Two-Person Pool Party - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Feb 12 2008

Two-Person Pool Party (trope)

"I had sex in a public pool when I was 22."

Sex in a pool. Why is it common enough to warrant a trope? Perhaps it's our distant amphibian past. Perhaps it's because you don't get cold. Perhaps water is an aphrodisiac. Perhaps the amount of glistening skin left exposed by bathing suits is a turn-on. Perhaps it's because there's no clean-up. Whatever, sometimes two people get into a swimming pool or something akin to it, and take part in what many public pools describe as "heavy petting". It also can be alternatively done in a bathtub or hot tub.

Sometimes goes hand in hand with Underwater Kiss. In a bathtub or jacuzzi, there may be Censor Suds (or Censor Steam in a hot tub) to keep the film from getting an R rating. Afterwards, one or both characters may do Sexy Surfacing Shot—that is, slowly get out as the camera lovingly focuses on them in a fanservice shot.

Similar to Shower of Love, where the aquatic lovemaking is done in a shower rather than a tub. Can result from a positive outcome of Outdoor Bath Peeping. Not to be confused with Baths Are Fun, which presents the bathing itself as fun and enjoyable.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Kuttsukiboshi features the school's private pool as the unfortunate victim of Aya and Kiiko's private time. Summer can have that effect on anyone, it seems.
  • In the second chapter of the h-manga Mating with Oni, after Soichiro, the protagonist, married Momiji, the oni girl that tricked him into going inside her house because she liked him, Kaede, his mother-in-law, invites him to relax at a private onsen passed down by her family. As he's relaxing in the hot water, Kaede comes in and offers her company, which Soiciro reluctantly accepts because they're family, but when she comes on to him he tries to resist her advances, referencing his marriage to Momiji, but eventually relents, much to Kaede's joy, as she hasn't had intimate contact with a man in decades. The next chapter shows Momiji doesn't really mind sharing him, and eventually he takes Kaede as his second wife.
  • In Strawberry Panic!, Kaname and Momomi have moments where they do this in the bathtub during episodes 13 and 15.
  • The World's Finest Assassin features this near the end of the 10th episode, combined with Underwater Kiss.

Comic Books 

  • In The Crow one of the most heartbreaking flashbacks to happier times is Eric and his fiancé Shelly in the bathroom together. Eric was shaving while Shelly was in the bath but after the latter kept splashing water, he soon joined her in the tub in a Sexy Discretion Shot getting water all over the floor.
  • Bishop-Major Simon Passover scores with a mother and daughter at the same time in a sunken tub in Ironwood.
  • Sabretooth while staying at a brothel. An old lady called Momma runs the place, and she talks to Creed about his huge tab since he's been coming to the brothel ever since she's been there. They have a passionate embrace as Creed tells her to get three of her finest honeys, a dozen beers, and meet him in the Jacuzzi to settle up. He mentions he's about to be a millionaire, which she says won't cover it. In response, he says to grab just two honeys then, before they kiss.
  • Implied to be a part of Garth (Aqualad) and Tula (Aquagirl's) love life in Teen Titans. Both are Atlantean and need to spend a lot of time immersed anyway.
  • The XXXenophile story "Sweet Water". One of the participants is a naiad (the spirit of the spring that feeds the pool). Meaning that the guy is not just having sex in the pool, he is having sex with the pool.

