Yuri Genre - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Jun 29 2011
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Since homosexual boys are called "gay," homosexual girls should be called... "ecstatic".
"Yuri is a blessed thing. The refined and subtle actions, the warmth, of a world where only girls reside...yet also the pain of interpersonal politics and selfish intrigue. And finally, those strong emotional bonds before which no hardship is an insurmountable obstacle. Verily, a finely-honed mental and spiritual realm for transcending the crude conceptions of the male mind!"
— Hanadera Keisuke, Yuri Danshi
Yuri (百合)Translation refers to a Japanese Media genre about sapphic romance and sexuality. Yuri works traditionally focus either on romantic or sexual feelings, but increasingly have both. Western fans will sometimes use the term "shoujo-ai" to refer to romance-specific, less-explicit works, while using "yuri" to refer to more sexually explicit work. However, in Japan, "shoujo-ai" often refers to girl-focused pedophilia, and yuri is also known as "Girls' Love" (in English), or GL, a term created in common with the more popular male version, "Boys' Love" or BL.
Yuri is a genre distinguished by many tropes, stereotypes, and specific plotlines or interactions. The term "yuri" is so strongly associated with those tropes and stereotypes that some Japanese yuri fans use a different term, like "bian" (short for lesbian)note , "Onna x Onna" ("woman and woman" (the x is usually pronounced as "to", "and" in Japanese)), or "Onna-doushi" ("women together") for works which are actually by/for lesbian women. Yuri is commonly an idealized and unrealistic portrayal of sapphic relationships, like most romance, and is not representative of actual sapphic people, culture, community, and experiences. This is, in part, due to the genre's high fluff content.
In Japan, yuri stories and portrayal depend a lot on the target audience demographic:
- Yuri aimed at girls ("Shoujo yuri") is commonly hyperfeminine and "pure" but may feature some degree of gender-bending or cross-dressing, with the bifauxnen in a more traditionally male role. In either case, it's usually focused on stories of female solidarity, idealized femininity and gender transgression, with physical displays of affection rarely going beyond hugging and kissing.
- Yuri aimed at adult women ("josei yuri") is usually less stereotyped and fairly realistic, like most fiction aimed at adults. Many works in the demographic are targeted at actual sapphic women, which is why this type is often called "yuri for lesbians".note
- Yuri aimed at men ("seinen yuri") tends to emphasize (or overemphasize) sweetness, femininity, girlishness, innocence, purity, and moe generally. This type often shows a very romanticized or idyllic view of female adolescence or childhood. Alternatively, there are very explicit erotic stories focusing on fetishized lewd portrayals of sapphic romance or sexuality. These works also often fall under the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things category.
- Yuri aimed at boys ("Shōnen yuri") tends to only exist as a secondary or tertiary genre under the main focus/es (see "background/subtext" yuri below). Often portrayals of sapphic romance is subsumed under sapphic sexuality in these works, often working the fetishized Girl on Girl Is Hot.
- Yuri aimed at fans of the genre ("niche yuri") is found in specialized magazines where all the stories are about sapphic romance or sexuality. The first magazine of this type was Yuri Shimai
, which was followed by Comic Yuri Hime
and many others. These magazines try to cater to as wide an audience as possible, and publish both "pure" and erotic stories, with young and adult characters, and in all sorts of settings.
- "Background" or "Subtext" yuri is a cross-demographic type of yuri that has been gaining a foothold in Japan. These works portray female protagonists (often Action Girls) in lasting lesbian relationships, without actually being specifically about these relationships. Though this element has the same status that a Romance Arc in non-romantic fiction does, such works are classified as yuri in addition to whatever their primary genre is.
Due to the Japanese's love for tragic stories of doomed couples, a disproportionately large amount of yuri works, especially older ones, tend to end in sadness, tragedy, obscurity, or audience-attracting sham. This is slowly changing and more fictional couples are allowed to have happy, committed, and Canon endings as time goes on.
When a yuri work was made has a large impact of exactly what tropes it uses. Older yuri of the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s tend to be more rigid in their adherence to standard tropes. Recent yuri works tend to break the traditional mold much more often as the genre expands and gains more mainstream acceptance.
The most common tropes you find in yuri, especially older yuri, are the Senpai/Kohai dynamic, Tomboy and Girly Girl, and Teacher/Student Romance. All three of these tropes can be cast in a particular light to make them appear to mirror or emulate heterosexual couples (see the Analysis page).
The Chinese equivalent of yuri is baihe, which much like "yuri" means "lily". While baihe works do exist in China, they are not as prominent or well-known as danmei.
This entry is for the genre specifically. Works should be listed only if they are released as, described as, and/or feature yuri. Couple-specific examples should only be listed below if they're the focus of the series. See also: Slash Fic and Cast Full of Gay. Compare and contrast Pseudo-Romantic Friendship. The Spear Counterparts of Yuri are Yaoi, Shounen-Ai, and Bara, which feature male-male romance and sexuality.
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Subtropes associated with the Yuri genre
- Aloof Dark-Haired Girl
- Bait-and-Switch Lesbians
- Bifauxnen
- Bishoujo
- Bury Your Gays
- Bust-Contrast Duo
- Butch Lesbian
- Cast Full of Gay
- Closet Key
- Coming Of Age Queer Romance
- Coming of Age
- Discount Lesbians
- Double Standard: Rape, Female on Female
- Downer Ending
- Elaborate University High
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Everyone Is Bi
- Feminist Fantasy
- Floral Theme Naming
- Flower Motifs (generally white lilies, alternatively roses)
- Flowers of Romance (ditto)
- From Roommates to Romance
- Gayngst
- Gay Romantic Phase
- Hair-Contrast Duo
- Hide Your Lesbians
- Homoerotic Subtext
- If It's You, It's Okay
- Improbably Female Cast
- Intertwined Fingers
- Just Friends
- Lesbian Vampire (in fact, given this trope, it may not come as a surprise that there's a whole vampire yuri subgenre)
- Let's Just Be Friends
- LGBT Awakening
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Lovely Angels
- Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple
- Master of the Mixed Message
- Moe
- One Head Taller
- Onee-sama
- One-Gender Race
- One-Gender School
- Pseudo-Romantic Friendship
- Psycho Lesbian
- Queer Establishing Moment
- Queer Flowers
- Secret Relationship
- Single-Target Sexuality
- Situational Sexuality
- Skinship Grope
- Stock Shoujo Heroine
- Subtext
- Teacher/Student Romance
- Tomboy and Girly Girl
- Unequal Pairing
- Unresolved Sexual Tension
- Wholesome Crossdresser
This genre is specific to Eastern Asia. East Asian and Animesque media ONLY. For non-East Asian/Animesque works centering around sapphic romance, go to Queer Romance or LGBT Representation in Media.
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Works that are not considered under the yuri genre but have a strong lasting influence on the genre
Genre Influencers
- Maria Watches Over Us: While it is often considered a yuri series, it's actually a modern take on the Class S genre featuring Pseudo Romantic Friendships between students in an all-girls high school. While none of the relationships go past subtext (with one exception in the backstory), it is nevertheless iconic of the yuri genre and has had a lot of influence on other yuri works.
- Sailor Moon: While not conceived as a yuri manga, has been claimed as such by yuri fans due to its long lasting impact and influence on the yuri genre. Particularly with Haruka and Michiru who are in love.
Prolific Creators
Shuninta Amano
Eiki Eiki and Taishi Zaou
Miyabi Fujieda
Shizuru Hayashiya
- Hayate × Blade
- Strawberry Shake Sweet: A Girls' Love comedy manga about teen idols.
Shoko Iwami
- Kanamemo: An anime and a Yonkoma manga where the majority of the all-female main cast are romantically inclined towards females.
