This Explains So Much - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Oct 28 2010

This Explains So Much (trope)

The joke he's laughing at is too stupid to print... that's the joke.

Mobius: Do you have candy on Asgard?
Loki: Yeah. Grapes, nuts.
Mobius: No wonder you're so bitter.

Stock Phrases are usually uttered in comedies. Basically, someone has learned something strange about another character, but rather than being surprised or shocked, they take it in stride. Why? Because it actually explains a great deal of the odd characteristics of the character in question.

Usually intended as a Stealth Insult. Basically In-Universe Fridge Brilliance and Mind Screwdriver in more serious works. Can be Played for Laughs or Played for Drama depending on general context.

Compare with "Eureka!" Moment.


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  • One of the 2015 McDonald's ads that used a revamped Hamburglar to advertise their third pound sirloin burgers depicts the Hamburglar's son walking in on his dad changing into his iconic costume and stating "That explains so much".

Anime & Manga 

  • In Dragon Ball Super, Goku remarks that he appreciates his wife Chi-Chi being strong-willed, and Vegeta (whose wife Bulma is the same way) states that Saiyan men are naturally attracted to strong women, since Saiyan women were similarly strong. Piccolo, who's standing in the background, gets a Jaw Drop as he thinks to himself "That. Explains. EVERYTHING!"
  • In K-On!, this is Azusa's reaction when she learned that Sumire used to bring Mugi manga. Said manga is implied to be yuri manga.
  • One Piece:
    • Upon the Straw Hats meeting Garp, Luffy's grandfather, they find out about the Training from Hell he subjected his grandson to at a very young age. They all then realize where Luffy's stubborn refusal to die comes from.
    • During the "Marineford Arc", when Sengoku reveals that Luffy is the son of the revolutionary Dragon, this helps Smoker to realize why Dragon appeared back in Loguetown and prevented him from capturing Luffy.
  • In the fifth-to-last episode of Sonic X, this is exactly what Sonic says after he has been listening in on Hertia/Earthia telling a story to Amy and Rouge about how her former home planet Seedrius-Flora/Greengate got destroyed and how the Metarex, the main villains of the third season, came into the picture.
  • In Tiger Mask W this is Miss X's reaction when she learns the new Tiger Mask has been trained by a former Tiger's Den wrestler, as it explains why he's as strong as if he had been trained by Tiger's Den.
  • In To Love Ru, this is just about every human character's response to learning that Lala is an alien.

Comic Books 

  • In the Mickey Mouse Comic Universe science fiction saga The Lords of the Universe this is Mickey's reaction when Goofy is revealed to be one of the twelve Masters, as it confirms he has extraterrestrial ancestors (something Mickey had actually suspected for a while).

Comic Strips 

Fan Works 

  • In AMP, when Izuku decides to tell his girlfriend Kyoka about One for All, he tries to build up to the reveal by first admitting that All Might is his mentor... which prompts her to not only deduce that he has All Might's quirk before he can even say another word, but explain how she came to that conclusion with one hundred percent accurate assumptions, much to Izuku's astonishment.
  • In the Castlevania fic Blood Relations, Soma and Mina have this reaction when they find out Arikado is a vampire (strictly speaking, he's a Dhampyr, but they don't know that and it's a little more information than he's willing to share).
  • In Dearest Hermione, Luna tells Harry, Hermione, and Viktor about Blibbering Humdingers, which supposedly infest garden gnomes (a common chore for Weasleys is eliminating these from the garden) and cause confusion and aggression.

    Hermione: (telepathic comment to Harry) You know if those actually exist, it would explain quite a bit about Ron.

