Slapstick - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Mar 15 2008

Slapstick (trope)

Kevyn: Define "funny."
Doctor Bunnigus: When it happens to you, rather than happening to me?
Kevyn: So... My bloodstream is full of slapstick.

Slapstick is the essence of physical comedy — people getting hurt or embarrassed in hilarious ways (e.g. slipping and landing face first in dog crap). The defining feature of slapstick is its highly exaggerated nature, combined with a lack of serious physical consequences. The Pratfall is a staple of slapstick humor.

The name comes from a prop in the Commedia dell'Arte: the battacchio, or "Slap Stick", is two pieces of wood that sound more like punching than punching does, without causing any physical damage; making this Older Than Steam. It has been a staple of Vaudeville and Burlesque; and a consistent thread in many types of comedy, most notably the Farce. Exemplified in the modern era by artists like Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Laurel and Hardy; and continued by recent performers such as the British comedy team of Rik Mayall and Ade Edmonson, and Canadian actor Jim Carreynote .

While slapstick is present to some degree in many comedic works, examples should be works that depend entirely or predominantly on this form of exaggerated physical comedy for their humour.

An interesting bit of neurological trivia: finding slapstick funny is very deeply seated in the brain. A study was done of patients who had previously sustained head trauma who were shown comedy clips of varying types. It was found that while many had lost the capacity to "get" puns and higher humor, almost all still found slapstick funny. So while some people still complain that a show like America's Funniest Home Videos where people repeatedly fall and get hit in the crotch is not amusing, it's not really surprising that the show still continues to be popular across all demographics for well over 20 years even in the face of the infinite spring of funny home videos that are modern social networks.

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  • Miller Light's weird "Can Your Beer Do This" campaign: One ad combines a beauty pageant with hockey, with all the brutality of the latter, done for laughs.
  • Messin' with Sasquatch: In one commercial, Sasquatch throws a woman into a dirt pile after she pulls a water bucket prank on him.
  • In the Schick intuition commercial, a woman who has her foot balanced on the sink, tries to shave her leg on the sink. But she loses her balance and falls to the floor.
  • A Toyota commercial shows a young husband and wife trying to kill each other (the commercial is banned in the United States) with cartoon-style traps (likely the reason anyone even greenlighted it). She's just as vulnerable to them as he is, and, to drive the point home, it ends with her having taken the brunt of it.
  • Corona beer's "One Man's Journey" subjects Pedro Pascal to some physical humor when he becomes a Forced Dance Partner, then rides a dining cart through the marketplace, until he tumbles into a sandy alleyway. However, none of this leaves him in visible pain.


  • Boonie Bears utilizes a lot of slapstick humor, Logger Vick usually being the target.
  • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, in its earlier seasons, is about the wolf Wolffy coming up with different schemes to capture and eat the goats residing in Goats' Village, only to be beaten up by his wife Wolnie by way of her frying pan whenever he inevitably fails. The series uses a lot of slapstick comedy that often involves the goats or Wolffy being tortured somehow, with the frying pan example being one of the most famous but certainly not the only one. This died down in later seasons when they started to focus on less slapstick-y plots.
  • Tik Tak Tail is a series about the tiger Tak and his sentient tail chasing after a rabbit named Tik. It utilizes a lot of slapstick humor based around Tak attempting to trap Tik and the latter outwitting the former.

Anime & Manga 

  • In Aho Girl, Yoshiko's stupidity causes her to frequently be the victim of retaliatory Dope Slaps and the like. In one case male lead Akkun hits her with an Offhand Backhand when she calls him the idiot. Akkun even suplexed Yoshiko at one point.
  • Akazukin Chacha: Almost every main male and female cast member aside from the anime's main villain is a frequent target for comedic violence and pratfalls. Because of their screentime, Riiya and Shiine get the most because not only are the two often fighting over Chacha, but they're an idiot and a braggart respectively. Being the protagonist, Chacha suffers almost as much because of how much of an Inept Mage she is.
  • Hotori from And Yet the Town Moves falls victim to a large number of unfortunate mishaps. A little sneeze sends her face-first into a cup of coffee, and she trips while trying to clean it up, getting a bucket stuck on her head.
  • Angel Beats! has Hinata's assaults on Yui be played just as much for laughs as hers on him.
  • Azumanga Daioh has several slapstick scenes, Yomi and Tomo hit each other, Chiyo and Osaka get bonked a lot, and even Sakaki is always bitten on the hand by cats. Of course, this is all girl-on-girl (or animal-on-girl) slapstick. Yukari-sensei is also placed on the receiving end of some physical comedy courtesy of Tomo. As punishment, Yukari spends the next several minutes slapping Tomo around with a lunch tray in each hand.
  • While Kero and Sayoran are the true Butt Monkeys of Cardcaptor Sakura, Sakura herself is frequently victim to cutesy slapstick.
  • City Hunter: Whenever Chivalrous Pervert supreme Ryo Saeba goes "pervert" in the presence of ladies, his companion Kaori Makimura shows up to comically smash his head with a big "100 ton" Hyperspace Mallet to calm him down and protect said ladies.
  • Literature Girl in Daily Lives of High School Boys had one moment in "High School Boys and the Way You are" when her clumsiness caused a long string of Epic Fail.
  • Doctor Slump: The various heroines and villainesses get knocked around quite frequently (though not as much as the male characters). Even Senbei's love interest, Midori, gets boulders dropped on her and temporarily loses a few teeth.
  • Downplayed with Shizuka of Doraemon. She has had this happen to her in some episodes. For example, she has been crushed by giant letters (through one of Doraemon's gadgets which is able to solidify screaming onomatopoeia), had a cannon exploding in her face and Nobita pushed her accidentally into a hole once. However, most of the time, we only see the three main boys taking a lot of slapstick pain and amusing injuries, while token pretty girl Shikuza is largely Immune to Slapstick, because Beauty Is Never Tarnished.
  • The 1973 manga Dororon Enma-kun placed the literal ice princess, Yukiko Hime, on the receiving end of a large amount of comical abuse from friends and foes alike. When a monster puts her into a deep sleep, Enma wastes no time attempting to wake her through outrageous beatings and whippings.
  • Dragon Ball:
    • Bulma's a victim of a lot of slapstick towards her, being a Butt-Monkey and all.
    • Chi-Chi, especially around Goku. Since she is not as strong as Goku yet strong enough to take physical harm; she has been slapped by Goku through the side of their house, through several boulders and a tree, and when he has healed from his heart disease and she went out to greet him, he accidentally threw her high into the air.
  • In Dragon Half, King Siva drops a huge weight on his own daughter Vina's head. The scene is funny, but it also shows that the two of them are utterly horrible people. Vina's half-slime, so she survives because she's Nigh-Invulnerable. She then attempts to smother her father once she escapes.
  • While virtually every member of the party gets put into amusing situations, in Delicious in Dungeon it's generally going to be Marcille who will be the current issue's Butt-Monkey.
  • Fairy Tail:
    • The anime/manga doles out some humorous abuse to protagonist Lucy Heartfilia, including a pillow to the face that sends her through a door and into a rock outside, and various evil women like Angel, whose post-battle struggle for survival is a bit of a joke.
    • In the second episode, resident Nice Girl Mirajane is sent sprawling by her brother, who'd been sent flying from the Big Ball of Violence, and she cheerfully continues talking to Lucy about how much fun the brawls are before passing out.
    • Wendy herself was Immune to Slapstick during the first several chapters after her appearance since at the time she was the youngest and most innocent. After the Time Skip and after she grows more badass, she found herself on the receiving end of this trope more frequently.
  • Food Wars! has the legendary but ditzy graduate chef Hinako usually on the receiving end of Kojirou's slaps and wrath to dispose of her in funny ways whenever she annoys him, a rare instance where the Played for Laughs Dope Slap features a female Butt-Monkey on the receiving end of a male Tsundere.
  • In Fushigi Yuugi, Taiitsukun is the Goddess (in a sense) of slapstick. On one hand, she's among those who send the Nyan-Nyans (who have the looks of little girls) flying when they screw up, and has hit Miaka (a 15-year-old girl) upside the head at least once. On the other, it's not like she's less harsh to guys: she's also seen beating up the 17-year-old boy Tamahome once or twice.
  • In Genji Tsuushin Agedama, While the main protagonist Agedama is no stranger to physical abuse (One instance has him getting kicked in the face by his Robot Buddy sidekick, Warpro), the villainess Rei and her butlers get the worst of it, frequently catching on fire, falling down pits, and getting caught in explosions.
  • Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!! features protagonist Souji with Aika, a violent Tsundere for a childhood friend. Unlike most examples, said violence is not directed at her love interest, but Human Alien Twoearle, either for her unabashed attempts to get in Souji's pants or bringing up Aika's chest size.
  • Guu from Haré+Guu is chopping vegetables in class and ends up cutting her Rubber-Hose Limbs into pieces. Unfazed she gathers the pieces up and swallows them, quickly growing a new arm much to Haré's horror. In a much later OAV, Guu somehow shows up in a horror movie and her smirking head gets decapitated.
  • Shiina from Haruka Nogizaka's Secret has a tendency to clumsily stumble into Fanservicey Panty Shot and Not What It Looks Like situations that are played for laughs at her expense.
  • Ryuubi, the Meganekko with huge boobs from Ikki Tousen, regularly finds herself in these situations. If she really is in danger, though, her dragon will come out.
  • Kemono Michi features its protagonist Shibata Genzo using brutal pro wrestling moves to subdue wild demonic beasts, humans, and humanoids alike, regardless of age, gender, or position. His most common victim is Carmilla, a female vampire. Heck, the Establishing Series Moment is when Genzo slams Princess Altena onto the floor with a devastating German Suplex after she attempts to Summon Everyman Hero and gets him.
  • Ritsu in K-On! is a frequent target for Mio's aggression, though some of the other girls have suffered a few bashes on the head (also see Cranial Eruption). No serious injury has yet occurred from this.
  • The premise of Kill Me Baby lies in Yasuna being physically abused by Sonya at least Once per Episode.
  • Lucky Star:
    • During the first episode, Miyuki describes some of the things that happen to her for spacing out, such as tripping on her own feet or cutting herself while slicing vegetables, things which Konata then describes as "moe points". The very next scene has her walking into a business sign while pacing back and forth.
    • During episode 7, Konata lays a bar of soap down for Miyuki to slip on while they are bathing at the sentou. It works, but she misses it while teasing Kagami.
    • There are times when Nanako gives Konata a Cranial Eruption for sleeping in class. In the manga, this extends to other students she has after Konata and her friends graduate. Including the innocent and physically frail Yutaka.
    • A late scene in episode 11 is all about the main four (and Soujiro) receiving electrical shocks from a doorknob.
  • In Magikano, the main male character, Haruo, does take some abuse especially in the form of a mind erasing hammer. But that pales in comparison to what the Yandears who are (unknowingly to him) fighting for his attention do to each other.
  • Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro absolutely champions this trope, as Neuro himself frequently abuses his female cohort Katsuragi Yako by stretching her body into unnatural positions, electrocuting her, making her eat grass, and just generally roughing her up. One omake is actually a long list of ways to humorously torture a recently-defeated female villain.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac Kanako Miyamae from Maria†Holic takes some slapstick pain, including getting trampled by a schoolgirl stampede, which after provides her with the obligatory Amusing Injuries.
  • Mitsudomoe is, put simply, a series with lots of slapstick involving little girls. Mitsuba gets it the worst.
  • Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun plays around with a lot of classic Shoujo character archetypes by gender flipping them. This gives us the case of Kashima and Hori, which is the textbook example of "Handsome Lech who flirts with every girl he meets and Tsundere Love Interest who physically punishes him" but with the genders changed around, resulting in a guy kicking, grappling with, and throwing objects at a girl.
  • In My Little Monster Haru accidentally hits Shizuku several times for comedic effect.
  • Nagasarete Airantou distributes the pain pretty fairly. Though male protagonist Ikuto gets hurt more consistently, girls Ayane, Rin, and Mikoto get knocked around fairly often as well. Ayane in particular gets it so bad that one chapter featured her picking up a broom that caused accidents to happen to whoever used it. She completely failed to notice its effects because they were no different from a regular day for her.
  • In Negima! Magister Negi Magi, main female protagonist Asuna regularly takes the chance to smack about one or two other girls in their sillier or more lecherous moments, but none so much as Elegant Gothic Lolita Vampire Evangeline. Although given her insane skill in martial arts, she probably lets it happen. This being Negima, it's promptly lampshaded:

