since he begins to sneeze whenever she's near him or passes by him. Fearing that the adults would get rid of her if they find out, they try to keep him away from Kimi. It later turned out that Kimi had a bunch of dandelions in her diaper which she was planning to give to Chuckie as a gift.
  • In Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated, Daphne's allergies have been the key to major clues at least twice. In episode 2, the fake gator belts setting off her allergy to imitation animal products lets the kids crack the counterfeit gator ring, while in episode 4, her lack of a reaction to the Man-Crab despite a severe seafood allergy clues Velma in to the fact that the Man-Crab isn't really a crab.
  • The Secret of NIMH: Jeremy's cat allergy, warning them that the farmer's cat is near and distracting him when Dragon does arrive.
  • Sid the Science Kid has "The Reason Sid's Sneezin'" which brings the learning aspect again as Sid learns about allergies after discovering that he's allergic to pollen like his father.
  • The Simpsons
    • Bart finds out about Principal Skinner's allergy (peanuts) and uses it to manipulate him; later it turns out Bart has a similar allergy (shrimp) and violence ensues. This is not mentioned elsewhere, and Bart has had no problem eating at the Frying Dutchman seafood restaurant.
    • When Homer gets a job with Hank Scorpio and moves to Cypress Creek, Lisa is allergic to the pollen from the plants that grow there, and is one of the reasons why they had to move back to Springfield.
  • In The Smurfs episode "The Sky Is Smurfing, The Sky Is Smurfing", Papa Smurf comes down with an allergy which happens around the same time that a volcano named Mount St. Smurf is preparing to erupt. However, nobody is able to connect the dots together that Papa Smurf is allergic to volcanic dust until the eruption occurs and he calls for all the Smurfs to evacuate the village.
  • The Sofia the First episode "When You Wish Upon a Well" reveals that King Roland is allergic to cats, so Amber, upset that he's been spending more time with Sofia than her, wishes that he was allergic to her sister, which results in Sofia turning into a cat.
  • The Spider-Man (1981) episode "Lizards, Lizards Everywhere" had Spider-Man have difficulty taking down the Lizard because of sneezing fits. After he finally manages to defeat the Lizard and consults a doctor, he is informed that the sneezing was because he was allergic to reptiles.
  • In the Sponge Bob Squarepants episode "Unreal Estate," Squidward purposefully evokes this trope by filling SpongeBob's foghorn alarm clock with pepper to make him sneeze nonstop and think he's allergic to his pineapple house, forcing him to move away.
  • In Storm Hawks, Junko is allergic to Murk Raiders and Sky Sharks, both of which cause him to release Sneezes of Doom.
  • Teen Titans: Starfire's allergy to a metal used in a certain bomb (and lots of other stuff).
  • In The Tick episode "Bloomsday" Arthur uses his hayfever to track down the missing 400 year bloom.
  • Thunder and the House of Magic: Thunder, a magician's cat, uses Daniel's cat allergies against him in order to keep him out of the house and selling it behind the owner's back. Usually, just a tail across the face or even just simply sitting around inside the house is enough to get him out the door. However, the payout from selling the house is high enough to motivate Daniel to keep coming back, and even Daniel wisens up to the tactic over time, usually by either using his nose to look for the cat or putting on a hazmat suit to venture in the house without risking a breakout, making this an example of both Movement Restriction and Detection Allergy.
  • Total Drama: Allergies come up a lot as reasons why a particular contestant can't go through with a challenge or otherwise fails in a goal. All allergies are limited to a single episode, either because they're so obscure that they could only come up once or just because the writing is inconsistent.
    • Noah's first line when he arrives at Wawanakwa Island in "Not So Happy Campers - Part 1" is to ask Chris if he got his memo about his life-threatening allergies. With the exception of an allergy to panda dander in "Super Crazy Happy Fun Time in Japan", none of these allergies play a role in the story and the line seems to be to establish Noah as uptight.
    • Leshawna does not want to slice pineapples during the cooking contest in "If You Can't Take the Heat..." because she's allergic. Heather forces her to power through it, but it only takes seconds for Leshawna to break out in hives. Heather tells her she'll just have to not scratch until after the contest, provoking Leshawna into vengeance.
