Sand Worm - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Nov 08 2008
Shai-Hulud, the Great Maker, the Grandfather of the Desert, the Worm Who Is God.
"The enormous Amorbis can move through solid rock and earth with ease, and can sense the location of surface-level prey deep within the ground."
So you're traveling the desert. A dangerous place, isn't it? You've got dehydration and heatstroke to worry about of course, and that's not getting to how it seems like Everything Is Trying to Kill You - scorpions, snakes, pack animals of dubious trustworthiness, and native peoples who may be ruthlessly territorial or just poorly disposed toward your particular ethnicity. But if you think that these are all you have got to worry about, check your setting. If you are somewhere other than Earth, be it a sci-fi or fantasy world, then tread softly, without rhythm, and check the ground often. Because you may just wind up with a case of Sand Worms.
Scaled-up versions of real-life worms, these beasties tunnel through sand and dirt, being halted only by rocky terrain or artificial ground, though often enough they can force their way through that as well. They generally have no eyes or ears, rather detecting vibrations through their bodies. Beyond these basic traits, even the most incidental similarity to real creatures ceases. Sandworms are big, typically ranging between man-sized and resembling something like a moving mountain. They seem to be carnivorous since they tend to go out of their way to attack and eat anything trudging upon the surface, either leaping without warning to swallow the prey whole or approaching with a telltale furrow of disturbed earth, depending on whether the writers want to give the target a chance to run away. Aside from the worm-like shape, these monsters are also recognizable by their mouths: they are always either completely round or trifurcated, lined with rows of teeth, and with long tentacular tongues, the better to grab you by the feet and reel you in.
Intelligence varies but is usually pretty animalistic. They may be loners or travel in packs, again depending on how threatening the writers want them. Since they hunt almost exclusively by dint of sound transferred through the ground, they can be diverted by standing still or setting off something loud and percussive a ways off.
Similar monsters can be found in snow or water. These are, perhaps, a bit more believable.
Even in the best of cases, these are obvious instances of artistic license; it simply isn't possible for a creature so dense and large to pass that easily through heavy earth, even if it is fine sand. Failure to observe the Square-Cube Law also applies, especially in larger cases, and especially since worms don't have any internal support structure such as a skeleton. (Exceptions may be made for low-gravity worlds and/or worms with a Bizarre Alien Biology.) Not to mention how does that thing sustain itself? They are usually depicted as being carnivorous, and huge. Nothing is even close to its size, and it doesn't feed that often. Even so, it would be sustaining itself on creatures less than a hundredth its size. And it lives in deserts, which have much less biomass than other biomes.
Though when you think about it, they are kind of like scaled-up, desert-dwelling earthworms.
The bigger ones are a type of Kaiju. In video games, this is a common type of Mole Monster. Compare Space Whale, Flying Seafood Special, Drill Tank, Antlion Monster, and Land Shark. See also Wormsign.
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Anime & Manga
- Bakugan: Wormquake is a gigantic earthworm-like Com Mon that can burrow itself underground to attack it’s enemies from below.
- The Big O: In episode 17 "Leviathan", the title megadeus is a giant mechanical version.
- Bleach: The hollow Bawabawa acts like one of these in desert-like Hueco Mundo, including giving the protagonists a ride to Las Noches.
- Coyote Ragtime Show: Mister takes advantage of Sand Worms as weapons against the 12 Sisters.
- Excel♡Saga: Sand worms appeared when Excel fell through a trapdoor and came out in a desert.
- Negima! Magister Negi Magi has sand worms controlled by a naughtier Paio II who turned out to be an extremely naughty little girl.
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's had a desert planet that contained these which the Wolkenritter extracted Mana from. Pretty powerful too, considering how one of them almost killed Signum.
- Monster Farm/Monster Rancher: Although shaped more like a lobster, Renocraft in the anime digs through the sand and targets its prey much like a sandworm.
- Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: According to Hayao Miyazaki himself, the Ohmus are partly inspired by Dune's Sandworms, though they don't really burrow and look more like pillbugs. The name is actually a dual pun on both "King Bug" (Oh-Mushi) and the way Sandworm is pronounced in Japanese (Sando Uohmu).
- One Piece: Saint Shepherd Ju Peter of the Five Elders consumed a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit that grants the ability to transform into a gigantic worm monster that can dig through the earth with ease. Its maw is even strong enough to tear off an arm of the centuries-old Iron Giant that had managed to No-Sell the Buster Call ships attacking Egghead.
- Pokémon the Series: Has Onix, Steelix, Orthworm and Zygarde.
- Sands of Destruction has sand whales. They look like large, green worms with flippers and vaguely whale-like heads. The anime mentions that they're attracted to sound, as it's difficult to actually see in the sand.
- Space Runaway Ideon: On some occasions, sandworms appear.
- Trigun: Sandworms are apparently the dominant native species on the planet; in the manga, they play a fairly major part in the story, because they are sentient and able to communicate with one another telepathically.
