Womb Level - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Aug 23 2007
Don't ask who its parents were.
"Great. We're inside a giant worm. What the hell are we gonna do now?"
Biologically based levels are pretty common, especially in Shoot 'em Up games. However, it's not always enough to explore a Green Hill Zone or enjoy some Jungle Japes — no, sometimes nothing will do but to have the whole level made out of meat.
And such a videogame level that takes place inside of a giant creature or otherwise huge organic structure is referred to as a Womb Level. Expect to see lots of blood pools, deadly digestive organs and pits of stomach acids, climbable veins, deadly bone spikes or fields of sharpened teeth, pulsating hearts, and floors, ceilings, and backdrops made of pink, squishy meat. Lots and lots of living, pulsating meat. Yummy. Mysteriously, things tend to be relatively spacious, well-lit, and full of breathable air.
Enemies found here usually consist of assorted viruses, bacteria, and Proportionately Ponderous Parasites — usually depicted as gribbly, visibly monstrous creatures — alongside the host creature's highly aggressive immune system and assorted other cells and organelles, often in the form of Anthropomorphized Anatomy. The boss at the end is often either an immense parasitic monster, a living and mobile organ — usually a brain or heart — or some form of giant fetus.
This is usually because the level is set inside some kind of Enormous Eldritch Abomination, especially ones that like to swallow characters whole, or else because the characters have become shrunk down and entered the body of a regular-sized being. Sometimes it's just because the level designers felt like it. Also, because giant organs can be creepy, as can the very idea of being inside a living thing and the other sorts of organisms living inside the body. These qualities also make Womb Levels popular candidates for being The Very Definitely Final Dungeon, especially when it doubles as the game setting's Netherworld or Hell.
If actual biological systems are involved, expect all laws of anatomy to be cheerfully disregarded. Especially if it is a Ribcage Stomach. Another version of this has alien bio-goo subvert and consume some previously normal technological structure. It may also be a Living Ship.
When not dealing with the alien bio-goo, this is similar to a "Fantastic Voyage" Plot. The usual difference is tone and intent. A "Fantastic Voyage" Plot is typically voluntary, and involves going into somebody's body to do something to it. A Womb Level rarely provides more than a different ambiance and setting for the same sort of experience that is otherwise typical. In literature, Michael Moorcock's Pulsating Cavern, in which Elric of Melnibone fights a quest, could well be the literal trope-namer and the genesis of many later imitators.
Fortunately for most players, it's very rare for a Womb Level to end with an Anuscape Plan. Emphasis on rare, because it HAS happened.
See also Belly of the Boss, for when a boss battle takes place inside of the boss itself. The polar opposite of Eternal Engine, though there may be thematic overlap if the heroes find themselves inside a giant robot. Compare Meat Moss, Bloody Bowels of Hell, Organic Technology, Living Structure Monster and Swallowed Whole. If its already dead it's a Giant Corpse World. Sister Trope to Tree Trunk Tour (botanical anatomy) and "Fantastic Voyage" Plot.
Video Game examples:
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- Bleed: The penultimate level is the strange digestive system of an immensely powerful dragon, culminating in a fight with its heart.
- Devil May Cry:
- In the first game, the Underworld has the appearance of the innards of a giant creature, complete with a giant beating heart, moving vessels that Dante can walk through like passageways, and worms that attempt to latch onto him.
- In Mission 8 of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, you must carve your way out of the Leviathan's body after it just swallowed you. The game also labels each room as a specific organ (you start in "Leviathan's Stomach", for example). After you defeat Leviathan's Heart, Dante makes his way through its body to the head and cuts his way out of the eye to start off the next mission.
- The final two missions of Devil May Cry 4 take place inside The Savior's body. Even though it's an enormous demonic statue, its interior looks alarmingly organic.
- Evolva: Level 12 takes place mainly inside the Parasite's body.
- The Force Unleashed features an Imperial base set around — and inside — a Sarlacc pit.
- Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts put one in Level Four. Doubles as a Gimmick Level with the constantly changing gravity.
- God of War:
- One level of II has our sociopathic hero Kratos traveling in and around the Titan Atlas. Of course, seeing as he's made mostly out of rock and lava, it doesn't really feel like a Womb Level.
- In the original, Hades (the underworld, not the god) is composed mostly of spiked meat suspended mid air over a sea of blood.
- Though very short, Kratos also makes short ventures into fleshy environments in the first and third games. In the first, he must enter the dead hydra's mouth and walk to the boat captain to retrieve a key. In the third game, Cronos swallows Kratos in an attempt to finish off his grandson before realizing it's better to chew your food BEFORE swallowing.
- Once again in God of War (PS4), Kratos has to enter inside the belly of Jormungandr the World Serpent to retrieve Mimir's missing eye. Thankfully, unlike before the snake himself is helpful and willingly opens his mouth to let Kratos and Atreus enter.
- Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES) The final stage is a gauntlet of challenging jumps and horrible enemy placement through a cavernous hall of flesh, beating hearts (among other raw, exposed organs) and more.
- Operation 007 of The Wonderful 101 involves the titular superhero team being shrunken down to microscopic size and venturing into Prince Vorkken's body, in order to eliminate nanoviruses.
Action Adventure
- The Playstation game Alundra 2 featured a level inside the belly of a whale, only said whale had been turned into a cyborg due to the player's actions early in the game. Thus, while there were occasional organic elements, the majority of the level ended up looking more like an Eternal Engine. Flint comes across many people who were swallowed up inside the enormous cetacean for many years before it became a demon whale, and continue to remain trapped after the creature is restored back to normal.
- In the second-to-last level of American McGee's Alice you discover that the huge, gently pulsing tentacles that stick out of the landscape here and there are actually part of the Queen's anatomy. Then you get to fight her inside her disturbingly organic castle, from which her "body" seems to extend. The sequel Madness Returns allows you to return to a more putrefying version of it to visit the Queen of Hearts again.
- The indy game Aquaria has not one but two womb levels. Both are unsettling enough to classify as Body Horrors, too. In comparison, being swallowed by a whale at another time is positively tame.
- The eighth area in both Blaster Master and Enemy Below. It's also home to both games' Big Bads.
- Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. The extra bosses are within the Cathedral, are the most evil beings in the game (even more than Dracula, bringing forth the question of why evil is in the CHURCH), and most of the lower levels leading to its lair seem to be made of flesh.
- Crusader of Centy has one, where you enter the innards of a monster making up a mountain range and eventually kill the monster by fighting her beating but otherwise unmoving heart in a boss battle. It's part of a running theme of "killing monsters willy-nilly is not a nice thing to do."
- The Dante's Inferno video game features Gluttony, which the creators of the game have described as like walking around in a giant stomach.
- Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future: The final level takes place inside the Foe Queen, with the final boss being her heart, filled with acid blood.
- The Family Guy Video Game!! has a level consisting of Stewie infiltrating Bertram's lair in Peter's testicles, in order to discover his plans.
- The Finding Nemo game has one level where Marlin and Dory get eaten by a whale (based off a scene from the movie where the same thing occurred) and have to escape by swimming through its insides to reach the blowhole.
- In the Ice Age: The Meltdown game, Scrat is eaten by Maelstrom (This did not happen in the movie). You start the level in the mouth, the enemies you face will be bacteria, you will encounter beating hearts in the digestive track for some reason. At the end of the level you face a parasite connected to what is presumed to be the anus. You have to throw pebbles at its eyeballs before time runs out in order to finish the level. Maelstrom will sneeze Scrat out after you beat this level.
- In Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver in the second dungeon at the top of a giant citadel you have to wander into the "body" of your evolved brother, Zephon has become entangled with the actual building and you fight him inside... himself.
- La-Mulana is a very, very tangential example: the ruins, which you spend about 95% of the game inside of, are the body of the Mother. More literally by the end, when the Shrine of the Mother transforms into the True Shrine of the Mother: the entire area is reshaped by the appearance of massive protrusions of flesh and bone radiating out from the center... which, naturally, happens to be the final boss room. Also, a room in one of the pyramids features a diagram of the female reproductive system. The other pyramid has a counterpart room with sperm floating in the background. Yes, this is part of a puzzle.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time:
- The game's third dungeon takes place inside the cavernous belly of Lord Jabu-Jabu, the whale god of the Zoras. Link gets there simply by walking into his open mouth, and once inside has to deal with a wide assortement of bizarre parasitic organisms, including the tentacles of Barinade, the dungeon's boss, a huge polyp whose tendrils have grown through the stricken deity's flesh. Travel between different levels is done by dropping or through sphincter-like doors. Their resemblance to a cervix in the graphics-enhanced remake cannot be overstated.
- The Great Deku Tree is a botanical variant, and his cavernous insides form the game's very first dungeon. It's a lot less visceral overall than the later area, but still ends in a battle against a monstrous, overgrown parasite.
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages: Jabu-Jabu's Belly returns as a dungeon. The enemies here include both an assortement of parastic worms and jellies and a variety of marine creatures implicitly swallowed by the whale; the boss, Plasmarine, is a huge parastic jellyfish.
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time:
- The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: The final dungeon features Zelda and Link fighting their way through Null's slimy purple innards to get back the piece of the Prime Energy it stole.
- The Impact Crater at the end of Metroid Prime has suspiciously fleshy surfaces, and platforms in one room look like giant, misplaced teeth. Relatedly, the Leviathans in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are destroyed by crawling into their "mouths" and searching for a gigantic eye inside their bodies. Plus, a ship used late in the game has the cockpit INSIDE ITS BRAIN CAVITY, with eyes staring at you from all directions. Inside its head. Phaaze later on is a planet-sized Womb Level.
- Ōkami does this twice. Once in the stomach of the Emperor of Japan, another inside of a giant dragon. This trope is deconstructed in the dragon level, as it turns out all that meddling with the dragon's internal organs does kill him.
- In Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension, there is a boss battle where the giant hairy monster that Phineas and Ferb faced earlier in the movie comes back. If it eats you, you have to use the Sticky Gloves to climb up the esophagus, grab the uvula, and then shake the remote for it to spit you out.
- [PROTOTYPE] does this twice. At one point Karen Parker sends Alex into an Infected Hive to collect samples, where you fight Captain Cross, and later in the game he enters another hive, chasing a leader hunter that's kidnapped his sister Dana, and using a Thermobaric Tank to break in. He ends up fighting the Supreme Hunter within. The outsides of the hives appear as buildings covered in disgusting fleshy red welts that occasionally spout out Hunters, but on the inside the walls are thickened with pulsing red and orange masses, and the floor seems merely damaged until Hydras pop out.
- In Scurge: Hive (for DS and GBA), there are more Womb Levels than can be safely counted. In fact, nearly every level is at least partially a Womb Level. Considering the game has you attacking an infectuous biomass, it's not too much a surprise. Of course, unlike most Womb Levels, actually stepping on or standing in the squishy red/pink stuff is actually pretty bad since the stuff is trying to constantly infect you as well. (Though you can jump like crazy and have almost no effect.)
- Shantae and the Pirate's Curse: The top half of Sequin Land Palace gains an organic theme after it becomes Pirate Master Palace. The walls and ceilings are covered in flesh, and there are hanging eyes that can be used to climb upward.
