Recognition Tropes - TV Tropes
- ️Fri May 09 2014
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I recognize this index! This is an index about tropes involving recognition and identification.
Related to Signature Tropes
Compare Disguise Tropes
- Acquainted in Real Life: People with an anonymous connection or relationship suddenly realize that they know each other.
- Actually, I Am Him
- Actually, That's My Assistant
- Android Identifier: Artificial humans have a special mark to identify them as artificial.
- Badass on Paper
- Best Known for the Fanservice: The main reason people are familiar with this work of fiction is because of fanservice that was featured in it.
- Bluff the Impostor
- Calling Card
- Career-Revealing Trait
- Character-Driven Strategy: A character's personality is reflected in how they play a game.
- Claiming Via Flag: This flag lets you know whether something has been claimed and by whom.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Using colors to tell people or things apart.
- Conspicuous in the Crowd
- Cover-Blowing Superpower
- Cover Identity Anomaly
- Delirious Misidentification
- Distinctive Appearances
- Dress-Coded for Your Convenience
- Expecting Someone Taller
- Facial Composite Failure
- Failed a Spot Check
- Fighting Fingerprint
- Forgotten First Meeting: It's established that two people actually met each other before their assumed first meeting, they just didn't remember it.
- Glasses-and-Ponytail Coverup
- Good and Evil for Your Convenience
- Group-Identifying Feature: Members of a group have a quirk in their clothes or body that signifies them as belonging to that group.
- Have We Met?
- Have We Met Yet?
- I Never Told You My Name
- Iconic Item
- Identical Twin ID Tag: Identical twins have minor differences in appearance to make it easier to tell them apart.
- Imposter Forgot One Detail
- Introduction by Hookup
- MacGuffin Blindness
- Minor with Fake I.D.
- Mistaken from Behind
- Mistaken Identity
- Multiple Identity IDs
- Mysterious Cube of Rubik
- Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize
- No Doubt the Years Have Changed Me
- The Nondescript
- No One Else Is That Dumb
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Someone tries to hide their identity with a disguise that any moron can see through.
- Pet Positive Identification: A domestic animal recognizes their owner easily.
- Recognizable by Sound
- Retroactive Recognition
- Recognition Failure
- Revealing Skill
- Signature Item Clue
- Signature Roar
- Something Only They Would Say
- Sound-Coded for Your Convenience
- Spot the Imposter: Someone is seen with another person impersonating them and that person's friends have to determine who is the real deal and who is the imposter.
- Suspect Is Hatless: Giving a description of a person which is too vague and generic to narrow down who the person could be.
- Tell Me How You Fight
- Thoroughly Mistaken Identity
- Trust Password
- Twin Test: A character is tasked with differentiating between identical siblings by at least one of those siblings.
- Uniformity Exception
- "Wanted!" Poster
- You Look Familiar
- You Might Remember Me from...
- Your Costume Needs Work: The real person is mistaken for a shoddy impersonator.