Straw Feminist - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Oct 14 2007
"There are now women politicians, women soldiers, women scientists, women astronauts. But our mission is only half-done: we still haven't prevented men from doing those things!"
A character whose "feminism" is drawn only for the purposes of either proving them wrong or providing comedy.
See also Useful Notes on Feminism. Related tropes include Straw Misogynist; Soapbox Sadie, a child character whose crusades aren't limited to feminism but it's almost always included; Granola Girl, who is similar in ideology but the polar opposite in disposition; Female Misogynist, which includes straw feminists who look down upon other women who don't fit their views of the ideal independent woman; Girlboss Feminist, a feminist in power who doesn't practice what she preaches; and Lady Land, when an entire society is built on this mindset.
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Anime and Manga
- Aquarion Evol features MIX, a prudish redhead who deems boys inferior to girls in terms of combat potential, and is opposed to inter-gender interaction even after her school turned from gender-segregated to co-ed. She, in particular, despises Andy and his lecherous antics. This is partially justified by her father's affair with a woman he met at a hole-in-the-wall bathhouse (thus also contributing to her dislike of holes, which happens to be Andy's specialty). Soon, however, she starts defrosting to her male classmates and learns to cooperate with them.
- Armitage III. The Backstory is given in snippets, but a key plot element is that feminists have become political powerhouses equivalent to Greens. It is implied by the presence of an Earth "observer" that on Earth, women have gained status equivalent to South African whites under apartheid — and few are willing to give that up just because Mars Needs Women. Space has been colonized, and Mars has been partially Terraformed but has thus been unable to draw enough women to the planet to breed new Martians. Androids known as "Seconds" were created first as a source of labor, then upgraded to Ridiculously Human Robots as an immigration draw; come to Mars and leave the shrews behind for a sweet, willing conCeption Sexbot! The long-term solution was to build fertile women — the eponymous "Thirds"; robots so human that they can be impregnated. When the Straw Feminists find out about the plan, the threat to their power base pisses them off to no end, resulting in an ultimatum; scrap the baby machines or Mommy will come do it personally, along with as much of the landscape as necessary.
- The Johnny Hunter in Eden of the East is a female Serial Killer whose quest to "save Japan" is motivated by her country's hideously misogynistic culture. She seduces or kidnaps rapists and other cruel men, takes them back to the seclusion of their apartment, and then uses a cigar cutter to remove their johnnies. Perhaps subverted because she is presented very sympathetically when we actually meet her.
- One Piece: Used to its full extent in the Amazon Lily Arc, when Luffy was sent there by Kuma. Most of the Kuja warriors have a severe distrust of men, despite most not having even met one. Their society is SO strict that a Marine Vice-Admiral had to dock his ship 15 miles from the coast. Gets relaxed to few meters from the coast, but the point still stands. Those that do help became suspected and put to be killed (though most of their fellow Kuja are actually horrified by this.) Luffy becomes put to death when he accidentally saw the leaders' mark on her back (signifying an aspect of her horrific past she and her sisters will do anything to keep secret.) Luffy defeats both the giant panther sent to kill him and the two sisters before actually covering up one of their marks because he knew it meant a lot for the sisters to keep it secret. (Also, Luffy's completely unaffected by Hancock's charms which means he's completely unaffected by her Devil Fruit powers). Furthermore, Luffy proves the conviction of his choice when offered a ride off the island or the de-petrification of the subjects that helped him. He not only chooses the latter but bows his head while doing so, flabbergasting them. Eventually, he learns their horrific past and his kindness touched them all that Boa Hancock actually falls for him. Despite this, he is still one of the very few men allowed freely (the other being Silvers Rayleigh, who helped the Boa sisters in the past.)
- It also mildly deconstructs the notion. A large reason for their zealous vitriol against men is out of never interacting with one. Most don't even seem to understand them as being much like fellow human beings. They try and use Luffy, the first male they met, as an example, which caused hilarity to ensue, especially when they assume that all males are also made of rubber (they have no understanding of Devil Fruits and believe the Boa sisters' powers were the result of a curse.) Even those that go out on crews and see the outside world, only have a basic understanding, which is not much. The only ones that have a decent understanding of the outside world, the Boa sisters, also influenced the society because the first men they met were unfortunately the World Nobles (who are scumbags supreme). Despite this, they are civil when on the job (namely when Hancock is performing her duty as Warlord.)
- As for how they maintain their society, the actual pirates of the Kuja go out and have daughters with (presumably strong) men to bring back to the island. However, it's been implied that some may not have returned. At the very least, many Empresses have actually died from lovesickness (or rather, from denying their love) to a certain man. The only survivor besides Hancock was the previous Empress, who's the Boa sisters' mother figure and being the oldest, has the most experience, thus averting this.
- Benio and the Zuka Club from Ouran High School Host Club are a troupe of lesbian actresses (parody of the real-life Takarazuka Revue) who advocate female superiority and at one point (pictured above) perform a Nazi salute against a backdrop of a red flag with the Japanese character 女 (onna meaning "woman") instead of a Swastika — literal feminazis. Their radicalism is probably just a result of being headstrong teenagers who are just as silly as the Host Club. At the end of the episode, Haruhi, whom they'd been trying to recruit, tells them that she finds their viewpoint "interesting and unique" but doesn't feel like leaving her friends in the Host Club. In the original manga, the conflict is eventually resolved with the Host Club's apologetic invitation to one of the Zuka Club's performances, which everyone found enjoyable. This ending was replaced with banana peel jokes in Bones' anime adaptation.
- Sailor Moon: Zeta and Epsilon turn Shokujo into one by exploiting her lack of trust in her husband, and try to turn young women into this by brainwashing them with Sailor Moon watches.
- The premise of Shitsurakuen is that the female protagonist has to protect girls from their male chauvinistic classmates. As it turns out, she was being manipulated all along by a Psycho Lesbian who hated men and believed that knights are supposed to protect girls and girls only. After discovering this, she realizes that it's wrong to only focus on helping girls, and not all boys should be considered villains just because they have to live under a misogynistic system created by a power-hungry MegaCorp.
- During the 'Til Death chapter of the Star Trek manga the Enterprise comes across a ruined planet, finding two sarcophagi on the surface. After beaming them back up the male and female crew begin acting hostile toward each other, at which point the women begin to behave as Straw Feminist and the men begin to act in a similar fashion. The sarcophagi open and Spock is able to determine that the planet was destroyed in a gender war, the leaders of which inside the coffins have been psychically influencing the crew.
- World's End Harem: The MK ("male-killer") Virus turns out to have been a bioweapon unleashed by these in a deliberate attempt to turn Earth into a Lady Land.
- The Capitol Steps' "Angry Feminist Nursery Rhymes".
Comic Books
- Wonder Woman, Depending on the Writer. Sometimes, though, it's used to explore values dissonance or as a foundation for character development, such as with Diana's origin story.
- Parodied in a Gail Simone issue showing a really bad movie of Diana's life (created by a villain):
- Taken to the Logical Extreme in Frank Miller's All-Star Batman & Robin, in one issue of which Wonder Woman violently shoves a man out of her way while growling, "Out of my way, sperm bank."
- Arcs like Amazons Attack! (2007) and the Alternate Universe of Flashpoint show them at their most monstrous. Although they were out for the blood of anybody who was not an Amazon, it could be told in all seriousness that men had it worse. As in "secret experimentation camps created without Diana's knowledge (because they were too horrible even for her)" worse, in Flashpoint.
- A particularly extreme was the New 52 arc that revolved around the revelation that the Amazons reproduced by abducting, raping, and killing men, and then sold the boy children that resulted to Hephaestos as slaves (although he then treated them pretty well). One of Greg Rucka's first orders of business in the Rebirth era was making clear that the whole thing was no longer canon.
- An intentional, in-universe example is found in Emperor Joker where The Joker manages to gain the powers of Mr. Mxyzptlk and creates a World Gone Mad. Most of the superheroes of the Justice League are turned into parodies of themselves, with Wonder Woman becoming
a man-hating criminal with internal misogyny and a rolling pin as her primary weapon.
- Although her pro-feminist stance was portrayed as a good thing in the '70s, by the Justice League Europe days of the late '80s, Power Girl was portrayed as an obnoxiously outspoken feminist. Today, her attitudes are portrayed in a positive light again (though the fanservice has been dialed up a bit as well).
- Black Canary was similarly written as such in Justice League International. She was shown to be humiliated when Mister Miracle saved her from falling to her death and angrily chastised a Manhunter android for not having the more politically correct name of "Personhunter".
- A Superman comic had Livewire cause every computer, camera, microphone, and the like to malfunction whenever men tried to use them. Lois Lane and other female Planet employees rightly called Livewire out on it during the course of the story.
- The original Killer Frost from Firestorm (DC Comics) had an extreme hatred of men and froze them solid on sight, even her defense attorney. Granted, her male workers did not treat her with much respect but she did not go crazy until Martin Stein brushed off her advances when she mistook his platonic interest in her for attraction.
- Legion of Super-Heroes:
- In Adventure Comics #326, the female Legionnaires are brainwashed by a planet of women (who banished all their men for not fighting for sport) into wanting to kill the male Legionaires. Then Mon-El saves their planet and they realize men are okay, really. The name of the planet is Femnaz. No, really.
- A similar story occurred in Adventure Comics #368, where a woman named Thora plotted to impose a matriarchal society by using a device to amplify the powers of the female Legionnaires and brainwash them into killing the male Legionnaires. Her scheme is thwarted by Supergirl refusing to give in to her thrall.
- JLA: Created Equal has a world where almost all men have died from a mysterious disease, and naturally there is an evil feminist - Maria Contranetti, a feminist comedian who stole Kyle Rayner's ring after his death and uses the ring to go on a crime spree.
- The 18th issue of Static has an illusion-casting villain named Princess Nightmare, who attacks music stores and radio stations for distributing music she sees as degrading towards women.
Marvel Comics
- The supervillain Superia wants to either eliminate, enslave, or feminize all men — and doesn't mind sterilizing 90% of Earth's women to make it happen. As Anaconda of the Serpent Society puts it, "What's your big beef with men? Nobody invited you to the senior prom or somethin'?" Despite this, she was able to gather enough followers to put together one of the largest all-female teams of superhumans to date (actually, one of the largest teams of superhumans
period). Superia seems to have dropped this in her later reappearance; she has both men and women in her employ and treats both her male and female mooks like crap and now mainly focuses on her own selfish goals. This is probably because her previous schemes usually were foiled with the help of other female characters. (Many of them on the aforementioned large team, Anaconda included.)
- Man-Killer, whose name speaks for itself. Her Freudian Excuse is that she was scarred by men.
- Surge from New X-Men was an example, to the extent that she also came off as a bit of a bigoted Jerkass. She chewed out her Muslim roommate Dust over her decision to wear a niqab, going so far as to call her an embarrassment to women everywhere.
- In Thundra's future, women have enslaved men, using them for entertainment and sex. After their reality merged with its Spear Counterpart the result had both sexes living together in peace. Thundra later found another such reality, the copy of her original one where it never merged, lived there for a while, and then came back to the present leaving there a daughter Lyra who too grew up into another Straw Feminist. However, both characters have changed a bit where they became heroes of the present and showed romantic interest in men. But both Thundra and Lyra are shown to still enslave men on other worlds, and none of the heroes they work with seem to care.
- Valkyrie fought first The Avengers (though that turned out to be The Enchantress in disguise) and then the Hulk in the name of defeating "male chauvinist pigs." She spent her Avengers Academy guest appearance lecturing the female students how much men suck and how women don't really need them especially for sex, urging the girls to use vibrators instead.
- During her early Alpha Bitch period, before her Heel–Face Turn, Zoe Zimmer in Ms. Marvel (2014) was a parody of Western feminists who think that all Muslim women are horribly abused by their husbands, fathers, or other male relatives and that they need to totally repudiate and condemn their religion and culture if they are to be free and empowered.
- The Cirinists and Kevillists in Cerebus the Aardvark are straw constructions of the second
and third
waves of feminism, respectively.
- Both used and subverted in Y: The Last Man, which contains both the insane, violent Amazons as well as other, rational feminists (both peaceful and not).
- Sarah Rainmaker of Gen¹³ frequently yelled at Grunge for gawking at her and Bobby for being sexist. However, she had no problems objectifying women herself. In one issue she yells at Grunge for staring at her chest, but just a few pages before remarks that a Coda Warrior had a "nice ass."
- Lesbian cartoonist Diane DiMassa exaggerated the trope with her underground comic Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist, where the title character is a Psycho Lesbian who wishes to free the world of misogyny, homophobia, and rape by killing or castrating every man she sees.
- The British adult comic Viz has Millie Tant, a fat, ugly, and possibly lesbian extreme feminist who spouts a lot of S.C.U.M.-esque nonsense and many strips end with her turning out to be a hypocrite.
- Preacher had occasional appearances from two Greek Chorus political pundits, a left-wing feminist professor named Martha Moore and a similarly stereotypical right-wing No Celebrities Were Harmed version of Rush Limbaugh who is named Ulysses Gett. The subplot climaxed in one of the last issues when Jesse got so frustrated listening to the two of them that he used his Compelling Voice to get them to stop arguing and "say what you really want". At which point Martha Moore broke down about how lonely and sex-starved she was and how much she "wanted cock". Ulysses Gett responded with an embarrassed "I want cock too."
