Purposely Overpowered - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Oct 30 2012
Purposely Overpowered

(aka: Purposefully Overpowered)

Purposely Overpowered (trope)

"The Avatar gets all the advantages of every other class and none of the downsides. Powerful stats, all weapons and armor available more or less immediately, full spellcasting power, the works. Get used to it, you've earned it (well, I've earned it), now you're the Avatar and you're awesome."

Whoa! Check it out! That Infinity +1 Sword is a true Game-Breaker! Did the creators notice this?

Yes. It's Purposely Overpowered.

May be a part of A Taste of Power or a Story-Breaker Power. Can also be essential to beat the Superboss on the Harder Than Hard bonus difficulty. Crutch Characters and Olympus Mons are often (temporarily, in the former's case) Purposely Overpowered. Compare with Infinity +1 Sword and 11th-Hour Superpower. Bragging Rights Rewards often turn out this way. It's also common to find these in a New Game Plus.

Often these types of characters/weapons are banned from tournaments or other areas where they may prove unfair. If they are allowed, or there is a great number of such characters, then they may be included in their own tier all to themselves. If tourney rules are flexible, then there may even be alternate rules allowing for tournaments consisting only of said "overpowered" characters. See also Master of All, for a character who is good at everything.

Contrast with Joke Character and Joke Item, which are purposely underpowered.


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  • Iji has the Massacre, which is a fairly powerful weapon, but only available during the final boss fight, and only if you reached that point with zero kills. Then there is the Null Driver, a literal Game-Breaker, which is only available after finding nearly every single secret in the game and completing every achievement.
  • In Killer7, you get to play as a younger Harman Smith in the unlockable Killer8 mode. They have an enormous amount of health, and wield a machine gun which uses a lot of ammo before it needs to reload. The catch is that Killer8 is otherwise Harder Than Hard, with enemies dealing ludicrous damage to the other characters and having their weakpoints invisible. Furthermore, since the process of reviving dead characters involves Button Mashing, letting the special character die results in a bad time for your fingers.
  • Jak and Daxter:
    • The Peacemaker from Jak II: Renegade and the Supernova from Jak 3: Wastelander. The Peacemaker would send out a ball of lightning that would always hit an opponent and instantly kill it, after which most other targets that were too close (i.e. 10 meters or so) would be hit by equally lethal beams of lightning erupting from the first target. It was nerfed a bit in in Jak 3 but there you had the Supernova, which is literally a mini-nuke. When fired, the whole screen lights up and when it's cleared, there's no enemy left. These two weapons were only stopped by their very low ammunition count. The Peacemaker could fire 10 shots in Jak II and 20 in Jak 3, while the Supernova could only be fired twice (and uses up the same ammo as the Peacemaker).
    • In the same vein, the Dark Bomb and Dark Blast, the abilities of Dark Jak. Both kill everything within a certain radius and most bosses get an entire section of their life-bar knocked out (best reserved for last one). To use it though, you need to fill the Dark Eco meter, which in second game takes an eternity and a week - thankfully, the Dark Eco Vents in third game make it easier to be abused.
    • Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier gives us the Armageddon missiles. They split into three missiles, which split into three missiles, which then seek out and destroy enemies. At maximum level, each shot has infinite damage - anything that is not a boss will die in one hit, and bosses don't last that long either. It is also a complete bitch to upgrade - the last level costs 65000 scraps (for record, the last ship on normal playthrough costs 15000), and the last part can be found in the final battle if one wants to attain maximum efficiency.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • The original The Legend of Zelda itself regards the Water of Life as this, which is why it's so hard to obtainnote . It does make the game significantly easier, but "easier" is a relative term in this game, especially once you reach the Second Quest.

      US Instruction Booklet: The water of life is a medicine that can beat anything. So, those who don't have the right credentials can't buy it.

    • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask has the Fierce Deity Mask, and to a lesser extent, the Giant's Mask, which turn Link into some kind of war god and a giant, respectively. The first is optional, requires you to have found every other mask in the game, and is found in the room before the final boss (though you can use it in rematches against the other bosses, for stress relief). The latter must be acquired to progress but is not necessary to defeat the boss (except in the 3DS remake), though it certainly makes the battle more fair.
  • Some LEGO Adaptation Games have unlockable features of this nature that are all sold for exorbitant amounts of studs, often making them available only to those that are doing the post-game content or use cheats; the Force ghost versions of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy cost 1,000,000 studs or more, but as Force ghosts are invulnerable to harm and invisible to all enemies, the Accio spell in LEGO Harry Potter costs 4,000,000 studs but allows you to bypass cauldron puzzles by pulling the ingredients towards you, and the Super Speeders cheat in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars costs 40,000,000 studs, but allows you to cheese ground battle missions by making the standard Republic and CIS speeders able to destroy gold and silver objects that ordinarily require vehicles equipped with lasers or explosives alongside a major damage boost to regular structures.
  • Metroid:
    • At the end of Super Metroid, Samus is given the Hyper Beam during the last stage of the fight with Mother Brain. It's rather important as it's the only thing that can hurt her, however you get to keep it during the timed escape sequence and any enemies foolish enough to get in your way are obliterated by it in one shot.
    • Similarly, the Omega Cannon in Metroid Prime: Hunters. Although it is only used against the final boss, it is the only weapon (out of a huge weapon pool) that is capable of harming it. It can also be used in multiplayer, where it is the strongest weapon of the stage.
    • In Metroid Dread, Samus fully awakens her Metroid DNA, not only giving her access to the Hyper Beam again (which she promptly uses to utterly disintegrate Raven Beak-X), but it also changes her suit to the Metroid Suit, making her invincible. Like with Super Metroid, you keep both for the Escape Sequence, allowing you to literally charge through everything in your path and destroy the door blocking the way to Samus's gunship.
  • Equipping the String of Beads in Ōkami makes it outright impossible for you to lose, even if you try. Amaterasu becomes completely invincible, has endless amounts of ink to use, and every single attack deals ten times as much damage as it would normally.
    • Still not quite fair compensation for what we went through trying to get the bead away from Blockhead Grande. Seriously. Good luck getting the bead unless you have a VCR and a dry erase marker.Explanation
  • The RYNO (Rip Ya a New One) weapon series of Ratchet & Clank fame. They're usually incredibly powerful, but so expensive or difficult to get that you won't normally get them until after you've beaten the game anyways. In most games they're an order of magnitude more expensive than the next priciest thing in the game, and in the Future series, you have to find the actual blueprints first. The Omega RYNO 4-Ever even comes with a warning label stating that usage might make the game no longer fun.

    The RYNO 4-Ever had been declared a myth by the Galactic Society of Implausible Weapon Designs. Rumors had persisted on the Holo-Web that this upgrade to the R.Y.N.O IV was theoretically possible, but the subject was so controversial that merely mentioning it made a person become grounded for six months in an intergalactic penitentiary. If you heard any information about the RYNO 4-Ever, let alone encounter the actual weapon itself, you were advised to cover your eyes and ears and loudly hum show tunes of your choice. This weapon, should it even exist, was far too dangerous, illegal and downright gameplay destabilizing to ever be used. Ever. We mean it.

  • Another Crab’s Treasure has the accessibility option "Give Kril A Gun", which gives the protagonist an accurately-sized .45 caliber handgun (IE, looks comically oversized on a hermit crab) on his back that demolishes enemies in one shot, with it basically being the game's Easier Than Easy mode.

Beat 'em Up 

  • In the comic books upon which The Red Star was based on, Maya was an incredibly powerful spellcaster. In the game, you have to win once in order to unlock her, and for good reason.
  • The retro version of the player characters in Streets of Rage 4 are made to be a lot stronger than their regular versions since the retro characters' fighting styles are lifted directly from their home games, which means their combos and attack patterns aren't fluid or easy to juggle enemies with. The SOR1 characters are absurdly powerful since they don't have a blitz attack and their combos are a lot smaller.

