Translation Correction - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jan 13 2008
This entry is trivia, which is cool and all, but not a trope. On a work, it goes on the Trivia tab.
When TV writers make mistakes in their shows, sometimes those errors will be corrected when those works are translated. This can be a mistake about a foreign culture that is corrected when the work is translated for viewers of the target culture. It can also be plain factual errors in the work that are corrected when translators go over them.
This is common in English dubs of anime, which usually fix Gratuitous English, but it can occur with any kind of media when imported into a country other than the original.
Compare Woolseyism. Not to be confused with "Blind Idiot" Translation (about terrible translations) or Translation Convention (characters speak a foreign language, but the audience hears it in their language).
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Anime & Manga
- Neon Genesis Evangelion:
- The MAGI supercomputers were referred to as Magi Baltasar, Magi Casper, and Magi Melchior.note Magi is the nominative plural or genitive singular of magus, so this was corrected in the English subtitles to Magus Balthasar and so on.
- In the original Japanese, the Children who pilot the Evas were called "Children" in the singular (for example, Rei is the "First Children" rather than "First Child"); the English dub and subtitles corrected this… however, a commentary track on the Platinum DVD release reveals that the translators had a hard time convincing Gainax – with whom they were in communication to ensure they got terms correct, and had used "Children" intentionally – that "Child" was a better choice. The much later redub by VSI changed it back to "Children" at Hideaki Anno's insistence.
- Asuka's Gratuitous German is quite intelligible in the English dub, unlike the original. This is due to Asuka's American voice actress being proficient in German. The writers gave her the lines in English and she translated on the fly.
- In The Big O, the main character at one point was called Megadeus Dominus [Big-God Master] and the translation changed it to Dominus of Megadeus in the dub and Dominus Megadeum (deum being accusative of deus) in the subtitles. Assuming the genitive "Master of the Big-God" was intended, the latter is still incorrect: the proper genitive case is actually Megadei.
- Sometimes Japanese creators come up with a name that is just flat-out wrong, necessitating any foreign licensors to try and fix it. Such titles include Brain Powerd (should be Brain Powered, though one can argue Xtreme Kool Letterz being in effect), Chrno Crusade (Chrono Crusade outside Japan), and most infamously Erementar Gerad (Elemental Gelade outside Japan). The Chrono Crusade anime nonetheless had other issues the translators couldn't be bothered to fix — an on-screen caption indicates that the story is set in the borough of Brooklym. Oops.
- Most characters in Fullmetal Alchemist have European names. This includes Major General Olivier Armstrong. While Olivier is a perfectly correct French first name, it happens to be a male one, despite Major General Armstrong being a woman. The French print of the manga changed it to the feminine form, Olivia. The English manga and anime keep the spelling "Olivier", but the English dub gives it the (French) pronunciation of "Olivia".
- The English dub of the original Mobile Suit Gundam featured the famous city "New Yark", along with the "Great Canyon" in the former United States. These were corrected by Yas Yasuhiko when he did the manga adaptation Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, where all the names were restored to their real-world spellings (except for "New Yark" being changed to Los Angeles for some reason).
- The latter change may not be related to translation, since for years there's been some confusion over whether a certain event (Garma's death) took place in New York or California. Inconsistent references, animation, and guidebooks are to blame for this.
- And then there's the ones that say it's Seattle, which does make a degree of sense, considering that the White Base's next stop was in British Columbia. This is possibly supported by the fact that, during that event, White Base hides out in what appears to be the Kingdome.
- The latter change may not be related to translation, since for years there's been some confusion over whether a certain event (Garma's death) took place in New York or California. Inconsistent references, animation, and guidebooks are to blame for this.
- In the Death Note anime, soon after Near shows up, an American FBI agent identified as Rally Connors is introduced. The English dub changed Rally to Larry, a much more common name.
- The Black Beauty Sisters' Invocation, "It's a show time!", is corrected to "It's showtime!" in every English release of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, even the error-ridden fansubs.
