Wall of Weapons - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Jun 07 2008

Wall of Weapons (trope)

Tank: All right, what do you need, besides a miracle?
Neo: Guns. Lots of guns.

How do you show that someone is a Gun Nut, Blade Enthusiast, a Crazy Survivalist, an Arms Dealer, or just plain needs to be taken seriously? One simple and easy method is to show them with an enormous collection of weapons. This can range from a literal wall covered with weapons, to a pile of various weapons laid out on a table or floor, to a shot displaying an arsenal of guns and other weaponry on their person. Generally, any shot or scene displaying an enormous range of firepower, intended to show how well-armed and/or Crazy-Prepared a person or group is, fits under this trope. Note that there will rarely be any sign of sufficient quantities of ammo to load all of these marvelous toys. Any properly equipped Super Multipurpose Room will have at least one of these in one of the secret compartments.

On the other hand, sometimes these weapons may just be there for show. For example, in a modern setting, a collector of pre-industrial weapons is likely to be some variety of nerd or geek — perhaps an antiquarian Absent-Minded Professor with a passion for historical artefacts, or a Basement Dweller trying to look badass. In the case of a Basement Dweller, the weapons in question tend to be cheap replicas, often obtained from dubious sources (who might be peddling their wares at the local flea market or Renaissance Fair) and/or ostensibly Japanese in origin. If antique weapons end up being used anyway, that's Break Out the Museum Piece.

May be tied in with a Lock-and-Load Montage. Compare and contrast Hyperspace Arsenal and Extended Disarming. Usually seen in a Survivalist Stash as part of the supplies. Can overlap with Gun Porn.


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Anime & Manga 

  • The Catians create one of these for Manami in episode 6 of Cat Planet Cuties.
  • In Eden of the East, amnesiac Akira Takizawa is none too happy to discover that his temporary establishment in Washington DC has one of these in the closet.
  • Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino. Pinnochio has one from which he selects a couple of vz61 Skorpions for Franco and Franca.
  • In one of the anime installments of Gunsmith Cats, Rally has one of these in her house. Burglars think they can help themselves. Rally's response when the alarm trips is... eager. After the smoke clears, ATF Agent William Collins quite smugly forces Rally to help him on a case by casually mentioning that he can order her whole collection to be confiscated and destroyed.
    • In the manga, it isn't so much a Wall of Weapons as it is a Closet of Weapons (Including the inside of both doors), but it's still there.
    • Bean Bandit has one too, although it's all knives.
  • Homura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica is already notable for using her Magical Girl Hyperspace Arsenal to carry around not only guns, but military ordnance. But then along comes the finale, when she finds herself facing Walpurgisnacht alone, and we get a look at just how much stuff she actually has. And that image is only a fraction of it. And the really scary part? None of it does jack to Walpurgisnacht.
  • A weird example can be found in Rosario + Vampire with Mizore's mother, who keeps a small weapons cache (including what appears to be an assault rifle) hidden behind a bookshelf which shocked the other characters when they saw it. She mentions she always wanted be a spy when she was little and took up gun collecting as a side hobby.
    • Later in the manga, recently-introduced character Fong-Fong of the Wong family apparently keeps assault rifles, handguns, and dynamite on the wall in the kitchen. Given that he's the heir of the biggest and baddest youkai gang in Hong Kong and the family house is like a castle, it makes a little more sense.

Comic Books 

  • Batman, although there obviously aren't any guns on the wall.
  • The Incredible Hercules: During the "Assault on New Olympus" arc, we see part of Ares' collection. Among dozens of handguns, rifles and grenades there are also several movie shout-outs such as the sword from Conan The Barbarian, a lightsaber and the minigun from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • Many safehouses of The Punisher have walls covered with weapons.
  • Robin (1993): Tim Drake chose his signature weapons—a sling and a bo staff—from two of these. The first was given to him by an old man and his apprentice Bruce sent him to train, the second came from Lady Shiva. Both times, they were disappointed that Tim didn't choose a more lethal weapon (even though a sling is an excellent way of killing people).
  • Watchmen after Eddie Blake is murdered, and the police have investigated the crime scene, the remaining active masked vigilante Rorschach sneaks in to investigate, and is able to find a hidden compartment at the back of a closet,holding Blake's uniform from when he was The Comedian, flanked by weapons.
  • In the X-Men X-Cutioner's Song, there's a scene where Cable enters one of his many safehouses to replenish his weaponry. On the wall are dozens of futuristic guns (which, given his origin, actually are from the future), many of them even larger than he is. Naturally, Cable grabs all of them.

Fan Works 

  • Most Assassins in the Discworld tend to this way of thinking. Well. as they point out, a working professional needs somewhere to keep their working tools. In the writings of A.A. Pessimal, Johanna Smith-Rhodes, now in her marital home, perhaps takes it further than most. And as of current writing, a member of her Badass Family is adding to the collection and perhaps necessitating opening a new room, as Johanna appears to be running out of walls.
  • The Night Unfurls:
    • The Hunter has a wall of Trick Weapons in his Workshop of the Hunter's Dream, all of them scavenged during his time in Yharnam, emphasising his mastery over weaponry and combat.
    • Chapter 15 of the original features an arms shed in Tarsus, an old mining town, with racks of weapons inside. Kyril then begins to distribute the new weaponry to his company to ensure they are well prepared, fully armed and all.