Eastern RPG 

  • BlueSkies 2: The Optional Party Member Ophelia starts with a weapon that gives her an extra 200 INT, which is stronger than Lyrelle's ultimate weapon. This, along with her powerful single-target light spells, gives her more damage output than the rest of the party until they can also acquire their ultimate weapons.
  • Breath of Fire:
    • Bleu, the hidden extra character in Breath of Fire II. She gets a LOT of MP and HP, hits reasonably hard, gets the best magic (except Boombada) and is not subject to highly diminishing returns when leveling up... but the game creators made her extra strong on purpose: she can't fuse with the shaman spirits.
      • She's pretty much this in the first game as well, although she does level out with the rest of the party by the end of the game.
    • Ryu's Dragon Forms in most games definitely fit, but, perhaps ironically, Ryu's Dragon attacks in II were simply powerful attacks that blew all of Ryu's remaining MP.
  • Chest:
    • Zong is The Hero chosen to defeat the Demon Lord, and his stats are all at 999 except for luck. This is implied to be due to him being the son of the Lord of the Nether.
    • Anzi has the ultimate healing skill, Saving Grace, which fully heals all party members, revives them if necessary, and removes all negative effects, all on top of her having the second best stats in the party. However, she doesn't really get a chance to use her power, since she joins when the player is locked into the ending with no more significant battles.
  • Imperialdramon Paladin Mode in Digimon World 3 is by far the most powerful digivolution of the entire game, for a good reason. In order to acquire it, you will need: ExVeemon and Stingmon at skill lvl 5, Paildramon at skill lvl 40, Imperialdramon at skill lvl 99, Imperialdramon Fighter mode skill lvl 40, Greymon skill lvl 40, Metalgreymon skill lvl 99, Wargreymon skill lvl 40, Metalmamemon skill lvl 40, Metalgarurumon skill lvl 40 and Omnimon skill lvl 40. This is not counting the requirements to even get these digivolutions, the differences of requirements and no matter what Digimon you will choose to get Imperialdramon PM, he will need to be Level 40 at minimum.
  • Dragon Quest:
    • Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen lets you play as Psaro when you beat the game once, then backtrack to get a certain item and perform a certain event, then reach the place where you defeated him the first time. He joins your party at a starting level of 35, not so impressive sounding considering you should be level 45-50 when you beat the game... and yet he still manages to outperform your party at every turn. He also learns many powerful skills when leveled up, many of which weren't initially seen until the latter games in the series. Which makes perfect sense, given that you've just recruited the (former) Big Bad, an infamously Nintendo Hard Marathon Boss, into your party.
    • In Dragon Quest V, Pankraz, your father, demonstrates his strength when following him in the world map in the beginning of the game and in a later dungeon. You're also awarded with exp. He later becomes less physically dominating: he's level 20 and has good equipment (including his awesome sword), but you're doing damage almost on par with him at level 12, and your HP is getting close to his at that level as well. You'll never get to make two moves per turn like he does, though.
    • Dragon Quest VI: The Hero class takes a while to get, requiring mastery of almost every other class, but once you do it hits hards and regenerates health every turn. Even worse, all the spells and abilities learned in other classes stay with you, giving you access to literally every spell you can learn.
    • The Hero class in Dragon Quest VII is extremely powerful, getting only stat bonuses (compared to all other classes, which have at least one penalty (and usually more than one), but requires that a character masters three second-level Advanced Jobsnote  before it can be used. The protagonist is an exception, however: he can unlock Hero after mastering just one second-level Advanced Job, and it's as powerful as it sounds.
  • Etrian Odyssey: The Untold remake has Grimoire Stones as a random drop, which let characters obtain certain enemy skills or share their own skills. The enemy skills include the Final Boss's hilariously overpowering Signature Moves. One step beyond that is the Seven King Grimoire, which combines the powers of seven of the game's story bosses. note .
  • A few Guest-Star Party Member characters in various Final Fantasy games. The others, not so much.
    • Leo in Final Fantasy VI, the one time you get to use him.
    • Final Fantasy VII:
      • Sephiroth is deadly when he's in Cloud's party in a flashback. This is meant to show that Cloud is scared of him and doesn't truly expect to ever be able to beat him. And Sephiroth is literally invincible for every battle.
      • Aerith is noticeably more powerful than any other party member, especially early in the game. She's the best mage by far, at a part in the game where magic is the best way to do damage, she's the best healer as well, you can find a staff that gives her seven Materia slots to jack up her stats even further and enable even more versatility, and you can obtain her fourth Limit Break (which heals the whole party, restores their MP, and makes them temporarily invincible) long before anyone else's. The developers have implied that this was done on purpose: what better way to make you miss a character when they're gone?
    • Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX also counts. Sort of a Nerf from when she was an unbeatable boss, though.
    • Seymour from Final Fantasy X, when he briefly joins your party for a boss battle. Though he's not as overpowering as most of the other examples on this page.
    • Larsa from Final Fantasy XII comes equipped with limitless options, a good attack, and even subverts the 3-man limit rule for parties in the game. You meet him in Lhusu Mines, where he makes the entire operation a near cakewalk for as long as he's with the party. You even get him a second time (this time equipped with hi-potions) and the strategy guide even straight up suggests going off and tackling some of the trickier hunts before Larsa is scheduled to leave your company. Unfortunately, the Zodiac Edition nerfed him a bit by removing his infinite hi-potions.
  • Same goes for some Final Fantasy items:
    • Adamant Armor from Final Fantasy IV is the best armor in the game by huge margin, providing enormous boost for defense, best boosts for magic defense and evasion, no evasion penalty, resistance to a number of elements and statuses and on top equipping it raises all stats by 15. It is also by far the hardest armor to get; not only it can be obtained only once The Very Definitely Final Dungeon is accessible, but you need to get Rare Random Drop from an enemy that appears in a single room there and very scarcely on top of that (though depending on the version you're playing Siren item may help you to mitigate the latter). If you do get it it will be helpful against Final Boss, and some versions of the game have either post game, or New Game Plus that allows it to be transferred and used right away.
    • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII has the Heike's Soul item, which combines the benefits of many other accessories. Naturally, it's a reward for completing all missions, which includes defeating the Superboss.
    • The ultimate weapon in Final Fantasy VIII for Squall, Lionheart, gives him an ability to perform the Limit Break of the same name, which is a murder on anything but a Damage-Sponge Boss. And with a bit of know-how, you can get it before the Disc 1 ends. Selphie's Strange Vision, on the other hand, is the only weapon besides Squall's that comes with perfect accuracy of 255, making dealing with those pesky cactuars easier.
    • The fully upgraded Celestial Weapons in Final Fantasy X. Each comes with four extremely rare and valuable abilities. Two of those abilities are on all of them: Triple Overdrive (charges overdrive thrice as fast) and Break Damage Limit (increases the damage Cap from 9,999, to 99,999). The two other abilities vary between the weapons, and are dependent on that character's individual strengths, like the black mage and white mage both getting a One MP Cost ability. However, while you could make your own weapons with same abilities after a ton of Item Farming, these weapons have an additional property that makes them often superior to anything you can craft: their direct attacks ignore enemy's defense. Masamune, Auron's Celestial Weapon, has an additional property of doing more damage the less HP he has. Of course, you cannot get them until you kill a Climax Boss, and even then, each of them is subject to Guide Dang It!, requires a lot of time, and many of them need That One Sidequest to be completed. The weapons themselves (other than Masamune) also have a disadvantage in that they do less damage the less HP their wielder has.
    • Final Fantasy XII has plenty of these. Zodiac Spear is the strongest weapon in the game, and can be obtained relatively easily and quite fast if you did not open four specific, unmarked chests.note  Fortunately, an easier way to get the Zodiac Spear was added in the Updated Re-release. Tournesol is a slightly weaker double-handed sword that makes up for it with other bonuses, but that one requires a grinding Rare Random Drops to create the ingredients for the weapon. Wyrmhero Blade has the best overall bonuses and does not need a license to be used, but requires you to kill two superbosses that appear at the end of game-spanning sidequest and completing a lengthy minigame to get it, though in the Updated Re-release you can steal it (or multiple copies) in Trial Mode and actually put it to good use in the game itself.
    • Final Fantasy X-2:
      • Once you get the Mascot Dresssphere, you'll never need to use a different one again. Good luck getting it, though.
      • There's also the Special Dresspheres. One could play the game and avoid every single enemy encounter and still have an easy time of the bosses just by using them.
      • Iron Duke, an accessory that doubles HP and MP, raises agility by 10, Luck by 50 and all other stats by 100. It's awarded by beating a pair of hard superbosses back to back without recovery at the end of Brutal Bonus Level, or by defeating an even harder superboss in Creature Creator as a rare drop.
    • Final Fantasy XV has the Ring of the Lucii, which you earn near the end of the game, but can bring with you into a New Game Plus. It can kill many enemies and bosses fairly quickly (even the Marlboro, who is oft regarded as That One Boss), and can even one-shot the Adamantoise, a Level 99 Superboss that takes many players hours to slay when fighting normally.
  • Fuga: Melodies of Steel has Boron Brioche, a Mighty Glacier who has early access to many Area of Effect attacks, can resist knock-outs, provide additional damage reduction for the Taranis, has powerful Death or Glory Attack skills with manageable drawbacks, and his Hero Mode lets him bypass every layer of enemy armor while instantly delay their attacks with a single cannon shot. All because the game's producer Yoann was tired of seeing his boss Hiroshi Matsuyama sacrifice him during every playtesting session.
  • In the second Glory of Heracles game, the final party member is Heracles himself, who joins with stats hundreds of points above the rest of your characters (and that's without all of the Infinity-1 Equipment he comes with).
  • Gadwin from the first Grandia game, who starts a good fifteen to twenty levels above you and stays in your party for a surprisingly long time. Justin can even learn his ultimate attack if you put enough points into Fire and Earth magic. However, Gadwin is only overpowering for the portion of the game that he joins up; by the endgame, Justin will be not only be even stronger, he is also faster to boot.
    • The rewards for the bonus areas include an item that halves the cost of abilities, doubles the magic and weapons experience gained and some of the best weapons in the game. The trade-off is the dungeons are filled with tough monsters that give poor experience and barely any recovery points.
  • Kingdom Hearts:
    • The Ultima Weapon is usually simply the best Keyblade in the game, equal to or stronger than every other keyblade in every stat. In the main series it's always created via the crafting sytsem, usually being the highest level crafting item in the game and requring numerous hard to aquire resources to make, meaning it's difficult if not outright impossible to create until close to the end of the game. Between the fact that you'll probably be very high level by the time you make it and it being clearly the best weapon in the game, you'll probably find any fights left in the game very easy with it.
    • Kingdom Hearts II is the only exception, there's one keyblade with better magic and one with better strength, but the Ultima does still have the highest total stats. At least until Final mix added another keyblade with significantly better magic and only slightly weaker strength, but with the major drawback of not being able to gain experience while using it.
    • Kingdom Hearts III brings back Roxas, who was notorious in the previous games for looking extremely cool in cutscenes and being a difficult boss fight whenever he was your opponent, but getting heavily nerfed to Sora's level of strength when playable. This time he’s your party member for one boss battle. He comes with a full array of powers that he used in his boss fight form, insane damage output putting Sora's to shame, and INVINCIBILITY! The reason for this is to make the payoff for his return all the more triumphant, plus making it satisfying to see him pummel Saix, the man who most directly made his life terrible. Many players say standing back and watching Roxas take down the boss by himself is a completely viable strategy. The Re:Mind DLC also makes him playable, so you can pummel Saix yourself.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III has Aurelia Le Guin who joins as a Guest-Star Party Member during chapter 3. She has the highest S-Craft rating in the game at 4S contrast to everyone else who is hovering between 3S to 3S+, her field attack stuns enemies, SS ranks in Slash and Crush attack types for her regular attacks, a Brave Order that gives out 80 CP to the entire party and increases critical hit rates by 50%, a self buff which in this game is absurdly rare, and her craft attacks have a huge range. She also has an exclusive primary Master Quartz that players cannot obtain in the game that allow her to regenerate her health every time she hits an enemy whose Break Gauge is empty, she has a 100% accuracy which means that unless she was inflicted with blind status, she's always going to hit her enemy no matter what, and she can still equip a secondary Master Quartz for the sub. It also happens that the dungeon she's available at also houses the Tauros Master Quartz where it buffs physical attacks at the cost of a bigger delay which can be circumvented easily thanks to a few items the player has or Sara's Brave Order which allows players to instantly take a turn again. She's so absurdly powerful for the section that she's available that it's a shame for life if the player manages to get her knocked out.
  • Leyline Chronicles: Of all the playable characters, including guests, Soraya is the strongest due to having the best overall stat spread and a versatile kit for her non-combo skills. She is only available as a Crutch Character for Jaskya's introductory chapter and in the fight with Belion. In the latter fight, she's at least as strong as a regular party member with maxed gear so that she won't be The Load no matter how much the player grinds.
  • Oersted in Live A Live levels up like crazy in his chapter, has amazing stat growth, and some amazing attacks such as Windbite. He becomes Odio, the Big Bad. Though it starts as a case of Magikarp Power, as Oersted is pathetically weak when he starts.
    • The Steel Titan can only be used for a short time but it makes mincemeat out of everything it comes across. Justified in-game as being Lost Technology revered in its time as a god.
  • All the immortal characters in Lost Odyssey are this, especially in the late game as the number of slot's immortals get for assigning abilities raises far more rapidly then the number of passives mortal characters get, and with the ability to pick and choose the most effective things to slot into them. The immortal characters can always make themselves numerically superior to any mortal characters, and they can also can choose to cover multiple roles at once. Mack in particular is almost always overshadowed by an immortal built for another type of spell casting spending a single slot to be able to cast his signature green magic, the only think that makes him remotely viable.
  • The Action Prologue of Lufia & The Fortress of Doom has every member of Maxim's party around Level 75. The main party will likely reach Level 50 by the time they reach Doom Island—and they still have to fight stronger monsters and Sinistrals.
  • Ghaleon in Lunar: The Silver Star, because he's one of the Four Heroes. And the Big Bad.
    • Laike in the same game. For largely the same reason as Ghaleon; he's actually Dyne, another of the Four Heroes.
    • Lucia at the start of Lunar: Eternal Blue, on account of being a Physical God. She is quickly struck down to Magikarp Power levels and slowly rebuilds her strength over the course of the game.
  • With only a few exceptions, SSR-rank shikigami in Onmyoji are just flat-out better than those of lesser ranks whenever there's any overlap in their roles. The only R or SR-rank shikis that have any purpose in the game once you have an SSR equivalent are those who fulfill unique roles that no SSR covers (yet) such as accelerators (e.g Yamausagi which is R, or Kamaitachi which is SR). The only balancing factor for SSRs is how rare they are to get and how hard it is to level up their skills (which is often essential for them to perform their role properly). For perhaps the most-blatant example, compare the R healer Kusa/Hotarugusa to the SSR healer Hana/Kachōfūgetsu. Kusa has a basic attack that heals herself for 30% of the damage she does, a passive that causes her to automatically recover a percentage of the damage done to her by enemy attacks, and an ability that heals her entire team based on her attack, giving them a mark which will also cause them to heal on subsequent turns and negate some incoming indirect damage. Hana has a basic attack that hits multiple times and has a % chance of healing her injured teammates based on her HP, a passive which gives her a chance of accelerating her speed to let her take more actions and also negate crowd control effects on her team, and a teamwide heal that heals the entire team based on her HP for 3 consecutive turns. Hana also has one of the highest HP pools in the game (while Kusa's attack, which her healing is based on, is unimpressive) so Hana will not only heal more but is simply much harder to bring down, while Kusa gets ripped to shreds because of her low HP, which she's not encouraged to stack. Hana is usually built as a counterattack shiki, allowing her to automatically heal her team whenever she's attacked, sometimes negating enemy attacks altogether. Even the fact that Hana's Fragrant Flowers costs 1 more orb to cast than Kusa's Healing Light doesn't change the fact that Hana heals her team for free almost every time she attacks. The two aren't even comparable in power, just because Kusa is a mere R, while Hana is an SSR.
    • Probably the crowning example from Onmyoji is Onikiri, who is just the most grotesquely overpowered shikigami in the game (so far). His basic attack applies one of three debuffs to the enemy, his special attack attacks the enemy three times, applying all three debuffs, and his passive causes him to, any time he hits a target below a generous HP threshhold (after applying the damage of his actual attack, so basically all the time), follow up with two slashes of his huge floating sword, the second of which hits the entire enemy team, ignoring all shields, damage redirection abilities, passive abilities and soul effects (which is game-breakingly powerful as it completely negates all defensive measures) for no better reason than "Why not?" Oh, and once evolved it also gives him 50% free Effect RES, because why not make him almost impossible to disable as well as able to kill everything? When given a Scarlet soul he'll retaliate when struck, triggering all associated effects, meaning he can single-handedly devastate your entire team when it's not even his turn. Onikiri is the greatest (current) example of the Onmyoji developers not even paying lip service to the concept of balance, despite the amount of competitive PvP in the game (which Onikiri completely lopsides).
    • Predictably, they did continue with the unrestricted Power Creep, particularly with the release of the new SP shiki rarity. While not all SP shikis are necessarily stronger than their SSR (or in some cases, SR) equivalents, SP Shuten Doji and SP Otakemaru in particular are so disgustingly overpowered that nothing else is even comparable.
  • The level up interface in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door calls raising HP a "lack of confidence". That's because the player is better off raising Badge Points, whose limit has been raised from 30 to a whooping 99 between games, as much as possible to equip all the powerups they can. Enabling the handful of attack and evasion booster badges that can be found in the main path is enough to turn Mario into an utterly ridiculous Glass Cannon without even needing to level grind or explore for multiple copies of Power/Mega Rush. Mario can even be set to be permanently on Danger mode with Goombella just passing her turn back to him with Rally Wink, making the plumber self-sufficient and rendering both partners and the whole Special Attack mechanic practically useless. Then, if you spend the time to grind for lots of Power and Mega Rush badges, which do not have the BP cost raise for multiple copies that other badges have, even the two hour-long Bonus Dungeon with the Super Boss becomes a breeze.
  • The main characters in Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5 vastly outclass the rest of their parties put together, with the ability to change their skill set, resistances, and weakness at any time. Balanced out a bit by We Cannot Go On Without You.
    • All of the protagonist's ultimate personas are Game Breakers to the nth degree, being resistant to most elements and learning powerful endgame skills. However, you can only fuse them in a New Game Plus at level 90 (Persona 3), 91 (Persona 4), 95 (Persona 5) or above, and there's likely not much gameplay left at these levels.
    • In Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, the Persona 3 protagonist has considerably higher stats than the Persona 4 protagonist, or anyone else for that matter. This is to balance out the fact that everyone is locked into their starting Personas, which means the P3 hero has no resistances and two elemental weaknesses, including one to Dark, which is a very bad thing on Risky Mode.
    • If not for his Plotline Death on October 4th or the existence of Slash- and Strike-resistant enemies, Shinjiro Aragaki would be outright broken in Persona 3 Reload. He has ludicrous strength and powerful skills; all of his skills but one he likely won't survive to learn are Cast from Hit Points in a game where Magic Is Rare, Health Is Cheap; he starts with the new Bloody Charge skill, which acts as Charge and Rebellion in one go, long before the protagonist has access to it; his upgraded Characteristic is literally Auto-Heat Riser; and his Theurgy is easily triggered due to his Gauge Condition and so powerful that it's not unheard of for it to earn players the "Get a Load of Those Numbers!" trophy.
  • Pokémon's version mascots and event-only Pokémon tend to be designed this way and are consequentially forbidden to use in the Battle Institutes. Whether they actually succeed at this varies, though.
    • Starting with the 5th generation, the third version legendary has been introduced with a weakened form (600 base Stat total compared to 680 for the others) that's good, but not really better than the best regular mons. Still banned, though.
    • Mythicals (event-only Pokémon) almost always have a BST of 600, but usually have some gimmick intended to put them ahead of the curve.
    • The event-exclusive Arceus is worth a mention, as it is fearsome, even when compared to other terrific Pokémon — one of the only mons that can reasonably expect to come even close to matching it is Mewtwo. (Especially if Mewtwo has Mega Evolved.) It not only has 120 in every base stat, but can use Plate items to change its type to anything it wants. On top of the normal reason, the reason for Arceus' sheer power is because it is heavily implied to be the creator deity of the Pokémon universe — its signature move is even called Judgment.
    • Black Kyurem also deserves a mention for being intended as this, but ended up as a subversion. It has a BST of 700, higher than even most purposely overpowered Pokémon, including a monstrous 170 Attack stat; however, its poor defensive typing of Dragon/Ice and lack of physical ice moves resulted in most competitive environments allowing it to be used alongside normal (but still top-tier) Pokémon, where it was still considered extremely good, but not broken. After Dragon Dance and Icicle Spear were added to its movepool, which not only gave it the physical ice move it desperately wanted, but also gave it a way to boost its sky-high Attack even further as well as boosting its only decent speed; Black Kyurem did end up being banned, after which it would join its White counterpart in the Uber tier.
    • Mega Rayquaza, introduced in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire deserves a special mention for its unusual effectiveness even in relation to other Olympus Mons, including Arceus. It has a 780 base stat total* with sky-high Attack and Special Attack, respectable defenses, the second best Speed of all Dragon-types, an ability that shuts down weather and removes all Flying-type weaknesses, and a 120BP Flying-type STAB attack with perfect accuracy (though this does lower its defenses). Oh, and this all comes without a Mega Stone, so it's able to hold any item. It wouldn't be hyperbolic to suggest that Mega Rayquaza is the most powerful Pokémon in the history of the series. In fact, Mega Rayquaza is so insanely overpowered that in the Smogon competitive scene it was too strong even for the prestigious Ubers tier and they were forced to make a tier above that to accommodate Mega Rayquaza. Fittingly, Rayquaza plays up the Physical God aspect even heavier than Arceus, in that the populace of Hoenn literally worship it — the player character actually prays to Rayquaza to Mega Evolve it.
    • Taken to a level of downright absurdity with Eternamax Eternatus. Thought Mega Rayquaza's 780 BST was absurd? Eternamax Eternatus has an absurd 1125 BST. The catch is that, for the first time in the series, it's the only form of a Pokémon that is completely unplayable, possibly because of this reason alone.
    • In a non-Legendary example, the Partner Pikachu and Partner Eevee from Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! make up for their lack of evolving ability by having much higher stats than most members of their species and having their own moves, to the point some players have cleared the game with their starters alone.
  • Prayer of the Faithless: Aeyr and Mia's Perfect Partner passive gives them six turns per round, which is more than enough to set up buffs and make the most out of them. This passive is meant to even the odds against Gauron's Final Boss form, but it's overkill against the Tower of Sinners enemies and bosses, which are all weaker than Gauron.
  • Every Game-Breaker on every Shin Megami Tensei hard mode.
    • Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse features two battles where you control two parties, switching between them whenever your turn comes around. In both battles, you have at least one party member in the other team who has an attack that can reduce resistances, even to the point of creating a weakness. The other party is also decently built, with many useful endgame-tier skills and their own stock of items that they can use. However, the two battles are the Final Boss and the Superboss, who are both absurdly difficult, so chances are you're going to need the extra firepower.
    • Shin Megami Tensei V has the Demi-fiend's Essence, which can give the Nahobino either several stupidly strong skills that are guaranteed to crit, hit the entire enemy party and pierce, and take away half the enemy's turn, or can give the Nahobino flat immunity to any damage other than Almighty. Of course, in order to acquire it, you need to beat the strongest Superboss in the game, and once you have it there's nothing left worth using it on.
  • Sword of Paladin: As a Paladin, Nade has very high stat growths, powerful locked equipment, and a Limit Break that is statistically powerful enough to wipe out a pack of early game bosses. He also deals light-elemental damage with his physical attacks, which the majority of enemies are weak to. As a result, the second half of Chapter 1 is easier than the first half. Unfortunately, he gets nerfed in Chapter 2, since he has to expend his Paladin power to preserve Sophie's fatally wounded body. Even then, he keeps learning new skills and regains his stats with each Paladin soul he absorbs, giving him a lot of utility. This is balanced by the fact that he participates in the most Duel Boss fights out of any playable character.
  • Good luck beating the Superbosses in Wild ARMs 2 without Knight Blazer.
    • The Sheriff Star in every game is like this: The highest single stat boost any other accessories can give? The star gives that boost to all of them. Add status immunity and elemental resistances and you've got yourself a Game-Breaker. It's also the reward for the Superboss.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has several Blades who stand head-and-shoulders above the others:
    • Pyra, naturally, is one of the strongest blades available, being the ancient weapon whose discovery is what sets the whole game's plot in motion as various factions attempt to use and/or destroy her power.
    • Poppi, an artificial Blade, was deliberately designed for maximum power and efficiency. As a result, once fully upgraded, she's capable of soloing many of the game's superbosses.
    • Mythra, being Pyra's Split Personality with access to Pyra's true power, is even more powerful than Pyra, having a unique light element and several passive abilities that enable her to spam special attacks. Eventually, Pyra and Mythra become able to fuse into a single Pneuma form that's even more powerful than either of them.
    • The DLC Blades are all designed to be overpowered, but special mention goes to Corvin, who is not only one of the best tanks and damage-dealers in the game, and gives every Driver a Smash Art (including Nia's only Smash art period), and has the only method of removing Rage status from enemies, but he actually ended up stronger than datamining predicted he would be: the developers clearly wanted him to be overpowered as they buffed one of his skills before his release.

