The Last Straw - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Dec 23 2010

The Last Straw (trope)

I guess all that heavy lifting paid off.

Emperor: Deliver conscriptions throughout all the provinces; call up reserves, and as many new recruits as possible.
General Li: Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him.
Emperor: I won't take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.

First, fill something to the nick of overfilling. It doesn't matter what it is: a bag almost bursting with stuff; an ominously creaking cliff; an elevator nearing its maximum occupancy; a morbidly obese gourmand's stuffed stomach; you name it. When you've finished, add just a teeny, tiny bit more. Watch your recipient blow/crack/shatter instantly and/or loudly.

Basically, a literal interpretation of "the last straw that broke the camel's back".

This trope applies to situations where maximal capacity is reached, and even an infinitesimal quantity surpassing it causes effects far more massive than common sense could predict.

Often preceded by a character declaring how nothing could go wrong before the proverbial straw is added.

Although the most common variation of this is when a group of people/stuff is at a ledge and a light feather/dust powder lands and it simply breaks apart instantly (and painfully), it's not only restricted to those cases.

Compare Hair-Trigger Avalanche, Death of a Thousand Cuts, Cherry Tapping, Critical Existence Failure, Critical Encumbrance Failure, Exploding Closet, and The Stateroom Sketch. If you're looking for the trope where a character finally can't take it anymore and explodes because of something being the last straw for them, see Rage Breaking Point.


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  • The US commercial for Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is similar to the scene from The Meaning of Life, with a man eating a huge amount of food to represent everything that was crammed into the game. When he's full, he has a bit of whipped cream or something (to represent a bonus level) and...kablooie. It got censored soon after it first aired. In the original versions of it the dude is seen exploding. Censored versions had him exploding off screen.
  • A '90s commercial for a car had a man on a step ladder pouring soda into a very fragile bucket to represent the amount of gasoline needed to power other brand cars. He continuously pours more soda in to represent every stop he makes to get gas. When the bucket is about to overflow, the narrator tells him to get some gas "for the trip back home". Guess what happens next?
  • Two Australian men have loaded a pick-up truck to capacity with Castlemaine XXXX beer. They add a couple of bottles of sherry for the ladies, and the truck's groaning suspension finally collapses. Of course, they conclude it was too much sherry.
  • In an Allstate insurance ad, the "mayhem" pitchman is lying on a garage roof in winter, representing a growing load of snow. At the end, he blows air at a snowy tree branch, causing a few ounces of snow to fall on him and the roof to immediately collapse under the additional weight.


  • One of the gags in M78 Love and Peace. Ultraman struggles to lift a barbell, removing one weighted disc after another, until only the barbell's pole remains. Finally Ultraman managed to lift it, but then a butterfly lands on the pole's left side making Ultraman fall over comically.

Asian Animation 

  • Lamput:
    • In "Snow", Specs Doc lands on a patch of thin ice while holding one half of Lamput. The added weight of Lamput causes the ice to start cracking, and Specs Doc throws him to the side and tries to convince him against pressing on the cracking ice. After Lamput leaves, a leaf falls onto the ice patch and makes it break completely, causing Specs Doc to fall into the water below.
    • In "The Desert Years", a bunch of vultures distract Specs Doc and Skinny Doc for so long that their plane's wings get stuck in the sides of a canyon. A vulture's feather falls on Skinny's head, sending the plane falling to the ground. The docs are saved by Lamput, who turns into a parachute shape to send them floating to safety.
  • In Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Mighty Little Defenders episode 1, Wolffy and the other wolves are all blasted to Wolf Castle. Wolffy lands on the roof of the castle, only to have the other wolves land on him and cause him to fall into the room below, where he is struggling to carry the other wolves on his back. An envelope lands on him and is enough to make him collapse from the amount of weight he's carrying.

Comic Books 

  • An issue of The Batman Adventures has Mastermind, Mr. Nice, and The Professor escaping from Gotham City State Penitentiary ridiculously easily. As Mastermind and Nice try to think of some way to create a diversion in the cafeteria (which is at the moment occupied by hundreds of violent, sociopathic, could-snap-at-any-moment hardened criminals having dinner), the Professor simply stands up, clears his throat, and calmly announces: "Fire." All the convicts panic, the guards (thinking they're trying to start a riot) retaliate, and then a real riot breaks out, during which the trio slip away unnoticed.
  • Disney Ducks Comic Universe: In Carl Barks' story "A Christmas for Shacktown", Scrooge's money bin has become so full that when he drops in just one more dime, the ground under the bin caves in and all of his money falls into a deep pit with a thin floor — right over a lake of lava. We don't find out how he got it all out until Don Rosa's story "Gyro's First Invention".
  • Horizon Zero Dawn: While Avad was always against his father's killings, it's after his father has his older brother Kadaman killed — after Avad wanted him to talk sense into their father, no less — does he decide to leave and join Ersa's resistance directly.
  • Spirou & Fantasio: In Le Tombeau des Champignac, Fantasio sleeps under a leaking roof with a tarp to catch the rain. Throughout the night, the tarp collects and becomes swollen with water. By morning, it has stopped raining, but water is still dripping into the tarp, one drop at a time. Eventually, it becomes one drop too many, and the tarp tears, causing all the water to be dumped onto Fantasio at once in a rude awakening.

