Xenomorph Xerox - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Feb 01 2018
In space, no-one can hear your copyright claim.note
Freeza: So, Namekian, what do you think of my third form?
Piccolo: I think Ridley Scott's gonna sue somebody.
Freeza: What are you talking about? [a second mouth pops out of his original]
This trope describes a creature partially or completely based on the eponymous Alien, also called the Xenomorph, from Alien, designed by H. R. Giger. The creature might look completely different or just have a few obvious parallels.
Why? Because the Xenomorph is one of the most iconic horror monsters in cinema, and just looks wrong. It's weird, it's viscerally creepy, and its method of killing people is incredibly creative. Its reproduction method is memorable, the life cycle remains horrifying... so naturally, once the Alien movies got popular, everyone wanted one of their own. However, this is not limited to film — depictions show up in almost every medium, especially during the late 1980s and early '90s. Nowadays, it doesn't quite have the same impact.
Signs of a xerox include:
- Copious amounts of drool or slime.
- Be a nigh-unkillable Implacable Man; or if not that then the creature has at least some kind of notable defense mechanism. Alternately, they may be killable fairly easily, but there are so damn many of them you'll run out of bullets before they run out of bodies.
- Being able to secrete/spit/bleed acid or poison.
- Being a Metamorphosis Monster, either with a full insectoid life cycle or simply appearing in multiple forms, with the larval form in particular typically being a Face Hugger that itself produces a Chest Burster.
- Usually swift, stealthy and agile; capable of appearing and disappearing from anywhere, and possibly sticking to walls, ceilings, or other surfaces.
- The strongest, or highest-ranked, member of the species is some form of Hive Queen (often with a wider cranium than the rest).
- Hyper aggressive predator. Carnivorous nature is optimal but the thing is a killing machine.
- Biomechanical and/or metallic skeletal armor/exoskeleton evocative of H. R. Giger's art style. In fact, the term "gigeresque" exists to describe something that invokes his highly unique aesthetic.
- Sharp, bladed tail. Often also prehensile.
- Elongated cranium or strange, inhuman mouth-parts (often some kind of Nested Mouths) despite having a humanoid body plan — two arms, two legs, upright stance and so forth.
- An Eyeless Facenote with More Teeth than the Osmond Family.
- A habit of decorating areas they've infested for a long period in slime, resin, Meat Moss, and/or other material.
- Loads of weird sexual imagery — Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong, anybody?
Additional, optional criterianote include:
- A backstory involving them being genetically engineered bioweapons created by advanced Precursors.
- Someone (usually an unscrupulous Mad Scientist or MegaCorp) who starts Admiring the Abomination and/or deciding that it would be a good idea to weaponize it, and that human life is expendable.
- An emphasis on keeping the creature away from Earth, or any other densely-populated area, for fear of causing The End of the World as We Know It.
- A single recurring protagonist or "expert" who has dedicated their life to fighting this species of creature, for fear of the preceding point above. Often an Expy of Sigourney Weaver's character Ellen Ripley.
- A vicious rivalry with a Predator Pastiche, in reference to the Alien vs. Predator Crossover series.
- Their own form of Conservation of Ninjutsu — large numbers of them will rush seemingly blindly into gunfire, but a single one is almost always an intelligent, deadly stalker striking silently from the shadows.
- May be dark-colored, or at least possess either some form of camouflage or stealth power to be able to blend into the background in order to better sneak up on potential prey, just like how the original Xenomorph from the first movie used its black color scheme to its advantage by blending into the background to pick off the Nostromo's passengers one by one.
Many Bug War plots from older science fiction tend to feature Insectoid Aliens whose attributes often made them prototypes for Xenomorph Xeroxes. See also Raptor Attack for the carnivorous dinosaurs that share some of the same general physique and attack style with the adult Xenomorphs.
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Anime & Manga
- The manga series Abara created by Tsutomu Nihei revolves around the Gaunas, creatures that have bodies similar to the ones of the Xenomorphs with eyeless faces.
- Berserk:
- The God Hand are partly inspired by Giger's alien and other art
◊. Femto especially has a black, long fingered, bio-mechanical body that's very similar to the adult Xenomorph. Fittingly, the very first thing he does after functionally being born is rape a person, in this case, Casca.
- The female Apostle seen on the first few pages of the manga bears a strong resemblance to the Xenomorphs. While she doesn't quite have the elongated skull they do, her head contains a massive swarm of fins, tentacles, and even hands that give the impression of it, as well as skin with what appears to be a bio-mechanical design. The sexual connotations are also there as her preferred method of catching prey is to lure them in with sex before devouring them.
- The God Hand are partly inspired by Giger's alien and other art
- Chainsaw Man: The devil forms of the Weapons Humans have Eyeless Faces, exposed teeth, and biomechanical features similar to the ones of the Xenomorphs. The resemblance is most obvious with Bomb, who has a ellipsoid head and wears an apron of dynamite that drags around like a tail.
- Dirty Pair: Project Eden has the Lovely Angels investigating a mining planet being attacked by Xenomorph-like creatures called Sadinga. They're revealed to be created from fossils within the Green Rocks mined on the world by an Evilutionary Biologist, convinced that he can reanimate them into the Ultimate Life Form.
- Jonson from Dorohedoro has a face similar to the Xenomorph from the first Alien film.
- Dragon Ball:
- The Pirate Robot in the Red Ribbon Army arc is a mixture of a Xenomorph, a skeleton and a robot made from WWII tech.
- Frieza's third form greatly resembles a Xenomorph, with an elongated head and blades in weird places. Dragon Ball Z Abridged mercilessly lampshades this by having Piccolo think that Ridley Scott will sue Freeza for copyright infringement.
- Cell, particularly in his Imperfect form, also borrows from the Xenomorph — the inhuman mouthparts and insectoid design subtly allude to this.
- Akira Toriyama is evidently a fan, as the Xenomorph design appears in both of his proto-Dragon Ball manga: a robot in The Adventures of Tongpoo and a monster in Dragon Boy. Not to mention the Dodongadon monster in Doctor Slump which is basically a goofy-looking Xenomorph with a single giant eye and an elongated head that is actually another huge set of jaws.
- Excel♡Saga: The sewer-dwelling Puchuu Queen from episode 7 is more-or-less the Xenomorph Queen from Aliens with a normal Puchuu at the end of its tongue, which it uses to charm people. Characters captured by the Puchuus wind up bound to the wall with mucous or resin.
- Exaggerated in Heaven's Design Team. During the two hot spring chapters, Jupiter mentions that he made an animal with Nested Mouths and corrosive blood. Later, we see said being, and it's an adult Xenomorph in all but name and eye position.
- An episode of Galaxy Angel involves an invasion of aliens that look like xenomorphs with a few tweaks (red eyes, no tails). The resemblance is superficial, though; they're actually highly-intelligent invaders who disguise themselves as humans.
- The protagonist of I Became An Evolving Space Monster is a dark-skinned multi-armed hominid with a long, cucumber-shaped head (but has eyes, which also makes them resemble a Zerg Hydralisk), pointy whip-like tail and acidic blood. It can also mimic human speech and even bypass electronic security systems.
- Kumika's Sense of Taste is a Iyashikei manga about an epicurian alien and her coworkers at a graphic design company: one of them, Eiria, is a clear Xenomorph expy, with a domed, reflective eyeless head (her eyes are actually the 'reflections' near the front of her head), talon-like feet and a mouth full of butcher-knife fangs. Unlike most xenomorphs or their expies, Eiria is one of the sweetest girls you could ever meet, one of her bodily secretions being the exact opposite of an all-consuming acid: her saliva has enzymes that promote healing.
- In One Piece, the Space Pirates that appear in Enel's cover story have a Jolly Roger with a elongated skull that's a clear Shout-Out to the Xenomorph.
- Sabagebu!: At the end of a Predator parody about a cute feline alien hunting the Survival Games Club, the girls unwind in a hot spring. A large egg drifts over to Maya. When she peers inside, she's attacked by a facehugger. The other girls don't seem overly concerned when even more eggs drift over. As the camera pulls away, it reveals a bone-shaped derelict and wolves with Nested Mouths watching them. Fade to black. Of course, since this is Sabagebu!, it's all played for laughs and has no lasting consequences whatsoever.
- The kouma
◊ from Sakura Taisen 2.
- Inverted, in that H. R. Giger designed the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise based on the creature from his own Necronomicon IV print.