- Trigun Stampede: Giant worms — despite the name, they're more similar to arthropodal whales — tunnel through the sand and ambush prey from underneath.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters: "Eye of the Storm": In the first trial, Yugi and his friends have to battle such worms in the middle of a sandstorm. To make it worse, anyone who gets hit by their vomit gets Taken for Granite.
Comic Books
- The DCU:
- DC Retroactive Superman: The "Cruiser" is a genetically-engineered, blind, worm-like burrowing creature whose huge mouth, shark-like rows of teeth, tiny clawed upper limbs, and corrosive skin secretions allow it to burrow through bedrock at great speed.
- Wonder Woman (1987): The scavenger worms on Hope's End, whose mouths are ringed with arachnid-looking legs to better pull bodies in.
- The Quest for the Time Bird: One of the seven marches is a desert where the "Crawling Death", a giant sandworm, is the undefeated apex predator.
- The Redeemer (Necromunda): The Ratskin shaman rides a giant purple worm/centipede thing that can burrow through the ground.
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics): In the original Knuckles the Echidna mini-series, Knuckles encountered a sand worm in the Floating Island's desert, Sandopolis Zone.
- Thor (Marvel Comics): The Asgardian desert has giant sand worms.
Fan Works
- Ice and Fire (Minecraft): Death worms are huge wormlike monsters found in deserts, and can move freely through sand blocks. They will attack anything that comes near them using their long, lashing tongues, but can be tricked into eating TNT to kill them. They can hatched from eggs dropped by slain adults; they're minuscule at birth, but can grow into some of the biggest creatures in the mod. Their skin can be used to make armor, and alongside their tongue can be used to make a lashing gauntlet.
- Lost In The Storm: May runs into a grimm resembling a worm after crashing in the Vacuo deserts that's large enough to swallow her ship whole.
- Night of the Shy: Sand snakes are huge worm-like creatures that live in the desert past Newgate.
- Pokemon: Shadow of Time: Emphasis is placed on Gible's status as a land-shark, to the extent that the Jaws theme plays whenever he's digging through the ground.
- Pure Light: The golem used by the dark army during its attack on Warfang is a huge, rocky-skinned worm with a reptilian head that can swiftly burrow through soil and rock.
- Rediscovered Frontiers: The giant caterkiller that Naugus reactivated to protect New Mobotropolis invokes this image, being a sand-swimming worm-like robot.
- The Tenn Duology: Meekrob has these living in the deserts outside the planet's cities, although they’re not native — they’re an invasive species that arrived via meteor and quickly took over, driving the Meekrob into sheltering inside the cities. Unusually, they can also fly thanks to wings on their backs.
- Worm-in-Waiting: The Endbringer Shari-Hulud is a giant sandworm over three miles long.
Films — Animation
- Vexille uses this in the form of Jags, giant revolving tubes of scrap metal that make their way across the desert outside Tokyo. They eat more metal to survive, which means that it's really not a good idea to drive cars out there. Also, the reason why there's a "giant concrete gate" outside the main city. They also die when they fall into the water, a fact that is used to great effect in the movie.
Films — Live-Action
- Beetlejuice:
- Beetlejuice (1988): Beetlejuice is taken out by one of another iconic sandworm species that live on one of Saturn's moons. These have white-and-black stripes and one mouth inside another — compare the xenomorphs of the Alien movies.
- Beetlejuice Beetlejuice: Naturally, the sandworms make a return when Lydia and Astrid attempt to escape the afterlife. Astrid later summons a Sandworm during the wedding, but Beetlejuice is prepared this time.
- Dune:
- Dune (1984) helped codify their typical appearance. They're also a Fantastic Cavalry.
- The sand worm design in Dune (2021) and Dune: Part Two makes the pedipalmps more discreet, moving them inside a Lamprey Mouth, but its massive scale is perhaps the best rendered out of all examples on this page, thanks to flawless CGI. The films also add an additional explanation as to how the sand worms can swim through sand, namely that the sandworms use the real-life process of fluidization (where sand can be made to act like a liquid by blowing air through it), which also means the sandworms are living quicksand generators.
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies: Azog employs were-worms, massive, rock-eating giant worms which he used to burrow a tunnel to Erebor as a quick route for his troops. They didn't actually participate in the battle, because then the heroes would have been completely outmatched
- Jules Verne's Mystery on Monster Island: There are giant subterranean worms living in the volcano.
- Land Shark: The titular monster, a kaiju-sized shark created from an experiment gone wrong. It needs to be seen to believe
- Love and Monsters: Some of the monsters that Joel encounters on his journey are burrowing lamprey-like predators known as sand-gobblers. First, he lands in a pit filled with baby sand-gobblers, which swarm him like piranhas, and he later encounters the much larger sand-gobblers queen, which is able to swim through dirt like a shark through water, complete with a Shark Fin of Doom.
- Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn: Deep in Nomad territory, Dogen and Rhodes are attacked by a sand-swimming snake that almost drags Rhodes underground before Dogen shoots it.
- Mongolian Death Worm: Stars the titular giant worm.
- Sand Serpents, a Syfy Channel Original Movie, has gigantic sand worms accidentally awakened by a fire fight between soldiers and Taliban.
- Star Wars:
- The Empire Strikes Back: The Millennium Falcon lands inside an immense slug called an Exogorth that lives within an asteroid, having mistaken its burrow and mouth for a cave, and barely escapes.
- The Force Awakens has a more conventional sand worm on Jakku called the nightwatcher worm. All we see of it is its disproportionately tiny eyestalk that belies its true size, but supplementary material confirms it's at least 20 meters if not much bigger.
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon introduces The Driller, which is essentially a Mechanical Lifeform version of a sandworm. They're supposedly Cybertron's apex predators. Shockwave has one as a "pet".
- Tremors reinvented the trope to drastic degrees. Indeed, the Graboids weren't really wormlike at all except in basic principles, and asserted the predatorial habits that have made Sandworms the monster-movie favorite they are now.
- They made some nice theoretical background for the series, though. They "swim" through the ground through the use of thousands of little "spines" on their sides pushing the ground, they must retreat from explosions due to sheer pain from vibrational shock, and they have a brilliantly executed life cycle; the Sandworms which show up on seismometers, then mini-velociraptors with infrared-vision, then organic rocket-critters which carry the eggs to other areas.
- The website explained that their initial classification as "pre-Cambrian" life was incorrect, and graboids actually evolved from squid or cuttlefish-like organisms that adapted to drier habitats (such as by losing the eyes and relying on other senses). This theoretical background was rather well thought out even if it did have its flaws. The squid/cuttlefish connection does make a lot of sense when you look at the Graboids' anatomy and intelligent behavior.
- Fighting Fantasy has Giant Sandworms, which make their first appearance in Temple of Terror.
- After Man: A Zoology of the Future: Desert sharks are sausage-shaped, hairless mammals descended from insectivores, which spend most of their time hiding beneath the sand to avoid the desert heat. They swim through the sand with their strong, paddle-shaped limbs and feed on rodents whose burrows their track down by smell.
- Alien in a Small Town has the Great Striped Hoon. Like most creatures from the Jan's homeworld (including the sapient inhabitants), it's silicon based, can burrow, and has trilateral symmetry. It's described as more catarpillar-shaped than worm-like, capable of moving across the surface as well as tunneling. Its tripartite mouth is long, bone-colored, and has strange whorls making it resemble a three-way reflection of a cow or horse skull. They use sound as a weapon, projecting deafening blasts into the ground that can stun sonar-using beings like the Jan. They prey on the Jan and have "almost totemic" significance to them — the Jan deliberately bring a few to any planet they colonize, figuring that having these a few of these monsters prowling around keeps them on their toes and prevents sloth and decadence.
- Ave Xia Rem Y: All-Devouring Worms reside in the Dead Plains. They are hundreds of feet long and spend most of their time eating minerals. If one attacks you, the safest thing to do is to let it eat you and fight your way out from inside.
- ''Book of Brownies': One of the many misadventures' sees the brownie trio, Hop, Skip and Jump, escaping from the Land of Giants and going through a wormhole, where they're nearly flattened by a giant earthworm that fills up an entire tunnel. Surprisingly, said earthworm can talk and communicate with the brownies, and when the brownies politely asks if the worm can dig a small alcove they can hide in while it slid past, the worm surprisingly complies.
- Book of the Ice: The coal worms are gargantuan creatures capable of creating huge tunnels as they pass through the ice.
- Dune codified and popularized this trope. The beasties here are hundreds of feet long, used as mounts, capable of swallowing entire ships whole, and their offspring crap out the substance that keeps the entire cosmos's economy running. Practically every case of Sandworms in fiction since has been a carbon-copy of these critters, though scaled down to somewhat less incredible levels.
- The ColSec Trilogy: In Exiles of ColSec, these are a recurring threat. They vary from about three feet long to about seven feet in diameter, and are armed with deadly stinging tentacles. They're at least somewhat justified in that they have durable exoskeletons, and that they lurk under a shallow layer of soil and ground cover rather than actually burrowing. In the end, it's helping to kill a particularly large one that serves to somewhat endear the central cast to the native humanoids.
- The Conqueror Worms: Man-eating giant earthworms begin crawling on the surface after an endless rainstorm forces them out from deep underground.
- Cthulhu Mythos: Dholes or bholes (it's not quite clear whether they are different creatures or just a different way of spelling) appear in H. P. Lovecraft's mythos. They are enormous wormlike creatures that secrete corrosive acid slime that helps them tunnel through solid rock, and can eventually devastate a planet by eating so much of it that it collapses on itself. Cthonians are another burrowing mythos creature, but they are more squidlike than wormlike, and are very good at causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions if their ire is roused.
