Pungeon Master - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Jun 17 2008
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"You think you're red-dy for my rhymes?
You'll soon be green as envious limes!
I see you're not yellow, fellow,
But I don't wanna make you BLUE, so get a CLUE.
And PUR-PULL the plug before you play,
A character who simply has to pro-''pun''-d a pun at every possible oppor-''pun''-ity, no matter how punny or unpunny;note in fact, this frequently adds to their punishing power. This may be punctuated with a You Just Had to Say It. The Pungeon Master's quips are occasionally punintentional and usually punnecessary; this person can punsistently be depunded upun for a veritable plethora of terrible jokes.
This can range from a general breeziness to a full-blown punderstorm, which can come as a bit of a blow (if it doesn't leave you in gales of laughter).
If this character is a Punny Animal, then they're Pun Fursonified (please, please don't kill us).
The only known cure for a Pungeon Master is punicillin (though Punadol may help to alleviate the induced headaches). May spread to other characters to cause a pundemic. You may need a lawyer to sue the Pungeon Master for punitive damages; if punvicted, they may be punished with time in a punitentiary (or, if the work is set in medieval times, a pungeon), although they may get away with impunity. If they're dealing with someone with little patience, they may just get punched.
When the Pungeon Master fails, it's very pungent. If EVERYONE is a Pungeon Master, you have on your hands a world-wide punomenon, puntentially leading to a veritable punderland of wordplay. Often a form of Verbal Tic.
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Anime & Manga
- In Japanese media, it's much easier to make subtle puns that are actually pretty funny because of how Japanese characters can mean one word in Kanji, but in a different character system, like say Kana, or even just a different Kanji, it can mean something completely different. To further complicate things, two different character systems can use the same words with the same pronunciation, but mean two different things, and would have to be deciphered by writing it out to actually see the difference. Basic example: the word "ame" means, depending on the kanji, either "rain", "candy", or "heaven". While candy might still be told apart from the rest in speech (having slightly different stress), it is virtually impossible to tell which of them is meant when writing it in Romaji or Kana.
- Osaka from Azumanga Daioh has a knack for this, although it's apparently unintentional.
- King Kai from Dragon Ball Z is a cosmic ruler and martial arts master who LOVES to make terrible puns at any given opportunity, so much so that a requirement for receiving his training is to be able to come up with one that will make him laugh.
- Manabu Itagaki from Hajime no Ippo. His father is even more so. Even Mamoru Takamura got owned in a pun war against him.
- Happy Kanako's Killer Life: A common source of humor is Kanako internally expressing her concern or hesitation with a situation through animal-themed puns (i.e. "Nope nope nope antelope!" or "For real for real for eel?") accompanied with an image of the animal in question. Sometimes the animal is changed to make a better English pun.
- Nagi of Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens has quite the thing for puns and wordplay, using them (and pointing out accidental ones said by others) whenever possible. Most people just ignore them, but Nagi is quite amused at herself.
- Shun Izuki from Kuroko's Basketball has a knack for horrible puns, and a timing for them that can sometimes be just as bad.
- In March Comes in Like a Lion, Takeshi Tsujii, Rei's first opponent in the Shishi Ou Cup, is guilty of uttering really lame puns under his breath during his matches. It psyches Rei out a little.
- Izumi from Martian Successor Nadesico. It's later revealed that she's a Stepford Punner and making terrible puns all the time is her way of coping with a dead love.
Ryoko: I got 'im!
Izumi: "Got 'im"? Isn't that where Batman lives? (snicker)
- In Mx0, Michiyo Inui does this because Hiragi finds puns uncontrollably hilarious.
- Kan from Bio-Meat: Nectar always has to make at least one bad pun each arc. His first one was especially bad, as in a reference to making homemade flamethrowers, he remarked that it was "like lighting fire to a bicycle." The other party members went off without him.
- Negima!? (second season) uses this trope extensively with the usually quiet background character Zazie Rainyday. Even going as far as having Mana Tatsumiya rate her on the puns as well as making a few of her own.
- One Piece is an extreme example, where nearly everyone had his moments, if not whole themes going around their personality or appearances.
- The first characters to come out with outspoken puns are Zoro and Sanji, basically at the same time and in the same manner: their apparent hate of each other made them nicknaming each other in hurtful/ridiculous manners to pick on each other's appearance and personalities. Sanji mostly calls Zoro "Marimo" aka "moss-ball" in English, because of Zoro's green, short hair, which even got visualized at some points of the Anime. Zoro mostly calls Sanji "Mayuge" aka "curly" due to Sanji's key appearance-deficit, his long, curly shaped, and girlish eyebrows. Other frequent name is "Ero-cook" needless to say why...
- All the three pre-timeskip admirals are fond of making intentional and unintentional puns that fit their respective element (Aokiji's speech for example often contains the word "chill" or variants).
- Zoro's techniques, while sounding and meaning completely badass things at first, a little thinking reveals that all of them have meanings behind, and some are simply sounding the same as food-names. "Oni Giri" means "Demon Slash" while "onigiri" means "rice ball".
- Franky plays this SUPER! straight, in several occasions with the word "hentai."
- Fighting a CP9 trainee, he adjusts his cyber-body and uses "hentai" to indicate his "transformation" while his enemy, who was already getting confused from Franky's Big Ham-ness, acknowledges Franky being the "hentai" (pervert).
- In another fight, between the Straw Hats and the Flying Fish Riders, the flyers are ordering different formations using the word "hentai" and Franky gets confused, thinking that his enemies are calling him out as the pervert.
- Yet another time, Franky mistakes a "Taihen-da!" (Big Problem!) yelled at him, and mixes it up with "Dai Hentai" (Big Pervert)...
- Brook is fond of making jokes about his condition as a living skeleton. One of first, upon first seeing Nami, is to comment that "I've always had an eye for pretty ladies. Though as a skeleton I have no eyes! Yohohoho!" He even coined his own term for the long list of his missing bodyparts jokes, the "Skull joke!"
- Random moments:
- In the island where Vegapunk is from, Franky went into hiding after being sent there by Kuma. In the rare occasions he was seen, he was mistaken for a gorilla, being as big and disproportionate as one (not to speak about being burned black at the time) so the marines of the island are starting up a search party, loudly announcing, that there were sightings of a large gorilla in the mountains. Right the next moment, a marine captain enters the scene, looking exactly like a gorilla...
- Pokémon the Series:
- The Team Rocket trio is really fond of this, notably in the Vermilion Gym rematch, right after Pikachu dodges Raichu's Thunderbolt by using its tail:
Jessie: What a shocking story!
James: That was quite a tale!
[Meowth punches them both.]
Meowth: And now you have both been punished. - The entire series (and indeed all of the Pokémon franchise) is begging for it, since many Pokémon have punny names.
- A Primeape example of Team Rocket's puns:
Jessie: Alright, garden wall! You 'axed' for it! [while wielding an axe]
James: We're the toughest team you ever 'saw'! [while wielding a saw]
Meowth: Let's cut to the chase! [while wielding two scythes]
[Roots from the garden wall attack. Jessie and James are knocked back.]
Jessie: A timber tantrum, eh!? Let's get to the root of its problem!
[They are beaten back. The roots are chasing them.]
James: I think its bite is as bad as its bark! - Not to mention the dubbers in making the episode titles. Consider such comedy gold as "Better Eight Than Never", "An EGG-sighting Adventure!", and "UnBEARable". These have died down beginning in Unova.
- The Sun & Moon seasons bring us Principal Samson Oak and Professor Kukui, who specialize in making puns based on Pokémon names and moves, respectively.
- The Team Rocket trio is really fond of this, notably in the Vermilion Gym rematch, right after Pikachu dodges Raichu's Thunderbolt by using its tail:
- Hikaru Amane aka Dabide from The Prince of Tennis. Though he's not as good as he likes to think he is, and his partner Kurobane ends up kicking him in the head as punishment (or as his Straight Man).
- Chocolove's jokes from Shaman King mostly take the form of puns (and are consequently Lost in Translation). He somehow also has the ability to instantly acquire clothing and props to underline his puns.
- Shirokuma of Shirokuma Cafe is a literal Punny Animal who loves his bad puns and is not above wearing weird costumes and crossdressing just for the sake of his horrible puns.
- Morte from Sword Art Online Progressive likes cracking puns, such as saying that he'd be "Morte-fied," and making fun of the derogatory term for beta testers, "beater," saying it reminds him of beating eggs. His easy-going and joking nature, even while manipulating people, threatening to sabotage Kirito's efforts to complete the quest and planning to kill Kirito during a duel helps establish that he has a Faux Affably Evil personality.
- In the Tokyo Ghoul sequel manga Tokyo Ghoul: re, Sasaki Haise spends one of his first scenes unleashing a hurricane of very painful puns.
Haise: Wow, that looks good. Does that naan resonaant with your taste buds? ...How was that?
Akira: What a spicy joke. - Rumiko Takahashi's Urusei Yatsura is chock full o' puns. For example, the character "Cherry" (He likes to be called that in English, for obvious reasons, even in the Japanese language version) has the Japanese name "Sakuranbou" which can be written as "Cherry" or "The Deranged monk" (and is presented this way when he first says it)—and is indeed a Buddhist monk.
- Yakitate!! Japan is definitely not stale when it comes to getting a rise from people...
- In the English dubs of all Yu-Gi-Oh! series, most enemy duelists make puns based on their deck theme and/or gimmick, and the heroes sometimes counter with their own. For example: Arkana made magician and show business puns, Seeker made hunting puns (when Yami Yugi got an advantage over him, Joey quipped that Seeker was now the one on the endangered species list), Aster Phoenix made time and destiny puns (Jaden responded by saying, "Time to summon my Bubbleman! See, I can make witty puns too! And just wait til he clocks you!"), Johnson made courtroom puns, etc.
Comic Books
- Batman:
- Robin used to be portrayed this way, especially in The Golden Age of Comic Books. As Nightwing, Dick Grayson still has moments of this, especially if his mentor is being particularly grim. (He insists Bruce secretly loves the puns. Bruce disagrees.) At the end of the amnesia arc, it's even used as Something Only They Would Say.
- The Joker can be this way in some of his tamer adaptations, such as in the campy Sixties Batman and Robin television show or in his scarier incarnations. For example...
- In Batman: Urban Legends #5, Cassandra Cain is becoming a punster, even while she's limited to You No Take Candle speech. The implication seems to be that, having only discovered words relatively recently, she's decided to have fun with them.
- It might also be genetic, since her mother, Lady Shiva had a particular fondness for terrible puns in her debut book Richard Dragon: Kung-Fu Fighter, possibly just to irritate the eponymous hero.
- Deadpool: Deadpool's impressive lung capacity has been commented on many times in Marvel comics, as well as on his page on this wiki.
- Dylan Dog: Groucho's first trait. He keeps telling bad jokes and puns even in the direst situations, in combat and while in a coma.
- This trait is apparently shared by all Groucho Marx impersonators in the comic, to the point that in the story "Groucho-con" the Antropomorphic Personification of the Sense of Humor started its extermination of bad comedians from their convention... And one of them, forced to commit suicide, took the chance for one last pun.