- Bravura in Asterix and the Secret Weapon, especially in the first couple of acts. She's incredibly rude to men at all times for no reason, plays '90s-style feminist folk music that the men despise, accuses critics of her aggressive and nasty behaviour of being misogynists and dedicates her (children's) school to educating the village women about equality, apparently in the interests of gaining power. The only man she likes is Asterix because she admires his intelligence and Hot-Blooded streak compared to the other men, but she treats him entirely as a sexual object for her own amusement and refuses to acknowledge any of his feelings on the matter. She's also shown to be a pacifist, who decides to surrender to the Romans in the hope of benefiting from the Pax Romana. However, when her surrender is denied, even though everyone else is willing to fight, she and Asterix collude to peacefully Gallify the Romans instead (through converting the village to sell designer shoes) and she apologises to everyone, realising she and he aren't so different, and allowing Asterix to kiss her gallantly on the hand (with an ass shot, in case you didn't get it).
- Ginda Bojeffries in The Bojeffries Saga constantly accuses men of hating and fearing her because of her superpowers and disrespecting her as a woman, even if they haven't said anything. She also casually sexually harasses men, and when she's actually sexually attracted to them, her behaviour goes straight through Do You Want to Copulate? and into Black Comedy Rape territory.
- De Kiekeboes has an album called Het boerka complot where there is a main villain that has become Van Der Kasseien's secretary wife that has a plot to spread a virus among men through a worm to make men go extinct because she found out that women could copulate through alternative means, using all the abuse that women suffer in other countries as a reason for her plans. She is actually supported by plenty of women (including Van Der Kasseien's own wife in-law) in-universe in the album, though she was eventually caught. Her views are so sexist (she thinks male either only obey other male or are making an Olympic discipline out of the attraction of women) that it's unbelievable that Marcel Kiekeboe and Van der Kasseien fit her description to a T.
- "Prime's Rib", a story exclusive to the UK version of the Marvel-published Transformers comic, explained the female Autobot Arcee's existence as being created by the Autobots to appease a group of feminists that whined about the Transformers identifying as male even when told that Transformers technically have no gender. Even after Arcee's creation, the feminists are still not happy and proceed to complain about Arcee looking weak, being colored pink, and being the only female Transformer in existence. They especially took exception to Hot Rod stating that he's all for Transformer women after he inadvertently ended up colliding into Arcee. Simon Furman, the writer of that story was notoriously opposed to the idea of female Transformers, since the Transformers were technically genderless and don't reproduce sex, so in his eyes, why would there be female ones? (Transformers going by pronouns is a convention they picked up from interacting with organic species)
- Parodied in Lupo Alberto with Alice, who, back when the comic was still a strip, was known to torment Alcide by shaking him and calling him a pig because he's the only actual pig around and so he can't retort (at least she apologized after the fact).
- Judge Dredd had an even more extremist offshoot from the Total War terrorist group called Gender War, who were advocating a Gendercide of all men. One of their members seduced a handsome male actor and used him to assist them in their plot before Dredd arrests them.
- Requiem Vampire Knight: Mother Venus, the new leader of the pirate ghouls, is a man-hating bigot who hails from a future world where males have been exterminated after cloning had been discovered. She also constantly talks in over-the-top PC language, such as substituting "non-paid sex worker" for "girlfriend". Her Non-Human Sidekick does ask her why she "dresses like a prostitute" at the same time, to which she replies that she's trying to "punish men by showing them what they can't have".
- Subverted in the second Batman/Alien crossover. Dr. Fortune's rant accuses Batman of killing the aliens because he can't feel what it's like to have something growing inside him and helping it reach its full potential. Clearly, she's talking about pregnancy, but later it's revealed she's actually talking about the inert xenomorph queen inside her that boosted her abilities and lifespan but was unable to reach the chestburster stage. She's rather pointedly proven wrong when she believes she only needs to imprint on a xenomorph to control it (as the previous ones were hybrids of Batman villains, xenomorphs, and her own DNA), unfortunately, Killer Croc's hybrid didn't have any of hers and promptly dissolved her head.
- In Brat Pack, Moon Maiden is a psychotic Wonder Woman Wannabe who runs around castrating men. On the surface, she seems to be a parody of feminism, but as the miniseries goes on, it becomes clear that she's just plain nuts.
- Astro City has The Council of Nike, a mystical network of powerful women that empowers Winged Victory. They criticize her for her relationship with Samaritan and for joining the Honor Guard (which is led by a man), believing that any association with any men makes Winged Victory look weak and undermines her message.
- The Red Ten: Bellona, (another Wonder Woman Wannabe) who makes no secret of how much she hates men in general. Mazu is the only member of the team that she treats with any sort of respect or concern.
Comic Strips
- Tina the Tech Writer from Dilbert is an unorthodox variation. Far from being the stereotypical butch lesbian, Tina is, if anything, the girly girl to Alice's tomboy. Nevertheless, Tina sees imaginary sexism everywhere and blames her mostly self-inflicted problems on it. Generally, when Scott Adams wants to make a point about actual sexism, it will happen to Alice, who will respond with snark and/or her Fist of Death. As a result, it seems that all the real sexism happens to Alice, but never to Tina.
- In one short series of Peanuts strips, Lucy declared herself a "new feminist", and refused to play on Charlie Brown's baseball team because it was "degrading" to take part in a male-dominated sport. (This, of course, is Hilarious in Hindsight, because most actual feminists would jump at the chance to participate in co-ed sports. Best seen with Peppermint Patty who eagerly plays sports with boys and girls and on occasion with or against Charlie Brown's own team.)
Fan Works
- In Christian Weston Chandler in Survivor: Kujira-Jima, Chlamydia, being antithetic to the title character, is a stereotypical misandrist feminist.
- Crack Ronpa: Where as Tenko simply hated men in Danganronpa v3, here she is turned into a literal Femnazi. Seriously. That's her SHSL talent.
- For His Own Sake: Naru and Motoko both give off this vibe as they justify their abuse of Keitaro, trying to convince others he's a sexual deviant who can't keep his hands off girls and that men in general are total scumbags who force their "perversions" on innocent women. The fic makes it clear multiple times that the two are full of shit and total hypocrites. Their needless paranoia of Keitaro stems from their own psychological issues. It's also shown they're more than willing to beat up any woman who dares to disagree with them such as Shinobu, whom Motoko slaps for being "ungrateful."
- The villains of Girls und Panzer: The Eagles of Oarai
, are a group of female pilots known as Retribution, who hate the idea of men getting involved in tankery. Of course, it turns out that the leader wants revenge on the main character for her grandfather's death in World War II. Similarly, Shiho despises boys getting involved in tankery so much that she disowns her younger daughter Miho over it (Shiho doing so for this reason is a common plot element in Girls und Panzer fan fiction) and even says she intends for men to be slaves to women.
- The Hellsing Ultimate Abridged version of Rip Van Winkle is an in-universe version. She spouts a lot of stereotypical feminist and social justice terms, but it's clear that to her they're just more memes that she can mindlessly repeat as a form of attention-seeking with no real idea what they mean. The result is a literal Nazi who calls people racist, misogynistic, and homophobic with no trace of irony.
- Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles: Aunt Petunia has short hair and "never wears any makeup". The author goes on to describe her in negative terms, and it is pretty clear she is meant to be viewed as an ugly, mannish feminist.
- MRA Trilogy: In the Frozen (2013) fanfic The Most Men's Rights Activist Fanfic Ever Made, the antagonists (including Elsa) are stereotypical Tumblr feminists and do fall into several feminist stereotypes, like being pagan and sexually progressive.
- My Hero Abridged: Ochako complains about Deku's rescue of her because she didn't consent to it. It reaches such a degree of ridiculousness that Yomama (Yaoyorozu) finally shuts her up with an epic "The Reason You Suck" Speech about how these give real feminists a bad name. It's subverted in Season 2 when it's revealed Ochako doesn't actually hate men. She just hates Izuku for what she saw as him stealing Katsuki from her when they were children. The feminism thing was just a convenient excuse to make his life miserable.
- Subverted in The Wings of Lilith
. While Peggy Quinn and her clients view Lilith, a baby-murdering demoness, as a feminist icon, it’s only because they believe that the more monstrous elements were added in as an anti-feminist propaganda to a fictional character who could promote such a movement, and are depicted as normal and friendly people. Peggy even helps Kolchak destroy Lilith after seeing that Lilith is real and a legitimate threat to innocent people.
Films — Animation
- An alternative opening to The Incredibles has a suit-wearing career-woman visitor to the Parr household criticizing Helen for being a stay-at-home mom, mainly so that Helen can shut her down; this trope is the reason it's not in the movie (well, that, and the complete opening sequence killed off the not-yet Big Bad Syndrome).
Films — Live-Action
- In 100 Girls, the main character Matt takes a Women's Studies class. Every time we see him in this class, the camera zooms in to the teacher's underarm hair with a dramatic sound effect. Towards the end of the movie, there's an anvilicious scene where he tells the teacher that feminism and other "isms" don't help and just creates misunderstanding between people. The entire class (aside from him, entirely female students) breaks into applause for him.
- Airplane II: The Sequel: On Public Broadcasting one is hosting a talk show who claims the entire disaster is the fault of meat-eating men (she also doubles as a straw vegetarian), saying this could have been avoided if a vegetarian woman were in charge. The sign language translator thinks she's full of it.
- Maude from The Big Lebowski. It's less her (largely mainstream) feminist beliefs that are Played for Laughs, and more the fact that she seems convinced that she's somehow being subversive and revolutionary by stating them. There's also an element of blatant projection and hypocrisy; for instance, she has a whole spiel about how men are pathetic for being awkward about the word "vagina" and then visibly winces when she hears the word "penis".
- Bit: Duke espouses a view that blames men for most problems society faces and feels they oppress women collectively. Her goal however is not simply to make them equal. Rather, she wants to make all women into vampires and have men be their prey, so they'll know how it feels being on the bottom. Unsurprisingly, she hates men and forbids any male vampire in her group (on pain of death). This was given an explanation in her past as a sex slave. However, at least one member of her group defied the rules, with Duke punishing her. At first the rest appear to agree, though later it turns out they were mentally compelled to go along. Laurel rejects this view, instead advocating making everyone vampires so they're equal.
- Kris of Black Christmas (2019) is an outspoken student activist who Does Not Like Men, claims "men have all the power", throws drinks in the faces of Straw Misogynists and flips out when another character paraphrases "not all men". She could however count as a subversion, as she's intended to be a sympathetic protagonist (and is the rare non-white variant). She does still stand out as, while her friends are all feminist activists, she's by far the most outspoken and aggressive.
- Early in The Boondock Saints, the brothers show a rather butch female employee around their job (a meat-packing plant). The woman goes off on them for using the phrase "Rule of Thumb", citing the (apocryphal) origin of the term, and things soon escalate to the point where she kicks one of them, Connor, in the balls, followed by the other brother, Murphy, laying her out on the floor with one punch, leading to both of them getting fired for hitting a girl.
- Played for every last laugh the scriptwriters can wring from Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.
- Carry On Girls: The feminists in the movie are a mild version and not as misandrist as typical characters of this trope, as their main concern is making sure that the beauty queens in the Miss Fircombe Contest aren't leered over by Dirty Old Men. It should also be noted that even Mildred Bumble, the Mayor's wife, is one too, even though these typical characters would be unlikely to get married.
- Parodied in Down with Love, in which Barbara, Vicki, and most of the other female characters zigzag alarmingly between this trope, at least in its early 1960s equivalent, and 'submissive housewife doll' mode, while the men also frequently veer wildly between stereotypical thoughtless pigs and over-sensitive new age guys. The movie ends with the main characters of both genders reaching an accommodation with each other and settling into happy and satisfying relationships based on equal terms.
- The campy and stereotype-heavy Disney film Follow Me, Boys! has one played by Vera Miles. She rants that men "are all alike, puffed-up lords of the universe". After the cheerful scoutmaster wins her heart, though, she has no quarrel with becoming a housewife.
- The Hairy Bird:
Odie: You hypocrite. I thought you hated boys.
Verena: I know, but I've been thinking, perhaps they are like dogs. If we don't take them in, they run wild and are a danger to society. - Legally Blonde gives us Enid Wexler - also a lesbian to boot. One of her scenes has her arguing that the word 'semester' comes from semen and should be changed to 'ovester'.
- In Mary Poppins, Mrs. Banks is the rare First Wave Feminist portrayal; she's a suffragette who gets a whole song about campaigning for women's rights (which is then played for Hypocritical Humor when she puts her sashes away as soon as her husband comes home because "the cause infuriates Mr Banks"). She also happily joins in with the impromptu Crowd Song of chimney sweeps happening in her house as soon as they sing "votes for women!"
- The divorce court run by women in Naked Gun 33 1/3.
- The "Womynists" in PCU — Played for Laughs, though, as everyone was a Strawman Political. They yank Droz's ex-girlfriend (who is part of the group but not that hard-core) away from him and immediately assume that her pet nickname for him is the nickname for his penis.