    Chachamaru: Asuna-san's the only person who's ever been able to engage with Master in physical slapstick.

  • In Nichijou, the protagonist Yuuko ends up on the receiving end of most of the slapstick-related gags in the series. The other main victim is Sakamoto the cat.
  • Nodame from Nodame Cantabile is part of a Boke and Tsukkomi Routine with other main character Chiaki, and the usual Tsundere slapstick violence is gender-inverted.
  • Nyaruko: Crawling with Love! has Nyarko and Cuuko (and more rarely Hasta) subject to Mahiro's punches and forks whenever they get too annoying. It helps that they're Lovecraftian gods and can take the punishment, but more than a few fans have expressed displeasure with Mahiro, feeling that he comes off as a short-tempered Jerkass. Worth noting, the "slapstick" label only really applies to the two TV series; in the original light novels (and the Nyaruani comedy shorts) Mahiro's forks produce fountains of High-Pressure Blood.
  • Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt:
  • Pokémon:
    • Pokémon the Series
      • Ash is a constant victim of slapstick, particularly in early seasons. He is frequently electrocuted by his Pikachu, burned to a crisp by his Charizard, or otherwise beaten and attacked by his Pokémon and the world around him.
      • The Team Rocket Trio are by far the most slapstick-prone characters. They've been electrocuted, burned, frozen, flattened, beaten to a pulp and covered in goo. If it can happen to them, then it will happen to them.
      • Misty is subject to slapstick from time to time. One noticeable example was in "Pokémon Fashion Flash." In the course of that episode, Misty got burned in the face by Vulpix's fire breath, got burned by Vulpix's huge Fire Spin at the climax, AND got a ridiculous face paint makeover that looked so bad, it had Ash and Brock (especially Ash) laughing themselves half to death when they saw it!
      • Like the other female companions, May suffers occasional Amusing Injuries. However, a lot of her Damsel in Distress moments seem to lampshade her lack of Toon Physics. Her almost falling down the exact same cliff Team Rocket passively shot down Wile E Coyote-style was completely Played for Drama.
      • Dawn is frequently electrocuted as a Running Gag, which always leaves her hair frizzled. She also gets her face burned by her Cyndaquil on a few occasions.
      • Once Lillie overcomes her fear of Pokemon, she snuggles Lycanroc (earning its somewhat painful rub with its stone collar) and then accidentally triggers Turtonator's Shell Trap (something Lana's younger sisters also did in an earlier episode) which left the entire class covered in soot from the Non Fatal Explosion.
      • Most major characters have been zapped by Pikachu at least once.
    • Pocket Monsters has a lot of this. In one infamous scene, Charmander attempts to grab Red's Master Ball, but ends up grabbing one of his testicles.
  • The Comedic Sociopathy of Ranma ½ is, in large part, defined by the sheer amount of physical punishment the characters can withstand. And almost all of it would be a lot harder to stomach if not for the fact that the majority of them are selfish and petty jerks who, more often than not, have it coming.
  • In The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World, Idola is actually the one being subject to slapstick and humiliation the most in the early chapters. Her precious golem is blown to pieces by Tougo, she's covered in monster guts after Tougo sends them flying toward the Ruins of Wakemark, and she's nearly killed by the explosion of his Transformation Sequence immediately after he gives her a Declaration of Protection.
  • Rune Soldier Louie:
    • In Episode 7, Merrill tries to stop the clay golem from taking her precious jar with a flying kick and gets sucked into its body. It stops long enough to literally squat and shit her out (seen at 14:27-14:42)!
    • Merrill tries showing some leg, which makes it pause long enough to vomit before ignoring her again and resuming its course. Naturally, Merrill is offended; especially since Louie was nodding in agreement with the golem!
    • Merrill finally resorts to trying to appeal to the golem with a combination of tears and doe eyes. Just when it seems to have worked, it grabs her by the top of her head and nonchalantly chucks her over its shoulder.

      Louie: [nods sagely] Mm-hm. It would've been different had it been the tear of a pure maiden.

    • In one episode, Merrill steals and eats a bunch of laxative-laced cookies that some of Louie's detractors had given him.
  • Sailor Moon frequently features slapstick gags with the main female cast as the victims. Usagi was the most common victim, due to her extreme clumsiness getting her hurt and general This Loser Is You nature as a character, but plenty of gags featured the rest of the cast as well. Ironically, Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask, the only male human in the regular cast, was the least likely to be on the receiving end of the show's physical comedy until the notably more serious and poised Outer Senshi were introduced, suggesting it had more to do with finesse and grace than anything.
  • Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei:
    • The series has a scene where Meru (a Shrinking Violet who can only communicate through abusive text messages) ends up getting forced into a seat with no cell reception and starts spewing Black Speech. Kafuka's way to treat this problem is to bash her in the head with a crucifix.
    • There's also a Played for Laughs scene where Chiri ambushes Ai and is implied to brutally murder her, acting on jealousy over Itoshiki-sensei.
  • Sanae from Squid Girl gets beaten up a lot by the eponymous protagonist, and she enjoys it.
  • Slayers often subjects its female characters to slapstick, every semi-important woman that appears in the show, suffers it sooner or later (even Sylphiel was blasted by Lina on one occasion). Amelia is a notable one.
  • Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, absurd as it is, heaps slapstick on everybody, with the heroines getting it the hardest, though G4 (particularly Kokoro) get theirs too.
  • Tenchi Muyo!:
    • Kiyone from Tenchi Universe endures constant humiliation due to being partnered with Mihoshi, who is the personification of a ditz.
    • Many female characters in the franchise are subject to slapstick. Particularly Ryoko, Mihoshi, and Sasami as Pretty Sammy.
  • Kelly from Transformers: Robots in Disguise is most definitely the series' human Butt-Monkey. She's not stupid or clumsy, just incredibly unlucky. Usually the funny stuff happens to her property rather than her, but she's still been the victim of the occasional damage. She is almost always caught up in the conflicts of the (mostly male) Transformers. Not even running to the middle of the world's most remote desert moves her out of the way of the conflict!!
  • Slapstick happens with frequency in Urusei Yatsura, usually featuring Ryuunosuke, Benten, Ran, and the Spice Girls. Lum maybe less so, but her main protagonist status doesn't make her immune. Of course, Ataru still attracts as many mishaps as all of them together, but it's natural for such a severe case of Born Unlucky.
  • In Violinist of Hameln, Flute receives a copious amount of slapstick violence, ranging from being beaten up a lot by monsters or abused by the male lead. Luckily for her, she is both a Pollyanna and Made of Iron.
  • In Yatterman, villainess Doronjo is punished for her failure, with her team, in just about every episode. Punishments range from siccing a horde of pinching crabs on her to blasting her with meteorites and nuclear missiles. The 2008 remake keeps this tradition alive.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL:
    • The Duel Coaster had a hazard where a boxing glove would spring out and sock the duelist in the face causing 200 points of Effect Damage; Yuma would be hit with it several times during the ride (given his inability to steer straight), but in one of those times, the glove missed him and hit Kotori. (Despite this, it still deducted points from Yuma.)
    • In one episode, Kathy tricked Katori into hiding in garbage in order to spy on someone. (Clearly, the end of the series — the first in the franchise where the protagonist actually "gets" the girl — was an Earn Your Happy Ending for poor Kotori.)
  • Due to the main cast of Zombieland Saga being, well, zombies, the lead heroines tend to be on the butt ends of many physical gags. Yugiri, however, zigzags this; while she gets caught up in group slapstick with the others, unlike them she never becomes a specific target of slapstick. If anything, she's the one dishing it out on a couple of occasions.

Comic Books 

  • Emilka Sza: Maya, the read headed girl spends most of the book being a victim of comedic slapstick. Emilka also get her share of comedy abuse.
  • Spanish comic book series Mortadelo y Filemón. Arguably the king of the trope in the entire medium.
  • Asterix is about about a couple of overpowered separatist terrorists defeating hundreds upon hundreds of notoriously powerful soldiers, but keeps it all child-friendly and cute due to how all the violence is slapstick (such as the iconic scenes of the Gauls punching Romans out of their sandals). The Gauls also pick on Cacofonix like this a hell of a lot.
  • Monica's Gang not only it has plenty of women being subjected to physical comedy, but a wheelchair-bound boy has been on the receiving end of Monica's needy abuse.
  • Mortadelo y Filemón: Secretary Ofelia is on the receiving end as often as everyone. Irma also finds herself on the receiving end in several stories. Minor female characters get targeted as well.
  • Sami The Samurai Squirrel: In one story, Sami tries to follow Doug by swinging on a vine. The vine snaps and she lands face-first in mud.