  • In A Door Jam, Twilight and Applejack give each other a look that says this when they hear that Pinkie Pie hits her head on her ceiling every morning.
  • In Faery Heroes, when Luna tells Hermione about when her father allegedly found out that juggling is not one of his talents when Luna was a baby, Hermione name-checks the trope.
  • In Freedom From Fear, after Mrs.Beakley explains to Lena that she's a retired spy, Lena notes that explains so much about Webby.
  • In He's Not Dead Yet, Harry's talking to a portrait of Cedrella Black Weasley (Arthur Weasley's mother), and she mentions having seen Fred accidentally drop Ron on his head as a baby. Harry comments "that explains so much".
  • HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network: In Chapter 20, during a conversation about Old One entertainment, Aloy reveals that she found an intact copy of The Hunger Games when she was a child. Beta and Alva immediately realize the implication that Aloy took Katniss Everdeen as a role model.
  • An Impractical Guide to Godhood: After Percy meets Hercules, the God of Strength's attitude and demeanor cause him to comment that now he has a better understanding of why Zoe Nightshade became such a misandrist after he seduced and used her.
  • When Hitsuguya finds out that Ichigo's inner world is normally tilted on its side in Ichigo, Meet Ichigo, he says, "I suppose that makes sense, now that I think about it."
  • Lighting Candles: When Tadashi learns that Jack Frost is the Guardian of Fun, North elaborates by saying that fun is the ability a child has to shake off worries/responsibilities and truly enjoy themselves. Internally, Tadashi notes that this explains a lot about Jack.
  • In Magnetism, this is what Fluttershy realizes when she remembers that Rainbow Dash - who in this fic is Oblivious to Love, and prone to inadvertent innuendo that she never seems to notice - was home sick during the week when sex ed was taught.
  • Maria Campbell of the Astral Clocktower:
    • Maria spends the first twenty or so chapters under the mistaken impression that Katarina is trying to seduce her. Later, when she and Keith are discussing their past traumas, she dryly notes that she's so messed up that when someone paid her an honest compliment for the first time in years, she assumed she was being invited to join a harem.

      Keith: That explains so much of the first half of our first year.

    • When Katarina uses the phrase "trash fetish" (correctly!) her friends are shocked, and blame local not-so Covert Pervert Sophia for teaching it to her. She claims that she never uses that phrase, because she believes there's no such thing as a "trash fetish". Her friends consider that this explains a lot about her personality.
  • In National Security, Neal wonders how America/Alfred ended up the way he did (while unaware of national personifications). When he hears Alfred's former guardian over the phone swearing and desperately chasing Tony while chanting a bizarre spell, Neal thinks that it explains everything.
  • New Game Plus (One Piece): Nami genuinely thought Luffy had been replaced by an impostor when he shared his meat with his new pet, at least until he explained that he was raised to know that while people have to get their own food, pets are your responsibility to feed... And that he was raised by mountain bandits. The latter prompted Nami to comment it explained a lot about her captain.
  • In Oh God, Not Again!, in chapter 21, Harry learns that Arthur is a television fan, and reflects that if he's getting most of his knowledge of Muggles from cable, that would explain a lot.
  • In One for All and Eight for the Ninth, when Aizawa tells Inko about how Power Loader insisted for Mei to stay in 1-A's dorms since Izuku and the polycule are the only ones that have managed to get her to slow down, Inko devolves into a mutter storm (much like Izuku) on how to help him plot a routine for Mei. Aizawa's reaction is to think that "the world suddenly made sense".
  • This Bites!:
    • Luffy offhandedly tells Chopper that his grandfather taught him that concussions are harmless (they're not). Self-Insert Cross groans that if Garp really believes that, it explains much about Luffy's Idiot Hero status.
    • Played for Laughs when Cross sees the damage Luffy had caused, prompting him to wonder if Luffy was a human, a monster, or a freak force of nature.
    • Upon being faced down by the Unluckies for the third time and chased all over Water 7, Cross demands to know just where the hell an otter and a vulture could have come from to be this stupidly tough. Mr. 13 bluntly informs him that they were born on Kuraigana Island, home of Dracule Mihawk, whilst Miss Friday grumbles about the island's resident Humandrills. Cross takes a moment to process this, before admitting that it makes sense.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series:
    • This response to Duke Devlin's desire to avenge Pegasus.

      Duke: He was my idol! I've tried my whole life to be as masculine as he is!
      Yami: That would explain a lot.

    • During the matches on Kaiba's blimp, Tristan assumes they're in outer space. Then Bakura summons Dark Necrofear, a gaunt, sallow and thin figure...
    • Then later, during the Virtual World Arc, when Team 4Kids states that their test audiences loved their dub of One Piece, the scene switches to Iruka and The Hokage from Naruto: The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show.