- The Flash: The villain Double Down constantly makes card and gambling puns.
- Many ice-based villains just go nuts with puns. "Ice to meet you.", "Sorry to give you the cold shoulder.", "Freeze!", etc. In a bit of lampshading, when Chillblaine and Captain Cold are fighting, the following dialogue takes place:
Chillbaine: You're an absolute Zero!!
Captain Cold: Kid, I outgrew that $#!^ years ago. - King City and Multiple Warheadz creator Brandon Graham likes to fill his stories with puns and funny weirdness going on around the main characters.
- Mega Man (Archie Comics): Cut Man, to the point where even Mega Man cracks a pun after his defeat.
- Madballs: Every character in the Star Comics series. In fact, the Madballs character Dust Brain states and is shown having the power of puns (whereas they affect enemies, the Fourth Wall would also be broken in this instance, if it weren't already knocked down and swept far away from this series from the get-go), and an enemy named Colonel Corn states and uses the power of lame corn-based puns to destroy his enemies (shown to have a legit physical effect). The two naturally have a battle of puns. Other characters introduced later show a similar ability, usually attached to a running theme.
- Spider-Man. The man peppers every single fight and interaction with a sarcastic comment. Word of God says his Spider-Sense and superhuman agility are so finely tuned that he can instinctively dodge most of what's thrown at him, leaving him free to concentrate on quips and snarky comments.
- Practical analysis of his power set also indicates that he literally thinks faster than people with normal nerve conduction velocity... which would suggest he probably experiences large portions of your average fight in his own personal bullet time. Can you think of a better thing to do than come up with jokes while the world catches up with you?
- No less a personage than Captain America considers this to be a decent battle tactic.
"You use humor as a weapon, to keep your opponents off-guard. That's a sound strategy."
- Tales from the Crypt: The Crypt Keeper, with some lethally bad lines that never fail to knock 'em dead!
- Parodied in Alan Moore and Rob Liefeld's Supreme, along with Tales from the Crypt's traditional Anviliciousness and Disproportionate Retribution, with "The Three Mayhem-maniacs, here to wish you a happy grue year!"
- Ultimate Spider-Man: In his first fight with The Kingpin, Spidey gets his butt absolutely whooped and even his mask taken off and his identity revealed. In his rematch, however, knowing that he wouldn't be able to win with his previous tactics, he goes with dodging attacks whilst insulting The Kingpin (guess which type of insults) — at one point even stopping to pull out a notepad containing some zingers he prepared earlier. This obviously makes The Kingpin so angry that Spidey soon gets the upper hand and defeats him.
Comic Strips
- The entire Patterson clan in For Better or for Worse. Grandpa Jim can't even speak much and is close to death, and he STILL makes puns in his head.
- Frank and Ernest is this trope and nothing but.
- Funky Winkerbean has more than its fair share, but instead of being humorous, most are incredibly somber or death/fate related (specially in the late 2000s period). This fact is a driving point of The Comics Curmudgeon's hatred of the strip.
- Shoe does some old age/death puns every once in a while as well.
- Grandpa from One Big Happy gets in a good one now and then.
- Stephan Pastis of Pearls Before Swine forces his characters into this role. They call him (or at least his Author Avatar) out on it.
- The entire world of Australian comic Snake. The eponymous reptile is particularly bad about it, but everyone else gets the opportunity to say something groanworthy; it's just that Snake, being the Butt-Monkey, is the one most likely to end up smashed under his own rock or thrown into the river tied to a brick as a result.
Fan Works
- A Certain Droll Hivemind: Following from canon, the Misaka Sisters appear to believe that puns are automatically funny. One of the few things that can make them openly giggle is the opportunity to drop a pun. In fact, Misaka-11111's official name, Misaka Yui, is a Stealth Pun that she managed to sneak by her psychiatrist ("Misaka Yui" can be read as "Just Misaka").
- A Crown of Stars: Daniel loves doing this, to the point that his wife and even his subjects warn newcomers of this: "Provoke the Lord of Puns at your own peril."
- Pinkie Pie in Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles) as she is brutally ripping Rainbow Dash's organs out. Her puns are worse than the graphic description of the murder.
- Spike in the PONY.MOV series, as confirmed in MAGIC.MOV.
- Link in the Paper Mario X series. Zelda, too, to an extent, to the point where Amy claims that she has been hanging out with Link too much.
- Wasta Matter in The Changeling of the Guard, as befits his name. Idol has no idea what to make of his puns at first, but he comes to find them fascinating.
- Puck of Total Drama Tokyo and Total Drama: Superstar Showdown. A large amount of his dialogue consists of really bad puns.
- In My Huntsman Academia, Yang is flanderized into this, punning constantly to the displeasure of most of her friends. Her partner Tsuyu uses her frog-like tongue to slap Yang whenever this happens. This rubs off on Izuku once he starts hanging out with her and he's mortified whenever he puns without meaning to. Once he starts dating Yang, he tries to impress her with more puns (to his embarrassment) and has a notebook dedicated solely to formulating more puns to make her laugh. Weiss is none-too-happy about this and says that his sense of humor is rotting from the inside with his new habit.
- Yang in Recovery says a lot of puns, but many fall flat on her friend's ears.
- In Mall Rats, a fanfiction of The Loud House, Lincoln and Leni rent a movie featuring a detective who makes a lot of puns.
- True Potential:
- Naruto's student Kanji is one, much to his teammates' dismay.
- Downplayed with Yugito, who likes to make puns (usually cat-related) from time to time, but nowhere near as often as Kanji.
Films — Animation
- Aladdin (1992, Disney): Jafar during the climax is full of these. From claiming "time is running out" as he traps Jasmine in an hour glass, to "things around unravelling fast" as he de-threads the magic carpet, almost every line in the final confrontation is some kind of pun.
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman: Mr. Peabody never misses a chance to do history-related puns, some of them quite humorous.
Mr. Peabody: (after a limb falls off a sarcophagus) That's disarming.
Films — Live-Action
- Alien: Romulus: One of Andy’s tics is the use of punny dad jokes programmed in by Rain’s father. One of these jokes gives Rain the idea to manipulate the gravity generator in the hive.
- Austin Powers (as a parody of the Bond One-Liner). You might say it's a Punishment Worse Than Death!
- Austin Powers hanging from Dr. Evil's recently pulled down pants: "You know Dr. Evil, I used to think you're crazy, but now I can see your nuts."
- "A-thank you!"
- Dr. Evil himself: "Welcome to my submarine lair! It's long and hard and full of seamen!"
- "Nothing? Not even a titter?"
- Dr. Evil makes a near-constant stream of puns when presenting his evil plans to his henchmen. The thing is, they're all made by accident and he is completely oblivious to them, causing him to get annoyed by his henchmen constantly stifling their laughter during his presentations. The seamen pun was the only one he ever made on purpose... and also the only one nobody found funny.
- Mrs. Peel in The Avengers.
- "Mother tells me he left under..." "A cloud?" "Naturally."
- "Frankly I'm amazed" as they're walking through a maze.
- After she falls down a hole and is captured by Sir August: "I thought I'd drop in."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze in Batman & Robin. Here's a montage of all the "ice" jokes came up with
- Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy is not far behind, but with nature and plant-related puns.
- The title character from Beetlejuice.
- In the horror anthology film Body Bags (1993), John Carpenter's host character the Coroner makes several death-related puns every other minute.
- Groucho and Chico. Harpo, not so much. Not Zeppo either...
- Harpo counts if you allow puns of the visual variety.
- James Bond, as portrayed by Pierce Brosnan. In GoldenEye, even when on the verge of being killed, he cannot help, but spin puns at the drop of a hat.
- In Jungle Cruise, riverboat skipper Frank Wolff, true to the original ride, makes lame puns whenever he gets the opportunity.
- The Hoover Dam tour guide from Vegas Vacation is dam fond of puns.
- The janitor in When Evil Calls spouts a nonstop stream of death related puns. He seems to be under some compulsion to do so, as he complains that it's not easy and he is doing the best he can.
- The Mock Turtle and the Gryphon in Alice in Wonderland.
- Bone, The Mad Hatter Expy from Patrick Senecal's Aliss, puns constantly, usually with frightening instead of funny results. The only person entertained by Bone's wordplay is his equally terrifying lover, Chair (the March Hare), who also puns at the drop of a hat.
- Isaac Asimov loved puns. From the author's note of the very short story, A Loint of Paw (a play on the words "A Point of Law"):
A play on words the noblest form of wit.
- The plot involves a criminal named Stein who stole money, then entered a time machine set for the day after the statute of limitations for his crime expired. The story tells how the case against Stein was prosecuted and defended, and the judge's eventually rules that "a niche in time saves Stein."
- He also wrote Shah Guido G, later described as a "Shaggy Dog" Story (get it?). In it, a flying island named Atlantis crashes under the collective weight of its own soldiers, who are known as Waves.
- The short story Death of a Foy consists solely of an elaborate setup so that the last will and testament of a dying Starfish Alien is a pun on the chorus of the song Give My Regards to Broadway.
- "Give my big hearts to Maude, Dwayne. Dismember me for Harold's choir..."
- Captain Jack Aubrey, of the Aubrey-Maturin series. From a "getting to the point" joke involving narwhal tusks to the infamous "lesser of two weevils" that was also in The Film of the Book, this man is always making horrible puns. And he laughs riotously at them all.
- Abby from The Baby-Sitters Club.
- Bruce Coville's Book of... Ghosts II: In Call Me Ghost the titular spirit jokes that he's a real-life "ghost writer" when he discovers he has the power to type stories on a computer.
- Almost all of the characters in Spider Robinson's Callahan's Crosstime Saloon stories. Callahan's Lady in particular tends to feature puns in a more serious way. And not so seriously. It's a grand mix.
- Harry Turtledove is also a fan of puns, and several can be found in all of his works. The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump he once described as the fastest book he ever wrote, because all he had to do was keep coming up with increasingly worse puns. Forget Nick Frank Castle — HT is the real Punnisher!
- Chocoholic Mysteries: Charlie McCoy, AKA "Good-Time Charlie" the used care salesman, is always making bad puns in his comedic persona as a salesman. He's a big jokester outside of it too.
- Adam in Emergence. Even the bird is getting tired of it.
- Family Skeleton Mysteries: Sid, who loves to make incredibly lame puns. Usually about his being a skeleton.
- Feghoot writers as a whole.
- Jasper Fforde is a strong contender for the world leader in puns. Don't believe me? Just read the list of characters from any given novel.
- Finnegans Wake. Practically every sentence includes a pun. Most of which you won't get unless you read fluent French, German, Latin, Greek, and Spanish. And in Ulysses (pointed out by the endnotes), "he [Bloom] ate kidneys with relish"
- In The Harvard Lampoon's The Lord of the Rings parody, Bored of the Rings, Birdseye subjects Moxie and Pepsi (read Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin, respectively) to a truly atrocious series of produce-related puns.
- Anthony Horowitz. Just look at the titles of the Diamond Brothers books, which are things like The Falcons Malteser, and the Groosham Grange books. Even in the more serious Alex Rider series he can't stop himself slipping in puns wherever possible.