- Hayley and especially her mother in The Sandlot 2. The movie is set during the 2nd wave of feminism and it does not let you forget it. Hayley's mom bitches at her husband for daring to call their daughter sweetheart since it's demeaning and later gives Hayley the advice "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." They even have a cat named Miss Susan B. Later we find out Hayley grew up to become both a baseball player and a model and her equally feminist friends became housewives.
- One of the Women's Studies professors in Sorority Boys, who also doubles as something of a Stern Teacher based on the absurd amounts of work she assigns. One shot during a montage shows her underlining "THE VAGINA IS ERGONOMICALLY SUPERIOR TO THE PENIS" in willy-shrivelingly huge letters on the chalkboard. The same montage has her talking about the "myth of the male orgasm". Played for Laughs, hopefully.
- How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- None, because feminists can't change anything.
- Just one, and that is not funny!
- One to screw in the bulb, three to decry the violation of the socket, and two to secretly wish they were the socket.
- A popular one-liner:
Dude: I said "hi" to a feminist yesterday. Court hearing's next week.
- For Black Comedy:
Q: What's the difference between a feminist and a suicide vest?
A: A suicide vest actually accomplishes something when it's triggered.
- Niklas from Jens Lapidus' Aldrig Fucka Up is a rare male Straw Feminist. He beats up his neighbor's boyfriend for hitting her, stalks several men whose names he stole from a women's shelter, shooting one and torturing another to death, and at the finale, blows up a Corrupt Corporate Executive who organizes orgies for the upper class.
- The Anderssons: The women in a typical 1970s commune refuse to do things like cleaning up their own messes around the house, because "we women have to start caring about more important things". It is up to newcomer Nina to point out that somebody has to clean the house. And as there are no men in the commune, the women have to help each other with all the chores. It is implied that they get better after Nina had to tell them off, but they still are extreme by the standards of most other people in the area.
- The Cat in the Stacks Mysteries: Marie Steverton in book 6, a history professor at Athena College who tries to throw her (metaphorical) weight around to get what she wants and, if a man refuses to comply with her wishes, she accuses him of sexism and not wanting her to "achieve anything significant" just because she's a woman. It's noted, by both men and women, that her rudeness and prejudice are the issue, and why she's so unpopular, rather than her gender.
- Ciaphas Cain: Cain's wonder that a female techpriest is doing something called "multitasking" with her electronically-enhanced brain, something all women have always been able to do to the befuddlement of men, or that an all-female Guard regiment would likely not tolerate a mere male as their commissar. The latter turns out to be true when his regiment serves on a matriarchal world and the women there have the same Stay in the Kitchen attitude towards the men in his regiment as the patriarchal Tallarns had to the women in an earlier adventure, and he gets to deal with open jokes about being there as his Colonel's eye candy.
- Subverted in J. Courtney Sullivan's Commencement with a sympathetic portrayal of a radical feminist: April, one of the main characters, is a self-described MacKinnonite who sees organizations like NOW as "not doing enough." However, she's shown to be more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist, a good person who perhaps is a bit too idealistic which she's abandoned by the end of the novel after she learns the hard way that some people like to take advantage of wide-eyed young guns. Even the de rigeur anti-male attitude gets a Freudian Excuse in April's case: her father abandoned April and her mom, and when April was 13 a middle-aged family friend raped and impregnated her. The other three main characters, April's friends, each represent more moderate variations on feminism (one even works for NOW). April's boss, Ronnie Munro, could be seen as a straight-playing of the trope if the novel didn't go out of its way to acknowledge that her brand of "feminism" is far from the most prevalent or consistent one.
- In Daughters Of Eve, the high school teachers Irene Stark who encourages her teen girl protégés to punish men for various real or perceived injustices.
- Katie from The Fabulous Five series sanctimoniously declares that she would never be a cheerleader, as she finds it degrading to women (and doesn't give a crap that she's essentially insulting her two friends who are joining the cheerleading squad). When another friend gushes about her boyfriend, she haughtily insists that the boy's gentlemanly gestures (holding the door for her, etc) are in fact sexist and patronizing, but she later ends up with the most macho guy in school as her boyfriend.
- The Gor series has a number of these, usually, Earth women who don't realize how enlightened Gor is in terms of not trying to violate human nature. They inevitably find Happiness in Slavery, once they are broken of their "feminist" nonsense.
- In Half Moon Investigations, the third most crucial group to the plot is a group of prepubescent aged elementary school-going midgets who worship some important woman and try to get as many boys as they can expelled from their school. They also are violent and not afraid to do illegal things, like locking the main characters up.
- Haunted (2005) has Comrade Snarky, her feminist group, and possibly her mother. The mother caused her Freudian Excuse; as revenge against Snarky's father for getting joint custody, she described to Snarky in graphic detail all the horrible forms of sexual abuse her father might inflict on her. He never did and never was going to, but it left Snarky unable to trust men at all. When she grew up and joined a feminist support group, the group somehow became convinced that a new recruit named Miranda was a transgender woman — it's never made entirely clear whether she was or not, but the evidence suggests not. They demand she "prove" she's a "real woman", and it escalates until Miranda is effectively raped.
- How NOT to Write a Novel has a section on avoiding using your novel as a soapbox to profess your political views. One of the examples features a man who lives next door to a group of these, who berate him for keeping one of their toddlers from falling into a swimming pool, live like animals, and advise their male children to "remember to be ashamed of your penis".
- Manda from the Jessica Darling series considers herself a strong woman in charge of her sexuality, and will justify that position with any number of references to prominent feminist thinkers. The narrator (who is, admittedly, of the slightly unreliable variety) considers her a pretentious Alpha Bitch who uses feminist rhetoric to justify doing things like sleeping with the boyfriend of one of her supposed best friends.
- In Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore, two such beings visit the library where Oshima works, explicitly to find how the organization of the library is unfriendly to female patrons. They are shocked into silence when Oshima gives them an interesting heart-to-heart.
- The Left Behind books have Verna Zee, the replacement chief editor for the Chicago office of Global Weekly, who presents herself as someone who doesn't outright adore Buck Williams (and is therefore evil).
- General Jinjur from The Marvelous Land of Oz plotted the overthrow of King Scarecrow because she thought the Land of Oz was ruled by men for too long. Hypocritically (and cluelessly given half the countries in Oz are matriarchies complete with Amazon Brigade that promptly hand her army their ass) her entire plan relied on exploiting the double standard in her favor, namely in guys not willing to fight them. May have actually been an Affectionate Parody of the early women's movement, as L. Frank Baum was actually the son-in-law of one of the movement's prime movers (whom he greatly respected), and advocated it himself. Elsewhere he portrays female rulers positively, along with women doing traditionally masculine activities. The Other Wiki has more on the subject
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
- Circe believes that all men are pigs, and…considering her powers, and the work in which she originally appeared, you can see where she's going with that (though for the sake of convenience, she currently uses guinea pigs). She believes that women are so oppressed that they can only achieve power through magic (a belief later expressed by her niece Medea in the sequel series The Heroes of Olympus). She's so bad that even Annabeth thinks she's a bigot.
- Most of the Hunters of Artemis all don't like men, and have sworn off any romantic relationships (including with men), but unlike Circe, they don't harm guys unless provoked. note Zoë Nightshade, the lieutenant of the Hunters, hates guys at first, but Percy's actions gradually cause her to respect them. It's worth noting that at least part of Zoë's distrust for the male gender is actually just a ruse for the real reason why she doesn't want Percy on her quest: he carries the sword of the man who broke her heart.
- The title character of The Postman is caught between the Scouts and the Holnists (straw masculists.) The Scouts come off better, but they're still slightly crazy. The main difference between the Scouts and most examples on this page is that they are more or less egalitarian feminists that both know of the progress made towards gender equality in the USA during the 20th Century as well as recognize the fact that in the post-apocalyptic present all those achievements are being eroded. Furthermore, they realize that within a generation or two women could be in the same situation they were two centuries ago, or if the Holnists win far far worse. This possibility they really want to avoid. The "slightly crazy part" is that the Scouts are mostly from a pocket of civilization centered on a surviving university campus, so they're long on ideology and commitment but short on practical solutions. Although they earnestly try to train and prepare for the coming conflict, battle between the Scouts (in their current form) and the Holnists would be a lot like an armed hiking club trying to repel a Cossack raid. Perhaps unsurprisingly, their plot against the Holnists fails.
- Sisera Catheter in Postmodern Pooh, who dissects Winnie the Pooh from the standpoint of "gynocritical discourse". Though the book is an obvious exaggeration, the footnotes quoting Real Life academic feminists suggest that Poe's Law applies to some extent.
- Akasha in Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice. Though she does not use politically correct terms, since she's supposed to be an ancient Egyptian, she believes all violence on Earth is caused by men. Her plan is to use her near-omnipotent powers as mother of all vampires to destroy almost all the world's males and create a utopia run by women, with herself as benevolent queen and goddess. In the end she is destroyed by female twin vampires Mekare and Maharet, for personal reasons as much as to stop her plot. She may or may not really be a straw feminist since it's unclear whether or not the author agrees with her (persistent Author Avatar Lestat seems very ambivalent).
- Jane Rizzoli in Tess Gerritsen's Rizzoli & Isles series dislikes beautiful women (partly because she isn't) and is all too eager to assign a negative characteristic to them, and she often expresses disgust and contempt for the men who have fallen in love with them, dismissing them all as shallow and foolish-but it's okay for her to instantly fall in love with a handsome man. She also has a chip on her shoulder about being the only female detective in the homicide department and is quick to interpret all criticism and praise, for that matter-as sexist. And in a scene where she visits a bar, she views nearly every man there as a potential rapist and every woman as an idiot willing to put herself in danger.
- J. Neil Schulman's The Rainbow Cadenza has a good case of Straw Feminists repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot. After the development of an over-the-counter drug that suppresses the production of X-chromosome sperm, Earth has a "war to end all wars" and 20 men to every woman. To deal with this, the new world government changes the draft, conscripting all women from 18-21 for state-sponsored prostitution. As compensation, at age 22 a woman's vote is worth 20 of a man's. As a result, Earth is a Lady Land... as long as they keep supporting the system of institutionalized rape. As you'd imagine, a lot of female political figures in this setting cannot really be considered sane. And men who partake of the system can't really be considered ethical, either.
- Marie Croswell's self-published novel Sex Brood has an ostensibly progressive, positive female protagonist, Gabriel. Gabriel is not only a PI of questionable ethics, but she is also frankly dismissive and callous towards other female characters, regarding them as little other than sex objects and victims incapable of making adult decisions about their own lives.
- Tales of the Pack: Blythe is a vocal feminist who never ceases to lecture others about it. Despite this, she is revealed as very controlling of the Pack and pretty abusive, in a way that feminists condemn. In the series however this is not used against feminism overall, as it's made clear this was a personal failing of Blythe's, and not the philosophy. The Pack members continue to uphold feminism, but not in a hypocritical way like her.
- In Greg Egan's 1999 novel Teranesia, the protagonist's aunt Amita has A Degree in Useless, has spent years campaigning against what she believes to be the intrinsic sexism of binary in computing, claims that all racial violence is actually directed against women, and can't defend herself against a child who says that she's undermining genuine civil rights movements.
- The character of Miss Western in the novel Tom Jones is a proto-feminist who believes women are men's equals. At first this seems to the modern reader to be a remarkably progressive expression on the part of the author, but reading further, it becomes clear that a contemporary reader would have found the idea to be very humorous and inherently ridiculous from the outset. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear that Miss Western is tyrannical and only feels this way because she doesn't have a man of her own.
- Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War has a literal "feminazi" example in the Azanian Democratic Republic, a high-tech fascist Lady Land that treats men as an undesirable minority, has outlawed pregnancy and motherhood and reproduces through cloning.
- In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Eustace tries to use his mother's feminist arguments to claim Lucy shouldn't get a cabin to herself on the Dawn Treader. However, it's clear that Eustace is motivated less out of any concern for gender equality and more out of affront that Lucy or anyone else should receive any privileges that he doesn't. (He also shows no awareness whatsoever of the reason why Lucy, the only girl amidst the ship's crew, might need a lockable room of her own.) He certainly doesn't object later when Lucy suggests girls need less water than boys.
- The Wheel of Time: The Red Ajah of the Aes Sedai consider it mandatory to hate men on principle (they focus on gentling male channelers, who all go mad and pose a threat otherwise). Even those who don't actively hate men frequently refer to them all as essentially dumb children who need to be led. In a Q&A, when someone asked Robert Jordan why these female characters are so obnoxious, he denied they were and said all women really act this way in private (based on observations of his family as a boy).
- The totalitarian Republic of Anglia in Who Needs Men? is "Feminazi" in the sense that it is a Lady Land ruled by people who are A Nazi by Any Other Name, only with the racism aimed against men.
Live-Action TV
- This was a recurring theme in the more old-fashioned and politically unaware comedy shows of The '70s. Both The Benny Hill Show and The Two Ronniesnote had mini "comedy-dramas" based on the theme of extremist feminists in jackboots taking Britain over and reversing the roles, where humourless feminists forced men into subordinate positions.
- 1000 Ways to Die featured the leader of a radical feminist cult who was both this and a Psycho Lesbian. She dies after mistaking a taser sent by her life partner for a vibrator.