Comic Strips 

  • Subtly referenced in a Calvin and Hobbes strip. Calvin asks his dad how they know how much weight bridges hold. Dad responds that they build the bridge, then drive heavier and heavier trucks over it until it collapses. Then they rebuild the bridge and post the weight.
  • FoxTrot has a variation as a Shout-Out to the former Trope Namer, with Peter and Paige's heads bloated from an all-night cram session (and a viewing of Meaning of Life) and Jason offering them "onlee a wafer-theen formula".
  • Garfield: Happens in a strip with a Christmas tree toppling from the addition of one last decoration.

Eastern Animation 

  • Nu, Pogodi!:
    • In a stadium episode, the Wolf has barely managed to lift a very heavy barbell, when a butterfly lands on it, with predictable results.
    • At the end of a winter-themed episode, Wolf barely avoids triggering an avalanche by yelling in the mountains, then triggers it anyway with a whisper.

Fan Works 

  • Danganronpa: Paradise Lost: Chapter 4's execution ends with a single white feather being added to the weight that the condemned Goh is lifting, resulting in him being Squashed Flat. Daisuke even refers to it as "the last straw".

Films — Animation 

  • In The Boxtrolls, Snatcher is already bloated from falling in the remains of the Briehemoth. Eating one more piece of cheese causes him to explode.
  • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: The dam holding back the mountain of leftover food gives way when a single cherry falls on top of a scoop of ice cream.
  • In Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, the titular trio create an unknown scam that unfortunately goes horribly (and disastrously) wrong once again as it creates large amounts of property damage in the neighborhood and severely injures the cul-de-sac kids (with the exception of Sarah and Jimmy, as they're not involved in the scam). Because of this, the neighborhood kids become so angered and furious of the Eds and so fed up with them that they not only want to torment and bully the Eds, as they usually do throughout most of the series, but also want to literally murder the Eds for good. The frightened Eds manage to flee for their lives and run away from the cul-de-sac using Eddy's brother's car, and after narrowly escaping from being bullied by the kids, the Eds decide to embark on a treacherous quest to find Eddy's brother for help and protection, while unbeknownst to them, the angry kids, as well as the Kanker sisters, are still out pursuing them for punishment and vengeance.
  • The classic bodybuilding sketch in "Goofy Gymnastics". Goofy's holding up a weight that he can barely hold. A fly lands on one end, he starts to tumble, but stays up. The fly walks across the barbell, and at that time he falls through the floor.
  • Ice Age: In the short "Gone Nutty", Scrat has filled a log full of acorns and is just putting in the last one. But the log is so full that that last acorn keeps popping out. In trying to push it back in, the bottom collapses, sending all the nuts — and Scrat — tumbling down a cliff.
  • Subverted in Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama when Kim's prom date shows up to Ron's treehouse while Kim and Ron are in it, Ron says he can't come up. While Kim interprets it as jealousy (and it partially is), Ron tells her that the treehouse has a weight limit and the two of them, Ron's pet naked mole rat Rufus, Ron's plate of nachos, and the slingshot he's holding is already pushing it.
  • Lilo & Stitch:
    • Stitch can lift three thousand times his own weight, but collapses under even a little bit more.
    • In Stitch! The Movie, Hamsterviel restrains Stitch with his weight "times three thousand and one!"
  • Looney Tunes:
    • "Pigs Is Pigs (1937)" has an example of the explosion version. A young pig (not Porky) dreams that he is being overfed by a Mad Scientist. As he leaves, stuffed to the gills, he takes a bite off a drumstick and... Kaboom!
    • Bugs Bunny sets this up in "Little Red Riding Rabbit", by piling a bunch of goods on top of the big bad wolf, who's straddled right over a bunch of hot coals, but just as he's climbing up a ladder to invoke the trope with a feather... LRRH shows up. Red is, in this case, a Genre (or at least Story) Savvy teenager with a loud, obnoxious voice and a fairly clear idea of how things go. She's been spending the entire short harassing Bugs and the wolf ("Hey Grandmaaaaa!"), and her barging in while Bugs is busy is a Wafer Thin Mint all on its own. Bugs abandons his attempt to roast the wolf in favor of leaving Red at the bottom of the pile, while standing off to one side sharing a carrot with the wolf! That seems a bit harsh, even for Red.

      Bugs: I'll do it, but I'll probably hate myself in the morning.

    • In "Frigid Hare", Bugs and the big bad Eskimo are hanging onto a near-broken-off ledge that is literally swinging in the wind. The penguin looks down at them, accidentally dislodging a single snowflake that drifts down onto the ledge, causing it to fall.
    • Implied at the end of "Chow Hound": After the dog gorges himself to near-bursting on meat, the cat and mouse he'd been using as servants show up with a load of gravy (as he previously requested) and prepare to start Force Feeding it to him, much to his great displeasure.
  • In "The Million Dollar Cat", Tom inherits a fortune, On One Condition — if he hurts another living thing, even a mouse, he loses the money. Jerry, naturally, takes advantage of this, continually following Tom around, despite the cat's best attempts to get rid of him and basically acting like a freeloader who ruins Tom's life. The final straw comes when he eats Tom's breakfast and attacks Tom with the rest of the breakfast material, which causes Tom to lose his temper, shreds the will, and attack Jerry.

    Tom: Gee! I'm throwing away a million dollars... but I'm HAPPY!

