The Greys - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Sep 24 2007
Mystic: You watch the skies night after night looking for your little green men...
Bishop: Little grey men, actually.
The modern version of the Little Green Men, and currently the most common depiction of extraterrestrials.
They have the same basic body plan as humans, but they're grey, somewhat shorter than an average adult human, and have enormous heads with equally-huge black eyes resembling an upside-down-raindrop. They never have a single hair on their bodies. They probably have no nose (when they do, the nostrils are thin like reptiles), and they almost certainly wear no clothes (though they will have no visible genitals). In practice, they are essentially humans with all "animal" traits removed. In the older stories, they sometimes got silver spacesuits. Sometimes they will be a muted blue or green instead, and very occasionally a beige variant.
Like the Little Green Men before them, they still tend to come in Flying Saucers. However, the overtly hostile version is much rarer; abduction is their primary modus operandi (which naturally may be taken as still fairly sinister of course). They will not speak in beeping noises, though, and they certainly don't know English. Mostly they will not speak at all. They may be telepathic.
What they do with those abducted varies, but performing experiments on them, especially intrusive sexual experiments, is common. Specifically, Anal Probing and the creation of Half Human Hybrids. Why aliens would be so interested in human biology remains unclear, although the standard story is that they are nearing extinction and need human genetic material in order to restore their reproductive capabilities, or alternately that they need info about humanity in order to try to take control of Earth, sometimes in alliance with human governments or conspiracies. (It has been noted that their appearance and modus operandi share more than a passing resemblance to those of the more traditional depictions of the Fair Folk, suggesting either an innate human need to believe in such beings or the length of time they've been studying us. For more on this, see Alien Fair Folk.)
Far from being black and grey, their beliefs are usually of the Blue and Orange sort. May be Sufficiently Advanced Aliens who haven't visited us since the time of the Pyramids. Despite the fact that Earth is an Insignificant Little Blue Planet, they will be obsessed with us for reasons which may vary. Perhaps they want to help us Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence. Perhaps we are the Precursors. Perhaps they merely want To Serve Man.
In other cases, they may be benevolent or much wiser than humanity, often in a hippie sort of way, granting the abductees really trippy cosmic visions. They'll hardly ever do much more than that, though.
A variant is much taller and more slim proportioned and somewhat more human in the face. Often used when they're meant to be less mysterious and more human to interact with.
Compare with Humanoid Aliens, Little Green Men, and Lizard Folk.
Not to be confused with the movie starring Liam Neeson.
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- This 1997 UK advert
sees an otherworldly visitor announce an imminent turning point in human evolution, namely the dual provision of gas and electricity from Northern Electric.
Anime and Manga
- Dragon Ball:
- Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F': Tagoma's design owes a bit to this trope, only taller and lankier with more ordinary-looking eyes.
- Dragon Ball Super: Jiren is what happens when you put the head of your standard Grey on top of a Heroic Build. He's even called "Jiren the Gray" in-universe.
- Franken Fran: A girl ends up looking like one after too many surgeries to look like a chibi anime character in real life.
- Heaven's Design Team: In Chapter 19, Mr. Saturn tries to recreate his grandson's crush based on a doodle the child drew. The basic prototype model is a grey humanoid creature with bulbous head, humongous eyes and tiny ears. Then they add increasingly weird features, such as the ability to rotate its head 180 degrees and having two tongues. As it turns out, Kenta's "first crush" was Pluto's prototype project, which eventually becomes a tarsier.
- Serial Experiments Lain: A Grey appears as a mysterious vision, in an episode which also references the Roswell incident. It is referenced in other episodes as well. Unlike the usual nudist Greys, it is wearing a red and green striped shirt.
- Shaman King: One of the plant guardians has a grey as his spirit. Later on it is revealed that the titular shaman king position was created by these aliens, as are all the pieces of odd technology in the series.
- Yo-kai Watch Jam - Yo-kai Academy Y: Close Encounters of the N Kind: One of the titular N-Kind's alien subtypes are the Grey Agents, tall, lanky humanoids with grey skin, whose roles include experimenting on and also murdering small children.
Comic Books
- Adolf, die Nazi-Sau by Walter Moers: Greys who turn out to be students abduct Adolf Hitler who has resurfaced in The '90s so that he can conceive the perfect human with recently-deceased Mother Teresa.
"Go fuck her!"
- Blackwulf: The Prime Skrull is the last living descendant of the "baseline" Skrull race and has a pale, slightly green-tinted skin color and bulging green eyes. It's said that he was one of the aliens who crash-landed on Roswell, along with a Deviant (Lizard Folk) Skrull who was pursuing him.
- Cazador: They come from a planet called Juno and they are much more feisty than usual, being avid football fans who sing stadium chants as they invade the Earth.
- ElfQuest: The native forms of the High Ones kind of resemble elongated, yellow-orange variants of the Greys, with a bit of Rubber-Forehead Aliens thrown in.
- Icon: Although Icon has a human appearance, due to an emergency device in his ship, his species looks a lot like a stereotypical grey alien in their natural form.
- Resident Alien: Harry Vanderspeigle, the alien protagonist, resembles a Grey, albeit with a more purplish skin tone.
- Sinestro: The people of the Naidroth Collective are short, hairless, grey skinned, large eyed aliens who travel in flying saucers abducting and experimenting on sentient lifeforms. Sinestro recruits one who is disturbed by her people's activities, and Sinestro's.
- Star Trek: Untold Voyages: In "Odyssey's End", a species of grey aliens who call themselves the Abductors (as their true name is untranslatable) study inhabited planets for signs that they were seeded with non-indigenous lifeforms by their rivals, the Preservers. The Abductors believe that this seeding process robs the relevant planets of their individuality. They are on an ancient mission to remove the seeded lifeforms and return them to their planet of origin. One of the many planets that they visited was Earth, which gave rise to the numerous stories of Alien Abduction in the 20th Century.
- Superboy and the Ravers: When Byron Stark finally tracks down the aliens that crashed a saucer into his parents home killing his parents, siblings, girlfriend and unborn child back in the '50s they're short Greys.
- Transmetropolitan: It's implied that a grey like alien race exists, even though all we see are transients (people who have spliced themselves with alien DNA) and it's even offhandedly mentioned Earth has economically subjugated them. It is stated that they have a colony on Earth, and having already commodified their art and culture, their DNA is the last thing they had left to sell.
Fan Works
- Rocketship Voyager. The Caretaker is a slightly built figure with grey skin and an oversized cranium, who moves about in a discoid hover-craft and sends out mercenary Space Pirates to steal sentient specimens and technology for study.