- The anime (Japanese version) corrected this, too: you can clearly hear the Black Beauty Sisters yelling "It's show time!" before singing their songs.
- Pokémon the Series has done this a couple of times. Occasionally, the original will have a trainer call an attack the Pokémon cannot use. The dub will fix this by having the trainer call a similar looking move it can use. For instance, when Ash battles Roxanne (Hoenn's first Gym Leader), she has her Nosepass use Hyper Beam in the Japanese version. Nosepass can't actually learn that move in the game, so the dub changed it to Zap Cannon, which it can use. In another case, a trainer has a Bronzor use Teleport and the dub cut the scene out.
- An early episode had a sign reading "Pocke Mon Land" (Pocket Monsters) in the original, which the dub corrected to "Pokémon Land" (however, it was apparently done before the Japanese officially romanised the name as "Pokémon", but even before then it was Pocket Monsters).
- While Pokémon has corrected things like this, there have also been cases where it was averted by 4Kids missing things, one notable example is the Primeape episode where you have an advertisement for the "Pockemon Leag". Norman Grossfeld and Michael Haigney also lampshade an instance in the DVD Commentary for Spell of the Unown where they forgot to fix an instance of "UNKNOWN" into "UNOWN" (not to mention the general atrocious English in the shot in question, but it was practically a Freeze-Frame Bonus).
- An early episode had a sign reading "Pocke Mon Land" (Pocket Monsters) in the original, which the dub corrected to "Pokémon Land" (however, it was apparently done before the Japanese officially romanised the name as "Pokémon", but even before then it was Pocket Monsters).
- Among much other Gratuitous English, the Britannian Empire of Code Geass had a organization called the "Knight of Rounds". The dub changed this to "Knights of the Round", which was obviously what they were going for.
- Digimon:
- In the American English dub of Digimon Adventure episode "Princess Karaoke", ShogunGekomon is incorrectly referred to as Shogunmon. The French dub, which dubbed over the US, corrects his name to ShogunGekomon.
- During the World Tour episodes of Digimon Adventure 02, Ken and Matt are assisted by a young Mexican DigiDestined. In Japan, her name is Chichos, which is one later away from Chicho, the diminutive of the Spanish male name Narciso. (On its own, it really isn't a name or meaningful at all, and it's also one letter away from "chicos," meaning "boys.") The English and Spaniard dubs renamed her Rosa, and the Latin American dub Guadalupe (a stereotypical Mexican girl name if there is one). In the English dub of the same arc, the Australian boy Dingo becomes Derek.
- The English dub adds a better non-technobabble reason for Shibumi's Red Card not working properly in the series finale of Digimon Tamers: He neglected to account for the Digimon-Human hybrid forms of the bio-merged tamers. By themselves, the Red Card would protect the Digimon partners from the D-Reaper, but with the bio-merge, there's an extra component not accounted for, meaning that the bio-merge between the Tamers and their Digimon broke down, causing them to revert to their original forms, and putting them in grave danger.
- The "White Nuts" in Red Photon Zillion were renamed the White Knights for the American release. The creator was reportedly upset to find out that "Nuts" in English could mean insane.
- While the 1996 Canadian version of Sailor Moon was notorious for being badly adapted and translated, there's one thing that was fixed: Sailor Mercury's computer once had a joke showing the directives from RoboCop. The adaptation changed the subject to J. Smith and fixed the spelling of "innocent".
- The English release of Negima! corrected a grammar error in a spell that was written in one of their several Gratuitous Foreign Languages.
- In a variant of this, one episode of Sister Princess had the translations correcting an animation error. Due to a communications breakdown between the Japanese screenwriters and the animators, a character refers to the wrong legnote in a scene. The English dub and DVD subtitles changed the line to be consistent with the visuals. This makes it incorrect with respect to the spoken Japanese line, but which error are English-speaking audiences more likely to notice?
- In One Piece, the cover page of Chapter 657 depicts the shipwright Zambai talking to a customer. He asks the following question in a speech bubble with English text instead of the usual Japanese: "Two ship. and Cola?". The official English translation and the tankōbon release correctly added plural so that he now says: "Two ships. and Cola?".
