World-Healing Wave - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Feb 03 2011

World-Healing Wave (trope)

"It's like the Nothing never was!"

The World-Healing Wave magically repairs a setting of any and all destruction done to it by evil forces. It can have a lot of different causes: the heroes may be returning the Cosmic Keystone to its proper place/owner, the Fisher King is healed, the God of Evil is slain and their Walking Wasteland effect is undone, the players reset the computer system, or a God of Good uses a massive display of Fertile Feet and Green Thumb to restore the place.

Any people, plants, animals, and structures killed and destroyed may be brought Back from the Dead en masse. Thus, Disney Death can be included in the healing.

The wide scale of the effect can be why the heroes have it as the objective of their quest. "We can fix everything if we do X" for instance. It can also be justified, if the Cosmic Keystone or what-have-you that caused this event really is that big a deal, such as the Magical Underpinnings of Reality.

This is the good counterpart to the World-Wrecking Wave. Compare Cloud-Clearing Burst.

See also Solar CPR. This trope is the last resort of the Small Steps Hero. Compare Saved by the Phlebotinum and "End of the World" Special.


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Anime & Manga 

  • In CLANNAD, there's a smaller version of this. The Girl from the Illusionary World manages to use the Orbs of Light brought by Tomoya (as the Garbage Doll) to cause a Retcon; it saves Nagisa from her Death by Childbirth and Ushio from her illness, while also healing Fuuko from her coma.
  • In D.Gray-Man, having the Musician play the piano in Noah's Ark reversed the download which restored the setting as well as all the characters who hadn't been killed in battle.
  • Digimon:
    • Yukio Oikawa does one at the end of Digimon Adventure 02 by using the power of a world were dreams come true to convert himself into energy and revitalize the Digital World. Justifed at least in this case because, as the way he did it was previously explained.
    • In Digimon Frontier, the world was in disarray because bad guys had stolen important data. We sometimes got to see ruined areas restored after the fall of the Monster of the Week early on. In the final episode, the entire Digital World had been fed to the Sealed Evil in a Can to fuel his full restoration, and he plans to make a new world in his image. When he's taken down for good, we get to see an entire world — the Digital World in its natural state, seen only in flashbacks until now — form from shiny barcodey lights.
  • The plot of almost every Dragon Ball story arc inevitably involves using the Dragon Balls to generate one of these. To the point where in later episodes, they hardly even worry about the damage they do fighting the Big Bad because they know they can do this once they're done defeating the Big Bad.
  • Two of these take place in Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden, as the two wishes that Takiko makes to Genbu before dying:
    • First, the country of Hokkan (Genbu's land) is about to be consumed not just by the upcoming war with Kutou, but by a glacial era that would be a MASSIVE disaster since Hokkan itself is made of steppes and plains. Takiko tells Genbu "Return spring to this land once more", Genbu accepts and the climate changes accordingly, saving the country from being covered in ice for what could be centuries.
    • Second, the wish that follows is basically one "for all the living things of this country to be restored to what they once were". Genbu fulfills it via miraculous water that spreads through the country, healing wounded soldiers (which makes both sides of the Hokkan/Kutou war stop their fighting) and melting the snow away...
  • The ending of Green Legend Ran anime results in this. For decades the Earth had been reduced to a wasteland due to an alien influence, and when the Big Bad was finally defeated, Ran and his Magical Girlfriend magically restored the Earth back to what it used to be.
  • In Guardian Fairy Michel, this tends to happen whenever a fairy is recused, instantly fixing the problems its capture caused.
  • Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger: Once the Jyarei Monster of the Week is defeated and purified by the heroes, it transform into a flower that undoes all the damage caused and turning the once Fractured Fairy Tale back to normal.
  • At the end of Kanon, Ayu's miracle undoes all the tragic deaths occurring earlier in the series and heals Akiko.
  • Massively subverted in Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato. The Goddess Vishnu releases one when she's restored to normal after having been Taken for Granite, repairing the Tenkuukai and reviving her fallen Hachibushu warriors. However, it has two drawbacks: she cannot revive Gai due to external influences... and when the one who intervened appears (Shiva, Goddess of Destruction), the Tenkuukai starts falling apart again.
  • In Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, the hexagonal crystal that Princess Koyuki carries around is implanted in a device that causes the never-ending winter in the Land of Snow to end and spring to arrive.
  • Also used in Negima! Magister Negi Magi, when the newly released Asuna uses her sword and Code of the Lifemaker to repair the damage done to Mundus Magicus (which was gradually being erased) and bring back the people who have been erased before.
  • The movie for the anime, No Game No Life Zero, has one at the climax, restoring the ravaged planet to a pre-war state.
  • The heroes of Nurse Angel Ririka SOS save the world from evil, illness-spreading aliens with this trope — in conjunction with Fill It with Flowers.
  • At the end of the second arc of Pokémon Adventures, Yellow and Lugia unleash the energy generated from the badge amplifier onto mainland Kanto, turning areas devastated by pollution into green fields.
  • In the Pretty Cure series, it is customary for the battlefield to return to its ordinary state after the Monster of the Week is defeated and the bad guys escape. Fresh Pretty Cure! is the only series where this doesn't happen all the time for reasons that were never explained. This exception to the rule is made more jarring as this is the first Precure series where the Monsters of the Week are summoned exclusively to attack civilians rather than just to fight the eponymous Magical Girl Warriors and, as such, the levels of mayhem and destruction are higher than the previous seasons.
  • In Puella Magi Madoka Magica, this is, more or less, the result of Madoka's wish in the final episode. Magical girls and others who are killed by witches get brought back. Magical girls who became witches, on the other hand, are whisked away to Magical Girl Valhalla by Madoka at the moment when they would have become witches. Madoka herself is removed from existence because she would have become an even more powerful version of Kriemhild Gretchen otherwise.
  • At the end of RahXephon, it is revealed that the instrumentalist can create a world according to their will. Ayato's choice creates a world where all the people he loves are happy, and the Mullian war never happened.
  • The ending of the first season of the first Sailor Moon ending, in which Moon releases the full power of her Silver Crystal and both defeats Metallia/Beryl, reverses the damage done by the Dark Kingdom and revives the dead Senshi, Mamoru/Endymion and herself as her last wish on the Crystal, albeit without memories. (For a while). It's also implied that Crystal Tokyo is heralded in when Neo Queen Serenity ascends and pulls one of these for the entire planet after some global freeze/disaster.
  • In SD Gundam Force, when the Dark Axis launches a full-scale invasion of Neotopia, they unleash a swarm of Bagu Bagu that turns most of the city's organic creatures and vegetation to stone. Captain Gundam, using his Soul Drive and powers granted by Zero and Bakunetsumaru, is able to reprogram the Bagu Bagu so that they reverse the effect, restoring Neotopia to its original splendor. In the final episode, the same thing is done to Lacroa, the last nation the Dark Axis conquered.
  • Played straighter than straight in SSSS.GRIDMɅN. The whole setting took place in Cyberspace, and besides the city the main story took place in and one other area used for a Beach Episode, there literally was nothing in the virtual world. The final episode saw Gridman defeat Alexis Kerib not with one of his usual finishers, but the Grid Fixer Beam, which he used to heal the heart of Akane Shinjo, cutting off Alexis Kerib from his Resurrective Immortality. In the process, Gridman also turned the whole virtual world into a 1:1 duplicate of Earth, as well as reviving everyone who died over the course of the series.