- With Strings Attached: The minimal descriptions of Jeft suggest that he is a fat, smelly, nerdy Grey. However, the detailed description of him in The Keys Stand Alone: The Hard World proves that he isn't, really. (He's still fat, smelly, and nerdy, though.)
Films — Live-Action
- All Hallows' Eve: Played with in a segment. The alien antagonist of one segment has a grey-like appearance at first glance, but its "face" seems to actually be a metallic breathing apparatus with goggles- the implication is that the "grey" image is based on equipment they need to survive in earth's atmosphere.
- The Bloody Man: In Amy's Bloody Man story, when the titular Bloody Man is about to kill the boy after massacring his family, two greys show up out of nowhere to arrest him.
- Dark Skies has the Greys as the antagonists, albeit taller and more skeletal-looking than typical portrayals. The film's aliens are definitely sinister and unsympathetic (Alien Abduction being the primary threat), but not precisely evil. Rather, the film specifies that they're so advanced and so other that they're beyond human comprehension.
- Fire in the Sky: The aliens resemble Greys with their space suits even more so resemble the typical Grey, while their actual appearance is based more on abductee Travis Walton's descriptions.
- The Forgotten has an alien who looks like a creepily-smiling human. He lets his human facade drop only once... and it resembles a typical Grey.
- Independence Day: The alien invaders resemble Greys to an extent, including doing the stereotypical abductions and being behind the Roswell crash. The resemblance isn't immediately apparent, as they wear biomechanical suits that look more like large Predator-faced Xenomorph Xeroxes.
- Intruders portrays greys as well as grey/human hybrids, and deals with all the tropes associated with them, from Roswell to abductions and implants.
- Invaders From Mars: While they're green, the aliens are bug-eyed, drone-like beings whose M.O. shares a more than passing resemblance to the Greys.
- Jupiter Ascending: The "keepers" are employed by Balem to guard Earth and maintain the Masquerade, and have all the hallmarks of the trope, including grey skin, large heads, and no clothes.
- Mars Attacks!: The Martians don't exactly resemble Greys, but their UFO's and one autopsy of them mirrors the rumors spread about the Roswell incident.
- Men in Black: The little newborn alien baby is a Grey with tentacles.
- Nope: The alien-themed Western amusement park, Jupiter's Claim, sells plushies of these as part of its marketing. They also are responsible for messing with the lights in the stable... except it's just Jupe's kids playing a prank as revenge for Emerald stealing a display horse. Angel also speculates about "the little guys with the big eyes" being at the centre of the movie's mystery.
- Official Denial depicts greys, which at the end are revealed to be actually humans from the future.
- Paul: The titular alien looks like one. It's mentioned that his image has deliberately been put into pop culture for decades to make it easier for humanity to accept when they eventually learn about his race.
- Progeny: The Eldritch Abominations project the "Grey" image as a psychic mask. This version of the Grey has a different body plan though, stalk-like with tendrils.
- The aliens in Scary Movie 3, a parody of the Signs aliens, look like fairly standard-issue Greys.
- Signs, although a bit more sinister than most renditions. Signs Greys are the Proud Warrior Race Guy version; taller (human height) and more muscular than the standard, with thicker limbs.
- Stargate villain Ra was originally a grey-like alien that somehow managed to posess a human to survive as its own body was dying. Glimpses of this as well as a wall painting depicting his true form are seen throughout the film. Just before he is nuked at the end his true appearance is revealed for the last time. Once the show introduced the Asgard, this was explained by Ra's previous host being an Asgard.
- Star Wars:
- The Arconans, the very first nonhuman species not native to Tatooine to be seen in the entire franchise (in A New Hope, 1977) are basically the Greys... except for their brown skin, green eyes, flattened heads, and claws on their hands and feet.
- Bith could pass for Greys except for having pink skin, even more enormous foreheads, and weird ridges where their mouths should be.
- The Kaminoan cloners in Attack of the Clones resemble Greys but are much larger and more stylized, with long necks and the males possessing crests.
- Neimoidians also fit the grey skin, no nose, large opaque eyes stereotype. Their OT predecessors/cousins, the Duros, also fit the stereotype.
- Quermians and Xexto also resemble Greys, although the Xexto also have multiple arms.
- Steven Spielberg seems quite fond of using these guys:
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: The aliens are typical Greys, albeit with magnetic skeletons, as befits the film's Genre Throwback nature.
- War of the Worlds (2005): The alien invaders are basically Greys, with some anatomical differences (like having three legs). They also have vertical mouths full of teeth.
- War God (1976), a kaiju movie, sees planet earth attacked by three skyscraper-sized Martian Greys. Humanity's last hope? Guan Yu, of course!
Myths and Religion
- Although they weren't the first to report humanoid grey-skinned aliens with large eyes, the alien abduction claims of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 helped bring the Grey alien image to prominence in popular culture.
- According to Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley met a Grey Alien named LAM after a series of magick rituals known as the Alamantrah Working.
- Alterien: The Greys have all the features common to the well-known aliens of legend. They are called the Shanda'ryn in this series.
- Animorphs:
- Played for Laughs with the Skrit Na, who go around in saucer-shaped ships and regularly steal from, abduct and experiment on other species...but it's not entirely clear why, so that other aliens see them as really weird. In a more creative twist, they have Bizarre Alien Biology: a "Skrit" is a giant, barely-sapient cockroach which eventually spins a cocoon and dies, only for a "Na" to be born from the corpse. Also, the Na usually walk on all fours ("like all sensible creatures"), though they'll occasionally stand upright to use their front legs as hands. Whether intentionally or due to an authorial mistake, they're one of the oldest sentient species still in existence—they were already around when the Ellimist was mortal, which was around the time that dinosaurs went extinct.
- The Helmacrons look and act a bit like Greys as well, except they're the size of insects.
- Word of God says that the Andalites were originally supposed to look like this, but the publishers asked for something more creative, especially since they hoped to one day make a TV show. It sort of backfired—Applegate responded by making the Andalites with all sorts of extra complexities (stalk eyes, tail blades, etc.), which made them almost impossible to replicate when said series actually got made.
- "Angel Down, Sussex" revolves around an encounter in 1925 with strange beings who are interpreted by the people they meet as angels, demons, or fairies ("aliens from another planet" not being a popular meme yet). They're about the height of a child, and bald, with large black eyes and no nose to speak of, and are associated with strange lights in the sky. Witnesses variously describe them as being dressed in silvery cloth, or being completely naked and lacking in attributes.
- Aunt Dimity Digs In: The Peacocks have a new sign painted for their pub, depicting two faces on a dark background: "One face was slightly larger than the other, but apart from that, they were identical: hairless, triangular, and delicate, with enormous eyes, plug holes for nostrils, and thin slits for mouths. They wore dark brown hoods, and their skin was a pale shade of greenish-gray." Naturally, the new name of the pub is "The Green Men".
