Roaring Rampage of Rescue - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Aug 06 2011

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

When a loved one has been kidnapped by the Big Bad or his Mooks, sometimes the protagonist has no time or inclination for negotiation. In this case, expect them to utilise their skills, experience, determination and connections and go to any lengths in order to rescue said loved one. Without a doubt, copious amounts of violence and mayhem will ensue. Expect them to be fueled either by Unstoppable Rage or Tranquil Fury. Their drive to save their loved one will almost necessarily make them a Determinator. May involve a Pre-Asskicking One-Liner.

If the loved one is a child, then the rescuing is probably being done by a Mama Bear or Papa Wolf, or the Badass in a Badass and Child Duo. Can also be prompted by an I Have Your Wife call from the Big Bad. If it is a love interest, they are probably a Damsel in Distress (or a Distressed Dude). May overlap with Roaring Rampage of Revenge if the goal is to both rescue the loved one and inflict punishment on those who kidnapped them.

Sub-Trope of Big Damn Heroes.


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Anime & Manga 

  • In Attack on Titan, Mikasa Ackerman is prone to these whenever anyone attempts to kidnap her foster brother, Eren. She's even gone so far as to threaten her True Companions, making it clear that she will kill anyone that gets in her way. Armin seems to be the only one capable of restraining her, and then only just barely.
  • The Conviction Arc from Berserk is pretty much one gigantic one of these, as Guts learns that Casca has gone away following his two-year vendetta against Griffith following the Eclipse. Knowing that he fucked up big-time in leaving her behind, Guts stops at absolutely nothing to save her, tearing through everyone and everything that dares to try to do her harm — be they monsters, cultists, or even a fanatical high inquisitor and his followers — with everything he has.
    • Guts also roars and rampages during the course of the Griffith rescue arc, though much of that roaring and rampaging comes after he and the Hawks find him and learn just what kind of state he's in following his year's worth of torture. It does not end pretty for either the guy responsible for torturing Griffith, or for any Midland guardsman standing between Guts and the way out.
  • Black Lagoon: So you have to this great idea - kidnap Garcia Lovelace for an extortion racket against his father's dwindling influence and power! Not bad. There's just one tiny obstacle in that plan: Roberta, the head maid of the Lovelace family and the Bloodhound of Florencia. Start fucking praying.
  • Rin Asano of Blade of the Immortal. Throughout the series, Rin is essentially somewhere between The Cutie, Damsel in Distress, and The Load. In fact, the entire story began basically because she hired badass Immortal Samurai Manji to protect her. Throughout the series, Rin gains an inverted Bodyguard Crush and slowly falls in love with Manji. In a later arc, Manji is captured by the shogunate and completely vanishes, prompting Rin to go "Let's Get Dangerous!." For the rest of the arc, Rin becomes a force of absolute destruction against anything standing between her and her man. She takes such a level in badass that Manji fails to recognize her when they're reunited.
  • In Bleach this was the driving motive for Ichigo and his friends during the Soul Society and Arrancar arcs, rescuing Rukia from execution by Soul Society in the former and Orihime from captivity in Hueco Mundo in the latter.
    • When Rukia is arrested for the crime of sharing her powers with Ichigo and sentenced to death, Ichigo spends a week restoring his powers and learning how to fight, before travelling to Soul Society with Orihime, Chad, Uryu and Yoruichi. Once there, they spend two weeks infiltrating the Seireitei, picking fights, and overall causing massive property damage, only for everyone but Ichigo and Yoruichi to get captured and taken into custody mere days before Rukia's execution. Ichigo then spends the final three days learning how to use Bankai, before interrupting the execution mere moments before the Sokyoku can kill Rukia. By the end of it Ichigo and his companions defeat several incredibly powerful Shinigami (and earn the allegiance of most of those along the way) just to save one person, an event unprecedented in the history of Soul Society. They only get away with it because Rukia's execution and the events leading to it were all part of Aizen's plan, who escapes before he can be punished for his crimes. Once the dust settles, Rukia is cleared of all charges while Ichigo and his friends are allowed to return home once they recuperate.
    • After Aizen orchestrates events to coerce Orihime into becoming his prisoner and make it look like she joined him willingly, Soul Society officially washes their hands of the whole affair and recall Hitsugaya's unit so they can prepare for Aizen's invasion of Karakura Town. Ichigo of course is having none of it and travels to Hueco Mundo with Chad and Uryu, where he's joined by Rukia and Renji (since Byakuya was only ordered to bring them home, not to make sure they stayed there). Once there they infiltrate Las Noches, Aizen's palace, and go their separate ways as they search for Orihime, defeating several Arrancar along the way (including former and current Espada). After events leave Ichigo and his companions about to be killed by several Espada, they are rescued by several Captains in the nick of time. After the Captains finish their fights, however, Aizen has Starrk retrieve Orihime and traps his enemies in Hueco Mundo as he begins his invasion with the three strongest Espada, leaving Ulquiorra to hold the fort in his absence. Following one last fight with Ulquiorra, Ichigo leaves Orihime with Uryu in Hueco Mundo until the invasion of Karakura ends, acknowledging that she's probably safest there for the time being. Only after Aizen's final defeat is Orihime brought home.
  • Kazuki of Fafner in the Azure: Dead Aggressor flies into a rage when his ahem best friend Soushi is kidnapped by a Festum. Sadly, it doesn't work.

    Kazuki: Give him back! Give me back Soushi!