      Iruka: Guess what Hokage, I was the guy who test screened the 4Kids One Piece dub!
      Hokage: That makes way too much sense.

    • During Marik's fifth "Evil Council" video, Bakura defects to Dartz' Evil Council, and Marik declares that Bakura's name is never to be spoken again, simply calling him "He Who Shall Not Be Named."

      Zorc: Bakura was Voldemort? That explains so much.

  • Played for drama in a word for 'bad miracle': Midoriya Hinata learns that her late father Hisashi had a son from a previous marriage who he abandoned because of his quirklessness, only for said son to grow up to be a famous pro-Hero named Deku. While the actual line isn't used, it's clear from Hinata's interactions with Izuku that this revelation is forcing her to recontextualise a lot of her childhood, in particular Hisashi's dislike of her friend Seigo, a fanboy of Deku who was always showing her clips of his fights.

    Hinata: …I get why Dad didn’t want him talking about it in the house, now.
    Izuku: [softly] I wasn’t going to press on it.
    Hinata: You’re thinking it, though. I’m thinking about it, too. He always hated hearing about heroes. Banned us from talking about them. Mom and I thought he was just messed up from the war and didn’t trust you guys anymore, but that wasn’t it at all, was it?

Films — Animation 

Films — Live-Action 

  • In Almost Famous, William's response to finding out that his mother has been lying to him about his own age so that he wouldn't know that he'd actually skipped two grades is literally "This explains so much."
  • From The Boy Who Cried Werewolf, regarding Britney Spears:
  • Death at a Funeral: During a funeral, the deceased's widow finds out her husband was sleeping with a man (and a little person, no less). After her highly public Freak Out, she calms down and admits to her son that she's no longer confused why she and her husband hadn't slept together in the several years before his death.
  • Men in Black:
    • When K tells J that most of Earth's extraterrestrial population is in Manhattan, and most of them are decent working-class types, J immediately concludes:

      J: Cab drivers?
      K: Not as many as you might think.

    • When Dr. Weaver and J see that the man she was performing an autopsy on was actually a human-shaped transportation unit for a dying alien, Dr. Weaver starts muttering to herself about how the presence of aliens makes so much sense, because "how else can you explain New York? One night I was in this cab and..."
    • Showing J a panel of aliens in human guise, K says it might come as a shock to him, but J says he suspected it all along about his 3rd grade teacher:

      J: We were all sure she must be from Venus or something...
      K: Ms. Edelson. It was Jupiter, actually. Or one of the moons at least...

    • At the end of the movie, J offhandedly mentions to L that Dennis Rodman is an alien, which results in this:

      L: The high consulate from Solaxium 9 wants seats for the next Bulls game.
      J: Let's put in a call to Dennis Rodman. He's from that planet.
      L: Rodman? You're kidding.
      J: Nope.
      L: Not much of a disguise.

  • In Mr. Deeds, Longfellow Deeds persuades a packed boardroom to remember their childhood dreams and ambitions, and one of his neighbours, a denim-and-flannel-shirt-clad woman announces that her wish was to become a man. Deeds' response is justified.
  • When Shakes disguises himself as a mime in Shakes the Clown to search for clues to the solving of a murder at a mime school, his two friends nearly beat him to a pulp (mimes are subject to Fantastic Racism in this movie) before realizing who it is - and even then, they remain disgusted, with one of them remarking that he suddenly understands "all those times he would just sit there saying nothing." But Shakes finally manages to persuade his friends that he's still a clown.
  • Played for Laughs in SHAZAM! Fury of the Gods: Upon seeing Billy transform via a lightning bolt striking him, his foster father asked if that's why there was always holes in the roof. At the end of the film, he puts up a sign with the rule "No Shazaming in the house".
  • Some Kind of Wonderful has this darling piece of dialogue:

    Ray: If you wanted to, you could be a that!
    Watts: Ray, this is 1987. Did you know that a girl can be whatever she wants to be?
    Ray: I know, my mom's a plumber.
    Watts: That explains a lot about you, Ray.


