Iconic Outfit - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jan 31 2013
(aka: Trademark Clothing)
"You're Sherlock Holmes. Wear the damn hat!"
An outfit that, for whatever reason, is considered iconic for a certain character. This can happen even if it's not intended to be embarrassing or funny, but simply a strange fashion choice. The character might never wear it again, nor even anything like it. Maybe the wardrobe people or artists were just bored one day. There's just something unique, inappropriate or just plain odd. Very rarely, the producers are aware of it, and it may become a sort of alternate outfit if a similar situation lets the makers bring it out again.
It can be even more noticeable in a character who rarely wears anything else. Nice Hats and Cool Shades are especially prone to this. Related to Unlikely Spare.
Sometimes the popularity of these outfits make the writers have the character wear the outfit as much as possible. Then you have Clothes Make the Legend, and even Costume Evolution doesn't change the basic form too much.
Some works will have a Beta Outfit before the iconic one is made. Others will use Consistent Clothing Style instead — dress the character in similar outfits across the work, ending up with a more or less iconic fashion sense.
Being remembered for lack of clothing would (probably) be Best Known for the Fanservice.
Compare Iconic Item and Signature Device. If what the character is called is itself derived from the outfit, it's the Person with the Clothing. In the event of a Shallow Parody, the character will be wearing that outfit, no exceptions — that may be the only thing they get right. See Iconic Sequel Outfit for iconic outfits that debuted in later installments of a work or series, and Iconic Starter Equipment for video games where the protagonist's most recognized appearance is the basic gear they start with.
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- Author Matthew Lesko wears Riddler-equse question mark suits to promote his Free Money book series, which are guides to US federal grant programs.
- In addition to his beard and No Indoor Voice, late TV pitchman Billy Mays was well known for his blue button-down shirt and light tan chino pants. At his funeral, the pallbearers wore Mays's iconic outfit.
- "What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?"
Jake: Uh...khakis?
Comic Strips
- Peanuts:
- Charlie Brown wouldn't be Charlie Brown without the zig-zagged stripe shirt. Ironically, in earlier comics he wore an plain blank shirt, but his zig-zagged has overshadowed it for good.
- Linus has his horizontally striped shirt (usually colored red in the Sunday strips), where the black stripes are narrower than the corresponding ones on Schroeder's otherwise very similar shirt. And you can tell Linus' younger brother Rerun from him by his overalls.
- Peppermint Patty is very distinct with her vertically striped shirt (usually colored green) and sandals. Also, she always wore shorts, even when all the other girls still wore skirts.
- Snoopy's World War I flying ace outfit: brown leather cap, goggles and red scarf.
- Lucy's signature blue dress persists in both her mainstream perception and in animated adaptations, despite Lucy switching to a shirt and pants in the '90s comics.
- Little Orphan Annie's red dress and auburn curls. The musical plays off of this by only putting her in the same outfit when she's adopted by Warbucks.
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Calvin is never seen naked without his red T-shirt, sneakers, and shorts-that-are-too-long-for-his-legs.
- Then there's STUPENDOUS Man! See above, but add a cape and a red Luchadore-esque mask.
- Spaceman Spiff's jumpsuit and blaster, plus goggles.
- Tracer Bullet's Fedora, cig, and Badass Longcoat.
- The title character of Rupert Bear is forever best-known for wearing a red shirt as well as a scarf and pants that are both plaid yellow.
- Modesty Blaise has so many lingerie scenes that her Black Bra and Panties have become a kind of iconic outfit for her.
- Dick Tracy can always be recognized by his matching canary yellow trench coat and fedora.
Fan Works
- In the Avengers of the Ring sequel Methteilien, other characters are so used to seeing Galadriel in her signature white dress that they are stunned when she appears in a quantum suit to accompany Scott Lang on a search of the quantum realm for the planned campaign against the villains.
- Bad Future Crusaders: Twitch, one of Lightning Dust's wing ponies, is instantly recognizable by the battered old flight cap he always wears. When he's killed by a bomb blast, it's the only way to identity his remains.
- In the second season of Children of Time, Sherlock Holmes consents wearing an Inverness cloak for the sake of recognition, but draws the line at the deerstalker. (In this 'verse, he's worn the deerstalker only once, on Dartmoor, and the Inverness not at all before the 22nd century.)
- Gone Batty (Sefiru): Kiryu justifies this trope by explaining that he always wears the same suit because it's Flame resistant.
- In Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail, Chloe Cerise and Lexi have distinct outfits. For Chloe, it's her white beach dress with blue sealife with or without the Cloak of Marchosias. And for Lexi, it's a brilliant white suit (as he's an Expy of Specter from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS). Both of these become popular in the sequel when many denizens are celebrating the end of the Apex and a lot of couples are dressed specifically as these two.
- Koi No Yokan: Majima is so used to seeing Kiryu in his light grey suit with the red shirt that when he starts wearing other clothes in the fic, he literally doesn't recognize him.
- Ma Fille: Most illustrated depictions of Katrina have her wearing a pink top, blue skirt, light pink leggings, and pink shoes.
- Ebony's outfit as described in My Immortal makes fanart of her instant recognizable. This is partly because the outfit is so complex, and partially because the entire first paragraph is dedicated to describing it, which has become equally infamous in its own right.
- Oni Ga Shiku Series:
- A flashback chapter shows how Majima got his iconic gold snakeskin jacket, which he wears for most of the Like a Dragon series. He gave Hisashi and Inko an allowance to buy themselves whatever they wanted for Christmas, which they used to buy him a gift. They hid the jacket in the floorboards, and only told Majima that they had something for him hidden in there. When Majima found the jacket he thought it was the tackiest thing he's ever seen, but he was so moved by the gesture that he never stopped wearing it.
- When Izuku is about five years old, Majima gets him a custom made dark green stajun jacket with a copy of Majima's own Hannya tattoo in the back surrounded by red letters that say "bring on the fights!" Because it's custom made to grow with the wearer, Izuku never stops wearing the jacket through every autumn and winter since, even at age fifteen.
- In Tangled Adventures in Arendelle this is played with. Elsa still enjoys wearing her ice dress, but she isn't insistent on ALWAYS wearing it. And even is willing to put it aside for a while in order to make her citizens feel less threatened since it's a physical representation of her powers.
- Fanart featuring the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic characters in anthropomorphic or human form have settled for some commonly accepted outfits: Twilight Sparkle in a schoolgirl outfit or a sweater-vest, Fluttershy in an oversized turtleneck sweater, Rainbow Dash in gym gear (goggles optional), Rarity in a white dress or business suit, Applejack in daisy dukes and a gingham shirt, Spike in a hoodie or t-shirt, Gilda in a bomber jacket, etc.
Films — Animation
- Every Disney Princess has one of these. With the exception of Pocahontas, every single one of them had at least one wardrobe change during their respective movie. Tiana sets the record with a multitude of clothing changes, plus a full-on frog transformation, while most Disney Princess media depict her in her Pimped-Out Dress:
- A little jarring in the case of Mulan, whose Iconic Outfit is her matchmaker dress (which she was uncomfortable wearing), though more often she's depicted wearing her casual dress.