  • In "Not Without My Handbag", the girl defeats Satan (possessing the handbag) by giving him all the cakes in a bakery. He eats most of them and grows to an enormous size before she offers him one last chocolate éclair. He tries to refuse, but ends up eating it anyway. The monstrosity explodes, sending Satan back to hell and the inanimate handbag back to the girl's dead aunt.
  • Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown: Snoopy and Woodstock get lost in the woods at night and slip down a cliff. Snoopy manages to save himself by grabbing a hold of a tire hanging from a branch. When Woodstock perches on the tire, their combined weight causes it to fall.
  • The Three Caballeros: In the "Aves Raras" segment, the Aracuan Bird gives one more straw for a bird building a rather extravagant nest, only for it to collapse.
  • In Turning Red, Ming has been able to hold in her rage for many years but the last straw came when her daughter Mei chose to keep the red panda and left mid-ritual to reconcile with her friends. Unable to hold her rage in as it finally bubbles to the surface, Ming's necklace breaks, releasing her own red panda and fusing with her, turning her into a rampaging fluffy giant.

Films — Live-Action 

  • In Beetlejuice (1988), Adam and Barbara are driving over a covered bridge and swerve to avoid a dog. They crash through the wall of the bridge and end up poised on the edge, teetering above a river. They look back and see the dog standing on a broken plank, panting happily at them. The dog hops off the plank, and over they go.
  • In Black Sheep (1996), a huge boulder behind the cabin in which the two main characters are staying is loosened by, among other things, David Spade's character standing on it and a rodent digging under it. Finally, a bird flying overhead poops on it, and...
  • At the beginning of Cas and Dylan, Dr. Cas Pepper is already a widower and facing a fatal, inoperable brain tumor. When his beloved dog unexpectedly drops dead during an innocent game of fetch, Cas sets out on a cross-country trip to (a) give the dog a proper burial and (b) end his life on his own terms.
  • Used twice with Pip in Enchanted. Once by accident, the second as a kind of Heroic Sacrifice. (But it's a Disney movie, so...)
  • For Your Eyes Only: A car with a bad guy who killed Bond's buddy inside is balanced on edge of cliff. Bond walks up and tosses the badguy's own calling card at the car, expecting it to tip. When that's not enough Bond gives the car a kick for good measure.
  • In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Bombur is sitting on a bench that's audibly creaking under his weight, so one of the other dwarves decides to toss him a sausage, and the bench promptly collapses.
  • In Jack (1996), the treehouse where a bunch of kids, Robin Williams as a forty-year-old adult that's actually a kid with severe growth problems and Bill Cosby singing and stomping feet falls down when a butterfly lands on not even the treehouse itself but a splinter, which slowly bends until it touches the treehouse, and then everything falls apart.
  • Monty Python's The Meaning of Life has the infamous sketch where Mr. Creosote eats exorbitant amounts of food while vomiting profusely. The Maitre d' then approaches him with a wafer-thin mint — the former Trope Namer. After a few rude protestations that he was full, Mr. Creosote was coaxed into eating the mint. The Maitre d' then finds a hiding spot as most of Mr. Creosote's body explodes into chunks of innards and bile.
  • Road Trip: E.L. demonstrates that he can spit across a ten-foot-wide broken bridge. He does, but causes the other end of the bridge to collapse from his spit.
  • Spy Hard: In a flashback, Steele makes a false presidential rescue thinking there's a threat. He ends up having his feet hanging over the ledge of a bridge along with the president's car. He stretched his arms out with his wallet to keep himself from falling.
  • In True Lies, the bad guys' truck is hanging off the edge of the bridge and they sigh in relief that it didn't go over. Then a pelican lands on it...
  • In the Wizards of Waverly Place movie, Justin has to make a bridge. He's very proud of it and taunts Alex until she wordlessly takes a pebble and tosses it on the bridge. The Genre Savvy can guess what happens.


  • Annie M.G. Schmidt's poem "De brug bij Breukelen" ("The Bridge Near Breukelen") has everyone and everything going over a bridge safely, until a mosquito lands on it...
  • In Horton Hears a Who! and its adaptations, the microscopic Whos live on a speck of dust, and the only normal-sized animal who can hear them is an elephant named Horton (due to his large ears). The other animals get sick of Horton talking about the Whos and plan to boil the dust speck in oil, so the Whos all try to make as much noise as possible to prove their existence. Finally, the Mayor finds one Who who isn't contributing—a particularly small Who named JoJo (his son in some adaptations)—takes him to the highest point in town and has him make a loud "YOPP!" This added to all the other Whos' noises finally allows the animals to hear them, saving the town.
  • Interesting Times: Rincewind is dangling above a giant fall, barely supported by a few rotting logs. A quantum butterfly lands on his hat, and, wary of this exact trope, Rincewind tries to blow it off — so it starts making it rain just over his head, which is enough to drop him. It also stings him with a very small lightning bolt.
  • The children's book The Mitten is about a small boy's mitten that gets dropped in the woods. First a little mouse finds the mitten and finds it a cozy nest. Then along comes a small frog, and then a rabbit, and the mitten is pretty much big enough for them, and quite warm. Then things start to get out of hand when a fox, then a wolf, and then a bear arrive and clamber for space in the mitten. Finally, a doddering granny grasshopper comes along and blows off their cries of "No room! No room!" by saying, "There's always room for one more!" She nudges in one foot and the mitten goes plooie. (In the Jan Brett version, the animals start with rabbit, and the mitten doesn't explode until a mouse snuggles herself on the bear's nose.)
  • In Isaac Asimov's short story "Shah Guido G.", the protagonist deliberately invokes this trope in order to cause the eponymous world-dictator's floating city to crash to earth: "Why, once more in history, Atlantis sank beneath the Waves."
  • In the picture book "Who Sank the Boat", every time an animal gets in, we're asked "Do you know who sank the boat?" The answer, of course, isn't one of the big animals but the little mouse, the last to get in, the smallest of all.