Fan Works 

Films — Animation 

Films — Live-Action 

  • Almost happens in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem with two teenagers in the school pool. Then the girl's Jerk Jock ex-boyfriend shows up with his boys to ruin it. Then a Xenomorph jumps in the water and kills the ex.
  • Alpha Dog. A three-person pool party, actually. Zack makes out with his girlfriend Julie and her best friend Alma in a pool they break into. Unfortunately, the real person Zack is based on, Nicholas Markowitz, never got to enjoy any such thing before his death.
  • The first Austin Powers movie has a variant in a hot tub, itself parodying the example from A View to a Kill.
  • Below Her Mouth: Dallas and Jasmine have sex in the bathtub.
  • In The Catcher, Anthony is relaxing in the whirlpool bath when the coach tells him he better let his girlfriend's head up or she is going to drown. After the coach leaves, a girl emerges from under the water.
  • The sex scene between Capa (Bruce Willis) and Rose (Jane March) in Color of Night starts out like this. Later they move to a bed, and then a shower.
  • In Dante's Peak, a couple of hikers took a dip in one of the mountain's natural hot springs. However, before anything happened, they ended up getting boiled alive when the spring got too hot.
  • In Dead Again in Tombstone, Madam Du Vere starts making out with one of her girls in a bathtub to put Col. Boomer in the mood. It works.
  • Deadly Illusions: Grace fingers Mary while she's in the bath (though it turns out to be another Erotic Dream of Mary's).
  • Carol and Brian have sex in the bath after burying Gus's body in Dr. Minx.
  • Referenced in Easy A. Melody Bostic's parents let her have a party every time she catches them having sex in the pool which, according to Olive, is about once a week.
  • Entre Nous (2021): One flasback Elodie has shows her lying beside Laetitia intimately naked and kissing while they're in the bath together, with sex strongly implied though not shown, as a happy memory of their past.
  • Fantastic Four (2005): When Johnny Storm's on a snowboarding/snow skiing date with nurse Kelly, his accidental activation of his flame powers causes Johnny to make an impromptu jacuzzi on the snow slope. When Kelly comes to check if he's okay, Johnny immediately asks her if she's interested in joining him in the jacuzzi. Since Kelly gives off a reaction where she appears to be okay with it, it's implied pretty heavily that she accepts the invitation, which may have also led to them having sex in the jacuzzi.
  • Four Rooms features one involving the main character who is a bellhop and a girl who is a witch. The pool functions as the cauldron of the girl's Coven.
  • Daniele and Matthew have one in The Girl Next Door. It gets ruined when his parents return home.
  • In A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, some friends have well... an orgy and at one point attempt this. It is a lot more difficult to do than they thought.
  • The Guest House: Rachel and Amy have sex in the hot tub, where Jason finds them.
  • Zero Cool and Acid Burn have one of these at the end of Hackers.
  • In Halloween II (1981), Nurse Karen and Budd get busy in the hospital's hydrotherapy pool before Michael Myers strangles Budd with a length of cord and drowns Nurse Karen after dunking her face into scalding water, causing her face to blister and boil.
  • Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters has Mina thank Hansel for saving her life by doing this to him in a waterfall pond. We get a full nudity shot of her from the back before she walks into the water and then turns around to present her exposed breasts.
