Right-Wing Militia Fanatic - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jun 14 2007
"These men are pathetic revolutionaries who'll kill innocent Americans in the name of bonehead ideologies."
These people are members of an underground militia which holds suspicion that The Government is going to declare martial law, seize everybody's guns, and perhaps cede national sovereignty to the United Nations to form a One World Order, or implant everyone with microchips to make it easier to track them, and start sending patriots like them to prison camps any day now — but not on their watch! Particularly unsympathetic examples will have them displaying white supremacist or outright Neo-Nazi attitudes. The methods employed by the more fanatical of them may even include brazen violence and terrorism toward the government, immigrants, or minorities.
The first major wave of these characters appeared during The '90s in American media, particularly after the Ruby Ridge incident, the Waco Siege,
the Montana Freemen standoff,
and the Oklahoma City bombing,
which involved government confrontations with supposed Real Life versions of these characters. After about a decade and a half of ceding the favorite political bogeyman slot to Middle Eastern Terrorists, these guys have begun appearing more often again in The New '10s and The New '20s—likely due to an increase in visibility for far-right groups in Real Life. In particular, in an American context more recent examples are likely to loathe Barack Obama, utterly despise Joe Biden, and worship Donald Trump.
Outside the U.S., their loyalties tend to be more complicated and context-dependent, but there is a pattern leaning toward a sort of inversion: many right-wing militias outside the U.S. itself tend to actually be hired by their host governments, as a way to extend those governments' counterinsurgency and policing powers. This was especially the case during much of the Cold War, when many, many right-wing authoritarian states—many of which were bankrolled and backed by the United States itself—hired militias wherever regular forces were lacking, to pursue and destroy any and all local opposition, leftist or otherwise.
Compare and contrast The Klan, Red Scare, The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized, Yellow Peril, Malcolm Xerox, and Evil States of America. A common source of Western Terrorists. Often a Crazy Survivalist and/or Sub-Par Supremacist. For the left-wing version, try Dirty Communists or Bomb-Throwing Anarchists. If they go around enforcing the law in place of the government, they're also a Vigilante Militia.
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Anime and Manga
- Infamously, Highschool of the Dead has Saya Takagi's parents, who serve as the heroic guardians of their small patch of civilization during a Zombie Apocalypse.
- In Obsolete, the "Santa Muerte" episode introduces us to a group of militiamen that patrols the borders between the US and Mexican soil and drive technicals equipped with M2 machine guns. They are said to hunt down illegal immigrants crossing there, and the smuggler needs to hold them off so that the girl he is helping can safely cross into Arizona.
- SPY×FAMILY: In the Inu-san Crisis arc, a group of college aged nationalists/isolationists, led by Keith Kepler, desire to bring Ostania to her former glory and end the collusion (in other words, detente) between Ostania and Westalis by starting a war; Keith's idea of carrying this out involves bombs strapped to dogs in an attempt on the life of the Westalian Foreign Minister.
Comic Books
- The Accords has the Morticana Order, a right-wing terrorist group with elements of the ComicsGate movement added for flavoring.
- The Watchdogs in Captain America. It's not clear how the rank-and-file members would react to learning that they're bankrolled by an actual Nazi — the Red Skull. They first appeared during the 1980s, and in fact were the first opponents that John Walker, a superhero whose identity is basically "Right-wing Jerkass Captain America", faced off against. To this day, they still have a strong connection to the Captain America mythos and have even been shown working under William Burnside, the former Captain America of the 1950s and now a Politically Incorrect Villain who finds them politically acceptable cannon fodder.
- The Couriers: A racist hick militia from upstate New York are the villains of the second book, Dirtbike Manifesto.
- The bad guys of The Crow: Flesh and Blood are a group of farmers connected to an anti-government militia. Federal conservation officer Iris Shaw runs afoul of them when she comes across them poisoning coyotes, and after a confrontation with them, they blow up the land management building where she works, killing her and her unborn child. When Iris comes back as the first female Crow, she wreaks vengeance on each and every one of them.
- The DCU:
- Americommando and the Minutemen from Kingdom Come are Islamophobic Ultranationalists that rose to prominence in an era of morally-bankrupt "heroes" after the absence of Superman and the other superheroes. He's the first of the new "heroes" to be brought to justice after the return of Superman and the Justice League.
- There was another character to bear the name "Americommando" in D.C. (although his name was changed to American Crusader post-New 52). However, this Americommando is an Expy of Captain America from an alternate universe.
- Another version of Americommando shows up in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters, as the second leader of First Strike, President Gonzo's superhero team.
- The Patriots are enemies of Green Arrow in the New 52 universe.
- In Superman: Birthright, Superman busts one of these who knowingly sold guns to a pair of teenage school shooters, with him proudly hanging a Confederate flag to boot. To Scare 'Em Straight, Superman fires a gun point-blank at him then catches the bullet.
- The Free States in DMZ are said to be a conglomeration of militia-type groups, and are said to be more of an "idea" rather than a geographical entity, much in keeping with the guerrilla-style behavior of many militias. The hick element is also mentioned when a former Free States soldier mentions how, while serving with them, he'd never before seen as many "pissed-off rednecks".
- G.I. Joe:
- One of the first stories in G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel) has Hawk and Grunt infiltrating a Cobra-funded militia group known as Strike First. They have all the contemporary US military equipment, a huge sprawling base, no shortage of volunteers, and a vicious Drill Sergeant Nasty who "teaches" recruits to dodge fire by shooting at them. Cobra itself began to take on these overtones as the series continued.
- An early issue of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (IDW) has Duke, Scarlett, and Snake-Eyes kill off a group of jerks who harass and eventuality fire upon a border patrol unit for not turning back/arresting a group of Hispanic men (who turn out to be U.S. citizens anyway). The kicker is that the patrol unit is part of COBRA, which is in the middle of a fairly successful takeover of the country the Joes are on their way to stop. For their part, the snakes take the high road and look the other way, not reporting the Joes who just saved their lives.
- In Jon Sable, Freelance #8-9, Sable battles an especially efficient and well-funded militia group organized by a former USAF colonel. The group plans to detonate a stolen nuke in New York as a False Flag Operation intended to cause the US to launch a nuclear strike against the USSR. The group reasons that as the Soviets will not be expecting it, they will be wiped out in the first strike, and the US will be returned to its rightful place as the world's sole superpower.
- Judge Dredd has the Sons of Booth, who want to wrest Mega City One from the judges' rule. Despite the story occurring years after President Booth's death, they believe that Booth is actually still alive and the truth is being covered up by Justice Department. Their leader turns out to be the actual son of Booth.
- Revival has an entire militia, but the best examples are its organizers Edmund Holt and Des: both were anti-government before the Revival but became radicalized by events over the series. This culminates in a shootout between the militia and the US military.
