Screaming Warrior - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jul 21 2007
He's not called Grom Hellscream for nothing.
"Are those 'HIYAHS' really necessary?"
The polar opposite of a Screaming Woman. While a Screaming Woman instinctively yells at the top of her lungs at the first sign of terrifying danger, hitches up her skirts, and runs away from it, screaming all the way, a Screaming Warrior yells at the top of their lungs at the first sign of terrifying danger, raises their weapon, and then proceeds to charge headfirst into it, screaming all the way. Occasionally, the Screaming Warrior is the terrifying danger, at least to his enemies. Or friends.
Everyone likes a good Battle Cry right before a big fight, but this character just keeps on yelling even while the fight is well underway. Perhaps it's to intimidate their opponent, maybe it's just a habit, maybe it's to follow tradition, or maybe it's just cool to do. For bonus points, once the fight is over, don't be surprised if the character lets out one last cry of victory while standing over the pile of heap that was their opponent.
Not to be confused with Super-Scream (where the screaming is an attack in its own right).
Make note that the trope is not limited simply to screams. Loud, consecutive grunts, and various roars very well qualify. A Screaming Warrior is most likely an Action Girl, Proud Warrior Race Guy, Hot-Blooded, The Berserker, or all of the above.
An Onrushing Army just wouldn't have the same impact without this trope, so expect it to go hand-in-hand with examples of the former — the likelihoods formerly mentioned can be disregarded in Onrushing Army cases.
Compare Calling Your Attacks, Kiai, Leeroy Jenkins, Roar Before Beating, Stab the Sky, Shouting Shooter, Funny Bruce Lee Noises when you're playing it for laughs. Contrast Tranquil Fury.
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Anime & Manga
- In Ai Yori Aoshi, when the group is investigating "ghosts" in the darkened Big Fancy House, Aoi and Miyabi encounter what looks like a Bedsheet Ghost (actually Mayu trapped in a giant paper seal). Miyabi lets out a battle cry and charges with a staff she got from...somewhere. She winds up chasing Mayu through the halls until she's close enough to see who it is.
- When Guts of Berserk gets really pissed, he'll often let loose with a scream of pure rage as he starts laying about with his BFS.
- Casca gave quite a few of these during her career as a mercenary commander, though more as to rally the troops than out of rage or bloodlust. However, Casca gave an enraged, tear-stained scream during the Eclipse during her last stand against the Apostles before a bad situation turned worse for her.
- Akari from Day Break Illusion. It really highlights how different she seems after she transforms.
- Inosuke from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is literally the incarnation of this trope as he never stops screaming his lungs out and almost can never utter a single sentence without shouting.
- Digimon Adventure 02: One of BlackWarGreymon's personality traits is that he's always screaming when in battle or sometimes when he flies. In his debut, he keeps screaming and doesn't talk until he has defeated the heroes.
- Digimon Frontier, taken to ridiculous levels in a show that had not made a habit of it before. Starting with the Beast Spirit Evolution onwards, the Chosen Children scream with each new evolution.
- Dragon Ball:
- Every fighter in the series, but especially Broly, who is The Berserker even by Super Saiyan standards.
- Outright played for laughs in Dragon Ball Super. After Goku first adapts to Hit's Time Skip technique, Hit starts screaming in frustration, complete with Battle Aura... but doesn't actually power up at all, to Goku and Champa's confusion. Instead, he increases the length of his time jump. Vados' only explanation for the screaming is that he was just imitating Goku.
- While recording the Super Saiyan 4 transformation in Dragon Ball GT, Sean Schemmel collapsed in the recording booth due to having to scream so much.
- Drifters: Toyohisa at one point lets loose a piercing shriek in battle, much to the confusion of his allies. Nobunaga and Yoichi insist to their non-Japanese comrades that they have no clue what that hell that monkey noise was, either. This may be a reference to Jigen-ryu, a sword style with a wild "monkey scream" kiai that became popular a little after Oda's time.
- Heracles, the Berserker servant in Fate/stay night, screams constantly in battle. His already absurd power is further increased through Mad Enhancement, which reduces his mental faculties to only his most basic instincts. As such, while he's screaming, he isn't really saying anything, and the script doesn't even try to pretend otherwise.
Berserker: "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!"
- Basically every fighter in Fist of the North Star. Especially the main character Kenshiro, when using his "Atatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata" while doing Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs.
- Haruko from FLCL. Both just screaming and bizarre onomatopaeias for God knows what. Of course, she fights with a pull-start, multi-purpose giant club/grenade launcher/ref board/robot tool/bass guitar, so NOT screaming would just spoil the awesome.
- Subverted in an episode of Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, the main character attempts to train a group of hot-headed yakuza members not to be Screaming Warriors when they attack someone.
- The main protagonist of GaoGaiGar, Guy Shishioh, may very well be the king of this trope. He screams before and after just about everything he does. This is most apparent during the finale of the TV series, in which Gai is so enraged by his foe after it blocks his most powerful move, and seemingly kill Mamoru as well he completely forgets to do anything but scream. And totally brutalize the monster.
- Guy powers up his Finishing Move in FINAL by adding screaming to it. Really.
Gemu giru gan go gufo... VIIIIIIIIIITAS!
- He then cranks it up by the time he uses the Goldion Hammer (and its oversized, yet still awesome successor, the Goldion Crusher)
- Father Alexander Anderson in Hellsing Ultimate alternates between AAAAAMEN, and pure incoherent rage when fighting vampires. Including Alucard.
- Seras Victoria let out enraged shrieks herself during her taking down of Zorin Blitz especially in the English dub.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
- Aside from Calling Your Attacks and Battle Cry, the characters scream. A freaking lot. They sometimes scream just by losing some hands or legs. Ahem.
- Vita and Subaru of Lyrical Nanoha. What'd you expect from two Action Girls with GaoGaiGar nods?
- Magic Knight Rayearth's anime adaptation depicts Hikaru Shidou as a Screaming Warrior, as she would often let out fearsome battlecries each time she charges at her foes.
- Shinn Asuka from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny and his wrathful howls that make him sound like the most psychotic Blood Knight...except he fights because he wants peace. Badly. And he hates ORB. And boy, he will never let someone forget the ORB part.
- Katsuki Bakugou of My Hero Academia almost always charges into battle with either a wordless roar or a bellow of "SHINE/DIE!!!" Bakugou screams so much both on and off the field that his voice actors have reported intense vocal strain after recording their lines.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion:
- The end of Chapter 46 in the manga gives us a 100m tall mecha with half of its chest torn off and covered in the blood of a 100m tall monster, which it just killed with its bare hands. And screaming of course.
- Asuka, especially in her fight against the Mass-Production Evas in End of Evangelion, where nearly every sound out of her mouth is a wordless battle cry. Especially her last attempt at a kill where she starts squeezing the target's core with a demented growling; the camera cuts away for a while then back where the growl amplifies into a full-volume top-of-the-lung scream she continues until she sees the fake Lance flying towards her.
- Mari from Rebuild of Evangelion simply loves this trope.
- Shinji gets these kinds of moments occasionally, particularly his fight against Zeruel up until Zeruel oneshots him — then it's a berserk Eva 01 that does all the screaming. Unless you're going by the Rebuild movies, in which case, Shinji continues his rage.
