Swamp Monster - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Oct 03 2021

Swamp Monster (trope)

As we all know, Swamps Are Evil, and filled to the brim with dangerous animals, plants, and tribes. But sometimes, they are also home to something a little more nasty.

The Swamp Monster is a horrific creature found almost exclusively in the swamp. The foul water is where they have made their home and they will not or perhaps cannot ever leave. On the rare instances they do, they will likely return to their home eventually.

Expect them to be hostile towards any visitors unfortunate enough to stumble upon their territory, though on occasion benevolent swamp monsters do exist. They usually have the ability to stay submerged in the water, if the water isn't where they usually reside.

The exact nature of a Swamp Monster varies between different works, but common forms it takes include:

See also: Sea Monster, Stock Ness Monster for similar creatures with a different choice of habitat. See Will-o'-the-Wisp for a phenomena that may or may not be a creature that often occurs in swamps.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Parodied in Rave Master: the heroes are sent into a swamp to fight the monstrous plant beast dwelling there and recover the MacGuffin... but said plant monster is actually the size of a normal flower and gives in upon being stepped up by accident.
  • Toriko: While exploring the First Biotope, Sunny and Komatsu run into an ancient giant swamp which is the hunting ground of several massive creatures: just upon arriving, they see a giant fresh-water moray eel, a massive multiple-headed snail and finally a crocodile-mouthed shark who devour both creatures in one gulp.

Comic Books 

  • Big Bang Comics: Bog is a demon who Escaped from Hell, and nearly killed the Devil in the process. He now dwells in a swamp on Earth and fights any attempt by the forces of Hell to drag him back.
  • Creepy Magazine: In "The Swamp in Hell!" from issue #34, in Gravesend along the Thames, London's spilled sewage is the genesis for a bog monster a hundred years in the past. It is hostile and attacks all that crosses his path, but he calms down upon meeting an old blind man playing flute. The melody soothes him, and the blind man invites his visitor in for a cup of tea. Some minutes later, the bog monster has melted away, either because it was born from neglect and met with love or (as the Horror Host argues) because the weather and excitement got to him.
  • The DCU:
    • Solomon Grundy is a supervillain whose origins are of a deceased criminal, Cyrus Gold, whose body was dumped into Slaughter Swamp, where the mutagenic chemicals and mystical energy revived him as a gigantic zombie at least partly composed of plant matter. He was introduced in Green Lantern (1941) as an enemy of the Golden Age Green Lantern, who had difficulty fighting him due to his ring's weakness to wood, which was what Grundy's swampy body was largely made from. Grundy has gone on to menace many other heroes from throughout the DC universe.
    • Swamp Thing is one of the Trope Codifiers for the Muck Monster variety and appears to have eclipsed Man-Thing in fame due to his appearances in numerous adaptations. Swamp Thing is an entity whose body is composed of vegetation and plant matter, and has been granted very powerful Green Thumb powers that actually make him an elemental avatar of nature. Unlike many other examples of this trope, Swamp Thing is a full-fledged, if unusual, superhero. There have been many different holders of the Swamp Thing name over the years, with perhaps the most famous version being Alec Holland.
  • Eerie's fifth issue featured a cover story called "The Swamp God Strikes", about two explorers and their guide, tracking the titular monster, which turns out to be a surviving T. rex — and they are lunch.
  • The Heap is the Trope Maker for comics swamp monsters, specifically the Muck Monster variant, and is itself based on the monster of the earlier horror story "It". There have been multiple versions of the character, but the most famous example is the Baron Eric von Emmelman version, a WWI pilot who crashed into a swamp, where his will to live caused his body to merge with the swamp itself and rise to a sort of life with a body of mud and swamp vegetation.
  • Marvel Universe
    • The Incredible Hulk: Joseph Timms was a petty criminal who escaped from prison to be with his dying wife. He ran into the Florida everglades, only to drown in the marshes. Decades later, after the Hulk accidentally spilled radioactive waste into the swamp, Joe Timms was resurrected as a swamp creature now called the Glob. The Glob's body is made out of muck and dirt, with the Hulk's punches simply sinking into it, making him a difficult opponent for Hulk to defeat.
    • Manphibian is an Expy of the Gillman and part of the Marvel's monsters lineup. Despite his resemblance to his inspiration, his origins are extraterrestrial in nature. He ends up becoming a member of the Legion of Monsters.
    • Man-Thing is one of the Trope Codifiers, being among the most famous Muck Monster swamp monsters in all of fiction, rivaled only by his DC counterpart Swamp Thing. Man-Thing was once a scientist named Dr. Theodore Sallis who attempted to recreate the Super Serum used on Captain America, before an accident led to the serum fusing him with the mystical energies of the swamp, transforming his body into a humanoid mass of swamp material. As Man-Thing, it has lost his human intelligence and is mostly a creature of instinct, though it is sensitive to emotions, particularly fear, which will cause it to burn targets who exhibit said emotion. Despite its limited intelligence, Man-Thing often ends as an incidental hero. Later it's also revealed the mystical energies made Man-Thing the guardian of a Nexus of Realities present in the swamp.
  • In the This Magazine is Haunted #5 story "The Slithering Horror of Skontong Swamp", Goldie Ricon is condemned to the electric chair but escapes prison into the neighboring Skontong Swamp. There he runs afoul of a horde of waterlogged undead men that smell like burning flesh. Goldie escapes the swamp alive, but is tormented by apparitions of the creatures. Desperate for it to stop, he returns to prison to be executed. However, Goldie doesn't truly die; instead, he becomes another undead swamp dweller, who were all executed by means of the electric chair and now haunt the swamp looking to cool their bodies.