- An issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mirage) features the Committee to Restore American Patriotism, a militia group which intends to use a nuclear weapon to begin a war with Russia. Interestingly, the group is depicted as being multi-racial, with its leader even being an African-American man named Skonk.
- Ultimate Marvel:
- The Ultimate version of Captain America. You think that letter on his head stands for France?
- The crossover Divided We Fall reinvents HYDRA as one of these (despite the fact they were previously portrayed as similar to the 616 Hydra in Ultimate Spider-Man: Requiem). During the temporary collapse of the United States, they briefly succeed in taking over Wyoming with the aid of mind control.
- In the Continuity Reboot, HYDRA is again portrayed as one of these but this time the organization's named after the Red Skull, with the actual Red Skull now called the Grand Skull. The Red Skull movement is made up of right-wing Americans who idolize The Punisher and oppose The Maker's Villain World, but only contribute to it as they just use it as an excuse to terrorize minorities that can't defend themselves (and some that can, like the Inhumans).
- Y: The Last Man: The Sons of Arizona (a group that ironically now is only composed of women) think that the Gendercide was the work of the federal government, and therefore they have decided to rebel violently, economically suffocating the west coast of the United States blocking an important highway.
Fan Works
- The Children's Work
Star Wars real-world AU reimagines the First Order as this kind of organization.
- The Human Liberation Front, who are usually the heroic go-to anti-pony La Résistance in anti-Conversion Bureau fanfiction, have devolved into this in The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum. There's likely an element of deconstruction in this, pointed at both traditional TCB tropes (for example, most of them likely wouldn't get along well with ponies) and showing that it's pretty unlikely that most military forces would fall under their umbrella. It's also worth mentioning that the group originally wasn't intended as this in-universe - this HLF had its roots in a support group designed for helping the friends and family members of people that took the ponification serum deal with the radical personality changes their loved ones went through. However, it quickly attracted a multitude of unsavory characters when the war began. They're also absurdly ineffective and considered to be downright suicidal and dangerous, given that their rabidly anti-pony stance does more harm than good.
Films — Live-Action
- Jim Backus appears as the leader of one of these militias in Angels Revenge.
- Antebellum: The villains are a fairly wealthy group of Neo-Confederates who kidnap black people to enslave them on a recreated plantation, believing this is their rightful place while lionizing the Confederacy for upholding white supremacy, which they want restored like this again.
- Arlington Road: The nice middle-class suburban family next door turn out to be part of an organization like this, and very dangerous ones, as they're actual terrorists.
- The bad guys of Avenging Force are a group of white supremacist militia fanatics who take to hunting people.
- Betrayed: The unnamed far-right group which Gary is a part of believe Jews run the US government with black people as their foot soldiers and are waging war on white gentiles. For countering this they've armed themselves, coordinated across the country, trained and rob banks to get funds in preparation for many attacks that will double as false flag operations in several cases. Their opening crime was to assassinate a Jewish radio host in Chicago. Although its crimes weren't this extensive, they're loosely based on The Order, an actual group in turn inspired by the infamous Neo-Nazi book The Turner Diaries.
- A right-wing militia group is one of the bad guys in Blues Brothers 2000 (more or less filling the role the neo-Nazis played in the original film).
- The unsympathetic comedy protagonists in Canadian Bacon form one of these to oppose the relentless advance of the godless Canadian hordes. Ironically, the militia leader is played by John Candy, himself a Canadian.
- Déjà Vu (2006): Carroll is a one-man militia (it is explicitly said that he tried to join the Army, but aside from passing with flying colors on all fields, he was rejected because his psych profile came back as "too damn crazy") who believes that America is nowhere near ready in terms of preparedness and security to avoid a second 9/11... so he decides that blowing up a ferry with 300 passengers smack in the middle of Mardi Gras is the best way to make America understand this. His Motive Rant is equal parts "they (the people I blew up) were a sacrifice for American safety" and "it was fate".
- Falling Down: Bill Foster (Michael Douglas) runs into one as a part of his long walk through L.A. stereotypes, namely a Neo-Nazi who runs an army surplus store who also keeps military-grade weaponry in the back (including a rocket launcher, which Bill steals). He appears to be one himself at first, threatening some Chicano gang members and a Korean-American store owner... but then it becomes clear that he Hates Everyone Equally, including the employees at a fast-food restaurant who won't serve him breakfast at 11:33.
- A group of these kidnap the President's daughter in the 1999 made-for-TV movie First Daughter.
- The unfinished film Gray State was to have featured a heroic version of this trope, set in a Fallen States of America that's been taken over by a dystopic One World Order and is now on the brink of a second American Revolution. However, the film's creator, David Crowley, would go on to kill his family and himself in a case of Pater Familicide. A Werner Herzog-produced documentary, A Gray State, was later made about the tragedy, and how it attracted the attention of real-life versions of this trope who thought that he and his family had been killed by the government.
- The Happening. When a news report claims that the events of the film are the result of a CIA bioweapon test gone wrong, a group of obvious militia types with Knew It All Along expressions are seen loading an arsenal of weaponry in their garage.
- Von Jackson and his border vigilantes in Machete, even though they're secretly patsies to a Mexican drug lord.
- The 2000 movie Militia features a fascist militia stealing anthrax missiles. Except their goal was the opposite of this trope. They want the government to declare martial law and kick out all foreign nationals.
- The Order (2024) is based on the real-life FBI manhunt of a racist neo-Nazi militia calling itself the Order
, who are using bank robberies to fund milita training and bombs in hopes of triggering a race war. They spun off from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, who are in themselves a militia — best seen when the protagonists question the National Alliance leader and are accompanied by heavily-armed goons in cameoflage. One of the titular Order's recruits is stated to be someone who has trained other right-wing militia.
- The bad guys in the 1998 Steven Seagal film The Patriot (1998) (in which Seagal plays an immunologist!).
- The Clint Eastwood vehicle Pink Cadillac features a white supremacist militia group who are chasing after the wife of one group member who stole her husband's car, which unbeknownst to her is full of evidence that could indict the militia. Eastwood plays bounty hunter Tommy Nowak who's chasing her down while avoiding the militia.
- The Postman: The Holnists appear to have started as a group of these, before the war or during its aftermath. A radio broadcast that plays over the opening scenes blames them for a past rise in hate crimes. Now, with no government left, they have taken over at least part of Oregon.
- The Purge Universe:
- The Purge: Election Year sees the NFFA hire a group of neo-Nazis to murder a senator who is running for president on a pledge to repeal the Purge.
- The Forever Purge has the Ever After Purgers, who are part of the surge in white supremacy and nativism that have come as the Purge returned.
- The heroes of Red Dawn (1984) are this; their fathers are shown to have trained them in various survivalist skills such as using guns, and one of them is able to supply them with copious amounts of ammunition and survival equipment near the beginning when they head for the hills. From there, they form La Résistance against the Soviet invaders with the Commie invasion playing out... pretty much the way militia types expect it to.
