Sherlock Homage - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Dec 10 2013

Complimentary, my dear Watson!

For over a century, Sherlock Holmes has been one of the icons of English-language mystery fiction, and the character's popularity has spread around the world and through multiple media. Not surprisingly for such an influential character, Holmes has become a Fountain of Expies. Most post-Holmes Great Detectives have some Holmesian influence, but in the case of the Sherlock Homage this is particularly blatant.

Sherlock Homages are intelligent, cerebral, eccentric characters who solve mysteries and are very good at it. They may be heroes or antiheroes, but are never outright villains. While they often have a keen understanding of human behavior in a Guile Hero sort of way, the typical Sherlock Homage is not a people person - whether due to introversion, Intelligence Equals Isolation, or being a bit of a jerk. Sherlock Homages favor logic over emotion, and if they do have unexpected reserves of feeling they tend not to be gushy about it. They often have other traits inspired by aspects of Sherlock Holmes' character, such as:

In series in which the original Sherlock Holmes stories exist, the Sherlock Homage may be an Ascended Fanboy and fully aware of their similarities. It isn't rare for a character who's not a Sherlock Homage all the time to spontaneously adopt Holmesian traits if the plot ever requires them to solve a mystery. Parodies of this trope, in which a character has the appearance of a Sherlock Homage but the skills of a Clueless Detective, are also common.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Black Jack: An unlicensed physician talented at diagnosing indecipherable medical issues, BJ can identify the mystery ailment from observation and can fix it with near superhuman surgical talent. Further he smokes a pipe, has an aloof demeanor, is always concentrating, lives apart from others, and has one person in his life to whom he anchors this case, his adopted daughter Pinoko.
  • The main character of Case Closed is Shinichi Kudo, a snarky young detective with an insanely keen eye for detail and an extensive amount of esoteric knowledge. He's a huge fan of Holmes himself, thinking of him as a role model despite being fictional. He'll often refer to Ran as "Watson". Shinichi's pseudonym as his child self is Conan Edogawa, a combination of the names of Arthur Conan Doyle and Edogawa Ranpo (another mystery writer). Most of the promotional art for the series has him wearing a deerstalker cap and pipe.
  • L in Death Note is his world's greatest detective (and the second and third best, via aliases). He's an eccentric, unsociable, Badass Bookworm genius.
  • In episode 5 of Mnemosyne, Mishio Maeno assumes a Holmes-like persona while investigating Rin, using the catchphrases like "Elementary!" and referring to an imaginary Dr. Watson in inner monologues.
  • In episode 6 of Rosario + Vampire, Kurumu and Yukari dress up as Sherlock and Watson, respectively, while interrogating Ginei about his framing Tsukune for being a Peeping Tom.

Audio Plays 

  • The Firesign Theatre's 1974 album The Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra is a comedic take on the oft-refered to Holmes story of the same name. Here the detective is Hemlock Stones (Phil Proctor) and his biographer is Dr Flotsam (David Ossman).
  • Jago & Litefoot: The setting and tone of the audios bring to mind Sherlock Holmes though with a more supernatural angle. Jago at one point insists that Holmes and Watson are based on himself and Litefoot, though when they later meet Arthur Conan Doyle this isn't brought up. Hilariously in the story when they meet Doyle, they have to disguise themselves as Holmes and Watson, getting into a brief argument over who would fit the role of Holmes best. Generally speaking, Professor Litefoot, the well-educated pathologist, fits the Holmes role, while Jago, the bombastic theater man, is The Watson, but there's some flexibility there, and whenever the Doctor comes to visit, they both serve as his Watson like they did in their introductory story.