Fan Works 

  • Equestria Divided: Ponies who die in the swamps of Froggy Bottom Bog sometimes return to life as swamp shamblers, lumbering masses of mud, moss and tree branches in vaguely quadrupedal shapes. They also emanate clouds of toxic gases, and House Everfree sometimes uses them in battle to sicken and poison enemy troops.

Film — Animation 

Film — Live-Action 



  • In Edmond Hamilton's novella "The Abysmal Invaders" (first published in Weird Tales in 1929), an army of Living Dinosaurs and their Lizard Folk riders march out of an Illinois swamp and destroy a small city. However, it turns out that they don't actually come from the swamp at all, but from deep beneath the earth, and the elevator up from their realm simply opens in the swamp.
  • Fengshen Yanyi: At one point, Yang Jian takes a rest from his journey in a marsh and is suddenly attacked by a gigantic, non-descript monster (the text merely states that it has a huge mouth with sharp tusks and wields dual tridents) who tries to devour him. Yang Jian routes the beast by summoning lightning and chase it in a dark cavern, where he finds his trademark edged trident and his yellow gown.
  • Goosebumps:
    • How to Kill a Monster: Played for Black Comedy. A brother and sister are left alone in their odd grandparents' house... and discover a green-furred swamp creature has roosted in the attic. When the monster attacks them, it suddenly reveals that it's allergic to humans and dies of an asthmatic attack. The kids triumphantly leave the house and travel through the swamp to find help. Too bad it turns out the monster has LOTS of siblings of its own out there.
    • "Here Comes the Shaggedy": A similar creature appears. This one is unusual, in that it's able to disguise itself as two preteen boys, who fuse themselves together and form the monster.
    • You Can't Scare Me!: The protagonist and his best friend attempt to pretend to be the Muck Monster of a local swamp legend to try to scare the protagonist's annoyingly-superior-at-everything sister. Not only does the swamp monster turn out to be real, but the protagonist's sister proves to be superior yet again by literally Talking the Monster to Death.
  • InCryptid:
  • "It (1940)": The titular monster is a roughly humanoid entity consisting of a mixture of mold and dead plant matter, slick in some parts and dry and flaky in others, that rises from the muck and rot of a humid, loamy forest gathering and fermenting around an old human skeleton and wanders out into the woods. It feels no emotions but a detached intellectual curiosity, has the strength to tear animals and humans to pieces to find out how they work and what happens when you take them apart, and is almost immune to weapons trauma and physical damage due to just being a human-shaped clump of mold and loam. Historically, this is the prototypical example of this trope but especially of the humanoid form of the Muck Monster, and most later examples of soggy, humanoid swamp and forest things, particularly the ones in horror literature and early comics, draw their origins to this being — The Heap, Man-Thing, and Swamp Thing are all very directly based on "It!"'s nameless monster.
  • The Monsters: Color the Creature Book: The swamp creature of "Swamp Creature" probably once was human, but nowadays he is a rotting mishmash of his own flesh and bone and swamp matter. He is the only one of his kind and in a constant state of decay and pain, which he seeks to end.
  • "The Monster of Partridge Creek": A natural sulfur spring in the Yukon Territory has created a marshy environment, called a "moose lick", that does not freeze over in the winter. This attracts larger animals, such as the moose themselves, which, in turn, attracts the attention of the monster — a shaggy-coated Ceratosaurus.