Live-Action TV 

  • 8 Simple Rules: CJ stands on the trap door to the attic, holding a bowling ball and a teddy bear. He drops the bowling ball so the trap door would go up. Nothing happens. He drops the teddy bear, and then the trap door goes up.
  • The Final Straw is a game show involving people playing the most extreme version of Jenga you’ve ever seen, where any little thing they pull could cause the tower to collapse.
  • Played with in House when the team has to diagnose a morbidly obese man in a coma. They eventually get to the point that they need to get an MRI. The only problem: the weight limit for the MRI is 450, and the man in question weighs over 600.

    Cameron: The weight limit's obviously just an estimation. It's not like it can hold 450 pounds fine and then collapse under 451.
    Chase: He's not 1 pound over, he's 150 pounds over.

  • In the iCarly episode "iDate a Bad Boy", Spencer buys a pressure-sensitive alarm in front of the door to prevent Carly from sneaking out. Carly jumps up and down on it, and it doesn't go off. Later, an obese postman comes to give a package to Spencer, telling him that it needed one more stamp. The postman steps on the sensor with the package. Nothing. Spencer gives him the stamp to complete the postage, and then the alarm goes off.
  • MythBusters has tested the "bird landing on a car making it fall" scenario. (Busted, twice over.)
  • Seinfeld: George's wallet. The "mint" is a phone tab from an ad (a strip of paper just big enough to fit a phone number).


  • In the Starbomb song "A Boy and His Boat", after Link tells the King of Red Lions he "absolutely cannot carry one more thing", his Sapient Ship reassures him "all that's left is a single piece of string", which breaks Link's back when it goes on top of his bag.

Professional Wrestling 

  • According to World Wrestling Entertainment, the rings used for (among other things) the massive Royal Rumble Match held every January can bear the weight of approximately five non-metric tons, or 10,000 pounds - enough to bear the weight of about 40 standard-sized male wrestlers (the average male WWE Superstar weighing about 250 pounds)note . But if even a cruiserweight (wrestler weighing less than 200 pounds) jumped in after them, the whole thing would presumably collapse. Fortunately, 40 is the absolute maximum number of Superstars ever allowed in the Royal Rumble Match over its two-and-a-half decades of existence, and no more than 15 of those guys at the most are ever in the ring all at once (the overwhelming majority of the contestants being unable to stay in the match for 60 minutes, which is the average length of a Royal Rumble), so the chances of such a thing happening are practically nonexistent. When a superheavyweight (400 pounds or more) performs a top-rope maneuver on another superheavyweight, however...
    • This has currently happened five times. The first three times, it was Big Show getting superplexed: first time by Brock Lesnar, second time by Mark Henry, third time by Braun Strowman. The fourth time saw Bray Wyatt superplex Strowman, and the fifth had Bronson Reed superplexing Strowman.

Tabletop Games 

  • Jenga involves players removing wooden blocks from a tower and stacking them on top to make it taller, but more unstable, until removing one of the blocks from below finally causes the tower to fall.
  • There's a card game called Straw that literally deals with trying not to break a camel's back. Players load goods of various weights onto a communal camel, trying to avoid being the one to go over 50 pounds/kilos/whatever. Everyone other than the person who broke the camel's back scores the sum of the weight still in their hand, so there's a risk/reward aspect to holding onto the heavier goods. Amusingly, there's a single 'Straw' card that weighs 1/1000. If you play that when the camel is at exactly 50 pounds, you score your hand while no one else does, akin to shooting the moon in trick-taking games. (Why this method of back-breaking is desirable isn't really explained.)