Comic Books 

  • Cassander Baker in the Batman (James Tynion IV) storyline "His Dark Designs" was once the world's greatest detective, and when the young Bruce Wayne went to train with him, he effortlessly Sherlock Scanned him. However, by this point he was a shell of a man who refused to train Bruce except to "teach [him] how to lose", having been completely broken by his Moriarty counterpart, who went on to become the Designer.
  • Grandville: Force Majeure: Stamford Hawksmoor, a golden eagle (Holmes's profile is often described as "aqualine") in a deerstalker and Inverness cape, who was LeBrock's mentor, but retired to Sussex to keep ferrets. Many of his lines are paraphrases of Holmes. His first name is a reference to Watson's friend who introduced him to Holmes.
  • The later issues of Kamandi (i.e., the ones written after Jack Kirby left the comic) had Kamandi pursued by a canid Sherlock Holmes expy named Mylock Bloodstalker, whose companion was a Dr. Watson stand-in consisting of a bulldog named Doile.
  • Ruse: Simon Archard is the Great Detective, an unbeatable thinking machine with no emotions (that he'll admit to) and no people skills (he's described at one point as possessing "all the crimeside manner of a cactus").
  • Hamilton Drew, a detective from the 1920s who ended up in the present day in James Robinson's Starman (DC Comics). He bears a striking physical resemblance to Holmes, in addition to having a keen deductive brain. His cases were apparently recorded by his friend Ben Luddy, who was a lawyer rather than a doctor.
  • The Warren Ellis graphic novel Aetheric Mechanics is set in a Steampunk version of Britain in 1907, and features the Great Detective Sax Raker and his loyal comrade Dr. Robert Watcham as the main protagonists.

Comic Strips 

  • Jo, Zette and Jocko: In one album a maharajah asks for a detective to solve a case. When the man enters he refuses to believe that he is a real detective for he is not dressed up like Holmes, forcing the detective to do so in order to convince him.
  • Nero: Detective Van Zwam is clearly derived from Holmes. He is super intelligent, has senses that nobody else has (for instance: he is able to discover all kinds of absurdly detailed information about suspects from just looking at a cigarette stub) and much like Holmes he once died during a story, "De Gouden Patatten", but was revived by readers' support. In the color albums creator Marc Sleen also gave him a Sherlock Holmes hat at one point.
  • Suske en Wiske: Lambik dresses up as Sherlock Holmes in De Woeste Wespen, with Jerom taking the role of his sidekick Watson. Naturally Lambik's detective skills are extremely bad.
  • Tintin: Tintin shares many similarities with Holmes by being an intelligent Chaste Hero and Badass Bookworm who solves crimes (even though he's a reporter instead of a detective), while Captain Haddock is somewhat of a Watsonian sidekick. Hergé was a Sherlock Holmes fan too.

Fan Works 

Films — Animation 

  • The Aristocats: When Roquefort turns detective to find Duchess and the kittens, he immediately puts on a deerstalker with a matching coat. He wears the outfit for most of the rest of the movie.
  • The Great Mouse Detective: Basil is a detective mouse living beneath Holmes' apartment in Baker Street. He dresses like Holmes and has a similarly-eccentric personality. His sidekick Dawson is, of course, a mouse counterpart to Watson. Likewise Professor Ratigan, Basil's Arch-Enemy, is a Captain Ersatz for Sherlock's famous rival, Professor Moriaty.
  • Sherlock Gnomes, the sequel to Gnomeo & Juliet, features the titular garden gnome version of the famous detective who helps Gnomeo and Juliet to find their missing family and friends. This Sherlock is accomplished by Gnome Watson, while his arch-enemy is Moriaty.

Films — Live-Action 

  • The Family Jewels: If it wasn't obvious from his first name, Sheylock Peyton does his best to emulate Sherlock Holmes. He's moved to England, loves tea, and has Dr. Matson as his partner.
  • Shanghai Noon: While Chon Wen and Roy O' Bannon are waiting in front of Arthur Conan Doyle's door they are dressed in similar clothing as Holmes and Watson. As Doyle sees their silhouettes he is stunned.
  • Daryl Zero in Zero Effect is a clear Sherlock Holmes expy, and the film itself is a Whole-Plot Reference to "A Scandal In Bohemia." Zero is extremely eccentric and socially awkward but a brilliant detective, and, like Holmes, uses drugs and plays a stringed instrument.
  • Hundreds of Beavers has a beaver Sherlock and Watson tracking down Jean Kayak, though the conclusions they draw from the snowprint outlines of the beavers killed in acts of cartoon violence has them under the impression Kayak is some sort of sadistic mad scientist.