- In the original Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Pip Bernadotte says Frankenstein when he clearly means the monster. The English dub corrected it.
- The English dub also corrected the main character's name. In the original Japanese, his name is pronounced Aakaado and the subtitles render it "Arucard", but the dub says "Alucard". This led to a bizarre argument between the English director and the Japanese producers (recalled in a commentary) – the director wanted the name changed to "Alucard" since it's clearly Dracula backwards; the Japanese insisted the name must remain "Arucard" because it's Dracura backwards.
- A doormat in Dragon Ball Z read "WELLCOME." The early FUNimation version fixed the spelling by removing one of the Ls and placing the remaining letters closer together.
- One of the characters of Kaitou Saint Tail is Seira, a girl who is a part-time nun after school. Since this is something that applies to mikos but not nuns, the Italian dub turned her into a pair of twins: Mara (the nun) and Sara (the regular schoolgirl).
- Occasionally in the Motor Ball arc of Battle Angel Alita, the name of the sport is rendered in English as "Moter Ball", and the name of Alita's manager, Esdoc, as "Esdog" (even managing both mistakes in one case - "Esdog Moters"). This was corrected in the flipped Viz releases, but left untouched in the later unflipped Kodansha releases.
- In episode 35 of Ojamajo Doremi, the sign on the women's restroom originally read "Lady's." The English dub corrects it to its grammatically correct term, "Ladies".
- In Street Fighter II V, a certain Spanish ninja was given the full name of "Balrog Fabio la Cerda" in the Japanese version, which isn't exactly a natural-sounding Spanish name. The English dub, following the naming conventions of the games themselves, turned this into "Vega Fabio la Cerda", which is still a bit off. While "Vega" is an actual Spanish name, unlike "Balrog", it's more commonly used as a surname than a given name. Realizing this, the Castilian dub made him "Fabio Antonio de la Vega". The Latin American dub on the other hand drops his full name completely and just calls him "Vega".
- In Yu-Gi-Oh!, at the beginning of the Tag Duel Yugi and Kaiba have against Umbra and Lumis, Kaiba claims that he's got a Level 6 monster in his hand that he can't summon without tributes: however, the scene shows his hand and none of his monsters are actually Level 6.note . The English dub fixed this by replacing one of the cards in Kaiba's hand with Dragon Seeker, an actual Level 6 monster.
Comic Books
- Tintin:
- The name of the Banana Republic is San Theodoros. Because Theodoros is a Greek name, it was changed in Spanish to the correct form, "San Teodoro". A Spanish inscription on a statue in The Broken Ear names the country as "San Teodoro", at least in the English edition.
- The Black Island was extensively corrected when translated into English, changing everything from names (making sure Scottish characters had names that were actually Scottish), to the uniforms of the police officers and even the paint job of the trains, to be as realistic as possible.
- In X-Men, a recurring enemy is named Kenuichio Harada, aka the Silver Samurai. However, Kenuichio is an As Long as It Sounds Foreign name, not an actual Japanese one. In the Japanese version it becomes Kenichiro. Notably, when the character appears in The Wolverine (albeit as a Decomposite Character), the film ditches the first name altogether, only calling him Harada.
- There was an Uncle Scrooge story in which the Ducks visit Valhalla. The story suffers from various cases of Sadly Mythtaken, most obvious being that Valhalla was supposed to be the afterlife, while in the story it was depicted as the residence of the Aesir (as opposed to, say, Asgård). In Scandinavia and Finland, the horses pulling Thor's chariot were edited away and replaced with goats. Unfortunately, the artist responsible for the edit wasn't exactly as skilled as Carl Barks, so the goats ended up looking Off-Model.
Films — Animation
- In Anastasia, Rasputin in his song calls Anastasia by her amnesia alias (Anya), even though he has no reason to (other than to fit the song's meter). The Russian translation of the song changed it to Nastya, the diminutive form of Anastasia.