Video Games 

  • In NetHack, once you've eaten enough to become satiated, eating anything more may choke you to death. This includes the corpses left by wraiths, which have interesting magical properties but no nutritional value and therefore don't trigger the usual "are you sure you want to eat more?" warning. This is referenced on "Lessons Learned the Hard Way": "Don't eat wraith corpses when satiated. You don't get a warning."
  • Kingdom of Loathing: "You eat the piece of after eight. Despite the wafer-thinness of the mint, you explode in a shower of gore." This happens if you eat it while full, which you can do because it doesn't actually contribute to your fullness (you can keep eating wafer-thin coins and exploding all day if you feel like it).
  • Dead by Daylight: Mr. Yamaoka, despite facing heavy financial debt, his wife's illness, working himself to the bone, insomnia, and worst of all being scouted by the Entity as a potential killer, was doing whatever he could to stave off the situation... until he was made The Scapegoat for a defective production line and the company he had worked at for 22 years fired him. That evening, he murdered his wife and daughter.
  • All but lampshaded in Devil May Cry 4, when Dante explodes a huge towering Boss with one hit point left with a single pistol bullet. Twice.
  • CJ in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas can eat up to eleven super-size fast food meals perfectly comfortably. Try finishing it off with a salad, though...
  • In The Elder Scrolls, you can run at full speed while being 0.1 weight units under your limit and perform stunning feats of acrobatics if your level is high enough, but if, in that state, you get hit by a 0.1 weight arrow, you are instantly immobilized.
  • While not quite the same thing, in Breath of Fire IV the God-Emperor Fou-Lu has spent the entire game with a target on his head by the very empire that resurrected him. Near the end of the game, they decide to go all out and drop a Fantastic Nuke on him. He survives this, only to notice the hair accessory of his love interest near him. They'd used her for ammo. This act effectively convinces him to go from Humans Are Bastards but he can live with it to kill everyone and then burn the world down.
  • In God Hand, when a demonic enemy is both down to their last bit of health and stunned, a prompt appears for "Poke of God", which causes Gene to finish the enemy with a light poke.
  • It's possible to drain the patient's blood level in Surgeon Simulator 2013 to an incredibly minuscule amount via whichever tools you decide to use, then finish him off with something seemingly inconsequential. This happens in an Achievement Hunter Rage Quit video; the patient is stabilized at 1 mL of blood (out of 5600), then is killed by a jab from a syringe.
  • Ghostbusters: The Video Game: In the Realistic version, this is how the tutorial ghost—the Sloth Ghost—died. In life, he was an obese, extremely wealthy, and very lonely gourmand who won a huge Thanksgiving feast, which he ate single-handedly...with decidedly lethal consequences. This was how he chose to die.
  • In Miitopia, if a Mii develops a quarrel, it will display "That was the last straw" with a jagged arrow pointing towards the offender.
  • An adage in competitive Pokémon is that the only hit point that matters is the last one. This is made use of with the item Focus Sash, the move Endure, and the ability Sturdynote . Sash and Sturdy are common ways to guarantee a Pokémon lives a minimum of two turns, but any mon left with one hp is at death's door, with any further damage acting as this trope.
  • As part of the "Rashomon"-Style surrounding the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core applies this to the death of Zack Fair. The original game had Zack being gunned down by three Shinra mooks, with no fanfare. The end of Crisis Core has The War Sequence of Zack fighting what seems to be the entire Shinra army, until such time as he breaks down, and then gets gunned down by the last three Shinra mooks still alive.
  • In the intro to the final boss in Skylanders: SWAP Force, Kaos is having Glumshanks fill the inside of the magical volcano with petrified darkness to corrupt the magic inside it so it spreads darkness all across Skylands. When Glumshanks adds one last crystal to the extremely high pile, it all collapses and falls on Kaos, turning him into his One-Winged Angel form for the battle.

Web Animation 


  • In The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob!, Galatea is eating at a posh French restaurant and making her usual complete pig of herself. In a shout out to Monty Python, it turns out the long-suffering waiter fed her The Wafer Thin Mint some time ago, to no effect, and she orders another plate-full of them, just to emphasize what a bottomless pit her stomach truly is. After the meal, she skips out on the check.
  • Yumi's Cells: When Yumi started dating Woong, Love Cell hung up a gourd that represented Yumi's love for him. The Cells would throw bean bags at it whenever Woong did something to upset Yumi, but it would not break no matter how much they threw at it, including Hysterius's gatling gun of bean bags and Hunger Cell's oversized bean bag. However, when Manner Cell got upset at the way Woong texted Yumi, she kicked a light bean bag that ricocheted off of the pole and caused the gourd to break open, leading to the break-up.

Western Animation 

  • This gag happens frequently in both Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures, possibly in reference to its frequent use in Looney Tunes. In one of many examples from Tiny Toon Adventures, Babs adds "I just can't help myself" as she delicately places a single rose on top of a gigantic pile someone is carrying. Guess what happens.
  • American Dad! has a cliff-side variant in "Delorean Story-an". During a father and son road trip, Stan overinflated and burst his bubblegum at his face losing control and causing his car to nearly fall off a cliff. They manage to get out safely while the car is still in balance, until a Japanese motorist from an earlier encounter arrives and slightly adjusts their crooked side mirror causing the car to fall off the cliff.

    Japanese Man: You askew my mirror. I askew yours. [he adjusts their mirror] There. Balance. Yin. Yang. [car falls off cliff] Ooh... That was not my intent.

  • The Angry Beavers: In one episode, a tree that has been growing since the time of the dinosaurs teeters on the edge of a cliff due to millions of years of erosion. Finally, a single fly lands on an exposed root-sending it toppling right into the protagonists' house.
  • In one episode of Back at the Barnyard, the gang sets the Farmer up with a Gold Digger who wants to redecorate the barn, forcing the animals to relocate to an ad-hoc shack that can barely contain all of them. The shack explodes as soon as Pip (a mouse) squeezes himself in along with the rest of them.
  • The pilot of Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers sees the titular team of rodents struggling to push a lever, but it doesn't budge. Zipper, the team's housefly, intervenes. It budges.
  • In an episode of Doug, Doug and Mr. Dink are aboard a fishing boat overloading with all sorts of mostly unnecessary equipment. Not until Mr. Dink needed the keys in which his wife tossed them to him was it enough to sink the boat with them on board.
  • One episode of DuckTales (1987) has the Beagle Boys mounting a full-scale offensive on Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin. Bigtime Beagle shows up wearing a full suit of armor; Scrooge shows up driving a tank. Bigtime crows that his armor can withstand a 60mm shell; Scrooge responds by saying that his tank fires 61mm shells, and after counting on his fingers Bigtime figures out "That's one millimeter too many!" True to the trope, he takes the shell full-on and gets sent flying out of the Money Bin.
  • The Flintstones: In the Christmas Episode "Christmas Flintstone", Fred insists on putting an ornament on the left side of his Christmas tree instead of on the right, despite Barney's warning, which causes the tree to double over and fall on top of him.

    Barney: I wouldn't hang it there, Fred.
    Fred: [mockingly] "I wouldn't hang it there, Fred." Why not?
    Barney: Don't look now, Fred, but here comes the "why not"!