- In Sonic Rush Adventure, the boss of Blizzard Peaks is the Ghost Whale, a giant robotic whale. After Sonic knocks the Ghost Whale unconscious, he must go inside its body and attack its weak point; its mechanical heart. If Sonic does not make it to the heart within the time limit, the Ghost Whale will eject him from its body, but hitting certain targets will add extra time to the time limit.
- This seems to be a recurring trend in SpongeBob SquarePants video games:
- SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge features the level "Inside the Whale" where you get eaten up by a whale and traverse its' insides. Disturbingly enough for a kid's cartoon game, you encounter undead fish and have to navigate over its' stomach acid. Making matters worse is at the end of the level you encounter the boss which is a giant worm that has invaded the whale's body....gross.
- In Nicktoons Unite!, SpongeBob and the other Nicktoons shrink themselves and enter Goddard to locate a Flea Bot that had invaded his body.
- A few segments of The SpongeBob Movie Game, namely The Trench levels, have you go inside the innards of a monster.
- The fourth level of Sponge Bob Square Pants Creature From The Krusty Krab is set in the stomach of an Alaskan Bullworm (partially based on a scene from the episode the worm came from).
- For Retroville's boss fight in SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom, SpongeBob and Technus have to fight Jimmy's Girl-Eating Plant from the inside. They do this by crossdressing and allowing the plant to eat them.
- In SpongeBob's Truth or Square, SpongeBob has to venture through a giant creature's innards in the "24 Hours of Fun at the Krusty Krab" segment.
- StarTropics Chapter 4 consists of being swallowed by a whale and navigating an anatomically improbable labyrinth.
- The final stage of Tail Concerto takes place within the bio-machine monster The Iron Giant, complete with fleshy textures, near pitch-black backgrounds, and a pulsating soundtrack, where you fight your way to the core to destroy its guardian and stop the monster from the inside. Its spiritual successor Solatorobo: Red the Hunter takes it further with two additional stages of the same style, taking place inside the Titano-Machinas Lares and Lemures. Thanks to the added power of the DS, not only are the stages more vibrant, but they also included extra obstacles like shifting acid tides and auto-immune defense systems that you have to fight. It's lampshaded during the Lemures level:
Red: More acid in here…
Elh: Do you think we're inside… Lemures' stomach?
Red: I don't wanna think about it. - The last two levels of Tomb Raider I take place inside the Great Pyramid of Atlantis, which appears to be sentient and has walls covered in pulsating flesh and veins.
Adventure Game
- The final area of Beneath a Steel Sky is an underground complex being overrun with a biological computer that has absorbed the protagonist's father.
- Another "whale" of an escape (and a case of Guide Dang It!) is in King's Quest IV. Rosella has to escape a whale by climbing its tongue, and tickling it with a peacock feather.
- The final episode of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse takes place inside the body of monster Max, though the inside of his body is a lot less "flesh and bone" and more "kitschy 50's household".
- Space Quest VI: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier has a large portion of the game which takes place within the body of Roger's latest crush, Stellar. Roger himself lampshades the ickiness of the situation by refusing when the player tries to make him go into the lower intestine.
- Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan is almost 2/3 Womb Level, spent inside the belly of the giant manatee that Guybrush and the entire Screaming Narwhal were swallowed by at the end of Chapter 2.
Beat Em Up
- The aptly named Organica in Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms walks a fine line between Jungle Japes and Womb Level, consisting of a pulsating landscape enclosed inside what's either a forest canopy or living cavern, populated by Man Eating Plants and Big Creepy-Crawlies.
- In Castle Crashers, the blacksmith stores your weapons in some sort of living creature with its mouth forced wide open. It's a weapon frog. In a bizarre spin, it's one of the safest place in the game.
- The 1994 video game The Incredible Hulknote has this for the fourth level, as the Hulk is transported there after the boss battle of the previous level. The world is of course made of flesh and bone, and at the end of the stage, you fight a giant brain.
- One level of Nekketsu Oyako has the family eaten by a whale. The enemies inside are squids with boxing gloves. The level ends with the player characters being expelled through the blowhole.
- Shadow Force: After defeating Lucifer, the demon pulls an I Surrender, Suckers! and immediately reverts the player(s) into their soul forms, before swallowing them. Cue the next level, the interiors of Lucifer's stomach, which is full of Amoeba parasites and the exit guarded by another boss called a Bio-Mother.
- Splatterhouse has the womb level which is the hardest level in the game (harder than Hell, even).
- Xiaolin Showdown's PS2 video game has three womb levels — Dojo's Mouth, Dojo's Esophagus and Dojo's Stomach.
- The alien part in Streets of Rage 2 feels like something like this, had it not been an amusement park attraction. However, it definitely has the feel and look of a Womb Level. It looks like something from the Contra series, actually.
- Dragon Ball Z: The various series often have a stage set inside Super Buu, ripped straight from the anime and manga.
- Darkstalkers 3: The final battle against Jedah takes place in a giant womb
◊, complete with the giant fetus of a dark god in the background. It is appropriately named "Fetus of God" ("Creator's Fetus" in the English version of the PSP re-release).
- Naruto: Jiraiya can summon the stomach of a cave toad to change the environment to this in battle.
- Skullgirls added a stage called Gehenna which consists of pulsating, fleshy blobs, a lake of blood, and numerous eyes and teeth in the background complete with a near music-less soundtrack.
- Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U: Master Core of the Wii U version becomes one of these as Master Fortress. It's a gargantuan landmass covered in flesh, has Acid Pools and is protected by shadowy versions of pre-existing enemies. The player must go through a Colossus Climb inside Master Fortress to take out its glowing weak points to defeat it. The layout even resembles a digestive tract and as the player approaches one of its weak points a heartbeat sound is added to the soundtrack.
- Ultraseven: In the Super Famicom game, one of the stages Ultraseven has to fight in is against a micro-sized parasite kaiju called Dally (or Darii). Unlike most examples, it's ambiguous where in the body this fight takes place, biggest possibility is somewhere around the lungs. Because of Dally's small size, if he's one of the two characters fighting in the Versus mode, you'll be forced to play in this stage.
- Xenocide: Parasite's stage (presumably his home "world") is made up of raw flesh, with toothy mouths in the walls.
First Person Shooter
- Aliens vs. Predator 2: When playing as the Alien, you have to bite your way out of your first victim's chest.
- Alpha Prime: With all the talk of Glomar being a creature and its "heart" traveling through "veins," the game heavily implies it will end this way, but it turns out that they are just euphemisms after all (for the most part).
- Black Mesa: The Nihilanth's tower is a living organism housing an Alien Grunt production facility which Gordon has to ascend for the last leg of his journey through Xen.
- Blood:
- The second-to-last level "In the Flesh" takes place inside a monster. Its elevator-and-switch-based biology allows it to stay alive for centuries, feeding only on zombies, gargoyles and robed cultists.
- "House of Horrors", the secret level of the first episode, is set in an evil funhouse within a Circus of Fear that is mostly made of living, breathing flesh.
- In Borderlands 2, the Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty DLC have the players eaten by the Leviathan and they fight Scarlett's pet roscoe in its stomach
- Doom³: Several of the hellish sections are covered in living flesh. Sergeant Kelly states before you come across it that "some unidentified growth" is taking over the base. It's especially bad in the Delta Complex, where so many flesh growths have broken through corridors, doors and halls that it becomes difficult to navigate; Sector 3 in particular requires taking detours through vents or outright teleportation to proceed.
- Duke Nukem Forever: In the final level of "The Doctor Who Cloned Me", Duke enters the womb of the alien empress to blow up her ovaries so that she won't give birth to a new alien army.
- Halo 3 has its next-to-last level set inside what was formerly the Covenant city of High Charity, but is now fully engulfed by the Gravemind. Leaving you crawling inside what is essentially a city-sized mass of pulsating icky Flood guts, with only occasional peeks at the structure of the original High Charity, now serving as scaffolding for Gravemind's bulk.
- Harmony (2009): Several areas in the 11th level consist of cavernous flesh colored yellow and orange, and are part of the hive for the supervirus infection. There's also the final part of the extra 13th level, which has Harmony enter what seems to be the mouth of a large diseased monster to reach the whereabouts of the last remaining cocoons, which she has to destroy in order to complete her mission.
- Meatgrinder have one stage where you're fighting mooks in a high-octane desert chase, when suddenly a kaiju-sized Sand Worm pops out from underground and swallows everyone, including you. The next stage have you jumping on platforms floating atop the worm's stomach acid while shooting away at intestinal parasites.
- Much of Prey (2006) takes place inside what is effectively a giant biomechanical organism. With lots and lots of sphincters.
- The final battle in the Quake-clone Chasm: The Rift was against a giant worm; the only way to beat it was to get swallowed by it and destroy its heart.
- While not technically inside a creature, the Strogg of Quake IV (think Clive Barker meets the Borg) have a tendency to use biological material interchangeably with machines, and as such, one level contains a giant, mechanically augmented heart with a tesla coil for a pacemaker, and a hallway make of writhing intestines. In theory, the building itself is one enormous cyborg. Each time the tesla coil made the heart beat, this building would scream in pain.
- In System Shock 2, one of the final levels takes place inside the Many, a giant mass of flesh that has grown around the spaceship you're in. Along your journey through the biomass, you can find and listen to the recorded observations of a scientist who was dragged through it ahead of you.
- Unreal II: The Awakening features a planet that actually happens to be a gigantic living organism. The latter half of the level is spent inside it. It has giant hairs sticking out like freaky trees on the surface, and lots of teeth in a few places too. Oh, and little wiggly white things when you're inside that look a bit like they might be a physical representation of energy in it's nervous system. Understandably it's rather pissed off when you blow part of it up with some demo charges to get a piece of the what-turns-out-to-be-an-Artifact of Doom, and tries to kill you with the equivalent of antibodies that are about as big as you are and attack by charging into you and exploding.
- In ULTRAKILL, the layer of Gluttony is accessed through the Corpse of King Minos' mouth. The walls are made of flesh and bone, the doors have teeth, there are eyes in the floor and walls, and stomach acid is a common level hazard. Several segments of it also have stone structures, like stairs and hands.
Hack And Slash
- Dragon: Marked for Death: Several levels take place inside the monster-infested body of a sea-monster called Cthulhu.
- In Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, the stage Your Worst Nightmare in the Dream Realm starts with the players going through a large disembodied mouth, and includes such features as a bits of giant ribcage and a giant beating heart among the squishy meat scenery.
- In Lollipop Chainsaw, Juliet is forced to go inside Killabilly's body in order to finish it off.
- Muramasa: The Demon Blade has Momohime and Jinkuro in an oni's belly at one point. Cue the buzzsaw technique to get out before you're killed by the stomach acid.
- Path of Exile has the Bowels of the Beast in the fourth and ninth acts. The Beast is an Eldritch Abomination dwelling inside a mountain, and once you break through its exterior into the Bowels the name is shown to be entirely literal. The level looks like an enormous intestine, with pools of slime and bile and what look like villi
. The doorway leading to the boss-fight with Malachai even looks like a sphincter.
