Punched Across the Room - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Jan 14 2008

Punched Across the Room (trope)

The Hulk trains for the new Olympic sport, "human being throw".

Hand-to-hand variations of Blown Across the Room. In movies and video games, punches and kicks send you flying, usually in the direction of something breakable. Never results in anything worse than Blood from the Mouth, though in real life such strikes have been known to cripple, concuss or even kill the victim.

This might be because you're Made of Iron, and thus punches that are known to pierce cement or steel can't harm you, or it might simply be that martial arts activate the Rule of Cool. Very often the result of a Megaton Punch, and expect A Twinkle in the Sky if the receiver goes airborne due to the punch.

Nearly every example involves superhuman, or above average strength. So, it's usually excusable. Also note that while the trope is named after room examples, it also encapsulates plenty of larger-scale knockback examples.

Sometimes, the Monster of the Week is too busy throwing the hero around to Just Hit Him. May lead to a Meteor Move. When played for humor, often results in The Pratfall.

Sub-Trope of Knockback. In video games, this may result in a Ring Out.


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  • Punchy, of Hawaiian Punch fame, used to punch people all the time, sometimes right through walls.
  • Happens in the 2014's Kia Forte's Super Bowl XLVII Car Ad. When one unsuspecting auto enthusiast gets a little too touchy-feely with the all-new 2014 Kia Forte compact sedan exhibit, a futuristic female robot punches him across the room.


  • Happy Friends: In episode 49, Doctor H., wondering if Miss Peach asking him out on a date is a dream or not, asks Happy S. to punch him to check to see if he's dreaming. Happy S. misses the cue that a light punch would work best and punches Doctor H. so hard that he is sent flying into the television behind him.
  • Mechamato: Between Mechamato and the various robots, there's enough strength to go around that it's not uncommon for a blow to send someone flying.

Anime & Manga 

  • Many Shōnen anime series do this, such as Dragon Ball and Naruto. One scene from the latter happens during the big Naruto vs. Sasuke fight. Naruto, having previously collapsed, is covered in the Kyuubi's chakra. He stands up and delivers a solid punch right in the middle of Sasuke's face, sending him tumbling several meters through the air.
  • When Afro Samurai's Afro goes into a tavern and orders a lemonade, a huge hulking brute approaches him from behind to take the No. 2 Headband for himself. When he smashes Afro's drink in an attempt to intimidate him, Afro signals for another drink on the man's tab. Enraged, he attacks Afro, only for the warrior to backhand him so forcefully that he flies across the bar and through the front wall. Oh, and he dies, too.
  • The Rogue Titan does this a couple of times in Attack on Titan, punching various Titans and sending them flying.
  • Ayakashi Triangle: Matsuri flies up directly in front of Sosuke as he pursues Suzu, catching him by surprise before punching him in the face so hard he bounces along the ground.
  • In Barefoot Gen, the children fight a lot, and even adults beat them regularly. Gen is nearly always thrown into a wall because of a grown-up's uppercut.
  • In Black God, Kuro is able to do this against Keita's teacher after synchronizing her powers with Keita.
  • Bungo Stray Dogs: It happens to Dazai a couple of times at the hands of his current and former partners. When Kunikida does it, it's usually Played for Laughs as his reaction to Dazai annoying him; when Chuya does it, it's more serious, as they're actually fighting and Chuya happens to be the best martial artist in the Port Mafia.
  • A Certain Magical Index:
    • Touma Kamijou often launches people through the air when he punches them, especially if he gets a running or jumping start. The punchee sometimes makes a crater on landing. Taken to the extreme when he punches Princess Carissa after getting a warm-up from being used as a Fastball Special by Acqua of the Back, where his punch not only breaks her weapon, but hits her in the face so hard she goes flying clean through part of the wrecked Buckingham Palace and lands several kilometers away.
    • Accelerator once knocked Awaki into a building in the distance by punching her.
  • Charlotte: Nao is subjected to this in episode 11 when some rogue ability users attack her in her apartment at night. She is hit rather hard and is knocked out by said punch.
  • A male-on-female example in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School Despair Arc. Hajime Hinata, in his alternate identity as Izuru Kamakura, backhanded Mukuro Ikusaba which sent her flying and hitting a wall after he had knocked her sister Junko Enoshima to the floor and stepped on her. His actions were justified since he was defending himself from both Junko's and Mukuro's attempted assaults.
  • In Death Note, when L and Light are handcuffed together, they have a fistfight that leads to a few moments like this. Of course, since they are handcuffed together, they send themselves flying as well. The only furniture harmed is a couch.
  • Happens surprisingly rarely in Dorohedoro, considering the amount of super-strong characters. Probably because they tend to punch through people and get their arms stuck.
  • At one point in Dragon Ball GT, Super Saiyan Kid Goku literally punched Super Android 17 across the world.
  • Dragon Half. Mink gets really angry when Clothing Damage happens to her (she wanted her love interest to be the first one to see her boobs), and winds up not only doing a Ring Out to her opponent, she also breaks through his magical Wave Motion Sword. With a single punch.
  • In Durarara!!, Shizuo throws a punch that's not only strong enough to throw a man down the street but also rip him out of his clothes.
  • Fate/stay night:
  • GaoGaiGar: During the battle between GaoGaiGar and Palparepa, it is first Genesic GaoGaiGar that gets punched around. Then the table turns, and Palparepa gets punched through 2 skyscrapers and a bridge, in just one punch, during a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, and a quite awesome one at that.
  • In Hajime no Ippo it's more like punched across the ring, but Ippo sends Hisato flying across the mat, flipping in the air until he finally rolls to a stop and is declared K.O.'d. It was Ippo's first and last punch in that match to boot, after taking a counter that was considered to be the equivalent of Two Tons of weight behind it.
    • Later, during the climax of the Taihei arc, Ippo slaps Taihei so hard that he goes flying a good 15 feet away and knocks him unconscious. It was damaging enough that upon recovering, Taihei didn't even know what had happened.
  • Here is Greenwood: In the drama, Mitsuru starts the library fight with one of these, sending Shinobu into a bookcase.
  • Higurashi: When They Cry:
    • Done in a dramatic scene by Satoshi to Shion, when she beats his sister Satoko. Also done by Satoko to Keiichi; the latter is particularly jarring because Keiichi is twice her size and seems to be pushed back at least five feet.
    • Done in another not-so-serious scene in Rei, where Satoko gets launched AT LEAST 10 feet by a Rena-paunch for trying to break up the Les Yay between Miyo and Rena.
  • This happens to Inuyasha's title character all the time, although usually the "breakable" thing he slams into is a cliff.
    • Played straight once when he transforms into a human: in a hand-to-hand fight with an evil sage, he winds up getting punched into an urn full of human-faced fruit, which then shatters.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The series iconic use of Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs has the heroes unleashing such oversized assaults to their opponents, they end up getting blasted halfway towards the opposite direction. In Stone Ocean, Jotaro is forced to do this to his own daughter (with little warning) in order for the two to escape an enemy Stand user. Suffice to say, she was not pleased.
  • Jujutsu Kaisen: After finding that the assistant managers have been attacked, a seething Nanami walks up to Haruta's position, decks him across the mall where he was fighting Nobara and, upon confirming he's the one responsible, punches him so hard he's sent flying across the street. It's later revealed that Nanami's punches were so strong, in fact, that if it weren't for Haruta's cursed technique he would've died several times over.
  • In Kemono Michi, this is one of many fates that have befallen those who have called Genzo the Demon Beast Killer to his face.
  • When Kinnikuman finishes training under Prince Kamehame, he demonstrates the fruits by punching one of Jesse Mavia's flunkies into the moon. Kinnikuman then comments that if the moon hadn't been in the way, the poor schlub would have flown to Pluto.
  • In the K-On! manga, Mugi accidentally does this to Akira after the latter offers to let the former slap her as an apology for making her cry.
  • Naru gets one of these in Love Hina, from a very upset Kanako.
  • A few times in Lovely★Complex when mad at Otani, Risa punches him so hard he flies back several feet.
  • The Familiars and more melee-oriented Belkan magic users of Lyrical Nanoha can do this, sometimes accompanied by a magic boost or a Power Fist to give their punches and kicks that extra oomph.
  • Medaka Box: Mainly done for comedy, but this happens to Medaka's older brother after he hugged her, resulting in her instantly entering her Perses mode. He's fine, though.
  • Mekakucity Actors: This happens to Kido when Kuroha emerges as she tries to get the others to run.
  • For a Harem Comedy protagonist, Kimihito Kurusu of Monster Musume fame is quite strong, as demonstrated when he sends flying both a racist dude and his girlfriend with one punch at the beginning of the manga/anime. He does this again with the con man posing as a director of documentaries later on, also breaking his camcorder in the process.
  • When Natsume of Natsume's Book of Friends gets really worked up he can punch a youkai clear across a room, even if it's several times larger than him. This is solely due to his strong Soul Power, though, so it's useless against humans.
  • One Piece:
    • This is how the battle at Arlong Park starts; Luffy walks right up to Arlong and punches him right out of his chair, sending the shark-man into an adjacent wall.
    • Sanji defeats Kuroobi by delivering a barrage of kicks and finishing him off with one kick that hits so hard he's sent flying into, through, and out of Arlong Park.
    • A comedic example that happens to Luffy is in the Drum Island arc when he suggests chucking a barrel of cold water on a then-ill Nami to make her fever drop. Vivi and Sanji weren't amused, and promptly sent him flying to the other side of the room before casually resuming their conversation.
    • Luffy punches the Celestial Dragon Saint Charlos on the Sabaody islands. Charlos had really pissed him off.
    • Luffy demonstrates Gear Fourth by decking Doflamingo hard enough to send him to the city center. The actual punch happened in a castle outside the city entirely. Several of Luffy's Gear Fourth attacks continue to send him flying across the city until his final attack sends him crashing underground.
    • Luffy defeats Charlotte Cracker this way using his Gomu Gomu no Cannonball technique. He sends Cracker plowing through the remaining biscuit soldiers, the Seducing Woods, and all the way to Sweet City, the capital of Whole Cake Island several miles from where the fight was taking place. Once they find him, Cracker's siblings become terrified to learn he had come from so far away.
    • At one point in a flashback during the Wano arc, the Whitebeard Pirates make landfall on an island the Roger Pirates are also on, having just defeated a bunch of Navy soldiers. Oden decides to run ahead of them and challenge Roger to a fight, only to promptly get sent flying across the island with a single blow.
    • The Wano Country arc offers several examples:
      • Once Who's Who Fantastic Racism enrages him enough, Jinbe defeats him by decking him in the face so hard he's sent flying across the large room they were fighting in.
      • Sanji sends Queen flying across a hallway with Hell Memories but fails to finish him off because of Queen's thick dinosaur hide. Then he upgrades Diable Jambe to Ifrit Jambe and kicks him again, this time sending Queen flying across the entirety of Onigashima.
      • Luffy finishes off Kaido by using Gear Fifth to grow his fist larger than Onigashima, then punching Kaido's dragon form into a magma chamber deep beneath Wano itself.
  • Ranma ½: Ranma gets punched across the room in the first movie.
  • In Rebuild of Evangelion, Unit 01 uses a made-of-sheer-willpower replacement left arm, that transforms into a projectile AT-Field and shoots an Angel halfway across the Geofront and Shinji could probably have punched Zeruel even further, if the Eldritch Abomination hadn't hit the side.
  • In Sailor Moon, a brainwashed Makoto was once at the receiving end of this, courtesy of Minako's kick. It nearly killed her.
  • Sakamoto Days: As Gaku raids a JAA office, he kills one opponent by smashing him in the head with his club, knocking him out the window and into a parking garage, where he bounces off the ground and into a truck window, landing face-first on the steering wheel's horn.
  • Samurai Deeper Kyo: Hotaru (courtesy of Yuan) and Kyo (courtesy of Shihodo and Akari), among others during intense fights. It also happens for comedic effect on a semi-regular basis.
  • The Sengoku Basara anime features Takeda Shingen doing this a lot to his Battle Butler Yukimura, usually while shouting his name out loudly.
  • Soul Eater: Black Star does this to Maka after an argument.
  • Tenchi Muyo!: Tenchi punched his friend Kazuhiko, who was twice his size, across the classroom to smash into the lockers in the first OVA. If it hadn't been a parody, it would have been a heinous act, because they weren't in a fight, Tenchi was a martial artist, and Kazuhiko's sole crime was to make a lewd joke. Tenchi also doesn't realize yet that he has superhuman strength (since all of his sparring is with his equally superhuman grandfather, he's got no frame of reference), though this incident really should've clued him in.
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann takes this trope, like it does with so many others, Serial Escalation when the newly-formed Arc Gurren-Lagann punches its enemy so hard that it falls out of the universe. Put simply, it hit emptiness so hard, emptiness broke.
  • Toriko: Over the course of the series, distance gradually increases from punches across the room to punches across the town, to punches across the continent — and even this was proven to not be the limit, when titular character punched Acacia so hard, that he circled the planet. In fact, Jiro sometimes disposes of tough enemies, by simply uppercutting them into space.
  • Yatterman Night: Boyacky's mecha flicked the first two Yattermen they encountered across the room and straight into another building.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!:
    • In the finale of Joey's duel against Valon, their armored fists collide, but Valon is the one knocked back.
    • This is also the usual result of Obelisk the Tormentor pounding an opponent with Fist of Fate.
  • In the preliminaries of the Demon World Unification Tournament in YuYu Hakusho, Yusuke punches all his opponents into the sky and out of the arena. While the objective was to remove the opponents' rings, either by making them say the number or killing them and removing the ring, all of Yusuke's opponents are disqualified by ring-out and he wins. Younger Toguro punches his own brother high into the sky, far away from Hanging Neck Island to prevent him from interfering with his fight. Younger Toguro can also punch the ground to rip up huge sections of it; in the English dub this is attributed to him releasing demon energy out through his punch for extra damage, but the Japanese original has him attribute it to the air pressure created by the force of his attacks.
    • In the movie Poltergeist Report, this happens to resident badass Hiei — he gets slammed into a skyscraper, then falls into a river, although he's perfectly fine a few moments later when he rescues the others from their impending boss fight.
  • Zatch Bell!: A fight involved Kiyomaro and Gash fighting against a man with a mother who had died, Shinichi, and his demon, a snotty self-proclaimed elite named Eshros. At one point in the fight, Kiyomaro gets so sick of Eshros manipulating Shinichi's love for his mother that he punches him across the room (or in this case, the schoolyard where they were fighting). He then says he just wants to beat the crap out of this guy.