- 30 Rock:
- Liz Lemon uses feminism to cover for her insecurity about being single. She refuses to celebrate Valentine's Day and tells Pete's daughter "I will buy some cookies, but not for Valentine’s Day. Instead, these cookies celebrate the February 14th birthday of Anna Howard Shaw, famed American suffragette. Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day to you, Evelyn. A happy Anna Howard Shaw Day to us all!"
- Also she complains about how men assume female sexuality is so flexible in season 1. Yet when Frank has his first man-crush, she tells him that males can't be straight and make an exception for one guy — that if you're male, you're either 100% straight or 100% gay (no exceptions) because male sexuality isn't as flexible as female sexuality.
- Ally McBeal: Played with this trope a fair bit — many of the cases the team handled were accusations of sexual discrimination of some kind, and had an opposing lawyer, plaintiff, or witness with a straw feminist argument to back it up. Ally (or, more frequently, her colleagues) would counter with a far more reasoned response along the lines of 'normal' feminist views, based on equal treatment for men and women alike. It's worth noting they didn't always win, mind...
- Angel: Had something of an inversion with a Straw Misogynist, a demon named Billy whose physical touch (or blood/sweat) could incite active women-hating feelings within men. This was utilized to have the women address their issues of feeling powerless around men and a couple of male characters had to work out the possibility they had such feelings towards women to start with. Angel ended up being immune to Billy's powers not because he was a vampire but because he has had 200+ years to work out such general issues towards women.
- Batman (1966): The episode "Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club" features the titular antagonist, in the supposed interest of women's rights, replacing all of the police and authority figures of Gotham City with women, who prove to be stereotypically incompetent, letting Nora and her underlings get away with various crimes, including attempting to destroy the city with explosive wind-up mice.
- Big Wolf on Campus: Parodied in the episode "The Pleasantville Strangler". Stacy attends a feminist rally in honor of "Abigal B. Abbernacky", who was the town's first feminist. Tommy attends the rally as well (mostly as an excuse to cozy up to Stacy). Midway through, Stacy is possessed by the ghost of the titular strangler and begins to wrestle Tommy to the ground, causing the rally leader to shout "Show the man who has the power!" and one of the girls to exclaim "I didn't know this was going to be an anti-men thing!" Before all of this goes down, the girls all seem to just be calling for equal pay.
- Blake's 7: The episode "Power" by Ben Steed has a society involved in a literal Battle of the Sexes between a misogynist male and misandrist female tribe, with Avon delivering An Aesop at the end over how war between the sexes will mean we eventually run out of people. Steed appears to have missed the point that Woman's Liberation involves a battle for equal rights and opportunities, not "hating men". In fairness, the feminist movement would have been a lot more radical in the early '80s when he wrote it.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Anya(nka) and Willow's mom. Anya has dedicated over a thousand years to punishing men. She starts realizing some men are good after falling in love with Xander. It takes her a long time to start feeling guilty. Willow's mom is a shrink built on theory who doesn't pay any attention to her kid, and once ranted about the patriarchal content of the Mr. Rogers show. When Willow came out to her as gay, she thought it was a political statement. Because creator Joss Whedon is alleged to be a feminist himself, these straw feminists are argued by some to be in a different context than others. The initial introduction of 'vengeance demons' implied that they were all, like Anya, devoted exclusively to punishing men for wronging women. Later episodes introduced more diversity while establishing that this approach was largely born from Anya's own personal issues.
- Charmed (1998):
- Penny Halliwell claims that men are "utensils" that can be disposed of when they're finished. This attitude probably comes from the fact that she was married four times (and engaged twice more) and she even states that something must have gone wrong when the Chosen Child is a boy. It was vaguely implied at the end of the episode that she was possibly under some kind of spell from a former lover who was now a Necromancer and was trying to manipulate her to become human again. She had always been a strong-willed feminist, but even her granddaughters thought her "she should have gotten a dog, they're more loyal and die sooner" line was uncharacteristically extreme, even for her. In the end, she said she had "been so blind", whether by her own bitterness or some type of magic is left up to the viewer.
- In "Battle of the Hexes", Billie all of a sudden cops this attitude. When she inadvertently puts on the Girdle of Hippolyta, this attitude gets turned Up to Eleven. The villain of the week wants to vanquish all male demons too (though she has a Pet Homosexual assistant). The Aesop of the episode is that men and women need to always work together.
- Community: Often parodied with Britta Perry, who has a tendency to deliver Straw Feminist pronouncements along with her general Granola Girl attitude. It usually involves her getting outraged at the flip of a coin, exposed as a bit of Hypocrite and generally ends up with her making herself look foolish. Interestingly, Britta got some praise as a character because she's a long list of the reasons Feminism exists in the first place: She defines herself almost entirely in how attractive she is to men, fights with other women over being attractive to men, and blames other women for problems in her life, especially those indirectly caused by men.
- Throughout Coppers End, Sergeant Pringle runs a Women's Lib campaign, which she intensifies in the final episode, "Caught Him, for a While...!".
- The Cosby Show: One episode played this out. Theo offers to plan a bachelor party for Denise's husband Martin. When he offers to get Martin a stripper, Martin tells him "no". Well, this apparently isn't good enough for Denise, who, egged on by her sister Sondra, starts screaming at Martin for not being offended and disgusted at the idea of having a stripper. The scenario degenerates into a "battle of the sexes", with the women denouncing everything the men say or do as sexist and patronizing, while the men actually make several valid points about the women overreacting and their blatant double standards. Sondra outright dismisses the Female Gaze as "different" from the Male Gaze while continuing to denounce female stripping as degrading, yet refuses to explain exactly why there's a difference.
- A Different World: Visits this topic several times. The most notable instance is when graduate student Shazza Zulu, in his debut appearance, publishes a book that calls men out for their misogyny, and nearly every woman at Hillman laps it up like it's water. This leads to the men and the women "boycotting" each other for the entire episode. The notable part comes in from the fact that it was introduced by a man.
- Doc Martin: The midwife who comes into town for one episode during Louisa's pregnancy. What placed her at odds with Dr. Ellingham (well, more than continuously insulting the Doc just for not being a woman) was her continuous dismissal of medical procedures and preference for "new age" stuff that did nothing for Louisa's health even when complications started to appear.
- Doctor Who:
- Some fans find the Drahvin from "Galaxy 4", a matriarchy where all but a small number of men are culled ("they have minimal function"), as being an attempt at invoking this through Does This Remind You of Anything? - women were beginning to find their way into producer roles in the BBC in the 1960s (including Doctor Who's first producer Verity Lambert), and many men viewed them as being terrifying, warlike man-haters, or alternatively beguilingly beautiful and stupid sex objects, both of which are traits the Drahvin display. The fact that Verity Lambert was about to step down as showrunner also adds a suggestion that this was intentional. On the bright side, the Drahvin don't display any sexism towards the Doctor or his male companion and in fact, don't seem entirely sure what men and women are, and the fact that they're aliens makes it a bit easier to accept.
- The Drahvins were originally male until Verity Lambert suggested making them all-female instead. This played on the audience's assumption that pretty ladies were the good guys when they were, in fact, common brutes. Maaga doesn't show much regard for her barely-functional female minions or make any attempts at addressing human sexual politics. Presumably, Gendercide wasn't a political statement so much as a display of how morally decrepit their society was.
- The unmade story "The Prison in Space" contained a race of feminists who had enacted a 500-year Matriarchy, stripping away men's rights, banning war, and viewing procreation as unimportant due to immortality. The Doctor and Jamie are imprisoned by 'Dolly Guards' and Zoe is brainwashed, betraying the Doctor in her newfound feminism. In the end, men rise up and have a revolution, while Jamie puts Zoe back in her place by spanking her. While the episode was never produced, the Big Finish audio version includes an adaptation of the story.
- There's a particularly dreadful example in the Doctor Who story "The Time Monster": Dr. Ruth Ingram spends most of her time complaining about men just for the sake of it, and being a hypocrite about it as well. It doesn't help matters a lot that even though the script is playing it as if her grievances aren't legitimate, a lot of her complaints are about things that are actually shown happening to her in the story - her boss says things like "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it" to her.
- The 1970s Sarah Jane Smith is a more sympathetic example. The fact that she's interested in women's-lib is mostly used to set up gags where she complains about being asked to do fairly reasonable things and the Doctor gives her a devastating one-liner putting her in her place, and in other scenes, she displays sexism against other women (such as a really weird 'women drivers' line in K9 And Company). She mellows out about it by the time the Third Doctor regenerates into the Fourth, apparently because Tom Baker felt misogynistic put-downs didn't fit his character - but unfortunately also loses a lot of her legitimately tough traits so Harry Sullivan can take over them instead, a situation which only reverses after Harry leaves. It also gets a bit of a Fix Fic in The Sarah Jane Adventures, where she's portrayed as a sympathetic legitimate feminist.
- The Emperor Scientist-wannabe villain in "Robot", Hilda Winters, is of note as she is portrayed as a literal "Feminazi". Other than this, she's a more nuanced example in that her feminism actually allows her to come off better than Sarah Jane in an Actually, That's My Assistant scene. And, despite her feminism, most of her followers are portrayed as obnoxious sexist men.
- Some fans find the Drahvin from "Galaxy 4", a matriarchy where all but a small number of men are culled ("they have minimal function"), as being an attempt at invoking this through Does This Remind You of Anything? - women were beginning to find their way into producer roles in the BBC in the 1960s (including Doctor Who's first producer Verity Lambert), and many men viewed them as being terrifying, warlike man-haters, or alternatively beguilingly beautiful and stupid sex objects, both of which are traits the Drahvin display. The fact that Verity Lambert was about to step down as showrunner also adds a suggestion that this was intentional. On the bright side, the Drahvin don't display any sexism towards the Doctor or his male companion and in fact, don't seem entirely sure what men and women are, and the fact that they're aliens makes it a bit easier to accept.
- ER: Dr. Anna DelAmico was inexplicably determined to interpret EVERY SINGLE THING a male co-worker said or did as sexist and patronizing and/or a come-on. When he called her by her first name rather than "Dr.", she ranted and raved at him for several minutes and all but accused him of hitting on her and/or trying to undermine her in front of her patients, and continued to do this even after he apologized and assured her that he meant nothing improper and often called the male doctors by their first names too. Later, when he offered her help with patients or advice on how to deal with them, she blasted him for being condescending. At no time did it ever occur to her that she was overreacting. What's worse, upon complaining to a coworker, the other woman also played this trope straight, automatically assuming that the man was in the wrong and that his supposed sexist treatment was because he had been unable to get her into bed-without ever hearing the man's side of the story.
- Feel Good: Parodied with Elliot, who considers himself a feminist but also has the nerve to lecture George about her desire to watch a sexy movie.
- Friends: Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel all read a highly metaphorical book that denounces men as wanting to steal their "wind" (power). Leads to a couple of instances of One Dialogue, Two Conversations as the rest of the gang has no clue what they are talking about.
- Glee:
- In-universe, Sue Sylvester sometimes makes it out like the only reason men don't like her is because she's a strong woman trying to succeed in a patriarchal culture, never mind that she's outrageously evil. And she doesn't mind delightfully shoving Will and taunting "Can't push a woman?"
- The episode "The Power Of Madonna" has Quinn (who ironically embodied the WORST stereotype of women in the first 13 episodes, what with her use of The Baby Trap) AND Finn (who says 'It's easy to be a dude' before the guys perform 'What It Feels Like For A Girl'. Um, no, Finn, not at all. But then again, Finn's not so bright...) by the end of the episode, with Dogged Nice Guy Artie as the Straw Misogynist.
- Hanna: Jules is quick to voice her complaints about how "heteronormative" the backstories she and all of the other Utrax girls are given. She also opposes religion because it was created by men. This is despite the fact that she is an assassin who was trained by and directly takes orders from men. Not to mention that she kills a woman whose significant other is also female. Although, given the nature of her upbringing, she was most likely conditioned to not notice or care about this contradiction.
- Herman's Head: Had Handsome Lech Jay getting gut-punched by a butch member of WAMP (Women Against Male Persons), a feminist organization so radical they neuter gingerbread men.
- House: One episode mocks this trope. The patient in question is the personal assistant of a woman whose mission in life is to "enforce" gender equality in workplaces. When House finds out what her employer does, he tells his team to apologize for him raping her ("You know, metaphorically, by having a penis."). She's seen in the cold open entering a board room full of men and snidely asking them why they didn't even "pretend to put a female on the board" and saying that there were plenty of secretaries and stenos downstairs. This is a pretty rough strawman even for US television, since she came off as more of a bitch than an egalitarian. After said patient was admitted for a couple of days at most, she was fired her employer hired someone else.
- JAG: Caitlin Pike has signs of this in the pilot movie, somewhat justified because she's inexperienced with serving onboard ships and the downright macho attitude displayed by male crew members.
- Just the Ten of Us: When Graham and Elizabeth go on a camping trip with Graham's coworkers and their spouses, one of the women on the trip repeatedly disrespects Elizabeth for being a stay at home mom instead of a career woman like all the other women there.
- Law & Order: During the early years, recurring defense attorney Shambala Green alternated between being this and Malcolm Xerox, depending on whether her client was female or a racial minority (the writers never gave her a client who was both, perhaps fearing they might achieve Straw Critical Mass.)
- Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Eames will often play this role while being the bad cop.
