Sour Supporter - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Feb 25 2009

"Drink with me
To days gone by
Can it be
You fear to die?
Will the world remember you
When you fall?
Could it be your death
Means nothing at all?
Is your life just one more lie?"

They joined The Hero to save the day. If The Hero appealed for a group of characters to join them (a group of which they were likely the oldest or the leader, or both), they argued against it and was the last to join, but they did, and they will work quite hard, perhaps more than anyone else on the team. They are likely to be one of the most skilled and useful members and may even overlap with the Cynical Mentor. They may even make a Heroic Sacrifice.

But if so, they will regard it as a Senseless Sacrifice. The Cynic that they are, they make no bones about considering The Hero's plan futile, and may join only because their friends are, and anything else is also futile. Possibly even only because it's their only way to avoid Dying Alone. Often the oldest member of the group, and prone to Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids! (Though not often so gloomy as to be The Eeyore.) When it dawns on them that victory is possible, an attack of Hope Is Scary is not uncommon.

In lulls in the action, they may explicitly observe that they are all going to die. Indeed, they may be the Sarcastic Devotee, though they are capable of making this observation only once or twice, or not at all.

In very hard cases, tragically, they may decide that the effort is not worth it and leave. They may even encounter the villain and have a Face–Heel Turn, but this is uncommon. Usually, they're no worse than the "Disney Anti-Hero."

Contrast Divided We Fall. May contrast with Least Is First (a lowest-status character steps forward first, shaming the higher-status ones into supporting a course of action) as their Foil, but more often is a foil for The Hero, who will likely tell them that Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers! when they get heavy on the sour. Compare with The Resenter, who actively resents the hero, and with Determined Defeatist, in which it's the hero who has a bad attitude about the odds of success. Often overlaps with being a Knight in Sour Armor.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Serpico as a part of Guts' new entourage in Berserk. He's the most cynical person in the group next to Guts himself, but he's wrapped in a sarcastic layer of goodness that prevents him from deserting the group, primarily for his half-sister Farnese's sake, but it goes without saying that he does care for his other companions.
  • Kai Shiden from Mobile Suit Gundam. Like many of the heroes he's a civilian who was effectively press-ganged into becoming a soldier and Humongous Mecha pilot; unlike many of the heroes, he spends a good portion of his screentime grumping about the situation and being backhandedly respectful towards authority figures like Bright Noah. However, this goes away after his Character Development, and while most of his friends stick with the military after the One Year War is over Kai goes on to become an Intrepid Reporter, which suits him far better.
  • Sailor Moon has Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. Unfortunately (fortunately?) for them, the SM-verse is a real Sugar Bowl at times, and everything really can be set right with The Power of Love, so really, their sourness just makes them look Wangsty sometimes.
  • Sawamura in Wa ga Na wa Umishi is a textbook example. It's a mystery why he still works for Nanba Salvage, given his proven world-class skills and obvious disdain for Rintarou.
  • Ai Mizuno from Zombie Land Saga is openly and understandably critical of the plan to make an Idol Singer group with a bunch of zombies, to the point where she attempts to leave in the second episode and has outright stated that the moment she feels there's no chance, she's gone. Of course, she's also the one most experienced with the idol industry, she does provide good advice, and she is shown to be privately fond of the others.

Comic Books 

  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2008): Gamora starts off as one of these. That she didn't entirely sign up of her own free will, but through psychic nudging from Mantis, might have something to do with this.
  • While Tim started out as a rather idealistic Robin after almost everyone he loves died, Bruce pulled a couple of rather heartless manipulation attempts on him, and three out of four of his adoptive siblings either try to kill him or frame him for murder he becomes incredibly cynical, stating that when he was forced to hear the anti-life equation in the moments while he still retained his sense of self he found he agreed with it but tried to fight its control because he'd made oaths when he took on the Robin mantle. His cynicism was starting to lighten up after Kon, Stephanie, and Bart came back and gave him some actual support but then Flashpoint happened and erased that version of Tim.
  • Spider-Man: J. Jonah Jameson has become one in recent years, after Spidey revealed his secret identity to him over dinner.
  • Ultimate X-Men (2001): Though he respects Charles Xavier's ideals of peace, Colossus finds his aversion to killing opponents reckless and dangerous. This was elaborated upon after he saved the team by killing Xavier's son, Proteus.

