Massacration - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jul 20 2017

Massacration (Music)

"Imagine if Steel Panther were fronted by High Pitch Eric from The Howard Stern Show, that's what Massacration sound like."

Massacration is a parody Heavy Metal band from Brazil, proclaiming themselves "the greatest and most classic heavy metal band and the inspiration behind most metal bands since 1985, whose members' hairdos and posing influenced all heavy metal culture."

The band was created for the sketch comedy show Hermes e Renato, but their sketches were successful enough to warrant two albums and an entire tour.


Current real members

  • Detonator (Bruno Sutter) - lead vocals (2004-2012, 2016-present)
  • Metal Avenger (Marco Antônio Alves) - bass guitar & backing vocals (2004-2012), lead guitar & backing vocals (2016-present)
  • Red Head Hammet (Franco Fanti) - rhythm guitar & backing vocals (2016-present)

Current fictitious members

  • Headmaster (Adriano Pereira) - rhythm guitar (only music videos) (2004-2012, 2016-present)
  • Jimmy "The Hammer" (Felipe Torres) - drums, percussion (only music videos) (2004-2012, 2016-present)

Past members

  • Blondie Hammet (Fausto Fanti, 2004-2012, R.I.P. 2014) - lead guitar

Guest/Live musicians

  • Straupelator (Nando Lima) - drums (2004-2012, 2020-present)
  • El Covero (Igor Cavalera) - drums (2004)
  • El Perro Loco (Ricardo Confessori) - drums (2016-2020)
  • El Mudo (Marco Klein) - bass guitar (2016-present)

Discography and music 

Studio discography

  • Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of Death - 2005
  • Good Blood Headbanguers - 2009
  • Metal Is My Life - 2024

Live albums

  • Live at ShowLivre Estúdio - 2009
  • Live Metal Espancation - 2017

Other Songs

The band shows examples of

  • Affectionate Parody:
    • The band was originally created by Brazilian comedy group Hermes & Renato to star in a music video making fun of Heavy Metal band conventions (such as Brazilian metal bands singing in English, or the emphasis on macabre imagery in lyrics and clips), but ended up becoming quite successful as a real Heavy Metal band, even though they're still spoofing the genre; they've even released albums and opened shows for serious bands, like Sepultura.
    • As for the songs, "November Gay" from Metal Is My Life is a spoof of Guns N' Roses's "November Rain".
  • Album Intro Track: The aptly-named "Intro" in Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of Death, a cake recipe communicated with a sinister voice as if Satan himself is doing a spell.
  • Bad "Bad Acting": "Away Doom" has a character (played by comedian Gil Brother Away) screaming for help as he's being murdered, despite the fact that it's sounding that he's dying... of laughter.
  • Been There, Shaped History: In an interview they claimed they were the ones who invented heavy metal, not Black Sabbath: the story goes that Blondie Hammet and Tony Iommi worked at the same steel mill and, one day, Hammet forgot a mixtape containing some of his riffs at work. Iommi took the tape with him and recorded the riffs on Sabbath's first album, passing them off as his own. In retaliation, Hammet caused the accident where Iommi (or, as he called him, "that motherfucking mustachio") lost two of his fingertips.
  • Big Rock Ending: "Metal Bucetation", among other examples.
  • Black Comedy Rape: "The Mummy" is about an old emperor cursed by a sphinx after he raped her, awaking in the present era in order to rape anyone who is close to him. The video implies at the end that he screwed the band members and guest vocalist Falcao.
  • Break-Up Song: "The Bull" is about the narrator's woman being seduced by a long-haired (though in the video is bald), intelligent millionaire.
  • Crippling Castration: Played for laughs. In several mock-up interviews, vocalist Detonator claims that he's a castrato, which explains his high-pitch voice. According to him, he did it to himself "for the metal god".
  • The Cameo:
    • Falcão appears in "The Mummy" both singing in the song and in the video itself.
    • Porn stars Kid Bengala and Fabiane Thompson feature in the video of "The Bull".
    • DJ Sabrina Boing Boing is featured in the video of "Metal Milf".
  • The Comically Serious: Detonator. Just the fact that he maintains a badass image while speaking in a comically high voice is funny enough, but behold as he keeps a straight face through a barrage of puns so lame that they wrap around into being funny!
  • Depraved Dentist: "Metal Dental Destruction" is about a crazy, alcoholic fake dentist who operates with no professional procedures at all who ends up pulling every teeth from the narrator's mouth.
  • Double Entendre: Probably the most on-the-nose ever, in "Metal MILF":

    "Feel my fire, suck my sword
    You're my metal MILF"