Films — Live-Action 

  • The Accountant (2016). The title character keeps his weapons neatly racked (as befits his obsessive-compulsive nature) in a locked room of the mobile home trailer he keeps in a storage shed, along with his portable wealth and anything else he truly values, all ready to be hitched to a vehicle and be on his way in minutes. The federal agents searching his fixed abode are more impressed by the minigun he has hanging from a ceiling mount in case of unwelcome intruders.
  • An Anachronism Stew version appears in Angels & Demons with the Swiss Guard armoury, where modern assault rifles are racked next to medieval halberds and crossbows. (Truth in Television: the ceremonial Papal guards in period costume are accompanied by less conspicuous colleagues armed with modern weapons.)
  • The Art of War (2000). After finding a fellow agent tortured and murdered in her apartment, Wesley's Snipes character ponders the broken wall mirror from where she had her head smashed into the glass, breaks another mirror panel with his pistol and removes weapons and equipment from behind it.
  • Rosewood uses this in Beverly Hills Cop II to show he's no longer as much of a dweeb as he was in the previous film. "You can never have too much firepower."
  • The Big Hit. Melvin has a wall of weapons concealed behind his tool display in his garage that he takes from towards the end of the film.
  • Blade in the Blade Trilogy has an anti-vampire wall of weapons in all his safe houses. The Night Stalkers in the third film have one as well.
  • Subverted in Birds of Prey (2020). At the Booby Trap funhouse, Harley Quinn assures the other women they'll be well protected from the incoming army, indicating a closet with The Joker's secret stash of guns. She opens the doors... and the wardrobe is empty. All the rifles and ammo have been taken. Fortunately Dinah finds a chest with other weapons, though most of them are significantly less lethal than guns.
  • The Book of Eli: When the titular protagonist is confronted by the bad guy at a house, the old couple living in the house shows him the weapons they had been collecting hidden underneath the sofa.
  • The Boondock Saints features a Basement Room of Weapons, up to and including a DShK heavy machinegun. Curiously, a pair of pimptastic Desert Eagles (and gold watches, a pager, and two moneyclips full of large denomination bills) is sufficient payment for a whole duffel bag of guns.
    • It looks like all they took were four suppressed Beretta 92s (and maybe a Franchi PA3), a knife and some rope, since we never see them use anything else.
    • The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day has the McManus boys return to the same dealer and trade in their old 92s for two pairs of .357 magnum Desert Eagles, but by this point, the proprietor of the "shop" is a big fan of their work and offers the upgrade on the house.
  • In Commando Arnie robs an army surplus store for the material for his Lock-and-Load Montage, as well as a hidden gun room with weapons covering the walls which include water-cooled machine guns and claymore mines. A smaller example is the cubby-hole full of guns in his home's toolshed that he uses when it's attacked in the first act.
  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Yu Shu Lien is using a wall of weapons to try to defeat Jen Yu who wields the legendary sword Green Destiny.
  • In The Crow (1994), Top Dollar pulls his katana from a pleasantly mounted wall-cabinet full of wonderful toys.
  • Dawn of the Dead (1978). Part of outfitting their fancy apartment on the upper floor of the shopping mall includes installing a row of rifle racks on one wall.
  • Death Sentence. Bones has one in the form of a concealed gun safe which he uses to store his black market firearms.

    Bones: Fear is for the enemy. Fear and bullets. (activates a catch which he uses to swing open the wall, which is actually the door to a large gun safe) *Lots* of fucking bullets.

  • Dredd: When Judge Dredd finally confronts Ma-Ma face-to-face, she's standing with her back to a wall hung with weapons and battle trophies taken from previous gang wars. In a subversion she doesn't use any of these weapons, but a Dead Man's Switch attached to her arm.
  • In Falling Down, the main character Will Foster falls into possession of a duffel bag brimming with automatic weapons, and is a menace for the rest of the movie.
  • Faster. Lily is shown packing weapons for her Professional Killer boyfriend from a wall of weapons inside a locked wallsafe, ranging from knives to a sniper rifle.
  • For a Few Dollars More: Col. Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef) has a rolled up blanket on his horse, which is unrolled early in the movie to reveal a large number of rifles and pistols.
  • Friday the 13th - Jason acknowledges that variety is the spice of life in Part VII. As well as in the Universal Studios attraction, as seen here.
  • Future War has a rather anemic one in the police station (with a whopping three weapons) which the MST3K crew mocks.

    Mike: "The LAPD gun closet."