- Ramiel in the Rebuild movies. When it starts screaming, things melt. Things like mountains.
- One Piece. In battle, Luffy hollers so loudly, so often and so long that sometimes he actually has to pause to take a breath in between. Also his good buddy Zoro, who somehow manages to emit warlike cries while holding a sword between his teeth.
- Charmander from Pokémon Origins. The scream is the same one when he's in pain, though.
- Some of the heroines in the Pretty Cure franchise have a tendency to get really loud during intense battles.
- In the climax of the first Pretty Cure All-Stars movie, all of the Cures scream during the final battle against Fusion, with Cure Peach screaming the loudest.
- Fresh Pretty Cure!: During the battle between Cure Peach and Eas in Episode 23, both keep screaming over and over with each punch and kick they throw at each other.
- Cure Happy of Smile PreCure! starts her Happy Shower attack by yelling "KIAI DA! KIAI DA!" over and over again. And in episode 47, she really screams her lungs out during her battle against Pierrot.
- Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure: During the battle between Cure Oasis and the Witch of Destruction, both keep screaming over and over again with each attack.
- Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure: In Episode 35, all of the Cures scream really loudly as they free Cure Spicy from the mountain of ice cream looking rocks that the spoon Ubauzo trapped her in. In Episode 40, they scream again, this time with Black Pepper, during their battle against the flour sifter Ubauzo.
- Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure: In Episode 37, Cure Majesty and Cure Sky scream during the battle against the Kyoborg. In episode 42, Cure Sky screams as she destroys the Undergu Energy. In Episode 44, Mashiro screams as she charges towards the Kyoborg to attack it with the giant bird she's riding.
- Wonderful Pretty Cure!: In Episode 20, Cure Lillian screams as she rescues Cure Nyammy and defeats the Fox Garugaru.
- "TEZUKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" in The Prince of Tennis (appropriate when one is the slightly megalomaniacal tennis captain of a rival team facing off against Tezuka Kunimitsu).
- Ayato Kamina from RahXephon fought like this constantly. He had a pretty bad habit of screaming his lungs off as he charged. Of course, the RahXephon is a mech enhanced by song and sound, so maybe that explains why it kicks so much ass.
- At one point parodied when he attempts to activate a special move in the laboratory... by screaming louder and louder.
- In Reborn! (2004), most notably Ryouhei and Squalo are this. With Ryouhei yelling out "TO THE EXTREME!!" and Squalo's Battle Cry being "VOOOIIIIII!!"
- Rebuild World:
- Colbert ends up screaming while shooting at monsters because he has a Trauma Button from when they devoured both of his arms, causing him to avoid direct action when possible.
- Tiol ends up screaming whenever he sees Akira due to jealousy of Akira being "together" with Sheryl, which helps when We Need a Distraction during said fight as Akira's teammate is the only one with much damage potential against Tiol. Akira is oblivious as to why Tiol feels this way, figuring he doesn't know any monsters (he never met Tiol prior to his Emergency Transformation via a Mad Scientist Playing with Syringes).
- Slam Dunk: Ironically, it's The Stoic Akagi who does it the most in Slam Dunk, thus living up to his nickname "The Gorilla". Sakuragi does it as well, usually to imitate his captain.
- Maka seems to let out shrill battle cries herself.
- Tekkaman Blade and Toshiyuki Morikawa showing off his microphone-breaking skills. Even then, no Tekkaman can resist shouting VOLTEKKA!
- The entirety of the Dai-Gurren Brigade from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is just so goddamn Hot-Blooded, they always give the most badass screams ever while fighting. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK THEY ARE?!
- Subverted in Utawarerumono: Oboro starts out as this kind of character... But is later shown going out of his way to not scream during battle, after realizing how ridiculous and inefficient it is.
- Vagabond:
- Lampshaded and somewhat subverted in an early volume. Yoshioka Seijuurou explains that beasts and men both scream loudly when they themselves are afraid of a fight and hope to intimidate their enemy and escape. Later we see this play out with Miyamoto Musashi himself, when he first fights inshun and is being completely outclassed, he lets out a wild scream as he's attempting to fight down his own panic and goes into a berserker attack in a last-ditch effort. When that fails and he realizes that Inshun is about to kill him, he flees in terror before passing out from his wounds.
- Musashi, however, would end up on the other end of this trope when he took on Seijuurou's brother Denshichirou the second time; it was Denshichirou who would do this, having an effect on everyone in attendance but Musashi, after Musashi asked Denshichirou to simply stop the duel. (If anything, Musashi is left wondering why Denshichirou was screaming when it'd just stiffen the muscles he'd use to swing his sword.)
- Also subverted by Denshichirou years before against the surprisingly powerful and even intimidating Sasaki Kojirou, by declaring his lineage... only for Kojirou's companion to point out that 1) Kojirou probably didn't know of Denshichirou's father and 2) Kojirou's deaf.
- Askeladd in Vinland Saga tries to tell Thorfinn, the protagonist, not to be one of these, explaining that a warrior that loses his cool often loses his head. Thorfinn, being Thorfinn, doesn't listen, so Askeladd is forced to teach him the truth of the matter rather bluntly.
- Despite bordering on The Quiet One outside of the battlefield, The Vision of Escaflowne's Van Fanel quickly picks up the habit of screaming bloody murder during anything resembling a serious fight. Van and Dilandau usually scream a lot when charging an enemy. A dead giveaway of their intentions in both cases.
- Kenichi Go from Voltes V. He screams so loud in battle that he makes his predecessor Hyoma Aoi look comparatively subdued.
Comic Books
- The Incredible Hulk: The series ties the Hulk with the trope. Even more in the movies, where he barely speaks (the comics still give him short Badass Boast or Trash Talk sentences every now and then).
- The Tick: The Tick's battle-cry of "Spoon!" looks like it fits here.
- X-Men:
- Of the numerous Screamers within comic books, Wolverine is the most well known. The characteristic has since been endowed into just about all of his incarnations.
- X-23 also shares the habit to a lesser extent. Normally she exhibits Tranquil Fury, but if you've done something to really, really piss her off, or she's under the effects of the trigger scent...
Fan Works
- Jaune Arc, Lord of Hunger: Darth Nihilus, of all people, used to be one back when he was a Jedi fighting in the Mandalorian Wars. A flashback in chapter 4 depicts him screaming his lungs out after slaughtering a large number of Mandalorians on the battlefield. Eventually, he weaponizes this trope by learning how to use Force Scream, a Force power where one screams through the Force, generating a sonic shockwave that has a Brown Note effect on anyone within hearing range.
- A common occurrence in The Night Unfurls, for the battlefield is typically a noisy place where armies of both sides bellow a war cry as they surge out into battle, grunting, roaring, and snarling all the while. Sanakan, in particular, is very vocal during combat. The more barbaric Mooks like orcs and trolls are this as well.
- Shadows over Meridian: Deconstructed in Chapter 15 when a rebel soldier tries to attack Arthur from behind; his battle cry alerts Arthur just in time for the latter to dodge and kill him. Arthur then comments on how foolish it is to throw away the element of surprise by bellowing in battle.
