×××HOLiC - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun May 13 2018

×××HOLiC (Manga)

"There is no such thing as coincidence in this world — there is only inevitability."

Kimihiro Watanuki is a high school student who is continually plagued by supernatural monsters and spirits which are magically attracted to him, which are invisible to everyone but himself, and usually try to devour him. One day, while running away from and nearly being eaten by some spirits, he finds a mysterious shop that grants wishes.

The shop is owned by the Witch of the Dimensions, although she has been known by many other names — even Yuuko Ichihara, the name she gives Watanuki, is only a pseudonym. She offers to grant his wish to be rid of his ability to see spirits, but a price of equal value must be paid. Thus, Watanuki becomes a "part-time worker", which usually involves performing housework and odd jobs for Yuuko, until he has done enough work for his wish to be granted.

Chapters/episodes usually involve a customer coming into the shop and asking for their wish to be granted by Yuuko, having usually negative or dubious results, or they involve some (usually risky) task that Yuuko gives Watanuki which requires his ability to see spirits. However, there is also an overarching plotline regarding a set of dark conspiracies and prophecies that becomes increasingly important in the later volumes.

One of the main themes in ×××HOLiC is the concept of hitsuzen — probably best translated as "inevitability" or "inevitable fate" (although what is inevitable is influenced by your mindset and past choices, this is more like a slightly fatalistic Chaos Butterfly than the Western concept of destiny) — which affects many of the characters' actions throughout the story. Yuuko told Watanuki when they first met that it was hitsuzen.

The original manga by CLAMP ran from 2003 to 2011, spending most of its run in Young Magazine before moving to Bessatsu Shonen Magazine in 2010. A sequel series titled ×××HOLiC: Rei began seralization in March 2013, and later went on hiatus in 2017; it was set to resume in April 2025. The anime has been uploaded in both dub and subtitle formats on Funimation's video portal.

This series is the darker and more psychologically-driven companion to another of CLAMP's works, Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-. The two series tend to cross over quite a bit, with Yuuko appearing several times in Tsubasa, and it's recomended to read both mangas in order to understand the whole story.note  There are also many crossovers with other CLAMP works within the story besides Tsubasa. The TV Animated Adaptation, directed by Tsutomu Mizushima, has two seasons, ×××HOLiC with 24 episodes (also the only season that was released in English by Funimation.), and ×××HOLiC: Kei with 13 episodes. Airing on a different channel than Tsubasa, most references to it were removed from the anime, therefore turning it (alongside The Movie) into a completely standalone work, unlike the manga. There has also been a feature-length movie (A Midsummer Night's Dream) and a 2-part OAD series, ×××HOLiC: Shunmuki and two OAD released with the manga volumes, unrelated to the plot of the first one, called ×××HOLiC: Rou. It also has a 2013 live-action adaptation with eight episodes, starring Anne Watanabe and Shota Sometani as Yuuko and Watanuki respectively. A live-action film was released on April 29, 2022.

The name is pronounced "holic", by the way. The "×××" basically denotes "insert something here", along the lines of "___holic" in English. It has nothing to do with Maria†Holic or SOUND HOLIC.

×××HOLiC provides examples of:

  • Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder:
    • Himawari, if the fact that she gets married to someone else is any indication, though in a subversion it seems Watanuki both knows and supports her decision, and they both seem to still hold each other dear.
    • Also worth mentioning, despite the fact their object of affection, Watanuki, never seemed to be completely aware of their feelings and therefore never obligated either of them to "wait for him", is that in the long run, Doumeki and Kohane end up deciding to marry one another (although they only got married to help Watanuki, not because of love).
  • Abusive Parents: Kohane's mother is seriously messed up in the head.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: The Ame-Warashi, being a rain spirit, has blue hair in the manga. In the anime, she has red hair. This is later corrected in the OVA's.
  • Adapted Out: Syaoran, Sakura and their party, while instrumental for the starting of the manga, are excised from the anime, which generally removes all references to Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- until the OVA's.
  • The Ageless: Yuuko. The shop apparently conveys immortality on the owner, being outside the normal flow of space-time. When he takes over the shop, Watanuki specifically states that he will cease to age. He also clearly states that he will still eventually die, but will have a much longer lifespan.
  • Air Guitar: Featuring Maru, Moro, and Larg in the second ending (Kagerou).
  • All There in the Manual: Especially in later chapters, one really needs to be reading Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- to understand what's going on. And even then it's challenging. Hilariously, every tankobon has a front page telling you you don't need to be reading Tsubasa to understand the plot. Though to be fair, reading Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- may not help in understanding the plot at all.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: While it's up for debate if it's a case of romantic love, Watanuki goes into near-hysterics when he discovers Yuuko's dying, and starts babbling about how no one else should have the right to decide the fate of "someone who's so important to me".
  • Animation Bump: In Episode 3 of Kei, the scenes where Watanuki tries to retrieve his eyes from the Jorogumo have a more fluid animation compared to the rest of the episode.
  • Aside Glance: Yuuko tends to give these to the audience in the manga. This is one of several traits that Watanuki adopts from Yuuko after taking over the shop.
  • Badass Normal: Subverted. Doumeki can take witness things that would terrify the bravest of people, and yet remain calm and expressionless, but it's later revealed that he has spiritual powers, specifically to kill demons with just a bow.
  • Baku: The Dream Collector is a being that lives in another dimension and takes for form of a buku wearing an outfit that resembles the ones worn by Victorian chimney sweeps. He collects both dreams and nightmares, keeping them in balloons that he nurtures so that he can sell them for a high price.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: The entire point of the monkey's paw story, and poor Nanami, a relatively nice woman who goes to Watanuki's school buys a canister from Yuuko's shop. Yuuko says the price is never open the canister. It does on its own, and Nanami finds out a monkey's paw is in the canister. Watanuki, the Only Sane Man, warns her that Yuuko gave her that price for a reason. She ignores him and starts to make five wishes, one for each finger, for little inconveniences and large ones. Yuuko reveals that there's an Equivalent Exchange; the first wish for it to rain, for example, drains the school's swimming pool. She wishes for research papers that are later revealed to have been written by someone else, so Nanami is expelled on the grounds of plagiarism. Nanami also feels guilt on using a wish for there to be a train delay on a day she was late to school, because a woman fell on the tracks and was killed. Eventually, she wishes to disappear, and the monkey wraps its tail around her neck, doing just that.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Hitsuzen and the ways to manipulate its effects make up most of the overarching plot.
  • Become a Real Boy: In a sense. It turns out the whole point of a good portion of this series was for Watanuki to connect with enough people and go through enough Character Development to stabilize his unnatural, distortion-induced existence.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Both women who appear in the first scenario of Rei. Despite being friends to each other, behind the other's back they say bad things and feel only spite for the other, culminating in one's boyfriend leaving her for the other and then the women blame each other for it. They both buy a cursed strap off the internet with the intention of it killing the other, with the one who had not suffered since the straps were bought being the one to die.
  • Blind Without 'Em: Averted. After receiving half of Doumeki's right eye, Watanuki's vision in that eye is better than what it started with and so wearing glasses all the time isn't necessary. He even spends nearly three entire volumes without any glasses. Despite this, he continues to compulsively wear them once he acquires a new pair.
  • Bloody Horror: In one story a woman makes a wish on a monkey paw and inadvertently causes a man to fall in front of a moving train. His blood sprays onto the platform and onto her shoes.