Fan Works 

  • Peace Forged in Fire: Discussed. Morgan is a more traditionalist Romulan than D'trel, a Unificationist, and tells Praetor Velal of the Romulan Star Empire that she thinks that Proconsul D'Tan of the Romulan Republic is a "naive idealist" and says she doesn't agree with his politics. But she follows him because whatever his faults, he's sincerely trying to help, while the Empire was useless after Hobus and the Tal'Shiar caused it.
  • In Pokémon Reset Bloodlines, Ash's Pokedex is quite fond of mocking Ash and will complain about him immensely. He also genuinely wants to help Ash with his information.
  • Glynda Goodwitch in BlazBlue Alternative: Remnant is a lot more cynical about Litchi Faye-Ling's mission to find a cure for Roy's transformation, making it clear when they reunite that she doesn't believe there even is a cure for what he's become. It doesn't stop her from helping Litchi anyway.
  • Vulkan Ascendant: Numeon is one to Vulkan; he's the First Captain by virtue of his skills as a warrior and leader, but never took to Vulkan's ideals or the Promethean Creed. As one of the very first Space Marines, he's more aware than most of the level of Brainwashing his kind go through to ensure their obedience to their Primarchs. He's unquestionably loyal to Vulkan, but he knows that loyalty was pre-programmed into him when he became a Space Marine; he can't not be loyal, and that knowledge keeps him from treating Vulkan as anything other than a commander, rather than a father.

    Vulkan: We have worked together for centuries, fought side by side for just as long, and you still believe there is nothing but compulsion between us?"

    Numeon: Do you truly believe otherwise? The system is functioning as intended. You need my obedience to conquer worlds, not my belief.

Films — Animation 

  • Kirby from The Brave Little Toaster certainly didn't keep his objections to himself when the group set out to find the master.

    "I just know I'm gonna regret this..."

  • Branch in Trolls. He's very outspoken about the trolls' general frivolity, and when it comes back to bite them just as he predicted, he'd rather hide out in his bunker than do anything to help. Poppy manipulates him into joining her quest, but he spends most of the time grumbling about it, fully expecting them to be captured and eaten.

Films — Live-Action 

  • In the film 1776 (and musical, both of which are Truth in Television to some extent), John Dickinson refuses to sign the Declaration of Independence, instead choosing to join the militia and fight for independence even though he believes the effort will fail.
  • In Captain America: The First Avenger, Colonel Phillips is this to Steve. He was rooting for Hodge to be the first super soldier, but Steve is the only one in the squad besides Peggy to jump on the dummy grenade he throws:

    "He's still skinny."

  • In Prince Caspian Trumpkin the Dwarf supports the revolution to set Prince Caspian on the throne, even though he is sour and pessimistic. This is in contrast with book Trumpkin, where he is equally pessimisic about the result, but quite cheerful (if cynical) along the way.
  • McCoy from Star Trek (2009) is this, particularly towards Kirk. He's known to be a grouch and Deadpan Snarker, but he's loyal to Kirk, sneaking him aboard the Enterprise and arguing with Spock after the latter had marooned Kirk on an icy planet.
  • Sucker Punch plays with this in the character of Sweet Pea. She plays the part of Sour Supporter perfectly, even going so far as to Opt Out at one point. The trope play comes in when she rejoins the team and ends up the only survivor by way of the rest of the team's Heroic Sacrifices, which "redeems" her of her sourness.