Films — Animation
- G.I. Joe: The Movie has the infamous "COBRA-la-la-la-la-lala-la!
" cry. Hey, it helps them fight... somehow.
- Mulan:
- Played with for laughs. When Mulan/Ping (who has a plan) runs off towards the Huns by herself, her friends Yao, Ling, and Chien Po run to help, screaming while brandishing their swords. They start screaming in alarm and turn around when they see the avalanche Ping set off.
- Shan-Yu gives off a scream of rage after his army is killed by the avalanche created by Fa Mulan (disguised as Ping), has a Skyward Scream with a Big "NO!".
- Pocahontas: Kocoum lets out a high-pitched, ululating war cry as he charges in to kill John Smith.
- The Prince of Egypt: After he finally gives Moses his permission to take all the Hebrew slaves and leave Egypt, Ramses immediately breaks his word after becoming overcome with rage and grief over his son's death, and tracks down Moses and the slaves, appearing on his chariot with his entire army, shouting for them to kill the Hebrews. Only God’s pillar of fire temporarily stops them, after the fire disappears and Ramses sees the parted water, he angrily pulls out his sword and starts screaming for the murder of them as he rides into the sea. Also at the end, after the waters sweep away his entire army and he’s stranded on a rock, he can only shout Moses’s name in anguish.
- Appears in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: After being swallowed and spat out by a sea monster, one of Proteus's soldiers charges screaming at the monster, prompting Sinbad to remark to Proteus, "Give that guy a raise."
- Strange Magic: When Marianne breaks into the Bog King's castle, she smashes through the skylight screaming bloody murder while trying to slice the Bog King in half.
Films — Live-Action
- Chinese armies usually scream SA! as they charge in movies (drawing it out, of course). It means "Kill."
- Ace Ventura in the second film, while fighting the Wachootoo tribe champion.
- Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid: Sam yells as she cuts off a pursuing anaconda's head with a machete. Cole is suitably impressed.
- Joker has 2-4 guys like this in Batman (1989). One of them fights Batman in an alley with dual swords and the other three fight in succession in the belfry scene at the end. The last guy, a Scary Black Man, provides the only real threat.
- Just about every male character in Big Trouble in Little China is one of these.
- See any Reb Brown movie, even though he Screams Like a Little Girl.
- Subverted in The Dark Knight Rises. In Batman's first fight with Bane, he does a lot of shouting, but that's because Batman is outmatched physically and mentally, and trying to make up for it with blind aggression. Bane effortlessly defeats him. In their second battle, Batman is a lot more focused and effective.
- Even characters who aren't normally warriors can pick up this habit. As Jay and Silent Bob leap in to save Bethany from the Stygian Triplets in Dogma, Jay howls "SNOOTCH TO THE MOTHERFUCKIN' NOOOOOOOOTCH!"
- Demonstrated gloriously by Spoon in Dog Soldiers in his Last Stand against a werewolf as he mercilessly beats the damn thing with his bare hands... and whatever else he thinks of at the time.
- Beaten to a gruesome death in John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars. The leader of the zombie-type-things goes through every possible emotive inflection of "RARRrrrrh!" in his first ten minutes onscreen, depending on his apparent mood. Then he gets to deliver them all over again, a few times each. Scarily enough, this makes him one of the best actors in the film.
- In God Told Me To, Mrs. Phillips screams constantly as she tries to stab Pete.
- Last Action Hero. Jack Slater's daughter is attacked by one of the Big Bad's goons, and starts out a Screaming Woman... then continues to scream while beating the tar out of him (so his buddies will think he's still slapping her around and not interfere).
- One of Bruce Lee's iconic traits.
- Allied troops yell as they charge into the dunes in The Longest Day.
- Played straight by Hobbits, of all people, in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Li'l tiny Merry and Pippin are the first to charge into the trap sprung by the Big Bad.
- Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road lets out many short angry screams during close combat scenes.
- In The Matrix, Morpheus, when he busts out of the wall to take down an Agent to allow the others, including Neo, to escape. His capture sets up the rest of the film.
- The Mummy Trilogy:
- Brendan Fraser's character attempts to scare off a group of warrior mummies in The Mummy. Turns out warrior mummies have a pretty impressive scream of their own.
- It's actually a bit of a Brick Joke or a Call-Back. When Rick first encounters the titular mummy as he's cornered Evie:
Imhotep: [intimidating scream]
Rick: [Screams back and unloads a shotgun into his chest]- And when running into a group of mummified Medjai:
Rick: [screams at the mummies]
Mummies: [far more intimidating scream]
Rick: Uh-uh. [legs it]
- Ardeth gets some Screaming Warrior moments too, notably in The Mummy Returns before he attacks Lock-Nah.
- Brendan Fraser's character attempts to scare off a group of warrior mummies in The Mummy. Turns out warrior mummies have a pretty impressive scream of their own.
- There's a lot of screaming during the fights in Pirates of the Caribbean, but the prize goes to Davy Jones, who has a wide range of bloodcurdling yells. Also includes the "opponent screams back" variant!
Jones: [furiously roars in Jack Sparrow's face, tentacles writhing]
Sparrow: [shrieks in terror] - The Rambo franchise loves this. Especially in III, where both he and the Big Bad are Screaming Warriors while playing chicken using a tank and a helicopter.
- Kikuchiyo (Toshiro Mifune), the farmer's son crazy pseudo-samurai in Shichinin no Samurai.
- The Shining: Jack lets out one when he kills Dick Hallorann with his fire axe.
- Star Wars:
- For comedic effect, Han Solo can be seen as the Screaming Warrior chasing after a detachment of Stormtroopers, blaster drawn, until he runs into their reinforcements (in the Updated Re-release), at which point he begins screaming and running away from them.
- More seriously, Yoda screams before jumping any enemy that actually requires efforts on his part.
- Rey in The Last Jedi. This is most apparent during her fight with the Praetorian Guards, in which she shouts quite frequently. Special mention goes to her terrifying scream of rage after one of the guards pursue her.
- Star Trek:
- In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Admiral Kirk is seen as the Screaming Warrior while jumping on Commander Kruge.
- Captain Kirk does the same thing in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country while he saves the Federation President from being assassinated.
- In Star Trek: First Contact, Picard is shooting down some Borg drones with a submachine gun in the "Dixon Hill" holodeck, screaming his head off and he starts to charge toward them till Lily stops him to point out that they're already dead.
- Spoofed in Toy Story, by Woody while fighting Buzz Lightyear in the gas station.
- Parodied mercilessly by "Weird Al" Yankovic in his film UHF.
- The climactic fight of Undefeatable has both male fighters (especially the villain) screaming at the top of their lungs.
- When Trumpets Fade: The mild-mannered Pvt. Sanderson storms a German artillery site with a flamethrower while screaming profusely to motivate himself.
- X-Men Film Series:
- Wolverine usually lets out a battle cry when taking down foes.
- X-Men: Apocalypse: When Jean Grey attacks En Sabah Nur with her Phoenix Force, she lets out a mighty, otherworldly-sounding screech.
- Unlike her comics counterpart, Laura is much more prone to this trope in Logan. While outside of combat she is The Quiet One (to the point that Logan is initially under the impression that she's mute), when fighting she constantly screams like a wild animal.