  • Head in the Clouds: Guy and Gilda, while taking a bath together, end up having sex.
  • Hollywood Homicide finds Josh Hartnett coming home to one of his yoga students waiting for him in the hot tub.
  • In Hot Tub Time Machine, Nick's younger self is having hot tub sex with a girl named Tara.
  • The James Bond films:
    • Licence to Kill (possibly; we get a Discretion Shot)
    • A Soviet spy tries to trick Bond during one in A View to a Kill.
    • For Your Eyes Only, only there it's the ocean.
    • Thunderball took it even further, as not only was it in the ocean, it was underwater (thanks to scuba gear) and in Real Life would probably have resulted in the death or injury of one or both participants.
    • In a deleted scene from Die Another Day. Interestingly, this actually a Fake-Out Make-Out scenario to hide the fact that Bond and another agent have been snooping around the Big Bad's headquarters. They don't do the deed until returning to his room.
  • Kiss Me (2011): Elizabeth and Lasse get frisky while in the pool together (not to the point of sex). Their kids Frida and Oskar joke about it while watching from the house.
  • In Lakeview Terrace, Samuel L. Jackson's young kids watch their new neighbors do this. When Sammy finds out, he is not impressed.
  • Legally Blonde: Apparently Elle and ex-boyfriend Warner once spent "four amazing hours" in a hottub together. She brings it up to tell him that getting a coveted internship spot is so much better than that.
  • In The Loft, a dare between Vincent and Sarah to go Skinny Dipping in the hotel pool quickly becomes very hot and heavy.
  • Love Is All You Need? (2016): Jude and Ryan go at it in the swimming pool.
  • A Three-Person Pool party occurs in Machete as Machete scores with mother/daughter pair June and April Booth.
  • John and Jenny in Marley & Me try to have this, but any romantic air is killed by the titular Marley jumping into the pool and swimming past them.
  • The Naked Witch: After the witch bewitches the student, they engage in some heavy petting while swimming in the creek.
  • Clark Griswold attempts to have one of these with Christie Brinkley's character in National Lampoon's Vacation, but his wife discovers them before anything can happen. Later, his wife wants to try, but her screams at the cold water wake the entire motel.
  • Oblivion (2013) : The pool in question being beneath their aerial base. And for extra male fanservice, Victoria's the one character we see naked (her shadow from the back), with Jack ending up shirtless afterwards.
  • In Petticoat Planet, Steve and the mayor have sex in the mayor's large, luxurious bathtub.
  • Taryn (Hope Marie Carlton) and Hondo (Bruce Penhall) have one in the Jacuzzi in Picasso Trigger.
  • The beginning of Piranha started with this which turned out to be a big mistake.
  • Almost happens in The Pool, but the killer offs the participants before it can happen. That bastard!
  • Pretty Cool: Howard has one with his sister's friends in a dream sequence. And in the sequel, Dave ends up being forced into one by his girlfriend Brittany.
  • Queen of the Damned: Lestat and Akasha are shown making out/drinking each other's blood in a bath filled with rose petals.
  • In The Ramrodder, Rick and Tuwana go Skinny Dipping in the springs and then start getting it on.
  • Rat Race taught us that it is not a good idea to do this with your ex-girlfriend when your new girlfriend is a yandere with a license to fly a helicopter.
  • Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt: Romasanta begins washing Barbara's breasts seductively and fingers her after that in the bath as she wordlessly urges him on.