Comic Books 

  • Several months after a World-Wrecking Wave scours the Earth in Eight Billion Genies, someone makes a wish to restore the world and bring back most plant and animal life (except for the humans killed earlier).
  • Happens in an issue of the Fantastic Four after Earth is devastated by a gravity wave sent by Ego the Living Planet. An otherwise ordinary man with reality-warping powers unknown to him mistakes the FF's leaving to deal with the threat as them fleeing the planet, and his wish that things never happened winds things back as if the attack never occurred, burning out his powers permanently in the process.
  • The Immortal Thor: Thor uses the All-Power to summon "the calm before the storm" and repair most of the physical damage from Toranos' attack on New York. Unfortunately, he can't heal the people who were hurt or killed.
  • The Mighty Thor: Odin did this in one issue, although in this case, it was more of a universe-healing wave.
  • In Zombies Christmas Carol, Scrooge's reformation and kindness to his fellow man, especially the Hungry Dead, change the infected to normal and let the already-dead ones die peacefully.

Fan Works 


  • Played With in Ace Combat: The Equestrian War. The Mane Cast use the Elements of Harmony powered up by Celestia and Luna's magic to slowly rejuvenate Equestria to the state before the war with the griffins. However, everyone who died during the war stays dead.
  • The season 1 finale for Children of Time: Time is healing and beginning to move again after being frozen, thanks to the actions of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Beth Lestrade later describes it as having hit a Temporal Reset Button — she herself came Back from the Dead after having died during Frozen Time. In other words, her death never happened since that timeline was wiped.
  • The Equestrian Wind Mage: After the Elements of Harmony destroy Demise once and for all at the end of Season 2, they then unleash one of these, which not only resurrects everyone killed during the Battle of the Crystal Empire, but also destroys the curse of enslavement Demise long ago placed on the monster races, freeing them all.
  • Fallout: Equestria has The Gardens of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle's greatest creation, a megaspell powered by the Elements of Harmony able to cleanse all Equestria of all the radiation and taint created by the end of the war and return its ability to be a paradise again.
  • Fourth Light Series: Marcy suggests that the Calamity Trio might be able to restore the damage done by King Andrias stripmining Amphibia by combining their powers and channeling them into the ground. While Sasha remarks on how cheesy this sounds, they still give it a shot, and it proves successful.
  • Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail: Un-Chloe's death brings with it a massive wave of good fortune and magic. All across the countryside, people's lives are affected for the better; students taking tests suddenly realize the answers they got wrong, people confess their love to each other, athletes win competitions, and Chloe's mom is struck with a sudden burst of inspiration in her art.

