The Red Mage - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Sep 10 2009
The Red Mage gets the best hat, too.
I am the Red Mage, I can do it all
Both kinds of magic and swordplay too, y'all
So many skills that it takes to be a hero
A jack of all trades, but the master of zero
The "player class" family tree is a large, branching kudzu with enough arms to print several dozen sourcebooks. One such branch is the Red Mage, a magician capable of casting spells from two different or even mutually exclusive schools of magic. Much like a magical Jack of All Stats, this cousin to the Magic Knight fuses two otherwise inimical capabilities and gains strength from both... while mastering neither, and perhaps even gaining both their weaknesses!
Theatrics and balance issues aside, the true wonder and claim to fame of the Red Mage is that they are talented, open-minded, and have trained in a way that allows them to understand and become able practitioners in two fundamentally different forms of magic. Think about it this way: they are the fantasy equivalent of a Renaissance Man or Omnidisciplinary Scientist, skilled multi-disciplinarians of already complex and taxing fields. While some mages scoff at different forms of magic, the Red Mage takes the time to study them, and by learning them becomes truly versatile.
It's not often a single magic user can pull off a Yin-Yang Bomb, after all.
The most common form of Red Mage combines White Mage and Black Mage with a hint of Glass Cannon/Squishy Wizard. In rare cases, they may also be as physically gifted as a Magic Knight or Combat Medic. However, the Red Mage isn't just a swordsperson who picks one school of magic to go with their blade, but just about any two (and sometimes more) schools of magic. Common pairings include: White Magic and Black Magic, Light and Dark, or Fire and Ice (and occasionally another Elemental Power).
If someone is able to master all forms of magic, without limitations or drawbacks, they're likely The Archmage instead (and may also have All Your Powers Combined).
Contrast Crippling Overspecialization and Master of One Magic. See also Class and Level System and Splat. May suffer (and benefit) doubly from Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards. To avoid confusion, the Red Mage may well be a single class with access to spells from different classes, or the result of a magician who has studied in more than one magical tradition. If Unequal Rites are in play, the Red Mage is likely to face serious discrimination from all sides. Compare Hybrid Monster and Hybrid-Overkill Avoidance.
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Anime & Manga
- Agni's Philosophy: Agnis is shown to use both lightning magic and healing magic. This is almost certainly a Mythology Gag for the Final Fantasy series' Trope Namer since it is a tech demo for that franchise.
- Bleach: The Visoreds and Arrancar are this. The former are Shinigami who gained Hollow powers, while the latter are Hollows who gained Shinigami powers.
- Within the Shinigami ranks, it's not at all uncommon to specialize in swordplay, healing kido, or offensive kido. Some characters, however (such as Hinamori), serve as this trope - she admits that she specializes in offensive spellcasting, but she's also a competent swordfighter and a reasonable healer too. She's not as outstanding at the latter two but she can get the job done.
- Cardcaptor Sakura: Clow Reed is one of the most powerful mages in the setting because he combines both eastern and western magic after inheriting each from a parent.
- Delicious in Dungeon: Marcille specializes in offensive magic, but she's proficient enough in healing magic that the party trusts her to serve as their healer until they can rescue their dedicated White Mage. Later events show that she's reasonably well versed in other forms of magic as well, including Black Magic and Necromancy.
- Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: In keeping with the early Dragon Quest games, Sages are rare individuals who have enormous Mana reserves and can use both Mage and Priest spells. To a lesser extent, Heroes are Magic Knights who mainly use Mage spells, but can also learn certain spells available to Priests, and have exclusive access to lightning magic.
- Princess Leona and the Three Sages under her have the Sage class, and are treated mainly as healers who have some weak attack spells.
- By contrast Matoriv is a Sage who leans almost entirely in the "Mage with more mana" direction, to the point where he claims "Sage" is too heavy of a title for him and prefers to be called an Archmage instead.
- Late in the series, the group's mage Popp becomes a sage through Traumatic Superpower Awakening, instinctively casting an incredibly powerful healing spell on someone dying in his arms. Like his mentor Matoriv he prefers the "Archmage" title; unlike Matoriv he makes heavier use of his Priest magic, continuously healing himself to the point of shocking opponents who don't expect a Mage to have so much staying power. As explained soon afterwards, the first hint of Popp's true potential was during the heroes' battle with Crocodine, when Popp managed to produce a small-scale recreation of the Hero Avan's sacred barrier magic without realising that should be impossible.
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid: Rio Wesley has affinity with both fire and lightning. Normally, a mage can only have one type of affinity
Card Games
- Present in Magic: The Gathering when it comes to deck building and the color wheel. As each color has some fairly significant weaknesses, one strategy to cover for them is to add more colors to the deck. For example, if your mono-Green deck is getting trounced by your opponents "big" creatures, add in some White "removal" to take them out. However, adding additional colors requires adding mana sources (typically basic lands) for those colors as well, and a common result is not being able to play your spells reliably. (In the example, you might have the perfect White removal spell in your hand, but only Green-mana producing Forests on the field...) As such, it can be very tricky to find that sweet spot between a predictable mono-colored deck and a cripplingly overspecialzed multi-color deck. That said, the very best decks at the Tournament Play level almost always utilize at least two colors. Tournament matches also last for three rounds and each player is allowed to have a side deck of 15 cards which they can use to tweak their deck to counter whatever strategies the opponent is using.
Fan Works
- Don't Look Back (Polychroma_Izu): rue to canon, Luz, Viney, Jerbo and Barcus all get to study multiple tracks. In addition, Marcy takes up potions, plants and abominations, while Amity decides to study everything like Luz.
- Child of the Storm:
- A requirement of being Sorcerer Supreme is that you must be able to handle and ground black magic without being tempted, making Stephen Strange this trope. He's also proficient in time magic and healing magic, and he mentions having studied at K'un L'un.
- His former apprentice, Wanda Maximoff, is also this trope, both for the reasons mentioned above and because she's literally the Scarlet Witch.
- Zatanna Zatara and both of the above, as well as a few other Archmage types, are proficient in both wandless and wanded magic, which are different styles with a certain amount of crossover.
- Alex Verus: Most mages can do only one type of magic but "hybrid" mages can have some abilities and spells from one discipline and some from another.
- All magicians in All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders are this. There are two types of magic, Healing and Trickster that used to be mutually exclusive. But a few years back it was realized that they were a lot more powerful when combined.
- A Certain Magical Index: Motoharu Tsuchimikado is a talented magician who later became an esper. However, espers are unable to use magic without bursting their blood vessels (which can be fatal), which is why he's the only esper-magician hybrid around — the others died. His Level 0 esper ability slightly mitigates this as it reconnects damaged blood vessels, but it doesn't always work, so he very rarely uses magic. Motoharu usually uses martial arts and guns as a result.
- In the Codex Alera series, being a Red Mage is a cultural marker. Every human on Carna can command some number of Furies, elemental spirits split into six basic types (air, earth, water, fire, metal, and wood), with an Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors scheme of counters between them. The first book takes place in the hinterlands, and we only see characters who have a strong bond with one or sometimes two Furies. Even then, those with two never have opposing combinations like Earth and Air. The second book onward takes place either in the capital city or with characters raised there. City dwelling Alerans command many as five different Furies, though they typically have a weaker bond with each than their rural counterparts. Only the First Lord can command all six elements. This trope seems to be in play because "Knights," are a special subset of military Furycrafters skilled in one particular discipline; we see only one character in the whole series who reaches Knight strength with two Furies, while everyone else has only one.
- Cradle Series:
- Lindon splits his core in two, allowing him to align himself to two Paths simultaneously. Normally this would be Awesome, but Impractical because Lindon still has to build up both cores separately, meaning that he has to spend twice as much effort training as anyone else in order to get full use out of his dual cores. He takes advantage of this by aligning one core to the Blackflame Path (which is incredibly powerful but poisons the user's body and mind with prolonged use) and keeping the other core filled with unaligned "pure" madra (which can't be used to do much on its own, but can be used to cleanse his madra channels of the corruption from Blackflame madra).
- The two penultimate levels of advancement on Cradle are Heralds (who have merged their body and soul into a single entity to vastly increase the power of their Supernatural Martial Arts) and Sages (who have connected with one of the Icons that undergird reality). A Monarch (the pinnacle of power on Cradle) is simply someone who is both a Herald and a Sage.
- In the Craft series by Aleks Kosh (Ремесло, Алекс Кош), the local Wizarding School is divided into 4 faculties by the classical elements. During the admission exam, each candidate capable of magic sees a Rubik's cube-style puzzle and usually manages to solve only one of the sides, choosing the element. Zach, the protagonist, feels pity towards all the messed up sides of the puzzle and reassembles them all, later showing no clear preference for any given element.
- Rick Riordan's short story The Crown of Ptolemy (A crossover between Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Kane Chronicles) reveals that Greek demigods become ridiculously powerful when given access to Egyptian magic. This makes the main characters realize that the two societies should be kept separate.
