Ino-Head Gargoyle - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jan 15 2022
The Gargoyle and the Alien
Known as the gargoyle of Inokashira Park police station because of his scary face, Toshiyuki Saejima is a loser. He's pretty much a virgin for all intents and purposes, aside from the companions that he pays for. He wasn't always a loser though.
During his high school days, he was feared as a badass, but now he's just a person people feel sorry for. He then meets Shizuka Arimori, a beautiful girl that seems comfortable in her sexuality. Toshiyuki learns that she was a high class escort that has been with over 1000 men.
She was doing it out of love for her abusive boyfriend but, realizing her mistake, quits. Shizuka is now being harassed and Toshiyuki reverts back to his aggressive personality to protect the love of his life.
Ino-Head Gargoyle is a Spin-Off of Great Teacher Onizuka and GTO: The Early Years focusing on Onizuka's friend Toshiyuki Saejima, formerly a Japanese Delinquent and currently an officer with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The manga ran in Weekly Young Magazine from 2012 to 2014. It has a oneshot crossover with GTO titled Goblin Mad Dog.
Contains examples of:
- Afro Asskicker: After Saejima shaves his head, he wears an afro wig.
- Anticipatory Breath Spray: Saejima does this before going to Shizuka's apartment, where she promised to "give him an even better present than [a kiss]".
- Anti-Hero Team: The old Bash Brothers Saejima and Kamata are back, with their old rivals Akutsu and Nakajo. Under the influence of the Blue Rose drug, Shidou sees them as demons.
- Badass Boast:
- When one of the Dragon Emperor gang members threatens Saejima, and he points a gun at the guy.
Saejima: One move and your mouth gets it... I'll open up a new mouth for you.
- "Listen, and listen well... You are forbidden from killing those two. I'm Inokashira Park Police Station's Toshiyuki Saejima. If you continue to hassle them, I will come after you... And it won't be just me... there are 288,451 of us nationwide... Every cop in the country will be on your ass." (Saejima to Inokuma)
- "I'll turn his blue rose into a red one." (Kamata about the leader of the Blue Rose gang)
- Bad Job, Worse Uniform: Okita's philandering and easygoing attitude catches up with him, and he's transferred to the traffic department, where he has to wear a mascot Goofy Suit.
- Beard of Evil:
- Big Brother Instinct: Kamata came back to Japan because his younger brother Kaoru was investigating a drug ring and was beaten into a coma.
- Body Sushi: Okita and Saejima partake in this at a restaurant in Nagoya.
- Bring My Brown Pants: When Inokuma has a gun to Saejima's head, Okita saves him. He says he probably would have pissed himself if the gun had been pointed at him, only to look down and see Saejima did just that.
- Bros Before Hoes: Back in high school, Saejima always put his friends before his girlfriend, which is why she broke up with him and never told him about his son.
- The Bus Came Back: Saejima's high school best friend and Bash Brother Jun Kamata, who left for the USA after the Yokohama Cavalry arc of GTO: The Early Years and Natsu's death, returns to Japan and becomes Saejima's cop partner.
- Call-Back: Kamata getting stabbed In the Back brings to mind the same thing happening to him early in GTO: The Early Years. And then he's forcibly drugged, which also happened in The Early Years. The guy just can't catch a break.
- Car Meets House: Shizuka drives a truck through the wall of Rin's office.
- The Cavalry: Just as Saejima's facing a room full of gangsters who are about to kill him, Kamata arrives with Nakajo and Akutsu waiting outside to defeat the villain's cavalry.
- Character Development: Saejima cleans up his act after he learns he has a son, but he screwed things up so much in the past that the boy's mother wants nothing to do with him.
- Da Chief: After the first arc, a new police chief takes over. Maruyama, formerly a cop in Kanagawa (where he knew Saejima in his delinquent days), is a hardass determined to clean up the Kichijoji police department. He does show some flexibility; he lets Saejima investigate the Blue Rose case even though it's not his division, pleased that Saejima is finally taking his job seriously.
- Cliffhanger: The last chapter ends with Saejima, Kamata, Akutsu, and Nakajo driving to Ikebukuro to catch the leader of the Blue Rose gang.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: Okita doesn't stop having sex with his girlfriend when Saejima calls to tell him his gun was stolen.
- Come Alone: Shizuka orders Rin to meet her alone, or she'll blow up a Briefcase Full of Money.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: The Blue Rose mooks don't stand a chance against Akutsu and Nakajo.
- Destructive Savior: Someone wonders what's going to happen to the aquarium and the fish in it after Saejima breaks the glass and floods it.
- Did Not Get the Girl:
- After the reveal that Rin was Good All Along (-ish), Shizuka realizes she loves him again, and Saejima is a Graceful Loser (after a short Heroic BSoD).
- He fails to get back together with Chika, as she sees no reason to let him be in her son's life when he was never there for them before.
- It's left ambiguous at the end whether he'll get with Mainohara, who he helped without any expectations.