  • In Scandal Sex At Students Dot Edu, the one that Donna Silverman (Kim Dawson) has with Jon Griffith (Bobby Johnston) is being videotaped.
  • In The Secret of My Success, Brantley uncle's wife Vera seduces him at the country house's swimming pool.
  • In Shandra: The Jungle Girl, Karen and her girlfriend (only identified in the credits as 'Gorgeous Blonde'), have sex in Karen's enormous sunken bath the night before Karen leaves for the expedition.
  • In The Shape of Water, Elisa and the Asset share an intimate moment in Elisa's flooded bathroom.
  • Showgirls has an example which starts straight but quickly turns into comedy. note 
  • Son of a Gun: At the beach, Natasha goes Skinny Dipping and JR follows her in, even though he can't swim. They indulge in some very heavy petting.
  • In Sorority Row, Claire and Mickey have sex in the sorority's Jacuzzi, after Claire has filled it with bubble bath.
  • In Species, Sil attempts this with a guy, only for the protagonists to interrupt her, forcing her to reluctantly kill the guy.
  • Spring Breakers: A three person version with Alien, Brit, and Candy, as they all have sex in a pool together.
  • Star Trek: Insurrection features a scene where Riker and Troi share a bath, indicating that their long-dormant romance has been rekindled. They are not seen having sex, but she is shaving his beard.
  • In The Suckers, Joanna and Barbara have sex in the huge sunken tub of their bedroom the night before the hunt.
  • In Swimming Pool, Julie clearly wants to have one with Franck, and they start taking some steps in that direction, but he decides to stop it. It leads to a Woman Scorned scene and subsequent Out with a Bang.
  • Takers: While celebrating the Fed Cal heist, Rahway goes Skinny Dipping with a pair of naked women and it immediately turns sexual.
  • They/Them (2022): Gabriel and Stu are making out in the lake with this leading toward sex, but then go to a cabin at Gabriel's suggestion rather than just hook up right there.
  • Virgin Territory: Lorenzo and the nuns who get in the bath with him to have sex.
  • Bliss and Oliver have a very literal two-person pool party (in a full-up swimming pool) in Whip It. In the original novel, Derby Girl, they just have sex. In a bed.
  • The famous scene in Wild Things, where the two female leads undress and kiss in a swimming pool. And somebody is recording.
  • Wild Wild West: Jim West and a girlfriend have one in a water tower until it falls down.
  • The Baz Luhrmann film William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet has a relatively tame version.
  • In The Woman Hunt, Tony and McGee go Skinny Dipping in a jungle pool and start making out before they interrupted by Spyros committing suicide.
  • Subverted in Y tu mamá también. The two male best friends frequently swim in the city pool when it is closed (I think they were supposed to be working there or something). On one occasion they get naked and masturbate, one on the side of the pool, one on the diving board. Cut to underwater shot of semen falling into the water.
  • In Young Lady Chatterley II, Cynthia is lamenting her sexual frustration while taking a bath. Her maid says she would do anything to make her feel better. And proceeds to do so; right there in the tub.
  • In Zombie Nightmare, Peter and Suzie strip down to their underwear and climb into the hot tub at the health club. However, their intimacy is interrupted by the appearance of the zombie. According to the janitor, this little celebration (the hot tub, not the zombie) was traditional after their tennis matches.