  • Roy Mustang goes on a one-man one of these in Fullmetal Alchemist, when two of his most loyal subordinates are endangered during a covert operation. He risks the entire mission by tearing across town to save their lives. His Number Two, Riza Hawkeye, thanks him for saving her by calling him an idiot for doing so; of course, being Riza, she gets away with this.
  • Futari wa Pretty Cure has this trope prominently featured in episode 42. Cure White is captured by the Seeds of Darkness and trapped in a zone where the darkness will consume her. Cure Black's response to this is really something behold.
  • In Gintama, during the Farewell, Shinsengumi arc, Katsura's Joui Rebel faction makes a truce with the Shinsengumi in order to rescue Kondo and Matsudaira, who are set to be executed for failing to protect Shige Shige during the previous arc. Yorozuya Gin-chan somehow ends up joining in the rescue effort, and the resulting alliance manages to successfully rescue their targets, allying with the Mimawarigumi when the Tenshouin Naraku show up, at the cost of Isaburo's life.
  • Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru's storming of Hell to save his Morality Pet Rin.
  • Lupin III goes on one of these to rescue Clarice in The Castle of Cagliostro, assisted by Jigen, Goemon, Fujiko, and none other than his Friendly Enemy Inspector Zenigata (with the whole of Interpol at his command.)
  • The title character of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS provides an absolutely spectacular example when Vivio is kidnapped, curb-stomping everyone that gets in between her and her daughter. And her daughter, too.
  • One Piece:
    • Monkey D. Luffy on several occasions, notably in Arlong Park (on Nami's behalf), Enies Lobby (for Nico Robin), Marineford (to interrupt his brother Ace's execution) and Dressrosa (after Law gets captured by Doflamingo). Expect him to yell (either yelling the Arc Villain's name, or just plain yelling), perform at least one Foe-Tossing Charge accompanied by a Gum-Gum Gatling, and seriously kick ass in general. Don't expect him to give a damn if you don't want to be saved — he will save you, or die trying.
    • In the beginning of the Final Arc, Captain Coby (the kid that Luffy met back in Chapter 2!) is kidnapped by Blackbeard (or rather, Coby traded himself for a battleship that Blackbeard had captured). The result of this is that SWORD, a top-secret division of Marines who are no longer "official" Marines, the crew he's a part of, as well as his mentor, Vice-Admiral Garp (who just happens to be Luffy's grandfather), launch a raid on Blackbeard's headquarters in order to save him. They succeed, and also free a bunch of slaves to boot - but Garp himself orders them to leave him behind when he's pinned down and is later declared Missing in Action. The next arc shows that he's still alive, but remains Blackbeard's prisoner.
  • Saiyuki has the "overlaps with Roaring Rampage of Revenge" version courtesy of Hakkai, then still named Gonou, who single-handedly killed at least 1000 demons in the process of rescuing his sister/lover Kanan. Then Kanan kills herself before his eyes, since she had been gangraped and forcibly impregnated, and everything goes further downhill.
  • A scary version in Steel Angel Kurumi. After Nakahito's kidnapped, Kurumi, Saki and Karinka storm the School's floating fortress. However, being away from Nakahito is slowly turning Kurumi into her Brainwashed and Crazy Superpowered Evil Side.
  • Inugami from Wolf Guy - Wolfen Crest. After his arch-nemesis Haguro kidnaps their teacher Aoshika (who is the only person that Inugami really cares about) and subjects her to hours and hours of horrible gang rape at the hands of himself and his men just to piss Inugami off enough to lure him out of seclusion Inugami is conflicted with the traumatizing events and the feelings that he has toward Aoshika. He eventually accepts and declares that he loves her and from that point on, the story snowballs into his dramatic mission to save her from Haguro's clutches. It works, thought at a very high price.

Comic Books 

  • In a Batman: Black and White story, Batman begins following a trail of especially horrible murders committed with a hatchet. He manages to find out every victim was at one point an Arkham inmate, and identifies the last victim in time to catch the killer - Arnold Wesker, the Ventriloquist. It turns out the rampage was actually this trope — he had been attacked at Arkham and Scarface torn apart by the other inmates. When offered Scarface's head, the last missing piece, Wesker immediately mellows out to his usual milquetoast persona, submits to the annoyed Scarface's complaints and meekly awaits to be sent back to Arkham.
  • Bob Saetta goes on one in Back to Brooklyn to save his family.
  • In Fall Out Toy Works, the Toymaker mass produces a pack of toy robots (with weapons and jetpacks!), calls for help from old friends, and storms Baron's zeppelin base to rescue one of his robots, Tiffany.
  • The Green Knight: A superhero blasts his way through a vampire's servants to rescue a young lad.
  • The Invisible Terror: A lab assistant goes after international mercenaries who kidnapped his dad boss' kids.
  • Sin City:
    • Wallace of Hell and Back goes on one of these when Esther, the woman he saves from suicide, is kidnapped.
    • And then there's Silent Night, where Marv gets to be a little girl's knight in shining armor, rescuing her from some sex traffickers. Needless to say, they get what's coming to them.
  • X-23 (2010): During "Girls' Night Out" Laura encounters one of Zebra Daddy's old friends, who took over a chunk of his empire following his death in NYX. After inflicting a Groin Attack when they guy gets mouthy about Laura's past, she drags Jubilee along on a rescue mission to liberate the trafficked girls. We don't actually see much of the fight, aside from Laura taking a Menacing Stroll among a few crumpled bodies, but it's highly unlikely the gang gave up their merchandise quietly...
  • Wonder Man (Fox): A radio mechanic busts up a tinpot dictatorship to save his boss's daughter.

