Practically Joker - TV Tropes
- ️Sun May 26 2019
"Practically Joker" may refer to:
- Arch-Enemy: A character's most prominent, and often most personal, foe.
- Ax-Crazy: A mentally unstable character prone to spontaneous acts of extreme violence.
- Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: Anarchists depicted as villains whose only goal is to cause chaos and destruction.
- Bright Is Not Good: A villain wears or is associated with bright and vivid colours.
- Chaos Is Evil: Villains seek to bring about chaos in some shape or form.
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: Villains don't get jokes, and/or tell twisted ones.
- Expy: A character is clearly and deliberately based on another from a different work.
- Fountain of Expies: A character who has inspired a large number of imitations.
- For the Evulz: A villain commits evil deeds because they are evil, and for no other reason.
- Green and Mean: The colour green is used to indicate villainy.
- The Hyena: A character who is prone to laughing. A lot.
- Laughably Evil: A villain who is humorous or entertaining.
- Laughing Mad: Uncontrollable laughter that demonstrates a mental breakdown or insanity.
- Monster Clown: An evil clown.
- Secondary-Color Nemesis: Green, orange and purple are common colours for villains, due to their negative connotations, eye-catching nature, and contrast with stereotypical "hero" colors.
- Straw Nihilist: An over-the-top depiction of nihilist beliefs.
See also ReferencedBy.Batman, for works making direct allusions to the adventures of the Caped Crusader.
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