Rage Quit - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Aug 05 2009

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Rage Quit (trope)

Gabe: What am I supposed to do?
Tycho: What every Dungeon Master has done, ever, for all time.
Gabe: Persevere?
Tycho: Shit no. Quit in a huff.

A character is playing a game (usually with other people or online), and quite simply, they're losing. Maybe they didn't read up on how to effectively play the game, maybe they're off their A-game, maybe it's their teammates, or perhaps the other guy just found a way to break their supposedly impenetrable defense. Even the whims of the Random Number God could be uncooperative. Whatever the reason, their armies are dying, their buildings are burning, their avatar has been made into boots, and they are about to get this loss added to their permanent gaming record. If they had a winning streak or an undefeated season, it has met its end.

Enter the Rage Quit: If they can't win this game, no one can! Screw going down with the ship and using the loss as a learning experience; someone is about to put the first black mark on their untarnished gaming record, truly a Fate Worse than Death! Alternately, it need not even be an actual loss or a bad game; some players have rage quit over the most trivial of matters, such as their favorite map not being selected, or their favorite character being used by someone else. In any case, if they can't have it, then no one will!

As you can well imagine, this is obviously incredibly annoying to the opponents; players who ragequit too often tend to look weak, and it pisses off other players who often just want to get through a game without the other guy backing out on them at the last minute because they don't want to get stuck with a loss.

Rage quitting is also common in people who simply get frustrated at the game and quit early to cool off, whether it be from several streaks of bad luck or results in a game simply not working out in their favor, despite everything they've been doing. Of course, quitting is still quitting, which greatly annoys other players who want to finish the game or earn the win.

In some very rare instances, the rage quit may not in fact be due to the player sucking or getting frustrated. Rather, it's punishment for allies of the player who are in some way abusing game mechanics or items to make the player's experience miserable. As vengeance, the player abandons their team at the worst possible moment.

Rage-quitting may result in a Nonstandard Game Over scene.

Measures to alleviate this vary, as documented at Anti-Rage Quitting. Some games will register a rage quit as an automatic loss to the player who quit (possibly with an automatic win for everyone else), or even keep a separate tally for the number of "disconnects". Unfortunately, it is impossible for the network to distinguish a ragequit from actual technical problems (a power outage, for example), and there are usually still ways for players to exploit the ranking system to avoid taking the loss. Other systems use a punishment system where the player leaving a game will be unable to find/join another game for a certain amount of time in order to prevent them from pulling a rage quit multiple times in a row, although this can greatly annoy players who quit a game for a good reason.

A quitting player may be more sympathetic when they're quitting a single-player game that is badly designed with Fake Difficulty or Guide Dang It! moments, Moon Logic Puzzles, That One Level or That One Boss, or a Dethroning Moment of Suck. Quitting such games tends to be more justifiable since the quitter isn't causing problems for any other human players, and the games may become infamous among fans if enough of them quit for the same reason.

More broadly and figuratively speaking, daily life can be considered a kind of "game" people playnote , and its various situations a variety of mini-games. Some people, when they perceive a given situation as monstrously unfair, will do this in place of simply cutting their losses and refusing to play anymore or fleeing in abject terror when they're losing; publicly announcing the decision to quit while denouncing the "game" itself is often considered less shameful and more socially respectable than mere forfeiture or flight.

Can be spelled both "rage quit" or "ragequit". A common nickname is "Alt-F4", the shortcut for closing Windows programs; another is "QQ", which originated with WarCraft II, as the shortcut Alt+Q+Q would exit a match, and then immediately close the game.

Compare Save Scumming, a mostly single-player phenomenon that may not entirely be caused by RAGE at losing. Can also mix with Jerkass/Griefer where people may quit the game, in addition to losing, exclusively to piss off other people. People who quit may literally say Screw This, I'm Outta Here!. A Sore Loser may be prone to this.

See also Fake Difficulty, Nintendo Hard, That One Boss, That One Puzzle, That One Level, Flipping the Table. If the person running the game gets fed up and ends the game, they might say Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies. For when it's a character quitting a job in this manner rather than any kind of game, see Take This Job and Shove It.

Not to be confused with the Rage Quit series by Michael Jones of Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter, though there are some cases of rage quitting in it.

This page is for In-Universe and Invoked examples only. If we had examples such as "[Insert Game Here] is prone to ragequitters", you might as well add every game in existence to this list. In addition, every film and TV franchise fandom has had fans "rage quit" at one point or another. For your personal experiences with Ragequitting, take it to the message boards.

In-Universe Examples Only:

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  • Gamefly's "Don't Buy a Bad Game Again" commercial from 2009 shows a montage of many people doing this! There are two versions of the ad that exist, one of them involving a guy throwing the TV out the window, and another one slamming his head against the wall, causing it to break.
  • Duracell's "Gaming" ad mentions "Or Kevin, you simply can't trust this man to ever stop rage-quitting."
  • HP did this to promote their line of OMEN gamer-centric laptops and desktops. In addition, a commercial for the said brand involves a gamer screaming "NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!" before flipping the desk over, sending everything flying in slow motion.

Anime & Manga 

  • In Aruosumente, at one point during the Sage's Trial Legna becomes so frustrated with the Sage's noncommital and vague answers — which come about because Legna himself has no idea what he's doing or has not read up on the rules — that he rage quits the dream. Fortunately for him, that does not equal an end to the trial.
  • In Ben-To, Sen of all people does this after just about everyone beats her at Virtua Fighter 2. Rather than simply pulling the plug, however, she throws Satou's beloved Dreamcast out the window.
  • In the very beginning of Captain Tsubasa, the young talented goalkeeper Wakabayashi, back then a Jerk Jock extraordinaire, was obsessed by the challenge he gave to The Hero Tsubasa to try and score a goal against him in the Shûtetsu vs Nankatsu match. When Tsubasa manages to do so, Wakabayashi is so mortified and disgusted he quits the match and leaves his team on his own. Fortunately, his personal coach and in-practice Parental Substitute Mikami promptly slaps him across the face and gives him a scathing Get A Hold Of Yourself Man about abandoning his team that makes him realize how rotten his attitude is, and he comes back to the match matured and determined to win it along with his teammates.
  • Though he does it with more calm, sophistication, and pragmatism than typically seen, Schneizel of Code Geass does this almost immediately whenever he no longer has the upper hand. If he’s not absolutely certain of victory, he’ll simply cut his losses while still holding some advantage. However, his frequent use of this is also what allowed Lelouch to successfully trap him by the Finale, and put him through one of the most humiliating outcomes in the series by permanently enslaving him with Geass.
  • Dragon Ball Z: In general, villains tend to be poor losers and will try to blow up the planet if it looks like they'll lose a fight. Or, in Buu's case, out of boredom.
    • After Cell got the crap beaten out of him by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, he decides to just blow himself up and take the whole planet with him.
    • Frieza did something similar, destroying Namek's core which would cause it to explode within minutes when he realized that he may actually be defeated by Goku, who had just unlocked his Super Saiyan powers. Goku was quick to call him out on this. However, Frieza's race can survive in the vacuum of space, so this was a bit more reasonable than it seemed at first.
    • And before Frieza, Vegeta tries to do this against Goku during their first fight. Upset that a lowlife commoner was able to match him, Vegeta attempts to nuke the entire planet.
    • Speaking of Buu, he performs a notable subversion. He appears to play it straight during his fight with Gohan by choosing to explode, but in reality, it's a diversion to get away so he can buy some time and think of a plan to overpower him. He succeeds, by tricking Goten and Trunks into fusing back into Gotenks and then absorbing Gotenks' power.
    • During his own fight with Cell, Goku plays with the trope. Once it becomes clear Cell's superior, he flies into the sky, setting up a super-powerful Kamehameha, which would be enough to destroy the entire Earth. While Cell is standing there stunned that the pure-hearted protagonist is willing to go to such extreme lengths to kill him.... Goku teleports directly in front of Cell and unleashes the Kamehameha in his face. If Cell was like Piccolo and really needed his head to regenerate his body parts, it would've worked.
    • In Resurrection 'F', upon losing his Ultimate form while battling Vegeta, Frieza blows up Earth and kills everyone. Fortunately, Whis reverses time, allowing Goku to kill him before he destroys the planet.
  • Farming Life in Another World: After Hiraku teaches the girls about games like Chess and Go, Ru and Tia play a game of Go. When Ru is about to lose, she angrily tosses the board into the air and says it looks like they have to start over. It doesn't work because Tia perfectly remembers where all the pieces were and uses telekinesis to put all the pieces back.
  • Shin's famous death in Fist of the North Star. Struck with the death blow that would kill him in three minutes, Shin laments the fact that Yuria was gone though, not really and staggers towards the edge of the building they were fighting on. As the effect hits him, he declares that "This looks like the end for me. But, it will not be YOUR technique that kills me!" and throws himself off the building.
  • Taken to its most tragic, horrifying extreme in Fullmetal Alchemist, where Envy straight-up dies of suicide rather than live with the fact that the heroes are not only defeating them but pity them.
  • In Gundam Build Fighters Try, Team Angelfish, a marine-themed team with marine Gunpla, are going up against Team Try Fighters, taking up the Tundra battlefield. Easy enough, get into the water and take out the trio. However, when they find out the water's too frozen solid, they just self-destruct instead of allowing Team Try Fighters to deliver a Curb-Stomp Battle. Fumina and Sekai are not happy over this.
  • In High School D×D, when Katerea Leviathan finds herself overpowered by Azazel, she decides to blow herself up and take him down with her. However, it doesn't work as Azazel ends up killing her.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2016): When Ganondorf finally gets impaled on the Master Sword during his duel against Link, he chooses to kill himself out of spite rather than consider the hero's offer of a truce, knowing he will reincarnate one day and have another chance to torment Hyrule.
  • In MegaMan NT Warrior (2002), Mega Man's duel with Shadow Man concludes with Shadow Man declaring the battle a draw, then disappearing in a smoke bomb.
  • This trope is part of Mobile Fighter G Gundam's backstory: When Neo England's John Bull Gundam won the 9th, 10th, and 11th Gundam Fights by liberal use of shooting Mobile Fighters in the head, the martial arts-oriented fighters became so incensed at this that they threatened to walk if he won the 12th. Thankfully, Master Asia put an end to his winning streak.
  • Pokémon the Series
    • One episode involved Ash, Jessie and James taking an exam to get into the Pokémon League. Jessie becomes so fed up with the trick questions that she storms out during Part II of the written portion.
    • During the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament, Paul abdicated his role in the match when Chimchar froze with fear after Zangoose got up close and personal one time too many. Ash, Paul's partner in that matchup, managed to salvage the battle by taking command of Chimchar, as well as his own injured Turtwig, to turn the entire fight around and score a victory. This is followed up by a Rage Release by Paul, which Ash also turned around by inviting Chimchar to join his party instead.
  • In REDLINE, near the end of the titular race, the other racers are pushing so hard to the finish that Robo World's military forces are left in the dust, and they decide to call it quits.