- The Standoff at Sparrow Creek: Is a Whodunit with a bunch of members of one of these gathering together and trying to figure out which one of them stole one of the groups' rifles and shot up a police funeral. Unusually, their anti-government views are given some sympathy and while there is an ex-Aryan among their number, the group as a whole isn’t necessarily racist.
- Parodied in The Stuff, with a group of these guys help the heroes (or rather, they get tricked into helping the heroes after being told the Stuff is a Communist plot).
- The villains in The Movie of Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears were changed from Islamic radicals to neo-Nazi militia members, as the producers believed that "Arab terrorists" was cliche.note
- To Catch a Killer (2023):
- These end up causing a bunch of trouble after the corporate press get involved in ID-ing the suspect, as a group of neo-Nazis call into the show claiming responsibility for the attacks and use their airtime to spread outlandish claims of having a hidden army ready to strike against the government. It's really just a prank by a group of about five guys with no wider support base that ends with four of the men being killed in a pointless shoot-out with the police.
- Subverted with regards to the actual shooter. Lammark warns against assuming that the subject of their manhunt has a political agenda. Indeed, he turns out to be a solitary, broken man driven by personal tragedy and circumstance.
- "The Voice" in the made-for-TV remake of Vanishing Point.
- V/H/S/94: The main characters in the segment "Terror" are a group of these who have captured a vampire, whose blood they regularly drain before shooting him in the head, a process that they repeat every time he comes Back from the Dead. In this universe, vampire blood combusts when exposed to direct sunlight, and they seek to exploit that fact in order to build a bomb with which to blow up a federal building.
- At first the terrorists who seize control of the White House in White House Down come off as these, and some of them do fit the profile. However, they are actually a motley bunch with diverse motives - and they are ultimately taking orders from a Man Behind The Man.
- In the epilogue of the Animorphs series it's revealed in an aside that since aliens have become public knowledge a number of these groups have sprung in the world. Disappointingly, they're not explored in great detail due to the Animorphs quickly leaving for space.
- Anna Pigeon: In Liberty Falling, Anna uncovers a plot by a right-wing anti-government movement to destroy the Statue of Liberty.
- The Guns of the South has one of thesenote traveling back in time to The American Civil War to supply the South with modern weaponry, so that Apartheid South Africa can have a racist ally in the future.
- These are the main villains of the Jack Reacher novel Die Trying.
- Jack Ryan:
- In Executive Orders, two members of a militia group decide to assassinate President Ryan with a cement trunk bomb. They make their way across the country, hindered by the virus outbreak caused by the real Big Bad, until they are arrested with no consequence before they even reach Washington. Being generous to Clancy, they might well have succeeded had the Iranian bioterrorism plot not forced them to stop at a motel for days while their bomb "ripened".
- In The Sum of All Fears, the Arab terrorists are aided in their plot to detonate a nuclear bomb in Denver by a member of a radical Native American group. They don't tell him it's a nuke, and they kill him once he's no longer useful.
- In the first Jesse Stone novel, Night Passage, the town of Paradise, Massachusetts has a group of these called the Horsemen, whose members include several people on the local Board of Selectmen.note They wind up murdering the former Chief of Police when he catches on to their plan to stockpile weapons and take on the US Government. Then they hire Jesse after he shows up drunk to his job interview, thinking he'll be too incompetent to figure out what they're up to and/or be too much of a pushover to do anything to oppose them. They're wrong.
- Joe Pickett: In Winterkill, a travelling caravan of right-wing militia fanatics - made up of survivors from other destroyed militias - arrives in Twelve Sleeps County and sets up camp; sparking an armed stand-off with the federal government.
- In the Left Behind book Tribulation Force, President Gerald Fitzhugh finds himself allying with some of these groups who basically agree that having the United States join a One World Order was a bad idea.
- The PKC in Legend of the Galactic Heroes fits the bill in the case of the Free Planets Alliance, though it's later revealed that the militia was supported by Trünicht, with at least a good chunk of them members of the Earth Cult.
- Parker: In Flashfire, Parker is saved from a pair of hitmen when they run across the Christian Renewal Defense Force on maneuvers in the Everglades. The hitmen try to kill the CRDF to eliminate the witnesses and get gunned down.
- Presidential: The men who attempt to kill Connie are described as members of violent antigovernment groups and fanatical about gun rights, which is the motive for their attack since she was about to sign a bill into law that bans some types of guns.
- In Shock and Awe (David Isaak), one of the protagonists is an FBI agent undercover with one of these whose group gets roped into the Big Good's plot.
- Space Academy has a rare villainous sci-fi example. Humans who couldn’t adapt to the cosmopolitan tolerant nature of the Community found themselves making isolationist Cult Colony settlements in Contested Space. The protagonist has to deal with a number of Space Pirates Neo-Confederates for example.
- In The Stand, Randall Flagg was a member of some groups like this, though he'll join any organization that he can egg on into causing trouble.
- One of the superhumans from Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars forms one to fight the New World Order. Randy "Hawkeye" Morrison is willing to do whatever it takes to fight the imaginary NWO including killing all his followers and himself.
- Averted in The Survivalist, a 1980s action-adventure series by Jerry Ahern, set in a post-World War III United States occupied by the Soviets. The author goes to great lengths to avert the popular strawman of survivalists being paranoid, fascistic racists.
- These are the villains of the Dale Brown book A Time for Patriots.
- Arthur C. Clarke's The Trigger shows one of these on the defensive. The premise of the book is that the U.S. has invented a way to sabotage guns from a distance, and they think this only makes sense if the U.S. is no longer going to rely on its advantages in gun development — which means to them that the U.S. is about to hand over sovereignty to the United Nations. They're portrayed as somewhat pathetic, but still dangerous to everyone around them as they try to keep their "freedom."
- The Turner Diaries has a particularly extreme version of these guys as the heroes, and was written for exactly this audience by white supremacist leader William Luther Pierce. On the other hand, it also gives a negative portrayal of such groups, though not for the same reasons as most depictions. In the story, the anti-government John Birch Society types who take over northern California turn against the Order, claiming that its goals are ultimately communist. This was intended as a warning by Pierce, saying that white supremacists shouldn't ally with anyone other than their fellow white supremacists even if they have sympathetic politics. Not that it matters considering that the heroes of the book want everyone who isn't as fanatical/racist as they are dead.
- The USA vs. Militia series by Ian Slater deals with a full-scale militia rebellion in America, and it was a very well-equipped militia complete with tanks and jet fighters. And to make matters worse, the war is set while World War III is still raging.
- In Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War, these guys are the heroes. As the US groans under the weight of its own multiculturalism, love, and acceptance, one group stands up to fight for a Traditional, White, Christian America by any means necessary.