Comic Books 

  • Asterix: Drinking the magic potion makes the Gaulish villagers able and eager to do this. The hapless Roman soldiers generally being punched straight out of their sandals.
  • Benoit Brisefer: Since the titular character is superhumanly strong, it inevitably happens to a lot of bad guys.
  • Daredevil: Daredevil does this a lot. But since he's street-level weight class, he's limited to literally knocking people across rooms. Still impressive in its own right.
  • In the 1980s parody comic DESTROY!!, the Red Basher goes berserk and demolishes Manhattan. When Captain Maximum tries to stop him, he ticks off the Red Basher so much that he winds up on the receiving end of his famous "Big Bang" punch — which sends Captain Maximum all the way to the moon.
  • Double Duck: The first time we see Agency's hand-to-hand combat instructor Bruce Wong, he announces to Donald he'll fake hitting him with a punch and then kicks him across the gym.
  • The Flash: Wally West once punched someone so hard that he/she was sent flying to somewhere in Africa, and they were in Mount Rushmore. He did it with the Infinite Mass Punch in which he travels at the speed of light.
  • The Halo Graphic Novel: One Flood Combat Form is able to knock Johnson across an entire room with its tentacles. Our good Sergeant's none the worse for wear, however, considering that (again) he's actually a Spartan-I.
  • The Incredible Hulk:
    • The Hulk when fighting the X-woman M: "Go be invulnerable in Jersey."
    • Also in the Punisher story "Confederacy of Dunces" set in New York. The Hulk punches Wolverine, but thankfully for him, he lands in a lake...before he's promptly arrested by the Boston PD.
    • Green Scar sends Deadpool into another state with a finger flick.
    • Hulk's cousin She-Hulk once punched Titania into Utah... from New York City.
    • A punch from The Sentry threw She-Hulk from Manhattan to New Jersey where She-Hulk catches a cab back to New York and pays back the favor to Sentry. He also opens his fight with World War Hulk by punching him across a city block.
  • Mortadelo y Filemón:
    • Exaggerated, to the point of characters getting punched into different countries and even into space.
    • Characters are also prone to kick others in the same way. One example: Filemón is almost dead after being shot in the stomach, and is in a wheelchair. The Súper (who was the indirect cause of him being shot) asks him how he is. The next frame has the Súper with a shoe-mark on his back after having landed on an igloo, asking himself how it could happen.
  • Powers: Walker once punched a guy so hard he flew into the moon and bounced off it at more than escape velocity.
  • Rat Queens: Maddie catches these twice in quick succession: once knocking her off a mountain precipice, and again by the Once and Future King.
  • Scott Pilgrim:
    • Scott once hit a guy so hard he saw the curvature of the Earth, never mind getting punched across the room.
    • Lynette punches Knives across a room so hard that her highlights fly out of her hair.
  • Shazam!:
    • Captain Marvel had a punch that was called the Megaton Punch. He only used it as a last resort on enemies that he thought could survive it.
    • In Captain Marvel Adventures issue #3, a crimelord called "Muscles" McGinnis attempts to knock Captain Marvel out, and ends smashed into a wall.
  • Sin City: Many punches thrown end with this or High-Pressure Blood. Sometimes it's both.
  • Spider-Man: In The Amazing Spider-Man (Lee & Ditko) #8, Peter and Flash Thompson, still hated enemies, have a boxing match. Peter's worried because he knows he could actually kill Flash with his spider-strength, so he decides to throw a punch but stops at the last instant and only hits Flash by flicking his fist at the wrist. That's still enough to send Flash flying out of the boxing ring, but because something distracted Flash just before the "punch" landed, everyone blames Peter for knocking Flash out when he wasn't looking.
  • Superman:
    • Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, Power Girl and other Kryptonians do this fairly frequently, except they are strong enough - and a lot of their enemies are tough enough — for "punched across the room" to become "punched across the city".
    • Superman once punched Lobo so hard that he broke the atmosphere. Justified, because he's Superman.
    • Likewise, Captain Atom once punched Superman so hard that Superman landed "somewhere in Connecticut" (the punch had been delivered in Manhattan).
    • The villain Paragon knocked Superman into orbit once. Justified because Paragon adapts the super-powers of everyone around him... including Superman.
    • In Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man, the two heroes are fighting and Spidey gets in the first couple of blows, which are unusually effective due to some interference from the villains. Superman, who doesn't know why Spidey hit him in the first place, responds as he would for an equally strong opponent, only to realise, just before his fist is about to land, that the punch will kill the wall-crawler. He pulls it, but the wind-blast caused by his moving fist is enough to blow Spidey several hundred yards away, including right through a skyscraper (in and out via windows, and the inside is an open-plan office, fortunately).
    • All-Star Superman was once punched so hard he slammed into the moon with enough force to break it in half.
    • Superman once stopped just short of hitting Black Adam with a punch that he claimed could have smashed the Moon.
    • Superman has even been on the receiving end of such an attack by Etrigan. The demon uppercutted him so hard, he went from the surface of the ground and smashed into the Moon.
    • War World: Martian Manhunter sends Superman flying at the beginning of their fight.
    • In The Third Kryptonian, Karsta Wor-Ul punches Superman across the Pacific Ocean when she first meets him.
    • In the Red Daughter of Krypton storyline, Supergirl punched an alien invader across a city.
    • In Krypton No More, Kara slugs her cousin when he refuses to help the Xonn. She hits him so hard that he goes flying and crashes into a wall.
    • In Many Happy Returns, Kara does this to one-time villain Rebel when they first fight.
    • Several examples in The Supergirl from Krypton (2004). In the first chapter, a random guy harasses Kara. She shoves him away and he goes flying and crashes into a pile of boxes. Later on, a Doomsday clone punches Superman so hard that Kal-El goes flying. And Darkseid does this to Batman several times during their fight.
    • In Bizarrogirl, the titular character getting punched through a city becomes a sort of gag: firstly, Bizarrogirl punches Supergirl through a sewer's ceiling and into a building. Then Supergirl extricates herself from the wall, looks for Bizarrogirl, and punches her out of Metropolis. Later, Bizarrogirl got tail-whipped across Bizarro Metropolis by a Godship's supplicant. Also, Godship threw Supergirl through the planet when she approached him.
    • In Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade, Streaky punches Belinda Zee across a room and through a wall.
    • In Who is Superwoman?, the titular villain confesses she intends to murder Kara after framing her for her own murders, and she adds Kara shouldn't bother resisting. In reaction, Kara punches her across the street and into a condemned building.
    • At least twice in Superman: Brainiac: As Superman explores Brainiac's ship, one of his "guinea pigs" attacks him. Superman quickly sends him flying with one punch. Later, Superman does this to Brainiac after the Coluan spends a long time threatening his family and insulting him and his people.

