This Is Unforgivable! - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Jan 14 2008
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"There is no curse in Elvish, Entish or the tongues of Men for this treachery!"
Someone might be the kindest, most laid-back person in the world, but sometimes even they get pushed too far. Then they say "This is unforgivable!" note and the audience knows that an asskicking of epic proportions is about to begin.
To the western ear, it seems quite anti-climactic and quaint, but to the Japanese, this is Serious Business. It is the Challenge, and it is rarely defeated. Specifically, it has to do with a notion in the Japanese culture of narrowing possibilities; if the subject can't be forgiven for a transgression, then the only other possibility is that he's about to get his head ripped off or be otherwise punished in an equally severe fashion.note In Japanese culture, being able to both ask for forgiveness and accept it are considered virtues; therefore, refusing to accept or offer forgiveness holds a lot more weight. The person who can't forgive won't give this up. This has to do with Japan's brutal code of honor dating back to the feudal era. Back in the era of the samurai, this had even more teeth, since the person who made this challenge very likely would chase you to the ends of the earth for revenge, even if doing so was severely detrimental to them. It's only said to someone who (in the speaker's opinion) has crossed the Moral Event Horizon because it entails a burden: the speaker is so offended that Unstoppable Rage is the only option. Obviously, it can overlap with Pre-Asskicking One-Liner, so expect serious butt-kicking in the following fight.
"I will make you pay!", "I have had enough of you!", "This Means War!", "You have gone too far!", "You Monster!", "I'll Kill You!", "I cannot allow this to continue.", “You Make Me Sick!", "Your life is forfeit!", "You don't deserve to live.", "I'll get you for this!", "Prepare to Die!", etc., are similar expressions, but lack the severity that "This Is Unforgivable" has in Japanese culture.
It is also used as a way of pointing out to the audience how evil a character is — that they are completely Beyond Redemption. Usually the character being issued the challenge has crossed the Moral Event Horizon, or is a Complete Monster, so the main character can freely kill them now. Though on occasion the audience still wonders if it was really unforgivable.
Similarly, it can be used to point out how stupid a character is, their transgression being proof that they are just plain Too Dumb to Live.
Typically, anyone confronted with this trope will feel guilt and remorse. Or not.
Much like Giving Someone the Pointer Finger, this is becoming something of a devalued expression through overuse. It's prone to being bandied about for comedy, and sometimes the hero will change phasers from "kill" to "hug" mid-fight so they can beat and befriend the Easily Forgiven villain anyway. This tends to break the emotional impact of "This Is Unforgivable" in series that do so.
Villains are also quite fond of using this trope whenever everything is going wrong thanks to those puny heroes, thrown out between "This Cannot Be!" and "I will have my revenge!". "This Is Unforgivable" can also be a sign of either a Heroic BSoD or a Villainous Breakdown.
See also The Coats Are Off for when the unforgivable escalates a fight's intensity, You're Insane! when a character is shocked and enraged at the same time by another character's craziness to the point of calling them insane, and Forgiveness Requires Death which offers the chance at forgiveness posthumourously. Also see Beyond Redemption, where a good guy has tried to redeem the bad guy, but gives up after an unforgivable act, and Rejected Apology, where a character is shown being unforgiving towards another who publicly apologizes, severity of the wrongdoing notwithstanding.
Example Subpages:
- Anime & Manga
- Video Games (includes Visual Novels)
Other Examples:
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Comic Strips
- In Peanuts, Snoopy will never forgive "Poochie", a girl he knew when he was a puppy, saying you don't forgive someone who does what she did. She threw a stick, then went off with another dog while he was fetching it.
Fan Works
- Cinders and Ashes: the Chronicles of Kamen Rider Dante has Shimashima do a broadcast condemning the people who bullied Setsuna into taking her own life by creating falsehoods about her plagiarizing other people's works and then silencing anyone who tries to clear her name. However, this only served to reignite a Flame War, something the villains were able to turn into a bloodbath. Considering that Setsuna is his own father and how he's in league with the villains, there might have multiple factors at play during his speech.
- In Dungeon Keeper Ami, what amounts to this happens during the invasion of Dreadfog Island
, when Empress Mercury learns that the undead priests of the Crowned Death have plucked out the eyes of eight thousand captive innocents they intend to sacrifice — including children — so that they couldn't cause trouble. Ami's response?
Cold rage simmered in Ami's heart as her bright crimson gaze focused on the fog-covered island, a dark stain against the setting sun. Crowned Death and his minons would pay, she promised herself. Her armoured gauntlets, balled tightly into fists, groaned as her fleet charged onwards into the blood-red sunset. They. Would. Pay.
- A gentle twilight: After witnessing Izuku being driven to Limit Break while trying to protect a girl, Eraserhead decides that Aldera is Beyond Redemption, uttering a Curse that shreds Aldera's Fate in the Loomin, reweaving it so that anyone bound to the school (save for Izuku and said girl) will see all their accomplishments undone.
- In God is Cruel
, Oliver and Sara's actions led to Laurel being stabbed through the stomach by Slade. In the hospital, Dean tells Sara that if Laurel recovers, she (Sara) is going to grovel and pray Laurel forgives her, and know that he never will. Oliver doesn't even get that, as Dean simply tells him to stay away from her before he breaks her even more.
- In Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are beyond furious when Twilight tells the rest of the Mane Six the abuse Fate Testarossa suffered at the hands of her mother, Presea. Twilight has to calm them down, as their anger is scaring Fluttershy.
- Maria Campbell of the Astral Clocktower: Mary Hunt tells Rafael that his crimes against Katarina are unforgivable. Katarina immediately forgives him. Thankfully, he's able to prove that he was a victim of Demonic Possession, so he doesn't suffer many legal consequences for the actions of the dark spirit.
- Megami no Hanabira: Sweet, gentle little Nanami is on the verge of tears when she lets this loose on the Big Bad, a man she looked up to before finding out how absolutely depraved he is. This gets the Big Bad boiling mad, considering he believes himself to be a god and thus finds the idea of a human withholding forgiveness downright insulting.
Nanami: No forgiveness. Not ever. I will never, ever forgive you! EVER!
- In Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!, All Might declares this after the Ultra-Humanite seemingly executes Izuku by blasting him off Mt. Fuji.
All Might: I won't forgive you for this! Take away seventy-five percent of my power, eighty-five percent, one hundred percent, even! You won't ever escape from here!
- A new kind of Fairy Queen: While Erza blames both of Maggie's parents for her being in danger (Harry summoned Erza away from Maggie while she was protecting her from the Red Court, and Susan knowingly left her in Red Court territory), she admits that Harry endangering Maggie was the completely accidental result of a misguided attempt to protect her, which in her eyes is forgivable. Susan, on the other hand, selfishly kept Maggie within arm's reach of the Red Court rather than leaving her somewhere safer. While she's willing to let Harry be a father to Maggie after they save her, she fully intends for Susan to never see her daughter again. At the end of the story, she buys Harry's contract from Mab so he can stay with his daughter, but she bars Susan from ever interacting with Maggie again.
- Lord Help the Mister
: Just as in canon, Dinah Lance let Sara go to the Gambit to sleep with her sister's boyfriend. Unlike the show, Laurel stays to watch the ship leave so Sara never gets on; and eventually the whole truth comes out. Laurel eventually forgives Sara, might one day forgive Oliver, but cannot forgive her mother. Largely because out of everyone, she simply cannot understand her mother's motivations, and doesn't like the one she thinks of.
- Hubris
- Right in the beginning, Malcolm Merlyn reveals that he was only pretending to work with Oliver against Ra's al Ghul, and his treachery leads to the deaths of Felicity, John, Ray, and Tatsu. Oliver is enraged, finally realizes that Malcolm is Beyond Redemption, and swears he'll kill Malcolm for this. Laurel meanwhile had already felt this about Malcolm, and now just hates him even more.