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit:
- There is nothing that Babs Duffy, the militant lesbian leader in the episode "P.C.", can't turn into an anti-gay, misogynist expression of patriarchal blah blah blah. And it even turns out she likes MEN!
- Kim Greylek, the ADA who succeeded Casey Novak, openly relishes using her power to put men on trial.
- Lost in Space: Had an episode with this. The Straw Feminist villainess (who always got her Faceless Goons to do everything for her) agreed to take Dr. Smith as her consort (after checking his teeth!) and spent most of the episode forcing the males to be her slaves and the females to accept her cultish female supremacy. The result was not so much offensive as unintentionally hilarious.
- Married... with Children: Marcy Rhoades (later D'Arcy) is a proud feminist. Her constant bickering with Al about women's rights eventually leads him to start his own pro-male club called NO MA'AM. Later after being Flanderized, she is shown to be a constant hypocrite regarding her beliefs, such as bad-mouthing porn as a male fantasy, only for the clerk to come up to her and tell her the videos she requested earlier had come in. Not to mention chastising Al for objectifying women while being married to Jefferson, who's an obvious Spear Counterpart Trophy Wife.
- In The Morning Show, Alex's personal assistant Isabella has this vibe, with some Gen Z stereotyping as well. When Alex leaves the show and disappears to Italy without telling anyone and stops answering all attempts to communicate with her in Season 2, Chip drops by Alex's penthouse on orders from Mia to get some answers, and finds Isabella. In addition to being barely capable of having an adult conversation with Chip — being first uncooperative, then disrespectful, then silently pouting — Isabella responds to his pressing her for info with...a bizarre and totally out-of-left-field lecture about the faults of "mediocre white men." Even if you happen to agree with her assessment of men and/or of Chip (and
), having her rant about it in an unrelated conversation this way — combined with the fact that she works for (and ardently defends) Alex, herself a white woman who doubles as one of the most toxic characters on the entire show — makes her supposed progressivism come off as childishly immature and hypocritical, which, in a bit of comic relief, Chip actually lampshades.
Chip: You're white. I'm— [realizes he's just wasting his time] Okay. Alright.
- Murder One: Subverted in episode ten. A woman who works at a women's health clinic is a potential juror called in the Avedon trial, who's counseled rape victims in the past. The defense is afraid she might be biased given their client is charged with the rape and murder of a woman he was sleeping with, thinking she's a feminist who will thus have some hostile views of him. Their jury consultant points out things she might feel which are in their favor though, showing they shouldn't assume this just on the basis of her (inferred) feminism.
- Murdoch Mysteries: The episode "Hades Has No Fury" is set at a sort of unofficial women's shelter. While it's established that the place has good reason to exist, the three members we see most of are Athena, who wants to shut herself and her fellows away from any contact with men whatsoever and abandoned her brother purely for being male before lying about her husband abusing her; Artemis, who wants to declare war on all men; and Demeter, who hopes that in vitro fertilisation and chromosome mapping will eventually eradicate men altogether.
- Mr. Selfridge: Lady Mae, who blackmails the titular character into supporting the more extreme suffragettes.
- Næturvaktin: Rare male example with Georg, who passionately insists he is a radical feminist despite having no idea what radical feminism is. He insists the progenitor of feminism was not Mary Wollstonecraft but Karl Marx and displays obvious misogyny towards women, which, when called upon, he argues is because "there are women, and there are hags". This is eventually revealed to be the result of his Dark and Troubled Past, being raised by a domineering radfem mother who psychologically and sexually abused him.
- Nightstand: This 1990s parody of daytime talk shows had the recurring Straw Feminist guest Dr. Sans-Peen. A man-hating lesbian, the one time she agreed with her male chauvinist counterpart was wanting to see a nubile female guest jump up and down some more.
- Only Fools and Horses: While generally not too obnoxious about it, Raquel does have a habit of ranting about how all men have it easy in life, and how only women ever truly suffer (though after watching her give birth, Del does kind of see where she's coming from on the second point).
- Portlandia: The proprietors of the "Women and Women First" bookstore take this Up to Eleven.
- Quantum Leap: One episode had Sam leap into a woman whose daughter was involved in the second wave. Most of the conflict came from the head of the feminist group, who gradually becomes more radical and violent as the episode progresses, outright rejecting Sam's attempts to get them to follow the examples of Gandhi and MLK. At the end of the episode, she leads a pointless protestnote and tries to shoot the sheriff, who gets saved by Sam. Afterward Al reports that the feminist gets out of jail in five years and becomes a well-respected women's rights advocate (apparently having mellowed out and considered Sam's words in the meantime).
- RoboCop: The Series: Two episodes feature a Corrupt Corporate Executive named Rochelle Carney, who outright said in her debut episode, "Inside Crime" that she considered everything a gender issue, even blaming her getting fired when she returns in "Sisters in Crime" on her being a woman and her boss, Aubrey Fox, being a louse who hit on her—and while Fox did indeed try to hook up with her, she refused to acknowledge real reason she got fired was because she was in league with the series' archenemy "Pudface" Morgan (who, among other things, tried to kill Robo repeatedly, took a retirement home's citizens hostage, led a siege on OCP headquarters, helped push a deinhibitor as a diet pill, kidnapped Jimmy Murphy, impersonated Sgt. Parks to capture the Chairman, and impersonated the Chairman in an attempt to ruin OCP and yet again try to kill Murphy) as part of a ratings stunt.
- Roseanne: The title character comes across this trope many times like, for example, from the episode "White Men Can't Kiss". In the episode, DJ refuses to kiss a girl in the school play just because she's black. Later in the episode, Roseanne is visited by the girl's dad at The Lunchbox and acts callous towards him. He assumes she's being racist towards him but admits that she's prejudiced towards all men equally. He then calls her out saying that her sexism isn't as different and her son's racism. In the episode "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home" it's revealed that her hatred of men comes from her being abused by her dad.
- Runaways (2017): Deconstructed. Gert is a teenager in the midst of the "I know everything" stage and it's clear that her ideas of feminism are shallow and immature, such as ogling Chase with X-ray goggles under the guise of "payback" for how women have been objectified, then a few episodes later covering herself with a lead apron to keep him from doing the same. But even as early as the first episode, she's called out by religious conservative Karolina for not respecting women who don't subscribe to her exact views, and over time the two form an unlikely bond.
- Saved by the Bell: Jessie Spano. Hilarious in Hindsight, when the actress later went on to star in Showgirls. One of the more common (and possibly unintentional) examples would be her chastising a guy (usually Slater) for calling women "foxes" or "chicks" by calling him a "pig." One episode plays with the trope where it involves a Beauty Contest. Jessie initially protests the pageant but when Mr. Belding allows boys to enter it as well, she drops the protest and enters herself (now viewing it as fair that both genders are involved). She still, however, appears in the swimsuit round with a trenchcoat hiding her bathing suit. She's also ultimately portrayed as quite a positive character, all things considered.
- Scream Queens (2015): A lesbian character called Sam (nicknamed Predatory Lez by Chanel) displays some of these tendencies. She protests against a male security guard being hired - claiming it's evidence of the "patriarchal bias".
- Sliders: Inverted once in the episode "The Weaker Sex", where women rule the world. Initially, it was described as positive — there were no wars, there were (supposedly) no class differences, except men were considered the inferior sex, suffering the same injustices faced by women of the forties and fifties like sexual harassment in their jobs (if they have any time off from house care), and not suitable for anything remarkable such as becoming a leading political or religious figure (even the Pope was female). Arturo becomes a somewhat unwilling figurehead for a men's rights movement in an election for becoming a Mayor.
- Stargate SG-1: Sam Carter had some shades of this during the first couple of episodes. The crowning moment of which came during the pilot (her infamous "reproductive organs" speech). Amanda Tapping actually complained to the writers that "women don't talk like that". The speech was later cut from the pilot's re-release as a DVD movie, and Carter proceeded to spend the rest of the show kicking ass and taking names without making a fuss over her gender. Lampshaded in an alternate timeline, showing Sam rehearsing a version of the same speech and cutting herself off with "That's awful. Who'd say something like that?"
- Star Trek: The Original Series: Dr. Janice Lester, appearing in the episode "Turnabout Intruder" starts off claiming to be frustrated that women can't be Starfleet captainsnote , but quickly reveals herself to be Ax-Crazy and hijacks the Enterprise in Kirk's body. Once she's in the captain's chair, she turns into a straight-up God Save Us from the Queen!. Then, Kirk speculates that the real reason behind her actions is her hatred of being a woman.
- Step by Step: Played with and ultimately averted with the character of Dana Foster. A Smart Blonde, Dana was proudly feminist and was not afraid to say so. This was portrayed both positively and negatively over the course of the series, with the writers making Dana by turns a You Go, Girl!, a Deadpan Snarker, a Magnificent Bitch, and (very occasionally) a Butt-Monkey. One episode had her signing herself and her sisters up for a self-defense class, and they all take to the training quite well. Another, though, has Dana absurdly claiming that women can do anything men can do — even if they lack the physical strength for it — and getting called out for this by her sisters. Overall, Dana was one of the more competent and likable characters on the show in spite of her flaws, and got some Character Development by lightening up in the later seasons and getting a boyfriend who was healthily macho — and, remarkably, all this without running afoul of the usual pitfalls.
- That '70s Show:
- Subverted where Donna Pinciotti is very passionate in her feminist beliefs, yet she remains a very likable character, although the 10th episode of season 7 has her protesting a calender to Red's new Muffler Shop, until Kitty calls her out on it and how hypocritical she's being, which shames her straight.
- Played straighter, and for laughs, with her mother Midge. She gets caught up in second-wave feminism and tries to prove to her husband that women are just as capable as men... but unfortunately, Midge is an idiot, so it doesn't really work. When a feminist group comes over to her house, they discuss how the title of "mailman" is sexist. Bob tries to point out the absurdity of it by asking why it's called "mail" in the first place, instead of "femail", and Midge agrees with him. She then tells another woman that "I saved you a seat on the ottoman. Oops! I mean the otto-woman."
- Played very straight with Donna's feminist friends, who are portrayed as violent and angry man-haters.
- True Blood: Averted. Local witch Holly is a feminist but never becomes overbearing about it. In fact, the only time she expresses her ideals is when helping other female characters with issues like rape and abortion, making her the rare positive depiction of an outspoken feminist.
- Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: This Tina Fey production pokes fun at feminists and isn't too brutal about it. The season three episode "Kimmy is a Feminist!" has Kimmy hanging out with a group of female college students who pepper their conversation with feminist buzzwords and rate their male peer on how "woke" they are, but who still mysteriously end up behaving exactly like any other teenage girls (e.g., wearing uncomfortable sexy outfits that are supposedly purely for their own benefit and absolutely not a bid for male attention). They are also Innocently Insensitive of unsexy issues like race and poverty, while being hyper-aware of all trendy gender-related ones. All that said, they are portrayed as well-meaning and just lacking in real-world experience.
- Veronica Mars: In season 3, Lilith House, a feminist organization on campus leads a lot of angry protests against a serial rapist on campus who shaves the heads of his victims. After a Halloween party at a frat house, one of its members is herself raped and shaved. They then launch an all-out attack against the fraternity house to get them banned from campus. Once Veronica proves that the fraternity house is innocent of the rape, they get very angry at her for stopping the fraternity house from getting banned. Oh, and the feminist who was raped? She faked the whole thing. They also rape Chip Diller, putting a plastic egg up his, as Dick puts it, "Where the sun don't shine place".
- Våre Beste År: Parodied with Inger, a violent communist revolutionary and extreme feminist who lives in a hippie commune and constantly hounds and belittles her hapless boyfriend. She uses her supposed "feminism" mostly as an excuse to be a terrible, egotistical person. Taken up to a whole new level when she enrolls in a "bully course" meant to teach timid women to learn to speak up for themselves.
- The West Wing:
- If she's not written well, C.J. Cregg can sometimes border on this trope. Fortunately, most of the time she's written very well. In the episode "The Women Of Qumar", C.J. reacts very poorly to the news of a US arms deal made to a Qurac-style country that has a poor record on women's rights. Whilst the point the episode was making was a valid one, it, unfortunately, chose to make it by having C.J. act in a very unprofessional, out-of-character, and borderline Straw Feminist fashion.
- Abby Bartlet also faces this risk at times, although like C.J., she is normally written well enough to avoid it.
- The episode "Night Five" features an intern with Straw Feminist tendencies who takes umbrage at a joke Sam makes towards Ainsley Hayes which sends him into a defensive frenzy all episode, and who eventually gets torn a new one by Ainsley herself by the end. Considering this was written not long after Sorkin's public spat with the moderators and commentators on the Television Without Pity boards, in which the possibility of sexism in his writing had been the topic of intense discussion, many have taken the existence of this character as a device to be torn down solely to show that his writing was not sexist.
- The Wilds:
- Dot starts out with shades of this but loosens up as she grows closer to Fatin and the others.
- Gretchen too, who appears not to see anything wrong with putting nine girls through hell to prove a female-centric society is better.
- Y: The Last Man (2021): The Daughters of the Amazons, as in the comic, are quite uniformly hostile to men, going beyond condemning domestic abuse by rejecting them entirely with the entire gender condemned. Sam, a trans man, has a hostile reception and though let into their compound remains shunned. They are however given a somewhat more sympathetic justification, as many members suffered domestic abuse, with their leader being a police detective who often saw such cases in her career. It's no coincidence they take inspiration from the story of the Amazons, female warriors in Greek legend (loosely based on real Scythians) who by some stories cut off one breast to draw their bows better (as their leader has, due to cancer).