  • Broad Strokes: In the manga, Larg is awakened along with Soel in order to use them to communicate to Syaoran and his party. In the anime, as the Tsubasa storyline is not present, Larg is instead awakened by Yuuko's request pretty much for the kicks. The same happens goes with Kohane having a Sakura feather in her body and Fei Wang Reed being behind the winged spirits, plot points that are not shown in the anime. (However, later the OVA's introduce the storyline and unite both series, so the thing becomes a bit complicated to jive.) Interestingly, the Tsubasa anime opts for not showing whether the Mokonas were awakened at once or not, so the continuity of both animated adaptations could fit more or less seamlessly.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Yuuko. Kiiiinda crazy for being entrusted with keeping time and space in working order. But when she gets serious, she gets serious, to the point that some people wonder if the above is an act.
  • Butt-Monkey: Watanuki. The poor guy never seems to catch much of a break, does he?
  • Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without Them: Watanuki normally seems to be pretty annoyed with Yuuko, constantly griping about the sheer amount of inane tasks she makes him put up with and about how troublesome she can be. But then Yuuko dies, and we see just how much he breaks because of it. He's so emotionally torn-up by the development he makes a pact to wait for her to return for as long as it takes, without aging and without being able to leave the shop. His personality also changes drastically as he takes on some of her characteristics, such as smoking her pipe and her taste in clothes, basically in attempt to keep whatever part of her he can alive.
  • Cat Girl: Subverted twice and played with a bit. The Neko-Musume is the traditional Japanese catgirl—a cat spirit that may take human form and retain some feline qualities, such as cat eyes and agility. Similarly, the shamisen is a cat that takes on the form of a human, only retaining her eyes. On the other paw, Watanuki himself has been pictured with cat ears and a tail a few times, and Himawari thinks of him as a cat (specifically for raging up like an angry cat when Doumeki is near) so often that she bought him an apron with an angry cat on it for his birthday. This makes the later chapters (involving Doumeki's ideas on the "mating habits of cats") all the more interesting. Although, ironically, Watanuki is actually often symbolically represented by a bird and it is ultimately the symbol that he selects for himself.
  • Character Witness: The fox kid from the oden cart vouches for Watanuki in the Demon Parade.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • The Tube seen at the beginning of Tsubasa is in Yuuko's store room next to Fai's tattoo and Kurogane's sword. It contains people, whose identities are spoilers. Slightly more subtly is what seems to be a replica of Sakura's staff, the existence of which ends up tying into the story in a big way later.
    • Doumeki's egg provides a variation of this trope—we are told, specifically, that the egg given to him by Yuuko will be useful at some point. We find out in the last chapter that its apparent purpose is to erase Watanuki's memories of Yuuko once he's ready to let go. If he ever is, that is.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Yuuko makes one of these all the time, and if she's not, it's a bad sign.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: The Yamainu explains to Watanuki in Rei that Gods will dissipate when they are no longer needed. Thanks to Watanuki's offering, he gets the power necessary to grow wings in order to fly to a place where he is needed, but has to leave his wife Yosuzume behind.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Well, Clingy Jealous Fox more accurately, but what Mugetsu lacks in semantics, he/she makes up for in sheer clinginess.
  • The Collector of the Strange: Not only does the movie take place at a gathering of strange collectors, but it turns out the man throwing the party collects collectors themselves.
  • Composite Character: In the anime, the old fox who owns the oden shop is the one who receives the cage moon birds that Watanuki and Mokona must deliver while playing word chain. In the manga, the gift is actually for an elder human, and the old fox doesn't take part in that storyline.
  • Compulsory School Age: Subverted. Watanuki, after Yuuko's death, decided to take over the shop, and indicated when this trope was invoked by Doumeki that he would no longer be attending.
  • Continuity Cameo: Several from CLAMP's modern-day series, including:
    • Sakura's staff from Cardcaptor Sakura (its story ties into the Myth Arc).
    • The leads from Drug & Drop also make an appearance when Watanuki is sent to the Green Drugstore to buy Yuuko a hangover cure. They have wound up going to the wish shop in their own series, though now with Watanuki as the shopkeeper. Watanuki himself indicates that the two respective stores had done business together before. It seems further suggested that Drug & Drop is taking place simultaneously with (but independently of) ×××HOLiC, as, for instance, the urn used by Watanuki to visit the Zashiki-Warashi is the same urn stolen by Kazahaya and Rikuo. Yuuko explains that it was a "special order from the Anything Store".
    • In a studio in-joke, Maru and Moro can be seen playing with Tachikomas in the second episode of Kei, as Production I.G. animated both shows.
    • In another joke from the anime, the cinema theater visited by the characters features a film poster which is none other than a poster from the anime itself, the one in this very article.
    • The manga tells one side of the story; the other half is told by Tsubasa, which is in the same continuity as CLAMP's other fantasy-setting series, unifying both major genres of their work into a single continuity. The protagonists are even technically the same person.
    • Yuuko mentions in the first volume that she's known who are implied to be the Sumeragi twins from when they were very young. Whether they're the same people or alternate selves isn't clarified.
    • Yuuko makes Watanuki wear a headset shaped like PersoCom ears in the third episode of the anime. She and Mokona also don them at one point.
  • Cool Big Sis: Yuuko's manner of attitude and looks fits this very well.
  • Creepy Twins: Moro and Maru, Yuuko's two assistants at the shop. It's revealed early on that they have no souls, and later that they keep the shop grounded between dimensions.
  • Crossover: The overarching plot is closely tied to that of Tsubasa, with some major events occurring in both series, and objects and characters moving back and forth through the shop and the Mokonas.
  • Cute Approaches Camera: The Mokonas do this to wake up Watanuki.
  • Dead All Along: A few people. Watanuki's not always been too good at telling the difference. Including, notably, Yuuko herself. Although she's cheating — her late boyfriend was a Reality Warper with Power Incontinence.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    • Doumeki, and boy does he snark. It also helps that Watanuki is a delectable target of mockery.
    • Yuuko's pretty snarky herself.
  • Deaf Composer: Watanuki turns out to be unable to remember the taste of his food.
  • Deal with the Devil: Because Yuuko requires equal payment to fulfill the wish, many of the prices seem very difficult or problematic. Also, if someone reneges on their payment, the results tend to be rather nasty. Example — One customer`s payment is that she must never be photographed, video-taped, etc. again in her life. Logically, that would be a very difficult thing to conform to. If she ever is, her crime will be exposed for all to see. It's likely she was a murderer, and the punishment for not adhering to the price would be her exposure as one to the public, so she deserved this.
  • Devoted to You:
    • Doumeki for Watanuki. It got obvious when he didn't even notice the twins' crushes on him. And now, half an eye, a lot of blood, and six plus years later, he's still devoted solely to Watanuki.
    • Watanuki gets an ever harder case of this for Yuuko by the end of the series. He throws away his friends, family, and any life in the outside world for the sake of seeing her again. The fact that Doumeki is given a ring for purifying (read: eliminating) evil and is specifically told he shouldn't hesitate to use it on Watanuki, gives one the impression that this obsession of his could possibly take a very dark road.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: When Domeki destroys a spider's web while cleaning, the spider destroys his right eye. A spider can spin a web in an hour, and does so every day. Humans, with a lifespan of decades, can't regenerate eyeballs—from which we get the vast majority of our sensory input and of which we only have two—at all. Conclusion: spiders are jerks.