Comic Strips 

  • Maggie in Bringing Up Father frequently ends up falling downstairs, tripping over something, or slipping on a polished floor.
  • Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes dishes slapstick out to Susie Derkins on a regular basis — water balloons, slush balls, etc. Of course, this is always a bad thing, and Calvin usually gets punished; when it happens to Calvin himself, it's comedy.
  • Peanuts:
    • Lucy Van Pelt frequently bullies her brother or even outright punches him for laughs, but Linus hardly ever got to get back at his sister, except for the rare times when he decided he wasn't going to take her crap anymore, and angrily told her off. The one time Lucy was shown with Amusing Injuries, it was only because she'd fallen down while roller-skating. The one exception where Lucy was actually on the receiving end of a debatably unamusing injury is when, during an early Halloween strip, she made a snide remark about the similarity between Charlie Brown's head and a pumpkin he was carving at the time. At first, Charlie laughs, making it look like he thought that her remark actually was pretty funny, even chuckling a bit. Then the final panel shows a loopy-looking Lucy with the remains of the pumpkin that Charlie Brown SMASHED OVER HER HEAD! If Lucy ever had a justifiable reason for all the crap she does to Charlie Brown in future strips, that would do it.
    • When Lucy and Snoopy box in Snoopy, Come Home, both get beaten up rather harshly (for Peanuts standards anyway).

Fan Works 

  • The fanfiction of the movie Casper called "Afterlove (A Casper Retelling)": Unlike in the movie, the female Ghostly Trio literally laugh off all slapstick involving them and it never seems to slow them up very much. This is directly contrasted with Dean, the only male main character, who goes through even more amusing slapstick situations than his canon female counterpart, including a scene where he is the primary victim of the female Ghostly Trio, rather than his mother, as was the case with the father character in the original movie.
  • Anger Management: While Lynn's injuries aren't played for slapstick, Ronnie Anne once fell down on her butt while skateboarding.
  • The Bolt Chronicles: Exaggerated physical comedy conspicuously occurs in a few stories.
    • In "The Ski Trip", Bolt, Mittens, and Rhino ride up a chairlift without a ticket, snitch a pair of skis, erratically descend down a mountain trail while tearing up its freshly groomed surface, and engage in a snowball fight.
    • In "The Cakes", the three pets engage in an all-out food fight, ruining the pastries Penny's mom had prepared for a bake sale.
    • "The Supermarket" sees the three pets make a mess of the title venue. Bolt and Rhino break eggs and olive jars while juggling; Mittens pushes pumpkins off a shelf to ward off an intruder, knocks over a stacked can display, and scatters apples off a bin she jumps onto; the three pets cause tables offering free food samples to overturn; and Bolt makes a run for the exit door while pushing a cart into assorted food displays and smashing into the front glass door.
  • Discord's New Business: Rarity, after deciding she's had enough of Discord's sense of humour, decides to leave... and Discord promptly invokes the trope on her.

    Rarity: I suppose I walked right into that one. (Rarity turns to leave and collides with a signpost Discord placed right behind her.)

    Discord: No, you walked right into THAT one!

  • In the Discworld fics of A.A. Pessimal, the young Assassin Jocasta Wiggs follows her memorable canonical appearance by ending up — in every tale where she features — being liberally smothered in crap. It's now the Wiggs trademark.
  • Everyday Craziness in Pontypandy:
    • In "Bronwyn's Helper", Elvis fails to pull a spoon out of some very thick toffee and falls right on his bottom.
    • In the Hilarious Outtakes for "Valentine's Daze", Elvis trips and falls on his face while running for the pole.
    • In "Shop Till You Drop", Radar the dog jumps on Briar, knocking them, Sam, and Penny into a heap on the ground.
    • In "How Not to Camp", while putting out a fire from above with the helicopter, Tom accidentally drenches his camping buddies as well.
  • There is a Pokémon Sun and Moon fanfic called "Lillie and Nebby" that basically revolves entirely around Lillie suffering on the same level as Tom the cat and Wile E. Coyote in her desperate attempts to keep Nebby in her bag while Nebby is none the wiser to her misfortune. Notable incidents include getting attacked by various Pokemon, from Wingull to Beedrill to Ursaring, getting squeezed and hugged by a well-meaning Bewear, getting coated in wet cement, getting reduced to a pile of ashes with eyes, getting frozen solid and mistaken for a caveperson, getting crushed into a cube shape in a garbage truck, falling off of a cliff and bouncing down every ledge, getting hit on the head with a coconut hard enough for the entire thing to get stuck over her head, getting squashed flat on numerous occasions, and getting buried in various different substances (sand, snow, garbage).
  • Lincoln's Memories: In "Do You Lana Build a Snowman?", Lana falls over while trying to carry the snowman's midsection.
  • In React Watch Believe Yikes, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang go through a lot of abuse for the sake of comedy. It's rather justified, given that they're stuck in school with nothing to do but watch ten seasons of Red vs. Blue.
  • In This Bites!, Cross is not afraid of giving Vivi a conk on the head if she ticks him off too much, especially when she gets over-excessive with the Groin Attacks.
  • In Ultimate Spider-Woman: Change With The Light, Mary Jane has occasionally been drenched by Roadside Waves and Covered in Gunge as part of her Butt-Monkey status.

Films — Animation 

  • Brave: Maudie, and later Bear!Elinor face slapstick humor.
  • A Bug's Life: Atta gets knocked to the ground twice by catapulted stalks of grain (thanks to Flik) and even falls off the counsel stand in the Hilarious Outtakes.
  • Cats Don't Dance: Half the slapstick comes from Danny (and occasionally Pudge). The rest? Surprisingly enough, it comes from Sawyer, who despite being graceful, wise, and snarky is amusingly very accident-prone (though it should be noted that most of her accidents are in some way Danny's fault, but then again, since he's a Naïve Newcomer and very energetic, who can blame him?). Also, all that happens to the films' villainess, Darla Dimple, at the end of the movie.
  • Disney Animated Canon:
    • Bolt: Mittens the Cat is subjected to lots of Amusing Injuries throughout her journey.
    • The circus elephants from Dumbo are similarly subject to Amusing Injuries after Dumbo accidentally causes the circus tent to collapse.
    • The Emperor's New Groove: Yzma, though being unattractive and evil are already two strikes against her. "Pull the lever, Kronk." *Ka-chunk!* "WRONG LEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!" Yzma is possibly Disney's best example of this trope, as much like the rest of the cast the character goes through constant screwball situations — especially when she's in the jungle. Case in point, there's a scene where she gets covered in grime, then attacked by bees (for no discernible reason) within a few seconds, running around in the background while her sidekick in the foreground pays no attention, and then she takes a pratfall into the mud again.
    • Frozen: Anna is subjected to about the same amount of slapstick that Kristoff is subjected to, though significantly less than what Olaf is subjected to. Anna's more slapstick-y moments were briefly an indirect source of controversy, not because nobody wanted to see a female character do physical comedy, but because her animator made a public statement that he found it difficult to animate women, who, as he said, have to go through a wide range of emotions while still looking pretty. A lot of women and artists of both genders were quite pissed.
    • The Lion King: Shenzi usually suffers the same comeuppances as the other hyenas.
    • The Little Mermaid: Vanessa's wedding is played very comically for slapstick. Birds fly under her dress, pelicans dump water, dead fish and lobsters all over her, starfish cover her body from face to waist, seals bounce her like a ball, she gets thrown on top of her own wedding cake and covered in the frosting head to toe before being sprayed by water yet again. This is particularly notable for the inversion of the hyper-feminine beautiful woman as the target.
    • Moana: Moana is repeatedly thrown off the boat by Maui, with little to no effort to boot, ending up soaking wet every time the ocean puts her back. Moana repeatedly smacks herself in the face with a wet mop of hair when she dramatically spins without registering that her hair is wet.
    • Mulan: Mulan, though most of it happens while she's disguised as a man. Just watch "I'll Make a Man Out of You" and you'll see. This is mostly played straight in the beginning when Mulan still is a clumsy Butt-Monkey but toned down after she Took a Level in Badass.
    • The Princess and the Frog: Tiana doesn't run into any slapstick at all... when she's human. Almost as soon as she turns into a frog, she along with Naveen gets tossed around for laughs, fall over, all kinds of the sort of goofy situations one could stick into a swamp setting. Her slightly ditzy best friend Charlotte, on the other hand, takes some pratfalls and makes some incredibly cartoony faces while remaining human the entire time.
    • The Rescuers: Averted with Bianca, but Medusa actually takes the brunt of the comedic retaliation of the Rescuers and the Bayou animals, especially compared to her male partner, Snoops.
    • Tangled: As a Cute Clumsy Girl, Rapunzel sometimes suffers Amusing Injuries. And the male protagonist, Flynn, even gets it worse in the entire movie, especially during his fight scenes with Maximus the horse.
    • Tarzan: Jane. The movie makes quite a bit of comedic use out of her inexperience in the jungle, though this eventually dies down as she gets more used to things — still, chances are if there's a scene where she's in that huge, fancy-looking dress, it's going to be ruined in some kind of slapstick scene.
  • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time: The protagonist Makoto gets hurt a lot crashing into things due to her clumsy landings doing time leaps. Usually it is Played for Laughs, except on one particular occasion when she is badly battered near the climax of the movie.
  • How to Train Your Dragon: Ruffnut gets used for slapstick in near-perfect synchronization with her twin brother. The only reason Astrid doesn't is because she's too skilled a badass.
  • Incredibles 2:
    • While Elastigirl is first trying out her Elasticycle, it revs out of control and slams her into the wall.
    • When Violet is taken to see her love interest Tony as a surprise, Violet is so surprised that she squirts water out of her nose.
  • Luck (2022): Sam's bad luck often manifests as this. Among other things, she gets squashed into the wall by her fold-out bed, several jars of glitter fall on her, and she falls a lot.
  • Rugrats Go Wild!: Siri is only on screen for a little more than five minutes, but is subjected to quite a range of Amusing Injuries; she's whacked in the face with a bamboo cane, falls off a cliff into a thornbush, is defecated on by an entire flock of parrots, falls face-first into a puddle of mud, is hit by a rolling log, and, finally, is accidentally launched off a log and into a river while trying to pounce on Spike. And that's just during her musical number!
  • The Secret Life of Pets: Chloe the gray tabby. She even ends up in a YouTube video where her Trauma Conga Line is shown to the amusement of millions of people in Times Square.
  • Trolls: Poppy is subjected to slapstick, especially through the "Get Back Up Again" montage. She suffers as many humiliations as anyone in the film.