  • In Aeon 14: A Path in the Darkness Joe has the tugboat Excelsior fitted with a hot tub instead of a second cabin when he brings Tanis along to grab a planetoid for raw materials to repair the Intrepid. The two of them use it to consummate their relationship.
  • Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest: This is how Hajime lost his virginity while relaxing in the bath at the Orcus Estate.
  • Between Worlds
    • After Jason and his squadmate Freyxh fend off a couple of attackers, Jason is willing to have Rescue Sex but suggests they rinse off any Aerosol Spray Backfire first, because they really don't want that in sensitive regions. He heads for the shower, but on seeing the large bathtub decides to make use of that instead, though he has to explain the idea of "social bathing" to Freyxh first as in her culture it's something that mothers do to children. Later he's bathing with another squadmate Raisha who is eager to lose her virginity with the exotic human, but as Jason picked up some bruises from the last time he had sex in the bath he insists on moving to the bed. Raisha is so eager she doesn't bother drying off first, leaving a wet bed for Jason to sleep in, so he moves to the bed of his male squadmate Tarcil whom he also has sex with.
    • In the second novel, Jason is out hunting with Yaro and the latter suggests they wash the blood off in a hot spring she knows. Jason momentarily suspects her motives, but goes along with it. Turns out she does have sex in mind and was actually surprised when Jason took up the offer, as she was expecting him to refuse.
  • The Chronicles of Dorsa: Tasia and Joslyn first have sex in the bath.
  • Heralds of Valdemar:
    • The Tayledras use magic to ensure that anywhere they live has a great profusion of hot springs of just the right depth and temperature to bathe in, which they'll do several times a day if possible. They're also shameless and profligate and so pairing off (and more than "pairing" off) in those same hot springs is very common, to the point where they'll hang indicators on the path to favored ones telling people to keep out or that additional partners are welcome.
    • The short story "Chance" in Sword of Ice is an official Hurt/Comfort Fic for the Last Herald-Mage Trilogy and has a friendly soldier take Vanyel to a hot spring in a cave for an After-Action Patch-Up, followed by a Sexy Discretion Shot and cuddling in the water.
  • Her Wolf in the Wild: Christiana and Micah have sex after they initially get intimate while bathing in the river together (but the actual act is on the shore nearby).
  • The Mermaid's Daughter: Kathleen and Harry have sex in a hot tub in the hotel on Sanibel Island.
  • Of Fire and Stars: Mare invites Dennaleia to bathe with her in the sequel, and feels sure that she'll accept (though the reader doesn't see for sure if she does). It's strongly implied this would include having sex together.
  • In The Otherworld, two people who have Unresolved Sexual Tension go skinny dipping together in her family's private pool. After the inevitable occurs, they take the pool towels into the woods and fall asleep together.
  • The Plains of Passage has a downplayed example. Ayla and Jondalar make out in a hot spring, but they finish bathing then have sex next to the pool rather than in it.
  • In The Terror by Dan Simmons, the captain has a flashback to sex in a pool. It's used to reveal a bit about the era, namely that he completely misses the woman he loves having an orgasm.
  • The Tough Guide to Fantasyland: A Bath is warned to be the occasion for sex with a fellow Tourist, no matter how unattractive they had seemed before, with the author drily noting there "must be something in the Water".
  • The Twilight Saga Slightly different: Bella and Edward's honeymoon started with a midnight swim in the ocean. It was a private island, fortunately.
  • In The Wheel of Time, Rand has multiple erotic dreams involving one (or more) of his love interests and a local pond during the earlier parts of the series. At this point, he is mostly still in Celibate Hero mode, and this mostly just serves to make him uncomfortable, especially when his Psycho Ex-Girlfriend decides to invite herself (it Makes Sense In Context).