- In Dancing Flame by Valentin Ivashchenko (Танцующее Пламя, Валентин Иващенко) a necromancer, suffering because of common Black Magic preconceptions, figures out a system of Geometric Magic granting anybody access to any magic, thus turning people into red mages of all kinds.
- A Dearth of Choice:
- The dungeon lives in a setting where life magic is inextricable from death magic, and chose to specialize in both for lack of better options. Part of what that magic means is that he can bring life to people on the brink of death and that even his undead minions have a touch of sentience and personality in them.
- Katrina inherits the dungeon's life/death affinity, so all the spells she can cast are dual-sided in some way or come in complimentary pairs. An example is "Ebb and Flow" which shields and heals ally targets and dehydrates enemies.
- Eskarina Smith in Discworld is a witch who is also a wizard, combining two forms of magic that, if not exactly antithetical, are generally considered to require fundamentally different ways of looking at the world (not to mention the gender issues).
- In Dragon Keeper Chronicles, Regidor is an example of this, mixed with Lightning Bruiser and One Hero, Hold the Weaksauce. Most wizards have one power, say Light Magic, Sound Magic, or Swamp Magic. Regidor, by the time he turns twenty, is better at each of these than centuries-old wizards who have specialized in them. Of course, he is a Meech Dragon.
- Dragonlance: The Order of the Red Robes are not this, despite fitting the color scheme; Raistlin, the most iconic member of their order, is strictly a Black Mage. The color of their robes only refers to their alignment — Neutral, rather than Good (White), or Evil (Black). In a metatextual sense, one can see them serving as Red Mages—the Trope Namer, at that—in the sense they can use both Good and Evil spells, but they remain incapable of healing and divine magic, as these are clerics-only miracles.
- In The Dresden Files, one of the requirements for being an actual Wizard is having some ability to use every non-forbidden branch of magic. Obviously there exist other requirements, but people who are limited to a single talent, like summoners, are automatically barred, in the same way universities don't give out doctorates of chemistry to people who can only make explosions.
- Fate/Zero: Kirei Kotomine is shown to have trained in nearly every discipline of magic, switching when he's just below the point of mastery. Though this was more a result of him Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life than any desire to be an all-rounder.
- In The Gods Are Bastards, Elven headhunters can use any of the four kinds of magic at will, utterly wrecking the system of relative advantages and disadvantages and rendering them nigh-unstoppable.
- In I Left the A-Rank Party, Red Mages are Support Magic wielders with few to none offensive options. This makes them not very popular among fellow adventurers. The main character, Yoke, ends up getting fed up with the lack of respect from his party companions and quits.
- Legends of Ithyria: The priestesses of Ithyris can use offensive and defensive magic equally well.
- In The Lightbringer Series, magic is based on the spectrum of light. Most drafters (magic users) have access to a single color. A small number of drafters have two, and even fewer have three or more of the eleven possible colors. Having at least three different colors is rare enough that drafters are referred to as "monochrome," "bichrome," or "polychrome." Multichromatic drafters tend to have access to colors right next to each other in the visible light spectrum (or just beyond it, in the cases of chi(X-rays), superviolet(ultraviolet), subred(infrared), and peryl(microwaves); these come with the Required Secondary Powers of being able to restrict or dilate the pupils to normally inhuman degrees). Each color has its own unique powers and a corresponding luxin with unique properties. The end result is that certain forms of magic wind up associated with each other, but rare bichrome and polychrome drafters can combine elements normally thought to be diametrically opposed, like flammable red and sturdy blue.
- A Mage's Power: Basilard is skilled in many forms of magic from standard Black Magic to White Magic to his clan's unique Blood Magic, but his illusion magic is as bad as a novice mage. He's about twenty years older than his students, so he's had time to study, and it's all basically Rule Magic anyways.
- In The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently in His Second Life, Zeff's specialty is that he switches between multiple magic styles rather than becoming a Master of One Magic like in his last life.
- Mistborn: The Original Trilogy:
- The titular Mistborn are Allomancers who can use the power of any metal, unlike Mistings who have access to only a single metal. They're just a strong as a normal misting with any particular ability, but having access to all 10 metals ( actually 16) means that they typically are far less practiced in the application of a particular ability than someone with access to only that ability.
- The Lord Ruler in particular is both a full Mistborn and a Feruchemist (The only known person to ever have the full set of both) and is functionally immortal as a result, as well as having supersonic speed, superhuman strength, and a laundry list of other powers.
- In The Night Angel Trilogy, male and female mages (called mages and maja, respectively) have slightly different powers and limitations. Meanwhile, the northern nation of Khalador uses the Vir, a form of Black Magic gifted by their patron deity, Khali, Goddess of Suffering. There aren't any mage/maja Red Mages in the setting, but two of the God-King of Khalador's bastard children where trained in southern magic. One is a Mage with access to the Vir, the other a maja/Vir Red Mage. Interestingly, it's implied that the Vir is most effective in those who have a talent for traditional magic, but that using the Vir effectively destroys said talent. It initially causes the user's talent to grow precipitously, but this stretches it to the point of breaking, making a former Vir user drastically reduced when using southern magecraft.
- In the Old Kingdom books, the Abhorsens are the only mages to use both Charter Magic and Free Magic. To be precise, they are the only ones who should as all others tend to turn evil and ultimately discard Charter Magic along the way.
- The Quest of the Unaligned:
- The titular unaligned mages are capable of using all four elemental magics as a result of an ancient pact with the land of Caederan, whereas all other well, almost all other mages are restricted to one element. However, every time an unaligned uses a given element, he becomes slightly stronger at that element and slightly weaker at its opposite. For this reason, unaligned tend to have a weak ability in all four elements.
- There are also orahs and hosheks, which get outside the elements entirely to become attuned to pure Light and Darkness respectively. They have power equal to that of a full aligned mage in each element, and orahs have demonstrated the ability to combine aspects of different elements into the same spell, something even unaligned can't do.
- Saga of Recluce: The Grey Mages/Druids master both Order-magic and Chaos-magic, seeing them as two aspects of the universe's basic structure.
- In Shadow of the Conqueror, Daylen Namaran is this, relative to other Lifebinders. His lack of experience means that he doesn't know how to specialize and can't match a dedicated Archknight in their chosen field, but having four bonds instead of three means that he's well above average in every type of Lifebinding and has more ways to creatively combine his different powers.
- In Skulduggery Pleasant, most mages are Master of One Magic after their magical puberty called the Surge though there are exceptions;
- Elemental Powers are the most common discipline and the mage gets access to all four elements rather than just one. Skulduggery specifies that a mage becomes Elemental automatically if he doesn't specify in a discipline before his Surge.
- Some rare mages are "magically ambidextrous" where they have two disciplines like Skulduggery having Elemental magic and necromancy. This is implied to run in families as Skulduggery mentions an ancestor with three disciplines and his brother, Carver says all the siblings are ambidextrous to some degree. He thinks they inherited this from their father who later became a Reality Warper after making a Deal with the Devil.
- Young mages who haven't gone through their Surge yet aren't locked into one discipline but since each discipline takes years of training to master, they're rarely good at more than two.
- Protagonist, Valkyrie Cain spent most of the series pre-Surge with Elemental magic and Necromancy. After the Surge she had a new unheard of discipline that started as a combination of Shock and Awe and Psychic Powers before becoming New Powers as the Plot Demands including the ability to temporarily copy a better version of other mages' powers.
- Mages who learn and seal their true names before anybody else does it for them are reality warpers who can do pretty much anything. Argeddion can even copy other mages' powers by watching them once.
- Some magical disciplines have a sub-discipline that can be learned alongside it. The only example we get is Tanith Low who got to learn how to lock and unlock doors as a sub-discipline of her ability to walk up walls. She could have chosen to just learn wall-walking which would be faster than learning both.
- Slayers:
- Rezo the Red Priest. After failing to heal his eyes with white magic, he turns to shamanic magic, and eventually black magic. His attempts usually end up with him being possessed by the demon that was sealed inside him before he was born.
- Shamans in general can be considered this. They are the setting's true masters of Elemental Powers, with magical control over Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Lightning, Ice and Spirit. What makes them more than just an elemental version of the Black Mage, however, is that shamanic magic is also utility spells as well as blasting, with spells like breathing water, flight, dispelling magic, breaking curses, creating physical barriers, etcetera. In fact, Word of God is that White Mages are actually practicing a very specialised form of Astral Shamanism, which means they're basically Red Mages who forgo the elemental attack spells for healing spells.
- Star Wars Legends:
- Jacen Solo thinks he can become this if he can wield both Light and Dark sides of the Force for good. It is totally subverted, as by the end of Legacy of the Force, it's fairly obvious Dark Is Evil.
- Luke, however, manages to play this trope straight, as he studies most of the same traditions Jacen did (except the Sith, obviously), and stays in the Light. It's explained that studying all of the other Force traditions didn't actually cause Jacen to be evil — what happened was that he thought he could treat the Dark Side like just another technique.