- Young Sheldon: "A Boyfriend's Ex-Wife and a Good Luck Head Rub" gives us Sam, one of Sheldon's college classmates who, along with a boy named Keith, is assigned by Dr. Sturgis to work on a group project with Sheldon. Admittedly a downplayed example as her attitude seems more to do with frustration over being one of the only girls in Dr. Sturgis' class. Still, she thinks Keith and Sheldon are being sexist towards her (and to be fair, Keith sort of was) and she says that Mary baking cookies for the group and doing Keith's laundry is doing a disservice to womankind and raising Sheldon to view women as "note-takers and mommies". Mary tells her (in a way that sounds like she's trying to convince herself more than Sam) that she's happy waiting on Sheldon and that Sheldon isn't sexist. He looks down on everyone equally.
- Played for laughs in Red vs. Blue. When Donut is possessed by O'Malley, he mouths off about how bad patriarchal society is.
- Nellie McKay's song "Mother of Pearl" mocks the attitude behind this trope via Unreliable Narrator: the opening line is "Feminists don't have a sense of humor" and it continues on from there.
- Rucka Rucka Ali's parody song of "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry, "Fat Violent Dykes".
Myths and Religion
- The original Amazons from Classical Mythology may be the Ur Examples. They were a tribe of all-female warriors who, Depending on the Writer, either killed their sons, enslaved them, or killed some and enslaved the others. The Amazons managed to keep their tribe going by having sex with neighboring men (in versions where they killed all the boys), or their male slaves (in versions where they enslaved them). Archaeological evidence suggests that the Scythians, whom the Amazons were based on, were in fact far more egalitarian than the Greeks.
- Lilith from various Judeo-Christian traditions (but not The Bible) was essentially a Psycho Prototype of Eve. She refused to be subservient to Adam, got booted out of the Garden of Eden, then became the demonic Mother of a Thousand Young. See what feminism does to you?
Professional Wrestling
- In 1980, Ole Anderson booked a wrestling Battle of the Sexes (inspired by the tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs) between the teams of Steve O/Jerry Roberts (a.k.a Jacques Rougeau Jr.) and Joyce Grable/Judy Martin. Grable recalled that, in the buildup to the match, "I would say 'Every time you men walk into a courtroom, we women take everything you make, everything you work your life for'. All the men just hated me. I loved it." The match itself, however, was not a case of this trope, as even though the men ended up winning, the match was a close-fought affair with many false finishes. Outside of Kayfabe, Grable and Martin earned the respect of the men, setting up a rematch that was regarded as even better than the first due to the newly developed trust they had for each other.
- Katey Harvey will occasionally play this up to get heat whenever she's working heel. For a while in Pro Wrestling Ulster, she dubbed herself "The Feminist Icon".
- Royal Canadian Air Farce did a bit called "Man Bash", a mock Game Show featuring a Straw Feminist host who made the male contestant's life hell, while overly praising and helping the female contestant.
Tabletop Games
- The third-party D&D 3e book The Slayer's Guide to Amazons has amazons who view men as only good for siring daughters (and for sacrificing to their goddess after the fact), bash in the skulls of any unlucky sons, have estrus cycles like bitches, and are classified as Neutral Evil.
- In core Dungeons & Dragons, the Drow, dark-skinned elves that live underground, are ruled by a matriarchy. They keep slaves of other races, and men of their own race are virtual slaves unless they manage to become powerful mages or swordsmen (the only two positions in drow society they're allowed to take, aside from basic laborers and craftsmen). A male drow who harms a particularly skilled slave is likely to be put to death under the idea that a drow matriarch can always find another male easily, but a good slave is hard to come by.
- Transhuman Space features "Margaret", an all-female space station that edges this trope, especially with some of its members experimenting with genetic engineering to make males unnecessary for reproduction. It's pointed out in the books that in a solar system where people can and do change sex temporarily for fairly trivial reasons, and the big civil rights debates involve artificial intelligence and biological androids, the Margaretians are still fighting the last century's battles. They aren't depicted as wildly stupid, just stubbornly out of date. They are respected for their women's self-defense classes, which produce some of the most formidable human martial artists in the solar system.
- In Werewolf: The Apocalypse, the all-female Black Furies fit this trope to some extent. While some are into the spirituality of womanhood and/or seek gender equality and reproductive freedom, others are on a sacred quest to castrate every male they come across. But even the more well-rounded Furies have the Tribal Weakness of an easier time frenzying against men due to pent-up frustration against them. They eventually became more well-rounded with later editions, going from man-hating Amazons to a mystical cult of warrior women that worshiped Gaia in her guise of Artemis and provided the Garou Nation with necessary prophecy.
In Apocalypse, the guidebook that dealt with the end of the world for W:tA, there's a chapter that discusses the possibility that the Apocalypse may begin when another entire tribe of the Garou falls to the Wyrm. The suggested scenario for the corruption and fall of the Black Furies involves all of them changing into the most stereotypical possible version of the tribe, out to cull the human race by murdering most of the men.
- A more concrete example comes with the New World of Darkness game Vampire: The Requiem. The Circle of the Crone is a covenant that is rather feminist in its leanings, but not to the point of straw — except for one faction within the covenant, the Daughters of the Goddess, who claim that their ritual in which they sacrifice a male vampire, ritualistically called the Oak King, is evidence for their valuing (and not hating) men. This is the only ritual where male vampires are allowed any sort of prominence, and they may only be the Oak King. Needless to say, the other covenants, and indeed most other factions within the Circle, ain't buyin' it.
- Gilbert and Sullivan's Princess Ida (adapted from a poem by Tennyson), the Girl Graduates of the women's college at Castle Adamant learn that "Man is Nature's sole mistake." That's right, folks, women's education Played for Laughs. When the younger students actually encounter a Man, they find him quite attractive, and Ida is resigned to her Arranged Marriage when she realizes that if women never marry, there won't be any children.
- A lot of people think that The Vagina Monologues are this trope. Actually invoked at one point, where a character admitted that she felt like she was "betraying" women by needing a man's attention to find herself beautiful.
- Lashings of Ginger Beer
parody the stereotype of lesbian separatist straw feminists in their song "Vagina Dentata".
- Enid in the musical adaptation of Legally Blonde is more toned down in this regard than her film counterpart, but still qualifies, most notably in Callahan's Villain Song, wherein she jokingly claims that murder and animal abuse are behaviors of a "typical man". Interestingly, the musical seems to focus less on her radical feminism and more on the fact that she's a lesbian.
- Wacky Packages: One of the early ones was a parody of Chef Boyardee spaghetti called "Chef Girl-ar-dee Feminist Spaghetti"
that featured an angry female chef and a stamp reading "Approved by Women's Lib" on the label. It may not have been intended as this trope but given that it was the 1970s and the chef is depicted as an aggressive, unattractive woman, it could have very well been poking fun at the then-current second wave of feminism.
Video Games
- Grand Theft Auto:
- One radio interviewee in Vice City had just spent a year "undercover" as a man and written a book on her findings. Moreover, the interviewee mentions learning various things about men over the process of being disguised as one, including how men find sports interesting, like looking at pictures of naked women, wear hats, and smoke cigarettes. She's pretentious to boot, lambasting "half-hearted bra burners" in her interview. In a case of Life Imitates Art, a woman did go undercover as a man
in real life.
- In Grand Theft Auto V, Franklin's aunt Denise and her friends are always seen babbling about new-age femininity as a Running Gag.
- One radio interviewee in Vice City had just spent a year "undercover" as a man and written a book on her findings. Moreover, the interviewee mentions learning various things about men over the process of being disguised as one, including how men find sports interesting, like looking at pictures of naked women, wear hats, and smoke cigarettes. She's pretentious to boot, lambasting "half-hearted bra burners" in her interview. In a case of Life Imitates Art, a woman did go undercover as a man
- Kjelle, Sully's daughter from Fire Emblem: Awakening, is definitely this. While Sully strives to be as strong as any of her male peers, she almost never takes her fellow male companions' kindness as some form of patronization, nor is she so hell-bent on seeking a man stronger than her. Kjelle possesses both of these traits.
- One radio transmission in The Conduit has a feminist blaming the countless civilian deaths and mass destruction on an oppressive, male-run government instead of the invading aliens, who she insists "come in peace".
- In Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley, the boss of the Silver Age "Improbable Paper Pals" stage is feminist super-villain Mistress Ropes, who is sick of being talked down to all the time. Smiley tries to be sympathetic at first, but eventually gets fed up with her over-sensitivity to sexist (or even remotely sexist) remarks and decides to beat the crap out of her.
- Tachyon: The Fringe has Lakita Ramos, a wingman from the GalSpan plotline that you can hire after defeating her in a competition. She treats you like an idiot in dialog because the Player Character is male. The flavor text attempts to justify it by saying she got tired of being hit on in spacer bars.
- In Exit Fate, one recruitable party member is Petra, a fiery redhead in plate mail wielding a massive battleaxe (named, appropriately enough, "Independence") in the battle for women's freedom everywhere. To recruit her, you have to approach her with a male-only party, which causes her to protest about you "trying to oppress [her] with your masculine hegemony" and promptly joining your army to show you the true strength of women. If you have Meiko (a female war correspondent) interview her, Petra will interpret Meiko's attempt to maintain a neutral viewpoint as evidence of her being a gender traitor.
- Parodied in Feminazi: The Triggering, an indie game
where the player plays a Social Justice Warrior. The object of the game is apparently to spread tolerance amongst African Americans and accuse white men of rape. One of the mini-games even involves wiping out baby boys.
- Red Dead Redemption 2: The Saint Denis's Suffragette, who blames men for all the world's ills in her speech:
Once women get the vote, the whole country will stop making such a pig's ear of everything! There'll be no more wars, no hunger, no stupidity! We'll elect a woman president, within the first ten years, of course, men are such judgemental prigs, you need us women to help straighten you out! Okay? With us helping, I'm not saying there won't be trouble, I just think we'll do a better job of things.
- BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm: Lady Anita, an over-the-top parody of Anita Sarkeesian from Feminist Frequency, is an insane cult leader who plans to takeover Tumblr with an army of Social Justice Warriors and establish a male-hating feminist dictatorship.
- In Disco Elysium, the Defective Detective protagonist can opt into an "inexplicable feminist agenda", becoming insufferable to men and women alike. It's a reflection of the protagonist's own unresolved mental issues, rather than a slight against feminism: he can only adopt a crude, aggressive version of feminism because he's using it to compensate for an incredibly unhealthy obsession with his ex-fiancee. It's also possible to both a Fascist as well as a feminist, meaning you'll espouse both how much you hate women while also proclaiming their rights.
- Dr. Strangelove in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is a Butch Lesbian who Does Not Like Men (with the exception of her son), arguing that Women Are Wiser and more empathetic, making them better leaders.
- The Reaper Nurses of Dark Deception are born from the souls of women who harbor a deep-seated hatred for men and become bound to the demon Malak, running a sadistic "hospital" that lures in the souls of men who hate and disrespect women to torment them for all eternity. However, as noted by E, they've become no better than the mysoginists they hate so much and indiscriminately target and hate all men except their male master who they unwaiveringly obey, while indiscriminately accepting all women except those who draw the ire of their master like Bierce did.
E: "I could feel in each of them the soul of a woman with a deep & scarring hatred of men. They were all born from that hatred. The Hospital lures the souls of men that hate & disrespect women and offers them an eternity of torment by women that hate and & disrespect men. How appropriate. They truly deserve each other."
Web Animation
- The Bedfellows web short "Train" has Sheen get into an argument with a stereotypical man-hating feminist who chews him out for sitting down with his legs apart and abruptly accuses him of being a rape apologist. Sheen ends up falling in love with her for being as much of a raging jerk unwilling to accept accountability for their actions as he is, which the feminist takes poorly.
- Bravest Warriors: The season four episode "The Crowd I'm Seeing" has Beth Tezuka hang out with a gang of elderly women known as the Upta Gals, who harass men unprovoked and commit petty acts of vandalism under the excuse that their actions are to stick it to misogynists. Beth makes a half-hearted attempt to point out that the way they're acting isn't any better than when men are being misogynists, but she quickly gives up and joins them in their shenanigans.
- Dayum: A woman in “Comments Portrayed by Minecraft” named WhiteKnight420 kills Dayum just for making fun of women.
- Flash-Gitz Animation parodied this without mercy in Jessica the Feminazi
, who demands that she have a job handed to her on a silver platter on the basis of being a strong, independent woman, accuses the male employer of being misogynist for asking about her qualifications as well as straight-up telling her that she has no skills that warrant hiring her, leads a movement to literally shatter every glass ceiling, blames the marine life killed by her actions on "the patriarchy", spends the beginning of the short repeatedly kicking a man's crotch and kills several more men during her riot at the end of the short.
- FreedomToons: The stereotypical feminist who uses fighting for gender equality as an excuse to deflect accountability for being a misandrist jerk is a recurring character, often appearing in videos on gender-related topics.