- Lolita: Humbert Humbert not only loves punning in his head and out loud, but also does so across English, German, French, and Latin.
- Monster of the Year: Kevver Smith makes puns all the time. His friend Michael McGraw has learned to tune him out when he does so.
- Terry Pratchett seemingly couldn't write a paragraph without some kind of pune, or play on words... to an extent. Both The Discworld Companion and the Discworld Roleplaying Game explicitly distinguish between the sort of wordplay Pratchett enjoyed and what the RPG calls "grinding, humourless punning", and note that there are fewer actual puns in the books than you might think. When a character does make a pun, the humour usually comes from other characters not finding it funny.
- Owlfred from Project NRI. Even his name is a pun.
"One at a time! We do not want any fowl play now!"
"It seems that a fowl crime has occurred!" - Ahrek in Shadow of the Conqueror, which constantly prompts the Lame Pun Reaction from Daylen.
Ahrek: "You'd be surprised how many animals I end up healing while traveling through these rural parts, although birds require a different tweetment.
Daylen: "Terrible."
Ahrek: "I thought that one was quite good."
Daylen: "Terrible." - William Shakespeare loved his puns, but changes in pronunciation made most of them disappear for modern audiences — the occasional Country Matters is left.
- Peter David, especially in his Sir Apropos of Nothing novels.
- Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog in Robotnik's Laboratory just can't keep himself from adding the word "egg" into anything that begins with a E. What's worsegg is that this is infectious and everything ends up doing it, including the author.
- Lieutenant T'Ryssa Chen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Relaunch novels. She's carried it over to the Star Trek: Typhon Pact series; the highlight this time is her referring to Kinshaya engaging in non-violent protests as "hippie-griffs" (Kinshaya being the Star Trek Novel 'Verse's Our Gryphons Are Different race).
- Star Wars Legends:
- Jacen Solo, during the "Young Jedi Knights" series. He gets better afterward. Or rather, worse. The Legacy of the Force series makes good use of this; in the final book, where Jacen has completed his Face–Heel Turn and called himself Darth Caedus, and is the unquestionable Big Bad, every chapter starts with a horrible pun, quoted from Jacen, age 14-16.
- Wes Janson, all the time unless things are really bad. (And Wedge, after that night with Iella. But can you blame him?) Fittingly, while Jacen is turning evil, Janson (via Wedge) calls him on it, citing the loss of his humor as a symptom.
- There Is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns: Delta uses this as a coping mechanism for the fact that she's been reincarnated as a dungeon core. Her assistant, Nu, gets grumpy about it, but can't help occasionally punning himself.
- In Worm, the Time Master parahuman Phir Sē is a great fan of wordplay — referring to a massive laser created by shining light between his two time travel portals as a "time bomb", and pointing out the humor in Taylor (whose power controls insects) talking about "working on a smaller scale".
- Piers Anthony, ESPECIALLY his Magic of Xanth series. It got to the point that, after the first few books, fans were sending in puns by the dozen for him to use. He made a point of using as many of them as possible. And in his "Crewel Lye" the editor made a point of leaving the first chapter out, since it was filled with fan puns.
Live-Action TV
- Soupy Sales. He'd deliver a groan-worthy punchline, followed by a pleased-as-punch grin and chortle — only to be hit with a Pie in the Face.
- The Addams Family: Gomez tends to make the most deliberate puns of any of the characters. Some are truly painful, such as "Watt a way to go" when Fester loses his electricity. Others are slightly more original, such as when Morticia calls Itt a "rolling stone" and Gomez responds with "I don't know, he seems to have gathered quite a bit of moss"; or, in another episode, "even the pages [as in servants: actually Wednesday and Pugsley, It Makes Sense in Context] have turned over a new leaf". And of course various hand puns with Thing: working hand in hand, lend a hand, handy, etc (these continue in the live-action films to some extent and Morticia joins in by calling him a "handful"). There are other jokes in the series that are also based in plays on words, but when Gomez isn't involved it's usually misunderstandings/literal-mindedness, whereas Gomez is more likely to make puns on purpose. Morticia rarely makes puns, but occasionally shows herself to be Not So Above It All, and her and Gomez will then team up:
Fester: Now, you may as well know. I have been in touch with the spirits.
Morticia: Well, a little drink now and then never hurt anyone.
Fester: The spirits of the astral plane, I'm talking about!
Gomez: Oh, one of those champagne flights, eh, Fester? - In the 60's Batman show, most villains spouted puns based on his or her "theme". (Cat-astrophic, etc...)
- Egghead might be the worst. Seriously, do a shot every time he substitutes something with the word egg. You'll probably die of alcohol poisoning in a few minutes.
- The television series spin-off of the made-for-television film Black Scorpion has the title character, or the episode's supervillain making numerous puns based on the villain's theme.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lampshaded in "Helpless": "If I were at full Slayer strength, I'd be punning right now."
- Community has two prime examples:
- Dean Pelton consistently shoehorns "Dean" into various phrases, such as "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a dean." This culminates in an a capella version of "Carol of the Bells" in which various characters say their catch phrases to the tune of the song; Pelton's contribution is "Dean, dean, dean, dean" ad nauseam.
- He's not as insistent as the Dean, but Ben Chang likes to use his last name as a pun.
- Richard Whitely, of Countdown. Endlessly, and relentlessly, parodied, sent up and otherwise mocked by everyone else in television, ever.
- CSI: Miami: What, no Horatio Caine? Was the entry about the Internet meme focusing on his morbid jokes... *Glasses Pull* ...expunged?
- Doctor Who:
- Some incarnations of the Doctor have a tendency towards this kind of behaviour. It's particularly bad with the Eighth Doctor, although having companions with names like Fitz and Trix may be partly to blame, and the Fourth Doctor, especially as his tenure goes on (an Actor-Inspired Element — Tom Baker loved his puns and would add them into scripts). The First Doctor also torments Ian by subjecting him to a Hurricane of Puns about knights in "The Crusade", while the Twelfth incarnation will drop a few every once in a while.
- "The Runaway Bride": The Empress of the Racnoss is one of the hammiest villains in the show's history. Notably, she keeps setting up puns, but her prisoners don't play along.
Donna and Lance: Yes!
Empress: [annoyed] YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SAY "I DO"! - Clyde from The Sarah Jane Adventures. This is actually weaponized at one point to defeat the Monster of the Week.
- Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Min-shik loves to drop food-related puns. Cue a blind date with Soo-yeon, and it's made clear soon enough that she isn't having any of it.
- Chandler from Friends can be like this from time to time, particularly in puncomfortable situations.
- The Great Model Railway Challenge is hosted by not one but two Pungeon Masters, Tim Shaw and James Richardson, who turn almost the entire show into a Hurricane of Puns, the extent that the rare moments when they drop the punning can actually feel quite jarring.
- Robbie Ray on Hannah Montana. The terribleness of his puns are one of the show's Running Gags.
- Ralph "I still got it!" Malph on Happy Days.
- Ron MacLean of Hockey Night in Canada. Almost once a broadcast you can expect to hear some kind of pun about something that happened during the game or something that was brought up to him in conversation. They're almost always spur of the moment, and some — like the Toronto Star's Chris Zelkovich and MacLean's own on-screen partner, Don Cherry — have made note about how cringe worthy his puns can get.
- Jimmy Carr has a whole segment devoted to puns in 10 O'Clock Live. He seems to revel in make bading off-colour puns and then playing the audience's reaction against themselves to make it funny.
- Carly in iCarly. Example, when discussing how their entire building has suffered the theft of all TV remotes:
Other character: What kind of person would go around stealing TV remotes?
Carly: A... remote control freak.- Carly seems to have absorbed this from her older brother, Spencer, as he is also prone to making puns related to situations he finds himself in.
- The narrator of Impractical Jokers almost always announces the result of each game with a pun based on the nature of the game.
- Hiden Aruto, the titular Kamen Rider Zero-One, tries to be a comedian based on making tons of bad puns. If they haven't already cleared out the room, nobody finds it funny.
- MacGyver: MacGyver himself, when the mood strikes him:
I've never been to Leningrad before. I hear it's a real... Party town.
- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers:
- A villainous version was the Monster of the Week Eye Guy, who was... made of eyes. He made a lot of puns that used the word "eye"; for example, when Rita or Goldar told him to do something, he'd salute and say, "Eye-eye!" (He meant "Aye-aye!") Even the title of the episode where he debuted was a pun: "I, Eye Guy". Still, Rita seemed to like him a lot given how he showed some attraction and loyalty to her, calling her "lovely" and "a sight for sore eyes".
- The less-iconic See Monster from MMPR Season 3 was another pun-spouter — apparently eye jokes lend themselves to this? After one bad joke too many, Tommy told Billy to give him one "right between the eyes".
- The typical humor of The Munsters, particularly with Herman and Grandpa.
- Fozzie of The Muppet Show fame is truly un-bear-able.
- Murdoch Mysteries: Constable Crabtree is apt to do this on occasion, with his superior Detective Murdoch supplying a raised eyebrow or an admonitory "George!" For example, in "Love and Human Remains", when he and Murdoch are discussing the glass eye of one of the victims, George talks about getting "insight" into the case, and on getting his orders from his boss, he responds, "I will look into it."
- Araya and Doubting Dave in Mystery Hunters both get groans, usually from Christina.
- The entire cast of MythBusters, especially narrator Robert Lee. Yes, even Jamie gets in on it.
- Kari might deserve special mention here, as her puns are so bad that even Grant and Tory are driven to groaning by them.
- Lee Mack's character in British Sitcom Not Going Out, to the point where he is made to go and see a psychiatrist (his friends wonder if he's covering up for something).
- NTSF:SD:SUV::: Agent Trent Hauser is primarily a parody of Horatio Caine, including the puns and Glasses Pull. Although it's occasionally subverted when he struggles to come up with anything witty.
- Just about every character in the German dub of The Persuaders!. In comparison with the rest of the cast, though, it's Danny Wilde.
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch spoofed this in a fantasy episode where Harvey was a James Bond-esque secret agent. At one point, the villain [Mr. Kraft] proclaimed "I'll kill you, Kinkle! If only to stop the puns!"
- Kindly Vet Ted on Schitt's Creek makes animal puns all the time, and he is surprised when Alexis tells him that some of her laughs at them are genuine.
- And how can we forget JD from Scrubs?
- Dr. Cox says he wishes for the day JD will not refer to cream cheese as "cow fudge".
JD: I like to play with words.
- Dr. Cox says he wishes for the day JD will not refer to cream cheese as "cow fudge".
- Smallville's version of Zatanna has a tendency to make magician and show business puns.
- In the TV version of Tales from the Crypt, the Cryptkeeper makes morbid puns before and after every tale he tells.
- Jeff Stelling on Soccer Saturday exemplified this trope.
- The older vampires in True Blood were explicitly stated to be fans of humourous wordplay:
Sookie Stackhouse: Fang-tasia?
Bill Compton: You have to remember that most vampires are very old. Puns used to be the highest form of humor. - Both on-screen on What's My Line? and off in his personal life, Bennett Cerf was THE Pungeon Master for the 50s and 60s up to his death in the early 70s.