    Robo World Enforcer: [skids to a halt] "Fuck this! They're too fast."

  • Seto Kaiba's very first card game match against Yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh! "Season Zero" has Kaiba on the ropes. Kaiba then plays "Goblin", which apparently forces the match to end with no declared winner. Somehow, the table gets destroyed in the process. Yugi (the Pharaoh, actually), doesn't seem bothered by it, as it was his first time playing. It's different in the manga, where Kaiba cheats instead, but his plan failed and he gets punished by Yami Yugi after losing the duel.


Comic Books 

  • Even Mickey Mouse of all people did this once. In one of the early Mickey Mouse Comic Universe comics, Mortimer manages to woo Minnie and humiliate Mickey repeatedly: after Minnie purposefully and repeatedly ignores his request to go to a party, thinking he had heard of it before Mortimer even though she had already agreed to go with him and didn't want to tell Mickey until Mortimer showed up, his reply is to simply walk out right through her first-floor window while quipping "Send me the bill."
  • Iron Man: James Rhodes, after finding out Tony Stark was Back from the Dead, stormed into Tony's hospital room to bring back the damaged remote-control Iron Man unit Tony was using, stripped off his own armor, and told Tony he's through being Stark's "War Machine". Tony accepted the resignation from the company but told Rhodey to keep the armor and to use it to be better than him.
  • In Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics), Robotnik had a backup plan that was essentially "Rage Quit: The Plan", called "Operation: Wasteland", which all of Robotnik's SWATBots, Badniks and other machines would just destroy everything, friend or foe, once the phrase "Sonic has won it all!" was said. Snively accidentally discovers it after thinking Robotnik died (prior to his Killed Off for Real moment) and Robotnik stops it before it ravages the Great Forest.
  • In Supergirl issue #28 (properly titled "Rage Quit" and the beginning of the Red Daughter of Krypton arc), after fighting Lobo, Kara is convinced that everybody tries to take advantage of her, use her and betray her, and she decides she's done with people pushing her around, taking advantage of her, and betraying her — so she quits being Supergirl.

Comic Strips 

  • Calvin and Hobbes had this a few times, with even a metaphysical example of Calvin stating that his spirit was kicking the chessboard's spirit clear across the room.
  • Crabgrass: Kevin in this comic when he loses a game of Monopoland. It is foreshadowed by how damaged the board looks when the boys start their game.
  • Several Kid Paddle strips end with a ruined television, usually after Yet Another Stupid Death on Little Barbarian.
  • Brian of Knights of the Dinner Table is king of the trope. If he doesn't like B.A.'s call, if someone accuses him of cheating or reminds him that his imaginary girlfriend wasn't real, he'll flip the whole table over. Other characters have been known to storm off in anger, but never with quite the panache Brian uses.
  • Mafalda often has Mafalda and her friends playing chess, so this has taken place several times. Once Mafalda shouted at Felipe "MASCALZONE!" and then angrily ran off, and later Susanita flipped the chessboard at Felipe before walking away.

Fan Works 

  • Common Sense: In Chapter 20, Misty accuses Ash of this when he calls off their rematch, but Ash quickly inverts it, pointing out that she tried to rig the battle to have as many advantages as possible, and is copying the strategy he used to defeat her back at the Gym, even after calling it "cheating" minutes ago. He quickly sums it up with his "The Reason You Suck" Speech to her:

    "I accepted your battle so I could finally get some respect, but I don't see that happening, even if I win. You'll just say I 'cheated', or 'got lucky', or 'the sun was in your eyes', or some other excuse. Point is, I don't need to battle you to know that I'm stronger than you. And I'm not going to lose just so you can feel better about yourself when you don't deserve a victory with that kind of attitude. I've put up with it since Viridian City, but this is too much. You're not worth my time."

  • Dekiru: The Fusion Hero!: With All Might not present, Tsuzuru humiliating him, and him and the rest of the League of Villains completely failing to kill anyone, Shigaraki has enough and ditches the USJ with Kurogiri...but not before leaving Nomu behind to kill everyone in the facility.
  • Doing It Right This Time: Referenced off-hand during a throwaway joke at the start of Chapter 6. Apparently the school go club has a "Days Since Last Nuclear Tesuji" counter, which Asuka forced them to reset in her first match.
  • In House and Home Draco upends the chessboard after losing to Ron several times in a row.
  • In Teddy Draco flips the chessboard with his wand when Harry is about to make the winning move.
  • Your Alicorn Is in Another Castle: As noted in the second chapter, as a video game reference:

    Frustration, bouts of cursing, angry invocations of local deities, and attempts to rage-quit are hereby contractually agreed by whoever enters to be entirely the fault of the visiting pony and as such, no emotional damage lawsuits will be honored.

Films — Animation 

Films — Live-Action 

  • Bad Santa (2003) has a hilarious scene where Thurman trolls Willie in a game of checkers, by choosing moves and then taking them back. After Willie calls him out on it, Thurman takes out three of his pieces and reaches the edge of the board in one move. Thurman just smiles and says "King me". Willie doesn't take it very well.
  • In Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, during Bill and Ted's presentation at the end, Napoleon is explaining his "water slide" battle plan. When Ted says he doesn't think it will work, Napoleon says, "No?" He then proceeds to angrily sweep all the miniatures off the map with his riding crop.
  • In Doctor Strange (2016), the hero provokes the Final Boss into this to save the Earth. Dormammu is so far above him (and just about everyone else in the MCU) in terms of power that Strange has no chance of winning in a straight fight and they both know it. However, since Dormammu exists in a timeless dimension, Strange uses magic to lock them both in a 15-second-long "Groundhog Day" Loop, where all Dormammu can do is kill him over and over and over again. Since Dormammu can't escape the loop to conquer Earth (or any other worlds) and is aware of every reset in the loop, he gets so frustrated that he begs Strange to stop and agrees to leave Earth alone.
  • In Half Baked, Scarface gives us the legendary, "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! (to an old lady) You're cool! And fuck you, I'm out!"
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: When Professor Trelawney insults Hermione's inaptitude in Divination by saying that her heart is "as shriveled as an old maid's" and her soul is "as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave", she shoves away her hand, pushes the crystal ball away so hard it falls down the staircase outside the classroom, before angrily walking away.
  • In Jason X, two guys playing a holographic video game have their characters (controlled mentally) killed by Jason, so they quit in frustration. It doesn't take a genius to realize how events played out after that.
  • In John Carpenter's The Thing, when we meet MacReady, he loses a game of chess to the computer, accuses it of being a "cheating bitch", and then pours whiskey into the CPU. MacReady's character will destroy the game rather than lose it - which is what he does at the end of the movie, burning down the camp in order to deny the Thing victory.
  • Premium Rush: That poor bicycle officer just can't catch a break. Once his own bike gets stolen, he's had it.