Game Shows 

  • This is what makes James Acaster so entertaining on Series 7 of Taskmaster. The other contestants, consisting of the goofy Phil Wang, the fun-loving Kerry Godliman and Jessica Knappet, and the batshit insane perverse Troll Rhod Gilbert, are all generally having a good time, enjoying themselves, joking around, and overall rolling with the punches. James, meanwhile, is a downright bitter sourpuss who seems to genuinely be having a bad time, frequently has a scowl on his face, and goes off on several tirades and delivers a couple of The Reason You Suck speeches to his contestants and even the Taskmaster himself. His funniest running gag is his utter refusal to even acknowledge Alex Horne at the beginning of tasks: while everyone else will respond in kind to Alex's greeting, James just walks past in silence and reads the task.


  • Marco from Animorphs was this at first. And then it got personal.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia:
    • In The Silver Chair, Puddleglum professes, every step of the way, that they are certainly doomed to failure and death. His notion of cheering the children up is to tell them that they don't have to worry about something because they are likely to die first. Puddleglum is also said to be unusually optimistic and cheerful for a Marshwiggle - just imagine what the others would be like!
    • In Prince Caspian, Trumpkin argues against sending someone to look for Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, but when the decision goes against him, volunteers to go, because he has given his advice and now he must take orders.
    • The Horse and His Boy has Aravis, a noblewoman fleeing to Narnia with the title characters. She has no respect at all for the boy Shasta, but she never once thinks about abandoning him. He, on the other hand, is perfectly willing to take an easy route to their destination without her — and to add insult to injury, he fully expects her to ditch him when that falls through.
  • Lovable Coward Rincewind in the Discworld novels can be like this. Most obvious in Interesting Times, where he's quite clear that the Silver Horde are doomed, the Red Army are powerless, and the only reason he hasn't run away from the whole situation is that he's run out of places to run to. Twoflower cheerfully tells everyone that he always talks like that, and he always comes through, but Rincewind still insists that he's never wanted to.
  • Harry Potter:
    • In Order of the Phoenix, Zacharias Smith, while a member of the DA, seems never to speak unless he is berating Harry's methods. Continues even after this supreme put-down:

      "I don't think Expelliarmus is exactly going to help us against You-Know-Who."
      "I used it against him; it saved my life last summer."

    • Deathly Hallows: Aberforth Dumbledore is almost the complete opposite of his brother. At one point, he outright tells Harry that Voldemort's already won and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. It doesn't stop him from coming to the trio's aid when they need it, offering his pub as a meeting place for the Order, and courageously fighting in and surviving the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • In Hide Me Among the Graves, a group of people band together to fight inhuman monsters preying on humanity. Trelawney, an old man who is the last survivor of the previous generation of fighters, is much more skilled and knowledgable, and cautious, than the others, and has no qualms about saying that he thinks they're all fools and bumblers and he'd happily do without any of them (except perhaps his one-time protegee Johanna) if he didn't need their help.
  • Grantaire in Les Misérables doesn't think much of Enjolras' revolution, but goes along with it anyway.
  • In G. K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday, the Professor gravely explains the difference between himself and Syme: Syme thinks that what he proposes to do is possible, he knows it's impossible, and will nevertheless try to do it.
  • In Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Master Mind of Mars, Gor Hajus laughs at the quest Ulysses Paxton proposes, after rousing him from a Faux Death; if he supports him until it's done, it will be forever. He still helps him, however, since even that's better than the Faux Death.
  • Neofeud Short Story Collection: Jim was idealistic about his teaching job when he first started, but became cynical due to the schools being neglected by the government and due to the students being too trapped in a cycle of poverty and drugs to learn. He's a member of Sybil's rebel cell, but he's not impressed with Sybil's utopian ideals and doesn't trust her, especially when her mission to steal the Coch-Jobbs family's time machine results in Proto-J, Sangrita, and Jax dying. He later notes that Sybil is genuine in wanting to do good, but realizes her dependence on large-scale time travel means she lacks the commitment to truly change the Neofeudal system, since she will only pursue goals that can safely be accomplished with time loops.
  • In Noob, Omega Zell is technically this for the feminist cause in general. He's The One Guy at his workplace and does his part in its feminist association to cover up what he really thinks about women. When he gets online, his female guildmates get an earfull of his real thoughts.
  • In John Barnes' One for the Morning Glory, they hear a ballad that ends with a young woman prisoner to the goblins, and since it's true, and they know it, they discuss rescuing her. Gorlias is as enthusiastic as any, and characters object: he's the oldest, he should be gravely warning them against it and talking of its dangers. Gorlias proceeds to discuss its dangers in a portentous tone, as if he had warned them off, but on the trip itself, he's perfectly cheerful.
  • Uhtred in The Saxon Stories is a particularly reluctant example. He expects — and hopes — that the Danes will win their war against Wessex, but has unfortunately found himself sworn to serve King Alfred, a man who he hates for both his religion and his personality — but ultimately, over the course of years, comes to respect.