By Author

  • Brenda Sivers wrote a series of children's books about Sherlock Hound (a bloodhound) and his associate Dr Winston (an Old English Sheepdog) in a canine World of Funny Animals. They were The Case of the Baffling Burglary, Hound and the Witching Affair, Hound in the Highlands, Count Doberman of Pincher, Hound and the Curse of Kali and Hound and the Precious Pekes.
  • Chinese author Cheng Xiaoqing wrote stories featuring a detective named Huo Sang, a character openly publicised as "The Eastern Sherlock Holmes". A English language translation of the stories was titled "Sherlock in Shanghai".
  • Vajiravudh, the future king of Thailand, wrote a series of Holmes inspired stories about Siamese detective Thong-In, and his loyal sidekick Wat.
  • Julian Symons wrote two novels featuring Sheridan Haynes, an obsessive actor who plays Holmes on TV, and takes it upon himself to investigate a series of genuine mysteries.

By Work

  • Crow in The Angel of the Crows is blatantly based on Holmes, except for the Adaptational Species Change (being a corvid-themed angel instead of a human). Not surprisingly, the story got its start as Sherlock wingfic.
  • Holmes met Arsène Lupin in the short story, Sherlock Holmes Arrives Too Late. After Doyle complained, the omnibus collection renamed him "Herlock Sholmes". Sholmes went on to appear in two more Lupin stories.
  • The Berenstain Bears Big Chapter Books: Brother, in The Berenstain Bears and the Galloping Ghost, is revealed to be a fan of Grizzlock Holmes, a rather blatant Expy of Sherlock Holmes, with one book Brother reads being clearly based on "The Adventure of the Speckled Band".
  • Kid Detective Barclay Benton. He's highly cerebral, as The Watson of his adventures, Jimmy Carson, observes: "A guy has to earn a nickname like 'Brains'". He's not a people person and a Deadpan Snarker. He also bears a superficial physical resemblance to Holmes. And as noted, Jimmy Carson is his Watson, to the point that Jimmy narrates their adventures in first person as his archetype did.
  • Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay took inspiration from Holmes in writing his Byomkesh Bakshi stories, which have become major staples of Indian pop culture. Byomkesh is an analytical figure obsessed with logic, he insists on being referred to by a particular job title Satyanweshi (truth-seeker), and is accompanied by his faithful sidekick Ajit, who narrates the stories.
  • Robert Jackson Bennett's 2024 novel The Tainted Cup is set in a mysterious magical empire. The Holmesian protagonist is Ana Dolabra, a brilliant, but eccentric detective who is aided by Dinios "Din" Kol, the Watson substitute. The sequel A Drop of Corruption, was released in 2025.
  • Basil of Baker Street is a Rare Rodent Example. He's a Badass Bookworm Great Detective who even wears a version of Sherlock Holmes' Iconic Outfit and has a doctor for a sidekick. It's a bit of an Invoked Trope in Basil's case, since Sherlock Holmes is a real person in this universe and Basil is a fanmouse who lives in his wainscotting. Not only does he have Professor Rattigan as a Moriarty countepart, but Mlle Relda for Irene Adler.
  • In the Bernice Summerfield novel Ship of Fools by Dave Stone, Benny finds herself in a Closed Circle space cruiser with multiple Clueless Detectives, all based on different fictional characters. Sandford Groke has the look ("a wiry human dressed in an archaic-looking herringbone suit") and attitude of Holmes, but is "a pig-ignorant, xenophobic, bumptious little tit", who turns out to be an artificial assassin programmed to believe he's a 1920s detective who was transported forward in time.
  • In The Death Of The Necromancer by Martha Wells, a Holmes and Watson inspired pair Ronsard and Dr. Hall serve in a Hero Antagonist and later Enemy Mine role to Anti-Hero Nicholas Valiarde and his Caper Crew. Like Holmes, Ronsard is a Great Detective known as a Master of Disguise and like Watson, Hall is the faithful assistant and is both a physician and chronicler of the detective's adventures. By extention, this suggests parallels between Nichals and co. and Holmes' antagonists. Like Moriarty, Nicholas is a master criminal with an inconspicuous public persona. Nicholas' second-in-command Reynard Morane is a disgraced soldier with an aristocratic background like Moriarty's second-in-command, Sebastian Moran. Finally, Nicholas' mistress and other second-in-command, Madeline, is acelebrated actress and Master of Disguise like Irene Adler.
  • Parodied a couple of times by G. K. Chesterton in his Father Brown books:
    • Dr Hood in "The Absence of Mr. Glass" is a hyper-rational criminologist in the Sherlock Holmes mould, who makes a series of logical deductions from the evidence at the scene of the crime... only for it to turn out not to be a crime at all.
    • In "The Pursuit of Mr Blue", the viewpoint character is expecting to meet an exotic intellectual loner, and instead gets an unpretentious Catholic priest:

      Mr Muggleton had read reports and romances about the Great Criminologist, who sits in his library like an intellectual spider, and throws out theoretical filaments of a web as large as the world. He was prepared to be led to the lonely chateau where the expert wore a purple dressing-gown, to the attic where he lived on opium and acrostics, to the vast laboratory or the lonely tower. To his astonishment he was led to the very edge of the crowded beach by the pier to meet a dumpy little clergyman, with a broad hat and a broad grin, who was at that moment hopping about on the sands with a crowd of poor children; and excitedly waving a very little wooden spade.

  • Gosick: Victorique is an undersocialized, snarky, Insufferable Genius Badass Bookworm and a brilliant detective. She even spends time with a Nice Guy Audience Surrogate who functions as her Watson. Unusually for the trope, she's a cute, petite teenage girl.
  • Holmes on the Range: Set inn the 1890's, Gustav "Old Red" Amlingmeyer is a fan of the Holmes stories (which in this universe are genuine memoirs and not fiction), and focuses hard on learning "the Method", which he uses to solve every crime that comes his way, with his younger brother serving as The Watson.
  • Harry Turtledove's short story "The Scarlet Band" features the great detective Athelstan Helms and his faithful biographer Dr. James Walton, as they investigate a murder in the Island Continent of Atlantis.
  • Lord Darcy is essentially Sherlock Holmes in a world where magic exists. He has better social skills than Holmes, and is not a Celibate Hero, but ticks most of the other boxes.
  • The Name of the Rose has William of Baskerville. They're even described similarly as tall, gaunt and sharp nosed, the main difference is that William wears eyeglasses and is a monk.
  • Nero Wolfe plays with this trope, since while he's definitely a Holmes Homage he's less Sherlock and more Mycroft. While he has as many nods to the Great Detective as any other other classic mystery investigator (and there's a persistently popular fan theory that he's Sherlock's son with Irene Adler), his general laziness, obesity and stubborn refusal to leave his house or break his routines for all but the most diabolical of situations are more reminiscent of the older Holmes than the younger.
  • Joe Ide's "IQ" novels focus on Isaiah Quintabe, an LA based deductive genius who works with a sidekick named Dodson.
  • Druid's Blood by Esther Friesner is set in an alternate history where Druids and Celtic magic triumphed over the Romans, resulting a Magical royal bloodline. The protagonists are detective Brihtric Donne, and Dr. John H. Weston.
  • Poul Anderson was a keen Holmes afficiondo. In addition to featuring the character proper in some of his other works, he also wrote a few homage stories:
    • "The Martian Crown Jewels" sees the titular jewels disappear from a cargo ship. With trading relations between Earth and Mars at stake, Inspector Gregg enlists the aid of a Martian consulting detective to solve the case. Syaloch couldn't be more Sherlockian: he plays a "demifiddle", keeps a chemical laboratory and criminology tomes, smokes a pipe (with potassium permanganate imbued in the tobacco), wears a "tirstokr" cap, and even has bullet marks in his walls representing his patriotic sensibilities. He openly refers to Holmes as his "famous Terrestrial predecessor". Amusingly, he resides in "The Street of Those Who Prepare Nourishment in Ovens".
    • "The Queen of Air and Darkness" features Eric Sherrinford, who shares Holmes’ methods and manner, as well as having a nearly identical physical appearance.
    • "The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound" is part of Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson’s Hoka series. One of the Hoka cities is made to resemble Victorian London, with Hokas inhabiting the roles of Holmes, Lestrade and Sir Henry Baskerville. "Holmes" insists on referring to Alex as Watson.
  • The Affair of the Mysterious Letter by Alexis Hall is a Fantasy take on the stories. Set in the city of Khelathra-Ven, injured army surgeon Captain John Wyndham moves into 221B Martyrs Walk, rooming with consulting sorceress Shaharazad Haas.
  • In Aliette de Bodard's The Tea Master and the Detective, Watson is "The Shadow's Child", a sentient spaceship, and Holmes is Long Chau, one of her passengers.
  • Invoked in the Albert Campion novel Police at the Funeral, which begins with Campion arranging to meet a potential client in a crypt while he's wearing a Holmes-style deerstalker, partly because he finds it amusing and partly because he's trying to indulge his client's impressions of detectives as derived from mystery novels. Outside of this, however, beyond shared similarities possessed by any Golden Age of Mystery detective Campion isn't particularly a homage towards Holmes (he's more an Affectionate Parody of Lord Peter Wimsey).
  • Professor Stewart's Casebook of Mathematical Mysteries by Ian Stewart differs from the previous popular-maths books in the series (Professor Stewart's Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities and Professor Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures) by having a through-story featuring the mathematical detective Hemlock Soames and his biographer Dr Whatsup, who live at 222B Baker Street, and are fed up of people mistaking them for that other detective and doctor duo. Soames works by the maxim "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable ... remains improbable. There's probably something else entirely going on, and you missed it."
  • The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, set in an alternate-universe Victorian Era, features the stoic Simon Feximal, a ghosthunter, and Robert Caldwell, his biographer, who have a sort of loosely Holmes-Watson relationship similar to that found in many slash fan fictions. Robert assists Simon on his cases and publishes fictionalized versions of them, they share lodgings, etc. Homages to Sherlock Holmes include mentions of the Diogenes Club, references to a character known only as the Fat Man (Mycroft Holmes), and later Simon and Robert fighting in the Great War, much like in His Last Bow: The War Service of Sherlock Holmes.
  • Osgood Sigerson, the world's greatest detective in Daniel Pinkwater's Snarkout Boys books, is a straightforward parody of Sherlock Holmes. Sigerson even uses theater makeup to make himself resemble Holmes as played by Basil Rathbone.
  • The Solar Pons stories by August Derleth and Basil Copper, which were pastiches of the Sherlock Holmes stories with the serial numbers filed off. Most of the characters were the same as Holmes characters except for their names.
    • An older detective referred to as The Master is mentioned a lot and strongly implied to be Sherlock Holmes.
  • Star Wars has Grand Admiral Thrawn, originally of The Thrawn Trilogy but surviving the reboot as of Thrawn. His job is different, but he has Sherlock's incredible intelligence and powers of observation, and the habit of carrying out strange strategies that only make sense to others by the endgame. His second-in-command, Captain Pellaeon, is even usually drawn to look like the classic Watson.
  • William Kotzwinkle's Trouble in Bugland: A Collection of Inspector Mantis Mysteries has Inspector Mantis as its Holmes and his sidekick Doctor Hopper as The Watson. Several stories are direct references to the original Holmes mysteries, with an insect twist.
  • Zavant Konniger, a Badass Bookworm Gentleman Detective who solves mysteries alongside his manservant/sidekick in Warhammer Fantasy spinoff novels.