    Officer: [seeing Wiley jack his patrol cycle] *sigh* Know what? I'm done.

  • A bar brawl version of this happens in the first scene of The Way of the Gun, as pointed out by the director in the commentary. The two antiheroes square off against an angry man and a number of his friends. Heavily outnumbered, they realize that they're going to get beaten up anyway, so they throw their first punch at the guy's girlfriend, spoiling his victory.


  • In Discworld, this trope is used to discuss why the Assassins' Guild no longer take contracts to kill either Vetinari or Samuel Vimes. As the narration explains, the disruption that killing them would bring to Anhk-Morpork is similar to someone who does not just flips the board but also sets the building ablaze.
  • In The Manchurian Candidate a Senator's manipulative, power-mad wife asks him what he does if he has to go the bathroom during a session. He says that he gets up and leaves. She instructs him to start pounding on the desk, scream "Point of Order" and loudly announce that he will not stand for this anymore. Then go to the bathroom.
  • In Diane Duane's Star Trek novel My Enemy, My Ally, McCoy describes a 3D chess game between two Enterprise crew in which the one who was losing programmed the game to explode. This gave him the idea to invent 4D chess, where a transporter can take pieces out of play for a set number of turns and, yes, the pieces can also be set to explode.
  • Oona: In the middle of the book, when all of Oona's attempts to get the tiara fail, she becomes so frustrated she shouts "You can keep your dumb crown! I quit!" into the pits it's at the bottom of. She goes into a funk for a while afterward until she gets another idea.
  • In Ender's Game, the titular character is known for inventing creative solutions to impossible odds. During the final exam for Command School, he faces an insurmountable number of opponents around a planet. Everyone waits for his first move, until a classmate reminds him of his own words, "The Enemy's gate is down", which is the trigger for action in Ender. For the test, Ender blows up the planet and everyone else in the area. This is a rage quit from Ender because he's given up on strategy and is just trying to end the tests and go home as fast as possible.
  • In The Martian, after half a book of taking whatever Mars throws at him with snark, relative calm, and determination, Mark Watney temporarily has this reaction to his own survival efforts after the Hab — his living space on Mars, with all of his food and supplies — breaches. It's hard to blame him.

    Mark: You know what!? Fuck this! Fuck this airlock, fuck that Hab, and fuck this whole planet! Seriously, this is it! I've had it! I've got a few minutes before I run out of air and I'll be damned if I spend them playing Mars's little game. I'm so god damned sick of it I could puke! All I have to do is sit here. The air will leak out and I'll die. I'll be done. No more getting my hopes up, no more self-delusion, and no more problem-solving. I've fucking had it!

  • In David Weber's Out of the Dark, this is how the invading Shongairi ultimately decide the end the war with humanity. The humans keep fighting despite half their population being wiped out in orbital bombardments, they can't beat the humans into submission on the ground, further orbital bombardment just pisses them off, and the bioweapon they were developing and intending to "leak" to wipe out most of the human population (thus making the genocide and occupation palatable to the rest of the galaxy) doesn't work because every attempt to gather human test subjects ends with their troops getting slaughtered. Then "something" starts attacking their ground bases and wiping out the garrisons, so the Shongairi commander just knocks over the whole table and pulls his troops back into orbit, intending to just destroy the entire planet and be done with it, purely out of spite.
  • In The Twelve Chairs, one of Ostap Bender's money-making schemes involves pretending to be a chess grandmaster and hosting a simultaneous exhibition, despite being utterly inept at the game. After losing game after game, he resorts to stealing a rook from his last opponent, and when called on it, throws a handful of chess pieces in his face.
  • I, Jedi: Corran Horn quits the New Jedi Order in protest of Luke Skywalker's decision to forgive Kyp Durron for aiding Exar Kun and blowing up an inhabited star system He returns at the end of the book, realizing that Kyp serving the galaxy as a Jedi is similar to a work release program and he has no better ideas.
  • Animorphs:
    • In Animorphs: The Solution, the Animorphs have been trying to juggle the twin problems of a Sixth Ranger Traitor and the Yeerks trying to exploit a world leaders conference by infesting important people. With their sneakier or more subtle attempts having failed and alerted their enemy, Rachel refers to what they do next as like "when you’re in a chess game and you know you’re going to lose so you grab the board and throw it across the room". They use big sturdy destructive elephant and rhino morphs to careen wildly through the outbuildings of the conference center where the dignitaries are staying, and then retreat - the chaos and the bewildering security breach cause the conference to be postponed and relocated.
    • In Animorphs: Back to Before the Drode furiously collapses the It's a Wonderful Plot timeline back into the canon one, though it had already been quite shaky thanks to Cassie's Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory, when despite their Dwindling Party the humans-who-weren't-Animorphs and Aximili kill Visser Three and take the Blade Ship to attack the Yeerk mothership, two blows that would cripple the Yeerks' ability to take over Earth. He'd signed off on this in the first place in the belief that without the Animorphs, the Yeerks would face no meaningful resistance.