- Chrysalis (Beaver Fur): The Sanksians, of which Ambassadors Daokat and Nakstani are members, are described as humanoids with thin bodies, large eyes, smooth, silvery skin, and recognizably humanoid sexual dimorphism. In the absence of proper humans, these serve as the Everymen alien race of the story.
- Discworld: The Elves are described as looking suspiciously similar to this on the rare occasion that their glamour fails. There are also offhand references in The Truth to tabloid headlines about them that mirror real world tabloid headlines about The Greys.
- Doctor Who Expanded Universe:
- First Frontier: The Tzun, who try to invade Earth in the 1950s. The standard Tzun are Greys, but they also combine their DNA with humans to create the "Nordics" reported by some UFO abductees.
- Past Doctor Adventures: The Nedenah are peaceful Greys in The Devil Goblins From Neptune. A later book explains the Nedenah are one of the races the Tzun got DNA grafts from.
- Dreamcatcher (Stephen King): Although the hostile take-over of Earth is not always a primary motive, the Greys (dubbed Mr. Grey by the U.S. Military) are certainly a well-known enemy of humanity, also capable of some shapeshifting and possession. Technically, the aliens don't actually look like typical Greys; they're more like giant eel/weasel creatures who simply shapeshift into the classic humanoid body in order to manipulate humans.
- Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan: What humans believe to be grey aliens are revealed to actually be ancient demons who want to take over everything.
- The Greys, by Whitley Streiber: The Greys are a Hive Mind of clones dying out from lack of genetic diversity. They intend to harvest humanity's DNA to help them, and they're willing to help humanity survive the Mayan apocalypse in exchange.
- Harry Potter: Played With. The Fictional Document tie-in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them describes how Crop Circles are actually made by a magical creature called a Mooncalf, which comes out during the full moon and does a mating dance while standing on its hind legs. From the description, it sounds like a Grey.
- The Jenkinsverse knows the Greys as "Corti", a species so devoted to a eugenics program that favored intellect above all other concerns that their bodies and empathy have both allegedly atrophied (though in practice, they never had much of either to begin with). Corti are self-interested to a fault, but far from stupid: indeed, they're far more likely to make a mutually beneficial deal than an unfair one, because the mutually beneficial deal ensures that angry customers don't try to kill them. Still, they have a sideline in abducting specimens of "non-sapient" pre-FTL species for "zoological research" so that, when said species do join sapient civilization, they will find Corti merchants waiting with an assortment of suspiciously well-designed medicines, cybernetics and technological luxuries.
- "Lone Huntress" provides a version of grey aliens combined with The Fair Folk. The Fey seek to conquer other species, yet their methods rely on subterfuge and infiltration. Their primary agent in such work: crossbreed hybrids known as changelings, compelled to act due to the Fey's hivemind telepathically enslaving them. For added variety, the Fey themselves are even more strictly under the control of the Overone, to the point that it's unclear if they're even separate individuals or unconnected appendages of a singular entity.
- Myth Adventures: Kobolds from the dimension Kobol are a race of mathematicians and computer experts. They look more than a bit like this trope (smaller than Klahds, gray-skinned, big eyes in tiny faces, large heads, short limbs), aside from having dark hair instead of bald heads.
- Nightside: Occasional Greys make an appearance, usually as a gag (e.g. seeing one lying in the gutter with a "Will probe for food" sign). One of the Nightside's most secure locales, the Fortress, was founded by traumatized alien abductees, who are determined to fight back with guns, napalm, and possibly even nukes if the little buggers ever come near them again.
- Solar Warden: In Alien Secrets, the Greys, or Ebens (short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), are one of the three alien races known to the secret branch of the US government, the other two being the Nordics and the Saurians. Shortly after being recruited into the program, the protagonist learns not only that the Nordics are actually time-traveling humans from about 11,000 years in the future, but the Greys are also descended from humanity, only roughly a million years from now. There are actually hundreds, if not thousands, of Grey-like branches of humanity in their time period, with the stereotypical "short humanoids with large heads and black eyes" look being just one of them. Despite a somewhat similar physical appearance to the Greys, the Saurians are a completely alien species. Unlike the Nordics, who are friendly to modern-day humans, and the Saurians, who are generally hostile, the Greys mostly treat humans as cattle or lab rats. When they first made contact with the US, they demanded the President Eisenhower sign an agreement allowing them to abduct a small number of Americans each year in exchange for some technology. When he initially refused, they threatened to sign the same agreement with the Soviets instead, forcing him to sign rather than let the Russians have alien tech. The protagonist also learns that the Greys have been interfering with human civilization for millennia, studying and modifying DNA, which he finds paradoxical, since it essentially means that they are ensuring their own evolution.
- Spaced Out: Galaxa and the rest of her species, the Grayans, are grey humanoid aliens with large heads, equally-large black eyes, no noses, and no external ears.
- Spacehounds Of IPC. by E. E. "Doc" Smith: The inhabitants of Callisto (one of Jupiter's moons) fit this description to a T. Like all humanoids in the book, they're on the side of the good guys.
- Stolen Skies: The stories about the Greys are said to be inspired by the few genuine encounters with the aliens responsible for UFO sightings and crop circles. It's not what they really look like, however; when they touch Earth, they attempt to mimic human form, but they're actually extra-dimensional beings with no bodies as we understand them.
- Terra Trilogy: The Fnrrns have large bald grey heads and large black shiny eyes. However, they're actually quite tall, and only one of them has any interest in Earth whatsoever.
- Theirs Not to Reason Why: Jean Johnson explicitly includes them, including their name and description, as well as giving the reasons why they have so much interest in humans and keep abducting us.
- The Thief of Baghdad, by Andrey Belianin: A race of diminutive grayish aliens with large heads appears, despite the novel's fantasy genre. They abduct the main character as he is fleeing from the guards. Needless to say, a glowing disc in the sky capturing their prey made a great impression on the superstitious denizens of Ancient Baghdad. Turns out, the aliens are from a peaceful interstellar alliance who have arrived to determine the best way to integrate humanity into the galactic community. They have used genetic engineering to become a one gender species (all of them are male, as certain factors of female biological cycle can make things... inconvenient) and wish the same "boon" on humanity. As can be expected, this idea doesn't go well with the main character, who instead offers to show them the benefits of two sexes. To that end, he uses their genetic manipulation machine to turn a female cat into something that looks like the female version of the aliens. They get excited and quickly kick the main character off the ship, excited to "study" this new creature. During the novel's climax, they once again appear before the main character, this time begging for him to take the female away from them, as they found that she is drastically upsetting their balance. He just laughs at them, and they fly away.