- In a game of "superheroes" in Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Colin once played the role of Mr. Continuous Unfunny Pun Man.
Greg: The world leaders are about to die in a plane crash!
Colin: Well that's plane to see!- Speaking of Colin Mochrie, his "reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane" gag in a Weird Newscasters, not to mention just about every one of his hoedowns, established him as the greatest Pungeon Master on that show.
- Really, Colin had spectacular puns in most (if not all) of his Weird Newscasters bits. He was the master of the Overly Preprepared Gag.
Colin: Convicted hitman Jimmy 'Two Shoes' McClardy confessed today that he was once hired to beat a cow to death in a rice field using only two small porcelain figures. Police admit that this may be the first known case of a knick-knack paddy whack.
- Oh heck, just watch the master at work
- Really, Colin had spectacular puns in most (if not all) of his Weird Newscasters bits. He was the master of the Overly Preprepared Gag.
- A particularly Punishing hoedown from Colin:
Colin: I am quite unbalanced, my mind is not that steady, I once pummeled a guy with an Eveready. They took me down to jail and they arrested me, and they charged me with assault with a battery.
- Speaking of Colin Mochrie, his "reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane" gag in a Weird Newscasters, not to mention just about every one of his hoedowns, established him as the greatest Pungeon Master on that show.
- Mike The Cool Person from The Young Ones always carried a set of puns with him: Some of them were quite cheap, but a few ones were genuinely funny.
"Neil, if your head was on strike, you couldn't picket your nose."
- The singing tomato in the fridge in the episode "Interesting" is this trope in concentrated form: its single, short appearance consists entirely of a song made out of tomato puns.
- Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Nossan/Kyoryu Blue has a habit of cracking what his team-mates refer to as 'old man puns' (as a 30-something, he is pretty old for a Sentai hero). At one point, the team leader Kyoryu Red praises him for it, since he appears to have a (lame) pun for literally every occasion.
- Taskmaster: Alex is notorious for this, along with his inane non sequiturs and habit of using the least helpful measurement comparisons imaginable. Such as when he came up with "quite a good joke" about Daisy May Cooper's name.
Alex: I need to warn you, she might make the noise of a mourning dove and a happy cat at the same time. Yes, Daisy May coo purr.
(Aughs and ughs from the audience)
Greg: Ugh, god. I HATE you.
- The band Alkaline Trio has released albums called "From Here to Infirmary" and "Good Mourning" and have penned lyrics such as "a farewell to arms, and legs and heads..." It's good music, but unarguably groan-compelling.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Party at the Leper Colony" is made of this. Actually, he throws them out so fast (and the puns are so morbid) that it's very enjoyable.
- Bo Burnham's music is so full of puns and double entendre that it would be hard to find a line that doesn't fit this trope.
- Chief lyricist of Blue Öyster Cult Sandy Pearlman frequently inserted so many puns and double meanings into his writing that the end results are often mistaken for meaningless Word Salad Lyrics — though the arcane symbolism he also used didn't help that matter much. Imaginos is probably the crowning example (and its sequel to a somewhat lesser extent).
- Kitananx is one, but doesn't use so many of them in his songs. He used one in "Meatheads, Meatheads, Everywhere," though.
"He seems to be better than that PRESIDENT EVIL George W. Bush, though...
- Michael Giacchino owns this trope in the field of film and television scoring, and possibly in the world as well. The following is by no means a complete list...
- "If You Don't Make It, It's Your Own Damn Vault" (Land of the Lost)
- "Dug The Birdie Hunter" (Up — not on the soundtrack album, but included on the FYC promo)
- "Hella Bar Talk" (Star Trek (2009))
- "Killer In-Stinks" (Let Me In)
- "Lithe Or Death" (The Incredibles)
- "Grand Ol' Prix" (Speed Racer)
- "Alex In Chains" (Lost Season 5)
- "Disguise The Limit" (Mission: Impossible III)
- "Kiss & Vinegar" (Ratatouille)
- "Locke At It This Way" (Lost: The Final Season)
- "Aftermath Class" (Alias: Season 2)
- "Thark Side of Barsoom" (John Carter)
- "Brigadoom" (Star Trek Into Darkness)
- "Kremlin with Anticipation" (Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol)
- Basically most of Star Trek Beyond's tracklist, but special mention goes to "Thank Your Lucky Star Date", "Night On The Yorktown", "A Swarm Reception", "Franklin My Dear", and "Krall-y Krall-y Oxen Free".
- British indie band Carter USM's songs are filled with these, which often makes the lyrics very hard to write down, even though they sound great out loud. Is it "Triple ex-directory", "Triple X directory" or "XXX directory"?
- A lot of the more lyrical rappers count — notable examples being Eminem (starting from The New '10s — he rarely used puns previously), Jay-Z, and Lil Wayne (who popularised the heavy, free-associating pun style around the time he got really huge in the late 2000s).
- The two Johns in They Might Be Giants. Here are a few samples from only one of their albums (Lincoln):
- "Somebody put their fingers into the president's ears/It wasn't too much later they came out with Johnson's Wax!" ("Purple Toupee")
- "This is the spawning of the cage and aquarium..." ("Cage and Aquarium")
- "Life's parade of fashion just leaves me depressed/Under every garment I can see the world's address" ("The World's Address")
- "Money I owe, money-ay-yay..." ("Snowball In Hell")
- Jellyfish's lead vocalist/drummer/co-songwriter Andy Sturmer seems to provide this in their albums. Roger Joseph Manning Jr., his songwriting partner, tends to write lyrics in this manner, too.
- Peter Gabriel is known to use lots of wordplay, double entendre and puns, and was especially so with Genesis and his first two solo albums.
- The Crypt Keeper in Data East Pinball's Tales from the Crypt, who delivers a nonstop litany of bad horror-themed puns throughout the game.
- Dice Funk: Fittingly enough, Dungeon Master Johnny drops a couple killer puns.
- Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye: Paul Schue-Horyn often signs on with a pun, and appreciates anyone else who makes a pun. (see entry under Web Original, below)
PAUL: Wow. I can’t believe I missed this. I didn’t realize you were so skilled in the art of pun-up-manship, Artie!
ARTEMIS: Well, the guy was a tool.
PAUL: And you nailed him, amirite?
- You're Dead To Me: Host Greg Jenner rarely lets an opportunity to make a (usually groanworthy) pun pass by.
Pro Wrestling
- Former pro wrestler Mick Foley seems to just adore bad puns and awful jokes, as evidenced by his books and his work as color commentator on WWE Smackdown. With him, though, it's an endearing trait, not an infuriating one.
- Becky Lynch is also big on dishing out puns on her Twitter and in backstage segments.
Punppet Shows
- Shane Weston in Joe 90 can never resist a lousy pun. And why should he, since his name is a lousy pun in the first place?
- Statler and Waldorf use puns as insults all the time, along with a lot of Literal Metaphors, especially when fellow punster Fozzie Bear is doing his jokes, with Statler and Waldorf planning to "wocka"... er walk out in the middle of his routine, if they weren't having so much fun heckling the acts. (Sometimes both at once.)
- Lou Costello of Abbott and Costello, given most of their humor was puns and deliberate misunderstandings of a punny nature.
- In the Big Finish Doctor Who audio books, the Eighth Doctor seems to love wordplay, aside from being a Genius Ditz. At one point he's about to be eaten by a Giant Enemy Crab and quips the creature is being shellfish and then muses those were some horrible last words to go out on.
- Steve Patterson, host of The Debaters, is notorious for his punny discourse, and seems to take great pleasure in making the audience groan.
- The teams on I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue — especially Graeme and Barry as Hamish and Dougal.
- Once per Episode on The Life of Riley, Riley would run into his pal Digby "Digger" O'Dell, "The Friendly Undertaker", who could always be counted upon to unleash several dreadful puns related to his (flat)line of work. A typical exchange would begin with Digger noting that Riley was "looking very...natural", and end with him saying, "I'd better be...shoveling off."
- Lo Zoo Di 105: Maccio Capatonda's pal, Herbert Ballerina. Holy Incredibly Lame Pun, Herbert!
- Jim Norton of The Opie & Anthony Show will sometimes adopt the persona of Lyle "Chip" Chipperson, a nebbish with a penchant for really awful puns. (Tssf, how 'bout a pencil-chant or somethin'?)
- Our Miss Brooks:
- Mr. Jensen, the caretaker on several radio episodes. He insists on taking things literally and out-of-context. When Miss Brooks asks about his new son, she asks "How is the little dear?" Mr. Jensen replies they didn't have a "deer." One exchange with Miss Brooks ends with Miss Brooks thinking she finally has him in his own trap.
Mr. Jensen: While I'll be running off.
Miss Brooks: Now I've got you Mr. Jensen. You won't really be running off!"
Mr. Jensen: Oh, yes I will. (is heard running away)
- A Prairie Home Companion has several regular features which are comprised primarily of extremely painful puns. Probably the most egregious being Guy Noir, Private Eye.
- In the CNN Student News Podcast, Carl Azuz makes a pun at the end of every episode, extremely lame ones at that.
- Older Than Feudalism: God Himself made a few puns in The Bible. The puns don't always translate, though.
- Here's an example from Genesis 48:22. The patriarch Jacob is prophesying what will occur to his descendants, and says to his grandson Ephraim, "Moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren." That doesn't seem like a pun in English. But in Hebrew the word for portion is שְׁכֶם, or "Shechem," which just so happens to be the name of the largest city in the land Ephraim inherited in Canaan. To a Judean or Israelite from 3000 years ago that would be instant chuckles right there.
- Another example from the New Testament (only accessible to those who speak a bit of Hebrew). When the angel is speaking to Mary in Matthew 1:21, he says, " She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." In English, the name "Jesus" has nothing to do with saving anything. But in Jesus's native tongue of Aramaic, his name would be Yeshua (ישוע) which in Hebrew literally means "Salvation." There are loads more, but if you don't speak at least a bit of Hebrew they are damn near impossible to understand.
- Jeff Stelling from Soccer Saturday.
- The webmasters of the National Hockey League's website has a habit of naming the highlight videos from recent games in the most punny way possible.
Tabletop Games
- Atmosfear: Kufu, a mummy, sprinkles his dialoge with puns related to his condition.
You thought I was all wrapped up?
- GURPS has the surprisingly effective advantage Rapier Wit. Not only is the victim stunned but a good enough (or bad enough) joke can physically harm an opponent. Talk about "cutting remarks"...
- Dungeons & Dragons: In the 3.5 Edition Draconomicon, one of the sample copper dragons is described as this to the extreme, to the point where conversation with him is akin to "fencing with a vastly superior foe", and he hasn't given a straight answer to any question in over three hundred years ("And yes, he is keeping track").
- In 1776, Richard Henry Lee absolute-Lee has to make a pun on his name every time he says an adverb.
- John Tartaglia's Imaginocean has two fish named Whipper and Snapper who are essentially the equivalent of Statler and Waldorf. Whipper is this, making all sorts of wisecrack puns based on types of fish, i.e. "tuna fish" (tune a fish), etc.