- Flower Flower: A princess arrives in a foreign land to marry into their royal family, but rejects her betrothed as soon as he enters the room because he's dressed like a woman. She instead goes for the other alleged prince. Issues come up and Hilarity Ensues.
Milk Morinaga
Akiko Morishima
Go Nagai
Kaoru Sudoo
Disappeared from the industry for five years due to health problems (leaving OKG unfinished), before finally returning in 2016 with a new (very NSFW) series.
- 08.04 AM Daydream
- Otome Kikan Gretel: An ecchi series set in an all-girls Wizarding School.
Jin Takemiya
Jin Takemiya started working on original yuri doujin in 2007 and eventually debuted in Yuri-Hime, winning their Division Prize for her one-shot "All My Love and Lies" (later included in the Love Flicker collection) in 2009. Writing primarily in the Slice of Life genre, Takemiya is incredibly prolific, and her works have been featured in every issue of Yuri-Hime since her debut.
- Chouchou Nannan (lit. "Call and Reply", which is a Japanese idiom for light-hearted flirting): A Four-Girl Ensemble with way too many hidden Love Triangles between them.
- Fragments of Love: Takemiya's biggest work to date, follows Mika, a confident and serious high school girl with a preference for older women, on her daily life and relationships. The tie-in Love & Piece (sic!) serves as an Origin Story for the main plot's not-quite-Beta Couple.
- Game: Chiriko, finds herself the target of the Foreign Exchange Student Rebecca's affections, because she happens to look exactly like her favorite Dating Sim character.
- Girlish Sweet: Somewhat of a Concept Album: it follows several mostly unrelated couples, but with a few pervasive motifs (the author refers to it as her "Red Seifuku Series", after the school uniforms most characters wear) and themes (various allusions to sweetness and sweet things).
- Irrational Us: Two Office Ladies sharing a very emotionally unhealthy relationship.
- KiLa KiLa: Saya, a Fangirl of the Idol Singer Ria, who finds herself falling in love with the latter's insecure twin sister Mari. This story has thematic overlaps with My Beloved — another Love Triangle involving two sisters vying for affections of the same girl.
- Love Flicker: Takemiya's first collection of previously published one-shots.
- Perfume of Love: Another Concept Album, united by the theme of scents and aromas.
Akihito Yoshitomi
Akihito Yoshitomi is well-known for his contributions to the genre, though he tends to take weird approaches.
- Blue Drop: Although the anime is much less explicit with its Girls' Love than the first and third manga of the series. The second manga Tenshi no Bokura moves away from Girls' Love, as the focus is on a heterosexual pair.
- Sisterism: Two childhood friends fall in love with each other's little sisters. Who are both 12. Although it's hinted that they're actually attracted to each other and misinterpreted their feelings.
- Two and Two: A slightly different take on a similar setup, with two schoolgirl roommates discovering their attraction to each other only after they independently start dating older women. Both of whom are childhood friends, so it's complicated. Also, at least one pairing is into domination/submission play.
Mochi Au Lait
Mochi Au Lait started as a Pixiv artist whose popularity skyrocketed when her works had been translated to English. Since then, she's gotten a few manga volumes printed. Her stories are known for featuring a cute and funny Odd Couple, one that is often sisters. Mochi's series and one-shots overlap often, indicating they're all in the the same universe. A complete list of her works can be found on her Creator page.
- Kasumi And Acchan: Her first longer-running series, featuring Kasumi and Akari "Acchan". The two flirty schoolgirls start in an ambiguous relationship. Are they romantic friends or are they something more?
- Met My Sister On A Dating Site: Her second long-running series. Adult sisters Ayumu and Sayo end up connecting on a dating website and begin their incestuous relationship in earnest. The second volume, published late 2017, indicates they're going to end up Happily Married.
- Yuri Summer -Kagaya Inn-: A springboard series originating from an earlier one-shot Yuri Family about a family of five sisters that runs a ryokan. The series chronicles not only the relationships of the guests but also the seemingly incestuous interactions between the sisters.
- Twin Sisters: A twincest shorter series about schoolgirls Otoya and Asane.
- Fell in Love With a Girl 8 Years Younger: A story about two co-workers with an age gap.
- Unfaithful: A young woman cheats on her abusive girlfriend with her female coworker.
- The Useless Senpai and The Talented Kouhai: An inept third-year basketball player starts bonding with a talented first-year.
- Video Rental Shop: A female customer is enamored with a female employee of a video rental shop.
- Sorry, but I'm Not into Yuri: Itsumi Toudou tried to use a love potion to get her teacher to fall in love with her, only for her female classmates to drink it instead.
Kodama Naoko
- NTR: Netsuzou Trap: Two childhood friends who both have boyfriends can't keep their hands off of each other.
- I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up: A short series about a young woman who decides to fake a marriage with her best friend so that her parents will stop trying to set her up with successful men, and eventually falls in love with her.
- Days Of Love At Seagull Villa: A woman goes into self imposed exile after her fiancé cheats on her with her best friend where she has a chance encounter with a woman who becomes an integral part of her life.
Nomnom Nami
NomnomNami is an indie developer of Animesque yuri games.
- Contract Demon: A female angel summons and falls in love with a demoness.
- KAIMA: A short RPG in which pink demon girl Searina meets Illi, the lover of Princess Ezel who was killed by her brother Prince Vido, and teams up with her to take revenge on Vido and stop him from destroying the world, and possibly becoming Illi's Second Love...
- Lonely Wolf Treat: A series of short, Slice of Life RPG Maker games in which the titular Treat, outcast from the rabbit village and facing thier Fantastic Racism, bonds with Mochi, the only rabbit to treat her well. Moxie, a fox who also receives prejudice from the rabbits, joins in and grows closer to Treat and Mochi herself.
- her tears were my light: A romance story between female anthropomorphisms of time and space plus nothingness.
- Romance Detective: A detective-story styled version, in which the titular detective teams up with a cop to uncover the mystery behind a mind-altering aphrodisiac.
Ratana Satis
A prolific Webcomic author from Thailand
- Lily Love: The protagonist Donut is a college girl who doesn't believe in soulmates. A chance meeting with her new neighbor, Mew, led to friendship and grows into something much more.
- Pulse (2016): A heart surgeon experiences true love for the first time with a heart disease patient.
- An Easy Introduction To Love Triangles: A twelve-chapter seinen series about three teenage girls who slowly develop into a throuple.
- Kiss and White Lily for My Dearest Girl: A light-hearted series following several couples in an all-girl high school, with a Tsundere model student and a Brilliant, but Lazy loner as the main one.
Shou Higashiyama
- Prism: A girl fell in love with a 'boy' in elementary only for them to be reunited years later with the revelation that 'he' is really a very pretty girl.
- Stretch: A Slice of Life series about two women living together, interspersed with actual stretching guides.
- Vampeerz My Peer Vampires: A love story between a human girl and a vampire.
- Natsuneko. Has only written one-shots so far (see full list on her page).
- Hiyori Otsu:
- Aqua Blue Cinema
- Clover
- Orange and Yellow
- Miura Koizumi
- Mr. Right Turned Out to Be a Younger Woman!?: A 33-year-old woman falls in love with a coworker who's ten years her junior.
- Tonari Series: Two coworkers fall in love over their shared desire for sex.
Original Manga
- Aido
- After Hours (2015) by Yuhta Nishio: An adorable romance between the shy Emi, who has no direction in life, and the confident and impulsive DJ Kei.
- Akuma no Riddle: Class Black, a group of high-school girls who are actually assassins, compete to take the life of a classmate, Haru Ichinose, in exchange for having their deepest desire granted. However, one of the girls, Tokaku Azuma, finds herself curiously drawn to Haru, and ends up becoming her protector instead.
