Rucka Rucka Ali - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Oct 04 2011
"Black people are great at stealing stereos
They've got Jewish lawyers in court
Muslims are the best at flying into stuff
(Not all Muslims, just most, and all it takes is most)
Africans like lynching homosexuals
Cubans turn dildoes into boats
Germans kidnap girls and make them prostitutes
Everyone's special in their own gay little way"
Rucka Rucka Ali (born January 27, 1987, real name unknown) is an Israeli-American singer-songwriter & radio personality (in)famous for his dark, offensive parodies of famous pop songs in which he pokes fun at ethnic, racial and religious stereotypes.
Rucka's music has led to recurring controversy, as well as YouTube taking several of his songs down on the alleged grounds of hate speech (such as "Ching Chang Chong", his parody of "Boom Boom Pow"), to which they're often re-uploaded by Rucka's fans (known as "Nuckas").
Although his official site can easily be found here, he seems to have no single consistent YouTube page, since the video removal has gotten to account suspension levels, which has also made searching the site for his name
a much easier way to find any of his songs/videos.
Compare Jon Lajoie, arguably his Canadian equivalent, and "Weird Al" Yankovic who pre-dates Ali and also makes parodies of pop music. Not to be confused with RackaRacka.
- Straight Outta West B (2008)
- I'm Black, You're White & These Are Clearly Parodies (2010)
- A Very Rucka Christmas (2010)
- Probably Racist (2011)
- A Very Rucka Christmas: The 2nd Cumming (2011)
- Rucka's World (2012)
- Black Man of Steal (2015)
- Everything Is Racist (2016)
- Rucka Rucka Ali Is a Prophet 2008-2011 (2017)
- The Fried Chicken EP (2019)
Rucka Rucka Ali provides examples of:
- Adolf Hitlarious: "Hitler's Suicide Note" is, as indicated by the title, all about taking the piss out of Hitler.
- Affectionate Parody: His obscure "Ring a Ding Dong" track is this to old school rap songs about life in the ghetto.
- All Asians Know Martial Arts: Most songs featuring DJ Not Nice mention at least one Asian martial art, or some combination of multiple ("Tae Kung Fu").
- Ambiguously Brown: Rucka claims to be "kind of brown" (when he's not proudly proclaiming that he's white), but that "[his] race is unknown".
- Amusement Park of Doom: Kim Jong Un offhandedly claims to own a "theme park for torture" during his song before returning to his standard threats about bombing everything.
- Animal Wrongs Group: "PETA" unsurprisingly.
- Appropriated Appellation: In 2010, after a group of boys played "I'm a Korean" in their school, the principal was quoted on the BBC as saying the song was "probably racist". When it came time for Rucka to release his next album...
- Asian Speekee Engrish: DJ Not Nice is a very clear example of this, replacing almost every "l" in the songs with an "r" and speaking with fractured grammar.
- Auto-Tune: Shows up in almost all of his songs. Not because he can't sing, but to better reflect the crappy pop he parodies.
- Badass Boast: "iWhack" ("Grenade") is one long exaggerated over the top boast from America to the terrorists that did 9/11.
- Basement Dweller: "Mom's Basement Paradise" is a about a guy in his early fifties who is still living in his mother's basement, much to her annoyance and frustration.
Tell me why does he
still live with me?
I am ninety-two
and he's fifty-three!
- Bestiality Is Depraved: One of his insults in "Eff Australia" is an implication that they all have sex with kangaroos.
- Also used in "iWhack."
"You got your AIDs from a gay donkey!"
- Black Comedy: Just about any and every touchy and dark subject imaginable is poked fun at and mocked at some point. You got songs about murder, rape, racism, bigotry, torture, terrorism, pedophilia, domestic violence, drunk driving, sexism, drug abuse, poverty, stereotypes, greed, nazis, war, corruption, police brutality, child abuse, reckless endangerment, deadly diseases, dictators, suicide, nuclear war, religion, world leaders, taquitos, bronies, emos, furries, fatness, politics, internet culture, celebrities, gross bodily functions and playing video games all day.
- Car Fu: "We Drive Drunk!" (We Are Young) and "Aluwakbar" (Rockstar) are probably the two best examples.