- In Free Birds, Reggie watches a telenovela called "El Solo Lobo". In Spanish, this title is grammatically incorrect, as both nouns should be inverted as "El Lobo Solo", something the Latin American Spanish dub actually corrects, but oddly enough, the European Spanish did not.
- The Swedish dub of Frozen changed Kristoff's name to Kristoffer, which is a far more common form of the name in Scandinavia. Consequently, Anna's Accidental Misnaming of him is changed from Kristoffer to Kristian.
- The Road to El Dorado: The characters mention the peseta as a currency, but it wasn't introduced for hundreds of years after the events of the film. The European Spanish dub of the film changes these to the more period accurate maravedí and doblón.
- The English dub of Sword of the Stranger has the Mandarin spoken by the Chinese People much less accented. It sadly makes it sound less like Black Speech.
- In the Russian dub of Shrek 2, the famous error where the Fairy Godmother asks a pianist to play in C Minor, only for him to play in G Minor is corrected, and she now correctly calls for G Minor.
Films — Live-Action
- In Spanish dubs of the Sword and Sandal genre, it is expected to render all toponymics mentioned in the dialogue in Latin or Latinized form, even if they were not in the original language. For example, Maximus from Gladiator is known in the Spanish dub as "The Hispanic" (El Hispano) rather than "The Spaniard" (El Español), and Agrippa's reference to Britain in Rome is translated as "Britania" rather than "Bretaña" (or "Gran Bretaña"). This custom caused a problem when it came to translate Maximus' birthplace, Trujillo. Leaving it in Spanish would sound horribly anachronistic to a Spanish audience but the Latin name (Turgalium) would be meaningless, because it is not well known (the place was and remains a small, sleepy town, only known as the birthplace of some conquistadors in the 1500s). The dub team changed it to Emerita Augusta (nearby Merida's Roman name) and justified it saying that "Trujillo doesn't combine the 'qualities' to be cradle of the gladiator." See Woolseyism.
- In Hidalgo, a woman is worried about becoming a fifth wife to her future husband. However, Islam does not permit to have more than four wives simultaneously, so when it was translated into Egyptian Arabic, the references to fifth wife were changed to fourth wife.
- In American Pie, Nadia is referred to as "that Czechoslovakian chick," despite it being 1999. This was changed to Czech in (at least) the Czech and Russian dubs. (Not that this is an error in dialogue. Americans tended to refer to both Czech and Slovak nationals by the name of the former country well after it was dissolved.)
- In Salt, the titular character is Russian, but her name is given as the masculine Chenkov rather than the feminine Chenkova. This is corrected in the Russian dub.
- The Russian dub of The Dark Knight Rises renamed Dr. Leonid Pavel (the poor guy has two first names instead of a first and last name) to Leonid Pavlov.
- The Japanese dub of Rising Sun changes the name of the Japanese character Jingo Asakuma, to the more accurate Junko Asakuma.
- The Spanish dub of Angels & Demons changes Langdon's comment that "there have been many [Pope] Marks and Johns, but never a Luke" to "there has been one Mark
and many Johns, but never a Luke".
- The line "I think World War II just started" in Pearl Harbor was so universally mocked (what, with World War II having been underway for two years before the Pearl Harbor attack and the film itself featuring an earlier subplot about the German bombing of Britain), that it was omitted from later English re-releases. It was never a problem in Spain, however, because the local dub had already changed it to "They just got us into World War II!"
- The French dub of The Wizard of Oz changes Scarecrow's incorrect mathematical statement, "Sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side.", to "La somme de l'hypoténuse au carré doit être égale á la somme des deux cotés opposés au carré", meaning "The square of the hypotenuse must equal the squares of the two other sides" in English. Of course, this possibly averts this trope by missing the point: the Wizard didn't grant Scarecrow genuine math smarts, just made him feel smarter.
- The German and Spanish dubs of King Arthur change "Woad", a fictional Roman slur for the Britons, to "Pict", the historically-accurate slur. Both are references to the Britons using war paint
- The Polish dub of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice changes the mention of Marie Curie's nationality from French to Polish (she was naturalized French but was born in Warsaw).
