Shrunken Head - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Mar 12 2014
Be careful not to lose your head on this ride.
Photo by Steven Miller, used under CC BY 2.0
"Over here is Trader Sam. He's the jungle's head salesman, but lately his sales have been shrinking."
Shrunken heads are human heads that have been sliced open, had the skull removed and replaced with a wooden ball, the Mouth Stitched Shut, and is then boiled in treated water then dried out. The boiling causes the skin to shrink, and the drying process, using heated stones and sand, shrinks it even further. The effect produces a head that is considerably smaller than the original, often has deformities that give it an appearance that ranges from comical to nightmarish, and is essentially mummified. The process is detailed here.
In fiction, shrunken heads can appear anywhere with a tribal setting, sometimes in fantasy, or just when creators need to make it clear that viewers are not in familiar territory anymore. What the heads are used for varies as well, sometimes being in the background among the possessions of a Nightmare Fetishist or Collector of the Strange. Other times they appear as the still-attached head of someone who ran afoul of some mystical tribe or Witch Doctor. Others will be an Oracular Head.
The practice originates with the Jivaroan tribes of the Amazon Rainforest, but has come to be associated with witch doctors. It did have religious significance, but when European explorers arrived, they became curiosities and there began to be a demand for them among the communities. Demand also sparked a rise in headhunting around the areas. Replicas can still be obtained in the Amazon from the same tribe, now made from goat skin. In fiction, however, they can turn up in just about any culture that has a jungle/tribal setting.
Part of Hollywood Voodoo. Related to Mummy, Battle Trophy and Human Head on the Wall. Not to Be Confused with Tiny-Headed Behemoth, or the other meaning of "head shrinking."
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- A commercial
for Dr. Mario had a guy telling how he beat a witch doctor at the game, and got his head shrunk as a result.
Comic Books
- In one of the final Pre-Crisis Batman stories from 1986, an axe-murderer does this with the head of an ex that he killed out of jealousy, just before sending it to one of her friends to make some kind of sick point. Batman mentions that the chemical that the killer used to shrink her head is similar to that used by the Jivaros, though as mentioned above, the actual technique that the Jivaros used to shrink heads was much different.
- EC Comics: Haunt of Fear #8 had the story "Diminishing Returns". Greedy New Yorker Vincent Beardsley goes to Ecuador to steal a tribal diamond. When the locals catch on, he sells out his friend, who is made into a shrunken head. Vincent gets his in the end, of course.
- In the Tintin book The Broken Ear, Tintin and Ridgewell are captured by the Bibaros, who cut off their enemies' heads and shrink them. They escape thanks to Ridgewell's ventriloquism.
- In Violine, on being asked whether the pygmies will eat them, Kombo answers that they are not savages, and are only going to shrink their heads to pingpong balls and make toothpicks out of their bones. The doctor immediately calls him out on this, though, noting that only the Jivaros make shrunken heads. Humorously, a pygmy immediately comes in with a shrunken head, confirming Kombo's statement, to the doctor's protests.
Comic Strips
- Calvin and Hobbes: Calvin has an interest in them:
- Dick Tracy: Mr. Bribery employed the Ecuadoran native Nah Tay as a front for his criminal enterprise, and used Nah Tay's skill at shrinking heads to intimidate his associates. Bribery kept a collection of the shrunken heads of his enemies under glass covers.
- Piranha Club: Some South American headhunters kidnap Uncle Sid's pet piranha, Ernest, and replace him with the shrunken head of Jimmy Hoffa.
Fan Works
- You Awaken in Razor Hill: The character Scratch has some that he keeps as pets.
Film — Animated
- Hotel Transylvania has shrunken heads on the room doors that seem to act as the "Do Not Disturb" cards in normal hotels. They also yell at the maids when the room needs to be cleaned.
- In The Princess and the Frog, Dr. Facilier, the evil Witch Doctor states "I'm a royal too on my mother's side" during his Villain Song, and shows a woman's crowned, shrunken head to the prince he sings the song to.
- In The Nightmare Before Christmas, the first boy to get a visit from Jack as Santa gets a shrunken head as a present. Once he's saved, the real Santa Claus rushes to replace all the horrific presents with nice and harmless ones — in that case, he replaces the head with a dog puppy.
Film — Live-Action
- Beetlejuice:
- At the end of Beetlejuice (1988), BJ runs into a hunter who has a shrunken head, and starts chatting with the Witch Doctor next to him, asking if that's his work, while he steals the witch doctor's line number. He gets his head shrunk himself in retaliation.