  • G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Our heroes go to Retired Badass Joe Coulton for help. He proceeds to open the cabinets of his kitchen to reveal an arsenal of weaponry (including grenades in the fruit bowl). Though that doesn't explain why we don't hear the cutlery crashing to the floor when the drawers are lifted up.
  • Hardcore Henry: When Yuri and his men arrive at Jimmy's base, Jimmy takes control of his World War II veteran avatar and reveals a secret panel of absolute firepower, and tells Henry he can take whatever he wants besides the PPSh-41, which only he's allowed to wield.
  • The Heat: Mullins keeps a fridge of weapons in her apartment complete with grenades.
  • In Highlander, Connor MacLeod has one, which serves as his Trophy Room too.
  • Hot Fuzz plays with this: The evidence room for the police station is completely empty and the room containing the emergency response gear is covered with cobwebs. Later, after Angel raids a farmer's enormous Barn of Weapons, they're stored in the police station, until Angel returns for a Lock-and-Load Montage.
  • Jackboots on Whitehall. Winston Churchill has one of these in 10 Downing Street, giving him a chance to demonstrate that Rank Scales with Asskicking.
  • John Wick: Chapter 2. John Wick selects his weapons for an upcoming kill from The Sommelier, who has racks of both wines and weaponry, leading to an amusing scene where he recommends weapons like he would wines for a social event.
  • John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum. There's a moment of Black Comedy when John Wick is fighting hand-to-hand with several assassins in an antique museum, and both sides suddenly realise they're standing in a corridor formed by long display cabinets of edged weaponry. Cue everyone repeatedly smashing the glass to grab knives or hatchets to attack each other with. Played straight with the requisite Lock-and-Load Montage in the panic room of the Continental Hotel, the walls of which are lined by weapons ancient and modern.
  • In Kick-Ass Big Daddy and Hit Girl's safehouse has every wall covered in high-powered firearms, including mini-gatlings and a rocket launcher.
  • Captain Englehorn in Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005) not only has a rack of rifles on the wall of his ship's cabin, but also keeps a stash of Thompson submachine guns under his bed.
  • Layer Cake: Gene is a gun fanatic and has a cabinet with guns on display.
  • Lord of War has a small one of these inside Yuri's shipping container, right next to the multiple passports.
  • In The Man Who Could Work Miracles, Colonel Winstanley has an entire room decked out in weaponry from around the world: souvenirs of his career as a soldier. At The Vicar's urging, Fotheringay transforms them all into agricultural equipment.
  • The Matrix franchise:
    • The Matrix (original): Tank sends Neo, at his request, "guns, lots of guns" so he and Trinity can prepare their Roaring Rampage of Rescue to save Morpheus. The weapon catalogue is more like a mall of weapons.
    • The Matrix Reloaded: Displayed when Neo and the Merovingian's hitmen start looting the wall of weapons in his castle during their fight.
  • Men in Black has an impressive wall of impossible sci-fi superweapons in the form of Jeebs' Jewelery.
  • Men in Black II has a wall of weapons stashed behind the wall of Agent Kay's old apartment. It comes in handy for the heroes when they are stuck outside of MIB headquarters.
  • Mercenaries from Hong Kong opens with the protagonist, a Retired Badass ex-soldier, working out before changing clothes... with a huge stack of rifles and swords adorning the back of his closet.
  • Mitchell has a burglar shot by the homeowner while standing near a gun cabinet fully stocked with weapons. However, Mitchell notices that all of the guns in the cabinet except for one lying near the corpse were unloaded, and the burglar wasn't tall enough to reach said gun - leading Mitchell to think that it was a murder instead of a burglary.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005): Both Smiths have walls of weapons in their own house, hidden from each other.
  • In The Mummy Trilogy:
    • Rick is frequently shown to have numerous guns nearby at all times, in case he has to blow off some mummy's head. This habit leads to this exchange in the second movie: "You want the shotgun?" "Actually, I prefer the Thompson."
    • In the first movie, during the boat voyage down the Nile, Rick startles Evy when he thunks down a heavy duffle bag right in front of her, then unrolls it to reveal that the duffle is stuffed with weapons.
  • In Pineapple Express, Red literally has weapons on the wall.
  • A different version in Red 2. The Hong Kong hitman hired to kill the protagonist has all his weapons laid out for him on the bed. Even then it's not enough and he requests something more painful.
  • The Suicide Squad. Harley Quinn and President Luna have Wall Bang Her sex which breaks his cabinet of ornate firearms. Including the literal Chekhov's Gun she uses to shoot him with afterwards. She's surprised he keeps them loaded.
  • Terminator:
  • Tremors:
    • Burt Gummer's basement in the original Tremors features a literal Wall of Weapons, which he and his wife use to devastating effect when a Graboid breaks through the wall.
    • In Tremors 2: Aftershocks, Burt's wall of weapons is shown again (right across from the taxidermied Graboid from the first film hung up on the wall it destroyed). After arriving at the refinery at Earl's request, Burt rolls in on a massive truck loaded with double rifles and a huge anti-tank rifle, plus enough explosives to level four city blocks. Over one night of Graboid hunting, he gets to use it. All of it, although it wasn't exactly his idea. Eventually, even he runs out of firepower, though more to do with the fact that he was ammo'd up for hunting the familiar massive, subterranean Sand Worm and stocked weapons toting serious penetration, completely unaware that he'd be going up against smaller, more agile Zerg Rush-happy Shriekers, thus with a need for full-auto weaponry.

    Burt (Leaning against the side of his battered, gore-splattered truck): I am completely out of ammo! *pauses for a moment* That's never happened to me before.

    • In the prequel Tremors 4: The Legend Begins, Christine's meager hotel in the withering town of Rejection apparently includes bed, breakfast, and doubles as the town armory with multiple firearms small and big stored in the lobby.
  • Underworld (2003) features a wall of anti-lycan weaponry for use by Deathdealers. One also turns up in the first sequel, Underworld: Evolution.
  • Watchmen. While searching the apartment of a murder victim for clues, Rorschach suddenly realises the deceased is none other than fellow masked vigilante The Comedian. It doesn't take Rorschach long to find the secret panel behind the closet which retracts to reveal the Comedian's weapons, equipment and Shrine to Self.
  • In the first Wayne's World film, Wayne averts this trope after getting a present from psycho-hose-beast Stacey.

    Stacey: "It's a gun rack!"
    Wayne: "A gun rack? A gun rack? Shyeah right. I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack! What am I gonna do with a gun rack?"