- English translations of Around the World in Eighty Days fix Jules Verne's original references to Utah's "Lake Salt City".
- The Hebrew translation of Dune rendered the mangled Hebrew and Arabic words used in the original to a form more resembling the standard, such as "Kfitzat HaDerech"note for Kwizatz Haderach, "Bnot Gishrit"note for Bene Gesserit and "Sheikh Hulud"note for Shai-Hulud.
- The German translation of Michael Crichton's Next fixes a German headline. The original had the headline as "Affe spricht im Dschungel, Flüche George Bush", which is a word-to-word translation of "Monkey speaks in the jungle, curses George Bush" - only that Flüche is not the verb, it's the noun. So the German version corrected it to something more headline-y, something to the effect of "Affe schwingt Reden, Zeugen verschlägt es die Sprache", which would be in English: "Monkey talks big / makes a speech, witnesses are speechless".
- Tales of the Magic Land, which began as a translation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, changes the Tin Woodman to the Iron Woodman, since tin doesn't rust in Real Life.
- The Hunt for Red October: Marko Ramius is not a realistic Lithuanian name (if anything, it's closer to Latvian), so most Russian translation change it into more plausible Marius Ramenas.
- While the book features Falsely Advertised Accuracy regardless of language, a few translations of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, including the Bulgarian, Czech and Polish translations, correct all of the "Da Vinci" references to "Leonardo", starting with the very title. This is because "da Vinci", which means "from Vinci" in Italian, was solely an indicator of birthplace during The Renaissance and was never considered a surname in Leonardo's time.
Live-Action TV
- The Russian dub of Stargate SG-1 fixed some mistakes in the episodes dealing with Russians — in particular, the horribly-accented Russian dialogue from "Small Victories" was dubbed over, and the surnames of Dr. Svetlana Markov and Lieutenant Tolinev (both being women) were changed to their correct feminine forms — Markova and Tolineva, respectively. It's possible that the creators of the show realized their blunder and corrected it in the episode "Full Alert". Daniel goes to Moscow and goes into an office looking for a "Captain Voronkov". The woman in the office tells him that she is Captain Daria Voronkova.
- The Russian translation of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys correctly changes "Hercules" to "Heracles", which makes more sense given that the show deals with Greek myths ("Hercules" being the Roman equivalent of "Heracles"). However, the reason for this is less the correctness of the name and more the familiarity of the Russian people with the myths of Heracles, whereas Americans are more familiar with the name Hercules. Besides, when most Russians hear the name "Hercules", they think of a brand of oatmeal. Oddly, he retained the name Hercules in the Xena: Warrior Princess crossover episode "Prometheus", despite both shows airing on the same channel and being dubbed by the same company.
- The German dub of the "The Great Game" episode of Sherlock mixed this with Woolseyism. In the original, a grammatically challenged British prisoner in Belarus says that if Sherlock can't get him off, he'll get hung, which Sherlock corrects to "hanged". In the dub, the prisoner gets the grammar right on the last sentence, and Sherlock responds that he'll be shot, which is the actual execution method in Belarus.
- The Spanish dubbed version of the E-Ring episode "The General" is still bonkers to anyone familiar with the history of terrorism in Spain, but it corrects three errors from the original version:
- The number of people killed in the Madrid train bombings is changed from 173 to the correct number, 191 (173 was a number reported early after the attacks).
- The location of the pro-ETA demonstration is changed from Barcelona to Bilbao, in the Basque Country.
- The conversation between Pierce and McNulty about the Spanish constitution and Basque autonomy is different.note
Pierce: It doesn't seem they can't choose, Sir. In 1978 Spain changed its constitution to give Basques national autonomy.
McNulty: That's semantics, Pierce. They don't want some half-assed law, they want their own damn country like the Serbs and the Kurds and the Palestinians.
Pierce: But the Spanish Constitution of 1978 granted regional autonomy to the Basques.