- Shakespearean examples:
- Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet lives and breathes in horrible puns. At one point he even has a mock "contest of wits" with Romeo which consisted of both of them trying to out-pun each other. Even when he's dying, he can't resist the allure of a pun, saying "ask for me tomorrow and you will find me a grave man".
- The main character of Hamlet does the same thing; it's just harder to notice because he's so melancholy. Arguably Mercutio is what Hamlet would be if he weren't the main character of a revenge tragedy.
- In Two Gentlemen of Verona, token servant Launce is the main punner. For example, after Valentine learns that he's been banished from Milan, he angstily claims to be "nothing". Launce's response:
Sir, there is a proclamation that you are vanished.
- Launcelot, a similar servant in The Merchant of Venice. Notably, he's told by Lorenzo that "every fool can play upon the word!" (translation: "Any idiot can make puns!") and gets his revenge by finding a double meaning in everything Lorenzo says. Told he's gotten a "moor" pregnant, he avoids an awkward exchange (or perhaps even makes it worse):
It is much that the moor should be more than reason, but if she be less than an honest woman, she is indeed more than I took her for!
Theme Parks
- At the Disney Theme Parks:
- The Ghost Host from The Haunted Mansion and various other shows at Disney Theme Parks. Usually has to do with his status.
"Right this way, and as they say...look alive!"
"Why, you're dead right!"
"Why it's the Sea Witch! So nice of you to plop in!"- The Jungle Cruise skippers are a never-ending source of puns.
- Kabob in The Eighth Voyage of Sindbad show at Universal's Islands of Adventure is a never-ending source of puns, much to the characters' annoyance.
Video Games
- Dr. Morris in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. He's unequivocally the absolute worst ever.
"I used to be a resident, but now I'm president! Ohohoho... Perhaps you didn't hear me, I said —"
"I heard you." - AkaSeka: Funya no Yasuhide, full stop. He either makes homophone puns or makes words out of the last syllables of sentences in a manner similar to Otsuu, and he does it so annoyingly frequently and badly he almost always ends up laughing at his own jokes.
- Edgar Oinkie and Big Bull of Anarchy Reigns, who makes pig puns and bull puns respectively.
- The developers of Artix Entertainment seem to be so, due to the Hurricane of Puns that are their games. Artix von Kreiger isn't called the "punladin" for nothing.
- Princess Mereille of Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings puts effort into thinking up awful puns, some of which she even admits herself are groaners. Lydie and Sue try not to react if possible, so as to try not to encourage her.
- Dr. Finn and NEV:3 from Atlas Reactor are both extremely fond of puns, favouring fish puns and cat puns respectively. Their ability names and mod names are also rife with them.
- In Aviary Attorney, Falcon's assistant Sparrowson is a frequent punner.
- Merrina, a cat girl from Bullet Girls Phantasia, just cannot stop making cat puns, replacing syllables with "nya" in Japanese, or trying to jam as many "meow", "cat", and "purr" puns as she possibly can in the English localization. If she suddenly stops, you know you're in trouble.
- Baldur's Gate III has Dribbles the Clown, who spends his entire set spouting off groan-worthy puns (which a Bard Player Character can join in on) before revealing himself to be an assassin impersonator working for the Cult of the Absolute.
- Many, many units in the Command & Conquer: Red Alert series.
- Red Alert 3's Tesla Trooper will not stop making electricity-based puns (to the point where two of his "under fire" lines are "Geez, tough crowd!" and "Was it something I said?".
- Uprising has the Cryo Legionnaire (a pun on the previous game's Chrono Legionnaire) who is essentially Mr. Freeze from Batman & Robin, Austrian accent included.
- Many heroes from Dota 2 have punny lines on occasion, but the best example of this trope is probably Lich. Given that his powerset and his puns are both ice-themed, it's probably an intentional reference to Mr. Freeze.
- Dragon Quest:
- Dragon Quest IV: Healie can't speak a single sentence without inserting a slime-based pun or twelve. Even if he's in human form.
- Dragon Quest V: Kon the Knight enjoys making horse-related puns.
- Dragon Quest IX:
- Chances are that if Stella is not speaking in Unusual Euphemisms, she'll be punning frequently (and since she's the journey's record keeper, all the puns in your records are hers, too). She manages to give Teddie a run for his money.
- Shogum, the Red King Slime. Just read this excerpt from his dialogues: "Goo day, and welcome to this place, forgotten since slime immemorial... this goomb of so many unknown soldiers. But, though we have been here for a goo many years now, it has become no easier to foregoo the thrill of battle. Come, it is slime! If you ooze your life at my hands, perhaps the seal will be broken, and we will goo free at last!"
- Dragon Quest XI:
- Alizarin, a sea monster, tends to speak in fishing-related puns and metaphors.
- Jarvis, a reptilian boss who always carries one jar around, speaks primarily in pottery-themed wordplay.
- In Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and The Blight Below and Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End, Healix is always inserting some goo/slime-related pun in every sentence.
- Dragon Quest Builders 2: Captain Brownbeard's dialogue is peppered with terrible puns on nautical expressions.
- Final Fantasy X: Lulu. While all characters will say a Premortem One Liner before using a new attack, when she uses a new black magic spell, she always comes out with a pun. Always. (Except Flare and Ultima, for which she says "Know pain." and "Know pain... but not for long.")
(Casting Thunder) "Don't be shocked!"
- Tidus' time magic spells also result in some gems:
(Casting Haste) "This'll be quick!"
- The Flash RPG game Flagstaff has the main villain, Attila the Pun ("the pun and only!"). Luckily one of the PC party members, the Sorceress, is a Punslinger herself and can match Attila pun for pun, greatly angering the villain.
- Cyno from Genshin Impact is infamous for his horrible dad jokes when he's not on the clock and elicts a lot of groans from anyone around him, especially his best friend Tighnari. He told so many bad jokes during the Windblume event, that Tighnari practically begs him to stop and earns Disapproving Looks from everyone.
- I Was a Teenage Exocolonist:
- Cal makes a lot of baking puns during the Vertumnalia Bake Off.
"Let's get our bake on!"
- Rex does a stand-up comedy routine where he makes a lot of dog puns for his first talent act.
- Cal makes a lot of baking puns during the Vertumnalia Bake Off.
- Jönssonligan: Jakten på Mjölner: Two out of the three player characters, namely Sickan and Vanheden, have been upgraded to this in the game despite that they did not pull that many puns in the original film series. For example, if Vanheden examines a pile of cloth ("tyg" in Swedish), all three of his voice clips are of him calling the pile other things that end with "-tyg", whereas if Sickan picks up a hotel room key, he will either claim that he's always played a key role, that they now are able to get into a key position, or ask himself "Could this be the key to success?"note
- Kingdom of Loathing shouldn't be overlooked, although its puns are too numerous to list here. Really, the game sometimes seems little more than a vehicle for punnery. The puns are sometimes delivered semi-apologetically, as in this snippet from a fight with a Bread Golem:
This is a golem made out of a loaf of bread. You find him crusty and his wit stale. Having thought the previous sentence, you almost hope he manages to kick your ass.
- Vladimir from League of Legends is on the bleeding edge of blood-related puns.
- Patricia the sand seal from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a sealious devotion to puns involving the kind of animal she is. Seal for yourself
- Love & Pies:
- Joe constantly makes puns. They're usually terrible.
- Edwina makes Halloween-themed puns during her Halloweeny's Cash Dash Event.
"I suppose you think you're pretty fangtastic?"
- Howard "Buckshot" Holmes, one of the announcers from MadWorld, will always make a punny comment any chance he gets. His co-commentator Kreese Kreely will usually provide the proper reaction, at least until near the end of the game where he just gives in to him.
Howard: Do you know what's more dangerous than a maniac on a motorcycle?
Kreese: Your wife on her menstrual cycle?
Howard: How'd you guess that?
Kreese: Dude, I've been sitting here with you all night.
- Mario Party 6: The minigame Seer Terror has a basic premise of "Pull the rope, something happens, Bowser makes a bad pun out of it". He has nearly half an hour's worth of them, for reference.
- Cryosphere has an obsession with puns that are related to ice in Mighty No. 9.
- In Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate, the titular fortune teller will make at least one pun when witnessing the future of her carnival workers (which is invariably kinda gruesome). For example, after seeing the sword swallower accidentally swallow a real, sharp sword:
Madame Fate: Perhaps he should take a stab at being more careful, he's really losing his edge!
- Amida Nyorai of Namu Amida Butsu! -UTENA- seems to be a serious and respectable man until he reveals himself to be this.
Amida: It's not a ballet competition, but ganbare!
- In NetHack, if a pit viper or pit fiend falls into a pit, it says "How pitiful! Isn't that the pits?"
- In No Umbrellas Allowed, HUE occasionally makes puns as he helps you run Darcy's shop, such as saying "Bye...olin..." If you return Seon Gong's violin to her.
- Regongar, the Magus companion of Pathfinder: Kingmaker loves to pun, and will fire off a Hurricane of Puns on several occasions during the game. The Baron/ness can either respond with a Lame Pun Reaction, or join in
- Persona:
- Persona 3:
- Chairman Shuji Ikutsuki tells the worst puns imaginable constantly.
- One event in the game involves putting on an impromptu Boke and Tsukkomi Routine with one of your friends, which requires (for a good show, anyway) that you come up with horrible puns. Your friend even compares you to Ikutsuki.
- Teddie from Persona 4 isn't quite as bad as Ikutsuki, but still quite un-bear-able. So bad that not even Yukiko think it's funny.
- The protagonist also gets the chance to deliver a few groaners. Whether or not he does depends on the player.
- This is the result of their Translation Style Choice, naturally; in the Japanese, he ends his sentences with "kuma" or some variation thereof (it means "bear", and also happens to be his name). They decided to treat English-language players to a real (wait for it...!) bear (ha!) instead of subjecting them to his Verbal Tic. Well, some would rather have it the other way, perhaps.
- In the Persona 3 and Persona 4 crossover spin-off Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Sho Minazuki spouts so many terrible puns (even Teddie thinks they're bad) that his title is "The Rule-Smashing Pun Machine". It runs in the family: he's the adopted son of Shuji Ikutsuki.
- Persona 3:
- Wigglytuff from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky/Time/Darkness apparently was one when he was younger. For example, upon falling into a pit, he says "Oh, for pity's sake..."
- Suketoudara from Puyo Puyo is an anthropomorphic fish who likes to dance. Almost every sentence he says also contains some kind of sea life pun, with some instances having him make multiple jokes like that in the same sentence.
Suketoudara: This clownfish ain't herring a word I'm sayin'! Look, chum, I been flounderin' 'round these parts a while now...
- ALL Gnomes in the Quest for Glory world do this. They're all jesters and whatnot. Even THE NARRATOR of the games is this, as well as the wizard Erasmus and his Familiar, Fenrus (or is that the other way around?). Frankly, the entire series is one big Hurricane of Puns.
Franc, the guard, Marks you with his glare. You suspect he would give no Quarter in a fight. He would likely Pound you into Ruble. In any case, he has no Dime to speak to you (to Coin a phrase). To fight him would make no Cents. Better leave him a Loan for a Change.
- Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan: Scissow, Billy's friend in Star Harbor, likes to throw puns about cutting into his conversations whenever he can.
- In Shovel Knight, An NPC named Croaker will lay down a huge number of puns when you talk to him, those who can stand up to his assault will get an achievement for it.
- Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls is a Classy Cat-Burglar turned brawler with a penchant for excruciatingly punny Pre Mortem One Liners — even the name she goes by is an intentional pun.
- After being literally torn to shreds by the Mafia, she was resurrected by the Life Gem she and her gang had stolen (and swallowed in desperation to keep it away from the Mafia). She gained the ability to use Detachment Combat...and came up with even more bad puns, this time about body parts. This includes such lines like "Remember remember, the Fifth of Dismember!" and "Time to pull myself together..."
- Albert from Spiritfarer, who has a bad joke ready to tell Stella just about every time you visit him in the shipyard for upgrades.
- While Splatoon as a whole is a veritable ocean of sea life puns, just about every word out of DJ Octavio's mouth is a music pun of some kind, with him spewing threats like "I'ma remix your face!", "You 'bout to get MASHED UP!" and "I'MA DUBSTOMP YOU INTO OBLIVION!"
- The Tales Series is highly prone to this throughout its games, with names of notable enemies like the Axebeak and the infamous Gentallman. Special mention goes to Lailah whose puns creep up in every aspect of the game where she's allowed commentary. This rubs over towards the rest of the party as well, where you get gold like this:
Knight Captain: A rockslide has blocked the path.
Lailah: Oh dear we could've been on that path —
Rose: ..if only we were a LITTLE BOULDER!
Lailah: (dismayed) Rose! You stole my punchliiiine!
- Gavrielle, the Plucky Comic Relief of Telepath Tactics, is one of these, though her puns don't have a consistent theme. She usually elicits a Lame Pun Reaction.
- Undertale:
- Sans constantly makes terrible skeleton puns, much to the dismay of his brother Papyrus (who also occasionally makes puns).
- If you inspect Toriel's room, you can find a book with countless bad puns inside. Sans explains he became friends with her over their shared love of incredibly bad jokes, a friendship that persists after they meet in person in the True Pacifist ending.
- Snowdrake, the teenage son of a respectable monster comedian, loves making ice puns, which annoys his father to no end.
- Wishbone and the Amazing Odyssey: Wishbone, per usual. For example, while assembling Athena's statue in her temple, he comments that "You should be able to walk up there on your own" (of the piece with her feet) and "You're the brains of this operation" (for the head).
- In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, after Geralt and Yennefer are exploring a garden where a werewolf was recently deceased, Geralt can make a pun at Yennefer, causing her to join in and resulting in a whole conversation of puns
Geralt: To transform into a werewolf...its a dog's life, eh?
Yennefer:(looking surprised but playing along) Well..there isn't a youth out there who doesn't have a wolf in his belly…
Geralt : Then the curse confined him to this garden. Couldn't really cut his wolf loose.
Yennefer: No question he was top dog here.
Geralt: Just wolfin' things down here… or not.
Yennefer: (laughing) Geralt, that's enough, hmm?
- Higashizawa and Minamimoto in The World Ends with You, specializing in food and math puns, respectively.
- In X-Men Legends, Iceman is on full Mr. Freeze mode ("I'm even cooler now"). A few bosses indulge in this too, such as Abyss ("This sucks, doesn't it!" "Sorry for being such a drag!").
- Yo-kai Watch: Chairman Squiddilius McKracken makes a lot of cephalopod-related puns to the point that he annoys the people around him with them.
Visual Novels
- Ace Attorney:
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All has one of these in the shape of a clown, Moe.
- Don't forget Phoenix (unwillingly) getting into the action himself early on in the case. "Why am I, Phoenix Wright, such a great attorney? Because I'm Wright all the time!".
- In Trials and Tribulations, it seems to have rubbed off on Phoenix and Maya, as they start making puns at inappropriate times.
- The writers of the Ace Attorney series, in general, fit this trope, too. The vast majority of names in the games are puns in one way or another. For instance, the aforementioned Moe the Clown's real name is Lawrence Curls. The owner of Bluecorp is Redd White, while Wendy Oldbag is definitely a windy old bag of a woman. Lotta Hart is a Southerner with a passion for photography, and then there's Sal Manella, Penny Nichols, April May, Mack Rell, Shelly de Killer (who is, indeed, de killer), a victim called Deid Mann, Frank Sahwit (who claims that he did, indeed, see it), the sisters Ini and Mimi Mineynote , and the perpetually sleepy flight attendant Cammy Meele, to name a few. And it doesn't end there. There's Russell Berry's circus, the Berry (Very) Big Circus, and the nations of Allebahst (Alabaster) and Babahl (Babel), for instance.
- Moving to another country in Spirit of Justice unearthed another treasure trove, culminating in Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III.
- C14 Dating: Hendrik, the resident geologist, is a treasure trove of geology puns.
- Having Melissa make a pun of her own when given the opportunity is a good way to get a head start in Hendrik's Relationship Values upon first meeting him.
- When Deandre acts like a Neanderthal stereotype to amuse a group of schoolchildren and Kyler makes the obvious pun (Deandertal), Hendrik's immediate reaction is to laugh alongside the children and doing it so hard his stomach hurts. When it comes up in a later conversation, he wishes he had thought of it.
- In Dream Daddy: All of the drinks and pastries served at Mat's shop are puns based on bands. He approves if the player makes puns as well.
- Amber from Genba No Kizuna cracks puns at almost every opportunity. Her friends take it in stride, but Ryuunosuke, who has a crush on her, finds it hard to deal with, as does Himatsu, who's in charge of supervising her and the other possible suspects
- Natalya from Missing Stars is a very pretty and elegant seeming girl, which makes it all the more jarring when it turns out she enjoys making terrible puns. The protagonist is left speechless when Natalya breaks her pristine image with a pun during her Establishing Character Moment.
- In Tavern Talk, Aria's "Wanted!" Poster states that she was banned from the tavern for telling too many bad puns, even though she thought they were "incrELFible". The Innkeep even admits that she's made them start making them, too.
- Virtue's Last Reward:
- The A.I. running the Ambidex Game, Zero III, who represents himself as a talking rabbit, really likes rabbit puns, and will throw several of them into every sentence.
- The Player Character, Sigma, frequently makes cat puns whenever the discussion turns to cats or anything remotely related to cats. He claims it's completely involuntary on his part and that something happened to him when he was a kid to make him that way, but won't give further details. Fittingly, a future version of him is the one who created Zero III. Like Father, Like Son.
Web Animation
- hololive EN's Ina'nis Ninomae has earned this reputation, what with her propensity and self-admitted affinity for puns on her streams and Twitter account, like titling one stream "Let's Tako-bout Stuffs". Here's
a 28 minute overview of Ina and her puns. The other EN members also dip into puns from time to time, but Ina has first claim to the title.
Ina: Remember, a dad joke is not a dad joke until it becomes apparent.
- This even extends to characters she plays, such as in hololive English - Mythbreakers, where her character goes by "Yuul B. Alwright."
- A-chan presented a number of riddles submitted by the English and Indonesia members to Roboco, Pekora, Nene, and Polka. One such question: "What do spiders taste like?" Once they realize it was written by Ina — because it was a mixture of a Japanese and English pun — Nene and Polka easily come up with the answer "Suppai da" ("It's sour").
- Kendell in Agents of the Realm makes no less than five puns on the very first page of her Magical Girl Warrior introduction, causing Lame Pun Reaction in Norah.
- Arthur, King of Time and Space is pretty close to being a World of Pun, but Arthur in particular is so known for them that several strips have the joke that everyone is anticipating Arthur's punning on the situation.
- Awful Hospital: Staphellie spends the entirety of her brief existence making puns that have absolutely zero connection to herself or to the giant teratoma she was created to fight.
"Ice" to meet you ... but I'm afraid your "goose" is cooked!
Now that's what I call "udder" destruction. [unfuses] - In City of Somnus, Zatachi is a gleeful, relentless punner. His teammates usually tolerate this. Sometimes they don't:
- Father Gregori is this at first in Concerned.
- One of the characters in Cyanide and Happiness will drop atrocious puns in Equally bad situations.
- The entire Deegan family, and many others, too. At one point, Dominic actually ended up in jail for using inappropriate puns around the mayor. (Granted, she was pissed at him to begin with, but still...) He comments that "This time, the pun-ishment fit the crime."
- For Dominic, it's gotten so bad lately that he's made terrible puns without even realizing it!
- Elf & Warrior: Stump just cannot stop making puns about him being an animate log. Even the judges at his execution can't help giggling.
- Lucario's Ditto dad in Final Smash! continuously uses lame puns that really gets on his son's nerves.
- Bad puns form the typing quirks of some of the trolls in Homestuck. Nepeta (Leo) is a plefurra of cat-related puns, Equius (Saggitarius) says 'neigh' for 'nay', and Eridan (Aquarius) and Feferi (Pisces) have this exchange:
FEFERI: O)( S)(IT, you are angling for SO MUC)( TROUBL-E NOW.
ERIDAN: ok please lets just not get into the wwhole fuckin fish pun thing again ok
ERIDAN: like wwe get it wwe are nautically themed - You can hardly read a week of Irregular Webcomic! strips without running into at least one pun. As such, many of the characters are Pungeon Masters.
- I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl: Hank's first impulse, when told that his "son" 'Charon' might be trans, is to make a pun about it.
- Rich in Loaded Dice is known to drop puns at essentially
any opportunity
, which naturally earns him the ire of the other players
- Professor Bee, the protips program from MS Paint Adventures' previous story, Problem Sleuth. He rounded off a hurricane of bee puns with:
'...That will bee one honey of a rave!
I'm a bee!"
- It's the reason no-one pays any attention to him, to his increasing agitation.
- Muh Phoenix: Cyclops, much to everybody else's annoyance.
- When Elan from The Order of the Stick decides to take the Dashing Swordsman prestige class, he learns the pun is mightier than the sword. Appending his strikes with a verbal quip lets him use his punbelievably high Charisma bonus as a Strength bonus, meaning as long as he can bring a pun to a knife fight, he's a pun-man army. His weakness arises when he runs out of good material, and his quips get so bad that they lampshade it.
- Elan later duels his father Tarquin who it turns out knows how to defend himself against many obscure combat techniques, leading to a pun duel between them.
- Elan's mentor, Julio Scoundrel, is also a master at pun dueling due to also having taken the Dashing Swordsman class. He taught Elan how to use his charisma to compensate for a relative lack of combat ability. It's later revealed that Elan's father is a long-time rival of Julio's, implying that this is why Tarquin learned how to counter-pun to negate the Dashing Swordsman attack bonus.
- Cordelia of Princess Chroma literally uses puns as the primary ingredient in her magic powders, making them quite POWDERFUL.
- RGB from The Property of Hate gets into those moods from time to time. When arguing with Tailor, they have a pun duel (it goes on for the entire page):
Tailor: You're envious of me? Try wearing my shoes! (...)
RGB: Oh come now, that was below the belt...
