Vehicle Title - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jan 07 2010

Vehicle Title (trope)

This is one of the easiest ways to name a work of fiction. Instead of naming a series after a central location, the name comes from the vehicle that is the focal point of the series. Extra points to those works where the vehicle doubles as the primary setting (i.e. a good deal of the character interaction occurs onboard), the MacGuffin, or some combination of the two, all of which seem to be more likely if the vehicle is a Cool Ship (no, not that kind of ship) be it spacefaring, nautical, time-traveling, or an airship. As the title suggests, other vehicles, mecha, helicopters, tanks etc. also qualify for this trope.


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Anime & Manga 


Asian Animation 

  • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: In the Marching to the New Wonderland series, the goats drive the Xiha trains. The word "Xiha" is included in the Chinese title of the series.

Comic Books 

Comic Strips 

Fan Works 

Films — Animation 

Films — Live-Action 


Live-Action TV 


Puppet Shows 


Tabletop Games 


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Visual Novels 


  • Runaway to the Stars: "The Runaway" is the ship whose repair, outfitting, and first new voyage make up the core line of the plot.

Western Animation