Comic Books
- American Vampire has the Japanese bloodline that turns humans into lizard-like creatures with eyeless faces that vaguely resemble xenomorphs. They are arguably the most vicious and dangerous vampire blodline, since they turn anyone infected into savage monsters in matter of seconds and they are capable of severely injuring the American bloodline, which is stronger than normal vampires.
- Buck Godot: Zap Gun for Hire: The Thuxians are a species of eyeless aliens who resemble a brightly colored, cartoony version of the xenomorph. In contrast with most examples of this trope Thuxians are sentient, prefer wearing clothing and using blasters if they want someone dead, and beyond their ruthless dedication to business over pleasure and free-market capitalism are no more belligerent than any other sentient species. Al, a Thuxian who is the owner and bartender of Buck's local dive bar, is Vitriolic Best Buds with Buck.
- Godzilla: Rulers of Earth: The Trilopods are colonial insectoid aliens emerging from egg-like pods able to take on the appearance of their hosts and with a gigantic "queen" and used as a weapon of conquest by another alien race. The creators confirmed they were partly based on the xenomorphs, with their differing Beta and Alpha forms based on the facehugger and drone forms specifically.
- Hellblazer: The Son of Man arc features a very xenomorph-looking demon, though with a hairy back, predator-like mandibles, hoofed legs, and (appropriately enough, given the original's inspiration) a three-foot-long phallus. It's called the fuckpig, and described as the embodiment of rape.
- The Incredible Hulk: Among the various Hulks in Bruce Banner's mind is the Guilt Hulk, a manifestation of, as his name implies, Bruce's guilt and acts like Bruce's abusive father, Brian. His form resembles a green kaiju-sized Xenomorph — and unlike the Devil Hulk (whose form in the real world resembles the Savage Hulk, not the lizard/snake form from Bruce's mind), it keeps its Xenomorph-esque form in the real world, as seen in Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads.
- Outriders in the Marvel Comics crossover event Infinity look just like Xenomorphs with four arms, fanged mouths and eyeless faces. While they are synthetic bioweapons that live only to serve their master Thanos, they are shown to be sentient to a certain degree, being capable of speech and performing complex tasks.
- The Judge Dredd universe includes an invasive alien species known as Raptaurs, which are prime Xenomorph copies: long, elongated heads, black biomechanical skin made of silicone, semi-quadrupedal stance, etc. They're also somewhat intelligent, as Jack Point has trained one to act as an Attack Animal. A notable case of Expy Coexistence as Dredd has crossed over with the original aliens before.
- Marshal Law: The unnamed aliens in the story "Secret Tribunal" are virtually identical to the Aliens in their activities and behavior, although they look very different. This is because the story was originally written as a crossover with the Alien franchise, but negotiations failed.
- The Ultraverse: The Nanotech Mechanized Entity, or "NM-E", was a gigantic robot that looked like a combination between the Xenomorph and Robocop 2 (as in the heavily armed and armored killer cyborg). It was responsible for killing Hard Case's former team, "The Squad".
- Venom: The Venom symbiote has been drawn with a biomechanical appearance — particularly during the 1994 The Hunger storyline — has More Teeth than the Osmond Family accompanied by copious amounts of drool, and some versions have acidic blood. Venom Vol. 4 further reveals that the symbiotes are bioweapons created by an alien god to wipe out all life in the universe.
- X-Men:
- When Kitty Pryde was introduced, she was deliberately drawn to resemble Sigourney Weaver. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #143, one of her first issues, features her alone in the mansion with a Gigeresque demon. True to form, she dispatches it in the usual way: she incinerates it with the Blackbird's engine exhaust.
- The Brood are a species of insectoid telepathic aliens with razor-sharp fangs and elongated heads, and reproduce by parasitizing hosts — the resulting offspring even inheriting whatever powers their host had. They even have a Queen whose head-crest strongly resembles that of a Xenomorph Queen (though amusingly, the Brood Queen was introduced four years before Aliens came out).
Comic Strips
- The Far Side has a strip labeled as "Alien family dinners". On one table, a group of adults are eating dinner, and they all have the elongated heads and prominent bony vertebrae of the Xenomorphs, and on the other table, a group of alien kids who all look like worms are eating turkey. Fittingly, one of the kids is bursting out of the turkey to the delight of all the others, save one, who's saying: "Mom! Bobby Joe's playing in the turkey!"
Fan Works
- Pokémon Uranium: The Xenomite line. They're black-and-green Nuclear-type Pokémon believed to have originated from a regular Pokémon egg mutated by radiation. Xenomite itself has the flat body, multiple legs and long tail of a facehugger, Xenogen gains the elongated skull and lanky body the adult Xenomorph, and Xenoqueen has the imposing stature and fringed crest of the Alien Queen.
Films — Animation
- Planet 51 has the Xenomorph-like dogs
kept by the aliens — they're eyeless, with big toothy grins, are gray, and have a prominent tail. One of them is even named "Ripley". (They also pee acid, and topple lampposts and fire hydrants doing so.)
- Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness: The film's antagonist is a decidedly Xenomorph-looking alien that is actually a suit of mechanized armor.
Films — Live-Action
- Alien: Within the franchise itself, the Neomorphs from Alien: Covenant serve as prototypes for the Xenomorph (lacking only the acidic blood, inner mouth, and black exoskeleton), as does the "Deacon" creature that emerges from the body of the Engineer in Prometheus.
- The Trench from Aquaman (2018) are emaciated, eyeless, humanoid predators with jet-black skin, jaws lined with needlepoint fangs, and sharp spines on their bodies. They are revealed to have formerly been Atlanteans who mutated into monstrous creatures.
- The Outriders in Avengers: Infinity War resemble a four-armed variant with their hunched posture, fanged mouths, eyeless faces, and savage nature. Unlike their predecessors, the Chitauri from The Avengers (2012), they forgo weapons and armor in exchange for sheer physical strength. They're synthetic bioweapons used by Thanos to try and breach Wakanda's defenses. They pop up again in the last act of Avengers: Endgame; a small pack appears trying to grab the Infinity Stones from Hawkeye by chasing him down a darkly lit hallway resembling those seen at Hadley's Hope, then a massive number appear alongside the rest of Thanos' army in the final battle against the Avengers.
- The movie Creature (1985) (a.k.a. The Titan Find) has the titular antagonist alien, released from containment in a lab left behind by Ancient Astronauts in Jupiter's moon Titan, that is designed just like a Xenomorph except for the glowing red eyes and the fact that the Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong it inflicts allows it to control people even if they are dead.
- Elevated: Implied. The monsters are all offscreen, but when Hank tries to describe them, he compares them both to Pumpkinhead and the Xenomorphs. At any rate, they're highly aggressive and can hide in the dark hallways of the apartment building.
- Godzilla:
- Destoroyah from Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, which resembles a devilish crustacean take on the Xenomorph, down to having a secondary mouth to inject devastating micro-oxygen into its victims. A scene where its smaller aggregates take on a SWAT team takes many cues from Aliens.
- The MUTOs from Godzilla (2014) are a more insectoid Kaiju take on the concept. Sleek, black arthropoid creatures from prehistoric times, the first glimpse we get of them is of two eggs that had been gestating in the ribcage of a long-dead Godzilla to absorb radiation (we later find out that they can absorb radiation from any source, but the gut of another radioactive monster happened to be a good one). They're also Explosive Breeders, and the second half of the movie involves the military helping Godzilla to destroy them and their massive nest to keep them from overwhelming human civilization. The design of their spores, nest, and the male's cocoon also evokes point 12 on the list- they're made out of a hardened resin-like substance of unknown origin, constructed into an oblong shape for the spores, a twisted-looking crescent for the male's cocoon, and a spire hanging from the roof of the nesting chamber for the egg case, all of which have a distinctly eldritch look to them.
- This is taken a bit further in the spin-off MonsterVerse graphic novel Godzilla Aftershock, which features the MUTO pair's sire, MUTO Prime. This creature will forcibly beat down and subdue a Titan, implant its eggs in them while they're done, then it will retreat and leave the impregnated host alive and seemingly none the wiser until the eggs feeding on their uranium-rich blood eventually kill them. It's also theorized that this creature's origin is it's the next stage of a regular MUTO's life cycle beyond what we see in the 2014 film. With this trope in mind, one could even argue that Emma Russell ends up filling a Ripley-esque role as the Monarch operative most concerned with aiding Godzilla in defeating the MUTO Prime before it can impregnate him and ultimately cause an extinction event.