  • In When Eight Bells Toll, our hero Phillip Calvert climbs a cliff to the ancestral castle being used as a base by Ruthless Modern Pirates, takes a crossbow off a wall of medieval weapons and uses it to shoot a guard and take his rifle. Given that the pirates are holding several people hostage in the castle, including the owner, one wonders why the pirates didn't secure these weapons in case their captives tried to use them. Or why Calvert didn't just bring a silenced firearm with him.
  • X-Men Film Series
  • The first xXx movie flips the usual wall of weapons on its side to give us a tabletop of weapons.

    Xander: I want all of this (pointing at table covered in guns, rocket launchers, and other assorted objects of mayhem)... in there (pointing at car).


  • In The Aftermath, a church that was converted into a gun store has more than one of these.
  • A highly overpowered disposable assault weapon forms a key part of the climax of William Gibson 's All Tomorrow's Parties. It's hidden inside a wall, which has been plastered over.
  • Many examples in The Dresden Files: Harry's apartment/lab, Thomas' spare bedroom / gun lab, and the storage areas at Monoc Securities' headquarters. The Monoc headquarters deserves special mention for containing multiple floors of armories, stocked with everything from sharp sticks to state-of-the-art anti-tank weaponry, and enough of each to outfit a small army. Monoc's CEO does not believe in getting caught with his pants down.
  • In R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt Do'Urden novels, when Zaknafein is beginning his teaching of Drizzt and reveals a massive wall armory, telling him to take his pick and find out which ones he prefers.
  • Duumvirate takes this trope and goes nuts. In the first book, it's just a room full of weapons. In the second book, they have weapons embedded in literally every wall in the house, as well as an underground Walmart of guns, flamethrowers, and lasers.

    Narrator: The child-sized weapons were helpfully placed on the bottom shelf, so kids wouldn't have to climb to reach them.

  • Roarke in the In Death series has a very extensive collection of weapons from the medieval to the modern. In his case it's less an indication of being Crazy-Prepared and more another way to demonstrate his membership in the Fiction 500, but he does demonstrate his proficiency with several of the firearms all the same.
  • In the Kitty Norville series, hired gun Cormac has an entire shed full of weapons specifically designed to kill werewolves and vampires.
  • The Laundry Files (by Charles Stross): The Nightmare Stacks has the Laundry setting up a regional headquarters in Leeds, which turns out to be on the front line of an invasion from an alternate reality. However one advantage is that the Leeds Armoury is there (see Real Life). The eponymous Nightmare Stacks are a secret arsenal within the Armoury containing weapons for fighting the supernatural.
  • Subverted in the Gordon R. Dickson novel Lost Dorsai: the eponymous hero has a wall of musical instruments displayed as if they were weapons, which convinces the narrator that he truly has become a pacifist.
  • The first secret anarchist hideout in G. K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday has weapons on every single wall — guns in the outer passageways, bombs in the central chamber.
  • The interior of the manor house from Old Tin Sorrows was decorated in this trope.
  • The sci-fi novel Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds. The brobdingnagian spaceship Nostalgia for Infinity has a warchive containing examples of over four million hand weapons — spanning twelve centuries of gunsmithing from blunderbuss to plasma rifle. And if that isn't sufficient, the warchive can sift its blueprints and custom-design and build a weapon for your exact needs in minutes. The only drawback is its simpering artificial persona, which causes the heroine to empty her gun into the warchive once she's got the weapons she wants.
  • Star Wars: Mara Jade Skywalker kept a wall of weapons on her personal starship back when she was an assassin, as shown in her eponymous comic mini-series. It's heavily implied in the Legacy of the Force series (grown into an Action Mom by this point) that she still keeps weapons and other such equipment hidden around her family's apartment in case there's a need to go Mama Bear, as there's a scene in Sacrifice where she's preparing such equipment, with Luke half-surprised that she managed to hide some of this stuff from him for all this time (although he probably just didn't bother to look out of respect for privacy).
    • Star Wars novel Fatal Alliance describes the storeroom of a Republic Warship. It's not quite as big as Larin Moxla imagines at first glance, but the sight of so much clean armor, weapons and ammunition is enough to almost make her weep.
  • The cover art for The Unbeholden shows a major character standing in front of his wall of weapons. From the descriptions in the book, the cover artist shortchanged that character big time.

Live-Action TV 

  • When Michael Vaughn goes to Jack Bristow for help in Alias, Bristow shows him his underground bunker, where every available surface is covered in guns and other assorted weapons.
  • Altered Carbon.
  • American Guns is filmed in a gun store, so this is to be expected.
    • Some of the customers Rich visits to purchase guns from have these in their homes on occasion as well.
  • Angel keeps a cabinet full of many different weapons, ranging from swords and crossbows to a sharpened baseball bat. In Season 5 he starts keeping what is probably an entirely different set on the wall of his CEO office at Wolfram & Hart.

    Angel: You think I should keep these alphabetical, or rearrange them by how much damage they inflict?

    Lorne: Damage. Nomenclature goes out the portal when hacking's afoot.

    Angel: Still, good to know what you're using. I mean, what if I'm fighting a Glurgg, and I ask for a khopesh to finish him off. What would you throw me?

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    • Buffy has one, too, in her training room at the Magic Box (after Willow turns evil, she uses them as a Flechette Storm with her telekinetic powers). Before this, her Watcher kept them in a cabinet inside the cage holding the restricted book section of the school library.

    Xander: Good old Sunnydale library. Fully equipped with reference books, file cards... (opens the cabinet doors) and weapons.