Fan Works 

  • Advice and Trust: Several times. If you capture one of the pilots, his/her friends will not leave you alone until you die.
    • When Leliel swallowed Asuka whole and imprisoned her inside its body Shinji went berserk. He shattered the Angel's body into pieces, the whole time roaring: "GIVE HER BACK!"
    • Bardiel hijacked the Eva Hikari was piloting, locking her inside the giant robot. Shinji, Asuka and Rei managed to get her out of it; then Shinji and Asuka beat it up and Asuka stabbed it over and again until it died.
  • In All This Sh*t is Twice as Weird, when the Lord Inquisitor is captured by the enemy, a portion of the inner circle pulls out all the stops to get him back. They're pretty sure that it's a trap - that he's being used as bait to lure his Distaff Counterpart - but they refuse to let that stop them.
  • Alternate Tail Series: Played for Laughs when the main characters find a letter from Levy that said she is heading back to her hometown to confront Thomas Ore, her Smug Snake childhood bully that hired Phantom Lord to bring her to him so he can marry her. Fearing the worse, Gajeel and the others head there, wrecking much of Ore's property in their mission to save Levy... only to find out that Levy had defeated Ore in a wizard duel and nullified their forged engagement. Hilariously, Mira, Lyon, and Lily all deny the property damage while mentioning exactly what they did, while Gajeel doesn't even deny that he destroy the front gate.
  • The Child of Love: Subverted. When Misato reveals Shinji his father has taken Asuka away, Shinji loses his nerve for a moment, wanting nothing more than to run away and pretend it was not happening. However, Misato reminded him he was supposed to protect Asuka and not to run away, and he recovered his courage and joined the rescue party to storm the base, save Asuka and kick Gendo's ass.
  • Child of the Storm: Harry and his friends, under the direction of Doctor Strange, assault HYDRA's base to rescue Tony, Steve and Bruce - also, to retrieve Mjölnir.
    • In the sequel, the Avengers, with a few others, such as Wanda Maximoff, Jack O'Neill, and Alison Carter, assault the Red Room's base to get Harry and Carol back. It's a Curb-Stomp Battle for the good guys, but it...doesn't go quite as intended.
    • These seem to run in the family: Alison recalls going on one of these when Jack was captured and tortured during Desert Storm, while Peggy Carter went on one when Alison was kidnapped by the Red Room-and, it's implied, unleashed one heck of an arse-kicking.
  • BJ goes on one of these in Cinderjuice when his beloved Morality Chain is abducted. Considering that the abduction was preceded by a painful attempt at Break Her Heart to Save Her, he is really not happy.
  • A Crown of Stars: Winthrop turned Asuka into his plaything and flew with her to Germany, forcing Shinji to remain in Boston specifically because he wanted to avoid the teenager going berserk and trying to rescue her.
  • Worm and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's crossover Dragons and Swarm sees Yusei Fudo give Stardust Dragon to Taylor Hebert before he is captured by Security. Taylor starts working on a plan to covertly break him out. Then, due to Synchronization between Signer and Dragon, Stardust tells Taylor that Yusei is being tortured by Armstrong. Taylor throws subtlety out the window and summons every insect available, leaving most of Security with extreme entomophobia by the time Yusei and his fellow prisoners have been freed.
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers fanfic Gankona, Unnachgiebig, Unità: The moment the homophobe was about to rape Italy, Germany and Japan tackled him to the ground before proceeding to beat the living crap out of him. He didn't stand a chance.
  • In the Turning Red fanfic The Great Red Panda Rescue, Mei is kidnapped and given a Slave Brand. When Ming sees this during Mei's rescue she goes on one of these killing every one of Mei's captors.
  • Jayne Cobb isn’t known for being the most caring guy, but when he and Kaylee are caught in the Firefly fic Helpless, Kaylee is raped, and Jayne’s gets mad. He has to carry Kaylee because she’s too weak to stand, but still manages to clobber a number of guards and shoot a few as he makes his way out. It’s referred to once as “the Cobb juggernaut”.
  • HERZ: Averted. When Misato informs Asuka that Shinji has been kidnapped by SEELE, her first impulse was to run off and trash wildly to find her husband, but she struggled to control herself because she knew it was part of SEELE's plan.
  • In the Star Wars fic "Important Information", Han gets kidnapped and tortured. Luke, Leia, and Chewie storm the place and take out whoever they have to in order to get Han out of there.
  • Last Child of Krypton: When Asuka was trapped by Leliel inside its one-dimensional body, Shinji flew inside the alternate dimension, fought back Leliel's mind-raping nightmares, found Asuka and, when he confronted Leliel, simply said, "Burn" before setting the alien monster afire with his heat vision.
  • In Pulse and Void, a My Hero Academia fic, Present Mic is brutally tortured to the brink of death. Aizawa is married to him in the story and when he confronts Hizashi’s torturer and sees the state Hizaahi is in, he is out for blood and beats the guy to a bloody pulp. His Internal Monologue says he isn’t Pro Hero Eraserhead but Shota Aizawa, a guy out for vengeance for his loved one’s suffering. There’s a big fight with Bakugo and Midoriya and Midnight helping and Midnight joins in pummeling the torturer with her whip. It’s a definite Roaring Rampage of Revenge overlap.
  • Superwomen of Eva 2: Lone Heir of Krypton: When Shinji was kidnapped by a terrorist organization, Asuka got very, very mad. She searched, found and stormed into their headquarters, trashed everybody in there and pummeled the leader for daring to hurt and badmouth Shinji.
  • Snow Blind: After an ambush from the Purple Dragons leaves Donatello temporarily blinded and severely injured, he's kidnapped by a vigilante. Raphael, using the tracking program on his brother's phone, breaks into the vigilante's apartment to get to Donnie. At least, that's what Don thinks; the vigilante was actually Raphael all along. He kidnapped Don so he could treat his injuries without revealing his secret identity (knowing Don would be mad at him for his solo crime-fighting).
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man: Lost in Gotham: Played for Laughs in "Kidnapped... Again". Because the criminals who kidnapped Tim and Duke were really stupid, Spider-Man and Red Hood both make explosive entrances that scare everyone in the room while rescuing their brothers.
  • This Bites! sees the canon example with Nico Robin and raises by not only being even more thorough in their rampage, but also broadcasting the entire thing through the SBS so the world learns what the Straw Hat Pirates are willing to do for a friend.
  • Thousand Shinji: When Shinji woke up from a coma, Rei explained that Asuka was in a coma after being Mind Raped and Misato had been locked down in a cell. Shinji decided he would rescue both women and would kill anyone stood in the way.
  • The Violet Demon: Zim and Dib's side of the story is about them trying to track down the abducted Gaz, fighting their way through anyone who gets in their way.

Films — Animation 

  • Milo leads his friends and the Atlanteans on one of these to save Princess Kida during the climax of Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
  • DC Showcase: Catwoman: Catwoman is busting up the Human Traffickers because they kidnapped her friend Holly Robinson.
  • The climax of Despicable Me has Gru storming Vector's lair to rescue the girls.
  • Happens on a seriously epic scale in The Powerpuff Girls Movie. The girls return to earth from their self-exile in outer space because they realize the Professor (their father/creator) is in danger. However, they don't know where he is or which member of Mojo Jojo's enormous, overpowered primate army has him. What's worse is that they're quickly overwhelmed by all of the other townspeople that need saving. The solution? Once they realize they can use their superpowers to physically fight the monkeys and apes, they beat the everliving crap out of every last one of them because it's the fastest way to find and rescue the Professor while also saving everyone else as well. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite go according to plan because Mojo Jojo figures out what they're doing from a distance and escapes the scene with the unwilling Professor in tow. By the time the girls realize this and storm his lair, the villain is already using their father as a Human Shield, which brings their rampage to a literal screeching halt. They still save him in the end, of course.
  • Sleeping Beauty (1959): Prince Phillip with the help of the three good fairies, must go on this against everything Maleficent throws at him in order to get to Aurora.
  • The main plot of The Triplets of Belleville. In this case, the Roaring Rampage is carried out by three ancient ex-cabaret singers, a fat old dog, and a short, round woman who will not be stopped by bodyguards or oceans or Mafia.

Films — Live-Action 

  • 2019: After the Fall of New York: A post-apocalyptic mercenary is hired by the remnants of the US government to rescue the last fertile woman on Earth, and must blast through mutants and a fascist occupying force to do so.
  • Alice Through the Looking Glass: Alice and her friends set out on one of these to Salazen Grum, where they've realized the Hatter's family has been held captive for years. Unfortunately, they all get captured themselves in the process.
  • Aliens: Ripley and Newt.
  • Android Cop: Two cops blast their way through a crime-ridden section of the city to rescue the mayor's daughter. They end up having to rampage some more to protect her from the government conspiracy.
  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Batman's rescue of Martha Kent towards the climax, unleashing hell on Lex Luthor's mooks first with the Batwing's weapons, then tearing through them inside the warehouse. He's not related to her and doesn't know her personally, but amending for what he nearly did to Superman and preventing him from suffering the same kind of loss as him [Bruce] proves just as strong a motivation.
  • The Black Godfather: J.J. and his mob declare violent war on the heroin gang they've been struggling with all movie when they kidnap his girlfriend.
  • Blindman: A blind mercenary blasts his way through a bandit gang to rescue 50 mail-order brides. He also rescues a Mexican general kidnapped by the same men, but he's mostly interested in the brides.
  • Breaker! Breaker!: When a CB call goes out to rescue J.D., every trucker in a 50-mile radius descends on Texas City and ends up leveling the place. (J.D. is saved more due to the distraction the destruction provided, than their direct actions.),
  • Commando (1985) has Arnie rescuing his daughter, in true Papa Wolf fashion.
  • Cowboys & Aliens: Embarked on after several of the main characters' loved ones are captured by the aliens and taken away.
  • Jim Gordon goes through this in The Dark Knight when Harvey Dent is savagely and permanently disfigured because of the corrupt cops in Gordon's unit who he tried to warn him about, and then goes missing when the hospital he's in has been destroyed. Gordon's line about saving Dent is easily the most desperate line in the film:

    Gordon: NO! There's no time! We have clear shots! Dent is in there with them! We have to save Dent! I HAVE TO SAVE DENT!