- The Tumbleweed Dossier: The Greys make an appearance. One even becomes a vampire.
- When the Empire Falls, by Christopher G Nuttall: Humanity must fight a Gray conquest. He also painstakingly includes real UFO lore, including the creation of hybrids, and their base as being at Zeta Reticuli.
- At Winters End by Robert Silverberg: Upon a first reading, one could be forgiven for believing that the hairless, pallid, flat-faced "Dream-Dreamer" seen at the beginning is a Gray. He's not; it's simply that the viewpoint characters are sapient mutant baboons. The "Dream-Dreamer" is the last living human.
Live-Action TV
- Babylon 5: The Vree. In "Grail", a station ombuds (something like a judge or arbitrator) has to deal with a lawsuit filed by the descendant of a UFO abductee against the descendant of the Vree who did the abducting. Naturally, their ships (seen in a few episodes) are round and flat.
- There were three species that resemble Greys — the Streib and the Zener (aka the "Shadow Surgeons" seen in flashbacks operating on telepaths to interface them with Shadow technology) were the other two. And the Streib apparently abducted people as well...
- The other two's names are Shout Outs: Whitley Streiber wrote the alien contact novel Communion, and Zener cards are used by parapsychologists for psychic testing.
- Unlike some examples of this trope, the Streib are not Sufficiently Advanced Aliens and when they attempt to prey upon powerful races can get a severe thrashing. When they tried to kidnap humans, the humans intercepted and destroyed their ship, and when they tried it on Minbari, the Minbari "tracked them back to their homeworld and made sure they understood the depth of their mistake" as Delenn put it.
- The Vorlons and Shadows apparently. The Vorlons after all abducted Jack the Ripper who for some odd reason wasn't missed much by Earthers.
- According to the fluff, the Vree are very advanced technologically, second only to the Minbari. In fact, they are the only younger race except for the Minbari to have perfected Anti Matter reactors and weapons. The fluff also claims they have teleportation technology, a feat no other race can match.
- There were three species that resemble Greys — the Streib and the Zener (aka the "Shadow Surgeons" seen in flashbacks operating on telepaths to interface them with Shadow technology) were the other two. And the Streib apparently abducted people as well...
- Dark Skies depicts an alternate version of the history of the 20th Century, with elements of the US government either battling or working with a covert invasion by the Hive, a race of Greys. Or, more precisely, a parasitic alien race that had conquered the Greys and were now working on us.
- Doctor Who: The Silence resemble Greys crossed with The Men in Black. Their enlarged craniums have hollows below their (relatively normal-sized) eyes to make them appear black and huge. They first show up in America, influenced NASA to go to the moon, and reappear in the season finale - inside a pyramid with a US flag painted on one side, dubbed "Area 52". They are eventually revealed to be biologically-altered human time-travellers from the far future.
- The Dukes of Hazzard: Grey Aliens appear in a Bizarro Episode.
- The Outer Limits (1963): The first appearance of aliens meeting this description in Western pop culture was an episode entitled "The Bellero Shield", which first aired February 10th, 1964. People began claiming to have been abducted by aliens looking just like the ones from the TV show within weeks, which we are sure is merely a coincidence
- The Outer Limits (1995):
- "Beyond the Veil": Eddie Wexler is plagued by flashbacks of being abducted by grey aliens.
- "Dark Child": Laura Sinclair was abducted by The Greys in 1984 and impregnated, which resulted in the birth of her daughter Tammy. Clips from "Beyond the Veil" are used to represent her nightmares.
- Resident Alien: The Greys are mentioned on a recurring basis in the first season. According to Harry Vanderspeigle, they have "ass fetish". In a later installment, it's revealed that they abduct human babies from pregnant women and implant trackers in people. Harry refers to them as "insidious assholes". In the second season, it is revealed that The Greys are the true Big Bad and that they are planning to desolate the Earth and have already done so once in an alternate timeline.
- Roswell: The few times we see the teen aliens' guardians in their true form, they're classic Greys.
- Seven Days (1998): Greys are the ones who created the Backstep Time Travel technology. One particularly nasty one named Adam is a villain. Well, considering that the Roswell craft was actually a prison transport with Adam as the prisoner, it makes sense that he'd be a bad apple (no pun intended). Plus, what did the humans do when the wounded alien asked for help? Hit him in the face with the butt of a rifle, knocking him into a 50-year coma.
- Sliders': "The Return of Maggie Beckett" shows the Greys. They are known as Reticulans. They existed in our dimension as well, but we didn't have the benefit of a President Adlai Stevenson to reveal their existence to the public. In the alternate universe encountered in this episode, the Greys are common knowledge, and Earth has traded technology with them.
- Stargate SG-1: The Asgard are the wiser, benevolent version. This is a result of Clone Degeneration; they used to look more like Space Elves.
- It's even discussed within the show that they resemble the typical Roswell Greys, and that the Roswell Greys may even be based on them, given how long the Asgard have been observing humans.
- In one episode an Asgard criminal named Loki spends an episode abducting people and has been doing so for some time. The implication is that he's the origin of "grey alien abduction" stories.
- Stargate Atlantis introduces a villainous splinter group of the Asgard called the Vanir who left for the Pegasus Galaxy long ago in order to avoid the Asgard ethical constraints. Interestingly, we have no idea who they are for most of the episode introducing them, as they tend to wear bulky encounter suits.
- Star Trek:
- Star Trek: The Original Series: Balok, or rather, the puppet he uses in "The Corbomite Maneuver", seen in the credits of every episode, looks like a typical grey.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation:
- "Future Imperfect" has Commander Riker in a dream sequence telepathically caused by an orphan Grey alien kid named Barash.
- "Schisms" has creatures abducting several crew members including Riker and Worf for weird medical experiments and they resemble Greys. Interesting enough, as the franchise already has societies of aliens and humans interacting naturally, these Greys are the next step; creatures from Another Dimension.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Little Green Men" deconstructs the Roswell crashing with the Ferengi as the species that crash-landed there, more specifically Quark, Rom and Nog after they accidentally travel back in time. Other than the big heads and small size, Ferengis do not look at all as Greys.
- Taken: The aliens are classic greys who are about four foot tall and possess large heads, oval-shaped eyes, spindly bodies and three fingers and a thumb on each hand.
- The X-Files: The greys are the main villains of the Myth Arc, performing human abduction and experimentation so they can eventually invade and enslave humanity. The Greys from space are emotionless, sociopathic, greedy, and super intelligent. The Greys born from The Virus infecting humans begin as wild, thoughtlessly-violent, werewolf-like beasts, but mature into the calm, intelligent form.