- The aforementioned deaths only happened because Oliver trusted Malcolm Merlyn and delivered the Alpha and Omega virus to Ra's al Ghul, so Laurel cannot forgive Oliver for any of it, rejecting his attempts to apologize and refusing to work with him. The real "this is unforgivable" moment however comes when she learns that Oliver's original plan was to make Malcolm the new Ra's al Ghul (which he did in canon), as that not only ignores the hundreds of murders Malcolm is responsible for, but is in effect rewarding him for murdering Sara. This final rejection more than anything else seems to be what sends him over the Despair Event Horizon.
"I don't know what you're looking for from us, Oliver. Forgiveness, acceptance... I can't do it anymore. I'm done."
- Hellsister Trilogy: Supergirl gets through one week of endless life-threatening battles during "The Apokolips Agenda" because of Darkseid's machinations. However, it's when the Dark Lord of Apokolips almost kills her cousin, her counterpart and her lover that Kara decides she has had enough of him.
Supergirl: I've been through hell and a half in this last week. I've fought Blackstarr, Eclipso, the Zoners, Kralik, the Golem, and I'm probably leaving some out. I almost got zombified because of you. Now you've hurt the man I love, and my cousin, and my friends. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to do any of it. I hate fighting. But I promise you, Darkseid, if you don't restore them and surrender, you're never getting up from this floor in one piece. I swear it!
- Subverted in The Unfantastic Adventures of Bizarro No. 1. Bizarro and his race might forgive the Blue-Kryptonite Men for attempting to wipe them out. The Blue-K Men's attempt to sculpt their cubic-shaped Bizarro World into a round planet is an unforgivable insult, though.
- Abraxas (Hrodvitnon): Both San and Vivienne Graham hate Alan Jonah's guts for every despicable thing he's done to them (and in Vivienne's case, everything he's done to billions of others), but when they discover Jonah has been using Disposable Vagrants as test subjects for inhuman experiments, Vivienne's reaction makes it clear she considers this to be Jonah's Moral Event Horizon.
Hetalia: Axis Powers
- In Gankona, Unnachgiebig, Unità
, Germany and Japan definitely did not forgive the homophobe, as they beat the ever-loving crap out of him for nearly raping Italy. They only stopped because Italy begged them to.
High School D×D
- In Issei: The Gaming Gear, Issei Hyoudou might have taken it on himself to make sure that the magic-hating Purifiers would no longer have any presence in Kuo Town, but he still had reservations about killing them. Those reservations promptly disappeared when he learned that they had been dissecting any and all supernatural beings they captured, even humans, to find out what made them tick.
Lyrical Nanoha
- Infinity establishes Nanoha Takamachi always fights seriously... but when someone impossible to be reasoned with threatens innocent lives she fights mad.
Miraculous Ladybug
- Court Summons:
- Marinette's shock at being kidnapped, blindfolded and marched through Paris by several of her friends and fellow Miraculous heroes morphs into a growing rage when she realizes just where they're taking her: to an apartment Ladybug and Chat Noir had secured as a secret Home Base for Team Miraculous. And Lila is with them, meaning her allies shared that information with the Bitch in Sheep's Clothing and compromised the location.
- It's also made clear that all of the kwami involved are equally enraged; while they find mortal emotions complex and difficult to parse at times, they all understand the concept of betraying information perfectly well. All of them are more than happy to help her punish Lila and the traitors accordingly.
- Cut My Life Into Pieces, This Is My Last Resort: Chat Noir considers Ladybug lying to him about Marinette being dead to be the final straw. Understandable, as she's watched him blame himself for it and sink into borderline-suicidal depression for over two weeks by the time he learns she's alive. Along with the fact that she tells him the reason the cure didn't work was because Marinette didn't want to come back. Doubly ironic, of course, as Ladybug is Marinette. It reaches a point where he temporarily breaks off their partnership and tells her to stay away from him. Tellingly, even after the whole truth comes out and Hawk Moth is defeated, Adrien tells a tearful Marinette that he still hasn't forgiven her for what she's done, but he's willing to try nonetheless because he still loves her.
- Marinette's Week Off: The sequel has Alya launch into an impassioned rant about how she will never forgive Marinette for how she supposedly bullied Lila, violently rebuffing the suggestion that they could ever repair their friendship. This comes right before Marinette makes her red carpet debut at a movie premiere the class is watching, and they learn she's one of the stars. Cue Alya immediately trying to call up her "bestie", much to the collective disgust of her peers.
- Scarlet Lady: In the Grand Finale arc that closes out Season 5, all of the heroes are outraged when they realize that Hawkmoth gave a broken Miraculous to Chloé, knowing full well using it would drain her life force. Vesperia swears that they will never forgive Hawkmoth for this transgression, and Chat Noir is so outraged that he has a Traumatic Superpower Awakening fueled by pure incandescent rage. It's made abundently clear that Hawkmoth is considered Beyond Redemption by all involved.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
- In the Pony POV Series, an Equestrian saying this and meaning this is incredibly serious business for them because of the emphasis on forgiveness and kindness in their culture. Basically, when a pony says this seriously? They mean it.
- True Potential: Shino and Fū's reaction when they learn that Tatsuma (an Aburame ROOT agent), in order to create fire-resistant kikaichu, had to submit generations upon generations of kikaichu to a fiery death until they developed fire resistance. On top of that, he also developed a special breed of kikaichu that attack by blowing themselves up.
- War of the Biju:
- Madara is appalled to learn that Tobi orchestrated the Uchiha Massacre behind his back, leading him to call a truce with Sasuke mid-battle in order to go confront his underling.
- Kushina declares this after learning that Tobimaru murdered Obito, preventing any chance of him reuniting with Team Seven.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Evangelion 303: Minor example. In chapter 3, after being beaten by Shinji and messing up a mission, Asuka is extremely distraught and paranoid — due to several weeks of disappointments and frustrations — and she is starting to wonder if Shinji is actually trying to sabotage her. Then she angrily thinks: "This is unforgivable."
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genocide: After Ritsuko confesses what her and Gendo has been doing with the Emerald Tablet, especially using Asuka as a guinea pig for the project, despite fully knowing how extremely dangerous it was, as well as causing the incident in Beijing with Unit-A which caused half-a-million casualties, Misato straight up tells her that she deserves to die.
- In Wake, Shinji states he can forgive a lot, but he will never forgive his father for treating Rei like dirt while turning her into his loyal child soldier.
One Piece
- To the Straw Hat Pirates — Luffy most of all — dreams are Serious Business. So when they are confronted by the Nightmares in Asteria Nightmare
— an Eldritch Abomination race feeding on dreams while leaving their prey a soulless husk — they immediately go on the warpath. An irate Luffy even declares he will kill the Nightmare Queen for daring to think it could steal his crewmates' ambitions, and he does.
- This Bites!:
- For Luffy, Doflamingo earned his eternal hatred by toying with the Straw Hats on Sabaody so badly that Cross’s confidence broke, all to amuse himself.
- For Cross, Aokiji suggesting to Robin that the Straw Hats couldn’t fight the world and win, causing her to turn herself in to Cipher Pol 9, was too big of a transgression to forgive. Aokiji staying silent about Ace’s capture only made Cross resent him more.
- Jessica gives an example that is both western and understandable to most westerners, since Cameron unwittingly caused Jessica's death:
Alder: This... is unforgivable... but maybe, she will...
Rosario + Vampire
- Rosario Vampire: Brightest Darkness:
- In Act III chapter 44, this is Kokoa's word-for-word reaction upon the revelation that Akua and Kahlua are working for Fairy Tale and have been all along.