- The Monster X design from Godzilla: Final Wars has some xenomorph-like design elements, such as a black exoskeleton (albeit offset with bone) and a similarly prominent head. It does have eyes; in fact, the Skull for a Head it sports is flanked by other skull designs to give it more eyes. It eventually sheds the Monster X disguise and is revealed to be the latest version of King Ghidorah.
- The Tao Tie from The Great Wall, being a hive swarm that attacks China every 60 years to bring food to their queen. Though their heads are rather Xeno-like, they do have eyes. On their shoulders, that is.
- The Harvesters from Independence Day have a similar biomechanical body with skeletal features and a head-shape resembling that of a Xenomorph Queen. Independence Day: Resurgence shows that they're controlled by a Hive Queen too.
- Isolation: With chest-bursting parasitic offspring, a tendency to hide in narrow spaces, and an exoskeletal appearance, the cow spawn certainly fit the bill.
- The chilean horror film El Huesped (2003), which takes place in a huge old public hospital, where the doctors and nurses are harassed by a strange creature that seems to have been created by an experiment that got out of control. The film is proud to present the first creature in chilean cinema made 100% by computer animation, although the final result, although worthy, does not really produce much fear.
- Pitch Black: The Bioraptors, a species of bipedal, nocturnal aliens with spike-like tails they use to impale their victims, like to hunt in huge packs, and have smooth, eyeless faces. Not that surprising, since the movie began as a proposed script for Alien³ that was modified into an unrelated story. The movie also has the characters come upon an abandoned settlement that was emptied of its colonists when the creatures attacked and killed everyone before they arrived, similar to the set up for Aliens.
- Pumpkinhead: The titular demon has an emaciated, skeletal appearance; digitigrade feet tipped with claws; long clawed fingers; a bulbous, slightly elongated head, and a long, segmented tail tipped with a bladed stinger. It was also directed by Stan Winston, who helped design the Xenomorph Queen.
- A Quiet Place has monsters with thin builds, elongated limbs and an Eyeless Face with a mouthful of sharp teeth, that once presented with a sound, will stop at nothing to kill its source. Even the quadrupedal stance isn't much of a difference, considering the "Runner" from Alien³.
- The climax of The Seventh Curse has a revived ghoul suddenly morphing into a far more powerful form which resembles a Xenomorph, with its face becoming elongated, its arms extending, and gaining a powerful whip-like tail, a form which it uses to attack the heroes. One difference, however, is that this Xeno-clone can fly.
- In Spaceballs, a restaurant patron (played by John Hurt, no less) gets a terrible stomachache from one of the diner's special meals. This is then followed by a small alien bursting out of his chest ("Oh no, not again!"), and the alien snarls at the camera... then puts on a straw hat and begins dancing and singing "Hello! Ma Baby" as an homage to One Froggy Evening.
- Space Truckers features an army of killer cyborgs known as BMW's (Bio-Mechanical Warrior), and they look very derivative of the Xenomorph with their dark, tall bodies with a biomechanical aesthetic and their elongated heads. Their movements are also similar to that of the Xenos.
- The half-human half-alien hybrids from the Species series were designed by H. R. Giger and, either deliberately of coincidentally, share a lot of similarities with Xenomorphs. While they normally look human, in attack mode they share the same shiny skeletal bodies and often use Combat Tentacles to kill people. The biggest difference are their much more human faces; even in her alien form, Sil is a Cute Monster Girl.
- The monster in Split Second (1992) is definitely inspired by the Xenomorphs, being a very large creature with an armored black exoskeleton, giant claws, and a smooth, slightly elongated head lined with teeth. It is somewhat more humanoid than a pure Xenomorph, always standing upright and lacking a tail.
- Star Trek: First Contact: Word of God said that Aliens was a major influence upon this film, especially in its introduction of the Borg Queen, with the concept art
◊ strongly inspired by the work of H.R. Giger.
- The Whitespikes from The Tomorrow War are an example sharing features as well with the Displacer Beasts from Dungeons & Dragons and the Zerglings from StarCraft. The Whitespikes have a queen as well, which commands the rest of the swarm, and it's later revealed that they were the cargo of an alien ship that crashed to Earth, possibly as a bioweapon.
- The Imaginary Hull-Borer (which, as the name suggests, probably doesn't exist) in The Last Hero looks like a less insectile and more cephalapodian face-hugger. Leonard's notes say that, if it does exist, the crew should split up to look for it, and "Nucleus situm ex orbita, unus certis maximus!"
- Nemesis Saga: The Gestorumque dubbed Giger in Project Hyperion is so named in acknowledgment to its resemblance to the iconic Xenomorphs designed by H. R. Giger.
- Downplayed in Past Doctor Adventures novel Storm Harvest with the Krill. While their inexhaustibly self-repairing bodies render them near-invincible, their overall frame is humanoid.
- In Proven Guilty, one of the phobophages takes the form of a movie monster that's clearly meant to be the Xenomorph, complete with acid blood.
- Second Apocalypse features the Inchoroi, a race of aliens with elongated skulls, Organic Technology and disgusting sexual practices. Some of them even graft human faces to the inside of their mouth, resembling the second jaw of the Xenomorphs. Similarly to the Xenomorphs, they were also genetically engineered as living weapons by a precursor race. Their presence is especially jarring considering that Second Apocalypse is actually a (rather dark) High Fantasy series, making the Inchoroi an Outside-Genre Foe.
Live-Action TV
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Vrellnexians are a species of predatory aliens with emaciated jet-black humanoid bodies, eyeless faces, and long segmented tails; colloquially referred to as "roaches" by the people living in the Lighthouse.
- Lost Tapes has an episode appropriately named "Alien", where an astronaut, through being exposed to comet dust, is infected with a parasitoid that emerges from her as a Chest Burster, and matures into an insectoid adult.
- Red Dwarf: In "Polymorph", the eponymous shape-shifting alien's default form looks a lot like the Xenomorph, including a secondary mouth that extends from inside the primary mouth.
- Stargate Atlantis: The Bug People
are Iratus-Human Hybrids with a humanoid body plan but an Eyeless Face, monstrous mandibles and an insect-like exoskeleton.
- Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: In the episode "All Those Who Wander", the Gorn are depicted as very xenomorph-like, with their babies initially parasitising sentient beings before eating their way out and trying to hunt down, kill and eat everything in the vicinity. They are also visually designed as a kind of insectoid-reptoid hybrid with a body plan roughly similar to Xenomorphs.
- Stranger Things: The Demogorgons are a species of eyeless extraterrestrial — or in this case, interdimensional — predatory endoparasites that reproduce by forcing fleshy tubes down a host's throat and inserting larvae into their bodies. They emerge as limbless creatures and metamorphose into towering humanoid monsters with unusual mouthparts. For bonus points, Season 4 reveals they were turned into hive-minded bioweapons by a misanthropic sociopath desiring humanity's destruction and his own godhood.
- Ultraman Nexus: Galberos' main, central head is based directly off the Xenomorph, and its body has a bony, ridge-like exterior similar to the that of the Xenos.
- I'm a Monster: The protagonist is reincarnated into the setting of Space Survival, his favorite sci-fi video-game, as a member of the Unidentified Hostile Cosmic Matter species, which are explicitly based on the Xenomorphs and have the ability to gain traits by absorbing their victims' DNA. Their larval form resembles a cross between the Chestburster and Facehugger, with a pair of crab-like chelae; while the first stage of their mature form has a black Gigeresque exoskeleton, an elongated head-crest resembling that of a Praetorian Xenomorph, a smaller set of arms akin to that of a Queen Xenomorph, a long segmented tail tipped by a venomous stinger, and green corrosive blood.
Tabletop Games
- Colossal Kaiju Combat!, prior to its cancellation, had a Collectible Card Game spin-off that was used to vote in "Progenitor" monsters that could appear in prospective future games. A handful of these monsters took cues from Xenomorphs:
- Asura is a bloodthirsty Eldritch Abomination resembling a wingless dragon with six arms, six eyes, and a Gigeresque exoskeleton; and is indicated to have been created as a bioweapon. Fanart of it has even been mistakenly dubbed "Xenomorph Godzilla".
- Mantanex's SPN-6 "EVO" form was turned into a Shout-Out to the Xenomorph Queen from Aliens — sporting an elaborate head-crest and a bloated abdomen, and constantly laying eggs.