  • The Cousins: When the main trio's fellow intern Brittany learns that Milly and Jonah, who have quite a bit of chemistry, aren't really cousins, she says "Everything makes so much more sense now."
  • Gravity Falls: Journal 3: Dipper's Observation #1 about Quentin Trembley. "Haircut by his third wife, Sandy. (She was a woodpecker. That explains a lot.)"
  • The Dick Francis short story "A Song for Mona" features the eponymous stable worker and her social-climbing Antagonistic Offspring daughter Joanie, who obsessively tries to cut Mona out of her life and keep people from knowing about her origins. At the end of the story, Mona's friends find a newspaper article mentioning that Joanie's father was convicted of child rape when she was ten (whether she was his victim is unclear) and comment "This explains a lot."
  • The Discworld novel Moving Pictures says that the author of the Necrotelecomicon, Achmed the "I-Just-Get-These-Headaches", has an About the Author section which says his other book is "Achmed the I Just Get These Headaches' Book of Humorous Cat Stories", which may shed some light on things.
  • Linked: Clayton Pouncey's grandfather was a member of the KKK "and worse", and took his five-year-old son (who grew up to be a more low-key racist) to a mass cross-burning, the Night of a Thousand Flames. After hearing this story, Pouncey's friend Jordie muses that that explains why barely anyone attended Pouncey's grandfather's funeral (and some of those who did, like a younger Jordie, were ignorant of the old man's past and/or just wanted to be there for his family).

Live-Action TV 

  • In an episode of 3rd Rock from the Sun, Dick discovered he was Canadian in his phony Earth identity. When he told Mary that he was Canadian, she said that it explained all his weird behavior.
    • Crops up again in the final episode when he confesses to her that he's an alien- at first she refuses to believe him, and then he points out everything he's done over the past 6 years.

      Dick: Yes

      Mary: Why didn't I see this before?!

  • In the first episode of the last season of 30 Rock, Jack explains that he's been deliberately "tanking" NBC, so that it will turn into a money-losing embarrassment and the owner will have to sell it.
  • Angel: from "Destiny", as Spike demands an office at Wolfram & Hart:

    Spike: At least give me Wesley's office, I mean, since he's gone -
    Angel: He's not gone, he's on a leave of absence.
    Spike: Yeah, right. Boo hoo. Thought he killed his bloody father. Try staking your mother when she's coming on to you!
    Harmony: Well. That explains a lot.

  • When Felicity Smoak of Arrow learns that Oliver is The Hood, she has this to say:

    Felicity: Everything about you just became so unbelievably clear.

    • Felicity ends up on the receiving end in a later episode. When Curtis first meets Felicity's mother, he's visibly confused that this ditzy blonde is related to the technologically gifted Felicity (keep in mind that in her very first scene, Donna is shown to be incapable of properly sending a text message). Later, he meets Felicity's father Noah, an Evil Genius notorious criminal hacker, and comments that the pairing makes Felicity's characteristics "make more sense".
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: From "Surprise":

    Xander: Yes, vampires are real, there are a lot of them in Sunnydale.
    Willow: I know this must come as a shock...
    Oz: Actually, it explains a lot.

  • Cheers: Frasier Crane meets Cliff's mother:

    Frasier: I suddenly have an image of Cliff being heroically well-adjusted.

  • CSI: In the episode "Happenstance", the second victim's therapist is intrigued to learn that she was adopted and says it explains a lot about how she had a harder time connecting with her family.
  • After Mike meets Susan's rather... flighty mother in Desperate Housewives:

    I had a bunch of questions about you. They were all just answered.

  • Growing Pains: When Carol complains about her nomination for Homecoming Queen in the eponymous episode, she says that Homecoming Queens never do anything consequential with their lives. Maggie argues that she was Homecoming Queen, and Carol says "that explains so much."
  • In an episode of Hannah Montana, Lily and Miley are sitting in front of their computer when they receive a video e-mail from their teacher Mr. Corelli reminding them about International Relations week at school. During the course of this video, it is revealed that he still lives with his mother and is somewhat nerdy. This causes Lily to remark "This explains so much."
  • NCIS:

    Tony: You know, repeated head trauma causes brain damage?
    McGee: Explains a lot.