Fighting Game 

  • In BlazBlue we have Unlimited Ragna, who out-tanks the Mighty Glacier character, Iron Tager, with his 3 folded HP; can, quite easily, deal damage in the mid-thousands; is much, much faster than his original form; can air-dash 3 times, while most characters can dash 1 or 2 times at most; has automatic Heat gain; and has a massive life drain on top of that! (He also has one super move that can take off 2/3s of his opponent's HP and regenerate 1/2 of his own, so that's fair...) All of this is because Unlimited Ragna has activated his titular Artifact of Doom.
  • In Custom Robo: Battle Revolution, you can use the Rahu III robo and all its associated parts. As the robo in question is the Big Bad of the game, all its parts are incredibly powerful with the body taking only 20% damage, having no knockdown recovery period, and is among the fastest and most agile bodies in the game. Every single one of its weapons are powerful, rapid firing, and have enormous blast radiuses.
  • In Duel Savior Destiny during the latter half of the final route you gain access to the incredibly powerful Muriel Sheerfield, also known as the academy principal. Her normal attacks are comparable to the supers of her daughter and she has truly outstanding range. She waltzes right through all of the maps she's available in, which is entirely intentional for two reasons: First, she's already an accomplished hero and two she's normally a midboss, not an ally.
  • Nightmare Geese, in his Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters appearances, is horrendously overpowering. He is able to fire rapid-fire projectiles mid-air, dash around at crazy speeds and create explosions in your face, having massive stats, the list goes on. He's the definitive Infinity +1 Sword of both series, usually included just to have fun crushing every other character. He's often the last character you unlock, and often the hardest to get. Even in KOF 2002: Unlimited Match, where he shares a roster with Igniz (who retains his infamous infinite from KOF 2001) and Krizalid (who gains massive amounts of meter if you block his signature projectile), he's still considered the most formidable character in the game. The only exception to date is his inclusion in KOF: Maximum Impact 2 (and its Updated Re-release Regulation A), where Nightmare Geese, though a hidden character, is balanced out to be more equal to the rest of the cast and lacks many of the traits that normally establish him as one of the standout SNK Bosses from a company known for making SNK Bosses.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle:
    • There's Pucci's final Stand: Made in Heaven. Obtaining it is a pain, because he first has to utter the 14 secret words to the Green Baby (luckily, he doesn't have to say them all in one go) in order to transform Whitesnake into C-Moon; then he has to use his GHA, which, beside the fact that it costs 2 full special bars, can be disrupted with a single hit. If it activates, however, he becomes very fast, while his opponent moves at half speed, instead. The developers had to limit the amount of times he could juggle his opponents in a single go.
    • To a minor degree, Kars' ultimate lifeform transformation and Giorno Giovanna's Stand, Gold Experience Requiem. Like Pucci's final transformation, they need to use their GHA and can be disrupted with a hit. However, Kars gains a lot of mobility and powerful techniques, while Giorno gets temporary boost on stats and amazing combo options. (Plus, Requiem is truly immune to the aformentioned effects of Made in Heaven!)
  • In Magical Battle Arena, if you hold down a button while selecting Lina Inverse she will become the Lord of Nightmares. Let me repeat that, the Lord of Nightmares. She has absurdly high attack power and is immune to damage, but automatically loses after a set period of time.
  • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces has Unison Reinforce (Reinforce with Hayate intentionally Unisoning into her), who you could only use at the final battle of Reinforce's story. She comes with all eighteen skills in the game where other characters could only use four, turning the normally powerful Big Bad into an Anticlimax Boss.
  • Dark Phoenix in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (released upon Phoenix getting knocked out while having five full Hyper Gauges in stock), presumably to compensate for the fragility and shortcomings of normal Phoenix. And because in the comics, Dark Phoenix came within about two seconds of destroying the entire universe.
    • Ultimate gives us Phoenix Wright and his Ace Attorney Hyper Combo. To use it, Wright must first activate Turnabout Mode by collecting three pieces of "good" evidence (and evidence can only be collected while in Investigation mode - Wright's weakest mode); and then spend three bars of meter while in that mode. The end result: a super-fast attack that activates in the same istant you press the button, hits the entire screen, can target downed enemies, and inflicts an incredibly high amount of damage.
  • Archetype: Earth in Melty Blood, by merit of it being an alternate form of Arcueid Brunestud, possessed by an entity that sits quite comfortably above gods and the soul of the world itself. As a member of THE highest rank of beings in the Nasuverse, balancing it would've been ridiculous.
    • To a lesser extent, Ryougi Shiki as well. Her Void personality is (at least boasting to be) able to kill anything and everything under the sun, including God. She can't kill Crimson Moon.
  • Designing overpowered characters in M.U.G.E.N is more of a ritual than a mere trend, to the point where it could be considered an art form. The game's foundation as a fighting engine means that anyone with the know-how to code can create characters that are absurdly powerful. These characters are often labelled "cheap" because of their quick, high-damage moves, that solving Erdős's problems sounds much easier than defeating them. There's a subset of these known as "cheapies", who are even more formidable and usually face off against each other, with their creators constantly striving to one-up each other in terms of power. The cheapies are not all created equal, as they fall into their own sub-categories. The least powerful ones are still no pushovers, with the ability to knock out opponents before the fight even starts. The most powerful, on the other hand, are almost mythical; rumors suggest they are so powerful that they can defeat their enemies by crashing the computer. (Fortunately, such powerful characters have never actually appeared in play, let alone been witnessed in action.)
  • As befitting the source material, in One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows, Saitama can defeat any opponent in a single punch, and is so impervious to damage himself that the only way he can take any notable damage is in a Mirror Match. To offset the obvious advantages he has, choosing him as part of your team will have him running late to the fight. During the battle, a countdown is displayed to show how long it will take for him to arrive on the scene, with perfect blocks and combos knocking seconds off the clock. Once he arrives, he can curbstomp the opposing team, but if his other teammates are defeated before he arrives, it counts as a defeat for him and his team.
  • Sonic Battle has the protagonist Emerl after he gets off the ground. He can wield a combination of any attack in the game, limited only by skill points and what he's managed to copy. By the end of the game, he can expect to be the strongest playable character in the game by a very wide margin. He's also the Final Boss after being driven insane with power by Dr. Eggman and forced into a state where he reaches outright Physical God levels - fighting him head-on is tantamount to suicide.
  • Algol in the Soul Series has numerous powerful projectile attacks (a trait only shared even in the least by Ivy and Link) that can strike anywhere on the entire stage, both of the series' Infinity+1 Swords that are both wielded fluidly, and in Soulcalibur V, a Critical Finish that can instantly take down half of the opponent's health meter not counting the numerous attacks that can and will be comboed into it. He's meant to be a boss character, after all, and the lore establishes him as the only man to have ever wielded Soul Edge without succumbing to its power.

First-Person Shooter 

  • Playing Deep Rock Galactic solo lets you spelunk with Bosco, your Do-Anything Robot Buddy who has his own upgrade tree and customization options. Left to his own devices, he'll provide a hovering light source and will gun down any bugs that get close, while if you give him orders by pinging things with your laser pointer, Bosco can fire rockets, mine ore veins or dig into walls to get larger deposits, pick up and carry items, defend objectives, finish constructing pipelines you've connected... really, about the only thing Bosco can't do is pick up a secondary objective like a fossil on the wall. This is all to make up for the fact that DRG isn't meant to be a single-player game, and while you can choose to not have Bosco accompany you, it makes missions much harder.
  • Doom 64: Only one new weapon was added to the game, namely a demonic laser called the Unmaker. When you first find it, it's actually extremely underwhelming, merely firing a pulsing laser beam that does fairly mediocre damage, just wasting energy cells that would be more destructive fired from the Plasma Gun. However, if you can find three of the game's secret levels (and good luck with that!) and obtain the Demon Artifacts hidden within them, each one powers up the Unmaker to increasingly powerful levels. Even with only two Artifacts it's easily the strongest weapon in the game, capable of chewing through tough enemies like Barons of Hell in seconds and even tearing a Cyberdemon apart with ease, once you collect all three then the only thing standing in your way is your stock of energy cells. Notably, a fully-powered Unmaker reduces the final boss from one of the toughest and most-dangerous boss monsters in Doom to an absolute walkover that gets stunlocked and dies in seconds (and possessing the Artifacts allows you to skip The War Sequence you'd normally have to battle through before it spawns in).
  • The Juggernaut Suits in Modern Warfare are purposely overpowered for the sole reason that they are Elite Mooks thrown at you en masse in the higher levels of Survival Mode. Capable of soaking up .50 cal rounds and direct-hit M203 nades like a frickin sponge, killing one requires a combination of patience, skill, and the right weapons. In multiplayer, you can even get one for yourself via Care Package, complete with belt-fed machine gun. The sole time the Juggernaut shows up in the campaign, you are said Juggernaut.
  • The Super Gravity Gun in Half-Life 2. Check it out in action.
  • This is the entire purpose of the Doom mod Russian Overkill, which gives the player an entire arsenal of weapons designed to tear through hordes of enemies in the most bombastic way possible. It's downplayed on higher difficulty levels, which increase the health capacity of all enemy types to balance out the weapons.
  • "Valve-quality" weapons are extremely powerful weapons used by the developers of Team Fortress 2 to prevent players from killing them while testing out things (and you know the players will try, because of the Lord British Postulate).

Hack and Slash 

  • Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 have Rodin's namesake weapon, which in both games is unlocked by beating his superboss fight. It's a quartet of rings that act as a Swiss-Army Weapon that morph into almostnote  every Enemy Arm, and Enemy Arms as a whole have significantly more power and combo points to them than regular weapons. The cost is that Rodin is much harder to beat than the final boss on the hardest difficulty, requires a lot of grinding just to fight him, and since fighting him automatically sets the difficulty to the highest, you can't cheese the fight by beating him on Very Easy/Easy.
  • In Chaos Legion you start the game with the Thanatos crest, allowing you to call on the "the Ultimate Legion" for the tutorial level- which you promptly lose at the end of it. Throughout the game you have to reassemble the nine hidden pieces of the shattered crest to gain control of Thanatos again, and when you do it starts out as a tiny dragon which doesn't even begin to compare to what it was at first. But if you can level it up to its Adult form it once again becomes the same monster it was during the tutorial stage- while if you can level it up to its Perfect form the game is basically over. When summoned to the field it can decimate any enemy that stands before it, while nothing can withstand the awesome might of its assist ability, Ignorant Masses, which grants you Bullet Time to hack away at whatever you like while Thanatos rains fiery bullets down on everything on the screen. Even the final boss will die in 3 uses. To ice the cake, it grants you a huge passive boost to your HP and soul gauge when you equip it.
  • Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening has as a reward for beating Dante Must Die mode the Super Legendary Dark Knight costumes. These not only give unlimited Devil Trigger energy, but also have the Healing Factor of the normal Devil Trigger modes, unlike the Super Dante/Vergil costumes. Furthermore, Dante's version of the Super LDK can use Quicksilver or Doppelganger infinitely, something Super Dante lacks.
  • The legendary set items from Diablo II and Diablo III. With how rarely legendary items drop anyways, the chances that you'll find every piece of a set are quite low. If you do manage to find them all, they provide an extreme power boost. The second game gives individual pieces of the set more bonuses depending on how many you have, and the third game grants new powers and radically changes abilities, generally turning one attack/ability into a Game-Breaker, with the more pieces of a set that you find. Though on higher difficulties, you'll NEED those gamebreakers to survive (and speedclear content for season challenges).
  • Several characters in the various Warriors games, usually noted as having really been badass in reality. In Dynasty Warriors, Lu Bu is always vastly more powerful than any of the other fighters (In DW6, he gets his own campaign where he kicks the collective ass of Ancient China. Then all the noteable fighters who are already dead come back to life just to get another shot at him, and he STILL beats them all.) In Samurai Warriors, there's Miyamoto Musashi, legendary master of Dual Wielding Katanas, who is significantly more fearsome than any of his contemporaries And in Warriors Orochi, well, basically every member of the 'Orochi Party'. Da Ji, Himiko, Sun Wukong, Kiyomori Taira, and of course, Orochi himself, who has abilities generally above those of mere mortals. And then there's Orochi Z, who's even more overpowering.
    • The second Orochi game is pretty notable for giving the player easy-to-use or downright convenient characters right off the bat. You can already get the Three Kings (who have a fast combination attack that can be used repeatedly with Sun Jian's special), Musashi, Orochi (who can spam C1-1 all day to end a stage), and Kunoichi and her Invincibility Special. This without counting how early some other great character is unlocked (Zuo Ci being the most notable).
    • In Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage, Raoh, being the final boss of many characters' Dream Modes, as well as the boss of Kenshiro and Toki's Legend mode, is made so powerful that even with his base starting stats, he makes even Orochi look like a joke. His starting Signature Move is far and away the most powerful 1-bar (the game uses a slightly modified stock system from other Warriors games) move in the game, strong enough to essentially (and instantly) kill all enemies in sight for a good 100 feet, has outrageously powerful normals with a great reach and tons of guard break, the potentially most powerful Hyper Signature in the game (although everyone's Mastery 3 Hyper Signature is strong enough to wipe the screen, even of bosses), and can summon Kokuoh-Go, a gigantic horse that, when ridden, instantly kills all Mooks on contact and lasts the entire rest of the stage after being used only once. You should not be surprised when you look at the online high score screens and see Raoh's face on almost every spot.
    • In Hyrule Warriors, Link once you obtain the Master Sword. And then it gets powered up in-story. And then you can power it up further, to the point that it has the highest base power of any weapon in the game. Despite sharing a moveset with the Hylian Sword, it's counted as a separate weapon type, and for good reason: It does a ton of damage with its attacks even disregarding the base power, and if you're at full health your combo finishers shoot Sword Beams. Not only does the range increase, they also pile on EVEN MORE damage. The Hylian Sword is already one of the most versatile movesets, with at least one infinite combo. Yes, the Master Sword still has these. And what about his Skyward Strike combo finisher? That's already a Sword Beam you say? Now it shoots out a fanning beam in addition to the Skyward Strike, and yes this still does a ton of damage. And of course, this is all due to the Master Sword being the blade of Evil's Bane and extra powerful against all the enemies Link would fight in-universe.
  • The Sleg in Hunted: The Demon's Forge combines this with Suspicious Video-Game Generosity as it is only available for some very difficult battles. It makes the drinker invulnerable with infinite mana and arrows and greatly increases damage turning horrendously difficult battles into near guaranteed victories. The catch? It's a trap, drinking it is part of an evil plan and prevents getting the good ending
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance gives us Sam's HF blade in New Game+, which outclasses every other weapon in the game by a huge margin and has essentially no drawbacks (other than being a bit of an energy drain in Blade Mode, not that you ever need to use it when wielding that monster).
    • Like previous Metal Gear games, Revengeance also has its share of items that give Raiden Game-Breaker powers: like in his previous game, he gets 3 wigs that give him infinite subweapons, Blade Mode and the ability to cut any non-boss enemy apart without weakening them first. Unlike in the previous games, using the said items doesn't have any ranking penalty and they don't take space in your inventory, meaning you can keep using them all the time. Finally, the Blade Mode wig also essentially lets Raiden play most of the game at 10% speed if he activates it with Ripper Mode active.
  • Oda Nobunaga in Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes is the most powerful character by far. He's also the resident superboss and the most complicated to unlock.
    • The warrior shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru from Sengoku Basara 4 puts his "friend" Nobunaga to shame.