Live-Action TV 

  • Goosebumps (1995): One of the episodes is based on "How to Kill a Monster", but changes the monster itself. Instead of a green, swamp-dwelling bigfoot, it's a nasty, yellow-colored reptile with a head like a vulture.
  • The Legend of Dick and Dom: "Swampy's Girlfriend" has the gang requiring "a Swamp Monster's song" as an ingredient for their potion, so they visit a settlement built on the edge of the swamp called "Bog Off". The residents are actually well-acquainted with their local Swamp Monster, "Swampy" (who is the covered in green plant matter variety) and try to get him to sing, but Swampy is very depressed; as such, they try to give him a girlfriend to make him sing. Eventually, Lutin finds another female Swamp Monster called "Ruby" and the episode ends with the two swamp monsters falling in love with one another.
  • River Monsters: The real life series revolves around Jeremy Wade travelling the world hunting for monstrous fish that are reported in various rivers, often in swamp-like locations.
  • Ultra Series:
    • Ultraseven: One episode has the TDF getting stranded on an alien swamp, called the 9th Dimension, which is filled with giant insects, bloodsucking ticks and a Giant Spider called Gumonga. The swamp turns out to be created by a powerful Reality Warper alien called Bell, who ends up fighting Ultraseven at the end of the episode culminating with Ultraseven drowning Bell in the swamp's waters, destroying it and causing the entire swamp to dissapear.
    • Ultraman Taro has a swamp constantly covered in Mysterious Mist, which turns out to be inhabited by a toad-like monster called Tondaile who uses its Overly Long Tongue to ensnare and capture humans for food.


  • The Czech song "Jozin from the Marshes" ("Jožin z bažin") by Ivan Mládek and his Banjo Band is an Affectionate Parody of heroic ballads about a horrible swamp monster who eats passers-by and can only be defeated with the help of... a cropduster plane. This being 1978 Czechoslovakia, a Škoda car replaces the hero's horse.

Mythology, Religion, & Folklore 

  • The Honey Island Swamp Monster is an alleged Bigfoot-like creature that has been purported to inhabit the Honey Island Swamp in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.
  • The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp is a purported reptilian humanoid creature sighted in Bishopville, South Carolina during the 1980s. The initial report was that it was responsible for attacking a man's car while he was driving.
  • The Kappa is a Japanese cryptid that lives in swamps and frequently shows up in Japanese media. It is described as looking like a biped turtle and is known for sinister behavior such as kidnapping children or sucking the soul out of victims.
  • The Bunyip is an alleged creature in Indigenous Australian folklore that is said to reside in billabongs (seasonal waterholes). Descriptions of the creature vary greatly, with it ranging from a giant starfish to being a seal-like creature with a dog-like head. All sources agree, however, that it primarily resides in water and will prey on people who venture too close to the shore.
  • The Mokele-Mbembe is a cryptid supposedly found in the swamps of the Congo River Basin. The name comes from the Lingala word for "he who stops the flow of rivers", and it is usually considered to be a very dangerous and ferocious animal. The first recorded descriptions of the things had them with enormous horns, which led some cryptozoologists to speculate that it was a surviving Triceratops population, but their pop-cultural image quickly became codified as Aquatic Sauropods after a much better-circulated alleged sighting described them in these terms.