- Walker's Crossing: Mr. Sheldon, Gil, and Gil's friends are camo-wearing thugs who "patrol" the territory. They can't go through a conversation without expressing venomous, poorly reasoned hatred and distrust for the government, immigrants, and African Americans. Gil even has Hitler's birthday marked on his calendar.
- It's hinted in World War Z that militia groups caused trouble for the US during the Zombie War, feeling that America had become tyrannical as a result of the wartime measures imposed to fight the Zombie Apocalypse. The government was forced to clamp down hard; one group that had taken over the Black Hills was met with the only use of tanks by the US military during its push east.
Live-Action TV
- After Kim Bauer escapes a random cougar on 24, she runs into one of these, who takes her prisoner.
- Accused (2023): In "Esme's Story" Esme infiltrates a White Supremacist Neo-Nazi group after their leader, Shaggy, runs over one of their friends. Shaggy espouses rhetoric about "his people" being run out of the nation and treated as terrorists while people of color are "taking over", and tries to justify himself to his followers by saying he has no issues with people of color, just so long as they stay in their home nations. They all have a grungy appearance, and appear to come from rural, poor backgrounds like Esme.
- Season 3 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. adapts the Watchdogs from the comics into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this continuity, they're formed as a result of the worldwide outbreak of Inhumans, who they see as a threat to humanity, and organize to hunt down and kill, blaming the government for protecting them (though it's quickly established that they're patsies of HYDRA). By Season 4, they've gone international.
- American Gods (2017): The self-appointed border patrol who gun down undocumented Mexican immigrants, and the Nazi-esque group in Vulcan, Virginia (who may be connected-they have the same bullets at least).
- Babylon Berlin, being set in The Weimar Republic, depicts the Real Life "Black Reichswehr" - a motley group of ultranationalist, proto-fascist military detachments, and militias who were bent on overthrowing the slowly decaying German democracy.
- The Boys (2019) has Gunpowder, a Winter Soldier expy whose Establishing Character Moment is him giving a speech at a gun show about the government wanting to disarm people. After that he seemed more or less innocuous until he tries to silence Butcher after he blackmailed him with evidence of the abuse he suffered at Soldier Boy's hands. He's shown to be a hypocrite as well, as he gets paid to rant about government abuses but neglects to mention that he helped the CIA smuggle cocaine into black neighborhoods during the Iran-Contra affair.
- Breaking Bad has Jack Welker's neo-Nazi gang, who are heavily armed and live in a desert compound. They're involved in the local drug trade and have extensive contacts in the New Mexico state prison system, enough that Jack is able to organize ten prison murders to occur within minutes of each other when Walt pays him to get rid of people who could testify against them. Despite their symbols, they're perfectly willing to work with the Juarez Cartel for cash. This is all Truth in Television: the real-world Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacist prison gang and crime syndicate, is allied with the Mexican Mafia, gets up to murder-for-hire and meth dealing outside of prison, and is responsible for 18-25% of prison murders despite constituting less than 0.1% of the prison population. Despite having swastika tattoos, Jack's ideology isn't really elaborated upon, aside from a conversation with Kenny where he laments the softness of the current generation and him scornfully referring to Hank as "Fed" before executing him.
- In Breakout Kings, the runner in the episode "Like Father, Like Son" is a member of a militia, the Patriotic Front.
- Burn Notice:
- Michael, Sam, Fi, and Jesse have to rescue an ailing boy from a militia compound run by a Phony Veteran in the episode "Besieged".
- An earlier episode has Michael (under duress from Gilroy) negotiating the purchase of a BFG at a neo-Nazi compound. Michael poses as an apolitical Arms Dealer so as to not give the racist scum any ideas that he was supporting their evil cause.
Michael: "The only color I care about is green."
- Clarice: In the second episode, VICAP travels to Tennessee to try and defuse a hostage situation involving a secessionist group called the Statesmen. While leader Lucas Novak has some beliefs less common on the American right (he's an anti-capitalist, for one), the group's general beliefs seem to be right-wing.
- Class of '09: In The Present (2023) Tayo investigated a group of these, which grew into a shootout while only he and Nunez were visiting their compound. After escaping, the group also tries to murder Tayo's wife Vivienne and commit a bombing, both of which he foils. However, they later do succeed in getting a mass shooter into Quantico who guns down several trainees and also bring down FBI headquarters through undermining its foundations.
- Criminal Minds:
- Although the militia in season 3 episode "Identity" are portrayed as racist and antagonistic, they also ran the killer out of town for abusing his wife and it's one of them who shoots the killer in the end.
- In season 4 episode "Minimal Loss", when they go after one of these groups it turns out that a cult has taken over their compound and when the track down the original leader he's much more reasonable than expected. It helps that he leaned libertarian, in contrast to the very dictatorial cult leader.
- Season 9 episode "Final Shot" has the imprisoned leader of one of these as the Red Herring. When a sniper starts rampaging through Dallas, the BAU thinks at first that it's a statement by the militia group, or at the least some kind of political message (because the rampage starts on the eve of the anniversary of Kennedy's assassination). Turns out that the Cold Sniper responsible for the rampage is a mercenary hired by a Domestic Abuser Private Military Contractor CEO to kill his runaway wife.
- Justin Bieber plays one of these in CSI. The second episode he appears in is rather popular amongst his hatedom because of a scene in which his character is killed in a hail of gunfire.
- One episode of Diagnosis: Murder featured a militia group trying to separate the US West Coast into a state for whites, complete with the We Are Everywhere threat and a stolen nuke.
- Dragnet:
- In the 1967 episode "The Big Explosion" Neo-Nazi Donald Chapman implies that he's part of a larger group as he's being taken off to jail for the various crimes he committed.
- Then in the 1969 episode "Intelligence:DR-34" Friday helps bring down a militia group after one of its members approaches him to obtain a Federal firearms license - a license he is ineligible for as he is a convicted felon.
- FBI: Most Wanted:
- In "Hairtrigger", Mike Kellerman is what Jess describes a typical homegrown anti-government domestic terrorist. He recruits Doug Timmons by pretending to support his conspiracy theory about government support of school shootings, and then primes him to commit a massacre in a government building in Albany.
- In "Rangeland", the team is called to Wyoming after two Bureau of Land Management agents go missing after trying to execute a cattle seizure warrant against a rancher who hasn't paid the land fees. The rancher, Will, killed the agents claiming that he thought were going for their guns. His brother Cole is involved in an anti-government rancher association and previously ran for Sheriff. The brothers kidnap the Bureau's chief and the Sheriff and put them in a mock trial before his association's ranchers.
- Flashpoint: In "Follow the Leader", the SRU bust a white supremacist organisation, then have to stage a desperate search when they learn that three members have escaped with bombs.