Horror Game 

  • In the final few chapters of Cry of Fear, defeating the Doctor gains you one of two pistols, depending on the choice made prior to the fight - the Taurus Revolver, which has high accuracy and one-shots most enemies from that point forward, or the even more powerful P-345 pistol, which has more rounds in a clip, reloads more quickly, and deals more raw damage. This allows you to pass through the relatively difficult ending sequences much more easily, except in ending 4, where there is only Book Simon to worry about and you are given a different weapon with which to kill him.
  • In Dead Space 2, the Handcannon (or Foam Finger) gun falls into this category as well. It can kill any Necromorph in one shot, and it kills the final boss in less than five. Oh yeah, and the thing has infinite ammo, fires as fast as you can full the trigger, and has Isaac scream out "BANG!" or "PEW!" depending on whether you use the primary fire or secondary fire. But to be fair, the gun can only be unlocked after beating the game on Hard Core mode, which can only be accessed after beating the game once already on any difficulty. Plus, on Hard Core mode, the game only lets you have three saves though out that run, and you cannot use a New Game+ to run through it either.
  • In Friday the 13th: The Game, Jason has several advantages over the counselors: while he can't run very fast, he can use Villain Teleportation to get the drop on his prey, can sense their locations (better still if they're scared witless), and is hard as hell to shake off, much less kill.
  • Peret em Heru: For the Prisoners: Should you recruit him, Soji Mizumi is a very powerful teammate, with high starting stats, two skills that inflict helpful status effects and another that can potentially One-Hit Kill enemies. The drawback is that Mizumi is so much of a massive cad, some players absolutely cannot stomach working with him. Or saving his life, for that matter.
  • Getting Barry's revolver in Resident Evil (Remake) is overpowered to high heaven. Getting said revolver involves having you refuse giving Barry his gun back when cornered by Lisa, who then proceeds to kill him by knocking him into a bottomless pit. Barry's gun is powerful enough to One-Hit Kill the Tyrant, something that the regular magnum cannot do. Barry's gun has only 6 shots and because it's a .44 caliber, you can't reload it with the magnum rounds you find since those are a .357 caliber. By the time you even get the OP revolver, there's almost nothing left that's even worth using it on since your other weapons (magnum included) can do the job just fine — hopefully leaving him unarmed to be murdered by Lisa was worth it.
  • Resident Evil 4 is full of numerous examples of excellent unlockable New Game Plus weapons, one or two of them accumulated as bonus content from various re-releases. Perhaps the most powerful of them is the Wii version of the PRL. When originally added to the PS2 port of the game, the gun was effectively a source of infinite flash grenades when fired without charging, and when charged, it was an insta-kill laser blast. When the game was ported to the Wii, however, it was beefed up so that its charged attack would fire many beams in one blast, each of which would auto-target a particular enemy and kill it. The end result was that everything in front of you would die in one charged shot, with even the enemies halfway across the map getting sniped down.
  • Resident Evil 4 (Remake) has numerous unlockables which outright break the game, but are all available only after specific requirements.
    • The Infinite Rocket Launcher is available after only clearing the game once, and costs an astounding two-million pesetas (which is ridiculously expensive). By default, the regular rocket launcher will kill any enemy struck by it in one blow. The Infinite Rocket Launcher retains this ability, but as the name implies, it can fire forever. It's only available in New Game+, so you cannot use it to get S+ run rankings.
    • Ashley's Armor makes one of the more treacherous parts of the game an outright joke. By getting an A rank or better on the Hardcore difficulty (which requires beating Hardcore difficulty in under seven hours), Ashley gets a suit of armor as a costume. It is the only costume she gets that has actual gameplay functionality: she is invincible to any and all hits, and cannot be kidnapped. You could shoot her directly with the aforementioned Infinite Rocket Launcher, and it'll kill everything near her, but she'll act like you sneezed on her.
    • Clearing professional difficulty without using any bonus weapons (none of the unlockable weapons or the DLC bonuses) will net you the Handcannon. It is the absolute most powerful weapon aside from the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Unlike the Rocket Launcher, it doesn't have to be bought after you buy it from the content shop (it'll be sitting in your storage for use anytime), and it has a bonus upgrade that grants it Bottomless Magazines.
    • The hardest unlock is the "Cat Ears" (unlocked by clearing Professional Difficulty on a new save which means no new game+ inventory, doing so under five-and-a-half hours total, and using 15 or less saves). Given this is the hardest task the game has to offer, it is unsurprising that it grants the absolute best reward: infinite ammo for all ammo types. By the time you get it, you've probably mastered the majority of the game and thus can just use it for fun.
    • The digital store for the game contains Golden Upgrade Tickets which can be bought for actual money and come in packs of 1, 3, and 5. Every ticket you buy is available on any file that hasn't used them (even new ones), and every file you start from hereon will start with them (they can also be used on runs to unlock new stuff). On top of that, unlike the silver tickets which sell for 10,000 pesetas and are obtained in-game, Golden Tickets sell for 80,000 pesetas, allowing you to theoretically buy 23 tickets (max) and sell them for 1,840,000 pesetas. This would be more than enough to power up every weapon you need in a single playthrough to the point where you only need to find the bare minimum of treasures and money to afford anything else later in the game. While some appreciate the tickets, it has led to some arguments for and against them since they cost actual money, and questions on whether it's just Bribing Your Way to Victory for some of the harder achievements, and rewards paying for the convenience rather than beating the game normally.
  • While the Silent Hill games do have New Game Plus modes that give you unique bonus weapons, most of them are either only slightly better than the normal arsenal or have tradeoffs to their great power. There are, however, some exceptions.
    • Silent Hill 3:
      • The Heather Beam is unlocked after defeating 333 monsters across any number of playthroughs. It's automatically equipped when you have no other weapons equipped, and it involves Heather firing homing energy blasts out of her eyes. While it has unlimited ammo thanks to its use being tied to Heather's recharging stamina, it's not a particularly powerful weapon on its own. However, when paired with the Princess Heart outfit that's unlocked by beating a New Game Plus, it becomes the Sexy Beam with considerably beefed-up power and far more projectiles fired such that it can stunlock enemies, as well as a Secondary Fire that sees her shoot even more powerful laser beams. The Sexy Beam takes what had been a horror game about a teenage girl tormented by a Religion of Evil and the demons in her past and turns it into a game about a Magical Girl Warrior who effortlessly plows through them all.
      • The Unlimited Submachine Gun is unlocked by killing the Final Boss with a melee weapon.note  As its name suggests, it takes what's already the most powerful non-bonus weapon in the game and gets rid of the lack of ammo that makes it Too Awesome to Use.
    • In Silent Hill: Origins, getting the good ending unlocks the Moon Gauntlets, a pair of indestructible gauntlets that can take down nearly all enemies save for the Final Boss in one punch, and kill them with the second. Getting the UFO ending, meanwhile, unlocks the Tesla Rifle, an extremely powerful Lightning Gun with unlimited ammo.
    • In Silent Hill: Homecoming, getting the UFO ending unlocks the Laser Pistol, an extremely powerful, fast-firing laser with unlimited ammo.


  • Final Fantasy XIV has the Podmander of Petrification and the Magicite, items found in the deep dungeon Heaven-On-High. The Podmander of Petrification turns all enemies on the map into stone and they will instantly die from any damage taken. Likewise, Magicite summons a primal that just kills every enemy on the map no matter where they are. The items are balanced out by being harder to find the deeper in the dungeon you go and you can only hold three of each item at a time.
    • Godbert Manderville, who has been shown to be a force of nature in tight fitting underwear is playable for a quest battle. With astonishingly high defense and damage, virtually unlimited Sprint (that increase your movement speed to absurd levels), and even the ability to stop seven missiles from hitting the ground at the same time by merely sidestepping between their landing points, this man flies in the face of logic both in cutscenes and gameplay. And he has the Goldsmith job.
  • Phantasy Star Online 2 has the ARKS Interception Silhouette (or AIS, for short), a Mini-Mecha with a large pool of HP, a chaingun, a BFS, and its own personal Wave-Motion Gun. It's powerful enough to reduce even enemies on Extra Hard difficulty to mincemeat within seconds. It only appears in two Emergency Quests at present (Mining Base: Despair and phase 2 of Annihilator's Apparition), but considering they are considered the most difficult quests in the game, they are a big help.
  • The twisted bow in Old School RuneScape, which is designed to scale in power and accuracy the higher its target’s Magic stat is. As a high Magic stat is a vital part of magic defence (the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil, a boss with 1 Magic but a whopping +800 armour resistance to magic, is still highly vulnerable to magic to the point where it’s the best combat style for it), anything not designed to be effortlessly slaughtered through magic is torn to bits by the twisted bow. A few exceptions exist, but only because they were given a resistance to the twisted bow specifically in their code because it was too overwhelming otherwise.
    • Additionally, there's the Max Cape, which can be "trimmed" with the three best combat capes and has every single skillcape effect at once. Each skillcape effect on its own ranges from incredibly good (teleport to a bank or your house, change spellbooks up to five times per day, toggleable automatic teleport if you get hit below 10% HP, doubled HP regen, etc.) to somewhat worthless, but the powerful ones are all balanced around taking either your cape slot or one of your 28 inventory spaces per effect you want. However, this is justified: in order to actually get the Max Cape, you need to reach 99 in every single skill in the game.
  • In Wizard101, there is an item called The One Ring that boosts all stats to insane levels, allows mastery in every school, boosts movement speed more than any mount, and guarantees that all fish can be caught regardless of circumstances. However, it is unobtainable for regular players and is used by the developers for testing purposes.
  • Heirloom items in World of Warcraft, also known as BoA ("Bind on Account") items, level up while you do and can be bought by higher-level characters to give to lower leveled ones on the same account. Not only are their stats better than anything else until level cap, but some of them provide an EXP boost. They aren't really too much stronger than most items, as you can't do level-appropriate stuff solo, but they're generally as good as or slightly better than the best you could find at that level, and generally in a one-on-one PVP fight, the guy wearing Heirlooms is going to win. This is intentional on the part of developers; heirloom items are intended to help level alternate characters faster, so that people who have already seen the main storyline and know the basics of the game don't have to slog through it on lower-level characters with feeble gear.
    • The Artifact weapons in Legion are designed to be this in-universe - several of them are major lore items (the Ashbringer, Felo'melorn, Doomhammer, and the shards of Frostmourne are just some of them), and they're upgradeable too. And since they're level 110, any old content is little more than mincemeat against these weapons.


  • Model OX in Mega Man ZX is only playable in the post-game after being defeated and is essentially identical to Mega Man Zero 3's Final Boss Omega in both appearance and abilities, so he's as overpowered as one would expect. He doesn't have an Overdrive gauge but can still activate Overdrive, meaning it's essentially just a toggle to freely power him up even further and swap out his base attacks for other attacks using the same commands. Model OX renders Model ZX obsolete, who is already one of the strongest and most versatile forms in the game.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • Super Sonic: on top of being invincible, your top speed and jumping height are both doubled, allowing you to blitz through the stages at ridiculous speeds and cheese bosses that normally hover out of reach and/or or would hurt you if you tried to hit them.
    • Hyper Sonic in Sonic 3 & Knuckles takes it a step further, giving you a mid-air forward dash that destroys every non-boss enemy on the screen. Tails and Knuckles's hyper forms also have their own tricks: Hyper Tails is joined by super-powered Flickies that will automatically attack any enemy on screen, and Hyper Knuckles can clear the screen of enemies by gliding into a wall at top speed.
    • In Sonic Heroes, as if Team Rose's stages weren't already easy from being half as long as the other Teams equivalents, their Team Blast, aside from the usual purpose of wiping out every enemy on the screen, gives every member of the party a level up, a shield which allows them to take one hit without losing Rings, and then makes them invincible while the Team Blast meter is cooling down.
    • The trope is invoked in the game's lore in Shadow Generations: as revealed in Professor Gerald's journal, the Eclipse Cannon was built to appease G.U.N. and allow the Space Colony ARK to continue receiving funding in exchange for giving the military a big, fancy Kill Sat. Said Kill Sat, however, had enough power to destroy the world in a single blast if it was actually fired, and thus G.U.N. would never be able to actually use it.
  • Mario's Gold Flower power-up. While his speed, strength, etc. are still normal, the fireballs are ridiculously powerful. They can take out any enemy, including bosses, in one hit. Give Mario a ton of coins, and even turn blocks near where they hit into coins.
  • In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, the Quill Magnet tonic, which causes quills to be drawn to you when it's equipped. It's the most expensive tonic in the game (outside of a Joke Item), it has no quill detriment to its use, unlike other beneficial tonics, and it completely trivializes both the Ghost Quills (which otherwise can require tricky platforming to collect all the quills from) and some platforming challenges period, as it can collect quills through walls. Its description points out how much easier it makes the Ghost Quills specifically.

Puzzle Game 

  • Puyo Pop Fever has the series mascot Carbuncle as an unlockable character, who is categorized as a "Well-Balanced Player?" by the game - the other all-around characters have no question mark.