    • In another episode, after Kate compares Tony and McGee's bickering to her two "practically psychotic" older brothers:

    Gibbs: Are your brothers really like that?
    Kate: Sadly, yes.
    Gibbs: Explains a lot.

  • Newhart: when the regulars are convinced that aliens are invading the inn. And then Larry, his brother Darryl and his other brother Darryl arrive.

    George: They're the guys from space?
    Dick Loudon: That would explain so much.

  • Psych:
    • In the episode "Shawn Versus Darth Vader", when a foreign exchange student learns that his host is a Stalker with a Crush who was obsessed with his girlfriend and is being accused of killing her, he muses that that would explain why his girlfriend stopped going to his host's house and had him meet her elsewhere.
    • In the episode "Game, Set… Muuurder?", Lassiter goes on a fishing trip with Henry Spencer and comes back late at night, having withstood an uninterrupted day-long exposure of Henry being a Control Freak and telling him how to correct his fishing style in every detail. Lassiter tells Shawn that not only he won't ever go on a fishing trip with Henry ever again, but he now has a slightly better understanding of why Shawn is the way he is.
  • In the last episode of Season 10 of Red Dwarf, we get a hell of a revelation that Rimmer's father really wasn't his father; it was actually the idiot family gardener, Dungo.

    Lister: And suddenly a billion-piece jigsaw puzzle falls beautifully into place!!

  • Resident Alien: After the initial shock of discovering that bumbling, strange Hugh Mann Harry is an alien, Asta remarks that it "sort of explains a lot."
  • Scrubs: In a crossover with Sesame Street, J.D. has a fantasy about treating a muppet patient, and explains that the issue is he has an arm up his butt. The muppet responds, "That explains so many things."
  • Subverted in an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Kira has recently learned that Odo, whom she has been working alongside for quite a few years, has been in love with her the whole time, and is taking some time to figure out what to do about it. When she tells Jadzia about it, this conversation results:

    Jadzia: That explains a lot.
    Kira: What do you mean?
    Jadzia: ... I don't know, really. It just seemed like the thing to say.

  • In Stargirl (2020), when Yolanda finds out that Dr. King (the creepy father of her Jerk Jock ex-boyfriend) is a supervillain, her reply is, "Actually, that makes sense."
  • In an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place, Justin tells Harper that Alex thinks that there are no rules if you're on an island, prompting this exchange:

    Harper: But you live on Manhattan Island.
    Justin: I know. Doesn't that explain a lot?


  • Cabin Pressure:
    • On meeting Carolyn's Jerkass sister, she explains her husband won't be saying anything to anyone because he's deaf. Douglas snarkily comments that this explains a lot, leading Carolyn's sister to icily ask what it explains. "Why he isn't speaking", Douglas retorts.
    • In "St. Petersburg", Douglas and Martin learn Arthur is half-Australian on his father's side. Douglas figures this is the explanation for Arthur's relentless cheeriness.

Video Games 

  • Disco Elysium: When the Militia reveal in the endgame that The Detective was a high school gym teacher before joining the RCM, Kim provides the stock phrase in an astonished tone.
  • Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: At the climax of the League of Explorers' branch of the Galakrond's Awakening adventure, it's revealed that Reno Jackson, a particularly childish Adventurer Archeologist "with the self-control of a magpie," was actually a juvenile blue dragon named Renogos all along, unknown to everybody including Reno himself. Elise responds to the revelation with the stock phrase.
  • Mass Effect 2: When Shepard and Tali discuss the geth situation with quarian admiral Daro'Xen, she snaps that someone experimenting on (sapient) machines should feel no more guilt than she did performing surgery on her childhood toys. Tali provides the stock phrase.
  • In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, taking a picture of one of the male pinup posters as Snake and sending it to Otacon will prompt him to remark, "So...this explains a lot."
  • In the final level of Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Scarlet says this when she finally learns that her husband of 10 years is actually an octopus in a suit.
  • In the lead-up to World of Warcraft: Legion, it is revealed that the entire world of Azeroth itself is more just a "hunk of rock", rather, it is actually a titan, one of the race of beings who created the world, and one of which leads the Burning Legion. Khadgar is shocked at first, but notes "That...actually explains a great many things."