Live-Action TV 

  • In an episode of According to Jim, Andy turns off the video game before he can lose to Gracie.
  • Aliens in the Family: When Bobut can't use a word in Scrabble because it's a proper noun, he flips over the board.
  • All in the Family: The 1973 episode "The Games Bunkers Play" sees the cast (on Mike's suggestion) play a game called Group Therapy, a truth-or-dare type game where participants – instead of being asked softball questions – are asked tough, hard questions and the participants must answer truthfully and honestly. Mike was hoping to have some fun opening up about his friends and family, but the odds aren't in his favor, to say the least ... he's always the target of well-meaning but blunt criticism about his attitudes and such. Eventually, Mike goes into a rant and storms out of the room. He goes on a tirade about Archie and how he got everything in the world but (in his view) didn't deserve it. Edith takes Mike aside and essentially tells her son-in-law about why Archie is the way he is.
  • The Amazing Race
    • In US Season 15, one team was eliminated at the starting line, and they were so mad they just up and left and didn't even attend the finale. The part where people were sympathetic to them was that they didn't even get to leave the country or even go through the first leg of the race. One fan compared it to qualifying for the Olympics and being eliminated during the opening ceremony.
    • Nick of Nick and Vicki got mad and quit in the middle of a task in Season 17. The episode in question turned out to be a non-elimination, which meant that the audience had to suffer their presence for another episode.
  • In the series finale of Battlestar Galactica (2003), Cavil blurts an expletive and kills himself when the means of immortality are taken from his grasp.
  • The Brady Bunch: Bobby is desperately trying to become "The Winner" in a 1971 episode, but during his efforts to become one, he Rage Quits at least twice:
    • In one scene where he is playing checkers against Peter and Cindy in the family room and the siblings win. Bobby gets mad and knocks the game board and checkers off the table before stomping out of the room. Bobby employs a similar quitter attitude after losing to other siblings in a ring toss game and in free-throw shooting. Mike sees this ... but then, in a moment of Fridge Logic, tells the other siblings to just be patient with Bobby and that he's going through a phase, rather than take him aside and tell him that Rage Quitters never win and that it might be best to take a few days off from trying to win at all costs.
    • Later, Bobby is entered into a magazine sales campaign as part of a school fundraiser and is in the lead. When he realizes he's about to win something, Bobby proudly announces this to Cindy. Big mistake, as Cindy explains — "no you're no...oops!" Bobby realizes what this means: Mike and Carol helped their son out. Bobby responds by employing the trope: taking all the completed magazine subscription forms, tearing them up, walking into the den where Mike and Carol are, and then through angry tears announcing that he's withdrawing from the contest...because, after all, he didn't win it on his own.
  • In Cheers, Frasier famously did this playing Woody in chess, to the point of upsetting the board. Woody pointed out his King was still standing, so Frasier tossed it, then stormed off in a huff when Woody did the explosion noise.
  • In the introductions to the "Cheating Death" segments of The Colbert Report, The Grim Reaper often shows violent disapproval for Stephen's strategy in the current game.
  • Doctor Who: In "Last of the Time Lords", the Master's reaction to imminent defeat is to threaten to blow up the entire Earth. The Doctor's response to this is to coolly point out that the Master would never kill himself and demand control of the explosives.
  • At the start of season 3 of Face/Off, contestants were paired and tasked to work on aliens that would fit in with the Cantina Scene from A New Hope. Contestant Joe Castro had forgotten to put anything on his alien's feet and was critically slammed for it by the judges. Instead of waiting for the elimination ceremony, he ran outside and drove off the show, forfeiting the competition.
  • Hell's Kitchen:
    • Season 1 contestant Jeff, who was performing poorly while blaming all of his failures on his inexperience as a line cook (never mind most of the contestants had not been line cooks before coming onto the show) did this in episode 3 after arguing with Gordon Ramsey and Sous Chef Mary-Ann. It culminated in him calling Gordon Ramsey an "asshole" under his breath. When confronted, he called Ramsey an asshole again before storming off the show, being the first person to quit on the TV program without being eliminated.
    • Season 12 contestant Joy quit in the middle of the second black jacket service because she served halibut before Jason was ready on garnish. That's it. Ramsay was not even yelling at Joy for the mistake, he was giving her a stern lecture on waiting for Jason. But Joy took offense to that and quit in the middle of service. The fact that Joy was consistent up until then made it more of a shock to the other chefs. While Joy did calm down and realize the error of her decision, she decided not to apologize to Ramsay and beg for a second chance as she pretty much burned bridges by leaving and screaming at Ramsay.
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: In "CharDee MacDennis: The Game of Games", the gang explains that they always have to nail the playing board down to the bar counter because at some point Mac will get angry that he's losing and try to flip the board over. Mac admits that it's "for the best". Sure enough, toward the end of the game, Mac goes into a rage and tries to flip the board over.
  • Discussed on Leverage when Hardison is running a con he designed based on video game principles. Turns out he may have made the whole thing too complicated and didn't account for this possible reaction. Nate cites the trope verbatim and tells Hardison you have to balance the challenge of a con out before taking the marks down with a (far simpler) plan.
  • David tries this briefly in the U.S. seventh season of MasterChef in the top five during a pressure test after a basket-swap gives him a poor set of ingredients he doesn't want to work with. It doesn't last long because Ramsay heads after him after he stalks out of the kitchen and talks him out of it.
  • Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Master Vile realizes that the good guys always find a way to win, even after his supposed victory, he pitches a fit and pulls up stakes, leaving Rita and Zedd to deal with the Power Rangers.
  • In Outnumbered, Pete is playing Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games on the Wii with the kids. When his sister-in-law Angela arrives, he uses the distraction to cheat with a head start. Despite this, he still trails behind, and then suddenly turns the console off saying, "We'd better stop now, your auntie's here".
  • On an episode of The $20,000 Pyramid, William Shatner pulled one after accidentally giving an illegal clue on the last phrase in the Winner's Circle. He threw his chair out of the circle and screamed.
  • Sea Patrol: A common reaction to playing poker against Two-Dads, which lands him in hot water more than once when playing against a particularly Sore Loser. On at least one occasion this ended up driving the plot of a whole episode when he got dumped in the middle of nowhere and left to walk back to the harbour by some locals in revenge for cleaning them out, only to end up witnessing something that leads the crew to uncover a smuggling ring.
  • In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Charlie X", after Charlie loses 3-D Chess in what is essentially that version of the "Fool's Mate" to Mr. Spock, Spock leaves and Charlie uses his powers at the pieces, melting them as if they'd been hit with a blow-torch.
  • Star Trek: Picard: After a Robot War destroyed the Utopia Planitia yards — where a relief force to evacuate Romulus and the neighboring systems before its star went supernova was under construction — and rendered Mars uninhabitable, Starfleet decided to abort the rescue effort for purely political reasons. In a last-ditch attempt to strong-arm them into holding to their commitment, Picard threatened to resign his commission unless they agreed. When they still rejected him, he went through with it and returned to his family's vineyards in disgust. His anger and resentment over Starfleet's abandonment of its ideals are still evident over 14 years later.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
    • In "Peak Performance", Data has a rematch against an opponent at a game of Stratagema. Rather than playing to win, which got him soundly defeated last time, Data goes for a stalling tactic to keep the game at a permanent impasse. His opponent eventually rage quits. If this sounds rather unsporting... well, it was, but his opponent was so insufferably smug about the previous victory that it was impossible to feel very sorry for him.
    • A Klingon challenges Data to two-fisted arm wrestling. After getting defeated, he tries to headbutt Data but discovers to his dismay that Data's skull is thicker than a Klingon's.
  • Done a couple times on Storage Wars, once by Dave after Barry brings along a couple of supposed psychics to scan the lockers of the week, and in another episode by Jarrod's employee Mark. Dave returned the next week, Mark did not.
  • Survivor:
    • Lisi in Survivor: Fiji ragequit, but instead of just walking out and leaving, simply asked everyone to vote her out.
    • In Survivor: Caramoan, Brandon Hantz had a meltdown where he came dangerously close to assaulting another player and dared the rest of his tribe to vote him out. In the process of trying to talk him down, host Jeff Probst did have the tribe vote and send him out to make it official; but Brandon afterward took pride in the fact that he controlled his fate in the game.
  • Series/Taskmaster:
    • In Series 16, Julian Clary inadvertently breaks a rule at the very last stage in the street sweeper task. Rather than start again, he instead takes a moment to consider before barrelling forward, ignoring Alex's whistled summons and disqualifying himself in what Greg considers "a chillingly calm meltdown."
    • In Series 18, Jack Dee is tasked with doing some complex maths in one tie-break (calculating how many days old Alex Horne will be on Christmas 2024) and decides fairly quickly that he's not going to bother trying. This results in Emma Sidi winning an episode over him when they end up tied for first.note 
  • In Season 3 of Top Shot, Blue Team member Jake quit after being voted into an elimination challenge, but before actually participating in the challenge. The other person getting the votes, Phil, didn't win the elimination challenge by default, though; instead, he had to compete against the last person eliminated (Mike Hughes), with the latter earning his way back in if he won. Mike won his way back in, and made it all the way to the final challenge that season.


  • From Eric B. and Rakim's "Microphone Fiend"

    Cause I grabbed the mic and try to say, "Yes y'all!"

    They tried to take it, and say that I'm too small

    I kick a hole in the speaker, pull the plug, then I jet


  • Gottlieb's Tee'd Off shows several golfers rage quitting their golf games, including one man breaking his putter over his knee and another golfer hurling his clubs off a cliff and into the ocean.
  • Most modern pinball machines are equipped with one or more slam tilt sensors, typically on the coin door, on the bottom of the machine (to detect a drop), and occasionally on the playfield glass. Triggering one of these sensors by slamming the machine will result in an immediate game over.

Pro Wrestling 

  • Any heel not booked as a "monster heel" will almost certainly have done it at some point in their career, ESPECIALLY if they hold a title beltnote . Whether it's a blatant kick to the opponent's groin, hitting the referee, or even just going berserk on their opponent (and ignoring the referee's request to back off), they will have done something to get themselves disqualified. At its most basic? Walking back up the ramp so that the referee counts them out. As long as you're still the champion, who cares about a non-pinfall/submission loss? This is why No DQ/Falls Count Anywhere matches were created to begin with.
  • Seeing the tecnicas were going to sweep her team on the June 16th, 2007 CMLL Guerreros del Ring, Amapola intentionally got disqualified by missile drop kicking Diana La Cazadora before she could make Polly Star tap out.
  • This can sometimes be used as a means of writing a heel off of TV if they have decided to quit a company for other endeavors. For example, John "Bradshaw" Layfield angrily declared that he quit at WrestleMania 25 after losing the Intercontinental Championship to Rey Mysterio Jr. in 21 seconds. This was also done by Eve Torres, who, after losing her Diva's Championship to Kaitlyn, quit the company in a fit of rage. In reality, she left to be with her new husband and to continue to pursue her Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu programs.
  • Daizee Haze rage quit out of SHIMMER after she and Tomoka Nakagawa tried to take the first day of October 2011 off but were forced to defend the Tag Team Titles, which they promptly lost to Ayako Hamada and Ayumi Kurihara.
  • Done quite literally with Batista (a heel at the time) on the episode of RAW after a humiliating loss to John Cena, his third in a row. He was reported to have left due to not liking the direction WWE was going in.
  • During a 2015 North American Title defense against Seth Allen in NWA Midwest, Tim Storm accidentally ran into the referee, seemingly knocking him out. Rather than wait for to see if he would recover or for a new official to arrive Storm decided to intentionally assault the laid-out ref to draw a no contest.


  • An example of a high-school tandem writing assignment (two students taking turns writing paragraphs that are supposed to be a coherent story) that was sent to a local radio morning show ended this way when the students killed each others' characters in the third and fourth paragraphs. Listen to the whole story here.
  • The Unbelievable Truth: In one episode, Henning Wehn vows not to buzz in again for the rest of the game (since as per the rules, buzzing incorrectly loses points). Several years later, Susan Calman did much the same thing. After being the first person to buzz in that episode. She proved much less capable of maintaining her silence than Henning.



