Vacation Crossover - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Apr 17 2019

So, you have two shows that you really want to Crossover, but there's a problem: they live halfway around the world from each other. What to do?

A common solution is for the characters of one work to visit the city where another work is set for some leisure time (for example, vacation, concert, sporting event, movie premiere), and just ''happen'' to run into each other. Characters from one series explicitly summoning or sending for characters in another do not count.

See also In the Past, Everyone Will Be Famous for when time-traveling vacationists just happen to run into historical figures.


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Comic Books 

  • The Flash: In The Flash (1987) #107, part of the Underworld Unleashed crossover, Wally and Linda are visiting Solar City, as is Billy Batson.
  • Teased in Marvel and DC Comics from The '70s. Every year characters from both companies would "just happen" to be in Vermont in time for the Rutland Halloween Parade. Marvel Comics have background characters dressed up as DC Comics heroes and vice-versa; and both sets interact with Real Life parade organizer Tom Fagan.
  • The second crossover between Runaways and Young Avengers begins with the Runaways taking a rare trip to New York and getting stuck in the middle of Secret Invasion. After seeing their fellow Skrulls searching for a supposed "false prince", Xavin quickly deduces that they're looking for Hulkling (the half-Skrull son of a princess) and thus ditches their team in order to find and protect him, forcing the other Runaways to go bail Xavin out.

Fan Works 

Film — Animation 

Live-Action TV 

  • The DCLAU loves this.
    • The Wizards On Deck With Hannah Montana has Justin and Alex from Wizards win a competition to board the ship from On Deck, while Hannah Montana also boards it on her way to a concert in Honolulu.
    • The Good Luck Charlie episode "Charlie Shakes It Up" has Charlie, Teddy and Amy visit their great aunt in Chicago, only to be taken to the Shake It Up studio when they are mistaken for a dance duo.
    • Austin & Jessie & Ally has Jessie on the way to the New York Ball Drop when she runs into Austin and Ally stuck in traffic, who are set to perform there themselves.
    • In the I'm in the Band episode "Weasels On Deck", the Weasels go vacationing on the Tipton cruise ship and end up running into Zack and Cody.
    • This isn't limited to just their English-language shows. In the Peter Punk episode "El Duel (Con Zeke y Luther)", Zeke and Luther travel to Argentina on vacation, and subsequently draw the attention of Peter's love interest Evelyn. Jealous, Peter challenges them to a skateboard duel, despite not knowing how to skate.
    • In the Saturdays episode, "Emma Dilemma", Booker from Raven's Home spends part of his summer vacation in Chicago, where he used to live.
  • In a crossover night special on ABC, characters from Ellen, The Drew Carey Show, Coach and Grace Under Fire run into each other in Las Vegas, where they're all on vacation.
  • The Ricardos rent out their Connecticut house for two months to Danny Thomas and his New York Make Room For Daddy family in the The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour episode "Lucy Makes Room for Danny", as Rick is filming a movie in Hollywood. Unfortunately, the job falls through at the last minute and the two families are forced to live together.
  • Averted, to the dismay of some fans, when the cast of Veep made a diplomatic trip to London. They didn't meet any of the cast of The Thick of It (the show of which Veep is an American adaptation from the same writers), but they did meet several supporting characters played by The Thick of It actors.
  • In the MacGyver (2016) episode "Flashlight", the cast visits Hawaii and meets that of Hawaii Five-0.

Video Games 

Western Animation 

  • Maxie's World had a crossover with Beverly Hills Teens when the characters from the latter dropped in for some friendly charity competition on a beach.
  • Both the Recess and The Proud Family crossovers with Lilo & Stitch: The Series has the main characters of the former two series going on vacation in Hawaii. Likewise American Dragon: Jake Long which had Jake both coming to Hawaii for a skate competition as well as to investigate the strange ongoings in Lilo's hometown.
  • The Simpsons
    • Spoofed in their "Spin-Off Showcase" episode. One of the spin-offs had Chief Wiggum and Principal Skinner fighting crime in New Orleans, and in one scene run into the Simpsons on vacation.
    • Family Guy: In "The Simpsons Guy", the Griffins are on the run from an angry mob. They stop to get gas but their car is stolen so they start walking and discover they're just outside Springfield, home of the Simpsons.