Disney Animated Canon

Miraculous Ladybug

  • The Adventures Of Panthera Noire takes advantage of the Miraculous Cure's healing properties to amp up the violence; it's not unusual for the heroes to wind up bloodied, bruised and with broken bones while fighting akuma, only for everything to be undone afterwards.
  • Cheshire: While Adrien as Misterbug has the Miraculous Cure, Marinette as Cheshire has Catastrophe, an equivalent ability activated when she purifies an Akuma with Cataclysm. But it has the catch that it must be released soon after Cataclysm, or it will strain Marinette's body.
  • In Everything You Deserve, Adrien steals the Earrings and Wishes for a world where he can misuse his Miraculous to his heart's content. He also Wishes for Ladybug to be his slavishly devoted girlfriend. This creates a new reality where he's an infamous villain, and Chloé got the Earrings instead, so that he gets 'Ladybug' as his girlfriend without getting what he really wanted. Chloé is more than happy to abuse the Miraculous Cure in order to wipe away the damage done by their crime sprees. However, when Adrien orders her to stop restoring and repairing everything, she's deeply shaken.
  • Hawk Moth: War Criminal: Gabriel arrogantly expects this to work in his favor after he's arrested; since Ladybug magically restored all the damage done by his akumas, he assumes this means there's no evidence of his crimes and he can't be charged with anything. Suffice to say, he's very surprised to learn that isn't actually the case.
  • The Karma of Lies Deconstructs this in various ways:
    • Adrien uses the existence of the Miraculous Cure as a self-justification for his Skewed Priorities. After all, everything's going to be magically restored once they win, including anyone who gets hurt or killed, so why does it matter if he focuses on flirting, cracking jokes and teasing his partner rather than on fighting akuma?
    • Marinette, by contrast, is forced to make a difficult call during the Final Battle with Hawkmoth, ordering a building to be destroyed so that Dark Owl's akumified object will be taken out before Viperion's five-minute time limit runs out. She does this knowing that there is no way to check the building and make sure it is unoccupied in time, reasoning that she can bring back any casualties with Miraculous Cure; however, having to do this still makes her sick to her stomach.
    • After Gabriel is exposed as Hawkmoth, Adrien is honestly shocked to learn that his myriad charges include thousands of counts of murder due to all the people who were killed during his reign of terror. (It's mentioned that Syren alone killed thousands when she drowned Paris, and other akumas have body counts as well.) Adrien insists that the charges should be dropped, and that none of those deaths 'count' since everyone was brought back afterwards. His bodyguard regards him with silent disgust after hearing this argument, and while Lila backs him up, her internal thoughts reveal that she's only doing so to butter him up.
    • At the same time, Adrien also believes that he should be finanically compensated for his 'heroics' as Chat Noir, specifically insisting that he needs repayment for all the times he got temporarily killed on duty. Plagg directly points out his hypocricy, but Adrien brushes him aside while insisting "That's different."
    • When Chat Noir makes the same argument during an interview, he's called out on it — the physical consequences may be repaired, but the memories and psychological impact remain. Kagami and Luka point out that both of them have been akumatized and had to deal with their loved ones being akumatized and coming after them.
  • In Kintsugi - The Beauty in Broken Things, the Miraculous Cure merges Centi's Amok into her body, saving her life and ensuring nobody can use it to control or kill her.
  • Missing explores what happens when the Miraculous Cure doesn't magically restore everything. Ladybug was hit by a power that effectively erased her civilian identity; unaware of this, she waved away the few magical ladybugs that approached her. Making matters worse, it's heavily implied that Tikki is desperately maintaining Ladybug's transformation, as Marinette is slowly being Ret-Goned out of existence.
  • Rate this (Trust is Hard to Come By) has a Downplayed, Symbolic version: Gardener's power mimics the Miraculous Cure by blanketing all of Paris. Instead of repairing akuma-inflicted damage, however, it reveals how much Ladybug trusts every single person in Paris, which boosts the spirits of everyone who discovers they've got a surprisingly high rating... and exposes Lila's Toxic Friend Influence.
  • Tales of Karmic Lies Aftermath: In Ladybug: Miraculous Journey, this is used for Ascended Fridge Horror: Felix/Chat Noir's Establishing Character Moment has him refusing to rescue an imperiled couple, casually "reassuring" them that they'll be brought back after dying. During the climax, Chat Noir threatens to murder Bridgette himself, figuring he can get away with it thanks to the Miraculous Cure, unaware that Bridgette IS Ladybug and can't save the day if she's dead.
  • In Thanks, but no, many people mistakenly assume that the effects of all Miraculous abilities are naturally temporary, since they're accustomed to the Miraculous Cure wiping away all the effects of akuma attacks. Mullo explains to their holder Kagami that their powers can last even after the user detransforms, so that they can take advantage of her multiplication powers to secretly spend time with her friends while still completing all of her mother's expectations of her.
  • Two Letters: One of the reasons why Marinette decided to quit is how many people took her victories completely for granted. Rather than taking any actions themselves to help prevent akumas, they expected her to handle everything, even as they complained and criticized any mistakes she made. Chat Noir also proved to be a partner in name only, treating the existence of her Miraculous Cure as carte blanche to goof around.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

  • At the climax of The Dashverse story Hot Heads, Cold Hearts, and Nerves of Steel, when the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart are combined against Sombra, the released energy blast depowers him, cleanses the Crystal Empire of his taint, and seals his Windigo servants in a crystal cage.
  • A Diplomatic Visit: In chapter 11 of the third story, Diplomacy Through Schooling, Twilight is able to undo the damage done by Tirek, including restoring her school and library, via tapping Time's powers.
  • Apparently happened in the Oversaturated World when humanity gained magical abilities. Technically, this didn't so much heal the world as allow Sunset Shimmer to start healing the world herself, but given that it was doomed otherwise, it qualifies.
  • Pony POV Series:
    • At the end of the Dark World storyline, Rarity's ascension to being Liberalis, the Concept of the Mortal World, releases one of these that removes the last of Discord's tainted chaos from the world and restoring harmony.
    • Later on, the use of six sets of Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Eclipse once and for all lets off a timeline healing wave that breaks the "Groundhog Day" Loop that she turned the Dark World timeline into and fixes the damage she caused to it.
  • Spike's Gambit: After becoming the MVCD, Spike's Roll Ruler power is augmented by the 13 Gates, enabling him to unleash a global wave of good luck that grants many people's wishes (such as restoring a man's hair, waking up the comatose, ending a civil war that had raged for thirty years peacefully, and reviving Twilight).


  • Pokéumans: When Xerneas is revived, they unleash one that transformed all of the blackened and dead trees surrounding them into a lush, flourishing forest.
  • Trial of Juno: The Dawnbringer Star couples this with Cosmic Retcon.

Ragnarok Online

Real-Person Fic

  • With Strings Attached: When the Hunter stabs the Heart of Evil on the Plains of Death, it releases a massive, ball-shaped burst of energy that spreads out over the Plains, destroying all the undead masses there and triggering rain in clouds that had been sitting there for ten years. Later, Ringo notes that some old seeds in the ground have started to sprout.

Sky High (2005)

  • War and Peace in Mind features one that requires Warren combining his Healing Hands with the flames of the Battle Clan, his mother's Empathic powers, and Monica's pain-sensing in order to heal an entire battleground's worth of badly injured heroes and villains in one fell swoop. However, he's hit by a considerable backlash that knocks him out cold for two weeks, along with leaving him a skeletal, emaciated wreck.

Steven Universe

  • In A Pink Planet, Rose Quartzes were created with the express purpose of revitalizing parts of the planet that have been drained through gem creation. While not necessarily fool-proof, a slow and steady pace done in gem-production ensures that life can be reintroduced into a kindergarten with time.