McNulty: It is not enough for them, Pierce. They don't want a half-assed autonomy, they want their own nation like the Serbs, the Kurds, the Palestinians...
- In Power Rangers Wild Force reunion episode "Forever Red", after the Red Rangers morph, they yell what color and series they are from e.g. "Red Turbo Ranger", "Red Space Ranger". Leo and Wes oddly yell "Go Galactic" (the morphing call) and "Time Force" respectively, as opposed to "Red Galaxy Ranger" and "Red Time Force Ranger". This was fixed in the French dub.
- In the pilot episode of Sliders, the main characters travel to a parallel universe where the Soviet Union won the Cold War and the United States are now heavily russified. The "Russian" spoken in the episode is plain gibberish, and Arturo calls Lenin "Nikolay" instead of "Vladimir" at one point with nobody correcting him. Surprisingly it's the French dub that replaces the gibberish with proper and almost flawless Russian and corrects Arturo's mistake.
Tabletop Games
- The Polish version of 7th Sea changed the battle of Tannenberg to the Gruenweide, and corrected many nonsensical Ussurian (Russian) names of spells. The German version similarly changed Tannen to Tannheim, Insel to Inselburg, die Schwartzen Walden to die Schwarzen Wälder and a whole host of other things; for some reason, Fauner Konrad Pösen was left intact, even though Fauner is not a name in German and Konrad is a male first name (the character is female). The French version also changed the names of the noble families in Montaigne (France).
- In the non-English versions Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, the three main card types are Monster, Magic, and Trap Cards. The English translation initially used "Magic", but renamed them to the more concrete noun "Spell" the next year (2003), as while players would call Monster Cards "monsters" and Trap Cards "traps", it didn't sound natural to call Magic Cards "magics" as opposed to "spells".)
- W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman's English translation of The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny corrected the Gratuitous English in "Alabama Song" and "Benares Song"; as they explained, "pidgin extremely effective when it appears in the middle of a German text, but when sung by characters to whom English is their native tongue, it has no point."
- In most English-language versions of Chess, Svetlana's surname is given as "Sergievsky", which is the masculine form of the name. In the 1991 Sydney production and the Swedish version, they correct it to "Sergievskaya". (The latter version also has Anatoly and Molokov referring to each other by the diminutive forms of their names.)
Video Games
- The Fan Translation of Rosenkreuz Stilette did this with the game's many instances of Gratuitous German.
- Thunder Force V's boss descriptions, which were already in English in the Japanese version, were rewritten in more grammatically correct English. The voice that reads out the description, however, still goes by the descriptions from the Japanese version.
- The Japanese version of Yggdra Union has a female character named Emilio. While most Japanese players wouldn't know any better, the name sounds very masculine to the average Western audience. To avoid any unnecessary raised eyebrows, Atlus opted to change her name to the similar yet much more feminine "Emilia" when they translated the game into English.
- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance: The made-up name of Volke was changed in the German version to Volker, which actually is a fairly common German given name.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening:
- In the original Japanese version, when Robin calls Chrom by name at the beginning despite never meeting him, Chrom confusedly asks Robin "How do you know my name?". This eventually stops making any sense whatsoever once it's revealed in-story a chapter or two later that Chrom is the prince of Ylisse, meaning there would be several hundred plausible reasons why the Avatar would know Chrom's name. The English localization fixes this by changing his line to "Ah, then you know who I am?", which is much more in line with what a famous figure would say upon being addressed by name by a stranger. (The change would have been necessary anyway, because Chrom had already been referred to by name in the localization.)
- The weapon "Thor Hammer", which had shown up in previous games but never in English, was properly renamed Mjölnir in the English localization. Likewise the ultimate wind spell, which was generally romanized as Holsety before, was changed to Forseti, which gets the mythological reference right.
- Panne (a shape shifter who can turn into a giant rabbit-like creature) would say "Humans can be somewhat strong, too," when offering to pair up with someone in battle in the Japanese version. Since she can say this to the army's Manaketes (dragon shape shifters) as well, the English version corrected it to "Taguel aren't the only strong creatures out there."