Web Animation 

  • Lampshaded in Murder Drones ep 2 - "Parent-Teacher Conferences; AKA: "That explains a lot".
  • Red vs. Blue:
    • In Season 5, when Sister first shows up, she comments that her and Grif's mother was in the circus. Prompting Simmons to respond, "You've already made my insults 45% more efficient by just saying one sentence."
    • Back in Season 2, Doc is less confused once he learns that the Reds "ran out of water months ago" and have been drinking nothing but soysauce, ketchup, and gravy.
    • In Season 14's "Meta vs. Agent Carolina" prologue, Grif and Simmons learn that Carolina is the daughter of Tex, and Simmons remarks, "Huh...suddenly everything makes a lot more sense."


  • Variant phrase, same sentiment in 8-Bit Theater. After Black Mage has been hit by what Red Mage describes as the dreaded "Goblin Punch".

    Thief: You called it a Goblin Punch. Even though it was clearly a kick. And there isn't a goblin around for miles.
    Red Mage: What? That's the name of the attack, as laid down by the greatest Red Mage cryptozoologist of all time: Blindy O'Sightless.
    Thief: The more I learn about you, the more it makes sense.

  • In Captain SNES: The Game Masta, Mario has this reaction when hears about the number of times Max Force had been hit by hallucinogenic drug-filled needles in his war on drugs. Alex states that this is the tip of the iceberg.
  • In Darths & Droids when Qui-Gon (played as an idiot kleptomaniac) suggests that he acquired his laser sword by killing a Cheddar Monk and taking it from him. Padmé/the DM says "You know...that would explain a lot".
  • Girl Genius:
  • Used at least once in Andrew Hussie's second-person webcomic Homestuck: "You suddenly understand everything."
  • Subverted in Questionable Content, when Hanners reveals that she grew up on a space station. (Her dad is a Mad Scientist.)

    Faye: You're actually from space?
    Hannelore: Yes. I'd say "That explains a lot, doesn't it?", but it really doesn't.

  • Spooky: Tombstones says one of the requirements of being a reaper is having "above-average intelligence"; when Claw questions how the not very bright Tombstones got the job, the Mynci says he won it in a sweepstakes. Claw comments that this fact explains a lot about him as Komo tells Tombstones his robe is on fire because of some candles he sliced in half earlier.

Web Original 

  • In The Annoying Orange video Introduction To "Ultimate Dog Tease" (when Marshmallow and Midget Apple have just watched Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog):

    Marshmallow: Yay! I love Bizkit!
    Midget Apple: You think Bizkit's gonna be okay after bashing his head against the wall?
    Marshmallow: Ooh! I love bashing my head against the wall!
    Midget Apple: That explains a lot, actually.

  • In Bibliography, Raoul answers that when he learns that his Super-Strength came at the price of his sense of direction: A moment earlier, he had gotten spectacularly lost.
  • CollegeHumor: In one of the jeggings videos, where teenagers keep coming to school wearing inappropriate clothing, the exasperated teacher eventually asks them what their parents have to say about it. When one of them confesses that all of their parents have died, he pauses and admits that does make sense.
  • The Spoony Experiment: Spoony's reaction in his "Let's Play Phantasmagoria 2", after the big reveal that the otherwise bland, dorky PC Curtis Craig is literally not of this world.

    Spoony: So let's see if I have this right—according to Warner, Curtis is really an alien made out of slime and rat testicles? ... That actually explains a lot.

  • The Nostalgia Critic's reaction when Bugs Bunny references a joint by name in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue:

    Critic: If Bugs Bunny knows of a what joint is, that means he knows what drugs are! If Bugs Bunny knows what drugs are, then the rest of the Looney Tunes know what drugs are! If the rest of the Looney Tunes know what drugs are, well, that...just explains TOO GODDAMN MUCH!

Western Animation 

  • Archer:
    • There are many times when Malory does something to which another character (sometimes Archer himself) states "A ton of stuff started making sense [about Archer's behavior]", or something to that effect.
    • There's also several instances where Archer questions if he's on the Autism Spectrum, as he finds himself being the only one able to identify weapons at a glance, keep track of bullet counts, and other such things when in battles. Most people when they hear this theory usually say something along the lines of "Huh. That would explain a lot."
  • Ben 10: Alien Force: In "The Final Battle part 2", Ben says this to Vilgax while fighting him as Ultimate Swampfire while his ship is sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

    Vilgax: Fire's not so useful, now that we're in my element!