Racing Game 

  • Even the Gran Turismo series has those. In the third one the Escudo could be tuned to have 1843 horsepower. That's it: nearly two thousand horsepower. And from Gran Turismo 5 we have the Red Bull X1, so fast that looks like the video is on fast forward. Then there's the SRT Tomahawk X Vision GT in 6...
  • The two secret unlockable airships in Kirby Air Ride, Dragoon and Hydra, the former of which can fly to near-limitless heights at a very respectable speed, while the latter takes nearly a full minute to charge completely and thus be able to move faster than a paraplegic snail, but once charged moved at ridiculous speeds and could instantly knock out an opponent in a single high-speed hit. A fully-charged Hydra needs the high health it has, since you often go Too Fast to Stop!
    • The City Trial map has small "dilapidated houses" in one corner to test the destructive capability of your vehicle. The Hydra, going full-speed? It busts through five walls in less than a second. Again, Too Fast to Stop.
  • Your reward for beating every track in Mirror Mode in Snowboard Kids 2 is the right to use the Dragon Board, a board with maximum speed and airtime that also permanently has a Rocket Booster and Wings attached to it. However, it can't really be exploited for winning races because the AI will also equip Dragon Boards if you use one. Its sole reason for existing is to make the tracks way more fun, since with the Dragon Board, you can practically fly across them.

Real-Time Strategy 

  • The titular Titans in Age of Mythology: The Titans expansion pack. To summon one, you first need to reach the Mythic Age and research a special technology, then create a Titan Gate, and have your workers spend quite a lot of time digging it out, which all takes a lot of work. However, the Titan itself is worth it, as it has thousands of HP and can easily destroy entire armies and cities by itself. If you manage to get a Titan, then unless your enemy also has one, 90% of the time you will win the game.
  • Battlezone (1998): Played for Laughs with the hard-to find Rave Gun, available in the tutorial mission, slots in for a cannon. It's extremely lethal, and uses minimal ammo. When fired, it plays techno music and shoots balls of flashing multicolored light.
  • Everything added in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising, which is why there's no multiplayer mode.
    • The grand prize probably goes to the Rising Sun Gigafortress: a massive, self-aware battleship with several battleship guns and several rocket pods (each as powerful as a separate unit in their own right) that can transform into a flying artillery piece that takes out everything on land (and by happy coincidence, neither of the Empire's flying Anti-Air units ever need to reload).
    • The Allied Harbinger is a stupidly tough gunship that self-heals and fires mini-nukes and can switch to an Anti-Infantry chaingun, while the Futuretank is essentially an HK-Tank from Terminator, an (also self-healing) Tank-Tread Mecha firing massive AoE energy bursts.
    • Also, the campaign-only Shogun Executioner from vanilla Red Alert 3, a giant mech with three instant-killing swords that can trample buildings to death. It fears only artillery, and is available only in two campaign missions. In one, it's the only unit the primary player fields and needs (case in point: in both cases you're fighting the Soviets, whose Lightning Gun heavy defenses only heal it).
  • The Dreadnought in the Dawn of War II campaign is a beast, with close-combat strength enough to crush anything less than a boss in a few seconds and an assault cannon capable of obliterating swarms of lesser enemies before they even get close. It is specifically added at the point in the game when the player begins to fight larger numbers of more powerful enemies (mostly Carnifexes).
  • Eldritch Lands: The Witch Queen's Eternal War has slimes, when upgraded to level 50, become comically overpowered, retaining their cheap cost and fast refresh time, but becoming super fast, super durable, and hitting like trucks. However, it requires a lot of resources to get a unit to level 50, and by the time the player can reasonably do this, it will likely be at or near the last level anyway. Thus level 50 slimes mainly serve to make it easy to grind the remaining resources needed to unlock the last dialogues of the game.
  • Europa Universalis: Nations that historically did well in the 1400-1800 time-frame usually get a load of powerful National Ideas as well as whatever advantages they get from their starting position and resources. For example, uniting All the Little Germanies with Prussia (who basically did just that in Real Life and thus have military bonuses up the wazoo) will be a lot easier than doing it with, say, Westphalia or Saxony. Otherwise, revoking the priviliges of the princes as Austria allows you to use all the HRE nations as an unstoppable swarm of armies. The Ottomans are by far the easiest nation to play as given that historically the period the game starts in was the start of their golden age. It is possible to completely change history with a Darkhorse Victory, but you'll usually have to do more with less.
    • Late in the game, reforming the Roman or Mongol Empires essentially give you by far the strongest bonuses in the game.
  • In the Medieval II: Total War total conversion mod Third Age: Total War, it is possible for a player using the Free Peoples of Eriador to reforge the Kingdom of Arnor if they fulfil a number of specific conditionsnote . Arnor has a ridiculously strong army with many troops superior to Gondor's and on par with those of the High Elves (without the tiny unit sizes the Elves are stuck with), but it means saving up a ton of gold and resources which could be spent on expansion and it is a race against the clock because you are permanently locked out of forming Arnor if Gondor is destroyed or Aragorn dies.
  • Mental Omega: The Allies' Paradox Engine was not designed with balance in mind. It's an aircraft that also happens to be the toughest mobile unit the player will ever be allowed to control in the entire game. Its weaponry composes 6 Prism Cannons and 3 Medusa Missile Launchers, both of which fire very quickly given how much damage they do and outrange almost everything else in the game, so as long as you're reasonably good with micro you're never going to get attacked back. And to top it all off, it can freeze time for 2 minutes like a superweapon can. This is entirely intentional, as the Engine was designed to be the Allies' Game Changer in their war against the Soviet Union and Epsilon Army. Pity you only get to control it properly for the last 3 Allied missions.
  • The Glow Pikmin from Pikmin 4. They can fly, they're immune to all hazards, they automatically return to your squad once they're done doing a task, they have a special charge attack that can stun enemies, they gradually grow flowers that can't be removed when they're shaken off by enemies, and they cannot die. These Pikmin are the only Pikmin given to you in the dangerous night expeditions, where you'll be facing hordes of aggressive enemies.
  • In Populous: The Beginning, between the last two levels you become a god. The main effect this has is that you can cast spells anywhere in the world, without a range limit. Which makes the Blast spell (the cheapest offensive spell, previously hampered by having the shortest range) much more useful. Especially if you've learned to cast it next to your target, to throw them into water. Yes, the last level is meant to be easy; it appears to be designed for applying Video Game Cruelty Potential to the enemy tribes.
  • StarCraft II:
    • Most of the upgrades in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty's campaign mode, with the most ridiculous probably being the Siege Tank upgrade for almost double damage to the primary target — if it isn't the Marauder upgrade that slows, not just the primary target as in multiplayer, but everything around it — or perhaps the Battlecruiser's Herd-Hitting Attack or Deflector Shields. Suffice to say, this level of power is absolutely necessary for the final missions.
    • StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm is no different in this regard. How do self-resurrecting Ultralisks sound? Zerglings that can jump over walls? Banelings that can jump over walls? And that's not counting Kerrigan herself, a veritable One-Woman Army who can wipe the floor with an entire base if fully empowered. All of this is meant to siege Korhal, the Capital Planet of the Terran Dominion itself.
    • StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void has its fair share of broken units as well. Zealots that revive themselves after dying, Sentries that boost the damage output of your other units, Phoenixes that can lift two units into firing range and can fire on them on their own. The campaign also brings back the Dark Archon from the first game. Not only is their Mind Control ability intact, it no longer removes all of the Archon's shields. And if you're being swarmed by a horde of weak units that aren't worth Mind Controlling individually? Cast Confusion on the lot of them and watch as all those Zerglings tear each other apart. To say nothing of the building upgrades; can we say "construct any unit to any location with pylon power"? The final boss is an Elder God, and you're going to need all of the above.
    • The Co-op mode eventually added Mastery Levels and Prestige talents. Mastery Levels are 90 perk points which can each be distributed across your characters, and Prestige Talents are character mods that greatly alter the character with a buff and debuff. If you reach Level 90+ in Mastery and get to the third Prestige Talent on a character, it is usually so broken that difficulties below Brutal are practically nap-worthy. Examples include: Alarak getting access to a Mothership and an easily warped-in army requiring no tech-requirements, Tychus gaining the ability to call down the Odin more often, Dehaka being cloned, Mengsk's army constantly suicide blasting the enemies when killed, and Zeratul basically being able to solo any encounter without an army while constantly creating tornadoes.
  • In Stellaris' Utopia expansion, empires that take the Psionic Ascension route may come into contact with a being called The End of the Cycle. It offers you a deal: you gain massive bonuses to resource production, research speed, naval capacity, and a host of other things, for the next fifty years, "if only we bring forth the End." The tooltip for accepting the deal says in bold red letters "Do not do this." And you really shouldn't. Once those fifty years are up, your empire is gone. Every ship destroyed, every planet scoured of life and rendered uninhabitable, and vicious Eldritch Abominations created from the lingering psychic energies of your empire's dead will begin scouring the galaxy of all life. All you can do is watch from your isolated exile colony, as the galaxy is slowly consumed, and the horrors you unleashed save you for last. Assuming other empires don't finish you off first, that is.
    • It was also stated that, when origins were introduced with the Federations expansion, while balance was a factor, not all origins are necessarily equal in terms of game balance. This is most exemplified with the "Shattered Ring" origin, in which your empire's home is a segment on a ring world, with two other segments which can be restored, and a fourth which, while permanently destroyed, contains a planet with a very high mineral deposit to be mined. Normally, unless the player really specializes their science research, you won't be seeing ring worlds until you're a good 60 to 70 years into the game, at least.
  • In Supreme Commander, the "Game-ender" experimental units are designed to do exactly what their name says, by being incredibly powerful. The UEF Mavor can hit anything on the map with extremely accurate nuclear artillery rounds that penetrate shields. The Aeon Paragon gives them infinite resources to pump out hundreds of experimentals in minutes. The Cybran Scathis has less range and power than the UEF Mavor, but fires six times faster and is mobile. The Seraphim Yolona Oss strategic missile launcher can puke out nuclear bombs (which just one can level a quarter of a medium-sized map) at a phenomenal rate - enough that the enemy needs eight strategic missile defenses to counter one Yolona Oss. The game-ender units are great for ending stalemates, though their long build time and cost balance them out on most maps.
  • Totally Accurate Battle Simulator:
    • The Dark Peasant's current version gives him the ability to summon black floating hands that can Catch and Return projectiles, No-Sell most attacks, and kill enemies by slamming them into the ground. It's really telling that his cost is set to 9,999,999, meaning you aren't supposed to use him outside the sandbox mode.
    • The Super Peasant has the same deploy cost as the Dark Peasant, but whereas the latter exudes sheer defensive capablities, the former is a Flying Brick who flies faster, hits harder, and has more health than any other unit. This also makes him the only unit who can reasonably kill the Dark Peasant by flying through his shields, though like any other character they can both die by falling off the map.


  • The Binding of Isaac Rebirth has some really-hard-to-unlock items that are this:
    • The Stop Watch is an upgraded Broken Watch that permanentlynote  slows down enemies (the latter either slows down enemies, speeds them up, or does nothing, at random). It requires donating 999 coins to the Donation Machine, although this can be done in multiple playthroughs.
    • The Godhead is probably one of the best tear-affecting items in the game, giving homing tears with increased damage and range and a wide enemy-damaging aura. But it requires you to defeat all the special bosses (including the Boss Rush) on Hard difficulty with the Lost, which is probably one of the hardest characters to use, due to being a One-Hit-Point Wonder in a game that revels in Bullet Hell, Goddamn Bats and Demonic Spiders.
    • The Mega Blast (in the Afterbirth expansion and beyond), which is unlocked by beating the True Final Boss with every character. It was the first ever item in the game that requires 12 rooms to recharge (and batteries have their effect halved, so you need 4 of them), and with a good reason: it's a giant Wave-Motion Gun that lasts multiple rooms.
    • Mega Mush in Repentance transforms you into an invulnerable giant for 30 seconds, lasting between rooms and floors, and lets you deal massive damage by crushing anything you walk on. It's unlocked by beating every single boss as every non-Tainted character, and it also has a 12-room recharge.
    • Planetarium items in Repentance have effects such as letting you fire rocks that can destroy obstacles and deal extra damage, leaving doors open so you could easily run past most enemy rooms, doubling Secret Rooms and giving each Secret Room a way to permanently boost your stats, and greatly shrinking your hitbox. The downsides are that unlocking them is a Luck-Based Mission, and they have a very rare chance of appearing unless you completely skip Treasure Rooms. Not as in "enter but not pick up the item inside," you cannot enter them in the first placenote .
    • Then there's the mother of all overpowered items; Death Certificate, which is unlocked by beating every single boss as all 34 characters. When it's used, it takes you to an abandoned house that contains one copy of every single item in the game. You get to take one item, at which point you're sent back to wherever you used Death Certificate at. That means you get a free pick at one of the OP items mentioned here or even another potentially broken item like Rock Bottomnote  or Sacred Orbnote . Also, if you take the time to explore the various rooms, there's tons of free consumables lying around, which will fix your early bomb and key economy as a side bonus.
  • Darkest Dungeon II has two units that are much stronger powerhouses than the others: the Bounty Hunter and the Flagellant. That being said, they’re far from being one-man parties.
  • The Gunslinger in Enter the Gungeon is a bit of a pain to unlock (you have to kill the Lich as the Paradox, who you unlock by randomly finding a rift that turns you into the Paradox and beat the game as the Paradox), but he starts with a very good starter pistol and one of the most overpowered items in the game: The Lich's Eye Bullets, which unlocks every Synergy bonuses for any gun you find, turning even most mediocre C or D-tier guns into good weapons, and anything rarer into an actual Game-Breaker. He costs Credits to play as, but you'll likely get more Credits per run than you put in. The only catch is his past is way more challenging than the others: you're forced to enter Bullet Hell and you fight two Liches in their Phase 1 form.
  • FTL: Faster Than Light has the secret race, the Crystals, and their ships. Crystal crew have 125 HP (vs. 100 for most other races), have suffocation resistance, and can lock down rooms, either to keep enemy crew out or to trap them into fighting a hopeless battle. In addition, the first of the two Crystal ship layouts has two weapons that each can ignore one layer of shielding, effectively making single-layer shields on enemies the same as no shields at all, and the second has a four-slot teleporter, allowing you to send over some pretty vicious Boarding Parties, as well as the Cloaking system, which requires a 150-scrap purchase on most other ships. In exchange, however, reaching the sector where you can unlock these requires relying heavily on the RNG for no less than four particular things to happen in the correct order, none of which are guaranteed to happen on every playthrough no matter how hard you try. The release of Advanced Edition makes unlocking their ships slightly easier, but still difficult: if you unlock the rock C, you can start with a crystal which removes all but the last two steps of the quest, but this requires playing two fairly weak ships before, and completing That One Achievement. Finally, you can unluck it by completing the game with type A and B of nearly all ships in the game.
  • The roguelike Omega gave unlimited free wishes if you became an Adept. You couldn't wish for artifacts, but you could easily create any mundane items you wanted.
  • Road Redemption has the Big Bad's bike, which can plow through cars without a scratch and yet still receives "close call" bonuses for narrowly missing oncoming traffic. Of course, the catch is you have to kill the Big Bad first, which is near the end of the campaign.
  • Vampire Survivors:
    • Queen Sigma (as per her description, "She owns everything") has the best stats in the game, starts with the Victory Sword weapon that's capable of clearing maps on its own (and when evolved provides regular moments of complete invincibility), and she has dozens of free item rerolls that let her customize a run to her satisfaction. You unlock her by completing the game's Collection, meaning you've proved you don't really need her to win, though she's quite useful when it comes to unlocking the game's secret characters, or when you want the catharsis of steamrolling a tough level.
    • Menya and Syuuto Moonspell, from the Legacy of the Moonspell DLC, have Super Modes as their gimmick, and if you defeat 100,000 enemies with them, you'll unlock the option to purchase variants of them that are permanently in their enhanced form (which in Megalo Menya's case means she's completely invincible). They're hideously expensive, however, so you'll have had to put in the work to be able to afford them.