  • Die You Zombie Bastards!: A Serial Killer goes superhero and slashes his way across the globe to save his wife from a zombie-making supervillain.
  • Frantic: Dr. Richard Walker will stop at nothing to rescue his kidnapped wife.
  • Gorgo: Gorgo's mother only starts her rampage through London to save her kidnapped son, making this a rare example where the monster is the one doing the rescue.
  • Hardcore Henry: Shortly after the protagonist, Henry, wakes up from a coma and finds that a scientist who claims to be his wife, named Estelle, has given him a new cyborg body to recover from having his old body brutalized and ripped apart, Estelle is kidnapped by a powerful psychic named Akan, who plans to make more cyborgs like Henry to take over civilization. Henry resolves to use his new superhuman strength, death-defying parkour, and whatever weapon he can get his hands on or make himself to get her back. It's extremely worth noting that this movie is shot in first-person perspective, and Henry has no speaking ability since there was no time to implant a voice box into his throat before his wife was taken, all contributing to this movie being a massive love letter to the first-person shooter genre of video games.
  • Iron Eagle: The movie revolves around a fierce rescue mission, with the kicker being that its a son rescuing his father, in a fighter jet.
  • Lavalantula: A washed-up actor blasts his way through a giant fire spider invasion to save his ex-wife and son.
  • Lethal: An intelligence agent fighting the Russian Mob over government documents decides It's Personal after they kidnap her sister.
  • Owen from Let Me In is regularly mistreated and beaten by three classmates. When one day they go so far that they really want to mutilate or drown him, the vampire Abby arrives, who brutally kills the bullies to save Owen.
  • Live Free or Die Hard has the bad guys kidnapping McClane's daughter and hence he embarks on one of these.
  • The Long Kiss Goodnight has a former CIA assassin turning Mama Bear to rescue her daughter.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Sam does it twice.
  • The Losers (1970): A biker gang is hired to rescue a prisoner of war. He's actually a diplomat there willingly to negotiate, and the events of the film ruined the negotiation.
  • Nam Angels, an unrelated film, has the exact same premise, except its a former Nazi in the area instead of the Viet Cong themselves. This time it goes much better.
  • Subverted in Man on Fire (2004). John Creasy starts on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, assuming that the girl is already dead. Once he learns that she's actually alive, he calms down and complies with the kidnapper.
  • The Matrix: Neo and Trinity's use of guns — lots of guns (and one bomb, and one helicopter...) — mowing down mook after mook (including a few Agents, temporarily), to save their leader, Morpheus.
  • The Man from Nowhere: Yes, Tae-Sik does this literally at the final battle.
  • In Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Sir Lancelot intercepts a distress message sent by an unwilling groom from Swamp Castle, and then proceeds to slaughter a good chunk of the wedding guests while mounting a rescue mission.
  • Oblivion (1994): Zack goes on one after his girlfriend is kidnapped by the outlaws he's fighting against.
  • Predator: Dutch's crack commando team is called in to rescue two missing cabinet ministers, who are suspected to be held hostage by a rebel force. Both of them are actually CIA, and the team had been lied to about their identities; both are already dead as well, and though he was hoping to rescue them the agent who set the team up quickly admits that he mainly wanted Dutch's unit to destroy the rebel base and kill all the soldiers in a pre-emptive strike. They do exactly that, except they mistakenly believe the rebels skinned the previous team alive and strung them up, making this a Roaring Rampage of Revenge as well... except the culprit behind the skinning was actually the Predator, so the rebels were Mis-blamed twice.
  • The Rescue (1971): A group of Ming-dynasty warriors band together to rescue a captured Minister from a fortress swarming with Mongol soldiers. They ultimately fail, but the Minister, moments before his death, wrote a "Song of Uprightness" in a scroll to be given to the Final Girl heroine, who then escapes and delivers said scroll to the patriots, inspiring them to continue fighting for a good cause.
  • Taken:
    • The film's premise is a Papa Wolf setting out to rescue his daughter from a sex slave ring. That page quote above? He's not even remotely kidding.
    • Part of the sequel, Taken 2, involves Bryan going on another rampage to save his ex-wife Lenore upon being abducted by relatives of members from the aforementioned ring, who themselves spend the entire film seeking revenge against Bryan for killing their loved ones.
  • Taxi Driver: To rescue Iris, Travis Bickle shoots his way through several lowlifes (including Iris's pimp).
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except: While the heroes are mostly motivated by their leader's Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the cult that killed his girlfriend and her dad, they are also trying to rescue a bunch of people the cult is planning to kill.
  • Underworld: Awakening starts with Selene escaping from unknown captors and setting out to rescue Michael in this fashion. Instead, she finds a girl who turns out to be her and Michael's daughter and tells her that Michael is dead. Then the girl is kidnapped, so Selene sets on a Roaring Rampage Of Rescue to save her; while doing so, she learns that Michael is not dead after all, and has in fact escaped on his own while she was rescuing the girl.
  • The War Lord (1965): The whole purpose of the Frisian siege of the tower is to rescue the leader's young son from the Normans led by Chrysagon, no matter how many men they lose at it.
  • Wizards of the Demon Sword: A wandering swordsman is hired to rescue the keeper of a magical artifact from an Evil Sorcerer.
  • The X-Files: Fight the Future: When Scully is kidnapped in an attempt to manipulate Mulder, little does the series Big Bad Syndicate know that Mulder is getting her back and will take out anything and anyone that stands in his way.
  • Zombie Wars: A group of post-apocalyptic soldiers blast their way through a zombie-run slave camp to rescue one of their own.