- Frasier: In one episode, Niles accompanies his father to the shooting range and befriends some of the regulars. When they invite him to visit their compound, Martin and Daphne realize Niles' new friends are actually "those militia people". Niles is skeptical until his "friends" tell him they're choosing a generator so they'll be prepared for when the New World Order takes over. Cue Niles, Martin, and Daphne excusing themselves and leaving as fast as possible.
- Homeland: In Season 7, an expy of Alex Jones hides out with a group of right-wing survivalists, provoking an armed stand-off with FBI agents. Certain events during the siege are modeled after the Ruby Ridge incident.
- In Justice: In one episode it turns out that an informant from a far-right militia is the real perpetrator. He killed someone during a bank robbery, and his FBI handlers actually helped to frame someone so they could keep him as a source.
- Three occurrences in JAG:
- In "Brig Break", the Gunnery Sergeant in charge of the brig uses a right-wing militia group as a decoy to keep base security busy while steals weapons for Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
- In "Vanished", a right-wing militia group called Freedom Brethren kidnaps the wife and child of an F-14 pilot, and convinces the aviator to bring them the aircraft and to shoot down a certain civilian airliner. If demands are not fulfilled, the wife and child will die.
- In "Rivers' Run" Harm and Mac defends Navy SEAL Lt. Curtis Rivers in a Kangaroo Court under the common law, as interpreted by anti-government separatists in West Virginia.
- An episode of Jake 2.0 had one such group kidnap the titular character's younger brother by accident. Unfortunately, the group's leader's fanaticism causes the death of his son.
- In the Kraft Suspense Theatre episode "A Lion Amongst Men", Major Will Stanton is a paranoid bigot who's trying to start a militia, although his only "recruit" is a friend who's clearly just indulging him.
- This trope was fully embraced by Law & Order — especially during the late '90s. One episode called "Nullification" had a group of so-called "American Patriots" claim an armored car heist (in which a guard was killed) was an act of civil disobedience akin to the Boston Tea Party. They managed a mistrial because of one disaffected juror whom McCoy had sniffed out but refused to dismiss because he didn't want to win by working the system like the defendants were doing.
- The first Law & Order / Homicide: Life on the Street crossover focused on these types, based in Baltimore, gassing a New York subway station in Harlem.
- In the pilot episode of Legends Martin Odum has infiltrated a militia group which is planning a major terrorist attack. While most are fanatical True Believers, Martin realizes that the group's Founding Father is not actually willing to die for his beliefs and thus would surrender to the FBI rather than blow himself up.
- Leverage: "The Gone-Fishin' Job" features a debt collector using a list from the IRS to scam people out of cash that he's using to finance his own private revolution complete with possible truck bomb. When Hardison and Eliot pretend to be government agents, they are captured by the militia and sentenced to be shot as enemy combatants (for reference, neither carries weapons).
- On Longmire when Walt compiles a list of people who might have ordered the murder of Walt's wife, one of the prime suspects is a local militia leader whom Walt once arrested. The guy did not do it but he did murder a federal census taker so Walt's investigation makes him extremely paranoid. Then Vic, Walt's deputy, happens to be driving near his compound when she has a car accident so she goes there to get help. The militia members think this is a pretext for her to spy on them and they take her and her husband prisoner.
- MacGyver: Mac takes on a neo-Nazi group in "The Seven Per Cent Solution".
- Motive: The Christian Way in "Foreign Relations" is a right-wing white supremacist group. The Victim of the Week is initially thought to have been murdered by them, but he later turns out to have been a member.
- Parodied by Mr. Show with the character of Mountain Dougie, who tries to secede from the United States — and succeeds. He then creates a flag and currency for his new nation of 'New Freeland,' but is enticed by the wonders of America (they have food there) and emigrates to the US.
- Team Gibbs from NCIS finger a militia group for the theft of military weapons ("Split Decision") in the first season.
- The Outer Limits (1995): In "The Heist", the militia group Lightning Dawn is preparing for the "inevitable" resumption of the Cold War. To that end, it hijacks what it believes to be a US Army missile shipment which was being sent to Russia in order to keep the Russian President in power (they're convinced Russia is still a communist state). It instead turned out to be an alien organism.
- Peacemaker (2022) downplays this with Christopher Smith/Peacemaker. He believes multiple conspiracy theories he learned through questionable online sources wholeheartedly and he's a brutal vigilante, but in spite of holding some sexist views he's a fairly reasonable guy who tries to distance himself from the far right and semi-reluctantly works with the government. Much of this stems from the fact that his father Auggie Smith - a straight example of this trope - is a vicious white supremacist leader and supervillain who subjected Peacemaker to horrific abuse from birth to turn him into an elite killer who would target minorities, something Peacemaker very much doesn't want to do.
- The Punisher (2017) has Lewis Wilson, a veteran with severe PTSD who after failing to find work with Private Military Contractors due to Curtis warning Billy Russo about Lewis's instability, gets swayed by far-right rhetoric from a bigoted NRA member and ends up becoming a domestic terrorist who plans on assassinating a politician with pro-gun control policies.
- Jim Rockford goes against a group of these in The Rockford Files episode "The Battle of Canoga Park." When they are arrested for murder at the end of the episode, they behave as though they are prisoners of war, althoguh hte younger son still talks too much.
- Rick Flag of Smallville has definite shades of this, believing the government is out to round up and kill superheroes and masked vigilantes. The comparison is made even more obvious by his constant placement of the American flag on his weaponry, his recitation of the ''Star-Spangled Banner'' as he prepares to blow up Lois' father, and the huge flag blowing behind his head when he declares war on the government.
- The sad thing, however? His fears are turning out to be justified.
- When the crew of Star Trek: Voyager travel back to the past, ex-Maquis freedom fighters Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres crash their shuttle in Arizona, where they're captured by paranoid survivalists convinced that these uniformed strangers in an apparent stealth aircraft are part of some Government Conspiracy (it's not like the truth is any more believable). Chakotay is just starting his peaceful warrior speech when the government forces turn up, demanding they hand over the shuttle and whoever was piloting it. Unsurprisingly bullets start flying, but fortunately Tuvok and the Doctor intervene with a Big Damn Heroes. The Doctor's ability to be Immune to Bullets (he's a hologram, so they pass right through him) and stun them with a ray gun would hardly make them less paranoid and disbelieving of nutty conspiracy theories in future.
- S.W.A.T. (2017): The Imperial Dukes are a violent white supremacist, homophobic militia group hoping to start a race war who kill multiple cops.
- Waco depicts the Waco siege
, one of the turning points for the movement. As early as the Ruby Ridge incident, depicted in the first episode, there are already right-wing gun owners decrying the FBI's actions. The ATF orders a raid on Mount Carmel because they believe the Branch Dravidians to be illegally moving and modifying arms (i.e. as a group of these).