  • The NFL's Buffalo Bills held a slim 21-17 lead in the closing seconds of their November 29, 1998 game against the New England Patriots. With six seconds left and at the Bills' 26-yard line, Patriots quarterback Drew Bledsoe heaved a long pass (known as a "Hail Mary" due to the difficulty in completing it) for the end zone that fell incomplete as time expired, but the Bills were called for pass interference. NFL games cannot end on a defensive penalty, so the Patriots got one more untimed down from the Bills' 1-yard line which Bledsoe used to throw a touchdown pass to put themselves up 23-21. The Bills by this point had seen the replay showing that there was no interference and were incensed when the refs tried to force them to come out and play the extra-point conversion even though it was nigh meaningless. note  The Bills responded by storming off the field en masse, allowing New England to play the final conversion completely uncontested (kicker Adam Vinatieri picked up the ball and waltzed into the end zone for probably the easiest two-point conversion ever). For what it's worth, the NFL later admitted that the defensive pass interference penalty was in error; the game stands as final because such calls by referees are deemed judgement calls and are not eligible grounds for replaying a game.
  • Super Bowl XLII. After the Giants took the lead with 30 seconds left to go, New England had one chance to go down the field to kick a Field Goal to tie and send the game into overtime, yet were unable to convert a first down. The Giants got a turnover-on-downs with one second on the clock, since the Patriots had used 4th down for one last (unsuccessful) "Hail Mary" attempt. Despite the game being essentially over, NFL rules dictated that a play must be run (in almost all instances, the "Victory Formation" QB kneel is run here). However, Bill Belichick had already left the field by that point, and many Patriots players were already making their way to the locker room. Belichick did jog out to congratulate his opponents when the turnover happened, but still technically left the field before the game was over.
  • Another, more humiliating, incident happened to the Bills during their September 16, 2018 game against the Los Angeles Chargers. After being picked apart by the Chargers 28-6 in the first half, cornerback Vontae Davis got so fed up with the Bills' mediocrity that he retired at halftime.
  • On January 2, 2022, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 24-10 down to the New York Jets in the third quarter, Antonio Brown suddenly took off his jersey and protective equipment, threw the jersey and gloves into the crowd, and sprinted across the field to the locker rooms. In an unusual twist, the Buccaneers actually went on to win the match 28-24, while Brown, who was already a highly controversial figure within the NFL, was sacked as soon as the game had ended.
  • The much-hyped race between Michael Johnson and Donovan Bailey in 1997. At the time, Johnson held the world record for the 200m event, and Bailey held the record for the 100m. They were to settle the question of the "World's Fastest Man" with a 150m race. At around the 100m mark, Bailey was clearly ahead, and Johnson pulled up with an injured hamstring. Cynics thought he faked the injury rather than lose to Bailey fair and square.
  • During the 1976 Soviet Red Army vs. Philadelphia Flyers exhibition ice hockey game, the Soviet Team, who agreed to play by NHL rules, began protesting calls made by the officials. After vocal complaints weren't going anywhere, the Soviet Coach opted to call the entire team back and leave the game. In another rage-quit move, the Flyers owner threatened to not pay the Soviets for the game should they leave. Eventually, the Red Army team relented and continued play, eventually losing.
  • A variation occurred during the infamous "Punch-up in Piestany", an international hockey competition. In the final match of the round-robin tournament, Team Canada and Team USSR got physical and it eventually turned into a massive bench-clearing brawl (literally; players left the bench to throw down). Eventually, after all efforts to restore order failed, the match was called with no winner. Team Canada got PO'd at that point since that meant they were denied a chance at winning the tournament. When no one agreed with them, Team Canada then decided to invoke the trope and refused to stay for the awards presentation. The tournament officials basically went, "Fine. Get Out!." And Canada followed Russia on a one-way ticket out of Czechoslovakia.
  • Michael Jordan was so intense and committed to winning that he had a tendency to do this. Once in 1992 just before the All-Star game he did this on court after drawing a foul and was suspended from the next game and fined $5,000.
  • After the New Mexico men's basketball team were upset by Harvard in the first round of the 2013 NCAA tournament, one sportswriter covering the team was so incensed that he retired the very next day.
  • Mixed Martial Arts: Coach Ken Shamrock enforced this on his fighter Guy Mezger in the Pride Grand Prix 2000 Opening Round. Mezger's fight with fan favorite Kazushi Sakuraba was ruled a draw, requiring both fighters to go to a tiebreaker round. Shamrock believed that Mezger had clearly won the fight and prohibited him from entering the tiebreaker in protest, resulting in a forfeit loss.
  • The highest scoreline in soccer history occurred as a spectacular form of rage quit: SO l'Emyrne, in protest of a referee's decisions earlier in the tournament, repeatedly scored against themselves for the duration of their match against AS Adema, with the final score being 149 - 0.
  • Kinda sports: the São Paulo carnival vote count in 2012 had to be interrupted once a supporter of one of the samba schools jumped the barrier, grabbed the grades from the announcer's hand, and ripped them.
  • In a rather famous incident in the NHL, Patrick Roy - then goaltender of the Montreal Canadiens and now considered one of the greatest goaltenders ever - was left in net for nine goals during a game against the Detroit Red Wings on December 2, 1995 (Montreal lost 11–1). This was seen as an extremely controversial move, as star goaltenders are often pulled from games quickly if they are having an off-night. Roy, whose relationship with head coach Mario Tremblay was very strained, claimed the move was meant to humiliate him. Furious, he stormed off the ice after finally being pulled; he immediately went over and told Canadiens' president Ronald Corey, in front of Tremblay no less, "It's my last game in Montreal". A few days later, he was traded to the Colorado Avalanche. Roy proceeded to immediately win his third Stanley Cup with the Avalanche that season, and ultimately stayed in Colorado for the rest of his playing career, winning a fourth Stanley Cup in 2001.
  • Related to blowouts, it's not that uncommon for hockey goaltenders to have a meltdown once the goals are enough and they are pulled off Normally hitting the goalposts with their stick, as Pekka Rinne demonstrates.
  • Tuukka Rask has a history of not taking shootout losses lightly. Overtime goals are the same.
  • George Brett of the Kansas City Royals baseball team was notorious for his fits of rage after poor outcomes on the field. The amount of property he destroyed or damaged during his career included a toilet in Minneapolis (clubbed to pieces with his bat), several cans of beige paint in Baltimore (Brett teed off on them like they were batting practice pitches), and water coolers in just about every park in the American League. His most infamous tantrum was during "The Pine Tar Game" in 1983. After having his game-winning home run nullified and being called out to end the game for having too much pine tar on his bat (at the time), Brett had to be physically restrained by several people from beating the crap out of home plate umpire Tim McClelland.
  • New York Yankees' manager Billy Martin pulled one when AL president Lee MacPhail overturned the aforementioned infamous "pine tar ruling", stating that the bat and not the player should have been removed (the purpose of the rule is that pine tar will stick to a batted ball, forcing the ball to be replaced. Since pine tar doesn't cause the ball to go further, that's why Lee overturned the ruling). Martin, in an attempt to have the game ended in his favor, tried to argue that Brett didn't touch all of the bases on his home run, only for umpire Dave Phillips to pull out a signed affidavit from the original game's umpire's stating that Brett had touched all the bases. Martin had a meltdown and got thrown out of the game, three weeks after it had started.
  • One of the more tragic examples of this trope comes from the Euro 2004 qualifiers. England goalkeeper David Seaman, already nearing the end of his career and visibly struggling due to a combination of age and a recurring shoulder injury, fumbled what should have been an easy save from a corner and allowed Macedonia to score a draw. The look of utter shame and distress on his face afterwards was clearly visible on-camera, and it came as little surprise when it was announced the next day that Seaman had tendered his resignation from the team within minutes of the final whistle. Two years later, he would retire from playing professionally altogether.
  • Proving that this trope is nothing new in sport: all the way back in 1893, Accrington, one of the twelve founder members of the Football League, lost a test match against Sheffield United and were subsequently relegated to the recently-formed Second Division. Rather than accept this ignominy, they resigned from the league entirely, and eventually folded in January 1896. To this day, they're the only founding member of the Football League not still playing in it.
  • The 1972 Olympic Basketball Final involved multiple controversial fouls and referee decisions, all against the Americans, all in the final three seconds. The Americans continued to protest the result after the end of the game and the team has, to this day, refused to accept their Silver Medals.
  • In 1996, Chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov lost a chess match to famous refusenik and Israeli politician Natan Sharansky during a simultaneous exhibition in Israel. Kasparov promptly threw a temper tantrum and left.