      Superman: Inflicting pain on others doesn't seem to bother you. It bothers me. Usually.

    • In Green Lantern story arc Sinestro Corps War, it happened most of times Superman fought, with everyone being punched across cities and whatnot.
    • It happens several times through Legion of Super-Heroes story The Great Darkness Saga. A Servant of Darkness punches Sun Boy far, far away during one battle in the Sorcerers' World. Two issues later, Supergirl body-slams Darkseid through one planet and follows through with punching him out of the atmosphere.
    • In Supergirl: Crucible, Roho proves to be strong enough to kick Supergirl across a hallway and smash her into a windowpane with enough force to crack it when they wrestle in the Academy's hallways.
    • In Two for the Death of One, Superman starts the final battle by punching Lord Satanis so hard that the sorcerer gets buried into the ground, and a mountain crumbles down onto him.
    • Last Daughter of Krypton:
      • Kara has just emerged out of her space pod when she is attacked by a group of mercenaries clad in powered armor. Still dazed and unaware of her own strength, she punches one of them and is utterly shocked when she sends him flying across the woodlands.
      • At the climax, Reign smashes Kara through several buildings with one single punch.
    • The Jungle Line: As fighting his hallucinations, Superman punches Swamp Thing several dozens of meters away.
    • The Killers of Krypton: As fighting Empress Gandelo in planet Taavar, Supergirl punches her enemy into the clouds, then flies up and punches her into the island beneath them, triggering an earthquake.
    • In Strangers at the Heart's Core, villain Klax-Ar engages Supergirl in New York City. She punches him so hard he crashes into the town of Midvale (which, according to some stories, was located in Illinois).
    • In Superman vs. Shazam!, Captain Marvel punches Superman so hard that he flies over several states.

      With all the power of Zeus, the World's Mightiest Mortal crashes full-out into the Man of Steel— and the sheer force of that blow carries them Northwest, toward the green hills of upstate New York!

    • In The Hunt for Reactron, Thara punches Kara across Paris, smashing her into the Eiffel Tower, when Kara goes too far with her insults.
    • In Death & the Family, Supergirl's punch smashes Insect Queen through several chambers of her lair.
    • Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom: When they first battle, Darkseid's minion Maelstrom kicks Supergirl across the street and into a building.
    • In The Plague of the Antibiotic Man, Nam-Ek punches Flash into orbit by accident. Seconds later, Superman punches Nam-Ek and sends him hurtling over half of America and the Caribbean Sea.

      Instantly, the blow sends Nam-Ek hurtling hundreds of miles— and immediately, Superman springs into the air in pursuit...

    • Adventures of Supergirl: Rampage punches Supergirl out of a baseball stadium, causing her to crash into a car.
    • In "The Super-Steed of Steel", Supergirl has a dream where she and Comet fight an alien invasion, and Comet repels the invaders by kicking their ships out of Earth and the solar system.
    • The Untold Story of the Phantom Zone: When an arrogant brat called Reginald picks a fight with Superboy, and proves he is strong enough to slightly knock Clark back with a punch, Superboy guesses Reginald can take a hit; So Superboy accidentally sends him into orbit with one punch.
    • The Planet Eater Trilogy: When Superman tries to approach the Planet-Eater alone, the world-sized mechanical weapon blasts him halfway across the galaxy and back into Earth.
    • In The Death of Superman, Doomsday punching Booster Gold so hard, he's airborne, thankful that he brought his barrier up to take the blow. When Superman first meets Doomsday, he tanks Doomsday's punch, but the following kick knocks him through the house they're near.
    • In Superman/Masters of the Universe crossover "From Eternia— With Death!", a burly man knocks Prince Adam through one door and out in the street during one bar brawl.
  • The Transformers Megaseries: Hunter O'Nion discovers his newfound Super-Strength by punching a Machination scientist so hard that the man flies out of the room, breaking the door on his way out, and crashes into a wall with enough force to crack it.
  • Wonder Woman:
    • Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia: Diana punches Batman across the street when he refuses to budge or go track down a career villain instead of the downtrodden woman Di is protecting who killed the unrepentant men responsible for her sister's death whom the police refused to even look at.
    • Wonder Woman (1987): After Medusa rips off Diana's helmet during their duel Diana punches her across the arena, essentially from one end of the football field to the other.
    • Wonder Woman (2006): In a battle with a emotion-controlled Power Girl, Wonder Woman gets punched out of Washington DC and into Canada.
  • X-Men:
    • The Juggernaut got punched across the U.S. as a bit of foreshadowing for the Onslaught arc.
    • Rogue was struck by Binary (the former Ms. Marvel, whose life had been ruined by Rogue before she became a reformed bad guy) so hard that she ended up nearly hitting the Moon.

Comic Strips 

  • Mentioned in one of the throwaway gags in Calvin and Hobbes:

    Calvin: That big, dumb bully Moe punched me at school yesterday.
    Hobbes: Really? What did you do?
    Calvin: Well, first I skidded across the playground, then I caromed off a rock and...

  • Popeye does this to Bluto pretty much all the time after eating spinach. In one strip/episode, a spinach-addled Popeye punches Bluto all the way to the moon. In another, Popeye actually punches him through the fourth wall and into the movie theatre.

Fan Works 

  • In Power Girl fanfic A Force of Four, U-Ban breaks into the Fortress to ravish Power Girl. Kara blasts his groin and punches him through a roof.

    She brought one up off the floor and gave him an uppercut that smashed him right into the next level.

  • In The Good Hunter, one of the nobles who are harassing Sasha Fullmoon's orphanage in Chapter 2 is struck on the head by Cyril's punch. He is then sent flying via a second punch. Does the victim come out unharmed? No, he later ends up in a coma.
  • Kingdom Hearts fanfic The Antipode: In Side Stories: Another Night on Grandship, Gaston insults Miss Piggy, who responds by punching him through a table. This is referenced in the main story where a table with a distinctly man-shaped dent is shown in the tavern. A man-shaped dent that was, in Gaston's painkiller-addled words, "roughly the size of a barge."
  • In the Mass Effect/F.E.A.R. crossover Harbinger, Shepard's Slo-mo abilities let him punch someone so fast and with such force that he can send them flying dozens of meters away. However, punching that hard can shatter his own arm, so Shepard's armor has to be modified to generate a dual-layer mass effect field to absorb the impact.
  • KibblesTasty: Spellblades in the Spellfist subclass can use an Arcane Surge to knock opponents up to ten feet away from them.
  • In Manehattan's Lone Guardian, during Leviathan's battle against Calico at a mall's food court, the latter starts blitzing her at speeds faster than she could normally track. Leviathan is able to tag her with an ice-empowered punch; physics demands a heavy toll, and Calico is launched across the court and through a wall.
  • In Platinum Pirate, this is what Giratina does to Teach, if the "punch" was a headbutt and the "room" was across the sea near Enies Lobby, through the Bridge of Hesitation, and into a Buster Call battleship.
  • RWBY: Reckoning showed this when a Boarbatusk broke loose in Professor Port's class and tried to kill Darrel. He ends the conflict by socking it with an Aura-powered punch that blows the Grimm through four walls.
  • In Superman and Man, a real-world person swaps bodies with Superman and gets forced into a fight against Lex Luthor. At one point he punches Luthor across the street. Accidentally.

    In between the triggering of that blast and Luthor's last word, the figure in blue and red gathered his strength, made a decision without realizing he had, and simply whacked Luthor in the chest with his arm.
    The master villain was sent flying ass-over-teakettle in the sky, impacting on the side of a building across the street, causing a gaggle of workers in the office nearest the dent he made in it to run for the elevator. A few hardy souls chose the stairs. Luthor took no notice of any of them.
    The actor was stunned. Not even that hard a blow, and it had knocked Luthor clear across the street. He had no idea what the real power of Superman was. No scale, at all.

  • The Last Daughter has Taylor (a Kryptonian) fight Behemoth, who has complete control over all types of energy. The fight quickly devolves into them trading these to little effect. At one point Behemoth punches her so hard that she flies from Paris to Portugal. Taylor later returns the favor by hitting him so hard that it creates a nuclear reaction every time she punches him.
  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supergirl crossover The Vampire of Steel, the Maid of Might starts the Final Battle by punching a Kryptonian vampire up, up and far away.

    Zol-Am was already landing in front of her. With a motion borne of super-speed, he grabbed the medallion by its chain, not touching the disk itself, ripped it from her neck, and threw it away. "What now, girl? Any other weapons in your armory?"
    "Could try this," said Kara, and hit him with an uppercut that knocked him into the air.
    "Good lord," exclaimed Cordelia, watching the Zol-Am-shaped missile soar higher and higher.