Idle Game
- The Tree of Life: The Organs layer has several organs as part of tabs with mechanics related to them, like a Heart that beats in while making oxygenated blood and beats out while making deoxygenated blood, Kidneys that filter said blood out depending on which one you have selected at the moment, a Lung that produces Air and can put it in challenges named after parts of the respiratory system to improve its effect, and an Intestine with buyables that produce Energy.
Light Gun Game
- The Ocean Hunter: The second half of the West Ocean stage, where the player(s) gets Swallowed Whole by Midgardsorm and spends the whole level battling parasitic worms infesting Midgardsorm's stomach. The boss of the level is notably Midgardsorm's heart; destroy it and the players get regurgitated.
- One of the explorable areas, the Domain of Pain, near the end of Guild Wars: Nightfall is this sort of level.
- In the MMO La Tale, you have to annoy a giant worm-like monster (with teeth!) named the Behemoth in Orca Beach (Formerly Field Area) by trying to dig it up. If you succeed, it will swallow you, leading to a level full of germs, pukes, and blood cells in the form of humans in blood cell shaped vehicles. The boss of said area is Dr. Rice, the apparent leader of the blood cells and the one that controls the Behemoth, said person also plans to destroy Jienda using the Behemoth. The only way out is to find the uvula at the very end of the level and whack it with your weapon.
- In newer versions, the Behemoth’s belly is simply accessible through a small hole in the Jungle Area, and you can no longer enter it via Orca Beach.
- World of Warcraft gives us Nespirah, a shellfish goddess the size of a city. Despite looking creepy as hell, she's actually on your side; the Naga have her mentally subdued as they steal her pearls, and players are tasked with saving her. There are three other creatures like her in Vashj'ir. One of them has a Twilight Cult temple built at it's center, and another can't be saved and his wish is to die painlessly. Another Womb Level (though much smaller) is the Old God's stomach in the Twilight Highland. If you stay outside of the NPC's shields for too long, a green meter starts filling up and you start to be digested. The hives of the Silithid and most of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj take place in disturbingly fleshy surroundings. And if that's not enough, during the final encounter with C'thun players will sometimes get swallowed and end up in his stomach.
- The Shadowlands realm of Maldraxxus is also quite visceral-looking, and necrotic in the bargain. And although it's an afterlife and a rather unfriendly one: it's more Valhalla than Bloody Bowels of Hell.
- Dungeons & Dragons Online has the quest "Belly of the Beast", which takes place in the guts of a giant Purple Worm.
- Final Fantasy XIV:
- In the World of Darkness raid, the boss fight against Cerberus requires a portion of the players to shrink themselves down and allow the boss to eat them. Once inside, they need to damage his stomach walls until he collapses from the pain, which will give players on the outside an opening to chain him back up.
- The Tower of Zot has a biomechanical theme; parts of the dungeon appear to be made of gently pulsating flesh, and doorways in this section are framed with pointy teeth.
- Wizard101: One of the areas in Empyrea is the interior of Speidious, a giant sky squid.
- There are a few in RuneScape:
- The Abyss and the Abyssal Area
- The Body Altar
- AdventureQuest Worlds has the dragon Glutus’s stomach during the beginning of the Seven Deadly Dragons saga.
- There’s also the Ubear for the April Fool’s Day 2020 event.
- A few sections of Fleshette’s nightmare maze in AdventureQuest 3D appear as tunnels of flesh with a large pool of acid you have to avoid by jumping on platforms.
Platform Game
- Adventure Island:
- The Final Boss of Adventure Island II can be found inside a dinosaur of Dinosaur Island.
- In Super Adventure Island, Round 2-3 is an Under the Sea swimming level that also happens to be inside a whale.
- The original Ape Escape had a level inside a dinosaur-like creature named Dexter. It was lampshaded, even if unintentionally, by a mailbox from Natalie/Natsumi telling you that Dexter had a 'complex labyrinth' inside his body — "don't get lost!"
- Ardy Lightfoot contains a level in which you're swallowed by what can only be described as a HUGE... worm-thing, after beating one of the bosses, who also gets swallowed. You have to navigate through its body to get out, and find the body of the boss you just beat. It's scarier in the Japanese version, since you see her bones lying there. In the American version, the sprite was altered so we just see her lying there dead. It's even scarier when you look at the beta picture for what she was supposed to look like. The sprite isn't designed very well, but she was originally supposed to be in the middle of getting dissolved. You can see it on this website
- The final level in the NES game Attack of the Killer Tomatoes took place inside a giant monster tomato.
- Balloon Kid: Stage 3 ends with the player willingly walking into the open mouth of a surfaced whale. (If only the screen would scroll high enough to just float over it!) Stage 5 (after the whale-innards level) begins with EXITING a whale's mouth as well, meaning this is yet another case of a two-headed whale...
- Banjo-Kazooie: Happens surprisingly often, although they're only sections of levels rather than levels in and of themselves:
- Clanker's Cavern has the eponymous Clanker, a half-mechanical shark-like whale that you can enter the body of through his teeth, his gills, and his blowhole. You'll find three of the level's Jiggies and a Jinjo inside.
- Bubblegloop Swamp has a giant turtle named Tanktup who, after 'massaging' his feet, opens his mouth to let you inside. And within you'll find the Tanktup Choir and their director practicing their latest 'composition'; repeat the pattern three times to get a Jiggy. Later in the level, Banjo and Kazooie have to enter a crocodile through its nose and challenge Mr. Vile in a minigame within; due to the small size of the crocodile's nostrils, the duo can only enter while transformed into a crocodile themselves.
- Banjo-Tooie: The sequel continues the trend of its predecessor with an overgrown fish in Jolly Roger's Lagoon and a "Chompasaurus" plagued with stomach ulcers in Terrydactyland.
- BirdGut is a... weird indie game where you play as a bee who got swallowed by the bird, and like the title suggests the rest of the game is set inside said bird's stomach. With you battling zombified insects, stomach worms and blood cells.
- Blaster Master: Area 8 is this in its entirety, as the entire area is the inside of the previously defeated Skeleton Boss. Also seen in Blaster Master: Enemy Below and Blaster Master Zero.
- Bonk and Super Bonk did this. In Bonk's Adventure this happens when you're swallowed by a stegosaurus; in Super Bonk this happens when you're swallowed by a pterosaur that's smaller than you. Whereas most Womb Levels are sprawling areas containing elements of organs that aren't even part of the digestive process (sometimes to the extent that the creature is essentially hollow), here you go through a short swimming section composed of a smallish central chamber and a cramped, twisty passageway; literally just the stomach and bowels, as someone who was theoretically Swallowed Whole in real life would go.
- The first episode of Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure ends with Cosmo being swallowed alive by a giant alien as a cliffhanger. The second level of the second episode takes place inside the alien (the first level is simply a rewind of the first episode's cliffhanger). In the third episode, Cosmo willingly enters inside another alien at the end of the first level, and explores it in the second.
- In Densetsu no Stafy, the Stranded Whale stage takes place almost entirely inside the Whale's body.
- Doraemon 2: SOS! Otogi no Kuni, being set in the world of fairytales, has a level based on Issun-bōshi where the player gets Swallowed Whole by the Oni boss, and must defeat it by attacking the stomach.
- Earthworm Jim:
- In Episode 3 - 4 of The Fairly OddParents! Enter the Cleft, Timmy has to go inside Vicky's stomach like in "Tiny Timmy!" in order to save Mama Cosma from Spatula Woman.
- Levels six and seven of Flashback take place in the Morph homeworld.
- "Inside Out" from Hell Pie takes place in the inside of a beached whale. As Nugget lampshades, it's much bigger on the inside than the outside.
- Infect-Ed is a flash game based on Ed, Edd n Eddy. The entire game takes place inside Ed's body, as you play as a white blood cell and have to defeat the invading germs that came from a tainted jawbreaker Ed ate, with the jawbreaker itself being the Final Boss.
- The deepest part of the Metal Head nest in Jak II: Renegade.
- Joe & Mac:
- The inside of a T. Rexpy's body serves as the final level, complete with a giant, realistic beating heart.
- The sequel (in Japan) Congo's Caper has a level where you fight the devil inside a T. Rex's body. While there's no still-beating heart to contend with, the player has to totally submerge in and swim through sickly-yellow digestive juices instead.
- The Final Boss battle of Keio Flying Squadron 2 takes place in an area like this.
- Kirby Star Allies has this for its final boss, Void Termina. Kirby and company must alternate between attacking it on the outside with the Star Allies Sparkler to knock off its head, then enter its body to attack its core on-foot. The appearance of its insides are a nod to Dark Star from Kirby 64, largely consisting of the same hexagonal cell-like tiles but considerably more organic in appearance, with the (initially) heart-like core being supported by fleshy, tendon-like structures and the unconscious Hyness and his minions creepily strung up alongside it. Curiously, unlike most examples, the colossus fought with the Star Allies Sparkler isn't Void Termina's actual body. The core is. The colossus is more akin to an organic suit of armor Void Termina can abandon at any time with no ill effects. Additionally, later updates added the Soul Melter EX difficulty, wherein you face Astral Birth Void at the end. Unlike previous fights with Void Termina, the inside of the colossus now looks less organic, instead being far closer to a White Void Room with organic detailing on the side.
- The Klonoa series have a few examples of this.
- In Door to Phantomile (and its remake for the Wii, just simply titled Klonoa), the final boss is a giant slug/frog-like beast named Nahatomb that shoots enemies out the cannon-like hole on its back (perhaps a strangely-designed and placed anus?) that you must throw into your friends' cannons so they can blast him. Once they do, it eats you and everything else, so the second phase of the battle continues inside its body. Thankfully, the innards of Nahatomb look more like an Eldritch Location than an actual stomach.
- In Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament, there is a level that appears to be inside a whale (complete with a Ribcage Stomach), but with platforms, doors, items, etc. for some reason.
- The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon: The Destroyer is an unusual example, as it's an inorganic version of this trope. It's a gigantic Rock Monster so huge that it literally has a small city on its head, and to defeat it you fly down its throat and have to destroy its crystal heart while the lava that basically functions as its bodily fluids roils and sprays around you.
- Every world in LocoRoco has you get swallowed by a giant beast at some point, with the goal being not too far from its...other end. The final boss is also a womb level, though this time you're actively trying to destroy parts of the body you're inside. The sequel features only one of these, but with a new added gimmick where you make the creature you're inside start moving around to change the orientation of the level.
- The second half of the first world of McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure first appears to take place inside a cave, but after Ronald goes inside, an eye opens from the outside, revealing the cave to be a giant monster. How Ronald gets out after defeating the world's boss (a giant tomato) to get to the next level is never shown.
- The third stage of Magician Lord is one of these.
- Mario's Mystery Meat is a Vinesauce-themed Game Mod of Super Mario World that barring the into, takes place inside a giant fleshy worm creature named Meat. It starts as fleshy as one would expect, with elements of Underground Level, but after a certain point, you find rather normal-looking environments including an entire town of Twitch emotes, a labyrinth of spaghetti, and some... trippy experiences.
- In Mega Man 3, from a certain point onward, Gemini Man's level has platforms and a background resembling cells, and features what appear to be fertilized eggs that block the player's way. When shot, they release what could only be tadpoles.