- On the other hand, the so-called Grey Jedi (Kyle Katarn from the Dark Forces series is a good example) fit the trope better, rejecting the philosophy of the Jedi (which involves constant control/restraint of the emotions) while avoiding the It's All About Me philosophy of the Sith.
- Knights Radiant in The Stormlight Archive are all Red Mages. Each of the ten orders has a different combination of two of the ten surges, plus a narrower unique surge that is a combination of their abilities. This is in contrast to their Evil Counterpart, the Fused. Fused are a Master of One Magic, and have only nine total powers (the surge of Adhesion originates from Valor, their sworn enemy).
- Sword of Truth: Richard can use both Additive Magic, which can create, and Subtractive Magic, which can destroy things, completely. He is the first wizard in 3,000 years to be born like that, ever since a group of wizards sealed the Subtractive Magic away... too much of a Game-Breaker.
- In the award-winning Way Home series by V. Zykov (Дорога домой, В. Зыков ) one of the POV characters, K'irsan, is the only known mage to combine the magics of the 3 precursor species — the reptarkhs (lizard people), the reptokhorses (reptilian centaur people) and the "logi", multiverse-travelling dragonlike predators.
Tabletop Games
- Neo-Mages in Age of Aquarius. Normally a mage believes in some kind of spirits and derives his power from them, be it Goetic demons for Hermetic Magic, Norse gods for Rune Magic, nature spirits for shamanism, etc. But you can believe in a Fantasy Kitchen Sink world and be able to use spells from all traditions. The drawback? You only get the most basic spells and abilities.
- Ars Magica: At its heart, Bonisagus' magic theory theoretically gives all Hermetic magi, the standard magic using player character in the game, the potential to become this. However, in Ars Magica, magic is not a science, but an art, different individuals have different ways of working magic. The game strongly suggests that all magi characters have at least some form of Hermetic flaw, to represent imperfect understanding. Nevertheless, one of the strengths of Hermetic magic is that it is very broad in what can be learned, though the greatest heights can still be reached by specializing. Although certain non-hermetic traditions can break certain rules of Hermetic Magic, they do so at the cost of extreme specialization, usually also requiring a disproportionate amount of time of study to be able to create such effects.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- Most spellcasters have access to multiple schools of magic that cover a broad range of effects. Divine spellcasters in particular (such as cleric and druid) tend to have access to offensive spells, Summon Magic, healing and utility magic, along with decent physical combat ability.
- Clerics who worship gods of magic can choose the Magic domain (and/or similar domains such as Rune, Spell, and Divine Magician), adding a number of spells to their repertoire which are normally limited to wizards. The "Sword of the Arcane Order" feat has a similar effect for paladins and rangers, giving them the ability to cast spells as wizards but limited to their existing (very limited) spell slots.
- Multiclassing between multiple spellcasting classes can achieve this effect, as can a number of Prestige Classes which progress multiple types of spellcasting at once (most famously the Mystic Theurge, designed for cleric/wizards). However, the result is almost always a Master of None — such a character learns stronger spells more slowly, can still only cast a single spell per turn, and his two types of magic generally rely on different stats and have different restrictions which don't synergise well (e.g. clerics are capable of wearing armor without it interfering with their magic, but a cleric/wizard who wears armor cannot cast his wizard spells). The main niche of such characters is that, since their two magics draw on different power sources, they can cast more spells in a row without running out.
- The Eldritch Theurge and Eldritch Disciple combine the abilities of a warlock with arcane or divine magic respectively. Unlike the standard theurges they can combine their two types of magic together, learning to imbue the effects of the warlock's Eldritch Blast into their spells or vice versa.
- The Geomancer is similar to Mystic Theurge in that it requires both arcane and divine spells to enter. However, rather than advancing both types of spellcasting at once, it allows the caster to mix-and-match properties of both kinds of magic. Casting wizard spells in armor? Done. Powering divine spells through Intelligence instead of Wisdom? Done.
- The True Necromancer has a lot of the qualities of the Mystic Theurge, except with a specialty in Necromancy. However, it pretty much forces the character take levels in Cleric (since it requires access to the Death domain, which can generally be acquired only through Cleric levels or other prestige classes). The class is largely derided for combining the weaknesses of Crippling Overspecialization with Master of None as it trades casting progression in both classes for necromancy-related abilities that are typically less powerful and less versatile than actual spellcasting.
- The Rainbow Servant prestige class's capstone ability allows an arcane caster to learn and cast cleric spells, with any spells not on the sorcerer/wizard list being learned as divine spells.
- The Dread Necromancer is a single player class that blends some of the abilities of divine and arcane casters with a twist all its own and manages to be a Red Mage with Crippling Overspecialization. Its spell list includes spells from both the cleric and wizard spell lists (with a focus on necromancy, death, destruction, evil, and fear), but is fixed to a small list of spells that cannot be changed... unless one becomes a Rainbow Servant: because the Dread Necromancer knows all the spells on their spell list, the Rainbow Servant capstone adds all cleric spells to the list of spells known.
- Yet another Red Mage in this setting are Bards. They cast arcane spells like a sorcerer (albeit at a slower pace), but with an unusual spell list that includes healing magic and some unique tricks like modify memory. For extra crimson, they also have average-ish combat abilities and rogue skills. D&D bards were actually the inspiration for the Red Mage, possibly making them the Trope Maker. However, one big difference between the Red Mage and Bard is the selection of overtly offensive spells. Red Mages in Final Fantasy have access to spells like fire, blizzard, and thunder, which would be evocation when translated to D&D, while Bards don't do a lot of that, if any. That isn't to say they don't gain access to offensive spells, but they don't really have the selection of those the FF Red Mage has.
- Shamans from Oriental Adventures get their own unique spells, Cleric spells such as healing, Druid spells such as Summon Nature's Ally and even domains which can give them offensive spells not on their spell list.
- Introduced in 3rd edition's Heroes of Horror, the Archivist can be this role too. This class is more of a divine wizard and can learn any divine spells, including Druid and Cleric Domain spells, and maybe even more depending on the DM. This gives them a lot of different options. Besides buffing and healing spells from the Cleric spell list, they can get summon spells (Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally), battlefield control (the druid spell Entangle) and direct attack spells (Produce Flame, etc), though the latter options are nowhere near as expansive as an arcane caster.
- Ironically, the Forgotten Realms campaign setting features a class called the Red Wizard who is the complete opposite of this trope: he's a very focused specialist.
- In 4th edition it is possible to make this. The Artificer is a leader, the wizard is a controller... combine the two and you have the potential for +5 in melee and ranged attacks, AND healing (though more limited than the straight-up Artificer... does that class qualify alone?)
- Hybrid or multiclass Swordmage/Artificer gets you even more stabbing, and the Swordmage bit lets you teleport everywhere imaginable whilst shielding your party from an enemy. Also works well with Wizard, but Defender/Leader is a good combination.
- If you go for the Divine Version of this, there's Cleric|Invoker or Invoker|Paladin. If you go for Primal, the Shaman is basically this by himself, but the Druid's high Heal checks give him a bonus there. Heck, the Warlord can also be this and the Bard comes close by himself, but truly shines with Bard|Warlock in this.
- The 5th Edition version of the Favoured Soul, the Divine Soul, is the most direct Red Mage to date. As a Sorcerer subclass, they gain full access to arcane spellcasting. However, their bloodline ability allows them to draw freely from the Cleric's spell list. The result is a character that can combine Arcane and Divine Magic with ease, but lacks the broad selection of a Wizard or Cleric.
- Games Workshop games:
- Warhammer:
- If a given book has more than one set of spells, or a character can choose from all of the core Lores, then they qualify as a Red Mage. The Game system innately penalizes players trying to go Red Mage however as, due to how you select spells (rolling a dice and consulting the chart), selecting from multiple lores means that you have a smaller chance of landing on the spell you want. Concentrating on one lore means that you'll not only gain more spells from that lore but also stand a higher chance of getting the stuff you want.
- Grey Seers of the Skaven, who are able to combine spells from both Lores in the Skaven army book, whereas the Warlock Engineers can only select spells from the Lore of Ruin and the Plague Priests can only select spells from the Lore of Plague.
- Kairos Fateweaver, a Greater Daemon can theoretically know spells from all eight of the standard Lores at once. Four lores per head.
- Perhaps the most classic example is the High Elf Loremaster of Hoeth, a character who has access to the signature spells from all eight lores of magic at once as well as formidable swordsmanship skills. Teclis, High Loremaster of Hoeth and the best wizard in the game, can choose to have one spell from each lore too, but if he does so then he chooses whichever spell he likes, rather than automatically getting the signature spell (though his swordsmanship is pretty feeble!).
- Slann Mage-Priests with the Wandering Deliberations upgrade know the basic spell for all eight of the default Lores of Magic allowing them to use spells to shoot holy fireballs from their eyes, regenerate wounds and weaken enemy troops.
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Whereas wizards master one Wind of Magic, witches can learn spells from any of the Winds. The tradeoff of their more unstructured practice is that they're limited to the less advanced spells and have to learn them one at a time for an inflated XP cost.