- d20 Modern: In Urban Arcana, grendelspawn are functionally movie xenomorphs with eyes and broader head-crests, and otherwise have the same shiny black appearance, hunched stances, vicious dispositions, and hunters-and-queen caste system.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- Kruthiks are monsters resembling chitin-played reptiles that walk on four scythe-like limbs, with a smaller pair as weapons. While they have eyes and lack the xenomorphs' long, bladed tails, they share their tendency to live in large swarms led by a larger, dominant members, and some forms can spit acid. In Nentir Vale, they're also depicted as Bioweapon Beasts created by the tiefling empire of Bael Turath to be living siege engines, which bred out of control and escaped into the wilderness when Bael Turath fell.
- Kythons are a recursive version of this — they were originally based on Tyranid models, another Xenomorph Expy from Warhammer 40,000, with whom they share a number of traits. They resemble monstrous, chitin-plated reptiles with elongated, eyeless heads; they don't have queens or equivalents, but they naturally progress through a number of increasingly large deadly forms as they age. The first kythons were only of the smallest, weakest variant, the armless broodlings; new and stronger forms have steadily appeared over history. Some of their eggs hatch into new broodlings, while others produce a great variety of Organic Technology weaponry ranging from chitin swords to bone-and-cartilage crossbows and organic flamethrowers. They're driven solely by a powerful drive to increase their numbers and replace all other forms of life.
- Eberron: Essence reavers are a type of wingless dragon covered in shiny black plating, with spikes bristling from their elbows, knees and shoulders. Their heads are visually elongated by swept-back horns, their long tails end in stingers, and their specialize in hunting down psions.
- Spelljammer: Yitsans are alien monsters with taut, hairless skin, scorpion stingers, sharp claws, and elongated, eyeless heads marked by bony crests. Unlike most Xenomorphoids, it doesn't implant eggs — rather, its eggs resemble gold coins, so as to trick humanoids into deliberately picking them up and carrying them around.
- Eclipse Phase: The Exhuman clade known as "Defilers" deliberately engineered themselves into such creatures, with the Exhumans who first created them having ripped off old sci-fi movies to do so. There are a few differences, most notably the adults inject eggs into victims through their stinger-tails rather than using facehuggers, though their newly emerged larvae have a habit of latching onto people's faces (and clawing them off).
- Final Girl (2021) has the Evomorph, which is a similar-looking Giger-esque monstrosity with an exoskeleton, Eyeless Face, and acidic blood. The "Into the Void" expansion pack that introduces it is itself a Pastiche of both Alien and Aliens, and includes lawyer-friendly stand-ins for the power loader, Jones the cat, Newt, and Ellen Ripley (who's one of the playable Final Girls).
- Magic: The Gathering
- Phyrexia, a biomechanical assimilatory nightmare of a faction combining steel and flesh in all manner of interesting ways. It checks off several boxes, like goo (the glistening oil, which has since become a tool for assimilation as it infects organisms into becoming phyrexians or at least wishing to mutilate themselves into become phyrexians), being implacable (old phyrexians could topple pre-Mending planewalkers, effectively gods) and no eyes (actually specified in art guides as a way to make creatures visually phyrexian). One of the praetors from New Phyrexia, Urabrask, even essentially resembles a xenomorph, though he's the a good guy, and Skinrender
may be even closer aesthetically.
- On a more superficial level, the art for Darkness
looks a lot like a horde of xenomorphs, with shiny black (exo)skeletons, elongated skulls, long jaws full of fangs, and dripping slime. What the artwork has to do with the card isn't immediately clear, but there is a vague implication that the creatures didn't look like that before the spell was cast, adding a Body Horror element to the whole thing.
- Phyrexia, a biomechanical assimilatory nightmare of a faction combining steel and flesh in all manner of interesting ways. It checks off several boxes, like goo (the glistening oil, which has since become a tool for assimilation as it infects organisms into becoming phyrexians or at least wishing to mutilate themselves into become phyrexians), being implacable (old phyrexians could topple pre-Mending planewalkers, effectively gods) and no eyes (actually specified in art guides as a way to make creatures visually phyrexian). One of the praetors from New Phyrexia, Urabrask, even essentially resembles a xenomorph, though he's the a good guy, and Skinrender
- The board game Nemesis features the Intruders, who look very much like the Xenomorphs with the eyeless faces, crested heads, long segmented spear-tipped tails, metallic exoskeletons, and the fact that they reproduce by infesting human hosts with their larva that will inevitably burst out of them. In fact, the entire game itself is functionally a board game adaptation of Alien with the serial numbers of filed off. Just like in the film, it begins with the players waking up in their spaceship from cryostasis, has aliens stalk them by crawling through the vents, and even features a nebulous and morally bankrupt corporation that players can choose to secretly serve in a way that involves betraying the others.
- Pathfinder:
- Hive creatures are a Swarm of Alien Locusts introduce in the Horror Adventures supplement, which spread between planets to set up nests at the expense of local creatures. They're the usual armor-plated beasts, bipedal and long-tailed with arms ending in scything claws and armor marked with whorls and circular patterns; their heads lack both eyes and distinct necks, instead projecting directly from their shoulders. They have a number of castes, including newborn larvae, warriors, brutes, and reproducing queens. They can also spit acid, and prefer to stalk prey from the shadows rather than fighting openly. In a twist, beside the usual parasitoid routine, a victim who has their infestation cured can start to simply mutate into a new Hive creature.
- Starfinder: The Swarm are a recursive Xenomorph Expy by way of the Tyranids. They're a horde of reptilian-insectoid monsters who travel through space in vast living ships, seeking to consume all life other than themselves, are directed by a collective Hive Mind, and engineer themselves into a constantly evolving variety of forms. They also make heavy use of Organic Technology growing out of their own bodies, a lot of which is acid-based. In a twist, they used to be a normal sapient race, and one sub-swarm broke off from the rest to return to being a species of individual Insectoid Aliens — which are one of the default player races.
- The "Quarantine 37" supplement for Stargrave has two mini-campaigns: one dealing with a Plague Zombie outbreak your crews have found themselves in, and one dealing with "Bugs". Much like xenomorphs, these come in a variety of specialised types, including an extremely powerful queen, and have a tendency to erupt out of unexpected locations and maul your crew members. One of the scenarios even involves dealing with blips just out of line of sight that might turn out to be Bugs...
- Strike Legion has the Veraxin, a viciously theocratic species with hive queens and hordes of biomechanical foot soldiers that gleefully tear their enemies apart. They serve as the Star Republic's Token Evil Teammate, to the point where the Republic is considering withdrawing fleet assets from Veraxin space and letting The Empire beat up on them until they agree to stop committing so many war crimes.
- Warhammer 40,000: The Tyranids as a species are a Shout-Out to Xenomorphs (long cranium, arthropod-reptile chimeras, invasive reproduction, utterly alien mindset), although they have many different forms, use biological weapon equivalents, and have eyes. Several of their Living Weapons evoke the same kind of invasive Body Horror as the xenomorph reproduction cycle.
- Cosmetically, the Hive Tyrant and Warriors are the most similar looking to adult xenomorphs, while Rippers resemble chestbursters.
- The Genestealers in particular are closest to xenomorphs in their methods as they have a parasitic reproductive methodnote and forms a sort of hive (called a cult) with the first Genestealer (known as a patriarch) serving as leader of the Hive Mind; similar to the Xeno-worshipping cults that show up in the Aliens comic books. In fact the spin-off game that made them famous is one big Shout-Out to the original Alien.
- Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing for EN Publishing's WOIN ("What's O.L.D. is N.E.W.") system is based around a fictional production company's copycat of Aliens, which is the titular adventure (except than rather than being the rescue team that is Late to the Party, the player characters end up on the front lines of a situation similar to the Last Stand of the "Hadley's Hope" colony). Sure enough, the titular monsters are copies of the Xenomorphs, with stats for the whole gamut from worker drone up to the Big Bad Queen.
- Given it is meant to emulate the Cassette Futurism of the orignal two movies, the Cepheus-powered HOSTILE setting has a whole sourcebook dedicated it's own version of the Xenomorph. Broadly, they are the same as the original monster: acidic blood, a hive caste system, Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong etc. But to keep players from becoming complacent, these xenomorphs can radically alter themselves based on the available hosts and the enviroment they find themselves in. Some may suddenly develop the ability to breathe fire, have adaptive camoflauge, or even use a specialized embryo to take control of their human hosts.