- Moonlight Pulse takes place entirely within the body of Aorasque, a world turtle. Aorasque's brain, lungs, stomach, and heart are all areas you can visit, and you can travel between areas by hitching a ride in their blood vessels. This is played for weirdness rather than horror, as the inhabitants see their world as completely normal and even work to safeguard Aorasque's health.
- Mushroom Kingdom Fusion has a number of Womb Levels present: Corpse of the Behemoth, Lair of the Leviathan, and the as of yet unfinished The Castle of Meat.
- Played for cuteness in The NewZealand Story, where the main character is swallowed into the belly of an ice whale and had to beat up on a cutesy uvula to escape.
- The entirety of the Ozzy & Drix Licensed Game for the Game Boy Advance takes place inside the City of Hector, as you play as the titular white blood cell and pill, fighting off the viruses who serve as the series' Rogues Gallery.
- The final level in Psychonauts is the Meat Circus, a Circus of Fear with bits of raw meat and bone sticking out of the canvas. You're not inside anybody, but you're certainly surrounded by a lot of raw flesh.
- The first level in Psychonauts 2 is Loboto's Labyrinth, which at first seems like an office building, but as Loboto grows wise to what's going on, it gradually grows more dentistry-related, and shows more and more biological elements relevant to the inside of the mouth. Teeth, gums, braces, tongues, saliva, teeth, exposed nerves, uvulas, oral mucosa, and even more teeth. It's to the point the pre-game Mental Health Advisory specifically mentions that the game contains images that may be upsetting to those with a fear of dentistry.
- Radical Rex has the Innerworks level, which takes place inside a large brontosaurus. Here, you must get past amoebas, leeches, weird ghost-birds, and pits of acid that dissolve you instantly. On higher difficulties, there are also sperm and egg enemies.
- Rayman Origins has a level where you are swallowed by an overweight, gigantic dragon chef. As you traverse its insides, you encounter green, slimy fire-breathing monsters wielding toilet plungers (These are apparently germs that live in his body). Once you reach the stomach, you have to avoid its heartburn (which is actually fire), avoid the gastric acid below and keep punching the pink bumps in order to gain access to the intestines. Then, you get chased by a stream of fire as you run up the intestines, which go out through its mouth! Afterwards, the dragon shrinks back to his tiny and innocent self, burps, and remarks, "Thanks, I feel better now!" then says something in Italian. Despite Rayman being a cartoonish and family-friendly series, all the footage of the dragon's anatomy is quite realistic (you can see his pulsating arteries, blood cells swimming through his blood in the background, a realistic beating heart, etc) and complete with tissue, red colouration, and squelching noises as the heroes run across his innards.
- In the second part of the first level of The Ren And Stimpy Show Veediots, by the power of randomness (and taken from a scene from the episode the level was based on), Ren ends up in Stimpy's mouth, and must find his way through, avoiding nerve-endings and other hazards, fights a Tooth Beaver on the tongue, then must escape before the Descending Ceiling crushes him. And the final stage, "Marooned", takes place inside a giant monster that has swallowed Stimpy, based on the ending of the episode it was based on. The final boss is a slime monster. These examples are notoriously Squick, and both share the same creepy organ music.
- In A Robot Named Fight!, you normally defeat the Final Boss and take home the win. However, if you complete enough runs, the Megabeast instead releases a blood-red tractor beam leading into it's insides filled with the same meaty monstrosities it spawns — ultimately leading to the True Final Boss — the Megabeast Core.
- The section after Wily Capsule Boss Fight in Rockman 4 Minus ∞ is on based the organic final level of Gradius 2. It even has organic, blob-like versions of various Mega Man mooks. It's all an illusion.
- The entirety of Slime-San: The title character is swallowed by a giant worm (and in some DLC, a giant kraken) and must platform through a variety of fleshy tunnels and fight bosses that wouldn't look out of place in Abadox to escape digestion. There's also full-sized towns filled with survivors living inside the beast's body.
- Intestinal Problem in Something. The lava could be seen as stomach acid. To make things worse, Metroids cling onto Mario, weigh him down, and steal his coins.
- A secret area in Spelunky HD's Jungle Japes area is the intestines of gigantic worm, where you can unlock Meat Boy as a playable character or find a powerful weapon upgrade.
- Super Mario Bros.:
- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins: The final level of Turtle Zone has you trawl through the belly of a local whale. The area contains a few hazards unique to the setting, such as spikey ribs that can damage you if you jump into them from below.
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island features Yellow Yoshi getting shrunken down and eaten by Prince Froggy, miniboss of World 3. The only way to damage him is to aim eggs from the Shy-Guys he eats at his uvula. Yoshi gets out through the back passage... and gives the camera a look of absolute shock as the boss dies.
- Super Monkey Ball 2 has a level that takes place inside a giant whale, though the whale has apparently eaten all sorts of buildings and trees, so the level looks more like a city. One of the rare instances of a womb level being beautiful Scenery Porn.
- In Super Robotnik Land, the sixth world takes place inside the body of HUNGRYMAN, the boss of the fifth world, after HUNGRYMAN eats Robotnik.
- Tempo has a womb level as one of the first levels in the game. You start off inside the mouth of what appears to be some sort of white, fuzzy beast, and then once you go into its body, you encounter hearts which are literally heart-shaped (and there seem to be many of them) and walking cheeseburgers. Then, once the level is complete, you randomly fight a boxing glove.
- One level in the Goblin Attack expansion for Trine 2 has the heroes get swallowed by a Sand Worm. The result closely resembles most other Trine levels, except with more acid and significantly ickier art assets.
- Wario Land II for the Gameboy Color: In the last level of the game, "Steal the Syrup's Treasure" you enter a cave behind Captain Syrup's castle that has pink walls that resemble flesh and are covered in eyes, ears, noses, mouths, and sections of intestinal tract, complete with conveyor belts that look like intestines. For extra creepiness, there are also enemies from the game that are embedded in the stage's skin-like background that have a look of shock on their faces.
Puzzle Game
- Even something as innocent as Lemmings contains one level set where the lemmings walk on intestines and have to bash their way through bones. Even their building blocks are bloody-pink!
- Out of the many planets in Meteos, the planet Globin (the name should be a giveaway) is shaped like a giant red blood cell, is actually a living organism and is populated by an alien race that behaves like blood cells, distributing nutrients and repelling invaders. The background music is composed of heart beats, heart murmurs and a magnified breathing sound, creating a very creepy effect.
- Pinocchio (Virgin Interactive) has the requisite level inside Monstro the Whale.
- The puzzle game Super Gussun Oyoyo features one for its final ten (secret) levels, taking place inside a King Mook. Succeeding shows Gussun and/or Oyoyo escaping through the digestive tract (while not shown, the dialogue and sound effects hint at this) and being transformed into Talking Poo, unable to reunite with Emily, their female companion.
- There is no way you can die in the educational game Think Quick!. If you get eaten by a Slime Worm, all that happens is that you have to escape from the Slime Worm Belly.
- Calendula: The first-person segments of the game take place in a strange place with womb-like walls. Considering the ending, it is likely that this literally is, or represents, the womb that the baby Calendula leaves.
- The Binding of Isaac has had a few incarnations over its lifespan.
- The original Flash game had... The Womb, which is inside Isaac's mother as the fourth "chapter". While the first floor has a random boss (which can include a massive spider if you have the Wrath of the Lamb DLC... Ick.), the second floor will always have Mom's Heart as its boss. Beating Mom's Heart ten times will permanently replace it with "It Lives!", which is Isaac as a fetus.
- The remake, Rebirth, adds a variation floor, Utero. It's not too different from The Womb outside of room layouts, however. Like The Womb, the boss of the first Utero floor will be random, while the second will always be Mom's Heart, or It Lives! if you've unlocked it.
- The "Afterbirth" DLC adds a third variation, called the Scarred Womb, which is horribly torn up and has stitches everywhere. As with The Womb and Utero, the first floor boss is random and the second is set. Afterbirth also adds a fourth variation, called ???, generally referred to as the Blue Womb or Dead Womb by fans. The Blue Womb is an optional floor that opens if you get to and beat Mom's Heart/It Lives! in under 30 minutes, and contains the Superboss, Hush.
- Finally, the fan expansion Antibirth and its official counterpart Repentance add one last variation: The Corpse. If the name didn't tip you off, The Corpse is an even more nauseating version of The Womb, taking place in the dead and rotting corpse of Isaac's mother, accessed by killing Mom's Heart on the alternate path before entering The Womb. While the first floor follows the random boss standard set by the original Womb, the second floor houses a boss that isn't Mom's Heart or It Lives! — The True Final Boss of the Antibirth expansion, The Witness, known as Mother in Repentance.
- The third mission of the titular dungeon in Darkest Dungeon, aptly named "Belly of the Beast", is one of these. The background and walls of are composed of undulating veins and organs, and most of the enemies are cysts, cell stalks, and polyps.
- In Rogue Legacy 2, the battle against Estuary Tubal takes place inside the Ribcage Stomach of a large dragon named Ladon.
- The levels associated with the Cra'Than breed in Sipho have red water and obstacles that look like parts of a larger organism in some places.
- Sunless Sea: The underwater port of Nook is actually the digestive system of some unknown, lamprey-looking leviathan whose odd physiology makes the water inside it breathable. Someone tore up its throat to make a port, people occasionally dwell in its mansion-sized teeth, and each "section" within this port is simply another part of the beast's anatomy.
Role Playing Game
- The "Hell" levels of the original Diablo (1997) are somewhat like this, with staircases made of bone.
- BlueSkies 2: The Final Boss fight takes place in Matria's womb, which the party entered via a teleporter in her false heaven. Naturally, it uses RPG Maker XP's flesh tiles.
- Breath of Fire II has one level that takes place in the body of a giant whale. (You have to hit its uvula in order to enter inside.) Interestingly enough, the whale becomes your Cool Ship once you've finished the quest. In another level, the heroes are shrunk and then have to enter the body of an obese queen in order to defeat the "fatty demons" located inside of her. (Although this is more of a "Fantastic Voyage" Plot). This particular womb level is actually fairly accurately modeled on a human heart, down to featuring red and blue color schemes in the appropriate areas: several dead ends are even quite clearly the branching arteries leading to and from the lungs. (The fan translator was so impressed by the discovery that he broke his "no abbreviations" rule to fit "L. Atrium", "R. Atrium", "L. Ventricle" and "R. Ventricle" into the twelve lettters alloted for location names.)
- The penultimate battle against Lavos at the end of Chrono Trigger takes place within Lavos himself. Well, sorta. One could say that what everyone thought was Lavos was just an outer shell or armor. And thankfully the insides lack lots of fleshy meat.
- .hack has a number of dungeons which are entered via a creature's mouth and appear as if you are traveling inside a living being (granted, a living being with nonsensical anatomy).
- In Dragon Age: Origins, the fight in the Broodmother's lair resembles this. Understandable given that Broodmothers are where Darkspawn babies come from.