Live-Action TV 

  • Arrow: In a flashback to the island of Lian Yu in "Identity", Oliver Queen and Shado get it on in a lake.
  • Attila: Attila's first experience with a hot Roman bath occurs when the emperor's envious sister Honoria takes him to one in order to seduce him.
  • The Big Bang Theory: Howard and Bernadette get a new hot tub and plan to break it in in this fashion on Valentine's Day — but find a half-drowned rabbit floating in the tub. They revive it, it bites Howard, and he rushes off to the emergency room for fear of rabies, all before they have any chance to get it on, or for Bernadette to tell Howard that she's pregnant.
  • Happened on the first night of the first season of Loft Story, the French version of Big Brother. And the sixth season of the British one, allegedly.
  • The reality dating show Blind Date, had a lot of those. Especially in a hot tub.
  • In one episode of Bones two "witnesses of the week" decide to skinny-dip in a mud lake that is also like a hot spring. Since this is Bones, they inadvertently find a body was dumped there after a bone pokes one of them.
  • Castle: Castle and Beckett almost have one in his Hamptons' house, but of course a guy drops dead in their pool... right after Beckett dropped her towel to show she had "forgot" her bathing suit.
  • Dark Desire: Regina is shown having sex in the bath with Esteban during a flashback.
  • In Desperate Housewives, the revelation that Andrew Van de Kamp is gay comes when Susan catches him making out in a swimming pool with his friend Justin.
  • Dickinson: This seems to be Emily and Sue's thing.
    • Emily and Sue start up their relationship again by sharing a bath, where they have sex.
    • They do the same thing again in the wake of Sue's Love Confession.
    • Emily and Sue again share one in "You can not put a fire out" where they have sex.
  • Flowers (2016): Abigail and George get caught having sex in the sauna by Amy. It shocks her because she thought they were daughter and father.
  • The Fosters:
    • In the episode "Under Water", Stef, dreading her upcoming double mastectomy, solemnly asks her wife Lena to take her swimming. So Lena leads her to sneak into an absent neighbors' backyard at night and they get it on in their pool sans swimsuits.
    • In the Series Finale, Stef and Lena again have a nighttime frolicking, this time in the ocean by a beachside resort ... only to get their robes picked up by innocuous resort worker leaving them stuck outside naked.
  • Glee: Finn believes Quinn when she tells him she got pregnant in the hot tub, even though they didn't have sex—or even take their bathing suits off.
  • Hightown: Jackie learns from a video in Season 3 that she and a woman she'd picked up had sex in a hotel pool.
  • Jane the Virgin:
    • In "Chapter 14", Luisa recounts how she and Rose got together. They had sex in a pool, under a Literal Metaphor of fireworks. (It was Love at First Sight and they had sex at least 3 times. It was also the 4th of July.)
    • In "Chapter 19", Jane and Rafael nearly have sex in the pool of the hotel he owns, but they are interrupted by a security guard.
  • Don't even try to imagine how many diseases are floating in the hot tub on Jersey Shore.
  • The Law According to Lidia Poët: Implied though not shown in Episode 1 when Lidia comes in upon Jacopa sharing a bath with a nude woman, though any sex apparently happened before she came.
  • The L Word:
    • In the pilot, Jenny's first Sapphic stirrings come as she watches Shane and a random girl get it on in the pool next door.
    • Tina and Helena had one in the second season.
    • Dani and Sophie share a bath together in Generation Q, leading toward sex very quickly.
  • Loft Story, the 2001-2002 French version of the Dutch Reality TV show Big Brother, saw its audiences dramatically surge and its title becoming (in)famous when Loana Petrucciani and Jean-Edouard Lipa did things in the pool.
  • In Mad Men, Don has sex with a young woman in a pool. Her father is having sex with another woman in the same pool.
  • Midsomer Murders: In "Last Year's Model", a sleazy music producer and his mistress are getting it on in the Jacuzzi, discussing how his wife is about to go to prison. They are interrupted by the doorbell. They soon realize that it's Barnaby and that he's not going to leave.
  • Modern Family: In "New Year's Eve", Claire and Phil plan to see in the new year by having sex in a secluded hot spring. Things do not go according to plan.
  • In one scene, in Playboy: Girls of Spring Break suggests that Wendy Christine and Michelle Mullica are holding one in the Jacuzzi.
  • Sex/Life:
    • Billie had sex with Brad while in a rooftop pool on the night they met.
    • Cooper later tries to recreate this with Billie in a client's pool after reading what she wrote.
  • Sex Sent Me to the E.R.: a couple doing this have a problem when the woman's toe gets caught in a grating.
  • In Shameless a pool is among the myriad places Fiona and Steve have sex.
  • Naomi and Emily were supposed to do something like this in Skins, until they realized that the lake they were using was a hell of a lot colder than anyone anticipated and Kathryn Prescott (Emily) ended up in an ambulance with hypothermia.
  • Tony and Carmella's reconciliation in season 5 of The Sopranos starts in the pool.
  • Survivors: Abby has casual sex with a guy in a pond at one point.
  • Trigonometry: In Episode 3 Kieran and Gemma taking a bath together turns into them (finally) having awkward sex together. Realistically, in the confined space Gemma gets a leg cramp and so they don't go at it for very long.
  • Vida: Nico and Emma in 3x2 start having sex while sharing a bath together.
  • We Are Who We Are: The very first thing which Sarah does after they get into their house on the base is invite Maggie to take a bath with her (and implies sex). Maggie is dubious that there's enough room, but they go anyway.
  • You Me Her: Izzy and Emma share a bubble bath in which Jack finds them.