- Daystar and Shadow has fireworms, monstrous beings with poisonous bristles who can swallow a man whole. They tend to attack people who venture alone into the desert, except for Robin, whom the fireworms protect.
- Deltora Quest: The Shifting Sands features a similar creature, the Terreocti or Sand Beasts, albeit more resembling a mantis rather than a worm. They however have the same habit of burying under the sand and lying in wait for prey above via sending vibrations.
- Gaea Trilogy: Subverted in the third book. Yes, there is a giant sand worm; Gaea herself has created and placed it, no doubt directly inspired by Earth fiction. It's miles long, it's probably hungry (it has turned the original landscape into the desert it is now)...and it moves so slowly that it's basically just a living terrain feature.note Some of the passing humans cut graffiti into its skin.
- In The House Of Doors by Brian Lumley, giant rust worms appear when the trapped humans enter a realm of ruined machines and all-rust deserts, generated from the inborn fears of Gill the machine-empath.
- Kadingir: Hurkel is a serene desert of silver sand with no signs of life or movement... until the sand breaks open and a giant maggot-like murgal springs out like a jack-in-a-box and swallows whole any person, animal or bird that dared pass over its lair. The hook on its tail, attached to the bedrock, makes it recoil almost instantly beneath the sand, and in a matter of seconds the desert is again as silent as a graveyard.
- Old Kingdom: Bore grubs inhabit the Clayr's Glacier. Unlike other examples on this page, they're not actually malevolent, but they're pretty stupid, slow to react, and can chew through solid rock and ice with their rotating jaws, so it's best to stay out of their way. The bigger ones are largely responsible for hollowing out the places where the Clayr live.
- Perry Rhodan: The Guan a Var are basically giant worms that live in hyperspace, feed on the energy of stars, and cause them to go nova to reproduce, got their start like this — the issue detailing their backstory even includes a couple of not-at-all-subtle shout-outs. Probably nothing would ever have happened if some clever aliens hadn't discovered them, realized these animals were sensitive to hyperspace energies, and decided it'd be a great idea to over successive generations engineer them into organic starships...
- Railsea: Played with. Giant worms count among the burrowing dangers of the train track-enmeshed lowland wilderness for which the novel is named, but it's the countless worm-eaters of immense size — moles, ferrets, badgers, meerkats, aardvarks, tortoises, mole rats, bandicoots, rabbits, whatever — that'll erupt from the dirt to voraciously devour you.
- Redshirts has Borgovian Land Worms, which eat two characters. It's later revealed that not only did the lead writer of the show have nothing to do with these, he was on vacation, but the TV company got in trouble with the Herbert estate as well proving that sand worms are VERY lawyer unfriendly.
- Retief: In "Internal Affair", the ambassador sent to the planet Quahogg disappears after reporting being chased by forty-foot giant worms, and Retief and Magnan are sent to investigate. The worms turn out to be the intelligent life forms the ambassador was sent to meet (somehow the CDT overlooked this little fact), and, while the ambassador was eaten, this did no harm — in fact, it turns out that the only safe place for humans on the planet is inside the worms.
- Rowan of Rin: In "Rowan and the Zebak", the heroes travel to the Zebak land and have to journey through the desert-like Wastelands, which is inhabited by a monster known as the Ishkin, who are centipede like monsters that borrow through the ground before ambushing prey residing on the surface.
- The Ship Who...: In The City Who Fought, Simeon is attacked by a literal "worm" program, two metres thick with rows of rotating concentric teeth, which is apparently based on a real creature from the homeworld of the people who programmed it.
- Star Trek:
- According to Expanded Universe supplemental material, the planet Vulcan has a second intelligent native species: the "intelligences of the deep sands", called ''a'kweth'', or "underliers". They're never described or even clearly seen, but they're huge, and they move through the planet's vast deserts like whales in Earth's oceans. According to Spock's World, they've played a key role in the evolution of the Vulcan civilization more than once.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Relaunch: The Flayers are carnivorous worm-like creatures which lurk beneath the sand of a certain desert on the planet Harkoum. They're known to eat people; crossing the desert on foot is practically suicide.
- Star Wars:
- Summer of Night has these in the rural Midwest. They're described as being like Moray eels.
- There Would Be No Second Chance: Huge mutant worms move under snow and ambush their prey, impaling it with their "beaks". Unlike the normal fauna, their origin can't be traced to any pre-war animal, and is speculated to be related to chemical industry near Novomoscowsk, which, in combination with radiation, gave birth to some really bizarre nastiness. However, it is later revealed that they were the product of genetic engineering and to have been based on some species of cold-resistant worms, which then likely mutated further due to exposure to radiation. They went extinct once the perpetual winter came to an end.
- Well World: Ghlmon, a desert hex, is home to sandsharks, huge beasts resembling whales that swim through the endless dunes.
- Witches Brew: The Wurm that Nightshade sends after Ben is an ordinary worm that was magically transformed into a huge predator.