    "I had not liked him. I had struggled against him and for him, I had cursed him and thanked him, despised him and admired him... He was my king and all that I now have I owe to him. The food that I eat, the hall where I live and the swords of my men, all started with Alfred, who hated me at times, loved me at times, and was generous with me. He was a gold-giver."

  • In C. S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength, the skeptic MacPhee is a valued member of the good guys' team, with the observation that he would be invaluable if they lost — but they don't know what he'll do if they win.
  • In Those That Wake, Mike is this. He thinks the world sucks, he's worthless, and he probably can't do anything to change it, but he'll fight anyway.
  • The Unknown Soldier: Corporal Lahtinen is a Communist conscripted to fight against the Soviet Union on the side of a quasi-fascist Finland in alliance with the Nazi Germany. He's not happy about it, as he never lets the other characters forget. However, he's also one of the most reliable and loyal fighters in the company, and even pulls off a You Shall Not Pass! Dying Moment of Awesome to hold back the charging Soviets to buy time for the retreating Finns.
  • Warhammer 40,000 Expanded Universe:
    • In Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain novel Death Or Glory, when discussing difficulties getting through a mountain range, the guide Sandy Kolfax says it hardly matters since they will all die before they get there, and later Cain catches him drinking and he professes that it does not matter, as they will all die. But he does lead them. To the mountains, even. Where he dies.
    • In Graham McNeill's Ultramarines novel Dead Sky Black Sun, when Uriel urges a group of Space Marines and two Imperial Guardsmen to help him, Vaanes, the leader of the group, was the last to agree, with the observation that he knew Uriel would be trouble. After they leave, he carefully ensures that Uriel knows they could all die. He finally decides that Uriel's plans cannot work, and that honour is not good enough to die for.
  • Many of Rand Al Thor's supporters in The Wheel of Time behave like this. The man is the Chosen One (of several prophecies and groups) but none of his disparate groups of supporters trust the other ones, and many regard him as nothing more than a loaded cannon they need to further their own ends while regarding him as an idiot who messes everything up that they need to step carefully around. To be fair Rand is pretty insane by this point, and can act idiotically, but he is a lot more competent than they give him credit for and were it not for the prevalence of this trope he would have managed to do a lot more by now. Interestingly enough, Rand actually tries to play the groups against each other in order to get rid of some people that are hindering him. Its a safe bet that at least one of them will bite the dust but Namely High Lord Wieramon. It never works.

Live-Action TV 

  • Avon from Blake's 7, who later inspired similar characters like Tyr from Andromeda. He's a rare example of a Sour Supporter who's averted The Complainer Is Always Wrong at least once. He strongly argued against blowing up Star One, which turned out to cause pretty awful collateral damage for very little benefit to the rebellion, though admittedly the alien invasion didn't exactly help either.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    • Spike became a main character specifically to do this. His job in the group, besides punching things to death, is standing on the sidelines saying "Buffy, you're stupid, and we're all gonna die." He becomes a more enthusiastic Scoobie after falling in love with Buffy.

      Spike: (after a less than encouraging pep talk) Well, not exactly the St. Crispins' Day Speech, was it?
      Giles: We few, we happy few...
      Spike: We band of buggered.