- Subverted in Young Guns. When the outlaws are seemingly cornered, Chavez appears to launch his horse at a cliff with a battle cry. Inspired by his courage, the other outlaws follow and to everyone's surprise, they make it unscathed. When one of the other outlaws tells Chavez that was awesome and asks what the battle cry means in his native language, Chavez gives him a wry look and says, "Stop!"
- Cord MaKiy from The ColSec Trilogy seems prone to Battle Cries, especially when his Implied Love Interest is harmed or threatened.
- Discworld variations:
- Sam Vimes from the City Watch books does this in Thud!!, when he's in a cave full of dwarves, going crazy from a combination of a demon in his head and not being able to read his son his bedtime story. Say it with me: THAT! IS!! NOT!!! MY!!!! COW!!!!!
- The Nac Mac Feegle do this. In abundance. At the same time. With individual yells.
- There can be only one thousand!
- They can take our lives, but they can never take our trousers!
- Nae king, nae quin, nae laird, nae master! We will nae be fooled again!
- One baron, and under mutually beneficent arrangement, ye ken.
- Crivens!
- Nac Mac Feegle wha' hae! (Pratchett admits this one doesn't logically make any sense.)
- More specifically: Nac Mac Feegle wha' hae WHAT?
- Waily waily waily! (although this is also a general-purpose moan/scream of discontent)
- In Guards! Guards! the dwarfs are described as:
" nature dutiful, serious, literate, obedient and thoughtful people whose only minor failing is a tendency, after one drink, to rush at enemies screaming 'Arrrrrrgh!' and axing their legs off at the knee."
- They also have a number of battle cries, the worst and most threatening of which is "Today is a good day for someone else to die!"
- Carrot's use of that old classic NeeNawNeeNawNeeNaw!!!
- Which could possibly be read as "Knee Gnaw!", given that dwarfs have been known to bite taller opponents' legs or worse in the heat of battle.
- In Interesting Times, Cohen advises Teach (a geography teacher who joined the Silver Horde out of curiosity) to imagine the enemy is everything he hates in order to work up a good beserk:
"Head teachers! Sports masters! Boys who chew gum!"
"Smoke pipes at me, would you? You! That boy there! Answer me back, eh! Take that!"
- Dresden Files:
- In one short story, the (literal) Valkyrie Gard lets out an almighty scream before confronting a Grendel. Given her usual calm, professional, stoic demeanor, Dresden is a bit surprised to see her going full-on old school berserk.
- Harry himself once howled "I don't believe in fairies!" While charged into battle against both Faerie Courts. He also memorably caused an army of ghosts to lead their attack with cry of "BOO!"
- In A Harvest of War, the main character loves to (impressively) roar her lungs out in battle. Sometimes she sings bad songs badly instead.
- Sigismundo Celine in Robert Anton Wilson's Historical Illuminatus Chronicles does this in the rare instances he's forced to fight since his fencing teacher told him it throws the enemy off. When a mild-mannered intellectual suddenly screams "DIEEEE!" at the top of his lungs, it certainly seems to work.
- In Brian Jacques' Redwall series, the badgers and hares have their famous battle cry, "Eulaliaaaa!". Other characters often yell "Redwall!" or "Freedom!" Even characters who are explicitly stated to have no combat experience manage to find something to yell.
- In Larry Niven's Ringworld, a Kzin describes the proper response to a fighting-words insult as "You scream and you leap."
Speaker-to-Animals: Louis Wu, I found your challenge verbose. When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage will suffice. You scream and you leap.
- Charisian Marines in David Weber's Safehold series are famous for their howling war cry. They are also famous for being the best marines in the world, trained with muskets (and rifles and pistols), swords, and tomahawks. Just hearing them coming has been known to make lesser opponents flee.
- Second Apocalypse: The psychotic Cnaiur urs Skiotha has a combination of this and Badass Boast. During battle, he screams challenges to his enemies ("Who? Who will murder me?!") or boasts how many of their countrymen he has killed ("I bear your fathers and brothers upon my arms!"). In the midst of a brutal Last Stand, he starts ranting about ancient atrocities ("For a thousand years! Fucking your wives! Strangling your children! Striking down your fathers! A thousand years I have stalked you!"). It's left ambiguous as to whether he completely lost his sanity or was actually channeling the god of war.
- Warcries abound in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien. Aragorn and Éomer often use the names of their swords as battle cries, and Aragorn often uses the name of his ancestor, Elendil, as a battle cry as well. The Rohirrim have quite a few warcries, and Gimli has his famous Dwarven battle cry, "Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!"
- Subverted in The Warrior's Apprentice after Miles observes his companion's assault on an empty room, complete with a "war whoop":
Miles: You know, it might be better if we don't yell, going in. It's startling. It's bound to be a lot easier to hit people if they're not jumping around and ducking behind things.
- The Wheel of Time: One character manages to defeat several Draghkar by charging at them while yelling so loudly that he cannot hear their hypnotic song.
- In Wraith Squadron, the pilot Runt has a Mind Hive. His initial pilot mind has a terrible tendency to scream a wordless, wavering warcry and plunge after the closest enemy, heedless of tactics, orders, or the fact that his craft's weapons would probably work better than ramming. His wingmate Kell helps cure him of this, and in time he apparently switches to a pilot mind that's more erudite.
Live-Action TV
- The sketch comedy Almost Live! regularly featured kung-fu parodies under the title "Mind Your Manners with Billy Quan." All of them featured the same thoughtless oaf pushing one of Billy's Buttons; Billy generally announced reaching his breaking point with an enraged scream.
- Tyr Anasazi of Andromeda, not usually his normal style, but when facing a group of screaming monks, returned one of his own, causing them to flee.
- This is the trademark of B-movie action hero Reb Brown. In virtually all of his films, he'll let out a distinctively high-pitched scream during some action scene. This happens in Space Mutiny at the end of this clip
which features his final confrontation with the villain.
- Cole Turner of Charmed is prone to this when particularly anguished or pissed off.
- In the Community episode "Modern Warfare" Jeff does this while redecorating the Dean's office with the business end of a paintball gun.
- Recurring foes the Daleks of Doctor Who customarily scream "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" before and during attacks on any living thing they perceive.
"Sealed inside your casing. Not feeling anything, ever. From birth to death, locked inside a cold metal cage, completely alone. That explains your voice. No wonder you scream."
- Chiana of Farscape has a very distinctive warcry that can best be described as "BBBBBBRRRRRRIIIIIYIYIYIYYIYAAARGH!"
- Game of Thrones:
- Whenever Brienne fights a powerful opponent she tends to let out pretty intimidating roars and shouts of anger. In her fight against Sandor Clegane, she punctuates beating the shit out of him with a rock by screaming with rage non-stop.
- Euron Greyjoy. Dear GOD , Euron Greyjoy. He drops his laid back attitude in battle and goes in screaming like a madman.
- The Dothraki, as befits a Proud Warrior Race Onrushing Army. Much to Jaime, Bronn, and the Lannister army's blood-curdling terror.
- Action Girl Ziva David of NCIS lets loose with one when invited to take a shot at Jerk Jock Tony DiNozzo's abs. It quickly degenerates into cooing and belly rubbing when she halts the punch an inch from her target and takes the opportunity to mock his conditioning.