  • Therapy (frommerman): After Taylor's shard convinces Scion that they can become a true hero, they unleash one of these that affects all the parahumans in the world, either healing flaws with their abilities or depowering those who didn't want their powers, as well as S-Class threats.

Films — Animation 

Films — Live-Action 

  • In Disney's live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, the end of the Enchantress's curse works this way. The castle has been bathed in eternal winter since the Beast was hexed, and as the spell is broken, sunlight sweeps over the building, repairing its broken parts and restoring all of the servants to their human forms. Since this version addresses the Fridge Logic of the original—how the heck did an entire town not notice a massive castle full of enchanted objects in their backyard?—by having the spell remove the villagers' memories of the estate and its inhabitants ever existing, it's presumed that the magical light does the same to their minds.
  • The earthquake resulting from the restoration of the Earth's core to its normal spinning state in The Core is described by DJ Qualls's character as "one giant shock wave" in which "the Earth is healing itself!"
  • At the end of The Dark Crystal, once the Crystal is healed, Kira is returned to life and/or her mortal wound is healed, the podling slaves regain their life essence, and the blighted landscape around the Crystal Castle is restored to Edenic glory.
  • The Giver ends with Jonas passing through the force field that protects the communities from the outside world. His doing this releases all of the memories that he is carrying, which roll back over the communities in a visible wave of haze, restoring memories of the past to all of the communities' inhabitants.
  • At the end of The Land of Good Kids, the magic Ferris Wheel destroys the clockwork golems and the cut-and-paste city, giving the kids their natural clothes, hairstyles, and time to play.
  • At the end of The Matrix Revolutions, the entire Matrix is returned to normal as Neo's source code is reinserted, using a cool sci-fi effect and the requisite black cat.
  • At the end of The Neverending Story 1984, when Bastian starts making wishes Fantasia is recreated the same as it was before the Nothing destroyed it.
  • Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978). The wave of goodness that passed over the town of Heartland at the end of the movie, canceling out all of the effects of Mr. Mustard's corruption.
  • In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the Genesis Device is a World Healing Wave weapon. When fired at a planet, it converts the matter on the surface into life-sustaining matter, in effect terraforming the entire planet in days instead of years. It is shown to have worked on a cave, and in the end, it is detonated in a nebula, building an entire planet from scratch. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, however, shows that it doesn't actually work. Said planet goes through its entire lifecycle (from newly formed planet to catastrophic destruction) in what is implied to be a week or two at most. This because its lead creator, Captain Kirk's son David Marcus, used unstable protomatter in order to basically cheat his way into completing the thing, showing he's not that different from his father. In a twist, Genesis doesn't discriminate in what it converts. Whether dead rock or populated planet, everything on the surface is getting culled for Genesis to do its thing. This becomes a big issue in the next few movies because Genesis represented one of the deadliest weapons known to civilization: a weapon that could not only kill all life on a planet but leave a perfectly healthy biosphere behind for whoever did the killing (or at least do the first part when they discovered how unreliable the creation part was). Perhaps even a biosphere more suitable to the user's needs than the existing one. This is why the Klingon Ambassador in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home described it as the "Genesis Weapon", and was paranoid that the Federation intended to use it to wipe out the Klingon Empire. Worse, it may actually work just fine. It was meant for use on dead planets, not what specks of matter it could pull together from a nebula. Apples and oranges, only more so. Though shortcuts were taken, (and for a casual fan, there's no knowing where the Expanded Universe stands on the matter) from what we got onscreen, a warning label on it that says "actual planet required" may be all that is necessary for the thing to go operational. It would be very bad if misused.
  • In the original TRON, when the MCP is destroyed, all of the red lines in the landscape turn to blue (indicating the end of the MCP's influence) and all of the I/O towers light up, showing that programs can communicate with their Users again.


  • The Bee Dungeon: In this LitRPG, the Gods sent mortals the gift of the Towers to allow them to slowly cleanse the world of the corruption of the Hunger. The initial purfication of a Tower purifies an area roughly a mile in diameter (with the Tower in the center), an area that can be extended by performing 'expansion purifications', in which the Tower defenders must defeat a strong minion of the Hunger called a shade, with the strength of the shade increasing as more land is purified, with the Hunger even adapting their shades to counter what the defenders used to defeat the last shade (e.g. if you use fire, the Hunger will send a shade that's immune to it and may even use fire themselves).
  • A classic example from The Chronicles of Narnia: in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, when Aslan returns, his presence alone is enough to end the hundred years of winter created by the White Witch, first bringing Christmas, then making flowers bloom and melting the frozen rivers without flooding. Within a day or so it has become early summer, restoring the natural balance. Characters that had been turned to stone by the Witch are revived by Aslan as well, though that takes more direct intervention.
  • At the end of the final book in Gael Baudino's Dragon Sword trilogy, the first act of Alouzon after her apotheosis is to heal the land of the ravages of unleashing the equivalent of the Vietnam War-era United States Armed Forces on it.
  • A downplayed example at the end of Elantris: when Raoden adds the missing chasm line to the gigantic Aon Rao that the city of Elantris forms, allowing it to start functioning again, a burst of light from the city heals all the corrupted Elantrians and restores their powers. Just in time to fight off the invaders!
  • At the end of Good Omens, Adam makes it so that the world will not remember the day that just passed and all that happened is undone: the Book shop did not burn, the Bentley is new again, and no one died.
  • Left Behind:
    • Averted in the book Kingdom Come, as God and Jesus spend a few months restoring the earth to its former beauty following the end of the Tribulation to make it new for the Millennial Kingdom.
    • Also possibly played straight in Glorious Appearing, when a nearly devastated Jerusalem is instantly restored and void of any dead bodies littering the streets after Jesus gets rid of the Global Community.
  • In Messenger, this is brought about by Matty sacrificing himself to heal the world — the Village's residents become good again, Trademaster is exiled, and Forest becomes mostly benevolent once more.
  • Semi-example at the end of the Mistborn trilogy, after Sazed ascends to godhood all the damage that the Lord Ruler and Ruin did to the world is fixed, the ashmounts get sealed up, and there are flowers. It's only a semi-example because he hadn't figured out how to bring dead people back to life, so most of the original population is dead, but at least the survivors are safe and get a fresh start in a much better environment.
  • The Shem Ha Mephorash in Unsong, if spoken by a sufficiently intelligent and well-intentioned being. It's an acronym of who God is. If you understand it, you understand God and his omnibenevolence and if you understand God's motivations, there's no reason not to give you omnipotence.
  • In The Radiant Dawn, when Stacie surrenders and absorbs all the evil magic into the throne, all the undead risen by said magic fall apart and crumple — but nobody is resurrected and all the destruction they wrought remains.
  • The Great UnDoing in Septimus Heap works like this, and recovering its text is a major plot point in Darke.
  • The Starlore Legacy features an extreme version in RECLAMATION: Just before his death, Jeshu's Protectors release a wave that spans the entire galaxy, drawing the poison of Deitum Prime from every human into Jeshu's body.