  • Medical Examiner Perlmutter from Castle.
  • Both Mika Koizumi from Choudenshi Bioman and Gai Yuuki from Choujin Sentai Jetman can fit into this category.
  • Jayne from Firefly often fulfills this role.
  • Ron Swanson in Parks and Recreation. He considers his government job to be a useless joke, but admires Leslie's spirit and enthusiasm, and goes all out for her - and all his acquaintances there.
  • Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: Chiaki Tani, at first being a rebellious kid and joining the Shinkengers just so he can surpass Takeru. While he doesn't let that one bit die out, he develops more loyalty to him. This makes him being thought as The Lancer, though he later turns out to be The Smart Guy instead.
  • Rembrandt Brown (and to a lesser extent, Arturo) from Sliders. Remy's outbursts are justified, as he just happened to be driving past when the vortex opened up and pulled him along on the trip.
  • Bones McCoy from Star Trek: The Original Series (although he does have an idealistic streak beneath his cynical exterior).
  • Although not his usual shtick, Fallen Angel Castiel becomes this near the end of season five of Supernatural. When Dean decides to say yes to Michael, Cas is enraged and bitterly disappointed, since this act will make everything he's done for the Winchesters completely pointless. Despite this, he still agrees to help them out in their next mission, even going up against multiple angels alone to give them a chance to get to Adam. When Dean points out that doing so could easily kill him, Castiel just shrugs off his impending death as at least sparing him from watching Dean fail.

Puppet Shows 

  • Statler and Waldorf complain about every single act on The Muppet Show. And yet they have box seats for every single show. Reasons for why range from "They're theater critics!" to "We don't even know how to get out of this stupid theater box!" to simply "I guess we'll never know!"
    • Also Sam the Eagle, who despite how particular he is about the acts still has no intention of leaving the show (and Kermit has no intention of firing him).
  • Fraggle Rock: Boober is the anti-Fraggle; an often grumpy, cowardly guy who finds pleasure in his life from laundry and cooking, and a notorious germaphobe who typically shuns the fun-loving style in which other Fraggles love to indulge. Still, he's a good friend to Gobo, Mokey, Wembley and Red, and if the others are in trouble, he will (temporarily) put his fears aside and save the day.


  • Barbra from Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues. She's one of the most enthusiastic when it comes to exploring the group's acquired superpowers, but at the same time will needle at any faults she finds with their plans.


  • Gretchen from Jasper in Deadland. After being told that Jasper's friend Agnes has entered Elysium, she becomes highly doubtful that Jasper and Agnes will be able to reunite or leave together. Despite this, every time she decides to leave Jasper, she ends up turning around almost immediately, or staying long enough to change her mind.