  • Advice and Trust: When Kaworu hinted that he might interfere with Shinji and Asuka's relationship, Rei slapped him and sent him flying until he collided with the nearest tree.
  • The Nuptialverse: In "Outrage", Twilight Velvet angrily punches Applejack in the face when she learns how she and the others abandoned her daughter at the wedding rehearsal. Applejack, who had already been dealing with the guilt all day, told Velvet to get out. When she doesn't (and makes some very crude remarks regarding Applejack's behavior and occupation), Applejack bucks her out of the room and locks the door.
  • Happens to Paul several times in The Keys Stand Alone: The Soft World:
    • At the White Tower, when Lieyla of the "Terrible Trio" walks right up to him and unexpectedly socks him, sending him flying several dozen feet back. Being Nigh-Invulnerable and also specifically built to get a thrill from absorbing energy, all this does is simultaneously annoy him and make him feel good. (Being an Actual Pacifist and terrified of harming someone, he doesn't even try to hit her back.) When he bounces back to ask her why she did that, she does it again.
    • In Boidan Valley, when the Animal Mecha Lord Equus kicks him across the valley. He's already surfeited with energy from being hit by lightning twice, so the kick incapacitates him with pleasure.
  • This is the usual result of Izuku's 5% Beacon Smashes in My Huntsman Academia, often knocking mooks into other mooks. This gets lampshaded in-story:
    • Later on, Junior tries to barricade himself behind a heavily locked door when Izuku is on his tail. Izuku responds by 5% Beacon Smashing the door down, causing it to plow into Junior.
  • In Another Realm, Krogan, especially Krogan biotics, tend to do this to anyone they hit. Broken bones and a concussion are typically a best-case scenario for the person hit. Cieran requires cybernetic repairs and sub-dermal armor to keep his ribs together after his fight with Ganar Yulaz where he was seriously struck once.
  • It happens sometimes in Hellsister Trilogy:
    • At the climax, when the heroes are racing to stop Darkseid, Supergirl slaps his top minion into a wall.

      "Supergirl," said Granny Goodness.
      "Shut up, you bitch!" Kara's hand came out, slapping the side of her face, barely holding her power back, and caromed Granny off the stone wall. The agent of Darkseid slumped to a sitting position, unconscious.

    • Later, she manages to do this to Darkseid.

      There was no way she could gauge his strength now. But there was no time to worry about it. She grabbed Darkseid by the tunic, blasted her heat-vision full-force into his radiant eyes, and was rewarded with a cry of pain even the Lord of Apokolips couldn't suppress.
      Then she hauled off and smashed him across the room.

  • In crossover Fate Genesis, this is how Knuckles pays Caster back for her deception and his imprisonment- by slugging her so hard she goes flying away from her safe spot and into the labyrinth that acts as her lair.
  • The Pirate Pegasus: Occurs multiple times throughout the bar fights at Thieves' Hold.
  • During one fight in A Prize for Three Empires, Carol Danvers punches Rogue across Xavier's Mansion grounds.

    Carol, not budging from her stand, ducked between them, swung her own fist up and across and tagged Rogue again with another blow. It had enough foot-pounds of force to cave in an elephant's skull.
    For her part, Rogue went flying again, but in a direction parallel to the ground. She impacted on one of the sturdy oaks near Xavier's mansion and smashed it to splinters.

  • In Amazing Fantasy, All Might begins his Big Damn Heroes moment by plowing into the Prowler and punching her all the way down the street.
  • Here There Be Monsters: During the final battle, Mary Marvel punches Black Beauty through three rooms and out of the villain compound. The villainess crashes into the jungle outside and passes out.

    She elbowed the villainess in the gut and knocked her away, then turned to face an oncoming Black Beauty. She let the brunette take three shots at her jaw, each of which she slapped away, then drew back and let her have it.
    Black Beauty didn't stop travelling until she was through two rooms and the outer wall and skidded to a halt in the Venusian vegetation, as conscious as a stone statue.

Films — Animation 

  • In The Croods, after the clan is forced to flee their old home and head for the jungle, Grug tries to scare off a troop of monkeys they encounter. The monkeys, unimpressed, proceed to slap Grug back and forth across the clearing for a bit.

    Thunk: Dad, I got it! Just stop running into their fists!

  • Hercules (1997): When Philoctetes tries to warn Hercules about Megara, who he's fallen in love with, being in league with Hades, Herc is angered by his trainer insulting Meg to his face and lashes an arm out at him, sending him flying into a pile of training equipment and leading him to abandon his disciple.
  • Played with in The Incredibles. After Mr. Huph refuses to let Bob go out and rescue a citizen who's being mugged just outside the building, Bob grabs him by the throat and throws him against the wall so hard that he breaks through it and three more walls, getting himself fired in the process because Huph, being a regular human being, ends up in a full-body cast.
  • Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths has a lot of collateral damage caused by this kind of thing. It's just as well the building where the League first fought the Crime Syndicate was pretty much condemned anyway, given the amount of it that was reduced to rubble by things like Superman throwing Superwoman through walls.
  • Happens frequently in the Kung Fu Panda movies on account of having a cast of kung fu masters.
  • Bupkus does this to Marvin the Martian in Space Jam, ejecting him from the remainder of the film.
  • In Turning Red, when Abby punches Mei, she is sent flying offscreen.
  • eMMMbot punches SinisteRRR across the freaking town in the climax of We Are the Strange.

Films — Live-Action 

  • In The A-Team, as part of B.A.'s Establishing Character Moment, after beating down several Mooks with his bare hands, one more hits him once, starts taunting him with his agile acrobatic moves, and gives him a "bring it" gesture. B.A. then delivers a single front kick that sends the mook flying into the wall behind him.
  • Big Trouble in Little China. Rain (one of the film's Co-Dragons) is a powerful supernatural being with dangerous martial arts skills. While Jack Burton is fighting him, Rain kicks him across the room.
  • In the 2007 movie version of Bridge to Terabithia, Jesse gives the kid sitting behind him in the classroom a punch that projects the latter against the wall, in response to a very cruel joke said kid told just before.
  • This happens to Buster Keaton in Convict 13, when Buster, a prison warden, has an unfortunate encounter with a giant hulk of a prisoner.
  • In The Crush, Nick grabs the crowbar out of Adrienne's hand and gently taps her off the carousel and across the room.
  • Deadpool:
    • Deadpool:
      • After the big fight on the highway bridge, Colossus casually backhands Deadpool and sends him flying into a car twice — first to get his attention, and then when fed up with his pointless attacks and constant banter.
      • The climactic fight opens with Angel Dust punching Colossus across the scrapyard.
      • Then Negasonic Teenage Warhead returns the favor by blasting Angel Dust into a container with her power.
    • Deadpool & Wolverine:
      • The Hulk backhands Deadpool mid-rant, sending him flying and splatting against the large stump of a fallen tree.
      • Cavillrine gets rid of Wade by punching him with his claws and sending him flying through a pillar and then into the portal that he opened.
      • In their first fight after arriving to the Void, Wolverine tosses Deadpool through a wall, and he ends up landing against the derelict Fox logo.
  • In the 2001 television movie Earth vs. the Spider, Quentin does this to a burglar he finds in his apartment block after injecting himself with spider DNA. Played (surprisingly) realistically in that the impact involved breaks the neck of the punchee.
  • In Fatal Instinct, Lola Cain does this to Ned Ravine after he calls her a "sure thing".
  • Freddy vs. Jason:
    • A lethal version occurs when a protagonist taunting and distracting Freddy turns around to see Jason standing right behind her. Cue her getting punched right into a tree with a big crunch.
    • Similarly, a geeky character pulling a Heroic Sacrifice earlier in the film got Punched Across the Room right onto something sharp.
    • And Jason does this to Freddy a few times.
  • While this scene in Friday (1995) is set outside, Deebo's powerful uppercut sends Red flying back about seven feet in the air and just over the sidewalk.
  • From Dusk Till Dawn — Santinico clocks Seth in the jaw hard enough to throw him a good twenty feet.
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: When liberating the children from the diamond mine, Indy encounters a supervisor. After giving him a Death Glare, Indiana punches the guy so hard, he slides a few metres over gravel, being only stopped when bumping into a boulder.
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
    • During the fight in Dorian Gray's library, Captain Nemo twice kicks opposing mooks and knocks them back, once into a wall.
    • After Hyde is captured and chained he repeatedly hits Nemo's sailors with his fists and sends them flying into walls and through a door.
    • During the battle inside the fortress, the Fantem's The Dragon drinks an overdose of Jekyll's formula. He later hits both Hyde and Captain Nemo and knocks them a long way into walls.
  • A possibly fatal version in Life Blood as Rhea delivers an uppercut to Brooke that propels her into the air and leaves her Impaled with Extreme Prejudice as she comes down on top of a stop sign.
  • The final battle in A Man Called Tiger ends with Chin-fu kicking the Yakuza boss across a rooftop... over a set of railings, with a twenty-storey drop on the other side. SPLAT.
  • Almost every single Kryptonian punch or kick in Man of Steel has this effect.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • In the vein of the movies, any character with super strength has done this. The Iron Man movie subverts this by adding the sounds of breaking bones when a punch connects, pointing out that hitting someone that hard would be fatal.
    • The Incredible Hulk:
      • In the 2008 movie, Hulk kicks Emil Blonsky across a field and into a tree. Slight subversion, though, in that the impact shatters almost all of his bones, and he only survives due to the healing factor given by the supersoldier serum he took earlier.
      • After becoming the Abomination, Blonsky delivers one of his own during his battle with the Hulk, sending him flying through a building.
    • A hilarious example in The Avengers, when Hulk offhandedly punches Thor across the room after the pair bring down a Chitauri Leviathan during the climactic battle.
    • Captain America: Civil War:
      • In the Action Prologue, Crossbones uses his Power Fist to send Captain America flying through the marketplace.
      • Spider-Man kicks Falcon and sends him flying with his Dynamic Entry at the airport.
      • Giant-Man, just as he's losing balance from Spider-Man tying up his legs, backhands Spidey and sends him into a pile of crates, finally taking the webslinger out of the fight.
    • Avengers: Endgame: Thanos is shocked to realize that Captain Marvel is his physical superior. However, he adapts by singling out the Power Stone, which had previously been described as strong enough to level planets, and uses it to give himself a Megaton Punch. This rockets her off the battlefield and turns the tide back in his favor. Thank God for Carol's Super-Toughness.
  • Any fights done in The Matrix fought by, with, or against people who know the Matrix for what it is. In particular Neo, although after being The One, he's explicitly allowed to break the rules.
  • In Muppet Treasure Island, Kermit meets Benjamina Gunn again after several years apart from each other. Immediately afterwards, she hits Kermit and sends him flying into the gong.
  • Marlon Brando, of all people, is punched across the room by Karl Malden in On the Waterfront when Brando tells Malden, a priest, to go to hell.
  • Pacific Rim: Sometimes it's a Kaiju getting thrown. Once it is Gipsy Danger. It's always at least five blocks of distance. It's never enough to hurt them significantly.
  • Predator: At the beginning of the final fight between Dutch and the Predator, it gives him a backhanded slap to the face and knocks him back several yards.
  • In the kung-fu film Secret Service of the Imperial Court, the villain, an evil Eunuch, gets warned by a minister about his dictatorial policies right in his face. Not impressed, the Eunuch responds by delivering a slap across the minister's face... which results in the latter getting Slapped Across the Room. Landing with enough impact to actually kill him.
  • Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Doctor Totenkopf's Action Girl The Dragon does this several times to Joe (Sky Captain). When she first faces off against him in Dr. Jennings's lab, she backhands him across the face and knocks him across the room. When she fights him on Doctor Totenkopf's island, she knocks him up into the air and back about ten yards using a metal quarterstaff. Her tremendous strength makes more sense after it's revealed that she's a Robot Girl.
  • The Substance: Towards the end of the movie, Elisabeth tries to kill Sue, then changes her mind and revives her. Sue is furious and starts brutally beating Elisabeth up, at one point kicking her so hard that she sends her flying across her spacious living room.
  • Undercover Brother
    • White She Devil does it with a kick to Sistah Girl during their Cat Fight.
    • Undercover Brother also kicks Mr. Feather quite a distance during their final fight at the end.
  • Wasabi: The poor Prefect's son was trying to tell something to Cowboy Cop protagonist Hubert (Jean Reno) at a party the latter crashed for an arrest. Hubert couldn't hear him, assumed he was a thug and punched him so hard it sent him flying in the room. Cue the poor boy now being a Bandage Mummy at the hospital. And the boy's ordeal won't stop there.
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit
    • Eddie dispatches Smart-Ass Weasel by kicking him in the crotch hard enough to send him flying into an enormous vat of "Dip".
    • During their big climactic fight, Judge Doom hits Eddie with an anvil-fist... knocking him across an entire factory warehouse. Justified because he's a toon.
  • Wonder Woman 1984. Barbara Minerva is understandably confused when a drunk who attacks her suddenly ends up on his back quite a few feet away after Diana Prince appears on the scene. After gaining Diana's powers she understands why, and Diana's first indication that Barbara has Took a Level in Badass is when both she and Steve are simultaneously hurled down the length of a White House corridor.