- Even more for Rapunzel from Tangled, whose long blonde hair is in every piece of merchandise... while it being cut was what frees her from her oppressor. It does grow back before the beginning of the adaptive television series though.
- The iconic dress worn by Snow White, even though it's her peasant clothes that she wears throughout the movie, are still iconic since it was the first dress.
- Frozen: Elsa's "ice dress" is easily her signature outfit, though her coronation dress is well-recognized too.
- While not nearly as iconic as Elsa's ice dress, Anna's post-blizzard attire is much more iconic than her casual attire or her coronation dress (both of which use green instead of the pinkish purple of her cold weather clothes).
- Beauty and the Beast: Belle's blue-and-white "everyday clothes" and her fancy yellow dress, while the Beast is only ever seen in his purple cape and trousers or his formal blue and gold outfit
- Like in the comics, Lucky Luke's outfit went unchanged in his animated films (Daisy Town, Ballad of the Daltons and Go West!) — white cowboy hat, yellow shirt, red scarf around the neck, black jacket, denim pants, and brown boots.
- The Nightmare Before Christmas:
- Jack Skellington's pin-striped tuxedo and bat bow-tie.
- Sally's stitched-up dress is pretty well-known as well.
- Mickey Mouse's red shorts with the buttons in front, or his Sorcerer's Apprentice robe (complete with Yen Sid's hat) from Fantasia.
- Aladdin's rags, which are more iconic than his princely attire. Possibly lampshaded in-universe with the fact that he seems more comfortable in them than his prince garb (considering the fact that he wears his rags more often in the TV series at least). There's also Jasmine's Bedlah Babe blue top and pants ensemble, which sets her apart from the other Disney Princess line.
- Tinker Bell's dress as well as her outfits in the Disney Fairies films.
- Shrek has Shrek's signature rags and Fiona's green dress.
- Dumbo has his hat and/or circus collar. Even though he only wears it for a third of the film total, it's what all merchandise and materials portray him wearing.
- Zootopia has Judy Hopps' unique police uniform and Nick Wilde's tropical shirt, loosely tied striped tie, and khakis.
- The Big Hero 6 team have these, aside from their supersuits. They have outfit changes in the movie, but the ones in the series (though simplified) are in merchandise.
- Hiro's red robot t-shirt, navy blue hoodie, khaki shorts, black sneakers
- Fred's red Kaiju t-shirt, white undershirt, khaki shorts, white sneakers, monster face beanie
- Wasabi's green sweater, white undershirt, black jeans, black Jikatabi shoes, yellow-green headband
- Gogo's white shirt, black biker jacket, black ripped capri leggings, black athletic shorts, black athletic shoes
- Honey Lemon's yellow headband, white leggings, yellow dress, and yellow oversized cardigan
- Turning Red:
- Mei's red sweater and denim skirt
- Priya's yellow striped shirt and khaki cargo pants
- Abby's purple flowery overalls
- Miriam's green plaid shirt and green pants
- Encanto: Mirabel's green circular glasses and floral-embroidered dress.
- Despicable Me:
- Gru's black zip-up jacket, grey turtleneck, slim pants, and grey-black knitted scarf.
- The overalls and goggles of the Minions.
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Oh, so many characters. Alice's blue dress and white pinafore,note the Mad Hatter's crazy jacket and his hat with the price tag in it, the White Rabbit's waistcoat and watch...to name just a few.
- The Baby-Sitters Club:
- Dawn's "I'm Awesome!" necklace.
- The fandom loves to snark about the outfit Mallory wore to her first meeting: a red jumper with her name on it and white tights with little hearts.
- The Beginning After the End: While Arthur has several popular outfits throughout the novel such as the Cool Mask and jacket getup he had as Note and the armor he wore during the second half of the War Arc, his most popular one is the ebon-black and gold djinn Powered Armor he obtains during the Alacrya Arc. While introduced in the last third of the series, it comes in at the point the novel began Growing the Beard and in one of its Signature Series Arcs, which cemented its popularity among the fandom. Not to mention it ends up being the longest-lasting of any of Arthur's outfits as it becomes his definitive battlegear from the moment it gets introduced to the very end of the series, even undergoing a powerup at the end when it turns silver.
- Going way back, Jesus will be shown wearing a white toga with a red sash around the shoulder more often than not.
- The Cat in the Hat: The titular Cat's red-white striped stovepipe hat and red bow tie.
- The Catcher in the Rye: Holden Caufield's red hunting hat, turned backwards. And the duffel coat.
- Moist von Lipwig's golden suit in the Discworld novels Going Postal (with golden winged postman's cap) and Making Money (with golden top hat) is an Iconic Outfit in-universe; The Nondescript Moist loves the fact that if he's not wearing it, he's not the Moist von Lipwig everyone recognises.
- Don Quixote's barber's basin, lance and round shield.
- The Dresden Files: Harry Dresden's leather duster. Thanks to the book covers, his very nifty hat as well (that he doesn't actually wear in the series). This has become iconic enough that it became an instant and obvious Shout-Out to Dresden fans when Nicolas Cage wore a similar duster and hat in The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
- Dr. Fu Manchu actually went so far as to lend his name to his style of Beard of Evil. Oddly enough, Rohmer describes him as clean-shaven.
- Harry Potter: Harry Potter's big, round, black glasses. Combine with a striped scarf and/or school uniform, and you have one of the most easily recognizable outfits in history. Black robes are a plus, but not even entirely necessary. The Hogwarts school robes have also become an icon of the series, and one can easily identify media that draw inspiration from the series if they feature similar uniforms.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Arthur Dent's bathrobe; bonus points if he's holding a towel. Interestingly, this was a surprisingly late development, given that the point is he's been stuck in the same outfit since the saga started. Douglas Adams wrote a scene for the TV series where the Heart of Gold provides him with a change of clothes but it was decided to leave him in his dressing gown. Following this Life, the Universe and Everything establishes that he's still wearing it; the previous books not having mentioned his clothing either way. (He finally has a chance to change in the following book.)
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas!: The Grinch's Santa suit.
- Katniss Everdeen, in and out of universe. In The Hunger Games, her black jacket and orange backpack are standard issue for the arena, but add her braid and her bow and you have an icon just about as recognisable as Harry Potter's scar-and-glasses look. In the sequels this develops into an in-universe iconic outfit. Her mocking jay dress and later mockingjay uniform which riffs on it are explicitly designed to make her iconic to the viewing public.
- Land of Oz:
- Dorothy's white and blue gingham dress. In most artwork, she wears everything but her gingham dress. It traditionally only appears in the original illustrations from the first book and isn't mentioned in succeeding books, but thanks to First Installment Wins and Adaptation Displacement with the MGM film it's her most iconic outfit.
- Ozma's flowy dress and her ringlet crown. It's so iconic that it's inspired several other characters, including Leia from Star Wars.
- Little Red Riding Hood: Even the title tells you that one, and it doubles as the main character's name. It also directly inspired the Little Dead Riding Hood trope, where any girl in this outfit is likely to wind up in danger. To a lesser extent, the wolf in grandmother's nightie will also instantly indicate this story.