- Card-Carrying Villain: According to "Osama Bin Found", Al Qaeda literally gives its members discount cards. "I'm Osama" mentions that bin Laden attends a terrorist convention called Terrorcon.
- Chinese Launderer: Taken up to eleven in "I'm a Korean": apparently all of Asia is a dry cleaning store. Virtually every DJ Not Nice song references this one, too.
- Ching Chong: Has an entire song dedicated to this.
- Christmas Songs: Two whole album's worth.
- Compensating for Something: In "My Name's Donnie Trump":
Donald Trump: "When this world is mine, I'll build a wall in space and everyone will see that my penis is a pretty big cock"
- Kim Jong Un in his song.
- Minecraft Won't Add Inches To Your Cock (Mine It Up) uses this as its main joke.
- Unsurprisingly, this shows up again in "I Have a little Cock" as well.
I drive a really big car
To compensate for other things
I have a angry big dog
He's really loud and really mean
- Corrupt Politician: Rucka's two favorite political punching bags seem to be Obama and Trump, the two most recent presidents, but he's also taken a few shots at other prominent world leaders and politicians such as Bush and Hillary.
- Creator Provincialism: Rucka makes a disproportionate number of Michigan and Detroit references. "I'm Obama" mentions that Obama receives "Bridge cards", referring specifically to the Michigan welfare system, even though Obama doesn't live in Michigan. Many of his songs mock Detroit itself for its infamous crime rates and weak economy, and Michigan for its large Arab/Muslim population.
- Curse Cut Short:
- Though there's no shortage of completed curses, there's an example of this in "Go Cops":
"Hey come back here! I'm just hungry, I won't search you for no crack rocks, n-"
- In the "All Star" parody "Heroes & Trolls".
And new media's just getting bigger
No one's getting shot if I say the word... ("Whoa, there!")
- Though there's no shortage of completed curses, there's an example of this in "Go Cops":
- Department of Redundancy Department: In "Hippies Always Smell":
"Get yer ass fucked in the booty"
- "I'm a Korean":
"And the dyke giving me my food looks like a lesbian"
- Dirty Cop: "Like a Cop" manages to invoke a pretty dark example of this trope with just its opening lines:
I pull them over
Turn off the cameras
And I park
They'll find out
No one rapes like a cop
No one rapes like a cop
- Discriminate and Switch: Almost every line of I'm Racist (In No Way Whatsoever)
is this
- Disorganized Outline Speech: Rucka seems to forget exactly what he's trying to say halfway through this line from "I'm Obama":
"Happy Reverend Doctor Martin Luther Jr. King Boulevard Street."
- Disproportionate Retribution: Often used and exaggerated for comedic effect. Murica, for example has this line:
"You knock down a couple of our buildings we'll take a couple of your countries."
- Domestic Abuse: "Smack My Bitch."
- Driven by Envy: Many of his anti-YouTube songs imply that this was the site's motivation for taking down his songs and suspending his account. From "Me No Rikey YouTube":
"But then they was like 'Hold up, Rucka Ali!
We didn't mean for people to like you more than me!'"
- Driven to Suicide: The theme of "Life is Over", though it switches to being an anti-suicide message at the last chorus; see Interrupted Suicide below.
- Drugs Are Bad: "Rebecca's Black (High Day)" (guess what it's a parody of) is a less serious and more humorous take on this trope than most other examples.
- Drunk Driver: Used in his "We Drive Drunk" (We Are Young) song, the official video of which is almost nothing but
high speed collisions often filmed in first person.
- Eagle Land: "iWhack" which is type... well, guess.
- Ephebophile: The song "Only 17" [Just a Dream] is a story of Rucka making out with a hoe that looks legal and only to find out that she was only 17.
- Everything Is Racist: The name of a catchy little tune
about how literally everything is racist:
Tres, dos, uno (huh?)
Have you heard the truth?
I'm trying to escape it
Everything's bad, cause everything's racist
Shirts, go fish, strawberry smoothies
Everything you say is insanely racist
Every singe day the racism's outrageous
You know who needs sensitivity training?