- Necromunda:
- The Wyrd Hired Guns from the 1st and 2nd Editions of the game randomly generated two Psychic Powers, one from their primary focus (pyromancy, telepathy or telekinesis) and one random minor power. This could lead to a Pyro Wyrd being able to throw fireballs, as well as heal his comrades with a touch of his hands; or a Telepath Wyrd being able to induce hallucinations in the enemy, whilst also being able to stop time for a limited period.
- The Witches from the 3rd Edition Chaos Cult gangs have access to list of psychic powers including offensive powers such as 'Scouring' (which causes hellfire to erupt from the Witch's hands and burn enemies) as well as defensive powers such as 'Dark Shield' (which protects the Witch and his allies from harm) so is able to develop into a Red Mage after gaining experience.
- Warhammer:
- Ironclaw has a number of mage-knight careers: paladins can fight and cast white magic, warlocks are elementalists who can fight, and witch finders counter spells with thaumaturgy then bash heads in. But there aren't any careers that include more than one school of magic, it's impossible under 2nd Ed rules as most "Apprentice" gifts require the gifts of Literacy and the specific "Trappings" associated with that school and careers have only three attached gifts. But it's completely possible for a starting character to spend their three "free" gifts on an additional school of magic or buy them later in the campaign for XP. In fact, Elementalists are arguably better at thaumaturgy than elementalism because they don't get a career bonus to any of the skills associated with elemental magic (digging, presence, swimming, weather sense) but they do get a bonus to supernatural which is used for thaumaturgy. But that's XP they could be spending on higher level spells or improving the associated skills.
- Elemental magic is a bit of a special case. The Elemental Apprentice gift gives access to the apprentice spells of all four elements but they all use different traits and skills so it's difficult to be effective in all of them. And Journeyman and Master spells are taken as individual gifts and the spell lists for each element is half as long as the list for any other school of magic. But then there's the Secret Star Magic of the Dunwasser Academy, which requires knowledge of at least one journeyman spell of each element to learn, among others.
- Made extremely simple in the Legend System. Each class has three "tracks", or sets of abilities. To multiclass you simply replace one track with a track from another class. An appropriate Red Mage build is Tactician with Tactical Insight swapped out for Shaman spellcasting, and maybe the player's choice of a combat track from one of the warrior classes.
- Pathfinder has much the same situation as 3.5, with the absence of prestige classes that aren't the Mystic Theurge or (with 3rd party materials) the Cerebremancer. It also has the Arcanist base class, which is a hybrid of sorcerers and wizards with some special tricks with magic, both in terms of mechanics (they prepare a set of spells from a spellbook like wizards, and then uses the prepared spells as a known spell list to cast spontaneously from like sorcerers) and in terms of the fluff (they are described as, essentially, people with the sorcerous knack for magic who decided to control and channel that inherent power through wizard-style scholarly magic).
- 7th Sea splits each school of Sorcery into three tiers. Sorcery is hereditary and mostly divided among nationalities. A player can pay 40 points during character creation to be a full-blooded Sorceror, able to eventually rank up into the second and third tiers. Alternately, they can pay 20 points and only ever have access to the first tier, no matter how much XP they funnel into their sorcerous knacks. This trope comes into play because the rules specifically allow a character with parents from different sorcerous bloodlines to be half-blooded in each.
- A later book introduced the ability to have as many as four Sorceries, including some of them at full strength. This is due to bizarre inbreeding experiments, and comes with significant drawbacks for the character.
- Because magic in Spheres of Power is separated into thematically linked abilities (the titular spheres) rather than spell lists, you can make one relatively easily by investing equally in the Life and Destruction spheres, or in the Protection and Death spheres.
- 13th Age has Chaos Mages, spellcasters with greater versatility and damage output potential compared to other magic users, but limited control over what spells will be available on any given turn. Chaos Mages cycle randomly through Attack spells for damage, Defense for healing and buffs, and Iconic for any array of options including teleportation.
Video Games
- Absinthia:
- Thomas is the party's main mage, and can use both offensive and healing spells. He also has the low defenses and HP one would expect of his class.
- Freya can use thunder magic, healing magic, and physical damage skill, albeit with the stats of a physical tank.
- In Academagia, your character can easily become this during the game. They can learn just about any combination of the different magic skills, including with the right circumstances the forbidden magic of Gates and Mastery, and the only real limitation is the finite school year.
- in the Advance Wars series, Andy, and to a certain extent characters like Adder (a CO with normal stats for all units). In Dark Conflict, every CO has equal firepower/defense ratings for all units, except if the CO is present on the battlefield.
- Albion:
- Sira has a wide variety of available spells, from attacking to healing to causing or removing Status Effects. With decent combat abilities too, she's sort of the character who can do everything.
- Mellthas also has a mix of spells, although less impressive. He has a more powerful basic healing spell than Sira, but mainly you'll want to use him for banishing demons.
- Astral Awakening: Veleth is an Erran Cipher who can use the offensive telekinesis and healing spells that Klein and Ellemine used respectively, though she doesn't have their endgame skills.
- The Baldur's Gate series has Cleric/Mage multiclasses, playable by gnomes and half-elves. Two NPCs, Quayle in the first game and Aerie in the second game, are of this type.
- As multiclasses they can use both cleric and mage spells, but since their XP is divided in two (half to each class) each class will usually be 2-3 levels below the single-class clerics and mages in the party (at least until Throne of Bhaal, where the Absurdly High Level Cap means Aerie becomes essentially a max-level cleric and a max-level mage for the price of one character slot). They can also benefit from synergies between the two types of magic, such as wearing the arcane Robe of Vecna to improve the casting speed of divine spells.
- They also get a mixed but overall pretty good deal on equipment. They lose the Mage's ability to wield darts and daggers, but clerics have access to much better melee weapons in the form of hammers and morning stars. They also lose most of the cleric's armor options if they want to cast arcane spells, but they have access to mage robes that provide good protection, and can still wear helmets (which a pure mage couldn't).
- Averted by actual Red Mages in Battle for Wesnoth, who are pretty standard Glass Cannon fire-casters. Played straight by Saurian Augurs and Oracles, who are fast and agile, half-decent in melee, have strong ranged spells and some healing ability. Also, Mages of Light, though they are more Combat Medic oriented.
- Red Mages in the Spiritual Successor of Final Fantasy V, Bravely Default, function in a similar manner, although since everyone can take multiple turns by default, their main secondary ability is to be able to gain BP in a variety of situations: randomly when getting hit, after defeating an enemy, when inflicted with a Status Effect, when low on HP, and when evading an enemy attack. However, unlike in Final Fantasy V, Red Mages can actually be a viable class to use with the right builds and their skillset: "B/W Magic", which would normally be useless, is preferable over simply giving a character both "Black Magic" and "White Magic" due to how the Job system works in that game.
- The Red Mage returns in Bravely Default II with an overhauled design: instead of the Fire, Ice, Lightning trio of the Black Mage or the Restoration stat-based Cure spells of the White Mage, the Red Mage gains Aero and Stone magic, fixed-value Heal spells, and the ability to add status effects to elemental damage depending on the element used. The result is a job that pairs very well with the Black Mage instead of serving as a substitute for one.
- Charlie Murder has Charlie himself fulfilling this purpose. His spell list tends to mix offensive and defensive spells together.
- Dark Souls 3 retains the previous games' use of Intelligence to power Sorcery and Faith to power Miracles. Unlike the previous two games, Pyromancy now requires investment in both. The result is that a character focusing on Pyromancy will also be able dip into either of the other schools of magic, albeit less effectively than a character who specialized in one or the other. There are many utility Miracles that are worth committing a single spell slot to, and some late game bosses are resistant to Fire and Dark (the only damage types Pyromancy can deal) but weak to Miracle Lightning and/or Sorcery Magic damage.
- In Disgaea getting healers attack spells via either the reincarnation system or the pupil system is key to leveling them up decently (they don't gain XP from healing, leaving the only other option being combo attacks)
- Those games also feature single-element mages (fire, ice, wind, and star). Level them up enough and the prism mage (master of the first three elements) and galaxy mage (all four) unlock... But note that the prism and galaxy mages don't learn the highest-level spells in each element (at least not without using the pupil system).
- For that matter, EVERY character in Disgaea can be the Red Mage with enough time. If you want to level and reincarnate them enough, a character can know every single spell and have maxed out proficiencies in every single weapon, at which point the only question is what kind of stat growth you want them to have.
- The Enchanter class in Divinity: Original Sin II is a hybrid class based around debilitating enemies with status effects and crowd control while buffing and healing allies.
- The Hydrosophist and Summoning skills both contain a mix of healing, buffing, and direct damage. Hydrosophist also includes the unique crowd control debuffs of Chilled and Frozen, with Frozen being one of the few ways to make a target skip their entire turn. For its part, Summoning gets soft crowd control via the Incarnate (which can be infused with another skill to gain a knock down ability, that being the other debuffs that skips the target's turn) and totems that deal damage based on the surface they're summoned on. Most of these can inflict a debuff associated with their damage type.