Tabletop Games 

  • Trogdor!! The Board Game uses this as a game mechanic. If Trogdor gets hit by a knight or archer when his Trog-meter is empty, it triggers "Trogdor's Fiery Rage", where he goes on a rampage before fleeing the battlefield, moving randomly and automatically burninating any tile, peasant, or cottage he touches. Players can actually win the game if they manage to burninate the board before Trogdor's Fiery Rage ends.
  • The Battle of Eskrador in the backstory of Warhammer 40,000. The battle pitched invading Ultramarines against a prepared and entrenched Alpha Legion, who proceeded to use every dirty trick in the book to routinely humiliate the Ultramarines. In the end, Roboute Guilliman (the commander of the Ultramarines) retreated his remaining forces to orbit and sterilized the planet using an orbital bombardment, uttering that he "had no interest in battling so dishonourable a foe". It's noted that the Battle of Eskrador may be entirely fictitious In-Universe, as all sources about it are potentially tainted by Alpha Legion influence and the Ultramarines categorically deny it happening — though given their propensity for pride, they would say that either way.

Theme Parks 

Video Games 

  • In the first PC version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, if you don't enter a name at the screen which prompts you to do so, Regis Philbin will at first coax you, then get annoyed, and after a minute of not typing in a name, gets angry and says "Fine! You wanna be that way? I quit!" and the game shuts itself off.
  • This is an actual achievement in Blockstorm - you get it by leaving the server within a few seconds of getting killed.
  • Deliberately used in the Assassin's Creed III DLC story "The Tyranny of King Washington", Connor learns from a mocking Blue Coat whom he's playing checkers with that all of his friends were ambushed and massacred. Cue the command prompt "Press X to rage quit".

    Connor: "That's it!" (smashes the guy's face with the checkerboard and beats up everyone in the bar)

  • One of Oscar Mike's random comments while shooting an opponent in Battleborn is "Come on, rage quit! You know you want to!"
  • According to the description in the Enemy Dictionary, in The Battle Cats, Croakley will use his long tongue to hit the reset button if he's losing a game. The entry even refers to this as ragequitting.
  • Borderlands 2 has the quest "MMORPGFPS" as part of the "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" DLC. In it, the player has to get three rival adventurers (treated exactly like MMO players) to quit fighting a boss at its spawn point. To do this you have to enrage them by meleeing, tea-bagging and headshoting them respectively until they all rage quit.
  • In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you can find out at one point that Cassandra is a fan of Varric's trashy romance novel. Varric asks her why she doesn't like his more popular crime serial instead, she replies that she has enough mysteries in her life to solve, and besides "you killed my favorite character in the third chapter, so I threw the book across the room!"
  • Fist of the North Star: Twin Blue Stars of Judgment gives one character a ragequit as a Super Move. As a reference to his death in the series, Shin starts to limp away and tells his opponent that he won't give them the satisfaction of killing him, then throws himself into the anime Speed Stripes void. Not surprisingly, it counts as a win for Shin's opponent - although Shin will start the next round with a full Star gauge, as opposed to recovering a single Star Gauge.
  • Whenever somebody leaves the game shortly after dying in Heroes of Newerth the announcer yells out RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAGGGEQUIT.
  • In one of the anime shorts of Kid Icarus: Uprising, Thanatos screams this at the end.


  • League of Legends and most any other MOBA will suspend players for repeated rage quitting. Should one rage quit often enough that player might find their account permanently banned.
  • The Big Bad of The Legend of Zelda series, Ganondorf, resorts to this a few times when in a tight spot.
    • In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, he rigs his castle to fall down when he loses to Link in their first match. When the hero and Zelda survive that, too, he gives in to his rage and turns into Ganon for another attack.
    • After losing control of Zelda's body in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, losing in his Ganon form to Link and Midna, and watching Midna teleport Zelda and Link away, he just detonates Hyrule Castle. He has to be chased down on horseback and put down for good afterward.
    • In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, after Calamity Ganon loses its chance for a proper reincarnation, it transforms into Dark Beast Ganon and has to be stopped from rampaging across the world.
    • Likewise, in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Ganondorf's reaction to getting his ass handed to him by Link in the final battle is to inhale his secret stone, turn into the Demon Dragon, and raze Hyrule in Gloom-soaked hellfire, only stopped from doing so by the Light Dragon and Link working together to take him down.
    • He seems to have picked up his trait from his surrogate mothers Koume and Kotake; in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle Games, after Link foils their chance to use Zelda as a human sacrifice to bring Ganondorf back and beats them in combat, they just sacrifice themselves instead.
  • Live A Live has this come up in the game's final chapter: if you choose to play as Oersted, you will play as the final bosses from the game's previous chapters. If your HP starts running low, you get an option on your menu called "Armageddon", which basically results in Oersted performing a Taking You with Me across all of history and causing The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Mass Effect: Don't like the Council's whining when reporting to them in the Comm Room? If you're tired of cracking jokes or apologizing for everything, you can always just cut the signal.
  • In Mortal Kombat X, if a player disconnects during an online match, their character's head explodes and is counted as a win for your opponent as a "Quitality". This was implemented following the rash of ragequits that plagued online play in the previous game.
  • Overwatch keeps track of how often a player quits a match midway through and will penalize you if you do it too much over a period of time.
  • At the end of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All's 2nd case, Amoral Attorney Franziska von Karma is so furious at having been defeated by Phoenix that she angrily whips him into unconsciousness.
    • In the first investigation phase of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations's 5th case, Edgeworth spends his whole time investigating Larry's psycholocks... erm, Psyche-Locks, only to learn a useless piece of irrelevant information, only to find out he had another, more important secret hidden by five more Psyche-Locks. Edgeworth is so frustrated that he just decides to pull the secret out of him in court the next day, and ends the investigation right then and there.
  • PlanetSide 2's Recursion Stat Tracker Game Mod adds achievements and medals, one of which is the "Rage Quit!" medal, which is awarded when you kill someone who then immediately disconnects. If you dominate an enemy by killing them thrice in a row and they rage quit, it gets turned into a "Submission" medal.
  • Randal's Monday: Randal pulls one of these after the prison escape because he has just had enough of this lunacy. He shouldn't have said that.
  • In Red Dead Redemption, vindictive players have the option of murdering everyone at the card table where they were just blasted out of the pot at poker.
    • Also, if you are caught cheating at poker, the person who caught you in the act will become so angry that he will start a duel with you.
  • In Sid Meier's SimGolf, NPC golfers will rage quit your golf course if their attitude levels drop too low. This is caused by a variety of factors, but the biggest one is if the holes are too difficult to play due to poor or unfair designs. Other factors include: being bombarded by other golfers' balls (caused by poor course layouts or too many golfers playing the same hole), unkempt course grounds, up steep slopes and seeing other golfers rage quit.
  • A very humorous one appears in Super Mario Maker. Very rarely, if you fling Mario off into a Bottomless Pit, you'll hear him hit the ground, scramble to his feet, hobble out the door, go to a car, start it up and drive off, declaring "Bye-bye!"
  • Any player in Tabletop Simulator can flip the table. Server hosters can disable this.
  • Team Fortress 2 references Rage Quitting in a few places:
    • The Pyro's "BarbeQueQ" achievement is awarded if a player you are Dominating ends up leaving the server you are currently playing in.
    • An achievement for the Spy, "Slash and Burn", is awarded if another player rage-switches to the Pyro class immediately after you kill him.
    • The Scout has a voice clip that says "Yeah, I dare ya, Rage Quit! C'mon, make us both happy!" when he dominates someone or kills them with the Fan-o-War (a low-damage weapon) or the Holy Mackerel (a fish that has a hit counter).
  • Tekken 7 also tracks how often players quit in the middle of a match and applies penalties if it's too often.
  • Invoked in Undertale by the final boss of the No Mercy route. This enemy knows you (as in, the player) can come back from a save after losing a fight, and simply defeating you in battle is therefore not good enough to stop you — they need to make the fight so ridiculously unfair that you give up on beating the boss and stop playing entirely (or at least stop playing that particular path), in a last-ditch effort to save the entire world.
  • In Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, the player can observe a game of chess between genius scientist Set Roth and the mentally-challenged Max Hass. When Max puts Roth into checkmate, the incredulous Roth loses his temper, insults Max’s intelligence, sweeps the pieces off the board, and kicks one for good measure as he storms out of the room.
  • Dickson in Xenoblade Chronicles 1. Right after Shulk delivers a fatal blow and prepares to finish him off he declares they can proceed and he won't try to stop them. He then sits down and mutters to himself that he won't let Shulk see him die, he doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he beat him.
  • The computer can rage quit in You Don't Know Jack, as strange as that sounds. In the earlier games, if someone types in "Fuck You" as an answer to a Gibberish Question or other question with a typed answer, the host will make fun of you and deduct a vast amount of points from the offending player. Do it again, and the host does nothing but makes fun of you for being unoriginal. Do it a third time, and the host gets so pissed that he ragequits the game on you, booting you back to the desktop!
  • In Deep Rock Galactic, the first line of the description for the Glacial Strata biome mentions one of DRG's scientists doing this.
  • In Disney Magic Kingdoms, during the Turning Red Event, Tyler hucked a controller at the TV while playing "Fix-It Felix Fiesta".