  • Distant Finale: The final chapter is (basically) Watanuki and Doumeki hanging out, except that it's Doumeki's grandson Sayaka (who still has that egg), and they're talking about how a dream of Yuuko has informed Watanuki that it's safe to leave the shop. Watanuki still chooses to stay, waiting. The closing line states he waited as long as it took and they certainly met Yuuko again. How? It doesn't explain, until then he had a "unique happiness".
  • Divine Date: One between Yosuzume and the Mountain God Yamainu. Due to the lack of belief he has to leave her behind or disappear.
  • Doom Magnet: Himawari is cursed to cause bad things to happen to people around her no matter how much she doesn't want to.
  • Downer Ending: Everyone we knew from the series is dead but Watanuki, who is waiting eternally to meet Yuuko again, even though he knows he'll probably never see the "true" Yuuko ever again, and Doumeki's descendant is holding onto an item that likely will allow Watanuki to forget her entirely when he's deemed ready. While everyone being dead doesn't necessarily have to be such a downer, considering they probably lived out their lives like normal people should, it is however a downer knowing that they all inevitably had to march on with the flow of time, while Watanuki remains unchanging.
  • Dragon Lady: Subverted by Yuuko. She's pretty sexual, dark, mysterious, wears fabulous Asian outfits, is all about hitsuzen, and styles her home as a Chinese opium parlor, but is a good woman.
  • Dream Sequence: The beginning of volume 9 starts with a new year In-Universe and with Watanuki's first dream: A giant Mokona with eggplant feet trampling him to death... well Himawari seemed amused at least.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: Watanuki tends to risk his life and go through a lot of trouble for pretty girls he just met. This annoys the pretty girls who actually like him because they'd rather he stay alive and safe.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: All four of the main characters, but Yuuko in particular.
  • Emotionless Girl: Kohane displays very little reaction to how badly people treat her. All this is, of course, building up to a major Humanizing Tears moment when she reveals herself to be Not So Stoic after all.
  • Equivalent Exchange: How Yuuko grants wishes; the price must be neither too low nor too high for the wish involved. This often requires some action to get wish and price to line up, especially since Yuuko tries to avoid wishes and prices equivalent to a human life. That would involve taking on the spiritual burden of murder. There are hints that Yuuko has to operate in this fashion in every instance of her life, considering that on Watanuki's birthday she concedes that she can't give him anything other than wishing him well, as "the only thing that can be given freely are feelings". This has been confirmed, with Watanuki becoming the owner of the shop, several people commented on Watanuki being injured after customers. Eventually, it's more or less explained to be that this is due to Watanuki being unaccustomed to the job an not entirely sure of what to ask from customers, because if the shopkeeper asks for a payment that is either too low or too high, he or she is injured to compensate.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Kimihiro Watanuki. Remember the Love Triangle he thought he was in? Well... he is interested in Himawari Kunogi and she kinda likes him back, but it turns out his "love rival" Shizuka Doumeki isn't interested in Himawari like he believed, but in Watanuki himself. Should be noted that at no point has any male character, not even Doumeki himself, actually explicitly expressed romantic interest in Watanuki (everything is inferred based on actions and reactions), only some characters, like Yuuko, seem hellbent on creating a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. The second Rou OAD shows that at one time Doumeki himself doesn't understand why he does all these things for Watanuki, with the implication that he still doesn't really understand even by the end of the first manga. Even Himawari's husband likes Watanuki — his cooking, anyway, which isn't too surprising. Oh, and you know Zashiki Warashi, that cute girl that's completely shy and has a huge crush on Watanuki? "She" might not actually be a she. According to a CLAMP interview where they say that her being female is not necessarily the case. Ame-warashi usually says "this child" when referring to Zashiki Warashi instead of actually using a gender; in CLAMP works, other-worldly types are typically without gender (Wish, Cardcaptor Sakura).
  • Everyone Can See It: Everyone except Watanuki, including a fortuneteller, his boss, and even the girl he has a crush on, seems to think that he and Doumeki get along very well. In fact the two of them are inherently perfect compliments of each other because while Watanuki attracts spirits and supernatural powers, Doumeki repels them. Even when this is brought to his attention Watanuki still steadfastly wants to either deny or ignore it.
  • Everyone Has Standards: A spider-spirit called the Jorogumo takes away Doumeki's sight for the crime of destroying her web. Watanuki bargains with her, giving up one of his eyes to restore Doumeki's sight. He then offers his other one when the Zashiki Warashi was captured trying to get a piece of Watanuki back. The Jorogumo, who has Watanuki wrapped up in a web, hesitates. She then gently tells off Watanuki for being such a martyr because it means he worries the people around him. Then she lets them both go when Watanuki fights for the Zashiki Warashi, after eating the eye he had previously surrendered.
  • Evil Smells Bad: Watanuki came across some situations like this, but he's the only one who can sense it. One , example is at Himawari's friend's school where the game, Angel, is taking place. Doumeki can't smell it. It's like some sort of spiritual stench that only Watanuki can smell, and it got worse as he got closer to the threat taking hold.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Larg and Mugetsu. Mugetsu was actually named because of this.
  • Expy:
    • Yuuko is not the first Mysterious Woman with magic powers created by CLAMP to use the phrase "there are no coincidences, only inevitabilities" and provide cryptic advice and guidance to major characters. That honor goes to Kaho Mizuki.
    • Since Yuuko's death, Watanuki has been actively trying to be a Distaff Counterpart to her, adopting a mysterious demeanor similar to hers and occasionally speaking in cryptic phrases. He's apparently even developed a drug addiction just to get that "lazily smoking" look right.
    • As time wears on he's starting to become a strange combination expy of not only Yuuko, but also Clow Reed, aka the other all-powerful magician who set the plot in motion, and/or Eriol Hiiragizawa, Clow's reincarnation. Watanuki already physically resembled the latter two, but now he's using their magic circle and his wardrobe's expanded to include clothes similar to the ones they wore and Clow's glasses. His greatest wish also mirror's Clow's, which is that Yuuko continue to exist. Of course, unlike Clow who literally made Yuuko unable to die, Watanuki's wish is that he one day meet her again.
    • The most recent chapter reveals that Watanuki has been at the shop for more than a hundred years, though the readers aren't aware of this due to his and Doumeki's seemingly never aging. It turns out that the 'Doumeki' at this point is actually Sayaka Doumeki, the great-grandson of Shizuka Doumeki who had been Watanuki's friend, and they look EXACTLY like each other. It is also implied that Watanuki didn't notice the Doumekis switching up between generations because of how much they look like each other. (Watanuki's thought that it might be a fact of their family implies the Doumeki line will just continue produce more expies.)
  • Faceless Masses: Seen at least once every episode of the anime.
  • Fluffy Fashion Feathers: Some of Yuuko's dresses.
  • Flying Dutchman: Man Without a Country variant. Watanuki is a Man Without a Universe. His "price" for continued existence (or something) is to remain in the shop forever - his "alternate self" Syaoran pays the flipside by never being able to remain in one universe. Both prices are presented as choices rather then punishments- they could pay a different price if they wanted.
  • Foreshadowing: In the Monkey's Paw arc, the only reason why it was caused was when Himawari grabbed its container, and its seal unraveled. Why was it when Himawari did it? It's probably due to her Doom Magnet curse.