- The Lord of the Rings: Gandalf's Wizard Classic ensemble basically codified what wizards wear. Everyone copied the look, and few avoided looking like Gandalf knock-offs.
- Gandalf's outfit was itself largely based on Odin's.
- Paddington Bear's bush hat (either red or — canonically — black), duffle coat, wellington boots. In the books he originally arrives in London just wearing the hat, and gets the coat when the Browns adopt him and the wellies much later at Christmas.
- The phantom mask worn by The Phantom of the Opera, completed with a rose. The musical codified the Phantom's Man of Wealth and Taste look: tailcoat, dramatically swirling cloak, and a fedora (the last item is such an essential part to the image for some fans that there were complaints when it wasn't included in the film). Note that the fedora would either be Anachronism Stew or make The Phantom a Villainous Crossdresser (at the time the story was written and takes place, a fedora was women's fashion). A Nice Hat has always been part of his Iconic Outfit; originally, however, it was a top hat instead. There's also his "Masque of the Red Death" costume.
- Pippi Longstocking: Pippi's blue dress with red patches, mismatched long socks, and large black shoes.
- Robin Hood's Lincoln green tunic and pointy hat.
- Enid Blyton's Noddy series
- The titular character's blue hat with a yellow bell,
◊ yellow scarf with red polka dots, small blue trousers, red shirt, and red shoes with blue ribbons.
- Big Ears' long red hat, yellow scarf with red lines, blue coat with yellow buttons, red and white shirt, green and yellow pants, and brown shoes.
- In the original books, the colors for Mr. Plod's police uniform would switch between blue and black.
- Tessie Bear's pink bonnet with blue flowers with a blue ribbon, pink and blue skirt with white polka dots. In the 1955 book Noddy and Tessie Bear, she wears a blue colored bonnet with red flowers that she brought from the market. However, she's still seen wearing her pink bonnet in other book appearances.
- The titular character's blue hat with a yellow bell,
- The Shadow is best remembered on pulp-fiction covers for wearing a long black overcoat (sometimes with cape), red silk scarf, and black slouch hat.
- Sherlock Holmes: The deerstalker hat, Inverness cape and pipe are Holmes's iconic outfit, though it is originally absent in the canonical Arthur Conan Doyle stories. The hat and cape were rustic attire not worn by someone in the city of London, where Holmes spends most of his time.note The outfit was actually the invention of Sidney Paget, the illustrator for Strand Magazine, and he originally gave it to Holmes only when investigating in the country. With the start of The Memoirs and the story "Silver Blaze," Doyle decided to Throw It In by mentioning Holmes's "ear-flapped travelling-cap," obviously describing the deerstalker and making it canonical after all. While Holmes does occasionally smoke in the stories, it's not given any special emphasis, and illustrations give him a straight billard, changing to cigarettes when they came into fashion. His iconic calabash pipe was the invention of American stage actor William Gillette, who did not want his mouth to be obscured while performing the role. A number of adaptations trade the deerstalker for a black silk top hat. This is discussed in Mr. Holmes, when the real Sherlock Holmes tells a client how much of his imagery is either an exaggeration or flat-out wrong, including his clothes. He even adds that he prefers cigars to pipes.
- Star Wars Legends:
- Thrawn
is almost always depicted in the white Grand Admiral outfit,
◊ with or without the medals and gold epaulets
◊. He wore a black uniform
◊ as a Commander of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, and at various points he's said to be in such things as animal skins,
◊ a very fancy robe
◊ dubbed "Disco Thrawn", stormtrooper armor, and Mandalorian armor.
◊ He must have worn uniforms appropriate to his rank before making Grand Admiral, but even official art puts him in the white uniform. In Galaxy of Fear he was only a Captain, but look.
◊ Same with in TIE Fighter. Depictions of him in his final campaign also tend to have him cradling and stroking a ysalamiri like it's a cat; although he sometimes pets a ysalamir for emphasis, you can't really hold them that way.
- Then there’s Mara Jade’s black catsuit/spy outfit. Her Jedi look isn’t anywhere nearly as popular or well remembered among fans.
- X-Wing Series: Wedge Antilles will always be reminded of the lavender short pants and the Ewok thing, if we ask the writer Aaron Allston. Those are more of Running Gags — but he's very much associated with the oh-so-very-orange Rebel flight suits.
- Corran Horn's green
◊ flight suit became an iconic outfit in-universe, after his apparent death during the liberation of Coruscant, after which the New Republic briefly made it Rogue Squadron's standard uniform in his honor. Apparently the rest of the squadron went back to wearing orange after it was revealed that Corran wasn't really dead.
- Thrawn
- P. G. Wodehouse's character Ukridge is noted for his "distinctly individual" outfit, the most jarring element being a bright yellow mackintosh which he wears in all weathers.
- Warrior Cats: In a series where most cats are feral, Scourge stands out with his collar covered in pointy dog teeth. It's usually coloured purple thanks to one of the official comics.
- Where's Wally?: The red and white striped shirt, hat with a red puffball, and round glasses are infamous. Popular, too; so much so that everyone in the damn books wears something that looks like it.
- Zigomar (Léon Sazie): Zigomar's crooked scarlet hood, the giant black eye-holes, plus the voluminous scarlet robes with the golden letter "Z". The knife is optional. In Japan, the many knock-off films of Zigomar try to imitate this.
Professional Wrestling
- Yellow trunks and boots, red knee pads, a tearaway t-shirt and a bandana or headband. Hulkamania is runnin' wild, brother!
- His time in the nWo saw the now-named Hollywood Hogan wear a black bandana, a sprayed-on beard, black shades with either white or black rims, a black-and-white feather boa, a black T-shirt with numerous nWo/Hogan-related prints gracing its front, black tights with lightning bolts or filmstrips on it, a black or white weight belt with "Hollywood" or "nWo" printed on its back, and boots with his self-portrait gracing its sides. A red-and-yellow variation of this attire would be used for Hogan's return to WWE (a red or yellow bandana, with or without the beard, shades with red or yellow rims, a red-and-yellow feather boa, a red or yellow T-shirt with "Hulkamania" on the front, red and yellow-painted tights, a red or yellow weight belt with "Hollywood", "Hulkamania" or nothing on the back, and red or yellow boots with the self-portrait on the sides).
- More like an Iconic template, "Macho Man" Randy Savage is best known in pop culture for his colorful cowboy hats, sunglasses and jackets covered in fringed tassels. That look is likely more iconic than the sparkly ponchos and headbands that he wore in his prime. One particular version of this outfit that stands out is the blue and white version he wore at WrestleMania VII.
- John Cena: baseball cap, armbands and jean shorts. His chain pendant from his rapper days is also fondly remembered.
- The Undertaker has his black wide-brimmed derby hat and matching Badass Longcoat.
- "Stone Cold" Steve Austin: Black shirt, jean shorts, and his leather vest.
- Dwayne Johnson: Cool Shades, elbow pads, bull-printed trunks, black tracking pants, and black sleeveless shirt.