Every single name in the yellow pages
Cats, dogs, felines, bitches
Kool-Aid, Michael Jackson, chicken
Chicken, chicken, chicken
- Hollywood Atlas & National Stereotypes: Hoo, boy...
- All Jews Are Ashkenazi: Jew Boy [Empire State of Mind], the debut of Seymour Schwartz, and Give a Jew Some Gold [Kiss Me Tru the Phone].
- Deep South: Toby Queef, who debuted in Hippies Always Smell Like Balls [3].
- Gay Paree: Fuck France [Just Dance].
- French Jerk: Inverted in Fuck France - Frederique Shampoo actually seems pretty friendly.
- Glorious Mother Russia: Boris Anatasha, who debuted in Russia's Gay [Whatcha Say].
- Interchangeable Asian Cultures: Basically anything that stars DJ Not Nice — Ching Chang Chong [Boom Boom Pow], I'm Chinee [Imma Be], I'm a Korean [I Gotta Feeling], Me No Rikey YouTube [Down], No More DJ Nice Guy [Break Your Heart], Take Your Pants Off [Club Can't Handle], Kim Jong Un Song [Cruise]...
- Land Down Under: Fuck Australia [Black And Yellow].
- North Koreans with Nodongs: I'm a Korean, My Korea's Over, and Kim Jong Un Song all focus largely on North Korea's plans to bomb various countries. Stock video from North Korean military events is used in many DJ Not Nice songs. Sometimes, he also uses People's Liberation Army marches when stereotyping North Koreans and Chinese as the same.
"I've got a missile now/I'm gonna blow you up, gonna blow you up!"
- Qurac: The implied setting of the events in Jihad Me [Poker Face].
- The Illuminati: A parody of "Shape of You" portrays it as mainly just an excuse to rope aspiring conspirators into gay sex.
- Internet Jerk: Heroes and Trolls
(a parody of All Star )
- Interrupted Suicide: The ending of the video for "Life is Over", where the female subject opts out of her own intended suicide by jumping off a bridge to save a fellow sufferer from doing the same, with the latter taking the form of Etika to whom the video ends
In Memoriam on an uncharacteristically serious emotional note coming from the artist.
- Jesus Was Way Cool: Let's Go Jesus (Blah Blah Blah)
- Jewish Complaining: Seymour Schwartz in many songs.
- Bernie Sanders in Feel the Bern (When You Pee).
- Lighter and Softer: Rucka's "Wierd Ali" spin-off, In the Style of "Weird Al" Yankovic.
- Metaphorgotten: In We're All Asian (Just the Way You Are):
Steal it from Payless and give it to your kids... for Christmas!"
- Multiple-Choice Past: According to I'm Obama (Thrift Shop), Obama was simultaneously born in Pakistan, Chicago (that's a village in Africa), and Taiwan.
- My Name's Obama ("Call MeMaybe") also mentions his birth in Dubai and Haiti.
- In I Know That You'll Miss Obama he says he was born in the Bahamas.
- Rucka himself enjoys changing his backstory as it suits him, although "officially" he is from Detroit.
"Am I black or from Iraq or Alaskan?
I think my race is unknown, so stop askin'!"
- New-Age Retro Hippie: Toby Queef's enemies, as depicted in "Hippies Always Smell" and alluded to in "iLost My Jobs".
- Our Lawyers Advised This Trope: Several videos start with "This is JOKES, NOT for kids" and "All celebrity/brand similarities are coincidental or parodic" on a black background.
- Our Presidents Are Different: Rucka's depiction of Barack Obama is a clear fit for Presidents Action (he personally killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, Ohio) and Minority, and also has elements of Jerkass and Buffoon (he admits to various crimes, both before and during his presidency, and is basically a big showcase for racial stereotypes). Rucka's version of George W. Bush in "iWhack" can be classified as Buffoon, Lunatic, and possibly Evil with his plans for Disproportionate Retribution toward the Middle East.
- As of Obama Been Watchin' [Blurred Lines], Rucka's version of Obama has characteristics of scheming.
- Overreacting Airport Security: Party In The TSA
starts with airport security going after some normal middle eastern guys and just goes down hill from there. It also implies that airport security guards enjoy frisking people and confiscating their stuff.