- Foo Fighters (2023): While every alien seen in the art package is green, their designs are otherwise exactly the same as a typical Grey — mildly diminutive humanoids with over-sized heads and big, black eyes. These depictions are identical to the Overlord without his mask, as revealed in "The Final Battle."
- Sharkey's Shootout: One of the pool tournament players is "Mr. Grey", an alien wearing a black suit.
- The X-Files: Some animations, like the extra ball and Shoot Again ones, display these. (Notably, the one on the "Shoot Again" screen is smoking.)
Tabletop Games
- Alternity and later d20 Modern: The Greys show up under the name Fraal. Most are in the wise and benevolent mode, studying the effects of alien intervention on humanity, while trying to safeguard them from aliens with less benign intentions... but some extremists believe that humanity is an inferior race that should be subjugated. However, this is just their default version; at least one campaign setting (for D20 Future) has them as conspirators implied to be plotting to conquer Earth.
- Although they look considerably more humanoid than does the Grey at the top of the page: they have human skin tones and generally wear clothing.
- Much closer to the mark, the Greys appear in the Alternity campaign setting Dark•Matter (1999), which was a conspiracy game — sort of like a table-top X-Files.
- One Monstrous Compendium annual supplement imported the Fraal into Dungeons & Dragons as stranded dimensional travelers.
- Star*Drive had the fraal (though human-fraal interactions were heavily modified, in part because the combination of human and fraal technology led to the eponymous Stardrive once the fraal in the Solar System made public First Contact). It also had the thaal, the (as of the chronologically latest update to the setting) unknown de-facto leaders of the invading Externals. Kinda. The thaal had another name: dark fraal. They were actually another branch of the fraal species, the priestly caste that had won a civil war and driven off the scientific caste, which then developed into the nomadic fraal culture.
- Although they look considerably more humanoid than does the Grey at the top of the page: they have human skin tones and generally wear clothing.
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth: In 3rd Edition, one of the racial templates is a Grey alien.
- Chronicles of Darkness:
- Changeling: The Lost: The Greys are The Fair Folk conforming to the modern equivalent of Faerie and Faerie Abduction myths. Well, at least the confirmed ones are. The books point out that there could be real aliens, and you're free to include them in your game if you want.
- Mage: The Awakening: The stereotypical Roswell Greys are described in Summoners. So is the Chupacabra, although this version looks more like a sabertoothed canine than the "vampire Grey" of popular culture, presumably based on apocryphal accounts of autopsied Chupacabra corpses that resembled an unknown species of canine.
- In Conspiracy X, Greys are one of the three major alien races vying for control of Earth, alongside Atlanteans and Saurians.
- Continuum features the Inheritors as an inscrutable alien race, who are actually post-Singularity humans.
- Dark Conspiracy features Greys as one of several extraterrestrial races that the player characters can encounter.
- Delta Green has the Greys as a mask worn by the Mi-gou, a race of fungus-like aliens with sinister intentions. They struck a deal with Majestic-12 (Delta Green's "replacement") and regularly supply them with reality-bending technology. Their humanoid form is not a coincidence; Mi-Go thinking is so alien from humankind that the Greys are needed for Mi-go to think and act remotely like humans do. It's compared to piloting a deep-sea submarine to visit the wildlife in the oceans.
- Eclipse Phase: Transhumans engineered biomorphs based on Greys; officially they're based on DNA of 100% human origin, but some half-serious conspiracy theories claim that they were spliced with genetic material recovered from Roswell. Given how little extraterrestrial life in the setting resembles Terran life in general (the only living sophonts contacted look like giant slime molds), it's unlikely that particular theory is true.
- GURPS features Greys in some of its settings.
- In GURPS Atomic Horror, they're known as "Alphans", and abduct people to extract genetic information, which they use to create new members of their species.
- In GURPS Black Ops, they're an amoral race stranded on Earth, and prone to abducting and enslaving people and performing bizarre experiments while waiting for their SOS to reach their homeworld. The Black Ops Conspiracy seeks to eliminate them before the Rescue ship arrives.
- JAGS Wonderland: The Greys are humans who have been altered by Project Pagan to be something the Caretakers can tolerate.
- In Nomine:
- The Elohim are a Choir of angels whose true forms resemble hairless, pale-skinned, big-eyed humans. They're dispassionate and logical beings, intended to serve as bias-free arbiters and mediators for Heaven.
- The Grey aliens are Ethereal spirits, servants of the Demon Princess of Nightmares who specialize in invading human dreams to create vivid nightmares of abduction, vivisection, and torturously invasive surgery. They feed off of the Essence generated by their victims' terror, and additionally cultivate a small myth around themselves by tricking their victims into thinking that their dreams were real and by occasionally making an appearance in the physical world. They have a bitter enmity with the Benevolent Space Brothers, another group of Ethereals who sustain themselves by impersonating the myth of benevolent, advanced new-age aliens and who feel that the Greys are poachers and copycats, and with the Elohim.
- Pathfinder: The derro take numerous traits from this archetype, such as abducting humans for disturbing experiments in the middle of the night and resembling small humanoids with pupiless eyes. However, they're actually a race of degenerate fey that come from underground instead. Actual Greys appear, much more prominently in the sci-fi spinoff of Starfinder, with all the more sinister elements of this trope like Blue-and-Orange Morality, nightmarish experiments involving abduction onto strange vessels, Psychic Powers and enigmatic origins.
- Warhammer 40,000: The Tau have grey skin, dark eyes, and no nose, but they are taller than typical Greys, and have hoofed feet (They are evolved from grazing ruminants and uplifted through the pheremone glands of a giant insect). Though their vessels are not saucers, they favor smooth, rounded shapes, and their technology looks more advanced than the humans' (long story on that one). The Tau are not so much about abducting people as they are about welcoming them into their empire, whether they want to or not. They subvert the trope by being relatively naive and idealistic in a thoroughly Grimdark setting - they justify orbital bombardment and sterilization as being "for the Greater Good" rather than killing out of xenophobia.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Greydle archetype is a race of slime-like Grey aliens in their natural form.
- In the Terra Arisen setting for the Cepheus Engine, the Reticulans are pretty much the classic Greys. Small stature, coldly logical, and strongly psionic. They rule a vast interstellar empire of various client races which included humanity from 2082 to 2232. The current day takes place a few years after the Terrans won a brutal war of independence, now the newly created United Terran Republic maintains an uneasy peace with the Reticulan Empire.
- Crazy Aaron's:
- The charm with the Meteorite Falls putty is an alien with the proportions of a grey, though with purple skin and a retro sci-fi styled outfit.
- As expected from the name, the artwork for the Alien putty shows a typical greylien.