- Assorted Entanglements: A Rotating Protagonist manga about Opposites Attract.
- Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels! by Kuro Itsuki: A sweet but awkward college student seeks to be reunited with her lost female childhood crush, who happens to be an employee of a nearby female-customer-exclusive brothel. Warning: very NSFW.
- Bad Girl (2021): A first-year girl attempts to catch the eye of a third-year senpai on the morals committee by reinventing herself as a delinquent, to disastrous results.
- Banana no Nana: Another "background yuri" action manga, starring two totally-not-lovers on a wacky fantasy adventure.
- Becoming Her Lover for the Sake of Love: A Student Council President goes out with the most popular girl at school to learn about love.
- Be Happy In The Real World Too Okay is a manga about an indecisive girl named Machino who longs for a "destined love" who accidentally makes a wish on a night a shooting star is in the sky that summons the capture targets of the Otome Game Celestia to the real-world.
- Bloomer Blue Maniacs: A oneshot comedy yuri work.
- Bloom Into You: The eventual love story of high school freshman Yuu, who believes that she can't fall in love, and her senpai Touko, who loves her but doesn't want her love in return.
- Bountiful Boobs: A story of one girl who wants to have a friend, but that friend will be with her only if she's able to grope her.
- Boys Gilding the Lily Shall Die!?
- Breasts Are My Favorite Things in the World!: Archery club member Ichihara Chiaki is a huge breasts fetishist who is obsessed with the well-endowed Harumi Hana.
- Cheerful Amnesia: A story about a girl losing her memories of dating her lover for three years.
- Chimidoro Ice Cream: It's the touching love story of an uptight class rep and a half-zombie girl who needs the doki doki of kissing in order to keep her heart beating and stave off total zombie-ficiation.
- Chirality: A seinen Girls' Love manga with a postapocalyptic soft-Science Fiction setting.
- Citrus: A drama yuri manga of a lover/sister relationship between two step sisters, one's a gyaru adapting to her new conservative all-girls school looking for a male partner at first, the other an ice queen Yamato Nadeshiko with daddy issues.
- Contract Sisters
- Convenient Semi-Friend: It's a love story about a flirty girl who loves making out with other girls and her scared-of-strangers roommate who wants to make out with her instead so she doesn't keep bringing strange girls to their dorm room.
- Creo the Crimson Crises: A supernatural shoujoesque Girls' Love manga with a slight cynical edge.
- Dandelion Among Lilies: A short manga about two women dealing with insecurities in their relationship.
- Dear Brother: One of the oldest and most influential yuri manga, about a middle-class girl who goes to a prestigious all-girls academy, gets accepted to the school's elite Sorority, and has to deal with all the the drama that comes with it—including falling for one of the school's three most popular girls. Many other yuri series that came after Dear Brother have been influenced by it to some degree, particularly those that take place at prestigious girls' schools.
- Dear NOMAN: A supernatural series about a girl who gets recruited for her ability to see ghosts and becomes the master of a noman named Bazu.
- Destiny of the Shrine Maiden: A Girls' Love romance intertwined with a Humongous Mecha + Magical Girl plot with the main couple, Chikane and Himeko, reincarnating into different series. After demoting them to extras in Shattered Angels, Kaishaku once again gave them the main role in Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian, throwing an Ancient Conspiracy into the pot.
- Destroy It All And Love Me In Hell!: A story of a girl who is seen as the perfect role model has a lot of pressure mounting that nearly causes her to break the rules only for her near indiscretion to be taped by the local delinquent who is all too happy to have fun at her expense.
- Double House: A yuri manga starring a transgender hostess.
- Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon: An Office Lady named Hinako, who obsesses with trying to be "normal", leads her to break down after her repeated failures to have a romantic connection with men. She's found by Satou, an older co-worker who shares doughnuts with her and ends up becoming her confidant.
- Ebisu-san and Hotei-san: A Will They or Won't They? story about two office ladies, one of whom is a workaholic perfectionist and the other a jealous tsundere.
- The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess: A noble girl, Evris Bradley, has control over dark magic. She is shunned by her family and feared by the commoners. She is deemed to be a 'witch', and her engagement to Prince Edward is annulled. Before her life gets any worse, she catches the eye of a Cross Dressing Princess, Ciel Alphard.
- Even Though We're Adults: A josei manga about a married woman who falls for another woman she meets.
- Failed Princesses: A Gyaru Girl bullies a plain-looking Otaku, and their dislike is mutual. The latter comforting the former about her breakup kickstarts a change in their relationship.
- The Fed-Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Great Villainess: An Isekai manga about overworked Office Lady named Natori Midori being summoned into the world of her favorite mobile gacha game as the familiar of the game's villainess Lapis Tenebrae.
- First Love Sisters: A Shōjo GL manga fairly typical to the genre but still a quality work in its own right.
- The Flower and The Star: A story about the Love-Hate Relationship between two table tennis players.
- Fragtime: A love story between Moritani Misuzu, a girl who has the ability to freeze time for three minutes a day, and Murakami Haruka, a popular girl who is mysteriously immune to her power.
- Gamma: An action-adventure manga that takes inspiration from all things Super Hero, from be it Western superhero comics, through Sentai, to Magical Girls. The latter ones in particular are the focus of the manga's yuri subplots.
- The Girl I Want is So Handsome!: A short story about a cute if somewhat klutzy girl and the female basketball player she falls in love with.
- Girl X Girl X Boy: A manga dealing with a love triangle between two girls and a boy.
- Gokujou Drops: A story for people who don't think Girls' Love uses Seme/Uke enough. Mixed with Unwanted Harem.
- Gokujo: A work that adds comedy and ecchi to the mix.
- Goodbye, My Rose Garden: A Period Piece set in Victorian Britain about Hanako, a Japanese woman hired as a maid by Alice, an English noblewoman who offers to introduce her to her writing idol- in exchange for an unusual request.
- Gunbured × Sisters: Naughty Nuns with lots of guns slay vampires. The series is mainly a Gothic Punk action comedy whose major characters happen to all be lesbian women.
- Gunjo: A dark and twisted take on the genre.
- The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All: A Gyaru Girl develops a crush on a record store clerk and eventually learning that the clerk is her female classmate.
- Hana ni Arashi: A Slice of Life featuring two friends who are secretly dating.
- Happy Sugar Life: A highly dark and highly twisted take on the genre, involving a Yandere kidnapping a child under the pretense of love.
- Haru and Midori: Womanchild Midori ends up taking care of her late friend's high school daughter, Haru. Complicating matters is Midori's ambiguous relationship with her old friend, and Haru looking exactly like her mother at her age.
- Haru's Regista: A former soccer prodigy, Haru, suffers devastation between an injury that robbed her of her ability to run and her family falling apart due to her parents’ divorce. She attempts to leave soccer behind until she encounters a girl, Osanai Satsuki, she had inspired during her own hard days, and aspires to become a great soccer player like Haru-chan.
- Hello, Melancholic!: Asano Minato finds herself impromptuly joining a band of girls and began to fall for the leader Hibiki-senpai.
- Hen: The Sequel Series revolves around a Maneater named Chizuru Yoshida who falls head-over-heels for a female classmate and bumbles her way through trying to figure out how to act towards someone she has actual feelings for.
- Help Me Relax, Yui-san: A comedy about two office ladies who massage each other to cope with the stress of overwork, which slowly blossoms into something more (after several dozen chapters of embarrassment and stupidity).
- The Helpless Saint And The Powerless Princess: A listless part-timer Tamura Nana was summoned out of her room and into another world. Shortly after her arrival, she is deemed to have no magical ability, and she is teamed up with a Princess who cannot use magic.
