Sibylline Sounds - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Jul 20 2021
Let your mind wander
Sibylline Sounds is a Youtube channel and website created by Caudle, which posts Furry audio tracks featuring themes of ASMR, hypnosis, transformation, and vore. Some of the audios are free while others can only be purchased on the website. Caudle also used to take commissions to for custom audios.
Most of the audios have the listener interacting one of many interesting characters. Many of the character live in a Supernatural Hotspot Town called Burnel.
Now has a characters page.
The youtube channel is found here and the website is here
. Now has a second channel here
for animatics. Darkwitt, who is one of the main voice actors of the channel, has his own channel with more hypnosis and ASMR videos here
. A few downloadable bonus stories can be found here
on Caudle's Ko-fi shop page.
This work provides examples of:
- 20 Minutes into the Future: The version of France that Oreo & the listener visit seems to be a case of this. Aesthetically it's not much different from normal France, except that it's a Ghost City where the only things to interact with are floating robots who apparently operate business in the people's stead.
- Ambiguous Gender: Since the listener is an Audience Surrogate they're never referred to as anything other than "you".
- Animal Gender-Bender: Bloop is a slimy monster who is part kangaroo. He has a pouch despite being male, although his pouch acts like a Belly Mouth and he also has a third mouth on his tail so his biology doesn't make a lot of sense anyway. A male possum character in "Sage's Ever Turning Tour" is also mentioned to have a pouch.
- Bigger on the Inside: The interior of Oreo's bookshop may very well go on infinitely, and even if it doesn't, it leads to any number of alternate realities anyway. It's so big that it has entire biomes inside of it, such as a meadow and a haunted wood.
- Bite of Affection: Calister gives the listener a venomous bite in one audio, which he treats as a romantic gesture. It doesn't hurt the listener because his venom isn't toxic and acts as a mind control drug instead. He does ask permission first, although the listener's consent is a bit questionable considering that he has them wrapped up and just showed that he could easily strangle them.
- Clone by Conversion: Mocha is a "living meme." She can turn other people into copies of herself. Selene Vaim has a similar ability although her copies are not perfect and are loyal to the original.
- Crossover: Due to Darkwitt being the voice actor for several of the characters, Sibylline Sounds and Darkwitt have occasional crossovers.
- "Tea in Erusinego" has Darkwitt (the character) inviting several hypnotists to start a club for hypnotists.
- "The Disappearance of Vaim Manor": has Vincent asking Oreo for help after they met in the previous video.
- Darker and Edgier: Both of Oroe's Halloween Episodes:
- The first one has Oreo and the listener investigate the mystery of Edgar Hodgson, one of the bookshop's previous owners, and his unexplained & possibly supernatural disappearance, which is quite a bit more unsettling than the happenings of other episodes. Especially since it's never ultimately uncovered just what happened to Edgar, and Oreo & the listener are left to fill in the blanks.
- The second one has Vincent ask Oreo to help investigate why his mansion disappears into another dimension every Halloween and comes back with a less friendly atmosphere. Vincent gets possessed by the ghost of the founder of the Vaim family who is angry that the Vaims have rejected evil and tries to force Vincent to enthrall and feed on Oreo. The two of them manage to get out of that situation unscathed but the problem still is not solved.
- Deal with the Devil: Bryce is known to make Faustian bargains, although he doesn't take the souls of the people he makes deals with. He grants the wishes of people who make contracts with him, but in exchange he shows up and eats them alive once per month, reviving them the next day.
- Eaten Alive: Several videos feature either the listener or somebody else getting eaten alive. In several videos this is non-lethal, often being done by friendly snake doing it for fun.
- Early-Installment Weirdness: In Oreo's first video he states that his form as a skunk isn't typical, and that he's normally a bat instead — this was likely meant to tie the series into a previous one on the same channel wherein a bat character ran the store instead. However, later installments would have Oreo instead imply that he's always been a skunk, possibly retconning his original origins and establishing the series to be in its own separate universe. Given the magical, multidimensional nature of the setting it could be that both are true, but it's not clear one way or another.
- Eldritch Location:
- Hardly anything about the bookshop is normal. It's a probable Genius Loci that's Bigger on the Inside, venturing deep enough into it can lead not only to different realities but also different points in time, and even the books inside of it can have magical properties, some of which can effect those who come in contact with them. Not to mention how inhabiting it, or at least owning it, for extended periods of time grants a person magical powers, and it's implied that if a particular person owns it for too long, something causes them to mysteriously vanish and ownership to be transferred to the next person who sets foot inside it.