  • From the Latin "Intro Ducere": Watanuki's explanation of "admiration": Watanuki does this to a woman, explaining that she doesn't love Doumeki, only admires him. Admiration, from Latin, Ad - on and Mirare - being amazed. At least, that's how it goes in Portuguese. He then proceeds to explain the Japanese etymology, and proceeds to use said little etymology lesson to make his point.
  • Gambit Pileup: Fei Wong's gambits interact with Yuuko and Clow's gambits, and both "Syaoran" ( aka Male Tsubasa and Cardcaptor Sakura try their hand at it at least once or twice.
  • Gambit Roulette: When you have RealityWarpers and FortuneTellers its kinda hard to tell if someone planned x or not. Then add the above pile up and it gets even worse.
  • Gender-Blender Name:
    • Doumeki's given name, Shizuka, is more often a girl's name. (He was even dressed in very girly kimonos as a young child, so when Watanuki stumbles on photos of this, he is endlessly amused.)
    • His grandfather Haruka also has a rather ambiguous name.
    • Doumeki's grandson name, Sayaka, is also more often a girl's name.
  • Generation Xerox: In the xerox sense. Doumeki is practically the spitting image of his grandfather, Haruka, and both purify using bows. Except Haruka smiles more often and has a more amiable personality than his grandson. And as of chapter 213, Doumeki's great-grandson is a spitting image of him, as Watanuki points out.
  • Geometric Magic: Like most magic-users in CLAMP-verse, Yuuko uses a magic circle unique to herself. Much later, when Watanuki is more proficient with magic, he uses a version of Clow's circle, in spite of being a reality replacement for Syaoran, who uses a Taoism inspired magic circle.
  • Genre Blind: Nanami blithely tells Watanuki that the tale of the monkey's paw being cursed is just a story. She'll be fine. Yuuko even goes This Is Gonna Suck when she senses what has happened and Watanuki reports to her.
  • The Glasses Come Off: The frequency at which Watanuki is seen without his glasses is directly proportionate to how serious the story arc is until he loses them in the Dreamscape, only to get them back after making a fateful decision. Usually he appears without glasses in the Dreamscape or when recuperating from serious injury.
  • The Glomp: Mugetsu has absolutely no concept of Watanuki's personal space as it loves to wrap itself around him whenever the chance it gets.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Larg, to the point that it's a pairing.
  • The Heartless: Most of the cases Yuuko deals with and the spirits that attack Watanuki have a "power of negative thinking" element.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • Watanuki does this fairly frequently, and is willing to do so whether its for his friends, acquaintances, Yuuko's customers, or even the supernatural beings he encounters. A major example is when he gives up the sight in right eye not once, but twice, first for Doumeki and then again for good for the Zashiki-Warashi. He actually has to be called out on the fact he's far too willing to let himself be harmed for the sake of others.
    • Doumeki for Watanuki, many, many times. Notable examples include giving up half of his right eye to restore Watanuki's aforementioned lost sight and what was probably several pints of blood to replenish Watanuki's after he fell from a second story window.
    • Himawari also eventually pays her own price for Watanuki's sake, taking on all the scars Watanuki would've otherwise received from the injuries he sustained from the falling-out-the-window escapade herself, in part because it was her Doom Magnet powers that influenced the accident to occur in the first place.
  • High-Pressure Emotion: Zashiki-Warashi is prone to this. Whenever she cries, her guardians, the Karasu Tengu, would come out and usually hit whoever is responsible. Watanuki is always the intended victim.
  • Identical Grandson:
    • Haruka and Shizuka Doumeki look exactly like each other, except that Haruka smiles. This actually saves Watanuki's life once. Haruka says that he was only able to enter the death-dream and pull Watanuki back from the brink because he looks exactly like his grandson.
    • And now Doumeki's great-grandson looks identical to Haruka, and therefore Doumeki by extension... Still doesn't smile though.
    • Also, Watanuki looks almost exactly like what you'd expect a young version of his great (or however many generations down)-grandfather, Clow Reed to look like, and the resemblance only grows stronger as Watanuki settles into his own role as a magic practitioner. Which is odd, considering that neither his father nor his (what we shall for lack of a better term call) twin brother look anything like Clow. Apparently Watanuki was made to look like Clow Reed as said by Fei Wang Reed in one chapter. Why, we don't know. And as of Chapter 204, Watanuki receives Clow's glasses, or at least an identical-looking pair.
  • I Hate Past Me: A very mild case, but in one Rou OAD, set after quite some time has passed since Watanuki took over the shop, he views some of Doumeki's memories which of course include some of Watanuki's old over-the-top spazzing, and Watanuki comments "Was I really that annoying?"
  • I Know Your True Name: A genuine fortune teller can read a person's fate and gain power over them knowing only their true name and their birthday. Watanuki thoughtlessly reveals both in the first chapter, giving Yuuko the ability to divine his wish and bind him to her service. Although as it turns out, despite what he thought, the name "Watanuki" wasn't actually his real name at all. She, on the other hand, always uses the alias 'Ichihara Yuuko' and, well, it's not polite to ask a lady's age, now is it?
  • Important Haircut: She doesn't cut her hair, but Himawari later changes her default hairstyle so that she can hide the scars she received as the price to save Watanuki's life.
  • Impossibly Low Neckline: Yuuko. And after she dies, Watanuki himself at times as he tries to emulate her.
  • Informed Ability: Yuuko seems to be like this at first; we're told that she's an immensely powerful sorceress, but what little magic she does onscreen isn't very impressive. This is justified by her minimalist 'you-get-what-you-pay-for' approach to granting wishes; most of the time, the wishes she grants simply don't warrant spectacular magic. This is averted entirely in later volumes, when she breaks out the big guns, and it is also revealed that some very powerful magic has been hiding in plain sight from the very first chapter. This trope is stronger in the anime adaptation than in the manga, as the anime leaves out the magic Yuuko performs for the characters of Tsubasa. Admittedly, much of the real fireworks are still offscreen, but you see truly magical results more often in Tsubasa.
  • Inn Between the Worlds: Yuuko's shop is the portal between worlds and dimensions.
  • Innocent Innuendo: The opening to one volume has Watanuki asking Yuuko if she's sure about something, and her replying that she is and wants him to "give it to her", all looking very suggestive. They're playing baseball, of course, and Watanuki's about to pitch the ball to her.
  • Intergenerational Friendship:
    • Watanuki and Kohane.
    • Watanuki and Haruka, compared to his friendship with Doumeki. Though Haruka is dead and they can only communicate through dreams.
    • His relationship with Yuku starts from a Mistress and Servant Boy to something like this. It makes her death very devastating to poor Watanuki.
    • Chapter 213 states that the Doumeki at that point is actually Shizuka Doumeki's great-grandson, and Watanuki himself wasn't fully aware of the time that passed, implying that after Shizuka, his son, grandson, and now great-grandson visited Watanuki in Shizuka Doumeki's place.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: Watanuki, full-stop. He's downright domestic as he's a good cook, sewer and is always doing house chores.
  • Invisible Parents: Doumeki claims he has parents, but the audience never sees them, and Doumeki only talks about his grandfather. In the anime we see Doumeki's mother once in a flashback of when he asked if he could invite some friends over for the 100 ghost story night, but her face is never shown. His mother is still obscured in Rou.