Tabletop Games 

  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • Bog hounds are canine monsters that arise from a cursed moor — the majority look like wolves comprised of the mud and straw of their home marsh, while the moor hound that leads them is formed from the vapors of the bog, and thus can only be hurt with magic weapons. They don't fare well in sunlight, which causes bog hounds to instantly freeze into easily-broken statues of hardened mud and plant matter, and makes the moor hound vulnerable to even ordinary weapons. But until that moor hound is slain in the daylight, it and its pack will continue regenerating each night to haunt their moor.
    • A swamp that's tainted by magical pollution can create mudmen, humanoids made out of swamp mud. Not very intelligent, they instinctively try to drown anything that enters their territory, often destroying themselves in kamikaze attacks as they try to smother their foes.
    • Shambling mounds were originally based fairly directly on Swamp Thingthe 1e Monster Manual's artwork by Jeff Easley shows it with large dark eyes and a hanging root-like snout that shows its visual ancestry quite clearly — although modern artwork tends to depict them as somewhat more generic semi-humanoid masses of tangled vines and leaves. They're indiscriminate omnivores that feed on whatever living creatures don't get out of their way in time.
    • Swamps and bogs are also the domain of choice for black dragons, who are generally the nastiest and cruelest kind of dragon.
    • Some editions of D&D, as well as Pathfinder, offer variant rules on the mummy to create swamp-dwelling undead more along the lines of the bog bodies of European peat bogs, for dungeonmasters who find the usual Ancient Egypt Fantasy Counterpart Culture setting a bit too predictable and played-out.
    • Swamps are the favored home of catoblepases, which are monstrous, omnivorous, and deadly quadrupeds. They're armed with a tail club with a long reach heavy enough to rattle and daze anything struck by it, but their most feared weapon is a Deadly Gaze which can rot the flesh off of bone, if not outright kill the victim. Catoblepases not only give off utterly repulsive stench, which smells of dead flesh, skunk odor and swamp gas, but they also infuse the stench into swamp gases around its habitat. They also putrify their swampy habitats by other means, choking out beneficial or medicinal herbs and plants, making the water unclean and filthy, and making the animal population prone to aggression and disease. Catoblepases are generally feared in settings' folklore, and rumors about the creature are often considered bad omens.
  • Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: The Kruleboyz are a subspecies of Orruks that make their home in dank, misty swamps where no one else goes (and their shamans can bring the swamp with them if they need to leave. In addition to being generally unpleasant folks themselves (they aren't called Kruleboyz for nothing) they also are known to tame and ride various swamp-dwelling beasts, including troggoths, giant vultures, and huge amphibious lizards called sludgerakers.
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Fenbeasts are the Muck Monster variant. They are magical constructs created by the Truthsayers of Albion using secret rituals, which can fashion hulking humanoid beings out of peat and swamp mud. The resulting fenbeast lacks a true will of its own and is bound to its summoner, but is also incredibly resilient and strong enough to tear a tree out of the ground and impale a minotaur with it.