- Mick Foley has several due to being known for having three notable characters. There are the leather mask, white (or brown) polo, and dirty white sock as Mankind, black shirt with wanted poster and leopard-spotted boots as Cactus Jack, and the hippie-styled dyed shirt as Dude Love. Foley, as himself, frequently wears a red plaid vest and white shoes, and usually his Cactus Jack wanted poster shirt or a picture of a smiley face wearing Mankind's mask.
- Edge has his Gothic Punk Badass Longcoat.
- CM Punk: his white shirt with black accents and red Chest Insignia from 2011, as well as the black Stone Cold shirt he wore during his career defining promo in the same year.
- Bryan Danielson: maroon Yes! shirt, trunks and boots.
- Bret Hart: black leather jacket, pink Cool Shades, and his black and pink wrestling gear.
- Eddie Guerrero: The red tights he wore when he won the WWE Championship. Among his merchandised shirts, the Scarface-inspired "Latino Heat" shirt and the one with "I am Your Papi" are both fondly remembered.
- D-Generation X: The black shirt with the gray X Chest Insignia and the military gear they wore when trolling WCW.
- New World Order: black shirt and pants with the original white logo.
- The Shield has the black swat vests, tactical pants, and boots.
- The New Day: rainbow-colored vests and unicorn headbands.
- Becky Lynch: black shirt with a white "The Man" print, jeans, and leather jacket.
- Kanako Urai has her colorful yukata and Cool Mask.
- Sting is known for his white face paint with black markings, black bodysuit with white scorpion logos and his trademark black trench coat.
- Seth Rollins: the white Palette Swap of his usual black gear (itself counts as an example) that he wore in SummerSlam 2015.
- Ric Flair: The colorful robes, the suits and the Cool Shades.
- Paul Heyman: Black leather trench coat over a business suit, paired with an ECW baseball cap.
- Orange Cassidy: Blue jeans, matching denim jacket, aviator sunglasses, and a white t-shirt emblazoned with an image of...himself, wearing that exact outfit. Due to being both instantly recognizable and relatively easy to duplicate, this outfit is frequently worn by fans in tribute to him, occasionally leading to memorable moments like this one.
- André the Giant is mostly known for the single-strap black singlet he wore in the late 80s. So much so, that when Paul Wight was brought in to WCW as the Kayfabe son of Andre, he wore an identical singlet and kept wearing it long after being repackaged into the Big Show, making it the iconic outfit for Wight as well.
- NoPixel:
- Fingle Dan is known for his straw porkpie hat, teal sweater, and pink shirt collar.
- Mel Rickenbacker is known for his lime green polo shirt, khaki shorts, and knee brace.
- Eugene Zuckerberg is either known for his salmon sweater or crimson army uniform.
- Mike Block is either known for his bright red "Backside" T-shirt, or his MIT hoodie.
- Four Tee is known for her heavy coat, tan sweater, winter boots, and grey beanie cap.
- Guy Jones is known for his light and dark green striped shirt.
Tabletop Games
- The Iron Kingdoms ganes of WARMACHINE and Hordes tends to have this with it's armies, with one major color scheme nearly every army is shown in, and maybe a later book will show you another way to paint them.
- Cygnar's blue and gold(save the brown of the Trenchers, and even they have blue shoulder-plates).
- Khardor's deep red and black.
- The Protectorate in Cream and Maroon/gold.
- Cryx in Black and Green.
- In Pathfinder's Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, Queen Ileosa's very Fanservicey green, gold, and cream dress is stated in the text to be specially made for the execution of Trinia Sabor rather than her regular outfit, but because it was the only full-body illustration of her in the original version of the AP until its final volume, it's been used for pretty much every illustration of her since, save for those that use her red Final Boss outfit.
- Space Marine power armor, with its distinctive "Death's Head" helmet and huge pauldrons, is shorthand for Warhammer 40,000.
- Games Workshop takes advantage of the iconic nature of certain factions' helmets by using stylized versions as shorthand logos on the packaging, most prominently Space Marine helmets and Eldar Guardians' tall pointy helmets.
- Commissars generally wear their traditional black trenchcoats and SS caps everywhere, even when camouflage (or at least other colors) would be more sensible, to the point that we've named the hats after them.
- As of the most recent Eldar Codex there have been studio models demonstrating the variations in color scheme among different shrines within each Aspect, but the original shrine the relevant Phoenix Lord founded is almost always the scheme shown in official art.
- Almost every army with its own Codex has a 'poster child' subdivision that tends to make it into most of the official art, spinoff materials, and demonstration studio miniatures.
- The Space Marines come in all the colors of the rainbow, but the blue and gold of the Ultramarines is undoubtedly the most well-recognized scheme. Followed shortly by the Blue-Grey Space Wolves, Red Blood Angels, and Green Dark Angels, then an often shifting set of secondary chapters which tends to change every edition or two. (Crimson Fists, then Black Templars, then Blood Ravens, etc...)
- The Tau have many septs in different colours note and even tend to actually use camouflage, but the ochre and brown paint scheme is regarded as their dress uniform and, combined with the symbol of the T'au sept, tends to be shown more often. This was swapped out for stark white when the studio armies were redesigned in Seventh Edition, a change that has stuck so far into Ninth Edition
- The Sisters of Battle have many different sects and priories, but the most widespread scheme among the studio models is the black and red with white helmets of the Order of Our Martyred Lady.
- The Imperial Guard comes in countless different shapes and sizes, but the dull greens of the Cadian regiments are the most popular paint scheme.
- The black and blue with red runes of Asdrubael Vect's Kabal tends to be the color scheme seen most amongst the Dark Eldar.
- The Eldar are the only real exception to the 'poster child' theorem, given the variety of units available; the studio army that shows up in the pictures on the boxes is painted in the red and white of Saim-Hann, but the blue and yellow of Iyanden, the white and green of Biel-Tan, the mottled blue and yellow helmets of Alaitoc, and the black and bone white of Ulthwe are almost as popular.
- Is there a fat lady on stage in a Viking helmet and armor brandishing a spear? It must be an Opera!
- Dear Evan Hansen: The stripped blue polo shirt and orthopedic cast on the left arm, worn by the titular character.
- Hamlet is famous for his exclusively black outfits (which he actually wears in mourning for his father).
- Quite a few from Les Misérables (Valjean's national guard outfit, Eponine's trenchcoat and hat, Cosette's black dress), but most notably the red vest that Enjolras wears from the Act 1 finale onwards.
- Mark Cohen's scarf from RENT. Heck, some people even ship him with it.
- West Side Story: The white dress, red belt, and crucifix necklace that Maria wears to the dance. Both film versions (with Natalie Wood and Rachel Zegler respectively) naturally feature it.
- Wicked:
- The "Popular" dress. Cheeseypoofs has seen people tried to find it so they can go as Galinda for Halloween.
- As is the norm, Elphaba is associated with her black hat, black dress, and broom. Many fans also associate her with her Shiz-era attire and glasses.
- Holly Hobbie's patchwork dress and bonnet. Holly Hobbie and Friends modernized her look but her grandmother wore the bonnet as a child.
- Lalaloopsy:
- Pillow Featherbed's pink-and-magenta striped onesie.
- Crumbs Sugar Cookie's pink dress with a yellow apron.