Live-Action TV 

  • Doctor Who:
    • The Fourth Doctor throws on a deerstalker cap and greatcoat in such an homage in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", as he tries to solve the mystery. The story itself places him and Leela in the role of Holmes and Watson, and various other nods to the Holmes stories are peppered throughout the serial's runtime. Clearly the Doctor had other Holmes tendencies going for him: the intelligence, the eccentricity, the snarkiness, having a quirky sidekick...
      • "Talons", in addition to dressing the Doctor as Holmes, also introduces two more on-the-nose Watson analogues in the form of Henry Gordon Jago and Professor George Litefoot. Jago is the traditional film depiction of Watson, being rotund, bombastic, and enthusiastic, but easily confused, while Litefoot is the literary Watson, the genteel, sensitive man of medicine who is quite intelligent in his own right, if not quite on the Doctor's level. When they eventually got their own spinoff, Litefoot slotted comfortably into the Holmes role in the Doctor's absence.
    • Madam Vastra and Jenny have a lot in common with Holmes and Watson. In fact, it's been proposed that they were the inspiration for the Holmes stories, just heavily edited for Victorian sensibilities, which weren't ready for an unmarried lesbian mixed species couple.
    • While he skips the deerstalker, the Twelfth Doctor has more than a few Holmesian tendencies, being a tall, lean Sugar and Ice Jerk with a Heart of Gold Insufferable Genius with a love for music.
  • Apart from the French accent and being serially married to multiple versions of the same woman, Sherloque Wells in The Flash (2014) is a Holmes homage. He's a brilliant detective. he's snarky and not great with people (although those are also common traits of Wells counterparts), he used to have an assistant called Watsunne and his one true love is Renee Adler. And the alternate universe he's from? Earth-221.
  • Forever: Henry often does Sherlock's trick of speaking or acting based on information not obvious to those around him. He can often tell what killed someone even before the autopsy. In the pilot, he greets a young woman on the subway in Russian and wishes her luck with her performance that night, all based on his observations sitting a couple of seats away. Word of God confirms if there had been a second season, there would have been an indication Henry helped inspire the literary character himself.
  • The Sliders episode "Murder Most Foul" sees Professor Arturo being brainwashed into thinking he is a Holmesian detective named Reginald Doyle, on the hunt for a Victorian serial killer named "Jolly Jack". Like Holmes, "Doyle" uses keen deductive reasoning and forensic methods, has a Watson-like sidekick named Marple, who he believes Quinn to be, and even wears the classic deerstalker cap/inverness cape ensemble.
  • The premise of House is basically Sherlock Holmes as a Medical Drama, where the eponymous Dr. Gregory House is an expert at solving medical mysteries. House has the snark, the genius, the substance abuse issues, and a nicer Heterosexual Life-Partner who's (also) a doctor. House and Wilson's surnames are even plays on Holmes (sounds like "homes") and Watson.
  • Monk. Adrian Monk has excellent observational and deductive skills, but also has severe OCD, germophobia, and several other phobias which all make him very socially awkward. His Watson-analogue is a nurse/caretaker (Sharona in the first season, Natalie in later seasons) primarily concerned with helping Monk function in society. Captain Leland Stottlemeyer is the Lestrade-analogue, a by-the-book cop who makes the actual arrests, who often doubts Monk's logic and pursues the wrong suspects until the episode's end proves Monk correct. (As the series went on, Stottlemeyer came to trust Monk more.) There's even a Mycroft-analogue—Adrian's brother Ambrose, who's agoraphobic and hasn't left his house in years—and a Moriarty analogue (sort of)—Dale "The Whale" Biederbec.