  • When little merkid Myuu from Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest is kidnapped by slavers, they make the mistake of putting Hajime Nagumo, the guy who originally found her, on a wanted poster along with a ransom note on the wall demanding that one of his friends, the rabbit girl Shia, be brought to them. Hajime and his party's response is a ruthless and throrough wiping out of the entire gang of slavers, culminating in the killing of the slavers' leader with three bullets to the head, the rescue of Myuu and everyone else they've enslaved, and the destruction of all the slavers' bases of operations.
  • The Belgariad: Barak in bear form rips through Salmissra's palace in the second novel after Salmissra kidnaps Garion. Midway through the Malloreon, Garion chops his way through Ashaba to rescue his son. (Subverted because Geran was never there, it was an illusion cast because Zandramas is fond of mindscrewing people.) One could argue the next-to-the-last fight scene in "Seeress of Kell" would count as well, though Garion is as much interested in revenge on Zandramas as anything else.
  • After her fiancé Jerin is kidnapped, Princess Ren of A Brother's Price pretty much goes all out on one of these, though she's cool headed enough to insist that her sisters stay home to guard their little sisters and mothers, since if she and they are killed the country is pretty much screwed.
  • The Dresden Files:
    • Changes revolves around Harry going on one of these to rescue his and Susan's daughter. He sells his freedom to the fae and effectively commits genocide against Red Court vampires to do it.
    • Also the assault on Winter led by Charity Carpenter.
  • Kate Daniels: When Kate is captured by the rakshasas, Curran and the rest of the shifters embark on one to rescue her.
  • Buck Williams in the Left Behind book Armageddon is ready to go on this when his wife Chloe is captured by the Global Community, but Rayford and the Tribulation Force contingent in San Diego are able to talk him down and convince him to let God handle her fate.
  • Millennium Series: Lisbeth in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo when Mikel is captured at the end by Martin.
  • In the first Night Huntress book, the Big Bad kidnaps Cat's mother as bait. Cat and Bones show up and extremely wreck some shit. All the bad guys are dead by the end of it.
  • In An Outcast in Another World, Rob and Orn'tol's Dungeon Crawl to rescue the rest of the trainees involves murdering hundreds of enemies, most of them with fire, and killing the last and final one with two arrows piercing through its eyes and out the other end. Rob and Keira's rescue of the civilians during the defense of the Village involves taking on a giant monster significantly stronger than them and beating it into a bloody pulp.
  • The Ramayana: Essentially the entirety of the plot once the demon king Ravana kidnaps Rama's wife Sita, starting a war in the process. Makes this trope Older Than Feudalism.
  • Rebuild World: There is an incident that plays out differently in the Web Serial Novel and Light Novel versions: Akira storming the fortress of a powerful slum gang due to Sheryl being used as The Bait by Viola to make Akira trigger a Mob War between the two biggest gangs on behalf of a Government Conspiracy to eradicate them.
    • In the Web Novel version, it’s a half Roaring Rampage of Revenge which serves to make it a sort of Hope Spot for the one he’s rescuing, and Akira also fights with The Rival Katsuya for the first time due to Katsuya protecting the girl who pickpocketed him.
    • In the Light Novel version, it’s 100% a rescue with said significant character being replaced with another gang boss, all due to Executive Meddling (or rather editor meddling) to make the story Lighter and Softer by not having Akira kill the young girl who pickpocketed him.
  • In the first Splinter Cell novel, Sam Fisher's daughter is kidnapped by terrorists who try to use her to force Sam to surrender. After Sam helps the U.S. Military destroy the terrorists' super weapon, he goes on one of these at the small hideout where they are holding her.
  • In Steppe, the hero Alp's wife is kidnapped by the leader of an enemy tribe. He responds by leading his clan and two allied clans to war to rescue her. This is Truth in Television; the setting is a historical recreation game, and Alp is playing the character Temujin (better known as Genghis Khan), who really did go to war to rescue his wife from his enemies.
  • Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs:
  • Vorkosigan Saga: Cordelia Vorkosigan embarks on one of these in Barrayar when a civil war puts her baby (in a Uterine Replicator) in danger. Then she goes to the capitals, ends the war, and kills the usurper, almost all by herself — and then she brings back his head to her husband to boot.

Live-Action TV 

  • 24 famously had this arc used for its first season with Jack attempting to rescue his wife and daughter during the first half of the season. Additionally, the first quarter of Day 4 focuses on Jack attempting to do everything in his power to rescue the Secret of Defense James Heller (his boss) and Heller's daughter Audrey (his girlfriend).
    • Jack winds up on the receiving end of rescue from Renee Walker and the FBI in the seventh season finale when they attempt to save him from a rogue Tony Almeida and Alan Wilson.
    • Though he wasn't physically rescuing anybody, in Season 6, Jack still saved lives when he successfully took on Abu Fayed and his men single-handed to retrieve the nukes that Fayed was gonna use on LA.
  • In season 2 of Arrow, Thea is kidnapped by Slade. Oliver lays an epic beatdown on the unfortunate goons holding her captive. It's such a roaring rampage that he possibly shoots to kill at 1:46.
  • The A-Team: In "Deadly Manuevers", not having the option of calling in the police, Hannibal goes after the mercenaries who kidnapped his team himself. He ties the stick of a jeep so that it will drive over the explosives as a distraction, cuts through the roof, and kicks in the door to the room where the others are being held.
  • In Being Human (UK) George and Annie go off on one of these near the end of Season 1, and then Mitchell and McNair do one for George in Season 3.
  • In the first episode of Black Lightning (2018), the title character's daughters are kidnapped by the 100. Cue one very angry superhero coming out of retirement, donning a brand new suit and curb-stomping anyone in his path.
  • Boardwalk Empire's third season finale, "Margate Sands", features Richard Harrow going on a truly epic rampage in which he kills at least ten of Rosetti's men, in order to retrieve Tommy (the young son of his best friend). The last of Rosetti's men makes the mistake of putting a gun to Tommy's head. It does him no good whatsoever.
  • Subverted in Chinese Paladin, after Ah Nu makes a Deal with the Devil. Her parents, friends, and love interest assemble to storm the mountain and rescue her... but only results in the villain ordering her mother, a supposedly-celibate priestess, arrested for adultery.
  • Chuck: Sarah in "Chuck Vs. Phase Three" when Chuck gets kidnapped. Chuck in the season 4 finale when Sarah is poisoned.
  • Mac in CSI: NY when Christine is kidnapped in "Seth and Apep." Several guys get roughed up, at least one person gets shot, and Mac plays Russian Roulette with another — though it's later revealed that he never put the bullet into the revolver's chamber, he only pretended to.
  • Doctor Who:
    • "Bad Wolf":

      The Doctor: I'm gonna rescue her, I'm gonna save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then, just to finish off, I'm gonna wipe EVERY LAST STINKING DALEK OUT OF THE SKY!
      Dalek: But you have no weapons, no defences, no plan!
      The Doctor: Yeah. And doesn't that just scare you to death. Rose?
      Rose: Yes, Doctor?
      The Doctor: I'm coming to get you.

    • The entire premise of "A Good Man Goes to War" is the rescue of Amy and Rory's baby.
    • "The Time of the Doctor" takes this trope to the ultimate extreme: the Doctor rescues the entire Time Lord race by battling all of the worst enemies he's ever accrued across his 1100 year-plus life through twelve incarnations for 900 years.
  • In Dracula (2013), Renfield is kidnapped and tortured for information. After sunset, when Grayson is finally able to go out to find him, the results (for the captors) are not pretty.
  • Firefly: When Mal is captured by Niska in "War Stories", the entire crew comes together (including Wash, who was the other guy captured and was rescued by Zoe) and engages in a Storming the Castle assault.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • Robert Baratheon's entire rebellion was fueled by his desire to rescue Lyanna Stark.
    • Yara sets out to find Theon and kill his captors, but it's quickly subverted. When she finds him, Theon is brainwashed to the point that he doesn't even want to be rescued, and Ramsay shows up and butchers most of her men before forcing her to flee.
  • Inspector Lynley's response to his partner Barbara Havers' capture in a pub by an armed madman is a full tactical assault squad. Which is, incidentally, the only reason he doesn't go barging in there, unarmed and unprotected, to rescue her himself. Even then, it's all they can do to keep him out of the line of fire.
  • Since the very start of season two of Into the Badlands, Sunny's sole mission was to be reunited with Veil and their newborn child. Once he learned that the Widow had sold Veil out and she was forced to marry Quinn, it only fueled Sunny more, even knowing how dangerously outnumbered he'd be.
  • JAG: In "Going after Francesca", while in Italy, Chegwidden's daughter has been kidnapped and he essentially does a Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right! with Harm by procuring weapons through Navy channels under the false pretense that they are meant for "target practice".
  • In Princess Returning Pearl, Yong Qi, Er Kang and Er Tai storm into jail complete with a fake imperial decree (the faking of which is punishable by death) ordering the guards to release Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei and Jin Suo. When their bluff was seen through, cue badass battle to rescue their lady-loves from jail. Also Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!.
  • Robin of Sherwood: Attempted by Nasir in the season 2 finale. He kills 11 soldiers and disarms Gisburne, but is forced to surrender when he finds his friends bound, gagged, and with more soldiers holding daggers to their throats.
  • Stargate SG-1:
    • In the episode "Into the Fire", General Hammond asks for volunteers to rescue SG-1, but is stopped by every available member of Stargate Command stepping forward to volunteer. He picks out the best of the best and sends them off to rescue SG-1. It is awesome.
    • Again in "Stronghold", this time with the rest of SG-1 and several other teams going off to rescue Teal'c from Ba'al.