- The aliens in Starship look like cute insects but lay their eggs inside humans or other mammals, resulting in Chest Bursters. The Earth government wants to capture some to use as living weapons.
Theme Parks
- The alien in the ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter. Word of God has confirmed that Alien Encounter was originally meant to be an Alien-themed ride, and Disney had been trying to create one for some time
(which has become Hilarious in Hindsight now that Disney owns 20th Century Fox).
- The Bohrok Swarm resemble squat, beetle-like Xenomorphs. They had long, smooth heads, a vaguely skeletal appearance, answered to twin Hive Queens, and had one breed that fired acid instead of the usual Elemental Powers. They also bore a unique take on the Face Hugger in that it usually served as their brain and could be fired as a last resort to serve as a Puppeteer Parasite.
- The Rahkshi are similar to the Bohrok in having a biomechanical body,note but they're slimmer and more skeletal. In The Movie, their heads split open to reveal the slug inside. Technically the Makuta that created them is their Hive Queen, since the Kraata slugs are formed from his essence. The Rahkshi's similarity to Xenomorphs wasn't incidental, publicity material has alleged they were partially designed by one of Giger's former students, although neither the toys, nor the movie's limited CGI could do the original designs justice, with detailed organic components fused to mechanical armor.
- The blades and vertebrae-like shapes used in Krika's armor, as well as his elongated head and crouched posture, make him resemble a Xenomorph. The fangs on his mask and in his actual mouth give the look of Nested Mouths. When he appears in the comics, he's covered in mud and slime from hiding in a swamp.
- The Alien Spawn
◊ from the Series 21 of McFarlane Toys' Spawn toyline has a design remeniscent of the Xenomorphs.
Video Games
- The third boss of 8Bit Killer is a large green monster with a Xenomorphlike head; smooth forehead, large mouth full of teeth and nothing else in-between. It also sics Combat Tentacles at you and would be much closer to xenomorphs if it were spitting acid in place of standard painfully slow projectiles.
- In Abuse, the mutants are very much like the Xenomorphs. No eyes, lots of sharp teeth, running on four, barded tail, although their heads look different from the Xenomorphs. Depending on the mutants, they have different weapons attached on their back capable of firing either lasers, grenades, missiles, or particle beams.
- Alien Removal Division
is an indie "experimental" FPS made as part of a university project, in which all the game's alien enemies are xeno-clones - reptilian creatures with eyeless faces, skeletal-looking ribcages, and the ability to launch acid attacks. Though they only have two front limbs and are much smaller (roughly the size of a large dog) than their inspiration.
- ARK: Survival Evolved: The Reaper is a large predator animal that slightly resembles a queen alien. They also posses a acid attack, along with the same color blood and a similar reproductive cycle.
- Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia has its final boss, Shadow Mir, which resembles the Xenomorph in head shape and some of the details. In particular, the general pose is pretty similar to Giger's Necronom IV artwork.
- The mutants from Assault Retribution are practically Xenos in all but name; besides having a similar appearance as eyeless insectoid creatures and attacking with their claws and by biting, they also attack in droves (similar to Aliens) and reproduce by infecting other lifeforms with their cells (though, not by impregnation). Late in the game you can uncover the mutants' birthing cells, which are gigantic egg-shaped objects, which spawns the mutants' infant forms, facehugger-like spider-things who attacks by latching on the players.
- Astyanax's final stage is a Xenomorph hive with Facehuggers as the primary mooks and the Hive Queen as the Final Boss.
- Beast Bendy
◊ from Bendy and the Ink Machine has the look with similar body shape, More Teeth than the Osmond Family and Eyeless Face. His normal Ink Bendy form is a more humanoid version.
- Blaster Master's Plutonium Boss is distinctly Xenomorph-inspired, sporting an Eyeless Face, elongated skull, protrusible jaws, and techno-organic design elements.
- Creatures that are heavily based on the Xenomorphs show up halfway through Broforce. While they got the creepy eggs and facehugging infection stage down pat, they have no larval stage and chest burst full-grown. About one in a hundred develops into a jumbo-sized Praetorian, which is about the size of a terrorist Mini-Mecha. They also take a few cues from the zerg, such as having an acid-filled mutant facehugger that explodes and multiple worm-like variations clearly ripping off nydus worms.
- Bug Hunt, a Macintosh World Builder game, is more or less a Whole-Plot Reference to Alien, with a Xenomorph ersatz hatching and wreaking havoc onboard a space station.
- In Conker's Bad Fur Day, the final boss is Heinrich,note a monster that more or less looks exactly like a xenomorph with more cartoony proportions, engineered by Professor von Kriplespac to off the Panther King, Chest Burster style.
- Contra: The Red Falcon aliens are almost blatant rip-offs of the Xenomorphs, from the very first one having an elongated head with exposed teeth, to the humanoid warrior types that look like biomechanical monsters, to the giant boss variant, Emperor Devil Gava/Jagger Froid, who resembles the Queen, to the tiny, spider-shaped Facehugger enemies that attack in the final stage.
- The Crush Pinball game Alien Crush features Gigeresque aliens similar to the various growth stages of the Xenomorph.
- Daikaiju Daikessen: Versus/Rogue: Ascha'Vovina — an updated version of Asura from Colossal Kaiju Combat — was added to the game in November 2020, sporting a black Gigeresque exoskeleton, long segmented tail, and Fragile Speedster moveset that involves lunging at opponents.
- In Dead Shell, some enemies resemble Xenomorphs.
- The human-dinosaur hybrids from Dino Crisis 3 are a saurian spin on this trope. They are hyper-aggressive predators bioengineered by MTHR to live in hostile environments sporting multiple rows of teeth and no eyes (save for the Australis). Instead of acidic blood, some hybrids can generate powerful electromagnetic fields damaging anything nearby (or jets of water in the Miaplacidus' case) for defensive and offensive purposes. However, the Cebalrai pretty much fit the bill thanks to smooth black skin evocative of the Xenomorph, being the Rigel's adult form, which resemble snakelike Chestbursters and MTHR's attempt at creating an Ultimate Life Form. Bonus points for the game's plot revolving around the protagonists stopping these creatures from reaching Earth, which can be summed up as Event Horizon meets Alien: Resurrection... with dinosaurs!
- DragonFable's "Castle Nostromo" quest is a homage to Alien in general and featured monsters called Void Creatures as enemies. Their leader is a mutated Dragon known as the Void Queen, which sneaks about the map capturing people and has the same "Xenomorph vision". Symone even uses an exoskeleton to fight it just like Ellen Ripley did. The final scene also reveals the Queen laid Void eggs and they are hatching, once again like the Xenomorph Queen. The Void Dragons have been a mainstay in most of Artix Entertainment’s games, from appearing
in the original AdventureQuest (where the Void Queen
returned in 2019 as an Uber-Boss in the Void, before her superior, the Void Empress, waged a full-on war with Lore
in 2020), and reappearing
in AQ Worlds as well. In AQ 3D, the Void Queen
and her servants are instead very insectoid aliens that are closer to a Horde of Alien Locusts in function.
- Dragon Quest X: Version 4 of the game has monsters called Hemographic Beasts, which were made in Tenton when it was a prosperous kingdom before the events of the game to absorb the people's minds. Kyronos himself counts, since he is the time powers of Curex warped by evil human desires that absorbed various evils to become a god of time, with a Freeza-like form to start.
- Duke Nukem: the franchise has some expies of the alien.
- In Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition and up, the Alien Queen is an obvious Xenomorph pastiche, along with her spawn, the Protector Drones, which also have corrosive blood, and the Protozoid Slimers encountered earlier hatch from Xenomorph-esque eggs and behave like Facehuggers.
- Duke Nukem Forever: The Octabrains are simply floating Xenomorph heads that are MetamorphosisMonsters that start as sperm from the Face Hugger esc Pregnators that impregnate captured women and begin as Chest Burster Octababies.
- Ecco the Dolphin: The Vortex, the extraterrestrial race that are the main antagonists of the series, have elongated Xenomorph-like skulls, exposed teeth, and chitinous bodies. They have four arms and a legless, serpentine lower body, and some varieties are completely black. They're led by a Queen who's so humongous, her head can't fit on-screen when you fight her as the final boss. And their larval forms resemble some kind of marine invertebrate. Time travel shenanigans in the second game result in the Vortex Queen becoming the ancestor of all arthropod life on Earth.