    • Principal Wood has one too, in his office at the new Sunnydale High. In one episode, Wood lures a vampire Spike, who he swears revenge against since he killed his mother into a shed that has a solid four Walls Of...Crucifixes - to a vampire, it's like a wall of branding irons.
  • The Body of the Week on one episode of CSI was a gun collector who had three walls of weapons in his basement. Organized chronologically and by theatre, no less. Surprisingly, the gun that killed him, an FN P90 stolen from US forces in Pakistan, wasn't one of them.
  • Downton Abbey: Lord Flintshire has not only a wall but a room of rifles, swords, and axes.
  • The Equalizer. Secret agent turned vigilante Robert McCall is shown to have one of these hidden behind a tool board in his apartment.
  • The Eureka sheriff's office has a column of weapons that comes down out of the ceiling. For the first few episodes Deputy Jo wouldn't let the new sheriff have access to the remote that controlled it, because he kept flunking the test about what all the weapons were, and what they could do. (In this case anything less than a perfect score was a failure.)
  • Jayne Cobb of Firefly has a wall covered with weapons behind his bunk. In the season/series finale, when he's sleeping, hears what are obviously (to the viewer) fighting noises, sits halfway up, pulls down the cloth covering this wall, heroic music begins to swell... then pulls the cloth over himself as a blanket and goes back to sleep.

    Jayne: (to Book) At least you got some play; I missed every damn thing.

  • In Season 4 of Game of Thrones, the White Sword Tower - quarters of the Kingsguard. Also the chamber of the Hand, including a Chekhov's Gun in the original sense when the crossbow hanging on the wall is used by Tyrion to kill his father.
  • In an episode of House, the Patient of the Week has an entire room of guns, hidden inside a false wall between his kitchen and his dining room, that his wife didn't even know about. Turns out he was extremely paranoid about an impending apocalypse.
  • Human Target has the apartment of the main character festooned with hidden weapons everywhere.
  • In the first episode of The Mandalorian, a bounty is looking around the title character's spaceship for a means of escape and discovers this trope. Having already witnessed first hand that his captor is not to be messed with, he quickly seals it shut again rather than steal a weapon.
  • The Last of Us (2023). In "Long, Long Time", Crazy Survivalist Bill is hiding in his basement bunker until FEDRA troops have finished searching and evacuating the town, before switching on the lights. The first thing we see as the lights flicker on is his wall of weaponry. Lampshaded after Bill dies, leaving his Survivalist Stash to Joel who only takes a single hunting rifle and refuses to allow 14 year-old Ellie to take a gun, despite her pointing out that there's an entire wall of them.
  • One episode of NCIS has the Victim of the Week turn out to be leading a double life. One as an Armed Forces Network entertainment coordinator, the other as a Secret Agent with a container much like the one in Lord of War. Complete with Shout-Out, courtesy of one of the team.
  • In NCIS: Los Angeles Hedy seems to have a whole room of weaponry including a crossbow, several shuriken and a combat shotgun that's as big as she is.
  • Person of Interest.
    • In "Bury the Lede", Finch ducks into a closet when Reese brings a woman home, only to find the closet is lined with everything from assault rifles to grenade launchers.

    Finch: When are you ever going to need all those?

    • After over a year of regularly robbing arms dealers of their inventory, John Reese's gun collection. His partner Sameen Shaw keeps a similar if smaller stash in her refrigerator, the only food being a jug of milk. Given that he saw 'nothing out of the ordinary' in this, Reese might be in the habit of doing the same thing himself.
    • Yet Elias manages to top even these two. When he's gearing up for war with the Brotherhood, the crime boss has Reese meet him in an (apparently legitimate) armory on Madison Avenue.
  • Sons of Guns: Will's office has 3/4 of the walls covered with guns, and the last 1/4 is only missing guns because that wall is mostly a window. It's also the background used for the crew's individual testimonials.
  • Star Trek:
  • In The Strain, Abraham Setrackian, as part of his preparation for a vampire apocalypse, keeps an assortment of guns and blades mounted on a wall in the basement of his pawn shop.
  • In Supernatural all hunters have a hidden wall of weapons in their home, vehicle, or house of worship. Sam and Dean are the exception, having only a trunkfull of weapons. Until Season 8 when they take up residence in the headquarters of the Men of Letters. Having never had a room of his own before, Dean immediately sets it up to his taste, including all his weapons racked on the walls.
  • The Title Sequence of S.W.A.T. (1975) opens with The Squad jogging in lockstep to their racked AR-15's and sniper rifles before leaping into a van.
  • In Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Sarah keeps concealed weapons scattered around the house, such as a shotgun hidden behind wallpaper, and a huge trunk of rifles and shotguns under everyone's respective beds. And the furniture is lined with kevlar.
  • Torchwood: Torchwood Cardiff has assault rifles racked on the glass interior walls (including several above easy reach).
  • The Wild Wild West has one on board the Cool Train used by Agents West and Gordon.