Live-Action TV 

  • In Denkō Chōjin Gridman (and its English counterpart Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad), Gridman/Servo had a special ability (called the Fixer Beam in Gridman) that repaired the damage done to computer systems once the Monster of the Week was destroyed. This is also how Gridman defeats Alexis Kreib in SSSS.GRIDMɅN.
  • Doctor Who: In "The Poison Sky", the Doctor uses an atmospheric converter to purify the Earth's atmosphere of the Sontarans' Hostile Terraforming gases. The device works by setting the sky on fire, leaving behind blue sky after the wave of fire passes.
  • The finale of Dollhouse is set 10 years in the future where the printing technology got out of hand, turning most people into Technically Living Zombies or cannibals. It ends with Topher using his final invention, a special device that sends a wave throughout the world that restores the minds of everyone who ever had their head tampered with.
  • Once Upon a Time (2011): This happens twice.
    • Emma's goodbye kiss to Henry not only brings the kid back to life, but breaks the curse on the entire town of Storybrooke. Of course, no sooner had it happened than Rumplestiltskin decided to trigger a spell that inverts the trope, bringing magic to the mundane world within the town's borders.
    • This happens again in season 3 as a way of bringing back everyone's memories of the year spent in the Enchanted Forest and Henry's memories of magic. Surprisingly, this time it's Regina, the resident (semi-reformed) Evil Queen, who kisses Henry and achieves this.
  • Photon has villains who want to turn every planet into a barren wasteland and heroes who want all planets to have life. Whenever the heroes charge a crystal with light energy on a barren world, it immediately becomes full of life.
  • Power Rangers:
    • The wave of goodness released by Zordon's death at the end of Power Rangers in Space which either disintegrated (most of them) or turned good (Rita and Zedd, Divatox, Astronema, and according to the comics, Finster) all the villains from that point to the beginning of the franchise.
    • Power Rangers Lost Galaxy ends with the returned Sabers restoring the people of Mirinoi. Even less understandably it revives the dead Pink Ranger (the character died because the actor was ill, and the actor had recovered by the time of the finale).
  • The Dakara superweapon in Stargate SG-1 was originally designed to do this. Even though it was called a "weapon," it's more a tool that can be used as a weapon. When tied in with the Stargate network to vastly increase its range, the Dakara device can do almost anything the user desires, up to and including rewriting the entire galaxy on a molecular level. It unleashes one of these to demolish all the Replicators in the galaxy in "Reckoning, Part 2". Of course, it's a World-Wrecking Wave if you happen to be a Replicator. And would've been for everything if Anubis had gotten his hands on it; his plan was to erase all life in the Milky Way then recreate it according to his own design. Since Anubis himself was no longer truly alive, he would've survived the process.
    • In fact, this is how life came to exist in the Milky Way. The Ancients came here from their own galaxy and found a lifeless one. So they created the Dakara device to seed it with life, including the potential for humans (who are by design nearly identical to the Ancients).


  • One occurs during the climax of the video for Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" in the form of a strong wind that gradually restores the Earth in ways such as stitching felled trees back together and resurrecting elephants who have been killed for ivory.
  • In Nightwish's song, "Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean", once the Devil is defeated, the angels declare that "We shall come to set the dolphins free/We shall wash the darkened bloodred sea/Our songs will echo over the mountains and seas/Eternity will begin once again in peace"

Tabletop Games 

  • Dungeons & Dragons: nature elementals, comprised of the four classical elements and the fifth element, life, enact small-scale versions of this. When summoned, these titans of earth and foliage reduce a one-mile radius to a pristine state by destroying any structures and humanoids in the area. In the aftermath, new vegetation grows overnight, the local water sources are purified, and wildlife immediately repopulates the area.