- In Video Game/{[Dominions}} many of the mages have skill in two or more paths of magic, and certain spells make use of this by requiring the mage have skill in two paths to cast, such as the Enliven Gargyole spell that needs a mage that knows both Earth and Air.
- Most healers in Dota 2 actually fall into this category, having both damage-dealing and healing spells. This includes Treant Protector, Dazzle, Witch Doctor and Winter Wyvern.
- Dragon Age:
- In Dragon Age: Origins, there is no traditional RPG-style "Cleric" class, because the church in the game disapproves of magic and its clergy has no supernatural powers. Healing spells get left to Mages, who can access four different schools of magic, with Creation being the one for healing. Interestingly, there's no extra benefit to sticking to just one school or penalty for dabbling in more than one, other than a limited number of skill points available. So basically every Mage PC is a Red one, with variations depending on whether offense or healing is emphasized in the build. Even a character who takes nothing but nuke spells can still take the Spirit Healer specialization. And if you take the Arcane Warrior specialization, you can be a literal Final Fantasy-style Red Mage, using your Magic stat to be able to wield swords and wear heavier armor while still casting spells. This is gimped made somewhat inconvenient by the fact that some spells take longer to cast while wielding a weapon other than a staff, and that heavier armor imposes a fatigue penalty, which increases mana cost for spellcasting.
- It's possible but less feasible in Dragon Age II, as a fully balanced healer-nuker requires a mode-shift that leaves half of your spell investment unusable. A Black Mage can learn and make good use of light healing, but a Healer can't cast direct damage spells. Anders is an example of extreme impracticality; not only can he not sling attack magic while his great healing talents are active, he also can't heal himself or others while amplifying his damage spells. That said, there are still some straight examples; Player Character Hawke's sister, Bethany, has a rather even selection of restorative, destructive, buffing, and debuffing spells in her spell trees, while Mage!Hawke can heal their allies and, with the right talents, extend their Arcane Shield to encompass them, all while flinging fireballs at enemies like there is no tomorrow.
- Dragon Quest:
- Dragon Quest II: The Princess of Moonbrooke learns several healing spells a few buffing spells, and the most powerful offensive magic in the game.
- Dragon Quest III has this with the Sage, who has all the spells of the Mage and Cleric, with most of their equipment, but more physically-based equipment as well.
- This is a common occurrence in the series, though execution varies. In Dragon Quest VII, they're a Prestige Class that supplements the Priest/Mage spells they already have with more powerful abilities, and in Dragon Quest IX, they keep the weaker Priest/Cleric spells while gaining a unique pool of attack spells (not to mention the only guaranteed resurrection spell.)
- Rab in Dragon Quest XI is a textbook example. He has a useful mix of offensive, healing, and status spells, but doesn't quite have the wide variety of both kinds that Veronica and Serena have, and his Magical Might and Magical Mending stats are lower than the two specialists. He is also the strongest physical fighter of the three dedicated mages, but the weakest physical fighter out of the six physically oriented heroes.
- This is actually the standard for mages in Duel Savior Destiny with the sole shown exceptions of Lily and possibly Lobelia. Thus, mages like Rico are perfectly capable of dishing it out and covering some healing, though they usually leave that stuff to local white mage Berio.
- Dungeon Crawl:
- Hedge Wizards start with spells from multiple schools (helping them avoid Crippling Overspecialization), but at the expense of being able to specialize in a single school early on (leaving them ill-equipped to deal with enemies their grab bag of spells can't handle). They also have a little less intelligence than other mage backgrounds at the start.
- With enough experience, any character may pick up a general grounding in any combination of martial abilities and schools of magic, though this often renders high-powered spells or equipment available to specialists unusable until very late in the game.
- Elden Ring:
- Sir Gideon Ofnir lives up to his title of 'The All-Knowing' by knowing both sorceries and incatations; notably, the spells he can cast indicate that he must have at least 60 Intelligence (for Comet Azur), 42 Faith (Black Flame Tornado), and 17 Arcane (Bloodboon).
- The Haligtree Knights can use both limited, Intelligence-based Glintstone spells, and the Sacred Order incantation to cover their weapons in holy power - fitting for knights sworn to a demigod who accepts people from all walks of life.
- The Elder Scrolls:
- Given the series Class and Level System setup in which you increase skills through use, you can easily become one of these by casting enough Destruction and Restoration spells (or by taking training in those skills). You can even expand it further with other schools of magic, including Conjuration, Illusion, Alchemy, Alteration, and/or Mysticism, making you something of a magical Master of All in the end.
- Through Oblivion, several of the series' default classes come with Destruction and Restoration set as Major/Minor skills, including the Mage, Crusader, and Spellsword.
- Skyrim does away with default classes, as well as Major/Minor skills, going instead with a Skill Scores and Perks system. It does, however, give you a healing spell and a fire spell right away at the start of the game for free. Aspiring mages can easily use these to start down the path of a Red Mage if they so choose. Additionally, for the first time in the series, they can be dual-wielded (one spell in each hand).
- In Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, the Druid class learns a selection of low-level spells from both the Wizard and Mender spell lists in addition to having a few unique spells of their own. Like the Red Mages of some Final Fantasy games, they can equip more diverse equipment and eventually gain the ability to cast two spells per turn, albeit at reduced power. There is also the Anatomist class, exclusive to Yates, which combines single-target healing magic with powerful dark-elemental attack spells.
- Final Fantasy:
- Final Fantasy brings us the Trope Codifier in the first game as a mix of all the classes. After their upgrade, they can use white and black magic up to level 7 (out of 8), except for a few exclusives, as well as a wide variety of weapons and armor.
- Final Fantasy II lets you develop characters without restriction, hence Red Mages being a typical choice. With the game's Stat Grinding system, a Red Mage will have greater versatility at the cost of lower individual stats and skills than a character who focuses on fewer disciplines.
- In the Soul of Rebirth bonus mode added in the remakes, the red-clad Scott joins with solid sword ability and a mix of healing and elemental attack spells.
- Final Fantasy III brings back the job system, and with it the Red Mage. This time around, they are much weaker though, and quickly fall behind once the level 3 spells become obsolete. There is also the Sage class, one of two hidden jobs, that can learn all three forms of magic and has one disadvantage: Limited charges.
- Final Fantasy IV has several; Rydia, Tellah, and FuSoYa can all use both white and black magic, though neither Tellah nor FuSoYa stick around long. While Rydia loses her white magic early on, she still counts after she returns, as she is able to cast spells from two different schools of magic: Black magic and Summon magic.
- Final Fantasy IV: The After Years has Leonora, who is able to learn Black Magic after a plot event and begins with natural White Magic learning ability (which she emphasizes).
- Final Fantasy V has Red Mages as one of the jobs again, but slightly more useful than in III. Red Mages eventually learn the Dualcast skill (after considerable grinding), which allows them to cast two spells at once. While Red Magic itself is still limited to a combination of Black and White Magic up to level 3, Dualcast can also be used with other schools of magic, which can break the game if used properly.
- The job system also allows any class to become a pseudo-Red Mage by mixing magic commands, so you can have a Black Mage with Time Magic, or a Knight with Summon abilities if you want.
- Final Fantasy VI: Terra is a good example: Red outfit, can naturally learn both healing and attack magic, has access to the best equipment of the game. In her case, she is not a Jack of all trades but a Person of Mass Destruction. Celes is also a candidate (she has access to all the same equipment as Terra, and is the only other character to learn magic naturally), but with less raw power (while Terra's unique ability is a powerful but time-limited Super Mode, Celes can absorb magic once per turn).
- Thanks to the Esper system, most of the cast of VI can learn all of the spells in the game. Terra mainly qualifies for story reasons, while Celes and Strago both have the only other skills that are directly magically related (As the game's resident Blue Mage, Strago is even more versatile than Terra or Celes).
- In Final Fantasy VII you can, and it's entirely advised to, give everyone healing magic, along with any other magic they may use like enemy skills, Summons, or plain old offensive magic. Final Fantasy VIII is also like this, at least with characters you actually equip the ability to use magic to, though the characters that actually fit would be Selphie, Quistis, and Rinoa later on due to their limit breaks being based on various types of magic.
- Several of the PCs from Final Fantasy IX combine several of the classical FF jobs. Freya Crescent, although outwardly a Dragoon, also has MP-based spell-like abilities, something that other games' Dragoons rarely had. She can heal friends and hurt enemies with these abilities (though not as effectively as the actual Black or White mages), can wear heavy armor, and can fight competently with weapons (though not quite as well as the Knight). She even wears a red coat reminiscent of a Red Mage's cloak and a nice hat.
- Some have also considered Kuja a Red Mage for his ability to use both the highest-level Black and White Magic spells, along with a few of his own exclusive ones.
- The class is also namechecked with a random, otherwise anonymous NPC you can talk to who is identified only as "Red Mage."