- During the climax of Act IV, the entire gang has this reaction when they discover that Hokuto, Jovian, and Jacqueline had taken Tsukune's family hostage. They also have this reaction doubly so when they discover that Jovian had spent the entire time sexually abusing Kyouko For the Evulz, with the others flat-out telling Jovian during chapter 26 that she's going to Hell for what she did to Kyouko.
- In Act IV chapter 31, right before laying the smackdown on Hokuto, Tsukune, usually an All Loving Hero and the personification of Turn the Other Cheek, flat-out tells him to his face that Hokuto will never be forgiven for everything he's done. Considering the fact that Hokuto's list of Kick the Dog moments include such gems as kidnapping and brainwashing Felucia, setting Kuyou loose on Yokai Academy, letting Jovian and Jacqueline rape and torture Felucia to the point of Sanity Slippage, holding Tsukune's mother and cousin hostage, and being indirectly responsible for the deaths of Felucia, Kenzo's gang, and the original Ezrana sisters, it's perfectly justified.
Sherlock Holmes
- Deliver Us from Evil Series: In Mortality: "If your masters actions destroy him whom I regard as the best and wisest man I have ever known, make no mistake that I shall hunt down, to a man, everyone who played a part in his destruction."
Touhou Project
- A Fox In Paradise: Yukari drops her usual attitude upon learning about a direct attack upon the human village.
Films — Animated
- Coco:
- Because of Imelda's resentment towards Héctor for leaving his family in pursuit of music, her family initially sees her descendant Miguel's musical vocation as a deadly sin. However, when the truth comes out about Miguel and his great-great-grandfather, the family embraces music once more.
- The entire audience of the Sunrise Spectacular are aghast upon seeing Ernesto's engineered public confession and subsequent tossing of Miguel, immediately booing him the moment he comes on stage. Even in the Land of the Living, everybody quickly forgets about Ernesto and praises the true songwriter.
- The Lion King (1994): Simba says a line that comes close enough to this to Scar: "You don't deserve to live." The hyenas make it clear they do not appreciate Scar attempting to throw the blame for his actions onto them. After the latter's final clash with Simba, the hyenas quickly make Scar pay the ultimate price for his betrayal.
- Some of the lyrics to The Lion King II: Simba's Pride song "One of Us" contain a variation of this.
Born in grief
Raised in hate
Helpless to defy his fate
Let him run
Let him live
But do not forget what we cannot forgive - Mulan II, Mushu, pressured by Cri-Kee, admits to Mulan what he had done. Mulan is enlightened by Mushu's admittance, but also gets mad at him. She even says that what he did was unforgivable, and when he tries to ask to help some more, she replies with "You've helped enough."
- In Peter Pan (1953), after seeming to have blown up Peter Pan with a bomb, Captain Hook has Wendy walk the plank. However, they don't hear a splash expected, because, unbeknownst to the pirates, Peter, who had escaped the bomb blast, thanks to Tinker Bell, had saved Wendy, after which he makes his presence known to the pirates. He is definitely pissed off now after Hook's deliberate attempts on his and Wendy's lives.
Hook: [having thrown one of his own crew overboard just to hear a splash] Who's next?
Peter Pan: You're next, Hook! This time you've gone too far! - In Turning Red, when Mei abandons the red moon ritual, Ming becomes enraged and outraged.
Ming: How could she? How could she do this to... her own mother?!
Films — Live-Action
- Aliens: After Burke is outed for having locked Ripley and Newt in a room with two Facehuggers, Hicks tries to hear out and cross-examine both sides. When Ripley deduces Burke was planning to use her and Newt as a kind of drug mules to get Chestburster embryos for his own benefit and he would've likely also killed everyone else on the mission, and Burke's feeble response all but confirms his guilt, Hicks decides to execute Burke effective immediately.
- In Conan the Barbarian (1982), after Conan raids one of Thulsa Doom's towers and steals his treasures, he is most upset because Conan kills a giant snake guardian.
Thulsa Doom: You broke into my house, stole my property, murdered my servants, and my PETS! And that is what grieves me the most! You killed my snake. Thorgrim is beside himself with grief! He raised that snake from the time it was born.
- In the 2009 film Cracks the Diving Team reacts like this when the find out the teacher they trusted and admired molested a pupil and allowed her to die. The school seems to turn a blind eye until the whole team symbolically turns in their sashes.
- At the end of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Caesar finds himself unable to forgive nor forget Koba's genocidal rampage against the humans that started the ape-human war and made it impossible for the apes to ever live in peace as well as violating the Ape Shall Not Kill Ape rule by trying to kill him and murdering Ash and at least one other ape. Ultimately, Caesar drops Koba to his death, telling him "You are not ape!"
- In the Chinese action film Flash Point, the main character and detective Mah Jun, played by Donnie Yen, chases after a criminal on foot in the streets of Hong Kong. The criminal runs into a restaurant, grabs a young girl as hostage. and holds her upside down by the legs. When Mah Jun catches up to him and holds him at gun point, the crook threatens to drop the girl on her head if Mah Jun doesn't drop his gun. Mah Jun complies, but the criminal throws the girl forcefully aside anyway right outside the restaurant unto concrete ground, injuring the girl. Mah Jun has a very brief Heroic BSoD and his face clearly shows a This Is Unforgivable! expression followed by giving the attacking criminal a suplex from hell and then pummeling the man to to death.
- GoldenEye: Before dumping him deliberately to his death, James Bond makes it clear that he disapproves of his Big Bad Friend's decision to make a Face–Heel Turn.
- Alluded to in the film Gung Ho, when a shouting match between an American and his Japanese boss gets physical after the American says, "Oh yeah? Well, if you guys are so great, how come you lost the Big One?"
- In Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, when Kevin finds out that his old nemeses, Harry and Marv, plan to rob Duncan's Toy Chest, whose proceeds are intended for a children's hospital on Christmas Day, Kevin decides that enough is enough, which sets off an even bigger Death Course battle than the one in the first film.
Kevin: You can mess with a lot of things...but you can't mess with kids on Christmas!
- Little Shop of Horrors:
Orin: What I ever do to you?
Seymour: Nothing. It's what you did to [Audrey]. - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: When Treebeard sees first-hand the devastation Saruman has wrought to the trees he'd been friends with on the lands surrounding Isengard, he furiously declares that a wizard should've known better, and he promptly resolves to exact vengeance upon the rogue wizard.
- A New York Christmas Wedding: Jenni broke off contact with Gabby when the latter had blown off their tree decorating to spend time with her boyfriend. It seems petty, but Jenni had planned to tell Gabby she loved her, with the boyfriend coming between them. She regrets it deeply later when Gabby kills herself due to losing her baby, which might have gone differently if Jenni had been there supporting her.
- Not Okay: Danni coming clean as having faked surviving a terrorist attack naturally causes her to be fired, Rowan venting her rage on her and becoming a huge target of criticism everywhere. This part of the film is even titled "I Don't Get A Redemption Arc". Rowan says that while maybe she'll forgive Danni, the two will never be okay. Danni appears to realize this will never be undone too.
- Similarly to how he acts in the cartoons (see "Western Animation" below), in the live-action movie of Popeye, the titular sailor is trying to just have some breakfast at Roughouse's when the local toughs decide to insult him. At first, Popeye stays calm and insists they apologize, but when they "apologize" by roughing up the patrons instead, he declares, "Sorry I have to do this, but enough is enough." and proceeds to clean house with all of them.
- The Proposition.
"Arthur Burns is a monster. An abomination. You were right to break company with him; what happened at the Hopkins place was unforgivable.
- In Spider-Man 3, Peter says this to Eddie right before he exposes him for forging a picture of Spider-Man robbing the bank.
Peter: You want forgiveness? Get religion.
- Star Trek:
- A western equivalent appears in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock where Kirk repeatedly kicks Klingon General Kruge, screaming "I! HAVE HAD! ENOUGH! OF YOU!" and then kicks Kruge down a cliff.