Films — Live-Action 

  • 101 Dalmatians (1996): Unlike in the original animated film, Cruella suffers slapstick just like Horace and Jasper. In fact, she gets it worse than they do, falling into a container of molasses and getting covered in mud.
  • Airplane! is rife with slapstick. Some examples include a brutal bar fight between two girl scouts, ending with one being slid down a bar and head first into a jukebox, an ill girl who repeatedly has her IV knocked out, causing her to convulse, and most notably the "Get a hold of yourself!" scene where several passengers violently shake and slap a Hysterical Woman.
  • In Babe: Pig in the City, Mrs. Hoggett gets dragged around in pretty undignified fashion.
  • Melissa McCarthy's role in Bridesmaids was fairly raunchy, since the film isn't afraid to put women on the receiving end of slapstick, particularly at the bridal fitting where half the women puke in the bathroom (and on each other) and the other half experience explosive diarrhea.
  • Jackie Chan movies were based on Jackie's love of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin movies, as being silent films there was no language barrier. He came about in the Bruce Lee Clone era of the '70s, but always felt more interested in physical comedy rather than the more serious Martial Arts Movie. His action scenes are instead based on crazy stunts and Improbable Weapon User that makes the audience laugh more than cringe at the pain, such as in Jackie Chan's First Strike where he fends off an entire mob of enemies using anything and everything at his disposal, including very creative use of a folding stepladder.
  • Casper: Carrigan suffers slapstick along with Dibs in the up and at'em machine.
  • Dorothy Coburn appeared in several Laurel and Hardy silents, managing to get Covered in Mud, fall in a cement pit and drawn into a huge pie fight.
  • The oldest surviving slapstick film is The Curtain Pole (1909), in which Mack Sennett's character attempts to obtain and bring back a very long curtain pole. A curtain pole that is way too long to fit inside the carriage he's riding, thus sticking out both sides. Sticking out both sides of a carriage moving at high speeds. Hilarity Ensues as Sennett and his pole strike or antagonize everyone and everything they pass.
  • In Death Becomes Her the trio of main characters, Bruce Willis' lone male lead included, suffer from amusing injuries but Helen and Madeline more so because they're undead. Holes in chests, heads snapped on backwards, limbs popping off, you name the lot.
  • Desperados (2020): Wesley gets all sorts of Amusing Injuries done to her during the film, such as getting electrocuted, punched, scratched, and even slapped in the face by a dolphin's penis.
  • Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) features slapstick comedy with one girl being hit in the head with a falling light, two getting blown up, and countless eating tainted shellfish and barfing everywhere. Tess, however, experiences the most slapstick.
  • The lead female protagonist in the Fifty Shades Of Black gets her fair share of beating from a malfunctioning elevator.
  • George of the Jungle
    • The film rides on a similar joke as the original cartoon, as despite being a physically fit specimen the title character was actually The Klutz and while vine swinging would constantly crash into things.
    • George's klutziness tends to put Ursula in slapstick-y situations.
  • In the 1980 Get Smart movie The Nude Bomb, Agent 22 (Andrea Howard) gets subjected to as much slapstick as anyone else. At one point they have to escape from a wrecked control room but she's lost the use of her legs, so Max vows to carry her out. However, she's an adult woman and he's not that strong, and he can't pick her up. In the course of attempting to drag her out of the room, at one point he's pulling her by the ankles and she's face-down in the dirt with her dress ridden up around her waist. At the end of the film, when the final nude bomb goes off, Max, The Chief and Agent 22 all find themselves completely naked.
  • In the Ghostbusters reboot, the protagonists are on the receiving end of slapstick but they make a Running Gag out of the repeated occasions on which Kristen Wiig's character gets Covered in Gunge.
  • In Good Burger, Roxanne is sent by the evil restaurant conglomerate Mondo Burger to seduce and steal Ed's "secret sauce" recipe. Ed and Dexter absolutely adore her (but of course Dexter still doesn't trust her enough to actually give her the recipe). During their double date, she is accidentally injured a few times by Ed's clumsiness, such as getting accidentally hit in her face with a miniature golf club, a golf ball (which knocks her out), and Ed judo flipping her over his shoulder and onto the pavement.
  • The 1939 film Hollywood Serenade is set in the silent movie era, and at one point its star Alice Faye, then one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, is on the receiving end of a pie thrown by Buster Keaton, whose career was then in serious decline. Ironically, this was one of the few times Keaton ever threw a pie in his movie career; he was normally on the receiving end himself.
  • Home Alone: A movie with several sequels about a Kid (played by Macaulay Culkin in the first two movies) who is left at home by himself while his parents are on vacation. Two criminals try to break in. The kid sets up traps that cause pratfalls, taking out the floors, setting them up with remote control cars, ropes, etc. Dropping buckets on them from above. There's even some electrocution as slapstick. By the end the criminals are usually Covered in Gunge, scratched up, battered and bruised, and either completely humiliated or arrested.
  • In Home Alone 3, the crooks are victims of Alex's booby traps during their attempt to break into the house to steal the chip, and Alice, the only female of the foursome, is not an exception. The same goes for Vera in the fourth film and Jessica in the fifth film.
  • As far back as the early 1930s, Thelma Todd was renowned for her skill at slapstick; in Horse Feathers, she falls out of a boat after being serenaded at length by Groucho Marx, and she also starred in a series of short films, first with ZaSu Pitts, then with Patsy Kelly, the best of which feature some great slapstick: in 1932's ''Alum and Eve'', Pitts gets jabbed in the ass with a pen and then gets stuck in a hospital trolley. Todd's attempts to extricate her turn into something reminiscent of the stateroom scene in A Night at the Opera (1935).note 
  • Hundreds of Beavers is an Homage to the slapstick movies of the 20s and 30s. It features Hunter Trapper Jean Kayak hunting and killing animals in cartoony ways while also suffering physical injuries in comical ways himself.
  • Buster Keaton's and most of Charlie Chaplin's works are built on this trope.
  • Lady Ballers: Much of the movie is composed of physical comedy especially during the basketball scenes, with either the main characters or the people they compete with getting hurt in humorous ways. Even outside of the sports scenes, there's plenty of this, like when Rob gets tased by a receptionist and then comedically hits his head on the desk.
  • Laurel and Hardy had their share of Amusing Injuries, pratfalls, Escalating Wars, etc. This is one of the things the duo is primarily remembered for — even after they switched to sound and slapstick began to make way for verbal humor, they still used lots and lots of slapstick in their shorts and features, which is why they are still funny with modern-day audiences today.
  • Orin's middle-aged female assistant gets hit several times (such as getting punched in the face and slammed by a door) in his Villain Song in Little Shop of Horrors.
  • In The Man with Two Brains, Steve Martin hurls Kathleen Turner face-first into a pool of mud.
  • Mean Girls: All four of the Plastics, despite being gorgeous and fashionable, suffer amusing injuries and slapstick comedy throughout. For example, in a scene where they are walking in the hallway, the main character Cady trips and falls into the trash can with her legs in the air.
  • Joss Whedon's adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing has, at one point, Beatrice very obviously spying on Hero and a maid, trying to listen in on whether or not they're saying that Benedick is in love with her. When she first heard their conversation, she suffered a pratfall down the steps. Her immediate move to hide under a nearby table then ended with her bonking her head on it.
  • Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear has then-First Lady Barbara Bush repeatedly on the receiving end of Drebbin's ineptitude.
  • Mabel Normand, heroine for Mack Sennett's Keystone Studios during the silent era: Despite her alluring beauty Normand spent her career taking comic pratfalls and pies to the face and doing all the other silliness of classic slapstick comedy. Examples include Mabel's Blunder, in which Mabel gets the wrong idea about her boyfriend's fidelity, and Mabel's Strange Predicament, which featured Mabel hiding under a bed from a violently jealous wife, and also featured Charlie Chaplin in his very first film as The Tramp.
  • Not Another Teen Movie: Janey is the brunt of a lot of comedic violence, and even Priscilla gets punched in the face by Jake (who also knocks out Austin and her weird boyfriend with a video-camera), but poor Ricky gets the worst of it, being hit multiple times, even by a bus toward the end, with his last shot being getting beaten up.
  • There's quite a bit of physical comedy in Rags, from Lloyd smacking his head into a microphone to Charlie stumbling backwards into his janitor's cart while talking to Kadee. Kadee herself isn't immune either; she smacks her head into Charlie's and gets shoved off of a bench.
  • The network censor in Scrooged is beaten throughout the film by falling sets, carelessly opened doors, and everything else that can get hurled her way. It's very effective at keeping her from doing her job and the smut gets right past her onto the airwaves.
  • The waiter in The Second Act is super incompetent. He can't serve wine properly due to his hands shaking, and keeps flooding his customer's table copiously. As that moment becomes quite long and embarrassing, the other characters start mocking him in an increasingly blatant manner.
  • In Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), the Bar Brawl has both men & women participating in it, and everyone present gets knocked out by Sonic moments later.
  • Strange Psychokinetic Strategy uses slaptick comedy to keep itself entertaining. Watch it in the mind of a series of slapstick scenes held together by a larger (and largely irrelevant) plot, and you'll wet yourself laughing at the cast's loony antics.
  • The Three Stooges pretty much perfected the art of slapstick in the '30s. Perhaps most famous for the comedic Eye Poke.
  • Tucker & Dale vs. Evil has Allison and her frequent head trauma, which turns into a Brick Joke when it ends with Dale giving her a football helmet as a gift for their first date.
  • Visual Comedy: A section of the documentary is titled "Slapstick and violence", demonstrating how films use it.
  • Myrtle in Waikiki Wedding, played by comedic actress Martha Raye, is subjected to a lot of slapstick. She has a typewriter slam on her fingers, slumps face-first into a bowl of liquor, hits her head on a bunk, and falls over a lot. Georgia (Shirley Ross), the romantic lead, doesn't suffer any slapstick outside of the one scene where Tony accidentally pushes her off a pier trying to fix the heel on her shoe.