- Fallout 2: The wanamingos resemble xenomorph heads with legs and tentacles and live in a colony with an egg laying queen however they are genetically engineered lifeforms rather than aliens like the townspeople think they are.
- Flood: The Bulbous Headed Vongs are creatures that look just like Blobbies, the species Quiffy belongs to, except for their giant backheads that look a lot like those of xenomorphs.
- In Fur Fighters, you bump into a large alien, only for it to be removed by a copyright lawyer fox from 31st Century Films who insists it is breaking at least 35 copyrights. A debate between him and whatever character you're playing occurs, and then a debate quickly becomes a gunfight.
- Gradius II's second stage is a Gigeresque biomechanical zone populated by Facehuggers. This setting is unfortunately never used again in the series.
- The second Gun Force game reveals that the terrorists have harvested alien samples to mass-produce their own alien army, much like Weyland-Yutani from the films. Their aliens resembles the classic Xenos as well, having round, elongated eyeless heads, Nested Mouths for snapping at you, the ability to crawl on walls so they may attack you from above and below, and a section lifted from Aliens where you're in a chamber filled with alien eggs, all of them hatching as soon as you're within range that you must destroy before their spawns can latch on you.
- Headcrabs from Half-Life are similar to face-huggers in both appearance and their ability to turn infected humans into savage and superhumanly strong monsters in various forms, though they're more zombies than Xenomorphs at that point. The first game also shows that they spawn from a queen, who resembles a giant armored headcrab. The second game takes it further both by increasing the number of variants and revealing that the Combine are using them as bio-weapons, just like the Engineers and Weyland-Yutani both planned for the Xenomorphs. As the Combine's rule collapses in the Half-Life 2 expansion packs, the metro of City 17 ends up infested by headcrabs and headcrab zombies, similar to the Xenomorph hive from Aliens, and they begin threatening humanity as a whole (albeit they're a distant third to the Combine and the Antlions).
- Halo's Flood are Xenomorphs in all but name, as they're hostile alien parasites that attack by swarming en masse via Combat Forms with hunched postures alongside eyeless faces (who, like the Xenomorphs, are superhumanly strong and change their appearances depending on what species the parasite possesses), Infection Forms resembling squid-like Facehuggers who leap at hosts to infect them, and Pure Forms which assume different forms on a whim. They also possess a hive mind ruled by massive, hyper-intelligent Graveminds living in Xenomorphesque "hives" composed of Flood biomass and Cortana's interrogation by one such Gravemind detailed in Human Weakness is given sexual overtones. To top it all off, The Forerunner Saga reveals that the Flood are Precursor bioweapons, their introduction in Halo: Combat Evolved homages Aliens while the game's climax where Master Chief tries to stop them from reaching Earth mirrors that of Alien, and a rampant Mendicant Bias even dubs them a "perfect society".
- Set after the events of Combat Evolved, the short story Mona Lisa follows everyone's favourite State Sec, ONI follows in Weyland-Yutani's footsteps by weaponising the Flood. As one might imagine, the results are... less than ideal.
- In Hard Rock Zombie Truck, a monster with four pincers and multiple legs has an elongated skull similar to a Xenomorph, and a secondary mouth located on its abdomen.
- House of Ashes: The main threat of the game are creatures referred to as vampires, owing to their fangs, diet of blood, and fatal intolerance to sunlight, but also have a lot of similarities to the xenomorphs. Namely, they're a species of parasitic alien (that strongly resemble facehuggers) that originated from a derelict crashed spaceship and live in a hive-like social structure. The original infected alien pilots also have black hides, oblong heads with eyeless skull faces, and rows of spikes on their shoulders like the xenomorphs do.
- Hungry Dragon: Anomalyis is an XXL-sized Gigeresque wyvern described as an interdimensional extraterrestrial with an insatiable appetite. Its unlockable skins reference Frieza from Dragon Ball Z, General Grievous from Star Wars, and the Predator from the Predator series.
- Ikaruga's first boss, Eboshidori, looks like a knightly Xenomorph Queen with a sword and shield, minus the iconic stinger tail. The third stage Mini-Boss vaguely looks like a piscine Xenomorph with Attack Drones. Finally, Tageri has multiple Xenomorph-looking heads (4 in the first phase, 2 in the second phase), and its final form's head and arms have a biomechanical insectoid design.
- Insaniquarium: Sylvester, one of the enemy aliens, resembles a xenomorph with a little fish tail instead of legs. But despite its terrifying appearance, it's actually the first and weakest of the aliens encountered. Cyrax can also spawn miniature versions of Sylvester to aid him in battle.
- Jurassic Park: The Game: A new dinosaur introduced is the Troodon, a predator so vicious and dangerous even the Velociraptor is scared of them. It's a stealthy, dark-coloured predator that's primarily encountered in the closely-confined indoor levels, it attacks in swarms that crawl through the vents, has dangerously toxic saliva, and, most bizarrely, has parasitoid eggs which it implants into a living host's chest cavity.
- League of Legends:
- Cho'Gath is a ravenous Voidborn possessing an elongated head, an exokseleton, and a tail tipped with pronged blade. The old icon for his Feast ability further depicted him with a Xenomorph-like inner jaw. His Nightmare skin is black, furthering the resemblance.
- Kha'Zix is a Voidborn resembling a two-legged praying mantis, though he is a predatory Metamorphosis Monster and his rivalry with Predator Pastiche Rengar is a Shout-Out to Alien vs. Predator.
- In Marathon: RED, the Organic aliens are also a blatant homage to the Xenomorphs, being first discovered on a derelict ship, covering infested areas in Meat Moss and corrosive ooze, having an Organic Technology aesthetic, and a Metamorphosis Monster life cycle that includes infection/parasitization of humanoid hosts, a Face Hugger-like larval form, a quadripedal "Beast" form reminiscent of the Runner from Alien³, and a bipedal "Raptor" form similar to the Warriors.
- Mass Effect: The rachni are bug-themed aliens that are infamous for nearly destroying galactic society during a Bug War millennia ago. In addition to their insectoid appearance and hive mentality, ability to secrete acid or venom, and their tendency to scurry around small vents and passageways, their homeworlds are so toxic that it was impossible for ground troops to travel deep enough into their nest to destroy their hives (until the krogan were discovered). Their Queens are also well-known for being able to dish out psychic Mind Rape. The twist is that the rachni are actually not a hostile species; the aforementioned Bug War was a result of being brainwashed by the Leviathans and/or the Reapers — ancient godlike beings and the even more godlike machines they created. If Shepard killed the last surviving rachni queen in the first game, then in the third game, the rachni are controlled by a cloned queen that is also under the control of the Reapers.
- During the second phase of the final boss fight in Mega Man Network Transmission, the Life Virus R transforms into a weird creature that looks exactly like a horned, spiked red Xenomorph carrying a ball of light. It's also pathetically weak.
- Metroid:
- The eponymous Metroids are heavily based on the Xenomorphs. Their iconic jellyfish-like larval forms are basically floating Face Huggers, their later metamorphosis stages introduced in Metroid II: Return of Samus get progressively more Xenomorph-like (with the redesigned Zeta Metroids in Metroid: Samus Returns being nearly identical to them), they have a hive queen, and they were created by the Chozo as bioweapons.
- Ridley is a more downplayed example. Since Super Metroid, his design can be summed up as a Xenomorph with leathery wings and a more dragon-like head. There's also the fact that he is the Arch-Enemy of Samus Aran, the main heroine who has some similarities to Ellen Ripley. This is further emphasized in his reveal trailer
for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where he stealthily takes out Mega Man and Mario in a manner similar to the Xenomorph from the first Alien movie and his impalement of Mega Man using his spiked tail is highly reminiscent of the Xenomorph Queen impaling Bishop another robot with her tail in Aliens. It doesn't help that he's also named after Ridley Scott.
- Metroid Fusion introduces the Genesis: dark-colored creatures that crawl around the narrow ducts of the BSL space station. They have smooth heads without eyes, and are constantly drooling acidic saliva (evocative of the Xenomorph's acidic blood). The fan game Another Metroid 2 Remake even features a Genesis as an optional boss aboard a spaceship where it killed the entire crew.
- The baby Sheegoths from Metroid Prime have smooth, elongated heads and no visible eyes that evoke xenomorphs.
- The recurring enemy Fune (introduced in Super Metroid) is yet another Giger-esque design of an eyeless creature. In particular, it resembles the Xenomorph's tongue, especially in the later games where it can extend its neck and emerge from the wall.