- Picard's rant about the Borg in Star Trek: First Contact. "[We have fallen back] This far, and no further! The line must be drawn here!" This turns into a subversion, though, when Lily scolds him into sensibility and he decides to destroy the ship rather than fight it out.
- In Star Trek Into Darkness, Harrison delivers a variant of this Stock Phrase to Kirk in one of the trailers.
Harrison: Your commanders have committed a crime I cannot forgive.
- At the end of Unfriended, Laura's ghost says this to Blaire after revealing that she was the one who filmed the video that caused the former to commit suicide.
Laura: I wish I could forgive you, Blaire.
- In War of the Worlds (2005), Ray Ferrier makes it clear to Ogilvy that he has crossed a line by endangering Rachel's life. It ends fatally.
Ray: Do you understand what I'm going to have to do? I can't let my daughter die because of you.
- In The Woman in Black, this seemed to be the Madness Mantra of the titular woman after her child went missing, as she believed he was being deliberately kept from her. Unfortunately, she died before anyone learned the truth, and her vengeful ghost got stuck in an infinite loop.
- In the world of A Brother's Price, men are extremely rare and protected, so when some of the heroes find one who was killed, the ones who never knew their fathers are disgusted, but the ones who did have loving fathers are horrified, furious, even panic-stricken. Most didn't know the man in question, but this is the crime that really drives them to despise those responsible.
"What kind of animals could do this?"
- In Divergent, Will, Christina and Tris treat Al this way after he assists Peter and Drew in attempting to kill Tris. They become more ambivalent after Al kills himself but never speak of it again.
- Michael, good Christian paladin type in The Dresden Files, forgives and gives another chance to anyone and anything, even the odd Eldritch Abomination. But, in the short story "The Warrior," when a Well-Intentioned Extremist priest kidnaps one of his daughters (knocking her unconscious in the process), ties her up in det-cord (explosive-stuffed rubber tubing), and rigs her with an electronic detonator — and then insists that a Walking Techbane wizard, whose very presence could have caused a malfunction in the detonator and set off the cord, be the one to release the girl — all bets are off. In the end, Dresden has to hold Michael back from beating the priest to death.
- In Dune, the depredations on the Zensunni people in the distant past are remembered in the oral tradition of their descendants, the Fremen, with the Badass Creed "Never to forgive, never to forget!"
- Everything, Everything: Madeline's reaction to finding out that her mother has been lying to her her entire life, and that she isn't really deathly ill. Carla encourages her to forgive her mother, as she's clearly not right in the head and does love Madeline, but as Madeline points out, she'll never get back those eighteen years she spent unable to leave her house and interact with anyone from the outside. It's ambiguous as to whether or not Madeline will ever get over it.
- In the Harry Potter books:
- The three curses Crucio, Imperio, and Avada Kedavra are deemed "Unforgivable," and anyone who gets caught using them automatically gets a life sentence in Azkaban.
- In the first book, the killing/drinking the blood of a unicorn is considered to be this by centaurs.
- Dumbledore invokes this trope himself in relation to Voldemort, describing the creation of a Horcrux as "moving beyond the realm of what we might describe as 'usual evil.'" Considering the implications of tearing one's soul apart, this is probably justified. The fact that it takes a human sacrifice to make the process work also plays a large part.
- A wizard or witch who believes in pure-blood supremacy tends to treat any of their relatives marrying a Muggle or Muggle-born wizard/witch (or, for that matter, anyone who reacts to either this type of union or anyone involved in said union with a sympathetic or supportive attitude) as this.
- In the past, Lily Evans (a muggleborn) put up with Severus Snape's descent into the Dark Arts solely out of friendship, but she ended that friendship the moment the latter called her a "Mudblood".
- The Hobbit: As Gollum realizes that the fleeing Bilbo has stolen his Precious and escaped Gollum's clutches: "Thief, thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!"
- Parable of the Talents: Lauren Olamina is imprisoned in a reeducation camp and separated from her infant daughter. After she escapes, she searches for the child and asks her estranged brother, Marcus for help. He does locate her at the age of 19, but tells her both her parents died and never tells Lauren about finding her daughter. Neither of them learn about the lies until a 34-year-old Asha meets her 58-year-old mother, and a furious Lauren cuts contact with him. In 2090, an 81-year-old Lauren writes that she has never even tried to forgive her brother Marcus for effectively stealing her daughter.
- In the final book of Protector of the Small, Lord Wyldon orders Keladry to abandon her captured refugees and return to him for reassignment once she's finished at the destroyed camp. In response, she quietly turns her horse around and rides into Scanra to rescue them on her own (though help in the form of her friends catches up to her en route). When her former knight-master Lord Raoul — easygoing, level-headed, and steadfast — catches wind of this, he tells Wyldon to hope for the gods' forgiveness if she dies, "because I never will."note
- Schooled in Magic: When King Randor reveals himself to be a necromancer, his army breaks up and deserts en masse. Even Sir Roger Greenwood, one of the most honor-bound men in Zangaria, considers his oath to the king void, defecting to Princess Alassa and begging her to stop him and save the kingdom.
- Invoked and subverted in Shatterpoint:
Depa Billaba: You can't... you can't just forgive me.
Mace Windu: As a member of the Council — you're right. I can't. As your Master, I won't. As your friend — as your friend, Depa, I can forgive everything. I already have. - Sherlock Holmes, in "The Three Garridebs" when Watson is wounded, Holmes tells the idiot that shot his friend he's lucky, but if his friend had died on him, well... you can expect the knucklehead to get killed.
Holmes: By the Lord, it is well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have gotten out of this room alive.
- A Song of Ice and Fire:
- When Cersei beats the woman she thinks is Tyrion's mistress, Tyrion says "I have never liked you, Cersei, but you were my own sister, so I never did you harm. You've ended that. I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid." He may not say the words, but this Badass Boast embodies the spirit of this trope very well.
- Likewise, he doesn't say the words, but Tyrion's reaction to the lies and betrayal by his brother, his father, and the aforementioned mistress is similar to this.
- Though this comes back to bite Tyrion when Joffrey is poisoned on his wedding day; everyone assumes it was his fault, and he had nothing to do with it.
- Actually, quite a few characters react this way to being betrayed. Which happens quite a lot.
- The Red Wedding is held as this by pretty much everybody in Westeros; not only were the majority of those involved brutally slaughtered, they were also murdered under Sacred Hospitality which is the one rule everyone can agree on to never violate. Even the Faith Militant, who are generally in favour of anything that harms those they deem heretics, condemn the massacre even though most of the victims worshipped the Old Gods and the ones responsible (directly or indirectly) find themselves dealing with a whole new set of headaches as a result.
- In Space Glass, this is Ratroe's reaction to learning that Marvelous beat up a teenager.
- In The Lord of the Rings, after Thror and his companion Nar make their way to Moria and Thror is murdered by Azog and his Orcs, Nar carries the story back to Thrain, Thror's son. Appendix A says that Thrain wept and torn his beard, and then sat silent for seven days; after which he said, "This cannot be borne!"
This was the start of the War of Dwarves and Orcs, which the Appendix notes was long and deadly; the cost to the Dwarves was almost unbearably high, but the Orcs of the Misty Mountains were all but exterminated. - In The Way You Are, Robert's parents disown him after he comes out to them. In the epilogue, it's been three years since then and he's only had one phone call with his mother. They don't attend his college graduation.
Live-Action TV
- An episode of Alias contains the following emotional speech. It doesn't lead to a physical fight (though these two characters do fight earlier in the episode), but it sets the tone for a temporarily broken relationship.
"What it comes down to is faith. What I was hoping you would say is, 'Sydney, I gave up, I gave up. I lost faith.' But what you came here for was closure. And there is not a chance you're getting that from me. I'm not gonna say 'I understand.' I'm not gonna sympathize with you and tell you how hard it must be for you... But you want to know how I am? I am horrible, Vaughn. I am ripped apart. And not because I lost you, but because... if it had been me... I would have waited. I would have found out the truth. I wouldn't have given up on you. And now I realize... what an absolute waste that would have been."