- Drink every time a warrior screams in Spartacus. You won't make it to the end of the episode.
- Captain Benjamin Sisko in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine seventh season episode "The Siege of AR-558".
- Xena: Warrior Princess:
- Xena herself is the crowned queen of this for female fighters.
- Arch-Enemy Callisto plays this more straight. Whereas Xena's ululation is a badass Battle Cry, Callisto just screams like a raving lunatic when she fights. But then again, she kind of is.
- While many a Metal Scream invoke this, the intro to Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song", which is a song about Horny Vikings, is certainly an example.
- Tatanka from WWF Royal Rumble.
Pro Wrestling
- Joshi wrestlers in general are noted for this, in particular Manami Toyota, who was infamous for screaming like a banshee from bell to bell.
- Goldberg used to snarl and scream a lot from the moment WCW started giving him entrances. One memorable instance was at the 2004 Royal Rumble when he was ambushed in the ring by Brock Lesnar. He snarls "You son of a bitch!" and literally hisses like a cobra. Prime Nightmare Fuel for a lot of the kids watching, no doubt.
- Hania The Howling Huntress. It's right there in her name.
- Following his Face–Heel Turn in 2011, Mark Henry began a run of truly epic mid-match trash talk at a volume loud enough to be picked up clearly by the house mics.
- Tim Hughes's Future Of Honor appearances are usually punctuated by him screaming for no reason.
- Kelly Kelly seems to be trying to out-do the below-mentioned Melina in terms of screaming. It's a little unnerving to see the smiley happy Kelly suddenly turn into an aggressive Screaming Warrior whenever one of her matches gets serious.
- Rebecca Knox when not acting as Sweet Saraya's manager. She's also (unsuccessfully) tried to out scream MsChif. (you can see why Portuguese Princess Ariel was pretty proud of herself for successfully rending Chif unable to).
- Melina — though sometimes she's simply throwing a tantrum rather than trying to frighten her opponents, making her a mix of this and Screaming Woman. She does it so much, her screams are referred to as "The Primal Scream". She screams before doing both of her finishers, one of them appropriately titled the Last Call.
- Gateway and later SHIMMER/Ring of Honor wrestler MsChif screams at her opponent all throughout her matches. At the 2006 WWWC Tournament in Odaiba/Tokyo, Kyoko Kimura tried to shut her up by screaming louder. When that didn't work she tried to crush MsChif throat with a chain... which didn't work either.
- Roman Reigns is usually an aversion of the Wild Samoan trope... unless he's screaming to the skies.
- "Native American warrior" wrestlers have also traditionally fallen back on this trope, such as Tatanka.
- Former WWF wrestler The Ultimate Warrior built a career out of being a screaming, snarling, grunting, face-painted lunatic. Those who were aware of his behavior after he retired were convinced it wasn't an act.
- Former WCW, TNA, and SHINE Wrestling
manager Daffney Unger also made her mark on the business by screaming. She even raised it to Super-Scream level at WCW Spring Stampede 2000. During the six-way WCW World Cruiserweight Title
match involving Shannon Moore, Crowbar, Chris Candido, Juventud Guerrera, Prince Iaukeanote and Lash LeRoux, where she was seconding Crowbar, Juvy ran after her and she held him off by SCREAMING!
- Dolph Ziggler is partial to this. He often yells and hollers when entering a match and when he is in control of a match. He sometimes does this after winning as well.
Tabletop Games
- The Apocalypse World hack Action Movie World has the Yeller as one of the actor archetypes. To no one's surprise, he's based on Reb Brown.
- Given the Truth in Television entry below (see the Real Life section), it probably isn't surprising that characters with the appropriate background in Deadlands can actually take a Rebel Yell as an Edge. But wait, weren't Native Americans known for their warcries, too? One thing that virtually any Native American warrior with his salt can do in the setting is a fast Ritual called "War Cry," which tends to earn favor with the War Spirits. Worth mentioning here because the Ritual has a higher chance to succeed if the player yells, too.
- Dungeons & Dragons has multiple mechanics for this, the simplest being the Kiai Shout feat. All of them allow you to render enemies shaken or panicked by shouting at the beginning of battle. Also, while the gameplay mechanics don't absolutely require it, Barbarian characters will often be portrayed in this fashion, particularly while in the throes of their Rage ability.
- Iron Kingdoms: Trollkin Fell Callers are born with innate vocal powers that are so strong they can deafen opponents within their immediate vicinity if they yell loud enough.
- In Magic: The Gathering, Goblins tend to be depicted this way if they aren't being depicted as Plucky Comic Relief or Dirty Coward. Goblin Deathraiders
is a good example.
- Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000:
- Both TTGs have the Orcish battle cry, which they are known to scream until such time as they pass out. Say it with me: WAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!
- Though you can't get the full effect of the WAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!! shout unless it's coming from at least one hundred throats. All of which are attached to berserk, bloodthirsty monstrosities that are fully capable of ripping you apart with their bare hands.
- Harriers for the cup!
- Note that Cain himself has charged in battle yelling Waaagh to throw his enemy off: First in the short story Traitor's Gambit, then in The Emperor's Finest.
- As for the Imperium: FOR THE EMPEROR!. Doubles as a battle cry of Traitor Alpha Legion.
- And the Tau: FOR THE GREATER GOOD! Or alternatively TAU'VA!!.
- Particularly notable are the Eldar Howling Banshees, whose shrieking, wordless battle cry is psychically amplified by their helmets to disorient the enemy. Their Phoenix Lord, Jain Zar, Storm of Silence wears original, much more ancient and powerful mask, capable of paralyzing the enemy.
- Lucius the Eternal wears Armor of Shrieking souls, a suit of daemonically possessed armor that traps souls of his would-be killer. As the name suggests, the thing is loud and its screams are known to be lethal on more than one occasion.
- The list is fairly long considering the vastness of the universe. Most Space Marine chapters, both Loyalist and Traitor have official battle cry. Various litanies and chants also used extensively by all human and superhuman forces.
- To the extent were the Necrons and Tyrannids are seen as more terrifying because they fight silently.
- Also the Legion of the Damned are considered scary as hell because they are wholly silent (aside from the sound of their guns)
- Not to mention they appear out of nowhere, wearing black Powered Armor decorated with bones and wield heavy weapons, as pictured here
- In Arsenic and Old Lace, Teddy likes to shout "CHARGE!" as he dashes up San Juan Hill (i.e. the house stairs).
Video Games
- Asura of Asura's Wrath is a new triumphant example for this trope, considering that he's basically the embodiment of wrath, a title that is in no shape or form undeserved in the slightest. Especially in Asura's Berserker and Wrath forms. All he does is scream. It got so bad that Liam O'Brien in fact was reportedly spitting up blood from the recording sessions for the game's English dub. Dude's a trooper.
- Minsc of Baldur's Gate, as befits his nature as a berserker.
- Double H from Beyond Good & Evil. He charges into battle with a healthy CARLSON AND PEETERS! whenever he attacks, and he enjoys yelling in general.