- LEGO Minifigures: Series 6 has the Classic Alien, who is characterized as an alien stranded on Earth after being held in Area 51 and mistakenly believes tabloids and conspiracy theories about extraterrestials to be the truth.
- Alien Hallway: The enemies have a variety of body shapes, but the head is always the classic upside-down raindrop with the big eyes.
- Area 51 (FPS): The Greys are conspiring with the human Illuminati to rule the world. The Greys get human test subjects, the Illuminati get alien technology and power over Earth.
- Back Track: The humanoid alien enemies whom aren't mechanical resembles the classic Greys - pale-skinned, bald with narrow eyes, though wearing spacesuits instead of in the nude.
- Calculords: The aliens are skinny dudes with bulbous heads and big black eyes. Skin color varies, though — most are indeed gray, but they also come in red, yellow, and a few different shades each of green and blue. Their piloted vehicles are mostly Flying Saucers or Mini-Mecha. Oh, and a lot of them have psychic powers.
- Coffee Crisis have the player assuming the roles of two coffee baristas fending off an Alien Invasion, with the most recurring enemy type to be stereotypical greys. Other Starfish Alien varieties do show up later in the game, however.
- Dark Colony: The Taar are Greys (although they're white) with ridiculously huge black eyes that take up two thirds of their faces, played straight with all the typical tropes associated with them: genetic modification, experiments and torture of humans, etc. They lean more towards Organic Technology, which, conveniently, has the exact same effect as the normal human tech.
- Deae Tonosama Appare Ichiban: Greys randomly appear through the levels, to foreshadow the fact that aliens are behind everything and also the last area of the game: Mars, full of these Greys and other similar but bigger aliens, merrily holding hands and skipping.
- Destroy All Humans!: The main character is Crypto, a Grey who landed far before they entered popular culture. His being frequently referred to as one of the then-common Little Green Men confuses and infuriates him. His species' actual name is the Furons, rather than the human-given title of Greys.
- Deus Ex: The conspiracy makes artificial life-forms called Grays (complete with round heads and gray skin) and is implied to let rumors about them circulate as a smokescreen for what they are really up to in the Area 51 facility. They behave like primitive primates, but one character speculates just where the DNA to create them came from, and that they could be essentially clones grown from genetic material from the Roswell UFO, without the intelligence. (It's also implied that they're at least partially engineered from bovine DNA in a twist on the Aliens Steal Cattle trope.) The sequel has them finally developing intelligence, but even they don't know who their progenitors are.
- Duke Nukem Advance has the Greys working with "those alien bastards" from Duke Nukem 3D for reasons unknown. Part of their plot involves cloning babes; one of the bosses
is a Grey piloting a crab-like mech.
- Earthbound Beginnings: Giygas/Giegue/Giyig was a Grey-like alien (with more than a passing resemblance to Mewtwo) who was raised by humans, but who felt betrayed by his adoptive parents and sought to conquer Earth. By the time of EarthBound (1994), Giygas had tapped into unimaginable power and become something... far less explicable.
- Endless Space: The Sophons have enormous heads, huge beady eyes and slim body frames growing to around the same height as human children, but the sequel also reveals they are reptilian in nature and have grey skin. Their species' hat is that of a Genius Ditz obsessed with mad science — they can harness the power of entire suns, but once blew up their own moon by accident.
- Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta: The Aliens are more of Little Green Men, but the Abominations they have created from their captives resemble the traditional Greys.
- Gene Troopers: Al is a classical Gray and the main alien supporting character. He's also among the Last of His Kind after a war destroyed his world.
- Grey: An Alien Dream: Besides Grey himself, one of the enemy types he faces in his Dream Lands is different looking greys. They're referred to as "Grey (way less cool)".
- Greyhill Incident is an indie survival game detailing the aftermath of an Alien Invasion somewhere in the 90s, where the aliens in question resembles the archetypal Greys.
- Little Big Adventure: The first game ends with Twinsen and Zoe descending into the interior of planet Twinsun and meeting the "goddess Sendell" who turns out to be one individual of a race of beings safeguarding a stellar entity gestating in the core of the planet and who engineered Twinsen's prophetic gift so that he would save the planet from Dr. FunFrock. The beings look a lot like the archetypal Greys: pale, with very large bald heads relative to their bodies giving them a baby-ish or even fetal appearance, big black eyes, no visible nose, and a small mouth.
- Machine Hunter depicts the greys as hostile alien invaders, which the player kills en-masse throughout the game.
- MapleStory has Grays in the alien-themed Omega Sector area. They mostly fit the trope with their gray skin and large eyes, but they have a teardrop-shaped head with an antenna that ends in a ball.
- Mass Effect: Salarians are based on the Greys, while not being exact replicas. They have large, dark eyes, a bulbous head, and a wiry frame. Highly intelligent, but aren't renowned for biotic ability (in fact, so far, no biotic salarian has been seen). They reproduce externally (like fish) so take that as you wish for it to mean about their genitalia. Due to their slender bodies, large bulbous eyes, and contact with younger races, they've been hinted to be the actual Greys of popular culture.
- Master of Orion: The Psilons in MoO 2 and 3 resemble the Greys, the latter especially.
- Nobody Saves the World: The aliens from the crashed UFO are stereotypically bald and grey-skinned with large black eyes.
- Perfect Dark takes a turn from corporate espionage into sci-fi when you're tasked with infiltrating Area 51 to rescue one such alien from the government, and from then on, the plot concerns the struggle between these Maians, another alien race called the Skedar, and the humans aligned with each. The Maian you rescue is named Elvis, a Terraphile who eventually runs around in a vest decorated with the Stars and Stripes, shouting taunts like "Kiss mah alien butt!" while fighting alongside you.
- Pokémon Black and White introduced the Pokémon Elgyem, which is modeled after the Little Green Men but their shiny form is grey. Its evolution is brown in both forms and designed to look like it's wearing a trench coat disguise. Elgyem's name derives from the pronunciation of LGM, the acronym for... Little Green Men. Similarly, his evolution Beheeyem is named after the pronunciation of BEM, or "Bug-Eyed Monsters", another typical way to describe aliens in the past.
- Project Tower: The Hiks are hostile versions of the Grays, with a Skull for a Head. They're responsible for the destruction of various worlds, earth included, and abducting large numbers of sentient beings for their "Morph" experiments.
- Psionic Games: The main antagonists of a few entries are tall, almost human-sized beings that wear a strange slim form of armor, have telepathic powers, and carry laser guns that drastically warp a target organism's body.
- Icescape sets these as their most prominent appearance thus far.
- The first game gets kicked off by one of their ships having crashed into your Arctic base, and a survivor screams "We do not come in peace" before you shoot it at point-blank range.
- The second involves another species of aliens as flesh-eating insects that swarmed a mining station.