Tailor: Well, I'm hardly going to don sack-cloth and ashes for you...
RGB: I'm the fashion victim in this case! - Claire of Questionable Content wants to be a Pungeon Master, but her puns rarely elicit anything other than a disappointed silence.
- Ennesby in Schlock Mercenary. At one point
Ennesby reports on a dangerous situation, and when Captain Tagon notices that he didn't include an obvious pun with it, he realises they're in deep trouble.
- Torg in Sluggy Freelance becomes one with the slightest encouragement. Riff gives him nothing but encouragement, and they circle each other in a Hurricane of Puns.
- What's New? with Phil and Dixie describes a proposed 'Jester' archetype for Dungeons & Dragons, who is shown to kill monsters with pun-attacks
. (And, not incidentally, his party, demonstrating that Puns aren't picky about targets.)
- Elgin in The Wolf at Weston Court doesn't flinch when a trip to his tailor becomes a kidnapping:
Elgin (as he’s being tied up): Oh, it’s quite alright. Something like this was bound to happen!
Loup: Puns, my lord? At a time like this?
Elgin: Well, I thought so long as I have a captive audience…
Nova: One more pun and I gag you.
Elgin (aside): Well, someone’s at the end of her rope.
Web Original
- Not Always Right has the commenter Stephen, whose puns will often both be the highest pinned comment on a story, and cue a hurricane of puns in response.
- Knife Man Guy from The Adventures of Riot Shield Man and Knife Man...Guy. And how. Practically everything he says is a knife pun. All of them are cringe-worthy, but the shear amount he can knife out is admirable, even if some of them are obskewer.
- The main character from The Annoying Orange, much to the annoyance to almost everyone else in the show.
- Linkara's former co-personality and conspirator, Iron Liz has a reputation for being an incorrigible punster. Don't incorrige her... Oh god it's contagious!
- Egg farmer Masayuki of the animated web series Broken Saints cannot resist making egg-related puns every chance he gets.
- Andy Zaltzman of The Bugle podcast. In one episode he once did a runner of 22 North Korea-based puns, and later told an story about Lou Reed's concert for dogs which included 34 dog puns. Fellow co-host John Oliver is not the biggest fan of them.
- Chuggaaconroy is well known for this in his Lets Plays. His puns are generally met with a Collective Groan from ProtonJon and NintendoCapriSun when they play together as The Runaway Guys.
- Chugga's puns are possibly even more frequent with The Runaway Guys, to the point where it seems to have rubbed off on the other Guys; while less often than Chugga, ProtonJon and NintendoCapriSun start breaking out puns occasionally too.
- Jon, NCS, and Lucahjin all separately have Twitch emotes of Chugga's face, intended to be used in response to a pun being made. He is basically synonymous with puns as far as they (and their fans) are concerned.
- Poor MasaeAnela gets into the crossfire of a pun battle
between Chugga, NCS, and The 8-Bit Drummer during Colosseum 2019. Needless to say, after the stream went to the next game there was an incentive for Emile to get a Pie in the Face.
- Boomstick of DEATH BATTLE! makes a pun at least once an episode in regards to who won. Sometimes multiple if there's plenty of material to work with.
Boomstick: I guess Gaara couldn't sand up to Toph! Ahaha! I know you're floored. I really ground that one in, didn't I? What can I say it's my Earthly Delight. No need to gravel about it, can't we just bury the hatchet? I'm out.
- Rob from Dimension Heroes fits this trope to a T. Thankfully, his bad puns usually result in him getting smacked upside the head by one of the other characters.
- DSBT InsaniT: To Andy, the more groan-worthy the pun, the better!
- Martha makes ice puns every now and then, which Andy will point out each time.
- Perry is prone to lame jokes. Namely bird-related ones.
- Knobs makes a lot of door jokes.
- Daniel Kiser, from Epicbattle Axe.com's weekly podcast Epic Battle Cry, is addicted to punning.
- Jessica of Fat, French and Fabulous has a particular passion for punage. This came out noticeably in an episode about the Great Maple Syrup Heist that took place in Quebec.
"The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers or FPAQ is Canada’s OPEC — our very own Maple Mafia... The province of Quebec is responsible for over 70 percent of the global supply and has a lot of power when it comes to the price of the original sticky-icky, and the Federation aggressively enforces the rules that protect its maple-opoly… and its maple-opsony."
- Ferr from the Freelance Astronauts is a notorious punner.
- Maxwell Adams notes that the best thing about puns is making other people listen to them.
- pipes! also takes up the punning duties on occasion.
- Gaming Garbage hosts Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka and Dave "Shmorky" Kelly are Pungeon Masters, though the latter is noticeably moreso.
- Go listen to the Football Weekly podcast at The Guardian. The host, James Richardson is either punniest man alive or the most pungent.
- Just some samples of some of his puns. When told that some Spanish football clubs rewarded their players with food, he asked, "Did they have a lobster clause in their contract?"
- When told that some Ipswich fans reacted badly at the appointment of Roy Keane as manager, he remarked, "There's no pleasing Suffolk."
- NTom64 is a HUGE Pungeon Master. He has claimed it himself, and he most certainly can back it up
- Everyone in Holy Musical B@man!! loves a good pun but Sweet Tooth does it at every opportunity. He, literally, has a prop for every pun too.
- In If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device, Ghazkull Mag Thraka can't say two sentences without including a pun.
- Her tendency to make rapid-fire puns is a staple of Liza Koshy's YouTube content.
- Hannah Hart has become known for her food puns.
- Mamrie Hart of You Deserve A Drink fame can even make Hannah groan with her puns about... well, everything!
- Grace Helbig doesn't do it so much in her own series, but even she gets in on the puns when she joins up with her Holy Trinity pals.
Mamrie: You know there's one scene where I get frisky on a washing machine.
Grace: Which is ironic because when I watched that scene... I've never been dryer.
Hannah: I'm in lint condition!
Grace: I'm three dryer sheets to the wind. - The Outside Xbox crew includes several seasoned punsters; Ellen Rose is usually the worst offender, but Jane Douglas has been responsible for some infamous examples.
- Barbara Dunkelman, of Rooster Teeth, can make a pun for everything
, and she's absolutely shameless about it.
- RWBY Chibi: A skit from Season 1 has Barbara Dunkelman's mastery carry over to the Chibi version of Yang Xiao Long, who only made puns once or twice in the main show (and was given a pun-spewing habit specifically by and within the FNDM). When she finds Nora comatose from eating too many waffles in Season 2, she starts cracking jokes instead of worrying about Nora's health. When Sun demands to know why she's like this, her father shows up to duet bad jokes with her, revealing that Yang's terrible sense of humor runs in the family.
- From SCP Foundation, SCP-914 "The Clockworks" is capable of making really awful puns with its output, such as ""Peak hatch who?" or "What goes tick tock woof."note
- Cyrus from Spill, earning him the nickname The PUNisher
- Rutskarn from the Let's Play group Spoiler Warning, whose job seems to be to torment the other cast members and fill otherwise quiet moments with awful puns, jokes and feghoots. This of course leads to a lot of Lame Pun Reactions.
- Tear Of Grace has also become known for his incredibly pun-filled gaming commentaries.
- This is the single most important aspect of Dr. Chronos's character.
- Death also makes about a dozen death puns in every episode he's in.
- And when the two of them have a scene together...
Timmy: So, what do you do exactly?
Death: Well, I just show up there when people die, and I escort them into the afterlife.
Timmy: That sounds kind of boring.
Death: Well, it's a living!
Doc: Boy, Death sure has a grim sense of humor.
Timmy: [turns to camera] Kill me.
Death: Watch yourself, now! - Death also makes about a dozen death puns in every episode he's in.
- Little Z from the Underdogs loves his puns, as shown in his presentation for the "Pokémon Sharpedo Tank" video, where he names his 3 Pokémon "Soullusc", "Ghastropod", and "Escarghoul".
- This is practically a job requirement for Kabbalists in Unsong. The very first thing Aaron Smith-Teller and Ana Thurmond did when they first met was engage in a pun showdown.
- Us. Seriously. Look how many pages that link to Incredibly Lame Pun where the Pot Hole in question is one.
- Also, the index page Sorting Algorithm of Tropes was clearly written by a Pungeon Master.
- Not to mention the stinger some Tropers left on the Psycho Electro page.
- Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye:
- Paul Schue-Horyn is probably the biggest example. His very first line is a pun.
Artemis: Paul, today's the day, and you didn't sleep through your alarm. Read the new pitch notes I sent you?
Paul: Uh, not yet, because I've been pro-caffeinating. [holds up coffee cup]
- Nash Bozard is critical of journalists who aspire to this, seeing it as an unnecessary distraction from actually informing the reader about the news. If a news article begins with a lame pun, he and his co-host will almost always cut themselves off to look for the byline and call the writer out by name.
- Psycho Gecko of World Domination in Retrospect keeps the puns flying thick and fast, frequently to the annoyance of those conversing with him.
- The Sidemen's Vikkstar123 and TBJZL are the group's two members who are the most likely to drop a pun in their videos, especially their gameplay videos.
Western Animation
- The Amazing World of Gumball: In "The Menu", Gumball tries to guess the name of a secret sandwich with puns. Darwin asks him to stop, but he gets even worse and starts making puns with the word "pun." After Darwin hits him, Gumball insists he didn't need to punch him, and Darwin hits him again, but Gumball then states it's just what the word is.
- There's an entire Animaniacs episode spent on playing with puns (more so than usual). This Pun For Hire
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: Sokka. Enough said...or it would be until we learn he's just like his father.
- Like father, like pun.
- Riddler in Batman: The Animated Series was a one of these with his various death traps having pun-based clues. The result was so bad that Batman had this to say:
Batman: I don't know what's worse, the traps or the puns!
- Mister Freeze made quite a few ice puns in his first episode, the difference from Batman and Robin being that his voice actor was good enough that he was able to play them deadly serious, and make them intimidating rather than corny.
- The Batman had a lot of these in early seasons, you'd think every episode had a pun quota. This was toned down for most characters as it went on, although the Joker and Firefly still punned their way through most of their episodes. Condiment King embodied this to such a cringeworthy degree that Batman seemed to attack him more to shut him up than for any actual crime.
- One word: Flabber. Flabtastic!
- Beetlejuice from the cartoon, especially.
- Beetlejuice was also something of a Deconstruction: He actually had to go along with his and other people's puns, intentional ones or otherwise, and this was occasionally used against him. In one instance, a group of former villains tricked him into saying "I'm coming apart at the seams", whereupon he literally broke into pieces and fell apart. He was also notable in being one of the few examples to literally weaponize this trope: One of the few times he defeated a Sandworm was when he unleashed a giant vaporous bull from his armpit... after which he chuckled, glanced at the audience, and casually commented: "Heh. Pit Bull."
- Ben 10: Omniverse: When Ben turns into Eye Guy, he tends to make a lot of puns related to eyes and sight.
"Dude, watch the puns! Pretty soon you use up all the eye-conic ones, and they just get cornea and cornea!"