- Walker, Texas Ranger has dealt with plenty of these, and a few of these cases involve these villains going From Camouflage to Criminal:
- The Freedom Brigade in Season 5's "Patriot", led by Bart Hawkins, who was once a United States Army Sergeant Major who had been stealing munitions from his base, until his lieutenant, Trivette's cousin, Jeffrey "JJ" Jordan, caught on to the scheme and was killed as a result. Hawkins' men then took over a minority-owned television station in retaliation for this arrest and to broadcast their racist propaganda.
- A group of conspirators bent on world domination in Season 6's "Warriors" kidnap the Rangers' old friend, Dr. Susan Lee, and later, her son, Davey, to use her research and both their DNA to create and clone a species of powerful Super Soldiers strong enough to withstand bullets to the chest and even Walker's trademark Roundhouse Kick. After the group is arrested during the final confrontation, Lee eventually helps Walker gain the upper hand against the prototype, setting him ablaze with kerosene and a blowtorch, giving Walker an opening to kick him out the window into a storage bay of gasoline barrels, where he meets an explosive end.
- The Sons of the Reich from "The Soul of Winter" (also in Season 6), led by Stan Gorman, who was imprisoned by a black preacher (whom he tried to murder, and also became the new pastor of the First Christian Church since the death of Trent's father) several years earlier and sought revenge by wanting to get that preacher to resign. He attempted to kill his son, but killed the wrong kid in a case of Mistaken Identity.
- The Freedom Brigade appears again, this time, led by Cliff Eagleton, in Season 8's "The Day of Cleansing", which serves as a two-part crossover with the Martial Law episode "Honor Among Strangers". Eagleton was a Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols copycat who sought to bomb police stations, banks, churches, courthouses and other government and diverse locations across the country with trucks loaded with deadly explosive chemicals, set off within four minutes once the driver pulls the loop.
- "Soldiers of Hate" (also in Season 8) has the Soldiers of the New Millennium led by Travis Braxton. Originally based out of Idaho, he joined his followers in Dallas and planned on bombing the Community Center at Fair Park and St. Mathew's Children's Hospital, which both serve as the sites for the Metroplex Unity Day.
- Season 9's "Blood Diamonds" had the Revolutionary United Front, a rebel group in Sierra Leone. Its leader was General Nelson Abu and among those working for him was Joseph Ileka, a diamond smuggler who came to Dallas for a tradeoff of diamonds in exchange for weapons for his people. Ileka is killed by a pimp during a one-night stand with a prostitute, and to make things go From Bad to Worse, the Medical Examiner's office reveals he was a carrier of a deadly variant of Ebola virus, having transferred it to the prostitute and her pimp the night he was murdered. Trivette assumes Ileka's identity in order for him and Walker to lure an arms dealer named Victor Drake into a trap. Meanwhile, Gage, Sydney and Alex, after questioning the prostitute, are feared to have caught Ebola themselves when she begins exhibiting the early symptoms, but they luckily come out negative, but some, such as the pimp and those on Ileka's flights from Uganda to Europe and eventually to Dallas, weren't so lucky. After the Ebola scare, the Rangers decide to take down Abu right away, upon which Drake catches on to Walker and Trivette's cover. Though Walker and Trivette end up killed as a result, it was all just a nightmare Alex was having, but that morning, Walker and Trivette were actually on the case from her dream.
- The X-Files has several examples, usually as a smokescreen for whatever conspiracy is really going on.
- The page quote comes from "Tunguska", in which Krycek allies with a terrorist group who help him escape an abandoned silo where he'd been imprisoned. Krycek uses them as part of a convoluted Batman Gambit, betraying them to the FBI at the earliest opportunity.
- "Unrequited" has a paramilitary group of Vietnam vets whom Mulder and Scully suspect in the murder of several Pentagon officials. They turn out to be a Red Herring.
- "The Pine Bluff Variant" plays it straight. When Mulder publicly renounces his previous belief in UFOs, saying that it's all part of a Government Conspiracy, he's approached by a radical militia group to work for them. It turns out he's acting as a Fake Defector. But Mulder is not the only one, as one of the group is using them to carry out his own Government Conspiracy.
- And The X-Files: Fight the Future opens with a terrorist attack clearly modeled on the Oklahoma City bombing, which is blamed on a right-wing group. In reality, it's a coverup by the Syndicate for a reappearance of the alien black oil.
- The Eric Bogle song "Keeper of the Flame" is about the paranoid rantings of a right-wing militia fanatic.
- In Leslie Fish's "Gamers", the FBI mistakes her for this due to her LARPing activities:
They told the press I was a terrorist who planned to blow up half the town
They called me a right-wing militia nut and a neo-Nazi clown. - "Goddamn White Trash" by Ministry depicts far-right terrorists as Hillbilly Horrors, albeit in a way that's Played for Laughs in the music video. The song itself depicts such people as Boisterous Weaklings who are "uneducated and ready for war" and "manipulated into civil war". The music video, meanwhile, depicts a group of far-right racist terrorists as pathetic losers who act tougher than they really are. They dress in tactical gear while riding hobby horses, pretend to knife fight imaginary enemies in their underwear, and act tough while using a mobility scooter just to get anywhere.
- Behind the Bastards has featured several bastards who influenced, infiltrated, or used militia movements to do some pretty horrible things.
- It Could Happen Here (by the same creator of the above) speculates a scenario where the United States is embroiled in a new civil war between several different right and left-wing militant groups, with Christian Dominionists seizing a large chunk of the southern states.
Tabletop Games
- In the d20 Modern Urban Arcana setting, there is the Fraternal Order of Vigilance, a militia with a legal front engaging in acts of violence motivated by Fantastic Racism against shadowkinds (i.e. everyone who is not human, including perfectly peaceful elves or blue-collar dwarfs.)
- The Menace Manual sourcebook has a potentially non-villainous example with the ostensibly anti-fascist 25th Freedom Brigade, who can be either a help or a hindrance to the player characters. As with many other examples, they are very anti-government, comprised mostly of disenfranchised patriotic veterans, and dangerously hostile to those that trespass on their land.
- Racial Holy War: The player characters are gun-wielding neo-Nazis who embark on a quest to wipe out all Black, Asian, Latino, Arab, and Jewish people from the face of the planet in order to stop a government conspiracy to wipe out the white race. The game was developed by a real-life white supremacist cult known as the Church of the Creator, so their virulent xenophobia is supposed to be seen as a positive trait.
Video Games
- In Baten Kaitos Origins, this is pretty much Baelheit's Machina conspiracy group in a nutshell. They're hell-bent on overthrowing what they see as the corrupt magical system that rules the world and don't even care if they start a war by doing it. Ultimately subverted, however, as Baelheit turned out to have sympathetic motives - namely the fact that losing his wife and being Forced to Watch as his daughter was savaged by a feral remnant of the Physical God Malpercio led him to despise everything connected to the old gods and their magic.