- The Cathedral of Blight, the final dungeon of Dragon Quest VII looks like this, for some inscrutable reason. Probably because it's freaky as hell. The floors and bizarre tentacle-esque pillars found throughout pulsate while exploring and eyes blink on some of the walls. The player can get transported to different parts of the dungeon by getting sucked into horrific mouth-like structures and find eggs that hatch into monsters after interacting with them. Some rooms are also filled with poisonous swamp tiles. While the dungeon is still nightmarish in the 3DS remake, the floors no longer pulsate and the tentacle pillars are nowhere to be found.
- The last, eerie walk to the Big Bad of EarthBound (1994) seems to take place on a large, pulsating optic nerve/brain... thing.
- Etrian Odyssey:
- In the original game and its remake Millenium Girl, The Bonus Dungeon Claret Hollows has walls made of flesh and skulls, powerful cells as enemies, damage tiles that look like stomach acid, and the final boss is called the "heart of the labyrinth".
- In Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City, there's the Bonus Dungeon Cyclopean Haunt, located in the deepest levels of Armoroad's Yggdrasil. It has eyes and tentacles everywhere, and if one of those eyes see you it'll alert the nearby F.O.E.
- Final Fantasy:
- Leviathan's stomach in Final Fantasy II.
- Metaphysically, the Giant of Babil in Final Fantasy IV. It's mechanical, but it is shaped like the human body, and the sections are named after parts of it.
- The true form of Exdeath's castle in Final Fantasy V is like this.
- Final Fantasy VI had a monster called the Zone Eater that can eat your party members one at a time. If he manages to eat your entire party, you then get to explore a dungeon inside of it. Its innards really... don't look different from any other cave dungeon you go through, right down to the wooden bridges.
- The floating continent in Final Fantasy VI and Kefka's tower, while technically not womb levels, have a "womb" feel to them.
- Final Fantasy X's final battle takes place in a strange dimension located within the body of Sin, the flying, mountain-sized monster that devastates human civilisation and keeps coming back each time it's killed. Though it doesn't look like a Womb Level once you're inside.
- In Final Fantasy Legend II, the party shrinks to nano-size and enters the body of the human priestess Ki so that they can retrieve the MAGI inside her, which enemies are killing her to attain. Ki's body doesn't look disgusting like the typical womb level, but the party does have to battle her germs and phagocytes. And the music (in the DS remake) is creepy as shit.
- Fossil Fighters: The Bonehemoth in Champions is a giant whale whose stomach serves as a dig site. In order to escape, the player must win a battle against its tonsils.
- Grandia II has the heroes battling the Pope deep in the bodily recesses of the giant demon Valmar, which is orbiting high above the Earth. Earlier, the gigantic Body of Valmar (Valmar was somewhat... in pieces at this point) is defeated by entering its monster-infested and strangely puzzle-filled insides and destroying its core.
- The inside of Abbadon in RPG Maker horror game GU-L; he’s essentially a stomach the size of a mini-dungeon, forcing Takaya to fight his way out before he's digested.
- The Halloween Hack: The walk into the center of Dr. Andonauts's mind seems to take place on a remixed version of the Devil's Machine. Oh, and Varik's group get their sprites changed into the EarthBound Beginnings counterparts.
- Hellgate: London has at least two Womb Levels — one involving an Exospector, and the other somehow involving a portal to Hell through the Resident Butt-Monkey's mind.
- The Exospectors are those giant floating whale-like things that could be seen over the city. It's believed they act as troop transports. You get to run around inside of one after shooting it down. As part of a quest chain, someone asks you to go inside it and bring out whatever powers the accursed thing. This of course leads to pocket dimensions, as you cover enough winding tunnels to give the subways a run for their money, when it's shown that the downed Exospector can't be much bigger than a four-floor building, inside which the amount of ground covered would never fit.
- Inside aforementioned Butt-Monkey's brain, you get to fight his Id, Ego and Super-Ego in one of the most anti-climactic boss battles ever. It could have been awesome, but it just ends up as this chaotic brawl in a tiny squishy chamber. On the other hand, all three bitch constantly and voice said Butt-Monkey's thoughts, notably saying "Want me to turn my back so you can stick a knife in and twist?!" several times during the fight. Poor bastard. Given he's assigned to one of the looniest lords means he ends up being the guinea pig for many of said loon's experiments.
- In Holy Umbrella, Donderamaid sends the Mammoth Whale to swallow the Pickle Express. It turns out that an entire town exists inside the whale, as well as a sea of gastric acid and other areas.
- Kingdom Hearts:
- Kingdom Hearts has your Gummi Ship swallowed by Monstro, a Space Whale version of the whale from Disney's Pinocchio (1940). Of course, if Kingdom Hearts is accurate in its whale anatomy, the sea creatures are actually filled with nothing but fluorescent purple stairs, glowing portals, radioactive pulsing polka dots, and lots of wooden barrels. Monstro reappears as a level in Chain of Memories, and also in 3D, where it makes up the entirety of Riku's version of the Prankster's Paradise world. In Birth by Sleep Final Mix it shows up again, this time as an Optional Boss who swallows you at regular intervals.
- Two stages of the battle against the World of Chaos take place (most likely) inside it. These rooms aren't squishy-looking themselves, but you do have to attack a disturbingly organic-looking node of some kind to get out.
- Lands of Lore II has a more literal instance of a womb level than most. The Ancient God Belial anticipated his own death, and created a "Mother Beast" — a truly enormous immobile biological monstrocity made for birthing smaller monstrocities — to guarantee his rebirth. Over the course of the game, it gestates and produces progressively less-and-less malformed versions of its creator as its worker-ant monstrocities bring it more fragments of Ancient magic, and is nearly done gestating the flaw-free incarnation at the end of the game. The last level has you traipsing around the fleshy chambers inside the Mother Beast (at least in this instance it's justified — the room — and corridor-like spaces were probably meant for use as such by the worker and soldier monstrocities milling around like the thing's body were an ant colony), the goal being to prevent Belial from incarnation with his whole power by finding the chamber with the evil god fetus and stuffing Ancient magic in him the wrong way to induce a miscarriage. The final boss is the miscarriage.
- Legend of Legaia finished the game with a battle inside a giant Seru, which was really just an excuse for an Amazing Technicolor Battlefield. Many of the levels before that had been semi-organic and Seru-made. And then there's Conkram — imagine a marble-and-gold kingdom making sweet unholy love to a womb level and baptizing the child in terror. And unlike the Bio Castle, it's been like this for ten years.
- Limbus Company: Canto V ends with the Sinners going into the Pallid Whale's stomach to find the Golden Bough it had swallowed. There, they find that Ishmael's old captain and her crew were still alive, and they briefly work together to reach the whale's heart before they end up fighting each other.
- LISA the Painful has a brief cave made out of meat littered with Marty-headed Giant Spiders, found shortly after killing Wally. Clearing it and returning reveals a normal cave, showing that it was just a Joy hallucination.
- Maka Maka (1992): The party gets eaten by a fat princess appropriately named Gourmet, and they must escape from inside of her.
- Super Mario Bros.:
- Paper Mario 64: Not so much a level, but you fight some fuzzy caterpillar thing on the inside of a whale. And it's dark.
- Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time has the Bros get eaten by a giant alien Yoshi known as Yoob. They also get out through the back passage.
- Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga: Cackletta's soul is fought inside Bowser's stomach, though it looks more like a platform hovering over a fiery abyss. Bowser's stomach looks significantly more organic the next time Mario and Luigi traverse it later in the series.
- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story: The Bros.' half of the game is spent inside of Bowser's body after he inhales them alongside a large chunk of the Mushroom Kingdom's population. As a result, while Bowser goes through a more typical progression of game levels, the Bros. venture through numerous specialized types of internal anatomy teeming with bacteria, symbiotic organisms, and animated organelles. The first level, the Trash Pit, is his intestine, and home to simplistic single-celled critters that serve as the local Goombas. The Pump Works are an area around his stomach that floods when Bowser drinks, the Flab Zone is a fat deposit teeming with animated chunks of lipids and fiery calories, and the Airway is his lungs and freezes over when he breathes cold air. Other areas are minigames where the duo must stimulate muscles or nerve clusters to help Bowser perform tasks on his end of the game.
- Mass Effect 2: Played with during the attack on the Collector base. Not only is the base highly organic and filled with any number of analogues for natural defenses in a living being, but it becomes a literal womb level when you face the final boss, a giant Reaper embryo.
- Magical Vacation: The final dungeon, Drazzig Grotto, starts out fairly cave like with glowing turquoise walls, the occasional gaping hole here or there, and some rougher purple terrain, but heading into the second half, the layout becomes much more grotesque. There, the walls and floors begin to pulsate, breathing holes start to pop up in droves of varying sizes, and green eyeballs watch you from above as you head ever closer to the Chamber of Rebirth where King Kerendu seeks his new life.
- Metaphor: ReFantazio: During the first leg of the tournament, the party winds up fighting a giant human sandworm. After depleting most of its health, it swallows the party, who have to navigate its acid-filled body to make it out the other end. It's not a long dungeon, but once you leave, you can never go back in (except on New Game Plus); the real snag is that it's a Timed Mission, so you'll have your hands full trying to navigate the acid and monsters while also trying to grab all of the permanently missable treasure along the way.
- Monster Hunter: World: The Rotten Vale hunting area is the underbelly of the Coral Highlands, a giant mass of rotting flesh and viscera from all the creatures that die in the Highlands. The main part of the area consists of the corpses of two Dalamadur, giant serpentine Elder Dragons that are as big as a mountain in life.
- Mystic Ark: Although it's not a literal one with flesh and all, the island, the temple on it, and the final dungeon of the game (behind a certain door within the temple itself no less) can be metaphorically be described as such.
- When engulfed in NetHack you well be taken into a one space area with the walls being the enemy who engulfed you.
- Ni no Kuni has Mummy's Tummy, a dungeon inside the literal womb of the literal mother of all faeries. It's... possibly the most bright and cheery example of this in existance, given that her innards also seem to double as a preschool for the baby faeries and have all features you might expect from such a place, like a playground and colorful murals on the walls.
- Oracle of Tao has a section inside a Cosmic Egg responsible for existence, so it's literally a womb level.
- Paladin's Quest has a cave dungeon called Dragon Mountain filled with monsters with names like Virus and Parasite. When the characters exit on the other side, the "mountain" reveals that it was alive after all and that the characters have just crawled out of its mouth. Guess what the entrance really was.
- Phantasy Star IV has the Garuberk Tower, which is more or less a giant pillar of organs, veins, and eyes, the last of which Chaz has to interact with in a non-specific way in order to make the fleshy walls tremble and make new areas accessible. The truly unsettling about it is that the Tower isn't a creature — it's just a huge tumor rising up out of the earth of Dezolis, existing solely as a power base for Dark Force.
- Phantasy Star Online features Ruins 3, which is basically the insides of Dark Falz.
- In the Gold Box game Pools of Darkness, you at one point end up on the gigantic, comatose body of the ex-god Moander. In order to complete the events there, you have to enter his body. Not only do you have to fight both enemy cultists and various immune-system baddies, but travel is done mostly through blood vessels, and Moander's heart still beats now and then, resulting in some VERY squicky tides. The BBEG of the area hides in the heart, and will happily stab it whenever you approach, flushing you out again.