- Her Elder Sister Has A Crush On Her, But She Doesn't Mind: Shima Sakura has a rather incestuous crush towards her younger sister Mai Sakura.
- Hino-san no Baka: Class President Koguma is made to perform odd tasks for her classmate Hino to keep her from skipping class.
- Honey Crush: A comedic take on the genre mixed with the supernatural.
- Hoshikawa Ginza District 4: A Teacher/Student Romance yuri work.
- How Do We Relationship?: Two girls in their freshman year of college is exploring what it means to be in a relationship.
- Husky and Medley: A manga that chronicles the budding romance between the eponymous pair of high school students who attend an all girls school. Based on a True Story, the real couple as of 2019 are celebrating a decade together.
- I Can't Believe I Slept with You: An unemployed woman makes a deal with her landlady to pay back the rent she owes, resulting in the two gradually falling in love.
- I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl: A class representative is forced to do the requests of a delinquent girl so she continued to come to school in return for the teacher sending off a letter of recommendation to any school she wanted.
- I Don't Know Which One Is Love: After being rejected by her crush, a young woman enters college to get a girlfriend... and promptly finds that most of her new acquaintances are possible candidates.
- I Married My Female Friend: Two long-time female friends agree to get married if they're still single five years after their Coming of Age Day ceremony. They make good on that promise and must work on making that relationship work.
- Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san: A comedy manga with a lot of Animal Theme Naming.
- Is My Hobby Weird: A Slice of Life mini-series about Maiko Fujiyama, who spends her morning commute staring up other girls' skirts to admire their buttocks. Which is how she meets Risa Tsuzuki, her ideal matchnote . The story follows their sexual escapades and their blossoming relationship, using a mixture of comedy and light drama.
- Junsui Adolescence: A story that deals mainly with a relationship between a student and her school nurse.
- Kase-san: A fluffy lesbian manga with a slightly more realistic edge about a Tomboy and Girly Girl becoming friends and then, slowly, awkwardly, lovers.
- Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl: A romance with a Love Triangle involving three lesbians with the added complication that the main character used to be a boy.
- Killing Me!: A manga about Miyoko and Saki, two ordinary-seeming high school girls who are actually a vampire and a vampire hunter who are dead-set on killing each other... or rather, Saki is trying to kill Miyoko, while Miyoko just seems rather amused by the whole thing, as well as increasingly interested in the easily-flustered Saki.
- Kimochi No Katachi: A manga that mixes self-discovery, young love, and gayngst with much attention paid to realism.
- Kitanai Kimi Ga Ichiban Kawaii
- Konohana Kitan: About fox girls working at a supernatural inn. It began life in the magazine Yuri Hime S, and even after being relaunched in a different magazine, the romantic attraction between female characters is still clear. The most prominent pairings are Satsuki/Yuzu and Natsume/Ren.
- Koroshiya Yametai: A female assassin falls in love with a priest's daughter.
- Kurogane Pukapuka Tai: A love comedy set on a World War II-era Imperial Japanese warship.
- Kyou Kara Yonshimai: A trans woman named Kashiwa eventually falls for a woman and they start dating.
- The Last Uniform
- Lemonade (2014)
- Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep: A short story about two girls who happen to have the same name and some serious self-esteem issues.
- Love Bullet: Girls who die young and unfulfilled in love are reincarnated into Cupids, who set up new pairings in the living world. After dying shortly after her friend confesses her love for her, schoolgirl-turned-Cupid Koharu has to navigate love and loss, as well as try to earn a second chance at living.
- Love My Life: A gentle Slice of Life story that delves into the gay culture of Japan as it follows the life of a young lesbian who had just come out of the closet.
- A Love Letter For The Marching Puppy: A story that focuses on a relationship between two girls at a military school, set in an Alternate History where women are allowed to join the military.
- Maka-Maka (2003): A yuri hentai manga about two bisexual college-aged women who are ostensibly Friends with Benefits, but have a closer relationship with each other than with any of the men in their lives.
- Manga no Tsukurikata.
- A Manga With Too Many Premises: A parody of yuri manga which tries to combine as many story premises as possible into one four-page manga.
- Maya's Funeral Procession: One of the oldest yuri manga from the same era as Shiroi Heya no Futari.
- Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Office-worker Miss Kobayashi saves a dragon by removing a Holy Sword from it. As such, the dragon falls in love with the human woman and becomes her maid.
- Miss Sunflower: A high school girl falls in love with a young woman who owns a bookstore.
- Miyuki-chan in Wonderland: Basically a Les Yay Fanservice fest.
- Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord: A manga editor moves into a detached house for a fresh start after breaking up with her female partner. However, after settling down, she discovers that the idol-turned-landlady is living in the attic as indicated in the contract she signed.
- Murciélago: An action manga featuring Kuroko, an ex-mass murderer turned hitwoman, and Hinako, a wild, lighthearted and innocent girl. Kuroko sleeps a lot with other women when not on the job despite having a girlfriend.
- My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness: An autobiography, gaining insight into the author's mental illness, resolving much of her issues through discovering her sexual identity.
- My Two Mommies: Two schoolmates raise a kitten together.
- My Younger Senpai: A young woman with an unrequited love for her senpai travels back in time 10 years, when she and her senpai were still in high school.
- My Yuri Started With Slavery: Chiyoko Hanamura is a self-proclaimed gyaru who failed her high school debut. One day while she's skipping class, she is approached by her only friend, Sakine, who wishes for her help with rejecting a love letter, which she agrees to do. When she does so, she finds out the person who left the love letter, is the most popular girl in the school. This causes a confrontation that results in Chiyoko becoming her 'slave'.
- Nameless Asterism: Three girls who are the best of friends, but one harbors a crush on another.
- Notes from the Garden of Lilies: A shy, lone wolf otaku finds herself being the object of interest by her classmate, the School Idol, when said classmate finds a notebook containing story ideas for her next manga.
- Octave: A fairly realistic and mature Girls' Love manga.
- Oddman 11: A lesbian version of Scott Pilgrim with Cute Monster Girls.
- Ohana Holoholo: A realistic manga about two adult bisexual women.
- Okikusan Wa Ichatsukitai: A young, beautiful, powerful exorcist, Hijiri Ryouyou, is haunted by the evil spirit Okiku whose sole objective is apparently to flirt with her.
- Oniyuri-san and Himeyuri-san: A Student Council President and her treasurer (who both happen to be school idols) are in a secret romantic relationship.
- Otome no Teikoku: Also known as Virgin's Empire, a Slice of Life series about school girls and their relationships, with more than a little nudity. Created by the author of the Cult Classic Maka-Maka (2003).
- Oujisama Nante Iranai: Douwa All-Girls High School has two completely segregated divisions: The "Botan" division composed of the rich and prestigious, and the "Shakuyaku" division composed of commoners. Naturally, the two divisions hate each other. A Shakuyaku student finds herself being roommates with an eccentric Botan student and eventually finds themselves getting close to each other.
- Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected In A Dream: Tsukushi has a dream of her Childhood Friend, Hinoka, rejecting her Love Confession in a dream.
- Pietà: A josei manga that contains a dark psychologic yuri story.
- Poor Poor Lips: A Gag Series Yon Koma with surprising depth about the lives of a rich, lesbian employer and her poor employee.
- Plica: A slice-of-life four-panel comic about adult lesbians.
- Princess Candle: A historical fiction manga about a knight, protector, and eventual lover of the princess who tries to rescue her from an evil lord who wants to use her to make himself king.