Video Games 

  • In Bastion, this is invoked but deconstructed in the Restoration ending. The Bastion completely resets the world, so the characters are replaced with their past selves, and there is nothing to stop events from repeating themselves.
  • Cities in Black & White 2 have an Empathic Environment that reflects their ruler's morality, so when an Evil city is taken over by a Good god, its desolate environment is overrun with a wave of wildflowers, butterflies, and sunlight.
  • BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm has one at the end, when the heroes load Arianna’s backup files, restoring all the sites she erased, and curing all the Overtaken who were converging on the Firewall en masse.
  • On a somewhat smaller scale, in Crysis 2 you hack the alien bioweapon to instead spread a wave of the anti-virus through New York, instantly killing the aliens and seemingly curing the diseased humans.
  • de Blob's Transformation Engines send out a wave of positive energy that helps restore the color and plants of all the neighboring areas and gets rid of the gloomy gray sky.
  • In Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey, this happens after you beat the final boss, restoring Gentlehaven Castle and everything around it.
  • Dragon Quest XI: The game's Big Bad, Mordegon, steals the heart of the world tree, Yggdrasil, setting the second half of the game After the End and causing much of the world to end up as a charred wasteland. Once you defeat him, Yggdrasil is restored and emits one of these, restoring life and beauty to the land.
  • Final Fantasy: An off-screen example occurs in the Whisperwind Cove. The warriors visit a town where the people are almost all dead, zombified, or turned to stone, the buildings are crumbling and the plants have all withered. After they defeat Phantom Train and return to town, the sun is shining on green grass, people are alive and healthy, and their homes are restored.
  • Averted in Final Fantasy VI. Although killing Kefka stops the gradual extinction of all life on the planet, and turns the sky and ocean blue again, the world is still in ruins. With the symbolism of flowers blossoming, doves flying, and a baby being born, it's at least strongly implied that the world will recover.
  • Fire Emblem:
  • Occurs in the first, second and last levels of Flower. Particularly in the last level, you are the healing wave!
  • Somewhat cynically used in Gears of War 3. The Imulsion was parasitic and the Lambent forces were merely an extension of that, most everything on the planet had some degree of contamination. Adam Fenix devised a pulse-generating machine to neutralize the Lambent and in doing so it couldn't discriminate against the Imulsion in any living being, including Locust or Humans. Because the Locust had so much longer exposure to Imulsion they are virtually wiped out in the process. Humans who spent an inordinate amount of time with Imulsion were also killed, including Adam himself.
  • Kings Quest III Redux (the AGD King's Quest III Fan Remake): If you are able to get a certain item, then it will create this effect over the dragon-ravaged Daventry at the end.
  • In Labyrinths of the World 9: Lost Island, when afDietrich is arrested for his crimes, an energy wave restores all of the worlds he's ravaged.
  • The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon: At the end, Spyro uses his full power loose one to reverse the destruction of the world caused by the Destroyer. Though it seems to be a Heroic Sacrifice at first, it turns out he and Cynder both survive.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: At the end, Link makes a wish on the Triforce and undoes all of Ganon's evil actions, including bringing his uncle and the King back to life.
    • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: Hyrule has been sealed away, and when you find it everything is colorless. When you draw the Master Sword from its pedestal, color sweeps slowly across the area, also reviving a bunch of tough enemies to test the Master Sword on. Interestingly, this is later revealed not to necessarily be a good thing. Ganondorf explains that the Master Sword was serving as a seal on his power, and by removing it, Link not only restored that magic, but inadvertently advanced the Gerudo King's plot to control the Triforce. Granted, there really wasn't anything else Link could do in this situation—he needs the Master Sword to defeat Ganondorf, as there's no other way for that to happen, so pulling it was the only option.
    • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap: Once Vaati is defeated and Zelda wishes for everything to be back to normal, you see all the enemies vanishing from existence across Hyrule. Hyrule Castle is also repaired and returned to normal, and all the guards are turned back from being stone. It's even described as a miracle.
    • The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds has Link and Princess Zelda using the Triforce to restore Lorule (Hyrule's counterpart) to its former glory before its own Triforce was destroyed to prevent its powers from being misused any further. Lorule even gets their Triforce back, which causes Princess Hilda to cry with tears of joy after she just had accepted the fate of her once doomed kingdom.
  • Lunar: The Silver Star: At the end, large parts of the world have had all life sucked from them and the main hero is gone, then this happens.
  • Activating the Crucible in Mass Effect 3 makes it do this to Earth, with Shepard's decisions changing the exact nature of the wave itself, but all of them result in the Reapers' systems being fundamentally changed forever. Have a low enough Effective Military Strength, and it becomes a world-killing wave as it fires indiscriminately, wiping out all life on Earth.
  • In Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, when it's discovered baby tears reverse transmutations (and other mutations) caused by the Shroobs, Professor E. Gadd synthesizes a chemically identical solution and builds a device that rains it over the entire Mushroom Kingdom, undoing most of the damage done by the Shroobs.
  • Ōkami: Using the Bloom power on a Guardian Sapling results in a wave of flowers that removes the curse from the area with a visually heavy effect.
  • Ori and the Blind Forest has one of these when the Spirit Tree is fully restored, but results in a Heroic Sacrifice... for Kuro, the villain.
  • In Prince of Persia (2008), healing one of the fertile grounds results in a wave that wipes out the corrupted ruins revealing... well, still ruins, but nice ruins overgrown with greenery.
  • [PROTOTYPE 2] does its own unique variant. After consuming Alex Mercer, Heller gets Cutscene Power to the Max and unleashes a barrage of tentacles that wipes out the NYZ infection.
  • The Saboteur: Anytime you liberate a Nazi-occupied territory, the region literally poofs from a stormy, gloomy City Noir mode to suddenly having color.
  • Shining Resonance: It turns out that Jinas has been seeking out one of these throughout the game to atone for past mistakes. It's the Last Song, the original Rune Song that can only be played when all seven Armonics are gathered together, with which can heal all the damage the world has suffered from the Catastrophe and Ragnarok countless years ago. The reason it couldn't be cast earlier is that one of the Armonics was stolen during the ancient war and all seven with their current chosen bearers had never gathered back together until now.
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth: All the Nazi Zombies revert back to life after The Chosen One uses the Dangerous Forbidden Technique and farts on Princess Kenny's balls. It's... yeah...
  • In Spiritfarer, each time Stella buys a candy bar from the Overbrook vending machine, it releases a magical wave across the island that restores it to its former glory.
  • Spirits of Anglerwood Forest: What happens when you beat the final level. A wave comes out of Ezra's tree and restores the Fenn farm and everyone who was transformed back to normal.
  • Your ultimate reward for reaching the center of the Galaxy in Spore is the Staff of Life, which allows you to create a wave of green energy that instantly transforms a barren planet into a thriving terraformed world. You can only use it 42 times, though.
  • In Super Robot Wars Z2: Saisei Hen, Uther does this in his strongest attack.
  • In the Golden Ending of the World of Light in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, killing Galeem and Dharkon at the same time unleashes one. After that, every single spirit goes up in a spire of flame to return to the real world as they wanted.
  • In the ending of Tales of Berseria Maotoleus' Silver Flame covers the entire world, purifying (most) Daemons and turning them back in their original form and providing a way for them to be purified in the future, which was thought to be impossible by every other character in the game.
  • The Golden Ending of Valkyrie Profile is in the form of this. Literal apocalypse was solved instantly.