- Depending on how you play, Robin and Lissa can achieve a C-Support after finishing the prologue. Doing so will result with a continuity error. In their support conversation, Robin will mention the Risen. However, the Risen don't appear until Chapter 1. The American version kept this error in, but the European version corrects it by changing the Risen into bandits.
- Fire Emblem Fates: A high-level spell originally appearing in Fire Emblem Gaiden that was rendered in Japanese as "Rainarock" was localized as "Ragnarok", which was carried into all its future appearances, including Gaiden's Video Game Remake.
- The Japanese-developed Game Boy Color port of Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings had numerous level name typos that were corrected for the international release.
- For Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F, some slight instances of Engrish were corrected. For example, "Rest X Notes" seen during a Technical Zone became "Notes Left: X".
- When Hellfire (1989) was ported to Sega Genesis, the Japanese version of the "stage cleared" text challenges the player to "TRY TO NEXT COLONY FREE", a strange error since the original arcade version correctly states "TRY TO SET NEXT COLONY FREE". The American localization changes this to "TRY TO FREE THE NEXT COLONY", which is different from the arcade text but at least is grammatically correct.
- The localization of Super Valis IV corrected "Clistal Pillor" to Crystal Pillar, and fixed some truly ridiculous Engrish in the ending scene.
- Super Mario Bros.:
- Super Mario Bros. 2: In the game's precursor (Doki Doki Panic), the animation of an explosion spells "BOM" instead of "BOMB"; and no, "Bom" is not the Japanese onomatopeia for something exploding either, that would be ドカン (Bum, pronounced like Boom). In Super Mario Bros. 2, it's corrected to "BOMB".
- Super Mario World, coin patterns at the end of the last Special World level (Funky) spell out "YOU ARE SUPER PLAYER!" in the Japanese version; the translated version adds an "A" after the second word.
- The Superboss of Golden Sun: The Lost Age has an attack that turns his sword into a gigantic lightning bolt called Formina Sage. When it returns in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, the attack is now Fulminous Edge.
- The Russian translation of Assassin's Creed: Chronicles: Russia corrects Nikolai Orelov's last name to Orlov. Presumably, the well-meaning creators translated "eagle" into Russian ("oryol", although sometimes written as "orel") and added the common Russian "ov" ending. What they forgot was that, in some cases, a vowel may need to be dropped.
- Like a Dragon:
- The bits of Korean dialogue that was originally in Yakuza 2 was not exactly fluent to say the least. When the PS2 version was localized for South Korea, Sega brought in native speakers to re-record all the spoken Korean in the game. The re-recorded Korean ended up being used instead of the original broken Korean for the later PS3 and Wii U ports in Japan.
- Similarly, the Chinese version of Yakuza 0, which replaces Lao Gui's original face and voice with Hong Kong actor Sam Lee, has Lee provide a much more fluent-sounding performance than the rather stilted Mandarin in the other versions (though the character's new likeness is another matter entirely).
- Resident Evil:
- In the Japanese version of Resident Evil 2, Dr. Birkin's letter to Chief Irons makes reference to the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members from the first game, mentioning each of them by their first names (e.g. Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca and Brad). While this is not incorrect, it is unusual for someone like Birkin to refer to people he never met on a first name basis. This was changed in the English version, where he refers to them by last names (e.g. Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers) instead, which is more in-character.
- The Ada Wong campaign added to the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 was titled "The Another Order", which isn't grammatically correct to say the least. In the English version, this campaign was retitled "Separate Ways".
- The in-game name for Snake's cigarettes was "CIGARET" in the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid, which was likely a result of character limit that could be used on the item icons. In the English version, this was fixed to "CIGS", which is a much more common abbreviation for the word "cigarettes". Additionally, Revolver Ocelot's life bar originally said "OCEROT"
- In Silent Hill 2, the physical signage for Brookhaven Hospital read "Blookhaven Hospital". It was corrected in Silent Hill 3.
