Shapeshifting - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Mar 27 2019

Shapeshifting (trope)

"Aliens disguised as typewriters? I never heard such—"

Shapeshifting or transformation is the ability to completely change one's body from one form to another, usually by magic or Applied Phlebotinum. Common in Speculative Fiction, folklore and myths are replete with tales of princes transformed into frogs, gods turning themselves into animals, and so on. Several of these tropes are Older Than Feudalism.

There are a wide variety of ways that this can occur, but thematically it can be sorted into two broad classes:

  • Shapeshifting: A character can transform their own body as a special power or ability. Obviously enough, they are called shapeshifters, and often ply their powers for fun and profit (whether good or evil), or simply to trick or play practical jokes on normal folks.
  • Transformation: An otherwise non-shapeshifting character has a transformation cast upon them from an outside source (again, usually by magic or Applied Phlebotinum). This is typically Played for Drama; it may be part of a character's backstory, or even form the central conflict within the work. Curses are a popular source here, as it requires the character to go on The Quest to satisfy the Curse Escape Clause. A list of possible causes for transformations can be found here.

See also the Autonomous and Artificial Appendage Index, Disguise Tropes, and Werebeast Tropes indexes.

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Tropes related to shapeshifting as a power or ability 

Tropes related to transformations as an event 

Other shapeshifting tropes 

Related tropes 

  • Adaptive Ability: Often involves shifting, sometimes involves shapes.
  • Artificial Hybrid: Someone gets mutated and turned into some sort of hybrid.
  • Being Human Sucks: Not everyone likes being a boring, ordinary human being. This motivates them to try and become something else.
  • Blob Monster: A compositionally questionable, physically malleable monster.
  • Equivalent Exchange: When shifting into a certain form requires exchanging it with someone or something that already has it.
  • Face–Monster Turn: When a mental and/or physical transformation turns someone evil.
  • Instant Armor: The ability to summon protective armor from nowhere. May be part of a Super Mode.
  • Kill and Replace: A tactic sometimes performed by shapeshifters using their natural abilities.
  • LEGO Genetics: Genetic engineering can be used to transform an ordinary organism into some sort of mutant being after getting their DNA fused with that of another species.
  • Master Actor: Often a Required Secondary Power for shapeshifters.
  • Master of Disguise: Some shapeshifters can look like anyone.
  • Slime Girl: A person (usually a woman/girl) who is made out of slime.
  • Super Mode: Sometimes involves a physical transformation.
  • Transhuman: The (artificial) evolution of humans into something different.
  • You Sexy Beast: For cases of a less human form being considered more attractive.