  • In Discworld, the Fools' Guild has actually weaponised slapstick in the form of a martial art called sloshi, as seen in Making Money. One historical practitioner famously killed seventeen men with just a ladder and two buckets of paste.
  • Harry Potter:
    • In The Chamber of Secrets, Peeves chases Moaning Myrtle and pelts her with moldy peanuts. Later, a Funny Background Event involves a nameless female student being turned into a badger by mistake in a Transfiguration class (while she's human again when she appears, she still has a white stripe in her hair).
    • In The Goblet of Fire, while trying to stop Peeves from throwing water balloons on the newly-arrived students at the start of the year, McGonagall slips on the floor and only saves herself from falling by grabbing Hermione around the neck.
    • In The Order of the Phoenix, Molly Weasley, after spending an entire morning cleaning a room, sits on a sagging armchair, only to spring up out of it with a cry of disgust, having sat on a bag of dead rats that Sirius had fed Buckbeak the hippogriff with but left behind when he exited the room.
    • In The Half-Blood Prince, Hermione absentmindedly squeezes a telescope, forgetting it was something Fred and George invented for their joke shop, and it punches her in the face. This is Played for Laughs entirely. The same goes for Trelawny being tossed out of the Room of Requirement.
    • Katie Bell gets hit with slapstick twice in one scene. Peeves shoots her in the ear with an ink pellet and, when she retaliates by throwing things at him, he empties an entire bottle of ink over her head.
  • Hop on Pop: The people who play ball on the wall then all fall off.
  • In the Jessica Darling series, the protagonist's adolescent klutziness makes her a success as school Mascot Mighty the Seagull. Since school tradition requires keeping Mighty's real identity secret, everyone is puzzling over who's inside the costume, and everyone assumes it must be a boy. Jessica is annoyed at the sexist assumption that girls can't be funny and goofy until realising that she's only funny and goofy when her identity is safely hidden. This prompts some Character Development as she decides to take more risks and not be so afraid of looking silly even when not wearing the costume.
  • In the Discworld novel Night Watch, trainee Assassin Jocasta Wiggs is sent on a mission to target Sam Vimes. She ends up treading what she hopes is mainly water in the Ramkin family cesspit, having been directed there by a cunning trap.
  • Toon-Up: Ajay's powers and his fight with Zane absolutely reek of this genre.

Live-Action TV 

  • America's Got Talent: Adrian Stoica and Hurricane's dog act mostly involve Hurricane getting into all sorts of mischief and knocking her owner flat on the ground. In the auditions, she yanks Adrian off the bed, stealing his hat, then drop-kicking him when he tries to get it back. In the quarterfinals, she entangles him with a hose, then knocks him into a trash can, to get him play with her when he wants to do gardening.
  • Brit Com Bottom features cartoonish violence, including Eddie Hitler knocking out a lady going door to door asking for donations for domestic violence victims.
  • The "Oh my nose!" scene from The Brady Bunch features Marcia (Marcia, Marcia!) getting struck in the nose with an errant football from when the guys are playing in the backyard. The resulting swelling drives the plot for the rest of that episode, ending with Marcia learning An Aesop about not being too self-conscious about her looks. The scene has also been parodied a few times since by other shows, including the Simspons during a Couch Gag where the family runs through the sets of a couple different classic TV shows.
  • The Brittas Empire: Helen in particular gives birth to twins in the middle of the street, headbutts a woman in the face for being called a bad mother, has all her muscles seize up, gets puked on, gets an embarrassing tattoo, is sent to an insane asylum, gets electrocuted, gets chased by a shark, falls out of a plane, falls into a pile of elephant shit and tries to murder a reporter with an axe. Not to mention all her mental breakdowns and drug abuse which are all Played for Laughs.
  • Part of the reason for the Dawson Casting in El Chavo del ocho is to employ comedic violence. Beating up an 8-year-old kid? Dude, Not Funny!. Beating up a middle-aged guy playing an 8-year-old kid? Hilarious!
  • Le cœur a ses raisons isn't finicky at all about who gets to suffer: basically everybody went on the receiving end of slapstick situations, though Madge and Brenda get the bulk of it.
  • The Fast Show features a sketch about the fictional country of Republicca — a country that is based upon combining parodies of common Briton vacation spots, most notably Spain, Germany, Italy, and Greece — where the plot of the soap opera, "El Amora Y El Passionna" had a wife discover her husband's transgressions. When the wife slaps him for his actions, his response is to punch her in the face, resulting in her instant forgiveness and rushing to the kitchen to fix the husband a sandwich, while the husband wears a very smug look on his face.
  • Most of the handyman segments on Home Improvement. Tim's Amusing Injuries from Doom It Yourself modifications always resulted in chaos, but was said In-Universe to be a big appeal of Tim's cable show "Tool Time." Some examples include a high powered vacuum or wood lathe ripping shirts off the hosts, or making a 21-Gun Salute using nail guns but also putting it on a turntable.
  • Incredible Crew: In one sketch, Shauna is whacked by an elephant's trunk and struck by lightning. In another, she breathes fire during a spelling bee and runs away. In one sketch, Chanelle has her tongue pinched by a lobster at a party. In another, and during the same spelling bee as Shauna's, Chanelle cartoonishly inflates like a balloon and flies away.
  • Imogene Coca's "Shad" on It's About Time tends to suffer from more slapstick misfortune once she returned with the astronauts to the present, especially in the episode "To Sign or Not to Sign" where she joins a gym.
  • Dee from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is just as liable to have her leg broken by homeless people, or her face smashed in by a metal folding chair as the rest of the guys, and has been poisoned the most out of them all. Frank intentionally threw a match into a building full of kerosene while Dee was inside, setting her on fire for a fake news story.
  • The Studio100 series Kabouter Plop is mostly focused on slapstick with each of the characters. Mainly from Klus's pranks.
  • Laverne & Shirley: Both Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams were made honorary members of the Hollywood Stuntman's Guild for all the slapstick and the beating that they took to do it.
  • Little House on the Prairie: Expect Nellie Oleson to be drenching wet or covered in mud courtesy of Laura. Her mother Harriot is also sometimes a victim of slapstick as well and later on, Nancy.
  • Married... with Children: Peg has had both Al and a fat woman fall on her and been spun around on a game show wheel, Kelly has been bitten by poisonous insects, hit in the head with a frisbee, and roller-skated into a door, Marcy's been running over with a shopping cart and bitten by a poisonous rodent that turned her into a hunchback. All three of them have gotten electrocuted and fallen down the basement stairs. They've also all beaten up various female extras in one episode or another.
  • In The Mick, Mickey (short for Mackenzie) is the butt of most of the show's slapstick humor. This includes getting hit by a car in two different episodes. Also, Jimmy once got into a brawl with an entire women's soccer team.
  • The Mighty Boosh loves exaggerated comedy violence, usually directed at Howard, who is often hit with something equivalent to a stick.
  • My Name Is Earl has Joy constantly falling over when she drinks too much. Also, right after the second time Earl gets run over by a car, it turns out to be Billie. She proceeds to get run over by another car when she tries to help Earl, and the paramedics take care of her first.
  • The Nanny: C.C. Babcock is the most abused character, and most of it comes at the hands of Niles, the butler. He'll hand her a scalding hot teapot, squirt lemon juice in her eye, "forget" to tell her he just mopped with very slippery floor polish, slam a door on her head, the list goes on and on.
  • Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide features a lot of characters going through sometimes over-the-top Amusing Injuries in almost every episode.
  • Our Miss Brooks: Miss Brooks sometimes is the victim of slapstick gags. For example, in "Business Course" where she gets covered in oil and "Vitamin E-12" where she gets covered in goop. Miss Enright also suffers an oily fate in "Business Course." In "Secondhand First Aid" Miss Brooks wraps Miss Enright in bandages and rips her dress.
  • Orange Is the New Black: Among those who are subject to slapstic are the main character, Piper (especially in the first season), Blanca (who electrocutes herself and lands on a bunch of tacks), and Alana Dwight, who constantly has her nose broken, and it's always played for laughs.
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch:
    • The Alpha Bitch Libby often becomes the victim of many of Sabrina's spells. Whether it would be to teach Libby a lesson or for Sabrina's own amusement.
    • Despite being an Only Sane Woman, Zelda has many Not So Above It All moments which often results in slapstick.
    • Sabrina herself is frequently subject to slapstick. Many roles played by Melissa Joan Hart feature her getting some slapstick.
  • Saturday Night Live:
    • In the sketch "Hollywood Dish", co-host Brady Trunk (Bill Hader) invariably asks the celebrity guest what she thinks of the most recent episode of a reality TV show, whereupon he and co-host Anastasia Stix (Kristen Wiig) sip beverages and await the answer. The guest then replies "I don't really watch reality TV", at which Brady, goggle-eyed with shock, turns and spits his mouthful of beverage directly into Anastasia's face.
    • In the Digital Short "I Broke My Arm", Emma Stone plays a schoolgirl who's broken her arm after slipping in a patch of grape jelly, and is rapping about it ("Hey everybody, did you hear the news? / I broke my arm! (She broke her arm!)"), delighted that she can get loads of attention and have everyone sign her cast. Unfortunately, while singing and dancing about it, she slips in the jelly for a second time and breaks her other arm. She gets a second cast, and starts rapping about that too ("Hey everybody, did you hear the news? / I broke both arms!") but then slips again and breaks her leg. She comes in again, rapping about her latest injury, but then slips in the jelly again and immediately breaks several more bones before finally entering in a wheelchair, only able to speak by means of a computer.
    • When Melissa McCarthy hosted the show, one sketch has her playing a Mae West expy attempting to shoot a Hollywood film, only to ruin multiple takes by falling down the stairs.
  • Scrubs: Elliot trips over and hurts herself a lot, especially from Season 2 onwards. She's the main one besides J.D. that is involved in the physical comedy.
  • Terrible things happen to the immaculately dressed police detective Sergeant Dori Doreau in Sledge Hammer!. Her tailored suit shrinks by three sizes after Sledge drags her into a sauna to interrogate a perp. In order to detain a perp whose day job is mud wrestler, Doreau is dragged into the arena — in her trademark business suit — and deluged in mud and indignity as she wrestles the woman into the mud. And wins.
  • Strangers with Candy: The protagonist, Jerri, suffers several amusing injuries throughout the show's run, including, but not limited to: having her head slammed against a locker repeatedly, being tasered, being savagely beaten by her teachers and principal, dropping a bar weight on her throat, and getting in a bus accident.
  • That's So Raven: The main character, Raven, gets involved in a lot of slapstick, usually on the receiving end. The sequel series Raven's Home continues the tradition.
  • In Vous Les Femmes, the very visual aspects of the comedy dictate that both Judith and Olivia are on the receiving end of some serious indignities, frequently. Olivia finds herself naked in a rugby team's changing room and has to bluff her way out; or else she finds herself, in a very short summer dress with a bare back, getting into a sports car where the leather seats have been exposed to a baking hot South of France sun, and having to really contort herself to minimise the discomfort. Judith might have a Wardrobe Malfunction just before a job interview.
  • You Can't Do That on Television features characters getting slimed, drenched, pied, or otherwise humiliated, although cast members with seniority have some veto power over who got hit each episode.
  • The Young Ones, as well as its Spiritual Successors Filthy Rich & Catflap and Bottom, all featured healthy amounts of (mostly) Rik Mayall getting punched, stabbed, mutilated, electrocuted, falling down stairs, dropped off rooftops, set on fire, having all his teeth punched out and getting killed in funny ways. Notable for pushing the envelope even on British TV and getting some ire from Moral Guardians.