- Mittens Fluff 'n' Stuff's pink sweater, white fluffy vest, and mesh skirt with blue spots.
- Jewel Sparkles' pink dress and tiara.
- Dot Starlight's metallic-blue dress with red buttons and tule.
- Blossom Flowerpot's white-and-green cotton dress.
- Tippy Tumblelina's pink tutu and reddish-pink slippers with orange laces.
- Monster High:
- Clawdeen Wolf's black jacket with a fluffy colour, pink tiger-pattern skirt, and purple miniskirt.
- Cleo de Nile's blue top with blank trimming and royal bandages.
Visual Novels
- Ace Attorney:
- Phoenix Wright's blue suit is iconic within the game universe. In the third game, someone wore the suit and spiked his hair and, despite having a tan and acting way out of character, no one could distinguish him from the real Wright.
- Edgeworth's red suit with his Classy Cravat is also relatively memorable.
- Fate/stay night:
- Archer. Of course is identified by his not-quite-a-longcoat. Technically, it's two red sleeves and a battle skirt. Try and imagine him without it and, at best, you get a tanned Shirou.
- Rin Tohsaka's signature feature is her S-Grade Zettai Ryouiki.
- Heroic Spirits seem to have these in-universe: the one set of clothes they can magically conjure forth are their outfits as legendary heroes, as in the case of Saber's armor and Rider's royal mantle.
- Higurashi: When They Cry:
- Rena's hat is quite popular. Likewise her main, non-school outfit.
- Angel Mort's uniform is also quite popular. Only Shion and Rika (sort of) actually wear it in the story, but every single girl of the series has been portrayed at least once with it in extras or goodies. Hell, even the guys (yes, Ooishi too) had to wear it in a manga omake.
- Rika is often associated with the miko costume she only wears during the festival portions of the series.
- Phantom of Inferno: Ein has her blue and gold Chinese dress.
- In the Tokimeki Memorial series: Shiori Fujisaki and her hairband. Yumi Saotome and Megumi Juuichiya, and their hair ribbons. Minori Akiho, and her X-shaped hair decs. Rhythmy Kyono and her headphones.
- Umineko: When They Cry:
Web Animation
- The immense popularity of Half-Life: Full Life Consequences means that almost every video made using Garry's Mod uses the same "John Freeman" model as its star. Even before John Freeman, Male 07 had been a popular character model due to its starring role as Gordon Frohman in Concerned.
- Homestar Runner: The Cool Shades worn by Strong Bad and Homestar in the Dangeresque movies have become quite popular when they make appearances out of character. They're even available on Team Fortress 2.
- Madness Combat: Hank's look changes quite drastically over the different installments, but the iconic red goggles, black leather and bandages tend to be a mainstay. In general, his design from Consternation seems to be the one people like best.
- RWBY: No matter what outfit Ruby Rose wears, she'll always have her signature red cape with her. Said cape being iconic to her is partly as she's based on Little Red Riding Hood.
- The Adventures of Dr. McNinja: It's probably justified because we never see him wearing anything else, or his face through it, but Dr. McNinja's lab coat and Ninja mask. When Franz Rayner made an army of Doc clones, he even made sure to equip each and every single one of them with that same lab coat and mask.
- Steven in Ask White Pearl and Steven (almost!) anything may have an Unlimited Wardrobe, but the outfit he's most associated with is his white hoodie with a four-pointed star at the center, blue jeans, and sneakers that he wears on the main cover and on occasion in the story.
- In-universe example: the white dress from Agatha's holographic message in Girl Genius.
- Homestuck:
- We get Courtyard Droll's absolutely ridiculous hat,
,= and to a lesser extent the rest of his outfit. Though it's more just "odd hats in general".
- Each of the kids has a shirt design that is iconic of them, and almost all of their alchemized clothing still has a basis in their original shirts in that they share the logo. Pink hairband and shirt with a defaced purple octopus? Rose. Broken record and baggy pants? Dave. Japanese Slimer T-shirt and cargo shorts (or these days, blue God Tier gear with a windy symbol)? John. Shirt with a dog-head silhouette and a long buttoned skirt? Jade. All the trolls get this too because they almost never wear anything else; trolls think fashion is stupid. Except for Kanaya and Eridan.
- Then there's Gamzee's Bard of Rage outfit, including a ridiculous, sanity-searing codpiece.
- The Alpha kids have Jane's Problem Sleuth monster, Dirk's cap, Roxy's four-eyed mutant cat, and Jake's green skull.
- We get Courtyard Droll's absolutely ridiculous hat,
- Penny Arcade: Gabe in yellow and Tycho in blue.
- Marten's "TEH" T-shirt in Questionable Content.
- Gunhild's suit and trenchcoat, Thor's checky shirts, and Sif's viking dress in Realmwalker
- The Circle Band T-shirt (a black t-shirt with the kanji "fo" over an ouroboros) in Rhapsodies which is worn by several of the band members.
- Sluggy Freelance: Torg's plaid jacket (with vertical and horizontal only stripes) and Riff's Badass Longcoat.
- Sonichu: In most of the early issues and in a significant amount of parodies, Chris is almost never seen without a red, white and blue striped polo shirt. It also "helps" that the real Chris used to own a similar shirt.
- Darwin and his tan trench coat in Undead Friend. Since it's the outfit she died in you also always see Mahalah in the same blue dress.
- Due to the fact that everyone is a stick figure in xkcd, the one extravagance worn by recurring characters is this. Black Hat Guy is the most prominent, followed by the guy in the beret.
Web Original
- Aitor Molina always wears a red shirt with a black jacket or a blue hoodie.
- Some of the "Fanservice" outfits in SOTF-TV qualify both in "Survival of the Snarkiest" and among the handlers, especially the ones that are actually worn by the characters. This includes Panya Bishara's Smokey the Bear fursuit, Mae St. Clair's geisha costume, Sidney Rice's Playboy Bunny gear, and Jeanette Buendia's hula girl outfit.
- Most of the Channel Awesome members that wear a costume receive this treatment. Most common targets include the Critic's black and white suit, tie and cap, Linkara's coat and purty hat and, before she lost it, the Chick's bowtie. And what is Todd in the Shadows without his hoodie?
- Who is David Kalla without his black tee and his glasses?
- In fan-art, Chuggaaconroy is usually portrayed wearing a striped polo shirt, because in Real Life, he is very rarely seen in public without one.
- Green hoodie. White Mask of Doom with a smiley face on it. Congratulations, you now have Dream.
- Board 8 has a wiki. The very first line in the page for one longtime regular is that he has an awesome shirt... with a link to the wiki page for the shirt.
- MrBallen is almost always seen in a backward baseball cap and flannel button-up shirt.
- The Adventure Zone: Balance has one Barry Bluejeans, who is known to always wear...well, guess. They're iconic enough that, over fifty episodes after Barry's death, they provide one of the best Wham Lines in the whole series.
Griffin: And Merle, you crack open the chest and retrieve the clothes within. A white cotton shirt, a studded leather belt, and a pair of pants... Sturdy. Denim. And blue.[...]Barry's back.