- Arrow:
- Zigzagged with Oliver Queen's treatment of Malcolm Merlyn. Malcolm brainwashes his daughter, Thea, into murdering Sara Lance, in order to instigate conflict between Oliver and Ra's al Ghul. In the finale, Oliver tells him "I will never forgive you for what you did to Sara"...and then makes him the new Ra's al Ghul, effectively rewarding him for the deed. Throughout Season 4, he never has any objection to working with Malcolm, thanks him for his cooperation if they do work together, comes up with excuses to not remove him as Ra's (though he eventually does), and repeatedly refuses to kill him. In retaliation for Oliver removing him as Ra's, Malcolm kidnaps Oliver's son, causing Oliver to swear this again. Malcolm then is an accessory to Laurel's murder, drugs and kidnaps Thea, and helps Damien Darhk in a plot to destroy the world. Once Malcolm loses his means to survive the world's destruction, he offers Oliver his help again which is instantly accepted. He returns in the Season 5 finale, and once again Oliver has no real problem with working with him. Ultimately, Oliver is consistently willing to ignore Malcolm's crimes, and fundamentally refuses to punish him for them.
- Played straight with Laurel Lance, Sara's sister, who repeatedly argues for killing Malcolm. Even after Malcolm helps resurrect Sara, Laurel still hates him and wants him dead for killing her in the first place.
- This is Dinah Drake's reaction after Black Siren murders her fiancé, Vincent Sobel. This causes Team Arrow's further estrangement, as Dinah is disgusted that Oliver repeatedly pleads for Siren to be spared, with Curtis Holt and Rene Ramirez taking her side. It takes Oliver turning himself to the FBI in exchange for his team's pardon in the Season 6 finale for them to mellow down, and Dinah's enmity with Siren continues well into Season 7, only ending once the latter affirms her Heel–Face Turn and the two become Fire-Forged Friends.
- The Babylon 5 episode "No Surrender, No Retreat" opens with Captain Sheridan defiantly declaring "Enough is enough!", after President Clark's forces commit their worst atrocity yet, involving two Earthforce destroyers jumping out of hyperspace and, completely unprovoked, wiping out five commercial liners packed with 10,000 civilian refugees. And for the record, Sheridan is not even remotely kidding.
- Battlestar Galactica (2003):
- This was deconstructed when Lee testified at Baltar's war crimes trial — Lee pointed out all the things members of the Fleet had done that should have resulted in imprisonment (or execution) that had been "forgiven" by either Admiral Adama or the President, and that the only reason Baltar's crimes were unforgivable and deserved his execution was that no one liked him.
Lee: We have to break rules, we have to bend laws, we have to improvise! But not this time, no, not this time, not for Gaius Baltar.
- When mutineers seize control of Galactica and take the admiral into custody (killing several crewman in the process), Adama gives the following threat: "I want you all to understand this! If you do this, there will be no forgiveness. No amnesty. This boy died honoring his uniform. You, you'll die with nothing."
- President Laura Roslin's speech in the following episode is arguably an even better example: "No. Not now. Not ever. Do you hear me? I will use every cannon, every bomb, every bullet, every weapon I have down to my own eyeteeth to end you. I swear it! I'M COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!"
- This was deconstructed when Lee testified at Baltar's war crimes trial — Lee pointed out all the things members of the Fleet had done that should have resulted in imprisonment (or execution) that had been "forgiven" by either Admiral Adama or the President, and that the only reason Baltar's crimes were unforgivable and deserved his execution was that no one liked him.
- In The Borgias, Rodrigo is telling his sons how to juggle the various bribes that will get him elected Pope. When one of them points out that his tactics are not exactly "holy", Rodrigo replies "God will forgive us, my son. But I will not. Forgive. Failure. From you, or your brother." Quite what he was threatening them with (if anything, since he does genuinely love his children,) is unknown, but since the line is spoken with all the verbal badassery Jeremy Irons can muster, it's understandably taken very seriously.
- Bridgerton: In the opening of "Joining of Hands", upon unintentionally unmasking his fiancée, Penelope Featherington, as the notorious gossip monger Lady Whistledown, recalling all the damages she has done to his family and closed ones and she concedes, Colin Bridgerton swears that he would never forgive her. However, after Penelope comes clean publicly and earns Queen Charlotte's approval, Colin eventually forgives Pen and the two reconcile.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
- In "Choices", Faith actually tries to get Willow to give her the whole "you can still be a good guy" speech, instead getting Willow telling her she's way past forgiveness. At least part of this is because she had kidnapped and tied up Willow though. Ironically, Willow becomes one of the few people who actually could later understand what Faith was going through, having gone evil and killed someone only to be brought back by someone showing caring and kindness when she didn't deserve it.
- Xander gets into the act not once, but twice:
- While he never liked Angel and repeatedly vouched for just dusting Angelus, he doubles down on it after Angelus kills Jenny in cold blood in "Passion", citing it as proof that Angel is beyond redemption.
- In "Villains", after Warren shoots Buffy and Tara, nearly killing the former and actually killing the latter, Xander agrees with Dawn that Warren deserves to die, declaring he's no better than the vampires and demons they fight every day. Even in "Two to Go", despite being physically sick at the sight of Willow flaying him alive, Xander still insists that Warren deserved what he got.
- In Season 8, after a Brainwashed and Crazy Angel kills Giles, Buffy refuses to forgive him and Xander is narrowly prevented from killing him. Buffy is also blamed for the world's magic being lost and even the other Slayers tell her what she did was unforgivable, despite the fact that Buffy had no choice but to destroy the source of Earth's magic to save the world.
- In The Chosen TV Series, Simon gives a "Reason You Suck" Speech to Matthew, on account of his previous work as a tax collector. While Matthew has given Simon plenty of reasons to still be bitter with him, Simon is still in the wrong when he says "I won't forgive it. I can't." This isn't missed by Jesus, who sends them to look for Mary Magdalene in an attempt to mend fences.
- The Cosby Show: The Season 6 episode "Off To See the Wretched" is among TV's leading trope codifiers, after Clair delivers a massive verbal torrent on her daughter, Vanessa. After all, all she did was (along with her friends) lie about what her plans were (to go to a concert in Baltimore, well away from New York where she said she was going) and ... when several things came up that should have ended their evening — car stolen, run out of money and have their tickets stolen by a scalper — they didn't call for help. Clair said not only was Vanessa's stunt unforgivable, it means it may be a long time before she and Cliff will be able to trust her again.
- The Crown (2016). In "Vergangenheit", Queen Elizabeth is approached by the Duke of Windsor who is seeking a role in government, even though many in the Palace still don't forgive him for abdicating the throne in 1936. Elizabeth is inclined to agree with the request because she thinks enough time has passed, plus she's recently become interested in the preachings of evangelist Billy Graham and his message of Christian forgiveness. Then she's briefed on the full extent of the Duke's collaboration with the Nazis during World War 2, and instead has him kicked out of the country.
- After things get out of hand at Degrassi: The Next Generation during Vegas Night in the mid-season finale of "The Boiling Point", Principal Archibald Simpson has had enough of the crap he has had to deal with for his entire career at the school, and has this to say to the students: "By the time you all get back from won't recognize this school at all." And he's not kidding — the next episodes see him instituting a school-wide discipline crackdown aimed at curbing the worst of the school's major problems.
- Doctor Who:
- In "The Name of the Doctor", we find that the Eleventh Doctor cannot forgive a previously unknown incarnation of himself, who committed an act so heinous, no incarnation of the Doctor will recognize him as being one of them. But then, in "The Day of the Doctor", he subverts the trope and (along with his previous incarnation) accepts that he did what he had to do; if his Old Shame is not called the Doctor, it's because he had no other option. Except the events of the episode create another option, opening the chance to Set Right What Once Went Wrong.