  • Clockwork Game provides a historical example.
  • Sarnel of Drowtales was described with the word "Ragequit" when he stormed out of a dinner that had been planned to try and get him and his second cousin Ariel to hook up. It also counted as a Not So Stoic moment for him.
  • In El Goonish Shive, the chapters of the "Sister" Story Arc are named to evoke playing a boardgame, one of them being "Knock the board over".
  • Full Frontal Nerdity once had a short arc featuring a tournament in which the contestants had to continually replay the 1st Edition Dungeons & Dragons module Keep on the Borderlands, with the winner being the last person left after everyone else ragequit. Nelson won but was temporarily unable to remember how to play any games other than First Edition D&D.
  • In Homestuck, when it becomes obvious that Caliborn will win their chess match, Calliope wipes the board and storms away. However, given that she had by all accounts already won and had only technically not by virtue of a very unsportsmanlike (not to mention downright silly) trick Caliborn had played and that she only continued to play in an irritated attempt to humour him, well, it was probably justified.
  • Lackadaisy: In the animated short "Stratagem", Viktor ends up throwing the chessboard because he gets fed up with Mordecai trash-talking his strategy after his every move.
  • Pictured: In one Oglaf strip, the Dwarves' chess-playing golem rage quits after the King makes one move.

    Dwarf: "Yeah, fuck chess!"

    Alt text: King's pawn to under the couch for six months.

  • PvP:
    • One storyline featured Skull the troll, normally Too Dumb to Live, gaining super-intelligence after an electric shock, and besting Brent Sienna in a game of chess:

      Brent: Unlike yourself, I've been playing chess for years. Stop with the Hank McCoy routine and play.

      Skull takes Brent's king.

      Skull: Checkmate.

      Cut to the next panel, featuring a chessboard broken over Skull's head.

      Skull: Spaz.

    • Brent was also implied to be a rage quitter in this strip.
    • Never play chess with an angry panda.
    • Scratch Fury once rage quit because he was winning. Or rather, because his adversary wasn't reacting negatively about losing.
  • This Super Effective comic has Red pull one when Blue chooses the starter Pokemon with type advantage over his.
  • This VG Cats strip provides a handy chart for playing Left 4 Dead.
  • Spoofed in the last panel of this What's New? with Phil and Dixie strip.

Web Original 

  • In Super Mario Galaxy Versus, AttackingTucans triggers the Kaizo Trap at the end of a level. Cue raging.

    AttackingTucans(angry because he got kaizo'ed): "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THIS LEVEL IS A F***ING SLUT! F***ING... SLUAAAH!"

  • In Norman Kochanowski's "PC Spielen" video, his Der Echte Gangster/Leopold Slikk character (otherwise known by most people as Angry German Kid) gets an incredible ragequit by smashing his keyboard when he loses a match in Unreal Tournament 2004.
  • Brad Jones has one when reviewing Rock: It's Your Decision on DVD-R Hell. Brad is mostly having fun at the movie's expense, he announces that he's ending the review early when the main character makes a deeply homophobic statement, his "The Reason You Suck" Speech that followed can be summed up with the line "Kid, go fuck yourself". And this is a man who sat through A Serbian Film despite being horrified by the whole thing. Real Life reason is that Brad's mother is a lesbian, which is why in his eyes, the Designated Hero had crossed the Moral Event Horizon.
  • In Break It to Make It, it is common for a contestant to get frustrated with trying to break an object that they outright give up in a fit of rage.
  • Chuchu, of Cream Heroes fame. Yes, that Chuchu. Claire tries to get her to grab a snack with her paw to give her some exercise but a combination of short legs and poor coordination means Chuchu keeps missing or pushing the snack in the wrong direction. Claire moves the snack closer and closer and eventually pushes the snack through the hole for her. By this point, however, Chuchu has had enough and walks off in a huff.
  • Dashie Games tends to do this in his Super Mario Maker videos, screaming "NEXT!!!" whenever a level is too difficult for him.
  • Epee Em in his Let's Play of the Mega Man Battle Network series. The whole Lets Play for the fourth game in the series featured Epee Em raging at the game's numerous flaws (and keeping track to pass the time and to give some motivation to beat the game). Because the game requires multiple playthroughs to unlock all the post-game content, he used cheat codes to burst through the second and third playthroughs. This triggered the game's No Fair Cheating measures, such as permanently reducing the HP to a base zero, randomly deleting all of the in-game currency and completely glitching out during some minigames. Even so, he strode on. Then the game itself responded by corrupting the save file at the end of the second playthrough.
  • Do NOT make up your own rules while playing a game with Natalie Tran. She will flip your scrabble board.
  • Mario Party TV:
    • Holms tends to threaten this, leading to a Lampshade Hanging during their first 8-Player run on 7's Neon Heights. By the end of that same episode, everyone but Team Dolphin resigns.
    • During the group's play-through of Mario Party 2's Space Land (found on Mr. Doom's YouTube channel), Holms' gambit during a duel minigame against Steeler late in the game failed. Holms, who was not having his best game to begin with, then proceeded to take himself out by setting his controller to the Easy-level CPU.
  • Neil Cicierega's "What's Dylan Grillin'?" features a player trying to ragequit the titular game, only for the game to prevent it, leaving the player with the only option of hurling insults at the game.
  • Party Crashers:
  • Solid jj: Dan ends up attempting this in a match with Masquerade in "Bakugan Was Impossible", due to being completely unable to roll Drago onto the Gate Card. However, he's unable to due to the game requiring either him or Masquerade to win. And the time he does successfully get Drago onto the Gate Card (accidentally no less), he finds out he has to flip said card over, outright telling Masquerade he can just have Drago at that point.
  • Hat Films choose to do this with the adventure map "From Ashes", after getting heavily frustrated with the map's poor design. They decide to Trash the Set on the way out, however.
  • Happened temporarily when InTheLittleWood, Strippin and Sparkles* did a livestream, resulting in Ross and Trott of Hat Films temporarily crashing it. After Sparkles* inadvertently opens his mouth as Ross waves a fake penis in front of it, Sparkles* storms out for a few minutes. He came back, granted.
  • This art student just can't seem to handle criticism very well. Subverted in that the reaction was fake and was in and of itself a performance artwork.

    "Okay, well this is fucking bullshit. I’m sorry, but like, I’ve spent so much of time on these fucking projects", (smashes painting against wall) "This is fucking shit and I fucking hate [inaudible] this fucking class".