  • Implied in the Brad Paisley song "Water".

    "You can stay right there
    Till the daylight's gone
    Play Truth or Dare
    And it won't take long
    'Fore you and her
    Got nothin' on
    But water."

  • Halsey: In the "Ghost" video, briefly.
  • In the first pre-chorus of the Liz Phair song "Why Can't I"

    "What if this is just the beginning
    We're already wet, and we're gonna go swimming"

  • Implied in the Prince song "Mr. Goodnight". Don't think that just because he wasn't doing "Darling Nikki" by this point, it meant he wasn't doing songs like this.

    "We can watch Chocolat on the big screen
    Before we convene in the pool (yeah)
    The waterfall'll wash your cares away
    Already I love you, I do"

  • Bell Biv DeVoe's "Do Me!" has this as one of Biv's sexcapades in the final verse:

    "The time was 6 o'clock on the Swatch watch
    No time to chill, got a date
    Can't be late
    Hey, the girl is gonna do me
    Move to the jacuzzi
    Ooh that booty
    Smack it up, flip it, rub it down, oh no..."


  • In one of the earlier threads of Survival of the Fittest version three, Guy Rapide implies that he and Kallie Majors had sex in a pool.

Video Games 

  • Implied to have happened in Final Fantasy X. If Tidus and Yuna didn't go all the way, they certainly seemed to have done everything shy of it.
  • Happens in the second game in the Heroes Rise trilogy if you chose Black Magic as your love interest.
  • The Sims series lets your Sim couples do this in hot tubs. Both in private and in public.
  • Mentioned by Streaming-chan in VA-11 HALL-A. She said that she hated it.
  • The Witcher:
    • Triss Merigold's second sex card in The Witcher shows her nude in a bathtub, implying she invited Geralt to join her.
    • This can occur between Geralt and Triss in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Although their pool is really a fountain.
  • Zara in Azur Lane has a bikini and pool themed skin with quotes that highly suggest she wants to do this trope with The Commander in her so-called swimming lessons, especially if her affection is high enough, given that she's practically thrusting her breasts at him and gently strokes the rail of the pool while flirting. Her sister Pola would later have her own animated bikini skin released in a later update, this time at the beach, where the Commander inaudibly tells her that Zara taught him how to swim in a Call-Back, and Pola's jealous facial expressions make it clear she at least suspects the Commander and Zara really did make love in the pool.
  • Haven (2020) gives an achievement for having Yu and Kay engage in nighttime skinny dipping at the VIP beach on Chogeko.
  • In God of War II, Kratos can have an Optional Sexual Encounter with two girls in a bathhouse. Technically, it's more a Three-Person Pool Party.
  • Summertime Saga:
    • MC's house has a pool in the backyard. Since Jenny is usually sunbathing there, little surprise that one of their sex scenes takes place in the pool.
    • Mrs. Rump will ask the MC to accompany her in the hot tub while she pleasures herself.

Visual Novels 

  • A couple of times in Double Homework:
    • The protagonist can decide to go swimming at one point, and if he does, he runs into Rachel there. After they have a swimming race, they can have another kind of workout.
    • On the yacht, the protagonist finds Amy in the jacuzzi at night. She invites him to hang out with her, and if the player has made the right decisions up to that point, they can hit a home run.
  • Fate/hollow ataraxia: Shirou suggests he and Rin have a normal pool party, but due to some poor word choice she thinks he means this trope—plus ten other people. Rin yells that she's never been so insulted by his shamelessness... but notably, she does not cancel the plan, just forbids him from inviting anyone else.
  • Barely averted in Katawa Shoujo. Hisao and Lilly fondle each other in the bathtub, but the actual sex happens on the floor and right next to said tub.
  • The protagonist and title character of Melody go skinny dipping late at night in their hotel pool after Melody plays a concert. Things heat up really fast.

Web Video 

  • Critical Role: In Episode 81 of Campaign 1, Vax leaves Percy's bathtub after a Bathtub Bonding moment, only for his twin sister Vex to surface from the water, exclaiming "Ugh! I thought he'd never leave!". Coupled with Percy's irritated/flustered remark to Vax earlier to hurry the conversation up ("Cut to it, I think, I was really working on something!"), it's clear Percy and Vex were having a Two-Person Pool Party that Vax interrupted.

Western Animation 

  • American Dad! takes this trope into a rather weird direction. Specifically, with Stan and Roger.
    • Stan and Francine engage in this in "Hot Water".
  • Clone High: JFK suggests this to some of his girlfriends after breaking up with Cleo (again): "Hey, let's all go swimming in my pool! And by pool, I mean bathtub. And by swimming, I mean SEX!"
  • There's an implied one at the end of the Hey Arnold! episode, "Synchronized Swimming", between Coach Wittenberg and his estranged wife, Tish, while enjoying a late-night float in the community center pool.

    Coach Wittenberg: What do you say we implore the mysteries of the deep?
    Tish Wittenberg: Oh, Jack...
    Coach Wittenberg: Tish...
    [both dive underwater]

  • The Loud House: At the end of "Suite and Sour", It's revealed that Mr. and Mrs. Loud got the rest of the family kicked out of the hotel when management caught them swimming naked in the pool after hours. Mr. Loud telling his wife they'll only tell the truth when the kids are older implies that they were also having one of these while swimming naked.
  • Played for Laughs in The Proud Family Movie between Suga Mama and Mad Scientist Dr. Carver the clone, much to the latter's dismay.
  • The Simpsons: Marge and Homer does it once in "Bart of Darkness". The cops try helicopter surveillance.

    "Do not be alarmed! Continue swimming naked! Aw c'mon, continue! C'mon! ...Open fire, Lou."

  • South Park: The "Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub" episode. Downplayed since Randy and Gerald just masturbate in front of each other in the hot tub instead of actually having sex.