- Xanth: Diggles are giant worms that could phase through solid rock and literally worked for a song.
Live-Action TV
- Andromeda featured an episode with "Squorms," large, genetically engineered mining beasts that looked like fat worms, moved through rock, and excreted aluminum.
- Earth 2 had the Terrians, humanoids with a complex and very alien psychology who traveled like sandworms through the soil of their (living, symbiotic) homeworld.
- The Mandalorian: In season two, we finally see a Greater Krayt Dragon. Sure enough, it mostly stays buried under the sand while its movement causes massive disruptions in the sand above it, almost like a living wave. Judging just by the size of its head and neck, it's enormous, able to swallow elephant-sized Banthas whole. During the climax of the episode the Krayt is able to force its head through the top of the mountain that sits above its den.
- The Outer Limits (1963): "The Invisible Enemy" has an astronaut team investigating why a previous landing party has vanished and their ship destroyed. They barely escape after being attacked by giant sand sharks.
- Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: The desert planet Erridus is home to ravenous bipedal worm beasts called Scuttleworms.
- SeaQuest DSV features a giant, fire-breathing worm that lives in underwater caves.
- Tremors: The Series: While El Blanco the sterile albino Graboid appears more often in the background and is the focus of a few episodes, one episode features a normal Graboid as well.
- Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Deathworms are voracious, humanoid creatures burrowing underground. They are not sentient or smart at all, but very resilient and always mean trouble.
- Ultraman Tiga: "Land Shark" gives us exactly that as the Monster of the Week. However, Geozark turns out to actually be a digging robot constructed by a Corrupt Corporate Executive to tunnel out the tomb of a previously unknown Ultra.
Myths & Religion
- The "dragon" encountered by Beowulf is described in the Old English mythic saga as a flightless worm, a dragon without wings. This is theme that Wagner later took up in the Ring Cycle, explicitly describing his dragon as a "worm".
- The Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Mongolian Death Worm), a legendary beast said to inhabit the Gobi Desert, is a 2-5 foot long worm capable of spitting acid and able to electrocute prey. Fortean Times regularly covers Mongolia to summarise the latest reported sightings and seeks to evaluate the evidence, using cryptozoologists who have made expeditions here as a sort of "roving reporter".
- Some Classical authors made reference to giant worms called Indus Worms, described as pallid serpentine creatures with monstrous teeth that dwelt along riverbanks in India and attacked passerbys.
- The Minhocão (Big Worm) from Brazilian Folklore is a creature who swims in both rivers and land alike, devouring fishermen and causing tremors and landslides. Despite its name, it is generally described as a giant serpent, sometimes with fish-like attributes; the name would have come from the holes it leaves in the ground.
- Northern European and Siberian folklore held that the dead mammoths, whose bones were found in earth, or who sometimes were embedded in the permafrost, were burrowing creatures that died instantly upon contact with air. The word "mammoth" is likely derived from "underground deer" in some Finno-Ugric languages.
- Medieval Russian folklore had the beast Indrik ("the beast of all beasts"), who cuts underground riverbeds through earth and dies from exposure to light. Depending on the narrator, it could be the same creature as mammoth, or a separate animal.
Tabletop Games
- Arkham Horror, being a Cthulhu Mythos game, has dholes and cthonians as per the literature and RPG examples above. In game terms, dholes are massive and incredibly powerful while cthonians can damage all the investigators by causing earthquakes.
- Call of Cthulhu has two:
- Dholes, gigantic underground worms with a penchant for destroying planets by burrowing through them. They are that large. Getting hit by a Dhole requires you to make a Luck roll; a success means there is enough of you left to hold a proper funeral.
- Chthonians, somewhat smaller underground worms with blood-draining tentacles and telepathy.
- Chaosium: The All the Worlds' Monsters supplement has Sand Worms that grow 100-200 meters long, live in sandy deserts, are poisoned by water, can hear things miles away, attack creatures on the surface by creating a sand whirlpool beneath them, and can be controlled and used as mounts with a certain item. In other words, they're a fantasy version of Dune sandworms.
- Deadlands has rattlers. No, not those. Mojave rattlers are named for the noise a cowpoke's teeth make as they race toward him. Before taking one on, re-read that part about "varying intelligence" real careful: rattlers in different parts of the country even have different personalities, implying at least the intelligence of a clever hunting animal. They're smarter than they seem, too. And they don't eat everyone they catch. What do they do with them...?
- Dungeons & Dragons has lots of these.
- The iconic Purple Worm, which looks very much like a sandworm from Tremors, including the mouth parts, but lives underground and tunnels through solid rock, leaving tunnels similar to the Horta from "The Devil in the Dark". It hunts by sensing tremors of moving creatures which touch the ground, so flying is advised. And they're purple, covered in slime, and pictures of them have inspired a lot of eye-rolling from gamers. One of the monsters that would go beyond the game's PG-13 rating, if parents didn't pretend they hadn't seen it. In later editions, the artwork has made more the worm more scaly and less suggestive (which is a bit funny because the monster was originally meant to be a kind of serpentine dragon; its inspiration was in fact the Lambton Wyrm of English folklore rather than any of the other worm monsters mentioned on this page). They also oddly have a venomous stinger at the end of their tail, despite this not being something that would be terrribly useful while burrowing.