  • I See Dead People: Watanuki, Kohane, and Doumeki after the whole heterochromia thing.
  • It Amused Me: Yuuko sometimes likes to mess with Watanuki just to get a rise out of him. Doumeki and others sometimes join in.
  • I Will Wait for You: What Watanuki eventually swears to do for Yuuko when she disappears.
  • Keet: Watanuki at times, though he can switch to being the total opposite pretty quickly. And after Yuuko's death, he ceases to be one altogether.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia:
    • Watanuki turns out to be an unusual case. His magically induced amnesia made him forget things like good chunks of his childhood beyond their basic facts and even his parents' names. It's also not only partially anterograde (for example, he can't remember the taste of anything he eats, or even remember if he ate it), but it's also done in such a way that he didn't even notice he had it for quite some time. The discovery gave him a tomato-related nervous breakdown.
    • Later, everyone except close friends and relations forgets who Yuuko is when the stopped pocket of time she resides in starts moving again and the universe rewrites itself to be as if she'd died when she was intended to. Actually, one reason why Watanuki seems to develop such a severe obsession with her that he'd adopt her mannerisms and wear her clothes, is because he fears that if he doesn't keep her belongings near him, one day he'll start to forget her too. Which makes the fact that the apparent purpose of the egg Doumeki was given to hold onto is to erase Watanuki's memories of Yuuko a rather painful truth to learn.
  • Last-Name Basis:
    • Watanuki and Doumeki are almost exclusively referred to by their last names by everyone in the series with only very select few exceptions.
    • Doumeki seems to call everyone except Yuuko by their last name.
    • Doumeki towards Kohane when it's revealed he's getting married to her and yet he apparently still will continue to call her by her family (soon-to-be maiden) name because "it's what they're used to".
  • Light Is Not Good: See someone with cute little angel wings? RUN! RUN THE HELLS AWAY! Quickly, before they pull out the boxcutter.
  • The Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday: Yuuko's shop is one of these, except with a twist: a person can only see the shop if they need the shop.
  • The Lost Lenore: Yuuko arguably functions as a type B for Watanuki, considering how much of the rest of his life became dictated by his reaction to her death, how he continues to mourn her loss, and how her presence remains felt in the story right up to the last chapter. She even continues to be featured in some of the volume covers, if only in the back and without her face showing.
  • Love Triangle: Watanuki is convinced he's in one of these, competing with Doumeki for Himawari's affections. The truth is Himawari always brings Doumeki along so that Watanuki doesn't get hurt due to her supernatural bad luck, and Doumeki has other reasons for sticking around Watanuki. Becomes a sort of Love Dodecahedron when its revealed Kohane's also grown to love Watanuki and a possible romantic subtext begins to emerge between him and Yuuko in later chapters. This isn't even accounting for the fact that otherworldly beings like the Zashiki-Warashi, have a tendency to develop crushes on him. And suddenly Watanuki's ceased to be the Unlucky Everydude he thinks he is, and appears to be more of a Chick + Doumeki Magnet.
  • Mars Needs Women: Mugetsu seems to like Watanuki WAY too much. So do some other supernatural beings, but they are at least humanoid.
  • Martyr Without a Cause: Watanuki, and at times Doumeki. A major thread in the series is learning to temper the altruistic impulse with self-regard. Doumeki's a bit of an uncertian example, though. He is heavily implied to be more of a Love Martyr — he's willing to make Heroic Sacrifices for Watanuki's sake.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Kimihiro Watanuki writes his family name as "April 1st," which also is his birthday. While this alone doesn't mean too much alone, it means a hell of a lot when you realize that April 1st is also Sakura and (presumably) Syaoran's birthday. His personal name is written with the kanji for "prophet". Also, Watanuki names Mugetsu (meaning "No moon"), because of the shape of its eyes.
    • Yuuko offers an alternate interpretation for Watanuki's family name:

      Yuuko: The reading of his name, "Watanuki", comes from the custom of removing the padding from one's kimono on the 1st of April. An ancient sorcery... to prevent children from suffering from diseases or spectres, they would be dressed in the now unpadded kimono, and the removed padding would become their substitute..."

      • For the lazy, that means his "family name" is a roundabout way of saying "decoy".
      • Particularly significant when Yuuko is musing that it isn't even really his name. The mysterious item that Doumeki brings to the shop also senses that "Watanuki" isn't his real name.
      • It's also said that his original purpose was to take Syaoran place so that the world/timeline wouldn't fall apart, though both Syaoran and Yuuko push him to secure his own place and become his own person rather than just remaining the substitute. Think about how unlucky he was at the start of the series, before Yuuko and Syaoran pushed him to value his own existence he subconsciously drew misfortune to himself because he knew he was a substitute and not meant to exist.
    • Likewise, Kohane Tsuyuri's given name means "Little Feather". This becomes significant when she gives up her power to exorcise spirits, which is caused by one of C!Sakura's feathers. Her family name, meaning May 7th, hasn't been explained to have any ulterior meaning, though as a name that is also a calender date, it serves as one of several parallels she has to Watanuki.
  • Mind Screw: Things can get pretty confusing when the story gets involved in events of its sister series Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-, especially its latter half. And don't even try go read Tsubasa to understand, if anything you will end up even more confused.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: While doing some garden cleaning Watanuki and Doumeki break a spiderweb. The spider decides to take revenge by taking Doumeki's eye away. The spider overracted a bit knowing that it takes about one hour for an average spider to make a full web. This is even worse knowing that this act leads to a rather long story arc that has major consequences story-wise.
  • Mistress and Servant Boy: Yuuko and Watanuki. There's a reason they're the page image for that trope.
  • Monster of the Aesop: The cases Yuuko takes on often end up as philosophical meditations.
  • The Mourning After: Watanuki is so badly affected by Yuuko's death it causes him to undergo a personality change. He clings to her things and adopts some of her traits out of fear he'll forget her, and vows to never stop waiting, no matter how much time may pass, for the day that he sees her again to come.
  • Muggle in Mage Custody: Watanuki is the de facto slave of Yuuko. She does genuinely care for him, but also enjoys having fun at his expense.
  • Mukokuseki: This is a CLAMP manga and this isn't unusual for them, but while Watanuki, Yuuko, Doumeki, and Himawari all at least have pitch-black hair, they have blue, red, yellow, and green eyes respectively, and then there's Kohane who's a strawberry blonde with grayish-green eyes, and they're all supposed to be Asian. Although later it seems Watanuki's blue eyes serve to show off his uncanny resemblance to the English-Chinese magician Clow Reed, whom he's distantly related to. Though that ignores the fact that in real genetics there's no way those blue eyes should survive that many generations down.
  • Must Be Invited: Happens in Chapter 194 when Watanuki, at the suggestion of another spirit who is doing a service to him, ends up invoking this — and allowing the Jorogumo (the spider woman who ate his eye) to enter the shop despite its wards.
  • Mysterious Purple: Much of the official artwork for this manga about the mysteries of the supernatural feature purple prominently to set the tone for the ominous world the characters inhabit, like this two page spread for the first chapter that shows Yuko and Watanuki in front of a purple backdrop.
  • No Ending: Chapter 213, one more of CLAMP's open ended finales. All that is ever implied is that Watanuki is free to venture outside the shop, having seen Yuuko in a dream after 100 years. Given that a sequel series has been announced, this will hopefully be rectified.