- The third has you shoot groups of these aliens and even stop another ship from landing. But the military, instead of rescuing you, lock you up with one of the creatures who begs for your help.
- Killer Escape 3 brings a surprise reappearance of the same aliens and goes into more detail about them, including the fact that they are the Mooks of the Observer, and explaining how Dr. Rycroft was given so many test subjects in the Being One series.
- Icescape sets these as their most prominent appearance thus far.
- Scribblenauts: The standard alien object is grey, bald, and has black eyes. Typing in "Xenomorph" also results in one of these.
- Silent Hill: The Greys show up in non-canon joke endings in multiple games, ranging from abducting the player character in Silent Hill, destroying the titular town in Silent Hill 3, and becoming playable as one of the three main characters in Silent Hill: The Escape.
- The Sims:
- The Sims 2: The aliens are like this only green. Full aliens aren't player characters (except Pollination Tech #9 Smith and Stella Terrano)note , but alien hybrids can be created if a Sim is abducted.
- The Sims 3: Aliens were introduced in the Seasons Expansion Pack. They look similar to the aliens in The Sims 2. Unlike the previous game, however, it is possible to befriend a full blooded alien and move it into your household.
- The Sims 4' introduces aliens in the Get to Work, this time they have additional skintones besides green, like purple and blue, and the game allows players to create their own in Create a Sim.
- Star Control:
- The Ariloulaleelay — Arilou, for short — fit much of the trope. They are green, but with large heads and almond-shaped eyes, who fly saucer-like spaceships that can teleport on a whim during combat. The Arilou live on a world that can only be reached through Quasispace (a higher dimension even than Hyperspace), and have been observing humans for millennia. Their goals are shrouded in mystery, although it is hinted that they've been observing and/or abducting humans to protect us from dangers lurking outside our universe; abominations that could "smell" humans and come after us if we are not careful. Supposedly, the Arilou have been trying to change our "smell" to avoid this eventuality.
- In the Origins continuity, their appearance is heavily Lampshaded. When the Captain asks why they look like stereotypical grey aliens, they reply "Because this is what humans expect aliens to look like".
- Startopia: One of the recruitable races are the Greys. They specialize in medicine (thanks to past experience of abducting and disecting people) and some bio-information can have them mourn dead relatives lost at Roswell. In a pinch, they can also be used in a fight, but are generally pretty weak combatants (it's best to use the resident Proud Warrior Race Guys, the Kasvagorians).
- Time Zone has these types of aliens as enemies in the 2010 zone, though the Famicom's color palette turns their skin white.
- UFO After Blank has the Reticulans, greys focused on Organic Technology, who were responsible for killing the planet prior to the game.
- WarioWare has Orbulon, though he does wear boots and a Badass Cape.
- X-COM:
- X-COM: UFO Defense: Greys known as Sectoids are a common enemy, fighting with both plasma weapons and their psychic powers. They're ruled by Ethereals, taller, elongated Grays with even greater mental abilities, who go around in large orange cloaks.
- XCOM Terror From The Deep features Aquatoids, Sectoids that have adapted for life underwater.
- XCOM Apocalypse has Human-Sectoid hybrids, the result of alien genetic experiments that never went anywhere since the invasion in the first game failed. These Hybrids live as second-class citizens due to their obviously alien features but can be recruited into your forces; they're physically frail, but psionically powerful.
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown redesigns the Sectoids so that they're more like the Dover Demon: mouthless, spindly, and scuttling about on all fours, Gollum-style. They have the ability to form a Psychic Link that buffs the receiver and increases their Critical Hit chance. Tougher variants known as Sectoid Commanders are an early-game boss but later become recurring foes, and unlike their standard counterparts, have offensive psychic powers like Mind Control.
- The Bureau: XCOM Declassified: The Enemy Unknown Sectoid design is used, but these enemies are Slave Mooks for the invading Zudjari, aliens that look like human-sized Greys save for their sideways mouths.
- XCOM 2 brings back the idea of Sectoid hybrids in both the standard ADVENT infantry, which are clone troopers made from both human and alien DNA, and the new and improved Sectoids, which are man-sized now, have Scary Teeth, and new psychic powers like the ability to reanimate corpses. The game also features a new enemy, the Andromedons (a loose reimagining of Terror From The Deep's Calcinites), which resemble taller Greys with pointier, more conical heads, mottled, dark grey skin and some kind of gas mask over what is presumably their mouths. It's unlikely that they're related to the Sectoids, as they're said to come from a planet with a highly acidic atmosphere and need to ride around in acid-filled Mini-Mecha when on Earth, though their similarities may be a result of the Elders' habit of tampering with the DNA of the races under their thrall.
- XCOM: Chimera Squad sees many Sectoids working together with humans after the fall of the Elders, with some (such as squad member Verge) having gotten gene mods to look less intimidating (mainly by giving them lips). Like the other main races (humans, Vipers, Mutons and hybrids), all Sectoids wear normal clothing, though they tend to forgo shoes.
Visual Novels
- Gnosia: Subverted. Early on, you meet Shigemichi, who looks exactly like a Grey, but he insists he's a human. Later on, you eventually learn that he really is a human, and his alien like appearance is because he suffered a major accident as a kid, and had to be given synthetic skin. Since he was a big fan of alien fiction at the time, his dad suggested making synthetic skin that would give him the look. You later learn he also is involved in a Stable Time Loop, where he will eventually travel back in time, and sightings of him in the past inspire the idea of this appearance for aliens.
Web Animation
- This short animation
outlines a potential future in which humans evolve into something resembling Greys and invent time travel.
- raxdflipnote: Kyle the Alien & his brother Markus, despite having blue & red skin respectively, are this.
- Alien Dice: The Architects, aside from spooking primitives from some backwater planet they gave galactic society Nano Machines, but left when the AD corp stole a more advanced version for use in their Dice.
- The Cyantian Chronicles has two species that qualify. The Cil, who have to merge with other species to survive in earth's environment and accidentally created the weres that way. And the Rumuah, who created the Cyantians from human and animal DNA but largely went extinct centuries before the anal-probing phenomenon.
- DJ Gray: Gray is one who has gotten himself stranded on Earth, and is now working as a fast food cook.
- El Goonish Shive:
- When Luke contemplates Tedd, Grace and Noah as being aliens, he pictures Tedd and Grace staring at him with faces like that of Greys
- The Uryumoms look like this
, at least in their base form.
- When Luke contemplates Tedd, Grace and Noah as being aliens, he pictures Tedd and Grace staring at him with faces like that of Greys
- Melonpool has archetypical "lottle grey men" in the form of the G.R.A.I.S.E..