- Garnet/Dagger counts as well; for the first two Discs, she functions almost solely as a White Mage (her Summons are unavailable for plot-related reasons), but once she starts re-learning her Summon Magic, she veers more into this: her White Magic, while always useful, isn't as extensive or complete as Eiko's, and her Summons — which consist mainly of elemental attacks — are also useful but don't have the same range as Vivi's Black Magic, leaving her as a useful middle-ground between the two characters.
- Even the villains get in on it; Seymour of Final Fantasy X (for the one fight you get to use him) displays this, by having a skill-set composed of the first half of both Lulu and Yuna's Sphere Grid paths, all while having physical power comparable to Auron as well. Oh, and he's a Summoner too. Basically, if it's magical or physical, Seymour can do it.
- Kimahri is set up to be this, crossed with Blue Magic overdrive skills. He starts off at the centre of the Sphere Grid in all configurations and can function well in pretty much any role (although not as well as the designated character). His Strategy Wiki entry even describes him as a character who can either become a Jack of All Trades or a useless blue bag of empty stats and abilities. Whether players actually follow this Red Mage route, though, is a matter of individual choice; it's completely possible to have him follow one character's progression path and confine him to a single class. Indeed, with the flexible nature of the sphere grid, especially the Expert Sphere Grid, it's 100% possible to deliberately configure all characters to be Red Mages.
- With enough Level Grinding, everyone can learn all skills including magic by traversing entire Sphere Grid, which you're pretty much obliged to do if you decide to face the hardest Superbosses. The only exception to this is summoning, which is reserved to Yuna. You can also use specialized spheres that can activate skills as long as someone in your party has them learned, meaning with correct spheres you can teach Yuna Black Magic skills that Lulu has activated and vice versa. Plus, Yuna is this by default already, as she is White Magician Girl and a Summoner.
- Final Fantasy XI has both the literal Red Mage and the Scholar. The former tries and largely fails to play up the Magic Knight aspects of the class but makes up for it by being good at Status Effects. The latter is essentially the spiritual successor to the Sage plus metamagic. Often missed due to "Stop Having Fun" Guys being very common in the game's community. The Red Mage spends a large chunk of levels as the most effective tank in the game; the combination of Phalanx, Stoneskin, Refresh, Spikes, and enfeebling spells makes them nearly invulnerable, even against leveling mobs until you reach about level 50, where the effectiveness of mobs starts growing exponentially instead of linearly and specialization becomes a must.
- Trivially easy to achieve in Final Fantasy XII, in which all four kinds of magic are easily available to everyone in exchange for license points. Want an entire party of red mages? Pick a low-level location and begin depopulating it. On the other hand, with enough investment, you can bring them to max in all of them and indeed are given a special Bragging Rights Reward for covering the license grid for every party member.
- Both more and less easy to accomplish in the Updated Re-release, International Zodiac Job System/The Zodiac Age. With the job system introduced, license boards are more limited; depending on what jobs you pick, being a red mage may not be possible. Red Battlemage is one of the jobs you can pick (comes with a mix of Black and White Magick along with a few spells from the other schools), but as you can pick two jobs for each character, you could make your own Red Mage by picking any two of the magic-focused classes.
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Sazh Katzroy. He gains access to useful buffs far earlier than the rest of your party in addition to attack magic, and also majors in the Commando skill, which specializes in physical attacks.
- Lightning is another example, being a great Commando while also getting the Ravager (Black Mage) and Medic (White Mage) classes. She even fits the trope by getting spells of every element, but only going up to level 2 in each. Except Thunder, because she wouldn't be Lightning without THUNDAGAAAAAAAA!!!
- Hope fits as well since two of his primary roles allow him to switch between blasting away enemies as a Ravager and healing as a Medic and even throwing out a few buffs with his Synergist role. He does a very good job with his Ravager and Medic roles because he has the highest magic stat in-game and learns every spell available in both roles.
- In Final Fantasy XIV, Red Mages from the Stormblood expansion are Magic Knights who fight with magic and rapiers. However, since the game holds tight to the trinity of tank/healer/DPS, instead of serving as a Master of None with spells from their individual jobs, they instead marry both schools of magic to use them in entirely different capacities than Black and White Mages can, while also combining the attributes of a magical ranged DPS class with those of a melee-based one; peppering spells on an enemy from a distance to fill up their Balance Gauge, then rushing in and expending that power to boost the damage of a quick series of rapier slashes and stabs, before leaping back out of melee range if necessary (and if the battlefield allows). This makes them a versatile DPS job that can also heal players at higher levels, with their Dualcast skill making them one of the most effective sources of resurrection. At higher levels, they obtain Flare and Holy, two of the highest level spells from Black and White Magic, respectively, in the greater franchise, but in Ver-y different forms. While the game allows them to pull out great power comparable to their counterparts, they have to undergo far more preparations like building up their Balance Gauge first. And once used up, they have to refill it as opposed to Black Mages who can use such powerful spells more consistently. The Red Mages' healing spells, while powerful enough to match the White Mages, can only heal one target at a time, as opposed to the latter having access to group healing spells.
- Red Mages return as a job exclusive to Viera in both Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Much like other games, Red Magic is limited to a selection of low-level spells from both White and Black Magic (as well as some Green Magic in A2), but the real selling point is Doublecast, which lets them cast two spells at once (and can be used with any spells, not just Red Magic). Much like other games with job classes, you can also mix and match jobs to give any magic user two different sets of magic (such as Black and Time Magic, or White Magic and Summons).
- In the Final Fantasy games that feature Blue Mages as a job class, they possess a wide array of abilities similar to Red Mages. The key difference is that Blue Mages must learn their abilities from enemies.
- Fire Emblem:
- Promoted magic users generally gain access to attack magic (if they were staff users first) or become able to use healing staves (if they were attack magic users) at promotion. Mist in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (who gains swords) is one of the few exceptions to this.
- Fire Emblem Gaiden and its remake Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia's magic classes all know at least one of each spell type upon promotion. One of the lords, Celica, starts out with both magic types as well as the ability to use swords, making her an example closer to the Trope Namer, and only grows stronger from there; all other female mages follow in her footsteps upon promotion.
- Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and its interquel Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 feature quite a few of these. The Master Knight and Baron can access most magic types and wield staves, and the Bard, Sister, and Loptyr Mage class lines can use light magic (in the former two) or dark magic (in the latter), along with being able to use staves before promotion. This tends to make for some very versatile characters.
- In Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones:
- The branching promotion trees means that in order to balance out classes that have the same abilities as well as skills like 'summon' and 'slayer' as the other or higher movement, certain branches were given the attractive opportunity to have more types of magic, i.e.: A sage in that game can use anima, light magic and staves, druids can use anima, dark and staves, and 3rd tier pupils can use anima, light, and dark magic. Bishops and Valkyries also mixed Light Magic with staves, while Mage Knights got Anima magic along with Staves.
- Through glitching, you can steal the stone spell from enemy gorgons. Casting it enough times increases your Dark Magic rank, thus allowing any character to use dark magic once it's raised to D (as Flux, the lowest level Dark tome, requires a D and not an E). In the case of the Sage, this lets him become a superior version of the 3rd Pupil.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates have Dark Mages and Sorcerers, who mix the Anima of the mages with Dark Magic, and counts as a more offensively aligned Red Mage compared to the Sages who mix Anima with Staves to be more support based. Dark Mages also have high defense, a trait more commonly seen in physical units.
- It's possible to make any character into this in Fire Emblem: Three Houses by leveling both their Faith and Reason skills. The high-level Gremory class, described as a master of all forms of magic, specializes in both. In addition, Byleth becomes an example very close to the Trope Namer when they receive their unique Enlightened One class; they can wield swords and white magic with equal prowess, and their black magic isn't half bad either. In terms of specific characters, Linhardt, Mercedes, and Lysithea begin with a boon in both skills, while Dorothea and Flayn start with a boon in one and can gain the other as a budding talent.
- Golden Sun
- In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Jenna's base class is a textbook example. She has decent access to Kill It with Fire powers, an exclusive series of multi-target healing powers, and some decent debuffs. Ivan was the same thing with no healing. Of course, the Golden Sun series being known for its elaborate Class and Level System, any character can be customized into something like this, from the resident White Mage to the local Mighty Glacier.
- Karis in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is an even stronger example than Jenna. She has powerful wind magic, quickly learns a weak but practical series of multi-target healing spells, useful status buffs, and a couple status effect spells, all while being able to use a light sword. No other character in the series can do all of that in their base class.
- Due to the secondary Profession system, any magical character in Guild Wars can do this.
- Kingdom Hearts
- Sora is the Magic Knight version, able to swordfight, blast enemies with elemental magic, and heal himself and his team without missing a beat. Which of these traits gets the most emphasis depends on the game — Chain of Memories gave him many varied magic sleights, the Action Commands in II let him go wild with Matrix-esque acrobatics, and 3D is somewhere in the middle.
- Riku sort of drifts towards this over time, gaining the powers of light in addition to darkness, as well as fighting with a sword. He's not very good at it, though, having very few spells that he uses often from either branch.
