News 2023-04 - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Apr 02 2023

Newsletter / News 2023-04

Where do you go to read the latest about new troops?
What about old troops with new names?
How can you find the best but least linked troops out there?
Worry no more: Troop Report is here.

Troop Report is a monthly newsletter that intends to showcase works and troops from all corners of this website. It also aims to keep the trooper hivemind updated with pertinent troop changes and discussions.

Alright, ya maggots! Listen up, 'cause I'm only going to say this once. That ol' newsletter that you loved so much, the one with all the silly little idioms an' shit? Gone forever! Now that there's a war going on, I expect you to act the part, so there's no time for games! Any and all able-bodied users should be receiving a draft letter in your inboxes within the next 24 hours, and anyone caught refusing will be permanently banned from the site. Understood?

Secondly, administration wanted me to announce on their behalf that some prominent site glitches have finally been fixed, so stop reporting them already, will you!? They also told me to comment that the press has been on our side recently, with Kotaku Magazine citing our work in a recent article. Keep up the good work, men! The TRS (Troop Recruit Station) has also updated its rules to ban masturbation, revealing outfits and promiscuity.

Now! Due to the current situation, this newsletter will now instead be focusing on honoring our troops and congratulating them on their work in fighting for our nation's freedom against those brutish invaders. As per usual, we will also keep you, the public, updated on the current goings-on of our internal affairs, and any and all ways in which your assistance will be required.

Off you go.

~Sgt. FernandoLemon

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Troops and Works

Troop Spotlight 

Obscure Troops

This section highlights older troops that need a boost.

  • Isn't it just a pain when your dog grows extra heads? Cerberus Syndrome covers just that, but hasn't gotten much attention.
  • They say if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, and if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. However, if you are in certain countries on April 1st and you Give a Man a Fish..., you are partaking in Poisson d'Avril! This trope that plays on the old phrase has been around since 2010, but with 31 wicks, perhaps you can help reel in some more.
  • We at Troop Report may be above such petty things as April Fool's Day jokes, but that doesn't mean the media we trope aren't still full of pranks. One such prank, the Unscrewed Salt Shaker, is a classic way to ruin a friend's food, and waste salt as well. Launched in 2010, this prank has only been committed 27 times on the wiki, so why not season your work pages with this one if you can?

New Troops

This section brings attention to recently-launched troops that could use a little help to really get rolling.

  • "So Timmy, what did you bring for show-and-tell today?" "Well Ms. Jones, I have a brand new trope called Show-and-Tell Antics with me today! I got it on February!" "That's very interesting! What is it about?" "It's about the many crazy things that can happen in show-and-tells like this! Maybe someone brings in something cool, but they get ignored when someone else shows something even cooler! Or they think it's cool, but the others don't think so! Or maybe they break the super important thing they bring over! Ooh... maybe they even bring over a pet that starts running around and starts a lot of trouble in class!" "Well Timmy, that's a very nice thing you've brought over to show-and-tell." "Thanks Ms. Jones! I hope you guys like it too! If you wanna talk about it to others, that would be cool too."
  • When you're looking for a new trope, what's better than something New and Improved? This shiny new trope is better than the original, now using All-Natural Snake Oil and including a Free Prize at the Bottom. Check out this brand new trope and have your life improved tenfold after just five easy transactions of $69.99. Offer Void in Nebraska.
  • "All right, I managed to unlock a super-secret ending! This wasn't even listed in the walkthrough for some reason... wait, did the main character just turn out to be a monkey in a human suit? And now everything is exploding? And now the heroes are being abducted by aliens, and they’re breaking out into a dance number, and they're even Breaking the Fourth Wall? Looks like this must be the Joke Ending. Fitting how it launched March 31st, the day just before this letter was sent out on Fools of April day, and could really use some examples."

Work Spotlight 

New Work Page Spotlight

This section covers newer work pages that could use a little help.

  • The Epic of Gilgamesh is the hottest new work of Middle Eastern literature, and it's already sold a billion copies worldwide. It tells the story of a king (the eponymous Gilgamesh) who learns that seeking immortality is foolish and one should instead seek to leave a great legacy.
  • Metamorphosis is a hentai manga by ShindoL about a lonely teen girl who wants to have friends. With a spiffy new makeover, she gets plenty of attention from her classmates... and the wrong kind of people as well. The work has attracted plenty of infamy on the internet for its incredibly bleak, yet frighteningly plausible story. There are places to check the work out... but that's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. (Edit Dec 13, 2024: This work page has been cut for violating The Content Policy.)

Older/Obscure Work Spotlight

This section is intended to highlight works that may no longer be in the zeitgeist — but that doesn't mean they're any less tropable.

Works That Need a Page

This section takes a page from the List of Shows That Need Summary. It is intended to spotlight works that people have been talking about enough to link around the site, but don't have a page yet. If the work page link turns blue after this, then we know we've done our job!