Shoot 'em Up 

  • Azur Lane: With the sole exception of Izumo, Priority Research shipgirls have incredible stats and skills, including one that gives them damage bonuses against Sirens, who make up many of the most powerful bosses. This comes at the cost of needing weeks to months to grind up the EXP needed to unlock them, and likely even more time to acquire the blueprints needed to bring out their full power.
  • DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu has Strong Style, which is effectively Bomb Style but with super-boosted firepower (moreso than Power Style in Boost mode) and basically makes killing everything on the screen trivial. The arcade version requires a code to play it, but the consumer ports makes it available with no prerequisites. This is reversed in the Black Label version, where Strong Style becomes the game's Harder Than Hard mode with lethal enemy patterns.
  • The mobile version of Enigmata:Stellar War has two weapons that fit the bill:
    • Valerion is a turret that shoots three beams at once, not necessarily on the same target, has huge range and a ton of HP. It greatly boosts the range and power of all units within its, again, huge range, making it an excellent support unit. It also has upgrade that boosts the power of lasers up to 330%. However, getting it is anything but easy, since it requires getting 3 rare units named Valerion Orbs (which themselves are nearly useless) that drop most frequently from, you guessed it, Final Boss. They can be obtained before but it happens very rarely, so don't count on it. And even after you get orbs you still need 150k gold to transform them to Valerion.
    • Astro Nexus is even higher when it comes to power and requirements to get it. It is essentially an attack drone that moves fast and sprays enemies with ton of powerful projectiles and has a special missile attack that is even stronger. When the drone is destroyed it will regenerate after a brief moment at its base platform as long as that one is intact. To get it, you must have access to bonus content, play bonus levels, meet a rare enemy called Aigaion Defender which has 200k+ HP and kill it (not by killing the boss). Only then any enemy in the next run of bonus level will provide chance to drop it. Even then, fully upgrading Astro Nexus requires 300k gold and a sacrifice of X-Rank unit which itself can be obtained only as a rare drop.

Simulation Game 

  • TIE Fighter: The TIE Defender, a fighter you get to pilot only after completing many campaigns. It's faster and more maneuverable than the A-Wing and TIE Advanced, more durable than an X-Wing, and has as much firepower as a B-Wing. Even later in the game, you get to fly the Missile Boat, which was specifically designed to take down TIE Defenders. Despite only having 1 laser cannon, it has the unique ability to carry two types of warheads at once, and way more ammunition than any other craft, as well as the experimental SLAM system, allowing it to reach speeds that even the TIE Defender can't hope to match.

Sports Game 

  • In Arc Style: Baseball!! 3D, the Arc Stars, the very last challenge, are an unbelievably good team who tops every stat in the game: run speed, pitch speed and batting power. Most of them have the hitting strength of a Macho character, but without the catch of low running speed. And Noel and Jin display their pitching prowess by having 115 MPH fastballs and breaking balls 10 MPH under that. Good luck beating them. The good news is that you'll be able to play as them when you beat them.
  • The Classic XI team and other "legendary" teams in FIFA Soccer is this. While it is expected in a sports game to have teams that are obviously better than another, these teams basically have players with maxed stats and are overall better than the best regular team. The whole team is made up of the best players throughout the history of the sport.

Stealth-Based Game 

Strategy RPG 

  • Disgaea:
    • The Majin outranks everyone at everything. Granted, unlocking this class requires previous knowledge of the requirements, but from the instant he's unlocked, he's already great. In the two next games, the game tells you how to unlock them, but they got heavily nerfed to the point that raising him to his full potential is a dreadfully boring task, given that he actually starts worse than any basic class and requires way more experience to level up.
    • Also Adell in the third game as he was a taste of the power of DLC characters.
  • The Gideon from Soul Nomad & the World Eaters has the highest stats out of every class, and his attack pattern hits every member of the enemy squad for heavy damage. The actual drawback is that deploying additional squads with them will cost a lot of money. This one doesn't block the player from adding 7 of them in the main squad and kill everyone that comes near.
  • Zetta, the main character in Makai Kingdom, is said to be the strongest overlord in the cosmos. In his own game this leads to A Taste of Power. In every other game where he shows up as DLC or a joinable character, it means this trope. Zetta usually has insanely high stat growths and aptitudes, balanced by the fact that he's a freaking book and therefore not very mobile.
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
    • Oriandu. A legendary swordsman, Combining the entire skill sets of 3 good special classes, having enhanced stats and one of the best swords in the game (that also compliments him by giving him auto haste).
    • His son Orran. His unique class, Astrologer, is otherwise a basic Squire with only a single unique move to its name... which automatically stops, immobilizes, and disarms every single enemy on the field regardless of range (separately, so immunity to any one status effect still doesn't protect them.) For free. Fortunately or unfortunately, he only joins you for one battle, and you can't control him. Many fans have commented on the absurdity of a battle where you team up with somebody as powerful as Orran, and you are supposed to rescue him.
  • Fire Emblem:
    • All the S (or SS, if this is Radiant Dawn) weapons in this series are usually pretty overwhelming, as are any special weapons that main characters get (Sieglinde, Ragnell, Armads, etc.). The special weapons usually have the added benefit of never breaking, removing what would otherwise be the most common reason to not use them. Falchion in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and The Book of Naga in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War are particularly strong examples. Good luck beating the last bosses in the respective games without either.
    • This also tends to be the position of the Gotoh archetype, an 11th-Hour Ranger character who joins in the last part of the game, traditionally at max level with mostly-capped stats and great equipment. They essentially serve as insurance; they're so powerful that with a bit of support, they can basically handle the last maps even if they're backed up by an underleveled Lord and the only ten units in the army that haven't died yet.
    • Sigurd in Genealogy of the Holy War is just the first of a large cast of overpowered characters. The blood of the Twelve Crusaders turns everyone lucky enough to inherit it into a walking demigod, and everyone knows it: honest and modest Sigurd fully intended to ride against the invading Verdane army alone, and he seemed to think he stood a chance.* Often applies even before you get their respective holy weapons.
    • Galzus in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 appears as an Advancing Boss of Doom in a few early chapters, with maxed Strength, Skill and Speed, near-maxed everything else, maxed Sword and Axe ranks, Luna and Astra, and 5 movement starts (meaning a 25% chance of acting twice in a turn). He's recruitable near the end of the game, and keeps all of the above.
    • The Binding Blade from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade in particular has the power to turn even the most mediocre Roy into an unstoppable juggernaut easily capable of taking out the final boss in just a single turn.
    • The royal laguz units of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn are this, with insanely high strength, speed, skill, and avoid meaning that they'll be doubling everything, almost never getting hit by anything, and one-round killing everything more often than not, if their Limit Breaks don't activate and One-Hit Kill the enemy instead. There's a reason why they're Eleventh Hour Rangers only available near the end of both games for the most part, available if the rest of the units on your team aren't up to snuff to beat the Final Boss.
    • The Black Knight from Radiant Dawn counts during his brief excursion as a playable unit. In the first chapter he appears, he's absolutely necessary to protect Squishy Wizard protagonist Micaiah from being killed by a group of halberd-wielding soldiers, and as the Lightning Bruiser he is, he's got strength enough to One-Hit Kill every enemy on the map, and defense enough to No-Sell every single one of their attacks. He serves as a walking Disc-One Nuke, being available in the final chapter of the first part of the game and decimating all that stand in his way.
    • Fire Emblem Engage has the seven Emblem Bracelets, which are paid Downloadable Content that are even stronger than the Emblem Rings of the base game. Given that you need to cough up real money to get them, they are far stronger than the main story Emblems. For example, Tiki lets her wielder turn into a dragon and increases their stat growths, while Soren can turn pretty much any tome into a poor man's Nosferatu and launch Bolting strikes from the back line with impunity. In addition, they all share the unique attribute of not being affected when Alear loses the main story Emblems.
  • Mount & Blade has a couple cases. One: Cavalry. A knight riding a heavy horse is nigh impossible to take down, and a horse archer will whittle down your troops no problem. This happens because that's just how things went down in medieval times, with cavalry taking down infantry if the battlefield wasn't working against them. And two: nordic Huscarls. Twenty of these guys packed into a tight formation essentially become a steel and flesh threshing machine whose answer to anything is an axe to the face, be it thrown or swung. The reason? Simple: Nords don't have cavalry, and they have to keep up with the above somehow (Rhodoks don't have much cavalry either, but they have lots and lots of pikes to counter that).
    • Polish Winged Hussars in the With Fire and Sword expansion get a mix of both: They really were badass, and they have to contend with everyone else. And in this expansion, everyone else has muskets. Result is, you can shoot a winged hussar in the face and he'll still spear you.
  • Most of the bonus characters in the Super Robot Wars games, who are you reward for doing various things, or just getting to the true final chapter.
  • The Valkyria Chronicles DLC 'Behind Her Blue Flame' grants you control of the Imperial Lady of War herself, Selvaria Bles, for two skirmishes. To put it into perspective: she carries the only known machine gun in the entire game (the resident shocktroopers only carry submachine guns), which hurts like hell and is absurdly-accurate to boot, easily capable of delivering rapid-fire headshots. She also boasts near tank-like defense, soaking up enemy interception fire like nobody's business. To top it all off, she's the only playable foot soldier that has 4-digit HP - in a game where your foot soldiers usually max out at 400. All of this is offset by the rest of the troops under her command, who are still easily gunned down Cannon Fodder, while the Gallian Army soldiers they fight hit, hurt, and dodge with the stats and skill of a high-level, player-controlled team.
    • And if you're able to A-rank all of her skirmishes, (of which there are three, not two) a final skirmish opens up, giving you command of Awakened Valkyria Selvaria. In this state, her defense goes through the roof - nothing short of tank shells and bags of gatling gun bullets can even chip at her HP - and she swaps out her machine gun for her Valkyrian lance and shield, which boasts a rapid-fire mode and a single-shot, 'kill everything directly in front of me' mode. Her troops are still about as tough as cardboard, though.
      • It gets better. Completely clearing the DLC will unlock the Ruhm for the main game. One lucky shocktrooper gets to wield that beast and steamroll anything that isn't an armored asset in their way.
  • Ash's final class, the Vandalier, in Vandal Hearts, which can only be obtained after going through several difficult steps. Ash gains access to all spells in the game (including ones cast only by items and enemies), very high attack damage, and is virtually invulnerable from any direction but the back. It's a level of domination that can't be unintentional.

Tabletop Game 

  • Ars Magica: Mythic Companions are people born for greatness — champions of pagan deities, devil children, and so on. To bring their power level in line with trained magi, they can start with two points of Virtues per point of Flaws (instead of 1:1) and have a unique Major Virtue related to their nature, which usually comes with extra powers.
  • Chronicles of Darkness: The rules for demonic pacts in Inferno use this to get people Slowly Slipping Into Evil. When a minor sacrifice can make you the World's Strongest Man, why not make two and boost your Intelligence to the Cap as well? And that's the least of what demons can do for you — of course, the greatest powers require Human Sacrifice or voluntary possession, but you can usually make someone else suffer for your benefit...
  • Dungeons & Dragons
    • Across most editions, dragons have a lower Threat Rating than similarly powered monsters, meaning that even if parties are always facing encounters with an appropriate Threat Rating for their level, dragons will be noticeably more dangerous. This is a deliberate choice by the designers to keep dragons feeling "special."
    • Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition:
      • The spell Fireball deals eight d6 worth of damage, two dice higher than the Dungeon Masters Guide guidelines for spell balance suggest. The designers have said that this was a deliberate choice to encourage players to use such an iconic spell.
      • Eldritch Blast, a cantrip (lesser magical spells that don't need spell slots to cast) that blows all other offensive cantrips out of the water by dint of its long range, multiple high-damage blasts, and dealing force damage, which almost nothing is resistant or immune to. This is because the only class that natively gains access to it is the Warlock, which has an incredibly limited number of spell slots and would be rather lackluster if it were left relying on typical cantrips. The Warlock also has options to enhance specifically Eldritch Blast even further.
  • In Exalted Versus World Of Darkness, the Chosen are deliberately made much more powerful as starting characters than starting characters of the official game lines. This is done both to correspond with the fact that the original Exalted were very powerful, as well as to allow the players to instantly leap to high-level play and be able to change the world.
  • The Legend of the Five Rings CCG set ''Seige: Heart of Darkness" features the Dark Naga "challenge" deck, which is designed to take on a team of three normal decks at once and usually win. And the more opposing players it faces, the more powerful many of its effects become. While it is technically possible to defeat the Dark Naga deck normally, the best the opposing players can usually do is Hold the Line until turn twelve, when the Dark Naga deck automatically loses.
  • Magic: The Gathering:
  • Mutant Chronicles: Mutants gain power very quickly, as their mutations begin to manifest. This is entirely intentional. According to the fluff, the mutations (manifestations of the Genetic Pilgrimage of the Ancients) were intended to create a Super-Soldier capable of soloing a Nepharite. The high power level is simply a result of this.
  • In the Star Wars: Roleplaying Game, especially the Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion lines, a lightsaber is an Infinity +1 Sword. It has one of the highest base damage ratings available outside of heavy or explosive weapons, the lowest possible critical rating, and the Breach quality, which lets it bypass virtually any personal armor and even some light vehicle armor. Of course, in the time of The Empire, they have the highest possible Rarity value (with a commensurate purchasing cost), simply having one in your possession is a death sentence, and there's no way provided in the rules for you to learn how to use one.note  But then again, it's a lightsaber.
    • The Force and Destiny line reveals that the earlier books' stats for a lightsaber represented one with a fully-modded Ilum crystal, making it the weapon of a master. Basic lightsabers have somewhat more modest stats, but they still have the Breach quality, and building one is possible (and much cheaper than the alternative). Force and Destiny also adds specializations that include Lightsaber as a career skill and talents that allow you to pull off all the moves you've seen in the source material. (Including deflecting blaster bolts, which helps mitigate the lightsaber as a melee weapon.)
  • The player characters themselves in Strike Legion are deliberately designed to be blatantly powerful. This is because they are intended to go head to head against entire enemy armies, fleets, and worse, and win. Their personal arms are superior to most of the weapons and equipment in the game, and they also have at their disposal one of the most powerful warships in the setting. And keep in mind, this is a game where most capital ships can ram planets and win, and there are planet-destroying hand grenades. Interestingly, the game itself also has plenty of types of missions that deliberately avert the use of all this raw firepower (i.e. covert operations, rescue missions, sabotage, intelligence gathering, recovery of vital technology, etc), and the game master is encouraged to create situations where the players have to think creatively to solve problems beyond the use of extreme force.
  • In its September 2016 issue, White Dwarf released exclusive rules for the use of the daemon queen Valkia the Bloody for the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Gaiden Game Goreshosen that were intentionally written to make her the most powerful model in the game, in order to represent her position as one of Khorne’s favourite warriors. The magazine suggests using Valkia as a Crutch Character for inexperienced players or as the objective of a variant Kingslayer match against multiple opponents.
  • Warhammer 40,000
    • Over on the manual side of the hobby, Games Workshop does this with almost a sick glee, ramping up the power level of whatever faction, race, company, chapter, tank, squad, monster, or single dude that they want to sell in large numbers. As of February 2011 (a date must be added because there's always some new absurd unit that renders its predecessor as just another afterthought) the cake seems to be taken by Mephiston of the Blood Angels Space Marines chapter. Predecessors to this title included the ultra-decked melee Carnifex (most notably the mutant Old One Eye), the C'tan Nightbringer (whom to this date is still the single most expensive model in the game), Marneus Calgar, Ghazskull Thraka, the Bloodthirster, Njarl Stormcaller of the Space Wolves, and if you're feeling generous Commissar Yarrick, to the point where nearly every race had at least one. The shock of shocks came when it was realized that Mephiston could curb-stomp Abaddon the Despoiler, the most tangible and iconic enemy of mankind in the entire setting. Granted, every last one of these characters mentioned could qualify for this trope at some point, but what sets Mephiston apart from all the others is that all the others are priced prohibitively high for what they do (in the ballpark of 275 pts). Mephiston has a statline that makes all the others cry and is cheaper than just about all of the aforementioned characters. Granted, using any of these aforementioned super characters in games of 750 pts or less is just asking to be punched in the face.
    • The limited edition 30th anniversary White Dwarf model. To put it briefly, he re-rolls failed rolls to hit, to wound, and forces wounded opponents to re-roll succcessful armor saves. He also has a 1+ armor save, a 4+ ward save, and HALVES the strength of any missile weapon aimed at him. (so if you thought you could just cannonball him in the face, TOO BAD.) Bear in mind, that's just Grombrindal. The model itself also consists of Gotrek and Bugman, who both attack separately. Gotrek deserves a particular mention, as he deals multiple, armor-piercing wounds AUTOMATICALLY (i.e. no dice roll required) Oh, and the amount of wounds he deals doubles against Bosses in Mook Clothing. The model's only true weakness is that it has to roll on a random movement chart (although the result that stops you moving also happens to restore ALL wounds the model has taken.).
    • The 'movie marines' list featuring in White Dwarf #300 (featuring fluff-aligned Space Marines) also completely breaks the game, with most of their weapons and stats outclassing their 'regular' equivalents many times over: Armies of Movie Marines usually cost in the upwards of 2000 points for about 10 marines, yet each of these marines are a One-Man Army and can usually kill twice their worth in forces each. The list is not tournament legal and Games Workshop made it clear it was designed that way on purpose; it's only intended for 'friendly' games (the marines even have Stunt Doubles, just to give you an idea of how 'serious' it is).
    • Over in Inquisitor, the system was built around the assumption that most characters were not too far off human capability, which meant that the deliberately excessive statline of a Space Marine ended up breaking the whole thing in half. Rules as written, a Space Marine could do more damage throwing his boltgun at you than actually firing it.