  • Frequently happens in Animorphs when Marco is in gorilla morph.
  • Both heroes and villains alike in the web fiction serial Dimension Heroes find themselves being victims of this trope.
  • In Double Elimination, this is Heavyweight's preferred method of handling close-range opponents.
  • Encyclopedia Brown: In book 2's "The Case of the Stomach Puncher", 16-year-old bully Biff Logan hits Encyclopedia in the stomach. Fortunately, Encyclopedia was warned of Biff's habits and so wore a piece of sheet metal under his clothes. As a result, he's knocked backward seven feet by the blow but emerges unharmed.
  • Happens several times during the course of the four books of Last Legionary. It is treated somewhat realistically: although the protagonist has unbreakable bones, this kind of stuff is still painful.
  • Magic: The Gathering: In Test of Metal, Nicol Bolas casually backhands Tezzeret when he wakes up, knocking him across the room and smashing him against the jagged cave wall.
  • Occultic;Nine: Supercharged Yuta punches Izumi in the face, which causes his mask to break and sends him unconscious into the wall.
  • Shadow of the Conqueror:
  • Darquesse and Lord Vile from Skulduggery Pleasant are rather partial to throwing each other into anything that doesn't move out of their way fast enough.
  • The incuels in Tough Magic often have the fighters being punched or kicked several yards backwards, although it's more common with spells; and with much greater effect.
  • In the Whateley Universe, Phase once had a fight where she was thrown across a large room, through a capture cage, and through the far wall. And it was just sparring in class.

Live-Action TV 

  • Angel vs. anyone, really. Angel was full of fights where people got Punched Across the Room.
  • This is usually what happens when any mook tries to fight B.A. Baracus in The A-Team. Often occurs after said mook finds himself on the wrong side of a Punch! Punch! Punch! Uh Oh... exchange. A Giant Mook might hold his own or even manage to win the first time they fight. But B.A. tends to remember these guys, and he pretty much always pays them back by the end of the episode.
  • In Battlestar Galactica (2003) humanoid Cylons sometimes do this, but inconsistently, and apparently only in the later seasons. The Final Five (who thought they were humans) could do this too, but only after they realized they're Cylons (for instance, Tory punching Callie down a launch tube).
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer was on both the giving and receiving side of being punched across the room. Her fights with Glory come to mind, along with one time with her boyfriend, by accident.
  • Piper from Charmed is told by her gynecologist that she will have a hard time conceiving a child because of lots of abdominal injuries (she was Punched Across the Room or Blown Across the Room in nearly every episode).
  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: In "The Whole World is Watching", John Walker doing this to a Flag-Smasher is the first sign that he's taken the Super-Soldier serum. Towards the end of the episode, the "never suffer any serious injuries from it" part is averted hard when Karli (who's also taken the serum) punches Lemar and sends him flying into a concrete pillar; being a mere Badass Normal, this kills him on impact.
  • Invoked by Niles on Frasier, who riles up a guy threatening to charge Frasier with assault until he gives Niles a light poke in the chest. Cue a wild, over-the-top, and attention-grabbing pratfall that takes several coffee tables out with it... and when Frasier goes to help him up, he whispers, "Countersuit!"
  • During their fight in Grimm, Adelind and Juliette frequently do that to each other. While all Wesen tend to be stronger than humans, in this case, Mind over Matter could also be a factor.
  • This commonly happened during battles on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Once a pair of combatants seated next to each other (facing the same way) punched each other in the chest and both flew backwards.
  • Merlin: In the episode where Arthur accidentally brings back Uther from the dead, Merlin blasts Uther's ghost across the room and through the door
  • Find an episode of Smallville that doesn't use this trope. In the Season 9 finale, Clark demonstrates that he's strong enough to do this even when he's Brought Down to Normal.
  • Stargate-verse:
    • Stargate SG-1: Punched/Struck by a Goa'uld? Yep. You're going flying. Justified because they give their hosts Super-Strength.
    • Stargate Atlantis: Same thing goes for getting whaled on by a Wraith. Or an Asuran. Or your own doppelgänger. Or pretty much anything you meet off-world, actually. Pegasus Galaxy can be a pretty rough place, I hear.
  • Castiel does this with Dean in Supernatural, but in an alley. Justifiable, because he's an angel in a human vessel.
  • Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Cameron does this quite often, though its justified by the fact that she's a super-strong killer cyborg.
  • Ultraman Taiga: Whenever the Power Trio's resident Mighty Glacier, Ultraman Titas, gets into fights, he tends to send enemy kaijus flying halfway across the city with his punches.


  • "Coward of the County" by Kenny Rogers -– implied during the climatic fight scene involving the main hero, Tommy, and the villainous Gatlin brothers ... that his pent-up rage and anger over their having raped Becky leads to Tommy beating the boys severely, and with blows so powerful they are knocked back farther and with greater force than ordinary punches and kicks could do.


Pro Wrestling 

  • A staple trope of many large wrestlers, especially monster heels. For them, ordinary punches and kicks are more powerful than such moves by "normal-sized wrestlers," with the finishing moves or more powerful set-up punches/kicks frequently knocking the opponent from one side of the ring to the other with a single blow ... and sometimes clear outside the ring! Of course, said impact of moves are always greater on jobbers, as top-shelf wrestlers are always more able to absorb the blow and thus it doesn't have as great of effect.


  • In the Avatar Adventures RP, a whole group of heroes get punched all the way from New Mexico to London in a single blow by the 65-year-old ex-superhero/war veteran Commie Buster. As you might have guessed, it's a pretty damn awesome RP.

Tabletop Games 

  • Champions refers to this as knockback, and has advantages and disadvantages that can increase or decrease it. And rules for calculating additional damage from it, or avoiding part or all of said damage. Perhaps ironically, in this game knockback from being hit by a "proper" martial arts attack is by default less than what might result from a plain old random punch or kick by the exact same opponent. (Of course, both the GM and the players have ways of getting around that — the former by changing the ground rules for the campaign, the latter by giving their characters appropriate tricks and powers.)
  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • A feat available to Large or larger creatures in some versions of the game. Unsurprisingly, you can optimize your character for this, combining your hitting damage with their hitting-the-wall damage multiple times per turn.
    • From the Tome of Battle – Book of Nine Swords supplement, several maneuvers allow this, especially from the Setting Sun discipline. Though some are less punching and more "grab and throw", including a Human Hammer-Throw.
  • Due to the cinematic nature of the game, any powerful attack in Exalted stands a chance of knocking an enemy back a few feet. Magical effects can extend this to dozens of feet, or miles. Note that due to the supernatural durability of most characters and the ease of the roll required to prevent this, it rarely happens.
  • Any sufficiently powerful impact will send the target flying in GURPS. The Supers book suggests that it's genre appropriate to give the "double knockback" enhancement to any and all attacks.
  • In Inquisitor, characters have a "Knockback" value equal to 1/10th their Strength. If you get hit by something that does at least that much damage, you go flying or (just as often) get knocked down. Big weapons like hammers effectively halve the effort it takes to do a knockback. There exists the Blown Across the Room variant, as well.
  • In Mutants & Masterminds, a target who fails a Toughness save by 5 or more may suffer knockback. However, the complexity of keeping track of how far you got knocked back and calculating extra damage from any collisions caused it to be regarded as a Scrappy Mechanic and thus it was frequently ignored in normal gameplay, even in official games run by the game's writers.
  • The Assault power from the Brute power cluster in Supergame is more than capable of doing this to an opponent who gets hit with it — it's designed to cause knockback equal to the Overkill of the roll (the difference between the dice total and your difficulty).