Beetlejuice: ...Hey. This might be a good look for me.
- Beetlejuice Beetlejuice has a whole bunch of shrunken head ghosts, all working for Beetlejuice in what can be described as an afterlife call center.
- At the end of Beetlejuice (1988), BJ runs into a hunter who has a shrunken head, and starts chatting with the Witch Doctor next to him, asking if that's his work, while he steals the witch doctor's line number. He gets his head shrunk himself in retaliation.
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has a number of talking shrunken heads, most prominently the one (voiced by Lenny Henry) on the Knight Bus that speaks instead of Ernie, the bus driver. They are mostly wise-cracking Plucky Comic Relief characters, although they also provide some exposition. They don't appear in the book, though J.K. Rowling has said she wishes she'd thought of it. The Knight Bus shrunken head reappears in the DVD extras interacting with the filmmakers, making it a sort of a mascot for the film.
- In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the main villain's Crown of Horns is adorned with what looks like one of these.
- In the Land of the Head Hunters portrays the Kwakwaka'wakw native people of coastal British Columbia as keeping the shrunken heads of enemies. (They didn't really, although the film is quite faithful to Real Life aside from this.)
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. During a conversation with Captain Teague (his father), Jack Sparrow asks, "How's Mum?" Teague shows him a shrunken woman's head.
Jack: She looks good.
- The film Shrunken Heads from Full Moon Features is about three murdered teens whose shrunken heads are reanimated through Hollywood Voodoo.
- Robert Bloch's short story "The Cure", which like many Bloch stories centers around a punny twist— in this case, when Jeff sends Luiz to have his significant other Marie cured when she isn't well in the head, Jeff is aghast to learn that all that's left of Marie after the return trip is a shrunken head. Later adapted as an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
- While one doesn't physically appear in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rodrick asks for one on his Christmas list. This is normal for him.
- Goosebumps: In How I Got My Shrunken Head, the protagonist receives a shrunken head from his aunt, who's a scientist researching the island of Baladora. He later finds out that it glows because he possesses "Jungle Magic".
- At the end of The Laundry Files short story "Pimpf", Bob's boss Angleton is seen playing with a Newton's cradle. Upon closer inspection the balls turn out to be the shrunken heads of the story's Big Bad Duumvirate, implied to be still alive and aware despite the treatment.
- Robert A. Heinlein's short story Magic, Inc. While performing his duties as a "witch smeller" Dr. Royce Worthington carries around a pouch of magic-related items. One of them is a wrinkled black object the size of a man's fist, which turns out to be a mummified human head. Dr. Worthington explains that it's the head of his grandfather, whose spirit gives him advice in his work.
- Moby-Dick. The innkeeper tells Ishmael that Queequeg is off in the town trying to sell his head, much to Ishmael's confusion. Ishamel freaks out later when Queequeg shows up in the shared bedroom with a shrunken head.
- In Sherlock Holmes and the Crosby Murder by Barrie Roberts, the murder victims have their heads shrunken by an Apache warrior. The Shown Their Work notes at the back of the book acknowledge that there is no historic evidence for this practice among the Apache (although they did collect heads as trophies), but that's what Watson said happened.
Live-Action TV
- Auction Kings: Paul has pointed out when a woman brought one in that selling human body parts is illegal. Paul also pointed out that the shrunken head was fake. Needless to say, he didn't accept the piece.
- In more than one episode of Gilligan's Island the castaways, and especially Gilligan himself, are worried that the cannibal tribes from nearby islands will eat them and shrink their heads as souvenirs.
- Lewis: In episode "Expiation". A dying Le Plassiter makes a cryptic reference to "head shrink" and Detectives Lewis and Hathaway initially think it's a reference to The Shrink, Caroline Croft the psychiatrist. Nope, it's a reference to literal shrunken heads at the science museum. Murder victim Rachel Mallory liked to go there and look at them, and that's where Hugh, the killer, takes his daughters at the climax.
- Featured in one Night Gallery segment "Logoda's Heads". The Witch Doctor Logoda maintains power over his people since he knows how to make his shrunken heads speak to him. He comes into conflict with British authorities when they accuse him of murdering an explorer (who happened to be the brother of one of the men investigating him, meaning It's Personal). They try to get a local young woman to help them, but she demurs out of fear of Logoda's power. Then Logoda is torn apart off-screen. The young woman reveals that she knew Logoda was guilty and wanted to take matters into her own hands. She is actually a more powerful witch doctor who knows how to make the shrunken heads kill. The segment ends with the camera zooming in on the shrunken heads, revealing traces of blood and flesh between their teeth...
