Gate 7 - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Oct 26 2011
Gate 7 is a manga by the popular all-female manga-ka circle known as CLAMP. It was first published in 2011 in Jump SQ and went into a hiatus in 2013.
When Chikahito Takamoto decides to finally take a trip to Kyoto he stumbles across three strangers. When he realizes things aren't quite what they seem, he is attacked by a faceless creature that is quickly slain by Hana. Chikahito wakes up in an apartment and is greeted and offered udon by Hana, Tachibana, and Sakura who have gone through his things, thinking him an assassin. For some reason, Chikahito is unaffected when Tachibana tries to remove his memory. Flashforward three months later and Chikahito has tranferred schools to Kyoto and is now involved with the trio. One thing is known: this wasn't the Kyoto he wanted to experience.
This manga provides examples of:
- Action Girl: While Mikoto's specialty is divination, she can also use her kotodama for offense.
- After-Action Patch-Up: Masamune get a cut on his nose; though he was expecting a Smooch of Victory, a lick of Hana on his wound is good enough to him to proclaim that day as special for all eternity.
- The Beautiful Elite: Chikahito even lampshades how beautiful people seems to be gathering at Kyoto.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Subverted, since Iemitsu is an Even the Guys Want Him Bishounen and he's a villain.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Every big character from the Sengoku era was a Oni contractor, which allowed them the power to fight.
- Big Damn Heroes: Masamune in chapter four.
- Big Eater: Hana, especially where noodles are concerned.
- Blood Oath: The blood contract with the Oni.
- Bond Creatures: The Oni. They're bond to those that have the thicker bloodties with their original contractors.
- Breather Episode: Chapter 18. No big fights, no enemies introduced, just a normal morning for Chikahito and company.
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: It's CLAMP, what you did expect?
- Color-Coded Characters: Tachibana belongs to the Yang kind but he dresses mostly in black, while Sakura is from the Yin kind but he dresses in white and light colors.
- Damsel in Distress: Sugihime.
- Death Glare: Akechi attempts one in order to intimidate Hana; Hana gives one in return, creeping Akechi out.
- Delicious Distraction: Hana can't go on errands on her own because the mere smell of noodles takes her out of the way.
- Delayed Reaction: In his first mornin in the Urashichiken, Sakura informs to Chikahito that he tends to sleep light for certain reasons. Chikahito needs some time to put Sakura's "Can't sleep without human warmth" and "Companion" words in a way that makes sense. Cue Luminescent Blush.
- Dope Slap: Kojyuuroh's main method to keep Masamune in check.
- Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors: Hana's Myouhou manifests in elemental attacks and uses them accordly to exploit the elemental weakness of her opponents. In a similar vein, enemies of the Yin genus can only be defeated with a Yang weapon and viseversa.
- Eyepatch of Power: Masamune. He is the one-eyed dragon
after all.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Iemitsu. The Ten Braves seem to like Yukimura a lot too.
- Face Framed in Shadow/ In the Hood: Sugihime's introduction.
- Fainting: Chikahito somehow manages to faint twice in the first chapter.
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Part of the Ship Tease between Tachibana and Sakura.
- Floral Theme Naming: The three members of the Urashichiken. See Meaningful Name below.
- The Four Gods: On the covers of the compiled volumes.
- Gender-Blender Name: The biggest guy is named Sakura.
- GIS Syndrome: Many backgrounds are pictures of Kyoto locations.
- Go Through Me: Chikahito puts himself between Masamune and Gracia to prevent the former from killing the latter. Chikahito, up to this point, has been rather non-aggressive.
- Gotta Catch Them All: To obtain the Dairokuten Maou, one must subdue the greatest amount of Oni as possible in the world. This can be accomplished by either making the Oni's owner a subordinate or killing the owner and stealing the Oni.
- Holding Hands: Hana and Chikahito.
- I'm Taking It Home With Me: Inverted, the Ridiculously Cute Critter wants to go home with the protagonists.
- Lampshaded Trope: "Wait, isn't this like last time's development!?"
- Love Flowers: These occur frequently, particularly whenever Chikahito stares at Hana.
- Meaningful Name: Mikoto's name is composed of the kanji for "god" and "word", which hints that she can use kotodama. Tachibana ("wild orange") and Sakura ("cherry tree") are named after the orange and cherry trees in front of the throne hall of Heian Palace.
- No Biological Sex: Hana, maybe.
- Noodle People
- One Head Taller: So far, Hana is dwarfed by all of the male characters except Masamune.
- One-Steve Limit: Now what other famous CLAMP series have a character named Sakura?
- Oral Fixation: Masamune and his lollipop.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Explanations are slow coming from the Urashichiken residents, leaving Chikahito (and the audience) in the dark about what is really going on with the oni and their masters. In Chapter 5, Sakura even asks to Chikahito to go buy some tofu to avoid him listening about the Tokugawa.
- Power Copying: Hana's ability.
- The Power of Love: Masamune claims to Gracia that if her Oni's abillity is to control men's hearts, it wouldn't work on him because his heart is Hana's already. Cue Imagine Spot.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Just look at this little boy, It's fricking adorable!
- Running Gag: Chikahito screaming and Tachibana saying him he's too loud. Dope Slap optional.
- Sacred First Kiss: It's implied that Chikahito's first kiss is taken by Hana when the latter performs a charm on him to make him return to Kyoto.
- School Uniforms are the New Black: Now that the school year began, we can expect a lot of chapters with Chikahito in his uniform.
- Seers: Mikoto's forte. Also, Sugihime's power.
- Shown Their Work: In real life, Date Masamune is probably bi. In show he's obsessed with the one agendered character.
- Strange Minds Think Alike: Well, when it's about "Hana being cute", Chikahito and Tachibana of course think alike.
- Synchronization: If the circles (the barriers where battles are fought) are pushed to far, the one that created it suffers the damage. The same happens with the weapons Tachibana and Sakura create and between Oni and contractor.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Hanaloves noodles.
- Urban Fantasy: The story is set in modern day Kyoto.
- Wild Card: Those with the Not genus (meaning they're neither Yin nor Yang) can't be predicted to be of fortune or misfortune by foreseeing and foretelling types of Oni; they also possess unpredictable abilities which can make them both valuable allies or dangeruos enemies.