- In Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], Sora begins to be able to use a mix of light and dark in his attacks, possibly Foreshadowing his later fall to darkness.
- All playable Keyblade wielders by definition can melee fight and use various kinds of magic, although some of them lean more in one direction than the other.
- All of the healers in League of Legends also sport offensive spells, though special mention goes to Kayle who can be played as a carry and who is also capable of switching between melee and ranged attacks.
- LISA has Nern, Birdie and Percy. Nern's Rambling Old Man Monologues can restore HP, SP and TP on individual allies or alternately inflict statuses on enemies, while also posessing some Ki Manipulation for damage purposes. Birdie can balance healing, debuffing and attacks with Secret Stash, Gasoline Spit and his Drunkard Tumble skills respectively. Compared to them, Percy is more or less a Master of None. His stats are low but balanced, and he can do both attacking and healing, but lacks the debuffing niches Birdie and Nern have filled.
- The Lord of the Rings Online has Runekeepers, Elves, and Dwarves who are able to use magical rules in order to dish out damage or heal their allies. The rub of this is that the more damaging spells used, the less healing spells you can use. Conversely, the more you are the healer, the less damage spells you can do.
- Mass Effect brings this to a sci-fi setting with the Sentinel character class, which combines tech and biotic abilities, but doesn't get the strongest abilities of either type. In the first game, Sentinels were durable because they got the defensive bonuses from both ability sets, but had the weakest combat skills, which was a problem since they also couldn't deal much damage with their powers. In Mass Effect 2 they got a makeover, and are now absurdly tough with a power that brings their shields back at full every time they go down, and enough biotic and tech powers that they can get through pretty much the entire game without firing a shot. Mass Effect 3 continues them into Jack of All Stats territory, giving them greater weight capacity than the specialized tech and biotic classes as well as dual-wielded omniblades.
- With the right achievements, however, Sentinels got much more dangerous because you could give them a single additional talent. Once you get the Bastion Prestige Class, you now have two different shield boosting talents, Stasis Mastery, several skills that can completely incapacitate foes for a time, the ability to overload shields, and one more skill of your choice, which can be anything from a weapon skill to one of those talents you missed out on.
- In the first game, the Sentinel was this primarily by Gameplay and Story Segregation. In theory, they were supposed to be this. In practice, they weren't actually good at anything. The only thing that made them vaguely useful was possessing some of the Adept gamebreakers, which they were less effective at using.
- The Sentinel class sees the least representation on Shepard's squad. Only Kaidan and Miranda join permanently in any game (and either Kaidan or Ashley will die on Vermire, meaning there are potentially zero available for one-and-a-half games). A third, Nyreen, is a Guest-Star Party Member that only appears in a DLC.
- The Might and Magic RPG series had the Druid class from III to VII. In III to V, the Druid's spell list mainly contained a combination of spells from the Cleric and Sorcerer lists (with some special Druid spells), while in VI and VII, the Druid is capable of wielding all spells from the Elemental and Clerical schools but are unable to use the Dark and Light magic which have the most powerful spells. They are nevertheless able to master all the magic skills available to them in VI; VII restricts them to the second-best level of mastery but makes the inability to learn Dark or Light magic slightly less stinging by restricting the other two strict spellcasters to one of the two.note Druids also compensate for the downsides by having copious amounts of spell points. They gain base spell points from both spellcasting stats in VI and VII, and in VII, they are the only class that can gain grandmastery in Meditation, a skill that further adds spell points to the character's pool.
- In addition, the Ranger from III to V, being the martial version of the Druid class, has access to some Druid spells and also to steel, allowing for a wide variety of abilities.
- Mother:
- Ana in EarthBound Beginnings was the best PSI user out of the two in the game. She is the only playable character with offensive PSI, and, in a rare case, her support PSI was actually better than Ninten's, the White Mage.
- EarthBound (1994) and Mother 3, instead of having a White Mage protagonist with a Red Mage female party member like the first game, makes them both Red Mages. In both games, the protagonist learns a powerful line of signature PSI moves and also powerful Healing and support PSI, while the female characters are focused more on Offense and have more versatile attack PSI, but still with support PSI (and in the case of Mother 3's Kumatora, some healing as well). EarthBound (1994) also adds a third Red Mage to the party, Poo, who is a mix of Ness and Paula and has both powerful healing PSI and a powerful line of signature offensive PSI as well as two of Paula's elemental PSI.
- In the Persona games, most party members will gain a diverse mix of different types of Persona abilities. The below are just a few examples:
- The player characters from Persona 3 onward are a Master of All version, thanks to their ability to switch between different Personas at will.
- Persona 3:
- Akihiko is a Jack of All Stats version. He can inflict good damage with his electricity-aligned magic, possesses a full complement of debuffs, and can learn decent single-target healing spells.
- Yukari has both hard-hitting wind spells and powerful healing magic, while also boasting the highest SP pool and Magic stat in the original game. However, she is more of a Combat Medic, having full-party heals and not having access to any Boost or Amp passives in her learnset, which the remake, Persona 3 Reload, leans further into as well.
- In the original P3 releases, Mitsuru's Personas learned a healthy mix of offensive ice magic, healing magic, and status ailment skills. However, she only learns the strongest variants of Dia, which are single-target healing spells (in comparison, Yukari learns all sorts of party-wide and curative healing magic, along with Garu spells). Mitsuru also has the second-highest Magic stat in the original P3 releases, where combined with Mind Charge and Ice Amp, makes her good offensive option. In Reload, she transitions from her role as a red mage and is rebalanced as the game's Black Mage, exchanging her healing skills for greater variety in ailment infliction.
- Persona 4:
- Yosuke is also a Jack of All Stats version. He is fast and able to inflict good damage with both physical attacks and wind-aligned offensive magic. He also has access to some support magic but can only learn basic healing spells.
- Yukiko also plays out as a Red Mage but in the Squishy Wizard variant. She has one of the best damage outputs in the game (and goes even further in Golden, acquiring the most powerful fire element spell possible), but also is an extremely valuable medic.
- Teddie also is this. He has pretty good ice attacks, makes a solid medic, and can buff the entire party's attack and defense.
- Persona 5:
- Ann's red costume aside, she has the highest Magic stat in the game's party, gets access to all tiers of single-target healing, the Dekaja buff, as well as Dormina and Lullaby (Tentarafoo in the original) status effect inflicting skills.
- Makoto has a highly diverse moveset which includes nuclear spells, physical attacks, party-wide healing skills, and an assortment of buffs and support skills.
- Haru has a diverse mix of psychic abilities, defensive spells, and gun magic. She can also cure status ailments and is the only party member other than the protagonist that is capable of learning the impressive buff skill Heat Riser, which raises all stats for one party member for three turns.
- Pokémon have "Dual types" as any variation of the Red Mage. (As in: Red Rogue, Red Tank, Red Glass Cannon, the list goes on...) Dual Types gain STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus) from two types, learn moves from both types, and gain the resistances of both types (which may make them 4x resistant or even outright immune to multiple types); however, this also grants the weaknesses of both types, which may even result in a crippling 4x weakness to some types.
- The ability "Protean" allows the user to switch its type to the type of the move it's about to use to gain the STAB boost from it, and also gains that type's respective weaknesses.
- There are also several Pokémon that use both attacks and support moves. For example, a typical moveset for Hitmontop is three powerful attacks and Rapid Spin (which removes entry hazards).
- Radiant Arc: Along with having a similar hat as a Final Fantasy Red Mage, Linky can use offensive, healing, and support spells without specializing in any of them. He also has a balanced stat growth compared to his more specialized allies.
- In SaGa Frontier, there are several different schools of magic, and most of them have an opposite school (for instance, Rune magic opposes Arcane magic, Realm opposes Mystic, Time opposes Space, etc). The general rule is that no character can possess two schools that oppose each other (i.e. the same character can't have both Rune and Arcane). However, one of the main characters, Blue, gains the power to cast nearly every spell from every school as part of his storyline. He only misses out on Mystic and Evil magic (and he can even get Mystic if you know what you're doing), and even gains a unique hidden school (Life magic) as a result!
- The protagonist of Secret of Evermore learns a wide variety of alchemy magic, and his casting animations even reflect what type it is — restorative and buffing magic is gently raised over his head, and destructive formulas are roughly thrown to the ground.
- Star Ocean:
- Ioshua Jerand of Star Ocean is effectively a Black Mage with a few healing spells. He remains functional offensively in the late game and is even better than Ronyx in the remake due to weapons that actually boost his magic stat, but in the healing field, he's essentially a Crutch Character to be replaced by Millie. Joshua's sister, Erys, lies in the middle of the spectrum on paper, with all of the same healing, status recovery, and revival spells as Millie, but none of the status spells. Her offensive magic is much more limited than Ioshua or Ronyx, but there are pretty much no enemies in the game that resist both Fire and Light. Between the wide coverage of her offensive spells and the uselessness of status magic, she ends up as a Master of All in practice.