Music Videos 

  • The videos for Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock" and "We're Not Gonna Take It".
  • Russian Folk Rock band Otava Yo's video for The Street Cleaners is set in St Petersburg sometime pre-1914, and is deliberately presented as a silent movie comedy short, in which a Love Triangle plays out while the band take on the roles of lowly snow-shovellers watching and acting as a chorus on the action. Indignities happen to the female lead.


  • In Hurricane, making key shots during Clown Time frenzy will show clowns performing assorted slapstick antics.

Pro Wrestling 

Puppet Shows 

  • In LazyTown, Stephanie, Trixie, and Bessie Busybody all have their fair share of Amusing Injuries on the same level as the guys.
  • The Muppet Show:
    • A deliberate homage to the days of vaudeville. Jim Henson also famously opined that if you couldn't think of an ending for a sketch, have a character blow up or eat the other.
    • Miss Piggy is usually more likely to dish slapstick out to others, but she does frequently end up on the receiving end of a lot of physical humor, usually the result of her falling off of something, or one of her karate chops backfiring.
  • A "Punch and Judy Show" is a very old (dating back to at least the 17th century, and with roots in 16th century Italian live theatre) type of puppet show that lives on grotesquely exaggerated violence for the sake of humor.


Video Games 

  • Every time the eponymous protagonist of Bayonetta gets squashed by anything round, we can see a nice slapstick animation, in which she gets flattened in the "paper leaf" type. However, the sequel does not offer any round objects or enemies to squash her, due to its Darker and Edgier approach.
  • The Binding of Isaac: Characters turn themselves into living power outlets, drug themselves off pills and shrooms, stab themselves with a rock/metal, and be subjected to the game's heavy Black Comedy as any of the male player characters (though it's heavily implied that the female and male player characters are just Isaac in different outfits).
  • BlazBlue doesn't shy away from characters being caught in unfortunate, painful, and embarrassing situations. Makoto especially winds up in physical mishaps, including being blown up (twice), forced to eat Noel's cooking and being an unwilling participant in one of Relius' experiments note .
  • Crash Bandicoot:
    • Coco Bandicoot and Nina Cortex are subject to the odd Amusing Injuries, albeit not nearly as much as Crash and Neo. Coco even has her own ascending angel death animation in Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex just like her brother, though she doesn't have anything near the more over the top deaths he gets from other things.
    • With Coco being a playable character in standard levels of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, many of the strange and wacky fates that could befall Crash in the original games can now occur to her, as well. Of course, even the first time she was playable in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, her exclusive levels did feature some comedic ways by which she could lose a life, such as being stranded in the ocean while being pecked at by an angry seagull, but not as much as what could happen to Crash at the time.
    • Tawna and the Trophy Girls now are playable characters in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, as the Nitro Squad, which means that not even the series' resident supermodel beauties are exempt from being hit by CTR's various explosive items, getting squashed by and/or falling into obstacles. Tawna does take it all in stride, though.
    • Tawna's other dimension counterpart in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is the first time she is playable in some form in a platformer, which means that she can be flattened, incinerated, electrocuted, eaten, and she also gets her own ascending angel death animation. Keep in mind that this is the version of her that's established as a certified badass in the absence of Crash and Coco.
  • No one is spared over the top, comical injury in Dark Stalkers, least of all the game's mascot and most well-known character, Morrigan Aensland.
  • In Donkey Kong 64, Tiny Kong gets squashed to the ground as well as the other Kongs if you fall from high heights (and Mad Jack doesn't hesitate to stomp her).
  • Earthworm Jim: Princess Whatshername is crushed by a cow at the end of the game. And turns into a cow in the sequel.
  • Go! Go! Hypergrind is a cartoonish skateboarding game whose focus is trying to inflict as much pain on your skater as possible.
  • Two of the animated shorts for Kid Icarus: Uprising feature the beautiful Goddess Palutena facing a variety of culinary mishaps from an oven exploding in her face to getting a giant pumpkin stuck on her head. Pit remains entirely unaffected by, and oblivious to, the harm that's befalling his beloved goddess throughout the skits.
  • Princess Rosella suffers from slapstick deaths in King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride, including falling off a railroad into lava and being squashed by a dragon's tail.
  • Kirby Star Allies: With all the goofy hazards in the Kirby games, characters are subject to comedic punishment
  • Laura Bow is a two-part Sierra adventure game with a female protagonist, and, in the same fashion as other games from the company, she is subjected to lots of deaths, averting also the Beauty Is Never Tarnished trope. Some of these include hilariously falling from stairs and high places, being hit by a car, burned to ashes, stomped by a bell, crushed by an elevator and a chandelier... the poor girl even gets chopped in half by an axe onscreen. All of these are, of course, Played for Laughs, being a Sierra game after all.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
      • The series is generally devoid of slapstick, having a subject matter that leans more towards seriousness, with the occasional comic relief being more surreal in nature. However, Wind Waker uses slapstick generously, which goes well with its cartoony aesthetic. At one point, a group of pirates attempt to sneak Link into the Big Bad 's compound via catapult. It goes about as well as you'd expect, with Link smashing against a wall and losing his sword. This Link in particular is very prone to falling and getting in all sorts of funny accidents.
      • In the game, you have to solve a few puzzles involving picking up Medli and throwing her so she can glide to otherwise unreachable spots. If you accidentally (or on purpose) throw her against a wall, she'll get dazed for a moment and occasionally say nonsense.
    • Twilight Princess features Yeto. He's a very nice, generous guy, really, but he also has a habit of knocking Link on his ass whenever he takes something from him.
  • Mass Effect gives us Khalisah bint Sinan al-Jilani, a tabloid reporter who tries to do a smear job on your character. One of the available dialogue options is to punch her in the face. In the second game, you not only get to do it again (or do it if you didn't the first time around) but video clips show her getting similar treatment from members of the alien races, including the harmless-looking and generally comic-relief volus. By the third game, she's wised up a little; attacking her will result in her dodging the blow, and lamping Shepard to the floor with a counterattack unless you go on to headbutt her into a wall.
  • Metal Slug features characters getting electrocuted, burned or even dissolved or eaten alive by aliens or man-eating plants. A notable one is in Metal Slug 4: if you get caught in the explosion at the end of the final level, your character, regardless of gender, ends up covered in Amusing Injuries. And there is also a notable aversion in the third game, played for Fanservice.
  • The Raving Rabbids franchise is practically programmed around the word slapstick, since much of the games' humor revolves around the cartoonish, physical abuse the titular Rabbids receive as a cause of either a punishment from other characters or objects in the game, the player himself, or sometimes even from each other.
  • Sakura Wars tends to have characters on the receiving end of slapstick, usually from other female characters, tripping over stuff, or having things blow up in their faces.
  • Sega Superstars:
  • Sonic the Hedgehog:
    • Sonic the Fighters is a game with lots of cartoon-style slapstick, and some of it can definitely happen to Amy (or the infamous Honey, who is playable in the HD re-release).
    • In Sonic Riders, each character has a different attack they can perform on someone, nearly all of which are comical and played for laughs.
    • One of Amy's attacks in the first Sonic Advance game is basically a sliding pratfall on her face.
  • The Super Mario Bros. series is built on the entire foundation of comedic slapstick to match its very cartoony nature. The main gameplay involves jumping on enemies(namely Goombas) and squashing them flat, knocking them over by bashing blocks or kicking Koopa shells at them. That's not even going into the other forms of combat, like grabbing and throwing objects at enemies, the various Mario RPG's don't have typical "RPG" weapons, but rather mallots and parasols to whack enemies with. The Mario Kart series is full of Wacky Racing with items and banana peels and explosives as weapons. And the Mario Party series goes above and beyond in terms of slapstick, where characters punch, kick, blow each other up, smash each other flat, set each other on fire, beat each other with mallots, knock each other off of platforms, and much more. No one in the series, no matter who, is immune to the hijinks.
  • The Super Smash Bros. series contains are great deal of slapstick which has been refined over the course of the series. Some fighters such as Villager and Bowser Jr. have a number of moves based on slapstick, while the more serious fighters act better as Straight Man Foils for them. Items include banana peels, hives that cause a swarm of bees to pursue whoever they're thrown at and curry so spicy it makes anyone who eats it run around uncontrollably while breathing fire. Opponents are sent flying through the air when hit, and you score knockouts by making them fly all the way off, or into, the screen. Older games in the series also included a Paper Fan of Doom, which is a staple of Japanese slapstick comedy.
  • Tales Series:
    • Tales of Symphonia: Colette is a bit of a klutz, and has a tendency to trip and fall through walls, leaving a Colette-shaped hole in them. Sheena also has a habit of falling into deep holes, which is Played for Laughs, especially in the sequel.
    • Tales of the Abyss: The game is generally low on slapstick, but one early scene features an enemy, monster-tamer Arietta the Wild, sending her griffin to capture player characters Luke and Ion. Luke gets grabbed, but Ion's bodyguard Anise (whom Arietta heartily dislikes) shoves Ion out of the way, getting caught herself in the process. Arietta's response to this is to have the griffin drop Anise from high in the air, causing her to faceplant on the ground. Anise gets rather annoyed with Arietta for this but suffers no injury.
    • Tales of Graces: Pascal suffers more than her fair share of mishaps. In fact, she's introduced trying to hug Sophie and getting blasted into a cliff wall for her trouble. And one of her Mystic Artes involves riding a robot directly at the enemy she's firing upon, getting caught in the resulting explosion, and flying through the air and crashing into the ground.
    • Tales of Xillia: Two post-victory bits have Milla spinning around her sword in an impressive manner before striking a badass pose, and Leia seeing this and trying to imitate her with her staff. In the first one, she accidentally whacks herself on the back of the head. In the second one, she ends up hitting Milla in the ass.
    • Tales of Berseria: Magilou is frequently on the receiving end of the physical comedy in skits, including but not limited to being shoved into a drainage canal, being force-fed sale'tomah, getting body-checked off stage in her own comedy routine, and being smacked to shut her up.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge: Thanks to her promotion into playable status, April O'Neil can be affected by the same kinds of iconic Amusing Injuries as the Turtles and other male characters, such as getting squished, burnt or bitten by a Mouser.
  • Wario Land: Shake It!: Wario has no qualms with grabbing Queen Merelda and nonchalantly throwing her off-screen (with an audible crash!) so he can get to taking the bottomless coin sack.
  • In The Wonderful 101, the irresistibly cute Wonder Pink can get flattened by enemies, and failing certain QTEs that require the use of her whip will result in all sorts of comical things happening to her, such as being poked in the butt by a spike, or getting smashed by a robot hand (followed by a tiny little angel floating away after the hand smashes her).
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Nia is constantly on the receiving end of slapstick humor, from being electrocuted by Electra to getting smacked around by Nopon.