  • Detective William Murdoch of Murdoch Mysteries has the stellar record of solving cases (which he himself cites in his promotion interview in "The Glass Ceiling"), as well as being an autodidact (self-educated) whose studies are largely scientific. He keeps a selection of reference books in his office, but is also known to send out for research materials—or even conduct experiments—when needed. In an episode revolving around a talented "idiot savant", Julia speaks of him as also being disconnected from his emotions to no one in particular as she stands by her office phonograph, while William himself is standing in the background. On occasion, he can be a first-class Deadpan Snarker: a particularly good example (from "Holy Matrimony, Murdoch!") is his epic takedown of a judge who's convinced a woman killed her husband—the same judge mistakenly thought the same thing about Julia, and Murdoch points this out to his face. He generally avoids alcohol due to his father's alcoholism. Other characters echo those of Doyle's stories: Crabtree is the mundane assistant who also pens fiction (like Watson); medical services and expertise come from Drs Ogden, Francis, Grace and Roberts; various people (including Constables Crabtree and Higgins and Inspector Brackenreid) act as The Watson in having things explained to them; and James Gillies and Sally Pendrick bear striking resemblances to two of Holmes' most famous adversaries (Professor Moriarty and Irene Adler Norton). As revealed in the two episodes featuring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Murdoch is in fact a huge fan of Holmes.
  • Special Agent Gibbs and his team of NCIS agents have had dealings with a team of amateur detectives called "The Sherlocks".
  • Psych's cast mirrors the Sherlock Holmes ensemble, but it's a funhouse mirror, if you get our drift. To wit:
    • Shawn, like Holmes, is an eccentric private detective with a strong knack for observation. Unlike Holmes, he's immature and lazy.
    • Gus, like Watson, is the detective's trusty sidekick who is more orthodox but less insightful. Both work in the medical industry: Watson's a doctor, Gus sells pills.
    • Mycroft Holmes' counterpart is Shawn's father Henry. Shawn comes to him for advice on cases he can't solve. Whereas Mycroft is too lazy and unambitious to solve crimes, Henry's just retired and loving it; the man taught Shawn everything he knows.
    • Lassiter, analog to Lestrade, is a dogged policeman who is highly skeptical of Shawn and his methods, yet is constantly forced to work with him. But while Holmes and Lestrade at least have mutual respect, Shawn and "Lassie" bicker like toddlers.
  • Samson En Gert: In one episode the character Octaaf said he would investigate a case, because he is an expert amateur detective. As he leaves Gert tells Samson: People still think that by wearing a Sherlock Holmes outfit they are automatically eligible to be a great detective. Cut to the next scene, where Octaaf re-enters the house, dressed up as Holmes!
  • In some episodes of Today's Special, Sam Crenshaw puts on a deerstalker and plaid coat to become his alter ego "Cam the Detective". He's certainly got the Deadpan Snarker bit and is often the most eccentric member of the cast.
  • Jonathan Creek:
    • The title character is a genius, if not celibate at least intitally presented as somewhat clueless on the subject, and a huge Deadpan Snarker. Over the course of the series he gets multiple Watsons, all female and mostly reporters, with the final one being his wife. His eccentricities include living in a converted windmill, and he even has an Iconic Outfit (his duffel coat).
    • The episode "The Letters of Septimus Noone" features Ridley, a Clueless Detective who is a big fan of Jonathan and a close pastiche of Holmes ... specifically the Sherlock version. (The bit where he wrongly deduces Jonathan's just back from Rekjavik because his watch is wrong is a direct parody of a scene in "The Blind Banker".)