- At the beginning of Duke Nukem Forever, Duke is seen playing Duke Nukem Forever and mentions that the game was good - "but after 12 fuckin' years, it should be." A tongue-in-cheek reference to the game's famously long stint in Development Hell... except the original Quake II-engine version of the game was announced in 1997, meaning the game spent closer to 14 years in development. The Spanish and Japanese versions of this line change "12" to "14."
Visual Novels
- In the Japanese version of Snatcher, "JUNKER" was originally an acronym for "Judgment Uninfected Naked Kind & Execute Ranger". In other words, a series of randomly-chosen words strung together with no coherent meaning whatsoever (then again, it is a Hideo Kojima game). When the game was ported to the Sega CD for the western market, the meaning was changed to the somewhat more sensible "Japanese Undercover Neuro-Kinetic Elimination Ranger".
- Muv-Luv Extra has some Valger-On dialogue that's in rather terrible English. When it was finally officially localized over a decade later, the English was rerecorded so that it sounds natural. The same was done with the English dialogue in Muv-Luv Alternative.
Western Animation
- Animaniacs: The “Yakko’s World” song, aired in 1993, lists “both Yemens” and “Kampuchea” despite the former reunifying in 1990 and the latter renaming itself Cambodia in 1992. In almost all non-English dubs “both Yemens” is replaced by “Yemen” and in addition the French, German, Dutch, and Arabic (among others) dubs replace “Kampuchea” with “Cambodia”.
- Carmen Sandiego:
- In the first episode, Jean-Paul, being a skilled climber, gives his codename, "Le Chèvre", to reflect goats being natural mountain climbers. The French dub renamed him to "La Chèvre" because the word "le chèvre" actually translates to goat cheese instead of "The Goat" the original dub was going for.
- In the final episode, the titular character herself knocks out both Julia and Devineux as she says "Au revoir" before walking away to steal the valuable gem, the Eye of Vishu. In the French dub, she says "Bonne nuit" (good night) instead, since the scene takes place at night and it would makes sense to say that to people unconscious before leaving.
- Looney Tunes cartoons featuring Speedy Gonzales are rife with fake Spanish and bad Mexican accents. This is not an issue with the Spanish dubs, which were done by real Mexicans. This is a big part as to why he's the Trope Namer for Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales.
- Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi are not exactly real names in Japanese. When the 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series was dubbed for Japanese TV, the two characters were renamed Sawaki Oroku and Yoshihama Takeshi respectively (both names in surname/given name order).
- The infamous "omelette du fromage" from Dexter's Laboratory was corrected in the French dub to "omelette au fromage", but this episode still remains weird in French since there is no reason why no one understands Dexter, everybody thinks he is super cool (especially since he is saying "omelette with cheese") and the on-screen appearances of the words are not corrected.
- The Simpsons:
- Bumblebee Man's Spanish tends not to be very good, and he speaks in a thick American English accent. The Mexican dub of The Simpsons gave him a completely new voice so he could speak proper, native-sounding, and correct Mexican Spanish while still sounding like the Chapulin Colorado pastiche he's supposed to be.
- In the Japanese dub of "In Marge We Trust", all the Japanese-language dialogue from the "Mr. Sparkle" commercial was redubbed back, since it was spoken in broken Japanese in the English version.
- In The Smurfs (1981), the episode "The Magnifying Mixture" originally had a technical error where the audio was not in sync with the visuals and Hefty had Gargamel's voice coming out of his mouth. While the original one eventually got it resolved by reusing scenes, the Croatian dub corrected this by having the voice lines play when it was appropriate, even removing Gargamel's line due to him not speaking on-screen.
- In the Norwegian dub of the Recess episode "Yope From Norway", the titular character name was changed to "Ole", since Yope isn't a real Norwegian name.
- In the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "I Was a Teenage Gary", during his snail transformation, as his left arm falls off, SpongeBob says "Oh, that's okay, i'm a lefty anyway." The Romanian and Dutch dubs correct this by having SpongeBob say he's right-handed. The Latin Spanish dub has him saying "No matter, I didn't need that arm".