Tabletop Games 

Video Games 

  • ANNO: Mutationem: The multiple weapons shops located in various locations have an array of pistols, rifles, and swords on display upon the wall. The Consortium's weapons room also has this, which is where Ann picks up the Stormram.
  • Most Assassin's Creed games have an armory where the weapons you had bought are on display, some of them being mounted on the walls.
  • Black does this in one of it's promotional posters, depicting a whole wall mounted with all the firearms you can use in the game.
  • Borderlands:
    • Borderlands: While the main game doesn't have any of these, two of the DLC packs do.
      • The Claptrap's Robot Revolution DLC features a basement with dozens of different weapons chests filled with every kind of gun you might want to have in the game.
      • The final story mission in the Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC features an epic room filled with possibly hundreds of weapons chests.
    • Borderlands 3:
      • There are unique cabins for the 4 player characters aboard the Sanctuary III. Located within is the bank for storing all your gear, and mounts along the opposite wall where you can play any kind of equippable gear in the fitting slot. If you want to show off some of your favorite weapons and personalize your cabin, this is a great way to do it.
      • Later, the game got the Diamond Loot Room aboard the ship, where a very rare and very limited Diamond Key can be spent to unveil three walls of high quality gear! However, you can only take one item (a weapon, a shield, and a grenade mod) from each wall, and after making your choices, the walls close up. You get one last piece from the console in the middle of the room. It's given a rather fitting and spectacular presentation, with new music playing in that room only and a timer counting down how much time you have left before the walls close up again. Compared to the Golden Chest, there's a lot more opportunities to try and get what you're looking for per key use.
  • Call of Duty:
    • The tutorial level in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare opens up with a wall of weapons in a firing range in the SAS headquarters at Hereford. Later, in the "Charlie Don't Surf" mission, the player can enter a basement in a building held by Al-Asad's troops, where there is a table strewn with dozens of rifles, shotguns, grenades and pistols.
    • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2:
      • The game features a terrorist safehouse with multiple weapons caches. There's a proper wall with a lot of guns in the basement, dropcloths full of weapons near the exits, support weapons and warhead launchers near the kitchen window, and sniper rifles next to picture windows. Mind you, it was meant as a safehouse and presumably a stronghold if besieged...
      • Soap and Roach break into an armory in a Russian gulag which is more like an elevated island of weapons.
      • Also, several Spec Ops missions in Modern Warfare 2 have a dropcloth full of available weapons next to the player at the start of each mission.
      • Finally, in the bonus level Museum, every weapon in the game is arranged in several glass cases, along with several exclusives (such as the M1911 and W1200, which are only usable here).
    • The opening cutscene for the Call of Duty: Black Ops:
    • The opening cutscene Zombies level "Five" has JFK slapping the wall near a presidential seal, causing the wall to swivel in place and reveal a wall full of small arms, a crossbow and at least one blade. Oddly enough, despite the participants clearly being shown with long guns, you start off with a 1911 when the cutscene is over.
    • In all the "Zombies" variants in whichever Call of Duty games feature them, your character gets weapons by going to their chalk outlines on walls and buying them with points.
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day: The game's ending parodies the white room's weapon mall scene from Matrix when Conker is taken by the game's developers to the debug room. A mobile wall of weapons arrives to his location and he chooses a katana to decapitate the Final Boss with.
  • Diablo II has a wall of weapons - in Hell! They're arranged nicely over the fireplace in the Heaven-owned Pandemonium Fortress. Why your character can't pluck one of them off the wall is never asked, of course...
  • In Dissidia Final Fantasy, Firion is the walking variation of this trope. He carries no less than eight weapons on his person at all times. Numerous characters ask if they ever get heavy (or, in Kefka's case, "Eew! Aren't you hot?").
  • The Elder Scrolls:
    • Following the series' 3D Leap, nearly every weapon and armor shop will arrange their items on walls and shelves in this fashion. Justified, as they are on display to appeal to potential buyers. Whatever you do though, don't try to pick one up...
    • Morrowind allows players to create one of these in wherever they choose to call home. Made even easier by Game Mods which allow the placement of weapons directly on walls.
    • Oblivion also allows for it. However, it is extremely difficult to do without the help of mods thanks to the Havok physics engine. Nudging an already placed item may send it flying across the room. Thankfully, mods which add dedicated weapon racks, armor mannequins, display cases, etc. are readily available online.
    • Skyrim:
      • Skyrim outright incorporates some of Oblivion's mods, and in fact, some of the creators of those mods were hired by Bethesda to re-create them officially in Skyrim You can easily assemble your own wall of pointy, stabby, slashy, burny, shooty, and bludgeony things in every house you own, thanks to plentiful weapon and shield racks, weapon cases, and armor stands. The Windhelm house takes the cake, though, as you have an entire large room dedicated to weapons and cases and stands you can use to show off all those artifacts you've acquired.
      • The Hearthfire DLC allows you to construct your own custom homes. One potential wing is the armory, a moderately-sized room with five different armor statues, an array of weapon cases, and enough storage space to store every category of weapon in the game with room to spare.
  • Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4, like their Bethesda Elder Scrolls sister series, also allow for this both in the vanilla games and with the help of Game Mods.
  • Far Cry 2 has an armory next to every gun shop in the game, where the player can always find an unlimited supply of weapons they bought from the dealer. Empty spaces for future guns are sort of justified, as the armory clearly belongs to the dealer, and he would know his own inventory, although the ludicrous precision of this came back to bite when a later DLC added new weapons - the crates full of which are just unceremoniously dumped right in the middle of the room.
  • Gilgamesh of Fate/stay night can use this to great effect with his alternate dimension full of weapons. It helps that each and every one of them a potentially lethal Noble Phantasm that all the other heroes only have one or maybe two of.
  • In Final Fantasy VIII, when you enter Zell's room, you can see that he has one of these (if only three rifles).