Video Games 

  • ANNO: Mutationem: In various Coup de Grace Cutscenes, Ann is capable of delivering an Enhanced Punch to blast enemies across the area upon defeating them. To emphasize a few examples, she blasted Silly Swine out a window following a Curb-Stomp Battle, and she punches The Varanus with such force, it crashed onto the wall at the other side of the room before falling into the nearby water pit.
  • Baseball Simulator 1000 was a sports game for the NES(and SNES) that featured an "Ultra League" that dropped the "simulator" premise and gave the pitchers and batters superpowers. One hit batters could do was a line drive that blasted the pitcher(and any basemen or outfielders unlucky to get caught too) all the way across the field.
  • BlazBlue:
    • Makoto's "Impact" Drive is all about this trope. Level 1 blows don't do much, but level 3 hits knock opponents from one side of the screen to the other, blast them into the air, or spike them into the ground, and that's just the standard fare. You can block them, but you will forfeit a Guard Primer on a level 3 hit, so it's really not recommended. Not even if you're Iron Tager.
    • And don't even get us started on Planet Crusher.
    • Chronophantasma pumps eleven kinds of drugs into the matter with the "Galaxian Impact" Overdrive — every Drive attack is at maximum power (level G) for the duration.
    • Sirius Jolt in Central Fiction allows Makoto to do this at any time, and it is both unrelated to her Drive and unblockable.
  • Brutal Doom: Kicking an Imp or Former Human while under the effect of a Berserk Pack will send them flying backward with enough force to splatter them against the nearest hard surface. If another low-level enemy is standing behind them, they'll get killed too.
  • There's a few bosses in the Castlevania series that have attacks which do this. One in Order Of Ecclesia even does an attack chain of seven of them.
  • A good part of why hulks, brutes, shocker brutes, and skeletal juggernauts in Cataclysm are so dangerous is because of their smash attack that sends characters flying back several spaces (potentially through walls), inflicting HP and equipment damage, increasing the pain counter, and causing the downed status effect.
  • City of Heroes has several powersets capable of this (even enhancements to increase this "Knockback" mechanic), but one specific punch capable of propelling an enemy thirty feet away is Power Thrust from the Energy Manipulation set for Blasters
    • This has led to some amusing experiments with maxed-out 'Knockback' being used to launch hapless low-level thugs like they've been shot out of a cannon, landing them somewhere between two and four miles away.
  • Cross of the Dutchman allows you to sock enemy soldiers a few hundred meters aside with a well-aimed punch, owing to your Charles Atlas Superpower. You can even send five or six mooks flying with ease.
  • Dark Messiah uses this as a key gameplay mechanic. Your ability to kick enemies off of ledges into spiky objects or off of cliffs can make for a much simpler and easier way to fight your enemies than using weapons or magic. If you're paying close attention, you may notice that your kicks are context-sensitive; kick a person when there's nothing to knock him into/off of, and he'll just stumble back a bit. Kick a person when they're in close proximity to a deathtrap, and they'll fly back up to ten feet into whatever trap that happens to be behind them.
  • Deadpool gets this in Deadpool when mistakenly motorboats the chest of a very unimpressed Cable.
  • Jecht punches Tidus like this in Dissidia Final Fantasy. Right after literally shrugging off a sword slice to the chest.
    • It's also a gameplay mechanic: If you hit your opponent hard enough, you can send them flying into the wall, ground, or ceiling of the stage, causing extra damage. Cloud is especially good at this due to his combat style being centered around it; almost every HP attack he has is guaranteed wall-rush. The purest example is in Firion's punch follow-up, which (especially in the sequel) has a ludicrous base damage and will send the opponent flying at the nearest wall at very high speed.
  • Certain enemies in Drill Dozer, such as the guard mechs of Clank Prison, are capable of blowing you across the room or into dangerous territory with their punches. Jill herself also manages to clock the final boss with such a punch, after her Drill Dozer breaks down.
  • In older versions of Dwarf Fortress, it was not at all uncommon to see a soldier dwarf hit an enemy (or another dwarf) so hard that it would leave a bloody trail several tiles long before impacting a wall and exploding. Now, though these flights are rarer and less ridiculously long, the unfortunate victim now skids and bounces across the floor when thrown; longer flights tend to mangle the victim into "an unrecognizable mass" due to each bounce breaking a bone or three.
  • Dynamite Duke: The titular character's right hand is a mechanical Power Fist, and if fighting enemies from up close, can execute a punch that sends them from the foreground to the back. This attack deals more damage on bosses as well and is preferable when used against the agile McNinja boss who attacks Duke from up close.
  • EXTRAPOWER: Giant Fist: Zophy, Wolf, and Power King are all capable of doing this to anyone they face.
  • Fallout:
    • In Fallout and Fallout 2, landing a Critical Hit on an enemy with Unarmed or Melee weapons will send them sliding multiple tiles away from you. If you do enough damage, sometimes they'll just keep going until they hit something or reach the edge of the screen before the death animation plays.
    • Fallout: New Vegas: This one happens often, depending on what hits, and who's hit. Super Mutants and Giant Radscorpions will often send you sliding a few feet back, and on the return, a good V.A.T.S. finisher strike will send the corpse of the poor sap that you hit sailing through the air. Two weapons in the game, the Displacer Glove and its variant Pushy, actually invoke this one, too, by being a glove hooked up to a sonic-boom speaker that will activate on hit, making for one amazing Power Fist that can launch people over barricades even if they aren't dead.
  • In Freedom Force you can punch anything across the map.
  • In God Hand, this is just one of the things Gene can do with the power of the title Power Fist.
  • In God of War III, any of Hercules' punches do this to Kratos. Justified given that the puncher is Hercules, god and resident World's Strongest Man, and the punchee is a demigod as well. Later, Kratos and Zeus do this to each other with a Cross Counter.
  • In God of War (PS4), the Stranger's punches do this to Kratos, even knocking Kratos through his house and through a rock wall. The Stranger is revealed to be Baldur, a god.
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has the super punch cheat, where any punch that CJ lands on an NPC sends them kilometers away at incredibly high speeds.
  • Guild Wars 2: Warriors or Guardians who equip a hammer will get a skill that does this (called "launching" in the game). It's about as satisfying as it sounds.
  • Heroes of the Storm: Muradin Bronzebeard from Warcraft has Haymaker as one of his heroic abilities. Also doubles as a Megaton Punch, Muradin punches his target so hard that they got knocked back a significant distance away, can be used to forcibly throw an enemy into your teammates, or worse, behind your fortifications.
  • The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction: Hulk can send normal soldiers flying into the stratosphere with one hit, and punch Hulk-sized enemies far away. There's even a mini-game about seeing how far you can send someone flying by smacking them with a steel girder that Hulk is using like a baseball bat.
  • Left 4 Dead: The Tank hits the survivors so hard they go flying. This can end badly if you happen to be standing on a building or a cliff, to say the least. Meanwhile, this video shows that doing a jumping melee against a pouncing Hunter will send it flying back. In fact, one of the Steam Achievements (or Xbox achievements, whichever system you're on) is to hit a Hunter with a melee attack just before it lands on you. It literally stops the Hunter dead in its tracks, and if it's a player in Versus, they usually have no idea what just happened and are easily killed. The achievement is appropriately called Dead Stop.
  • The Legend of Tian-ding allows your titular character to perform concentrated punches with his chi, which easily sends enemies flying to the other side of the screen. In the sewers, train and lava cavern stages it's a handy move for you to eliminate enemies quickly and easily.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
    • Certain large, powerful enemies, such as Goblins and Lynels, will send Link flying back several meters if they manage to land a blow on him.
    • A gimmick weapon, the spring-loaded hammer, deals little damage but has increased knockback — landing a successful four-strike combo with it will send monsters flying and then ragdolling several times farther than other weapons will, allowing the players to do things like send them flying off of cliffsides and to their doom.
  • Like a Dragon:
    • The Tiger Drop is a powerful counter move that can One-Hit KO most lesser enemies and send them flying across the screen.
    • In Yakuza 0, Kashiwagi has a QTE that sends you across the rooftop if it lands.
    • In Yakuza 2, Kiryu punches a tiger in the head hard enough to launch it away after it tries to charge in for one last attempt to maul him and knocks it out.
    • In Yakuza 6, Kiryu punches Yuta out of the Hirose offices and into the street (several meters) to snap Yuta out of his Heroic BSoD near the beginning of the third act of the game.
  • Mabinogi's knockback system means this tends to happen on a fairly regular basis, usually about every third hit in combat. It looks as awesome as it sounds. Some skill-based examples include...
    • Smash, the classic melee example that bypasses Defend, and immediately sends the target flying.
    • Magnum Shot, which is described to be a high-power shot that pushes the limits of the archer's bow.
    • Blaze, a Full-Contact Magic spell that swats one unfortunate victim away, with explosive results.
  • MadWorld: Exaggerated with the Final Boss — in the last potential power struggle, the last hit sends the boss flying from the ring you're in all the way to the audience stands. A helicopter then picks up the boss from the stands, now dazed, and lets you kill him off for real. By splatting him against a giant target with a baseball bat.
  • Magical Battle Arena gives us one of the least expected users of this trope in the titular character of Cardcaptor Sakura, who uses The Fight in one of her moves to unleash a Spam Attack that ends with a powerful kick that sends her opponent flying across the battlefield.
  • Mario & Luigi:
    • Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story: Blows exchanged in the Giant Bowser fights usually result in the one being hit knocked back a good distance with stronger hits giving greater pushback. This is an important mechanic in every fight after the first, as a key part of winning often involves hitting your opponent into something that leaves them vulnerable to attack.
    • Mario & Luigi: Dream Team: Giant Dreamy Luigi can send a foe flying into the background or knocked backwards a bit with a well-timed hammer attack. Like the previous game's Giant Bowser fights, knocking your opponent into something is often essential to either prevent their move or leave them open for an attack.