- The True Chozo of Blood of the Chozo are hybrids of Chozo, human, and Metroid DNA, created as violent monsters by the Third Chozo that have weaponized tongues with which they suck blood, similar to the Xenomorph's Nested Mouths.
- The E.M.M.I. from Metroid Dread. Their body shape and movement (humanoid, but move on all fours when pursuing, and are even capable of crawling on walls, ceilings and narrow shafts), their Nigh-Invulnerability, persistent nature, a giant DNA-extraction needle concealed in their head (evocative of the Xenomorph's Nested Mouths), and their status as The Dreaded makes them a robotic version of this trope. They're also revealed to have been reprogrammed by Raven Beak, the Chozo villain, to hunt down Samus to extract the Metroid DNA from her, which loosely fits the "Precursor (bio)weapon" motif.
- Monster Hunter (2004): Khezu is a Flying Wyvern that... well, resembles a dick with legs and wings. Beyond this rather unnerving appearance, it’s an exclusive carnivore, has acidic saliva, lacks eyes, and reproduces asexually via implanting its young in other animals. This extends to Gigginox where it also lacks eyes and crawls on walls, and while it thankfully doesn't lay eggs inside of unfortunate animals, it still lays them in the heat of combat and its spawn can leech on Hunters.
- Monster Party's prototype had a Xenomorph xerox (complete with facehugger minions) as one of the Stage 7 bosses, which was replaced by The Grim Reaper in the released version.
- The Aliens in Mutant Football League are clearly inspired by Xenomorphs. They have elongated heads, spindly bodies, attack with their pointed segmented tails. "Xenomorph" is even a proper surname of certain players among the all-Alien Galaxy Chaos team.
- Mutation Nation have the main villain, the unnamed Mad Scientist, revealing his One-Winged Angel form as a giant Xeno clone in the final battle, complete with a long, barbed tail and a xenomoprh-like head. His form is white instead of black, however, and has blades for arms to compensate.
- Nocturnals: The eponymous Nocturnals are the monsters of the game. They have an elongated, slender build, stalk their prey through sound, can crawl through narrow spaces, kill their human prey by spitting acid in their face or tearing them apart with superior strength, are resistant to gunfire, and are revealed to be aliens that arrived on Earth via a meteorite.
- Palworld has Xenovader, Xenogard, and Xenolord; Bioweapon Beasts created as shock troops for an Alien Invasion. All three take design elements from Xenomorphs, with Xenolord resembling their Queens.
- Pokémon: Kabuto and Kabutops are officially based on trilobites, but they coincidentally have some significant features of the Xenomorph too, especially how they evolve from a crab-like form to a bipedal form and the shape of Kabutops' head.
- Parodied in Postal: Brain Damaged with the Xeno-Twats, who are humans cosplaying as xenomorphs. Complete with what appear to be prods stuck up their butts as a makeshift tail.
- In Project Tower there's Krynnor, a xenomoprh-clone with a phallic eyeless face, a barb-like tail and spindly appendages it uses to pounce and run all over the place, though instead of spitting acid Krynnor spits energy projectiles. When you defeat it, you can collect Krynnor's form as one of your morphs. Krynnor even has an advanced form, Krynnosaurus, which resemble the alien queen.
- The first boss of Rastan Saga 2, a.k.a. Nastar Warrior, is a skeletal humanoid with a giant elongated head and a sort of "ponytail" which acts like the Xenomorph's bladed tail.
- Resident Evil:
- In Resident Evil 2, the Lickers are drooling eyeless humanoids with More Teeth than the Osmond Family that crawl around walls and ceilings and attack with a barbed tongue reminiscent of the Xenomorph's Nested Mouths.
- The G-Spawn, also from 2, are heavily reminiscent of the Xenomorph. These parasitic embryos created from the G Virus burst from their hosts if they lack the right genes, resulting in hunched-over humanoids that reproduce by vomiting up G-Infants. Depending on their hosts, these G-Spawns may look, and act differently compared to others - just like Xenomorphs that take on the characteristics of their hosts as well as become something unique. Post-2 media further emphasize how similar they are to Xenomorphs. For instance, Outbreak gave adult G-Spawn eyeless faces and G-Infants a chestburster-like look; Darkside Chronicle endowed them with drooling mouths full of saliva; and in the 2019 remake, the G-Spawn could spit acid and had second mouths - not to mention their tendency to create hives from Meat Moss.
- In Resident Evil – Code: Veronica, Alexia's second One-Winged Angel form resembles the Xenomorph Hive Queen, complete with a massive queen termite-like ovipositor, which she separates from for her airborne final form.
- In Resident Evil 4, the Verdugo is a type of B.O.W. created by splicing humans and insects together, and is over eight feet tall; has razor-sharp claws; a long, segmented blade-tipped tail, and a biomechanical black exoskeleton. Scenes from its POV even emulate the fish-eye lens effect from Alien 3. On the other hand, its head design with segmented mandibles is more of reminiscent of a Predator.
- In Resident Evil 3 (Remake), the Nemesis Beta Puppeteer Parasites are clearly based on facehuggers, the Drain Deimos can now impregnate Jill with a Chest Burster parasite that must be neutralized with a green herb or first-aid spray, and Nemesis T-Type's second form now resembles an amphibious xenomorph.
- Rigid Force Alpha has a flying insectoid xenomorph-like mook in its third stage, and the boss, Botagorae, is a xenomorphic Man-Eating Plant.
- R-Type's first boss, Dobkeratops, references both the adult Xenomorph with its elongated cranium, toothy mouth, and prehensile tail, and the Chest Burster with the secondary head protruding from its chest.
- SAR: Search and Rescue, a game that rips off the second Alien movie anyways, have Xenomorph-esque creatures as enemies, complete with rounded, phallic-shaped heads, crawling on all fours, Nested Mouths (though in this case said mouth is on a five-meter Overly Long Tongue which can chew you from a distance) andhaving reproduction ability of bursting out of human corpses (unlike the movies which starts them off as chestbursters, this Xeno-clone is Born as an Adult).
- Satan from Shin Megami Tensei looks like a xenomorph with six wings, a dragon's tail and various spikes and bone-like tentacles.
- In Silent Hill 3, the Split Worm boss has xenomorph-esque Nested Mouths.
- The Final Boss of Space Debris, the alien core's ultimate form, resembles a kaiju-sized Xeno with its ovoid head shape, exposed ribs in chest, overly long limbs, and lashing out with its sharp teeth and tail. It does have yellow, slit-like eyes, however.
- Space Gun features multi-eyed, multi-limbed aliens with sharp claws and acidic drool which are clearly meant to evoke the xenomorphs.
- Space Quest:
- In Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, if the Xenomorph-like alien with red lips kisses Roger, a green baby alien later bursts forth from Roger's body.
- In Space Quest V: The Next Mutation, Spike is an acid-spitting Face Hugger who befriends Roger.
- In Space Quest VI: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier, a ship in the shuttle bay is probably carrying aliens that are very similar to the description of a Xenomorph.
- And then there's Wriggley, who may have a thing for Xenomorph-like creatures.
- Space Station 13 has a playable class called Xenos which are essentially xenomorphs. The player starts as a facehugger or larva and grow into a Praetorian or queen.
- The cover of Splatterhouse 2 features a creature with an elongated head and long teeth clearly reminiscent of the xenomorph.
- StarCraft: The Zerg race as a whole draw inspiration from the Xenomorph as well, being extremely aggressive Metamorphosis Monsters (in this case it's crossed with the Arachnids of Starship Troopers). The Hydralisk unit in particular is especially evocative of Xenomorphs. In the demo version that acts as a prequel, all the characters actually refer to Zerg as "xenomorphs" (the word itself is basically a fancy term for "alien lifeform"). Their ability to "infest" structures was directly inspired by the alien hive seen in Aliens (although in this case, it's Meat Moss and in the film, it's resin).
- The first game has the hydralisk as a two-limbed Captain Ersatz to the Xenomorph: shooting acid spikes as its main form of attack, being fond of the *Drool* Hello, having an elongated head, and being a Metamorphosis Monster, and being one of the Zerg's primary attacking units. It is shown in cutscenes to be extremely fond of ambush tactics, with one cutscene being another obvious Shoutout to the Alien film. The eggs which spawn their units are almost identical in design to the Alien facehugger eggs. They also drool copiously.