Visual Novels 

  • Lux-Pain: Mika Nozaki is the only female among the main cast to consistently be abused by Rui. And it's funny.
  • Nasuverse in general doesn't shy away from putting its female characters in slapstick situations, especially if your name is Taiga Fujimura.
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies: Athena Cykes falls down the stairs in her opening scene, gets attacked by the prosecutor's Razor Wind and hawk just as much as Phoenix and Apollo, and has expressions as exaggerated as the other protagonists. This is especially noticeable when compared to the last playable female character Mia Fey, who avoids comical injuries and still looks dignified despite being insulted in her playable appearances like every other playable character.

Web Animation 

  • The Big Dad Wolf: When Holan decides he wants to be with his wife at his child's birth regardless of his lycanthropy, he slams open the door of the room he was hiding in... right in the face of a female orderly, knocking her out cold.
  • Camp Camp: Nikki is rarely without scrapes as a result, Ered often crashes into or through things thanks to her extreme sports bent, Gwen gets put through hell by the campers, and Tabii gets a fork thrown into her eye in the second season. To say nothing of how everyone gets chased by wild animals at some point or other.
  • Dayum: There are often jokes about characters tripping and falling, often as a form of Instantly Proven Wrong after claiming they won’t trip.
  • Happy Tree Friends exaggerates slapstick and accidentally hits the button marked "Blood Spray".
  • Porkchop 'n Flatscreen! has the protagonists Mai and Ayane, as well as the resident Alpha Bitch Mina Kim, end up on the receiving end of many, many physical gags.
  • In the Toon Sandwich Life segments of Toon Sandwich, which features the real-life Creator Couple Joe and Rita Bauer, Rita is equally prone to slapstick injuries as much as her husband, Joe.


  • The titular characters from the MLP fancomic Diamond and Dazzle are equally subject to physical comedy. One comic features Diamond getting yanked off-panel by her tail due to some device set up by Dazzle. She somehow came back into the panel to make sure Dazzle was yanked along with her.
  • Given that the series averts Men Are the Expendable Gender and is an example of Gender Is No Object, it's little surprise Drowtales features slapstick, especially in the end of chapter chibi parodies, where female characters are just as (if not more) likely to be on the receiving end of slapstick violence as male characters.
  • In Narbonic, the cartoonist made it a point to have Helen and Mell do their share of physical gags, due to the mentioned double standard. Helen was the only character getting injured by her own ur-gerbils.
  • Precocious: One strip even features a Mêlée à Trois where Bud, Roddy, and beauty pageant queen Dionne took turns double-teaming each other or having a free-for-all.
  • In Something*Positive, Davan comments several times that he "doesn't hit women," but has hit Aubrey or Peejee several times, and once "magically" slapped a pretentious witch on the head with a ruler.
  • In Matchu Amber takes tons of physical punishment and humiliation, while Gina the Psychic has been smacked in the face with her own crystal ball twice.
  • Kimiko of MegaTokyo has a tendency to get caught up in slapstick jokes. One running gag in her earlier appearances was that she tended to trip while serving coffee, either hitting a hapless customer in the face or pouring the coffee on their lap. While trying to calm down a drunk and freaked out Largo, she also tripped while chasing him and then got puked on by him.
  • Rusty and Co.: Most human(oid) are naturally the subject of plenty of slapstick. Presti is especially subject to it, in Level 6, to Butt-Monkey level, and Mimic and the Doogan brothers can attest to being subject to it.
  • Tiffany of Tiffany and Corey is on the receiving end of physical comedy, be it a face full of popped bubble gum or exploding cigars.

Web Videos 

  • Bennett the Sage: In his review of The Samurai, Sage discusses the universal appeal of slapstick, noting that while it's bottom-tier humor, it's humor everyone gets, without a need for culture-specific knowledge or history, and proves the point with a scene where Takashi and the ninja sisters all pratfall in different ways during a chase sequence through a woman's bathroom.
  • Channel Awesome:
  • On Das Sporking, female sporkers are just as likely as male ones to take Amusing Injuries. Mervin, Hyde, and Ket are the most prominent — Mervin and Hyde smack each other up, and Mervin and Ket tend to get into brawls with occasional co-sporker Agent Sands.
  • Dragon Ball Z Abridged
    • When Goku accidentally knocks Chi-Chi through the wall of their house with a pat, Gohan tells him to run.

      Gohan: DAD, RUN!
      Goku: WHAT?

    • When Goku throws Chi-Chi up in the air after healing from his heart condition, he throws her up into space and she experiences re-entry heating on the way down. She does survive, though.