- Oreo theorizes that the cause of the bookshop's eldritch nature might be because it's built on top of a sort of "magical layline" that runs underneath the store and possibly other places in town, meaning the entire town could also be an Eldritch Location.
- Erotic Asphyxiation: A few videos have had the listener getting constricted by a snake, though not to the point of losing consciousness. Cypdes does it to the listener in his snake form just because he can, while Calister does it more playfully.
- Fantastic Racism: Skunks are not treated warmly in Oreo's world if his own experiences are anything to go by, owing to their stinky reputation and despite it not actually being true, at least not of Oreo. Though he's never outright denied anything due to his species, he's avoided by most people when out in public and has more than once inadvertently cleared an area of people entirely. It's most blatant in Hydrox's interaction with the vitriolic restaurant patron during his and the listener's date — she derides him to his face for fouling up the air and accuses him of being the reason why the part of the restaurant where he's been dining is empty.
- Felony Misdemeanor: The IRS is run by dragons, and the punishment for tax fraud is death by being eaten alive.
- Food Chains: Marzipan is trapped in his own dimension, but he can bring victims into his world to play with by sending them magical birthday cakes. Once a person has eaten one of his cakes he is able to bring them into his dimension once per year on their birthday.
- Gender Bender: The second Macaron video has him turning the listener into a female dragon.
- Genius Loci:
- Oreo believes the bookshop might have a mind of its own, which could be the reason for at least some of the inexplicable happenings inside it. It becomes more obvious in the Halloween episode where he specifically asks the store to help him and the listener find the remaining pieces of Edgar's journal, and it does just that.
- Vaim Manor is also one, which is the reason why Vincent asks Oreo to help him investigate why his disappears into another dimension every Halloween and comes back with a more evil personality. Vaim Manor feeds on hospitality, and creaks angrily at Vincet when he refuses to read to Oreo from the mansion's collection of one-of-a-kind books.
- Getting Eaten Is Harmless: Several of the predatory characters are capable of swallowing somebody without hurting them. Calister and Sage do it frequently. But it is not the case for more sinister characters like Bloop and Fomo.
- Gods Need Prayer Badly: Cypdes claims to be a god who was part of a pantheon of gods but he is the only one remaining because the others lost their followers.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Macaron greets the listener with "Moshi moshi" even though he is supposed to be southern. It also is not even a correct usage of the phrase because it is only supposed to be used when greeting somebody at the start of a phone call.
- Gravity Screw: In "Sage's Ever Turning Tour," Sage takes the listener on an imaginary trip to a town called Turnwheel built on the inside of a gigantic rotating water wheel, which is possible due to a gravity spell.
- Guest Star: Kyaneos Vaim is voiced by Nick Nocturne of Night Mind.
- Halloween Episode: The channel has had several Halloween episodes.
- For one Halloween the channel released two audios, one free and one paid, featuring Fomo reading stories to the listener.
- The Bookshop Skunk has had two of them. In the first, Oreo and the listener plan to spend the evening having a Halloween movie-watching session, but their plans are soon derailed into an unnerving mystery concerning the disappearance of one of the store's previous owners. In the second, Vincent recruits Oreo to investigate some spooky activity at his mansion that happens every Halloween.
- Happy Place: Several of the audios that feature Sage have him hypnotize the listener and take them on a vacation in their mind to a pleasant location where they meet nice people.
- Hey, You!: As is typical with an ASMR Video, characters will often talk this way to allow the listener to imagine the characters are talking to them.
- Hypnotic Eyes: This is an ability common to many snake characters. Calister, Cypdes, and Sage all do this. A few non-snake characters also can do this.
- Insurance Fraud: In the first video with Fluffle, after the listener accidently smashes a bunch of Fluffle's stuff during their transformation into a dragon, Fluffle tells them to just go ahead and destroy everything because he is sure that he must have insured something for a lot of money.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: The producer of Burnel Radio is under the effects of a gibberish curse but Onyx can still understand them somehow.
- Intimidating Revenue Service: The employees at Mischief Inc. are terrified when they hear that the IRS is coming to visit and they are sending a dragon.
- Irony: The ability to hypnotically enthrall people is granted to Oreo, a person people tend to avoid and who is far too kind to ever use said powers to improve his reputation.