  • Driven to Suicide: In the fictitious backstory, their first drummer, a tambourine man called Donald Polai, committed suicide after the band's first gig.
  • Fade Out: "The God Master" uses both Fade In and fade-out.
  • Fake Band: The band originated at a sketch show. They are a downright stereotype of every heavy metal cliché in the book, from being dressed on denim and leather (they adopted a more Hair Metal look later on) to singing in Engrish to being devil worshippers (the video for "Metal Bucetation" even has the devil chasing them around... only to ask for their autographs), but the joke made so much of a success among viewers, they have two albums out, which are pretty good, as long as you don't take it all too seriously. Oh, and they also helped make heavy metal more popular among Brazilian teens, along with Guitar Hero. Think Dethklok mixed with SpinalTap, some black humor-laden slapstick and a blatantly overblown backstory.
  • Food Songs Are Funny: "Feel The Fire... From Barbecue", "Cereal Metal", "Hammercage Hotdog Hell", and, of course, "Grand Pedido".
  • Good Animals, Evil Animals: Parodied in "Evil Papagali", about a parrot hailing from hell... who only wants crackers.
  • Gratuitous English: Par for the course, but "Metal Milk Shake" deserves special mention for being nothing but this.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Among other live-only musicians that played with the band one can find names such as Igor Cavalera (during the pre-Gates... era, as "El Covero") and Ricardo Confessori (in the reunion shows, as "El Perro Loco"). And then there's guest vocalist João Gordo.
  • Harsh Vocals: Detonator. The In-Universe explanation is that the God of Metal ordered him to cut off his nuts to make his voice more Metal - but he accidentally cut off his penis instead, so now he doesn't just sing high, he speaks high.
  • Heavy Meta: "Metal is the Law", "Cereal Metal", "Let's Ride To The Metal Land (The Passage Is R$1,00)", "The Fire, The Steel, The Heavy, The Metal", "The Big Heavy Metal", "Good Blood Headbanguers", "The Hymn of Metal Land" and "Metal Galera".
  • Hidden Track: An electronic version of "Metal Massacre Attack (Arue Aruo)" is hidden after "Metal Bucetation" in Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of Death.
  • Homage:
    • According to Detonator himself, "Metal Bucetation" was written as a "shameless plagiarized" version of Helloween's "The Dark Ride".
    • The cover of Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of Death was inspired by Manowar's "Louder Than Hell".
  • Intentional Engrish for Funny: Mixed with some gratuitous Brazilian Portuguese, to boot.
  • Intercourse with You:

    "All the nation, stop the punhetation, decretado eu sou!note 
    All the nation, fuck the bucetation, Angel Saiah!note "

    • "Metal Milf" is about fantasizing with an older female metalhead.

    "You've got nothing to lose
    'cuz you'll die soon
    you are no spring chicken, baby!
    come into my room!"

  • Likes Older Women: "Metal MILF", natch.
  • List Song: "Metal Milkshake" and "Hammercage Hotdog Hell".
  • Longest Song Goes Last: "Metal Bucetation" (6:21) closes Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of Death, although the song itself ends just before the 4-minute mark (it's followed by a period of silence and a remixed reprise of "Metal Massacre Attack").
  • Poirot Speak: At least 85% of the songs, especially in "Metal Is the Law" and "Metal Bucetation", which invoke the usage of embromation, a Portuglish gag which uses a portmanteau of Portuguese words with the English suffix -ation. The band's name itself is an example of this trope.note 
  • Post-Stress Overeating: In the fictitious backstory, after the death of Polai, both Detonator and Blondie Hammet became addict to pasta from a restaurant named "Massas Crezio", and ate so much of his food they wound up going 100 pounds overweight.
  • Product Placement: "Grand Pedido" is, for all intents and purposes, a song written for a McDonald's ad.
  • Rock Star Song: "Massacration".
  • Shout-Out:
    • Fausto and his brother Franco's stage surnames reference Kirk Hammett.
    • Headmaster's "real" name is said to be Klaus Bissonette, in reference to jazz drummer Greg Bissonette (who also played with David Lee Roth), which is funny considering that Headmaster is a guitarist. More fitting is Jimmy "The Hammer", whose "true" name is Jimmy Lombardo, as in Dave Lombardo.
    • The list of references on "Metal Milkshake":
  • Spoken Word in Music: "The God Master", accompanied with a repetitive background track to boot.
  • Stage Names: Everybody in the band, what with being a parody band.
  • Start My Own: After the first disbandment, Detonator went on to create his solo band, called Detonator e As Musas do Metal, an all-female group with him on vocals. Bruno Sutter himself also fronts Children of the Seven Keys, his own Helloween tribute band, having been the singer of a Death tribute band even before Massacration, and he has also recorded a solo album with mostly original compositions.
  • Take That!:
    • "Sufocators of Metal" is one towards people who loan albums and scratch them or don't return them at all, even going so far as to declare them "not a headbenze".
    • In "Massacration" the band proclaims that they scored more goals than Romario.
  • Title-Only Chorus: "Good Blood Headbanguers", "Massacration", and, to a lesser extent, "Metal Is The Law".
  • Title Track: "Good Blood Headbanguers".
  • Toilet Humor: "Bad Defecation (The Bost Thunder)" is about taking a shit.
  • Vocal Tag Team:
    • "The Mummy" has Detonator and guest vocalist Falçao taking turns at singing.
    • The same goes for "The Bull", while Detonator sings most of the lines, Blondie Hammet also gets the chance to sing, mostly in the chorus.
  • Word Salad Lyrics: "Metal Milkshake".
  • You No Take Candle: It's easier to say which songs don't fall into this. As a proof, here are some lyrics from "Metal Massacre Attack (Arue Aruo)":

    "Far away
    across the sea
    Master never grow
    Now the way
    Against the fear
    Master will is sure."