- Ragna the Bloodedge, the Anti-Hero protagonist of BlazBlue, shouts the names of his attacks, the names of his opponents and general insults and taunts at maximum volume and ferocity whenever he fights.
- The Cleric Beast in Bloodborne is constantly screaming. Once you know how it came to be what it is, you might want to scream, too.
- Bloodline Champions has the Vanguard bloodline, in which four of their nine abilities involve yelling.
- Borderlands:
- Brick. Even outside of his berserk fury, he'll still scream about blood and his deep love for it, if you simply stand still during a bout of berserk, he'll alternate between hollering at the top of his lungs, laughing uncontrollably at the top of his lungs, and progressively discovering new tops of lungs he didn't know he had.
- Salvador from Borderlands 2 does much the same when he berserks, though he only really screams at the beginning. While Brick continues to thunder as loud as he can throughout his rage, Salvadore will instead give a battle cry at the beginning of his rage and swap to quiet panting, growls, or even humming "In the Halls of the Mountain King". That said, when entering his rage, he'll still scream things like "VIOLEEEENCE", "START RUNNIIIIING" and even the words "BERSERK SCREAMIIIIING" at anyone around him.
- Krieg from the same game also has various psychotic cries of rage, as well as some rather sadistic threats. With the Raving Retribution skill, he'll also start going on completely nonsensical but surprisingly well-articulated rants when he's set on fire.
- Chivalry: Medieval Warfare has a dedicated Battle Cry button. When standing still, you'll taunt your enemy and brandish your weapon. When sprinting, the button turns into a "scream at the top of your lungs" button (which everyone spams). The Vanguard class in particular screams a lot, especially when executing his sprint attack. Turning on low gravity and jumping into the air causes characters to start screaming in terror at the top of their lungs.
- The character properties screen in City of Heroes includes a field labeled "Battle Cry."
- The Infected of Dead Island. You'll hear them the first time when installing the game on PC. It's not a good sound. At all. Failing that you'll hear it on the beach and it's so unnerving your character will become freaked out.
- Dead Space sees the otherwise-silent Isaac Clarke grunt, yell, and scream his lonely way through an entire army of undead monsters that used to be the USG Ishimura's crew. He does this because he's scared shitless and it helps him cope.
- Diablo II's Barbarian has an entire tree of skills which involve roaring to either buff himself and his allies, or de-buff enemies. One of the highest-level war cries, simply called War Cry, deals direct physical damage.
- Dragon Age:
- Anders of Dragon Age II is a rare Squishy Wizard example. Being possessed by a vengeance demon that is driving you insane will do that.
- In the the first game, there's also Champion's (warrior's specialization/Prestige Class) War Cry
ability, which (when upgraded) can literally make enemies fall down.
- Dungeon Crawl:
- The Wereblood spell gives you increasing bonuses to physical combat as you kill enemies, but forces you to howl more and more often as your bonuses mount.
- Mid-game unique Rupert is a berserker whose ability to inflict status conditions is flavored as screaming at you. Apparently you can confuse or paralyze someone if you can just yell loud enough.
- In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, a Fighters Guild quest tasks you to backup Larienna Macrina in her hunt for the Daedroth Hrelvesuu. She shouts "Hrelvesuu, I have come for you!" when you encounter the beast and she charges in. Unlike most of the rest of the game's dialogue, this line is fully voiced, making it stand out.
- Due to Fallout 4 having a voiced protagonist, taking Psycho turns your character from a vault dweller to a fucking war machine.
Sole Survivor: "FUCKING KILLLL!!"
- The Final Boss battle in the Xbox 360 Shoot 'em Up Ginga Force, which has both the main protagonist and the Big Bad yelling at the top of their lungs. Quite possibly one of the most Hot-Blooded Boss Battles in the history of video games.
- Halo:
- While in Rage Mode, the Arbiter of Halo Wars will often yell I AM THE ARBITER!, just in case you forgot.
- Get close enough to an Ultra Elite in Halo 2 and he'll toss aside his firearm, bellow in fury, and rip out an energy sword to slice you apart with.
- In Halo 3, the Arbiter note keeps it going with vicious roars of anger every time he swings his sword.
- Grunts can evoke the trope sometimes, shrieking insults and inane babble at you as they prepare to kamikaze-charge. More often, they scream in terror as they're running away.
- Heroes of Might and Magic 5: Orc Barbarian Heroes have their own brand of magic, called War Cries. One of them deals direct damage by making all his units shout at an enemy.
- Kirby:
- Kirby is technically this anytime he uses the Mike ability. However, he especially does this in later games when unleashing his ultimate attack on the final boss (Kirby: Planet Robobot, Kirby Star Allies, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe all being examples).
- Perhaps most infamously, Drawcia from Kirby: Canvas Curse becomes one of these after turning into Drawcia Soul, a five-eyed Eldritch Abomination made of paint that lets out bloodcurdling screeches throughout the entire boss fight.
- Susie does at certain points in her boss fight in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
- Each of the Mage-Sisters in Kirby Star Allies alternate between this and a Noblewoman's Laugh (especially Francisca and Zan Partizanne).
- Leongar from Kirby and the Forgotten Land roars throughout his boss fight. Once he Turns Red and Fecto Forgo takes control of him, it's hard to tell whether they're meant to be this or screams of pain.
- League of Legends:
- DEMACIAAAAAAA! If you don't hear this every couple seconds it's not Garen, it's an imposter.
- On the Noxian side, Kled is a constant font of high-pitched yelling, getting even higher-pitched when Skaarl deserts him. Some of his lines after Skaarl leaves have been known to startle small dogs.
Kled: I'll say something witty after I kill you!
- The Legend of Zelda:
- Link, starting in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. After all, if you're going to pay Nobuyuki "Gai" Hiyama to play your Heroic Mime, you've gotta make use of his voice somehow.
- Link's Wind Waker incarnation is particularly shouty as well; just try using a Hurricane Spin and listen to him go!
- Mass Effect 3:
- The Reapers are humongous cybernetic Eldritch Abominations who harvest the entire advanced civilizations of the galaxy to use their bodies as building material to make more of them. And they create massive booming sounds that deafen everyone within miles
around them to strike utter terror in their prey. As if they needed to...
- In multiplayer, krogan and vorcha characters tend to howl as they tear enemies apart while using Blood Rage and Bloodlust, respectively.
- The Reapers are humongous cybernetic Eldritch Abominations who harvest the entire advanced civilizations of the galaxy to use their bodies as building material to make more of them. And they create massive booming sounds that deafen everyone within miles
- Mega Man X:
- In the games after X7, X himself becomes one of these. Many of his dialogue sequences are also spent screaming at his opponents. This is perhaps best seen in the final battle with Sigma
in Maverick Hunter X, where X slowly goes from determined to WHY YES I'M ANGRY WHY ELSE WOULD I BE SCREAMING IN CAPSLOCK RAGE RIGHT NOW?! In English, you can practically hear the boiling blood of Domon Kasshu.
- Colonel from X4, who frequently does battle shouts of "Yaaah!" and "Ho-yaaah" when swinging his saber and dashing away, which can be seen here.
- Infamously, Flame Hyenard from X7.