- The Princess Of Sylph: A fantasy manga about a princess who recently lost her father and brother forcing her to take the throne in their place. However, she is forced to grieve on her own until she meets with a nun who provides her with support.
- Qyootie Q -Qilin Girl's Courtship-: Kuchiba Akiura is a former delinquent that wishes to leave behind her past and have a successful debut in high school which immediately falls apart after a Werefolk named Qisha mistakenly believes Kuchiba has been bullying her people. After the misunderstanding is cleared up, a new mistake happens that results in the two accidentally becoming engaged.
- Rainbows After Storms: Two diametrically opposed schoolgirls are dating and desperately trying to keep their relationship a secret.
- Rock It, Girl!!: A comedy drama series about an all-girl rock band. Kaname is busking on her guitar when she is heckled on the street by a strange girl who very rudely tells her her singing voice is shit. She's later recruited by a music producer who bluntly tells her that while she has potential as a guitarist, her singing voice on the other hand is dreadful, and that she'll need to integrate a band if she doesn't want to squander her talent. Kaname meets the rest of the band, bassist Katsura, drummer Haruko, and the lead vocalist is a teenage prodigy called Seira, who just so happens to be the very same girl who heckled Kaname before.
- A Room For Two: Two girls with completely opposite personalities becomes roommates and maybe more.
- Run Away With Me, Girl: A josei manga about a woman meeting her first love again only to find out that she is currently pregnant and is planning to get married. A very gayngst story.
- Saki Shinohayu -dawn of age-: The 2013 prequel spinoff of Saki.
- Sakura Trick: Two girls try to keep their friendship unique and special. By kissing each other. A lot.
- Satou Kashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai: A shojo manga that follows the relationship between a schoolgirl who wishes to rely on no one but herself, and a self-proclaimed mermaid who must find true friendship in one month's time or she will fade away forever.
- Semelparous: An ecchi series about warriors who battle kaiju invading from an Alternate Universe, with the talented rookie protagonist forming a Battle Couple with her veteran mentor.
- She Becomes a Tree: A woman with tree parts falls in love with her female coworker.
- Sheep Princess In Wolf's Clothing: The sheep princess tries to seduce her crush, a female wolf butler, despite the difference in their status.
- She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat: A josei yuri food manga with a side of more realistically-portrayed LGBTQ identity. It is about the developing relationship between two women who bond over, well, one loving cooking and one loving eating.
- Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni!: A fashionista girl, Akina Shinozaki, wants to be friends with her otaku classmate Kaede after finding her pretty. Akina must pretend to be an otaku so that she can get close to Kaede without turning into an otaku herself in order to save Kaede from her otaku lifestyle and groom her into a bishoujo.
- Shiro
- Shiroi Heya no Futari: Possibly the first girls' love manga.
- SHWD: A story about two women who work at SHWD, a grizzled group of office workers-meet-special forces that fight the Dynamis, the organic anti-human weapons that still lurk the streets of Japan after a recent war.
- Social Anxiety Vs Yuri
- Strawberry Fields Once Again: A time travel romance. A high school girl named Akira believes 3D romance isn’t for her only to encounter a girl named Pure who claims to have traveled from several years in the future and is her ‘Amore’.
- Stray Little Devil
- Sugar Girl Drip: A university student named Marie who wishes for validation as an internet icon takes up a part-time job at a a concept cafe for their uniforms. While working there, she has an encounter with a girl named Akira which sets off a domino effect that leads to two girls to becoming accomplices.
- The Summer You Were There: Two high school girls agree to enter into a temporary pretend romance for the summer.
- Superwomen in Love!: The evil general Honey Trap falls in love with her enemy Rapid Rabbit and ultimately ends up switching sides to fight alongside Rabbit against her former comrades.
- Swap<->Swap: Two schoolgirls with opposite personalities find out that they can switch bodies by kissing.
- Sweet Blue Flowers: A Girls' Love series that combines Slice of Life and a Love Dodecahedron.
- Sweet Magic Syndrome
- Tachibanakan Triangle: A comedy series about an ordinary girl stuck in a love triangle.
- Tadokoro-san: An Opposites Attract romance between a shy, introverted manga artist and a popular School Idol.
- A Timid Woman Longing For Her Delivery Girl: An introverted freelancer falls in love with the young woman who delivers her packages.
- Tetragrammaton Labyrinth: The main couple are demon slayers in 20th century London.
- This Monster Wants to Eat Me
- Tokimeki ★ Mononoke Jogakkou: A highly ecchi series.
- Tsubame Tip-Off!: Tsubame is an insecure Huge Schoolgirl with low self-esteem and a penchant for messing things up by accident. However, one day she stumbles upon Ibis, a short dark-skinned blonde who's the star basketball player of Tsubame's school. Love at First Sight occurs, and Tsubame accidentally accepts Ibis' offer to join the basketball club. From there on, Tsubame and Ibis form an inseparable couple.
- Under One Roof
- Unicorn And The Lonesome Girl: A high school girl accidentally summons a unicorn girl who is obsessed with virgins.
- Uninvited Wife, With Child!: Kako is an ordinary high school student who suddenly finds a girl from the future on her doorstep, toting a baby she claims was made from Kako's genes, wanting to start a family together.
- UzaMaid: Our Maid Is Way Too Annoying!: An ex-JSDF veteran named Tsubame Kamoi becomes the maid of a half-Russian girl named Misha Takanashi. Given how Kamoi has a hard Lolita complex, she tries to become Misha's pal despite Misha's refusal.
- Venus Versus Virus: An action manga that's heavy on the subtext about a teenage girl who begins to work with an Elegant Gothic Lolita sporting girl who fights monsters named Viruses.
- WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me: College student Miyako Hoshino becomes smitten with her younger sister's best friend went she brought her home. Spends her time making snacks for her in the hopes of having her dress up in some cosplay outfits she had made.
- Whisper Me a Love Song: A girl named Himari falls in love with the music her senpai plays, but her senpai falls in love with Himari. Now they have to figure out where to take their relationship.
- Whispered Words: Cool beauty Sumika is in love with her best friend Ushio. It wouldn't be a problem since Ushio is also into girls, but she prefers cute girls instead. A story that happily mixes relationship angst with school life comedy.
- Wife and Wife: A Slice of Life story of a young lesbian couple who have recently moved in together, serialized in Yuri Hime S.
- A Witch's Love at the End of the World: Two girls attend a school for witches. Alice Keating, a prodigy and descendent of the school's founder, is assigned to be the tutor of Mari Muguruma, a strange girl who seems more human than witch. The two grow closer and learn about the secrets of the world of witches.
- Yamanko!: A comedy about a Tsundere cat girl and an androgynous girl with self-esteem issues.
- You Are Totally in Love With Me, Aren't You?: A schoolgirl's friend is in love with her, but she denies it by claiming that it was "normal."
- Yume Mitaina Hoshi Mitaina
- Yuri is My Job!: The main character ends up working at a café themed after an all-girls boarding school, and ends up becoming interested in her coworker.
- Yurika's Campus Life: Yurika finds herself stuck in a whirlwind of lesbian romance and sex at her college campus. Why "stuck" is because while almost every female is really into Girls Love, Yurika herself is straight and desperately wants a boyfriend. But unfortunately for her, Yurika's economic situation and bizarre condition of attracting only the same sex while simultaneously turning off guys make this dream impossible.
- Yuriota ni Yuri wa Gohatto Desu?!: A wallflower named Fuyu attends a prestigious, Maria Watches Over Us-type girls' academy to observe the beautiful yuri, but when a gaudy gyaru threatens everything she holds dear, Fuyu offers herself up as a distraction to preserve the sanctity of girls' love — only to find herself being drawn into a romance with the gyaru instead.