- Minor one from Queen's Crown the iOS game: after beating the final boss for the first time, NPCs with gateways in their bodies appear. The gateways inside them lead to a regular looking dungeon... with regular looking mooks... THAT SURPASS THE MAIN CHARACTER'S MAXIMUM LEVEL BY HUNDREDS. Use magic or die.
- The Final Dungeon of Romancing SaGa: Quietus
is one large womb level, it is especially disturbing near the final chamber where there is a giant pool of blood
smack dab in the center of the passageway.
- Tanzer serves as this kind of dungeon in Sa Ga Frontier. You are swallowed by him randomly.
- The final room of The Very Definitely Final Dungeon of Shin Megami Tensei if... is a brain, complete with fetus final boss.
- Near the end of South Park: The Stick of Truth, you must enter Mr. Slave's ass in order to disarm a snuke inside of him as your character is the only one with both the knowledge of abortion and the ability to shrink via snorting Gnome Dust. Within said stage you can find various things such as used condoms, a phone and even Mr. Hat.
- Tales of Graces has a short dungeon in the stomach of the Rockgagong, an enormous desert-dwelling monster. Although it looks like an ordinary cave flooded with purple liquid. The party contemplates taking the back entrance out, much to Cheria's disgust. Fortunately, it turns out the monster sneezes from its stomach so they get out with a bag of pepper another character had inexplicably given the protagonist earlier.
- The final dungeon of Tales of Hearts takes place inside of Gardenia, the massive progenitor of the Zerom. It's what was believed to be a black moon.
- Throne of Darkness: The Meifumado Citadel starts out like any other castle encountered so far (except with creepy murals and much darker walls) then the room with the stairs up on the second level, is covered with flesh, and the stairs are made of bones. The next levels are all living, with pulsating walls, giant constructs of flesh and bone, and green steam coming from suspiciously anus-like holes in the ground.
- Torment: Tides of Numenera features The Bloom in the last third of the game which is a massive trans dimensional biomass with maws that devour it's residents but open portals to distant worlds.
- Treasure of the Rudra: The Heg. Add very disturbing music
and you have the stuff of horror. Ruins of Meifa also counts too as the boss is fought in front of a giant heart and then fuses with it when you win
- At one point in Wandering Hamster, Bob gets eaten up by a giant snake, whose interiors feature alive seagulls, ducks and a complete mini-golf course.
- Weird and Unfortunate Things Are Happening: Vedim Space. Red, with giant hands and mouths being part of the environment, and places made to look like faces.
- Xenosaga: A good portion takes place inside the Cathedral, a planet sized Gnosis that also doubles as a mothership for their kind. Fortunately, there's not a lot in the way of blood and guts since somehow the aliens are made up of salt.
- At one point in Xenoblade Chronicles 1, you briefly travel through the inside of the Bionis, which serves as a reminder that the world you're exploring was once a living, organic being. You eventually explore the location as a proper dungeon after the Bionis has awakened from its slumber. Things are more lively at that point, with the glow of the surroundings being much brighter, blood cells drifting through the air, and you now having to fight off both its literal and figurative immune system in the form of super-sized microbes and the alien Telethia respectively.
- In Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the kingdom of Uraya is located within a gigantic whale-like Titan. The majority of the region just looks like a gigantic and beautiful cave complex, illuminated by light shining through the titan's translucent back as well as glowing plant-life and being dotted by ponds and lakes of various sizes. However, the tiny region known as the Dragon's Stomach serves as a reminder that you're still inside of a living creature, with its environs being fleshy and host to a horde of unpleasant parasitic lifeforms.
- The original X-Men game for the NES has a couple of levels inexplicably inside a giant space whale. In the comics these were used as starships by the alien Brood.
- Fallout has one of these as the Master's lair, kind of. It's not so much as going into something's body but it's more the Master has grown like Meat Moss across the innards of the Mariposa base and combined with some of the tech.
- Grim Dawn features a particularly gruesome, "living" pulsating dungeon in the Ashes of Malmouth expansion at the end, what with one of the Aetherial leaders deciding human flesh made a fine building material and getting to work on both a base of operations and a mysterious "weapon" inide it. One portion of this dungeon literally contains a womb, and uses multiple actual women as additional ones, because the Shaper of Flesh needs the extra children for host bodies for other Aetherials.
- In Unemployment Quest, one section of The Castle of Uncertainty looks like you're inside someone's intestines. After taking a few steps, Chris shares his thoughts.
"Ugh, I feel sick. This place is disgusting."
Rhythm Games
- DESCENT, the second level in BIT.TRIP BEAT, is set in a series of tunnels with flowing rivers of what looks like "lava". However, as Word of God states that BEAT represents CommanderVideo's body developing inside the womb, DESCENT actually takes place inside his circulatory system. Towards the end of the level, the background camera dives into the "lava" and enters a red void with clusters of cubes representing blood cells and a giant sphere in the center representing the heart.
- Stage 11 ("La La") of Elite Beat Agents has the Agents shrink down and enter the body of an athlete so they can encourage his white blood cells into fighting off a disease. By the way, the white blood cells are sexy nurses wielding giant syringes, and the disease is a bunch of blue-skinned muscular men in devil costumes who wield giant forks.
Run and Gun
- The Contra games, starting with the arcade original, usually feature a womb level at the end of each game after the usual series of seemingly normal military bases and jungles. The few aversions of this trope are usually in games like Operation C and Contra: Hard Corps, in which the Big Bads are not actually aliens, but other humans who are using cloning technology to create alien-based weapons. The second arcade game's fourth stage has pulsating red and blue blood vessels along the walls.
- In Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course, after you defeat Glumstone the Giant's second phase, he destroys the platform and swallows you whole. The third phase is set in his stomach, where you fight his sentient stomach ulcer.
- Spiritual Assassin Taromaru have you battling a gargantuan Surinam toad monster boss, and if you win, the monster then... swallows you in an instant. Leading to another stage where you must fight it's stomach-worms and inflict enough damage to destroy the monster from the inside.
Shoot Em Up
- In Abadox: The Deadly Inner War, the hero journeys inside a Planet Eater to rescue a princess (or lover in the Japanese version).
- Amiga game Anatomic Man takes place in a human digestive system, where you need to shoot bacteria.
- Andro Dunos goes here in Stage 3, whose background is made of pulsating alien viscera.
- Apidya has two of these, both bonus levels. One takes place inside a giant pike after he eats you, the other is when you fly into the guts of the dead rat that you just blasted open.
- A very old arcade game called Bio-Attack is comprised of this where you have to cure the patient from health problems and escape through the eye. Interestingly enough, it was apparently meant to be a licensed game based from Fantastic Voyage according to the Fox trademark.
- Bio-Hazard Battle is a fairly standard Shmup except for the playable ships and all the enemies being organic, and the levels get more like this the further you go along.
- Blazing Lazers has Area 4, which is inexplicably full of Mook Maker brains.
- Blazing Star ends the game with a semi-cybernetic version, complete with Cyborged Giant Space Fetus.
- The second level of the Amiga shoot-em-up Disposable Hero, which, in addition to the requisite teeth and blood vessels, features a fire-breathing wasp made of meat which squelches eggs out of its abdomen at you as its first sub-boss, followed by a skeleton that spurts blood when you decapitate it, and culminates in a boss fight against a tusked skull — which you have to kill by shooting off the top of its head, and then popping its inflating brain sac.
- There's usually at least one in each Gradius:
- Gradius V has three, though two are of the "bio-goo takes over a capital ship" variety. The other is full of pulsating meat and ends with a fight against the heart.
- While Gradius was the staple for womb stages, it was the sister series, Salamander, that pushed the envelope for extremely graphic representation. Both of the series' organic stages tend to have regenerating walls, which after being destroyed, can regenerate on top of your ship and kill you if you're not careful. Gradius ReBirth has a rather dickish variety that grows even larger whenever it regenerates.
- Life Force is the ur-example, which takes place inside the Planet Eater Zelos in the American version according to the manual. In the original Arcade version, Salamander, only the first level was a womb level. However in the Japanese Arcade version of Life Force; which was a tweaked remake of Salamander, almost all of the levels and enemies had pallet and sprite swaps to look organic. The game also included an announcer which, when you reached a new level, told you what organ of the monster you were entering and the hazards you encouter.
- The Guardian Legend has a flesh zone.
- In Utero
, which features a sperm. The game was designed to celebrate the new baby boy of Tom Fulp, who runs Newgrounds (Tom does, not the baby).
- Legendary Wings had mid-level punishment segments in which you would be sucked into a giant's mouth if you failed to dodge his whirlwinds. These levels were really creepy.
- Naizoh Habitat in Nanostray 2. "Naizoh" even means "guts".
- The last boss of the forgotten shmup Philosoma has you whittling away at a giant ovum, all the while your A.I. Is a Crapshoot onboard computer kept saying "Fertilization" over and over at differing tones. Granted, you needed to free your wingmate from inside the ovum. Also, the ending, while the two of you escape, the computer proclaims "Fertilization succesful" and as you flee from the planet, the planet turns into a...planet-sized fetus. It could only be explained that the planet is a gigantic egg.
- R-Type likes it too; R-Type III is particularly egregious.
- The Final Boss of many of the games is the Bydo Womb.
- X-Multiply, by the same creators is composed entirely of Womb Levels because it takes place inside a woman who is infected by a microscopic alien queen that previously killed off the others it infected. What's interesting is that unlike other examples, the zones you travel in are completely twisted and alien-ish; there's rarely any sense you're flying through arteries, intestines or other organs (though one area briefly showed what appears to be villi).
- There's, of course, the boss that looks like a literal womb at the end of the original's second stage, which also reappears in later games.
- The eponymous Lost Planet of Silpheed: The Lost Planet is largely turned into one of these, but the organic nature of those stages is downplayed.
- In Super Aleste, the twelfth and final area.
- Tyrian has Gyges, a Single-Biome Planet whose biome is this. Lots of biological claw-spikes, shifting enemies, and general nastiness abounds.
- 8th area in Zanac takes place in such location.
Stealth Based Game
- Played straight in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, as checking your map while you're inside Arsenal Gear during the final act of the game gives you the pleasure of area names like 'stomach', 'rectum', and 'duodenum'. While this seemed to be just a naming quirk at the time, either in-universe or on the part of Kojima, the creepily organic properties of the Gekko units in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots provide the delicious possibility that it may have been very literal.
Survival Horror
- Clive Barker's Jericho features this in its final Sumeria time slice, replete with dangling organ sacks.
- Dead Space doesn't have an outright womb level, but several areas of the ship, as well as the structures on the colony below, have areas where every surface is covered in alien flesh, sometimes with monsters embedded in the walls.
- In Dead Space 3, Issac and John get eaten by a Necromorph called "The Nexus". Rather than this being a death scene, they fight its organs to escape. And that's after Isaac and John voluntarily entered the same Necromorph to conduct a science experiment.
- Silent Hill 2: Angela's room, which is all red and pulsating. It's also where you fight the child abuse monster. Angela's room also has large, fleshy pistons poking in and out of the walls.
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines: Done with a twist. Andrei's lair (an otherwise unassuming Beverly Hills mansion) is filled with furniture and decorations made entirely out of human flesh. Even the walls bleed when you cut/shoot at them. To absolutely no one's surprise, Andrei is a Tzimisce, a member of a clan notorious for being able to warp their own flesh and that of other people with their signature Vicissitude discipline.