- Sand burrowers, from the 3rd Edition Creature Collection, track prey through vibrations. They also grab their victims with tentacles that extend from their mouth, making them very similar to the graboids in the film Tremors.
- 3.5 Edition has the ashworm, the purple worm's smaller brother, which similarly burrows around under desert sands. There's a prestige class called the Ashworm Dragoon that allows players to act as sandworm-mounted heavy cavalry.
- On the Land Shark side, there's the bulette (a.k.a. landshark), another classic monsters that resembles an armoured dinosaur of some kind mixed with a shark on legs or a cross between an armadillo and a snapping turtle the size of a small car. Its appellation is earned from the distinctive fin cutting through the soil as it burrows, as well as for it having the appetite and temperament associated with sharks.
- The desert-dwelling sand dragons spend most of their time buried under the desert sands, slithering beneath the surface when they wish to move, and prefer to ambush prey from beneath when hidden in this manner.
- The frost worm (based directly off of the yakhmar from The Lair of the Ice Worm) and the Remorhaz (also inspired by the yakhmar, but is a bit more like a giant centipede than a worm and burrows through ice and snow with a body temperature that rivals molten iron), which burrow through glaciers instead.
- Dragonlance: In module DL12, Dragons of Faith, one possible encounter is with a Dune-style sand worm. Its approach causes an earth tremor and leaves "worm sign" on the surface.
- Forgotten Realms: Illithid tadpoles that manage to grow up without a host become Neothelids. Basically Sand Worms with Psychic Powers and tentacles growing on their "faces".
- Dark Sun, set on the desert planet of Athas, has several examples.
- Silt drakes, red silt horrors and silt spawn all swim through the Silt Sea.
- The sink worm is Dark Sun's version of the Dune sandworm. It's 50 feet long, leaves a sunken depression in the ground behind it, bursts out of the ground under its prey and swallows it whole, its mouth is lined with teeth, and it can feel the vibrations of creatures walking on the ground.
- Polyhedron magazine #80: The Sand Worm is a worm-like creature 100-500 feet long that lives underground in sandy desert areas. It is covered with hard plates and detects prey through their vibrations up to a mile away. It has a mouth (filled with rows of sharp teeth) which is large enough to allow victims up to 18 feet high and 12 feet wide to be Swallowed Whole. In short, it's yet another D&D version of the Dune sandworm.
- Mystara has the Leviathan Worm. The desert version is up to 500 feet long and 40 wide. It's sensitive to vibrations and attacks anything moving on the surface within a quarter mile. When moving underground, it causes a ripple like an ocean wave on the surface above it. It attacks by engulfing an area of sand.
- Exalted: Ghostfishers are a peculiar variant of this native to the Underworld. For the most part, they're fairly typical examples — giant worms with gaping, fang-lined maws that lurk beneath the ground and prey on people passing above. Their two unusual traits are that they feed almost entirely on ghosts and that they hunt by means of a lure dangling from their forehead; a hunting ghostfisher hides just underground and shapes its lure to resemble a pitiable ghost in some kind of difficulty. When other shades stop by to help, the worm bursts from the ground to attack.
- The Graveworm in the supplement Creatures of the Night is an effectively harmless version of this. They're very easy to kill (literally, they have the "Easy to Kill" disadvantage) and have no real attacks, but people who spend too much time around a living one find their intelligence being drained away.
- The alien species known as world worms in the supplement Space Bestiary travel between planets in pods. When a pod lands, the worms pour out and infest the planet, eating their way to the planet's core. By the time they've grown to full size (several miles long), they've done so much damage to the planet that it disintegrates. After mating, the worms split up and release pods, which begin their journey to find a new planet to destroy.
- Magic: The Gathering:
- Pathfinder, aside from adopting the purple worm, remorhaz, frost worm, thoqqua, bulette, nightcrawler, and neothelid (that last now uncoupled from its connection to illithids, which are a Wizards identity product) from Dungeons & Dragons, adds the death worm (a direct interpretation of the olgoi-khorkhoi) and seugathi (neothelids' servitor spawn) to its lineup of such beasts. There's also the Spawn of Rovagug known as Chemnosit, the Monarch Worm. It's a kaiju-sized Eldritch Abomination sandworm with Disintegrator Ray Eye Beams and the ability to Mind Rape those it stares at into feeling insatiable hunger for the flesh of their own kind, driving them into insane rampages of cannibalism in which they will eat their own flesh if they can't get anyone else's. Chemnosit has been described as actually holding back from devouring cities to first let its Hungry Gaze do its terrible work; only once the city's inhabitants have devastated themselves does it grow bored and consume the few survivors.