- Yurikon: An Omnibus Slice of Life manga about pairs of girls in a lesbian marriage.
- Yuri Moyou: A manga about four lesbian sisters and their love lives.
- YuruYuri: A zany Slice of Life series focusing on a group of middle school girls and their adventures. While the Ship Tease between the characters is made much more explicit than the typical Schoolgirl Series, most of the girls' crushes on each other are one-sided, which like everything else is usually Played for Laughs.
- Yuzumori San: A laid back yet slightly fidgety tale about the daily lives of a grade schooler and her high school friend.
Original Anime
- Battle Athletes: The manga being more upfront with its Girls Love than the two anime series.
- Candy☆Boy: A Slice of Life series revolving around the relationship between fraternal twin sisters.
- ICE: The story is set on a dystopia in which all men have become extinct. A member of a paramilitary organization bonds with a daughter of a powerful family, as their respective factions battle each other for control and the future of the human race.
- Iczer: A darker horror variant, in which the titular warrior Iczer-1 teams up with a schoolgirl to thwart an all-female Alien Invasion.
- Koihime†Musou: Although it started off as a VN with few yuri elements, the anime adaptation exaggerated the latter and became famous for it.
- Kuttsukiboshi: A drama ecchi two-episode-OVA about a schoolgirl with telekinetic powers, who has a crush on her new Secret-Keeper friend.
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: The first mainline Gundam series with a female lead pilot who also has a female love interest and co-protagonist. Notably written by Ichiro Okouchi who wrote the light novel adaptation of Utena.
- Revolutionary Girl Utena: Possibly the most famous Girls' Love series, even though the series itself never goes beyond hints between the main two characters.
- Adolescence of Utena is less ambiguous than the series it was based on...in that specific respect.
- Simoun: Set In a World… where everyone younger than 17 is female.
- Steel Angel Kurumi 2: A Harem Anime with a female harem lead and a small entirely female harem.
- Strange Love: A weird mix of this and Sex Comedy staring a sexy redheaded schoolgirl who develops a crush on another female student after breaking up with her asshole rock star boyfriend.
- Symphogear: An Action Girl series with subtext so loud, it might as well be text, with no less than 3 official lesbian couples among the heroes. Hibiki / Miku, Kirika / Shirabe, and Tsubasa / Kanade. Tsubasa / Maria is less obvious, and Chris is shipped by fans with everyone, but probably isn't interested at all due to her backstory.
- Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid: A "beautiful girl sexy battle action" anime from the mind of Kenichiro Takaki and directed by Hiraku Kaneko. Girls infected with the Armed Virus are quarantined on a remote island. These girls are either Extars, who transform into weapons at the peak of their sexual arousal, and Liberators, who can bring out an Extar's hidden power.
- Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito: Originally a Visual Novel, but it was the anime that brought the yuri subplot to the forefront. The VN has since suffered Adaptation Displacement.
- Yuri Kuma Arashi by Kunihiko Ikuhara: An anime about bears who have risen up to eat humans and two bears who infiltrate as schoolgirls and are very keen to eat girls. Has very strong yuri elements - the first minutes of the show involve the protagonist declaring her love for her girlfriend, and the OP is filled with images of happy girls hugging while naked.
Original Literature
- Adachi and Shimamura: A Light Novel series by Hitoma Iruma (author of Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl and Regarding Saeki Sayaka) about two girls who meet each other while both skipping class and form a friendship that slowly becomes something more.
- Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A: An action girl take on the genre.
- The Executioner and Her Way of Life: A deconstruction of the Isekai genre. When beings are summoned from the world known as 'Japan', they are seen as potential threats to the world rather than saviors. The executioner known as Menou is tasked with executing the otherworlder Akari, but she is unable to due to Akari's power. This forces Menou to go on a journey with Akari which results in feelings between the two to develop over time.
- Girls Kingdom: Through a twist of circumstance, Misaki ends up becoming the deputy chairwoman (and fellow student)'s seraph (read: maid), and over time they grow closer to one another, developing a strong, possibly romantic relationship. There is also one other yuri couple in the story. J-Novel Club tags the series as yuri, as well.
- Hitokiri Girl Becomes Bodyguard For The Dukes Daughter: An orphan girl, Shurine, that was raised from a young age to become a bodyguard was forced to become a fugitive after being framed for the murder of mistress she was assigned to protect. During her travels, she crosses paths with a noble girl, Lutecia Heilenberg, who is being targeted for assassination for political reasons. Shurine offers her services to become Lutecia's bodyguard on the spot, and the contract between noble and bodyguard has been made.
- I'm In Love With the Villainess: A Web Serial Novel turned Light Novel about Rae Taylor, an office worker who reincarnates as the protagonist of her favorite Otome Game. As the title implies, she eschews the intended love interests to romance its female antagonist, Claire François—throwing the original plot Off the Rails as a consequence.
- She's so Cheeky for a Commoner: A P.O.V. Sequel reframing the story from Claire François' perspective, which recontextualizes much of the original plot with additional characters and limelight given to events left unseen or glossed over in Rae's story.
- Turn Around And Face Me: A Romantic Comedy set ten years after The Demon Queen's defeat in Rae and Claire's Bauer All Girls' Academy, starring their daughter Aleah François with identical twin May, Lily Lilium, and newcomer half-demon Simone Aurousseau as supporting leads.
- Last and First Idol: A Seiun Award-winning "existential widescreen yuri baroque proletariat hard sci-fi idol story" by Gengen Kusano that was later grouped with two of his other Yuri works with sci-fi elements (Evolution Girls and Dark Seiyuu) and published as a collection. Last And First Idol is notable in that it is the first debut work to win the Seiun Award in 42 years and in that it started out as a Love Live! fanfiction.
- A Lily Blooms in Another World: A "reincarnated in another world" story about Miyako, who is reincarnated as the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Drop Fantasia. But rather than pursue the original Love Interest of the game, her heart is drawn to her favorite character, Fuuka Hamilton— the original villainess of the game! When Miyako confesses her love to Fuuka and proposes that they run away together, Fuuka agrees, on one condition: Miyako must make her say “I’m happy” in 14 days.
- The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess: The story of two young women who will change their world forever with magiology that blends magic and technology together.
- Making Progress On Yuri Before The Deadline: A story of a young girl who willingly outed herself as a lesbian to her friends only to end up as a social pariah, and she runs away. Thanks to her cousin, she ends up the live in assistant to a writer. Their relationship develops from there.
- Otherside Picnic: The story of two young women exploring the mysterious "Otherside," a realm where strange phenomenon and anomalies based around Japanese Creepypasta and urban legends manifest. While the series is primarily classified as a Sci-Fi Horror, a major element is the developing relationship between Toriko and Sorawo, one that explicitly becomes romantic by the third volume.
- Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess!: A combination of this genre and the "Reborn as Villainess" Story, where the "original heroine" falls in love with the "villainess" while the latter is Unknowingly in Love for a long time.
- Roll Over and Die: A dark fantasy novel taking place in a video game-like world. The protagonist, Flum, is sold into slavery due to having all zeroes in her stats, only to eventually discover she has the innate ability to use cursed weapons safely. Along with a fellow freed slave named Milkit, Flum works to reclaim her life while also stumbling upon a dark conspiracy.
- Sexiled: My Sexist Party Leader Kicked Me Out So I Teamed Up With A Mythical Sorceress!: Tanya Artemiciov was kicked out of her adventuring party because her leader thinks she needs to start thinking about marrying and having children. While "venting" (casting Explosion spells in the nearby wasteland while cussing her head off) she accidentally awakens Laplace, the legendary Sorceress, and the two decide to team up so Tanya can have her revenge... all while Laplace and Tanya grow closer.