- In The X-Files episode "Our Town" the semi-Mundangerous Perp of the Week has some shrunken heads he claims are fake, non-human souvenier trinkets from his travels as a young man. But then it turns out that he and his small town/family are Older Than They Look, keeping themselves young through ritual cannibalism which he had learned from Hollywood Natives during those same travels.
- Ripley's Believe It or Not!: The game has a shrunken head that makes snarky comments throughout.
- Scared Stiff: The player can obtain one, which prompts Elvira to comment, "He always wanted a little head."
Professional Wrestling
- Pampero Firpo carried a shrunken head to strengthen his wild man from Argentina image. He would talk to and use to demonstrate what he would do to his opponents.
- The Escape episode "Price of the Head" has a drunken loafer befriended by a South Seas islander; eventually the drunk commits murder and the islander offers to take him to his own home island. It turns out the loafer has a fine head of bright red hair, and having it as a trophy will make the native very powerful among his tribe...
Theme Parks
- The Jungle Cruise in the Disney Theme Parks had Trader Sam, a native witch doctor at the end holding a few of these, seemingly to sell to passing tourists. River guides at this point will usually insert a pun. Though Sam was removed from the American versions of the attraction in 2021, he still maintains tiki bars on both coasts.
- Shrunken Ned, a fortune telling machine at Disneyland's Adventureland, is the undead remains of British explorer Nedley J. Lostmore that has become a "self-service witch doctor" that diagnoses guests with strange jungle diseases and offers similarly strange cures.
Video Games
- The Necromancer from Diablo II can use shrunken heads as a shield, boosting his powers at the same time.
- The Witch Doctor in Diablo III can use shrunken heads as a charm for their powers.
- Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures: When the player collects a specific Easter Egg by chasing down a chicken, they will unlock the ability to shrink or grow the Eds' heads.
- Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island: Yamo is just a shrunken head who can't be understood, except by Papa Doc.
- In Heroes of Newerth, the Shrunken Head is the Black King Bar equivalent from DotA, granting magic immunity for a few precious seconds.
- Heroes of the Storm: The Witch Doctor carries a shrunken Troll head.
- A non-horror/superstition example. A case in L.A. Noire features a shrunken head as a prominent clue. However, being a movie prop, it isn't actually real.
- The Secret of Monkey Island: At one point, Guybrush trades a book called How to Get Ahead in Navigating for the shrunken head of a navigator how helps him through a labyrinth.
- In World of Warcraft, Trolls are savage creatures (well, some of them) and practicioners of Hollywood Voodoo. Shrunken heads often show up in their culture, as trophies collected by their Headhunters or magic items used by their Witch Doctors.
Western Animation
- Beetlejuice (1989) has a character who appears to be based on the hunter at the end of the movie, in that he has a tiny head and his lips seem to be sewn together.
- There are trees around Camp Lakebottom with shrunken heads hanging from the branches that snap at anyone who gets close.
- In Ed, Edd n Eddy episode "X Marks The Ed", Eddy gets a giant pimple on top of his head. Rolf uses a home remedy to get rid of it, though it has the unfortunate side effect of shrinking Eddy's head.
Eddy: (High pitched voice) What happened to my head?!
- Having fled the mansion of the Mad Scientist, Josie And The Pussy Cats are soon captured by a tribe of Amazon natives. Lovable Coward Alex Cabot wonders what the natives will do with their captives. Gadgeteer Genius Valerie shows him some shrunken heads, and replies, "Do these answer your question?" Fortunately, the Pussy Cats are able to use the natives' superstition to effect an escape.
- Monster Beach: One of the monsters, Headache, is a hulking purple monster with a shrunken head for a head. In the movie, he is a Tiny-Headed Behemoth able to remove his head at will, but in the TV series, he carries his head on a necklace.
- The Simpsons In "Treehouse of Horror XII - Hex and the City", Homer sets off the fire sprinklers in the shop of a Fortune Teller and the shower re-hydrates the shrunken heads that she was keeping on a shelf. The Fortune Teller is later seen using a hairdryer to re-shrink the heads.
Head: Wait a minute, this isn't Cedars Sinai!
Real Life
- There are a few examples of entire bodies which have been shrunken, though their provenance as actual Jivaro relics is highly doubtful. Mary Roach discusses them here.
Sadly, the Caroline Alexander article she mentions is apparently unavailable online.