- Rocket Age's Silt Seas of Mars are home to a range of animals, of which the apex predator is the Silt Dragon, a serpent over 150 metres long.
- RuneQuest: Sandswimmers from the Heroes magazine Volume I #3 article "Creepy Critters: Insects for RuneQuest'' are the worm-like maggots of giant flies and grow up to 10 meters long. They burrow beneath the surface of sandy areas (beaches and deserts). They sense their prey through vibrations and burst through the surface to attack it.
- Shadowrun: Rockworms are Awakened earthworms about two meters long, with three-lobed jaws, lots of strong, sharp teeth and corrosive saliva. They use these to bore tunnels through solid rock, digging extensive tunnel systems. They don't prey on other animals, but their tunnel systems can and will cause large collapses when they grow too big — and they're just as happy eating the concrete in dams, highway supports and buildings as they are eating rock.
- Talislanta has the Land Kra, a subterranean eel that may exceed 40' in length and weigh up to five tons.
- Warhammer: Dread maws are immense, blind, scaly serpents native to the Chaos Wastes, which burrow their way beneath the ground before erupting on the surface to attack prey. Smaller creatures are devoured as is, but in the case of larger beasts a dread maw will simply burrow directly into its target and eat it alive.
- Warhammer 40,000 has had several incarnations of these with the Tyranids since third edition.
- "The Red Terror" was a relative of the Ravener species (snake or worm-like Tyranids) that had the ability to burrow its way onto the battlefield and swallow smaller enemies whole. The Red Terror was later removed from the playable creatures: the Raveners got its burrowing abilities.
- The Trygon is a giant version of the Ravener with all its burrowing abilities and an electrical attack. Since Raveners were much too small for a proper Sand Worm, the Imperial Armour books introduced their giant form (their being able to move is Hand Waved as their electrical field breaking the ground into fine particles, which are easier to move around).
- January 2010 had Games Workshop feature a new sub-strain of the Trygon called the Mawloc. It is the most Sandworm-like creature in the game so far, having shorter arms and a multi-jawed mouth. On top of everything the Mawloc is not only able to burrow underground, but move around while underground and reappear elsewhere later (apparently it's faster while underground than on the surface).
- Given how it attacks, most players have come to the conclusion that the Mawloc is what you get when you mix the genes from the Trygon and the Red Terror. Essentially it's the product of two sand worms into one.
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse has the Thunderwyrms, gigantic beasts that travel under the earth and are drawn above the surface by storms (hence the name). It's believed they were born of irradiated soil, a belief backed up by the fact that the largest Thunderwyrm (big enough to host a Caern inside it) nests under the soil of the Trinity test site.
- The Yellow King: Glo-gluttons are giant worms with giant gaping toothless mouths that burrow beneath the earth. Over centuries, many have grown to the size of school buses.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Medusa Worm is a card that, when flip summoned, can destroy an opponent's monster. You can then flip it back down so it can eat your opponent's monsters again the next turn.
Web Animation
- DSBT InsaniT: Sand Snake meets the qualifications for one better than a snake.
- RWBY: The Blind Worm is an enormous Grimm, as wide as a Nevermore's full wingspan and as long as six Goliaths, and is a threat that comes from below the sand. When traveling towards its intended prey, its movements through the sand throw up dust like a sandstorm and it will leap through this dusty air and back into the sand like a dolphin cresting ocean waves. It then completes the attack approach from underneath the sand. Despite its name, it has a single, burning red eye in the centre of its head.
- Demon Eater: Some demons are seen to grow into this shape.
- The Order of the Stick finally gets one of these in this strip
, complete with several Shout-Outs to Dune.
- Star Power has Dathu Ro, the great hunter of the sands on the Zicuri homeworld. Somewhat uniquely, it pays little attention to anything walking on the sands, and hunts anything that flies over its territory.
- Star Trip, also in a reference to Dune, features enormous worms in the deserts of planet Zren.
- Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic: At one point Halfling Clover Firelight and Gnome Gummer Groundpounder take down a rampaging bulette. (Gummer is an open copy/homage of Burt Gummer of the Tremors franchise.)
Web Originals
Western Animation
- Aladdin: The Series:
- "Power to the Parrot": Slugguthu is a gigantic "scavenger worm" with a huge maw, multiple eyes and a sensitive trunk. He loves rotten food and is drawn to it by the smell from miles away… which spells trouble for Agrabah when he catches a whiff of the discarded food from Iago’s ill-conceived all-you-can-eat banquet, and specifically the smelly yak cheese that they had received from Odiferous.
- Two more episodes featured or alluded to what was essentially a landshark-varient being hunted by a Captain Ahab Captain Ersatz.
- Amphibia: "A Caravan Named Desire": The desert is home to giant worms that attack passing travelers.
- Beetlejuice (1989): Sandworms weren't just in the live-action Beetlejuice (1988). They were also a fairly constant theme in the animated series as well, and Beetlejuice is pretty darned terrified of them.