  • Noodle People: The manga had Tsubaki Nekoi in charge of the artwork, resulting in the characters being slender and long-limbed. The anime adaptation takes this style in exaggerated proportions where it often goes Off-Model, particularly the height of the characters and the long limbs.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: After dealing with a customer who had a disturbing obsession with Doumeki and the idea of becoming his girlfriend, Watanuki muses that the hardest wishes to grant are those involving a desire for someone else, only to concede that he shouldn't be one to talk. Cue his eyes shifting to Yuuko's butterfly-shaped incense holder.
  • Not So Weak: Kohane. It doesn't even occur to her to really stand up against her mother but when she decides her mother needs a good wake up call, for her own good of course, she doesn't hold back.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Himawari pretends to be oblivious to Watanuki's crush on her and the fact that she uncontrollably causes misfortune to those around her. In fact the former appears to be a side-effect of the latter.
  • Oblivious to Love: While he's proven perceptive in other areas, Watanuki appears to have shades of this, at least in regards to when the love is directed at himself. Even after he takes over the shop and becomes increasingly like Yuuko in terms of wisdom and demeanor, he never seems to fully catch onto exactly why Doumeki sticks around. And in the OVA, after giving Watanuki an invitation to his wedding to Kohane, Doumeki points out to him that the one Kohane loves the most is actually Watanuki. To this revelation Watanuki gives Doumeki a genuinely shocked look before devolving into a sad smile.
  • Official Couple: Despite copious Ship Teasing between many different people, the only major ones to get together are Doumeki and Kohane. Their relationship, however, is decidedly unconventional due to them both caring the most for Watanuki and only getting married to help him.
  • Omniscient Morality License: Yuuko manipulates and tells half-truths. One of the first clients (other than Watanuki) we see gets condemned by hitsuzen (and proximity to Himawari) to paralysis and death because she told George Costanza-esque tall tales non-stop, which eventually built up to the point that the paralytic effects of the bad juju she was drawing to herself needed a ring to reduce the paralysis as long as she kept it on, and her doom was caused when she kept lying and then either took the ring off or the accumulated curse became large enough to break the ring's protection, so it was mostly caused by supernaturally bad luck while unknowingly taunting Cthulhu-lite. (The story was harsh enough that the anime changed it to let the woman live to correct her mistakes.) Yuuko's machinations do not seem to carry a similar price at first but the fact that she's already dead probably has something to do with it.
  • Oracular Urchin: Kohane Tsuyuri, a little girl who can see ghosts.
  • Phony Psychic: Yuuko and Watanuki finds out that the new fortune teller in in the place the former used to visit is a phony one, and she takes this chance to show the latter how he was duped by her divinations before taking him to a true one.
  • The Plan: Three words: Fei Wong Reed. (Arguably he's got Nesting Dolls going on, the outermost doll being held inside the innermost doll.)
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Especially in the Omake art, as is typical with CLAMP's work.
  • The Power of Hate: Discussed regarding Kohane's mother. She wanted to get back at her husband who abandoned her and her daughter. Yuuko explains that through time, her wish for revenge was so strong it actually not only hurt her target, but also affected herself and her daughter and made their life miserable.
  • Prophetic Fallacy: Discussed when Yuuko and Watanuki talk about the limits of a true fortune telling and why the grandmother didn't tell him more than what he needed to hear. The former explains that divinations of someone's direction of living is already intrusive and can influence their life path if they'll learn something they don't need, and fortune tellers will take a huge risk in their own lives if they will attempt to look at their own fortune.
  • Punny Name: Maru and Moro's full names, Marudashi and Morodashi, literally mean "streaking" and "flashing", and despite Yuuko's insistence that they're "cute", Watanuki vocally disagrees. Maru and Moro are on their own common suffixes to Japanese names.
  • Put on a Bus: Himawari, who after Watanuki takes over the shop ends up at a university "up north" (presumably Hokkaido). Although in one of the recent chapters we hear a phone call between her and Watanuki, ending in 'I love you' from both sides, though the eventual reveal in Chapter 209 tells us that she's married someone else.
  • Raijū: A Raiju appears in the form of a crazed lightning ball. It's also very temperemental, as Watanuki painfully found out.
  • Really 700 Years Old:
    • Yuuko is this, on account of the fact she had a close relationship with Clow Reed, who died an untold amount of time prior to when the series takes place and was also several centuries old himself. It's later revealed that Clow accidentally halted her time while she was dying by wishing that she'd open her eyes again, effectively trapping her on the edge between life and death.
    • Watanuki becomes this after he takes on the role of owner of Yuuko's shop and ceases to age. Indeed, by the series end, about 100 years have passed and Watanuki is still physically a teenager.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Doumeki used to wear a girl's kimono when he was growing up, thanks to a customary belief by his grandfather that doing so would make a sickly child grow up strong. Naturally, when Watanuki tries to rub this in his face, Doumeki's response is a simple, "Yeah, what's your point? Do you want one, too?" Although, later it's Watanuki who is wearing kimonos and feminine yukatas.
  • Red String of Fate:
  • Ret-Gone:
    • The origin of Watanuki's existence, since he was made to fill the space left by the original Syaoran, who gave up his existence in order to save Sakura
    • Yuuko has also been ret-goned from people's memories as she's dying, as reality adjusts to be as if she died when she was supposed to have done.
  • Running Gag: Mokona's not an [X], Mokonoa's a Mokona!
  • Say It with Hearts:
    • Maru and Moro are prone to this, as is Yuuko at times. Mugetsu is an interesting case in that hearts are the only thing it says.
    • Watanuki also tends to do this when it comes to Himawari-chan.
  • Schrödinger's Butterfly: Basically the whole point of the dream arc. Haruka even tells the story of the boy who dreamed he was a butterfly to Watanuki, and later likens Yuuko to a dreaming butterfly. Not to mention that butterflies have always been Yuuko's symbol, as well as embodying the concept of hitsuzen.
  • Secret Test of Character: Some of Yuuko's "prices" are this. Since the people ask for impossible gifts, they need to meet a seemingly impossible task. For example, one lady asks for Yuuko to break her computer addiction. Yuuko as payment asks for a sword the woman owns and uses it to slice the laptop in half; she explains to Watanuki that it's up to the lady if she wants to put in the work because literally removing the addiction would require taking a portion of her soul. Later, when Nanami buys a canisters from Yuuko, Yuuko tells her the only price is don't open the canister. Sadly, it does open, meaning Nanami was probably doomed either way. Rather than realize she should probably leave the thing in the canister alone, Nanami uses it to make various wishes to improve her life. It doesn't end well.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: After setting up his side of The Plan pileup in order to save Yuuko from dying/resurrect her, Yuuko apparently sacrifices herself in order to stop him breaking spacetime, thus causing her to die. The last time we saw Fei Wong after this he can no longer sense her presence, and starts hatching a plan to resurrect her.
  • Serious Business: Being a TV psychic. Being accused of giving fake readings is apparently heinous enough for people to physically assault you (even if you're a little girl) and vandalize your house.
  • Ship Sinking:
    • As revealed in chapter 209 Himawari is married. Any chance of Watanuki and Himawari getting together is now dashed.
    • By chapter 213, we find out that the Doumeki visiting Watanuki at this point is Shizuka Doumeki's great-grandson Sayaka Doumeki. Meaning Shizuka Doumeki got married himself and is probably already dead given that Watanuki realizes he's been at the shop for more than a hundred years at this point.