  • Marvel vs. Capcom: In every installment (excluding CotA and MvC3), specific attacks would hit the characters so hard that they'd be sent flying across the stage, all while the camera panned along with them. Their off-screen opponent would run after them and show up on-screen shortly after to continue the fight. After an air combo, characters can also be spiked towards the ground with a Type A Meteor Move (the camera would Tilt downward along with them.) It really made battles look more intense. On a side note, a literal example of this trope is the Juggernaut, who can send his opponents flying with his Juggernaut Punch.
    • Starting with Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and later added to both versions of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the former (being sent flying across stages) was replaced with characters bouncing off the Invisible Walls on the sides of the screen. This gave players more opportunities to set up combos. However, these games still retain the air combo spikes (along with the camera tilts).
    • The same applies to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fighting Games (which were also developed by Capcom), but only the "flying across the stage" type is featured in them.
  • Adepts in Mass Effect 3 get a biotic palm strike for their heavy melee which sends enemies flying. Vanguards have a similar heavy melee, but theirs is more akin to a Megaton Punch.
    • ME3 also features Thane hitting Kai Leng with a Biotic Pimp-Smack that sends him flying.
    • The Heavy Melee of Krogans in Multiplayer will send opponents flying if their shields were down. Especially in Rage mode.
    • The Batarian heavy melee takes things a step further with a literal, charged Megaton Punch. With this, humanoid enemies can easily be sent flying, often sans their heads. An unlockable gear item makes this attack available to everyone.
  • The Matrix: Path of Neo in an extended level Smith does this to Neo in a cutscene. It ends up sending him flying through a concrete wall.
  • Megabyte Punch allows you to do this horizontally and vertically. Even the titular weapon allows you to do this.
  • Mega Man X: Command Mission has a memorable cutscene where Steel Massimo was cruelly mocked by the sadistic Silver Horns, a tank-sized Triceratops. After the latter gloats at length about his Cold-Blooded Torture of Massimo's mentor, the original Steel Massimo, his response is to belt Silver Horns square in the gut while he's busy laughing mockingly, sending him flying back across his boss room.
  • M.B. in Metroid: Other M is shown doing this to a few humans in a flashback cutscene with a series of kicks. They also do this to another person with a palm strike, but Samus is able to catch them before they go flying into a wall.
  • In the various incarnations of the Melty Blood games, certain attacks from certain characters (like Akiha's Forward+C kick) can blow an opponent clear across the screen. In the same vein, Circuit Sparks will usually break the opposition's attacking string and blow them clear away, making them hit the opposite end of the screen at the cost of 200% (two bars) of your Magic Circuit meter.
  • Mewgenics: Tank cats can slam enemies back with every single attack, and the Knockback Tank archetype takes it even further, not to mention the baseball bat item which can launch any enemy to the other side of the map. Being slammed against a wall HURTS, especially if you wind up going through ice shards in the way.
  • The Knockback enchantment in Minecraft gives your sword attack an extra kick by pushing your enemy backwards a lot farther than normal. At level 3, you can effectively push enemies beyond a 20-block distance from you, making it very effective to keep Creepers away from you so they don't explode or if you want to push enemies off a cliff.
  • Given the size of the titular monsters in the Monster Hunter series, many of them possess attacks with considerable knockback should they connect. Of the monsters, Rajang and Astalos stand out as especially powerful in terms of knockback, with direct hits being able to send a hunter flying across the area.
  • In the early Mortal Kombat games, this was Shao Kahn's NORMAL punch. He also had an uppercut that knocked you offscreen as well.
  • Tsukika Izayoi of Mugen Souls series has a habit of unintentionally doing this to people, especially the person she cares about the most, Shirogane. She is well aware of this, and being a Yamato Nadeshiko in all but marriage, her incredible strength actually is a source of depression for her. Oddly, this is included in her gameplay too. She has the highest strength and is the only character that gains a passive to the Blast Off effect, which is a mechanic to launch an enemy across the battlefield.
  • One zombie in OverBlood does this to Raz, leaving Milly to fight it. It's hilarious.
  • Overwatch features a handful of ways to do it with a few playable heroes:
    • Doomfist — fitting for a man of his name — has a devastating Power Fist and signature ability titled "Rocket Punch" that has the capacity to send enemies flying if they get hit by it. It also has a bonus feature tied to his defensive ability "Power Block", where if he absorbs enough incoming firepower, his next "Rocket Punch" gains an impressive damage buff, where if an enemy ends up smacking directly into a wall, it'll be a One-Hit Kill on most heroes.
    • Zenyatta has a milder, but much funnier case tied to his Quick Melee. Unlike most heroes that attack using a punch, pistol-whip, or shoving their weapon into the opponent, Zenyatta has a mighty kick, which (as of Overwatch 2) has a passive bonus of dealing more damage and launching enemies back a distance, an effective means for someone as fragile and immobile as him to get divers off of him fast.
    • Alex Mercer can do this to any human or human-sized infected. However, it is usually fatal to people. Alex himself can survive getting punched halfway across Manhattan, but that's justified as he's Nigh-Invulnerable.
    • The last strike of a full Hammerfist combo usually results in human-class enemies flying yards.
    • Evolved infected civilians cannot be dismembered in normal combat. This results in them being sent flying away after receiving quick follow-up strikes from even the Claw power.
    • Two of the more fun (and more sadistic) abilities in the game are based on this. The first is an uppercut which launches the unfortunate target about twenty feet straight into the air. The second is a snapkick that sends them flying blocks away. It is so much fun to simply drop into a crowd of random civilians and start punting them left and right.
    • The Snapkick Launcher also works on vanilla hunters and supersoldiers. The Flipkick Launcher is amusing to use on throw-able vehicle targets if only because of the questionable physics involved.
  • As of Resident Evil 5, Chris Redfield packs enough of a wallop to send ordinary Majini flying several feet back with a straight punch. His heavier haymaker punch can only be used against the Gatling-toting Majini, but it's strong enough to knock them off-balance, and they're built like a freakin' tank.
  • Saints Row 2:
    • If you use the Lighter Gravity and Milk Bones cheat, and perform pretty much any move on someone, be it with a chair, sledgehammer, or the sole of your foot, you will send your victim flying, floating, and falling into the ocean on the other side of the island.
    • Also hilarious when used in the Insurance Fraud missions, with the Lighter Gravity cheat on, and your pratfall energy completely maxed out, you enter a super-knockback effect whenever you're hit by anything. If you run in front of a truck on the freeway, you can fly like a ragdoll superman across the island and slam into a building, only to float somewhere else at 90Ks/h, bonus points if it's back into another truck on the freeway.
  • Saints Row IV: The player gets superpowers, allowing them to send enemies and random passersby alike flying across Steelport with a good punch in the nads.
  • Shadow Generations: The second Doom Power Shadow unlocks is the Doom Blast, in which he launches a Black Arms enemy into the air, sends them flying with a kick, then teleports to them and slams them to the ground. This move can be used to cover large gaps or attack multiple enemies in the pathway.
  • Barta in Skies of Arcadia can knock the heroes flying, but somehow they always end up where they last were.
  • Two characters in Skullgirls can do this:
    • Anyone who takes Big Band's heavy Brass Knuckles special will get launched across the stage in an unavoidable, inescapable slide knockdown. Considering he's hitting them square in the face with a giant Power Fist made of brass instruments larger than any other member of the cast, it's to be expected. His "Take the A-Train" special is a variation, where he grabs them with the same arm, then slams them with a weaponized trombone slide built into said arm to launch them bodily across the screen.
    • Despite her small stature, Annie of the Stars' medium and heavy North Knuckle specials send her opponent flying across the screen with a burst of light and stars.
  • Something: Used as the main gimmick in Punches on Cold Ice. Mario has to be punched by the titular enemies in order to cross the massive pits.
  • All Street Fighter games. You get punched in the gut, you go flying. You get punched in the head, you go flying. You get punched in the groin, you go flying. You get punched in the toe, YOU GO FLYING!
  • In the Super Smash Bros. series, as the objective of the fight IS to send your foe flying off the stage. The more damage you take, the more each blow knocks you around, and once your damage goes over 100%, the knockbacks increase significantly. In fact, if an opponent's damage meter is high enough (generally about 300%, or in Sudden Death mode), even bouncing them off the ground will knock them off the screen so fast that you can barely see it, much less follow it. As an added bonus, this can also be used for the "Corpse Missile" attack, allowing one to not only fire their opponent, but the guy s/he slams into: this is mentioned as a bonus in Melee; in which case, it's called a "Dead-Weight KO".
  • In the old arcade FPS The Super Spy, if you're unarmed you can fight with your fists. Landing a direct hit that finishes off an opponent will frequently send them flying into the background.
  • Team Fortress 2's Heavy landing a Critical Hit with his fists can send opponents (or rather their corpses) across a room. The Gunslinger (a prosthetic robot hand) landing its three-hit combo can get even more ridiculous, sending the unfortunate person's ragdoll shooting off into whatever direction the Engineer was aiming at the time, even if it's ten feet up in the air.
  • In Ultra Toukon Densetsu, the Ultras can fire a Charged Punch by having the players hold down the attack button, and release it when near an enemy. Regular-sized mooks will be sent flying to the opposite side of the screen, most of them dying immediately.
  • Just about any weapon can knock people around in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, but punches are one of the worst offenders, especially since the humble unarmed strike is better than most weapons for about half the game. This can be particularly annoying to users of combat Disciplines, as prone opponents generally can't be struck in melee and the time they take to stand back up consumes precious seconds from the Discipline timer. Spend too much time knocking someone around, and you'll have to burn more blood to finish them off.
  • With enough buildup, Eddie can do this to most toons and, to a lesser extent, humans in the NES version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
  • Any of your MEC troopers in XCOM: Enemy Unknown with a Kinetic Strike module is pretty much guaranteed to do this every time they punch a target. The minimum travel distance is two tiles, and they'll ignore light cover as well (as in, you can punch your opponent through thinner walls and into the next room). It's possible to punch an enemy into a car, and the impact is so hard that the car will always explode.