- Rasputin Barxotka: They appear briefly, using probing to harvest human sexual energy to power their ships.
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: The Zorblaxians, an alien race frequently featured, look like Greys, except that they are dark green and wear clothes. In some strips they fit the stereotypes pretty well, abducting humans for experiments; while in others they live on Earth among humans and are used as vehicles for social commentary.
- Sluggy Freelance: A quartet of Greys are characters in the "Oceans Unmoving" storyline. From what we know of them, they were grown in test tubes, are obsessed with Anal Probing, and got to Timeless Space via attempting to "probe" a Time Machine with a rake (in a parody of XCOM). They're also a homage to The A-Team, being named Murdock, Face, Hannibal, and B.A.
- Starfire Agency
: Grays are one of apparently several alien races that frequently abduct major character Denver, and the species he fears the most as they seem to be completely emotionless and uncaring about the experiments they perform on him, and they steal his clothes and send him back in different ones each time. In one arc a hybrid that looks like a tall, gaunt canid with large black eyes appears to fix the sleeper personality his creators put in Denver, or rather the clone they replaced him with a decade ago.
- Star Power: The Graidani have some resemblance to Greys. And they used to be enslaved by their cousins the Graidan, who might be based on the taller "leaders" that appear in some accounts.
- Trying Human has the Greys as both protagonists and antagonists, depending on whether you're Rose or Majestic 12. To Rose, they're mostly friendly (eventually) but to the government, they're evil (to be fair, they do abduct people, but don't hurt them). The government has even invented weapons specifically designated to stop them. permanently via "blooms" that stop their telepathy by exploding their brains. Other alien races are present, such as the creepily adorable Reptoids and the human-like and reclusive Nordics, but among the named characters, a good number are Greys. Including the one who crashed at Roswell.
Web Original
- Discussed in a parody "fun fact"
by Tony Zaret where it's revealed that the reason most aliens are sad is because they hate being thin and bald like the stereotypical alien portrayal.
Web Videos
- Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel)': The most commonly depicted alien species, where, among other things, are said to be responsible for several Alien Abduction incidents, as well as mysterious disappearances and killings.
- Nightmare Time: The episode "Yellow Jacket" has the boy with blue veins, Otho, a vessel for the ancient god, Pokotho. He was made by splicing human DNA with a blue substance found on a meteor. He is portrayed by an otherworldly-looking puppet, with large, glassy eyes and long knobby fingers.
- Vinesauce Tomodachi Life: Partway through, Vinny added several identical Miis called the Jahns, which heavily resemble the Grays (although due to the limitations of the Mii Maker, their skin isn't actually gray). They are revealed to be a group of alien researchers stranded on Earth after their ship crashed; Vinny mentions that he intends to study them, in hopes of seeing how they differentiate. However, they quickly turn out to be more than they seem, as they quickly turn the tables and begin studying Vinny, as well as making deals with Isaac and Hailey. Then, in Episode 48, they finally put their plans into effect, converting the other islanders into more Jahns, with Vinny himself under their control. Fortunately, they're driven off by Mulder and Scully two episodes later; apparently, they just wanted chicken cutlets the whole time.
Western Animation
- Alien X Mas: The Klepts are depicted as greys, albeit with some being larger than others or having distinct body types. Also, while they're introduced as being an identical shade of grey, X turns bright blue after a Heel–Face Turn, and it turns out that the Klepts originally came in a wide variety of bright colors, but had gradually all turned grey after they became greedy and lost the spirit of generosity.
- American Dad!: Roger. In one episode, Jesus meets Roger and mentions that Roger's people are one of his father's "side projects".
- Archer: In "Nellis", Krieger and Pam insist that the U.S. government is harboring these at Nellis AFB. They're right, and the Greys even walk around so casually that they enter an officer's club without bothering to check who is in there first (Archer & Co.). Although there is some suggestion it was All Just a Dream.
- Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Roswellians are designed after the Greys (tho they are a little bit greenish) and appear in several episodes, but they are mostly an inversion of the Alien Invasion and Roswell That Ends Well tropes as their planet is actually the receptor of alien visits and not the otherway around.
- Doctor Who: In the CBBC animated serial "Dreamland" there are a couple of Grey aliens that were captured in Area 51.
- Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law: Phil Ken Sebben mistakes The Jetsons for Greys, scattering his office with drawings of them with the distinctive large, black, almond-shaped eyes.
- Men in Black: The Series introduces two races:
- The Arquillians are exactly like a grey in their look, except for their tiny size. They are a pacifist race and pass as humans using big human-like suits.
- The Baltians, another grey-looking alien race, albeit they are taller than humans (as some greys are allegedly in Real Life). The first race un doing "official" First Contact with humans and the ones giving humans all sorts of technologies that the MIB decide when they go public. They also travel in flying saucers.
- South Park: The Greys, known as Visitors, make several appearances. They visit Earth to record everything as an intergalactic reality show. The Visitors antagonize humans (especially Cartman for some reason) but praise cows. There's also a Visitor hidden in the background of almost every episode. There's an interesting aversion in one episode. As Chef and the boys are escaping the Visitors, they suddenly see a light behind them and scream that the aliens are after them. However, it turns out that it's not a UFO chasing them but four Visitors in a sedan, one of whom leans out of a window with a gun (a plain old Earth gun) to shoot at the escaping vehicle. Then they get The Dukes of Hazzard treatment.
- Steven Universe: Greys are something of a recurring symbol for Peridot, who herself is heavily based on their green cousins. In "Log Date 7 15 2" she puts on a pair of Goofy Print Underwear dotted with their heads, her tape recorder has a sticker of a grey's head, and Peridot falls in love with a large stuffed Grey doll in "Too Short To Ride", her desire to win one being part of the catalyst that starts the plot.
- The Tick: In "Tick vs the Big Nothing", an alien race called the What disguise themselves as Greys in order to avoid their enemies the Hey (who happen to look like Arthur).
Real Life
- The Grey image may have originated with the H. G. Wells essay "Man of the Year Million", a conjecture of what humans might evolve into in a million years as a technical civilization: having grey skin, an enlarged brain, and a weakened body. The image began showing up in UFO reports not long after it entered the media. Historically, descriptions of UFO aliens always matched the dominant pop-culture images of the time: Little Green Men in the late '40s, big scary monsters in the B-movie '50s, Human Aliens in the '60s when TV aliens were just actors in weird costumes. But by the time the Grey image came along, UFOs had become a pop-culture trope themselves and began feeding back into the media. So The Greys began appearing in productions like Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The X-Files, becoming a self-reinforcing trope.
- The Las Vegas 51s minor league baseball team (renamed the Aviators for the 2019 season) were so called after Area 51. Their mascot? A Grey with baseball seams on his large head.