- What's The Slow Mo Guys without their increasingly banged up and torn lab coats? Naturally, for their shows The Super Slow Show and Planet Slow Mo, Gavin and Dan were given brand new white coats...and Dan's sleeve still gets torn.
Western Animation
- 6teen:
- Caitlin's pink top, blue skirt, and pink sandals.
- Jen's lavender sweater, white skirt with a stripe, and white trainers.
- Jonesy's dog-tooth necklace, purple top, blue jeans, and brown loafers.
- Jude's cream-coloured shirt with a red symbol, jeans with a chain, and blue trainers.
- Nikki's white tank top with a green circle, cargo pants, and blue shoes.
- Wyatt's red sweater, green cargo pants, and blue trainers.
- Finn's awesome hat in Adventure Time.
- Alvin and the Chipmunks:
- Alvin, Simon, and Theodore have their long turtlenecks (and cap in Alvin's case). They've worn them in almost everything since conception, though the modern hoodies they wear in the Alvin and the Chipmunks movies are starting to become this too.
- The prototypical Chipette known as "Charlene" is unusual in that she's never worn her iconic outfit in canon. One music video shows an unnamed female chipmunk wearing a red dress and heels. It has never been confirmed to be Charlene, however the striking resemblance between the two has caused fans to consider her Charlene. Thus Charlene always wears a red dress in fan art, even when the only clothes she has been officially depicted in were 1950s style (because she sung a Grease song).
- American Dad!:
- Stan's blue suit, black tie, and American flag lapel pin.
- Francine's pink dress and gold necklace.
- Hayley's floral headband, peace-sign necklace, black tank top, jeans, and sandals.
- Steve's orange T-Shirt, open red buttoned-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.
- Roger's outlandish outfits for his personas, though Ricky Spanish is perhaps his most famous one with his red vest, black shirt, and ponytail.
- Around the World with Willy Fog:
- Willy Fog's brown suit and red tie with black polka dots. Plus his top hat and classy cane.
- In the first series, after widowed Princess Romy drops her mourning dress, she always wears a gorgeous pink and white dress. She's covered in a thin veil and she has some exquisite Indian jewels — bracelets, arm circlets, earrings and a gorgeous maang tikka.
- Arthur: The title character wouldn't be recognizable without his brown oval glasses and yellow sweater.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Wang Fire's beard. It only appeared in three episodes, and yet the legend lives on.
- Aang's air nomad attire is the clothing associated most with the franchise.
- The Backyardigans:
- Uniqua's magenta overalls with pink spots.
- Tasha's red floral dress and red Mary-Janes.
- Austin's blue shirt with a yellow stripe and jeans.
- Betty Boop's Sexy Backless short skirt (usually black or red) and exposed garter on her left thigh.
- Bob's Burgers:
- Bob's white shirt and apron.
- Linda's red cat glasses.
- Tina's blue shirt, blue skirt, and black glasses.
- Gene's yellow shirt and shorts.
- Louise's pink rabbit ears hat and green dress.
- The Sensational Six of the Classic Disney Shorts are instantly recognizable from their outfits.
- Mickey Mouse has his red shorts, white gloves, and yellow shoes. At the theme parks, he usually trades the shorts for a tuxedo and various themed outfits.
- Minnie Mouse has her bow and polka dot dresses. In older appearances, she wore a bowler hat with a daisy, which is still used in some retro character designs.
- Donald Duck has his sailor suit, red bow tie, and cap.
- Daisy Duck has her bow, blouse, and high heels.
- Goofy has his orange shirt, jeans, brown shoes, black vest, and green hat.
- Pluto the Pup has his green dog collar.
- In the episode "Urban Jungle" of Danny Phantom, Sam gets hypnotized into being evil and gains the ability to control plants. "Plant Sam" is very popular.
- Darkwing Duck's purple suit jacket over a teal turtleneck, purple cape lined with pink, purple mask, and gray fedora with a really wide brim.
- DuckTales (1987):
- Scrooge's blue coat, black top hat and red spats.
- Launchpad's scarf, goggles, brown coat.
- Huey's red t-shirt, Dewey's blue t-shirt, and Louie's green t-shirt.
- Webby's pink dress and pink bow.
- Mrs. Beakley's purple dress and apron.
- Duckworth's formal butler suit.
- The Beagle Boy's red sweatshirts (with prison numbers pasted in front!) and blue pants.
- Ma Beagle's red coat, dress and "flower" hat.
- Flintheart Glomgold's pancake hat, dark blue coat and kilt (in the original comics, Glomgold was actually South African not Scottish, thus no kilt!).
- Gyro's pink shirt, blue pants and yellow strap-on hat.
- Fenton Crackshell's pink jacket, lavender tie, yellow shirt, and green Waistcoat of Style. And of course, his Gizmoduck suit.
- The Fairly OddParents!:
- Timmy's clothes aren't exactly special on their own but the fact they're pink makes him stand out. He almost always wears them in both canon and in fan art. It's rumored that the pink was because the hat in particular was meant to be blue, but that pen was out of ink. Semi-confirmed in-universe due to a time-travel episode that Timmy's parents bought the pink hat because they were expecting Timmy to instead be a girl.
- Trixie dressed as a boy once in "The Boy Who Would Be Queen" but regularly appears in the outfit in fanworks that go into depth about her secret tomboyishness. Timmy (magically turned into a girl by Wanda as Timmy and Cosmo were laughing up a storm about the shift) bumped into her looking like this on accident.
- Fireman Sam:
- The firefighters are famous for their blue coats, yellow pants and helmets, and black boots.
- Tom is rarely seen in anything but his orange flight suit.
- Gravity Falls:
- Dipper's most known attire is his blue-and-white pine tree hat alongside a dark blue vest, orange shirt, gray shorts and black shoes. There's very few times he changed beyond that attire, since he has duplicates of those clothes.
- Mabel almost always wear one of her self-crafted turtle-neck sweaters. One of the most (if not the most) popular ones is the one that starred in the season one premiere, of hot pink color and with a shooting star. It is Foreshadowing about her role on a prophecy.
- Hey Arnold!:
- Arnold's red plaid shirt (that's not a kilt), blue sweater, jeans and tiny blue baseball cap.
- Helga's pink and white dress with a red stripe, and her pink hair bow.
- Black shirt, gray gloves, and khaki cargo-pants define Kim Possible's mission look. Also in-universe, to the point that one of the plot points of one episode was how everyone at her school was copying her (now popular and mass-produced) outfit ("Kim Style") without giving her the proper credit. Her mission outfit changed in Season 4, but you wouldn't know it from the fanart. Even the show's character artist, Stephen Silver, had this in mind when he drew 2 potential future versions of Kim, wearing updated versions of her original mission look.
- Like in the comics, Lucky Luke's outfit went unchanged in his animated series (Lucky Luke, The New Adventures of Lucky Luke) — white cowboy hat, yellow shirt, red scarf around the neck, black jacket, denim pants, and brown boots.
- Kid Lucky wears the same as above as a kid, he even has a closet full of them.
- Miraculous Ladybug:
- Adrien is associated with the black catsuit he wears as Cat Noir more than anything else.
- Marinette also has her ladybug attire.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- Applejack's hat. Fans likes it so much that fanon quickly formed that her deceased father gave it to her. In canon that's not true, but she does own a closet full of identical hats.