Tabletop Games
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- The 92nd layer of the Abyss is called Ulgurshek and is a "living layer". Except that it's not really a living layer, because it's not a layer at all. It's a creature called a draeden, and has been around since the dawn of time, although only Lolth and her most trusted servants know this. The Abyss grew around it, like how some trees grow around part of a metal fence.
- Ragnora, one of the Eldritch Abominations detailed in the Elder Evils Splat book, represents corrupted life. In the suggested scenario, the PCs confront her in the Worldskin, a cave of sorts created by her corrupting effect on the planet, which resembles the interior of a living being, albeit one with foul cysts and cancers that actual provide power to her and her pseudonatural creations. During the Final Battle (after being reduced to 200 hp or after nine rounds of combat, whichever comes first) Ragnora merges with the Worldskin and becomes far more powerful, but also exposes a weak spot that the heroes can take advantage of.
- Malagarde the Hag Countess was formerly the ruler of Malbolge, the sixth Layer of Hell. Now she is the sixth Layer, having been turned into it when Asmodeus installed his daughter as the new ruler.
- Planescape: Guide to the Ethereal Plane features Neth, the Plane that Lives, a demiplane that consists entirely of the innards of a very curious organism.
- Pathfinder: Wormsmaw, the fortress of the undead warlord Erum-Hel, is a massive, petrified, buried creature of unknown origins. Its entrance is shaped like a gaping maw, its tunnels are lined with bones, and passage through certain areas requires swimming through tunnels filled with repulsive organic fluids. Its largest chamber is a massive vault of ribs connected by cords of cartilage and connective tissue, shot through by pulsing veins and holding entombed, tormented captives; Erum-Hel himself holds court in a chamber of rippling connective tissue carved with constantly-bleeding necromantic symbols.
- Warhammer 40,000:
- Advanced Space Crusade: The original setting is inside Tyranid "bio-ships", and players need to sabotage crucial organs necessary for the ship's functioning.
- Deathwatch: One of the free adventures on the game's website has the player characters go into a Tyranid bio-ship in order to kill its link with the Hive Mind, which would also cut off the rest of the attacking force. One part of the adventure had the kill-team moving through a hibernation chamber where various ground units (genestealers, warriors, hormagaunts, etc) sleep while the ship was in-transit, which can be woken up if the players make too much noise.
Third Person Shooter
- Taken to its logical extreme in the final stage of Act 2 in Gears of War 2. It even ends with you performing a triple chainsaw bypass.
- Most of the Eschebone level in Jet Force Gemini takes place inside a giant creature, entering through the mouth and exiting out the... other end.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising has Hades' belly, which is where Pit ends up after his first battle with him ends badly. Pit also faces cellular versions of Underworld soldiers, and once he gets into the actual stomach, Hades eats random enemies to attack him.
- Lost Planet 2: The boss of the first chapter has a weakspot in its body. To reach it, you have to blow off its legs, then climb into its mouth, shoot at its organs while fending off the smaller Akrid it has eating, then shoot back out it's rear end.
- The final boss battle in MDK2. The player fights a giant froglike monster who sucks the player into his body at intervals. While the player is inside the body, he defeats the boss by destroying each of the boss' organs. When all the organs are meat jelly, switch to end cutscene.
- One of the tracks in the PC game Megarace was set up inside a Fractalian whale.
- Splatoon 2: The final levels of the Octo Expansion are named and themed after human anatomy, including the coccyx, villi, belly, intestines, diaphragm, peristalsis, and spinal phases.
- And in the Transformers Armada video game, one level takes place on a large battleship who happens to be the Decepticon Tidal Wave. However, you don't find this out until he transforms at the end of the level and becomes the level boss... unless you happened to notice his head through a window while marching through a corridor — or were spoiled by either the toy or cartoon prior.
- In Transformers: War for Cybertron, it turns out the giant Killsat that you've been flying inside throughout the second-to-last level is actually Trypticon's alt mode, which you don't find out until the final minutes of the level where you have to destroy his conversion cog and fly out before he crushes you from the inside, and he becomes the level boss for the remainder of the game.
Turn-Based Strategy
- I=MGCM has Demon's Tower dungeon (or "Demons Babel" in Japanese), which is a gigantic tower-like creature serves as colonies for demons in Demon Realm.
Visual Novel
- In Fate/stay night, there is one scene in Unlimited Blade Works where Shinji turns into a giant pile of what seems like the blown out insides of a strange animal multiplied in size times.
Wide Open Sandbox
- One of LittleBigPlanet 2's levels has you shrunk down and entered into a character's body in order to fight an infection inside his brain.
- During beta, Starbound had "Tentacle" planets composed almost entirely of flesh, viscera and bodily fluids, the implication being that some kind of abomination had essentially eaten the planet and made it its body. The full release removed them but made the final boss, The Ruin, this. Flesh biomes can still be found on some planets, both above and below ground; these places are made of quivering raw flesh in lieu of soil and stone, and home to beasts like the Hemogoblins. The large-scale mod Frackin' Universe returns the tentacle worlds in the form of "Atropus planets", which are if anything even worse.
- The Crimson biome from Terraria appears to be this; its chasms resemble giant organs, and its grass appears to be made from Meat Moss. Certain crafting stations allow you to create flesh blocks, which can be made into fleshy organ-shaped furniture. So, if you so choose, you can make a castle out of meat.
- The Imagic game Microsurgeon put you at the controls of a miniature "robot probe" traveling through a person's body to fix various ailments and exit from the eye, ear, nose or mouth before the probe ran out of power or the patient's condition deteriorated to "terminal".
- The arcade version of Ataxx may be considered a variant of this, due to the highly... biological nature of your opponents and the setting.
- All three tables in the pinball video game Alien Crush Returns.
- The interior of Muud in Lusternia. Intended as a hunting ground for very high-levelled players.
- The Web Original physics based side scroller Triachnid featured this as the final level. To kill the creature who took your mate and your babies, you had to do it from the inside — and don't forget to grab your babies on the way out.
- You Have To Fertilize The Egg
(from the creators of You Have to Burn the Rope) is literally all about this: The player takes the role of a royal sperm (with a fancy top hat) who races against other sperm in a woman's womb in order to fertilize an egg to give birth to a princess, all the while singing a catchy song about swimming around in a vagina and creating a princess. Couldn't make this up if we tried.
- It's not just them. A prostate cancer charity made a game about getting all the sperm to the prostate so they can become semen (hot spots and cold spots kill sperm.)
- One possible area in the supreme mindfuck that is LSD: Dream Emulator is a stretch of fleshy pink tunnels, in which your footsteps have an odd squelching sound.
- The "Cemetery" table in The Pinball of the Dead appears to be made out of muscle and skin.
- One of the stages of Project × Zone is located at the Creator's Fetus/Fetus of God, the same one providing the page image. Now you can experience that lovely image in 3D. Have fun!
- One of the Movie Maker segments in Sonic Dreams Collection provides a literal example of this, inside Rouge the Bat.
- A CatDog flash game, "Fishing For Trouble", based on the eponymous episode, takes place in Dog's stomach as Cat searches it for Veronica, Dog's pet goldfish, having eaten her. The objective of this game is for Cat to eat the food inside Dog's stomach before Veronica eats it and grows bigger. The game ends if either Cat succeeds in eating enough food to keep Veronica from growing and recovering Veronica, or if Veronica becomes big enough to beat up Cat.
Non-Video Game examples:
Anime and Manga
- In Berserk, Guts tries to kill the Sea God from the inside. In order to do that, he enters its digestive tract, cuts his way through to the heart and while fighting tons of parasites and protective symbionts as well as the Sea God's inner combat tentacles. Kentarou Miura took quite some Artistic License – Biology here.
- Dragon Ball Z: During the Buu Saga, Goku and Vegeta end up inside Super Buu's body in a bid to rescue the fighters that Buu has absorbednote . They have to avoid the hazards of his antibodies, stomach acid, imagination, steam, and worms. There's also the Princess Snake episode.
- Fullmetal Alchemist has Ed, Ling, and Envy briefly trapped inside an endless Pocket Dimension in Gluttony's stomach.
- An episode of Lupin III: Part II has Goemon leap into the open mouth of a real dragon, run down the dragon's throat, and slice off a piece of its liver to complete a favor.
- RootsSearch
: After being presumably killed and sent to hell Moira and Buzz end up in some... thing that looks positively alive.
Art and Architecture
- The buildings of Antoni Gaudi,
and Gaudi's style in general. Often inspired by bodily structures, they sometimes look like the inside of a Living Ship.
Comic Books
- Defiant Comics's Warriors Of Plasm is set on, or rather in, the Org of Plasm, basically a planet-sized Womb Level where everything runs on Organic Technology.
Comic Strips
- The Far Side had explorers rowing down a river towards a gigantic bodily organ. Caption: "The heart of the jungle now well beyond them, the three intrepid explorers entered the spleen."
Fan Works
- FFS, I Believe in You: Late in the sequel, Link and Sidon end up being swallowed by Jabu Orkù, who much like his ancestor in Ocarina of Time has an extensive dungeon within his cavernous stomach.
- NES Godzilla Creepypasta features this trope as one of the level types on Zenith, the final world of the modified game. In it, Godzilla and the other monsters must traverse landscapes made of flesh, fight various fleshy monsters, including massive tapeworm-like creatures, and at the end, face off against Canidont, a skinless dog-like head which flies around while trying to snap at them.
- Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!: Izuku decides to head to Korusan Island off the coast of Nagoya Prefecture, Japan to practice using his powers away from prying eyes. The "island" is actually the corpse of a Kaiju that was killed by Big Science Action three years ago. Its massive size and immunity to magic have made it impossible to remove, as anything that gets remotely close is either killed or corroded away by the toxic gas released by the island. This makes it a perfect stomping ground for Izuku, as the sheer danger it poses to everyone else minimizes any chance that he might be discovered. He also "enters" the island by boring a hole in one of its skulls with his Heat Vision and kicking the weakened piece of flesh in.
- Kingdom Hearts: The Antipode: Due to being eaten at the end of Chapter 18, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy have to travel through Monstro as in the original Kingdom Hearts. Unlike in the original game, Sora is not present, and Riku's place is taken by the Riku Replica who enters Monstro's body via a Corridor of Darkness on the orders of Saix.
- The eponymous Fantastic Voyage is undertaken by the protagonists and the villain, though the movie is nearly over before it's clear that there actually is a villain rather than just a string of exceptionally bad luck through a human body.
- Innerspace features Dennis Quaid being shrunk to microscopic proportions within a specialized pod and then accidentally injected into Martin Short's body. At one point in the movie he is transferred to his girlfriend by way of a kiss and literally hangs out near her womb, where he finds out she's pregnant with his child.
- Pacific Rim has an interdimensional portal called "the Breach" through which Kaiju travel from their world to ours. Once humans manage to enter it, it resembles a series of giant blue-and-purple sphincters constantly throwing off electricity.
- The climax of The Transformers: The Movie from the 1980s takes place inside of Unicron's body. As does Transformers: Armada, which spends at least five episodes wandering around in Unicron's innards.