Puppet Shows 

  • Sesame Street has Sherlock Hemlock, the page image, who is a Holmes Expy on a kiddie level. Hemlock is also a parody of this trope, as a Holmes homage who is also a Clueless Detective.

Tabletop Games 

  • Pathfinder:
    • Zohls, the Empyreal Lord of determination, investigation, and truth. She is perceptive, logic-driven, and suffers from Intelligence Equals Isolation. The creators' notes even describe her as "Sherlock Holmes, the deity!"
    • The Sleepless Detective Prestige Class and the Investigator class are focused on solving mysteries, as the names suggest, and have strong Holmesian influences. (Except for the Mastermind archetype, which draws more from Moriarty or Mycroft.)
  • Alanik Ray, an elf detective from Darkon, is the Ravenloft D&D setting's Holmes Expy.


  • SuperThings features superhero character Sherlook. He's a magnifying glass detective that wears a deerstalker, with his cape resembling Sherlock's more than a superhero cape, and carries a Bubble Pipe. His Moriarty is Wicked Eyes, a mustache-twirling pair of binoculars. He would later gain further references in the webseries, such as the ability to play violin and his own Watson in the form of Albertgine, a fellow superhero.

Video Games 

  • Assassin's Creed Syndicate takes place in Victorian London, so it's a given. The "Dreadful Crimes" set of side missions has you help solve murder mysteries in the style of Holmes, accompanied by a Penny Dreadful writer and a young boy who is strongly implied to be a young Arthur Conan Doyle. If you know history, you might realize that the Penny Dreadful writer is in fact Adam Worth, a criminal and major inspiration for Professor Moriarty. To complete the homage, Jacob's wardrobe can include a deerstalker cape.
  • In the second The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing game, the protagonists meet in Borgovia's Merchant district a beggar guarding his master's house. The house has a "221 B" panel. Said master was Borgovia's greatest detective and died by falling in a waterfall when fighting his archenemy.
  • The Maid of Fairewell Heights: The Great Detective costume has a deerstalker hat.
    • When selecting "The perp went into this room!", when solving a mystery in Artie's room, where you wear the Great Detective costume, Marshmallow responds with:

    Elementary, my dear Watson.

  • The Moses and Plato character Moses is a genteel police detective who, although capable of socializing, greatly dislikes it. His coworker and best friend is Plato, a more approachable type who shares Watson's military experience.
  • Pokémon
    • Looker, who is a reoccurring character in the main series of games. His general design is similar to Sherlock, he shows Hyper-Awareness, and while he's not a Private Detective (he's a police agent) but he uses it as a cover-up at least once.
    • Looker also shares several traits with the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who.
    • The eponymous Detective Pikachu is a talking Pikachu who is a Private Detective. He wears a hat similar to Sherlock's but his general behavior is a bit different.
  • The Professor Layton series has much of its cast fill similar roles to Holmes characters; Layton himself is Sherlock, Luke is Watson, Inspector Chelmey is Lestrade, and Don Paolo is Moriarty. The prequels replace the latter two with Inspector Grosky and Descole. Luke also once mentioned that he's read the Holmes stories several times over.