- In the various GoAnimate "Grounded" videos involving Caillou, the title character's little sister, Rosie, is infrequently portrayed as this, spouting the stereotypical phrases used in their portrayals and attempting to do harm to Caillou or their father, Boris.
- The third season of Gotham Girls had Caroline Greenway, who didn't appear to be concerned about the male population of Gotham City disappearing and made a lot of remarks that had strongly misandrist implications.
- MoniRobo: Ms. Yabami
and her group force the men to work themselves ragged while the female employees slack off, using women's rights as an excuse. Furthermore, she is willing to bully other female employees if they dare to work hard like the men, like Ms. Tanaka. Turns out Yabami and her posse got where they are because she blackmailed Executive Yakamashi after getting him drunk and sleeping with him.
- The Most Epic Story Ever Told in All of Human History: The trope gets explicitly defied. Ridiculously Epic intends to invoke this on Epically Avoids You by painting her idea that women should be allowed to vote as something absurd, but then she shoots down his accusation with sound logic for her arguments.
- Parodied in Hark! A Vagrant here
, with a group of characters literally called "The Straw Feminists", who come out of children's closets like monsters and burn bras at them.
- Jade from PvP once qualified as a Straw Feminist. This was most notable when she left PvP to start up her own women's gaming magazine, where she even drove her fellow female writers insane.
- El Goonish Shive: Susan starts out this way. At first it seems like she simply believes men are inherently evil, but, then we find out that as a child she walked in on her father cheating on her mother with a blonde girl. She started dyeing her blonde hair dark blue and wished to be a lesbian just so she never has to be in a relationship with a man. Time sees her grown in a more mature activist and a more balanced person overall, but don't make sexist remarks around her. Susan also acknowledges that the real reason she believed that all men were bad may have been because it provided an excuse for her father's actions in a "daddy couldn't help it because men are just like that" way. In The Rant on Susan's first appearance
(written long after the event) Dan explains that when he created her he was frustrated about gender roles, but encountered more women complaining about sexist behaviour than he did sexist behaviour. Once he realised how much sexist behaviour women did need to deal with, she evolved quickly.
- The Wotch has D.O.L.L.Y.
a militant feminist terrorist organization led by Ms. Natasha Dahlet who want to eradicate men from the world. Not by killing them, but by turning them female via Magitek. They try to recruit Anne who is well known for using her magic for gender bending. While a physical personification of Anne's anger does join them, Anne herself turns the tables on them by turning many of the members of D.O.L.L.Y. male. Notably, most the members of the group are actually brainwashed, only really Natasha and her Dragon (of sorts) Cory are really committed to the "cause". The author actually precedes the arc with a strip where she appears and explains that there really isn't supposed to be any political message or anything.
- The Japanese Beetle has the New Order of Women, a fusion of the real NOW and the NWO — the members were all combinations of feminists and wrestlers, like "Hollywood" Dworkin. In their initial appearance, they attempt to put Die-Agra, a "male potence cure", in the city's water supply. At one point, they're beating on the Beetle (whose pained cries make it sound like they're raping him), as the two leaders look on and nod approvingly.
- Space Moose brutally parodies some of the University of Alberta's organizations with this trope. He then faced down expulsion, fines, and boundless criticism for his "Take Back the Night" Space Moose strips.
- Violet Oaks, the titular character of Coming Up Violet, has a run-in with this trope when she inadvertently causes a social trend of girls randomly giving boys wedgies after giving one to resident pretty boy. This inevitably leads to them discovering the true meaning of feminism
- Torio has the overwhelmingly straw M'Kystral
, who's a feminist, a vegan, an atheist, and a political activist. She really only mellows a bit when compared to her friends in said communities.
- Suzette in Precocious, who more often than not proves to be an easily agitated womyn who always seems to have a speech ready. Particularly noticeable in the earlier strips.
- Talia/Jen
in Geebas On Parade and Jen in The Devil's Panties.
- Averted in Leftover Soup: When asked by an employee why she would use the breasts of another employee in an advertisement for her computer repair shop, Lily Hammerschmidt announces that she is, in fact, not a feminist but a misandrist, and therefore has no scruples about sexually exploiting women in order to get men to give her their money. The male protagonist tries to get along with her, in a way that would work with even the most extremist feminists, but he does not succeed, as Lily doesn't believe in the humanity of men and is only confused when he tells her he read her porny sci-fi series for the sci-fi. All of it. Without masturbating. She is an interesting case in that she has the same low opinion on men's self-control that misogynists usually have, (she doesn't want to be alone in a room with a man - sounds familiar, doesn't it?) but has a different solution to the problem: In her sci-fi series, there are no men, as the artificial reproduction that is necessary due to some infertilizing disease only works with female fetuses.
- White Dark Life has Rebecca. A loudmouthed self-proclaimed "friend" of the Head Maid who tends to range from violent, to just annoying. However, she's really a Deconstruction, as her violent and toxic behavior leads others to assume the other feminists are just like her. Even worse, she actively tries to enforce her brand of feminism as the "right" feminism. Strangely, she gets along with the local Straw Misogynist.
- Sandra and Woo, in its ongoing war against political correctness, introduces a feminazi teacher who is much more focused on making boys suffer than actually helping women. Her actions include giving massive homework to the boys and none to the girls, giving the girls higher marks than the boys for the same test answers (on a multiple-choice test), and forcibly closing all men's bathrooms in the school under the justification that the boys would be exposing their privates inches away from the girls (which is technically true if you don't care about things like walls and doors being in the way). Oddly, most of her support staff is male, although in complete agreement with her. In her last appearance, she is about to write a blog post about how gender equality can only be achieved by castrating all boys and drilling a hole into them before she mysteriously disappears courtesy of Cloud's Action Mom.
- Minor character James from Ménage à 3 is a straw male feminist (and prone to Flanderization in this). One of his first actions since appearing was to criticize Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball, calling it sexist and degrading to women for having breast physics and revealing swimsuits, celebrating DOAX3's No Export for You status, and asking a woman who is a very big fan of the games "What woman in their right mind would play such garbage?". Later he is shown refusing an offer of a blowjob, claiming that he can't allow himself to subject a woman to "such an obscene act", but he has no problem eating a woman out (and is apparently quite skilled at it).
- Moon Over June is a pornographic webcomic about two lesbian roommates. Summer, the elder of the two, hardly goes a strip without reminding the reader just how very feminist she is, mostly by her utter scorn for anything with a Y-chromosome. For a while, she wouldn't even use a penis-shaped sex toy because it reminded her too much of a man. She got over this by rationalizing that it's the perfect expression of female sexuality to completely separate the phallus - the only worthwhile part - from the man it's attached to.
- Clara from Living with Hipstergirl and Gamergirl exists mainly to be exaggeratedly and hypocritically wrong about everything social justice-related. She's contrasted with Sophie, who's also highly vocal about the fact that the world is full of hardship and injustice but who tends to direct the blame at actually deserving parties (e.g., government, big business, and of course men who are actually being douchebags to women) instead of making blanket condemnations of all men.
- Sly Cooper: Thief of Virtue:
- Ice is implied to be this in a long conversation where she lambasted Ned after he began questioning Carmelita on Torus' claims regarding her past with Sly.
Ice: Well, being a woman helps...
- Played straight with a nameless female mouse whom is meant to be emasculating towards men. In the chapter "Wrath of the wolf king", during one of the flashbacks, a young Drake Lupus opens the door for the female mouse only for her to yell at his father for it.
Nameless mouse: I'm not helpless! It's nearly the twenty-first century! Shame on you for teaching your son to be a sexist pig! I don't need a man getting in my way! I'm fully capable of opening a door!
- Ice is implied to be this in a long conversation where she lambasted Ned after he began questioning Carmelita on Torus' claims regarding her past with Sly.
- Diversity Lane: Devon frequently rants about traditional gender roles and may have ties to terrorist organizations.
Web Originals
- Hippolyta in the Whateley Universe is defined by this trope, to the point of calling Hank a 'traitor' for transforming into a male.
- Played for laughs with Germaine from the Foamy Cartoons
. Course, she's not as extreme as others on this page, but that's most likely because it's being played for laughs.
- The Nostalgia Chick plays it for laughs in Kickassia when she became Nostalgia Palin. She blames the fact that everyone thinks she's a complete idiot now on the prejudice women face in politics. note Plot-wise, it also had to do with the fact that she was trying to establish herself as a Magnificent Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, but Santa Christ proved to be the Spanner in the Works for that one.
- Ultra Fast Pony uses this as a throwaway joke. Applejack, one of the heads of The Irish Mob, is surprisingly afraid of Bon Bon. The only explanation for this is that Bon Bon is "one of those feminists." The line is immediately followed by a subtitle "And there go all my feminist viewers..."
- Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is quite literally a feminazi. She's constantly grubbing for attention by drudging up old memes and her crusade against misogyny (real or otherwise) has made her as bad as the very thing she's trying to fight. The irony being Alucard is just about the most egalitarian person on the planet, if only because he Hates Everyone Equally. He also responds to one of her rants by pointing out that he's a woman half the time and his boss is also a woman.
- Parodied in The Onion's article: "I Don't Support Feminism If It Means Murdering All Men
." Considering how it's written, it might just be a real article.
- Hipster Feminist: Subverted in that Rhoda is intended to look ridiculous for being a terrible feminist and is not supposed to be a representative one. She is an intentional mockery of people who don't understand feminism, use its rhetoric to justify their own abuses, or who use it as a vehicle for their own self-aggrandizement rather than actually attempting to further the cause of gender equality.
- Episode 7 of the fictional mess-as-penalty television series, Comeuppance, features a power-mad fun-hating straw feminist student union officer as one of the contestants, who argues that having 50.3% of cis-males in Larchester University's student body proves how 'privileged' they are, and bans males from taking the officer role. The update also features another straw feminist who argues the director is a pig for gunging women only, calls him 'a misogynist and a perv', and promptly takes off her shirt to show she wears no bra to protest. Naturally, she's shown as a joke.
- Abigail Cockbane from ContraPoints is an odd example. The video series supports feminism in general, but Abigail is specifically a caricature of certain self-proclaimed radical feminists who disparage trans women as false appropriators of womanhood. Hence Abigail's memorable lines like "Dost thou bleed?" and "That's not a pussy, it's a fuckhole! You'll never know what it's like to squeeze life out of your sacred passage!" Understandably, AS A TRANS WOMAN, the series's creator Natalie Wynn isn't too fond of those sorts.
- Flame Warriors: Issues was depicted as this - an angry woman in military gear with grenades. The entry was also written in feminine prose as well. However, Issues doesn't necessarily have to be a feminist.
- Boss Fight
by Liana K has the character Zarkazaan - a radical feminist who frequently blames "the patriarchy" for her problems, brands any criticism of her extremist views as 'harassment', and declares all video games as "pernicious male power fantasies". While she appears to be a caricature of Anita Sarkessian, Word of God is that she's a Loony Fan who quotes Anita without context or understanding what she's saying. Showing that actual feminists aren't above having fun with this trope, Liana herself identifies as a radical feminist.
Western Animation
- American Dad!: Hayley Smith, while a genuinely passionate feminist, occasionally leans into this trope.
- "Stan Knows Best": Hayley originally believed that women at a strip club were being exploited. However, when the (female) club owner argued that it was the male customers who were exploited, Hayley seemed to have no problem with that and ended up working as a stripper herself. This is somewhat Played for Laughs, and it's implied that most of the other strippers aren't really emotionally stable. Also counts as showing their work, as this sums up the contrasting positions of sex-negative and sex-positive feminists, respectively. Certainly, none of the strippers were being oppressed by their employer, and several were intelligent young women just paying their way through college and similar.
- "Pulling Double Booty": Hayley’s longtime on-and-off boyfriend (and later husband) Jeff Fischer had always been puppieishly devoted to her, but for a long time she found his behavior annoying/suffocating and treated him rather shabbily. While it’s dryly remarked that she breaks up with Jeff every other week, when he has the perceived gall to break up with her, she goes on such a violent rampage that people flee in terror, and it takes nearly 20 tranquilizers to subdue her. This apparently is a longtime trait of Hayley’s, since losing the interest of a childhood classmate caused her to tear the classroom apart and even kill the pet hamster.
- Batman: The Animated Series: Poison Ivy is sometimes portrayed this way. In one famous episode, she goes on a crime spree with Harley Quinn and claims it's all about female empowerment. The episode ends with her being arrested by Detective Montoya and another female cop. For added irony, this is just after Ivy taunts that "No man alive can capture us!"
- Beavis and Butt-Head: In "Womyn", the dimwitted duo gets maced and beaten by some of these after they misinterpret (as only they can) a speech at a feminism rally as a come-on line.
- Bojack Horseman: Deconstructed by Diane, who's occasionally referred to by other characters as "Asian Daria". She is a Nice Girl for the most part and manages to be a vocal feminist without actively hating men, but she has a tendency to antagonize people who have been nothing but accommodating to her simply because their beliefs or actions conflict with her own worldview. She actively tries to be less cynical as the series progresses, but she simply can't stop herself from going on occasional passive-aggressive tirades about the "patriarchy" and similar subjects in casual conversations, which often leads to awkward pauses. In addition, her attempts to "empower" women often involve infantilizing and removing agency from them by blaming men for their bad decisions, such as accusing her own husband of "objectifying" his stripper taxi drivers or blaming BoJack for Sarah-Lynn's bender and Penny's attempt to sleep with him, in spite of the fact that Sarah-Lynn was always planning to fall Off the Wagon and Penny was legal in the state they were in (and most of the country).