- In the games after X7, X himself becomes one of these. Many of his dialogue sequences are also spent screaming at his opponents. This is perhaps best seen in the final battle with Sigma
- Metroid Dread: When Samus taps into her full Metroid powers and begins sucking the energy out of Raven Beak and his ship, she lets out a loud scream of anger the entire time.
- In Outlast II, you will know when Marta has spotted you when she lets out a bellowing, hate-filled scream in your direction.
- Path of Exile lets you turn into one with Warcry skills. All of them have the effect of taunting nearby enemies and all but one empower your next few attacks, making them fit better with builds that use slow, powerful attacks. The bonuses also get more powerful the more strong enemies are around you.
- In Putty, the Firework Imps shriek "INCOMING!" as they start to fire missiles.
- Punch-Out!! Wii:
- One of Von Kaiser's Title Defense attacks (which has been nicknamed the "Von Kaiser Wave" by fans) has him scream wildly and punch himself in the head to psyche himself up, before charging at Little Mac with a furious punch. Getting hit by it is one of the few instant knockdowns in the game.
- When Great Tiger launches his Mirage Dance, he will scream until it starts.
- One that doubles as an Establishing Character Moment; Aran Ryan will unleash a mighty roar before you fight him in Contender Mode.
- In Old School Runescape, using the special attack of the dragon battleaxe, Rampage, does this. The player raises the axe overhead while yelling in all caps, which the game doesn't otherwise allow, giving a nearly 30% increase in Strength while dropping all other combat stats.
- Scarface: The World Is Yours has a lot of screaming. Various gangs scream en masse while charging into Tony's superior firepower. Tony can scream right back whenever the player wills. And of course, during the 'rage/invincibility' attacks the screaming is out of control (and foul).
- Hot-Blooded Sanada Yukimura from Sengoku Basara just will not shut up! No wonder we feel sorry for his voice actor...
- Serious Sam has a unit called the Kamikaze Bomber. Despite not having a head it screams, continuously, from the moment it's created until it dies. It gets quite unnerving. Or annoying, rather.
- In Stinkoman 20X6, Stinkoman enters every boss battle (if he can get to the bosses) screaming "Are you asking for a CHALLEEEENNNNGE!?" In 1-Up's level, he screams "I wanna be the guy, too!"
- Garuda from Street Fighter EX. Nine out of ten times, this guy will be belting out warcries at the top of his lungs. When he's not, he's either laughing or speaking in a creepily hushed tone, which might be even more unnerving. (Fun fact: Garuda is voiced by Osamu Hosoi, known for his portrayal of the Hot-Blooded Dan Hibiki up until Street Fighter IV.) In Fighting EX Layer, while still capable of some ferocious screams, he's much more subdued overall, courtesy of a new voice actor.
- From Super Robot Wars: Original Generation, anyone becomes this because of three words: ULTIMATE. GESPENST. KICK.
- In the Super Smash Bros. series, characters have a sound effect for each of their attacks. Most of the time, it's either Calling Your Attacks, a generic shout, or a loud grunt.
- Team Fortress 2:
- The Soldier, as seen in the trailer. The Heavy Weapons Guy as well.
- The Demoman will let off a mad Scotsman's scream at the top of his lungs when he triggers one of his shield charges, and start drunkenly shouting Highlander quotes if you kill an enemy with a sword or axe.
- Warcraft:
- Grom Hellscream (pictured above), chieftain of the Warsong Clan from WarCraft II and III. His name is Hellscream, after all.
- In a scene in one of the books, he makes an enemy drop his defenses by screaming so loud it physically hurts him.
- One of the reasons he follows Thrall is that Thrall was barely annoyed. His most memorable appearance in the game was doing this to a giant demon and winning.
- Even his weapon screams. His axe Gorehowl has special notches and holes in it. When it is swung, air rushes through the holes and makes a howling noise.
- Druids of the Claw and various creeps have the Roar ability which gives a big damage boost to friendly units in range. The Howl of Terror ability decreases enemy attacks and is most notably used by the Pit Lord, a gargantuan and particularly unsubtle demon.
- The Beastmaster's ultimate combines it with Onrushing Army: You hear a loud, echoing roar... and suddenly a stampede of exploding thunder lizards is decimating the enemy army.
- While not exactly warriors, the undead's Banshees attack by screaming.
- Grom Hellscream (pictured above), chieftain of the Warsong Clan from WarCraft II and III. His name is Hellscream, after all.
- Equip the right Frames in Warframe and you can shout your way through combat.
- Valkyr has Warcry, Paralysis, and Hysteria, all of which involve her screaming at people and attacking faster, staggering them, and lunging bodily for their jugular respectively.
- Rhino has his Roar, shouting into the air to buff attack damage for himself and allies.
- Excalibur Umbra has Radial Howl, screaming at enemies to stun them as an outlet for his grief.
- World of Warcraft:
- Warriors have several shout abilities giving a range of effects, although these could not directly deal damage until Mists of Pandaria introduced Dragon Roar, an attack that hits all nearby enemies and briefly stuns them (and a Shout-Out to Skyrim). Druids echo these shouts in the roars they have when shapeshifted into bears.
- JOHN J. KEESHAN, the Alliance equivalent of Rambo, fills this role quite nicely. One of the quests you do with him is even named "AHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!!!
- Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom Hellscream, lives up to the family name when he bellows out a warcry with every charge.
Web Animation
- In If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device, Sly Marbo only speaks in variations of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" At one point, when confronted with a Sadistic Choice, he gets a shoulder angel and shoulder devil. Their advice? "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Western Animation
- Finn of Adventure Time is prone to screaming incoherently as he attacks, when he's not outright calling them out.
"Alright, here comes my double kick!"
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Prince Zuko, though he slowly grows out of it after his Heel Realization and becomes somewhat more subdued post-Heel–Face Turn.
- Sokka initially tries to be this in the second episode but gives up on it once he realizes he's no match for Zuko. After some training, he's shown to indulge in it from time to time. He also tried to do a sneak attack on Aang from behind... whilst screeching "SNEAK ATTAAACK!!!" at the top of his lungs. He is forcefully reminded of the negatives of this trope. Sokka's attempt in the second episode turns a comical few moments into something less funny when one considers how much he's trying to emulate the warriors who left home, i.e. his dad Hakoda.
- We also see the Southern Raiders all letting out a battle cry before attacking the Southern Water Tribe. Who reply with ones of their own.
- Parodied in Freakazoid!. Freak attempts a multi-step plan to subdue a giant snake that starts with him giving a "Conan Yell", then jumping on it and grappling it... before realizing he has no idea what to do next.
- Subverted in Invader Zim: Zim, being something of a Proud Warrior Race Guy, attempts a badass battle cry but winds up with an irritating, high-pitched "eeeeeeeeeeegh" sound.
- Hawkgirl in Justice League. On average, it was about one yell for every swing of her mace. Say that a woman with huge wings flying/charging at you with an indestructible mace of Nth metal which she uses to "fix" everything isn't scary. We dare you.
- Both the good and evil warriors of Sectaurs let out a high-pitched, battle cry whenever they are in combat.
- Tom and Jerry: Don't EVER hurt Nibbles or Jerry will invoke this trope, followed by plenty of pain, suffering, and Laser-Guided Karma.