- By StarCraft II, the hydralisk still carries obvious influences from the Xenomorphs, though Blizzard attempted to distance it from its original influence: removing the acid from its spines (instead making them armor-piercing and venomous), while making the elongated head more of a bony crest used to propel its spine-attacks. It's still an obvious Expy, however. The Zerg have even gained Queens as a unit tending to their hives, responsible for birthing larvae which forms the eggs that spawn their units.
- StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm also features a mission in the single-player Zerg campaign where Kerrigan infects a Protoss with a living Zerg organism, causing it to burst from said Protoss after she is teleported to safety. The mission then plays out as a Whole-Plot Reference to Aliens, with this one organism becoming the Queen of a hive that takes down the Protoss vessel she is on from the inside. Notable is that this way of using a creature as a host for a living organism is not the typical way for Zerg to parasitize other beings: Their method involves infesting them through what can only be described as an incredibly virulent Virus — but the Protoss are immune to this on the genetic level, necessitating this Loophole Abuse.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pizza Monsters resembling Xenomorphs appear in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Back from the Sewers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Hyperstone Heist. This was eventually reciprocated by NECA, who released a "Sewer Mutation" Xenomorph action figure based on the Pizza Monsters. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge redesigned the creatures to look less like Xenos and highlight that these creatures are pizza monsters, though some resemblence remains.
- In Tekken 7, Yoshimitsu's default costume has a design similar to a Xenomorph as he has a face similar to the one from the first movie, the concept art
was much more Gigeresque.
- The last boss of Teraburst resembles a pale Xeno, albeit one the size of a building. Who even climbs all over the mothership's interiors on all fours while battling you in the final level,
- Thunder Hoop have the "Bass" enemies, which resembles purple Xenos, complete with rounded, eyeless faces and a long whip-like tail. They're even hatched from fleshy eggs that opens up like petals, just like in the movies.
- In Tomb Raider III, the Guardians of the Lost City of Tinnos have a Gigeresque appearance, eyeless elongated heads, and stinger tails that shoot blue fireballs.
- The design of the Bahro from Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and Myst V: End of Ages was clearly influenced by this trope, sharing the xenomorphs' dark exoskeleton, smooth heads, hunched digitigrade posture and habit of creeping around in the shadows. Subverted in that they're mostly (barring really extreme provocation) peaceful, timid, spiritual creatures, whose xeno-ish looks are meant to keep the player thinking they're dangerous until the facts emerge.
- In We Happy Restaurant, a creature that looks like a Xenomorph is made into food.
- XCOM: The Chryssalids inherit the Xenomorphs' speed, life cycle and overall appearance. The original Chryssalid, unlike the Xenomorphs, used a lipless humanoid mouth rather than alien mouthparts, but this only served to invoke the Uncanny Valley.
- Xenoblade Chronicles:
- Sever in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 certainly looks the part with his oval head, menacing face, and scaly skin. Being a Blade though, he doesn't reproduce with facehuggers, chestbursters, or at all.
- Moebius from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 due to the fact of their biotechnological looks and alien-looking heads with pointed teeth. Males are either bulky or lanky but have long oval heads, while females have creepy lanky bodies but a more feminine look.
- Xenophobe features alien eggs that hatch into Critter aliens, that evolve into the more animal Roller form, then a Warrior form. Then there are the tougher Queen aliens.
- Homestuck: Fiduspawn are a type of Phonýmon visually and thematically based off of the xenomorphs, with which they share a parasitoid lifecycle, so-named facehuggers, eyeless heads, and an anatomy rich with tube-shaped extremities of unclear purpose.
- Aylee of Sluggy Freelance started out as a green xenomorph clone, though less biomechanical than the real deal. Her shapeshifting was introduced a little while after as author Pete Abrams was worried he might get sued for sticking so close to the design.
Web Videos
- Greenskull AI: Downplayed with the alien from "Robot Scheme"
. It mostly looks like a straightforward Lizard Folk creature, but it still has a black-scaled and faintly biomechanical look, it sneaks onto a darkly lit spacecraft, and it's ultimately Thrown Out the Airlock.
Western Animation
- Amphibia: While Anne is disaster-proofing the Plantars' house and garden before their trip to Newtopia in the Season 2 premiere episode "Handy Anne", she dumps a mysterious goo she brought on the plants. This causes them to mutate into plant monsters. One with an eggplant for a head and a body made out of vines has a very obvious resemblance to a Xenomorph.
- In Animaniacs, Dot counters a Xenomorph with her boxed pet, which appears to be a giant Jerry Lewis caricature who share the Xenomorph's Nested Mouths trait by having a smaller head inside.
- While chipmunk Dale of Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers watches a horror movie in the episode "Dale Beside Himself", the Show Within a Show is an homage to Aliens. The eyeless monster produces a series of Nested Mouths, the last of which bites the Action Girl on her nose. She responds by leveling her BFG at the camera and pulling the trigger.
- Code Lyoko: The episode "End of Take" has as Monster of the Week an animatronic suit possessed by XANA that is a virtual rip-off of the Xenomorph with Yautja-like head "dreadlock" tentacles (which it uses as actual Combat Tentacles). This look-alikeness is actually lampshaded (although Ulrich can't recall the original film's name) before being told by the director of the In-Universe film (that is using the factory as a film set) to shut up because it is a totally original alien design, honest!
- The Viperox Queen from the Doctor Who animation "Dreamland" looks similar and has the same hunched posture as a Xenomorph queen.
- Ed, Edd n Eddy: In the episode "The Day the Ed Stood Still", Ed's monster form design is very close to a Xenomorph and how he plasters the Kids (and one of Rolf's chickens) to his basement wall with chewed-up Chunky Puffs similar to what the Xenomorphs do to their victims in the Alien movies and a *Drool* Hello behind Eddy. Double D actually lampshades all the Alien references by saying "Ed must be acting out a science-fiction movie he may have seen".
- The Garfield Show: In the episode "Virtualodeon" an alien expy is seen staking a Ripley Expy, before it attacks the main characters.
- Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: The Scorpius rex. Its ability to alternate between bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion along with wall and tree crawling, unnatural jaw (it widens far more than it should), and at least one *Drool* Hello moment give this impression.
- Kid Cosmic: In the episode "Kid Cosmic and the Local Heroes" at one point the protagonists are kidnapped by a species of Xenomorph-like aliens that plan to eat them. The spaceship they use is also very Giger-esque.
- The Space Demon from Men in Black: The Series is this twice over. His design is based on the Xenomorph, but in-universe he's just an alien actor who starred in several horror movies. From what we see of the Space Demon movies, they also seem to be pastiches of Alien.
- Oggy and the Cockroaches: The chicken monster from the episode "The Intruder from Space" is an obvious Expy of the Xenomorph, having a very similar appearance, a method of reproduction that requires Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong, not one but two Nested Mouths, and the ability to spit acid.
- Regular Show: Shannon Acidbutt from the Terror Tales of the Park VI segment "Alien Roommate" is a Xenomorph parody, depicted like a TV-addicted Lazy Bum who uses money to get out of anything and outbursts the ferocity of the Alien whenever the characters are trying to maker her do chores or leave the apartment.
- In Rick and Morty, Beth and Jerry go on alien marriage counseling where the way they see each other physically manifests in a creature, dubbed "Mytholog". The Beth Mytholog, created by Jerry's mind, is a gigantic monster resembling the Xenomorph Queen.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
- The Squirrelanoids from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) are a pack of mutants that spawned when a squirrel discovered a spilt canister of mutagen. The squirrel found a homeless man and forced itself into the bum's stomach where it divided into two squirrels (a process similar to the chestburster, though non-lethal because they exit out the mouth), one of which repeated the process with Raphael. They later underwent a transformation, becoming more monstrous mutants similar in appearance to Xenomorphs, including an elongated, translucent head, a second mouth hidden within its first one and a skeleton-esque exoskeleton.
- In the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) episode "The Case of the Killer Pizzas", the creatures have elongated skulls and bodies similar to the Xenomorph. They are so close that NECA (who has the rights for both TMNT and Alien figurines) released a limited-edition Aliens Xenomorph figure for the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con in the episode's honor that was a repainted Xeno.
- Wander over Yonder: The monster that Wander names Captain Tim is a carnivorous insectoid creature with no eyes called an Arachnomorph, possessing acidic spit, cocooning its victims, and being implied to lay eggs inside living beings. Its debut episode, "The Pet" is a Whole-Plot Reference to the Alien movies.
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