Video Games 

  • Subject 16 in Assassin's Creed: Revelations. He's rude to Desmond and seems to be plotting some sort of Grand Theft Me. And then he pulls a Heroic Sacrifice and saves Desmond from deletion.
  • Xan, the clinically depressed enchanter in Baldur's Gate. He is very vocal about how your quest is futile, but he helps you anyway, presumably because he sees everything else in the world as equally pointless.
  • In Battle Realms, Shinja becomes this if Kenji goes on the Dragon path, constantly questioning his goals about obtaining the orb, whom the former it useless. When Kenji leaves for Dragonspire, he decided to forcibly claim part of the territory from the Wolf/Lotus Clan in an attempt to restore the Serpent Clan behind his back despite Otomo's protests. Unlike most examples, he eventually turns on Otomo after he deems Kenji too weak to rule and has Otomo executed for good measure.
  • In Bear & Breakfast, Will is the pessimistic one of the main trio and is described as "grumpy on the outside, but surprisingly... even more so on the inside". Despite this, he still tags along with them as a good friend.
  • Magus in Chrono Trigger, if you let him join you. He doesn't think much of Crono or his friends, thinking of them as a bunch of idealistic children. He's only helping them out because their goals align, and he wants revenge on Lavos so badly that he's willing to put in a little Teeth-Clenched Teamwork if he has to.
  • Morrigan and aspecially Sten (who is so sour, he will at one point outright attack you because he thinks you're deviating from your true goal) from Dragon Age: Origins, and Shale the DLC character.
  • Any companion with enough rivalry in Dragon Age II. Some will consistently begrudge the player's support of mages or Templars, and Isabella won't believe she returned The Artifact she originally stole.
  • Archer from Fate/stay night; you get the feeling he only helps Shirou because his contract with Rin forces him to. As "Unlimited Blade Works" reveals, this is both utterly true but also an extreme simplification of Archer's true motives.
  • Final Fantasy:
    • Cid in Final Fantasy VII only joins the party because you took and crashed his plane, and because he doesn't see a reason to hang around Rocket Town anymore. He calls the party numbskulls and constantly complains about them, but states that he likes the idea of fighting Shinra and undergoes Character Development to become a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. He ends up commanding the Highwind airship crew for the player and even is promoted to party leader at one point.
    • Amarant in Final Fantasy IX joins Zidane's party after being defeated by him, but he is absolutely puzzled as to why Zidane wastes so much energy sticking with his friends when Amarant believes the strong works alone and how people could get things done if they just did it themselves instead of relying on others. At one point, he ditches the party after beating Zidane in a race to see who could reach a specific room in a castle first, but after falling into a trap, Zidane runs back to save him, causing Amarant to rethink his logic after seeing Zidane had gone out of their way to save him just because he needed help.
  • Nick in Left 4 Dead 2 fits this trope to a T. He sees Coach as a foolishly optimistic and finds Ellis so incredibly naive and stupid that he won't care if Ellis gets left behind. He also constantly complains about everything, between mud from the swamps and flooding from a storm. Despite all this, Nick stays with the group because being alone would get him killed by the zombies.
  • Planescape: Torment features Fhjull Forked-Tongue, a Baatzu (a race of Lawful Evil devils) who was bound into a lifetime of good deeds by the angel Trias, to last until the angel's death. As such, he has to do everything he can to accommodate the Nameless One when the latter shows up on his doorstep, but he's more than happy to let him know that sure as hell isn't going to enjoy it.
  • Spec Ops: The Line: Lugo and Adams are both this to Walker, to varying degrees as the game goes on and the worse things get. Adams gets so bitter about the whole situation after Lugo's death that he says things like "Yeah, I'm taking my sweet time, deal with it!" or "You wanted him dead, you should've done it yourself!" when he disengages, and come the end of chapter 14, he completely stops obeying Walker and even shoves him off when he drops his weapon with the intention of being taken prisoner into Konrad's tower.
  • Star Fox: The team's second Ace Pilot, Falco Lombardi, doesn't think too highly of Fox and is Only in It for the Money.
  • Suikoden:
    • Sonya Shulen near the end of the first game, after a very hard boss fight against her. If you allow her to join, she repeatedly states that she does so in order to get the pleasure of seeing you die. Though after the final war, if you ever speak to her, it sounds like she got better and sees you in a more positive way.
    • Flik. He's at first really pissed that you got his lover Odessa killed. But he joins you anyway, and his mindset is "Let's see if you're worthy of replacing Odessa." It wasn't until Gremio's tragic death that he starts letting off with you and eventually develops further until he's the series' Ensemble Dark Horse.
  • Tales of Symphonia: Kratos. He's a world-weary mercenary who doesn't much care for Lloyd's idealism, seeing it as just being naive. Raine shares Kratos' sentiments, but she does get him to admit that he'd rather things work out okay. It turns out he's The Mole, and has resigned himself to his fate. Luckily, some more pressure from Lloyd and company eventually brings Kratos around to their side.
  • Total War: Warhammer III: While most of Tamurkhan's chieftains join his horde for personal or mercenary reasons, they're for the most part quite eager to help with the actual fighting. Grukmur Three-Horn, however, has lived long enough to have lost most of the bloodthirst that other beastmen possess, and he joins Tamurkhan's warband only because the rest of his tribe did, and he knows going against their wishes would get him killed.
  • Trauma Center: Victor Niguel is a rather unpleasant chap, but works hard to find a vaccine for GUILT.
  • Tyranny: Eb joins the party after you defeat the rebels she was aiding because she knows her only other alternative is death, and spends the rest of the game in resignation that she is now helping the Player Character and the armies of The Empire piss on the ashes of what was once her homeland. If the Player Character conscripts the rebels instead and sides against The Empire's armies, however, she turns into more of a Sarcastic Devotee: Still extremely pessimistic about the whole thing but at least supportive of the idea.


