Hetaween 2011 - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Feb 28 2012
The 2011 Halloween event for Hetalia: Axis Powers. It's Halloween in the Hetaliaverse, and America is having a costume party! Japan is worried about the food coloring (as usual) but America assures him that they stopped using actual blood and gore since Lithuania had such a hard time cleaning up last year. We then see all the nations arriving in their respective costumes.
Scanlations of the event can be found here. Tropes below relate to both the comics and the fan responses.
This event provides examples of:
- Awesome, but Impractical: America, you're my country and I love you, but why are you hosting a big ass party with a giant stage and projector screen when we're recovering from a recession?
- Probably pushed all the expenses onto another, more financially advantaged, country like he did to Japan for a Christmas party in the anime. Other options are AU, Rule of Funny or Rule of Cool.
- Dark Horse Victory: The winner of the contest wasn't any of the teams but Vietnam's team, what about that! See for yourself!
- Dragged into Drag: Hungary takes way too much pleasure in putting Austria in a dress (he wore the costume under the condition that he wears pants while dressed in it.)
- Cliffhanger: Someone shows up when the party is over. We just don't get to see who.
- Continuity Nod: England saying America won against him this year refers to this strip
- Costume Porn: DUH. Sherlock!England, Francer Pan, Captain Cook!Seychelles, Tinkerbell!Monaco, Toy Story!Micronations, pirate!Nordics and Wonderland!Soviets to name a few.
- Costume-Test Montage: Italy tries out a variety of different costumes, but none suit him due to lack of muscles. He finally settles on dressing as a prisoner
- Fanservice: Well, this is Hetalia, so...
- New characters, awesome and sexy costumes,
Ho Yay, cute moments...everything you could ever want from an event!
- Everyone who came into contact with Germany ends up (dressed as) a slave. None of them seem to mind.
- Eventually he ends up in the costume too. Turns out it was Grandpa Rome want to spread Italy's look around.
- New characters, awesome and sexy costumes,
- Flipping the Bird: Belarus to Denmark. Mochimerica to Russia. Romano in the text message for Luxembourg.
- Foreshadowing: The Batman logo on America's suit. Guess what his costume turns out to be? Funnily, in spite of furious speculation about what America's costume would be, almost no one noticed this!
- Food End: At the end, everyone is just happily drinking, chatting and dressed like slaves.
- Halloween Episode: Rather obviously.
- Hot-Blooded: Belarus when it comes to her brother's costume being the best, which leads to:
- Improbable Weapon User: She throws a hanger at Denmark for daring to say that he'll win the costume contest.
- Idol Singer: Taiwan dresses as one, including Girlish Pigtails, detached sleeves, and Zettai Ryouiki.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes: Cameroon's costume is a Scary Impractical Armor with a flamethrower. A flamethrower!
- It Was with You All Along /
Ass Pull: England didn't know about the costume contest because America put the notice for it behind his ear.
- Also, we finally found out who was responsible for all of the slave costumes: Rome.
- Notice This: England found a piece of paper. It turns into a Chekhov's Gun when we see what it says.
- Not What It Looks Like: Taiwan went to ask Japan what he thought of her costume and found him with Germany checking the lightness of the shackles. She ended up seeing nothing but weird stuff and being told she looked cute.
- Perma-Stubble:
France shaves his off and rubs his face against England's.
- And he spontaneously grew it back. Yes, England was indeed confused.
- Product Placement: Belgium as Red Riding Hood mentions that a video game based on one of her horror stories called The Path is on sale. Also, Iggy made a sarcastic comment on America's twitter, and was his first follower. Also, the prize for the costume contest that England doesn't know about is Uncharted 3.
Real Song Theme Tune: Thanks to a certain LJ user
people can now sing hetalia-lized versions of popular songs as they wait for updates.
- They Clean Up Nicely: Pretty much everyone does this. Of special mention are: Taiwan as the virtual idol Silverlight
, Wy in a cute doll-like dress, Hungary as a handsome Prince, the Slavic/Baltics as an Alice in Wonderland ensemble, the Nordics as pirates, and India and Prussia in suits.
- Spontaneous Choreography: Courtesy of India and Prussia.
- Actually, Prussia's twitter said he'd been practicing for a month.
- When She Smiles: Belarus when she accepts her defeat to Vietnam's team and decide to cease her fight with Denmark.