- Several other minor characters are known almost as much for their accessories. In particular, Vinyl Scratch sports a pair of Cool Shades, minor antagonist Trixie has her hat and cape ensemble, and Octavia and her bowtie.
- Princess Celestia and Princess Luna never take off their royal regalia. Ever. Celestia loses her tiara only twice; once when she gets owned by Queen Chrysalis and once at Twilight's inauguration. Luna is a similar case, except she also loses her tiara for a sleek suit of armor when she pulls Nightmare Moon out of the bag.
- Wonderbolts Spitfire and Soarin' have both their opaque lensed flight goggles and blue and gold flight suits (which the rest of the team all also have) and their military uniforms, the former including her pair of Cool Shades. The latter's military uniform deserves special mention since he was only seen wearing it for one still.
- Phineas and Ferb's signature outfits, as lampshaded in one episode when whey went back-to-school shopping. In the earlier episode "Run Away Runway", they manage to get everyone in Danville wearing their signature outfits.
- When Popeye became an animated cartoon star, his outfit—dark shirt, white trousers, captain's cap, taken from the Thimble Theatre comic strip—was the standard. When Popeye enlisted in the Navy, it was replaced with all regulation tar uniform, complete with Navy cap. It was the standard straight through 1961.
- Postman Pat has his blue postman's uniform, with his hat as well.
- Scooby-Doo:
- Fred's ascot (actually a neckerchief). Though present-day Freddie doesn't wear one, they do bust it out for homages every once in a while, as well as plenty of Lampshade Hanging in the series of Fred's fashion choice. Hank Venture wears one specifically to evoke Fred. There's been a Lampshade Hanging on this.
- The other members of Mystery, Inc. also apply, though the ascot (being so out of place) is the most known.
- Of particular note besides Fred, try to picture Shaggy in anything other than his green shirt and bell-bottoms combo. He's worn that outfit in just about every adaptation, reboot, movie, etc since the original show more than 40 years ago. Though he briefly wore a red shirt in the 80s.
- The Simpsons:
- Homer's white button-down shirt, jeans and solid black shoes.
- Marge's body-length bright olive-green dress and orange pearl necklace.
- Maggie's sky-blue onesie and hair ribbon, and red pacifier.
- Lisa's orange, jagged-edged full-body dress and white pearl necklace.
- Bart's bright orange-rednote t-shirt and blue shorts and shoes.
- The boys in South Park are almost entirely defined by their outfits, as they look mainly the same without them. Especially Kenny's.
- SpongeBob SquarePants:
- SpongeBob's square pants.
- There's also Patrick's green shorts with purple flower patterns.
- Sandy has two outfits; her diver suit with a glass helmet and a purple bikini that she wears as house clothes.
- Squidward's brown shirt.
- Steven Universe: Although the titular character's wardrobe changed after the Time Skip, his red t-shirt with the yellow star, blue jeans, and pink sandals are still his most recognizable attire.
- In an interesting case of an adaptation spawning an iconic outfit for a character, April O'Neil's iconic yellow jumpsuit spawned in the 1987 cartoon, and has been either in or alluded to in most other canons.
- While it's not precisely an "outfit" in the sense of clothes, the overall "look" of most incarnations of the primary characters in animated versions of Transformers will have a highly similar appearance to one another, typically based on the original G1 versions. For example, Optimus Prime is usually a truck with a red and blue color scheme, along with the truck windows and grille being part of his chest, Starscream is a white/silver jet with a little blue & red, and his robot mode has his jet's wings behind his shoulders and the cockpit on his chest, and so on. Interestingly, Megatron is one of the subversions - while he's usually grey with a large cannon on his right arm, the Unicron Trilogy version looks more like G1 Scorponok, and his various alt-modes have a fair amount of variation (a pistol, a cybertronic jet, even a dual-rotor helicopter - though some kind of tank is the most common)note .
- For most viewers of Thomas & Friends, it's a simple matter when it comes to distinguishing Sir Topham Hatt from the other characters, as you rarely see him wearing anything other than his iconic morning suit and top hat. For the star of the show, however, you'll always see Thomas himself in his signature blue paint job with red stripes and yellow number 1.
- While James is far more famous for his signature bright red paintwork, he has been seen in other colors, namely his pre-Sodor black livery and the infamous bee stripes in "The Green Controller". This latter color scheme has had a surprising amount of merchandise releases and remains one of the most iconic color schemes ever painted on an engine in the series.
- Wallace of Wallace & Gromit, with his green sweater vest and red necktie.
Real Life
- John Hodgman is always seen wearing the same brown suit with orange tie.
- Abraham Lincoln's black suit, beard and stovepipe hat. During his lawyer and campaign days, Lincoln actually wore a white suit but it's not the look that has lived on.
- A white surcoat over a chainmail hauberk with a Red Cross emblazoned on a Chest is obviously The Knights Templar. In actual fact, only the aristocratic officers and seniors wore these outfits. The Templar serjeants and foot soldiers wore black and as they came from lower classes, they comprised the vast majority of the Templar army. In addition, there were Chaplins who wore green but that's not quite as iconic as the regalia. So much for the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ. This is often combined with a great helm.
Change the cross to black and add horns or wings to the helmet and you get The Teutonic Knights. Change the white surcoat to black and the red cross to a white Maltese cross and you get The Knights Hospitallers.
- Susan B. Anthony's red shawl.
- Jamie Hyneman's standard outfit, including the iconic white shirt and beret. He wears that outfit all the time unless he has a logical reason not to. There's also Adam's Indiana Jones fedora and black-rimmed glasses.
- The obligatory all-concealing Ninja outfit, rarely if ever worn by actual ninja in real life.
- Tsewang Paljor,
an Indian climber on Mount Everest, wore green boots when he and his two companions died in 1996
. People have mostly forgotten who he was, and he's known now because his body was something everyone climbing the northeast ridge route had to pass until 2014, where the corpse disappeared in mysterious circumstances. He's now nicknamed... "Green Boots."
- The Nazi uniform. Skulls on a cap (particularly if it's peaked), black military trenchcoats, jackboots and/or a red armband will remind people of the Nazis more than any other group. Writers often use this to make it more obvious that their villains are based on the Nazis. The brown party uniform isn't used as often, mostly because it's quite ugly and because it may, in turn, be a more iconic for their megalomaniacal leader.
- Tina Fey and her glasses.
- Aretha
◊ that
◊ to
- The Duke of Wellington: "I shall come in any damn trousers I like!"
- Napoléon Bonaparte in his Blue Emperor suit which he sported for Jacques-Louis David's portrait. In actual fact, Napoleon wore a Grey Redingote, and he also carried a Red Cloak on occasion. When he visited Egypt, he even wore an Arab tunic and turban to try and blend in, but the image everyone has of Napoleon is that one outfit. Everyone also associates Napoleon with the bicorne hat.
- Maximilien Robespierre is often depicted as The Dandy with foppish attire and large wig. He was indeed known for dressing in the Ancien Regime professional clothing even as the fashions changed to become more "casual" during the Revolution. One mistake made in fictional depictions is that they usually have Robespierre wearing dark clothing (partly because he's usually the villain) when the real man was famous for wearing brightly coloured clothes.