- Dirty Cop:
- Saejima frequently steals porn and sex toys from evidence, and is sometimes overly violent in his pursuit of criminals. However, he's nowhere near as bad as...
- Shidou, who's The Mole for the Blue Rose gang and partially responsible for sending Jun's brother Kaoru into a coma.
- Dirty Kid: Yuu, the elementary schooler who hangs out near the police station in the park. One time, she gives Saejima her mom's used panties to cheer him up.
- Distracted by the Sexy: A fleeing female robber flashes Saejima to make him crash his bike.
- Face of a Thug: Saejima's face is scary enough to send women and children running away.
- Fair Cop:
- Bishōnen and Lovable Sex Maniac Soichiro Okita.
- Pretty Boy Kaoru Kamata, who was a very Attractive Bent-Gender in GTO: The Early Years.
- Yuka Mainohara, though she's no longer a cop.
- Fan Disservice: When Saejima drops his pants and bends over to show the cops searching his apartment a scar on his ass. Mercifully censored with pixellation.
- Femme Fatale: Shizuka Aomori is drop-dead gorgeous, but ends up dragging Saejima into her Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the gang that forced her into prostitution.
- Framing the Guilty Party: Saejima is fully prepared to do this if he and Shizuka can't find any evidence to incriminate her Bad Boss.
- Friend to All Children: Saejima only interacts with two, but is always kind to them, and not just because one is his biological son.
- The Gadfly: Saejima's partner Okita, who's younger, more handsome, and luckier than him in every way, never misses a chance to rub Saejima's face in it.
- Gonk: One of Saejima's regular prostitutes is nicknamed "Little Grey Alien" for her huge eyes. Combined with her small puckered mouth, she has an ugly appearance. It turns out She Cleans Up Nicely and only looks like that to avoid anyone recognizing her on the job. Her friend is so ugly that even Saejima rejects her.
- Good All Along: He is a gangster, but it turns out Rin's brother forced him to turn Shizuka into a prostitute, and he still loves her (but recognizes that she deserves better).
- Grievous Bottley Harm: Takeshi of the Blue Rose gang smashes Kamata over the head with a bottle after forcing him to drink some of it.
- Gun Twirling: Saejima (who as a cop, should really know better) does this in Chapter 3 after he's beaten up a gunman and taken his weapon.
- Healthcare Motivation: Yuka Mainohara became a stripper to pay for her father's medical bills.
- Heroic BSoD: Saejima has one with Blank White Eyes when Rin reveals his true intentions and Shizuka decides she still loves him.
- High-Class Call Girl: Shizuka Aomori.
- Important Haircut: Maruyama orders Saejima to shave his head to prove he's serious about police work. He complies, though he wears a wig afterwards.
- Informed Deformity: Saejima doesn't look that ugly, especially when his Pretty Boy partner Okita isn't around, looking more on the thuggish bruiser side, but apparently he's hideous enough to be called a "gargoyle".
- Instant Costume Change: In Chapter 31, "Little Grey Alien" switches from her Joshikousei outfit to a wedding dress to a Shachihoko
costume, all in the span of a few minutes (and outside in broad daylight).
- Interrupted Intimacy: New police chief Maruyama kicks down the door to the room where Okita is having sex when he's supposed to be on duty.
- Laundromat Liaisons: Saejima meets Shizuka as she's stripping off her underwear at a laundromat. She asks him to scare away the Peeping Toms, and then to dry and deliver her clothes to her apartment. She then leaves with only a Modesty Towel to cover herself.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Okita loves to have sex anytime, anywhere. He even got it on with a Hospital Hottie when Saejima was recuperating in the same room.
- Luke, I Might Be Your Father: Saejima runs into a former girlfriend, who has a kid whose age matches when they broke up. He even looks like Saejima. She confirms it's his son.
- Malicious Misnaming:
- Okita teases Saejima by modifying his Red Baron name to the "Chihuahua of Kamakura".
- Maruyama, who knew Saejima back when he was a delinquent, calls him the "Kamakura Cream Dog".
- Murder by Suicide: The "Blue Rose" drug, when ingested with alcohol, will induce suicidal hallucinations in the victim.
- Murder-Suicide: Shizuka Aomori plans to kill herself and Rin by blowing up the aquarium.
- Oh, Crap!: Saejima barges into a Bad Guy Bar, announcing who he is and why he's there, only to realize that everyone there has the Blue Rose tattoo.
- Outside Ride:
- At one point, Saejima rides on the hood of a police car after some robbers, and then asks the driver to brake when they're close so he can jump onto the crooks' motorcycle.
- Another time, he accidentally stands on the hood of Nakajo's car; Nakajo then goes on the expressway with Saejima clinging on for dear life.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The "Little Grey Alien" never reveals her real name, though she does show Saejima her real face.
- Pants-Positive Safety: Another thing Saejima should really know better than to do.