  • TryHardNinja sings all the praises of this in "I Just Rage Quit".
  • In the DEATH BATTLE! episode featuring Ragna the Bloodedge and Sol Badguy, Wiz and Boomstick get into a Who's on First? situation concerning the Guilty Gear villain That Man, which pisses off Boomstick so much that he walks off... then comes back, sheepishly admitting that he was wrong and Wiz was right over the name.
  • Destroy the Godmodder: the godmodder's goal is to have everyone rage quit. Permanently. And then when he lost at the end of the first game he rage quit himself.
  • Among the most memorable Rage Quits ever heard came from the Game Grumps during a playthrough of Sonic '06, a game that is still regarded as one of the worst of its time. Throughout the playthrough, Arin and Jon jokingly mock the game for its complicated story, long load times, strange character design, and many, many glitches. However, once they encountered one on a lava stage that sent Knuckles twirling skyward and latched him to the side of a cliff (sort of, with Knuckles "climbing" in midair), Arin. Just. Lost it.
  • In The Guild, Codex unknowingly complains about recent changes to The Game's creator, who gets frustrated with the constant stream of criticism and decides to sell The Game. She spends the remainder of the season trying to talk him out of rage quitting.
  • Hobo Bros: Luke is prone to this when playing Super Mario Maker levels. In one episode, which is even titled "SMG4 (Luke's nickname) RAGE QUITS", he gets so fed up that he has to get up and leave the room in order to stay calm.
  • Jesse Cox goes into a rant-filled Rage Quit while playing Pro Gamer Simulator after a one-two punch of having his character lose a match followed by having his character tempbanned. Jesse is so frustrated that he leaves the computer and goes screaming "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" so loud that it's picked up in Dodger's podcast nearby. For her part, she just finds it funny and talks it over with him as he tries to cool down.
  • The Katy Perry parody music "Don't Mine at Night" (both versions) has a moment where the singer expresses a desire to ragequit. In one of them, the Minecraft game over screen is seen with the mouse over the end game button. In the other, the singer is seen on the computer throwing his hooves up in anger.
  • Perhaps one of the most justifiable Rage Quits was when Kikoskia of Let's Play fame rebooted Action 52 because he was utterly sick of playing Storm Over The Desert (which by that time he'd been playing for a total of nearly 20 minutes, spread over four different videos).
  • Leelee Scaldaferri counts herself as the first person to ragequit Feed Dump, after discovering how much the Jersey Shore cast makes per episode.
  • Obnox OS: Mel has one in the end, where upon hearing that his credit card has been terminated, throws his monitor out of his office.
  • raocow is normally a cheerful person, but when he plays a hard level ... things won't get pretty. In the next episode, he mentioned it as a ragequit.
  • Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter has Rage Quit, where Michael plays through a game, which invariably becomes this trope. Sometimes it's more than justified since he's going in with no instructions — going into Ikaruga without ever knowing how to switch polarities (a key gameplay mechanic and required to even pass Stage 1), for example. Bonus material showed that right after filming his play of Catherine, he flung the Xbox out the window and smashed its remains with a crowbar.
    • Word of Jack says that it was faked as the Xbox thrown out of the window was already broken.
    • He also ragequit Demon's Souls on the title screen.
    • Humorously subverted in the Rage Quit episode on Rage (2011), where Michael's incredibly mellow throughout the video.
    • Subverted another way for "Space Chimps" and "Uncraft Me 2", as he beats these games.
    • Hilariously inverted in the Rage Quit episode on Uproar!, where the game crashes on him, leaving Michael completely dumbfounded and declaring that the game quit on him.
  • In one RWBY Chibi short, Weiss is busy checking over the artwork for certain characters towards the subject, Zwei. When she gets to Ruby and finds out she painted Zwei's butt, she drops her pen and clipboard and walks away, Ruby shouting in indignation.
  • Simon Lane chose to quit his and Lewis Brindley's I Get This Call Every Day playthrough after they were fired three times in a row, shouting "FUCK THIS GAME, I QUIT" and leaving Lewis to awkwardly finish the video. Their Fable III playthrough also ended due to a game-breaking glitch not being fixed after the game was ported to PC, resulting in Simon angrily leaving.
  • SMPLive: When Travis lets Joko get blown up by a creeper:

    Joko: I'M GETTING OFF!!

  • The Spoony Experiment:
    • Spoony's first review of Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge counts as an epic Rage Quit.

      I warn you now that the tale of Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge is long, cryptic, and incredibly stupid. I have never before wasted this much time on a project this pointless, and if you sit through this review, you will truly be stupider for having experienced it.

    • A similar thing happened in his review of The Adventures of Bayou Billy. After slogging through several stages of Nintendo Hard beatdowns, the final straw for him came when he encountered a bunch of enemy mooks who were immune to bullets.
      • "But a bullwhip messes them up!"
    • His review of Ultima IX, while the ending is glossed over, shows that Spoony is clearly done riffing on the game when Dupre comes back from the dead, causing the final "betrayal" to happen.
    • His review of Final Fantasy XIII ends surprisingly not at the very end of the game, but when the Big Bad reveals himself, since the driving force of the game has been the Fal'cie's inability to communicate directly, having to express their wishes through hazy mental images. Except that the Big Bad, himself a Fal'cie, can talk, and has been passing as human for years. He later revealed this to be a fake-out and that he would continue the review; explaining that the Rage Quit in the video was just illustrating that this was the point where he originally got fed up with the game in real life and gave up on it.
    • During the reviews for the Sega CD games Make My Video, he reaches the Kriss Kross one and comes upon a cut scene where the DJ mocks his video (y'know one of those, "try again" things). Spoony instantly ejects the game, throws the CD to the ground, and, to the tune Jump, starts stomping on it.

      Spoony: There! I just made your video, dogg.

  • Pro Starcraft II player Idra has picked up quite a reputation for being a notorious rage quitter. It's not uncommon during a tournament game where Idra will suddenly just quit the game when he's outplayed, even if he has a chance of making a comeback. What also doesn't earn points in his favor is that he hardly ever gives out the customary "gg" when he leaves. Hilarious in Hindsight in that at least twice during major tournaments, he's quit a game that he's essentially won (but felt he was losing), much to the shock of the crowd and play-by-play casters.
  • After opening a canned hamburger, and seeing an unexpected bun, Stuart Ashen loses his cool, drops a Cluster F-Bomb, and leaves in frustration, grumbling, "Right, we're never going to top that, that's it, channel's over", and leaves in indignation (He comes back).
  • After dying at the end of level 2 of Syobon Action, Markiplier angrily decided to stop playing. He immediately and repeatedly describes it as not being ragequitting, though (his excuse being that he ran out of time), when it clearly is.
  • TotalBiscuit, his Stiff Upper Lip withering in the face of Star Wars Battlefront (2015)'s refusal to let him connect to a server (a netcode issue that required tinkering with his router settings to work around until it was patched), finally Rage Quits in understated British fashion here:

    "Oh, bugger this." [quits game]

  • True Capitalist radio broadcasts often end in this, due to Ghost's Hair-Trigger Temper.
  • UberHaxorNova has an entire series dedicated to rage quitting now, he'll keep playing notoriously hard games until he gets to the breaking point. He made it 10 episodes on Super Meat Boy, 3 on I Wanna Be the Guy, 3 on Street Fighter X Tekken, 2 on The Impossible Game and 3 on Aban Hawkins and The 1000 Spikes.
    • On Street Fighter X Tekken, he kept receiving challenges from players online. As a result, he never got past the first level of Arcade Mode.

Western Animation 

  • In a Family Guy Cutaway Gag, after Brian beat Peter at checkers, Peter took the checkerboard, put it in the car, drove the car off a cliff, and shot at it until it exploded.
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot: After Queen Vexus's crumbling sanity forces Smytus to lead the Cluster invasion of Earth (the scheme they had spent the whole series planning) all by himself, the latter angrily takes the Cluster's entire military straight to Earth to try and force the Puny Earthlings to surrender... only for them to instead revolt against the robotic occupiers en masse. Fed up with wasting his life on Vexus's vendetta against Jenny and Earth, Smytus decides to just glass the whole planet from orbit with his armada and be done with it. And when Jenny returns just in time to stop him, he's so consumed with blind rage that he activates his own Self-Destruct Mechanism in a final desperate attempt to kill her.
  • Aku in Samurai Jack has a hilarious one where after his repeated attempts to tell stories that have Aku as the hero and Jack as the villain to children ended up in complete failure, he culminates in a Villainous Breakdown and one last story before teleporting to his lair, greatly annoyed:

    Aku: Enough! Here is the truest tale of all! There was an almighty, all-powerful wizard! And there was a pathetic little samurai! And the wizard DESTROYED HIM! THE END! (leaves)

  • The Simpsons:
    • Subverted when in a Russian district, a losing chess player sweeps the pieces off the board while shouting, but the subtitles reveal that he's simply saying "Good game. How about another?"
    • Played straight in another episode, where Homer is seen playing Chutes and Ladders and ragequitting on the first turn.
  • In Star Trek: Lower Decks episode "I, Excretus", Mariner is put through a simulation of the crew of the Cerritos being put through polywater intoxication as one of many tests. However, upon seeing Lieutenant Shax and Dr. T'Ana clinging to each other, both of them butt naked and the former proclaiming "It's NAKED TIME!", Mariner freaks out and demands the simulation to end, pulling a switch to shoot the three of them out of an airlock.
  • In Tamagotchi Video Adventures, the male of the golfing couple slams down his clubs after being outmatched by Zuccitchi and Kuchipatchi.


    Female Golfer: Darling! It's just a game!

  • Total Drama: In the first episode of World Tour, Duncan becomes fed up that the two people he partnered with (Courtney and Gwen) can't stop arguing throughout the challenge while under the hot sun. He finally loses his patience when Chris demands them to sing another song, which Duncan strongly opposes, and angrily quits the season.
  • Transformers: Prime:
    • Arcee chews out team newbie Smokescreen one time to many. It gets to the point that Smokescreen, having finally had enough promptly leaves the base to "get some air".
    • Wheeljack also has left the Wreckers and Team Prime on account of one Ultra Magnus.
  • WordGirl: When WordGirl figures out the secret to Miss Power's strength and does better in their rematch, Miss Power escapes. She furiously rants that if she leaves of her own free will, it doesn't count as losing.

You know what, I've had enough of this page!
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Nogla struggles to swim

After trying to glitch into an inaccessible spot, Nogla screams and yells while struggling to swim. Eventually after dying, Nogla just leaves the lobby

Alternative Title(s): Rage Quits