- Andrew Lost in Uncle Al: Andrew and Judy have spent the last few books shrunken down, but now a mosquito accidentally injects them into their uncle's bloodstream.
- In The Serpent Sea, Moon and company are briefly trapped inside the leviathan, after being accidentally inhaled. They find themselves in a series of tunnels that the giant parasites in residence chewed out.
- In the first Doom novel, Marines Flynn Taggart and Arlene Sanders are transported into a giant womb, and have to exit it via a giant pulsing vagina. Arlene quips "Hey, Fly. Do you ever feel like you're being born again?" to which Taggart politely asks her to STFU.
- In The Elric Saga, the quest of Elric of Melnibone to find the sword Stormbringer leads him and Rackhir the Red Archer into the Pulsating Cave. This is a cavern with a restricted-access vertical entrance scarce big enough to allow one person at a time in, and is fringed with gorse bushes on the outside. Inside the walls are of some pink flesh-like stuff which pulses as to a distant heartbeat. the walls drip with a salty viscous liquid and the cave leads to an uncomfortably hot inner chamber in which are two Black Swords, hovering in place but rendered impotent by their confinement. Elric and his bitter enemy Yyrkoon take a sword each and fight... Mournblade, the losing sword, reluctantly submits to transmuting into a scabbard for the victorious Stormbringer. Sorry, Mike, we're not quite up to speed with the realy subtle metaphors and visual puns you're using here?
- Leviathan has any scene taking place inside the eponymous airbeast. One illustration has Deryn taking Dr Barlow to the bee colonies, with the whale's ribcage forming the ceiling.
- The NES Godzilla Creepypasta has the second-to-last levels before the final boss, which are made of disturbingly photorealistic gore, just like the monsters that live there. The fact that it's too detailed to be 8-bit just makes it worse. Earlier, there's also the "Orange Tumor Cave" of Pathos.
Live-Action TV
- The finale of Chousei Kantai Sazer-X takes place in the body of a giant monster. Since said monster houses the spirit of the Big Bad, The Hero Takuto decides teleport himself inside the monster to confront the Big Bad.
- The Doctor Who episode "The Claws of Axos" features a Living Ship called Axos, and any of the scenes set inside it would qualify as this trope.
- Many of the obstacles on the Double Dare Obstacle Course qualify: "Pick-It" (a giant nose); "Down the Hatch" and later "Big Gulp" (huge mouths); "In One Ear" (a big head filled with "earwax"). "Foot Locker"/"Toe Jam", a huge foot, may also qualify somewhat.
- Nick Arcade had not one, but two instances in their face-off games:
- BrainStorm, a Pong clone set in between the hemispheres of a brain.
- Laser Surgeon, a crosshair game where the targets were alien microbes inside a patient's bloodstream.
- Super Sentai and its adaptation Power Rangers occasionally have fights take place inside of the body of an monster. Some notable ones from MMPR include Hatchasaurus with Jason Fighting Cardiatron, The Invenusable Flytrap fight after 4 rangers are eaten by the monster and they punch there way out, and TurbanShell with the Green Ranger Tommy deliberately getting eaten so he could fire an heat ray inside the monster while the black ranger froze its outside.
- Ultra Series
- An episode of Ultraseven has the titular superhero fighting a microscopic vampiric alien parasite named Darii (or Dally, it depends). He battles it inside of a sedated girl whom Darii is possessing. This fight is also included as a stage and level in the Ultra Seven Licensed Game for the Super Famicom.
- Two episodes of Ultraman 80 involved 80 shrinking himself to fight a miniscule parasite monster. The first one was Jakki, a snail-like alien pet that was accidentally swallowed by a zoo elephant, transforming the animal into the monster Zruzular, so 80 went inside the elephant to subdue Jakki. The second episode had 80 travel inside a kid-turned-monster to eliminate the source of his mutation — an alien plant called...Space Plant!
- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea had several episodes where the crew had to wade through the Monster of the Week's innards. Usually the exact same innards.
- Various world mythologies, Norse for instance, have the world that we see made up of the body parts (intact or dismembered) of a primordial god. Accordingly, you are in the womb level now.
- In Persian mythology, the universe is formed from the entrails of a dragon.
- In the BIONICLE Lego series, nearly every single setting up to the Glatorian toyline was revealed to have been set either on the surface of, or *within*, a colossal biomechanical robot; the true body of Mata Nui, which was designed to find and enact a way to repair its home planet. All the races within, before they were granted sentience, were designed as analogues for various bodily processes.
- Awful Hospital: Inert Sub-Concept Vessel MG-0908-BN/SK/HL-3900438093990 is located inside the corpse of a previous version of Fern, which she spends quite a lot of time inside getting to know the microbe inhabitants of. It's implied and later confirmed that every other corpse in the morgue contains similar microworlds inside them.
- L's Empire has a literal case when the soul of Daisy and Luigi's unborn child transports them inside Daisy with the power of the Mirror Star (Daisy is with them in there, which leads to some confusion) complete with the 7 week old fetus in the background.
- The test Jigena's Flower in Tower of God is all about climbing into Jigena and finding a parasitic flower that grow jewels. Unfortunately, Jigena is a aquatic beast that sunbathes for only two hours at the surface and flips every thirty seconds in addition to being ungodly gigantic, so the test is really hard.
- An Oglaf strip gets very close to featuring this trope literally with "the Labi-Rinth, a labyrinth styled like a vagina". A lot of Oglaf strips are NSFW, others aren't; this one is... hard to classify. It's very pink, though.
- Unsounded: Ana and Knock end up inside the Silver Eel with Cutter for over a week following the destruction of the Deadly Nevergreen. It's made even more womblike because it is chock full of vengeful ghosts that are shaped like fetuses and infants.
Web Original
- "Yes, Jolonah, There Is a Hell"
, a story in the Orion's Arm universe, has an unfriendly (and insane) archailect, an existence that is to us as we are to bacteria, decide that there needs to be a hell. So it creates one. Being that Hell is this archailect's body, this certainly qualifies — as womb level, body horror, values dissonance, eldritch horror and nightmare fuel. Read it, for a view on how AI could go Really Fucking Wrong.
- Mystery Flesh Pit National Park is one of these that was turned into a tourist attraction by Anodyne Deep Earth Mining Inc. It's so utterly gigantic and ancient it has an ecosystem of its own with creatures that have evolved to adapt to its unique biome, and even with Anodyne's attempt to tame the place it's still very wild and dangerous. To the point the whole endeavor goes straight to hell in July 2007 and drags Anodyne into the pit of bankruptcy with it.
- The website called The Miasma
that promises to be "An unflinching celebration of the bizarre and extraordinary". It appears to be an entire forum made out of living tissue and is run by an administrator named Neurovore.
Western Animation
- Adventure Time:
- In "Belly of the Beast," Finn and Jake go inside a giant rampaging monster after hearing a cry for help, only to discover a tribe of partying bears.
- In "Lady & Peebles," Princess Bubblegum and Lady Rainicorn go inside a mountain dungeon to rescue Finn and Jake from the Ice King. Said dungeon is organic and ready to kill the duo with Combat Tentacles and Eye Beams, with some metallic air ducts thrown in for good measure (in which the duo gets attacked by a giant tongue). It turns out that Ricardio is behind all this.
- Bump in the Night had "Journey to the Center of the Lungfish", where the three get inhaled by said (ailing) lungfish as a result of Mr. Bumpy razzing it and knocking over its tank—And find a Cloud Cuckoo Lander ship captain inside.
- Captain N: The Game Master had an episode that freely dances between this and a "Fantastic Voyage" Plot; Kevin is bitten by a video virus and the team has to go inside his body to help him fight it off.
- CatDog:
- In the Grand Finale, "The Great Parent Mystery," one time the titular characters are inside the stomach of the lake monster Bessie.
- The episode "Fishing For Trouble" has Cat traveling Dog's stomach to find his fish Veronica.
- "Dog Come Home!" has Dog run away from home, but since he and Cat are attached in the middle he simply stretched the body miles and miles away from their house, where Cat stays. When Cat regrets being mean to Dog, he swallows Winslow so that he can go directly to Dog, eventually coming back out through Dog's mouth.
- Golemesque has House of Flesh, a fictional Doom-like video game based entirely on the trope being programmed by the male protagonist. The author, Edward Lee, appears to have not known how common the trope really is, referring to it as an "utterly new graphical environment". Enemy "Fungiforms" would infect areas to prevent healing, and the levels (Dermatropolis, Tumor Town, Viralville, the Labyrinth of Leprosy, etc.) sound similar to settings in Lee's earlier novels about Hell.
- The ending of The Ren & Stimpy Show episode "Marooned" has the duo end up inside an alien. The survival guide's advice? They're doomed. This inspired the final stage in the Licensed Game mentioned above.
- In "The Boy Who Cried Rat", Stimpy tries to eat Ren (who's disguised as a mouse). Eventually, Stimpy has Ren in his mouth, but Ren goes nuts and forces Stimpy to cough him out. Just like the above example, this was also featured as a level in the SNES game.
- They've lived inside dead animals more than a few times.
- The Rick and Morty episode "Anatomy Park" partially takes place inside "Reuben", a homeless man that Rick is building a theme park in (It Makes Sense in Context).
- In the Rocko's Modern Life episode, "To Heck and Back", Heffer chokes on a chicken bone and suffers a Near-Death Experience, where he is sent to Heck for his gluttony. As Peaches shows Heffer the times his gluttony hurt his family and friends, Rocko goes inside Heffer's body to extract the chicken bone and save Heffer.
- Samurai Jack had two episodes involving this back to back. In the original series, the episode "Jack and the Dragon" (dubbed "Jake and the Farting Dragon" by fans), Jack had to go inside the enponyous creature to not just stop what was causing its bowel problems, but to also save the townsfolk who were caught up in it. In the fourth episode of the [adult swim] revival season, Jack is swallowed by a colossal worm-like beast. In both episodes, the creatures are filled with all the tropes and hazards you'd expect see in a video game level. In the latter episode, Jack mentions that this experience of being inside a monster is nothing new to him at this point.
- South Park did it, naturally: Lemmiwinks in Mr. Slave's ass, and later Paris Hilton!
- And also when Kenny (who was really a kid from Cartman's fat camp in disguise) climbed inside of Ms. Crabtree's womb on a bet.
- "The Snuke" has an unlucky bastard going inside Hilary Clinton's womb to disarm a nuke.
- And there's also Kyle going inside the Eldritch Abomination Cartman's been transformed into after his Trapper Keeper merges with him.
- In the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm", Sandy thinks the Alaskan Bullworm's tongue is the worm itself, and the worm's esophagus is a cave. She soon discovers she was wrong.
- Another episode "Squidtastic Voyage" has Spongebob and Patrick going inside Squidward's body to retrieve the clarinet mouth piece that got stuck in his throat.
- Wishfart: In the episode "Spicy is Paradisey", Dez's descendant enters Puffin's stomach to find out why he hasn't stopped eating in 5000 years. Inside, he finds that Howie the centaur and Saskie the Bigfoot have been living inside, having survived on the undigested food and stopped aging due to Puffin's stomach gases preserving them.