- Playing the Victim Card: "Dear White People (Despacito) tears apart the Police Brutality narrative that populated the latter half of The New '10s through Black Lives Matter, and examines the victim complex behind it, in spite of real struggles. There are subtle hints of the singer being an Unreliable Narrator as well.
- An even more blatant example comes from "What Does The Black Say (What Does The Fox Say), where the modern black subculture uses this trope (and past racism) to justify embodying the worst stereotypes of black people, including recorded instances of actual crime (e.g. smashing civilians' cars while occupants are inside, assaults, robbery, etc.)
- Police Are Useless: The premise of "Go, Cops" ("TiK ToK").
- The police in "We Drive Drunk" pull over the protagonist, ask if he's got beer to spare, share a pint or two, then tell him to drive straight home.
- Police Brutality: Shows up a lot whenever the police are mentioned. "Go Cops" and "Not My Fault (That We Black)" are both good examples.
- Positive Discrimination: Parodied in "I Love Minorities" (California Gurls). Every stereotype about every minority is portrayed as a good thing ... allegedly.
- Prison Rape: Comes up as a joke a few times in "Only 17" as a punishment for sleeping with an underage girl. Also the stated treatment of Andrew Tate in his songs.
- Self-Deprecation: Some of his songs tend to make fun of Jews. In real life, Rucka Rucka Ali was born into an Orthodox Jewish family from Israel.
- Stealth Insult: At the end of "Al Quaedirection" (Die Young), Zayn says that he is now in paradise with Uncle Osama and 72 Directioners. He just used "Directioners" in place of the word "virgins".
- Stock Footage: Rucka's music videos consists of stock images taken from the internet along with other stock footage from documentaries, movies and amateur videos.
- Stop Being Stereotypical: The main premise of "What Does The Black Say (What Does The Fox Say).
- Straw Feminist "Fat Violent Dykes"
"There's some crazy lesbians!"
"Full of AIDs and PMS!"
"Bigger than hot air balloons!"
"Trying to tell me what to do!"
- Stylistic Suck: Most of the videos for his songs are slideshows of images that have to do with the lyrics. That's not even getting into the lyrics themselves...]
- Take That!: Oh, so many. Examples include Fuck Kanye [Run This Town] (against Kanye West), Justin's Beaver, its sequel [Magic], and Justin's Beaver The Movie [S&M] (Justin Bieber), and Pligganease [Umbrella] (Chris Brown), Al Qaedirection [Die Young] and Zayn Did 9/11 [Come & Get It] (One Direction, specifically Zayn Malik), All About That Rape (Popsicles) [All About That Bass] (Bill Cosby and his sex scandals) but the list keeps going...
- Michael Jackson has Celebs Kill Yourself [Beautiful Nightmare] dedicated to himself, but is worth noting separately because Rucka routinely insults him in other songs, even if the insult usually amounts to a single line.
- Teeny Weenie: "I Have a Little Cock" is a cheerfully upbeat song about having a comically undersized penis. It's actually quite catchy.
I have a little cock
a cock, a cock
I have a little cock
Have a little cock, little cock
It's just a real small
Micro wee, little cock
a cock, a cock
My itty bitty little cock
Is just the right girth
To pick a double bolted lock
My itty bitty little cock
Is just the right length
To stick in a new baby sock
- Toilet Humor: "Crapping" is an upbeat sounding song about...well, it should be obvious from the title.
- Token Black Friend: Rucka has mentioned that "he knows him a black guy", and that "[YouTube] just mad 'cause [he has] more black friends". "I Know a Black Guy" ("Miss Independent") is all about this.
- Unusual Euphemism: He will occasionally use "ninja" in the place of "nigga" on account of the fact that he's white. In some songs, mostly but not exclusively from DJ Not Nice, he intentionally uses this for puns about actual ninjas.
- Villain Song: Numerous songs sung by such figures as Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden and Kim Jong Un count.
- Women Drivers: Briefly used in "Fat Violent Dykes."
"Why do bitches think they smart?"
"They can't even drive a car!"
"Ever seen one try to park?"