  • Futurama:
    • In "Put Your Head on My Shoulder", Amy takes Fry for a ride in her new car on Mercury. They proceed to run the fuel down by turning on all the appliances (including turning on the heater to counteract the air conditioning). The final straw is not when Fry puts Pop-Tarts™ in the toaster but rather when he turns up the darkness control on the toaster.
    • In "The Deep South", the video explaining how Atlanta ended up underwater shows that after it was relocated out in the Atlantic Ocean to draw more attention it was overcrowded with taller buildings, then finally tilted with the weight of a gold statue of Ted Turner.
  • This is dramatically demonstrated in one scene in an episode of Lilo & Stitch: The Series in which Stitch is lifting ten girders and two bulldozers. Gantu comments, "You can lift three thousand times your own weight and not an ounce more." He then proceeds to throw his backstage pass on the pile, causing a total collapse.
  • The Loud House: In "Cooked!", after Lynn Sr. buys a condemned seafood place to turn into his dream restaurant, a butterfly landing on the dilapidated fish decoration on the roof causes it to fall off and roll into Vanzilla.
  • In one episode of The Mighty B!, Bessie eats what was probably several dozen foods in an attempt to find which is her weakness. When she lastly eats a zucchini, she throws it all up, carrying Ben out the door in a wave of mostly undigested food.
  • In My Life as a Teenage Robot, a hackey sack that Jenny launched into space adds enough mass to a meteor to make it a threat.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • In "Pinkie Apple Pie", the Apple family and Pinkie Pie, sailing down a river in a makeshift boat weakly held together by vines and tree sap, fall over a waterfall. The boat manages to safely survive, and just as Granny Smith is amazed that the boat is still in one piece, Pinkie, held aloft by balloons, lands on the boat. Cue the boat splitting in two and sinking immediately.
    • In "Made in Manehattan", an old bench splits in two when Applejack puts her hat down on it. Later, an actress takes a single step on an old stage and it collapses.
  • On an episode of The Oblongs the teens are driven off the road by the two nasty Hill kids. It teeters on edge but, with a sigh of relief, it rights itself. Then the nasty kids drive up and kick their car off the cliff.
  • PAW Patrol: In "Pups Save the Trick-or-Treaters", Mayor Humdinger's gluttonous candy-stealing robotic spider is full to the point of bursting when the deceitful mayor piloting it spies a stray candy corn, and vacuums it up... and the spider promptly explodes with candy raining down.
  • Rocky and Bullwinkle: Boris and Natasha overload their raft with supplies from Moosylvania. Fearless Leader shows up from his sub awarding Boris with a one-ounce medal, enough to sink their raft.
  • Sesame Street:
    • An animated segment features an elevator where first the operator, a fairy, soldier, witch, kangaroo, taxicab, fireman, clown, gorilla, and a mouse get on board. (The point of the sketch is to teach children how to count to ten.) When the mouse gets on board, the elevator shakes and then explodes, sending the operator falling to the bottom of the shaft.
    • Another example: a kid yanks the bottom can of a stack and the whole store collapses.
  • The Simpsons:
    • Used to great effect in "Mr. Plow" when a vehicle is peering off the edge of a road, about to topple in sideways. The saving gesture? Turning the radio dial to the left, causing the vehicle to flop back onto the road.
    • In "The PTA Disbands", the school's previous bus is shown sitting abandoned in a lot. When a leaf falls on it, it explodes.
    • In "Bart Sells His Soul", Moe opens a family restaurant called Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag. Not wanting to hire any waiters or waitresses, Moe takes all the orders himself, causing himself to become extremely stressed out and slowly go to pieces as the customers' demanding, insensitive, and sometimes rude behavior get the better of Moe. Krusty notices a throbbing vein of rage building up on Moe's forehead and points it out to the other diners, saying, "That guy's gonna blow." Sure enough, Moe finally reaches his breaking point when a Sickeningly Sweet little girl calls out to him that "My sodie's too cold. My teef hurt." Moe explodes in a colossal temper tantrum: "Aww, your 'teef' hurt? WELL, THAT'S JUST TOO FREAKIN' BAD! I CAN TELL YOU WHERE TO PUT YOUR FREAKIN' 'SODIE', TOO!" The little girl starts crying, the customers all react with outrage at Moe's Cluster F-Bomb, and everyone files out of the restaurant as Moe desperately tries to apologize.
    • In "Hurricane Neddy", Ned Flanders' home gets destroyed by a hurricane, and Homer leads Springfielders in rebuilding it. But as Ned is touring it, he finds it's shoddily built (e.g. painted dirt rather than floorboards). But afterwards, Homer asks "What do you think of the house love built?", lightly patting it and having it completely collapse. Shortly after, Ned's glasses breaking when he tries to clean them is the last straw that causes Ned to explode in a furious tirade of abuse at almost everyone present.
    • Bart gets sent to military school in "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson" as punishment for pulling a literally disastrous prank at the police station while he and his class were on a field trip there. The prank involved stealing every bullhorn in the station and lining them up end to end, creating a mega-mega-mega-megaphone the length of an entire room. A fly buzzes right past the speaker of the bullhorn nearest Bart's mouth, creating an ominous rumble that sounds like a distant earthquake. Ignoring this, Bart puts his lips right up to the speaker and softly says, "Testing..." — and the result is a sonic shockwave that ripples across all of Springfield and levels half the town atomic-bomb style!
    • In the beginning of "Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge", a Heat Wave is occurring, causing the power plant to reach full capacity. What causes the city-wide blackout? Homer plugging in the dancing Santa Claus.
  • In the South Park episode "Pee", the water tester warns that if one more person urinates in the pool, it could set off a chain reaction. A little girl in an inner tube floats past the boys, then stops and lets loose some pee, which indeed sets off a chain reaction that causes a giant tsunami of urine to wash over the whole park.
  • In the Space Goofs episode "Bats in the Belfry", Candy gets brutally annoyed by bats because he thinks they are disgusting. The other aliens attempt to take the bats down, but end up failing. Finally, the bats shove underwear on Candy, causing him to reach his breaking point and chase them away; however, just as the other aliens are glad they are gone, Candy turns his face on them and chews them out, resulting in a Downer Ending.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants:
    • In "Squid's Day Off", Mr. Krabs' attempts to retrieve a dime that's fallen down the drain end with him losing his arms and hurling backwards across the room until he crashes into the opposite wall and collapses a shelf. The shelf tilts, and a pot, a glass, a pan, a coffee mug, a treasure chest, an anchor, a buoy, and an old-fashioned diving suit (in that order) all fall on his head, creating a massive swelling...but it's not until a dime (quite possibly the same one he was trying get back in the first place) lands on the actual swelling to top it off that he loses consciousness.
    • In "Shuffleboarding", SpongeBob and Patrick take Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy's places at a shuffleboarding tournament and later start arresting everyone in Bikini Bottom for random Felony Misdemeanors, causing the jail to expand in size. When they arrest Man Ray and an old woman he was talking to at the laundromat, the jail explodes.
    • In "Home Sweet Rubble", when SpongeBob's pineapple house begins to rot, Patrick uses Squidward's elastic limbs to hold it together. When the house is remodeled, they forget to remove Squidward and he ends up being used to support a shelf holding a single can. Taking the can off the shelf causes Squidward to unravel and he inadvertently tears the whole house down.
  • In Superman: The Animated Series, Superman memorably pushes a giant robot off the ledge of a roof with a small puff.
  • This trope shows up in Taz-Mania, true to its Looney Tunes origins. In the first appearance of the Kiwi, Taz and Buddy Boar end up tied to a tree dangling over the edge of a cliff. The Kiwi returns Buddy's lucky coin, which it had stolen earlier, and the extra weight is enough to cause the tree to snap.
  • In the Teen Titans Go! episode "Starliar", Starfire neglects to feed Silkie his pet food and he spends the rest of the episode eating everything in the tower. Near the end, he's experienced a Temporary Bulk Change, and when he eats the unopened pet food can, he throws everything else up.
  • In the VeggieTales episode "Madame Blueberry", the titular character goes on a major shopping spree and has everything she purchases sent to her opulent treehouse mansion while she keeps shopping. Unbeknownst to her, the stuff she's buying is overloading the tree, causing her house to teeter closer and closer to destruction. Eventually, she catches on and manages to stop the deliveries, just as the last item has fortuitously stabilized the house. And then, a butterfly lands on the roof, tipping the treehouse and making everything inside it fall into the nearby lake. Then the tree snaps back upright, catapulting her house off into the distance.
  • WordWorld: In one song, Pig makes a pizza with toppings that all start with the letter P. He stacks the pizza up with "toppings" ranging from popcorn to pickles, creating a tower of various foods. Finally, he adds a single peanut, causing the entire tower to fall.
  • The ZhuZhus: In "Zhu Got Game", Frankie's dad causes the packed basement shelf to collapse with.... a straw.