Video Games 

  • AdventureQuest Worlds:
  • Bounce On: At one point, Bounce runs into a swamp monster that resembles a living tree. As such, he has to battle him by smashing the venus flytraps on his head and then bumping into his nose.
  • Bramble: The Mountain King: The Näcken is a gigantic humanoid creature residing in a lake, with him being green and slimy in appearance. His backstory states he Was Once a Man but a tragedy drew him to flee into the lake where he mutated into said monster.
  • Chaos Faction: "The Swamp" Level boss features Slimy, who is a Gill Man-esque monster. There's also a tentacled monster that resides under the water and acts as a level hazard.
  • The ClueFinders 3rd Grade Adventures: The Mystery of Mathra: One sector of the Numeria Forest is the Goo Lagoon, a swamp full of creatures from sentient plants to Big Creepy-Crawlies who all possess human-level intelligence. While many of them look monstrous, the majority of them are benign and friendly towards human visitors.
  • DragonFable: The ironically named "Crystal Clear Lake" is a murky swamp with mobs there including a Man-Thing-esque monster called the Swamp Shambler, as well as a Gill Man-type creature called the Lagoon Goon. The latter is also capable of summoning a monstrous fish to attack the player.
  • The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning: Growths, foes found in the Swamp area early in the game, are hulking humanoids made out of knotted vines and branches and with a coating of green plants over their torsos. They attack with physical blows and by throwing clumps of slime at Spyro.
  • Memoria Freese: One story event features a creature known as the Swamp King, who is a giant slimy Muck Monster mass of eyeballs and tentacles. It's stated to be the swamp itself, and fighting it is a near impossible task, unless one happens to be able to target its Achilles' Heel with potent magic designed specifically to vanquish it.
  • Lies of P: One boss of the game is the "Green Monster of the Swamp", alternatively called the "Puppet-Devouring Swamp Monster" is a strange monster that resides in the Barren Swamp and as its name suggests likes feasting on Puppets. No one is quite sure what it is, although Geppetto theorizes that it is a Muck Monster that was granted life due to the excess ergo in the area from discarded puppets dumped there, and by extension it seeks puppets out due to craving their ergo.
  • Resident Evil:
    • Resident Evil 7: Biohazard: The Final Boss is a Muck Monster called Swamp Man, who seems inspired by both Man-Thing and Swamp-Thing. Is eventually revealed to be Jack Baker, undergoing mutation due to the Mold.
    • Resident Evil Village: Amongst the Gothic Horror game bosses, Moreau is a monstrous, mutated, emotionally-stunted Fish Person who, unlike the other three Lords, lives in squalor in a marshy reservoir. He attempts to kill Ethan when the latter trespasses on his premises, eventually mutating from his vaguely humanoid and land-swelling form into a gigantic, monstrous fish-like form which spends time lurking in the water in a Monster Delay.
  • Sea Salt: The Creature is an expy of Swamp Thing that is unlocked in the swampy region of Rotwood, attacking with long-reaching vines.
  • Shantae: The Mud Bog areas are filled with Mud Bog creatures made out of the stinky, sludgy mess that the area is filled with. They either jump around in a blobby mass or pop out of the swampy floors and ceilings.
  • Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus: A recurring enemy in "Vicious Voodoo" is the Swamp monsters (also known as Marcel Woodfist), sentient plant monsters brought to life by Mz. Ruby with Hollywood Voodoo. Sly also encounters a giant snake monster in "The Lair of the Beast" mission, with said beast being kept in an enclosure with voodoo magic. The mission involves Sly breaking in, escaping being eaten by it and freeing it, the snake breaking through the barricade so that Sly can get into the heart of Mz. Ruby's operation.
  • Tavern Talk: Baya's a skeletal bog creature covered in seaweed who wears a lily pad as a hat.
  • Valheim: As if the draugr, blob monsters, fire elementals and giant leeches weren't enough, the Swamp biome also contains the aptly-named Abominations, enormous twisted combinations of Undead Abomination and Botanical Abomination with a nasty habit of disguising themselves as yet another sunken log before attacking. These things are tough enough to take on and defeat trolls.
  • The Witcher has enough of these to have a whole book about them, which include: Drowners and Drowned Dead, which are essentially dead men revived by the swamp as zombie/ghoul like creatures. There's also the Bloedzuiger, a gigantic monster with a leech-like head.
  • World of Warcraft has a few such as the Bog Beasts and Fungal Monsters. The Expansion Pack Mists of Pandaria added the cyclopean Mistlurkers, who hide in swamp mists.



Web Videos 

Western Animation