  • Galaxy Angel: Forte's room aboard the Elsior showcases part of her gun collection on the background. In addition, the locked cabinet on the left side has stored a rocket launcher.
  • In The Godfather game, the safehouses you purchase will contain a few of each gun type lying neatly around.
  • In the final level of Halo: Combat Evolved, just before you begin destroying the Pillar of Autum's reactoer core, you gain access to the ship's armory. Rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, and all the ammo you can carry.
  • Hitman:
    • In Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, as you collect weapons from the level, you slowly build up a wall of weapons in a shed. Oddly enough, Agent 47 knows exactly how many different types of weapons he'll find and have a space earmarked for it.
    • Reused in Blood Money, but taken to even more illogical extremes, with 47 having slots available for an Elephant Rifle, a Six Shooter and a nail gun. Possibly justified this time as the game takes place in a flashback and so he would have added the spaces as he got the weapons.
    • In Hitman 3's Freelancer mode, Agent 47's safehouse has multiple walls on which he stores the large assortment of weapons he can find, sorted by category (melee weapons, pistols, assault rifles, etc.). As in other games, these weapons already have their spot reserved on the wall before you ever see them.
  • Jonathan Kane: The Protector have the part in Julio's arms store, including a back wall adorned with several different firearms. Jonathan can help himself to whatever guns he sees, and even test them at a Shooting Gallery just nearby.
  • A couple of Kirby games have rooms filled with every powerup available, usually right before the Brutal Bonus Level Boss Rush Arena. Kirby Super Star and Kirby's Return to Dream Land come to mind.
  • Left 4 Dead: The arrayed weapons and piles of ammo on tables in the safe rooms.
  • The gun store halfway through the opening "Dead Center" campaign of Left 4 Dead 2 does this as well, including multiple copies of every gun, for obvious reasons It's even the only place in the entire game where you're guaranteed to find a Laser Sight.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Link can purchase up to 9 wall stands for weapons for his house in Hateno Village and freely mount any weapons he's collected during the course of the game (three for melee weapons, three for shields, and three for bows). Selmie's shack also has multiple different types of shields mounted on the wall for her to use with shield surfing, though Link can't actually take any of them.
  • Majikoi! Love Me Seriously! has a small example in 2F's classroom - a bunch of melee weapons are on permanent display above the blackboard.
  • The trailer for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope shows Mario and crew raiding their ship's armory before venturing on the surface of a planet under attack. Various weapon lockers with transparent lids are shown.
  • In Mass Effect 2, former assassin Thane Krios sets a smallish one up in his hidey-hole next to the life support systems. Jacob has his own collection (well, more like the ship's collection, which he maintains) laid out on several tables in the Armory. Notably, this collection gets bigger as you get access to more weapons.
  • In The Matrix: Path of Neo there are four walls of swords and staves, all in the Merovingian levels, that you can put to very good use.
  • Max Payne 3 has a slight example. At one point in the 12th and 13th chapters, Max finds what he calls an arsenal, though unlike most examples there's only enough visible guns to equip a squad or two, and the ones you can actually use are far fewer.
  • Muramasa's shop in the Xbox remake of Ninja Gaiden has a few weapons mounted on the walls, none of which can be used.
  • When visiting the original hideout in PAYDAY 2, the room before entering the shooting range has three walls: One for all masks you have, one for all your primary weapons and one for the secondary weapons. The later, larger safehouse introduced in the 2016 "Hoxton's Housewarming Party" event includes the same, though the wall for masks is moved over to Sydney's portion of the safehouse closer to the garage, while the actual weapon walls are on the other side of that floor. They're purely cosmetic, as well, since you can only use the weapons and mask you equipped before entering the safehouse.
  • Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box features this trope in one of its puzzles. However, the trope is subverted due to many of the swords on the wall being ornamental. In fact, all of them - the only real sword is the one held by the suit of armor next to the wall.
  • The disc art for Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal has a wall of Ratchet's weapons.
  • Resident Evil:
    • In Resident Evil – Code: Veronica, there's a room in Alfred's mansion where the walls are covered in rifles and pistols. You'd think that Claire would be able to use the weapons to go on an anti-zombie rampage. No.
    • In Resident Evil 4, the various Merchants will have walls and tables strewn with shockingly extensive arrays of firepower. And whenever he's in an outdoor area, he'll stuff his entire inventory into his overcoat. Hell, by the end of the game, Leon's Attache Case qualifies.
  • RuneScape has a minor example. Kal'Ger the Warmonger, a demon and leader of all the demons in Bilrach's dungeons, has five weapons on the walls of his room. And he goes through all of them as you and your team, if any, work on defeating him. It isn't exactly a wall full of weapons, but due to their size and the room's small size, more probably wouldn't fit in.
  • Saints Row 2: As a testament to how dangerous he is, the walls of The General's limousine are lined with guns and machetes, including two very prominent AKs mounted behind his chair.
  • Saints Row: The Third: Your first crib (Shaundi's loft) is stuffed with weapons, most of them in plain sight as soon as you open the door.
  • In Star Wars: Galaxies (Before They Changed It, Now It Sucks!), Weaponsmiths had a tendency to advertise in their houses/shops by creating walls of guns (and swords).
  • TimeSplitters Future Perfect features a train compartment containing a cache of weapons mounted on the carriage wall. Upon entering it, Anya, the player's Voice with an Internet Connection remarks, "Wow, this is such a guys' room.
  • The Orks in Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War have a structure literally called a "Pile O' Gunz" where weapon upgrades are researched. It looks just like what it's called. This is less them being Crazy-Prepared as them understanding of the need for More Dakka.
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown: Between the Barracks and the Control Room is the Armory, which naturally sports one of these. It only displays ballistic weaponry, however.
    • XCOM 2 has a downplayed version in the trophy room: in addition to showing a count of each and every enemy you've killed (and an appropriate trophy), there's also a weapon wall that includes all the Alien Hunter unique weapons, such as the Boltcaster and the Hunting Axes, as well as their upgraded versions...unless you lose one, in which case it disappears. War Of The Chosen add the unique Chosen weapons after they're researched as well.