      Landry: Teal'c is family. I don't like people screwing with my family.
      Mitchell: We're with you, sir.
      Landry: Let's bring him home.

  • Torchwood: In "Countrycide", just as the team are about to be killed by human cannibals, in through the wall comes a tractor, and out of the tractor comes Jack Harkness with a shotgun, and he is pissed.
  • In the final scene of the season 2 finale of What We Do in the Shadows (2019), Guillermo saves Nandor, Nadja, and Laszlo from the Vampiric Council, slaying a theater full of vampires.

Mythology & Religion 

  • While not actually attested to in The Bible, "The Harrowing Of Hell" was a popular concept in Medieval Catholic literature and theology, and plays a big part in works like The Divine Comedy. The basic idea was that Jesus spent those three days between His crucifixion on Friday and ressurection on Sunday going to town on Hell and the demons, all to save a large number of souls of people who had been trapped there (mainly Jews who had lived before His coming and couldn't benefit from Salvation any other way, as well as Adam and Eve). Works featuring this tend to really emphasize how much utter ruin He left Hell in when He left, and how utterly terrified the demons are of Him doing it again.


Video Games 

  • Pick a side-scrolling beat 'em up from the late 80s to mid 90s and any plot is likely to be this: From Double Dragon (Rescue Marian) to Final Fight (Rescue Jessica) to Bad Dudes (Rescue "President Ronnie"). Even some of Konami's legendary multi-player brawlers were in on this plot: The Simpsons (Rescue Maggie) plays it 100% straight. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game and X-Men (1992) keep going after you've made the rescuenote 
  • In Asura's Wrath, one of Asura's main motivations is to find his daughter, save her, and give a merciless beatdown to 'anyone' who gets in his way. By then end of the game no deity is left standing and Asura is about to go on another if the true ending is any indication.
  • The main action of Bayonetta 2 has Bayonetta mounting a rescue mission into the very heart of Inferno in order to save the soul of Jeanne, who was dragged off after saving her from a renegade demon, taking down both angels and demons along the way. And there is absolutely no mercy from Bayonetta when she finally faces down Alraune, the demon who has laid claim to Jeanne's soul.
  • The majority of BioShock 2 is Subject Delta going on this to save Eleanor from Sofia Lamb. When they meet up, they become a Badass Family.
  • The last two stages of Black★Rock Shooter: The Game. To make it worse, the girl BRS is desperate to rescue is kind of an unapologetic Jerkass, not to mention that said girl has double-crossed her earlier.
  • The first Bloody Roar did this rather literally, as Uriko, the kidnapped girl and final boss, is the daughter of Mitsuko, one of the playable characters (who can transform into a large and powerful boar-woman). The second game reverses it — Uriko is playable (though with weakened powers) and Mitsuko gets kidnapped.
  • Seen at least once in each Dragon Age game:
    • In Dragon Age: Origins, you get to go on one during your origin story if you're playing a City Elf. If you're playing a female City Elf, it overlaps with Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
      • Also in Origins, this is an option for resolving the quest "Captured!" in which the Warden (of any background) is imprisoned in Fort Drakon. The player can elect to have the Warden break out by themselves, or they can select two party members to stage one of these.
    • In Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening, the Warden-Commander undertakes one at the behest of a nobleman whose daughter has been kidnapped. Learning that the Hero of Ferelden has come to kick the kidnappers' asses causes one of them to jump off a cliff.
    • Hawke goes on one of these during the "All That Remains" storyline quest in Dragon Age II. Tragically, they're too late.
      • In the final act, the quest "Best Served Cold" is about other characters essentially forcing Hawke to perform one in order to save their sibling, love interest, or closest friend.
    • In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Inquisitor and party must stage one of these for a group of Inquisition soldiers who have been taken prisoner in the Fereldan swamplands. They've been taken prisoner for the precise purpose of forcing the Inquisitor to do this.
  • Subverted in Duke Nukem Forever - by the time Duke finds the abducted Holsom Twins (and several other Babes), they've been impregnated by alien spawn, and Duke must either put them out of their misery or do nothing and let the aliens explode out of their bodies. Duke does NOT take this well.
  • This is likely to be the Dovahkiin's response in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim if someone important to him/her is kidnapped. With the addition of the Hearthfire DLC, the Dragonborn's spouse may be abducted by the forces of a bandit leader called Rochelle the Red; the Dawnguard DLC, meanwhile, adds the possibility of the spouse or another friend being kidnapped by a coven of vampires.
  • Fate/stay night: Shirou during "Heaven's Feel" route, even his death can't stop him from saving Sakura. (In the Normal end.)
  • Final Fantasy X has two to save Yuna, the first from the the Al Bhed at the Blitzball championship, the second from getting wedded to Seymour.
  • This is what Snow and Lightning think they embark on in the beginning of Final Fantasy XIII. Turns out that rushing in blindly after the kidnapped Serah isn't gonna cut it by a wide margin. To put this into perspective: they find Serah after an hour of gameplay; actually saving her takes the other 49, most of which is spent running away and not knowing what to do next.
  • In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the B-Support scene between Hubert and Edelgard reveals that Hubert attempted one when Edelgard was taken to Faerghus by her uncle, arguably to keep her safe from rising problems in the Empire. Hubert was devastated that Edelgard was taken away and he started running after her, from the south-western Adrestian Empire to the north-western Kingdom of Faerghus, all while avoiding and defeating the soldiers his father sent after him to get him home. Hubert was only 10 years old and the time and, while he failed at his attempted rescue, he did manage to make it to three days worth of a journey before being returned home.
  • Kratos of all people goes on one of these in God of War: Ghost of Sparta. He finds out that his brother Deimos was kidnapped by the Gods when they were kids, and is being tortured by Thanatos, the God of Death.
  • A possible sidequest in Golden Sun is going to rescue Ivan's foster-father, who is being held for ransom in the local Wretched Hive. It's amusing because Ivan is pretty mellow normally, but absolutely furious when his family (or even his foster-family) is at stake.
  • Grand Theft Auto:
    • Grand Theft Auto III has this in the final mission where Maria is taken hostage by Catalina in Shoreside Vale. At first, Claude was willing to give half a million dollars for her freedom, but it turned out it was a trap. However, he managed to chase Catalina on a helicopter (with Maria) heading to Liberty City's dam. Once the player gets there, Claude starts a massive kill spree on the Colombian Cartel goons and destroyed Catalina's helicopter with a rocket launcher. In the end, Claude gets Maria alive. Not that it matters, though.
    • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has several missions where CJ tears through several opponents to rescue Big Smoke, his brother Sweet and others.
    • The "Hostile Negotiation" mission in Grand Theft Auto IV is this, with Niko laying waste to a whole building full of Russian mobsters to save Roman and showing the Big Bad that "NO ONE fucks with my family!"
    • Two missions in Grand Theft Auto V center around this premise: "Fresh Meat", where Franklin has to find and shoot his way through the meat processing plant where Michael is being held by the Chinese mob before he's put through the grinder, and "Lamar Down", where all three protagonists team up to save Lamar from the Ballas.
  • The last third of Half-Life 2 can be viewed as one. Specifically, Gordon Freeman gets Tired of Running, single-handedly assaults the super-secure Combine prison (and indirectly destroys it), starts a worldwide rebellion and, again single-handedly, pwns his way up the Citadel to rescue a captured Eli Vance and later Alyx.
  • Heat Signature some missions, whether for hire or personal, require the player to rescue a captive from an enemy ship. These can be done non-lethally, but if a player chooses it is very possible to kill 40 guards to save a client or loved one.
  • From his visit to The World That Never Was on, Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] is basically just Riku's Roaring Rampage of Rescue to save Sora from becoming Xehanort's thirteenth vessel.
  • In Knights of the Old Republic, the protagonist storms the Star Forge and wipes out most of the Sith army on their way to rescue Bastila, who'd been abducted and brainwashed by Darth Malak.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
  • Mass Effect 2
    • The final act becomes one if the player chooses to go through the Omega-4 relay to save his/her crew. Also, you could consider Garrus's, Tali's, and Thane's recruitment missions and Miranda's, Mordin's, and Tali's loyalty missions to be this as well. Although once you find Tali's father dead, her loyalty mission becomes a Roaring Rampage of Revenge instead...
    • The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC is all about this:

      Liara: I've spent two years plotting revenge. Now I have the chance to make it a rescue.

  • The first half of Max Payne 3 centers around several such rampages. In the first chapter, Max proves his worth as a private security guard and rescues both his principal Rodrigo and Rodrigo's wife Fabiana by gunning down their kidnappers. During the second chapter the same kidnappers try to take Fabiana and her sister Giovanna. Max only manages to save the latter, so he spends the fifth and seventh chapters killing his way through the Comando Sombra and a few other favela gangs to get to her.
  • Metro Exodus let's you play through almost the entire game without killing most human enemies. Except when Miller leads Artyom and Anna right into the trap of the Cannibal Clan that lives in the Yamantau bunkers. Miller and Artyom get saved in the last moment by Sam and Idiot, but Anna has already been taken away to be checked for disease before getting butchered. What follows is one of the biggest scenes of carnage in the series as four heavily armed elite soldier fight their paths through hundreds of deranged lunatics mostly armed with axes and no protection.
  • Mystic Warriors: The titular group won't take kindly to one of their own being victimized, you know. Just ask Skull Corp.
  • Nier goes on one after The Shadowlord kidnaps Yonah. It's actually half this, half Roaring Rampage of Revenge, considering that the five-year Time Skip in between is spent entirely murdering the fuck out of Shades.
  • PAYDAY 2 has one in the Hoxton Breakout heist, at least in the first part. The PAYDAY gang, with help from various contacts they've made, finally bust out Hoxton during a falsified prison transfer, and the heist sees the gang take on the FBI in a street-by-street full-out battle to get their friend back safely.
  • Pirate Hunter (FPS), where you're a Navy SEAL who takes on entire armies of Ruthless Modern Pirates because they've got your wife.
  • Professor Layton embarks on one of these in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, when the Big Bad kidnaps his adopted daughter. Until he deals with that particular situation, everything else is very much a secondary concern.
  • In [PROTOTYPE], Alex Mercer brings his game-spanning Roaring Rampage of Revenge to a screeching halt to rescue his younger sister when she's kidnapped by Elizabeth Greene. He stops caring about the progression of The Virus or his fight with Blackwatch, and spends several missions doing nothing but buzzsawing through anything that stands in the way of Dana's safety. The distinction from his usual behaviour is very slight but crucial.

    Alex: You took my sister! I'M GONNA END YOU!

    • In [PROTOTYPE 2], when Alex has the protagonist's daughter kidnapped, James is so furious, his anger actually stops being detrimental and helps to fuel his stand-off against the final boss.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2: When little Jack Marston is kidnapped by the Braithwaite family, this not only garners a Papa Wolf response from John and Arthur but the whole gang as well, who drop everything and storm the Braithwaite mansion to get Jack back. This involves torching the place to the ground, gunning down the Evil Matriarch's sons, and leaving her to run back into the burning building. They do find out that Jack's been taken to Angelo Bronte, and once Bronte keeps his word and gives Jack back to the gang, everyone in the gang celebrates.
  • Resident Evil Village is the story of Ethan Winters tearing through terrifying monsters to rescue his daughter Rose.
  • StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm: Kerrigan's main goal is to take down Mengsk for killing her man Jim Raynor (among other misdeeds); but when she learns that Jim is alive and is merely imprisoned, she takes a detour to save him, with just as much vigor and bloodthirst as before.
  • In Stranglehold, the events of the game can be considered both one of these and a Roaring Rampage of Revenge for Tequila, particularly near the end where Billie, Tequila's wife, has been killed by Jerry on Wong's orders and Wong has kidnapped Teko, Tequila's daughter, and is intent on doing the same to her as his own revenge upon Tequila.
  • The final chapter of the first game in the Sunrider series of strategy games sees the team fight their way into an enemy stronghold to rescue Asaga from an arranged marriage with the game's Big Bad, Veniczar Arcadius.
  • Despite their child-friendly look, this trope fuels practically every Super Mario Bros. game ever. Peach is kidnapped and Mario spends the rest of the game literally crushing or incinerating everyone that stands in his path. Usually it involves decimating the population of numerous Koopa affiliated lands or even planets, and no environmental obstacle that exists can stop him. He will capture castles, bring down airships and even destroy planet sized monsters to get the job done.
  • Total War: Warhammer III: The main campaign mechanic for Order based factions is to storm through the Hell Gate Portal Network that opens periodically, and free the Sealed Good in a Can bear god Ursun from the realms of Chaos, while Chaos forces compete to absorb his power.
  • Lee in The Walking Dead (Telltale) goes through one in Chapter 5, hacking his way through a herd of Walkers to rescue Clementine from the Stranger.
  • In Wing Commander II, Spirit mentions having dreams of this after her fiancé was captured by the Kilrathi. The closest she gets is an attack on a traitor held space station.
  • In Yakuza 0, Majima travels to the Camellia Grove in order to rescue Makoto, who was last seen being carried unconscious by Masaru Sera of the Nikkyo Consortium. Subverted when, after Majima tears through all of Sera's men, he tells Majima that he had Makoto escorted out of Osaka the day before. Sera then challenges Majima to a fight in order to see how much he cares for Makoto's wellbeing and, after Majima manages to win, tells him where she is and who took her there while also reassuring Majima that she is in safe hands.