- Chilly Beach: Despite being the source of the opening quote for this page, April June is mostly a parody of this portrayal of feminism.
- Codename: Kids Next Door:
- Numbuh 86/Fanny came off like this in her first few appearances, where she would blame any problems on the boys and refused to share credit with them. Later episodes revised her characterization to be less sexist and more just generally unfriendly.
- Madam Margaret is an extreme version of this trope. She's the ruler of a dystopian future where girls hunt boys and turn them into girls with 'girlifying ray guns', and gets the ball rolling by sending her past self said ray guns. Her stated goal is to create a world without boys and practically accomplished that before an old Numbuh 4 (aided by Numbuh 3's granddaughter Sally, ironically) used her time machine to hit the Reset Button and undo her schemes. The creepy part is that she's a kid in the present. Her entire motivation for wanting guys gone is that she doesn't get along with her brothers.
- Courage the Cowardly Dog: Kitty is heavily implied to be one of these in "The Mask", with the main difference between her and a normal example of this trope being the fact that she hates dogs (which are often stereotyped as being masculine while cats are often stereotyped as being feminine) rather than hating actual men. Luckily, however, Courage reuniting her with Bunny at the end of "The Mask" causes her to finally realize the error of her ways and remove her incredibly creepy-looking costume.
- Danny Phantom: The episode "Girls' Night Out" has resident ghost baddies Kitty, Ember, and Spectra plot to make every male disappear permanently due to having troubles with their boyfriends Johnny 13, Skulker, and Bertrand. Spectra goes as far as to make "wo-manicotti" on a cooking show.
- Daria: Ms. Janet Barch. It's apparently got something to do with a previous husband; she often goes on rants about wasting "twenty-two thankless years" with him, and at times will start screaming at other men as if they were actually him. She eventually mellows out a bit... at least with Mr. O'Neill. The example can count as a deconstruction of the trope since Word of God says that Barch served as a way of showing how ridiculously unrealistic the straw feminist character really is when compared to the more moderate feminist Helen and Daria.
- Family Guy:
- In an episode where Peter is forced into sensitivity training, he was so trained that he himself did a feminism equivalent of the Heel–Face Turn and became an extremely fluffy combination of this and a cookie-baking, bridge-playing young biddy that blames all the ills on men. He ends up falling in with one-shot Straw Feminist character Gloria Ironbox, who implies that Lois' choice to be a wife and stay-at-home mother is the reason Peter doesn't respect women and that her children are screwed. And what does Lois do? After shutting down her arguments, she beats the shit out of her. The catfight manages to return Peter to normal.
- Peter once accuses Lois of being a feminist and calls it adorable.
- Father of the Pride: Averted with Lily from the unaired episode "The Siegfried and Roy Fantasy Experience Movie", who simply wants to teach women to be independent, gets along well with Kate's husband Larry when she meets him and is deeply disturbed by Foo Lin's misandrist statements. The unfinished episode available in storyboard form on the DVD also has her attempt to help Kate's father Sarmoti grow out of his dated sexist ways.
- Futurama: The Greeñorita Eco-Feminist Collective especially Frida Waterfall.
- Invincible (2021): The Laughably Evil Mad Scientist Doc Seismic was a rare male example. In his first appearance, he's attempting to destroy Mount Rushmore while shouting about the past presidents being racist and other progressivist talking points before accusing Atom Eve of being forced to "pander to gender roles" through her pink costume. Shortly before the fight, GDA Director Cecil theorizes he has brain damage due to lacking the Required Secondary Powers to use his earthquake bracelets without giving himself a concussion.
Eve: I designed my own costume, and I thought your doctorate was in seismology?
Doc Seismic: Undergrad in Sociology and Women's Studies, I had a minor in African Dance, BUT ENOUGH POLITICS! - Justice League: Aresia from "Fury" is a rogue Amazon developing a plague that will wipe out every creature on Earth with a Y chromosome. It's eventually revealed that she's actually a regular human girl raised by the Amazons after being driven from her homeland by a military coup, which sparked her intense hatred of men. Ironically, much to her shock, it was actually a man who rescued her and brought her to Themyscria, which was concealed from her by her fellow Amazons (who "didn't consider it important"), although her hatred of men ultimately proves too ingrained for her to change her ways. The incident ultimately taught her fellow Amazons (who, including Wonder Woman, had displayed tendencies towards Straw Feminism themselves up to this point) to not too soundly preach the inferiorities of men and their own superiority since, as Hawkgirl notes at one point, the villain was just taking their pre-existing isolationist and supremacist tendencies to their logical extreme. This trope is lampshaded when Wonder Woman wonders if men are that necessary and Hawkgirl tells her "Don't knock it 'till you've tried it, Princess!".
- King of the Hill:
- An odd example with "The Powder Puff Boys". The antagonist is a PTA leader who proudly announces that she gave up a high-paying job to spend time with her kids. In spite of this, she's shown to care far more about PTA meetings than her family. Naturally, she denounces powder puff football as sexist and attempts to get the school's game shut down. Peggy even catches on to this (this being the same woman who did not realize that Redcorn and Nancy were having an affair until someone told her), openly stating in a meeting that she realizes she is only doing this because the woman misses her high-paying job.
- Another episode has a feminist group loving Peggy's poem about a turtle. They think it's a metaphor for women's struggles and keep cheering her on and at the same time make Hank (who's there to support Peggy) feel very uncomfortable. It is a metaphor, but only for what Peggy is going through personally, and it has nothing to do with feminism. When Peggy adds on an ending where the turtle ends up with a male turtle, the feminists give her some awkward applause, feeling a bit cheated. However, there's also a feminist (played by real-life feminist singer Ani DiFranco) who encourages Peggy to just play her heart out — she just wants Peggy to find her voice.
Audience Member: (to another audience member) Oh, man, kinda copped out at the end there, didn't she?
Hank: (to a third audience member) Now that gal can write music!
(Third audience member walks away disgusted)
- M.A.S.K. occasionally portrays V.E.N.O.M.'s sole female member Vanessa Warfield this way. It is most notable in the episode "Race Against Time" (in which she calls M.A.S.K. member Brad Turner a "male swine") and in the tie-in comics by DC Comics (in which she makes several misandrist remarks about men being weak and easy to beat).
- The Powerpuff Girls (1998): The episode "Equal Fights" has a villainess named Femme Fatale, a man-hating criminal who only steals Susan B. Anthony coins and likes to use the fact that she's a woman as an excuse to avoid punishment. She tries to convince the girls to turn against men, but this is countered at the end by the more mainstream equality-based feminism of Sara Bellum and Miss Keane, who teach the girls the difference between feminism and misandry. Not helping Femme Fatale's case is the fact that women are also hurt by her actions and that she doesn't even know who Susan B. Anthony was, or that said woman fought for the equality of both women and men alike (leading to a remarkable, and awesome, Shut Up, Hannibal! moment by the girls). Writer Lauren Faust, herself a staunch feminist, later decided that the subject of feminism was too heavy for such a lighthearted family show and regretted writing it.
- Rick and Morty: The female inhabitants of planet Gazorpazorp are these, in sharp contrast to the ultra-violent males that dwell on the outer surface of the planet. Naturally, they assume that all male species are like this.
- Rugrats: Subverted with Phil and Lil's Mom, Betty DeVille, may appear like a bad "manly feminist" stereotype at first (which went over the head of some viewers, who misinterpreted her as Ambiguously Gay), but she's never portrayed negatively.
- The Simpsons:
- "Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacy": Lisa discovers that the Malibu Stacy doll's new talking feature is composed of nothing but stereotypical Dumb Blonde lines, shattering her personal perception of Stacy as a brainy activist. As a result, she goes on the total warpath, including trying to release her own doll following her perceptions, "Lisa Lionheart", which the doll's creator even explicitly notes is a multi-thousand-dollar waste when only one girl buys it and Lisa tries to call it a victory. When Bart points out that she's exaggerating, she goes on an angry rant about how this doll will brainwash the girls of America into becoming brain-dead Gold Digger-types when they grow up that nearly knocks Bart off his feet.
- "Bart Star": When Ned Flanders volunteers to coach a kids' football team. Lisa arrives for tryouts not because she wants to play, but just because she wants to show up everyone for thinking a girl can't play football. Flanders immediately - yet without a hint a malice - deflates her pretensions by showing that there are already four girls on the team and they would love to have her as well. When Lisa changes tactics and refuses to play with a ball made from animal skin, she is reassured that the balls are synthetic (and their purchases help fund Amnesty International), which causes her to run off crying.
- "Behind The Laughter": In this mockumentary episode, the Simpsons are shown at Thanksgiving dinner, having all brought their own attorneys with them on account of how they had all fallen out. Lisa's lawyer accuses Marge of assault when she snarks at Lisa about her tell-all book. The lawyer is described by a text overlay as "Shrill Feminist Lawyer".
- "She Used to Be My Girl": Homer and Marge go to a feminist convention because they think Lisa is there. One scoffs "How typically male!" at a news report about an erupting volcano. When they learn that Lisa is at the volcano, Homer says to Marge "I'll go, you stay here" and gets booed. When he says "Okay, you go and I'll stay", he gets more boos, and finally asks "What do women want?!"
- "Girls Just Want to Have Sums": Due to controversial comments made by Principal Skinner, he is replaced by a woman who segregates Springfield Elementary by gender. However, the girl's math class taught by the new principal is revealed to be a thinly-veiled lecture on female empowerment, with virtually no academic discipline involved. This annoys Lisa so much that she quickly defects to the boy's school in disguise.
- "That 90's Show": Rare male example. Marge is shown to have gone out with one of her college teachers, professor Stefane August. He is very much a Straw feminist, not liking LIGHTHOUSES because "anything penis-shaped is bad."
- "Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy": Bart flirts with this trope when he falls in with three girls who like to “drop awareness bombs” about feminist issues. While he’s deeply impressed with their dramatic – and sometimes violent – displays of activism, Lisa calls him out for not truly caring about the underlying cause, saying “You just want to spray-paint the world and watch it drip!” (This is somewhat ironic, considering Lisa’s frequent flirtation with the trope, but not incorrect either).
- By the end, it’s clear that the girls are in fact the real Straw Feminists, as they cared more about raising hell over comparatively trivial issues than being inclusive or advocating for real social change. They even dismiss all the assistance Bart gave them by saying “We just kept you around for fingerprints and DNA.”
- South Park:
- Wendy Testaburger can sometimes be this, depending on how Parker and Stone portray her in an episode (combined or not with her already being a Soapbox Sadie). This trope also can apply to portrayals of the other female characters.
- Inverted in the episode "The Hobbit", to the extent she becomes the Only Sane Man of the episode. Wendy is frustrated by one of her fellow cheerleaders being dumped on for her looks and chastises Butters for dumping on her looks while liking Kim Kardashian. However, when she tries to explain the dangers of Photoshop and on the body image, Butters think it's how she honestly looks like (despite doing the editing process in front of him for him to see.) This escalates as the other girls begin doing so and causes a cycle of egos to spiral out of control, much to Wendy's frustration. The entire thing goes so out of control and after getting a talk from Kanye West, Wendy tearfully resigns to conformity as she edits her own picture.
- One of the few male examples with PC Principal, with "PC People" being a rather odd euphemism for radical feminists. The reason for him being male is because PC Principal is also a Stereotype Flip; he's a character constantly shouting Straw Feminist rhetoric and ideals, but is every stereotype for a fraternity dudebro. Besides humor, the bizarre mix of character types is clearly meant to show how arrogant bullies can possess any viewpoint. However, he has now mellowed out a bit and become one of the only sane men of the show (though that's less about him and more on how everyone else has gone mad.)
- Super Friends: Had a one-time villainess who brainwashes all the women in the world (including Wonder Woman and Jayna of the Wonder Twins) to turn against males.
- Totally Spies!: Ariel, the villain of the episode "W.O.W." (and the only villain in the series motivated by bigotry, it seems) is the current leader of the Sisterhood, an Ancient Conspiracy that sought to eliminate all men and inferior females (women who were not the "chosen ones") gain their place as the true rulers of the world. It seemed that none of them knew the most obvious flaw in such an act (how to avoid humanity's extinction if such a plan succeeded) but ironically, Sam is a descendent of the original group.
- The Venture Bros.: Parodied when a parody of the the Scooby Gang shows up in the episode "Viva Los Muertos!" Parody-Velma (a Valerie Solanas expy named Val) is constantly spouting this talk, going so far as to actually tell Parody-Daphne that men are "walking abortions".
- Yin Yang Yo!: Saranoia, who is an unstable misandrist sorceress. She sees herself in Yin and tries to get her to join her while trying to kill Yang. Saranoia's problems come from being forced to study by her father while her brother Mark got to do what he wanted. To the point where she occasionally calls Yang Mark and once called Master Yo dad. Yin thinks she's just crazy and eventually got a restraining order on her. Despite this, she appears to still like men enough to have a male gnome servant (albeit one she mistreats) and was once seen on a date with a banker (though he calls for the check when he witnesses her doing an outburst when the rabbits suspect her of kidnapping Master Yo.) Naturally, she blames Yang.