- Iyashikei: Many of the audio tracks are intended to be comforting, especially the ones that feature Sage, where he uses his hypnotic abilities to take the listener on imaginary vacations to pleasant places to help them sleep or deal with anxiety.
- Kangaroo Pouch Ride: Genevieve the Kangaroo gives the listener a ride in her pouch in some of her videos. You don't want to get a pouch ride from Bloop though because his pouch is actually one of his extra mouths.
- Killer Game Master: Aibu from Sibylline Sounds seems to just play D&D as an excuse to eat the players as shown in this animatic
. At least he lets them out eventually.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Calister uses his venom to make the listener forget about it when they discover that he is secretly a prince before he was ready to tell them.
- Literal Maneater: Fomo the mouse is a male example. He uses his cute appearance to prey on cats.
- Lured into a Trap: In Calister's Slithering Spa Day, it turns out that the spa for nagas is actually a trap for Calister set by his enemies who want to steal his throne.
- Mana Drain: Bloop has the ability to render superheroes powerless by draining their energy using the suckers on the underside of his tail.
- Medium Awareness: Bloop occasionally breaks the fourth wall. Other people are confused when he does this.
- Mind Screw: Sometimes what happens in the bookshop doesn't make coherent sense. The Halloween episode especially capitalizes on this; throughout the episode Oreo & the listener collect and read pages from Edgar's journal, and when they find the remains of the journal itself, it's revealed that the whole thing, including the pages they had already found and read in perfect English, was actually written in German.
- Minimalist Cast: A lot of the videos will only have a single character with speaking lines who talks to the listener, making a total of two characters most of the time. Even videos without that structure will usually have very few characters.
- Mix-and-Match Critter: Several characters are combinations of two animals. Pachy is a pink elephant with the tail of an alligator and she calls herself an "elegator." Bloop is part Kangaroo but has traits of octopuses and slugs. Aibu is a mix of a gecko and a zebra who also is made of goo. Onyx is part panther and part kinkajou, and one of the letters he reads is from a listener who is part sheep and part otter.
- Mundane Utility: Sage has Hypnotic Eyes and empathetic abilities. He makes the best of these abilities by working as a therapist. Being a giant snake man also makes him very good at giving hugs.
- Multiple-Choice Past: Bloop tells the backstory of how he became the weird part-kangaroo, part-mollusk creature he is now, but he also admits that his memories of what happened keep changing, so how it really happened may be completely different.
- Not What It Looks Like: In one episode Oreo recounts having just recently attended an event at the local park where people were being taught how to do cartwheels. While attempting to do one he wound up getting stuck doing a handstand instead and, being a skunk, inadvertently scared everyone else out of the park, much to his own embarrassment.
- Poisonous Person: It is revealed in the video Calister's Rainy Day Secrets that he does in fact have venom, although it isn't deadly. The venom of nagas from his family line has the property of putting the victim into a very deep trance much deeper than what his Hypnotic Eyes can do, which can be used for a much stronger mind control. So far he is the only snake character who has ever mentioned that he has venom.
- Prehensile Hair: Macaron has very long mane and tail hair that he can control. He uses it to capture potential customers and drag them into his salon.
- Puppy-Dog Eyes: Oreo threatens to use "the skunky eyes" on Vincent while begging for him to read a story from his manor's collection of one-of-a-kind books.
- Reality Warper: Pachy and Marzipan both have reality altering powers.
- Rocky Roll Call: A variant where they call out species instead of names happens in the video Tea in Erusinego
Bryce: Snake.
Oreo: Skunk. O-oh, w-were we not, doing a thing?
Bryce and Sage: No!
- Royalty Superpower: Royal nagas have venom that acts as a powerful mind-control drug, which is stronger than the Hypnotic Eyes that all nagas have.
- Scaled Up: Cypdes normally is a dragon but shapeshifts into a giant snake.
- The Scottish Trope: It is bad luck to mention the IRS. Saying it out loud causes scary noises to happen.
- Serial Killer: Fomo is a serial predator. He especially enjoys eating cats. Bloop is also one, but his favorite victims are superheroes.
