Zany Cartoon - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Sep 18 2010

Zany Cartoon

"This is what entertainment is all about... idiots, explosives and falling anvils."

One of the most widespread of animated cartoon genres and one of the most representative of animation in other media. The zany humor of these cartoons dates back to the peak of The Golden Age of Animation, but actually came to dominance slightly afterward. After the big focus on musical aspects had passed, this style of humor, which focused on wild, wacky physical reactions and behaviors from hammy cartoon characters, came to the fore. This genre is filled with Toon Physics and highly unnatural situations. It's where the tropes of walking off the cliff but not falling until you look down or painting a hole in a wall and then having it become a real hole came from.

Several of the first examples came from Looney Tunes and Tex Avery creations. The characters are as important to the genre as the visuals here, as the action was surreal and subverted natural laws, and the characters were subversive and explosive themselves. Daffy Duck is a mad overreaction that would just be physically impossible, and Bugs Bunny's iconic line "What's up, doc?" was a coolness in the face of danger that subverted expectations of the time.

Examples include but are not limited to the following:

open/close all folders 

Western Animation Examples:

Warner Bros./Hanna-Barbera 



Cartoon Network/Adult Swim 




Nickelodeon/Nick Jr. 





Misc. Western Animation 



Anime and OVA Examples

Anime - Pure Examples 

Anime - Primary Genre Examples 

These are mostly the same as the above, but are also partly action, mecha, drama, or sports series. While humor isn't the entire focus, these series still prioritize some form of comedy and off-the-wall humor in most episodes above all else, some more so than others. They also may have been at one point before going through some form of Cerebus Syndrome.

Anime - Secondary Genre Examples 

With these series, the action, sport, or drama is the primary focus and more than likely what the series is well-known for, with comedy being more of a treat, frequent, recurring, or once in a blue moon. Action and sports series will put more emphasis on their competitive scenes, while dramas such as romantic comedies will have their serious storylines present from the start, with not as much interference or overshadowing from the comedy. If there are any parodies, they are either subtle or minimal.

Miscellaneous Examples:

Non-Animated Examples 

Non-Western Animation 

Video Games 

Games based on any of the animated examples mostly count.

Web Animation 

Tropes associated with this genre