- In "Face the Raven", the immortal Ashildr is involved in a plot that results in the unexpected death of the Doctor's companion, Clara. The Doctor threatens Ashildr, "I will end you and everything you love" before Clara talks him down. After the deed is done, the Doctor makes it clear to Ashildr that forgiveness is not on the table. In the Season Finale "Hell Bent" two episodes later, in which the Doctor has become a Driven to Madness Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds in the wake of said disaster and a stint in a torture chamber, their paths cross again, and while he doesn't forgive her onscreen, he does allow her to follow him into the second TARDIS rather than leave her to die at the end of time. The same episode suggests that with regards to her collaborators' role in the aforementioned plot AND their work as architects of the Last Great Time War, he sees Rassilon and his underlings on the High Council as unworthy of forgiveness, and exiles them from Gallifrey after bloodlessly overthrowing them. Keep in mind that this particular Doctor, the Twelfth, is one of the most forgiving incarnations. His unwillingness to forgive Ashildr is personal: he's the one who saved her from death's door in a way that made her functionally immortal to begin with and, as centuries passed, believed in her goodness even when she did not and worked to protect her — and she chose to betray him (and hurt others as the hanging judge mayor of the trap street) for all that. As for her collaborators, they were partially responsible for the worst war the universe ever saw, one he brought to an end for them (and it was only because of Clara that he spared them when he was doing so)... and look how they repaid him, all out of fear of a prophecy, and they are not the sort of people likely to atone and apologize anyway.
- Dracula (2013): Mina makes it clear Lucy sleeping with her fiancé Jonathan is something she can't forgive, ending their friendship.
- An entire episode of Friends focused on this. Joey finds out that Chandler kissed his girlfriend and spends the episode refusing to even speak to him despite Chandler repeatedly apologizing for it and begging for his friendship. It reaches to the point where Joey even considers moving out and calling Chandler untrustworthy. Fortunately, he does give Chandler a chance to prove himself by forcing him to spend Thanksgiving trapped in a box as punishment and, in the end, forgives him.
- Game of Thrones:
- What really pisses House Karstark off about Robb executing Lord Rickard is that the Starks and Karstarks are very distant kin, and kinslaying is considered a despicable crime, forgetting that what really pissed off Robb Stark was Lord Rickard executing two harmless child prisoners who weren't even remotely guilty of Jaime's crimes.
- Sansa is so pissed off at House Umber for surrendering Rickon to the Boltons that she wishes to hang them all after they're done with the Boltons.
- Many people, including Ned Stark, consider Jaime Lannister ("the Kingslayer"), a vile knight beyond redemption after his Bodyguard Betrayal of Aerys. In reality, it was the polar opposite to this trope since Jaime did it because Aerys planned to scorched-earth the city of King's Landing, but no one else other than Brienne knows or cares at this point. Note that most of these people were fighting against Aerys and knew he was mad and evil, but without context they think Jaime was just being an opportunist.
- This is Jaime's reaction to Tyrion's murder of Tywin, even telling Bronn he will kill Tyrion if he ever sees him again. However, when the two reunite in Season 7, he doesn't do it.
- Neither Jaime nor Tyrion will forgive the Ironborn and the Greyjoys for their attack on Lannisport. Tyrion brings up seeing sailors drown in ships at anchor in his childhood to Theon when the latter gloats in Season 1 about how awesome that attack was, while Jaime apparently went berserk during the Siege of Pyke.
- In the series finale, Daenerys has Tyrion locked up to be executed after he betrayed her trust by releasing Jaime. When Jon begs her to forgive Tyrion, Daenerys simply says she can't.
- Said word-for-word by Derek in Grey's Anatomy about Meredith sleeping with their vet... after they broke up almost a year ago because he was married and hadn't told her. He was still with his wife at the time. She's quick to point out that "I never asked you to forgive me" and "I make no apologies."
- In the The Handmaid's Tale episode "Unwomen": Mrs. O'Connor, a former wife, is sent to the Colonies to work as an Unwoman. Almost every other Unwoman there is a former Handmaid, and as such openly hate her. Emily pretends to be her friend, but then fatally poisons her. A dying Mrs O'Connor asks why, and Emily reminds her that as a wife, once a month she held a woman down and let her husband rape her. There's no forgiveness for that.
- In the live-action Hell Girl series, poor Yu Miyazaki says this in tears after Rina Endou and her Girl Posse smash the watch that was her mother's gift to her, just before pulling the red string and sending Rina to Hell.
- The Hogan Family: Possibly among the leading TV-related trope codifiers, the reason Valerie (back when the show was still known as Valerie and its star, Valerie Harper, was with the show) refuses to accept 12-year-old son Willie's apology in the Season 2 episode "Leave It To Willie." What exactly did Willie do, one dare asks? He merely took his father's brand new convertible without permission (on the dare of a buddy) for a joy ride, hit a parked vehicle along a city street, parked it in the garage hoping nobody would notice and then — when Valerie gets a call from the police saying that a car matching her husband Michael's convertible was seen in the area — allows older brother David to take the blame. Willie continually stalls for time, hoping that by holding out and by merely admitting the truth later, he would be absolved of his actions and — get this — be allowed to go to a party where he would get to consummate a relationship with the most desirable girl in class. He then watches his favorite TV show ("Leave It To Willie") and after having an Imagine Spot where he sees a positive outcome to his predicament, decides to finally admit the truth. Instead, Valerie blows her stack, and not only does she refuse to accept the apology (since she sees less than zero sincerity in his attempt to blow things off as "no big deal") but tells him he's grounded from going to that much-anticipated party. Even worse: Valerie declares to Willie that, at least temporarily, she has lost trust in him. (And we don't even get to see how Michael will take the news (series star Josh Turner was not in this episode, his character said to be returning home from a flight) ... although we do see Valerie leave the house to pick Michael, an airline pilot, from the airport and she leaves it to Willie to sweat things out.)
- How I Met Your Mother had a version of this when Ted found out that Barney slept with Ted's ex-girlfriend Robin in a blatant violation of the Bro Code. Barney expects Ted to be angry but forgive him since Ted is very easy going and a bit of a pushover. Instead Ted is so furious at the betrayal that he punches Barney in the groin and wants nothing to do with Barney from that moment on.
- A few episodes later, though, Ted forgives Barney.
- In I, Claudius, Sejanus takes advantage of Emperor Tiberius' apathy to turn Rome into a terrifying Police State. Tiberius is warned that Sejanus has been plotting against him and he orders a merciless purge, saying that he will "open Rome's bowels" and that the "streets will run like a sewer." Everyone who was connected with Sejanus is brutally executed, and the soldiers even put his son in adult clothing and rape his daughter so that they won't legally be children when they're murdered. Claudius, stumbling through the corpse-strewn streets, wails "Rome, you are finished! Finished! You are despicable!"
- This was practically Kotaro Minami's catchphrase in Kamen Rider BLACK. It may have helped codify the trope in Japan.
- Kamen Rider Double gives us a villainous version in Episode 28, where Dr. Isaka/the Weather Dopant says it after Double and Accel thwart his plans to gain the power of Invisibility by stealing it from another Gaia Memory user (which would have killed her in the process).
- Kamen Rider Drive has one in the penultimate episode when Go Shijima/Kamen Rider Mach confronts Kamen Rider Gold Drive, AKA Go's own father, Tenjuro Banno. Go states that up until now, Gold Drive has done many terrible things: Bringing shame to his sister Kiriko, using Go himself as a tool, and using Krim Steinbelt's inventions for evil. But the thing that Go declares is absolutely unforgivable? Killing his friend Chase.