    • Harold opts out of the reverse-William Telling contest in "Who Can You Trust?" because he's violently allergic to apples.
    • Leshawna is the only contestant not to eat pizza in "One Flu Over the Cuckoos" because she's mildly lactose intolerant and her bowels will protest if she eats the cheese-covered snack.
    • In "Dial M for Merger", Courtney angrily retorts that she's lactose intolerant when she's asked if she's happy to have won a trip to a local cheese factory.
    • In "Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 1", Ezekiel reveals that he has a peanut allergy when Chris says that people who get to stay receive a barf bag filled with peanuts. He nuances it a beat later by calling it a peanut sensitivity, but Chris has enough of him already and throws him out of the plane.
    • Noah skips out of a challenge that involves pandas in "Super Crazy Happy Fun Time in Japan", because panda dander makes him break out in hives. Tyler notes that he has the same allergy, so Alejandro volunteers to take the round.
    • Cody brings up his deadly allergies that can send him into anaphylactic shock in "The Am-AH-Zon Race". Chris acknowledges the particular danger a trek through the Amazon Rainforest poses for him by handing Gwen an epipen to use if necessary. This is despite Sierra's insistence she gets to hold onto the epipen, which she supports by listing all of Cody's allergies: black ants, brown ants, red ants, bejo beads, wolf spiders, katydid crickets, the clear-winged Cithaerias pireta butterfly, and goat saliva. Some time later, he gets bitten by a red ant after his epipen has gone to waste. Sierra saves him by sucking out the poison.
    • The tie-breaker challenge as to whom will be eliminated between Courtney and Gwen in "Picnic at Hanging Dork" involves feeding koalas eucalyptus leaves without using one's hands. Courtney wins this one because Gwen is allergic to eucalyptus leaves. Not only do they make her sneeze, but as she has no recourse but to use her mouth, her face and in particular her eyes swell up.
    • At the campfire ceremony in "Heroes vs. Villains", Gwen brings Courtney flowers as a sign of good faith. But as it turns out, Courtney is allergic to those flowers and begins sneezing.
    • Zoey is allergic to dog hair and therefore has to abandon her climb in "The Obsta-Kill Course" halfway through when she realizes the rope is made of dog hair. Her allergic response is light sneezing.
    • Dave claims to be allergic to bee stings, tomatoes, weed, peanuts, flowers, mountain lion dander, and most fruit-flavored gums in "Twinning Isn't Everything", but concedes that it's a suspicion and that he's never been officially tested for any of it. The claim that he's allergic to flowers is corroborated in "Mo' Monkey, Mo' Problems", because he sneezes every time he sniffs one.
  • Totally Spies!: In "Wild Style", the girls sneak into the lair of a villain who is turning people into animals to make fashion out of them. While Clover is turning into a leopard, Alex blows their cover when her allergy to cats acts up.
  • Wallace & Gromit: Wallace's first potential love interest (Wendolene) is allergic to dairy, dooming the relationship since Wallace's Trademark Favorite Food is cheese and he can't bear to be without someone who doesn't also eat it.
  • Wander over Yonder: In "The Flower", Lord Dominator is about to crush a dying flower Wander and Sylvia have spent the whole episode trying to save, when it spews a cloud of pollen in her face. Turns out Dominator has hay fever and she starts sneezing uncontrollably, giving Wander and Sylvia time to grab the flower and escape.
  • We Bare Bears: Panda is allergic to both nuts and cats, which comes up more than once:
    • In "Panda's Date", Panda accidentally eats a cookie with nuts in it, which triggers a severe allergic reaction; when Lucy, a nearby grocer, administers an Epipen injection, he falls in love with her. But Love Makes You Dumb, and his jealousy and possessiveness lead to Panda acting in weird ways, culminating in him eating Lucy's Thai meal, which has peanuts in it, ruining the date.
    • In "Lucy's Brother", both Panda and Clifford (the titular brother) accidentally get peanut butter on them while the former is babysitting the latter, but manage to save each other with an Epipen injection.
    • In "The Kitty", the first sign that the stray cat the bears take in isn't a normal cat is that Panda's allergies aren't affected by it. Sure enough, it turns out to actually be a baby cougar, and brings some adult cougars to the cave while the bears are out.