Western Animation 

  • The Amazing World of Gumball
    • The show is replete with Amusing Injuries and Death as Comedy. Characters have been torn apart, dissolved in water, eaten, Squashed Flat, shocked, and the like. Considering that among those victimised include a paper bear, a piece of toast, a balloon, and a robot, just about all of it is Played for Laughs.
    • Nicole, the mother character, despite being less prone to getting herself in slapstick situations through idiocy and more capable of getting out of them unharmed do to being an Action Mom, does still get hit with slapstick on occasion. Usually due to her family's antics. Including the very first episode, "The DVD", when she faceplants into the ground pretty hard and later smashes into a brick wall, while chasing her sons, Gumball and Darwin across the neighborhood. She also gets a black eye in "The Vase" after an accident, gets launched off a an esculater and pulled up into the air into a pretty nasty (offfscreen hit in the head), among other more minor frustrations in "The Mothers", and gets her legs pinned under a steel beam in "The Worst".
    • Like her mother, Anais is generally one of the more intelligent and capable characters, and therefore gets herself in these situations less often than her brothers. But she still gets into them. In the "The Responsible", Anais, along with Gumball and Darwin smash into the ground after being shot into the air and falling back down. She takes another nasty fall along with her brothers (and father this time) in "The Cycle". Gets run over by a motor scooter alongside Gumball in "The Goons". Accidently knocks herself out with a brick to the face in "The Treasure". And gets knocked down a flight of stairs in "The Parasite".
    • Gumball's girlfriend Penny gets a milkshake repeatedly thrown in her face and later gets blasted across the room by a lightning strike in "The Storm", gets sent into an allergic reaction by Gumball in "The Dream", gets her head smashed in by a VCR in "The Console", and inadvertently gets sent on an outright Trauma Conga Line (including another allergic reaction) by Gumball in a misguided attempt at sending her on a romantic quest in "The Romantic".
  • Animaniacs really lives up to its name, what with the zany characters involved in over-the-top antics, many of who even end up on the receiving end of Amusing Injuries.
  • Archer:
    • Pam and Cheryl are constantly being abused (physically and psychologically) for the sake of comedy. While Lana receives a lot less compared to Pam and Cheryl, certain episodes put her through considerable slapstick, such as 'Pipeline Fever' where she severely scalds her hands on dry ice and is shot full of morphine, and the 'Space Race' episodes, where she continuously vomits and has her clothes destroyed, forcing her to run around in just her underwear and stickers on her breasts.
    • Malory, while very rarely getting injured, does suffer amusing injuries or mishaps from time to time such as when she accidentally puts zucchini (which she is allergic to) on her eyes, mistaking them for cucumbers, causing her eyes to puff up and blind her, being trapped in an elevator by her employees who crank up the heat (leading her to resort to stripping naked), getting the crap kicked out of her by Pam (albeit off-screen), and a few others.
  • Sokka in Avatar: The Last Airbender is the common victim which involves being the practice dummy, the one who always gets beaten up, always lands face first, getting hopped up on cactus juice, getting hit in the head (especially by Katara when he says Kyoshi has an alibi when Chin the Conquer was killed in the Clear My Name Episode), the one who always gets Chi-blocked by Ty-Lee, etc.
  • Batman: The Animated Series: Harley Quinn is often the subject of slapstick humor due to her Bumbling Sidekick status. Notably, in the episode "Girl's Night Out", she shoots an oversized knockout glove at Supergirl, only for it to bounce harmlessly off of Supergirl and rebound right back in her face. The Mad Love comic had Harley physically abused in both funny and unfunny ways. An early scene shows a fed-up Joker grabbing her by her nose, dragging her down to the cellar, and booting her into a muddy pit (while she's in her underwear, no less!) as punishment for calling him "Puddin'". Later, on a much less funny note, the Joker pushes her through a window hundreds of feet above the street, crippling and nearly killing her.
  • While most Classic Disney Shorts don't use slapstick that much compared to other studios at the time, their Goofy cartoons revolve all around violent slapstick. Goofy and other characters get punched in the face and hit on the head repeatedly, fall from high places while yelling the classic Goofy yell, crash into each others' cars, smoke cigars that blow up in their faces, get electrocuted, tip over, have their underwear exposed, get kicked in the butt, and suffer many other Amusing Injuries.
  • Codename: Kids Next Door: Abby and Kuki are stuffed into soda bottles in "Operation: P.O.P.", both are hit by a nudifying missile (at the north pole, no less) in "Operation: Arctic", Kuki is turned into a hamburger via a Rube Goldberg Machine in "Operation: Fast Food", and many, many more.
  • There was a lot of slapstick in Courage the Cowardly Dog: since the creator of the show, John Dilworth, is a big fan of classic Warner Bros and Tex Avery animation. Much of the gags in the episodes are a result of Courage outsmarting the Monster of the Week to save his family.
  • Drawn Together:
    • Princess Clara tends to be beaten up, sometimes randomly, by the housemates in several episodes.
    • Toot Braunstein frequently dies in humorously gruesome and over-the-top ways such as chopping off her own head after Xander rejected her advances...
    • Foxxy Love is subject to slapstick, such as having a nail and a separate finger yanked off...
  • The Dreamstone: Amberley for the large part bumbled as much through missions as Rufus did. However, this consisted mostly of tame pratfalls compared to the exaggerated Amusing Injuries the Urpneys suffered each episode.
  • Duck Dodgers: The Episode "The New Cadet", the new cadet (a gorgeous human woman) finds herself in the same Butt-Monkey situations as the Porky Pig version (before she turns out to be a Stalker with a Crush) including getting blown up by Dodgers as a practical joke.
  • Ed, Edd n Eddy: There's a lot of the slapstick humor in this show, usually because one of Eddy's Get Rich Quick Schemes either fails spectacularly and causes them to get beaten up during the episode, or the things they build for their schemes cause them to get hurt. The Eds will inflict slapstick on each other a lot too.
  • The Fairly OddParents!:
    • The series shows Cosmo accidentally slapsticking Wanda so often, including torching her with a flamethrower, that it's considered entirely possible that she would deliberately get him sent back to live with his mother.
    • Vicky is often on the receiving end of slapstick most of the time when she receives her comeuppance, which is in almost every episode.
  • Family Guy:
    • As the show's resident Butt-Monkey, Meg Griffin is a victim of a lot of slapstick like the male characters of the show.
    • Meg's mother Lois doesn't get much easier. She's been shoved down the stairs by her husband Peter, fallen off the roof of the Griffin house when Peter's rickety balcony breaks, drenched in scalding cooking oil by Peter, beaten up by a group of children, and more.
  • Felix the Cat: The B&W shorts featured a lot of slapstick in the vein of Charlie Chaplin movies along with a hefty load of urban surrealism.
  • Futurama:
    • Amy Wong was created specifically to see whether audiences could laugh at a female victim of slapstick. Turns out the answer is a resounding "Yes".
    • Leela gets her fair share of slapstick in later seasons. She's been hit on the head, electrocuted, sucked by a leech, attacked by an octopus, and smashed into a wall by a door.
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: Mandy is burnt to a crisp, sneezed on by Grim, swallowed and later spit out with hairballs by a giant cat, and so on.
  • Despite the fact that Hey Arnold! is a slice of life cartoon, Helga Pataki is often subject to slapstick, from getting crapped on by flying birds to getting into a bumper car accident to suffering two beatings from Big Patty. Half of her slapstick moments are deconstructed in "Helga on the Couch".
  • While Heloise was rarely a victim of Amusing Injuries in Season 1 of Jimmy Two-Shoes (where she was instead usually dishing them out), she suffers more in Season 2 than just about any other character (except Samy). The episode "Heads Roll" practically centers around Heloise's head getting completely battered.
  • Zatanna magically hurls musical instruments and furniture at Circe multiple times during a fight in Justice League Unlimited, not even letting her finish her threats.

    Circe: Insolent trickster! You dare to stri—
    [hit in the back by a chair]
    Circe: You dare to stri—
    [smacked by a table]
    Circe: You dare to stri—
    [head covered by table cloth]
    Circe: QUIT IT! Oh No...
    [gets hit by a piano ]

  • The Legend of Korra:
    • Korra's personality makes her as good a target as anyone for slapstick. For example, an airbending test early in the series tasks her with weaving between a series of quickly-spinning wooden planks, counter to the physical bending she's more adept at. The first couple scenes featuring the test boil down to Korra getting comically slapped around by the planks.
    • In Book 2, the royal children Desna and Eska are not usually played for laughs (except rather darkly, by dishing out abuse to others), but in the one scene where it does happen, Eska suffers it no less than her brother Desna.
  • Looney Tunes:
    • The show usually features the cartoon's antagonist falling victim to cartoon abuse from either their opponent or their own stupidity. Possibly the purest example: the "plot" of every Road Runner cartoon is, essentially, "Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner and hurts himself in hilarious ways." This happens to other characters also, but it's the only thing that ever happens to Wile E. (except for a couple of cartoons that replace "the Road Runner" with "Bugs Bunny").
    • In the episode “Pigture Perfect”, Petunia Pig is trying to take a picture of a squirrel to fill the rest of her mantle and is repeatedly put through hell during her attempts to do so; she suffers injuries like her ass catching fire, being electrocuted by a pole and then landing on a pitchfork, getting hit by several cars, and eventually getting hit by a bus. She gets her picture, but not before being out in the hospital wearing a full-body cast that she’s still in six months after the incident; she ultimately decided that it was completely worth it.
  • None of the sisters in The Loud House (with the possible exception of Lily) are excluded from involvements of over-the-top slapstick and numerous injuries in distinctive, funny styles. The one who probably takes it the worst, however, is Leni, which, of course, isn't helped by her stupidity.
  • Bessie from The Mighty B! is always prone to physical slapstick, much to her enemies' amusement. Though, at least she does end out on top most of the time.
  • In My Life as a Teenage Robot, Jenny is usually the Butt-Monkey of the show. Being a robot, she can be put back together from the worst abuse that would kill any human.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • The episode "Feeling Pinkie Keen" features Twilight's repeated attempts to observe and document Pinkie Pie's alleged powers of clairvoyance resulted in a constant string of Looney Tunes-esque shenanigans, up to and including having a flower pot, an anvil, a hay wagon, and a piano fall on her in one scene. And it's undoubtedly the funniest moment of the entire show.
    • "Castle Mane-ia" subjects nearly the entire cast to a string of Scooby-Doo-esque disasters. Naturally, Rarity, the girliest pony of the bunch, gets it the worst.
  • In Phineas and Ferb, Candace is one of two main Butt Monkies along with Doofenshmirtz (who is male). If someone is going to fall, be attacked, hit in the face, dropped in embarrassing goo, covered in hair, or have any other unfortunate yet hilarious thing happen to them, there's a good chance it's her.
  • Popeye: Olive Oyl often suffers comic abuse when caught in the struggle between Popeye and Bluto.
  • Woodland Animations used this a lot in their productions: Postman Pat, Bertha and Charlie Chalk, particularly considering the latter of which revolves around a circus clown. The physical comedy in these shows is far less reliant on injuries, but would still provide considerable visual humour.
  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998) are renowned for taking their lumps during battles with monsters and arch-enemies, despite being superpowered kindergartners. Once in a while, they will take their lumps for laughs. Notable examples are when they played out their own adventures ("The Powerpuff Girls' Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever") and when Blossom goes through a Humiliation Conga after the girls defeat Mask-scara ("A Made Up Story").
  • The Proud Family: Penny Proud seems to take after her father due to being the second biggest Butt-Monkey of the show, as aside from having the worst luck of having her friends ditch her whenever she's in a pickle, she also ends up on the receiving end of slapstick in roughly 70% of the episodes.
  • Rocko's Modern Life is replete with a lot of these, thanks to numerous Amusing Injuries any character suffers and surreal humor, not to mention its frequent use of Wild Takes.
  • The Simpsons: Lisa Simpson has been punched in the face at least twice (one of those times by a man!), hit in the face multiple times with a basketball, strapped to an airplane propeller that was then turned on at full speed as part of a military academy hazing, played goalie in hockey, and — probably her most humiliating moment — dared by Bart into drinking canal water from the "Little Land of Duff" ride in Duff Gardens which turned her into a hallucinating, naked "Lizard Queen". Marge also takes pratfalls, although far less often.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: The humor revolves around the insanity of the characters (including the titular sea sponge himself) and over-the-top injuries that is mostly Played for Laughs.
  • The original Teen Titans series was relatively gentle with its female leads but its Denser and Wackier Spin-Off Teen Titans Go! has no compunction about slapping Starfire and Raven around for gags.
  • Tex Avery MGM Cartoons rely heavily on slapstick, with characters getting hit on the head with mallets and other stuff, blowing up from bombs and TNT, getting Squashed Flat by heavy objects or bigger animals, and having their teeth fall out or shattering to little pieces after getting hit.
  • Frida on El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera received more harm and abuse than any other character in the series. And it was hilarious.
  • Tiny Toon Adventures is essentially a mini Looney Tunes, deriving its humor from the much younger counterparts of the latter cartoon's respective characters.
  • Tom And Jerry: A lot of the humor comes from Jerry's abuse of Tom, by causing Tom's schemes to catch him to backfire. On occasions Jerry and other characters will fall victim to it as well.
  • Penelope Pitstop in Wacky Races (2017) is no stranger to the series' beloved creatively excessive violence and/or jokes about said violence (in the first episode alone, she ends up in a body cast), and as the series goes on, it only happens more. Her evil sister Pandora, likewise, gets the same Humiliation Congas that come from being a villain and the same casual slapstick that comes from being a racer at the same time.
  • Wakfu pulls no punches when it comes to slapstick. Amalia has probably suffered more black eyes than any of the other cast members save Sadlygrove. The two Gobbowl arcs in particular are especially harsh for her. Evangelyne less often, although she's hardly immune, notably in the Ugly Princesses' abode, or in Ruel's house.
  • Wander over Yonder: Sylvia may be the show's resident ass-kicker but she gets dealt Amusing Injuries almost as often as her counterparts, mostly in her attempts to be the Cloudcuckoolander's Minder. See "The Egg", "The Pet", and "The Day" for examples.