- Ben 10: Alien Force: "Alone Together": Ben encounters a "Dravek", a giant red sandworm.
- Bounty Hamster. A white sandworm is pursued by mad Captain Rehab in a spoof of Moby-Dick.
- Courage the Cowardly Dog had one episode dealing with a sand whale attacking the house, trying to get back his accordion from Eustace (who he thought was his father, who actually did steal the accordion). At the very end of the episode when he does get it back, it's revealed that he's part of an entire orchestra of sand whales.
- Dragons: Riders of Berk: "Sandbusted": Hiccup and the Riders run into a sand swimming dragon known as the Sandbuster, a dragon who lives under a sandy beach and pulls people who enter its territory down into its cave.
- The Fairly OddParents!: In one episode, Cosmo poofs up a sand worm during Septemberfest.
- The Flight of Dragons: The band encounters a giant worm swimming in some kind of slime in Ommadon's kingdom. They are able to defeat it by having Danielle shoot a flaming arrow into its mouth, causing its head, then body, to explode. The slime is sulfuric acid that the worm oozes from its skin as a defensive mechanism. Fortunately for the heroes, it is also highly flammable.
- Futurama:
- Al Gore claims to have "ridden the mighty moon worm", though it's not seen until much later we on-screen
; its habitat seems to be more jungle than sand.
- Into the Wild Green Yonder: A sandworm appears on Mars. The locals use it for transport.
- ''Parasites Regained": One of the creatures that live in Nibbler's sandbox is a giant sandworm. When the crew encounters it a second time, it turns out to be The Worm That Walks, composed of the worms that once inhabited Fry's body.
- Al Gore claims to have "ridden the mighty moon worm", though it's not seen until much later we on-screen
- Godzilla: The Series: In the third episode, the Monster of the Week is a gargantuan mutated caterpillar called El Gusano Gigante (Spanish for "the giant worm") able to rapidly tunnel through soil and rock, even better than Godzilla. Although it looks more like a tardigrade combined with an Ankylosaurus than an actual worm and lives in a tropical jungle rather than the desert.
- The Intruder III: Unlike the first two Intruders, which features a blob monster, the third one's title characters were these. Additionally, they were trying help get TOM and SARA off the planet because it was dying and help them in exchange for the two taking the youngest and last one of their number with them.
- Jimmy Two-Shoes: "Heat Blanket Jimmy": Giant demon-eating lava worms are a normal part of any Miseryvillian's trip to the beach.
- The Legend of Korra has an episode where Korra and Asami encounter a gigantic land shark in the middle of the Earth Kingdom's desert. It's made more terrifying by the fact that it has the jaws of a fish called a "Sarcastic Fringehead".
- Major Lazer: The suckoids are a variation. In a shoutout to the trope maker, they attack anything above ground that dances/moves with rhythm.
- The Mummy: The Animated Series: In one episode, Imhotep sends a sand worm after the heroes.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: "Three's a Crowd" has the Tatzlwurm, a giant earthworm with Tremors-style tentacle tongues that attacks Twilight and Cadance after they pick the giant flower it was under. Bizarrely enough, the Tatzelwurm from Alpine folklore on which this creature was based is actually a feline creature with only two forelegs and a long, reptilian tail.
- The Pirates of Dark Water:
- The series has one of these; though it is referred to several times in dialog as a "crustacean", it has a long, serpentine body and other characteristics that fits this trope.
- A recurring character is Bloth's sandworm-like pet, the Constrictus, which looks like an homage to Tremors but is more realistically depicted as dwelling in and moving though water and sewage rather than sand or soil (it lives in the bowels of Bloth's huge ship). It is a large, mindless, constantly hungry beast with a worm-like body, tentacles and sharp teeth.
- Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja: Randy used the Ninja Earth Attack during a rap battle and ended up creating a giant Sand Worm with high levels of regeneration.
- Spongebob Squarepants had the Alaskan Bull Worm, which went around eating half the town, prompting Sandy and SpongeBob to go hunt for it. At one point, Sandy even claims to have found "wormsign", which is a small wooden sign with "WORM" written on it. "It's BIG, SCARY, and PINK!"
- Star Wars:
- Star Wars: The Bad Batch: "The Return'': Barton IV is home to ice wyrms, armored, eyeless wormlike beasts that burrow through the snow, breach like whales, and prey on creatures moving on the surface.
- Star Wars Rebels: "The Lost Commanders" has the joopa, which are roughly the size of an AT-TE and with the pulling power to match. The retired clonetroopers hunt them for food, which involves using Zeb as live bait (which he's only told shortly before he's Swallowed Whole).
- Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Features the Exogorth, the giant asteroid slug from The Empire Strikes Back.
- LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures: "Zander's Joyride": Also features the Exogorth.
- What's New, Scooby-Doo? had an episode where the gang encountered a (fake, natch) sand worm while on a cross-country race in Mexico.
Real Life