    • Not that Shizuka Doumeki/Watanuki really needed any more help sinking, but Rou revealed at the end that Shizuka Doumeki and Kohane Tsuyuri got married. Oh, and Kohane loves Watanuki. So that's another ship sunk.
    • Subverted! for both Watanuki/Doumeki and Watanuki/Kohane. Both Doumeki and Kohane loved Watanuki so much, that they realized that there's no chance for either of them of meeting someone else, anyone at all who they could love more than Watanuki, marry them and spend the rest of their lives with that person. So... as two people who love the same person the most, they decided to marry each other instead so that their descendants can befriend Watanuki so that he won't be alone.
    • It's almost amazing that by the end, the ship among major characters that is probably sunk the least... is the one involving the long-since deceased witch whose accidentally continued existence screwed over the multiverse.
  • Ship Tease:
    • Doumeki. Good God, Doumeki's been ship teased with Watanuki from even before he was even mentioned by name or seen in-person, when the old fortuneteller woman told Watanuki there would be a "friend that he gets into fights with" that he'd find himself "thrown together with more often". In recent chapters of Doumeki constantly coming over to bring Watanuki supplies at Yuuko's shop after she disappears and Watanuki becomes the new owner, you could hear the collective squeeing of fangirls at the sight of them acting like husband and wife a married couple in a situation that has been the set up to countless Yaoi doujinshi... except Watanuki remains as ambivalent as ever towards Doumeki. Sadistic Lady Mangaka indeed. As the story progresses it becomes easier and easier to accuse them of just doing it on purpose...
    • Not to mention for all the talk about Watanuki being destined for Doumeki or Himawari, there is an absolute mountain of teasing between Watanuki and Yuuko. Pick any official illustration with the two of them in it, and you can bet anyone who hasn't read the manga will ASSUME something's up between them. And considering that Watanuki is staying at her shop because he knowingly imprisoned himself there in order to wait for her to come back to him after she disappeared, they might not be wrong!
      • Although, as revealed in Tsubasa, he may have chosen that price because he couldn't come up with anything else quickly enough. He even acknowledged that he knew that the price wasn't quite right. It's true that he had already made his decision to wait for her, but the method might have been less self-sacrificial if Tsubasa had ended differently.
      • Even so, it certainly doesn't change the fact that he's now developed a tendency to go into moments of melancholy reminiscence over her while whispering her name. Extra points go to the fact that Watanuki now not only resembles Clow Reed, with whom Yuuko was heavily implied to be in some sort of close relationship, but is also increasingly becoming like him.
    • In chapter 199, Himawari and Watanuki say that they love each other over the phone. However Himawari can only visit Watanuki once a year, so who knows what that means for their relationship...
      • Regardless of the mutual confession, Himawari does end up married to another man. Although her continued phone calls to Watanuki and her statement in an OVA (that was written by CLAMP member Nanase Ohkawa herself) that she made a promise with her husband that April 1st will always be reserved for her to visit Watanuki.
    • Chapter 203's cliffhanger of Watanuki presenting Doumeki a ring was only to give him a purification tool, with the caution that Doumeki should not hesitate in using it to destroy anything malicious — even Watanuki. ESPECIALLY if it's Watanuki.
  • Shipper on Deck: Yuuko, Himawari, and even Larg ship Doumeki/Watanuki, and constantly try to hint and push Watanuki to realize Doumeki's usefulness for him.
  • Shout-Out:
    • To the various classic manga Yuuko enjoys and often references to Watanuki's confusion (such as Cat's Eye, City Hunter, Casshern and Macaroni Horen-so). Watanuki even directly references Star Wars in an early volume.
    • For one of his errands, Watanuki has to use a winged backpack containing Larg.
    • Watanuki is forced by Yuuko to wear Persocom-ear-shaped headphones. Moro and Maru can be seen reading "The City With No People" aloud at one point.
    • In-story about the woman with the addiction to her laptop, Yuuko references Lupin III by writing "Zantetsuken" on her bat and saying Goemon Ishikawa's catch-phrase, "Once again, I have cut a worthless object".
    • Possibly the young girl in the apartment above the internet-addict: she has short, wavy hair, lives alone in a wrecked apartment, wears beaten-up clothes, had a much older companion who killed himself, finds nothing unusual about the supernatural, cries "blood", and has been a teen for a very long time. She's a mermaid (or ate one), not a vampire.
    • The girl whose soul is almost taken by a pair of angelic wings looks appropriately like another famous angel, Kaworu Nagisa.
  • Shrinking Violet: The Zashiki-Warashi. Complete with the High-Pressure Emotion listed above.
  • Sick Episode: Season 1 episodes 22 and 23 are this for Watanuki, although they are slightly more horrifying than is usual for this trope.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Watanuki hates Doumeki, for no adequately explored reason. It's just hinted that it might be Watanuki's subconscious (who often tries to erase him from existence without him even noticing) that wants to keep Doumeki away from Watanuki due to his ability to cleanse evil energy. Yuuko even say in some early chapters that is best for ayakashis for them to hate each other and keep fighting.
  • Smoking Is Cool: Yuuko is smoking tobacco. Haruka is shown smoking cigarettes (although he's mellow enough for it to be a joint). As of Chapter 185, Watanuki seems to be trying to pick up the habit, in order to emulate Yuuko's manner.
  • Snowball Fight:
    • A filler episode written by the anime staff pits most of the major players, along with the Warashi, in an entertaining one of these, arranged by Yuuko, which also involves building snowmen.
    • There's one of these in a filler manga chapter too.
  • Squirrels in My Pants: Watanuki ends up going through this a few times thanks to the Pipe Fox spirit Mugetsu, who has no concept of personal space.
  • Stage Mom: Kohane has a decidedly unpleasant one.
  • Stepford Smiler: Himawari's happy face only breaks after Watanuki decides to stay by her even after her Doom Magnet status nearly kills him. A few of Yuuko's clients qualify as well, most Watanuki's cooking student who smiles politely when she explains that won't eat her own cooking because she thinks she's disgusting. This is because the taste of a person's cooking in the ×××HOLiC-verse gives a sensation of that person's true nature (Doumeki can't seem to get enough of Watanuki's cooking, and Watanuki himself can't remember eating his own food due to the price he paid being the knowledge pertaining to his identity), and she's got a subconscious loathing of herself so she's terrified about finding out how her food tastes. It's really bland and compared to the warmth revealed in Watanuki's cooking drives her to ask her fiance to wait while she develops her own self through more instruction by Watanuki.
  • The Stoic: Doumeki seems to have about two facial expressions, at best. It comes with being the Tall, Dark, and Snarky with a Sugar-and-Ice Personality. Lampshaded when Doumeki's grandfather Haruka makes his appearance, who is so identical to him that it's pointed out that one of the only ways to tell them apart is the fact Haruka actually smiles.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality:
    • Doumeki. He give the impression of not caring about anything, but he cares deeply, specially when it comes to save Watanuki.
    • Yuuko - the gentle, affectionate smile she gives Watanuki while celebrating his birthday at the start of Volume 12 reflects this; it is a far cry from her usual Cheshire Cat Grin or knowing smirk.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: Doumeki, in a classic CLAMP Seme role.