- Counter-Strike features the map CS_Militia and the Militia skin, which is only available by chance on the random skin button. Condition Zero gives them a laconic backstory: they're a domestic terrorist group from the Midwest who took up a campaign of murder and bombings in response to the Waco siege of 1993.
- Cyberpunk 2077: The 6th Street Gunners… Maybe, It's kind of complicated: The gang is made up of American veterans, and have the aesthetic down pat, with lots of American flags and camo. They express their love for the 2nd amendment, are embroiled in a turf war with the proudly Latino Valentinos gang, and declare their love for the USA, which in this setting is so deeply embroiled with Militech that it's impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. However, they are also racially diverse (in a "In the Army, the only color is green!"-sort of way), support the left-liberal mayoral candidate Jefferson Peralez for his anti-corporate stance, and are generally anti-MegaCorp and anti-corpofascist and pro-small business and pro-grassroots democracy. Most importantly, though, any political stance they might have beyond 'more money for us, fuck you' is rapidly being worn away as they devolve into an extremely violent drug cartel.
- A group of these appears as enemies in Dead Rising 2. One of them mentions working in border patrol, and they blame the Zombie Apocalypse on liberals, socialists, and foreigners (the last one is actually pretty accurate, although it's not like America was completely innocent). They even blame people who are not true conservatives like them.
- The NSF in Deus Ex.
- They were this originally, but by the time of the game the organisation has expanded and attracted representatives of every group hostile to the current US government and/or UNATCO, and as a result, their political stance has drifted quite a bit to the left. A couple supporters of them spout off some lines that wouldn't sound out of place in an Occupy protest.
- The trick is, the government really is using extreme clandestine methods to achieve totalitarian influence. As the player learns throughout the game, the level of corruption and greed surpasses even the most haphazard theories of NSF members. You know you live in a Crapsack World if the Right-Wing Militia Fanatic is your good guy.
- Fallout 2 heavily implies that the subterranean "Ghost Farm" inhabitants (near Modoc) are descended from some of these. Other than having a hard time adapting to going outside after living so long underground, they're a pretty level-headed bunch.
- The Boomer tribe originated from Vault 34 near Las Vegas, which, as part of the Vault experiment, had an armory overfilled with guns with a door that couldn't lock. When the Overseer tried to implement gun control measures, the Boomers' ancestors stole some guns and escaped into the Wasteland, setting up their new home at the Nellis Air Force Base. There every Boomer carries some kind of gun, with one farmer packing a Fat Man. They're fiercely isolationist and also have a bunch of howitzers to shell anyone trying to enter their territory. If you manage to somehow reach their gate with your limbs intact, they won't confiscate your weapons, since the right to keep and bear arms is sacred to them.
- Deacon from Fallout 4 apparently views The Minutemen (an army modelled after America's colonial and revolutionary war era Minutemen) as being in this category, if the player takes him as a companion to their headquarters, the Castle, Deacon would say that whilst he's happy that The Minutemen are returning, he also perceives them as too "redneck".
- Fallout 76: Features The Free States, a secessionist faction of libertarian conspiracy theorists with little real organization. They get some sympathy due to the U.S. government having arguably warranted resistance against by the time they broke away. They did alright in the immediate aftermath of the war but were eventually killed or driven out of the Appalachian Mountains by the Scorch Beasts.
- The antagonists of Far Cry 5 are a militia/Cult hybrid called the Project at Eden's Gate who are effectively the Branch Davidians as an N.G.O. Superpower. The Whitetail Militia are a rare heroic version of this trope in that they are one of the factions fighting against the cult.
- Portrayed heroically in Freedom Fighters (2003). Even before the invasion, Isabella Angelina was the head of a group like this. Afterwards, they become La Résistance against the Soviet occupiers.
- Shows up several times in the Grand Theft Auto series.
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas features one mission where CJ must sneak on a farm owned by a Waco-esque group in order to steal their combine harvester for The Truth. They shoot at him on sight — although CJ is trespassing with the intention of committing theft, he barely steps foot on his property before they start firing. Also, they shout racial slurs at CJ and clearly enjoy hunting him down. But once you actually get to the harvester...
- In Grand Theft Auto IV's DLC episodes, talk radio host "John Smith" on WKTT (a parody of Alex Jones) is one of these, spouting exaggerated versions of conspiracy theories popular on the radical right. A good number of his callers also fit this mold — in one instance, he hangs up on a man who is praising Adolf Hitler not because he disagrees with him, but because he doesn't want to get fined again (implying that this isn't the first time that such people have called in). There's also his guest at the end of the show, Abigail Grayson, a Crazy Survivalist soccer mom with extra emphasis on the "Crazy".
- Grand Theft Auto V has Joe and Josef of the Civil Border Patrol, aka the "Minute Men", a parody of anti-immigrant border militias like the Minuteman Project and Ranch Rescue. While Joe fits the mold to a tee, Josef is a Russian immigrant who barely speaks English, and has a bit of trouble distinguishing between American sayings and British ones; at one point he says he's fighting "for King and Country". It's also implied that Josef is a neo-Nazi as well.
- Hitman (2016) features an inversion during the mission "Freedom Fighters", where Agent 47 is tasked with infiltrating the hideout of a gang of Eco-Terrorist Left Wing Militia Fanatics situated on a farm in Colorado and assassinating their leaders. The truth, however, is a bit more complicated than that: the militia was in fact set up by Lucas Grey to fight Providence rather than to serve a specific political agenda.
- Homefront has you meeting a group of these guys in the fifth level, where you and your group are trying to get a helicopter from them. They're probably the only people in the world who can match the North Korean invaders in pure nastiness — they torture and enslave captured enemy soldiers for sport before lynching them and putting their heads (or bodies) on pikes, they try to kidnap your group's female member for "entertainment", and they're not above collaborating with the enemy and turning over resistance members for money. They are also implied to be white-supremacists, seeing as none of them have any black members on their ranks at all.
- inFAMOUS 2 has the Militia, a group of right-wing extremists who take over New Marais to purge it of mutants and meta-humans (including Cole) and "deviants". They serve as the chief villains for the first half of the game.
- Left Behind: Eternal Forces has you leading a group of these battling The Antichrist and the Global Community in the middle of New York. There was a fair bit of controversy over this, with some critics claiming that it was promoting religious violence (notably, Jack Thompson cut his ties to Tyndale House, Left Behind's publisher, over the game), though to be fair, the game rewards players for pursuing non-violent means of victory — after all, killing your enemies means that you can't convert them, and it also decreases the morale, or "spirit", of your own units ("thou shalt not kill" and all).
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri features the Spartan Federation as a major faction, based on a mix of this ideology and Latin American guerrillas (their leader Corazón Santiago is a Puerto Rican woman). Yes, of the seven factions (twelve in the expansion) representing what's left of humanity in the future, one is explicitly described as a group of right-wing survivalist fanatics. That said, the Spartans are fairly non-ideological beyond their belief in the supremacy of the military, and are pretty collectivist and hierarchical rather than libertarian.