- Side-By-Side Dreamers: A story about Saya, a girl with an unusually severe case of insomnia, and Hitsuji, a girl with the ability to put anyone to sleep. In pursuing Hitsuji, Saya is brought into the fold of the Sleepwalkers, people who enter the realm of dreams to defend people from parasitic monsters know as the Suiju. Saya joins the fight, all the while getting closer to Hitsuji.
- A Story About Buying a Classmate Once a Week ~ 5,000 Yen for an Excuse to Spend Time Together: One day a girl named Sendai is lacking money to buy something at the store, and she is suddenly given money by her classmate Miyagi to pay for it. Feeling uncomfortable to simply accepting a gift, it eventually results a deal being formed between the two girls. Miyagi pays 5,000 yen to her classmate Sendai, so she can issue any order to her over the course of three hours.
- The Story of Unforgettable Witch: A story of a young girl named Aizawa Ayala who is cursed to relive the same day multiple times before moving onto the next day has become apathetic towards life until the day she met Inaba Michiru, who consistently befriended her regardless of how many times the day repeated itself.
- Strawberry Panic!: Set at a cluster of three all-girls' schools; naturally, the all-female cast only ever show romantic interest in other girls.
- Ta Shi Zhujiao: Yu Ru Bing, a girl from the real world, is dragged into the world of a novel so that she can fix the BUG - the main antagonist Tang Han Qiu who won't follow the script. Yu Ru Bing instead joins Tang Han Qiu's company, becomes her biggest fan, and her best friend. Later on this friendship turns to (mutual) love.
- There's No Freaking Way I'll be Your Lover! Unless…: A story about a socially awkward girl who tries to befriend the most popular girl in school to improve her social life. Much to her surprise, said popular girl ends up falling in love with her. Since she doesn’t want to be anything but friends, they start a match where each will try to convince the other that the relationship they envision – best friends or lovers – is the best for them.
- Twinstar Cyclone Runaway: In the distant future, humanity has established a civilization where couples engage in space fishing. Terra is unable to find a man willing to become her partner. That all changes when she is approached by a mysterious girl named Diode who wishes to become her pilot.
Video Games
- After I met that catgirl, my questlist got too long!: The focal protagonist is a Charm Witch that explicitly finds beauty in other women, and all of the game's routes focus on her romancing different female party members.
- Black Closet: Another Catholic school full of girls sighing over each other.
- Corruption of Laetitia: The main party members, who are all women, have Relationship Values with Celeste that can be increased through story and optional events. If one of these values is high enough at the end of the game, the epilogue will show Celeste getting married to that character.
- Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle : A rare Eastern RPG example.
- Hand In Hand: A horror RPG Maker game where two schoolgirls, one a delinquent and the other the orderly student council president, become trapped in their school at night with mysterious entities who might be the spirits of the three kokeshi dolls kept in the school.
- Luxaren Allure: A Freeware RPG Maker Eastern RPG. It revolves around the relationship between The Chosen One and her love interest, a student who became corrupted by cursed armor and turned to evil. The heroine's squire also forms a Beta Couple with a Naga.
- Nights of Azure: An Action RPG from Gust Corporation revolving around the relationship between a Half-Demon Knight and the Saint she loves and protects.
- Its sequel, Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon, continues the trend with another Half-Demon Knight protecting her Childhood Friend from being sacrificed. This time, the game veers close to being a part of the Harem Genre with the Knight in question garnering the attention of other females.
- Omega Labyrinth Life: All of the main characters are girls interested in other girls.
- Rabi-Ribi: A Metroidvania featuring many of the telltale tropes of a yuri story. The game has a nearly all-female cast, many of whom show romantic attraction towards Erina, the main character.
- Sakura Dungeon: An H-Game example revolving around a Kitsune dungeon master and a heroic female knight who team up to reclaim the dungeon from the new dungeon lord and stop her plans.
- Samurai Maiden: A game about a modern Japanese high schooler, Tsumugi, getting transported into a fantasy version of Japan during its Warring States Era, specifically during the Honno-ji incident and the assasination of Nobunaga Oda, but instead of waging war against the living, Tsumugi has to fight supernatural beings and prevent the resurrection of the Demon Lord. Yuri makes up a gigantic part of the core gameplay and most of the character interactions, with Tsumugi having increasingly intimate and affectionate exchanges with her friends Iyo, Hagane, and Komimi, up to explicit kisses and declarations of love.
- Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni-: A Hack & Slash game part of the Valkyrie Drive Project from Producers Kenichiro Takaki and Hiraku Kaneko. Aside from the Improbably Female Cast, yuri abounds with the female characters kissing to unlock their powers, among other incredibly close, intimate, and unabashed lesbian interactions.
Visual Novels
- Akai Ito: A Girls' Love Visual Novel with a heavy fetish for vampirism and also goes very deep into Japanese mythology.
- Aoi Shiro: The semi-sequel to Akai Ito which takes place in the same universe.
- A Little Lily Princess: A retelling of A Little Princess with a yuri twist.
- Amaranto: All about vampires (and schoolgirl lesbians).
- Atlach=Nacha
- The Curse of Kudan: A mystery visual novel about a high school girl attempting to discover the truth behind several urban legends while developing feelings for her cooking instructor or the president of her school's occult research club.
- Ever Maiden: A Sci-Fi visual novel depicting the lives of young girls in a remote institute created to save the remnants of humanity, using The Power of Creation.
- The Expression Amrilato: The story of a girl trapped in another world where the language spoken is based on Esperanto, the Universal Language, and her growing relationship with a girl living in this new world.
- Flowers (2014): A modern visual novel series with a classic, Maria Watches Over Us-style aesthetic, albeit with more overtly lesbian characters, and some light Mystery Fiction elements.
- Kindred Spirits on the Roof: A light-hearted, Slice of Life yuri visual novel based around a ghost lesbian couple recruiting a girl who can see them into helping bring together a number of other potential lesbian couples at their school. Unlike most yuri visual novels, this one feels much more aimed towards women. The art and character design style is more realistic and resembles fashion art more than Moe, and the game doesn't shy away from labeling the relationships as homosexual and dealing with issues like subtle homophobia.
- Lady In Mystery: A Korean visual novel where a cross-dressing detective finds herself catching the eyes of four ladies during her quest to clear her family's name.
- Limit Panic
- Love Angel Syndrome: A Psychological Horror visual novel which revolves around the relationship of a lonely Neet girl and her desktop assistant which modeled after Ai, the main character of her favorite anime series.
- Love Bakudan: Haruka ends up inheriting a bookstore specializing in erotica. She has six love interests that she can potentially hook up with.
- Love Is Strange: A fangame of Life Is Strange set in a Lighter and Softer Alternate Universe wherein the protagonist of the original game must choose, between four of the original game's female characters, her partner for a photography contest.
- Maiden Panic
- Mizuchi: A village girl can either fall in love with an alluring shapeshifting snake or a friendly female monk. It's inspired by the legend of the White Snake
- Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto: A mix of Yuri with Urban Fantasy, Slice of Life and Conspiracy Thriller that mostly focuses on the story of two lesbian couples.
- Night Cascades: Two adult women who dated in college before a painful breakup is now forced to work together to solve a mystery (and rekindle their romance).
- Nurse Love Addiction: A 19-year-old girl enters nursing school who, depending on the player's choices, can develop a relationships with one of her fellow students or her teacher.
- Nurse Love Syndrome: The protagonist is a 21-year-old nurse at Yurigahama Hospital. Her romance options include two fellow nurses, three patients at the hospital, and the head nurse of internal medicines.
- OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos: A female office worker is obsessed with a "Husbando" from a mobile phone game, while a lucky fashionista wants to become her real-life "Waifu".