  • That Makes Me Feel Angry: Watanuki in chapter 190. This seems to be a joke lost in translation. The way Doumeki says "strike" makes it sort of sound like he's demanding a massage from Watanuki, and Watanuki calls him out on it.
  • Theme Naming: Both Shizuka Doumeki and his grandfather Haruka Doumeki have androgynous first names that are more commonly given to girls. Doumeki's grandson, who is unnamed in his appearance in the manga is revealed to have the name Sayaka in an official guidebook, which continues the Doumeki tradition of 3-syllabic first names ending in "ka", though unlike that of his forefathers, it is a distinctly feminine name rather than androgynous.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Yuuko has this reaction when she realized Nanami is going to use the object in the canister. She tells Watanuki that trying to dissuade Nanami won't work.
  • Through His Stomach: How Watanuki pays Doumeki back for favors (such as saving his life). A lot of their bickering is normally over Doumeki making ridiculous requests for Watanuki's cooking.
  • Time Skip: More than once. About 2-3 times, to be exact. Everyone's gotten older leaving Watanuki behind. Such is the downside of immortality. One specific example is chapter 213 - over 100 years have passed since he inherited the shop. The guy looking like Doumeki is actually his great-grandson. The rest of the original cast is long gone by this time!
  • Tomato in the Mirror: In one episode, a girl comes to the shop. She thinks her house is haunted, and wants get be rid of the fear. Turns out, she's the ghost.
  • Tomato Surprise: Watanuki takes over the shop, determined to wait for the day that he gets to see Yuuko again. The manga reverts back to its case-based plot line with Watanuki as the new Yuuko, but Doumeki is still around to help. Except that after the first couple of customers, it's revelaed that that isn't Doumeki, but his great-grandson and Watanuki has been waiting for 100 years already.
  • Tsundere: Watanuki is a complete and total tsundere towards Doumeki, especially during times where he has to thank him for saving his life, which to Watanuki's chagrin is fairly often. To a slightly lesser extent, he also acts this way towards Yuuko. Contrast with his behavior towards Himawari, which is squarely deredere.
  • Unknown Rival: Doumeki, who more often than not is involved in Watanuki's Embarrassing Rescue.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe:
    • Yuuko never appears twice in the same outfit. As in, when she does, Watanuki panics and with good reason, since this suggests she's dead. On the other hand, Watanuki and company usually just wear their school uniforms.
    • Watanuki since he took over the shop after Yuuko's death. This seems to be yet another way he tries to emulate her.
  • Urban Fantasy: The Shop itself is placed between the skyscrapers of Tokyo and some scenes take place near well-known landmarks.
  • The Vamp: Lady Jorogumo whose most recent appearance in Chapter 195 definitely invokes the trope. Watanuki manages to keep his mind off her charms See here. Or Exhibit B.
  • Wanting Is Better Than Having: The ending. Watanuki is most content to wait for Yuuko even while knowing it's almost certain she's never to return, at least not as he knew her. Whether he wants to avoid all the Reality-Breaking Paradox consequences of Clow's wish or prevent the creation of another Ass-Chin or minimize his own impact on the multiverse, or whether CLAMP just wrote another Gainax Ending, we can't really be too sure. Nothing is sensible by this point. If Yuuko could die and move on to "where Clow was", the guy actually has a much better chance of seeing her if he'd stayed mortal, died and passed on himself. In hindsight, it's possible that the only reason he didn't choose to let himself die even after all that time passed was to honor Yuuko's final wish that he continue to exist.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Watanuki, and he hates it, although it's his own damn fault for being subconsciously suicidal.
  • Wham Line: In chapter 213: "You really do look just like him, your great-grandfather". Suddenly the readers have it slammed right in their face the realization that the 'Doumeki' Watanuki's been conversing with for the past few chapters is the great-grandchild of Shizuka Doumeki, that it's been 100 years since Watanuki took over the store, and the fact that everyone we knew in the series save for Watanuki himself has more likely than not already passed away.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: In Chapter 200 the battered lady is revealed to be eternally youthful, which once pleased her lover. Then he became so angry, afraid and depressed that he beat her and killed himself. (Watanuki introduces her to the equally immortal Jorogumo so at least she's got a friend.) So... if Watanuki chooses a lover, they could very well have the same fate. Yuuko sets him free, but after more than a century, everyone he once knew is dead. Even Doumeki isn't really Doumeki, no matter how alike they are in mannerisms and looks. It doesn't look like it bothers Watanuki one bit. He's still waiting.
  • Wine Is Classy: Yuuko enjoys nothing more than tossing back beer, sake, and anything with liquor in it in the most booze-hound manner imaginable. That she's still creepy, imposing and omniscient at times, is a rather interesting contrast. Not to mention smoking an opium pipe. It could just be tobacco in there, but still...
  • Word Salad Title: Takes it even a step further by screwing with the title's capitalization.
  • The World Tree: Watanuki and Doumeki join the "Spirit Parade" and meet The World Tree.
  • Work Off the Debt: Watanuki's original wish is almost a MacGuffin to put him in this situation. Technically Watanuki is working off Syaoran's debt to time, space, and fate itself. Both Syaoran and Watanuki will spend the rest of their lives trying to clear up his debts.
  • Yandere: In Chapter 207, a woman in love with Doumeki comes to Watanuki to try and get him to fall in love with her, and is so desperate that her soul actually detaches from her body.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain:
    • Watanuki having good things taken away from him.
    • Also literally, in the first chapter's splash page.
    • Same could be said for Iron Woobie Doumeki, honestly. He dedicates himself to protecting Watanuki no matter what, even though the latter generally acts like a jerk towards him, and seems to finally be making some headway in getting closer to Watanuki (who actually starts displaying comparatively overt gratitude for all he's done)... and then Yuuko dies and Watanuki shuts himself in the shop to wait for the day he might see her again, distancing himself from everyone as a result. True Art Is Angsty indeed.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Yuuko enjoys teasing Watanuki about his closeness with Doumeki, and hints multiple times that maybe Doumeki is the one destined for him instead of Himawari. Heck, to a degree, Himawari herself ships Doumeki/Watanuki, often commenting on how cute they are when they interact. They kind of have to do that to make sure that Watanuki is not alone. Which incidentally brings us to...
  • You Are Not Alone: The primary reason why Doumeki loyally stays by Watanuki's side turns out be to prove him this, after Doumeki once saw Watanuki standing by a river one rainy day, lamenting on whether or not he'd die alone. Yuuko also has been actively trying to get Watanuki to realize for himself that there are people he's connected with and hold him dear. Later, Kohane also muses that Watanuki has many friends who are there for him.
  • Zigzagging Trope: The Love Triangle between Watanuki, Himawari, and Doumeki. First, see Even the Guys Want Him. Then it gets more complicated when it turns out that Watanuki seems to care more for Yuuko than the other two. And then comes chapter 199, which has Himawari and Watanuki share a fond phone call after Himiwari has moved away for university. But they can't meet more than once a year... and Doumeki apparently passes on messages, news and presents between the two of them. As of chapter 209, it seems she's married. In the conclusion of the series, we find out that the Doumeki we've been seeing in the latest chapters is actually Shizuka Doumeki's great grandson, meaning that the one who stuck with Watanuki through everything and never really asked for anything in return did eventually have a family. According to above via Word of God Kohane and Doumeki got married despite both of them loving Watanuki. Maybe to leave him with people who could stay by his side after them?