Third-Person Shooter 

  • Earth Defense Force 2017 has the aptly-named Genocide Gun that does a million Hit Points of damage—enough to one-shot any enemy in the game—and has an enormous blast radius. But you can only get it by completing all levels at the highest difficulty.
  • Splatoon: Salmon Run has an assortment of weapons available for use from a small randomized pool, but sometimes, one or four green question marks can appear, in which one can draw a Grizzco weapon. While ideal for use in that mode, their unique properties would grossly imbalance the regular game modes, so they don't show up, not even as Replicas. Any run with four gold question marks has nothing but Grizzco weapons in its loadout. Of course, each has its own tradeoff to keep it from being too overpowered, and they all drain your ink tank like a charger shot a hole in it.
    • The Blaster has a Luna Blaster's range and a Range Blaster's damage, but fires at a rate that makes a Clash Blaster envious; anything close to you, and anything around it, is splattered in one second tops.
    • The Brella lacks a canopy altogether, but fires while the button is held like an Undercover Brella, and at a much faster rate than that.
    • The Charger has a Squiffer's damage (still too much for any Inkling to take all at once), but a range like an E-Lier and a charge time shorter than a Bamboozler's; you can basically tap the ZR button and get a full-power shot every time.
    • The Slosher fires slower than any other of its kind, but does heavier damage than any other Slosher and pierces armor.
    • The Stringer has very low accuracy for its shots and damage just a bit above the regular Stringer per shot... but it fires nine shots, which against anything point-blank is lethal to all but Big Shots and King Salmonids.
    • The Splatana has no range whatsoever and a lengthy charge time, but a lengthy charge range and extremely high damage which, like the Grizzco Slosher, pierces armor, bisecting just about anything you can reach.
    • The Dualies have shorter range than any other and barely any better damage, but they have no limit to their dodge rolls other than your ink tank, and said dodges are explosive, taking out any Chum or Smallfries right next to you. They also have a lengthy alt-fire time which amps the range and damage, but most players use the dodge rolls when mooks are around (which is often).
    • The Roller has powerful vertical flicks which are painfully slow, and equally quick yet weak horizontal flicks, but trade it off with a Dynamo Roller's rolling damage and a roll speed that outstrips the Carbon Roller, paving over entire hordes of mooks in record time.

Tower Defense 

  • The sixth Bloons Tower Defense game features Paragons, a special form of tower upgrade which sacrifices three different Tier 5 towers and combines their abilities to devastating effect. They are extremely expensive, but they can usually handle endgame rounds without breaking a sweat, and using them is crucial to defeat high-tier Boss Bloons.

Turn-Based Strategy 

  • The Wyvern in Ancient Empires (and the Dragon, its functionally-identical replacement in the sequel). The highest attack in the game, which can be boosted further using a Wisp. The second-highest defence, only surpassed by the Golem. The highest movement in the game, which is enhanced by its ability to fly and thus ignore the slowing effect of terrain that all other units are subject to. A Wyvern/Dragon can fly in to devastate the enemy army, retreat to a friendly building to heal, then attack again. Only another Wyvern/Dragon can really counter this hit-and-run tactic, as no other unit can keep up with them. They are balanced by a few factors: being the last unit that you get access to, the most expensive unit, and taking extra damage from Archers.
  • BattleTech's campaign mode has the HGN-732B Royal Highlander you obtain halfway through the story. Stuffed full of Lost Technology, it is by far the most powerful 'mech you will obtain outside of Flashpoints and the Atlas II Kamea gives you for completing the story and capable of headchopping most 'mechs while tanking inordinate amounts of damage. The ridiculous power is moderated by the fact that losing any of that 'tech from a lucky shot or ammunition explosion means you probably won't get it back. and the Gauss Rifle is unique in that a hit through armor can make the weapon explode, which is a rude surprise for anyone that thinks only ammunition is vulnerable.
  • Bionic Dues: Every pilot is overpowered in one way or another. This was a conscious design choice, as the devs wanted each pilot to bring such an influential bonus to the table that your next game with a different pilot would feel like there was something missing.
    • Axis can see an extra node out on the strategic map, and can skip one node when choosing missions (invaluable when multiple mission types exist just to waste turns).
    • Emma massively increases the number and variety of items in the store as well as getting better prices when selling, taking the black market from a useful tool to a means of getting exactly the part she wants for a few credits and no risk.
    • Meg makes every part perform as if it were two marks above its stated level, meaning her stats are always slightly ahead of the curve.
    • Tuck has all locations of interest marked from turn one of a tactical mission, and can see through barrier that normally block line-of-sight, making planning a mission much easier.
    • Genji starts the game with all four Epic Exos already unlocked, saving him four mission and starting the game with a massive power spike the enemy will take a while to catch up with.
    • Rey can fully refresh an Exo the first two times one is destroyed every tactical mission, providing a huge safety buffer before mistakes start to have a serious cost.
  • Civilization V:
    • The Giant Death Robot is only unlocked so far down the tech tree that it's possible to win a match without ever researching the requisite technology. However, if you do manage to get it into production, you have the strongest unit in the whole game, which is a One-Man Army even with no defensive terrain bonuses.
    • The Stealth Bomber is unlocked as late as the Giant Death Robot and, unlike its predecessor, cannot be based on carriers. However, in addition to its immense power, it has incredible range and is immune to Anti-Air, meaning that anyone on the wrong end has to scramble to destroy it on the ground by taking the basing city, or die.
    • Expansions added the XCOM Squad, absurdly powerful infantry that can airdrop up to 40 tiles away from their city thanks to the Skyranger, and a special attribute that makes them an effective counter to the aforementioned Giant Death Robot.
  • Nintendo Wars:
    • The final boss characters in Advance Wars 2 and Days of Ruin, Sturm and Caulder/Stolos, are very challenging (the latter is in fact outright banned from Wi-Fi play, while people agreed to use the former only in 2 vs 1 matches). Sturm in the first game and Von Bolt from Dual Strike, meanwhile, are not.note 
    • There's also Hachi, who has a permanent 10% discount on all units built and has zero drawbacks. His base power grants him a 50% discount on all units, which can let him pump out a lot of powerful units like Medium Tanks and Neotanks. Hachi's super CO power not only retains the 50% discount, but it also lets him build units on any city under his control, which grants him a massive advantage of being able to build without needing a base, seaport, or airport, which are generally far fewer in number compared to cities.
  • The XCOM Files mod for X-COM: UFO Defense has several, but one of the earliest that you can get is the Ancient Katana. While it is a melee weapon and requires that you be standing right next to your target, it has a base damage of 70 Cutting (few enemies resist Cutting damage, including tanks), and gets a bonus to power equal to 70% of the user's psychic strength and 30% of their melee accuracy. If you can get a soldier with psi strength above 50 (the average) and train them to have melee accuracy of 50+ (easily achievable with the gym and combat missions), then the Ancient Katana will be the most devastating weapon in your arsenal for a long time, rivaling even plasma weaponry (which takes far longer to unlock). The only problem is that getting it requires getting lucky and seeing the Capture Lo Wo mission, and then actually defeating Lo Wo, who is armed with the Ancient Katana.
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown has the Secret Hero Units, composed of the developers, Chris Kluwe, Otto Zander, and William Carter. They are all (well, all except Carter) automatically Colonels with massive Health, Will, and superb Accuracy, and are hidden as ingame easter eggs. In fact, Sid Meier knows Rift, the psionic spell that the Volunteer gets for the final mission right off the bat. However, summoning one of them to your playthrough prevents you from unlocking achievements.
    • The Blaster Launcher is relatively difficult to get, requiring that you down a Battleship, research the Fusion Core that it has, and use it to make the prohibitively expensive weapon. But it's a straight up replacement for the Heavy's Rocket Launcher, dealing more damage, able to shoot around corners and cover, and perfectly accurate, as opposed to the 10% chance to miss on the Rocket Launcher. It's never required at any point, but if you get it, it makes Heavy soldiers even more ridiculously powerful.
  • XCOM 2 has the Commander's Avatar in the last mission. With a ridiculously high dodge chance of 30%, as much health as your most heavily armored soldiers, carrying a unique weapon more powerful and accurate than a Beam Riflenote , and with psionic powers to match even your fully trained Psi Soldiers, it's clearly intended to be this. In addition to all of that, the unit also heals every round if it's taken any damage, able to get back to full health in a matter of two or three turns. The only counterbalance to the overwhelming power of this unit is that if it dies, you lose (and on higher difficulties, the enemy knows that).
    • The War of the Chosen DLC gives you the opportunity to get the Chosen weapons by defeating the Chosen. The Katana is more powerful than a Plasma Blade, is perfectly accurate even if you don't have the Blademaster skill, and ignores 5 points of armor. The Arashi is an incredibly accurate shotgun that's as powerful as a tier-three shotgun, with four mods to increase the effectiveness, and longer range than a typical shotgun. The Disruptor Rifle is as strong as a tier three rifle, has four mods to make it even better, and does extra damage to psionic enemies. The Darklance is a sniper rifle that's as strong as a tier three sniper rifle, includes mods that make it ridiculously accurate, and can be fired after moving (unlike standard sniper rifles, which require two action points to fire). The Darkclaw is a pistol that's a strong as a tier three pistol and ignores 5 points of armor. Getting these requires that you defeat the respective Chosen once and for all, which is a long and difficult process with only one chance for success, and until then, they're using these weapons against you. In addition, they are completely unique; if a unit carrying one of the weapons falls and you don't recover them, the weapon is gone forever.
  • Xenonauts has the Fury and the Fusion Bomb. The Fury is the best air-to-air combat plane in the game, capable of taking on and defeating alien battleships and their escorts with little problem due to absurd maneuverability and damage resistance. The Fusion Bomb is the best air-to-air weapon in the game, and will instantly end any aerial combat mission as soon as it explodes, due to insane damage and blast radius. The catch, such as it is, is that the Fury and the Fusion Bomb require that you capture an enemy battleship, already difficult to do because of the fact that you don't have the Fury to begin with, and have to make do with less powerful interceptors and air-to-air weapons to it down. Once you do get the battleship, you'll find out that the Fury is both prohibitively expensive to produce and takes forever to build, meaning you'll only get one. And the Fusion Bomb, in addition to being just as expensive and time-consuming to make, obliterates enemy ships, meaning there's nothing to salvage (though you almost certain have no need to salvage anything at this point anyway). The only reason to bother with these is for achievements (downing a battleship and researching everything in the game): once you have them, you're well beyond ready to finish the game.