- Pay Evil unto Evil: Kamata, Saejima, Nakajo, and Akutsu show no mercy to Shidou, cutting his Achilles tendons and breaking both his arms.
- The Peeping Tom: Saejima spies on girls changing in a locker room.
- Pet the Dog: It's revealed that Rin saved Shizuka's cat from the fire he set at her apartment.
- Platonic Prostitution: When Saejima's feeling really depressed, he calls up his regular, the "Little Grey Alien", just to hug and comfort him.
- Precocious Crush: 7-year-old elementary schooler Yuu gives Saejima a plastic ring to make a pact with him, making him promise to wait until she's 16 for his first time.
- Psycho Serum: Shidou injects himself with Blue Rose, which makes him hallucinate hard enough that he Feels No Pain punching through a door. It's still not enough to beat the four former delinquents he's facing, though he does put up a fight.
- Punk in the Trunk: Saejima hides himself in Rin's trunk to ambush him when he's driving alone.
- Put on a Bus: After the first arc, Shizuka and Rin are never seen again.
- Rank Scales with Asskicking: Tetsuji Maruyama, the new Kichijoji police chief, introduces himself to Saejima by suplexing him into the ground.
- Really Gets Around: Shizuka has been with over a thousand men. To visualize this, Saejima buys a thousand sausages and lays them on the ground in front of the police station.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
- Maruyama tells Saejima the real reason Kamata came back to Japan, and why he's posing as a cop. He then berates Saejima for being so much of a loser that even his former best friend can't count on him.
- In Chapter 30, his ex-girlfriend Chika tells him exactly why she broke up with him and why he doesn't deserve to be her children's father.
- Red Baron: Saejima was formerly called the "Mad Dog of Kamakura", and now goes by "Gargoyle Demon". He, Kamata, Nakajo, and Akutsu are collectively the "Demons of Shonan".
- Reused Character Design: Okita looks a lot like a grown-up Jun Kamata, to the point that the scanlators didn't realize he was a different character until Chapter 5.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Shizuka goes on quite the revenge spree once she gets her hands on some weapons.
- Romantic False Lead: Saejima doesn't end up with Shizuka Aomori.
- Roundhouse Kick: Saejima gives one to the thug that attacks him in Chapter 2.
- Shark Tunnel: Shizuka tells Rin to Come Alone to meet her at the aquarium where they first met. When Inokuma and his men show up, Saejima shoots the glass and the water rushes in and takes out the gang.
- Shout-Out:
- After Saejima's Heroic BSoD, he does the famous "slumped in a chair" pose from Tomorrow's Joe.
- One of the Urban Legends about Saejima claims that making eye contact with him will impregnate a girl with a baby with "666" on its head.
- In Goblin Mad Dog, Onizuka wears Bruce Lee's famous yellow jumpsuit.
- Shrouded in Myth: Some rumors claim that the "Gargoyle of Inokashira Park" has Laser Eyes that can melt away a girl's hymen, and one glance can make you pregnant.
- Sinister Shades:
- Inokuma, boss of the Dragon Emperor gang, wears shades. So does his brother Rin.
- Da Chief Maruyama also wears shades.
- Snooping Little Kid: An elementary school girl named Yuu hangs out at the police station and likes to tease Saejima, but she's also very perceptive and quickly figures out what's happening.
- Something Else Also Rises: This series continues the "turtle" visual metaphor for penises that was used in GTO: The Early Years. When Shizuka grabs it, it's shown as a roaring Kaiju turtle.
- Static Stun Gun: Shizuka tases Saejima and "borrows" his gun to get revenge on her abusive pimp Rin.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Chika tells Yuhito "Don't look! He's just one of Mama's former friends, you're not related at all!"
- Tattooed Crook: The distributors of the "Blue Rose" drug all have a tattoo of a skull with blue roses.
- Tranquil Fury: When Shizuka's on the phone with Rin, telling him how she's going to get revenge.
Since my life has already been messed up, I'll make sure to fuck up your life too [...]
[finds a box of grenades]
Yippee...! I've just discovered some dangerous goods...I'll just take these and leave? I'm going to use these to kill you.
- The Unreveal: It's never revealed who the ultimate leader of the Blue Rose gang is, as the manga ends on a cliffhanger with the guys driving to catch him.
- Writers Cannot Do Math: Saejima says he's 22, and has a 4 year old son Yuhito, meaning he was conceived when Saejima was 17 or so. The problem is that the boy also has a sister Yuu who's 7, and when Saejima was dating their mother, there was no mention of her having another kid. It could be explained by Yuu being Yuhito's stepsister, the daughter of the guy she married. Yuu being his kid would make more sense if he was 24, which he probably is, going by how his hairstyle in this and GTO: Paradise Lost (which takes place a year after GTO) match (in fact, he outright says he was 17 seven years ago).
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Takeshi gets caught, the leader of the Blue Rose gang says he'll have to pay for his mistake with his life. He shows up in Tokyo Bay the next day.