- Earlier in the series, Episode 20 sees Drive flip out at the Roidmude Medic about the way she has taken over Chase's former job as the Roidmude Grim Reapernote Drive outright said that compared to Chase, Medic was a devil.
- Legends of Tomorrow: Sara Lance really hates Damien Darhk for killing her sister, Laurel, and readily abandons the mission she is in to attack him whenever he appears. By Season 3, she has toned down her hostility and won't attack him on sight (most of the time), but while the rest of the Legends regard him as something of a Friendly Enemy, Sara never does. In "Mr. Parker's Cul de Sac", he finally apologizes to her before turning Genghis Khan's sword on himself.
- Merlin (2008):
- Uther is blaming Morgana for her betrayal against the kingdom by trying to help the young druid Mordred escape. Morgana, who does not wish for Mordred to be executed, says that she will never forgive him if Mordred dies. Uther, on the other hand, states that he wasn't asking for forgiveness.
- And when Merlin tries to prevent Mordred from escaping the Camelot knights, Mordred kills them and warns him telepathically that he will never forgive him nor forget his betrayal towards him.
- And again with Mordred in Season 5 when Merlin reveals Mordred's plan to escape with Kara resulting in the latter's death.
- Mohawk Girls: Thunder is appalled by Anna disparaging her own mom for being white, and breaks up with her, saying he could never be with anyone who treats their mother badly.
- In Once Upon a Time (2011), Regina blames Snow White for the death of her lover and being forced into a crappy Arranged Marriage with Snow's father, the king. Never mind it was Regina's own mummy dearest who actually killed the lover — and killed the former queen — and forced the marriage; Snow gets blamed because she was manipulated by Regina's mother into telling her about Regina's lover for well-meaning reasons (at the age of ten). Snow White flees Regina's murder attempts and becomes a forest-dwelling bandit. Regina takes the throne and rules about as well as you'd expect from someone termed 'the Evil Queen'. When Regina ends up in a peasant woman disguise and actually meets Snow again, Snow admits she pities Regina and would be willing to forgive her... until she discovers that her stepmother just executed an entire village down to the last man, woman and child for the mere "crime" of giving Snow a night's shelter, which Snow herself declares unforgivable.
- In Season 3 of Pennyworth, Thomas Wayne discovers that his father Patrick is a blackmailed CIA asset who used Lullaby State to make his son try to kill his wife Martha. Even though Patrick Wayne is willing to pay a million pounds to have Alfred Pennyworth rescue his son from prison, and shows genuine regret for his actions, Thomas makes it clear that it's not enough and murders his father in retaliation.
- Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Rita sometimes says this to the rangers whenever they ruin her plans and destroy her monsters.
Rita [to the rangers]: You'll pay for THIS!!
- After Sixth Ranger Tyzon appears to have been killed by one of the Fearcats in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, Pink Ranger Rose delivers a really angry "You're going down!" and almost utterly destroys him.
- Grizzaka to the rangers in Power Rangers Jungle Fury during their huge fight:
Grizzaka: You've destroyed all of my warriors, my royal guards, and the great overlord Carnisoar. Finally, I shall destroy you! In fact, he doesn't. Shocking.
- As shown by the quote on top of this page, Power Rangers Samurai used this trope word for word. This example is rather striking, as Power Rangers usually goes for western variants, such as "You'll pay for this". The probable reason behind this, is that the production behind this series was rushed, causing most of the scripts to be direct translations of its Japanese source material Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.
- In Power Rangers Dino Charge, Heckyl swore to make Sledge pay for imprisoning him. Also, he swore to avenge his homeworld that was destroyed by Lord Arcanon.
- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Rita sometimes says this to the rangers whenever they ruin her plans and destroy her monsters.
- Stargate SG-1: After Teal'c shoots Sha're to save Daniel's life, Daniel refuses to believe that it was necessary and will barely acknowledge Teal'c's attempts at reconciliation. Interestingly, everything that happens after Teal'c kills Sha're turns out to be a dream of sorts. By the time Daniel finds himself back in the real world, he's already forgiven Teal'c.
Teal'c: Is there not some form of human ritual in which I may ask your forgiveness?
Daniel: No. [walks away] - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: In "The Way of the Warrior", Worf convinces Chancellor Gowron to stand his forces down, as an all-out war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire is exactly what the Dominion wants. Gowron withdraws his forces, but leaves with this warning for Sisko (and Worf):
Gowron: You have sided against us in battle, and this we do not forgive... or forget!
- Star Trek: Discovery: Many years ago, Michael Burnham was brought to live with Sarek's family after her own parents were killed. When they were targeted by logic extremists who wanted to eliminate non-Vulcan entities on the planet, she attempted to run away. A young Spock tried to follow her, but she insulted his human heritage in an attempt to get him to stay behind. This incident drove them apart for years, and Spock spent many years rebuffing all attempts by Michael to reconcile with him, as he viewed this act, along with her blaming herself for the death of her parents and the outbreak of the Klingon-Federation War, as selfish acts made to make her feel more important. He even says as much in perhaps on of the most emotional moments of his life, blisteringly insulting her for continuing this trend, making it abundantly clear that, while they can work together to fix the threat of destruction awaiting them in the future, he cannot, and will not, ever forgive her. However, it becomes subverted when she learns Section 31 was partially responsible for her parents getting killed, and admits he was right, leading the two to eventually reconcile.
- Abdul Abulbul Amir: Abdul considers someone stepping on his toe unforgivable; it's what instigates the Knife Fight that ends both his life and the life of the Russian soldier who steps on his toe.
Mythology and Religion
- In The Four Gospels, Jesus, of everyone, the one who preaches Forgiveness stated that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit note is an unforgivable sin, even when blasphemy against God and himself is somewhat pardonable.
Jesus: And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Professional Wrestling
- The Undertaker's 2003 entrance theme "You're Gonna Pay"note is about retribution for some unspecified offense and the chorus includes the line "There's no forgiveness this time."
Tabletop Games
- Warhammer Fantasy: Dwarf language does not have a word for 'forgiveness'. To a Dwarf, all debts will be repaid, and all wrongs will be avenged. Dwarfs take these declarations of revenge, known as 'Grudges', as seriously as they take everything else (i.e., completely, absolutely and obsessively 100%), and being the subject of a Grudge tends to be a Very Bad Thing for anyone. Dwarfs keep entire ledgers of Grudges that have not (yet) been avenged, some of them centuries or millennia old, and still remember every last one of them, and their intent to repay them.
Thorgrim Grudgebearer: Every wrong is recorded. Every slight against us. Page after page, etched in blood.
- In Consolers, Tecmo refuses to forgive Namco for making fun of his DoA games and swears to get his revenge some day.
Tecmo: Namco... I will NEVER forgive you for this unforgivable insult.
- Parodied in Darths & Droids [[episode
]]. Snoke's reaction to hearing the First Order had blown up the wrong planet is "Huh," but when Hux adds that it's all explained in excruciating detail in a PowerPoint presentation, Snoke sayd "This is absolutely unforgivable!!"
- In Hand Jumper, Sayeon describes Butcher as unforgivable after he kills a defenseless man, and it's implied she at least thought this towards Samin after seeing her do the same, 8 years before the story starts.
- In Sequential Art, the Quinten story arc begins with Kat and Scarlet going clothes shopping, and Kat being subsequently kidnapped by Quinten employees who mistook her for Scarlet, an escaped WetwareCPU component. The next comic shows Art and Pip coming back from a movie to find Scarlet on the porch, bawling her eyes out from guilt. After she explains how she escaped from Quinten when the AI she was analyzing tried to kill her in the garbage incinerator, she cries some more, saying that its her fault that Kat was taken, and that she's scared and doesn't know what to do. In what is probably the only display of genuine affection he has shown to Scarlet thus far, Pip says that Quinten must pay for making Scarlet cry.