  • In El Goonish Shive, Pandora's last act is to force every other member of her kind to cast a spell that destroys every Aberration within range of the spells, and it manifests as several lights creating a wave that destroys the Aberrations on contact.
  • Girly has one of the most hilarious examples of this trope with the Sexy Discretion Shot animals.
  • In Homestuck, Jane, having received a boost in power, color, and insanity from a giant magic sucker, blasts off in search of her friends, creating an energy wave that turns half of her formerly dead planet into a blooming jungle.

Web Original 

  • Parodied in BRODYQUEST, where Adrien Brody's interstellar guitar solo causes instantiations of himself to appear all over world history - including on the Egyptian Sphinx, at NASA headquarters, in historical paintings, and on the Pope's hat.
  • After the match in Real Sumo Fighting 8 splits the world in half, the gyoji puts it back together.

Western Animation 

  • Angel Wars: A single girl's revived hope, due to an answered prayed and a delivered message, has this effect from the angels' and demons' perspective. It clears out a fog of despair that had been choking a whole city, also killing demons in its path.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: After the Fire Nation attacks, Aang brings up waters to put out the fires on the Earth kingdom. Not strictly a healing wave, but definitely in the spirit of it.
  • The titular Captain Planet tended to act as a localized anthropomorphic version at the end of any given episode of the series that bears his name, cleaning up whatever pollution the villains had caused. This leads to a bit of Fridge Logic: why NOT pollute when a magical mullet man can clean it all up instantly?
  • Code Lyoko:
    • Return to The Past has this effect, reverting the world 24 hours prior after bathing everything in a Pillar of Light. However, this comes with strings attached, and cannot reverse death or permanent virtualization. As the protagonists later learn, it also gives the Big Bad a power boost every time it's used, forcing them to rely on it a lot less than they used to.
    • The series finale has a digital one as the XANA-killing program activates, not only eliminating all monsters from Lyoko, but also wiping all of the Lyoko Replikas and XANA from the internet itself.
  • In Codename: Kids Next Door Operation: Z.E.R.O., the world returns to its bright and sunny state, the KND's Treehouse Bases are reverted back from being tapioca factories, and everyone reverts back from being Senior Citizombies after Grandfather has been decommissioned back into a normal old man.
  • Darkwing Duck: In the climax of "NegaDuck", the good reality-warping version of Darkwing undoes the damage done to the city by its evil counterpart by creating a heart-shaped balloon, which the evil one naturally pops, releasing magic sparks that repair everything.
  • Generator Rex:
    • When Six's previous mentor dies, his body changes into some kind of energy and causes vegetation to grow over the island they're currently on.
    • In the series finale, Rex uses the united Meta-Nanites' power to initiate a Global Cure Event, sending a wave of energy across the world that ends the Nanite threat forever.
  • Glitch Techs: Part of the titular job after capturing the rogue glitch is to reset all collateral damage caused by the glitch and the fight with it. Combined with wiping the memories of all witnesses, this keeps up The Masquerade.
  • Gravity Falls: After Bill Cipher is defeated, all the destruction wrought by him and his Mooks on the titular town is repaired, including the journals, including pages that had originally been destroyed. The only thing left unrestored is the Mystery Shack, presumably due to the protections still in place "protecting" it from the healing wave.
  • Miraculous Ladybug: Or in this case, a World Healing Swarm. Every time a Villain of the Week is defeated, Ladybug throws the summoned Lucky Charm used to defeat it into the air, causing a bunch of ladybugs to fly around the city and repair the damage done by the akumatized villain. There seems to be no limit on what it can reverse, up to and including moving the Earth, returning those displaced in time, bringing the dead back to life, and restoring all of France and the partially destroyed moon. Also, there's no statute of limitations on how long ago the damage was caused (such as when a Villain of the Week who was sealed away over a century ago is freed, its defeat sees the return of the Guardians' temple and all of Master Fu's fellow Guardians). The only known limitation on it is that each Lucky Charm is tailor-made for the villain she's facing, so the damage has to be somehow related to that villain in order for it to be repaired. Also, if the villain becomes inactive before she can create a Lucky Charm for it, then she can't create one anymore, and thus can't repair any of the damage it caused.
  • My Little Pony:
    • My Little Pony 'n Friends:
      • In "The Ghost of Paradise Estate, Part 4", once Squirk is defeated and his magically-created flood recedes, Megan uses rainbow beams from the flash stone to restore the devastated Dream Valley to its green and healthy self, quickly growing back plant life, restoring trees and fixing Paradise Estate.
      • In "Woe Is Me, Part 2", when Woebegone breaks his curse by refusing to accept his own bad luck, the witch who first cast it appears before him, congratulates him for learning his lesson, and uses her magic to undo all the harm it causes.
      • In "Baby, It's Cold Outside, Part 2", after Charlatan repents and Galaxy breaks the machine he used to cover the world in ice, a warm wind blows forth from it and thaws out all the things Charlatan froze.
      • In "The Quest for the Princess Ponies, Part 4", once the princesses have their wands back, they use their magic to create a rainbow wave that undoes the magic that Lavan's power grab causes to Ponyland. Besides reversing the crystallization of the landscape, it also generally fixes everything left damaged and disordered by the ensuing chaos... except for the Moochick's armchair, which stays broken.
    • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
      • In "The Return of Harmony, Part 1", Twilight Sparkle tries to cancel out the bizarre weather caused by Discord... it fails... miserably. In part 2, when the Elements of Harmony are unleashed on Discord, they turn him to stone and let loose a World-Healing Wave that restores Equestria to how it was before Discord appeared and turned it into his surreal playground.
      • In "The Crystal Empire, Part 2", when Sombra is defeated, his influence is entirely cleansed from the Empire as the Crystal Heart purges it of his corrupted crystals and turns the sky back to its normal color.