- Sunrider 4: The Captain's Return has the Hawk Faction, a militant, ultranationalist faction of the Solar Alliance military. They're not happy about the recent armistice between the Alliance and PACT, blaming the politicians for how the war ground to a halt after PACT kicked the Alliance out of the Neutral Rim, and they plan to resume hostilities after overthrowing the Alliance's legitimate government in a coup d'état. Ironically, they're just pawns in a PACT plot to make the Solar Alliance destroy itself from within.
- Syphon Filter:
- Subverted in Syphon Filter 3. Teresa's first assignment was to retrieve stolen satellite data taken by a militia, but the NSA team Teresa helps plans to sell it to terrorists and the militia are just unlucky witnesses.
- Played with in The Omega Strain, where the main antagonists are Chechen Muslim terrorists, but the first group the player deals with are the French-Canadian Anarchist Libertaire Armee (ALA).
- The Soldier of Team Fortress 2 is a parodic semi-heroic example of this trope. He is a Politically Incorrect Hero, Cloud Cuckoo Lander, and fits the second Eagleland example to a T. Nonetheless, he is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold and cares about his team of mixed nationalities. Even if at times it's clear he's simply that dumb to think they're American like him.
- Watch_Dogs has the Pawnee Militia. In addition to the anti-government politics and love of guns, they're also hired by the Chicago South Club to serve as armed escorts or hitmen, and by the Blume Corporation to guard some of their facilities. The latter brings them into conflict with T-Bone. The expansion Bad Blood reveals that, at some point after the events of the main story, they turned against Blume, presumably upon finding out what the ctOS was actually used for. It's implied that this turn of events has caused T-Bone to sympathize with their views a bit, though he still despises their methods, and works with detective Sheila Billings to help stop them from carrying out terrorist attacks.
- Yakuza: Like a Dragon had Bleach Japan, a Japanese twist on the formula. They are ostensibly a group of Moral Guardians dedicated to "bleaching" grey areas of Japan, by forcing the authorities to take action against petty crimes which are otherwise largely ignored for reasons of tradition or pragmatism. However, it quickly becomes clear that the real reason this group exists is to make life intolerable for marginalized people who cannot gain redress through Japan's notoriously racist and classist justice system, such as sex workers, the homeless, illegal immigrants, their children,note and other non-citizens. Bleach Japan aren't as heavily armed as their American counterparts, but regularly wear helmets and carry baseball bats, and are very eager to use violence against anyone who doesn't fit into their vision of what Japan should be. They are also, unbeknownst to most of their members, a front for the Big Bad, who uses them to put the squeeze on small ethnic criminal groups for his allies in the Omi Alliance.
Web Comics
- Remus has one of these fly a plane into the White House on page 1. That's actually one of the least horrific things that happens in this comic.
- Schlock Mercenary has an alien space naval version in Book 18 with the Uuplechan Patriot Armada, a flotilla of what barely qualify as "warships" crewed by anti-immigration bigots with a habit of preying upon ships belonging to other species, and using their political allies to avoid prosecution. Proving that they're outright Space Pirates proves necessary to prevent an all-out war between Uuplech and Tagon's Toughs.
- In S.S.D.D. Texas fell
to an alliance of these compounds, who then conquered most of the southeastern U.S. With a particular emphasis on fundamentalism.
Web Original
- In the Alternate History Decades of Darkness, the Anglo-Saxon nationalist movement in Britain leads to the growth of the Gaderung (who are based around agricultural self-sufficiency) and the Fyrd (an alternate version of the Boy Scouts), while the government creates the Home Defence Force to protect against invasion. All of these groups rapidly turn into these, especially when Germany invades Britain and law and order breaks down.
- In the Alternate History A Giant Sucking Sound, President Ross Perot pushes tough gun laws after the Waco Siege, creating impetus for a violent terrorist organization called Stormfront, which unites various members of the militia movements and the American far-right and proves to be the most dangerous groups of the ATL 1990s, notably assassinating Paul Wellstone and Steven Spielberg.
- Parodied in the Something Awful article "Great Battles of the New American Revolution"
. The militia groups are only able to take a Cracker Barrel in Missouri, an Old Country Buffet in the Florida Panhandle, and a strip mall in Jacksonville off I-295 before they are defeated in one Curb-Stomp Battle after another.
Western Animation
- Stanley "Mad Stan" Labowski in Batman Beyond combines this with a touch of the Unabomber. It's actually unclear just what his politics are, since his rhetoric tends to be somewhat muddled, but he really hates the federal government and generally looks like one of these. Then again, his hatred of capitalism probably puts him closer to a Bomb-Throwing Anarchist.
- Dale Gribble from King of the Hill drifts between this, a Cloudcuckoolander, and an Agent Mulder. His Gun-Club buddies definitely qualify though. Especially Mad Dog, who thinks Dale's conspiring to kill him and takes Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer hostage.
- Love, Death & Robots: "Three Robots: Exit Strategies": The first pre-apocalyptic society examined by the droids is a rural community inhabited by right-wing gun nuts, who, as noted, attempted to escape governmental surveillance with bullets and venison. Cut off from government support, they went extinct through a combination of starvation/dietary deficiency-related illness (because all they had to eat was venison jerky) and turning on each other.
- The Simpsons:
- Homer Simpson, of all people, shows signs of this in one episode when he hands Bart money printed by 'the Montana Militia', saying "It'll be real soon enough." This is, naturally, a throwaway joke which is never, ever referenced again.
- Herman, an occasionally recurring character who sells military antiques, comes close to playing this trope straight. At times.
- Transformers: Prime: Silas has the aesthetic and ideology, though it's unclear just how far it goes as the show didn't go into his backstory enough to do that. Given his resources and his "new world order vs. newer world order" speech in his first appearance, however, he could be something far worse.
- X-Men: The Animated Series had the anti-mutant hate group "Friends of Humanity". They tried to appear like a legitimate movement who were disaffected with the anti-mutant Robert Kelly switching sides and giving Beast a presidential pardon, but considering their outfits were a few Swastikas short from officially being Neo-Nazi garm and their "activism" included things like attacking a hospital full of blind patients, the whole Villain with Good Publicity thing didn't last. They also set up bases in places that they probably didn't own, kidnapped and attempted to kill multiple people just for being mutants and spread a seemingly lethal virus so they could blame it on mutants. They were initially led by Graydon Creed, son of Mystique and Sabertooth, who was personally driven out of hatred for the mutant parents who abandoned him but was also genuinely bigoted. Either way, after Wolverine revealed Creed's relation with Sabertooth, the organization abandoned him and seemingly collapsed on itself, but it eventually made a comeback, this time led by a group of masked men in Klan-like hoods.