Visual Novels 

  • Herlock Shomles of The Great Ace Attorney is Sherlock Holmes in the original Japanese version, but due to copyright, the English localization was forced to use an expy. He is a (wannabe) Great Detective who solves crimes with Dr. Iris Wilson. In-game, he's more of a parody of the character who frequently gets the facts wrong, forcing Ryunosuke to correct him.


Web Original 

Western Animation 

  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Jimmy becomes one of these in the episode "Crime Sheen Investigation".
  • In Arthur, Fern imitates her favorite mystery detectives, mostly Sherlock Holmes along with Agatha Christie's Marple and Poirot, when called upon to solve a mystery or crime. Meanwhile Buster goes for the Film Noir Hardboiled Detective angle instead.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: In "Avatar Day", Sokka and Katara are tasked with gathering evidence to help Aang, and Sokka feels the need to pull out a Sherlock hat (a Song Dynasty-style ''futao'' styled to look like a deerstalker), an anachronistic monocle, and a Bubble Pipe for his investigation. His get-up also doubles as a reference to another great detective, the historic investigator Judge Bao.
  • In one episode of Babar, Zephyr puts on a deerstalker hat and walks around with a magnifying glass when he helps Babar find his stolen crown.
  • The Beetlejuice episode "A-Ha!" had Beetlejuice wear a deerstalker hat, call himself Sherlock Homely and refer to Lydia as "Lydson" while trying to investigate the disappearance of his and Lydia's Sentient Vehicle the Dragster of Doom.
  • The Dog City episode "But is it Arf?" featured a Holmes parody called Surelick Bones as a rival to Hardboiled Detective Ace Hart. He turned out to actually be the mastermind behind the crimes.
  • Ducktecktive of Gravity Falls, in that he's a detective and wears a deerstalker.
  • The Great Piggy Bank Robbery': While investigating a case Daffy Duck encounters Sherlock Holmes and quickly tosses him aside, because I'm on the case!
  • Looney Tunes spoofed Holmes in "Deduce, You Say!", with Daffy Duck as Clueless Detective Dorlock Holmes and Porky Pig as his Hyper-Competent Sidekick Watkins.
  • In the Peanuts animated special "It's a Mystery, Charlie Brown" Snoopy dons a deerstalker hat and Meerschaum Bubble Pipe to play detective in order to find Woodstock's missing nest.
  • Phineas and Ferb: In Elementary, My Dear Stacy, Candace, while in England, reads the entire Holmes canon, and then decides to 'bust' her brothers Holmes-style, dressed in deerstalker and cape, and dragging along her friend Stacy.
  • Super Snooper and his sidekick Blabbermouse on the Quick Draw McGraw show.
  • Razzberry Jazzberry Jam: In “Phantom Of The Jam”, RC is given a Sherlock Holmes outfit by the other Jazzberries after he decides to track down the ghost supposedly haunting the House Of Jam. He also ends up wearing this costume to the Masquerade Ball.
  • The Simpsons: In the second part of the Who Shot Mr. Burns? episode Sideshow Mel reaches the conclusion that Smithers must be innocent. While he ponders over the clues he lits a Holmesian pipe and orders Krusty (the Watson in this case) to come along with him to the police station.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! has "The Adventures of Sherlock Mario", where the Marios go to the London-esq city of Victoria to see the detective Herlock Solmes. They find that Solmes had been captured by King Koopa (Calling himself Professor Kooparity, an obvious take on Holmes' nemesis). Mario finds a deerstalker cap and decides to make like a detective to find Solmes, which Luigi picks up on. "Loony linguini! Mario thinks that hat makes him a detective!"
  • Underground Ernie has Bakerloo, who's essentially Holmes as a subway train. Hilariously, he even wears a giant deerstalker hat.
  • Sheerluck Holmes in VeggieTales is a parody of this trope. He's not terribly competent without his Watson-analog.