Web Comics 

Web Original 

  • The set of C&Rsenal is another example.
  • Iraq Veteran 8888 often have their videos presented in front of such a wall, which in the older episodes was the wall of the store at Moss Pawn and Gun, and later amongst the vast collection at Eric's house.
  • The Nostalgia Critic: The studio Doug and company film in has a big wall of swords and guns. You don't actually see it in any Critic reboot episodes, and everyone's lampshaded that it looks intimidating.

Western Animation 

  • Archer: Being an international spy agency, it's to be expected that ISIS has one.
  • Despite being Transforming Mecha with built-in weapons, the Maximals have such a wall in their ship for when they need a little something extra.
  • The Fenton family in Danny Phantom. They have a vault of weapons.
  • In the Family Guy episode "Lois Kills Stewie," after Stewie conquers the world, Peter and Lois search his room, finding a hidden lever that reveals a whole room full of weapons.
  • Final Space: Avocato's cabin on the Galaxy One has a fair number of weapons on the walls, and even more behind hidden panels retracted by touching the bonsai.
  • Professor Farnsworth in Futurama puts his own little spin on this trope — instead of weapons, he has a collection of doomsday devices readily available.
  • In Justice League Unlimited, the Fortress of Solitude has a hall of weapons. Sadly, as Wonder Woman discovered, anyone capable of getting past the owner isn't going to worry about a Death Ray or two.
  • Clay Puppinton in Moral Orel has an entire hallway lined with weapons of all kinds.
  • The Owl House: Several examples.
    • In "Enchanting Grom Fright" two small but weapon-festooned walls rise from the floor when Grom's pit opens.
    • In "Young Blood, Old Souls" Eda is shown to have an extensive collection of weapons, although she's almost never seen using any of them even after losing her magic.
    • In "Escaping Expulsion" the Blight Industries private sale naturally features an impressive display of abomination-based weaponry.
    • In "Edge of the World" the Titan Trappers have a diverse collection of weapons, even including Anne Boonchuy's tennis racket.
  • Rick and Morty: Rick has a wall full of Ray Guns and other futuristic weapons in the garage (and probably every room in the house), accessible with a button.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy have one, and its weapons are genuinely deadly (as deadly as it can get in a children's show, anyways). One wonders why the duo never use said weapons seeing how their own abilities are lacking due to age.
  • "Western Animation/Ninjago": All the ninjas had one from season 11 to 16 more noticeable is the Nya one that we can see clearly in a episode of seabound a have every variation of her spear (ex: the medieval looking spear used during master of the mountain)

Real Life 

  • Apparently, Inveraray Castle has more polearms and muskets than you'd want to shake a stick at.
  • It was common to find Governor's Palaces insanely well-armed in Colonial America. This was to both show off the power and wealth of the British Empire (a rifle being a sizable portion of a normal person's yearly income) and to be used to defend the Governor and his family/staff in case of uprising. In Colonial Williamsburg, the Governor's Palace had more muskets, rifles, pistols, and melee weapons than the actual magazine (arsenal).
  • The first room you enter at Alnwick Castle has an incredible array of polished metal in the form of antique pistols, swords, and assorted other weaponry arranged in aesthetically pleasing patterns around the walls. All of the walls. Filling every square inch. (Even more impressive, however, is the library with walls made of books.)
  • The Great Hall at Edinburgh Castle is decorated with swords, pistols, a couple of little brass mortars and just about every kind of polearm you can think of.
  • In fact, most castles tend to have one of these. Originally they were for the use of the local landowner's militiamen, both for keeping order locally and supporting the reigning monarch in war, but later on they were retained simply because they make badass wall ornaments.
  • And of course, Truth in Television for most military and police forces. Armories will often have them stored on racks on the walls, sometimes in locked cages for added security.
  • Ditto for any gun store. Dozens, sometimes hundreds, of rifles and shotguns lined up against the wall, and handguns lying under glass like in a jewelry store... all the better for the customer to select his or her purchase.
  • Leeds Armoury has the Hall of Steel.
  • Gun manufacturer Heckler & Koch maintains a ... special conference room (the Grey Room) at their Virginia HQ for the purpose of looking impressive. It's successful.
  • The page image is of Charlton Heston's private gun collection. One would expect nothing less from the man who headed the NRA (America's main gun rights lobbying group) late in his life.
  • As shown here, the Channel Awesome studio has one. And because Doug decided to play the video for stepford Nightmare Fuel, Rob had to explain over and over again on the forums that everyone was safe and not going to be accidentally injured like in their previous three anniversary specialsnote .
  • Some self-defense classes will display samples of weapons that could be used on victims. For instance, here.
  • Military museums; some may have a more modest selection, and not even a wall if they haven't enough weapons that aren't integrated into a different display; however a big enough display case can create this effect, as seen at the old North Queensland Military Museum, the new Army Museum of North Queensland,Victoria Barracks, The Armour and Artillery Museum, or the Queensland Museum.
  • The lack of ammunition can often be explained by safety and security procedures. In most Australian states it is required by law to lock up the guns in a safe with the bolts removed, where applicable, and ammunition in a seperate, locked cupboard, safe, etc.