    Ultimate Swampfire: A sinking ship is your element? That explains so much!

    Vilgax: Joke while you can. Now you face the true form of Vilgax!

  • In Big Mouth, after Coach Steve confesses to Mr. Lizer that he's never "done sex", Mr. Lizer's response is: "That makes a tremendous amount of sense."
  • In the CatDog special "Great Parent Hunt", Rancid Rabbit hosts a fair on Parents' Day, where the show's recurring characters bring their parents. Lube brings his parrots. Thinking Lube misheard, Rancid explains he was supposed to bring the people who raised him and made him what he is.

    Lube: Duh, yeah...parrots.
    Rancid: This explains all so much.

  • In the Big Boogey Adventure movie of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, The Grim Reaper notes that love makes people do stupid things. Billy then declares that he loves everything...which Grim retorts explains a lot.
  • In DuckTales (2017), when Dewey finds out that constantly-tweeting Attention Whore Mark Beaks is the son of tastemaker blogger Emma Glamour, he comments, "Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense."
  • Used to the point it's a Running Gag in Johnny Test. For example, in one of the race episodes, Gil reveals to his partner, Bling-Bling, that "[He] was raised in the wild by gorillas!"

    Bling-Bling: Huh. That explains a lot.

  • In the Mighty Magiswords episode "Bewitched, Bothered and Bothered Some More", Vambre remarks "This explains so much" in response to hearing that Flonk and Helmut, both of whom bullied her and her brother Prohyas when they were kids, are brothers and Flonk stating that Helmut taught him how to behave.
  • In the Mike, Lu & Og episode "The Great Snipe Hunt", Mike Mazinski learns from Wendel that a rock is an important present for Og because Albonquetine tradition dictates that the rite of passage is done by hitting one's own head with the rock. Mike then quips that this explains a lot, having observed plenty of bizarre shenanigans with the Albonquetine natives.
  • In the Muppet Babies (1984) episode "He's a Wonderful Frog", Rowlf tries to read a book to Kermit about Kermit's life, but finds that the book contains various nonsensical and inaccurate details, such as Kermit being raised by wolves and being elected emperor of California. It turns out that the book was put together by wannabe comedian Fozzie and Cloudcuckoolander Gonzo, which causes Rowlf to remark that that explains the book's absurd inaccuracy.
  • The Rocketeer: In "Hypnotic Hughesville", The Great Orsino has this reaction upon learning chickens are his assistant Deany's favorite animal.
  • The Simpsons
    • From "Homer Alone", after Marge has a nervous breakdown and stops her car in the middle of a bridge.

      Homer: Let me through, let me through! I'm her husband!
      Eddie: Well, that explains a lot. (He and Lou laugh)

    • From the episode "The Front":

      Homer's brain: This is it, Homer. It's time to tell her the horrible secret from your past.
      Homer: Marge, I ate those fancy soaps you bought for the bathroom.
      Marge: Oh, my God!
      Homer's brain: No, the other secret!
      Homer: Marge, I never graduated from high school.
      Marge: That still doesn't explain why you ate all the soaps. (sadly) Wait, maybe it does...

    • A positive example in "Mother Simpson", when Lisa meets Homer's long-lost mother and feels a rapport with her that she doesn't with any member of her immediate family.
  • Steven Universe: In "Made of Honor", Bismuth is initially shocked when Steven tells her about Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond being the same person, but after he further explains everything, including the Corrupted Gems, she realizes that everything makes perfect sense, since The Reveal fills in a lot of logical holes and explains what happened between her and Rose.
  • From an episode of Sushi Pack:

    Ben: If you want to wear one later, Tako, just speak up.
    Kani: Yeah, we can't read your mind!
    Tako: There's nothing to read.
    Kani: That explains so very, very much.

Real Life 

  • Seen in this short video of Kiefer Sutherland in a state of extreme intoxication.