Western RPG 

  • The Elder Scrolls:
    • Morrowind:
      • In the Tribunal expansion, King Helseth's ring. It grants 100% Reflect, 100% Resist Magicka, 100% Resist Paralysis, AND health and fatigue restoration, ALL on constant effect. In order to even get the ring, you must kill him while he is wearing it, in addition to his room full of tough bodyguards. If you're able to kill them all and claim the ring, you're probably strong enough to not need it.
      • For a player specializing in the long blade and heavy armor skills, Chrysamere and the Lord's Mail are the Infinity +1 Equipment, allowing you to dish out and take a serious amount of damage. The kicker? You get them towards the end of the Imperial Legion questline and must turn them into the faction leader to complete their respective quests. The way to get them back? You have to defeat him in a duel while he uses them against you. If you're able to beat him, you probably don't need the equipment...
    • The Dragonrend Shout in Skyrim fits. You get it near the end of the main quest by reading an Elder Scroll on the Time Wound, which causes you to flash back to witness the people who first created and used it. It only affects Dragons, by causing them to fall out of the sky and become more vulnerable. Without the ability to fly, Dragons become far easier to fight. Other Shouts include Storm Call, which creates a thunderstorm that hits everyone in the area except you with bolts of lightning; two different shouts that let you summon dragons to your aid, making nearly any humanoid enemy completely irrelevant; and the classic Unrelenting Force, which when fully unlocked ragdolls everyone in front of you and can even disintegrate them (that is, if you haven't already thrown them off a cliff with it).
  • Fable: The legendary Sword of Aeons originally did double the damage of the second strongest weapon in the game; was one-handed (meaning it attacked much faster than two-handed weapons); and had health, mana, and experience augmentations. Since it's obtained from the Final Boss, you have nothing to use it against except random enemies in the Playable Epilogue. Come the Lost Chapters expansion, its power was Nerfed from 550 all the way to 230, leaving it "merely" the strongest one-handed weapon in the game.
  • Fallout 3:
  • Fallout: New Vegas has the weapons from the Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC. They cost absurd amounts of caps to buy, but when you actually get them they are among the strongest weapons in the game. And considering that you can buy it if you manage to win at the casinos, they can also be obtained relatively early.
  • Fallout 4 goes one further and gives you the Big Boy, a hyperpowered MIRV that carpet-bombs an area with twelve mini-nukes while only costing one ammo. Fire it on top of a group of enemies, watch everything die.
    • Furthermore, Mini Nuke ammunition can now be found on a respawning Super Mutant type called a Suicider, who rush at you with a Mini-Nuke in hand with the intent to blow you to smithereens, meaning Fallout 3's hard limit on ammo is no longer an issue.
  • The Jade Golem and Red Minister forms in Jade Empire. Both are overpowering (Red Minister is immune to weapons and Jade Golem is immune to everything else) because you should use them on Jade Master.
  • Kreia in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords uses 42 point buy for her stats and unlike the other NPCs has basic optimization in their placement, by contrast Atton gets 28 (and has a pretty bad placement), the player gets 30. This fits into her character, the player character’s mentor during the game, former Sith Lord and the Big Bad.
    • Both the Eleventh Hour Super Power abilities you get for getting to The Very Definitely Final Dungeon for both sides. The Dark Side Force Crush power deals damage to an enemy while simultaneously making them unable to move or execute an action, essentially locking your enemy out of action until he is killed, while the Light Side Force Enlightenment cast all the buff spells at you instantly at the highest level and made you into a One-Man Army. Both the powers makes the final dungeon and bosses more of a minor interlude than anything.
    • HK-51 and Treek in Star Wars: The Old Republic are both vastly superior to any normal companions you can obtain, the former being the best dps companion in the game with an emergency heal, and the latter being a companion that can switch between healing or tanking, but with her abilities designed so that her healing is only slightly weaker when in tank mode. Of course there's a legit reason as to why Treek is so great: you have to pay real physical money to get her.
  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance:
    • The Silver Surfer. Has skills more or less cloned from other characters... Except he does maybe 2-3 times the damage the regular versions do because, well, he's the Silver Surfer. He's just as capable in the comics.
    • Jean Grey, Hulk, and Thor were intended to be this in the second game.
    • Thanos (Infinite) in the third game. You literally get to play with someone using all of the Infinity Stones.
  • In the Mass Effect series:
    • Mass Effect had Colossus armor and the unlockable Master Specter weapons. On lower difficulty levels, this turned you and your squad into unstoppable killing machines. On Insanity difficulty however, they were the only pieces of equipment that allowed you to survive enemy encounters.
    • Mass Effect 2 has the M-920 Cain, a weapon that takes a couple seconds to charge up and fire, but can kill all but a handful of enemies (bosses included) in a single huge area effect blast. Its limiting factor is that it uses a massive amount of Heavy Weapon ammunition, meaning, assuming you're collecting all the heavy weapon ammo in your missions, you only get to fire it once every couple missions on average. That and that huge area effect includes you, if you're too near the target.
    • The Mass Effect 3 Co-Op Multiplayer has the Cobra Missile Launcher, which kills any enemy it hits instantly, including the Demonic Spiders that normally take precious seconds of sustained fire by the entire team to kill. Its main limitation is that you can (without upgrades) only bring 2 missiles to any mission, so they are best saved for really desperate situations.
  • "The Bright Lord" DLC of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor has the One Ring, which when charged up grants Celebrimbor infinite executions, infinite elf shot and even makes his attacks override Captain/Warchief immunities. Game-Breaker? Definitely. But come on: it's the freaking One Ring! What did you expect?
    • Late into in Middle-earth: Shadow of War Talion gets a new Limit Break that summons four members of the Army of the Dead, prevents any Rage drain while it's active, and zombifies all the dead orcs caused by the carnage. It also unlocks the Zombify command, which resurrects orcs as mindlessly-obedient zombiesnote . Of course, you only get the ability during the final mission and the Playable Epilogue, as it's tied to Isildur's Ring, which Talion forced himself to wear after Celebrimbor betrayed him and took their own ring, leaving Talion to die.
  • Dragons as player characters in Might and Magic VIII were powerful characters, on account of being dragons — they couldn't wear armour or use weapons, but instead they had an in-built ranged attack and their Dragon skill increased damage, armour and enhanced their dragon powers (which were, themselves, alternatively powerful or very useful), and they had good HP progression and could Master the skill that added extra hit points — with the balancing factor being that you couldn't create one in character creation, so it was impossible to have a party entirely consisting of dragons (worked fine) and it would be a while before any dragons would be in the party (worked somewhat — after the first dungeon you can, if you know where to go, pick up one without any more fighting, but a first time player without a guide would not know where to go).
  • The Staff of Oblivion in Nox will take a huge chunk out of an enemy's life when used on them long enough. By the time you acquire it, the only one who can actually stand against is is the Big Bad herself, and she won't give you enough time to get the best of it. The huge army of Elite Mooks she sends to take it from you are only there to demonstrate how effective this weapon truly is (before that encounter, a fight with individual Elite Mooks was so complicated, the entire final act could be considered a Boss Rush).
  • Upgrading your weapons in the first Penny Arcade Adventures episode makes you kill everything in one hit. Well, except for the final boss (you may be able to beat the final boss without the fully upgraded weapons, but it would take forever).
  • Undertale:
    • In a Genocide run, the protagonist themselves are purposefully made blatantly powerful. Most of the game is balanced for Low Level Runs, since the player doesn't gain any XP from sparing enemies, which the game actively encourages them to do. But by murdering everything you see, you become such a whirlwind of bloodshed that even the majority of the game's bosses can't stand in your way. Until you have to fight Sans, whose mechanics render Attack and Defense stats irrelevant (being a One-Hit-Point Wonder who requires trickery to hit and bypasses Mercy Invincibility to deliver a Death of a Thousand Cuts) and damages you so fast that your HP won't last long. On top of this, you get the best two items in the game just before you fight Sans, but, again, due to his nature, these items are totally worthless against him.
    • The Temmie Armor has massive defense, boosts attack, regenerates your health, and increases the duration of your Mercy Invincibility. The shopkeeper tells you outright that the armor will make the game too easy, and it starts out absurdly expensive, but it gets cheaper each time you die. It's there as a last resort if you really suck.
  • The *Light* *Sword* in Wizardry 8. It is the best versatile weapon bar none, giving +6 and +7 bonus to hit and initiative respectively, having great damage (that is doubled against robots - most Dark savant minions are those) and on top a 10% chance to kill the target instantly, and is also usable by variety of classes including Gadgeteer and Bard. However, getting it is an exercise in patience, as it is available as roughly 2% drop from 7 non-respawnable monsters in already frustrating Down the Drain level, or in a single chest in That One Level that follows for slightly higher percentage (the contents of which are set once you enter the map for the first time, forcing you to save before and make run for it).

Wide-Open Sandbox 

  • As of 1.16 (The Nether Update), netherite gear supplants diamond as the top-tier material in Minecraft, being more effective, more durable (2031 uses vs. 1561), better to enchant and immune to lava; but is more costly and harder to maintain a netherite arsenal than a diamond arsenal as netherite items require 4 netherite scrap and 4 gold ingots to make a netherite ingot, which then has to be crafted with a diamond item.
    • Before 1.16, diamond gear with enchantments. With the right enchantments at a high enough level enchanted diamond gear will outperform everything else in the game, but the process of producing gear with high level enchantments involves trading with the right villagers and grinding up the exp required to apply the enchantments at an anvil.
  • Saints Row:
    • In the original Saints Row, clearing any of the three hit lists grants you one of the game's Bling-Bling-BANG! weapons. Not only do these do many times more damage than any of the basic weapons, but their ammo is fully restocked for free at cribs (in a game where you cannot actually buy spare ammo, it means a lot), with the net result being that even one of them will carry you through the rest of the game. The reason why they are so powerful is probably that the Hitman missions are easily the most confusing and luck-based activities in the game.
    • In Saints Row: The Third, you eventually become able to upgrade the Boss to have Bottomless Magazines and total immunity to every damage type except melee. However, this requires such a high Respect level and large amounts of money that you're not likely to be able to get them until very late in the game.
    • In Saints Row IV, the pre-order bonus gun 'Merica (later available with the Commander in Chief DLC pack) was basically all the other guns in the game taped together, plus a combat knife. It fired constantly without reloading, the reload button being repurposed to switching between flamethrower and rocket launcher. It used all of the ammo of all the gun types in the game at once and could take down everything but heavy armor in seconds when fully upgraded. But if you didn't have all the infinite ammo upgrades, you may not have those seconds...
  • Terraria:
    • The Zenith, a melee weapon with huge range that deals rapid damage to everything and even has a lock-on ability to ensure that nothing opposing its user gets out alive. It can kill the final boss of the game in seconds on the hardest difficulty. However, getting it requires, among many other things, killing said final boss at least twice, and that's if the player gets highly lucky with drops. It also has the largest and most complex crafting tree out of any item in the game. By the time it's assembled, there's barely anything left in the game to use it on, save for maybe reaching the final wave of the Frost Moon, clearing the highest-tier Old One's Army, and beating daytime Empress of Light. Most of the other optional challenges in the game could be easily beaten with gear that's weaker and easier to get than the Zenith.
    • The Rod of Harmony is an upgrade to the already powerful Rod of Discord that outright removes its drawback of causing damage if used too often, allowing you to teleport as much as you want. However, to get it you not only need to find the extremely rare Rod of Discord, but then beat the Moon Lord to unlock its transformation into the Rod of Harmony, hence showing that you didn't really need such a powerful ability to start with...
  • The X-Universe has an entire faction using superior equipment - Earth's AGI Task Force, an entire army dedicated to hunting down Terraformers/Xenon. Their ships have vastly superior stats than almost every other ship in the game courtesy of Humanity Is Advanced - they're very fast, extremely well shielded and with great firepower (bar their Painfully Slow Projectiles and lack of a frigate-sized weapon). The ATF Skirnir missile frigate, in particular, was infamous for being able to level entire sectors under a hail of missiles due a typo in their damage values. Even after it was nerfed, it was still one of the most powerful missile frigates - fast, extremely well shielded, and with proper defenses unlike most of its counterparts. However, ATF ships were extremely difficult to acquire until they were put up for sale in X3: Albion Prelude
    • The ATF Valhalla is the pinnacle of this. It has the second strongest hull and shield (highest total by far), the second largest hangar, and the most turrets in the game. It's also capable of using strong missiles and has a gigantic cargo bay to hold plenty of them. Anything you want dead that comes in range, station or a ship, will be dead in short order. The one thing sort of balancing this out is that it can't fit through gates and is the second slowest ship period, so it needs a support vessel to move it around.


  • Arknights: All 6-star units have a higher level cap (which means more stat growth on top of their already higher base stats), powerful passives, and have three skills, when all other units only have one or two. The only downsides are their higher resource investment combined with Magikarp Power (many 6-stars have most of their power based on their 3rd skill, which only unlocks at Elite 2), which means that they require alot more investment than lower rarity units, and their higher deployment costs.
  • The Bonesaw in Bonesaw, which can quickly kill most bosses and enemies, although you are required to defeat these "lesser" bosses without them.
  • In Game of Thrones: Ascent, the Adolescent Dragon and its variants are the most powerful companions in the game, which is fitting since dragons were more or less in-universe Gamebreakers in the source material. Actually getting an Adolescent Dragon is a lengthy process which involves a lot of resource gathering and luck. This is intentional and meant to reflect how dragons are rare (nearly extinct) in the source material.
  • Quantum Protocol: Queen's Checkmate deck is intended to be easier to beat dungeons with, due to the ease of getting multiple Queen cards on the field and nuking the enemies with AOE damage. While the deck cannot access the deck edit menu, it's strong enough on its own that it doesn't need editing.
  • Star Control:
    • Star Control II has the Chmmr Avatar. Max HP and energy. Ridiculous energy-to-damage efficiency (it can kill any ship with only half of its energy stockpile). Incredible energy regeneration. 3 orbiting satellites that intercept lots of incoming fire. For a capital ship, it is very fast. The only downside is that its primary weapon is short ranged, but that's OK because it has a tractor beam as its secondary.
    • The Utwig Juggernaut may also qualify. Its weapon doesn't take energy, so it can fire all it wants. Any attack can be absorbed by its shields, turning incoming fire into energy, which is used to power the shields, which turns incoming fire into energy, which well you get the point. Well known for being the principle prey to the above-mentioned Avatar (and pretty much the only ship that can kill an Avatar reliably while taking minimal damage). The only way to reliably kill this thing is to drain its shields by using a ship who's weapon doesn't provide more energy than the shields absorb to absorb it. So the Utwig player either drains their energy or takes damage. Getting access to this ship requires completing a long series of quests that take you quite literally to the four corners of known space. By the time you've done this, you're almost at the point where you get the Avatar.
  • Town of Salem:
    • The first game has Pestilence, the 'evolved' form of the otherwise-weak Plaguebearer. Pestilence has Invincible defence and a Powerful Rampage attack - meaning that he can't be killed at all during the Night phase while anyone who visits or is visited by Pestilence diesnote , including the otherwise near-unstoppable fully powered up Juggernaut. The main balance to this deliberate overpowering is that getting this power requires the Plaguebearer to infect most of the Town, so it's likely to come out near the end of the game when there are only a few players left; this in turn means Pestilence usually has to scramble to take out the remaining players before they're unmasked and eliminated.
    • The second game ups the ante as Pestilence's brothers join the party. Like the first game, all four have exceptionally powerful abilities - War can't be killed and will One-Hit Polykill any players at a house he visits regardless of defence, like Pestilence in the first game; Famine kills all but three specified players (who each naturally survive three days more) on the night after they arrive unless he's taken down during the day; Pestilence unleashes an infection that spreads from player to player and kills when three 'stacks' of it accumulate; and Death straight-up ends the game by killing everyone except the Horsemen when they're summoned, acting as an instant 'I Win' button for the Horsemen team. In exchange they each have to fulfil specific conditions before gaining these abilities, and each one's arrival in the town is immediately announced to all players - usually forcing them to race against time as all the other players unite to stop the Horsemen before they win the game.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction has the Egyptian God Cards... with the exception of the Winged Dragon of Ra's Sphere Mode. All of them, except Ra's Sphere Mode, have extremely powerful effects and 4000 ATK and 4000 DEF. The God Cards are excluded from the Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors, and they're immune against destruction effects, even if you're holding them in the hand. Despite their strong powers, they only cost 0 in the deck. Considering that the player has to face opponents who have much more life points than usual and they ignore the limited cards rule, it is actually fair.
    • In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom, characters' signature monsters, such as Yugi's Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, Mai's Harpie Ladies, and Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragons, tend to be much stronger than most monsters. The Egyptian Gods are even stronger than that.

Non-Game Examples 

  • In El Goonish Shive, O.P. Aludrakrala is this In-Universe. It almost literally has the word Over-Powered in its name and literally has the word "overpoweredness" in its flavor text if nothing else about it tipped you off about its overpoweredness.
  • In Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, the Deadly Game Kamen Rider Chronicle casts the players as the insanely weak Ride Players and makes them fight all of the show's monsters in a row, followed by a new even more overpowered Final Boss. The reward for all of this is that the player would become Kamen Rider Cronus, a character with insanely high stats and the power to pause time at will. The Big Bad of the series instead cheats to Sequence Break his way to becoming Cronus immediately, letting him commandeer the game for his own selfish ends. In response, the heroes have to develop a new game that lets the protagonist become even more overpowered than Cronus is, resulting in the title character becoming a literal Invincible Hero.
  • Void of the Stars tends to allow Big Bads to be ridiculously powerful. Mainly because it makes for a better story.
  • In the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode showing The Magic Voyage of Sinbad, Joel, Crow and Tom Servo demonstrate the "Rat Pack Chess Set". Frank Sinatra, the "king" on the white side, can move to any space on the chessboard, his piece talks, and Tom asserts that he can similarly direct Joey Bishop to move as he says to.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! has the Egyptian God Cards. Even the weakest of the three was able to intimidate Yugi into a near Despair Event Horizon, especially with the combo his opponent sets up that essentially gives it the potential to have unlimited attack power: Yugi is never actually able to take it down, but rather outthinks his opponent and sets up a loop that will force his opponent to keep drawing cards until his deck is empty... which is an Instant Loss Condition.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: While Big Bads normally have Story Breaker Powers because they're the Final Boss, Z-ARC is the only one whose deck is purposely broken because he's afraid of losing, and therefore has a lot of cards that will ensure him to not lose at all. Sawatari calls him out on that.
  • Yureka: In-universe within the Fictional Video Game Lost Saga, the three rings could break the game. They need to be able to, to take down the Demon King. And they're still barely enough in the hands of a capable player.