- T. E. Lawrence's white Arab robes. Now on display in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.
- Colonel Sanders and his iconic white suit.
- Carl Sagan's tan blazers, often worn with a turtleneck.
- George W. Bush and his flight suit.
- Winston Churchill's pin-striped suit, polka-dot bow tie (white dots on a navy background), Homburg hat and cigar note .
- Harold Wilson's Gannex raincoat note and pipe note .
- Hillary Clinton's pantsuits.
- Douglas MacArthur's corncob pipe and aviator shades (before the aviators started wearing them, in a literal case of Follow the Leader). It helps that General MacArthur had been a Brigadier General since 1918, which for many people only familiar with him from World War II and The Korean War, makes him Older Than They Think. Before the shades, he as known for his turtleneck sweater and swagger stick which he'd wear on the battlefield.
- The comforting sweaters and sneakers of everyone's favourite TV show host Mr. Rogers.
- Kevin Smith ostensibly only wears a hockey jersey and jean shorts. He once joked with his daughter about wanting her to wear the family uniform to a party. He was referring to a hockey jersey.
- Steve Jobs' penchant for rollneck shirts and blue jeans. This was an Invoked Trope, as he later explained was trying to brand himself.
- Audrey Hepburn's outfit. Specially the cigarette holder.
- Mr. T's gold chains.
- George Lucas' flannel shirts and jeans. Mark Hamill lampshaded this at the 2005 AFI Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony for Lucas, saying he suspected he was wearing that underneath his tuxedo.
- Jackie Kennedy's pink Chanel suit and pillbox hot
she wore the day her husband got assassinated — it was used as a plot point in The House of Yes via the character of Jackie-O.
- Josef Stalin's field jacket and pipe, later copied by Fidel Castro (substituting a much more Cuban cigar for the pipe).
- Michael Jackson's fedora and rhinestone-encrusted glove.
- James May's purple striped shirt. It was even used on a demonstration in his Man Lab series.
- Karl Lagerfeld's tux with a tall white collar, black aviators and fingerless gloves.
- Talk show host Sally Jessy Raphael's red rimmed glasses.
- Canadian hockey commentator Don Cherry's crazy suits.
- Evel Knievel's patriotic red, white, and blue jacket and pants, complete with cape.
- Sir Terry Pratchett's black fedora (or a similar hat, depending on the situation or location). He's said himself that without it, he's just a bald man with a beard.
- Josephine Baker's banana skirt.
- The Norwegian Olympic men's curling team is infamous for their dazzle pattern pants,
often featuring the colors or pattern of the Norwegian flag.
- American mobster Bugsy Siegel's checkered suit jacket,
◊ which inspired Benny's suit in Fallout: New Vegas.
- Hồ Chí Minh (Uncle Ho) has his yellow khaki outfit (affectionately nicknamed "the revolutionary outfit") and sandals made from recycled tires. note
- Former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai
◊ is quite well-recognized internationally with his Pashtun robes and sheep-skin karakul hats.
- Pan Am's pilots were instantly recognizable in airports around the world due to the white hats they wore.
- Ultra-successful producer of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Kevin Feige is rarely seen on the press junket or in interviews without his baseball caps featuring a relevant logo from whatever MCU movie he is promoting at the time. For instance, for the premier of Ant-Man and the Wasp he wore a cap featuring the "X-Con Security" logo from the company Scott Lang forms with he fellow ex-con security experts. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law even riffed on this habit, portraying the head of Marvel Studios as a robot, K.E.V.I.N., with a little metal plate resembling a baseball cap on top. Production wanted to have K.E.V.I.N. wear an actual hat, but the real-life Kevin didn't think that a robot wearing clothing made sense.
- George R. R. Martin's iconic fisherman cap, glasses, suspenders, and button-up shirts.
- Jimmy Savile hardly ever appeared in public without wearing his jump jogging suit and cigar. His pink glasses were another attribute.
- Osamu Tezuka is easily recognizable for his signature glasses and beret.
◊ It's so iconic, that Tezuka's glasses and beret are still used in modern illustrations and logos in Japan.
- General George Armstrong Custer did indeed wear a buckskin shirt as part of his military uniform. Whether or not he wore buckskin at his fateful battle at the Little Bighorn (as shown in popular media) is still debated by historians. Some eyewitness accounts claim he removed his buckskin shirt for more traditional military garb just before the battle started.
- Jack the Ripper is usually depicted with a top hat, cape and a cane, seemingly following the lead of a witness who saw such a man in the vicinity of Mary Kelly's murder. However, Whitechapel was an extremely poor, working class neighborhood; someone dressed this much like a 'toff' would have stood out like a sore thumb had he spent much time in the vicinity. It's believed that if he existed, he was a (relatively) innocent gentleman simply out slumming for an evening, as was very characteristic of the era (prostitutes, remember?) and the real Ripper more likely wore clothes that didn't draw attention.
- Davy Crockett and his raccoon hat has become associated with the character just as Sherlock Holmes with his deerstalker hat. The reality was that he most likely NEVER actually wore a raccoon hat. Where did it come from? The hat was worn by Nimrod Wildfire, a fictional character meant as a parody of Crockett from the 1831 play "The Lion of the West". Over the years, fact and fiction blended, giving this signature hat to Davy Crockett.
- Everything single bust and statue depicting Pericles (Ancient Athens' First Citizen) always show him wearing a helmet. This is done not just to showcase that fact that he was a strategos (general), but also to hide his misshapen head.
- Larry King always hosted televised interviews wearing thick glass and suspenders.
- Pedro Pascal frequently dons a T-shirt from Fleetwood Mac's Tusk tour for occasions without a strict dress code.
- When NASA's flight controllers began to be divided into shifts, or teams, Gene Kranz
called his the WHITE team. This inspired his wife to tailor him a white vest that he wore throughout the mission, always a new one for each mission. It attained iconic status when he was not only the lead flight director during the Apollo 11 moon landing, but from being the main flight director during the Apollo 13 incident. (That specific vest is now in the Smithsonian.)
To this day, if he appears in interviews and documentaries, he is still very recognizable in his vest along with his military crew cut, and in a work that is set during the Space Race, if you see someone wearing a white vest, you know instantly you're looking at Gene.
- Similar to Osamu Tezuka, Walt Disney is instantly recognized with his black, blue, and grey business suit and pants, black tie, and black shoes. Famously worn
◊ for Walt Disney Presents and various public appearances
◊ during his lifetime.
- Travel writer Rick Steves is famous for his short-sleeved button shirts and wire glasses.
- When Second Officer Charles Lightoller of the RMS Titanic learned that the ship had hit an iceberg and was sinking, he threw on a navy-blue turtleneck sweater over his pajamas along with his officer's overcoat and cap before going on deck to help organize the evacuation. Most depictions of Lightoller in Titanic media will show him wearing his famed sweater, usually to distinguish him visually from the ship's other officers.
- Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is rarely seen without an olive-green shirt or T-shirt since the mass scale invasion of his country by Russia started in early 2022.