Real Life
- The British Army in the age of musket was famous for it's 'three cheers' warcry; Huzzah! repeated three times with a bayonet charge on the extended third cry. Most enemies knew what was coming by this point, and it was not unknown for them to turn and flee before the Redcoats had even started running at them.
- The infamous rolling, yipping "Rebel Yell"
employed by Confederate soldiers during The American Civil War (not to be confused with the Texan yokel "Yee-haw!", by the way) was said to have chilled the blood of any Union troops that heard it. Scottish Highlanders and certain Native American tribes were also said to have employed similar-sounding yells in battle (and, since at least some Southerners had both Scottish Highlanders and Cherokees in their family trees, that counts as a bit of Fridge Brilliance).
- The Viking Berserkers.
- Even before the introduction of guns, the samurai battlefield was a noisy place.
- Before the starting a battle (or after winning one), the force commander would have his troops give out a battle cry in unison. Hearing this from an unexpected direction was very bad news.
- The warriors would shout while galloping toward the enemy.
- Most prominently, the warrior would shout his name and familial background in moments of note (being the first to engage, having killed a mighty foe, boasting a challenge, etc.) While seemingly outlandish, this practice actually had some logics behind: it made sure that the warrior's valor would be recorded for reward after battle. As for the reason why the enemy wouldn't just shot him: since the opposing warriors operated under the same rewarding mechanism, killing/capturing a worthy foe was much more beneficial than slaying some no-name. Letting the enemy introducing himself helped identifying his worth and justifying the reward after battle.
- "Tenno heika Bannzzaaaiii!" or so the old Japanese war cry goes ("Long live the Emperor"). A harbinger of trouble for any ill-equipped, ill-fed, and ill-led Chinese militiaman low on ammunition - which was most of them, most of the time. Banzai charges were a perfectly valid tactic in China, as many partisans and warlord troops would break off and flee at the cry. It was not nearly so successful against the Kuomintang's professional Chinese troops, or Commonwealth and American soldiers when they got dragged into the war. Not because it was any less terrifying, but because the Allied soldiers had decent numbers of machine guns and reliable supplies of ammunition for them, while the KMT's troops resisted fiercely, refusing to flee no matter how strong the Japanese attack was. Also "Totsugeki!!" (which literally just means "Assault! or Charge!")
- Kendo, a Japanese martial swordfighting art, utilizes kiai shouts before and during attacking, with the shouts before attack used to throw your enemy off-guard and help you concentrate yourself and the kiai during the hit to let others know that you are concentrating on your hit and are giving your best to hit it.
- Jigen-ryu was a popular school of Kenjutsu in the Azuchi–Momoyama and Edo periods of Japan. The style was simple- swordsmen would rush forward, sword raised high, and execute a single diagonally-downward killing stroke. The key to this technique was the Enkyo, or 'monkey scream', a long, shrill, piercing kiai to intimidate and disorient the opponent. Even in modern training, martial artists of this style screech wildly as they strike practice targets with that single stroke thousands of times daily.
- There is an informal practice of shouting as you attack in fencing.
- A kiai turns you into a screaming warrior. Part of its intention is to add power to your attack and part of it is purely intimidation.
- In the "loud consecutive grunts" department, many tennis players are known for this. Especially the female ones. Maria Sharapova holds the world record for volume at 109 dB, comparable to a motorcycle engine or running chainsaw.
- The "boxers' snort," which supposedly adds power to the punch.
- "Remember the Alamo!"
- Aiyo Gurkhali ("Blood for the goddess of death. The Gurkhas are coming!")
- The Scottish highland clans, with (in Gaelic) "Death comes for you, it is the Gordons" by Clan Gordon, and "Sons of the dogs, come hither and you will have flesh" from Clan Cameron
- Most of the armies would scream while charging, be it something formal, like "banzai", "charge", or "Oo-rah," or something individual for each soldier, collapsing into an incoherent roar, for exactly same reasons: intimidate and focus one-self for a high-speed dash towards the enemy. Not so common now, of course, since full-scale charge is rarely performed.
- At least according to the Romans the native Britons would often scream at the top of their lungs when attacking. Combine this with spiked hair, blue warpaint, and the fact that they were usually half again as tall as the Romans, and you can see why they made them nervous. Not that much use against actual tactics, mind you...
- The Romans themselves, meanwhile, initially subverted this trope, intimidating their enemies with stony silence and grim obedience. Towards the latter part of the Western empire, however, they adopted the barritus, a rolling war cry that (as ever) adapted from the Germanic tribes they fought against.
- It's human nature to freeze when scared. The US Army teaches their trainees to use the "battle cry" and scream before making an assault, as this helps to "unfreeze" the soldier in question.
- Takahata 101 of TeamFourStar is prone to this, particularly during the Let's Plays.
- The Imperial Russian, Soviet, and Russian Army's deep bass Oo-rah! would qualify, but with as less of a scream and more of a drawn-out 'urraaaaah' sound. Stolen from the Ottoman Turks, apparently; it means "strike to kill!" in Turkish. Definitely a symbol of the Russian infantry for centuries; German WWII vets said one of the creepiest sounds you could hear was that mournful howling sound as a Soviet attack went in, regardless of whether it was directed at you or not...
- Germans also had a similar sounding war cry, "Hurrah!" Several German World War II vets noted that they occasionally mistook one for the other on the Eastern Front.
- Chimpanzees. When an entire troop attacks, screeching at the top of their lungs, the effect is absolutely terrifying. Also deafening.
- Tigers have an ultrasonic scream that even humans can hear from miles away. They never use it during hunting, because that kinda defeats the purpose. In fact, they only utilize this scream when fighting other tigers, capitalizing on the tiger's very sensitive hearing - it hurts them almost as much as the teeth and claws do.
- Subverted by the Swedish Army under Carolus Rex, whose official battle-cry was "stone-faced silence". The sight of soldiers marching up to firing range, firing, and charging in complete silence was perceived as far more unsettling than any amount of noise. This tradition persists to this day.
- Onasander's The General
advises: One should send the army into battle shouting, and sometimes on the run, because their appearance and shouts and the clash of arms confound the hearts of the enemy.
- Ancient Greek warriors had a distinctive battle cry. They would flip their tongues rapidly, at very high pitch (and, since there could be hundreds of men all shouting at once: earsplitting decibels) producing an "alalalala" sound. It was perhaps intended to sound like an eagle, or maybe they just realized it was scary. The Latin word for "to scream" is "ululare": suggesting the technique was very effective. Caused their friends to consider them Creepy Awesome. Crucially, they were all trained to scream at the SAME pitch, which probably meant that the enemy army experienced the Doppler Effect (and thus, the compulsion to move away from the sound could actually have been quite strong).
- Averted by the ancient Celts who came up with something even more terrifying: the bagpipe. Though they probably didn't invent the instrument (it's likely extremely old since it's a fairly obvious upgrade of a flute.), they were the first recorded people to use it in war. If you can't see the piper, the sound can be pretty terrifying and it carries for miles. This contributed to their reputation for being not quite normal in several ancient cultures (along with being physically large, having a penchant for giant swords, and wearing weird warpaint). Which was the point, because it dissuaded most other cultures from attempting a conquest.