Visual Novels 

Web Animation 

  • Homestar Runner: Anyone punched by Strong Mad tends to get sent flying, as seen with the King of Town in "Where's the Cheat?". In "The Next April Fools Thing", Strong Mad manages to punch himself offscreen, while trying to psyche himself up to talk to a glass of orange juice.
  • Mystery Skulls Animated: Lewis punches Shiromori's head clean off and over a wall into the surrounding forest when he wakes up to find her messing with his locket.
  • RWBY:
    • Yang Xiao Long uses shotgun gauntlets and has Super-Strength which means she can easily punch her opponents across large spaces. She first does it in the Yellow Trailer and usually does it at dramatic or power-up moments in battle. On one occasion, her ability is Played for Laughs to send a stranger bouncing out of a fuel station like a ping-pong ball when he tries touching hair.
    • At the end of Volume 3, Cinder Fall is sent flying across the room she's fighting in as a sign of just how powerful her opponent is. After obtaining the Fall Maiden's power, she still struggles to fight against Ozpin, who is able to send her flying with a flat-palmed punch. She's only able to regain control of her motion because Maiden powers grant her flight.
    • Qrow Branwen normally fights with a weapon, but he can throw a powerful punch when motivated. He first does it when disarmed in battle against Tyrian; he just shrugs, punches Tyrian flying, and saunters over to his weapon while Tyrian recovers. He does it more dramatically in Volume 6, when he sends Ozpin flying into a tree after learning his secret. Ozpin was the first person who ever looked past Qrow's cursed Semblance and gave him a purpose, but the Awful Truth leaves him feeling like his life was a lie. Ozpin doesn't react to any physical pain, but the emotional pain shatters him, leaving him out of commission until the very end of Volume 7.
  • Every single fight in Super Mario Bros. Z sees each combatant being punched, kicked, thrown or otherwise sent flying hundreds of feet in any given direction. Usually the victim then crashes into a wall, which may or may not break. In the really extreme cases, they are sent flying through several walls or even hills. Everyone in the cast seems to be Nigh Invulnerable. Of course, this is a Dragon Ball Z semi-parody we're dealing with here.


  • In Commander Kitty, Nin Wah's attempt to lunge at CK and Socks results in her bouncing off Sock's belly and getting hurled back across the room.

    CK: Nice force field.

  • In El Goonish Shive a certain fire monster probably wished that Justin only kicked him across a room.
  • In Everyday Heroes, Mr. Mighty does this to Hornswoggle during an attempted heist.
  • In The Far Side Of Utopia Naomi does this twice to someone the first time she gets into a fight. The second attempt going through a small brick wall seems to have taken.
  • In Hero Oh Hero, the Aristocrat proves that for all his arrogance, he's a force to be reckoned with via the DESTINY PUNCH!
  • During Scarlet's fight with Brook in I'm the Grim Reaper he knocks her clear across the room several times, showing that even though she's a grim reaper, she's a new one and incredibly out of her league fighting him.
  • Jupiter-Men: In this animated short from the author's Twitter page, an excited Quintin bothers Jackie with his constant excited exclamations of "Yes!" She responds by shoving him across the room with her Super-Strength.
  • In The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob!, Jean does this to Slick. He really had it coming. He's surprisingly fine with it.
  • In Sluggy Freelance, Bun-Bun was actually kicked through a wall into another room. It didn't seem to faze him much.
  • Tower of God: In "Stealing the Fang", Khun punches Michael several metres along a corridor, something he'd probably been wanting to do for a long time. Justified because Khun is from the Ten Families; considering how strong that seems to make one, it's almost unimpressive in that context.
  • Unsounded: During Duane's duel with Quigley he uses pymary to power a punch in order to send Quigley off and over a nearby cliff.
  • Jimmy from Weak Hero has a fierce right hook. In the pool hall, he hits a student hard enough to send them rocketing into one of the pool tables. When he fights Gerard, he punches him hard enough that the air around him spins as he falls to the ground.
  • In Yokoka's Quest, Yokoka gets sent flying by Hurricane. She just gets back up and charges into the fight again.

Web Videos 

  • Near the end of Suburban Knights, Malachite punches Spoony so hard he flies across the entirety of the Earth and back... twice.
  • Wild Life SMP: One of Scar's assigned powers on Day 7 allows him to deal tremendous knockback to other players by about 20 blocks. This has resulted in him murdering two other players by throwing them off from the Bamboozlers' mountain.

Western Animation 

  • A fortunately armored Batman gets a milder version of the same treatment (in an obvious reference) in Batman: The Brave and the Bold when Superman is under the effects of Red Kryptonite. In another episode, Batman challenges Darkseid into a fistfight without any special equipment. First, he gets punched through the air in the regular manner, and later Darkseid just hits the ground, letting the pressure wave blow Batman away.
  • DC Animated Universe:
    • Batman: The Animated Series: The episode "Love Is a Croc" has Batman punch Killer Croc about a hundred feet across a spacious room at a power plant Superman-style, sending him crashing against pipework. The enraged Croc attempts to retaliate by ripping out a piece of pipe, but it's a steaming-hot water pipe, which erupts a near-fatal burst of water that delivers Croc right back to Batman's feet.
    • Superman: The Animated Series: Lobo does this to Superman at one point, and Superman obliges, even sending him flying up to Lex Luthor's tower and crashing into it. Darkseid himself also does this to Superman.
    • Batman Beyond: In "Disappearing Inque", Bruce Wayne uses a Powered Armor to confront Inque and save Terry McGinnis. At one point, he punches Inque with it, sending her flying across the arena they're in.
    • Justice League: In Justice League Unlimited, taking a punch from one of the more powerful characters easily sends the victim several miles or further (this is probably what is expected, considering some punches are capable of breaking the sound barrier). The best example is when Superman delivers a punch to Darkseid in "Destroyer". This is after Superman gives his "No More Holding Back" Speech and reveals that he's ready to cut loose on the one person in the universe he can hit at full power... To put this in perspective, with one punch, Darkseid is sent sailing through seven skyscrapers, and keeps going! The only thing that stops him was Superman giving him a Meteor Move midflight.
  • Kaeloo: Bad Kaeloo, Serguei, Mr. Cat and Quack Quack can send people flying in the air with just one punch. In various episodes, one of these four has punched someone to the opposite side of a room, usually making the other person crash into a piece of furniture.
  • Kim Possible:
    • After Drakken pissed off Kim too much in The Movie, she punched him in the face so hard that he flew across the room. Considering that Kim is much stronger than Drakken and that it was the first time during the entire series that she did hit him, things did not look pretty. Auie.
    • Later in the same movie, after Kim and Ron managed to stop Drakken's army of robots, Kim confronts Shego and kicks her off the top of the building, surely sending her flying at least ten or twenty yards, and into a live electrical signal tower. And she apparently kicked her with so much force that the tower crumbled and collapsed on top of her. Of course, this is justified in that Kim is wearing a super suit during this portion of the movie.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • In "Lesson Zero", a hypnotized and very much determined Big Macintosh can be seen kicking a huge dog pile of ponies on top of him well over the horizon.
    • "Daring Don't" has Daring Do knock a Mook across the room, with a hip-check of all things.
  • In ReBoot, Matrix punching Megabyte across the room — leaving a fist-sized dent in his chest — is the exact moment Megabyte realizes just how much trouble he is in.
  • The debut episode of Spider-Man has Spidey confronting Uncle Ben's murderer in a warehouse, saying "This is for the man you killed!" and KOing him clear across the building.
  • The Tom and Jerry short "Jerry's Cousin" has cousin Muscles inflate his fist and punch Tom across the room. His Establishing Character Moment had him doing this trope to an alley full of cats, only stopping when the mailman delivers Jerry's letter to him asking for help.
  • Transformers:
    • Transformers: Animated: Lugnut has the Punch of Kill Everything. He replaces his hand with a pressure plate that, when used to punch things, creates a massive explosion. Lugnut will be left standing in a crater. Nobody else will be left standing.
    • Transformers: Prime: A Megatron-possessed Bumblebee sends Ratchet flying across two different rooms with a single punch each time while trying to resurrect his body.

Real Life 

  • Practically everyone Bruce Lee sparred with regularly said he did this to them. The famous "One-Inch Punch", while not exactly sending someone flying across the room, would knock them back several feet which is an impressive distance when you realize that Bruce Lee's fist quite literally only moved an inch. He also had a "Six-Inch Punch" that could knock a person back about 15 feet. That's after being softened by the cushion his demonstration partner held between them, presumably to avoid getting his ribs broken. Bruce's blows could be so strong that stuntmen were sometimes wary about working with him for fear that he would seriously injure them completely by accident. For instance, in the famous Enter the Dragon scene where Bruce kicks O'Hara off his feet and into a crowd of spectators, one of the stuntmen was bowled over with such force that he broke his arm. Jackie Chan, who played one of the unnamed mooks in the scene where Bruce Lee fights a seemingly endless Zerg Rush of flunkies, got knocked out by a glancing blow from Bruce's nunchuk. Jackie admits it was his own fault: he wasn't on his mark and would have been fine if he'd been where the fight choreography required him to be. Bruce was so horrified after the scene, he helped Jackie up and hugged him, apologizing profusely. Jackie admitted that he hammed up how much pain he was in because he didn't want Bruce to stop hugging him. He claims it's one of the greatest things that has happened to him in his entire career.
  • One notorious story about The Rolling Stones revolves around this. During the mid-'80s, Mick Jagger drunkenly rang drummer Charlie Watts up in the middle of the night asking where "my drummer" was. Watts, known for his calm eloquence, freshened up, donned one of his trademark suits, and went down to Jagger's room, immediately decking him in the face so hard that it sent him flying across the room and nearly out the window— Keith Richards rescued Jagger, but only because he'd lent him his wedding jacket. Watts' only words were "never call me 'your drummer' again, you're my fucking singer!"
  • Done to Prince Harry by his brother William during an argument over the former's wife—"He grabbed me by my collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor." Pretty terrifying when you consider that the two are nearly identical in height and build, as well as Harry being a military veteran, yet he was no match for William's rage.