  • Joshua Pieters and Archie Manners, known jointly as Josh And Archie, are a duo of YouTubers known for their high-profile pranks. Among their biggest successes are tricking inflammatory politician Katie Hopkins into accepting a fake, insulting award and getting reality TV star Gemma Collins nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Since April Fools' Day is all about pranks, isn't now the perfect time to give these two a page?
  • Nihongo o renshu suru shigoto ga hitsuyodesu ka? Hoka no aimaina sakuhin ni motodzuita aimaina sakuhin ga sukidesu ka? Sorenara, UTAU CARD gemu: Vu~oisu OF VALKYRIE wa anata no tamedesu! Kado no sentaku ni samazamana Utau kyarakuta o shiyo suru kono aimaide kanari tanmei no gemu wa, subete no hito ni totte mirikitekide wanai kamo shiremasenga, sono sonzai o shitte iru hito wa, sono peji o sakusei suru doryoku ni sanka dekimasu. English
  • Hmm, we got ourselves a Roaring '20s story that doesn't have a page on this wiki yet. It's called Murder for the Modern Girl and it's about some mind-reading Flapper gal who moonlights as a vigilante who poisons douchebag men who treat women as lesser. There's also a shape-shifting dude who works at a morgue and had caught onto her murders and uh oh, the gal's falling in love with him. Then they gotta deal with a conspiracy deep within the workings of Chicago. Will they bring justice? This novel is pretty good and is written by none other than… Wait, it's not an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel? WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? IT'S A NOVEL THAT TAKES PLACE IN THE 1920S! (Disclaimer: the actual author is Kendall Kulper and the novel was published in 2022)

Non-English Work Spotlight

The wiki may be in English, but that doesn't mean non-English media are any less important! This section focuses on works that may have a language barrier to deal with — but are worth it if you do.

Creator Page Spotlight

Works would be nothing without the people who make them. This section highlights authors, artists, actors, musicians, and everyone else responsible for troop creation and proliferation.

Image of the Month 

This section brings you the best selections of the past month from Image Pickin'.

This issue's featured image comes from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, and illustrates Island of Mystery.

Wikisize, as you may have heard, refers to the 350 pixel-wide dimensions that images get compressed down to upon uploading, since anything bigger would just bloat the page horribly. At such a small size, a lot of pics opt to go for the "simple but effective" route and are sledgehammer-blunt in how they depict the trope at hand, sometimes containing within them some relevant dialogue.

But oftentimes, the devil is in the details when it comes to images. Some pics, while they may not seem illustrative at first glance—not without context, at least—may actually contain subtle clues upon a second glance that help illustrate the concept. Some common indicators include background elements, facial expressions and body language. This pic is one such example of this, and a simple one at that: while it may just look like any old Tropical Island Adventure scene at first, you might then notice the giant egg on top of that mountain in the middle. And then, it clicks into place: what's the egg for? How did it get here? What kind of creature could hatch from it? Coupled with the game's gorgeous art style, it's an easy pick for our Image of the Month.

Projects and Discussions


Hey guys! Welcome back to Forumwatch! In this section, we'll be telling you about what's going on in the forums — interesting discussions that may be going on in Wiki Talk, some fun forum games, or lively debates going on in On-Topic Conversations, you name it!

  • Several Useful Notes pages have raised the question of whether they fit the scope of the category, so the Useful Notes and the two contrasting ways we use it thread was created to hash out how to handle this.
  • Have you ever seen a trope and thought "this doesn't seem like a trope", but weren't sure? Is there a trope or YMMV/trivia item on the wiki that doesn't seem to affect the plot or characterization and just seems like something that happens to exist in a work? Do you want a second opinion on your suspicion, or want to bring a possible People Sit on Chairs violation to community attention? Check out the Is this tropeworthy/Chairs? thread, and you can get the help you need with these issues.
  • So, you got some super weird questions for your story but you don't wanna Google it because you don't want your FBI agent to judge your browser history? Well, come on over to the Random Questions Thread! The folks there are willing to try answering any question you have, regardless of how absurd it is, and give you tips and stuff for your trusty story to work out kinks. Go on, ask them!
  • We have forum rules in place in order to encourage maturity and protect people. The problem is that... rules are so draconian. That's why a new thread was created in order to break those rules. ITT: We Break the Forum Rules was only created a century ago, and it's already a good place to advocate for hate groups, import drama, complain and write some absurd meta-posts. Come join!

Troop/Article Changelog 

This section covers renames, removals and bans, redefinitions, hard-splits, merges, and wick cleaning. We'll try to keep you alerted to any major changes to the site, including perpetual projects and Wiki Talk decisions that you may have missed, but if you want to be a part of the process that affects so much of our wiki, then head over to the Troop Recruit Station on the left-hand side of the forum, and help us hammer out the new rules of our troops.

Pages Needing Help 

This section highlights articles indexed on the Pages Needing Wiki Magic policy page and sub-pages. Such articles are, at best, under-performing and below wiki standards. At worst, these pages are in violation of the wiki's rules against stubs. If you're an editor, try checking out some of these under-performing troop and work articles to see what improvements you can make to the page.

  • Happy birthday to Gabriela Mistral, a poet from Chile who also worked in education. Her poems normally carry a tragic mindset, though she also wrote some uplifting ones. Her page could use some more tropes and trivia about her works.
  • Zodiac Academy is a novel that follows two changeling sisters who attend a special school for The Fair Folk. The page could use a lot of wiki magic itself, however: the description is lacking, the wicks are absent, and it's not even indexed. It could use some more tropes as well.
  • Cute Clumsy Creature is a trope about an adorable creature who is prone to accidentally breaking things or causing messes. Despite being over a decade old, the page only has 11 wicks and 9 non-real life examples.

Project Spotlight 

Looking for a project to dedicate some time to, but not comfortable jumping into large threads? Here are some smaller projects, or more recent discussions, in need of a few more hands.

Know the Contributors 

This edition of Troop Report is brought to you by Morshu's Mega Emporium. Lamp oil? Rope? Bombs? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.

Interested in becoming a contributor, or have suggestions for works or tropes to feature? Pop by the thread and let us know! We don't bite. (Much.)