- Perfect Gold
- Red Lilies
- Save the World: An English-Indian woman gets involved in an invasion led by a femme-presenting alien, with her main options being to either fight for humanity or to bond with the alien.
- Sea Bed: A yuri themed mystery drama, with heavy psychological aspects. Unlike many other Yuri Visual Novels, it has a clear LGBTQ audience in mind, with its realism, mental health themes, and subdued character designs standing out.
- Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~
- Solfege: Sweet Harmony
- Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo (A Kiss for the Petals): The definitive Girls' Love Eroge series. It has had a hentai OVA based on it released.
- Starlight Vega
- A lot of ebi-hime's works have elements of yuri. Asphyxia and Once On A Windswept Night are female-only cast VN's that have yuri elements, and Asphyxia even shares visual designers with Strawberry Vinegar.
- Strawberry Vinegar: A story about a slowly evolving crush between two 9 year girls, one of which is a demon.
- Studio Élan basically focuses on love between women:
- Heart of the Woods
- Highway Blossoms
- National Park Girls: A unique story as it doesn't feature any romance (besides Belligerent Sexual Tension) between the lead couple until Episode 5.
- Please Be Happy
- Twofold (published under their Bellhouse wing).
- A Summer's End — Hong Kong, 1986: A Romance Game between two young women of different backgrounds in Hong Kong during The '80s. Animesque The game developers cite several anime of the 80s as artistic and aesthetic influences.
- Synergia: A Cyberpunk novel about a police officer falling in love with her new gynoid.
- Yumeutsutsu Re:Master: A 21 years-old girl is contacted by a video-game company in order to be engaged. She accepts in order find her sister, who works there, and to reconcile with her.
- After The Curtain Call: A Korean Webtoon about a theatre nerd falling in love with her new favorite actress while doing her best to support the actress's career.
- Beloved L: A Chinese webcomic about a thirty-four year old eye doctor who has a one-night stand that eventually turns into something more. Much to her horror, her partner turns out to actually be sixteen.
- Childhood Friend Yuri: A oneshot Pixiv online manga about a pair of childhood friends reuniting by chance at college and how their friendship blossomed into love.
- Cross Heart: An original Spanish/English-language online manga by Ana-Christina Sanchez, about teenage girl named Haru who falls for the popular but aloof Kotomi. She soon learns Kotomi has quite a troubled past.
- Dark Mermaid: A young Korean girl, Seulbi, has not had the easiest life. She has been bullied in school, and she's had psychological issues that cause her to sleepwalk, which has nearly caused her great harm. She has transferred schools to the countryside where she wishes for a quiet life and a new start. Things take a turn class president, Hae-on, just won't leave her alone, and it also results in Seulbi learning Hae-on's secret.
- Doki Doki Literature Girls: A fan comic based on the psychological horror visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club!. In the story, the girls are the Official Couples.
- Fluttering Feelings: An original Korean manhwa by Ssamba, is a Slice of Life story about two Business University students, the average slightly immature Kim No-Rae and the beautifully captivating Baek Seol-A.
- Her Tale Of Shim Chong: A retelling of a classic Korean novel. It tells the love story between a beggar girl and the young bride of a chancellor.
- I Could Just Tell: A short webcomic detailing the lives of Nipaa and Salimon as a married couple.
- I Love Amy: A Korean webtoon about an introverted Tomboy and a deranged Girly Girl.
- Im More Dangerous Than You
- In a Home Where Lilies Bloom: The short story of Djarinyaa (aka Rin), as she falls in love with Mari, albeit the latter has issues in doing so due to rather embarrassing circumstances.
- Karin-dou 4koma: A story about lesbian sorceresses and youkai.
- Magan&Danai: An original Chinese webcomic by ermuzibu, is a comedic Slice of Life series about a tsundere woman and her girlfriend.
- Mage & Demon Queen by Godley Malabanan: An English fantasy webcomic set in an RPG Mechanics 'Verse. It follows the love-struck female mage, Malori who, unlike other adventurers that seek to take the head of Demon Queen Vel, wishes to take her hand instead.
- Moonlight Garden by Kang Unnie: A historical Korean webcomic about the love triangle between three girls.
- My Best Friend (Who I Love) Fell Completely in Love with My VTuber Self: Teruko is in love with her best friend Sukoya, who is obsessed with a tiger-themed Virtual YouTuber named Doujima Taiga, who (unbeknownst to Sukoya) is Teruko in disguise. Teruko wants to tell Sukoya the truth (both that she's Taiga and that she's in love), but she's too much of an embarrassed coward.
- Sadistic Beauty Side Story A
- Shoujo Manga Protagonist X Rival San: A girl attempts to get together with a guy while her supposed romantic rival for his attention actually pursues her.
- The Secrets of the Afterlife: Taking place in an all-girls environment, this story follows Anya and June, two teenage girls living together.
- Their Story: An original online yuri manhua by Tan Jiu about a tomboy who falls head-over-heels for a girl at a neighboring high school
- What Does the Fox Say: A Korean webcomic about a love triangle involving three female co-workers.
- Winter Before Spring: A high school student is betrayed by the friend she had fallen for, and subject to a campaign of bullying; until a strong, cool transfer student blows into her life... and perhaps her heart.
- Wish You Were Gone: A Korean Manhwa about two women who meet in a less then ideal situation when Guk-hwa confronts her boyfriend and his mistress Jang-Mi, but instead of hating each other Guk-hwa and Jang-Mi are instantly attracted to one another.
- The Beauty's Blade: A wuxia Chinese Novel, originally published as a Web Serial Novel; it focuses on two swordswomen causing havoc in the jianghu.
- Clear and Muddy Loss of Love aka Two Adamant Hearts: A Historical Fiction Chinese Novel, originally published as a Web Serial Novel with an enemies-to-lovers romance between Qiyan Agula of the Jing kingdom and Nangong Jingnu of the Wei kingdom. It has an audiodrama adaption and a forthcoming donghua adaptation.
- Female General and Eldest Princess: A Historical Fiction Chinese Novel, originally published as a Web Serial Novel; it stars a cross-dressing Chinese soldier, Lin Wanyue rising through the ranks of the Chinese military during the Tang Dynasty, whose aim is to get Revenge on the Hun's who slaughter her family. It focuses on the blossoming relationship between her and ruthless Imperial Princess, Xian, as they navigate Chinese court politics together. It had been adapted into a radio-drama, as well as a Chinese Manhua.
- Hands Held in the Snow: An English-language Queer Romance Web Serial Novel about two young women who meet, bond over books, and fall in love in a wintery fantasy city.
- A Lily Promise by SecondAndThird is a one-shot story about two girls falling in love with each other, after being separated for nine years.
- Santiago Nights: An original English language light novel, about Lily Oda, a young werewolf mob enforcer and her human mate, Chelsea Heartfield.
- Stellar Ranger Dark Star: A story where the main romance and love triangle in the story fall between three Magical Girls.
- Tokimeki PokéLive! and TwinBee: Pretty much all of the girls in both the Nijigasaki and Hinagiku sagas with two exceptions (Coco Miyashita and Margo) are all lesbian.
- These Days by goodboy64: An original English web serial, focusing on Akiyama Lilly, who obtains super powers after her best friend, Haruko Rea, confesses to her. Things violently escalate from there.
- World Canvas by Godley Malabanan: The first commercially published GL comic in Tagalog; it is about Sera, who was born with the power to see the little pieces of soul people leave in their art. She takes an interest on an artist, Rhiannon, upon finding out her power doesn't work on her art.
- Yuri Or Another: A college student reunites with her childhood friend and finds out that she has developed an obsessive crush on her.