- Noel Chandler of Star Ocean: The Second Story has healing and status recovery spells, but no revival spell and his offensive magic covers different elements than Celine or Leon, but his magic power is lower than all three of his fellow mages. His one saving grace is his ability to equip Bloody Armor and participate in a strategy that effectively makes all four party members invincible.
- Star Ocean: Till the End of Time went with the Red Mage route for both of its dedicated magic users. However well one(Sophia) is a purely magical red mage and a total game breaker. The other(Adray) is a magic knight red mage and utterly useless in many eyes.
- Myuria of Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Lymle has better damaging spells and Summon Magic, and Sarah has better healing spells and buffs, with Myuria falling into a good middle ground.
- Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness has Miki and Fiore both acting as Red Mage characters. The two of them cover every element in the game for attacking, both learn support magic, and they learn healing spells but they are not equal when it comes to using them. Miki leans more towards being a healer since she learns a wider range of healing spells and lacks Fiore's raw magic power. Fiore is more attack-oriented with higher magic power and learns only the basic healing spell.
- Just about every Force-sensitive player character in the Star Wars video games can be this, gaining access to both defensive "Light" powers like Force Heal or Force Protection and offensive "Dark" powers like Force Choke or Force Lightning. Canonical examples (at least in Star Wars Legends) include Dark Forces Saga protagonists Kyle Katarn and his students Mara Jade and Jaden Korr,note but virtually all of the main characters can pick up talents on each side of the Force. They truly fall into this trope if (like in Knights of the Old Republic) your spells take a hit to effectiveness if you're not aligned properly.
- In Star Wars: The Old Republic, this is not usually the case — Jedi players and NPCs learn Light Side powers, and Sith learn Dark Side powers. Being able to do both is a sign of Revanite heritage, as seen in the Revanite cultists in Shadow of Revan and the Order of Shasa in the "Forged Alliances" arc. Fitting, since Revan was able to pull off the same feat in the aforementioned Knights of the Old Republic. Every power has a mechanically-identical equivalent on the other side, though (a Sith shoots lightning, a Jedi telekinetically hits you with a rock for the same damage).
- The Tales Series is fond of red mages. At least one member of your party will fit the description of this trope:
- Tales of Symphonia: Kratos (no, not that one) and Zelos.
- Tales of Legendia: All three of the spellcasters would fit, with Norma and Will knowing multiple elemental spells along with healing and/or buffing ones, while Grune knows only curse and sea element magic, which are opposing elements.
- Tales of Hearts has Hisui and Kohaku Hearts. Hisui is the one who learns the area healing spells alongside wind magic while Kohaku learns single-target healing spells with fire magic for offense.
- Tales of Xillia: Elise Lutus utilizes healing and shadow element magic.
- Tales of Xillia 2: Muzet is primarily an offensive caster, but she's the third most effective healer.
- Generally speaking, this series favors Combat Medics over dedicated healers, so most of its support casters fit this description. To name a few, Tear, Estelle, and Cheria each have a mix of powerful attack magic and area-based healing spells at their disposal.
- In Zestiria and Berseria all magic users fall under this; though mostly working with offensive spells, they also always have healing spells (that double as some form of support spell) as well.
- In Tales of Arise, Dohalim takes this role. He is the only character besides Shionne to use healing magic, can use offensive magic of the two elements Shionne and Rinwell lack, and is a respectable physical fighter with his staff.
- Anorithils from Tales of Maj'Eyal use both Positive and Negative energy for their spells. They build up Positive energy with healing spells and basic attack magic, and once they have enough of it they can convert it into Negative energy, which fuels more advanced attack spells but can't be used for defense.
- Narve from Triangle Strategy gets one spell of each elemental type along with a recovery spell, when most other mages and healers exclusively focus on one element or just healing, respectively.
- Tyranny encourages this. Kyros' Fatebinders are explicitly required to be well-rounded, and the player starts by picking two combat specializations. Half of them are magic, with Vigor as a White choice and shock, frost, and lightning comprising the black options. The player can also recruit Lantrey an hour or so in, who teaches the Healing sigil as an additional (and very powerful) White options. Most Fatebinders focusing on casting will want one of each, usually focusing on an offensive magic that can impose debuffs and pairing it with healing.
- Ultima III gives us many hybrid classes. The Red Mage is the Druid and, for more physical power, the Ranger.
- Cecilia Adlehyde from Wild ARMs is the only mage on your team, so naturally she can use both black and white magic. Later in the game you can visit isolated mage guilds to get more advanced spells, and even later than that you can try a sidequest to get her Dual Cast force ability; which allows her to cast two spells simultaneously, even combining them onto one.
- Wizardry has the Bishop, a class that can cast from all four spellbooks, and can Turn Undead like the Priest class.
- In World of Warcraft, the Discipline specialisation for Priests gives access to the dichotomous Holy and Shadow schools of magic, using them to heal and deal damage; despite this, they are more healers with effective damage than true hybrids. Since the Legion expansion, their unique gameplay is to heal while damaging, as their damage is converted into healing on allies they have marked.
Web Animation
- Dreamscape: Drake has both offensive and defensive spells, and wears red robes to boot!
- Parodied by Red Mage, from 8-Bit Theater, who grew from being obsessed with total balance to obsessed with total dominance at every form of magic and every skill. Naturally, he's a Master of None, although at times he will temporarily realign his stat points to be the master of whatever fits the situation at hand.
- Thistle of Daughter of the Lilies seems less specialized than most mages, even if she does tend to default to Green Thumb magic.
- Wizards in El Goonish Shive are magic-users with the inborn ability to learn other people's spells once they awaken, instead of being limited to the spells they personally get from the Will of Magic like regular magic-users.
- Wanda of Erfworld is unusual among Erf casters in that she can make use of spells outside her primary discipline of necromancy. In an early conversation with Sizemore, Wanda comments that this gift may be misplaced, as she lacks interest in other types of magic unless they are of immediate necessity.
- The titular character of Felicia, Sorceress of Katara wields both white and black magic. The Magi council refuses to accept her for using black magic, even if they occasionally find her useful, and cultists of The Black Candle frequently try to kill her. She also shows some skill with a sword from time to time.
- Tsukiko is a villainous example from The Order of the Stick, being a Mystic Theurge who has mastered both arcane and divine magic (and used both to further her necromancy).
- Rue from Sleepless Domain has the power to summon Magic Potions with varying offensive or defensive effects, including both Healing Potions and potions that explode on impact.
Western Animation
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- The titular Avatar of Avatar: The Last Airbender is a reincarnated mystical keeper of peace (basically the local superhero) who is most well known for being able to learn and use all four of the normally mutually exclusive Elemental Powers of the setting. They usually demonstrate great talent with their original element (as the title suggests, The Hero Aang is the Last of His Kind) and have to learn the other elements one by one, which is the main driving plot of the series.
- Other characters are a more standard version of this trope while being less truly omnicompetent, with firebenders learning aspects of air or water and adding it to their fire-bending to get lightning and increased control of the path of the flame respectively, and one earthbender learning some secrets of fire the hard way and applying them to stone to learn how to bend metal, something previously thought impossible. The implication, made more explicit in The Legend of Korra, is that this is pretty much how advances are made in the bending arts in general, with work on one element often giving insight into another.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- Twilight Sparkle knows spells that have a variety of effects. These include (but are not nearly limited to) powerful telekinesis, teleportation, cloud-walking, flight, altering the dietary habits of other creatures, total control of another's body, and item enchantment. Most unicorns get spells related to whatever their inherent talent is, but Twilight's inherent talent is magic itself, and her spells tend to be more powerful than the specialists and other unicorns, as well as demonstrating an improved version of other unicorns' spells, such as Rarity's gem finding. Eventually it culminates in ascending to alicorn status.
- Earth Ponies have physical strength and endurance, Unicorns have magic, and Pegasi have flight. Alicorns embody all three: flight, magic, and as Princess Luna showed once, the strength to crack stone with the stomp of her hoof.
- Discord is perhaps the best example so far, being essentially an Alicorn on steroids as well as knowing an even-wider variety of spells than Twilight.
- Not far behind Discord is King Sombra — his magic is enough to make him a One-Man Army, his Super Smoke form is practically a variation of flight, and his Evil Is Bigger size (both as a Pony and as the aforementioned Super Smoke) and Implacable Man durability against anything but The Power of Love arguably evoke Earth Pony strength and endurance.
- The Owl House:
- By refusing to join a Coven, which locks off all magic not related to the Coven's particular focus, Eda has domain over several powerful schools of magic. The only downside being that Convenless witches are considered criminals.
- Lilith and the other members of the Emperor's Coven are allowed to use any kind of magic because they're the ones in charge of the other covens.
- Luz is on her way to this. After convincing the school to let her study all Coven tracks of magic to decide what she should eventually join, she becomes a Jack of All Trades of magic. This allows other students (Viney, Jerbo, Barcus, and as of "Labyrinth Runners", Edric, Emira and Mattholomule) to study different types of magic to a smaller degree.