      • In "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 2", when the Elements of Harmony are returned to the Tree of Harmony, it releases a wave of magic that disintegrates the plundervines that had been overwhelming Equestria.
      • In "Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2", after Tirek's defeat, the Mane Six release a rainbow wave which restores the magic of all the drained ponies, including restoring the Princesses' magic and releasing them from Tartarus.
      • In "The Crystalling, Part 2", when the Crystal Heart is restored and revitalized, it sends out one of these to push the Frozen North's blizzard back beyond the Crystal Empire's borders while granting temporary Crystal Pony forms to the Mane Cast, including Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who missed out on the first one that resulted in Sombra's demise in "The Crystal Empire".
      • In "School Raze, Part 2" The Young Six manage to use the artifacts to foil Cozy Glow's plan and restore magic to Equestria in a big wave of power.
      • In "The Beginning of the End, Part 2", the combined friendship magic of the main characters wipes away King Sombra's influence from Equestria, changing the sky back to normal and freeing all of his brainwashed victims.
      • in "A Horse Shoe-In", Twilight Sparkle utilizes a very small version to reset a trashed classroom back to a pristine state.
  • In Ōban Star-Racers, Canaletto reduces the lush Ōban to a completely barren planet, as part of his plan to make the galaxy 'pure' and untainted by life. However, Jordan completely derails his plans by jumping into the sphere containing the Avatar's power atop the Pyramid of Power, becoming the new Avatar while restoring Ōban and obliterating Canaletto.
  • Downplayed in the Grand Finale of The Owl House. When Luz uses the power gifted to her by the spirit of the Titan, her spells evaporate miles worth of Belos' Meat Moss with every blast and cause the natural red grass of the Isles to grow in their wake, showing how the island is both symbolically and literally fighting against his corruptive influence.
  • Peppermint Rose has the Peppermint Glow song spreads all across Bugoonya, turning the land beautiful and lush. When the peppermint roses are returned to their rightful place, the same happens to the land of Peppermint Rose.
  • In the episode "Mime for a Change", the The Powerpuff Girls (1998) restore Townsville with this after Mr. Mime removes all color and sound by singing the song "Love Makes the World Go 'Round".
  • In the pilot of Rainbow Brite, after the Evil One is destroyed, the ground crumbles becoming Rainbow Land. In The Movie, color and springtime are restored to Earth.
  • In ReBoot, the user restoring Mainframe has this effect.
  • When Scooby and the Gang in Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated destroy the Nibiru entity, they restore the destroyed town to the peaceful, friendly place it was meant to be. The problem is that mystery solvers have no place in a town with no mysteries to solve. Luckily, they realize that there are plenty of places that have need of meddling kids and a dog and go on a road trip to find them.
  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: In the finale, She-Ra destroying the Heart and restoring Etheria's magic causes a wave of light, magic, and life to flow from the ruins, restoring it after Horde Prime nearly destroyed the planet.
  • Taken to its logical extreme in the Mortis trilogy of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where the healing and wrecking waves are following each other in a constant circle, as part of the planet's Light and Dark in-balance symbolism: when night falls all plants die, and are reduced into ghastly glowing forms, and massive thunderstorms start. When dawn approaches all plant life is renewed.
  • Tangled: The Series: In the climax of "Queen For a Day", the Demanitus Device unleashes one of these which instantly wipes out all traces of the blizzard, causing the snowstorm to slow down and finally stop.
  • In the Season 4 finale of Teen Titans Raven uses one of these to return the world to normal after Trigon turned all the people to stone, all the buildings into ruins, all the water into lava, and all the sky into a red haze. Since this happens the exact moment she defeats Trigon, it's unclear whether Raven personally created the wave of magical white light, or if banishing Trigon from the dimension automatically undid all the changes he made while there.
    • It's possible the world healing wave turned all petrified people back to normal, as opposed to just undoing what Trigon had done. Terra was turned to stone before Trigon came to earth, and this spell could explain why she came back
  • In The Transformers episode "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2", a Hate Plague is spreading across the galaxy that fills everyone it infects with uncontrollable rage. In a last attempt to stop it, Optimus Prime releases all the wisdom contained within the Matrix of Leadership, which not only cleanses Earth, and quite possibly the entire galaxy, but also leaves everyone a little wiser than they were before, and cures Galvatron's insanity.
  • In Transformers: Prime, we get the Omega Lock. With the four keys in place, it can create one of these and revive Cybertron. However, Megatron wanted to direct it at Earth and "cyberform" it, overwriting what was already there with a new biosphere suitable for Transformers. Like the Star Trek franchise's Genesis device, the difference between a World-Healing Wave and a World-Wrecking Wave can come down to whether or not that world had anything on it beforehand. Optimus was forced to strike the Omega Lock with the Star Saber, possibly ending any chance of ever reviving Cybertron. In the season 3 finale, a rebuilt but weaker Omega Lock is used to revitalize Cybertron's core. It's technically a world-healing wave, in that it brought the planet back to life, but it isn't powerful enough to fix all the surface damage. Better than nothing, though.
  • The VeggieTales episode "Lord of the Beans" ends with the hero creating one of these with a magic bean thrown into a dry well.
  • At the end of both seasons of W.I.T.C.H., this happens, though most particularly in "The Final Battle", when Elyon and the Guardians defeat Prince Phobos and Elyon restores Meridian to its former glory, pre-being drained by Phobos. At the end of "Z is for Zenith", there's a downplayed version where Elyon returns to Meridian and restores it in a very brief scene where she resembles a comet flying across the palace.
  • Xiaolin Showdown: At the end of the first season, Wuya's return to physical form causes the surrounding region to decay. When she is imprisoned in a puzzle box again near the beginning of the second season, a World-Healing Wave occurs.

Real Life 

  • Many areas that have been affected by a natural disaster will often start rebuilding in the wake of the disaster.
  • This is pretty much the main premise of ecological succession.