Real Life 

  • The Paradox of the Heap intentionally takes advantage of most people's tendencies to ignore the final straw.
  • A riddle features a clever aversion of this. Suppose a truck weighing one tonne at the start of its journey (including the driver) is driving across a bridge with a weight limit of exactly one tonne. Halfway across the bridge, a robin weighing 75 grams lands on the bridge. What happens? Nothing: the truck now weighs less than a tonne, as it has burnt up some of the fuel.
    • Other riddles play it straight. One man weighing 248 pounds is carrying three 1-pound coconuts, and needs to cross a bridge with a weight limit of 250 pounds. How does he do it? He juggles the coconuts. Don't try this in real life: throwing a coconut up results in equal and opposite downward force (Newton's third law), and again when it hits his hand. Indeed, a similar riddle involving "birds in a truck" was busted by the MythBusters because of the downward force added by the birds' flight.
    • Regardless of which riddle is chosen, in reality, bridges are posted with a weight limit below their actual maximum load — in order to ensure that bridges won't snap simply by adding a straw to the load.
  • If you supersaturate a solution—dissolve something into a solvent (e.g. water) so that there is more of the solute (e.g. sugar) present than there could be under normal conditions—adding the tiniest amount of the solute into the apparently clear liquid will cause it to crystallize, as the added crystal provides a seed for the excess solute to grow upon. This is beyond annoying, among other things, when you are trying to make toffee.
    • Useful, though, in chemical heat packs. Just snap the enclosed metal disc inside out, the mechanical shock seeds crystallization, and the pack releases the stored heat of the solution.
    • Analogously, homogeneous fluids in clean, smooth containers can under some circumstances be heated beyond their normal boiling point without boiling. Disturbing the fluid sufficiently, or introducing nucleation points, can then cause flash-boiling and potentially a small steam explosion.
      • Also, changing its pressure can cause it to boil. This, combined with the fact that evaporating liquids absorb heat, is very useful for refrigeration.
      • This was shown on MythBusters, and also Good Eats. It happens most often in everyday life when someone tries to boil purified water, usually in a microwave, which will explode if you put anything into it. To prevent this from happening, place a wooden spoon into the water (and use a container with a wide opening at the top).
    • Equivalent to the superheating described above, you can also supercool a fluid below the freezing point in a clean, smooth, container. Adding a nucleation site (or even just jolting the container) can cause it to instantly freeze.
      • Also examined on MythBusters, by supercooling beer and then rapping the bottle on a solid surface to cause it to flash-freeze.
  • Following the sinking of RMS Titanic, new laws required all ships in the United States to be fitted with enough lifeboats for all passengers. The SS Eastland, a steamship that provided tours and passenger service on the Great Lakes, was already poorly designed and top-heavy. She capsized from the extra weight while still tied to the dock, killing over 800 people in only twenty feet (about six meters) of water.
  • The Trope Namer is the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". This refers to a folk-tale that was persistent in both the Middle East and North Africa. According to the tale a camel could only carry XYZ amount of supplies, and anything more would be too much. While the story is obviously not 100% true, like many folk-tales, it has a grain of truth to it. Apparently, caravan drivers were able to figure out close to the max weight that a camel could conceivably carry.
  • In French, Spanish and German, this is known as "The Last Drop of Water" with the full picture being that of a bucket being full of water until a single drop added cause it to overflow.
  • The infamous "Final Fantasy House", wherein a group of roommates seemingly united by their shared interest in Final Fantasy VII role-playing degenerated into a borderline cult living in abusive squalor due in large part to the manipulations and delusions of one member, features an example of this in one account. The web host of this site admitted in his narrative that he had been sufficiently downtrodden and brainwashed into placidly accepting, among other miseries: living in filth, doing all the manual labor for his roommates, being the only person in the house to have a paying job which was exploited to fund the lifestyles of the others, forced to listen to both the violent arguments and uncomfortably loud make-up sex of his roommates, forced to eat a physically unhealthy diet and basically putting up with an endless amount of abuse and neglect on a daily basis. However, he finally snapped and stormed out after one of his housemates stole his shoes, this final indignity making him realise that he preferred even homelessness to his current situation:

    you may think it's a silly reason to snap, but that's what did it. that this god awful town, with these god awful people who were bleeding me dry, saw fit that my money was not enough. they had to take my SHOES too. i had it. i had just had it. i pulled a sheet of paper that had hojo's computer campus login and name. i stole some keys. i threw some edable trash to my poor rat who was starving too. i threw a change of cloths, a pocket knife, and all the money i had left - 5 dollars- into my bag along with my sketchbook and a pencil. and i walked. shoeless.

  • Joseph McCarthy's reign of terror ended the instant he brought up Fred Fisher's political past. What followed was the Armor-Piercing Question ("Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?") asked by Joe Welch, that swiftly killed what little credibility McCarthy had left after that.
  • The horrific murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in the town of Money, Mississippi in 1955, and the disgrace of a murder trial that followed and ended in the acquittal of his murderers by an all-white jury, was largely seen as the event that kickstarted the Civil Rights Movement, more than even Rosa Parks not giving up her seat just over a year later (which is generally used as the starting point of the movement at the grade school level as a kid-friendly substitute event due to the flat-out violent nature of the Till lynching).
  • Though McDonaldland was a blatant ripoff of H.R. Pufnstuf, the Krofft Brothers tolerated it for a couple of years... until 1973, when the Ice Capades passed them over in favor of Mickey D's. Only then did the legal eagles start flying, culminating in McDonald's being forced to heavily redesign the entire concept and scrap some of the more blatant ripoff characters.
  • This is how either a moist or runaway greenhouse effect, the most likely way a planet like Earth note  will permanently lose its ability to remain habitable note , plays out: as the planet continues to warm as the star it orbits continues to get bigger, hotter, and brighter as it ages, more water to start to evaporate into the atmosphere, but due to the presence of cold air in the tropopause acting as a cold trap preventing all that evaporated water vapor from ascending even higher into the atmosphere where solar UV rays would potentially split the molecules back into hydrogen and oxygen, with the lighter hydrogen being lost to space if that ever occurs, the cold trap instead stops the water vapor from rising any higher and makes the water vapor cool and condense, thus returning it back to the planet's surface as precipitation note . However, as the star the planet orbits continues to age even further, perhaps up to a 10% increase in solar luminosity, this will eventually cause even further and faster evaporation of water vapor into the atmosphere, as water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas, and eventually once the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere finally gets too high, the troposphere will expand and push the cold trap even higher into the atmosphere, thus finally causing it to fail and the planet to finally begin to lose its water to space anyway. Depending on how quickly, how soon, and how long this process will take, this will either result in a moist greenhouse effect note  or a runaway greenhouse effect note  ending the planet's habitable lifespan.
    • A side effect of the moist or runaway greenhouse effect would be the stopping of plate tectonics, as the loss of all water on the surface, due to it acting as a lubricant for the crust below, allowing it to be subducted into the mantle, would result in the crust being too thick, dry, and brittle for plate tectonics to continue note . However, regardless of either scenario, even after plate tectonics finally stop altogether, depending on either the planet's oceans boil away or its core freezes first, volcanic hotspot activity will still continue due to the core's radioactive nature, meaning that there is no way for the planet's internal heat to be released to the surface note , and as a result eventually there will be so much heat trapped within the planet's mantle following the loss of oceans and plate tectonics that the entire planet's surface completely melts and becomes a vast ocean of lava multiple times, if it hadn't already note  thus finally sterilizing the planet for good, long before the star it orbits becomes either a giant or supergiant and does the exact same thing before presumably destroying the planet completely.

Alternative Title(s): Straw That Broke The Camels Back, Last Straw, Wafer Thin Mint