Web Original
- At the beginning of The Nostalgia Critic's pre-recorded review of Kazaam:
- Revenge Films: In "My twin who looks down on me got a plastic surgery and brings her fiancé over,"
Melanie utters this sentiment at her older twin sister Catherine for exposing her plastic surgery to her fiancé, Joe.
Melanie: You took away my happiness! I will never forgive you!
- In the visual novel Six Rules, after the Tairas burn down the Minamoto home and take Ryouji prisoner, Ryouji speaks to the one who betrayed him, who he can now feel nothing but burning hatred for; and they have an exchange very similar to the page image:
Ryouji gritted his teeth and spoke, lowly.
Ryouji: I'll never forgive you.
She looked amused, a smile playing on her lips.
Yukiri: Oh dear. What am I going to do if you don't forgive me? - In the first video (and most popular) of the Unforgivable series, this trope is averted really, really hard. The narrator essentially meets a woman while he is plotting to buy pants with stolen money, gets her number, and takes her out on a date. This date consists of her buying him food, him treating her rudely, and eventually him forcing her to satisfy his libido in the bathroom of the arcade to make up for the fact that she had two siblings. He then shouts, "UNFORGIVABLE!" at the end. However, after watching the rest of the video, this only proves that he is an extremely angry person who gets upset about minor things.
- SCP Foundation: All that we know about SCP-2165
is that it did something deemed so unforgivable that the entire universe, in consensus, erased it from the timeline, and made sure no creature, entity or even force would ever acknowledge anything about SCP-2165 ever again, effectively exiling whatever it was from existence as a whole.
Western Animation
- In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Hawkeye's "You're dead to me!" is a particularly harsh variation reserved for a former friend, Black Widow.
- In BoJack Horseman, this is the reason why Herb refuses BoJack's apology, even when dying in the late stages of cancer. BoJack betraying him after he was outed as gay ruined Herb's personal life. Herb was able to bounce back from the scandal eventually, but he was still hurt by BoJack not standing by him during his time of need, thus he refuses to give BoJack the satisfaction of reconciling with him.
Herb: I'm not gonna give you closure. You don't get that. You have to live with the shitty thing you did for the rest of your life. You have to know that it's never, ever going to be okay! I'm dying! I'm not gonna feel better! And I'm not gonna be your prop so you can feel better! Do you know what it was like for me? I had nobody. Everybody left! I knew all those showbiz phonies would turn on me, sure. But you? I don't care about the job! I did fine! I had a good life, but what I needed then was... a friend. And you abandoned me. And I will never forgive you for that. Now get the fuck out of my house!
- Western animation equivalent: Bugs Bunny's declaration, "Of course you realize, This Means War!" heard (as per Chuck Jones) when the happy-go-lucky wabbit is finally pushed to the wall. Cue asskicking, etc. Groucho Marx said it first.
- This line is also uttered by a character in a Woody Woodpecker short.
- There's the Animaniacs version: "Of course you realize, this means — Warners!"
- Unfortunately, when Jack-in-the-Box humourously quotes this statement, it's misinterpreted to disturbing effect in a possible future.
- In Codename: Kids Next Door, after Numbuh 5 saves her Evil Former Friend Heinrich from the licorice pirates, she asks him if doing so made up for Guatemala. At this point in the show what happened there still hasn't been revealed, but it's implied to be what ended their friendship. Heinrich flies into a rage and declares that even if she saved his life two thousand times it wouldn't be enough.
- The title character of Dan Vs. does this in every episode. Once he wants revenge on someone (or something), almost nothing will convince him to do otherwise.
- Elena of Avalor: After Esteban's betrayal is revealed, Elena and their grandmother Luisa tell him to screw off with his apologies and excuses because his actions got Elena and Isabel's parents King Raul and Queen Lucia killed. Esteban desperately wants to redeem himself, but Elena eventually breaks it to him that he's Beyond Redemption, especially after he broke out of prison with a bunch of dangerous villains that he then teams up with to avoid taking his sentence. On the other hand, their grandfather Francisco forgives him because he believes he has changed while his other cousin Isabel isn't sure what to think of him yet. Everyone else views him with contempt. Elena's anger with Esteban is bad enough that she initially tries to Un-person him, but she comes to terms that she still loves him and that's part of why she'll never forgive him for hurting her and everyone else so badly. On the other hand, Elena's parents, after their deaths, forgave him and in the series finale, tell her that wanting revenge against him will lead to bad decisions. This eventually gets Elena to forgive Esteban..
- Kaeloo: In the Season 3 premiere, Planet Smileyland gets destroyed and any person has the ability to recreate it the way they want. The gang sends Quack Quack to recreate it exactly the way it was, but it ends up becoming a planet where a) everything is made of yogurt, including everyone's precious personal possessions, and b) Stumpy's girlfriend, Ursula, becomes an Un-person since Quack Quack doesn't know her. Kaeloo says she will never forgive Quack Quack. Subverted since he manages to fix everything and Kaeloo tells him that his actions have been Forgiven, but Not Forgotten.
- Many Popeye cartoons find the sailor, pushed to the limit, saying, "That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more!" or "I've had enough, and enough is too much!"
- The Powerpuff Girls (1998): In "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas", when Princess infiltrates Santa Claus's workshop and finds that she's the only person in the world whose name is on his naughty list, she swaps it with the nice list so that she'll be the only one getting anything other than coal. After what she did becomes clear, Santa is so disgusted that instead of putting Princess's name on the naughty list, he permanently carves it into a naughty plaque reserved only for the lowest of the low.
- The Spectacular Spider-Man: Black Cat says that she'll never forgive Spider-Man for turning her father into The Atoner after he killed Uncle Ben, so that he refused to break out of prison when she came to rescue him.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: In "Good Neighbors", SpongeBob and Patrick end up walking in on Squidward after constructing his security system to keep them out, and apologize to him for ruining his Sunday with their Good Neighbor Lodge antics and even offer him a cake that reads "Sorry for bugging you so much." Not knowing the two really mean it with their gift, Squidward asks the security system to take them out, but the system does not consider them a threat and does nothing. Then he pounds on the system, which considers him a threat, and things go From Bad to Worse from there.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003):
- Raph gets so angry over having been paralyzed by one of the hornets earlier in the "April's Artifact" episode that he declares, "Bugs... must... PAY!"
- From "Same as It Never Was":
- Donny becomes enraged at Future Shredder after the Karai Legions kill Future Mikey to such horror from Don that he lets out a Big "NO!", plowing his way through the androids declaring that Future Shredder will pay for it, just before blasting away at Future Shredder with his exo-suit.
- After Future Karai kills Future Leo from the back, an enraged Future Raph, after letting out another Big "NO!", clearly tries to kill Future Karai for it. He gets killed by her... only for Future April to avenge them both by blasting Future Karai hard enough to kill her.
- Transformers: Animated: "Wasp... forgive... Bumblebot... ...but Waspinator NEVER FORGIVE!!!"
- In Season 1 of Winx Club, when Bloom is taking her simulator test, her rabbit Kiko secretly joins her. When the Trix sabotage the test to see if Bloom has the Dragon Flame, they try to get her angry. They eventually manage to get this reaction out of her when they shoot Kiko into lava. Bloom goes crazy and easily drives the Trix away, but the Trix do confirm that she has the Dragon Flame. Bloom and Kiko turned out okay, since it was mostly just a simulation.
Mr Tux's Death
(From Polish Mercenaries War of Vodka, video by DamashiDX) After spending a lot of time getting away stealing people's belongings and selling the Polish vodka to the Russian corporations, Mr Tux finally meet his end by the hands of the Polish Mercenaries, who pay him a visit at Belgium en route before going to Russia to get the rights of the Polish vodka brand back, so they can beat the living hell out of him. Needless to say, he deserves it.
Example of:
Laser-Guided Karma