- Shapeshifter Showdown: Pachy and Marzipan play a game they call "I Am" where they take turns shapeshifting into different things. While playing with a third party who doesn't have shapeshifting powers they add the "You Are" rule, where they also take turns choosing the form of the third party. The first one to capture and eat the third party is the winner. Marzipan loses the game we see them play because he refuses to transform into anything microscopic and can't quickly think of a way to catch the target when Pachy turns the target into a germ and herself into a "pink" blood cell.
- Shout-Out: Naturally Oreo makes a bunch of literary references, from John Green to Neil Gaiman. He has a particular love for Discworld, even dressing up as Rincewind for Halloween, and tries to get the listener into it as well.
- During his childhood Oreo was a fan of the Gooseflesh series.
- The whole plot of one episode centers around Oreo turning into a Pikachu.
- Before the plot kicks in and derails their plans on Halloween, Oreo and the listener are about to watch Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island.
- When offering to take the listener to France, Oreo makes an off-hand reference to a certain French skunk.
- In the episode where the listener gets shrunk down by a copy of Jack and the Beanstalk, Oreo compares them to The Borrowers. He follows suit the second time it happens, affectionately calling the listener his "little Borrower" more than once.
- The second Halloween Episode starts with Oreo checking the magical doors in his bookshop and finds one that leads into the movie Ghostbusters and another that goes to the Emerald City. He is also dressed as Crowley from Good Omens (2019). He also says "Allons-y" in the video, which causes Vincent to comment "Wrong Tennant."
- Other characters do it too. Pachy mentions that Morningstar refuses to play "I am" with her anymore.
- Ship Tease: Oreo and the listener get some as the series goes on, starting off with some slightly affectionate gestures and progressing to dating and kissing. Though Oreo is reluctant to actually refer to himself as the listener's boyfriend and their relationship is treated as more generally close rather than explicitly romantic, as the series goes on it looks to be veering more and more towards romance. The listener also has a relationship develop with Calister.
- Sitcom Archnemesis: Pachy and Marzipan have this sort of relationship. Marzipan despises Pachy for imprisoning him in his own dimension and refusing to leave him alone while Pachy insists that Marzipan is her friend.
- Snakes Are Sexy: The channel has a lot of snake characters, partly because a lot of the audios are intended for people into vore, although even in videos without vore, snake characters are meant to be attractive.
- Snakes Are Sinister: Played straight with Cypdes (a dragon who shapeshifts into a snake) and Jajuka, who hypnotize and eat or threaten to eat people. Averted with Sage, who uses his snake abilities for good by working as a therapist and doesn't believe in using his hypnotic abilities for personal gain. Calister is a bit more ambiguous. He does seem to be a genuinely nice guy, but there are hints of a sinister side to him, and he gives off a noticeable aura of evil due to being royalty. According Darkwitt's tale The Legacy of the Naga Lords
, naga lords have a biological need to control others and so are restricted from holding positions of authority.
- Sssnake Talk: Calister sometimes hisses when he talks. He does it less in later videos. Sage also does this in his early videos. The other nagas in Calister's Slithering Spa Day also talk this way.
- Super Smoke: Asher has the ability to turn into a cloud of smoke that hypnotizes victims that breathe it in.
- Stereotype Flip: Fomo is an adorable mouse who also is a vicious predator who especially loves to eat cats. Horses normally are associated with masculinity, but Macaron is a nonbinary-identifying horse who talks like a southern woman.
- Swallowed Whole: Many of the audios are about vore, and so will involve the listener or somebody else being swallowed. In some audios this is completely harmless to the victim.
- The Tape Knew You Would Say That: One Pachy audio has a guy pick up and read a suspicious book that seems to talk to him as he reads it, which allows Pachy to possess him.
- Transformation Sequence: Both of the audios featuring Fluffle the dragon have him helping the listener go through a transformation.
- Transformation of the Possessed: "The Gator's Roommate" has an alligator ghost possess the listener and turn them into an alligator. Pachy also sometimes manifests into reality by possessing people and altering their body to look like her.
- Whatever Happened to the Mouse?: During Calister's Slithering Spa Day, Calister order the hostile nagas who are under the effects of his Mind Control to go into a freezer, where they would fall into brumation due to being cold-blooded. It is not clear if Calister intended to leave them there to die or if he was planning to send somebody to rescue them or otherwise expected someone to rescue them, although it is probably one of the latter two since inducing a Psychic-Assisted Suicide doesn't seem like something Calister would do.
- World of Funny Animals: Plenty of furry species populate the setting, though there are presumably humans as well since the listener is implied to be one.