Visual Novels 

  • In Daughter for Dessert, even though Amanda isn't being held captive, the protagonist breaking into Cecilia's hotel room to confront the two of them has shades of this.
  • When the protagonist of Double Homework finds Dennis in Johanna’s bed with both of them in their underwear, it doesn’t matter what damning information Dennis has on him: he grabs Dennis and throws him out the window. And when he realizes that Dennis made a soft landing and is running away, he gives chase and beats the crap out of him.


  • Discussed in AsteroidQuest, when Hok violently disapproves of kidnapping members of two militarily powerful families.

    Hok: I'm pretty sure you underestimate just how uncool Rokoa and Pilon can be about stealing their significant others.

  • Schlock Mercenary:
    • When word reaches him that The Mafia has kidnapped his estranged father Karl (while trying to kidnap Kevyn Prime), Kaff Tagon immediately drops what he's doing, recalls his entire mercenary company from the various jobs they were taking at the time and makes a beeline towards Jupiter, where Karl is being kept. Once there, he and his company tear through whatever the mafia throws at them, laying waste to their base and leaving a massive trail of collateral damage. When a torture technician throws a scalpel at Tagon's eye, he simply yanks it off his face and uses it to paint the walls red with his blood; between that and coldly executing a prisoner with a Hand Cannon, his father realizes Tagon is being even more violent than usual. At one point he even considers shooting down a troop transport train, only relenting after deciding to keep what stealth element he had left. The rescue attempt culminates with LOTA destroying the last Teraport Area Denial keeping the Toughs from escaping (by blowing up the ship in which it was housed), after which Tagon finally calms down.

      Kevyn Prime: Unless I miss my guess, a crack team of commandos just abducted you from your home, Ms. Damico. I think your "today" is about to look an awful lot like my "yesterday" did.

    • Tagon prepares for another such rampage when he's told Schlock and his team's visit to Haven Hive might make the news, only to be stopped after Schlock's team rescues itself.
  • This happens with very high frequency in the roleplays of White Dark Life due to Author Appeal. Standout examples include the "Dark Matt Bio", "It's A PDGM", "Fatty Vs. Fairy", "Future: A Shocking Diary", "Professional Apologizer", "Growing Pains in the Neck", and "Sky Bio" RPs. "Scaredy Fox Training" is a downplayed example crossed with Roaring Rampage of Revenge (with Miriam being motivated to take out King mogeko in order to rescue her friend Momoko, prevent him from ever kidnapping her again, and break the fear curse he placed on Ne). "For Tuna The Can Tolls" has the Heroes' League Hold the Line against the Ant God and deliberately underperforming in a prolonged fight with it to buy themselves time to rescue every single person it's currently holding captive on its thorax.

Web Originals 

  • Chakona Space gives us Neal Foster, who has done this at some point in the past. The resulting carnage and body count led one of his adopted cubs to revile him for quite a few years afterward.
  • Helluva Boss:
    • When Blitzo and Moxxie of are captured by a demon-hunting agency known as D.H.O.R.K.S. in "Truth Seekers", Millie and Loona have to go to the human world to rescue them, and leave a bloody wake of their agents behind them. This is then followed by Stolas' own rescue where he possesses the corpses of the agents to summon him and intimidate the D.H.O.R.K.S. into letting them go.
    • Millie gets another rampage in "Exes and Oohs" after she and Blitzo discover that Moxxie's father Crimson is planning on forcing him to marry an old ex who has supposedly come into a lot of money lately. The end result is that pretty much all of Crimson's men are dead and both Crimson and Chaz (said ex) are beyond horrified when it seems like she's going for them next.

Western Animation 

  • In Beetlejuice (1989), expect this to be the title character's response any time his Morality Chain Lydia is abducted — often followed by a Roaring Rampage of Revenge once she's safely out of the way.
  • Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: In the first episode of the second season, Kipo attempts this so she can save her father from Scarlemagne. Unfortunately, she isn't skilled enough with her mutant jaguar powers yet, meaning that the rescue fails. Leo stays behind to distract the guards while yelling at Dave to fly Kipo to safety.
  • The Owl House:
    • In "Agony of a Witch", Lilith kidnaps Luz and uses her as a hostage to get Eda to join the Emperor's Coven with her. Eda shows up without any of her silliness and snark, and proceeds to beat the absolute snot out of Lilith in a magic battle. Lilith only wins because she endangers Luz as a distraction multiple times, and because Eda's curse slowly saps her magic over the course of the battle.
    • Luz returns the favor in "Young Blood, Old Souls", becoming a Trojan Prisoner so she can tear her way through the Conformatorium, engaging in a series of duels, bargains, and betrayals, and taking Kikimora hostage with the intent to kill.
    • In "Clouds on the Horizon", Kikimora grabs Hunter (actually Luz in disguise) and prepares to fly off with him. Willow promptly summons a tidal wave of vines with herself in the center that utterly dwarfs Kikimora in her Mini-Mecha, and launches several gigantic vines at her, only stopped by Kikimora using Hunter as a meat shield.
  • The Robot Chicken himself, in the 100th episode, also goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge over the mad scientist who created him, for kidnapping his wife and subjecting her to the same torture that he went through.
  • Samurai Jack: After Jack is captured by Aku in the fifth season finale, Aku transmits the news across the world in order to crush any hope of resistance the people of Earth might have. Instead, the various friends Jack had helped in the past come together to storm Aku's castle and rescue Jack. They distract him long enough for Jack to get through to Ashi, after which she opens another time portal to send him back to the past.
  • Any time Steven is captured in Steven Universe, there's a good chance that the Crystal Gems are going to show up and have something to say about it. Ronaldo found this out the hard way when he kidnapped Stevennote  only to have all three Crystal Gems blast a huge hole in his wall. Considering that he's an ordinary, out-of-shape teenager and they're immortal space aliens with magic powers, it goes about as well for him as you'd expect until Steven intervenes.


  • King Claudus from ThunderCats (2011) successfully attempted this when he went to rescue his friend "General Panthro." Subverted rather quickly, and cruelly.
  • Buck Tuddrussel saves Otto from being attacked by a group of baboons in one episode of Time Squad.

Real Life 

  • The British expedition to Abyssinia in 1868 was ordered with the intent of liberating British missionaries and government representatives after they were imprisoned by The Caligula Emperor Tewodros of Abyssinia and used as hostages in an attempt to force the British to help him out. Overlaps with Roaring Rampage of Revenge as another of its objectives was to depose and kill Tewodros as punishment for his actions. It was successful on both counts, with the hostages being recovered alive and Tewodros being overthrown and Driven to Suicide.
  • When Palestinian terrorists hijacked an Air France flight in 1976 and took 94 Israelis and 12 French crewmen hostage with the support of the Ugandan government, Israel launched Operation Entebbe, a military raid on Entebbe Airport in Uganda where the hostages were held. 102 of the 106 hostages were rescued by the Israeli military, with 52 hijackers and Ugandan soldiers killed while the Israelis only lost a single man.