- Captain Planet and the Planeteers: The Planet-verse is a World of Pun, with Punny Names abounding and almost everyone, from the villains to (occasionally) the team almost-stoic Kwame dropping one. However, there are those who go the extra mile to add to the phenomenon.
- Captain Planet announces every move he makes with this kind of pun.
- Parodied by at least one episode of "TV Funhouse" on SNL, in which the hero came up with a long, drawn-out series of increasingly awful torments for his defeated opponent, accompanied by increasingly awful puns. It ended with the character's mind snapping — he ends the episode further bludgeoning the villain's unrecognizably mutilated remains and sobbing incoherently about his parents.
- Wheeler loves making puns about the situations that the group finds themselves in just as much as Captain Planet, but his teammates are less tolerant of it when he does it. For instance, at the end of "Domes of Doom":
Wheeler: Looks like Plunder's plan was DOMED to failure.
Others: Wheeler!
- Numbuh Two in Codename: Kids Next Door loves puns, though his teammates and all the rest of his schoolmates at Gallagher Elementary School don't think the same way.
- Danger Mouse got in a number of these. An example from "One Of Our Stately Homes Is Missing," where DM, Penfold and DM's friend Major Melvin seek to retrieve the Duke of Bedbug mansion:
DM: But how are we going to get it off the ground?
Melvin: That's easy. BLEEPs (Building Location and Emergency Extradition Platoon) brought two engines. Dig tunnel under building, strap 'em on.
Penfold: But how will you know where to fit them?
Melvin: That's easy. Thing's going to fly, so east and west wings.Penfold: (to us) I knew I shouldn't have asked.
- The narrator was prone to this at the end of a number of episodes.
Isombard: If Danger Mouse had found a yellow-and-black-striped insect in (Merlin's ink well), would it have been the "Well of the Wasp?" And if Penfold had dropped a sweetie in it and made it disappear, would it have been the "Lost Well and Tasty Mint?"
- Sid Sycamore on Dragon Tales. His schtick is very specific — all of his puns use terms related to trees — i.e. "leaf / leave," "bark," etc.
- Xandir from Drawn Together is definitely this.
- From The Fairly OddParents! episode The Big Superhero Wish:
Milkman: PREPARE FOR YOUR... I can't believe I'm gonna say this... UDDER DEFEAT!! (holds up a cow) HA!! I SAID IT!! HAHAHAHA!!
- In the episode where Crocker is combined with cheese, he comes up with a lot of cheese-related puns, such as "I will mozzarelish this moment forever!"
- Flash's status as one of these is lampshaded in the Justice League Unlimited episode Dead Reckoning, after the team reverses a transformation that had turned them into monkeys.
"Everything okay?"
"Well, I do miss Flash's obligatory joke about how Grodd made a monkey out of us."
"You Just Had to Say It, didn't you?"
"Obligatory."- Speaking of which: in the first season episode introducing Grodd, he taunted the villain by calling him the "gorilla my dreams".
- But when it comes to capers, Flash doesn't monkey around.
- The rest of the League would go ape if he did.
- You guys are driving me bananas!
- Cut it out or we'll have to orangutan your hide.note
- This is turning into a baboondoogle
- We are chimpions at monkey puns
- I mean, hey. It's pro bonobo work.
- Speaking of which: in the first season episode introducing Grodd, he taunted the villain by calling him the "gorilla my dreams".
- One-time Kim Possible villain The Mathter had a constant stream of terrible maths-related puns.
- Just when you think the puns have run out, they keep multiplying.
- Please, don't add any more to this example. The supply of funny associated with it has been decimated, and we don't need any more division among the ranks. Anybody who puts more examples here is a square.
- Don't get mod, lame puns are pretty integral to this page, though they are pretty tangential.
- It's a sin, and they're pretty tanned out, but they'll keep on adding them just 'cos.
- Allow me to serve as the prime exponent of the notion (by no means imaginary) that these puns would have a point if they were more complex.
- If this keeps going it will derive me insane! It sounds like we're all high on math!note
- Any more puns like that will subtract from the quality of this page. And I, for one, don't want to see that in the log. We'll have to get to the root of this epundemic to zero it out.
- I dunno xactly y, but it's not eaz to stop making these puns, for they speak volumes for this page.
- Let's Go Luna!: Leo's father, Papa Chockers, often makes pun-based jokes. "Didgeridoo and Carmen Too" in particular makes his constant didgeridoo puns a Running Gag throughout the episode.
- Luan Loud of The Loud House loves to make puns, much to the annoyance of all her siblings. In fact about 90% of her lines are one.
- Carlos from The Magic School Bus. His classmates found most of his jokes to be eye-rollingly awful.
- The same apparently applies to his father.
- I guess it's like father, like pun.
- The similarities are quite apparent! Get it? Ap-parent?
- TV Tropes!
- The same apparently applies to his father.
- Magilla Gorilla. Even worse in his appearance on Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, though he's roundly mocked for it, of course.
- "Thanks for the lift, Eagle! If you were an ape, you'd be the GORILLA my dreams!"
- -cue the Eagle pecking the hell out of Magilla's face "cawcawcawcawcawcaw!"
- "Thanks for the lift, Eagle! If you were an ape, you'd be the GORILLA my dreams!"
- Punsie McKale from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, in the episode "Pun Times (with Punsie McKale)". A Class Clown by profession who devotes all his time and efforts into making everything sound punny and who desperately needs to be in the center of attention. He is either angered or saddened when people don't appreciate puns as much as he does.
- M.A.S.K. has T-Bob has this.
- Remember the Ruby-Spears Mega Man cartoon? Every single character (who wasn't a one-off, that is) was appointed Pungeon Master. Better yet, some Masters were themed (Cutman made scissor- and cut-related puns, for one). And of course, they didn't always check Urban Dictionary.
- Miraculous Ladybug is a borderline World of Pun, but there's no doubt that Adrien Agreste is that world's king (more as Cat Noir, but occasionally in his civilian identity too). Bonus points for keeping this trait up in the English, French and Korean dubs.
- Hawk Moth is no slouch, either. Apparently, it's like father, like pun.
- The Owl House: One of Luz and King's favorite pasttimes. They've been known to get an hour of material just from bread puns.
King (with a cardboard tube on his nose) Oh dear, I've gotten a tube stuck on my nose! Will I ever eat again? (punches throgh a slice of bread with tube) Looks like I'm toast!
King/Luz: (laughter)
Eda (annoyed): It just goes on like this for an hour...
Luz: Hey, dough boy, quit loafing around.
King: Why don't you bake me?
- In the Rainbow Magic movie Amber was this, to the annoyance of other fairies.
- The end of The Powerpuff Girls (1998) episode "Reeking Havoc," where the Professor foregoes his chili making to enter a smelly cheese contest:
Narrator: Cheese, Professor. You'd cheddar quit if you know what's gouda for you!
- Tiny Toon Adventures served up a maximum groaner in the episode where Buster and Babs constructed a Humongous Mecha out of a dinosaur skeleton. When Babs asked how it was powered, Buster deadpanned "Fossil fuels."
- Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Yadina loves making a lot of puns, such as Bach in time. Nobody finds them funny.
Real Life
- Skippers on the World Famous Jungle Cruise revel in this trope.
- Flight attendants, most notably those working for Southwest Airlines.
- Tour Guides.
- The late modernist nature painter Charley Harper
- Neil Cavuto of Fox News LOVES
- The Spanish news anchor Matías Prats loves puns way too much. He has been seen more than once (at least Once per Episode) making puns out of extremely unfunny news, such as a woman electrocuting her husband (stay tuned for more shocking news) or a member of the Spanish Royal Family accidentally shooting himself (you could say that his hopes to be king one day backfired). You can see him in action right this way.
- Sportswriter Adam Jacobi is infamous for rattling off long-winded stories on Twitter which ultimately culminate in infuriatingly convoluted puns. Needless to say, customer satisfaction is at an all-time high.
- George Takei on his Facebook page. Some of his Amazon reviews are also rife with puns.
- Also, his Twitter account, especially when posting links to online articles.
- Brett Dalton from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is this whenever he live-tweets an episode.
- Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream; lots of their flavor names are puns, including Cherry Garcia, Phish Food, Neapolitan Dynamite and Yes Pecan. Most recently, they came out with their Core Flavors, including Hazed and Confused and That's My Jam.
- The late Ivar Haglund, a Seattle restaurateur was notorious for his tasty takeout seafood, his crazy publicity stunts, and for cramming his speech and advertisements with a Hurricane of Puns at any given opportunity. (His restaurant's slogan: "Keep Clam") When he bought the Smith Tower in downtown Seattle and flew a salmon-shaped windsock from the flagpole, the city building department objected. Ivar's reaction? Troll the city government with pun-loaded poetry. A press release regarding his purchase of Pier 54 (still home to his flagship fish bar) gives you an idea.
"For me to own a wharf would be a paradox (one dock is plenty) — besides it would take acres and acres of clams to swing the deal. Then I said, What the hake, be fearless or you'll be pierless. So now I'm a member of the Elliott Bay pierage, a dock duke 54th in a line of piers!"
- Older Than Radio: Anthony Bleecker (1770-1827), lawyer, author, and co-founder of the New-York Historical Society, was by all accounts a notorious punster.
- Also Older Than Feudalism: high class Romans and Greeks LOVED punny one-liners, called epigrams. Particularly noteworthy were those of the poet Martial. Sometimes these were jokes, sometimes they were riddles, sometimes they were just pretentious nonsense. Unfortunately the puns rarely survive translation, and most are offensive to modern sensibilities. Cleopatra was famous for her puns, particularly for her ability to make puns in several languages (though Caesar may have been overstating just how funny they were, he was after all kind of in love with her). A person who didn't make puns was considered horrifically dull, and a writer who didn't make puns was judged to have a poor command of the language. Even the serious philosophers and writers-like Plato, Aristotle, and the gospel writers-worked puns into their prose. Unfortunately, this led to "Blind Idiot" Translation by medieval scholars who often didn't have a great command of Greek (and so, missed the jokes). Making puns (even incredibly lame ones) is indeed a mark of fluency in a language, sometimes used by language teachers to assess students.
- Riot League of Legends eSports caster David "Phreak" Turley is known among fans for his puns.
- Willard Scott is one at certain times.
- Josh Keaton frequently shares puns.
- Dorothy Parker was a master of the on-the-spot pun. Combined with being a Deadpan Snarker, she was one of the wittiest authors who ever lived.
- Pope Gregory I was really fond of puns and wordplay — upon meeting some beautiful Anglish (Anglo-Saxon) boys at a slave market, he remarked "they are not Angles, but Angels," a pun which works equally well in both English and Latin. Upon learning the boys were from Deira (part of northern England) he said that the boys should be rescued de ira (from the Wrath, i.e. converted to Christianity along with all of England,) and upon learning that their king was named Aella, proclaimed "Alleluia!" (Hallelujah!)
- Sean Chiplock is also really fond of using puns. Whenever he holds a poll during his livestreams, the options would all be puns related to the game in question. Lately, he has also started using puns in his stream titles.
The Pun Project
Mr. Hudson assigns his students to make an art project representing a pun. Most students are happy to be working on the assignment. Illy… less so.