  • In Girl Genius Moloch von Zinzer epitomizes this trope. He frequently and vocally professes a dislike of all things Sparky and constantly says he will leave at the first opportunity...and yet he never does and has helped save the day more than once with his non-sparky mechanical skills
  • In Godslave, Sobek is loped into helping Heru and seems incredibly unhappy about the arrangement, to the point of aiding Anpu behind Heru's back. Even then, he clearly states that he doesn't like Anpu and is very sour about "having" to aid him.
  • Karkat from Homestuck shows no respect for anyone, insults everyone he meets, gripes a lot and has grown grimly accustomed to disaster at every turn, but is near-religiously devoted to the good of his group and, after some early false starts, the human kids too, even if there are times he clearly wants to strangle them.
  • Pato, from M9 Girls! is not always fond of the other girls' decisions, ranging from being treated with cosmic radiation to Karla's choice of costumes.
  • Rocky the rogue from Our Little Adventure didn't really want to join the group, but he frequently does give them his best.

Western Animation 

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • Sokka is cynical, started out thinking Aang could be a Fire Nation spy, and initially objected to going on this journey, but by the end of the series, through Character Development, he becomes a great leader and warrior. Lampshaded at one point when Sokka complains that apparently the rest of the team has decided he is the "Plan Guy" and he always has to be the one to come up with something to save the day. Toph points out that he's also "the Complaining Guy", but Sokka says he is actually OK with filling that role.
    • Katara also becomes this at the start of the second half of Book 3 when Zuko joins the Gaang; understandably, she's not happy since he's tried to capture and/or kill them for a while and betrayed Aang and Katara the one time she let her guard down. She makes it vocal that she isn't happy Zuko is there (even when he saves them from Azula) and it's only when Zuko aids her in finding her mother's killer that she finally trusts him.
  • Rattrap from Beast Wars is cynical, sarcastic, complains about every plan, responds to every negative turn of events with "We're All Gonna Die", and starts out incredibly reluctant to put his life on the line. Nevertheless, he's never seriously considered abandoning his friends, even jumping into the fray to try and rescue even Dinobot.
  • Gwen Tennyson in the original Ben 10 series was this mixed with Sarcastic Devotee towards her cousin's Idiot Hero tendencies, with their interactions mostly being arguments and insults toward each other interspersed with regular Thicker Than Water moments. Future installments remove this aspect as both characters matured.
  • Glitch Techs: Zahra openly admits most of her glitch tech gear is for support and she can be sarcastic at times.
  • In the first season of Recess, Vince was a mild case of this to T.J. Whenever T.J. came up with a plan, Vince always insisted it was crazy at first and tried to point out the reasons why it wouldn't work. This eventually faded, and was given to Spinelli on a few occasions instead.
  • Stork from Storm Hawks. He's very cynical, but has a calm acceptance of everything that happens.
  • Lance of Sym-Bionic Titan often falls victim to a two to one vote.
    • Specifically, in Under The Three Moons after saying he doesn't want to go to the school dance, Ilana and Octus make him go anyway. The same thing happened in the matter of whether he brought a date or not.
    • In A Family Crisis, after the trio get a distress call from Solomon, Lance brushes it off and asks for more cake. Ilana and Octus, however, think they should save him anyway even though they agree with Lance that Solomon's a jerk and doesn't deserve saving.

      "How is it that everyone agrees with me, but we're still doing this?"

  • The Transformers: Huffer is a whiny pessimist whose first line in the show is suggesting that the Autobots turn tail and leave instead of stopping the Decepticons on Earth. Despite this, he proves quite dependable whenever the moment arises.